washington weekly post. (washington, dc) 1899-10-31 [p 2]

THE WASHINGTON POST TUESDAY OCTOBER 31 1S99 2 F tf- l CUBA NEEDS SUPPORT Will Flourish Under Our tection Gen Lee Says DAOTUIES IX OLD PREJUDICE With Free ConfliculHcuvecn Cuban nna Tliouc Whom They HcanrU n Their Oppruitora Under Spnni u Kale Might U CRlliviiU0Uull Ml SIMM I J i a cJ Government a Protectorate la gttl Needed Life and Property Safe BrifC Gta Fltzhash Lee who arrived Hi WMMngtttt fr0M He York sate Vfr MBM4fceiMiU tfctt social poHti anl and Industrial condition of In an Interview yesterday Gen Lee tbnt d r the Tartrttng protectorate of tMUnttWI States improving rM Vir any kind la the Island and that the peo nH there ar slowly but surely rebuilding Ihetr warwasted and repairing their crippled thinks that JWe and property are secure in the Cirbanr generally are Mwlyacqufred freeflom Qfti b4lev that this happy oondl- tloa of things Is due largely to the salu Urr restraint exercised by American mill taty amhorlty and he thinks a long pe wlte counsels prevail and the protection of the Untied States continues throughout the Island until the people have had time VJKT1 conditions The native population he aays is quite Inexperienced In both the tho ry and the practice of Selfgovern in on t Gon Lee realizes that the United States government is pledged to rant in dependence to the Wand after it has pacified and he feels strongly that pledge should be fuiniled as swiftly a practicable Until life and prop brty can be protected by a ptiroly Cuban government however he thinks the island should remain under the government of the United States Condition Cuba on the whole is doing well be gan Gen Lee The condition of the Is improving The Cubans are tract able and quiet and the revolution has given them selfrespect and selfreliance They have come out of their flght hopeful and cOnfident The people of the island today eager to make the most of their opportunities Im inclined to think that their m pulses are generally in the right direc tion But of course in the theory and practice of selfgovernment they are wholly without experience Great care should be taken that this do not in the buoyancy of their freedom errors which will set them back for years A little caution now will stand them in good stoad later on They are like so many children fresh from school cagor restless active but wanting the balance wheel of prudence Life and property are now under the protection of the United States absolute ly secure in Cuba There is little friction among the inhabitants The people are wlMly restrained the civil and military without in way in or oppressed or made to feel Beat for the of all concerned to so They simply recognize that it Is the laws and to aid in the gen- eral development T erc pertain Cubans a deep against some men the Cubans whether or not 1 wont oppressed the Cubans undur Spanish and if given a free rin Cubans would unquestionably make short work of Then of oonre follow conflicts of n deplorable character That is taidny general throughout the island 1rotictoraU Siionlil Continue I am aware that the United States gov- ernment Is pledged definitely to grant m dependence to Cuba after the island has been peclited and 1 believe that promise Shtfuld be fulfilled just as switly as In reason and justice This govern ment has In a measure taken upon itself responsibility for thir future strecesa of the Inland and we are enjoined by every consideration of duty and expediency to vouchsafe to the people there an oppor- tunity to prosper naturally and without unnecessary obstacles For that reason the United States should continue to life and property In the island and to insure for the people the blessings of civ ilization just so long as that protection Is made necessary by the peculiar social and political condition of tho people It Is needless to say that the Indus trial prosperity of Cuba depends wholly uponthc manner In which the law is re- spected by the Inhabitants A state is better than what its make it Its prosperity is determined its cal conditions If Cuba is to b prosperous she must recognize and standards obtain in civilized communities The right to live to acquire and keep is hon must be recognized throughout Cuba as fixed It resources island are to develop Assurance la Needed The industrial situation Is Tobacco has yielded satisfactory results this year The sugar crop will depend largely on tho amount of capital which to the Island to rebuild the machinery destroyed by This is expensive and much money is required to operate sugar plantations Money Is eolng Into Cuba gradually but nothing like as fast as it would if In vostors were sure that property would remain safe for years to come and be protected by agovernment strong enough to enforce law and order Cuba is an exceedingly attractive field for Investment The Cubans seem to bo adaptable and thrifty They are rebuilding already to some extent their warwasted homes and repairing their crippled and will continue to do this ly and persevorlngJy If given a fair chance andnot disturbed by political agitation Nothing can retard the sore development ortlie Island but an unwise and illiberal administration of its government Vith Used conditions and the assurance that law will be respected anti life and prop- erty madff sc r the Cuban people under the wise protection of the United Status steadily improve their social po lltlc and industrial status Whether or not they desire independ- ence whether or not they are in favor of annexation to the United States and whether or not it would be wise for this auuHtry to annex Cuba and incorporate itiUn Qur POlWjaJ are quts- Uomi wrlch I do not wish to As a tfaUMer I have no Inclination to make MM n omm datlonB along that line I am stating a condition and express- ing my personal opinion in to cer tMlN f t observed 3 n Ie wa then dir ety and ly NfllMMl a question of great interest to the op4- G iM raI e W the reporter do you think the people of would be Mo of 8 rnmt nt if United State Hs and pt rmlU them to organtee GH rai ltw hd and said I am net a rttte cowuniruia- sGn tfxpdcta to go to Richmond to Hiidtt WH MM of HlHtiirick but Mill return to Washington AGED PHILANTHROPIST DEAD VilHniii II AVrbb Vtinv Away at His in New York New GeL 3WHIam If Webb th bljwlWer and philanthropist died aged 6lchtythre yttra- A b vUle N C OcL Alice Batik ot Put Afi wuu t Surgeon ftaHwd W Battle retired of the United ftutior n Tyt Tmd dattfht r of Roar Ad end Clftorgo E rotirot is- dtad C SH n i tJon was theoause of her Xiw York O t 30 Iia 3tab Wood a MruMp of tfcte oilY diet to day on Illnvaa Ia Un only a tow days i PlOt t r ul Frc Cub Cub ev N ot hoe Cub Url f ot to the change In their been t r gIY Isl- and I commit I It Idted t I e I IlY the m there pro- tect and b goes war ma- chinery for- tunes pnUil t I the J The I York Den ap r writ i Item i set y IItte trietlon r spez1ty will follow provided that Are Improving are prpJudl can a 0 I it improvin w yam dhseu k redeems pledge MaW Lee to the Wossda7 home Mrs wife after < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ < > c WRITESOF THE FRIARS Hen Wbcclcr Letter Hcsnrdiuc the Pbllipplncn bton received here front Can Joe laic of Luzon September IS 1IW to hIs courtn Van Leer Ivlrkman in which he Myc in part I have now seen much of the country and the people in that part of Luzon for sbnttt fifty miles north of Manila In every town there ii a magniMent stone church and a or monastery The laauryonts have a great antipathy to the priesthood or friars and they have dU mantled many of the churches The value of the church and monastery of a town e to be equal In many oases to the value of all the other buildings In the town The more I talk to the people the moro I am convinced that the insurgent- are actuated in a measure by a spirit of communUm and in their talks their mOlt serious objection to church teems to be fact that ecclesiastical or- ganizations own so much of the property and on of Agulnaldos most earnest de- mQBda is that the church property be con- fiscated The frlara and priests are charged with all torts of oppressions and mlsd nean ors but 1t must be remembered that friars and priests are very numerous and in BO Jarge a body there will be found everj P0 lble phase of character and dis- position or them are no doubt oppressors of the people exacting In the collection of rentals from the land in- dulging themselves many ways and leading lives very different from what should characterize the life of a priest But thore aro very many good men among ta em There is a general impression that the Insurgent army is made up very large- ly of people without property and that people who have property desire the Americans to control so that they can have protection and feel that their prop- erty Is secured to them but I find that there is also a lear or apprehension among some of the wealthy that if Amer- icans control and give universal suffrage the power of the wealthy people would tte taken away and their hold on prop- erty very much impaired I think that if the wealthy people would be assured that they would be protected in their property rights by the United States it would have a very good effect The statement I have seen that 70 of the people of Luzon can read and write la a great mistake It may oe true of many but it is not true of those illiteracy in the other islands Is much greater than in Luzon The appearance mode of life and method of performing work are today very much like they are described In the Bible at the time of antl even before the Christian era The people dress very much as hey did two thousand years ago Today I spent some time In watching natives shucks from rice the method of shelling and cleaning Is primitive and no better than It was two thousand years MARTIN OX TilE FILIPINOS Former Senator from Kaunas Says War Ulimt He Prosecuted Topeka Oct SOrExUnited States Sena- tor John Martin a Democratic leader said today in the course of an Interview Many of us may not be in harmony with the national administration regarding the disposition of the Philippines but in the defense of the flag in the island we all have a patriotic duty to perform Our au thorlty practically has been established in the Philippines and no right thinking citizen will demand that our military forces be withdrawn Other powers of the earth have long desired the Philippines but now that we have obtained possession they are willing that we should have them Were we to step down and out these powers would grab the islands and divide them with or Uthout war ard from the standpoint of humanity nothing would be by our course And then we have our national honor to look out for It would never do to haul down the flag HURRICANE AT SANTIAGO Terrific Wind Follows Five Days of Rain- storms in Cuba Santiago de Cuba Oct 29 After five days of continuous rainstorms a terrific hurricane from the southeast swept over Santiago today causing much Twelve houses were wrecked and others badly damaged Ta unprecedented rainfall continues Telegraph wires are down and It is im- possible for vessels to enter or leave the harbor A Yard Liner has been delayed four days The United transport has been kept cruising outside the harbor and fears are entertained for the safety of the fleet of schooners from Haiti and Jamaica that usually arrive on Monday morning he glass is still fall- ing Kingston Jamaica Oct 29 Reports of severe rainstorm that has swept the country arrive from various and confirm the fear that extensive damage had been done The Rio Cobre inundated Spanish Town doing considerable harm particularly to the power plant of the electric All the railway lines are Interrupted and most of the highways in consequence of the floods and landslides Advices from the town of Black River report great damage to shipping and OFFICIAL NOTICE TO RIVERA Informed of UN Dismissal as Governor of Havana Province Havana Oct 29 Gen Rlus Uivera to lay received official notice ot his dismiss al from the governorship of the province of Havana Many thousands visited Ca banas today the day selected to com- memorate the death of the Cubans who were executed there by the Spaniards A i facsimile of a bronze plat laid later was upon the wall near which the victims were shot with the following inscription This plat Is placed here as an eternal record ol- thocc who died for the of their The plate will be about eight feet by twelve Four tugs conveyed the people from Havana free of Gen Wilson there is section of Cuba laboring under the which Is more rapidly recover Ing from the effects of war than Man Valley which is miles from the railroad and accessible only by almost thoroughfares is so enterprising and so rapidy being that in two in the opinion of Gen Wilson Its tobacco out put surpass that of any previous year The Laborer is Worthy of His But a wageearner can get more for his personal ser vices if in strong arid vigorous health The blood is the fifegiving and strengthmak ing part of the system If it is pure all is if not it should be purified with Hoods Sarsaparilla which makes the weak strong Can Eat WAS tired out kid no Appetite unfit I took Hoods Sdrszpritl- baSi me right ap and I can eaJt furt Sy Etti 84 Hsger Athd MIss Kond Pill euro JKvr IIU the nun Irritating and oly cathartic t uia wttli UMxiVimiirlJjZ ashville Tenn OOt letter hI Wheel- er In tM Philippines dated Santo Beta I he Some I I per- cent In the rural districts and the percentage ot I ago destruct- ion tates rctlwa there as as i Injury to crops to be count n same assable et rec- onstructed HIre J well u If N t i A ems the iuraside well disad- vantages years > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > = FASHION HINTS Tho stylish combination of material In this dainty little frock produces a very pleasing effect A beautiful shade of fawrfcolored poplin is trimmed with knife plaitlnga and ruchlnga of cocoa brown liberty satin The blouse shaped without back seams or darts is n ted by underarm and shoul- der seams over smooth linings The ful- nesa Is drawn In close at the waist line by a narrow crush belt of liberty satin The large round collar has scalloped edges and forms two broad revere which turn back from the low cut slightly double brUIted fronts The scallops are outlin- ed with a plaiting of liberty satin sur- mounted by a narrow ruchlng of the same extending down the left front which is decorated with two round buttons of Per- sian design The close fitting sleeves are prettily shaped with upper and under portions ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Blouse with Tunic 7SUO with trimming around the hand to match the collar The chemisette and standing collar are of tucked taffeta in turquoise blue The tunic is cut circular fitting close over the front and without fullness In the back The closing on left of front Is marked by the which also out lines the scalloped edges of the tunic The No 7636 Is trimmed with a graduated plaiting of liberty satin which Is edged a narrow double ruch of the same material producing a particularly pretty and fluffy around To make this blouse with tunic for a girl of ten years vill three yards of material fortyfour Inches wide The pattern No 7SOO Is cut In sizes for girls eight ten twelve and fourteen years of ape To make this skirt for a of eight years will require three yards of material thirtysix inches wide The pattern No 72G is cut in sizes for girls six eight ten and twelve years of age Among the many new and dainty com- binations of color blue and brown have attained a high degree of favor A lovely china blue is here combined with a rich shade of cocoa brown velvet Both of these shades are entirely new and of the pastel colorings which are so popular at present The waist is modeled over a closefit lining The round yoke is trimmed with rows of twisted velvet tho lower row outlining the edge of the yoke The material for the back Is gathered on the yoke and drawn down in straight folds to the waist line The front crosses ovex and fastens on the left side under a trim mlne of brown velvet which Is caught with two bows fastened by antique buck- les The front Is gathered across the yoke and slightly pouched High collar shaped In two points at the back with rows of velvet thrIM o1096 Girl o b ting trim- med ha CirciilnrPlIr1 e ¬ ¬ ¬ I Ladies Round Yoke Waist to Be with or Hisu Neck Long ur Short Sleeves No 7OS The smooth fitting twopiece sleeve Is decorated with three rows of velvet forming an epaulet Theflarlng cuff is also trimmed with velvet and the sort girdle is of the same material This pattern can be made up as an ev- ening waist omitting the yoke with short cap sleeves A very pleasing effect may- be obtained by trimming white satin taf- feta with an applique of pale green around the neck sleeves and waist using dainty white lace as a finish for the short sleeves- A bright red cashmere with black vel- vet trimmings would make a pretty and corsage fashioned after this modeL To make this waist In the medium size will one and threefourths yards of material wide pattern No 7808 is cut In sizes for a 32 34 36 38 40 42 and 44inch bust measure Patterns for the above may b hid by cutting cut the picture and sending it with 10 cjU to pay cost ot nailing and handling to Fashloa EenartnuLt Washington Post Where two patterns are required as shown by designs the price is 10 for each D careful to site the number of pattern and bust or waist measure Write your addreu plainly CHICAGO THEATER ON FIRE Audience Left in Orderly Planner and Lit- tle Damage Wan Done Chicago Oct 29 Fire broke out under the stairway leading to the gf the Columbia Theater tonight a few minutes previous to the beginning of the first act of His Excellency the Gov- ernor Although tho was crowded no one was injured and a panic which followed the discovery cf the fire was quelled by the prompt action of attaches of the house and the police The large audience the heater In an orderly manner and an hour later the performance was opened Between Cars with HerlJible Benson llinn Oct SO Hiss Trank a woman sixtyseven years old tried to climb over a stock train while on her vay to church yesterday when the train started with her on the bumpers and carried her to Willmar thirty miles in fifty minutes where she arrived with her BIble In her hand having rid den between the cars all the way The railroad company sent her home on an afternoon freight Kill Volunteer Officer Knoxville Tenn Oct 3d W H Greer- a United States volunteer officer was shot Friday by Bin Honeycutt a noted mooq shiner and died pear Elkpark N C Sheriff Willpot was shot by cutt when an attempt was made to ar- rest him Honeycutt killed five men Slew One of Hoarder Seranton Pa Oct 20 While returning from a Sunday wedding In Old Forge last evening Angelo Pelozi a boardinghouse kipper shot and killed one of his board- ers Antonio Felon ran to the mountains and escaped The cause of the shooting U not known Low cents house ron hIDer Dep- uty h JIll SJ I MIlO C Mad e safel y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STUDY OF THE ANGELS Dr Talmages Discourse on the Brilliant Hosts THEIR PART IN OUR DAILY Swifter Than the Cyclone OBI Than the Ilunmu Utica They Defend Cheer Rescue and Give Victory to tile Illcht Special Body One Sent Forth br God to Help in Battle Against Sin and Death Final Triumph Rev Dr T De Wltl Talmage found the text for a discourse on Angelology yes terday in Judges ziiiaS And the angel did wondrously The object of the sermon is to thaw that the brilliant beings supposed by some to be Imaginary are real and have much to do with our everyduy life Dr Tal mage said Fire built on a rock Manoah Ond his wife had there kindled the flames for sacrifice in praise of God and in honor of a guest whom they supposed to be a man But as the flame rose higher and higher their stranger gu t stepped into the flame and by one red leip ascended into the skies Then they knew that he was an angel of the Lord The angel did wondrously Two hundred and fortyeight times does the Bible refer to the angels yet how little discourse upon Angelology The whole subject Is relegated to the realm mythical weird spectral and unknown Such adjournment Is unscriptural and wicked Of their life their character their habits their actions their velocities the Bible gives us fulllength portraits and why this prolonged and absolute si lence concerning them Angelology Is my theme There are two nations of angels and they are hostile to each other the nation of good angels and the nation of bal an- gels Of the former I chiefly speak to day Their capital their headquarters their grand rendezvous Is heaven but their empire Is the universe They nre a distinct race of creatures No human can ever join their confraternity The little child who In the Sabbathschosl sings I want to be an ngGlr will raver nave her wish gratified are super but they are of different grades and ranks not all on the same level or the same height They have their su- periors and Inferiors aqd equals I pro- pose no guessing on this subject but take the Bible for my only authority Plato the philosopher guessed uiil divided an gels Into supercelestial celestial and subcelestial DIonysIus the Areopagite guessed and divided them into three class supreme the middle find the last and each of these into three class cs making nine In n1 Phio said that the angels were related to God as the rays to the sun Fulgentlus said that they were composed of body and spirit Clement said they were incorporeal Au gustlne said that they had been in danger of falling but now are beyond being tempted But the only authority on this subject that I respect says they are divided Into Cherubim Seraphim Thrones Dominations Principalities Powers Their commanderInchief Is Michael Daniel called him Michael St John called him Michael SWifter Than a Cyclone These supernal beings are more thor QUghly organized than any army that ever marched They are swifter than any that ever swept tho sea They are more radiant than any morning that ever came down the sky They have more to do with your destiny and mine than any being In the universe except God May the Angel of the New Covenant who Is the Lord Jesus open our eyes and touch our tongue and rouse our soul while we J speak of their deathlcssness their Intelll their numbers their strength their achievements Yes They had a cradle but will never have a grave The Lord when they were born but no one shall evr see their eye extinguished or their momentum slow up or their exist ence terminate The oldest of them has j not a wrinkle or a decrepitude or a hln j drance as young after six thousand years as at the close of their first hour Christ said of the good In heaven Neither can they die any more for they are equal unto the angels Yes deathless are these won- derful creatures of whom I speak They will see world after world go out but there shall be no fading of their pwn brill lance Yea after the last world has taken Its last flight they will be ready for the widest circuit through Immensity taking j a quadrillion of miles in one sweep as easy as a pigeon circles a dovecote They are never sick They are never exhausted j They no sleep for they are never tired At Gods command they smote with death in one night one hundred and eighty j five thousand of Sennacheribs host but no fatality can smite them Awake agile i multlpotent deathless Immortal- A further characteristic of these radl Tekoah was right when she spoke to King David of the wisdom of an angel We j mortals take In what little we know through and ear and nostril and i touch but those beings have no physical encasement and hence they are all senses A wall five feet thick is not solid to them Through it they go without disturbing Slake of mot tar or crystal sand Knowl i edge It flashes on them take It In at all joints absorb It They gather it up without any hinderment need of literature for them The letters If ever superstition could find it would when the expectant i in f WA sJjjjl hand the fortunate r days and PL hopes that the babys It is natural to wish the best of f for those we love Why not will fortune as wish it the child The greatest fortune any mother can bestow on her child is a healthy body and a happy mind and every mother may endow the child if The childs stock of health is what the mother supplies The weak and worried woman a slender stock of health to bestow on the baby Pierces Favorite Prescription makes mothers healthy It does with of morning sickness It strengthens the nerves gives the a of buoyanC makes the mind cheerful and elasticity to the peculiarly advent to is free from danger and painless My first were and I but death writes Yrs Falconer of Trent Co Mich I was reduced to 100 When I was three months with my third child I was taken with hemorrhage or and weakness For two months I was under the doctor but was getting weaker all the time until I tent and bottles of F rorile Prescription I improved fast mad continued to was born and be is healthy and nfl right health has bees ever since I now weigh There is alcohol whisky or other neither does it contain any opium or other narcotic Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets do not re- act on the system They are a perfect medicine j l r j i r I LIFE and ben hum i1 esthe j Cy- clone I I gen e deathless re- members I ant folk Intelligence The excuse IiI j 1 f = birthday ma faU on L t t j IJ m came near huin from ftalale are of our no intoxicant in ft Momeumcr Guard for Every otter reel is woan C eye of ZS i jj 4 fo- rtune aS- well it vet y ur won OdUi a d i6 ¬ ¬ ¬ < T t of their books are stars The dashes of their books are meteors The words of their books are constellations The graphs of their books are galaxies The sunsets ant midnight auroras and Conqueror on the white horse with the moon under his feet Their library is an open universe No need of telescope to see millions of miles away for Instantly they are there to and ejt all geologies all botanies all philosophies at their feet What an opportunity for intelligence Is theirs for every thing and knowing It right away Wonder of Redemption There is only ono thing that puts them to their wits end and the Bible says they have to study that They have been studying It all through the a s and yet I warrant they have not fully grasped It the wonders of redemption Thtae won are so high so deep so grand so stupendous so magnificent that even the Intelligence of angelhood is confounded before The apostle says Which things the angels desire to look Into That Is a subject that excites inquisitiveness on their part That Is a theme that strains their faculties to the utmost That Is higher than they can climb deeper than they can dive They have a desire for something too big for their comprehen slon Which things the angels desire to Ijok But that does not discredit their Intelligence one but God him self can fully understand the wonders of redemption all heaven should Mudy it for fifty eternities they would get no further than the A B O of that inex haustlble subject But nearly all other realms of knowledge they have ransacked and explored and compassed Xo one but God can tell them anything they do not know They have read to the last word of the last line of the last page of the last volume of Investigation what delights me most Is that all tholr intelll gence Is to be at our disposal and coming Into their presence they tell os in five minutes more than we can learn by one hundred years of earthly aunnlslnpf i A further characteristic of these Im mortals Is their velocity This the Bible puts sometimes under the figure of wings sometimes under the figure of i flowing garment sometimes under lbs of naked feet As these are without bodies these expressions are of course figurative anti mean swiftness i The Bible tells us that Daniel was InS and Gabriel flew from heaven and touched him before he gQt up irom his knees How far then did the angel Gabriel have to fly in those moments of Daniels prayer Heaven is thought to be the center of the universe sun and its planets only the rim of the wheel of worlds In a moment the angel flew from the center to ery Jesus told Peter he could In stantly have sixty thousand aniseis if ho called for them Viiat fcot of antelope or of albatross could equal that velocity Law of gravitation grips all things else has no Influence upon angelic momentum Immensities be fore them open and shut like a fan Their CciirtiiH Never Taken That they are here Is no reason why should not be a qulntillloh of miles hence the next minute Our bodies hinder us but our minds can circle the earth in a minute Angelic beings are bodiless and have no limitation God may with HIs point down to some world In trouble on the outmost limits of creation and Instantly an angelic cohort Is there to help It Or some celestial may be at the farthermost outpost of Imman and God racy say Cornel and In stantly It is in His bosom Abraham Hagar Joshua Odeon Manoah Paul St John could tell of their unhin dered locomotion The red feet of summer lightning are slow compared with their hegiras This doubles up and compresses infinitudes into infinitesimals This puts all the astronomical heavens into a space like the balls qf a childs rattle This min gles Into one the hero and the there the now and the then the beyond and the yonder Another remark I have to make con ternlng these Illustrious immortals is that they are multitudinous Their census has never been taken and no one but God knows how many there are but all tho Bible accounts suggest their immense numbers Companies of them regiments of them armies of them mountain tops haloed by them skies populous with them John speaks of angels and other beings round the throne as ten thousand times ten thousand Now according to my cal- culation ten thousand times ten thou- sand are one hundred million But these are only the angels In one place David counted twenty thousand of rolling down in chariots When came away from the riven rocks of Mount the Bible says He had the compan of ten thousand angois they are In every battle in every exig ency at every birth at every pillow at j at every moment The earth full of them The heavens full of them j They outnumber the human race In this i world They outnumber ransomed spirits In All on Our Side When Atiraaam had his knife uplifted to slay Isaac It was an angel who ar- rested the stroke crying Abraham Ab It was a stairway of angels that Jacob saw while pillowed In the We are told an angel led the hosts j of Israelites out of Egyptian serfdom It was an angel that showed Hagar the fountain where she filled the bottle for the lad It was an that took Lot out of doomed Sodom It was an angel that shut up tRe mouth of the hungry monsters Daniel was thrown into the caverns It was an angel that fed Elijah under the juniper tree It was an angel that announced to Mary the ap preaching nativity They were angels that chanted when Christ was born It was an angel that strengthened our Sav lour In Rio agony It was an angel that encouraged Paul In the Mediterranean shipwreck It was an angel that burst open the prison gate after gate until Peter was liberated It was an angel that stirred the Pool of Siloaru where the sick were healed It was an angel that John saw flying through the midst of heaven and an angel with toot planted on the sea and an angel that opened the book and an angel that sounded the trumpet and an angel that thrust li the sickle and an ins l that pourml out the vials and an angel standing in the pun It will be an angel with uplifted hand swearing that Time shall Le no onpcr In great final harvest of the verjd the reapers are the angels Yea the Lord shall be revealed tram httven with mighty angels Oh the numbers ard the and the glory of these supernal Fleets of them of Host beyond host Hank above rank Millions on millions And all on our slue if we will have them j What Do for Us This eads me to speck of the offices of these supernals To defend tc cheer to rescue to escort to give victory TO the right and overthrow the wrong that la their business Just as alert today and efficient as when in Bible times they spread or un43 Mthed sword or rocked down penitentiaries or filled the mountains with horses of fire hitched to chariots of fire and driven by rcinpcen of tIre j They have turned your steps a hundred times and you knew It not You were on the way to do some wrong thing and they changed your course They brought some thought of Christian parentage or of loyalty to your own home and that ar- rested you They arranged that some one should meet you at that crisis and pro pose something honorable and elevating j or they took from yonr pocket some ticket to evil amusement a ticket that you never I found It was an angel of God and per I baps the very one that guided you today j and that now waits to report some holy impression to be made upon your soul j tarrying with one foot upon the doorstep of your immortal spirit and the other foot i lifted for ascent into the skies By some prayer detain him until he can tell of a I repentant and ransonud soul Or were some time borne COWl with trouble i bereavement persecution bankruptcy sickness and al manner of lag their discords in your heart and life i You gave you I cannot stand it any longer I relieve I will take lire Is the railtrain or the deep wave or the precipice that will end torment mind brightened Courage came urging into your heart oceanic You said God la on aide and all these good Suddenly you tet pence a A sweet and mighty and comforting In gel of the met you WRB all I I ctures theIr books are sunrises and the I spect ers It Into No If I I I I tJ nre Ga- briel pres- ent fin- ger stand- inG alt Eli- jah I I I SI- nai I I rah m I wilder- ness angel I th wing iU h rt ot But suddenly our i Udt a adversities lie can make turn out for my r < ell What made the J again thE Bible i e Of ore I very wln i Thc t understanding and auure us + a li a that the angels are In close sympathy with earth and are fond ofcarrylng good news They chanted the oratorio rf tho creation when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy When a soul is saved tlu fly with the tidings I was at Fharpsburg during our civil war and one day I saw a sergeant dash past on a lathered horse the blood dripping from the spurs I said that sergeant must be going on a very important message he must be carrying very important dispatch or he would rot ride like that from many a r assemblage as well as from many quiet home there files an angel of God heavenward on quick dispatch What is the news Carrying up the story of souls repentant and forgiven carrying the news to the throne of God carrying the new to your kindred forever saved On heav- en beat with all thy hammers that the rock may break Oh heaven strike with all thy gleaming swords that our souls may be free And let the angels carry up the tidings Tpu remember that years ago a stage driver in the White Mountains became very reckless He had a large number of passengers on the stage and the stage wt drawn by six horses wild and un go7ernable and he drove near the pteci pice and he drove off the stage with its precious freight of human life rolling down the embankment nnd many were hurt but few were uninjured I sup- pose when these last wrote home they wrote with congratulation at their resrue So the angels of God look down and they ee men driving on the edge of great precipices of danger and ruin drawn by wild leaping foaming and ungovernable perils in this if any escape be- fore they capsize do you not suppose the angels of rejoice Good Saved from sin saved from death saved forever And If angels are thus interested In ought we to be surprised that so many men and women arc absorbed with the work Do you wonder that Nettleton and and Bishop Asbury and John Wesley ind Richard Cecil and George aid Paul and Christ and God stripped themselves for the work work is successful then comes to trumpet and fingers to harp nnd to bell and speed to wing and there Is joy among angels over one sinner that Eyes Always Un What an Incentive to purity and right- eousness Is this doctrine that we are con- tinually under angelic observation Eyts ever on you so that tho most secret mis- deed is committed In the midst of an audience of Immortals No door so bolted no darkness so Cimmerian as to hinder that supernal eyesight Not critical eye- sight not jealous eyesight not baleful eyesight but friendly eyeslgh sympa thetic eyesight helpful eyesight Conf- idential clerk of store with great respon- sibility on your shoulder and no one to applaud your work when you do it well and sick with the worlds ingratitude think of the angels In the countingroom raptured at your fidelltyl Mother of household stitching mending cooking dusting planning up half th6 night or all night with the sick child day In and day out year In and year out worn with the monotony of a life that no one seems to care for think of the angels In the nur- sery angels In all the rooms of your toil- ing angels out the sick cradle and all In sympathy Railroad engineer with hundreds of lives hanging or your wrist standing amid the cinders and the smutch round- ing the sharp curve and by appalling de- clivity disgraced If you make a mistake but not one word of approval If you take all the trains In safety for ten years think of the angels by throttle valve angels by the furnace of tho en- gine angels looking from the overhang InS crag the revolving wheels off the precipice angels when you mount the thunderbolt of a train and angels when you dismount Can not hear them louder than the jamming of tile car coupling louder than the at the crossing loucer man the whistle that sounds like the scream of a flying fiend the angelic voices saying You did it well you did it well If I often speak of engineers It Is because I ride so much with thorn I always their Invita- tion to join them on their locomotive and among them are some of the grandest men alive I I I ham- mEr lion ou G ious V ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Friends of tile Jood Men and women of all circumstances partly appreciated or not appreciat- ed at all never feel lonely again or unre gardod again Angels all around angels to approve angels to help angels to ro member Yea while all good angels are friends of the good there Is one spe- cial angel your bodyguard This Idea un- til this present study of angelogy I sup- posed to be fanciful but I find it clearly stated In the Bible When tho disciples were praying for Peters deliverance from prison and he appeared at the door of the prayer meeting they could not believe It was Peter They said It Is his angel So these disciples In special nearness to Christ evidently believed that every wor- thy soul has an angel Jesua said of Ills followers Their angels beheld the face of Father Elsewhere It Is said He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee In all thy ways Angelshielded angelprotected angelguarded angel canopled art thou No wonder that Charles Wesley hymned these words Which of the kings of earth Can tOaSt a Encircled cur second birth With alt hsarenly powers Valerius and Kuflius were put to death fur Christs sake In the XI and alter the lay when their bodies had whipped anti pounded into a jelly In the prison next day when they w re to be executed they both thought they saw angels standing with two glittering c owns saying Be of good cheer valiant soldiers of Jesus Christ a little more of battle and then these crowns are yours And I am glad to know that bof ire many of those who have passed through great sufferings in this life some angel of has held a blazing oronet of eternal reword Yea we ae upward when our work Is done AnitLlic for All You know we are told an angel con- ducted Lazarus to Abrahams bosom That shows that none shall be so poor la dying he cannot afford angelic escort It would be a long way to go alone and up paths we have never trod and amid blaz- ing worlds swinging In unimaginable tao mentum out and on through such dis- tances and across such infinitudes of space we should shudder at the thought of going alone But the angelic escort will come to your languishing pillow or the place of your fatal accident and say Hail Immortal one All is well G 1 hath sent me to take you home And without tremor or slightest sense of peril you will away and upward farther on and farther on until after awhile heaven In sight and the rumble of chariot wheels and the roll of mighty harmonies are heard In the distance and nearer you come and nearer still until the bright is like many mornings suffused into j one and the gates lift and you ore inside the amethystine walls and on the banks of the sea forever safe forever t forever well forever rested forever j united forever happy Mothers do not think your little children go atone when they quit this world Out of your arms into angelic arms out of zkkaesa into health out of the cradle Into a Saviour bosom Not an instant will the darlings b alone between the two klMes the last kiss of earth and the first klis of heaven Now angels do your work cried an ex- piring Christian Yes a guardian angel for each one of you Put yourself now In accord with Rita When He suggests the right f J low It when He warns you again the wrong shun It Sent forth from God to help you in this great battle sin and a ept deliverance When I only I m I petty guard oars from the to such a guardian to take us Escorts n h p tile been have eaves eas t jasper free ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ACTS GENTLY ON THE KD EXS LIVER AND BOWELS f EANSES THE Y5TEM PERMANENTLY BUT THE GENUINE MAHFO By roc wu Kiu euuewti fau ja fuwnt 015pLS- 3OVERCOMEJpJR lies BE to G- Ett1CIAL Ec1a iRN1A ff6 YR1V- s titv tempfed to a fueling of loneliness ant Ieartenm nt appropriate th trT The of the Lord encAmH ti anm l about them that f ir Him fnd ili i them Oh I am so glad that the between here and heaven are ho l with supernatural taking ii IK home brineIng messages her P r bacK obstacle front our path ad lv us defense for terrific are the fr r vs vim dispute our way and If the nation of fh good angles is on our skis iut n r bad Is on the other Paul had t right when he said wr t t against flesh and blood but airalnt priv- clpalltles against against V rulers the darkness of thl mo against spiritual wickedness in place In that awful ht may G ua mighty angel reenforremen v want all their wings on our sW all th r swords on our side all their chariots on our side Sure of html Triumph Thank God that those who are for us are mightier than those who are iutiii t us Anti that thought make m juhilrt as to the final triumph Relsrlum vu know was the battleground of nnrlarnl and France Yea Belgium more than on o was the battleground of opposing nation It so happens that this world la th I I glum or bfittteground between the an- gelic nations good and bad MIrhi th- commandcrinehltf on one side Lurlf r as Byron calls him or Mephfstophe as Goethe celia him the commanderinchi on the other side AH pure nnyellio ni under one leadership and toll ai an doned angelhood under the other I HCT ship Many a skirmish linvo the two armies had but the great ami deMva battle is yet to b fought Either fr ni our earthly homes or down from our su- pernal residences may we come In on I right side for on that skis are God an i heaven and Meanwhile the bat- tle Is being set In array and the fnrra celestial and demoniacal are confronting each other Hear the boom of the xr wt cannonade already opened Cheruliim Seraphim Thrones Dominations Prlrip- alltlea ami Powers are beginning to rM down their fo w and until the work completed Sun stand thou still Gibeon aad thou Moon In the valley of Ajalon spa thee i the of hj 1 l the victory 4 upon < > > > ¬ JUDGE MAY BE REMOVED Sequel of Failure to Attend Court nt Special to The Po t London Depot Ky Oct 59 Clrmlt- Jud Eversole will not go with the RUt militia to the Clay County Court tomor- row for today he resolved an intima- tion that he is about to his oftire- bacausr tearing assassination he did not go to Manchester as It wee his duty He has gone to Frankfort to learn If he is to be removed Twenty years ago be seth his brother were lenders of the Evewate tactic n of the FrenchEversole feud n Perry Cour- ty and aa Perry is only sixty miles fnTi Clay back In the mountains he tears that If a battle tnoiM tales place In Wan chMter during court that IMJ vouM re assassinated by frlcnis of French tar and his death le attributed to stray bullets or the blame De hold often of the Clay factions hich has t ntn a successful trick in feuJal warfare KILLED VKILE TRYING TO ROB Former Voluiilinr oldier Sliot br nil iioi Wntcliiiiiiii Lincoln III Oct 39 John Ptt r a re- corty discharged private of Company D Thirtyninth United States In- fantry nd a native of Oakland CaL was shot and Instantly killed at 2 oclock morning white with a name of robbers attempting to rob a general storo at Ba son As Ietter started to enter watch- man In store shot hint In the head with a shotrJi Other members of the gang fled Pa pars showed Filter t have enlisted ember 1C at Fort Crook X br and to have been discharged October 11 FISHING CREW IN DISTRESS Jeft on n Denolnte Ilnml nod In hanger of rorUhlits St Johns N F Oct S3 TIM steamer Labrador which ban Just arrived ht from a trip along the Labrador coast that a fishing crew of thirty fxoi are on a desolate Maud off the northern section of coast they been vlrtualy abaiMtotMd for tout owfNK ta fet that tk iastructlon for a V6M1 to bring thorn down mista- rrtd A special su r must be wnt promptly to their aMl Uae or they i rtoh with coW anti hanger daring tbe coming winter Sheep Crwrtmted Inn Ills IIrc Kansas City Mo Oct 9Th hp at stork yards eor ruic block destroyed by night ft ad W sb cp errm Four nr u R seriously i f- fattfRK uraHs and zany mm Loss wftimat at Fire De tri x Thlrtrru Stores Go h p lad Oct Fir it W ka rues to iay burned thrtvn tf postt fll e and to residences d l Ills 11 nielieei em lose to- o the ion one very Iii I Volunteer this the the Hap re- ports the where bar lair the pens the at- tire were lire late last were were one Peterson 5tO lad this msfi iraunun < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < w 6 TIMES VttLUB bo ty doilaiiu Time can over Lo regained TU- ov Ruby Jeweled Elgin Watch f r OTr t of a w truthful time t ilU 1 The Worlds Standard A te K oIc l womUr Kijln Vntr fcr r oU V- TJ tKr otcryutfcr 1 tt u vut l jJ J J PJ Jwt Elgin National Yatch Co Elgin 111 cgpei lost s b bat e century bii Ie h H >

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Page 1: Washington Weekly Post. (Washington, DC) 1899-10-31 [p 2]




Will Flourish Under Our

tection Gen Lee Says


With Free ConfliculHcuvecn Cubannna Tliouc Whom They HcanrU n TheirOppruitora Under Spnni u Kale MightU CRlliviiU0Uull Ml SIMM I J i a cJ

Government a Protectoratela gttl Needed Life and Property Safe

BrifC Gta Fltzhash Lee who arrivedHi WMMngtttt fr0M He York sateVfr MBM4fceiMiU tfctt social poHtianl and Industrial condition of In

an Interview yesterday Gen Leetbnt d r the Tartrttng protectorate oftMUnttWI States improvingrM Vir

any kind la the Island and that the peonH there ar slowly but surely rebuildingIhetr warwasted and repairingtheir crippled thinks thatJWe and property are secure in

the Cirbanr generally areMwlyacqufred freeflom

Qfti b4lev that this happy oondl-tloa of things Is due largely to the saluUrr restraint exercised by American milltaty amhorlty and he thinks a long pe

wlte counsels prevail and the protectionof the Untied States continues throughoutthe Island until the people have had timeVJKT1

conditions The native population heaays is quite Inexperienced In both thetho ry and the practice of Selfgovernin on t

Gon Lee realizes that the UnitedStates government is pledged to rant independence to the Wand after it has

pacified and he feels stronglythat pledge should be fuiniled as

swiftly a practicable Until life and propbrty can be protected by a ptiroly Cubangovernment however he thinks the islandshould remain under the government ofthe United States

ConditionCuba on the whole is doing well be

gan Gen Lee The condition of theIs improving The Cubans are tract

able and quiet and the revolution hasgiven them selfrespect and selfrelianceThey have come out of their flght hopefuland cOnfident The people of the island

today eager to make the most oftheir opportunities

Im inclined to think that their mpulses are generally in the right direction But of course in the theory andpractice of selfgovernment they arewholly without experience Great careshould be taken that this do notin the buoyancy of their freedomerrors which will set them back for yearsA little caution now will stand them ingood stoad later on They are like somany children fresh from school cagorrestless active but wanting the balancewheel of prudence

Life and property are now under theprotection of the United States absolutely secure in Cuba There is little frictionamong the inhabitants The people arewlMly restrained the civil and military

without in way inor oppressed or made to feelBeat for the of all concerned toso They simply recognize that it Is

the laws and to aid in the gen-eral development

T erc pertain Cubans a deepagainst some men

the Cubans whether ornot 1 wont oppressed the Cubansundur Spanish and if given a freerin Cubans would unquestionablymake short work of Then ofoonre follow conflicts ofn deplorable character That istaidny general throughout the island

1rotictoraU Siionlil ContinueI am aware that the United States gov-

ernment Is pledged definitely to grant mdependence to Cuba after the island hasbeen peclited and 1 believe that promiseShtfuld be fulfilled just as switly as

In reason and justice This government has In a measure taken upon itselfresponsibility for thir future strecesa ofthe Inland and we are enjoined by everyconsideration of duty and expediency tovouchsafe to the people there an oppor-tunity to prosper naturally and withoutunnecessary obstacles For that reasonthe United States should continue to

life and property In the island and toinsure for the people the blessings of civilization just so long as that protectionIs made necessary by the peculiar socialand political condition of tho people

It Is needless to say that the Industrial prosperity of Cuba depends whollyuponthc manner In which the law is re-spected by the Inhabitants A state isbetter than what its make itIts prosperity is determined itscal conditions If Cuba is tob prosperous she must recognize and

standards obtainin civilized communities The right tolive to acquire and keep is honmust be recognizedthroughout Cuba as fixed It

resources island are to developAssurance la Needed

The industrial situation IsTobacco has yielded satisfactory resultsthis year The sugar crop willdepend largely on tho amount of capitalwhich to the Island to rebuild themachinery destroyed by This

is expensive and much moneyis required to operate sugar plantationsMoney Is eolng Into Cuba gradually butnothing like as fast as it would if Invostors were sure that property wouldremain safe for years to come and beprotected by agovernment strong enoughto enforce law and order

Cuba is an exceedingly attractive fieldfor Investment The Cubans seem to boadaptable and thrifty They are rebuildingalready to some extent their warwastedhomes and repairing their crippled

and will continue to do thisly and persevorlngJy If given a fair chanceandnot disturbed by political agitationNothing can retard the sore developmentortlie Island but an unwise and illiberaladministration of its government VithUsed conditions and the assurance thatlaw will be respected anti life and prop-erty madff sc r the Cuban peopleunder the wise protection of the UnitedStatus steadily improve their social polltlc and industrial status

Whether or not they desire independ-ence whether or not they are in favorof annexation to the United States andwhether or not it would be wise for thisauuHtry to annex Cuba and incorporateitiUn Qur POlWjaJ are quts-Uomi wrlch I do not wish to Asa tfaUMer I have no Inclination to makeMM n omm datlonB along that line Iam stating a condition and express-ing my personal opinion in to certMlN f t observed

3 n Ie wa then dir ety andly NfllMMl a question of great interest tothe op4-

G iM raI e W the reporter do youthink the people of would beMo of 8 rnmt nt if UnitedState Hs and pt rmlUthem to organtee

GH rai ltw hd and said I amnet a rttte cowuniruia-

sGn tfxpdcta to go to Richmond toHiidtt WH MM ofHlHtiirick but Mill return to Washington


VilHniii II AVrbb Vtinv Away at Hisin New York

New GeL 3WHIam If Webbth bljwlWer and philanthropist died

aged 6lchtythre yttra-A b vUle N C OcL Alice

Batik ot Put Afi wuu t SurgeonftaHwd W Battle retired of the Unitedftutior n Tyt Tmd dattfht r of Roar Adend Clftorgo E rotirot is-dtad C SH n i tJon was theoause of her

Xiw York O t 30 Iia 3tab Wooda MruMp of tfcte oilY diet today on Illnvaa Ia Un only a towdays



t r ul Frc


Cub evN ot



f ot

to the change In their

beent r gIY














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for-tunes pnUil t






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y IItte trietlon

r spez1ty will follow provided


Are Improving




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redeems pledge

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Hen Wbcclcr Letter Hcsnrdiuc thePbllipplncn

bton received here front Can Joe

laic of Luzon September IS 1IW to hIscourtn Van Leer Ivlrkman in which heMyc in part

I have now seen much of the countryand the people in that part of Luzon forsbnttt fifty miles north of Manila Inevery town there ii a magniMent stonechurch and a or monastery Thelaauryonts have a great antipathy to thepriesthood or friars and they have dUmantled many of the churches The valueof the church and monastery of a towne to be equal In many oases to thevalue of all the other buildings In thetown The more I talk to the people themoro I am convinced that the insurgent-are actuated in a measure by a spirit ofcommunUm and in their talks theirmOlt serious objection to churchteems to be fact that ecclesiastical or-ganizations own so much of the propertyand on of Agulnaldos most earnest de-mQBda is that the church property be con-fiscated

The frlara and priests are charged withall torts of oppressions and mlsd neanors but 1t must be remembered thatfriars and priests are very numerous andin BO Jarge a body there will be foundeverj P0 lble phase of character and dis-position or them are no doubtoppressors of the people exacting In thecollection of rentals from the land in-dulging themselves many ways andleading lives very different from whatshould characterize the life of a priestBut thore aro very many good men amongta em

There is a general impression thatthe Insurgent army is made up very large-ly of people without property and thatpeople who have property desire theAmericans to control so that they canhave protection and feel that their prop-erty Is secured to them but I find thatthere is also a lear or apprehensionamong some of the wealthy that if Amer-icans control and give universal suffragethe power of the wealthy people wouldtte taken away and their hold on prop-erty very much impaired I think thatif the wealthy people would be assuredthat they would be protected in theirproperty rights by the United States itwould have a very good effect

The statement I have seen that 70of the people of Luzon can read

and write la a great mistake It mayoe true of many but it is not true of those

illiteracy in the other islands Is muchgreater than in Luzon The appearancemode of life and method of performingwork are today very much like they aredescribed In the Bible at the time ofantl even before the Christian era

The people dress very much as heydid two thousand years ago Today Ispent some time In watching natives

shucks from rice the method ofshelling and cleaning Is primitive andno better than It was two thousand years


Former Senator from Kaunas Says WarUlimt He Prosecuted

Topeka Oct SOrExUnited States Sena-

tor John Martin a Democratic leadersaid today in the course of an Interview

Many of us may not be in harmony withthe national administration regarding thedisposition of the Philippines but in thedefense of the flag in the island we allhave a patriotic duty to perform Our authorlty practically has been established inthe Philippines and no right thinkingcitizen will demand that our militaryforces be withdrawn

Other powers of the earth have longdesired the Philippines but now that wehave obtained possession they are willingthat we should have them Were we tostep down and out these powers wouldgrab the islands and divide them with orUthout war ard from the standpoint ofhumanity nothing would be by ourcourse And then we have our nationalhonor to look out for It would never doto haul down the flag


Terrific Wind Follows Five Days of Rain-storms in Cuba

Santiago de Cuba Oct 29 After fivedays of continuous rainstorms a terrifichurricane from the southeast swept overSantiago today causing much

Twelve houses were wrecked andothers badly damaged

Ta unprecedented rainfall continuesTelegraph wires are down and It is im-

possible for vessels to enter or leave theharbor A Yard Liner has been delayedfour days The United transport

has been kept cruising outsidethe harbor and fears are entertained forthe safety of the fleet of schooners fromHaiti and Jamaica that usually arrive onMonday morning he glass is still fall-ing

Kingston Jamaica Oct 29 Reports ofsevere rainstorm that has swept the

country arrive from various andconfirm the fear that extensive damagehad been done The Rio Cobre inundatedSpanish Town doing considerable harmparticularly to the power plant of theelectric All the railway linesare Interrupted and most of the highways

in consequence of the floodsand landslides

Advices from the town of Black Riverreport great damage to shipping and


Informed of UN Dismissal as Governor ofHavana Province

Havana Oct 29 Gen Rlus Uivera tolay received official notice ot his dismissal from the governorship of the provinceof Havana Many thousands visited Cabanas today the day selected to com-memorate the death of the Cubans whowere executed there by the Spaniards A ifacsimile of a bronze plat laidlater was upon the wall nearwhich the victims were shot with thefollowing inscription

This plat Is placed here as an eternal record ol-

thocc who died for the of theirThe plate will be about eight feet by

twelve Four tugs conveyed the peoplefrom Havana free of

Gen Wilson there is section ofCuba laboring under the

which Is more rapidly recoverIng from the effects of war than Man

Valley which is milesfrom the railroad and accessible only byalmost thoroughfares isso enterprising and so rapidy being

that in two in theopinion of Gen Wilson Its tobacco output surpass that of any previousyear

The Laborer is

Worthy ofHisBut a wageearner can

get more for his personal services if in strong arid vigoroushealth The blood is thefifegiving and strengthmaking part of the system If itis pure all is if not itshould be purified withHoods Sarsaparilla whichmakes the weak strong

Can Eat WAS tired out kid noAppetite unfit I took Hoods Sdrszpritl-

baSi me right ap and I can eaJt furtSy Etti 84 Hsger Athd MIss

Kond Pill euro JKvr IIU the nun Irritating andoly cathartic t uia wttli UMxiVimiirlJjZ

ashville Tenn OOt letter hIWheel-

er In tM Philippines dated Santo Beta







In the rural districts and the percentage ot





there as as i Injury tocrops

to be



assable etrec-


HIre J





























Tho stylish combination of material Inthis dainty little frock produces a verypleasing effect A beautiful shade offawrfcolored poplin is trimmed with knifeplaitlnga and ruchlnga of cocoa brownliberty satin

The blouse shaped without back seamsor darts is n ted by underarm and shoul-der seams over smooth linings The ful-nesa Is drawn In close at the waist lineby a narrow crush belt of liberty satinThe large round collar has scallopededges and forms two broad revere whichturn back from the low cut slightly doublebrUIted fronts The scallops are outlin-ed with a plaiting of liberty satin sur-mounted by a narrow ruchlng of the sameextending down the left front which isdecorated with two round buttons of Per-sian design

The close fitting sleeves are prettilyshaped with upper and under portions





Blouse with Tunic 7SUOwith trimming around the hand to matchthe collar The chemisette and standingcollar are of tucked taffeta in turquoiseblue

The tunic is cut circular fitting closeover the front and without fullnessIn the back The closing on left of frontIs marked by the which also outlines the scalloped edges of the tunic

The No 7636 Is trimmedwith a graduated plaiting of liberty satinwhich Is edged a narrow double ruch

of the same material producing aparticularly pretty and fluffy around

To make this blouse with tunic for agirl of ten years vill three yardsof material fortyfour Inches wide Thepattern No 7SOO Is cut In sizes for girlseight ten twelve and fourteen years ofape

To make this skirt for a of eightyears will require three yards of materialthirtysix inches wide The pattern No72G is cut in sizes for girls six eight tenand twelve years of age

Among the many new and dainty com-binations of color blue and brown haveattained a high degree of favor A lovelychina blue is here combinedwith a rich shade of cocoa brown velvetBoth of these shades are entirely newand of the pastel colorings which are sopopular at present

The waist is modeled over a closefitlining The round yoke is trimmed

with rows of twisted velvet tho lowerrow outlining the edge of the yoke Thematerial for the back Is gathered on theyoke and drawn down in straight folds tothe waist line The front crosses ovexand fastens on the left side under a trimmlne of brown velvet which Is caughtwith two bows fastened by antique buck-les The front Is gathered across theyoke and slightly pouched High collarshaped In two points at the back

with rows of velvet

thrIM o1096Girl o











Ladies Round Yoke Waist to Bewith or Hisu Neck Long ur ShortSleeves No 7OSThe smooth fitting twopiece sleeve Is

decorated with three rows of velvetforming an epaulet Theflarlng cuff isalso trimmed with velvet and the sortgirdle is of the same material

This pattern can be made up as an ev-ening waist omitting the yoke with shortcap sleeves A very pleasing effect may-be obtained by trimming white satin taf-feta with an applique of pale greenaround the neck sleeves and waist usingdainty white lace as a finish for the shortsleeves-

A bright red cashmere with black vel-vet trimmings would make a pretty andcorsage fashioned after thismodeL

To make this waist In the medium sizewill one and threefourths yardsof material widepattern No 7808 is cut In sizes for a 3234 36 38 40 42 and 44inch bust measure

Patterns for the above may b hid by cutting cutthe picture and sending it with 10 cjU to pay costot nailing and handling to Fashloa EenartnuLtWashington Post Where two patterns are requiredas shown by designs the price is 10 for eachD careful to site the number of pattern and bust orwaist measure Write your addreu plainly


Audience Left in Orderly Planner and Lit-tle Damage Wan Done

Chicago Oct 29 Fire broke out underthe stairway leading to the gfthe Columbia Theater tonight a fewminutes previous to the beginning of thefirst act of His Excellency the Gov-ernor Although tho was crowdedno one was injured and a panic whichfollowed the discovery cf the fire wasquelled by the prompt action of attachesof the house and the police

The large audience the heater Inan orderly manner and an hour laterthe performance was opened

Between Cars with HerlJibleBenson llinn Oct SO Hiss Trank a

woman sixtyseven years old tried toclimb over a stock train while on her vayto church yesterday when the trainstarted with her on the bumpers andcarried her to Willmar thirty miles infifty minutes where she arrivedwith her BIble In her hand having ridden between the cars all the way Therailroad company sent her home on anafternoon freight

Kill Volunteer OfficerKnoxville Tenn Oct 3d W H Greer-

a United States volunteer officer was shotFriday by Bin Honeycutt a noted mooqshiner and died pear Elkpark N C

Sheriff Willpot was shot bycutt when an attempt was made to ar-rest him Honeycutt killed five men

Slew One of HoarderSeranton Pa Oct 20 While returning

from a Sunday wedding In Old Forge lastevening Angelo Pelozi a boardinghousekipper shot and killed one of his board-ers Antonio Felon ran to themountains and escaped The cause of theshooting U not known




ron hIDer

















Dr Talmages Discourse on

the Brilliant Hosts


Swifter Than the Cyclone

OBI Than the Ilunmu Utica They DefendCheer Rescue and Give Victory to tileIllcht Special Body One

Sent Forth br God to Help in BattleAgainst Sin and Death Final Triumph

Rev Dr T De Wltl Talmage found thetext for a discourse on Angelology yesterday in Judges ziiiaS And the angeldid wondrously

The object of the sermon is to thawthat the brilliant beings supposed by someto be Imaginary are real and have muchto do with our everyduy life Dr Talmage said

Fire built on a rock Manoah Ond hiswife had there kindled the flames forsacrifice in praise of God and in honorof a guest whom they supposed to be aman But as the flame rose higher andhigher their stranger gu t stepped intothe flame and by one red leip ascendedinto the skies Then they knew that hewas an angel of the Lord The angel didwondrously

Two hundred and fortyeight timesdoes the Bible refer to the angels yet howlittle discourse upon Angelology Thewhole subject Is relegated to the realmmythical weird spectral and unknownSuch adjournment Is unscriptural andwicked Of their life their charactertheir habits their actions their velocitiesthe Bible gives us fulllength portraitsand why this prolonged and absolute silence concerning them Angelology Is mytheme

There are two nations of angels andthey are hostile to each other the nationof good angels and the nation of bal an-gels Of the former I chiefly speak today Their capital their headquarterstheir grand rendezvous Is heaven buttheir empire Is the universe They nre adistinct race of creatures No human

can ever join their confraternityThe little child who In the Sabbathschoslsings I want to be an ngGlr will ravernave her wish gratified are super

but they are of different gradesand ranks not all on the same level orthe same height They have their su-

periors and Inferiors aqd equals I pro-pose no guessing on this subject but takethe Bible for my only authority Platothe philosopher guessed uiil divided angels Into supercelestial celestial andsubcelestial DIonysIus the Areopagiteguessed and divided them into three class

supreme the middle find the lastand each of these into three class

cs making nine In n1 Phio said thatthe angels were related to God as therays to the sun Fulgentlus said thatthey were composed of body and spiritClement said they were incorporeal Augustlne said that they had been in dangerof falling but now are beyond beingtempted But the only authority on thissubject that I respect says they aredivided Into Cherubim Seraphim ThronesDominations Principalities Powers TheircommanderInchief Is Michael Danielcalled him Michael St John called himMichael

SWifter Than a CycloneThese supernal beings are more thor

QUghly organized than any army that evermarched They are swifter than any

that ever swept tho sea They aremore radiant than any morning that evercame down the sky They have more todo with your destiny and mine than anybeing In the universe except God Maythe Angel of the New Covenant who Isthe Lord Jesus open our eyes and touchour tongue and rouse our soul while we J

speak of their deathlcssness their Intellltheir numbers their strength their

achievementsYes They had a cradle but

will never have a grave The Lordwhen they were born but no one

shall evr see their eye extinguished ortheir momentum slow up or their existence terminate The oldest of them has j

not a wrinkle or a decrepitude or a hln j

drance as young after six thousand yearsas at the close of their first hour Christsaid of the good In heaven Neither canthey die any more for they are equal untothe angels Yes deathless are these won-derful creatures of whom I speak Theywill see world after world go out butthere shall be no fading of their pwn brilllance Yea after the last world has takenIts last flight they will be ready for thewidest circuit through Immensity taking j

a quadrillion of miles in one sweep aseasy as a pigeon circles a dovecote Theyare never sick They are never exhausted j

They no sleep for they are nevertired At Gods command they smote withdeath in one night one hundred and eighty j

five thousand of Sennacheribs host butno fatality can smite them Awake agile i

multlpotent deathless Immortal-A further characteristic of these radl

Tekoah was right when she spoke to KingDavid of the wisdom of an angel We j

mortals take In what little we knowthrough and ear and nostril and i

touch but those beings have no physicalencasement and hence they are all sensesA wall five feet thick is not solid to themThrough it they go without disturbingSlake of mot tar or crystal sand Knowl i

edge It flashes on them take ItIn at all joints absorb It Theygather it up without any hindermentneed of literature for them The letters

If ever superstition could findit would whenthe expectant i

in f WA sJjjjlhand thefortunate rdays and PLhopes thatthe babys

It is naturalto wish thebest of f

forthose we love Why not will fortune

as wish it the childThe greatest fortune any mother can

bestow on her child is a healthy bodyand a happy mind and

every mother may endow thechild if The childs stock ofhealth is what the mother supplies Theweak and worried woman aslender stock of health to bestow onthe baby

Pierces Favorite Prescriptionmakes mothers healthy Itdoes with of morningsickness It strengthens the nervesgives the a of buoyanCmakes the mind cheerfuland elasticity to the peculiarly

advent tois free from danger and painless

My first were and Ibut death writes Yrs

Falconer of Trent CoMich I was reduced to 100 When Iwas three months with my third child Iwas taken with hemorrhage or and

weakness For two months I was under thedoctor but was getting weaker all

the time until I tent and bottles ofF rorile Prescription I improved fast mad

continued to wasborn and be is healthy and nfl righthealth has bees ever since I now weigh

There is alcohol whisky or other

neither does it contain any opium orother narcotic

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets do not re-act on the system They are a perfectmedicine



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of their books are stars The dashes oftheir books are meteors The words oftheir books are constellations Thegraphs of their books are galaxies The

sunsets ant midnight auroras andConqueror on the white horse with themoon under his feet Their library is anopen universe No need of telescope tosee millions of miles away forInstantly they are there to and ejt

all geologies allbotanies all philosophies at their feetWhat an opportunity for intelligence Istheirs for everything and knowing It right away

Wonder of RedemptionThere is only ono thing that puts them

to their wits end and the Bible says theyhave to study that They have beenstudying It all through the a s and yetI warrant they have not fully grasped Itthe wonders of redemption Thtae won

are so high so deep so grand sostupendous so magnificent that even theIntelligence of angelhood is confoundedbefore The apostle says Which thingsthe angels desire to look Into That Is asubject that excites inquisitiveness ontheir part That Is a theme that strainstheir faculties to the utmost That Ishigher than they can climb deeper thanthey can dive They have a desire forsomething too big for their comprehenslon Which things the angels desire toIjok But that does not discredittheir Intelligence one but God himself can fully understand the wonders ofredemption all heaven should Mudyit for fifty eternities they would get nofurther than the A B O of that inexhaustlble subject But nearly all otherrealms of knowledge they have ransackedand explored and compassed Xo one butGod can tell them anything they do notknow They have read to the last wordof the last line of the last page of thelast volume of Investigation whatdelights me most Is that all tholr intelllgence Is to be at our disposal and comingInto their presence they tell os infive minutes more than we can learn byone hundred years of earthly aunnlslnpf

i A further characteristic of these Immortals Is their velocity This the Bibleputs sometimes under the figure of wingssometimes under the figure of i flowinggarment sometimes under lbs ofnaked feet As these arewithout bodies these expressions areof course figurative anti mean swiftness

i The Bible tells us that Daniel wasInS and Gabriel flew from heaven andtouched him before he gQt up irom hisknees How far then did the angelGabriel have to fly in those moments ofDaniels prayer Heaven is thought tobe the center of the universe sunand its planets only the rim of the wheelof worlds In a moment the angel

flew from the center toery Jesus told Peter he could Instantly have sixty thousand aniseis

if ho called for them Viiat fcot ofantelope or of albatross could equalthat velocity Law of gravitationgrips all things else has no Influenceupon angelic momentum Immensities before them open and shut like a fan

Their CciirtiiH Never TakenThat they are here Is no reason why

should not be a qulntillloh of mileshence the next minute Our bodies hinderus but our minds can circle the earth ina minute Angelic beings are bodiless andhave no limitation God may with HIs

point down to some world In troubleon the outmost limits of creation andInstantly an angelic cohort Is there tohelp It Or some celestial may be

at the farthermost outpost of Immanand God racy say Cornel and In

stantly It is in His bosom AbrahamHagar Joshua Odeon Manoah

Paul St John could tell of their unhindered locomotion The red feet of summerlightning are slow compared with theirhegiras This doubles up and compressesinfinitudes into infinitesimals This putsall the astronomical heavens into a spacelike the balls qf a childs rattle This mingles Into one the hero and the there thenow and the then the beyond and theyonder

Another remark I have to make conternlng these Illustrious immortals isthat they are multitudinous Their censushas never been taken and no one butGod knows how many there are but alltho Bible accounts suggest their immensenumbers Companies of them regimentsof them armies of them mountain topshaloed by them skies populous with themJohn speaks of angels and other beingsround the throne as ten thousand timesten thousand Now according to my cal-culation ten thousand times ten thou-sand are one hundred million But theseare only the angels In one place Davidcounted twenty thousand of rollingdown in chariots When cameaway from the riven rocks of Mount

the Bible says He had the companof ten thousand angois

they are In every battle in every exigency at every birth at every pillow at j

at every moment The earthfull of them The heavens full of them j

They outnumber the human race In this i

world They outnumber ransomed spiritsIn

All on Our SideWhen Atiraaam had his knife uplifted

to slay Isaac It was an angel who ar-rested the stroke crying Abraham Ab

It was a stairway of angels thatJacob saw while pillowed In the

We are told an angel led the hosts j

of Israelites out of Egyptian serfdom Itwas an angel that showed Hagar thefountain where she filled the bottle forthe lad It was an that took Lotout of doomed Sodom It was an angelthat shut up tRe mouth of the hungrymonsters Daniel was thrown intothe caverns It was an angel that fedElijah under the juniper tree It was anangel that announced to Mary the appreaching nativity They were angelsthat chanted when Christ was born Itwas an angel that strengthened our Savlour In Rio agony It was an angel thatencouraged Paul In the Mediterraneanshipwreck It was an angel that burstopen the prison gate after gate untilPeter was liberated It was an angelthat stirred the Pool of Siloaru where thesick were healed It was an angel thatJohn saw flying through the midst ofheaven and an angel with toot plantedon the sea and an angel that opened thebook and an angel that sounded thetrumpet and an angel that thrust li thesickle and an ins l that pourml out thevials and an angel standing in the punIt will be an angel with uplifted handswearing that Time shall Le no onpcrIn great final harvest of the verjdthe reapers are the angels Yea the Lordshall be revealed tram httven withmighty angels Oh the numbers ard the

and the glory of these supernalFleets of them of Hostbeyond host Hank above rank Millionson millions And all on our slue if wewill have them j

What Do for UsThis eads me to speck of the offices

of these supernals To defend tc cheerto rescue to escort to give victory TO theright and overthrow the wrong that latheir business Just as alert today andefficient as when in Bible times theyspread or un43 Mthed sword orrocked down penitentiaries or filled themountains with horses of fire hitched tochariots of fire and driven by rcinpcenof tIre j

They have turned your steps a hundredtimes and you knew It not You were onthe way to do some wrong thing andthey changed your course They broughtsome thought of Christian parentage orof loyalty to your own home and that ar-rested you They arranged that some oneshould meet you at that crisis and propose something honorable and elevating jor they took from yonr pocket some ticketto evil amusement a ticket that you never I

found It was an angel of God and per I

baps the very one that guided you today j

and that now waits to report some holyimpression to be made upon your soul j

tarrying with one foot upon the doorstepof your immortal spirit and the other foot i

lifted for ascent into the skies By someprayer detain him until he can tell of a Irepentant and ransonud soul Orwere some time borne COWl with trouble ibereavement persecution bankruptcysickness and al manner oflag their discords in your heart and life iYou gave you I cannot stand itany longer I relieve I will take lire

Is the railtrain or the deep waveor the precipice that will end tormentmind brightened Courage came urginginto your heart oceanic Yousaid God la on aide and all thesegood Suddenly you tet pence a

A sweet and mighty and comforting Ingel of the met you WRB all



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adversities lie can make turn out for myr< ellWhat made the

Jagain thE Bible












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that the angels are In close sympathywith earth and are fond ofcarrylng goodnews They chanted the oratorio rf thocreation when the morning stars sangtogether and all the sons of God shoutedfor Joy When a soul is saved tlu flywith the tidings I was at Fharpsburgduring our civil war and one day I saw asergeant dash past on a lathered horsethe blood dripping from the spurs I saidthat sergeant must be going on a veryimportant message he must be carrying

very important dispatch or he wouldrot ride like that from many a r

assemblage as well as from manyquiet home there files an angel of God

heavenward on quick dispatch What isthe news Carrying up the story of soulsrepentant and forgiven carrying the newsto the throne of God carrying the newto your kindred forever saved On heav-en beat with all thy hammers that therock may break Oh heaven strike withall thy gleaming swords that our soulsmay be free And let the angels carry upthe tidings

Tpu remember that years ago a stagedriver in the White Mountains becamevery reckless He had a large numberof passengers on the stage and the stagewt drawn by six horses wild and ungo7ernable and he drove near the ptecipice and he drove off the stage with itsprecious freight of human life rollingdown the embankment nnd many werehurt but few were uninjured I sup-pose when these last wrote home theywrote with congratulation at their resrueSo the angels of God look down and they

ee men driving on the edge of greatprecipices of danger and ruin drawn bywild leaping foaming and ungovernableperils in this if any escape be-fore they capsize do you not suppose theangels of rejoice Good

Saved from sin saved from deathsaved forever And If angels are thusinterested In ought we to besurprised that so many men andwomen arc absorbed with the work Doyou wonder that Nettleton andand Bishop Asbury and John Wesleyind Richard Cecil and Georgeaid Paul and Christ and God strippedthemselves for the workwork is successful then comes totrumpet and fingers to harp nnd

to bell and speed to wing and thereIs joy among angels over one sinnerthat

Eyes Always Un

What an Incentive to purity and right-eousness Is this doctrine that we are con-tinually under angelic observation Eytsever on you so that tho most secret mis-deed is committed In the midst of anaudience of Immortals No door so boltedno darkness so Cimmerian as to hinderthat supernal eyesight Not critical eye-sight not jealous eyesight not balefuleyesight but friendly eyeslgh sympathetic eyesight helpful eyesight Conf-idential clerk of store with great respon-sibility on your shoulder and no one toapplaud your work when you do it welland sick with the worlds ingratitudethink of the angels In the countingroomraptured at your fidelltyl Mother ofhousehold stitching mending cookingdusting planning up half th6 night orall night with the sick child day In andday out year In and year out worn withthe monotony of a life that no one seemsto care for think of the angels In the nur-sery angels In all the rooms of your toil-ing angels out the sick cradle and allIn sympathy

Railroad engineer with hundreds oflives hanging or your wrist standingamid the cinders and the smutch round-ing the sharp curve and by appalling de-

clivity disgraced If you make a mistakebut not one word of approval If you takeall the trains In safety for ten yearsthink of the angels by throttle valveangels by the furnace of tho en-gine angels looking from the overhangInS crag the revolvingwheels off the precipice angels when youmount the thunderbolt of a train andangels when you dismount Can nothear them louder than the jamming oftile car coupling louder than the atthe crossing loucer man the whistle thatsounds like the scream of a flying fiendthe angelic voices saying You did itwell you did it well If I often speak ofengineers It Is because I ride so muchwith thorn I always their Invita-tion to join them on their locomotive andamong them are some of the grandestmen alive























Friends of tile JoodMen and women of all circumstances

partly appreciated or not appreciat-ed at all never feel lonely again or unregardod again Angels all around angelsto approve angels to help angels to romember Yea while all good angelsare friends of the good there Is one spe-cial angel your bodyguard This Idea un-til this present study of angelogy I sup-posed to be fanciful but I find it clearlystated In the Bible When tho discipleswere praying for Peters deliverance fromprison and he appeared at the door of theprayer meeting they could not believe Itwas Peter They said It Is his angel Sothese disciples In special nearness toChrist evidently believed that every wor-thy soul has an angel Jesua said of Illsfollowers Their angels beheld the faceof Father Elsewhere It Is said Heshall give His angels charge over thee tokeep thee In all thy ways Angelshieldedangelprotected angelguarded angelcanopled art thou No wonder thatCharles Wesley hymned these words

Which of the kings of earthCan tOaSt a

Encircled cur second birthWith alt hsarenly powers

Valerius and Kuflius were put to deathfur Christs sake In the XI andalter the lay when their bodies hadwhipped anti pounded into a jelly In the

prison next daywhen they w re to be executed they boththought they saw angels standing withtwo glittering c owns saying Be of goodcheer valiant soldiers of Jesus Christ alittle more of battle and then thesecrowns are yours And I am glad toknow that bof ire many of those who havepassed through great sufferings in thislife some angel of has held a blazingoronet of eternal reword Yea we aeupward when our work Is done

AnitLlic for AllYou know we are told an angel con-

ducted Lazarus to Abrahams bosomThat shows that none shall be so poor ladying he cannot afford angelic escort Itwould be a long way to go alone and uppaths we have never trod and amid blaz-ing worlds swinging In unimaginable taomentum out and on through such dis-tances and across such infinitudes ofspace we should shudder at the thoughtof going alone But the angelic escort willcome to your languishing pillow or theplace of your fatal accident and sayHail Immortal one All is well G 1

hath sent me to take you home Andwithout tremor or slightest sense of perilyou will away and upward farther onand farther on until after awhile heaven

In sight and the rumble of chariotwheels and the roll of mighty harmoniesare heard In the distance and nearer youcome and nearer still until the bright

is like many mornings suffused into j

one and the gates lift and you ore insidethe amethystine walls and on the banks ofthe sea forever safe forever t

forever well forever rested forever j

united forever happy Mothers do notthink your little children go atone whenthey quit this world Out of your armsinto angelic arms out of zkkaesa intohealth out of the cradle Into a Saviourbosom Not an instant will the darlingsb alone between the two klMes the lastkiss of earth and the first klis of heavenNow angels do your work cried an ex-

piring ChristianYes a guardian angel for each one of

you Put yourself now In accord withRita When He suggests the right f J

low It when He warns you again thewrong shun It Sent forth from God tohelp you in this great battle sinand a ept deliverance When





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tempfed to a fueling of loneliness antIeartenm nt appropriate th t r TThe of the Lord encAmH ti anm labout them that f ir Him fnd ili ithem Oh I am so glad that thebetween here and heaven are ho lwith supernatural taking ii IKhome brineIng messages her P rbacK obstacle front our path ad lvus defense for terrific are the fr r vs vimdispute our way and If the nation of fhgood angles is on our skis iut n rbad Is on the other Paul had tright when he said wr t tagainst flesh and blood but airalnt priv-clpalltles against against Vrulers the darkness of thl moagainst spiritual wickedness inplace In that awful ht may Gua mighty angel reenforremen vwant all their wings on our sW all th rswords on our side all their chariots onour side

Sure of html TriumphThank God that those who are for us

are mightier than those who are iutiii tus Anti that thought make m juhilrtas to the final triumph Relsrlum vuknow was the battleground of nnrlarnland France Yea Belgium more than on owas the battleground of opposing nationIt so happens that this world la th I I

glum or bfittteground between the an-gelic nations good and bad MIrhi th-

commandcrinehltf on one side Lurlf ras Byron calls him or Mephfstophe asGoethe celia him the commanderinchion the other side AH pure nnyellio niunder one leadership and toll ai andoned angelhood under the other I HCTship Many a skirmish linvo the twoarmies had but the great ami deMvabattle is yet to b fought Either fr niour earthly homes or down from our su-pernal residences may we come In on I

right side for on that skis are God an i

heaven and Meanwhile the bat-tle Is being set In array and the fnrracelestial and demoniacal are confrontingeach other Hear the boom of the xr wtcannonade already opened CheruliimSeraphim Thrones Dominations Prlrip-alltlea ami Powers are beginning to rMdown their fo w and until the workcompleted Sun stand thou stillGibeon aad thou Moon In the valley ofAjalon





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Sequel of Failure to Attend Court nt

Special to The Po tLondon Depot Ky Oct 59 Clrmlt-

Jud Eversole will not go with the RUtmilitia to the Clay County Court tomor-row for today he resolved an intima-tion that he is about to his oftire-bacausr tearing assassination he did notgo to Manchester as It wee his duty

He has gone to Frankfort to learnIf he is to be removed

Twenty years ago be seth his brotherwere lenders of the Evewate tactic n ofthe FrenchEversole feud n Perry Cour-ty and aa Perry is only sixty miles fnTiClay back In the mountains he tearsthat If a battle tnoiM tales place In WanchMter during court that IMJ vouM reassassinated by frlcnis of French tar

and his death le attributed to straybullets or the blame De hold often ofthe Clay factions hich has t ntn asuccessful trick in feuJal warfare


Former Voluiilinr oldier Sliot br niliioi Wntcliiiiiiii

Lincoln III Oct 39 John Ptt r a re-corty discharged private of Company DThirtyninth United States In-

fantry nd a native of Oakland CaL wasshot and Instantly killed at 2 oclockmorning white with a name of robbersattempting to rob a general storo at Bason As Ietter started to enter watch-man In store shot hint In the headwith a shotrJi

Other members of the gang fled Papars showed Filter t have enlistedember 1C at Fort Crook X br and tohave been discharged October 11


Jeft on n Denolnte Ilnml nod In hanger ofrorUhlits

St Johns N F Oct S3 TIM steamerLabrador which ban Just arrived htfrom a trip along the Labrador coast

that a fishing crew of thirty fxoiare on a desolate Maud off the northernsection of coast theybeen vlrtualy abaiMtotMd for toutowfNK ta fet that tk iastructlonfor a V6M1 to bring thorn down mista-rrtd

A special su r must be wntpromptly to their aMl Uae or they i

rtoh with coW anti hanger daring tbecoming winter

Sheep Crwrtmted Inn Ills IIrcKansas City Mo Oct 9Th hp

at stork yards eor ruicblock destroyed bynight ft ad W sb cp errm

Four nr u R seriously i f-fattfRK uraHs andzany mm Loss wftimat at

Fire De tri x Thlrtrru StoresGo h p lad Oct Fir it W ka

rues to iay burned thrtvn tfpostt fll e and to residences



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