washington herald. (washington, dc) 1910-11-18 [p 7].€¦ · the washington herald friday november...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 1910 7 iII A CARD TO THE XE beg to extend to you our hearty thanks for helping- us to make our 30th Anniversary such a grand success commodate so unexpected- ly large a crowds t 0 the thousand or more turned away we promise a musical treat in the near future Sanders Stayman Co 1327 F Street I r I PUBLIC I regret inability to ac J 1 I III t S jJE our T I ¬ AMUSEMENTS Tonight nt t8UHHL Mat TomornmN- fehta SOc Thc 100 Jl Matinet 50c The 100 J1SO- JOS M GAITES Maeuificeut Production TWiSfS CLIFTON CRAWFORD Next YtekSeaia on Sale CHARLES FROIIMAX- PmentaFRANCiSWILSQN IN HIS OWN COMEDY SUCCESS THE BACHELORS BABY At 820 Good tvats AU Performance Met Saturday THE PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK NEXT WEEKSEATS NOW Fritz Scheff In THE MIKADO 4 C5 O fiwl i nit Ha SAT Prices 25c 35c and 50c No Higher THE THANKSGIVING HT ELMO CONTINUOUS 1 to 11 PM Matinee 10c evenings lOc mid 20c Annie Abbott the Georgia Magnet The noolh Trio Comedy Cyclists ItcHMlo Ln Count Dainty Comedienne Hubert Iliulley Co Comedy Playlet Florence HUKUCM the Stout Party The Greet Mara Trapese Slack Wire Three New Picture PlnyM Dolly Al tilt week Matinees Dally PHIL SHERIDANS With an Ailstar Cut of Farorites NEXT WEEK PARISIAN WIDOWS ALL THIS WEEK THE GIULIE GIRLIE SHOW THE JOLLY GIRLS NOTUixa BUT GIRLS NEXT WEEKNEW CENTURY GIRLS ADMISSION TO BUILDING FHBK ADMISSION Kt- ae nililnbl BKATESMorntegs and After 15c BTMJDir- iCourfes Ticket Including Admlaaon and skates roc Dnnclnir 8i3tf to 1130 P 31- AdmtNalon 25c Special Rates for Club Mrs MatUnelya Dandnj- OSM Erery Wednesday and Friday EreniDff 730 to 630 25e ier Lc x n NEW HOWARD THEATERB- Y SPECIAL REQUEST MY FRIEND FROM DIXIE PoBitireiy Last Week of lUg Musical Comedy Production HILL SHELDON BROWN ailTCHELL AND BIG COMPANY Stoat Now on Sale NEXT WEEKST ELMO MOVING PICTURES THE PLAZA 434 NINTH STREET 12 Noon to 11 P 31 TODAYS DILL TIm FIRST TUB DOLL AND DEVIL SHOWN A SHADOW OP TIlE PAST 5c 5c Sc ALHAMBRA THEATER 519 Seventh Street N W The Biggest Show in Town ADMISSION AT ALL TIMES New Picture Dully WILLIAM AIREY Slnnnger A Blojrraph Picture Every flay VAUDEVILLE Another Star Show This Week riA SOO- t WITlI BE LAS C 0 i FORBES ROBERTSONI- N 6 I WHITE CAPTIVE COSMOS GAYETY MARA THOR GIRLS LYCEUM 25 DAI TY 25 III To E 14th Street and Park Road w EnAL noon sc u Thi N V c this 4 a A UES I4 WEEK Q 9thStreot N MATINEE J DAILY UDtUUL N I I AMUSEMENTS Tonight 81 5 FUKUKST IIALSKYS NEW PLAY MY Dnmatiied from lila Paaoua Novel THE QUALITY OF MERCY SEATS ON SUB The Year a Uiggwt Novelty JULIAN Who Vill he S n for the First Time in Wash- ington in the Somewhat Different tVntedy jtii THE FASCINATING WIDOW- By the AuUiTa of Madame Sherry COLUMBIA THEATER Course A fi Sunday Even nt 8 OO Courae B 5 Monday Mate nt 430 ALL NEW Munich and Bnvnrln TVov t 21 PtiNsIon Ploy into Nov 27 t 2S- Prns e and Dohomln Dec 4 X- Mntnrliic In Germany Dec 11 fc 12 Twice YOriil Dec 18 it 10 SALE TUES NOV 15 W 3 it 250 CIowpH Tlairs Nov 17 MAIl aneus NOW FRIDAY TIckets now at T Arthur the wucld3 lorauott interpreters of chamber tauJC The Fioazaley Quartette In a judicial select v n x jAiiiiBs 25c sOc n t ftc SXT of Grand ttia Jay lcim lj MME ADELAIDE NORWOOD The Beautiful nd Ujfied American Creator ot Title Kcte in luccteis Grind Opera Mrae Butterfly OBOmSE V Straw Tb ftmoua Mo H ca t Sucre fut Vauderilie om dy Georgetow- nvs V M S SATURDAY NOV PM Admission 75c CASINO THE BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOW IN TOWN MATINEES 1000 10e WaWngtor laiwito Family Theater BEsT VAUDEVILLE PiCTURES AND MOSUI PRICES IOC AND SXX lou cant find a better plie to satisfy han- ger than rifht here Plenty of good thinga to et and drinX at all hours We cater te taeie of all Come any timewere always ready to me you Pn Ave and Eleventh St Orchestra at alt Meals Elerator to Upper Floors Private Dining Rooms and Banquet Hall Open Sundays After 1230 p m- WnshinRtonltuiH Give Dance The WAshingtonians gave their weekly dance last night at Rational Ar mory Music wan furnished by tho clubs orchestra with V A Hoyberger as dl rector Tho committees wore as follow L S Brown chairman It T Brjeker B- M Morolond and Frank Gonnarl floor committee 0 V Moroland chairman and M C Bricker reception committee I I Mats ThrsSaf MAN NEXT WEEK I ELTINGt Mist BURTON HOLMES I 0 I I JUne AT 430 Smith lilt treet llJellante lu tbill city in two or i I J rare ex itT1 h llail Iud Don the GORDON f MARX MIIF Tl ov I RUTY IRUti TIlE Jomm rIoors 1UIII LaD ira Field Take lie Out to the Hall wC THXK GIIiU tan lIiDU1J Sfltlilltillb The l Uum and ScllArb Stuart Barnes c Sfat Today FOOTBALL 19230 I I I SEATS AVENUE GRAND THEATER 845 O PB ni se RIO e TUESDAY COURSE TICKT Aeucy P n- wiiit a years xngram cf rIuC tAt M 2 Prima flokwth Urea MU I ode Ioek urn 7 Jen Duy your the HAIVEY9S ESTAU RANT ¬ < ¬ The House of IllLiick By BLANCHE EARDLE CHAPTER XXI I dont know what to do Dacre It I flgfct the chap as I said I would dQ yes torday how do I know what misery I might not bring down on her head He certainly got the whip hand of mo when Ito said I would find it difficult to corner himMr Deere looked at Sir Douglas weary race with sympathetic eyes My dear chap thats what the blackguard calcu la tod upon ho said cheerfully He knew you and Ml Rosemary I cannot call her by that chaps nama were In love with each other and produced that fact as a trump card guessing that you would h ltte to hound down the man who was her husband But if you take my advice you will not only do all you can to trace this to its root but will fight the man for her sake as you said last night And then he will claim her and she will be miserable disgraced Sir Douglas groaned I spoke passionately last night because I was so overwrought by the hideous discovery that site was the woman he bad married but I feel in clined to offor him a certain sum a year to go away and leave her in pence My dear Douglas Dacre said earnest- ly believe me it is cruel to the girl to do that She loves you and you love her and this farce of a marriage it is easy to see was merely a matter of convenience He probably did not see her till the day ho married her and who knows what lies that chap Craven told her to got her to consent to go through the ceremony Besides title man is certainly an impos tor and if ho would go so far as to take a dafld mans pjaco he would not stink at a Uttle thing like bigamy Bigamy Sir Douglas exclaimed What do you mean Dacro Dont jest man for Gods sake- I mean Dacre replied that there is nothing to prove ho hadnt a wife pre- viously before the other ceremony took place but of course there is nothing to prove that it waa so only It is a bare possibility When I am in town I shall begin the great search only you must not be disappointed if I fail he added I know you wilt do your best old chap Sir Douglas answered I think I will go up town with you I fool I could not stick to this place with my own thoughts as company Besides she feel easier if I were away he added bitterly I dont think It will do any harm to como up to town with me Dacre said briskly Our friend Mr Usher or Knight has the advantage of us by a few hours bat that does not matter Are you sura that Lady Mallaby is fit to be leftSir Douglas nodded I think so Tho nurse hag none away for a tew days holi- day and Kextah is looking after hor now but she is quito well only a bad cold has kept her from being down stairs thank goodness for it might have had a effect upon her if slid had met visitors an hour before he went to the sta- tion with Dacre Sir Douglas paid a visit to his mother She was sitting in her i usual place staring out toward the maze with moody restless eyes Im going up to town for a couple of days mother ha said cheerfully la there anything youd like me to do for you Sho looked a him without answering for a moment Then she said slowly Why do you go You do no by going livery time you leave Luck House you separate yourself from the treasure Sir Douglas sighed wearily His eyes had jut noticed the slim blackrobed figure ot Rosemary stttlag in a chair a book in hand and an ineffable ex pression of sad new upon her young face The treasure I am leaving behind ma can never be further from me than it is now mother he said slowly and he knew that Rosemary had understood him for her face flamed for an instant then went deathly pale I dont tiltS It tho old woman mut- tered I want the treasure to be found and the luck of Luck Houae made sure They call It in the tie House of IllLuck and I hate It I hate it Never mind mother he said sooth- ingly When I return I will begin an other search and perhaps I shall suc- ceed Who knows You laugh at the legend she re torted in a vexed tone You have never believed in it and I know what I know- I will take it up seriously when I re turn he said patiently Goodby dear and left the room without glancing in tho direction of Rosemary though she was so close to him that her skirt nearly brushed him But when ha was In the corridor he fet a light touch on his arm and turning he saw Rosemary behind him her face pale with emotion I must speak to you she said quick ly it is important Sir Douglas He followed her to her little sitting Watching m tory antI Halt away her I I village Then he dropped a light on I dan- gerous kiss ltr fore- head ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A von valuable mezzotint now es- hibltaa by an art dealer In G 8troot between Twelfth and Thirteenth shows the late Queen Victoria of Eng land at tho ago of four years The picture was executed by Stephenson one of the best known of the few real- ly good mezzotint artists of today after the original by S P Denning It is valuable of course because of its subject and also because the edition Is a limited one the Wash ington firm owning perhaps all that may be had in this ountry at the present time Another of Stephen sons mezzotints which Is oven more valuable Is the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo Da Vinci This has greatly enhanced In its price because of the fact that the edition has been entirely exhausted and the plate destroyed A beautiful type ot the modorn mezzotint depicts a mother and child by Will Henderson the title being Days Rarely have I seen a face more classically perfect than the mothers in this picture AJI nxcepUonal opportunity to buy dainty pieces of Llmoge china at a low price is offered the patrons of a department store near BSIovonth and G streets this week Comb and brush trays salad bowls chocolate pots cake plates small patterns olive dishes any of those may be had in beautifully decorated designs for 97 cents Think of the pretty Christ- mas gifts you can select from this dis- play attractive novelty Is the soli- tary dock of cards which comes in miniature size in a silver cnsQ small enough to bo attached to the chate- laine where my lady of fashion car- ries her vanity bag colijpurto mono randum pad and other gewgaws In silver A Jeweler in F street be- tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets a a S S S S S- An ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ room In silence When she had closed tho door she turned and faced him I wanted to ask yju to find another com- panion for Lady Mallaby she sad slow- ly As you aro going to town YQU can perhaps find time to do it Ho looked at her steadily You wish to leave Luck House Sho throw out her hands despairingly How can I stay and know that I am eating the bread of the people whom I have been the means of robbing of their right she said Do you think I dont know of what yo must be thinking every time you see me It you know that It would not drive you away he said I must go she repeated Since thoeo awful people told me the truth I hays boon miserable and each day makes it harder for me to bear Then you did not change your name when you came here because you know Stephen Usher was my cousin Sir Douglas asked quickly I know nothing she repeated I changed my name to that of tho dead girl whose beg I had because I was afraid those awful peoplo would find me Then when Mr Craven and his sister came I recognized them at once and they did the other she paused and flushed I fancy he learned througn a book I had dropped with my real name in it Oh I cant tell you what I feel sho went on passionately I who was so anxious for you to flnd hap- piness and wealth to be the person who has lost it for you Perhaps not quite lost he said gent- ly there is a chance that Stephen Usher might not be my oousln after all Mr Dacro has found out that he my cousin was so ill with consumption that he died in Switzerland Rosemary raised her head and looked at him with etartled eyes Thon you may have the money after all she breathed Oh I am so glad so glad That will be sonic recompense for every thinS else Do you think anything could make up to me for the loss of you ho cried sharply It was bad enough to think that you might have been the wife of a man rich enough to give you a good home but this chap may be an unspeak- able blackguard without a penny to Mass himself with and I hate tjio idea of your belonging to him Rosemary I would rather have seen you dead I do pot belong to him site said low voice He will never bo more than he is to now and I hope I shall never see him again He has spoiled my life but he shall never see me again- I cannot let you go away like this alone and miserable dearest he wont- on Wont you stay for my mother sake for mine he added in a hoarse voice because though I you with all my heart and soul I would keep away from you dear If you wished it and never speak to you It would be happi- ness enough to know that you were hero breathing tho same air with mo living beneath tho same root I wont promise that I will always stay she murmured I could cause oh dont you dear she burst out if I saw you ovary day I should hate over to go away love you His hands caught and held her flut- tering ones God Wees you for those words ho broke wL At first when I saw you with that man instead of com- ing to me in the library as I asked you in the note I left at your door I thought you bad ceased to care and I was wretched- I never got any note Rosemary said quickly I remember now that Miss Craven shut her door as I went past I wonder It she knew anything1 about It Sir Douglas face hardened as he re- membered how Laura had been in the Horary Instead of RoaeRumr and how she had tried to Instill his mind against her- I suppose she Intercepted It ho said but it doesnt matter now darling he went on Through all that has happen- ed we boUt know each others hearts Rosemary did not spea H r lips quiv- ered and her eyes hilled with tears If only sho had never never gone to the agency on that foggy day she would never have met Philip Craven nor have gone to that house in the gloomy square to go through that hideous marriage Oh why did I over consent to such an awful thing she cried bitterly The more I think of it the more I hate and loathe it And yet If you bad not gone out that day we should never havo mot Sir Douglas answered I cannot think it was all evil awl perhaps who knows one day we may wrest happiness from Fate at the eleventh hour Rosemary looked at hint with tears In her eyes Thank you for comforting me dear she whispered I shall al ways lovo you always love is the only bright memory in my life And now I must say goodby she went on after a pause Lady Mallaby wit want me TO UB CONTINDBD TOMORROW Copyright BOD fey The North Aawku Oo r nj 1 mebut In- n rn notho II 7 doubt In 1 alwaysyour love sea I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ le showing this now trinket in the plain silver for 325 or engraved fyr 5 A dull hour may be whiled away with a game of solitaire If one has the little dock handy- A very fine watch for a man Is shown by a wellknown firm of jew- elers in Pennsylvania avenue near Eleventh street It Is of ifkarat gold and has a bracket on which it rests upright on ones chiffonier or bureau- so the time may be easily learned at a glance upon waking in the morn Ing It can be ysed as a pocket time piece also as the bracket folds up In a flat case resembling one in which cigarettes are carried- A shoo store In the Avanue not far from the corner of Tenth street which curries only one make of foot- wear is showing some very smart feminine dress shoes in the fashion- able gold satins of this season at 7 a pair highball set by a Jow elor in F street near Tenth Is deco rated with silver deposit and the gmall whisky glass serves as a stop- per for the decanter The sot sells for JCSO One of the beet models I have seen this autumn In womens suits has just been made to order for a readyto woar shop In G street between Blev1 enth and Twelfth streets It Is fash- ioned from a design which Is one of tho advanced spring models showing- a perfectly plain except for a panel In the front and back alike with a single dart on either hip The coat is of medium length the length most generally becoming to the aver tge figure and has lines which aro semifittIng and youthful looking In deed tho suit Vfhich ie brought out In a very fine grade of cheviot In a rough weave yot with none at the rough appearance of some cheviots which Agnew own ass a C C S S S S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < PLANS Union Charter Wilt lie Granted Next Sunday Afternoon Seamstresses and alteration hands met again last night In Typographical Tem- ple for the purpose of furthering the organization of the Womans Garment Workers Protective Association Next Sunday afternoon a meeting will be held and a charter to form a union granted The meeting last night was an enthu one and every ono present was delegated a committee of one to urge members of their trade to attond tho meeting Sunday afternoon when will be made by leAding workers in the Wonmns Trades Union League and the Womans Suffrage Association Charles D SeAls general organizer of the American Federation of Labor Is in Charge of the movement GUARDIANS TO BE NAMED Orphans Court Will Decide on Han- dling of Gray Fund Large Sum Unlace Through The Washington herald Soon Turned Over Letters or guardianship in the oases of the Gray children whoso parents wore killed at will be taken out shortly In the Orphans Court of Prince Georgo County Md and announcement will then bo made as to the proposed handling of the fund raised through The Washing ton humid to pay off the mortgage on the Gray homo and provide for the five children Attorney Robert W Wells who has charge of the necessary court proceed- ings is keeping in touch with the situa- tion as it affects the safety and welfare they arc not suffering for the want of proper care and attention up to date A recent lease of the Baltimore Sun contained tho following While wtfcfeg Oft railroad tnck near TSuedo Md a Man and hte wife were strode hj QUa and foataatlr kilted In tkcir ootteg not far aw r were flTtj SiLlS oWWrtn orvteood In an haunt The acatiwt to which Mr sad Mra Gray killed shocked the enttre tuMBMMiKj others had walked alone uu saBM ttMUh of trade sever aUerinc the fad that they were JeopanHctei own lira and naming the ri k of leartog their baUes alone hi world The rate of then children left without father mother er near reUtirea touched the hearts tft- hotMaoda Friend raIsed spat every heaL They tested that not only ware the children pcMitoM bat there VTM a Mortgage of JEOO on the hoett A fwid wa started U Vaahingicn hr The WajUegtoe Herald and to a few due the sadie amount seeded to raiN the mortgage sad put a free roof over their bead waa sabccrfbed A promUeett lawyer Mr Robert WeW vehmteenrf to undertake the of their cturdiaaibip Fund an rear beta eootritated for their support awl though a BeoA deal mare ia seeded there b BO doubt that it wilt be attributed dorks la the Peoekw Bateau mechanic la the sari yard Juan ta the eawta parttta sad children were glad to sito their diHMa and dollaR The amount Of the fund subscribed through The Washington Herald te now in neighborhood of 2900 HAPPY FARMERS IN TOWN Cclebrafe Advent of Ilnllrottd Into Iykena Valley Pa It is not often in those swiftmoving days that an entire community celebrates the coming of a railroad to its borders KJt that is what the clUzens ot Lykons Valley Pennsylvania are doing and a Irajn load of them are in Washington to obiarve the auspicious event The heart of this rich and fertile valley waited patiently tho advent of the railroad tor half a century Recently a group of Philadelphia capitalists decided to build the Midland Pennsylvania Rail road running through the Lykena Valley It is now complete In celebration of this fact forty of the prominent farmers beaker and business men In this hith- erto secluded tract aro enjoying a little journey to Washington Philadelphia sad Baltimore seeing the sights The special party arrived in Tuesday sad leave at 1 oclock tWa afternoon for Baltimore Tomorrow they go to Philadelphia and on Tuesday back homo COAST TO BE PATROLLED- Ten Revenue Cutters Will Hurry o Ships in nistrcMi The entire Atlantic coast from Florida to Maine will be patrolled this winter by government revenue cutters which can hurry to the aid of ships in distress and perhaps cut down the winter toll of wrecks and drowninss at sea There are ten cutters at tho disposal- of the government for this patrol work which has never attempted before Last year the cutters although not patrolling the coast went to the rescue of 1G6 vessels summoned by wireless or In other from their stations These 158 vwsete were valued at more than JWOU000 The cutters will take up the patrol work on December 1 and will continue it until late in April SEPSIYISTRESSES LAY I flla tlc I Tux dO ot the children And that tile were Oft tIM the ware lit IIt OBI I itJ f has been ad- dresses to- Il gIves assurance a Many Washing- ton < ways ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Novelties in Washingtons Smart Shops By DOROTHY AVERY HOWARD I hiivo on uneven finish that becomes fuzzy In a short tlmeleoka like one made by a highclass tailor Instead of a rdadymade garment It Is shown In black and navy blue or in any color preferred and Is marked at M This Is tho season of the year when L the pomegranate may be enjoyed be Ing shipped here from Cuba A shop in F street between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets noted for Its fine fruits has now two varieties of this odd fruit one of which Is especially tempting When quite ripe It becomes almost as soft as a peach and has a delicious flavor Four pomegranates- sell for 36 cents A doll which Is attracting much at- tention this week in the window shop In F street near Eleventh where corsets and fancy work are sold is dressed all In white satin like a reel bride Her gown has a panel In princess eRect down the front which Is painted by hand In the daintiest rosebud design and the long train is similarly adorned A veil of chiffon trimmed with reel point lace covers her face and is caught with the usual spray of orange blossoms She is one of the most popular of the seasons brides and will doubtless win as many hearts In her now home at the Christmas time as she has already won from hor abode In the shop whore is now exhibited a millinery shop In G streot be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth spe- cial values In trimmed hats are now advertised at 5 antI J7JO Among those which re marked i I noticed a vory stylish round turban shape of moire silk faced with velvet and t having a wired bow or the at one side Several Phlpps models and other smart tailored hats are to be found at the price ot- a he t I S S S CCC C S S S- In silk ¬ ¬ ¬ THE BUSY CQ8NII 1 DRESS GOODS Remnant Lengths 160 ALLWOOL SUITINGS good colorings 50 inches wide 150 ALLWOOL TWEEDS good colors 50 Inches wide liO ALLWOOL HOPSACKING in colors 50 Inches wide 150 NATTE SUITING all wool 50 inches wide In V colors 160 TWOTONED CHEVIOT all wool 50 inches wlde Hip 1 0 ZIBELINE all wool 54 Inches wide In colors 125 SERGE all wool 50 Inches wide in colors V0 VOILE all wool 44 Inohes wide black only 176 and 200 BROADCLOTHS 54 Inches wide In good col rn- orlngs and lengths plenty of blacks also A yard u C 175 TO 2180 ALLWOOL DRESS GOODS A YARD 54Inch AJlwoel Broadcloths 54inch Allwool Cheviots f 54Inch Allwool Serges 46lnoh Allwool Henriettas- 48Inch Allwool Scotch Tweeds 42Inch Silk Poplins 39c to 100 Linings fcpr Yd The better grades of lining In excellent lengths for Choice of 36Inch Lining Satin in range of colors Venetians In plain colors and Stripcd Gray Venetian Lining Any of these today at the one price 25c yard First Floor MORNING CHITCHAT HE right use of money Is to accomplish what you wish with If Mary Lyons founder of Mount Holyoke Do I wish I were clever enough to edit a wo mans dictionary containing some of the words that the femi- nine sex seem to need to have defined Extravagance and economy for Instance On a little fiftymile train trip that I took yesterday I counted tour women on the train wearing white gloves They wore dressed expensively you could have bought every stitch any one of them had on from aigrette to pump and from skin to ooat for a hundred dollars and yet were Ia man with a moderate In come looking for a reasonably economical wife these are the sort of women I would at once place as Impossible Why Beacuse using the word In Its right meaning I consider that those white gloves represented more extravagance than far larger expendi- tures a twentydollar willow plume or eightdollar shoes for Instance For my Idea of sartorial extravagance is not as so many women con- sider it Just spending a lot of money on your clothes Nor do I think economy conversely Is spending v ry little money- I think extravagance Is spending your money without getting good value for It and economy is the converse To sum It up in Mary Lyons words The right use of money is to accomplish what you wish with it White gloves cost more than dark gloves in initial outlay in greater fragility and In cleansing expense whether of time or money for everyday wear on a train or shopping excursion nj both bad tate and unattractive because even if they are fresh when they are put on they will be badly soiled by the time they taken off Presumably these women spent more money to clothe themselves In white gloves In order to look extra well They most emphatically did not accomplish what they wish with their outlay Therefore I call tham extravagant- Im not writing all thls to Inveigh against the habit of wearing white gloves on all occasions I have no especial grudge against white gloves I simply them as typical of the hundred and one little ways in which the American woman especially that class of her who can least afford it Is extravagant- She buys fragile and delicately colored materials for everyday buys ultra styles in cheap grade when she ought to buy a twosea son style in a bettor grade she purchases elaborate and unsuitable ac- cessories such as white gloves and fragile furs As a consequence she looks well dressed for a brief time and very poorly dressed for a very long time She Is spending her money to be well dressed and of her lack of judgment she fails in her object And thats what I call extravagance money spent without Judgment Dont you And dont you think It would be a grand idea If this kind of women could havo Mary Lyons definition pasted over their dressers or better still printed on their pay envelopes The right use of money is to accomplish what you wish with RUTH OAMBHON tS A9 cJ I A Yd I 4 o f I to I f D 129 25 6 T you tknoV no r Used are take wear- s e be cause 7 It F C > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + FASHION HINTS Tills afternoon gown of velvet which is quite the thing for dressy wear shows a pretty waist The lapels are of satin put onwrong sideup fashion The overskirt arrangement is also ogvol- Arematlc spirits of amm Hki in cnpsaUs ia a con wntent ar n n m for trarelen- ThrMwraerol mvffa in bag made of aatin end chiffon the joining hidden tor a row of rusts axe fawiflatlos affairs new this season shape bout ¬ RITES POB W P GATCEELL- Mnaonic Ceremonies 1VII1 Ulnrk Fu nernl of IVellknown Physician Funeral services for Dr William For est Gatchell will be held this afternoon at 2 oclock at the residence of his brotherinlaw Arthur H Smith 155 Eleventh street northeast Dr Gatchell died yesterday after an illness of more than a year Coming to Washington In 1SS6 to study medicine he was graduated from Colum bian University and was one of the lead Ing scholars In his class For many years he was chief clerk of the steam boat Inspection service which Is now under the Department of Labor and Commerce Besides his mother and sis- ter his wife and two daughters survive himDr Gatchell was A member of Lebanon Lodge No 7 F A A M and Lafayette Chapter No 5 Royal Arch Masons from which orders the pallbearers will be chosen Masonic rites will mark the Interment In Congressional Cemetery Awarded 1COO Damages J C Duke was yesterday awarded a verdict of 1500 In a suit for 2000 dam ages against tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road Company for Injuries received In a collision December 2 1907 How to Get Rid of Catarrh A Simple Safe Reliable Way and it Costs Nothing to Try Those who suffer from catarrh know its miseries There Is no need of this suf feting You can rid of It a simple safe Inexpensive homo treatment discov- ered by Dr Blosser who for over six years has been treating catarrh suc- cessfully His treatment is unlike other It Is not a spray douche salve cream or in haler but Is a more direct and thorough treatment than any of these out the head nose throat and lungs so that can again breathe and without that stoppedup feeling that alt catarrh have the diseased mucous membranes and arrests the foul discharge so that you will not be constantly blowing your nOSe and and at the same time does not poison the system and ruin the stomach as Internal medicines do If you want to test this treatment with out cost send your address to Dr J W Blosser 261 Walton street Atlanta Ga and he will send you by return mall enough of the medicine to It Is he claims for it as a remedy for catarrh catarrhal headaches deafness asthma bronchitis colds and all catarrhal complications Ho will also send you free an illustrated booklet Write him Immediately ou catar ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-18 [p 7].€¦ · THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 1910 7 iII A CARD TO THE XE beg to extend to you our hearty thanks for helping-



XE beg to extend to you ourhearty thanks for helping-

us to make our 30th Anniversarysuch a grand success

commodate so unexpected-ly large a crowds


0 the thousand or more turnedaway we promise a musical

treat in the near future

Sanders Stayman Co

1327 F Street




regret inability to ac





S jJE our



AMUSEMENTSTonight ntt8UHHL Mat TomornmN-

fehta SOc Thc 100 JlMatinet 50c The 100 J1SO-

JOS M GAITES Maeuificeut Production


Next YtekSeaia on Sale



At 820Good tvats AU Performance Met Saturday



Fritz ScheffIn THE MIKADO

4 C5 O fiwl i nit Ha SAT

Prices 25c 35c and 50c No Higher




Matinee 10c evenings lOc mid 20cAnnie Abbott the Georgia MagnetThe noolh Trio Comedy CyclistsItcHMlo Ln Count Dainty ComedienneHubert Iliulley Co Comedy PlayletFlorence HUKUCM the Stout Party

The Greet Mara Trapese Slack WireThree New Picture PlnyM Dolly

Al tilt week Matinees Dally


With an Ailstar Cut of FaroritesNEXT WEEK PARISIAN WIDOWS





ae nililnbl BKATESMorntegs and After15c BTMJDir-

iCourfes Ticket Including Admlaaon and skates roc

Dnnclnir 8i3tf to 1130 P 31-

AdmtNalon 25cSpecial Rates for Club Mrs MatUnelya Dandnj-

OSM Erery Wednesday and Friday EreniDff 730 to630 25e ier Lc x n


MY FRIEND FROM DIXIEPoBitireiy Last Week of lUg Musical Comedy


BIG COMPANYStoat Now on Sale




12 Noon to 11 P 31TODAYS DILLTIm FIRST


5c 5c Sc

ALHAMBRA THEATER519 Seventh Street N W

The Biggest Show in TownADMISSION AT ALL TIMES

New Picture DullyWILLIAM AIREY Slnnnger

A Blojrraph Picture Every flay

VAUDEVILLEAnother Star Show This Week














To E 14th Street andPark Road w


noon sc


















Tonight 81 5


MYDnmatiied from lila Paaoua Novel


The Year a Uiggwt Novelty

JULIANWho Vill he S n for the First Time in Wash-

ington in the Somewhat DifferenttVntedy jtii

THE FASCINATING WIDOW-By the AuUiTa of Madame Sherry


Course A fi Sunday Even nt 8 OOCourae B 5 Monday Mate nt 430

ALL NEWMunich and Bnvnrln TVov t 21PtiNsIon Ploy into Nov 27 t 2S-

Prns e and Dohomln Dec 4 X-

Mntnrliic In Germany Dec 11 fc 12Twice YOriil Dec 18 it 10

SALE TUES NOV 15W 3 it 250 CIowpH Tlairs Nov 17

MAIl aneus NOW

FRIDAY TIckets now at T Arthur

the wucld3 lorauott interpreters of chambertauJC

The Fioazaley QuartetteIn a judicial select

v n x jAiiiiBs 25c sOc n t ftcSXT of Grand ttia Jay lcim ljMME ADELAIDE NORWOOD

The Beautiful nd Ujfied AmericanCreator ot Title Kcte in luccteisGrind Opera Mrae Butterfly

OBOmSE V StrawTb ftmoua Mo H ca t Sucrefut Vauderilie om dy

Georgetow-nvs V M S

SATURDAY NOV PMAdmission 75c



MATINEES 1000 10e

WaWngtor laiwito Family TheaterBEsT VAUDEVILLE PiCTURES AND MOSUI


lou cant find a better plie to satisfy han-ger than rifht here Plenty of good thinga to etand drinX at all hours We cater te taeie ofall Come any timewere always ready to me you

Pn Ave and Eleventh StOrchestra at alt Meals

Elerator to Upper FloorsPrivate Dining Rooms and Banquet Hall

Open Sundays After 1230 p m-

WnshinRtonltuiH Give DanceThe WAshingtonians gave their weekly

dance last night at Rational Armory Music wan furnished by tho clubsorchestra with V A Hoyberger as dlrector Tho committees wore as followL S Brown chairman It T Brjeker B-

M Morolond and Frank Gonnarl floorcommittee 0 V Moroland chairmanand M C Bricker reception committee

I IMats ThrsSaf






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I JUneAT 430 Smith lilt treet

llJellante lu tbill city in two ori


J rare exitT1






RUTY IRUti TIlE Jomm rIoors 1UIII LaDira Field Take lie Out to theHall wC THXK GIIiUtan lIiDU1J Sfltlilltillb The lUum and ScllArb Stuart Barnes cSfat Today












Aeucy P n-wiiit a years

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The House of IllLiickBy BLANCHE EARDLE


I dont know what to do Dacre It Iflgfct the chap as I said I would dQ yestorday how do I know what misery Imight not bring down on her head Hecertainly got the whip hand of mo whenIto said I would find it difficult to corner

himMrDeere looked at Sir Douglas weary

race with sympathetic eyes My dearchap thats what the blackguard calcula tod upon ho said cheerfully Heknew you and Ml Rosemary I cannotcall her by that chaps nama were Inlove with each other and produced thatfact as a trump card guessing that youwould h ltte to hound down the manwho was her husband But if you takemy advice you will not only do all youcan to trace this to its root butwill fight the man for her sake as yousaid last night

And then he will claim her and shewill be miserable disgraced SirDouglas groaned I spoke passionatelylast night because I was so overwroughtby the hideous discovery that site wasthe woman he bad married but I feel inclined to offor him a certain sum a yearto go away and leave her in pence

My dear Douglas Dacre said earnest-ly believe me it is cruel to the girl todo that She loves you and you love herand this farce of a marriage it is easy tosee was merely a matter of convenienceHe probably did not see her till the dayho married her and who knows what liesthat chap Craven told her to got her toconsent to go through the ceremonyBesides title man is certainly an impostor and if ho would go so far as to takea dafld mans pjaco he would not stink ata Uttle thing like bigamy

Bigamy Sir Douglas exclaimedWhat do you mean Dacro Dont jest

man for Gods sake-I mean Dacre replied that there is

nothing to prove ho hadnt a wife pre-viously before the other ceremony tookplace but of course there is nothing toprove that it waa so only It is a barepossibility When I am in town I shallbegin the great search only you mustnot be disappointed if I fail he added

I know you wilt do your best oldchap Sir Douglas answered I think Iwill go up town with you I fool I couldnot stick to this place with my ownthoughts as company Besides shefeel easier if I were away he addedbitterly

I dont think It will do any harm tocomo up to town with me Dacre saidbriskly Our friend Mr Usher orKnight has the advantage of us by afew hours bat that does not matter Areyou sura that Lady Mallaby is fit to beleftSir Douglas nodded I think so Thonurse hag none away for a tew days holi-day and Kextah is looking after hor nowbut she is quito well only a bad cold haskept her from being down stairs thankgoodness for it might have had a

effect upon her if slid had metvisitors

an hour before he went to the sta-tion with Dacre Sir Douglas paid a visitto his mother She was sitting in her

i usual place staring out toward the mazewith moody restless eyes

Im going up to town for a couple ofdays mother ha said cheerfully lathere anything youd like me to do foryou

Sho looked a him without answeringfor a moment Then she said slowly

Why do you go You d o noby going livery time you leave LuckHouse you separate yourself from thetreasure

Sir Douglas sighed wearily His eyeshad jut noticed the slim blackrobedfigure ot Rosemary stttlag in a chair abook in hand and an ineffable expression of sad new upon her young face

The treasure I am leaving behind macan never be further from me than it isnow mother he said slowly and heknew that Rosemary had understoodhim for her face flamed for an instantthen went deathly pale

I dont tiltS It tho old woman mut-tered I want the treasure to be foundand the luck of Luck Houae made sureThey call It in the tie House ofIllLuck and I hate It I hate it

Never mind mother he said sooth-ingly When I return I will begin another search and perhaps I shall suc-ceed Who knows

You laugh at the legend she retorted in a vexed tone You have neverbelieved in it and I know what I know-

I will take it up seriously when I return he said patiently Goodby dear

and left the room without glancingin tho direction of Rosemary though shewas so close to him that her skirt nearlybrushed him But when ha was In thecorridor he fet a light touch on his armand turning he saw Rosemary behindhim her face pale with emotion

I must speak to you she said quickly it is important Sir Douglas

He followed her to her little sitting


m tory








Then he dropped a light on



kiss ltr fore-head
















A von valuable mezzotint now es-

hibltaa by an art dealer In G 8trootbetween Twelfth and Thirteenthshows the late Queen Victoria of England at tho ago of four years Thepicture was executed by Stephensonone of the best known of the few real-

ly good mezzotint artists of todayafter the original by S P Denning

It is valuable of course because ofits subject and also because theedition Is a limited one the Washington firm owning perhaps all thatmay be had in this ountry at thepresent time Another of Stephensons mezzotints which Is oven morevaluable Is the Mona Lisa paintedby Leonardo Da Vinci This hasgreatly enhanced In its price becauseof the fact that the edition has beenentirely exhausted and the platedestroyed A beautiful type ot themodorn mezzotint depicts a motherand child by Will Henderson thetitle being Days Rarelyhave I seen a face more classicallyperfect than the mothers in thispicture

AJI nxcepUonal opportunity to buydainty pieces of Llmoge china at alow price is offered the patrons of adepartment store near BSIovonth andG streets this week Comb and brushtrays salad bowls chocolate potscake plates small patterns olivedishes any of those may be had inbeautifully decorated designs for 97

cents Think of the pretty Christ-mas gifts you can select from this dis-


attractive novelty Is the soli-

tary dock of cards which comes inminiature size in a silver cnsQ smallenough to bo attached to the chate-laine where my lady of fashion car-ries her vanity bag colijpurto monorandum pad and other gewgaws Insilver A Jeweler in F street be-tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets

a a S S

S S S-











room In silence When she had closedtho door she turned and faced him Iwanted to ask yju to find another com-

panion for Lady Mallaby she sad slow-ly As you aro going to town YQU canperhaps find time to do it

Ho looked at her steadily You wishto leave Luck House

Sho throw out her hands despairinglyHow can I stay and know that I am

eating the bread of the people whom Ihave been the means of robbing of theirright she said Do you think I dontknow of what yo must be thinking everytime you see me

It you know that It would not driveyou away he said

I must go she repeated Sincethoeo awful people told me the truth Ihays boon miserable and each day makesit harder for me to bear

Then you did not change your namewhen you came here because you knowStephen Usher was my cousin SirDouglas asked quickly

I know nothing she repeated Ichanged my name to that of tho deadgirl whose beg I had because I wasafraid those awful peoplo would find meThen when Mr Craven and his sistercame I recognized them at once andthey did the other she pausedand flushed I fancy he learnedthrougn a book I had dropped with myreal name in it Oh I cant tell you whatI feel sho went on passionately Iwho was so anxious for you to flnd hap-piness and wealth to be the person whohas lost it for you

Perhaps not quite lost he said gent-ly there is a chance that Stephen Ushermight not be my oousln after all MrDacro has found out that he my cousin

was so ill with consumption that hedied in Switzerland

Rosemary raised her head and lookedat him with etartled eyes Thon youmay have the money after all shebreathed Oh I am so glad so gladThat will be sonic recompense for everythinS else

Do you think anything could makeup to me for the loss of you ho criedsharply It was bad enough to thinkthat you might have been the wife of aman rich enough to give you a goodhome but this chap may be an unspeak-able blackguard without a penny toMass himself with and I hate tjio ideaof your belonging to him Rosemary Iwould rather have seen you dead

I do pot belong to him site saidlow voice He will never bo more

than he is to now and I hope I shallnever see him again He has spoiled mylife but he shall never see me again-

I cannot let you go away like thisalone and miserable dearest he wont-on Wont you stay for my mothersake for mine he added in a hoarsevoice because though I you withall my heart and soul I would keep awayfrom you dear If you wished it andnever speak to you It would be happi-ness enough to know that you were herobreathing tho same air with mo livingbeneath tho same root

I wont promise that I will alwaysstay she murmured I couldcause oh dont you dear sheburst out if I saw you ovary day Ishould hate over to go away loveyou

His hands caught and held her flut-tering ones God Wees you for thosewords ho broke wL At first whenI saw you with that man instead of com-ing to me in the library as I asked youin the note I left at your door I thoughtyou bad ceased to care and I waswretched-

I never got any note Rosemary saidquickly I remember now that MissCraven shut her door as I went past Iwonder It she knew anything1 about It

Sir Douglas face hardened as he re-membered how Laura had been in theHorary Instead of RoaeRumr and howshe had tried to Instill his mindagainst her-

I suppose she Intercepted It ho saidbut it doesnt matter now darling he

went on Through all that has happen-ed we boUt know each others hearts

Rosemary did not spea H r lips quiv-ered and her eyes hilled with tears Ifonly sho had never never gone to theagency on that foggy day she wouldnever have met Philip Craven nor havegone to that house in the gloomy squareto go through that hideous marriage

Oh why did I over consent to suchan awful thing she cried bitterly Themore I think of it the more I hate andloathe it

And yet If you bad not gone out thatday we should never havo mot SirDouglas answered I cannot think itwas all evil awl perhaps who knowsone day we may wrest happiness fromFate at the eleventh hour

Rosemary looked at hint with tears Inher eyes Thank you for comfortingme dear she whispered I shall always lovo you always loveis the only bright memory in my lifeAnd now I must say goodby she wenton after a pause Lady Mallaby witwant me

TO UB CONTINDBD TOMORROWCopyright BOD fey The North Aawku Oo r nj








doubt In


















le showing this now trinket in theplain silver for 325 or engraved fyr5 A dull hour may be whiled awaywith a game of solitaire If one hasthe little dock handy-

A very fine watch for a man Isshown by a wellknown firm of jew-elers in Pennsylvania avenue nearEleventh street It Is of ifkarat goldand has a bracket on which it restsupright on ones chiffonier or bureau-so the time may be easily learned ata glance upon waking in the mornIng It can be ysed as a pocket timepiece also as the bracket folds up Ina flat case resembling one in whichcigarettes are carried-

A shoo store In the Avanue not farfrom the corner of Tenth streetwhich curries only one make of foot-wear is showing some very smartfeminine dress shoes in the fashion-able gold satins of this season at 7 apair

highball set by a Jowelor in F street near Tenth Is decorated with silver deposit and thegmall whisky glass serves as a stop-per for the decanter The sot sellsfor JCSO

One of the beet models I have seenthis autumn In womens suits has justbeen made to order for a readytowoar shop In G street between Blev1enth and Twelfth streets It Is fash-ioned from a design which Is one oftho advanced spring models showing-a perfectly plain except for apanel In the front and back alikewith a single dart on either hip Thecoat is of medium length the lengthmost generally becoming to the avertge figure and has lines which arosemifittIng and youthful looking Indeed tho suit Vfhich ie brought out Ina very fine grade of cheviot In a roughweave yot with none at the roughappearance of some cheviots which

Agnew own


a C C












Union Charter Wilt lie Granted NextSunday Afternoon

Seamstresses and alteration hands metagain last night In Typographical Tem-ple for the purpose of furthering theorganization of the Womans GarmentWorkers Protective Association NextSunday afternoon a meeting will be heldand a charter to form a union granted

The meeting last night was an enthuone and every ono present was

delegated a committee of one to urgemembers of their trade to attond thomeeting Sunday afternoon when

will be made by leAding workersin the Wonmns Trades Union Leagueand the Womans Suffrage AssociationCharles D SeAls general organizer ofthe American Federation of Labor Is inCharge of the movement


Orphans Court Will Decide on Han-

dling of Gray Fund

Large Sum Unlace Through TheWashington herald Soon

Turned Over

Letters or guardianship in the oases ofthe Gray children whoso parents worekilled at will be taken out shortlyIn the Orphans Court of Prince GeorgoCounty Md and announcement will thenbo made as to the proposed handling ofthe fund raised through The Washington humid to pay off the mortgage onthe Gray homo and provide for the fivechildren

Attorney Robert W Wells who hascharge of the necessary court proceed-ings is keeping in touch with the situa-tion as it affects the safety and welfare

they arc not suffering for the want ofproper care and attention up to date

A recent lease of the Baltimore Suncontained tho following

While wtfcfeg Oft railroad tnck near TSuedoMd a Man and hte wife were strode hj QUa andfoataatlr kilted In tkcir ootteg not far aw r wereflTtj SiLlS oWWrtn orvteood In an haunt Theacatiwt to which Mr sad Mra Gray killedshocked the enttre tuMBMMiKj others hadwalked alone uu saBM ttMUh of trade severaUerinc the fad that they were JeopanHcteiown lira and naming the ri k of leartog theirbaUes alone hi world

The rate of then children left without fathermother er near reUtirea touched the hearts tft-

hotMaoda Friend raIsed spat every heaLThey tested that not only ware the childrenpcMitoM bat there VTM a Mortgage of JEOO on thehoett A fwid wa started U Vaahingicn hr TheWajUegtoe Herald and to a few due the sadieamount seeded to raiN the mortgage sad put a freeroof over their bead waa sabccrfbed A promUeettlawyer Mr Robert WeW vehmteenrf to undertakethe of their cturdiaaibip Fund anrear beta eootritated for their support awl thougha BeoA deal mare ia seeded there b BO doubt thatit wilt be attributed dorks la the PeoekwBateau mechanic la the sari yard Juan ta theeawta parttta sad children were glad to sito theirdiHMa and dollaR

The amount Of the fund subscribedthrough The Washington Herald te nowin neighborhood of 2900


Cclebrafe Advent of Ilnllrottd IntoIykena Valley Pa

It is not often in those swiftmovingdays that an entire community celebratesthe coming of a railroad to its bordersKJt that is what the clUzens ot Lykons

Valley Pennsylvania are doing and aIrajn load of them are in Washington toobiarve the auspicious event

The heart of this rich and fertile valleywaited patiently tho advent of the

railroad tor half a century Recently agroup of Philadelphia capitalists decidedto build the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad running through the Lykena ValleyIt is now complete In celebration of thisfact forty of the prominent farmersbeaker and business men In this hith-erto secluded tract aro enjoying a littlejourney to Washington Philadelphia sadBaltimore seeing the sights

The special party arrived inTuesday sad leave at 1 oclock tWa

afternoon for Baltimore Tomorrow theygo to Philadelphia and on Tuesday backhomo


Ten Revenue Cutters Will Hurry oShips in nistrcMi

The entire Atlantic coast from Floridato Maine will be patrolled this winterby government revenue cutters whichcan hurry to the aid of ships in distressand perhaps cut down the winter toll ofwrecks and drowninss at sea

There are ten cutters at tho disposal-of the government for this patrol workwhich has never attempted before

Last year the cutters although notpatrolling the coast went to the rescueof 1G6 vessels summoned by wireless orIn other from their stations These158 vwsete were valued at more thanJWOU000

The cutters will take up the patrolwork on December 1 and will continue ituntil late in April


flla tlc


Tux dO

ot the children And that















gIves assurance












Novelties in Washingtons Smart ShopsBy DOROTHY AVERY HOWARD I

hiivo on uneven finish that becomesfuzzy In a short tlmeleoka like onemade by a highclass tailor Insteadof a rdadymade garment It Is shownIn black and navy blue or in anycolor preferred and Is marked at


This Is tho season of the year whenL the pomegranate may be enjoyed be

Ing shipped here from Cuba A shopin F street between Twelfth andThirteenth streets noted for Its finefruits has now two varieties of thisodd fruit one of which Is especiallytempting When quite ripe It becomesalmost as soft as a peach and has adelicious flavor Four pomegranates-sell for 36 cents

A doll which Is attracting much at-tention this week in the window

shop In F street near Eleventhwhere corsets and fancy work aresold is dressed all In white satinlike a reel bride Her gown has apanel In princess eRect down thefront which Is painted by hand Inthe daintiest rosebud design and thelong train is similarly adorned Aveil of chiffon trimmed with reelpoint lace covers her face and iscaught with the usual spray oforange blossoms She is one of themost popular of the seasons bridesand will doubtless win as manyhearts In her now home at theChristmas time as she has alreadywon from hor abode In the shop whore

is now exhibited

a millinery shop In G streot between Thirteenth and Fourteenth spe-

cial values In trimmed hats are nowadvertised at 5 antI J7JO Amongthose which re marked i I noticeda vory stylish round turban shape ofmoire silk faced with velvet and

t having a wired bow or the at oneside Several Phlpps models and othersmart tailored hats are to be foundat the price






C S S S-








DRESS GOODSRemnant Lengths

160 ALLWOOL SUITINGS good colorings 50 incheswide

150 ALLWOOL TWEEDS good colors 50 Incheswide

liO ALLWOOL HOPSACKING in colors 50 Incheswide

150 NATTE SUITING all wool 50 inches wide In V


160 TWOTONED CHEVIOT all wool 50 incheswlde Hip

1 0 ZIBELINE all wool 54 Inches wide In colors125 SERGE all wool 50 Inches wide in colorsV0 VOILE all wool 44 Inohes wide black only176 and 200 BROADCLOTHS 54 Inches wide In good col rn-

orlngs and lengths plenty of blacks also A yard u C

175 TO 2180 ALLWOOL DRESS GOODS A YARD54Inch AJlwoel Broadcloths54inch Allwool Cheviots f54Inch Allwool Serges46lnoh Allwool Henriettas-48Inch Allwool Scotch Tweeds42Inch Silk Poplins

39c to 100Linings fcpr Yd

The better grades of lining In excellent lengths forChoice of 36Inch Lining Satin in range of colors Venetians In

plain colors and Stripcd Gray Venetian LiningAny of these today at the one price 25c yard First Floor


HE right use of money Is to accomplish what you wish with IfMary Lyons founder of Mount Holyoke

Do I wish I were clever enough to edit a womans dictionary containing some of the words that the femi-

nine sex seem to need to have definedExtravagance and economy for Instance

On a little fiftymile train trip that I took yesterday I counted tourwomen on the train wearing white gloves

They wore dressed expensively you could have bought everystitch any one of them had on from aigrette to pump and from skin toooat for a hundred dollars and yet were I a man with a moderate Income looking for a reasonably economical wife these are the sort ofwomen I would at once place as Impossible

WhyBeacuse using the word In Its right meaning I consider that those

white gloves represented more extravagance than far larger expendi-tures a twentydollar willow plume or eightdollar shoes for Instance

For my Idea of sartorial extravagance is not as so many women con-sider it Just spending a lot of money on your clothes Nor do I thinkeconomy conversely Is spending v ry little money-

I think extravagance Is spending your money without getting goodvalue for It and economy is the converse

To sum It up in Mary Lyons wordsThe right use of money is to accomplish what you wish with it

White gloves cost more than dark gloves in initial outlay in greaterfragility and In cleansing expense whether of time or money

for everyday wear on a train or shopping excursion njboth bad tate and unattractive because even if they are freshwhen they are put on they will be badly soiled by the time they takenoff

Presumably these women spent more money to clothe themselves Inwhite gloves In order to look extra well They most emphatically didnot accomplish what they wish with their outlay Therefore I call thamextravagant-

Im not writing all thls to Inveigh against the habit of wearing whitegloves on all occasions I have no especial grudge against white gloves Isimply them as typical of the hundred and one little ways in whichthe American woman especially that class of her who can least afford it Isextravagant-

She buys fragile and delicately colored materials for everydaybuys ultra styles in cheap grade when she ought to buy a twosea

son style in a bettor grade she purchases elaborate and unsuitable ac-cessories such as white gloves and fragile furs

As a consequence she looks well dressed for a brief time and verypoorly dressed for a very long time She Is spending her money to bewell dressed and of her lack of judgment she fails in her object

And thats what I call extravagance money spent without JudgmentDont youAnd dont you think It would be a grand idea If this kind of women

could havo Mary Lyons definition pasted over their dressers or betterstill printed on their pay envelopes

The right use of money is to accomplish what you wish withRUTH OAMBHON









to I




T you tknoV





wear-s e

be cause















Tills afternoon gown of velvetwhich is quite the thing for dressywear shows a pretty waistThe lapels are of satin put onwrongsideup fashion

The overskirt arrangement is alsoogvol-

Arematlc spirits of amm Hki in cnpsaUs ia a conwntent ar n n m for trarelen-

ThrMwraerol mvffa in bag made of aatinend chiffon the joining hidden tor a row of rusts

axe fawiflatlos affairs new this season




Mnaonic Ceremonies 1VII1 Ulnrk Funernl of IVellknown Physician

Funeral services for Dr William Forest Gatchell will be held this afternoonat 2 oclock at the residence of hisbrotherinlaw Arthur H Smith 155Eleventh street northeast Dr Gatchelldied yesterday after an illness of morethan a year

Coming to Washington In 1SS6 to studymedicine he was graduated from Columbian University and was one of the leadIng scholars In his class For manyyears he was chief clerk of the steamboat Inspection service which Is nowunder the Department of Labor andCommerce Besides his mother and sis-ter his wife and two daughters survivehimDr

Gatchell was A member of LebanonLodge No 7 F A A M and LafayetteChapter No 5 Royal Arch Masons fromwhich orders the pallbearers will bechosen Masonic rites will mark theInterment In Congressional Cemetery

Awarded 1COO DamagesJ C Duke was yesterday awarded a

verdict of 1500 In a suit for 2000 damages against tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail-road Company for Injuries received In acollision December 2 1907

How to Get Ridof Catarrh

A Simple Safe Reliable Way andit Costs Nothing to Try

Those who suffer from catarrh knowits miseries There Is no need of this suffeting You can rid of It a simplesafe Inexpensive homo treatment discov-ered by Dr Blosser who for oversix years has been treating catarrh suc-cessfully

His treatment is unlike other It Isnot a spray douche salve cream or inhaler but Is a more direct and thoroughtreatment than any of theseout the head nose throat and lungs sothat can again breathe and

without that stoppedup feeling thatalt catarrh have thediseased mucous membranes and arreststhe foul discharge so that you will notbe constantly blowing your nOSe and

and at the same time does notpoison the system and ruin the stomachas Internal medicines do

If you want to test this treatment without cost send your address to Dr J WBlosser 261 Walton street Atlanta Gaand he will send you by return mallenough of the medicine to ItIs he claims for it as a remedy forcatarrh catarrhal headachesdeafness asthma bronchitis colds andall catarrhal complications Ho will alsosend you free an illustrated bookletWrite him Immediately












