washington herald. (washington, dc) 1906-10-28 [p 8]....118 jaft tackte-wn right gafttd...

THE WASHINGTON HEEALD SUNDAYS OCTOBER 28 1900 I i- S Scores Georgetowns Only Points Against W Li VISITORS FAIL TO KIOK GQAB- exington 151 oven Recovers Halt on Jyard Line and Shoves It AcroNit but MIsses Opportunity to Tic Score Hodgsona Long Punt n Give OeorprctovTM n Biff Advantage IOOTBiVLi1jJjCOlltt2- Gfcorgttown WasWngton and J ee a- Gcorg Washington S Wester lund F yrhKeton 14 Cornell 5 Xavy 0 Buokn ll o Dartmouth 0 WIHianis t Vale Amherst 0- f indian 24 Pennsylvania iiai urd 5 West Point t T high 33 Franklin rfJBi e Johns 1 GalUmdet11- iJafayettc 17 Colgate warthmore 1S Gettysburg 4 Hte vcns 6 New York University 0 Haverford 23 Ursinus 17 Kentucky State College K Kentucky Military Institute U Virginia Wcbwond t Nebraska S DWBOJO CollegA Georgetown disposed of the strong Washington and Le team yesterday liy to in the most stubbornly fought iime ol the season at Georgetown Field The contest offered the nrst opportunity f comparing the relative strength Virginia and Georgetown tad this sen- I to draw an unusually large crowd To week ago Virginia played a tie aine with the Ivorth Carottita A and L oUege ind a short time h ter Ute Tar libels tiad Washington and Lee 1 to Jeorg tovns long touchdown was made t v Kerr in the most spectacular indi- vidual play of tire game Catching punt on the Blue and Grays 3 yard line K rr shook off the two Virginia end nJ ruuiiirg along the eastern side line u r down th held through his other nine opTonfnts 4ind planted the ball- s iuarelv between the nost A naoment- iiteir Cjpt Bocock kfced the goal that ie C o etj tm the winning pot VuwMt Prove Coatly- v fumble on the 35yard flue of viyjl the vtoltors their chance tQ get ilivft tMicbdown Washington and Lee u vfred find after ball for- ward for W yards antt A first down tried gwl frona the field The ball fell a uiiple of ywrds short and bounded onto lair grtimd In acranable a Virginian IM ut bis opponent to It and Ml on the on the yard line Three line smashes carried the across the final siilk lirv but the Lexington elevens op iortuaity to tie the score was lost when Moornui u missed goal toth jeams pnc u a strong den and Mrrty tn bogtanlng of play when w ib Nten that consistent rains were out h ue tica both Warns resorted fase of superior kick rp of Hodgsoa Georgetown gained on iriy every exchange but was h M before getttaig wtthfti scoring din prceorgetown suffered coasMeraWr be iu of penalties In the first half Boyle iirdli Heferee Oa the Blue G rv l e fifteen yards d a ehorti- mifr LIter the team suffered the m distance for holding Several times igTown paid penalty for Ivurr Scorc ToncJidoivn i lodgson kicked off at the beginning and i or fafittg to saID Washington and Lee i mted Then followed a series of kicks ntil finally Kerr gathered in the ball on aiyard Itae and ran practi Ally the whotc knsth o the for a Khdown Bocock kicked goal letter punting save Georgetown a init advantage and a fumble on the 35- ard tine wasYeccAered by Boyle George t wn worked tbe forward pass for S- pls but ws forced to surrender the i il on down i Time was called withvth- ehn in the Dosecssion of Washington and i on yard line aslihigton and Lees only touchdown bortly the opening of the sec riJ half The visitors minted from their yard line to Miller an the Svard line ut blonde half hack let the hall set way fnoqi him and a Virginian pooncea- nto iu Two T ungei through center m tted ficst down bat Georgetowns- retbsHI to be oaabed farther towar- ds goil line m 1 yard e an attempt at goal in t jC i eiit failed However Dow vinjtf rV l ft end was lint on the ball vtt ti Mile of players were pulied- vi it was Washington and Lees ball Georgetowns 5varfl line Three center iiusgtri vorkfti it n roc for the touch vii urman making tbe last dive A diflkiiU goal waS missed KUnnip2 tie kickoff Georgetown at ijpted the quarterhack Kkk and it v as Uook i Bttt Miller saved the home im famngan the baU on the 3- yurd line he ural RTUI near the center f the fWd when time was called liiieor PtaskiqB Wail c left cad 118 Jaft tackte- wn right gafttd JMrlsca- Morten Hta rtiil6bt tadtte OtMant- Kon right eMJadnoaJlfla as- ixiHj qoancr liack C Itatocy- 1m left half hMfc T ItERR RUNS 90 YARDS I G try 1 t S and lf t 1 P T 0 Notth Caroline I i a to the the 1 to- nI P ally t UI oft Mk- rOT etOWlt geld din her n aft r iI n thc 0 1- Mr Hou J I 9 of- F t a gin ova itt at I thc by Moor l c an and au OtkranJStt gmsd i l ey > > > ¬ > < > > > > < < < < er right half MM Street JKf foil back Joanjka- r afMrvnsKcrT awl Moonoan bal mjMt- w Bococ IteftrwJ A Gaat I ahi- gtirelL Y LrMat TtecrW J ThMher- J HnvnanMr Wefterrdt Ttaac f hatrc- aitjav an4 twenty mteu- ulinrlmoutli 0 William n- sprinKicld Mass J7 DarUnoulh- id Wiliams tnt today and after bat ling through two halvc weep unable n rach ether ball was i 15 bod up down th j MA during he first lialf without trouble on the vurt of ither side In the second half lather tlov n was ablr to gain any on 3riehlgni iSj Illinois I Ann Arbor Mich Oct TIn a driv ng rainstorm Illinois and Michigan played their annual football liefe- oday Michigan winning 3 to t heavy slippery field both teams were i nder a heavy handicap and much fum n g of passes occurred Lafnycttc IT Colj ntc ii Pa Oct 27jLafaycttc dtfeutfd- olgatc here today by u score of 17 to j playing the visitors throughout th a me Colgate secured their touchdown the latter part of tne second after costly fumble by Lafayette Lafny ttft- vured two touchdowns In th first half rd scored again in th second a i yard run Washington Win i lie Washjagtoij School for team yesteretay memmg defeated the even troiii Baltimore City Coll gt ore oi S to 0 on th grounds o the iocs in an Wiyccria avenge I 1 t cort Tb and h r On- t J aston i haM very Do t- all b the Oct game he I 0 > < > 3YTJOKA- mlicrst Gave EJlIit n SUn llnttle on Havcit Gridiron New Haven Conn Oct 27 Yate luck atone savwl the Blues Imcon against Amherst at Yule Field tod r for the plucky little Massachusetts team played a corking good bat had the ball twice within striking din tance of Yales goal and on one of those occasions planted it on the 2yard The final score showed Yale IT Am herat 0 same was a thriller and nothing but words of praise on all aide were heard for Amtaerst and CapL Habbard8 plucky ten The most sensational play of the local men came slusrtly was called fat the second half when Keattns the Amherat picked up the ball on a fumble aDd started for Yales goal Forbes wagf after him like a shot and with a desperate Hying tackle breught him down within 2 yards of the line The Yale cohorts rose to a man and howled out otie prolonged yell carry- ing with it pentup excitement and relief Amherst also brought up a good bunch of rooters who occupied the west stand Their wallorganize cheering and sing inS caught the crowd They were thrown into spasms of Joy when the team bad the ball almost over the Yale goal line May played good hard ball The for- ward pass was not used to any extent Roome did a lot of punting and Knox booted ball from behind the line at frequent intervals ARMYS STRONG GAME Harvard Found Cadets Good inDefense and Offense TOUCHDOWN SAVES CRLMSQN Gnmc Had Gone to Almost Its Time Limit When the ContcIt Dc qidcd aiouiitford Nearly 3Inkes n Goal front Field from 40ynrd Line Two Harvard Men Arc Disabled West Poftat Oct 27Ahowt Tj men and women were on too 4 parade gmiad h re today and XIarr rd team score a victory over the Cadets themml score heing i to t All through two halve tile army put op a strong game both in defense sad of- fense Partteuiarty where line work came hi the army prove to be the stronger The visitors only scored by a toocn down when the second half of the sane hid Almost run the time limit There was plenty of enthusiasm on both but the game itself lost the vigor and dash which characterised pre- vious contests fought out under the old rules on the Went Point gridiron In punting the Harvard men had the bet- ter of it during the first halt as the visitors had won the and selected the south goal which gave then the wind in theta favor Mistakes were made by both teams and penalties were frequently handed out Toward the end of the Ant half when Harvard had pushed tbe boll within a niches of the rival goal line Har- vard was penamwd 15 for holding and thus they lost a stand opportunity of scoring A few seconds later the whistle ended the half In the second half the aokllers made some spirited at- tack 3IoinitfordM KlcIc for Goal Mountford came within a few inches of scortmc a goal fnmi the Held tram the vrd line the ball going within a foot of the desired place With the hall la- the middle of the flew Mountford made an attempt for a dropkick but Wendall Blocked and the ball shot back behind the West lines Wendall picked it up and HIM made an attempt to tackle low Wendell then speeded away with the entire team following him but be- manamxl to make a touchdown before any of cadets reached him Orr failed to goal and the same was won and lost right there A few exchanges of mints left the ball in West Point terri- tory at the conclusion of the contest West Point played team without makfoer a cbangie but Harvard had two men dteabicd in the second half Ii lieup and Snmmary- W t Vaittitu IlarranL- lliekasi left cad MUfer TEssam- MM Kcanavi Week 4eft UcfeJr Otbarar- Vnuter riste math KrWbnc- rMkm Jt tarUe laches Sterna risM On- Mwrnltad jMtrr back Newhaa- Ilaataa left hat tack Koato rigfct half adc Lock llffl MK baci WcaaW- IToachdoKVWoHlell n f wMf McCncbta- UoHctaitr of l n 1 aida Uiarfna3lr Moriee- lJ irM t7 of P a sThairia sad Mr 3 Lanafrwi Trinity I hinanan Mr Jtewa lIiTnfccd TIRC f VIRGINIA HELD TO LOW SCORE Eiohinond Proves a Strong Adver aary for Charlottesville Team aiillcr Jumps timid Pulls Do ii n Luiis runt undo Ilnntt from Jlidfiuld for n Tonclidowii YALE A w DO- ter y line The and I VAS N Y raW 11 f t I I I It Point kick the I I balnsI abates l T Y me before- time the otflsIl the alden jew yards Its tIs v ion j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = Special to The Waiba tOB lieald- ChartolteKvllk Aa Oct 2 Mnia defeated Richmond College here today by the small score of 12 to Virginia started off with a acne lug the first touchdown hi less time a minute but the sta e fright of the col- legians soon disappeared and they set- tled down to Toni football The visitors made their touchdown near the of the tint half when their left tackle Miller jumped in the ah in mdl M and pulled a long punt on tbe Urst bound and with imbody in his way scampered for a touchoown The Richmond College players Were un- able to make headway against Vir- ginia by carrying the bull in the Jim half but three times In the second half made the neetesary ten yards through the line They frequently resorted to punting and in nearly every case was the gainer there- by as the Virginia backs could nut catch the ball with any degree or ccrtanty Twice Quarter Back Randolph simRhd for a free catch and both times muffed the ball Capt Johnson Staniforth and MeMur do carried the belt well white Cooke Wil linv and Vaughan did fine wok in the lines I The lineup Vbjawa Poeiliaws RWwaod right cud Khasr- Ooate right taeWr ItobeHft- VTimaaM Jigt rued Thww- Uotb v coaler Ttllnai- Ve baa Wt fiard Chambtin Jfft lutte left tad Wright PaminljTh I1etcita 4aarifi back Mca i SUsfiorth Ht batf b x Uuthaa- Jahw i left baK Urtt Uoum Stff JIcMnnJo full b A Wn- iiItefotaIedc U p rcSawrk Head liiKs r- fiwfth TotKbdonn JohofOD fookc Milk jcals hon toaehdowp R n4 liU Meixi Tiasi Of INvcntj mirutc i rut clone down any p till- er I i Weeds bah ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Well SAILORS RALLY STOPS SCORE ltliouffh the Annanoils Eleven Ou- tplayed the Collcgrlniis They Were Viinlilc to nUll n Score Up to Their Standard of IInylnjc Stronnr Ircn Ij Aids Punts of Hie Alultorsg- pcrni to Waahtaetaa HcraM Annapolis Md Oct 27Bncknell Cd- lcg and the Annapolis Midshipmen met in their annual football gunm here and for forty nrinutes the two teams struggled without a score Since Buck warn snowed under by Princeton two weeks ago and Annapolis held the Tigers to 5 to 0 a victory over Bwcknell ns generally expected today After playing to a standstill in the Ant haft although Navy put up 1 strong- er game looked for the Mid- dles 19 score once or twice in the sec- ond half But Buckaetls strength seemed enduring and not only was Annapolis unable to get within striking distance but R looked at one time us if the visitors would make a tally The Middies started in like easy winners and after a of the first half they worHwI the ball from midfield to one yard from the coveted s el whore Ifuekneli put up a stubborn defense and took the leather on downs Although without the services of Capt Spencer at KIt tack who also does the punting ami Norton and Myers regular quarter back and left guard respectively the Middles played creditably Dtickncll Clever t Kicking Bucknei had a distinct advantage the Middies in the kicking line especially in the flrst half A strong wind was blowing at the of the visitors and this greatly aided Clarks punts the wind carrying bull at times for fifty yards r more On the other hand Strellnger who did the kicking for Annapolis punt- ed very poorly against the and in the second half when the wind favored him and when kicking was done than In the ant hall be punted out of bounds on nearly every occasion Bucknei had a good opportunity to score in the second half It was offered on a side kick which Hayes recovered- on Navys yard mark Here however the Middies gof together and recovered on down A try for Held goal was out of the question owing to the strong head- wind After this the heft changed hands often being nit on one side of the field and then on the other The Middies out played the visitors Llncni and Summary AwaiwIK ttaetotU- C3aik Ml Ittntt pampwB Mt tartie ItanaCIlawk- niliigii hft xaaid C BaliMa nisrtaf 4x0rr ODHt- nrar right taeMe Lssaanleml Dapt DcJfott right Haj Battle iMrtcr att CRM- w Wl half h X XW fc- eapt right half back Vaj MM nffl hMt Clai- Kef mXr G odcbB rf Lafayette U ps Mr McCloak laimnity 4 Pmatftnm OWrf Ifa a Lie it lUavw of tbe aery hicaatn Midshipmait Kittem and Mr lisa fnr Itwtnrft Thne of I ITW Twenty minutes n fc INDIANS CRUSH OLD Whits Men Fumbled and Redskins Worked Forward Pass Well Qniiftur lluck Lililiy Kicks n Iffc Goal from the 45yanl Iincr- eniiHy by Play Philadelphia Oct 27 Pennsylvania suf- fered the most croohlns detest in years this afternoon on FrankHn FleW when the Carlisle Indians won from the Red and Blue team by a store of 3 te 6 Penn sylvanias defeat was due to persistent furaniin and the ad pt manner in which the Indians worked forward peas a play which completely confused Penney Nearly all of the scoring was done in the first half The Indians scored ftve minutes after the beginning of ply when Libby drop l ed a field goal from Bevnsylranias 45 yard line It was a beautiful kick Penn- sylvania gamed tne lead a few moments later when Levene blocked a kick on the Idyard line and Draper fell on the ball behind the line Hollenbeck th g 4U TKentyftve minuter of the first halt bad been when Ixinswell fumbled Mount Pleasants Idea on the 15yard line and Gardner recovering the hell made a touchdown Mount Pleas- ant booted the goal One minute later Ltfrraque scwd tb ball alter nibbles fumble and ran W yards for a touch- down Mount Pleasant again kicked goal Two more points were gained by the Reds when Lonfell lost his head on a punt and touched the ball behind Penney vanias goal Hne allowing a safety to ale opponents The first half ended with the score Indians 18 Pennsylvania 6 In the second half Exrdlne took die ball on a punt and Lube ran 75 yards for a I I NAVY 0 I POllllsylvalliallS HeIU i to- day everyone over Wind mOre 811af111t1a dIItt SIMr h J r COllfu ell 9 Ute kicked 0BUCKNELL Middies 8lLrris1ng1y Win The nell backs the rattle ssst cad m PEN NSY consumed ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ touchdown Mount Pleasant again ed the goal Final score Indians 36 Pennsylvania 6 The line ap- ItraaThaiiia Iosttwes r Let ene Gaaton left cod Card Draper left tackle MftwMlb Gallagher left puwL HoUenbcck oentrr lust La y richt tadclc Luba BkMh- Scarlett right end Exnpar- SHcUe Lay qnuta b rk Lttay FoJmett left balf back Mt IkasaHtt- Jrcen rifbt half back Hcedrie- Lonctajr Dwyer fall bi Kxidine O ate toecHdea tigHaaenlieeJc Jfoont rfcaaaat O Goal fra x fteWLJW lle- frnrMr Oorbia Ya Uansi Jlr Sharpe Yale IJnewaMr SwJtlj of ItecknrB Tbtor of kalfw 31 miMtcs each Y it C A WINS HANDILY Assoulntion Team Defeats t I Fraternity In Banketball Y M C A and U and Frater- nity boakrtbuM teams IB tlte City Ixttfu clashed las night on the fonney s court Thv asaorwdon boys easily out th I and I and Won handily by tho ser of 54 to 13 McCfeiin played a game as far as goal throwing was concerned Ca H V lfants l o dls Uujnlished himself the defence ot his team Herbert for the U und r did creditable wcrfe Uneup and summary Y XT r A Ponftoei oloniao I h ii ritit fMrvan Furraaw- Hr fn ilH1 H Kft fnnrarrJ Mite lilt reattr U Hrtbtrt Jose l owte right enact DancuBW loses vfllbnK sn srd Deaa- uoIM C in Lndwis IBiight 2 Greet is Jnoes Fowkr t a xl Miles KffcrcpMr JKJre S rerMr k th n Zd1Ia rWt d Latr UI Ltwe nor wkner sad and I cia V In t and I Frat I Wt H t I Free tr3emeltwln II Ldwi 1 L6 IJlt1 Iflhiou ToabdeaiisDtper Iarrmmqia hiss The great qm Herbert HIIt snd urntg Wor- leTir ¬ > < < CENTRAI 16 LAUREL 0 WnrtltiiiKtnn IHsrli School Team Wins Good Game train Ularylnnders Special to WaaWBgtOH UmU Laurel Md Oct 27 The Central HJgi School football team of Washington visited Laurel thl afternoon and defeat- ed the Laurel High School team by the core of 16 ttf o The Laurel boys were decidedly hantll capped in weight an Washington boys wore about ten pounds heavier to the man although they hW visitors down very well In the second half and put up a fast plucky game Laurel had leather wIthin live yard of the covet- ed goal line en three occasions but the Washington boys put their weHtft to good effort and kept them from wjrin- Tlnwnus and C Phair for the Vintc team and Butch and Lackland for visitors put up a good game This was the opening game afglhe getisbn here and a crowd present Th lineup Lat ItaJUana Oeatni- rhalr feftftelf tec KactertU- iUUsbdl foil tack Olw- RWWH itgbt bill tack KinsT- fcMtMe Mt nd MeKcnvr- U Itatr rist cad aId WteH toft tacfck WU- Jaawtea rfefet tad Uefefcnd Java Wt gaafi Easw- Ibalpa right pMid Maxery- Menoa center Taylar- Staffer OapU quarter tack McDonald Ti e of and Mitt mliwten cm Lambert Impire Mcnon Tiaadieepcr Wei feed UMtmon Prye and Hamilton C4corgo Washington Beats Western Maryland SURPRISE FOR HATOHET MEN LncnroneN Kuuiblc Cost Ills Team Points Thonma Carrying the flail for n Touchdown Both Sutton niul Stccncrwon Kick Goals from the Field 3InryInndcrH Piny Pnit George WashlngUm was given a sue print yoaterday at Van Neat Park when they had dt ctilty ha defeating the strong Western Maryland team hy a score of to It wa a hard fought contest replete with fumbling for- ward prism and good kicking The local tenon showed an excellent grip on the new rules and gain after gain by trick plyrs and double passes They could little with the Maryland aggregation until shortly before the close of the sec- ond half when Gibson and Sommers their husky tackles made consistent plunges for many yards Both Steenersoi and SUtton kicked a goal from the Sell and although several other attempts failed they showed great aptitude In this de- partment and with the coaching of Crow are sure to be dangerous from now on A noticeable Amount of rumbling crop- ped out in George Washingtons play May times as tile ball rotted on the ground a local mass would fall on it only it bound away Steencraon wan plOt of this fault several times during the nrajt half and a bud fumble by Lacarone was responsible for Xaryhinds touchdown The B full bark acquitted himself cred- itably at all other thncs and prdred a tower of strength on the offense The Maryland team was fast when once in action hut there was a noticeable low of time Between plays Turner Sell and Adkins excelled in allround work although the xiattorf line deaenreii grout credit for stopping the plunges of their heavy opponents ccncrson lvicl Off Steeaetwrn opened the game by kicking off yards to Adkins who advanced S yards before he was downed on a pretty tackle y Sntton Maryland failed to gain through the line and Adkma kicked to Steenersoo Board gained five yards through tackle then on a double pass from Lac rone to Sutton the latter made a brilliant run of forty yards After one rush to put the ball in position Sutton dropped a pretty goal from the Xryard line the ball easily clearing the post Lacerone tumbled the kiekovt and Seaman of Western Mary land captured the oval A series of short gains in which Adkins and Seitman most carried the baiT brought it to the 5yard line Here the locals mad a de- termined stand and it took three 6ovn to push it over Thomas made the touch- down and Adkins failed goal Adkhts kicked off flftyftvc yards to Steenerson who made five yard After an exchange of kicks the halt was brought to Marylands as yard line where Sutton failed in an attempt for a goal Sommers caught the kickout and gained yards Hen a forward WDK was tried and although George Washington recovered the ball it was decided to nrst touched the ground and was brought back to its point Lorando made twenty yard on a forward poss by Steen erson who shortly afterward kicked to Turner who fumbled Lorando setting the ball Sntton again tried a goal the bell hitting Use posts and bounding into the tuWfield where Turner fell on it Te first half ended with the ball near the center of the Held Play In the Second Half Adkhw kicked off fifty yards to Steen at the opening of tile second half Sommers mad tof twenty yards through rigiit tackle Tbe Maryland line held point and Steenerson was forced to i unt Gunning making a nice tackle Western Maryland was penalized for holding and the bail wcnt to the lo- cals After two attempts to gain Steen n kicked i The I the I he gOod nil to halo Iwftl1 WON BY SMALL SCORE aft peat 8 i made do- Ver ell to- Me I it often have starting Min t this erSOft Turner made their the ltd FIve JIVe e son a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ty run of fifteen yards and followed it a monlpnt after with uaotiier of the same distance ou a forward pass Adkr moment later to Hewyman who was thrown in his tracks by Turner From this time on George Washington made stBudy gains unll they were finally held on Marylands 10yard line Here Steen erson dropped bark and sent the oval di- rectly between the goal POStS winning the game for the locate After this the ball remained almost In the renter o the until time was called The lineup Geo Waih rSoehioB AVest jtt- Ix do right end TM- TGfbm tartslr Carre- rSnaurnk left uule OHtanw- OwwiBg Wt nd Haata- Stccaenen quarter taw Tvnr- BiaH right tw SeUman- SHUML left half back Marcos Laoarwte full tf Adttw caici- TaatsdeHHTtonjtf toits run ldSuUon and StoeH fgep IcfctwAr Suter IMmftop Uraptre Mr Itataow Daruaonth Tismvi KKs Mc- D ett and IanSn Unr icnM r Jferhno G V U deron Western MUnknA Thac Victory fur Norfolk Academy Special to JIM wa Wnston Htfak- JNorfplji Va Oct 27 The strong Nor- folk Academy eleven defeated the tieli- mohd College second team here after by the ore of to Aldebertaoh making u ouchdown on a long end run in time second halt from whifh a g l wa kicked BIrvmlnKdalc TJe Score The Bloomingdale Athletic Club and the Second Mount Pleasant football teams played an exciting same at Mc Dtitts Field last evening and when darkness made further pti impossible the score Has a tit i tu i kick- ed a 1 W I ceo- rn Wt tIdhefitoat 1f nOOK Ij I pf J 1 field F- Bonsuan Tbs l1my awl sc ad2s mtnalea this > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > I j Princeton Outplayed by Itli acaiis in First Half ENDURANCE DECIDEP RESULT Fourteen o Five the Finn Score Quarter flack Dillon Iut Out of the Game for Vxliiff Ilufllanly Time tics JIcCorituick Iw a Tower ftf- SlrciiKlh to the Winning Ifilcvpii New York Oct 27 In as pretty a has ever been seen on a gridiron Princeton defeated Cornell at tne Polo Grounds this afternoon by the score of 14 to f Abounding In spectacular plays that at times fakly raised the hate of th- Hpactators the contest proved our thing beyond all wisdom of the changes made in the rules wb4ch b ve given the spoTting world practically a new game It also demonstrated the poMfbili ties of the open style of play when K ahaJI have been brought to a higher stage of perfection an accomplMiin ot wMchr It is unreasonable to expect a single season of practice will make poiwioUv The score to about represents the strength of the two teams and the score by halves too shows well the differ- ence in the endurance of the contestants In the lint half Cornell clearly outplayed Princeton in all departments of the game except pointing Harlan with his loots low punt ovtkteklng WoUker and Me- Cuieheon Although CorneUs play the stronger Princeton s display of skill In executing trick and open plays and WaWers poor attempt at a goal left the score standing Princeton Cornell i Tigers Strike Their Gait In the second half the Tigers struck their real gait and played Cornell nearly oil tier feet Several times Princeton was within distance of Cornolls line but a fumble or foul play lost her the ba A ground rule adopted for the gave Princeton two points to which under straht rules she not entitled This rule provided that If the ball should go behind the goal line on a blocked kick It should count as a safety no matter which side secured the bell Princeton ex e 4 h a pfoy and made two points One display of unsportsmanlike conduct occurred to mark a game which was remarkably free from slug Stn or rough playing E Dillon the j Ii rinc ioi quarter hack an greed because a Red and White player did not rise quickly from a scrimmage struck the Cornell man in the face with Ms open hand The blow was plain to ovary one and hoots and hisses greeted the ttttle fellow who had self with glory during the gaoae as he was ordered to the side lines Iriuccioit Kiukx 00 On the toesup won and al lowMt Princeton to The Ithacans- 80t tile ball on their Syard line Then they started with a rush that swept Tigers o their feet Welder punt jd and Dillon funibted allowing Cor- nell to reover the ball on PrtnoetonR- S5yard line Earle and Babrock executed a dutiful forward pass which netted 1 yards The Cornell backs through holes in the Tiger line for gains at every attempt sad ip just six nio via the ball was raffled eye the goal M 1 Hf filled at goal how over Princeton rtcovtr4 the haM after the Wekotf and Bddie Dillon and Hoag land e a deviate pass mMe 9 A ejoarterhsjck kick gave Wlstcr a chance at tbe ball said he galloped over the Cornell live Cooney kicked goal Some beautiful playing on both aides Cornell however having the best of the argument occupied the rest of the halt Once Cornell worked the hall to Prince tons 25yard line and Walder tried a goal from placement which went a little wild Chant in Second Half During the second half several change were made In the lineup of both teams McCntcbeon replaced Walder at ft buck fur Cornell and later gave way to Say lor Watson relieved Babcock at left end Cass for Princeton took the place of Miller and Tenney relieved K Dillon who went out for slugging Princeton started right in to male trouble for her lighter opponents The Tigers got the ball on Corn line A beautiful forward pass Harian netted 35 yards McCormtek tore great holes in the Ithacans fine and went over after a few yodel for the second touchdown Cooq y kicked the goal Princeton when she got the ball after the kickoff went after Cornell hard Mc- Cormtek on one broke through the line and ran for nearly 4V yards before cemittg down wader half the Cornell team Two rushes and a fake play curried the ball to the l yard line There Ithacaoa held and Marian fell back for a dropkick A Cornell tuna toncbel the hall spoiling trie play although the pigskIn passed squarely between the goal- posts Cornell saved the bat under the ground rOle Princeton was credited with two potnta making 14 Heavy penalties of Princeton gave Cor- nell the ball later on the Tigers 15yard line Jamison dropped back tr a try goal kirk A poor puss spoiled bte chance and Cornells ohltnce to score again Princeton recovered Jh ha and caryieil it down the nel by holding it until ute sounded Several times previously Prince- ton had worked thf hull within 35yard line but misplays or Tools ctiueed her to lose the pigskin at critical mo- ment The game ended Prhvreton 14 Cornell The IimnpIV- inceton PuHtow Ooraril Jet end Itaboocfc Watmi taD MR tad Co k 1 Dillon Ml sand Thg mi honing risbt ystxrA O Itautte right tackk Ilrtetca- ri fct rod Van Omni kft bait WeK awrfe right half tet QtfeMn- tiH brkW kfcr McCotrtMm- E Dillon T lUrtau 3 Vr Ow 1 Safety under tnuud raieft Prfcton 1 Jtrf- mtWriektineUw Ilanaid UamovMtods 1enn- ariwaik LhnaauB Pr 9ta tfrr PaaM tranta Tfcm of haJrwTblrty ininhn TIGERS LICK CORNELL game as doubtthe of 14 was I striking n same wan co CorneD kick In tile pod yards yard to run ball her aNn et- a wise rushes whist Cornel tIter rtbt C 1f iqarter J GoIIIttc other- wise plunged Winter the e hard ronte back Ss1O- cTaah mrs MeCmnlt Welder oonr < ¬ ¬ ¬ Icndnll Cadciw AVant finmcs Th Fendall Cad ts of Georgetown would Hk to the best lightweight baskotlwll learn in Tt crack l pound legal r antf L pr erred Address Mr DfuJnmbrtd manager 27J3 M strt t ndrthwe t Lineup ICean right forNvard MeHale left forward ron centrr SeUcj risht Dixon K f t bavk Fourth Clans Midihipnien Ucatcii Annapolis Jrld Of t 2i The Catons vlUfe Country elub of Baltimore deft ed the eleven of Plebes or Fourth Mid5hipm at football today 5 to Princeton Frcfflimen ITin- lyracuee N Y Oct 7 Prinwt n Freshmen defeated the Syrscus Frcsh men today 6 to 0 Princeton touch down was seorcJ n the last five minutes of plaj Washi ttofl ttQ bad t II I meet Alll The WeetilonJjIM lass > > j j i j NORTH 0 V P L 0 Moth Tennis Put Vl a Poor Gnjne and Crowd Disappointed Sjrctal to Tb WiiigtOl Herald Richmond Vs Oct Neither UM Virginia Polytechnic Institute nor the University of North Carolina was aWe t seore in the game here this after- noon Both team showed np rather weak and the game on the whole was rather a disappointment to the 4 peo- ple who witnessed it Carolina evidently had the stronger tenm The game was played in Virgitttes territory all the times Oroltna lad good chances to score but the team did not seem to have enough confidence in themselves t take advantage of their opportunities Nutter played well for Virginia but be was taken out toward the end on ac- count of fatigue The open play nvt with the approval of the spectators who could watch the bull all the time The forward pose was tried success- fully several times by both teams was forced to kick in several Instances asset gtv up the ball because of her inability to make gains The BlackHburg line was a steady as a wal but Ute North Carolina ends were fast In circling pIp A feature of game wa the preMiu the field of a num- ber of loyal women who rooted faithfully for their favorites There was a large number of people from Caro- lina prceent VIRGINIA MILITARY WINS v Them Chance to Tic Game Se rtat t The Wantia taa Herald Lexington Va Oct 1 Virginia 3IW tary Institute f Bespoke College Vs 5 was the result of tit game here this afternoon on Institute parade ground Roanoke scored a touchdown in the first half and failed to kick goal which lost theta the game With the hall dangerom- ly near the Collegians goal they secur- ed It on a ftisBblc and Bowers ran near ly the length f the field for their only score The Caddb by fast running of the carried lime ball across the fteld In the second half and then bucked line sending Pre over for a touchdown Xoutgomery hl ed goal from a difficult angle which won the game as neither eleven could score afterward ith nrh the ball was carried across the field and lost near the goal en a fumble Roanoke was much lighter than their opponents Cadets Maasie and Nicbolte and Co- llegians Bowers and Harwbargr were Several I burr the out 1JIak urg UOtnokeH Failure to Kick iost Sale ends Manc Was time Goal a I < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ° CHICAGOS EASY VICTORY Indiana Played AVell in First Half but Weakened in ext Chtango Oct 27 The University of ChtonRo defeated Indiana University on tile grfcttron at Marshall Flew this ternoon by a score of 33 to 4 The Hoeaiers proved quite a strong opposi- tion The hates were outclassed in weight hut made up for the disadvLc tag by their superior speed India held Us rivals almost even in the flint halt by Hares brilliant kick- ing m which lie decidedly outshone Eok ersall the Chicago star The half ended with a score of 10 to 4 In Chicagos favor In the second half Chicago land every thing own way making three touch downs Indiana scored her points on a goal from the flew MOTES LOSE TO ST JOHNS Kendall Green Team Slightly Out olassed by the Collegians Aminpnlift Klevcn WaK Confident of AVinnin f liy n Iarge Margin and Sarpriflcd nt Loiv ScprcS- aMMl The V- Aiuwpnlfer Ml Oct 9L John CAM lesj of Aampoi and G Bw0d t College of Wa hh ton seesaw game on SL Johns Held this nwrainc the local ia titotion finally out by th score f i to U The two teams were nearly evenly matched St John s confident of winning ih game by a good margin and the team started right IB and bad one touchdown two minutes after play had been started Uodiswnyed however the mutes along and when the first half which lasted minutes was over yore stood Gallandet 11 SL Johns 6 Both teams played an even stronger gnrae m tbf second half Gallatodet es peciany ap the bucks circling St Johns dsoat several occasions flaw large gains St Johns too did some good work and saJnrd ground consistently by star plays but the visitors twice rallied in the sec- ond half when their goal line was and recovered toe ball on downy A thIrd time they also held strong on their yard n uk jandCi t Stevens of St Johns IcielMd a pretty goal from placement y yoxd line Today was Stevens first appear unco in the game for two weeks owing to a fTained ankle One of the visitors touchdowns was hard earned They re- covered Ihe ball in midftold after a kick and worked ii Readily down the field St Jonas made a strong stand when the ball but ene foot from their goal anti from hat clone point it took the visitors the downs to ft ovec Mosey made Ue scftr on i dvc through St Jeans right tackle Fcr St Johns tie work of Bordley Rubl and WarHeW in carrying the baJl aid the tackUnir of Brady tvas good Qithnfey pteyed hs ueual strons defensive ODonnell and Sharp were the features of Gallaudettf play StJote Boater Itewttf- wrnn Clait GaHause- tCJwrtl aSaaUt- oOi oao4l Ktrtzfet- Jtoeey Hewy- TaadadoraBnMiar Sfcanklia and Oc bi tuna tocchJmriM Bealey 2 sad OD MIL n al fKM pteeiwsBtStPvem lefacMr Mr Tin cf 3Jo m Mr E rfcao nf Gal UodH HcaH limiiiiaii Sir AV eorg St JcJinS Lh wweHJlr HaiT frs Cansodet ami Cadet Melrtirtor c J Tb eef bairn sad feft tackle left pumi- ArtxM ccster Jones right pierS Ilreiy rajht end Kordtey mrt r back WrtkW Wl hell bark J WTCM RdW riKkt hf lack Stone Magroder sad Stertns fuM bert UJ If tJI 0 af- t its I to S a twtnt lIve the from our game End ruiJs by Wt 11- i tDCierbilI I I D Lrlligh Vas Urmil played winning was plugged en- dangered tie wee < shove Mfitey SnkhIn leeidon end Bell d MOsey alnute ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > lethkh m Pa Oct T ehlgti ran away Fraaklln mad Marshall to- day Th L nc5tprlad8 wore outclasse- d in every respect and Lealgh was kept busy pilh up touchdowns The sore wOn 3S to 0 The touchdowns were mode iJ Troutman Aman Treat Spiers Kicked two gosrts- and Anian one Spiers made u run for one of tbo touchdf Tfeat- maJr another to chdovni from the kfck- Vlijtr ttc nu Ovation AnnapolUk MIL OfeL Dr Harry WhJt formerly of Georgetown and the southpaw of the 50 AnTican- l bswball who pitched t fer White Sox in the worlds champkiafihip erl 8 wIth tb i CHi ra o Nationals was in Annapolis tedeyi- 4nd saw NarJBuckftplt football game H r 9evad an ovetion from the brigade of mdsiipmeiiWhito coached the Middy nine last spring with b Met SRi yard off P from Uildec The I gut ten th- en game and Cs Special to iasi4ntu herald rn the the L ¬ o Salem year irtj nfi ohMrt K Down by the navy Yard 901909 Eighth Street S E AUSPICES Yj 5VL C A TUB MBETIXO Y 31 C A GVJIXASIU3I ire ST xw ItODISKT f FRBB31AN linflalo- I rir l te OnarVtte- Acx1fctKm Orrbcstn- AAACOSTIA M IS CHURCH 8P 31 A U IM3 I I13IA Speaker XORTHBAST TB3IPLB- KTH tNT H STS Xx C K STUART Richmond IOTOMAr MALE QCARTETTiV ANOTHER GREATER WASHINGTON PLEASURE CLUE J I FACTS l lot 11 ra Itt Ji1i t- Iit Ihl r iK dT It iLL ti II d- rd t QU UI 10 tl- Id II f 1 t l d- blt U1 111 r u- r rr Sllc- hf7rt beat the br3r II HI a 1 1k The ieer4aufrnaCo MEETiNGS FOR MEN Sunday October 28 LUll I l Speak r EXCURSlOf OYSTER ROAST BY T Ik years I III i urasa1 sjmpeemaOs 1 aid csas- l i y k Itj1i ITFzFfiavl I I LiiM r I r > > > W P C ORCHESTRA City and Country Dances In DAKCING FREE Famous Chesapeake Bay Oysters All Can EatFREE Yu iVsjpcake iV ci R Ticket Itktrict UK itatkai Trains here Distrin Liar at U a at sad ISi p IB Iteturabn TC the Beech at tM sad Tsl- Sirio Order M Bt aiaiaaiidLaSes onoiK c Washington Steamboat Company Kvtry day iu ttac rear Ire u i for tort Muijde Nonoik i all points by tne steel ftcaarri Newport Sewa NcaMW pd Wasbingtoo Lr n w mtr rort- LT Alesandm7a paU Noitou Jtmfm- An J rt JliMM e7M KM Kort MobAxt 7a a at- Ar Karfata it fit Oat DoiJiiun Steaaswirthv tee Sew Ytk and Mercuaau AM- itrtiaaairn fer M- tirtwt oflfce TO l th It teJevboM Mite 3 or nb Main 3NO CaUuAHJkN M v l w and Gee W Ii CALLA11AN Gen Iaa Aet 54825 TO CALIFORNIA Via UASrilNoroN oiAbJ r KOcTK Kaw Slet Mttr Carp WnJKWt CUanse anrn Ptnonall cenilurt i J times eeij uuw A J IUSTt N i il Agt 511 are STEAMtR HARLKS MACALESTER Daily 10 aLl A m t lajr excepted ETAOST ROUNDTRIP EXCUHSION TICKETS WWC This trolley r 9 fia scenery near Wwh meLon CARS IJAlJf UOtKLi tlMJl CttE Y- CHASS LAKE GREAT FALLS OF THE POTOMAC Croat Falls and Old Domlrvtcn Railroad 36TH AND f STS NW Transfer both wars C piU Traction Coaapaar FOOTBALL AMONG CHINESE Collegiate Rules Dont Govern null Game Lasts for Several Dnyg Frau the Sea FnaeJaao CU- Chinamen re generally not ersjQted with betoie qttkk to accept liimnrjfitjinii so that when it fe said that NeO ou China boasts Of several football 1 a good deal of surprise will be e Yet football is no new game among the CeRstials at lean taatmg those otunesa who inhabit Northern Cnlaa and baK Mesi in existence a number f years Of course the game te not played ex- actly according to intercollegiate and a btaket or somethIng tools like oae replaces the modem football The CWaanen besides have no goato and the xHMran is replaced by the oC the towa which the deadlr combat 1ft waged with fifty sturdy Col- tialg on a side There Is not a man among them how- ever who is not six feet high some f them arc three inches taller wblle ijfe average weight is about 304 pounds The men who form the team are inhabitants of Northern China and arc typical of the race of giants produced in that part C the world Lined up them the knights 4C the gridiron of Pennsylvania or would appear as a team of pygmies an4 the Chinese giants would give the col- legians a battle roaI It they be in due d to appear on an American football new A dub With a collective wcigut ofJ- SKt pounds could carry everything b fore ft The main idea in the Chinese game of football as in the American Is to carry the wickerwork basket into the oppo- nents end of the town and this is often doie by stealth as well as by brute forr There are no tweqtymlnyte halves but gome ta continued until OPt side its purpose and often lasts r- do The 1W combatant are acattere ovep tie lewn and ypc oacli provided wit wjiiptle whirh they blow In order 1 1 bring assistance When i scrImmage occurs Chjna men si vt to their n th most itb8 s fre entlv s i c with delight Their v lis of triumph which rfesotid through the an when tnn- bjill is discovered likMi J by one who LWUJ board them to tlu rlHlntive f a pig that has been spear l The Jhan ins is gen rii done nitli the tad Flue only precaution taken by them on the feotlmll fiekl is for the prescnatlen Cf th Hr pigtails which ar eared for f though they worth ir value With this exception the throw caution to the winds and dvot with all their strenjtli to tb play CI1ESAPEAKE BEACH SundaY9 October 28- G 50c lit p I iied cwa- 1J W 5 r UcL5aO l tzJ- oi Maie wan ate IlL 10 trdard LqGlpmcn ri TO MOUNT VERNON a e J To Kensington ilk r with streets In Harvard ac- t p s ar fI t r the 1 e ves 5OCOPiPLL- Pi ea a 4 mot M a1ae aaS moth ooutni pW a 1 n- 1r mtonth43taa j ousam yu4eDAm at 5i anon app gaeat h Mgi mon i arKIll Abe htha Dmug arIT- hmercatu ira fanuiifleiit Seni I ft could I the the feelings are cry a Were thousand tim > < > > > < > > ¬ > < > = =

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-10-28 [p 8]....118 Jaft tackte-wn right gafttd JMrlsca-Morten Hta rtiil6bt tadtte OtMant-Kon right eMJadnoaJlfla as-ixiHj qoancr liack C Itatocy-1m



Scores Georgetowns OnlyPoints Against W Li


exington 151 oven Recovers Halt onJyard Line and Shoves It AcroNitbut MIsses Opportunity to TicScore Hodgsona Long Punt n GiveOeorprctovTM n Biff Advantage


Gfcorgttown WasWngton and J ee a-

Gcorg Washington S Westerlund F

yrhKeton 14 Cornell 5Xavy 0 Buokn ll o

Dartmouth 0 WIHianis tVale Amherst 0-

f indian 24 Pennsylvaniaiiai urd 5 West Point tT high 33 Franklin rfJBi e

Johns 1 GalUmdet11-iJafayettc 17 Colgatewarthmore 1S Gettysburg 4Hte vcns 6 New York University 0Haverford 23 Ursinus 17Kentucky State College K Kentucky

Military Institute UVirginia Wcbwond tNebraska S DWBOJO CollegA

Georgetown disposed of the strongWashington and Le team yesterday liy

to in the most stubbornly foughtiime ol the season at Georgetown Field

The contest offered the nrst opportunityf comparing the relative strength

Virginia and Georgetown tad this sen-I to draw an unusually large crowd

To week ago Virginia played a tieaine with the Ivorth Carottita A and LoUege ind a short time h ter Ute Tar

libels tiad Washington and Lee 1 toJeorg tovns long touchdown was made

t v Kerr in the most spectacular indi-vidual play of tire game Catching punton the Blue and Grays 3 yard lineK rr shook off the two Virginia endnJ ruuiiirg along the eastern side line

u r down th held through his othernine opTonfnts 4ind planted the ball-s iuarelv between the nost A naoment-iiteir Cjpt Bocock kfced the goal thatie C o etj tm the winning pot

VuwMt Prove Coatly-v fumble on the 35yard flue of

viyjl the vtoltors their chance tQ getilivft tMicbdown Washington and Leeu vfred find after ball for-ward for W yards antt A first down tried

gwl frona the field The ball fell auiiple of ywrds short and bounded ontolair grtimd In acranable a VirginianIM ut bis opponent to It and Ml on the

on the yard line Three linesmashes carried the across the final

siilk lirv but the Lexington elevens opiortuaity to tie the score was lost whenMoornui u missed goal

toth jeams pnc u a strong den andMrrty tn bogtanlng of play when

w ib Nten that consistent rains were outh ue tica both Warns resorted

fase of superior kickrp of Hodgsoa Georgetown gained on

iriy every exchange but wash M before getttaig wtthfti scoring dinprceorgetown

suffered coasMeraWr beiu of penalties In the first half Boyleiirdli Heferee Oa the Blue

G rv l e fifteen yards d a ehorti-mifr LIter the team suffered the

m distance for holding Several timesigTown paid penalty for

Ivurr Scorc ToncJidoivni lodgson kicked off at the beginning and

i or fafittg to saID Washington and Leei mted Then followed a series of kicks

ntil finally Kerr gathered in the ball onaiyard Itae and ran practi

Ally the whotc knsth o the for aKhdown Bocock kicked goal

letter punting save Georgetown ainit advantage and a fumble on the 35-

ard tine wasYeccAered by Boyle Georget wn worked tbe forward pass for S-

pls but ws forced to surrender thei il on down i Time was called withvth-ehn in the Dosecssion of Washington andi on yard line

aslihigton and Lees only touchdownbortly the opening of the sec

riJ half The visitors minted from theiryard line to Miller an the Svard line

ut blonde half hack let the hall setway fnoqi him and a Virginian pooncea-nto iuTwo T ungei through center

m tted ficst down bat Georgetowns-retbsHI to be oaabed farther towar-

ds goil linem 1 yard e an attempt at goal

in t jC i eiit failed However Dowvinjtf rV l ft end was lint on the ballvtt ti Mile of players were pulied-

vi it was Washington and Lees ballGeorgetowns 5varfl line Three center

iiusgtri vorkfti it n roc for the touchvii urman making tbe last dive

A diflkiiU goal waS missedKUnnip2 tie kickoff Georgetown atijpted the quarterhack Kkk and it

v as Uook i Bttt Miller saved the homeim famngan the baU on the 3-

yurd line he ural RTUI near the centerf the fWd when time was called

liiieorPtaskiqB Wail

c left cad118 Jaft tackte-

wn right gafttd JMrlsca-Morten Hta rtiil6bt tadtte OtMant-Kon right eMJadnoaJlfla as-

ixiHj qoancr liack C Itatocy-1m left half hMfc T







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er right half MM StreetJKf foil back Joanjka-

r afMrvnsKcrT awl Moonoan bal mjMt-w Bococ IteftrwJ A Gaat I ahi-

gtirelL Y LrMat TtecrW J ThMher-J HnvnanMr Wefterrdt Ttaac f hatrc-aitjav an4 twenty mteu-

ulinrlmoutli 0 William n-

sprinKicld Mass J7 DarUnoulh-id Wiliams tnt today and after bat

ling through two halvc weep unablen rach ether ball was

i 15 bod up down th j MA duringhe first lialf without trouble on the

vurt of ither side In the second halflather tlov n was ablr to gain any on

3riehlgni iSj Illinois IAnn Arbor Mich Oct TIn a driv

ng rainstorm Illinois and Michiganplayed their annual football liefe-oday Michigan winning 3 to t

heavy slippery field both teams werei nder a heavy handicap and much fum

n g of passes occurred

Lafnycttc IT Colj ntc iiPa Oct 27jLafaycttc dtfeutfd-

olgatc here today by u score of 17 to jplaying the visitors throughout th

a me Colgate secured their touchdownthe latter part of tne second aftercostly fumble by Lafayette Lafny ttft-

vured two touchdowns In th first halfrd scored again in th seconda i yard run

Washington Wini lie Washjagtoij School for

team yesteretay memmg defeated theeven troiii Baltimore City Coll gtore oi S to 0 on th grounds o the iocs

in an Wiyccria avenge




cort Tband

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allb the










mlicrst Gave EJlIit n SUn llnttle onHavcit Gridiron

New Haven Conn Oct 27 Yate luckatone savwl the Blues Imcon againstAmherst at Yule Field tod r for theplucky little Massachusetts team

played a corking good bathad the ball twice within striking dintance of Yales goal and on one of thoseoccasions planted it on the 2yardThe final score showed Yale IT Amherat 0

same was a thriller and nothingbut words of praise on all aide wereheard for Amtaerst and CapL Habbard8plucky ten The most sensational playof the local men came slusrtly

was called fat the second half whenKeattns the Amherat picked up theball on a fumble aDd started for Yalesgoal Forbes wagf after him like a shotand with a desperate Hying tacklebreught him down within 2 yards ofthe line The Yale cohorts rose to a manand howled out otie prolonged yell carry-ing with it pentup excitement and relief

Amherst also brought up a good bunchof rooters who occupied the west standTheir wallorganize cheering and singinS caught the crowd They were throwninto spasms of Joy when the team badthe ball almost over the Yale goal lineMay played good hard ball The for-ward pass was not used to any extentRoome did a lot of punting and Knoxbooted ball from behind the lineat frequent intervals


Harvard Found Cadets Good

inDefense and Offense


Gnmc Had Gone to Almost Its TimeLimit When the ContcIt Dcqidcd aiouiitford Nearly 3Inkes nGoal front Field from 40ynrd LineTwo Harvard Men Arc Disabled

West Poftat Oct 27Ahowt Tjmen and women were on too 4 paradegmiad h re today and XIarr rd

team score a victory over theCadets themml score heing i to t Allthrough two halve tile army put opa strong game both in defense sad of-

fense Partteuiarty where line work camehi the army prove to be the strongerThe visitors only scored by a toocndown when the second half of the sanehid Almost run the time limit

There was plenty of enthusiasm onboth but the game itself lost thevigor and dash which characterised pre-vious contests fought out under the oldrules on the Went Point gridiron Inpunting the Harvard men had the bet-ter of it during the first halt as thevisitors had won the and selectedthe south goal which gave then thewind in theta favor

Mistakes were made by both teamsand penalties were frequently handed outToward the end of the Ant half whenHarvard had pushed tbe boll within a

niches of the rival goal line Har-vard was penamwd 15 for holdingand thus they lost a stand opportunityof scoring A few seconds later thewhistle ended the half In the secondhalf the aokllers made some spirited at-tack

3IoinitfordM KlcIc for GoalMountford came within a few inches of

scortmc a goal fnmi the Held tram thevrd line the ball going within a foot

of the desired place With the hall la-the middle of the flew Mountford madean attempt for a dropkick but WendallBlocked and the ball shot back behindthe West lines Wendall picked itup and HIM made an attempt to tacklelow Wendell then speeded away withthe entire team following him but be-

manamxl to make a touchdown beforeany of cadets reached him Orr failedto goal and the same was wonand lost right there A few exchanges ofmints left the ball in West Point terri-tory at the conclusion of the contest

West Point played team withoutmakfoer a cbangie but Harvard had twomen dteabicd in the second half

Ii lieup and Snmmary-W t Vaittitu IlarranL-

lliekasi left cad MUfer TEssam-MM Kcanavi

Week 4eft UcfeJr Otbarar-

Vnuterriste math KrWbnc-

rMkm Jt tarUe lachesSterna risM On-Mwrnltad jMtrr back Newhaa-Ilaataa left hat tack Koato

rigfct half adc Lockllffl MK baci WcaaW-

IToachdoKVWoHlell n f wMf McCncbta-UoHctaitr of l n 1 aida Uiarfna3lr Moriee-lJ irM t7 of P a sThairia sad Mr 3 LanafrwiTrinity I hinanan Mr Jtewa lIiTnfccd TIRC f


Eiohinond Proves a Strong Adveraary for Charlottesville Team

aiillcr Jumps timid Pulls Do ii n Luiisrunt undo Ilnntt from Jlidfiuld

for n Tonclidowii











raW 11







kick the



balnsI abates

l T










tIs v











Special to The Waiba tOB lieald-ChartolteKvllk Aa Oct 2 Mnia

defeated Richmond College here todayby the small score of 12 to

Virginia started off with a acnelug the first touchdown hi less time aminute but the sta e fright of the col-

legians soon disappeared and they set-tled down to Toni football

The visitors made their touchdown nearthe of the tint half when theirleft tackle Miller jumped in the ah inmdl M and pulled a long punt ontbe Urst bound and with imbody in hisway scampered for a touchoown

The Richmond College players Were un-

able to make headway against Vir-ginia by carrying the bull in the Jim halfbut three times In the second half madethe neetesary ten yards through the lineThey frequently resorted to punting andin nearly every case was the gainer there-by as the Virginia backs could nut catchthe ball with any degree or ccrtantyTwice Quarter Back Randolph simRhdfor a free catch and both times muffedthe ball

Capt Johnson Staniforth and MeMurdo carried the belt well white Cooke Willinv and Vaughan did fine wok in thelines I

The lineupVbjawa Poeiliaws RWwaod

right cud Khasr-Ooate right taeWr ItobeHft-VTimaaM Jigt rued Thww-Uotb v coaler Ttllnai-

Ve baa Wt fiard ChambtinJfft lutteleft tad Wright

PaminljTh I1etcita 4aarifi back Mca iSUsfiorth Ht batf b x Uuthaa-Jahw i left baK Urtt UoumStff JIcMnnJo full b A Wn-

iiItefotaIedc U p rcSawrk Head liiKs r-

fiwfth TotKbdonn JohofOD fookc Milk jcalshon toaehdowp R n4 liU Meixi Tiasi Of

INvcntj mirutc i





p till-er












ltliouffh the Annanoils Eleven Ou-

tplayed the Collcgrlniis They WereViinlilc to nUll n Score Up to TheirStandard of IInylnjc StronnrIrcn Ij Aids Punts of Hie Alultorsg-

pcrni to Waahtaetaa HcraMAnnapolis Md Oct 27Bncknell Cd-

lcg and the Annapolis Midshipmen metin their annual football gunm here

and for forty nrinutes the two teamsstruggled without a score Since Buck

warn snowed under by Princeton twoweeks ago and Annapolis held the Tigersto 5 to 0 a victory over Bwcknell nsgenerally expected today

After playing to a standstill in theAnt haft although Navy put up 1 strong-er game looked for the Mid-

dles 19 score once or twice in the sec-

ond half But Buckaetls strength seemedenduring and not only was Annapolisunable to get within striking distance butR looked at one time us if the visitorswould make a tally

The Middies started in like easy winnersand after a of the first halfthey worHwI the ball from midfield toone yard from the coveted s el whoreIfuekneli put up a stubborn defense andtook the leather on downs Althoughwithout the services of Capt Spencer atKIt tack who also does the punting amiNorton and Myers regular quarter backand left guard respectively the Middlesplayed creditably

Dtickncll Clever t KickingBucknei had a distinct advantage

the Middies in the kicking line especiallyin the flrst half A strong wind wasblowing at the of the visitors andthis greatly aided Clarks punts the windcarrying bull at times for fifty yardsr more On the other hand Strellnger

who did the kicking for Annapolis punt-ed very poorly against the and inthe second half when the wind favoredhim and when kicking was donethan In the ant hall be punted out ofbounds on nearly every occasion

Bucknei had a good opportunity toscore in the second half It was offeredon a side kick which Hayes recovered-on Navys yard mark Here howeverthe Middies gof together and recoveredon down A try for Held goal was out ofthe question owing to the strong head-wind After this the heft changed handsoften being nit on one side of the fieldand then on the other The Middies outplayed the visitors

Llncni and SummaryAwaiwIK ttaetotU-

C3aik MlIttntt pampwB Mt tartie ItanaCIlawk-

niliigii hft xaaid C BaliManisrtaf 4x0rr ODHt-

nrar right taeMe LssaanlemlDapt DcJfott right HajBattle iMrtcr att CRM-

w Wl half h X XW fc-eapt right half back Vaj

MM nffl hMt Clai-

Kef mXr G odcbB rf Lafayette U psMr McCloak laimnity 4 Pmatftnm OWrfIfa a Lie it lUavw of tbe aery hicaatnMidshipmait Kittem and Mr lisa fnr ItwtnrftThne of I ITW Twenty minutes n fc


Whits Men Fumbled and RedskinsWorked Forward Pass Well

Qniiftur lluck Lililiy Kicks n IffcGoal from the 45yanl Iincr-

eniiHy by Play

Philadelphia Oct 27 Pennsylvania suf-fered the most croohlns detest in yearsthis afternoon on FrankHn FleW whenthe Carlisle Indians won from the Redand Blue team by a store of 3 te 6 Pennsylvanias defeat was due to persistentfuraniin and the ad pt manner in whichthe Indians worked forward peas aplay which completely confused PenneyNearly all of the scoring was done in thefirst half

The Indians scored ftve minutes afterthe beginning of ply when Libby dropl ed a field goal from Bevnsylranias 45yard line It was a beautiful kick Penn-sylvania gamed tne lead a few momentslater when Levene blocked a kick on theIdyard line and Draper fell on the ballbehind the line Hollenbeck thg 4U TKentyftve minuter of the firsthalt bad been when Ixinswellfumbled Mount Pleasants Idea on the15yard line and Gardner recovering thehell made a touchdown Mount Pleas-ant booted the goal One minute laterLtfrraque scwd tb ball alter nibblesfumble and ran W yards for a touch-down Mount Pleasant again kicked goalTwo more points were gained by the Redswhen Lonfell lost his head on a puntand touched the ball behind Penneyvanias goal Hne allowing a safety to aleopponents The first half ended with thescore Indians 18 Pennsylvania 6

In the second half Exrdlne took die ballon a punt and Lube ran 75 yards for a




POllllsylvalliallS HeIU







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touchdown Mount Pleasant agained the goal Final score Indians 36Pennsylvania 6 The line ap-

ItraaThaiiia Iosttwes rLetene Gaaton left cod CardDraper left tackle MftwMlbGallagher left puwLHoUenbcck oentrr lustLa y richt tadclc Luba BkMh-Scarlett right end Exnpar-SHcUe Lay qnuta b rk LttayFoJmett left balf back Mt IkasaHtt-Jrcen rifbt half back Hcedrie-Lonctajr Dwyer fall bi

Kxidine O ate toecHdea tigHaaenlieeJcJfoont rfcaaaat O Goal fra x fteWLJW lle-frnrMr Oorbia Ya Uansi Jlr Sharpe YaleIJnewaMr SwJtlj of ItecknrB Tbtor of kalfw

31 miMtcs each


Assoulntion Team Defeats t IFraternity In BanketballY M C A and U and Frater-

nity boakrtbuM teams IB tlte CityIxttfu clashed las night on the fonney scourt Thv asaorwdon boys easily out

th I and I and Won handilyby tho ser of 54 to 13 McCfeiin playeda game as far as goal throwingwas concerned Ca H V lfants l o dlsUujnlished himself the defence ot histeam Herbert for the U und r didcreditable wcrfe Uneup and summary

Y XT r A Ponftoeioloniao I h ii ritit fMrvan Furraaw-

Hr fn ilH1 H Kft fnnrarrJ Mitelilt reattr U HrtbtrtJose l owte right enact DancuBW losesvfllbnK sn srd Deaa-

uoIM C in Lndwis IBiight 2 Greetis Jnoes Fowkr t a xl Miles

KffcrcpMr JKJre S rerMr



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t and I FratI

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ToabdeaiisDtper Iarrmmqia





HerbertHIIt snd urntg







WnrtltiiiKtnn IHsrli School Team WinsGood Game train Ularylnnders

Special to WaaWBgtOH UmULaurel Md Oct 27 The Central HJgi

School football team of Washingtonvisited Laurel thl afternoon and defeat-ed the Laurel High School team by thecore of 16 ttf oThe Laurel boys were decidedly hantll

capped in weight an Washingtonboys wore about ten pounds heavier tothe man although they hW visitorsdown very well In the second half andput up a fast plucky game Laurel had

leather wIthin live yard of the covet-ed goal line en three occasions but theWashington boys put their weHtft togood effort and kept them from wjrin-

Tlnwnus and C Phair for the Vintcteam and Butch and Lackland forvisitors put up a good game This wasthe opening game afglhe getisbn here anda crowd present Thlineup

Lat ItaJUana Oeatni-rhalr feftftelf tec KactertU-iUUsbdl foil tack Olw-RWWH itgbt bill tack KinsT-

fcMtMe Mt nd MeKcnvr-U Itatr rist cad aIdWteH toft tacfck WU-Jaawtea rfefet tad UefefcndJava Wt gaafi Easw-Ibalpa right pMid Maxery-Menoa center Taylar-Staffer OapU quarter tack McDonald

Ti e of and Mitt mliwtencm Lambert Impire Mcnon Tiaadieepcr Weifeed UMtmon Prye and Hamilton

C4corgo Washington BeatsWestern Maryland


LncnroneN Kuuiblc Cost Ills TeamPoints Thonma Carrying the

flail for n Touchdown Both Suttonniul Stccncrwon Kick Goals fromthe Field 3InryInndcrH Piny Pnit

George WashlngUm was given a sueprint yoaterday at Van NeatPark when they had dt ctilty hadefeating the strong Western Marylandteam hy a score of to It wa a hardfought contest replete with fumbling for-

ward prism and good kicking The localtenon showed an excellent grip on the newrules and gain after gain by trickplyrs and double passes They could

little with the Maryland aggregationuntil shortly before the close of the sec-ond half when Gibson and Sommers theirhusky tackles made consistent plungesfor many yards Both Steenersoi andSUtton kicked a goal from the Sell andalthough several other attempts failedthey showed great aptitude In this de-

partment and with the coaching of Croware sure to be dangerous from now on

A noticeable Amount of rumbling crop-ped out in George Washingtons playMay times as tile ball rotted on theground a local mass would fall on it only

it bound away Steencraon wan plOtof this fault several times during the nrajthalf and a bud fumble by Lacarone wasresponsible for Xaryhinds touchdownThe B full bark acquitted himself cred-itably at all other thncs and prdred atower of strength on the offense

The Maryland team was fast when oncein action hut there was a noticeable lowof time Between plays Turner Selland Adkins excelled in allround workalthough the xiattorf line deaenreii groutcredit for stopping the plunges of theirheavy opponents

ccncrson lvicl OffSteeaetwrn opened the game by kicking

off yards to Adkins who advanced Syards before he was downed on a prettytackle y Sntton Maryland failed togain through the line and Adkma kickedto Steenersoo

Board gained five yards through tacklethen on a double pass from Lac rone toSutton the latter made a brilliant run offorty yards After one rush to put theball in position Sutton dropped a prettygoal from the Xryard line the ball easilyclearing the post Lacerone tumbled thekiekovt and Seaman of Western Maryland captured the oval A series of shortgains in which Adkins and Seitman most

carried the baiT brought it to the5yard line Here the locals mad a de-termined stand and it took three 6ovnto push it over Thomas made the touch-down and Adkins failed goal

Adkhts kicked off flftyftvc yards toSteenerson who made five yard Afteran exchange of kicks the halt wasbrought to Marylands as yard line whereSutton failed in an attempt for a goalSommers caught the kickout and gained

yards Hen a forward WDK wastried and although George Washingtonrecovered the ball it was decided tonrst touched the ground and was broughtback to its point Lorando madetwenty yard on a forward poss by Steenerson who shortly afterward kicked toTurner who fumbled Lorando settingthe ball Sntton again tried a goal thebell hitting Use posts and bounding intothe tuWfield where Turner fell on it Tefirst half ended with the ball near thecenter of the Held

Play In the Second HalfAdkhw kicked off fifty yards to Steen

at the opening of tile second halfSommers mad tof twenty yardsthrough rigiit tackle Tbe Maryland lineheld point and Steenerson wasforced to i unt Gunning making a nicetackle Western Maryland was penalizedfor holding and the bail wcnt to the lo-

cals After two attempts to gain Steenn kicked


The I




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t this

erSOft Turner made






e sona












ty run of fifteen yards and followed it amonlpnt after with uaotiier of the samedistance ou a forward pass Adkr

moment later to Hewyman who wasthrown in his tracks by Turner Fromthis time on George Washington madestBudy gains unll they were finally heldon Marylands 10yard line Here Steenerson dropped bark and sent the oval di-

rectly between the goal POStS winningthe game for the locate After this theball remained almost In the renter o the

until time was called The lineupGeo Waih rSoehioB AVest jtt-

Ix do right end TM-TGfbm tartslr Carre-

rSnaurnk left uule OHtanw-OwwiBg Wt nd Haata-Stccaenen quarter taw Tvnr-BiaH right tw SeUman-SHUML left half back MarcosLaoarwte full tf Adttw caici-

TaatsdeHHTtonjtf toits run ldSuUon andStoeH fgep IcfctwAr Suter IMmftop Uraptre

Mr Itataow Daruaonth Tismvi KKs Mc-D ett and IanSn Unr icnM r JferhnoG V U deron Western MUnknA Thac

Victory fur Norfolk AcademySpecial to JIM wa Wnston Htfak-

JNorfplji Va Oct 27 The strong Nor-folk Academy eleven defeated the tieli-mohd College second team here after

by the ore of to Aldebertaohmaking u ouchdown on a long end run intime second halt from whifh a g l wakicked

BIrvmlnKdalc TJe ScoreThe Bloomingdale Athletic Club and

the Second Mount Pleasant footballteams played an exciting same at McDtitts Field last evening and whendarkness made further pti impossiblethe score Has a tit i tu i

kick-ed a

1 WIceo-rn Wt tIdhefitoat








F-Bonsuan Tbsl1my

awlsc ad2s mtnalea










Princeton Outplayed by Itliacaiis in First Half


Fourteen o Five the Finn ScoreQuarter flack Dillon Iut Out ofthe Game for Vxliiff Ilufllanly Time

tics JIcCorituick Iw a Tower ftf-

SlrciiKlh to the Winning Ifilcvpii

New York Oct 27 In as pretty ahas ever been seen on a gridiron

Princeton defeated Cornell at tne PoloGrounds this afternoon by the score of14 to f Abounding In spectacular playsthat at times fakly raised the hate of th-

Hpactators the contest proved our thingbeyond all wisdom of thechanges made in the rules wb4ch b vegiven the spoTting world practically a newgame It also demonstrated the poMfbilities of the open style of play when K ahaJIhave been brought to a higher stage ofperfection an accomplMiin ot wMchr It isunreasonable to expect a single season ofpractice will make poiwioUv

The score to about representsthe strength of the two teams and thescore by halves too shows well the differ-ence in the endurance of the contestantsIn the lint half Cornell clearly outplayedPrinceton in all departments of the gameexcept pointing Harlan with his lootslow punt ovtkteklng WoUker and Me-

Cuieheon Although CorneUs playthe stronger Princeton s display of skillIn executing trick and open plays andWaWers poor attempt at a goal left thescore standing Princeton Cornell i

Tigers Strike Their GaitIn the second half the Tigers struck

their real gait and played Cornell nearlyoil tier feet Several times Princeton waswithin distance of Cornolls linebut a fumble or foul play lost her theba A ground rule adopted for thegave Princeton two points to whichunder straht rules she not entitledThis rule provided that If the ball shouldgo behind the goal line on a blocked kickIt should count as a safety no matterwhich side secured the bell Princeton exe 4 h a pfoy and made two points

One display of unsportsmanlike conductoccurred to mark a game which

was remarkably free from slugStn or rough playing E Dillon the

j Ii rinc ioi quarter hack angreed because a Red and White playerdid not rise quickly from a scrimmagestruck the Cornell man in the face withMs open hand The blow was plain toovary one and hoots and hisses greetedthe ttttle fellow who hadself with glory during the gaoae as hewas ordered to the side lines

Iriuccioit Kiukx 00On the toesup won and al

lowMt Princeton to The Ithacans-80t tile ball on their Syard line Thenthey started with a rush that swept

Tigers o their feet Welder puntjd and Dillon funibted allowing Cor-

nell to reover the ball on PrtnoetonR-S5yard line Earle and Babrock executeda dutiful forward pass which netted 1

yards The Cornell backs throughholes in the Tiger line for gainsat every attempt sad ip just six niovia the ball was raffled eye the goalM 1 Hf filled at goal howover Princeton rtcovtr4 the haM afterthe Wekotf and Bddie Dillon and Hoagland e a deviate pass mMe 9A ejoarterhsjck kick gave Wlstcr achance at tbe ball said he galloped overthe Cornell live Cooney kicked goal

Some beautiful playing on both aidesCornell however having the best of theargument occupied the rest of the haltOnce Cornell worked the hall to Princetons 25yard line and Walder tried agoal from placement which went a littlewild

Chant in Second HalfDuring the second half several change

were made In the lineup of both teamsMcCntcbeon replaced Walder at ft buckfur Cornell and later gave way to Saylor Watson relieved Babcock at leftend Cass for Princeton took the placeof Miller and Tenney relieved K Dillonwho went out for slugging

Princeton started right in to maletrouble for her lighter opponents TheTigers got the ball on Cornline A beautiful forward pass Harian

netted 35 yards McCormtektore great holes in the Ithacans fine andwent over after a few yodel for thesecond touchdown Cooq y kicked thegoal

Princeton when she got the ball afterthe kickoff went after Cornell hard Mc-Cormtek on one broke through theline and ran for nearly 4V yards beforecemittg down wader half the Cornell teamTwo rushes and a fake play curried theball to the l yard line ThereIthacaoa held and Marian fell backfor a dropkick A Cornell tuna toncbelthe hall spoiling trie play although thepigskIn passed squarely between the goal-posts Cornell saved the bat underthe ground rOle Princeton was creditedwith two potnta making 14

Heavy penalties of Princeton gave Cor-nell the ball later on the Tigers 15yardline Jamison dropped back t r a try

goal kirk A poor puss spoiled btechance and Cornells ohltnce toscore again Princeton recovered Jh haand caryieil it down the nel by

holding it until utesounded Several times previously Prince-ton had worked thf hull within35yard line but misplays or Tools ctiueedher to lose the pigskin at critical mo-ment The game ended Prhvreton 14

CornellThe IimnpIV-

inceton PuHtow OorarilJet end Itaboocfc WatmitaD MR tad Co k

1 Dillon Ml sand Thg mihoningrisbt ystxrA O Itautte

right tackk Ilrtetca-ri fct rod Van Omni

kft bait WeK awrferight half tet QtfeMn-

tiH brkW kfcr McCotrtMm-

E Dillon TlUrtau3 Vr Ow

1 Safety under tnuud raieft Prfcton 1 Jtrf-mtWriektineUw Ilanaid UamovMtods 1enn-ariwaik LhnaauB Pr 9ta tfrr PaaM trantaTfcm of haJrwTblrty ininhn




of 14




n same











her aNn



rushes whist













Ss1O-cTaah mrs MeCmnlt Welder oonr





Icndnll Cadciw AVant finmcsTh Fendall Cad ts of Georgetown

would Hk to the best lightweightbaskotlwll learn in Ttcrack l pound legal r antf L prerred Address Mr DfuJnmbrtd manager27J3 M strt t ndrthwe t Lineup ICeanright forNvard MeHale left forwardron centrr SeUcj risht DixonK ft bavk

Fourth Clans Midihipnien Ucatcii

Annapolis Jrld Of t 2i The CatonsvlUfe Country elub of Baltimore defted the eleven of Plebes or Fourth

Mid5hipm at football today 5to

Princeton Frcfflimen ITin-lyracuee N Y Oct 7 Prinwt n

Freshmen defeated the Syrscus Frcshmen today 6 to 0 Princeton touchdown was seorcJ n the last five minutesof plaj

Washi ttoflttQ







The WeetilonJjIM









Moth Tennis Put Vl a Poor Gnjneand Crowd Disappointed

Sjrctal to Tb WiiigtOl HeraldRichmond Vs Oct Neither UM

Virginia Polytechnic Institute nor theUniversity of North Carolina was aWet seore in the game here this after-noon Both team showed np ratherweak and the game on the whole wasrather a disappointment to the 4 peo-ple who witnessed it Carolina evidentlyhad the stronger tenm The game wasplayed in Virgitttes territory all the

times Oroltna lad good chancesto score but the team did not seem tohave enough confidence in themselvest take advantage of their opportunitiesNutter played well for Virginia but bewas taken out toward the end on ac-

count of fatigue The open play nvtwith the approval of the spectators whocould watch the bull all the time

The forward pose was tried success-fully several times by both teams

was forced to kick in severalInstances asset gtv up the ball becauseof her inability to make gains TheBlackHburg line was a steady as a walbut Ute North Carolina ends were fastIn circling pIp A feature of gamewa the preMiu the field of a num-ber of loyal women whorooted faithfully for their favorites Therewas a large number of people from Caro-lina prceent


v Them Chance to Tic GameSe rtat t The Wantia taa Herald

Lexington Va Oct 1 Virginia 3IWtary Institute f Bespoke CollegeVs 5 was the result of tit game herethis afternoon on Institute paradeground

Roanoke scored a touchdown in the firsthalf and failed to kick goal which losttheta the game With the hall dangerom-ly near the Collegians goal they secur-ed It on a ftisBblc and Bowers ran nearly the length f the field for their onlyscore The Caddb by fast running ofthe carried lime ball across the fteldIn the second half and then bucked linesending Pre over for a touchdownXoutgomery hl ed goal from a difficultangle which won the game as neithereleven could score afterward ith nrhthe ball was carried across the field andlost near the goal en a fumble Roanokewas much lighter than their opponentsCadets Maasie and Nicbolte and Co-llegians Bowers and Harwbargr were





1JIak urg

UOtnokeH Failure to Kick iost









< > ¬










Indiana Played AVell in First Halfbut Weakened in ext

Chtango Oct 27 The University ofChtonRo defeated Indiana University ontile grfcttron at Marshall Flew thisternoon by a score of 33 to 4 TheHoeaiers proved quite a strong opposi-tion The hates were outclassed inweight hut made up for the disadvLctag by their superior speed

India held Us rivals almost even inthe flint halt by Hares brilliant kick-ing m which lie decidedly outshone Eokersall the Chicago star The half endedwith a score of 10 to 4 In Chicagos favor

In the second half Chicago land everything own way making three touchdowns Indiana scored her points on agoal from the flew


Kendall Green Team Slightly Outolassed by the Collegians

Aminpnlift Klevcn WaK Confident ofAVinnin f liy n Iarge Margin and

Sarpriflcd nt Loiv ScprcS-

aMMl The V-

Aiuwpnlfer Ml Oct 9L John CAM

lesj of Aampoi and G Bw0d t Collegeof Wa hh ton seesaw gameon SL Johns Held this nwrainc the localia titotion finally out by thscore f i to U The two teams werenearly evenly matched

St John s confident of winning ihgame by a good margin and the teamstarted right IB and bad one touchdowntwo minutes after play had been startedUodiswnyed however the mutesalong and when the first half whichlasted minutes was overyore stood Gallandet 11 SL Johns 6Both teams played an even strongergnrae m tbf second half Gallatodet especiany ap the bucks circling St Johnsdsoat several occasions flaw large gains

St Johns too did some good work andsaJnrd ground consistently by star playsbut the visitors twice rallied in the sec-ond half when their goal line was

and recovered toe ball ondowny A thIrd time they also heldstrong on their yard n uk jandCi tStevens of St Johns IcielMd a prettygoal from placement y yoxdline Today was Stevens first appearunco in the game for two weeks owingto a fTained ankle One of the visitorstouchdowns was hard earned They re-covered Ihe ball in midftold after a kickand worked ii Readily down the field StJonas made a strong stand when the ball

but ene foot from their goal antifrom hat clone point it took the visitorsthe downs to ft ovec Moseymade Ue scftr on i dvc through StJeans right tackle

Fcr St Johns tie work of BordleyRubl and WarHeW in carrying the baJlaid the tackUnir of Brady tvas goodQithnfey pteyed hs ueual strons defensive

ODonnell and Sharp were the featuresof Gallaudettf playStJote

Boater Itewttf-wrnn




oOi oao4lKtrtzfet-

Jtoeey Hewy-

TaadadoraBnMiar Sfcanklia andOc bi tuna tocchJmriM Bealey 2 sad OD MILn al fKM pteeiwsBtStPvem lefacMr MrTin cf 3Jo m Mr E rfcao nf GalUodH HcaH limiiiiaii Sir AV eorg StJcJinS Lh wweHJlr HaiT frs Cansodet amiCadet Melrtirtor c J Tb eef bairn sad

feft tackleleft pumi-

ArtxM ccsterJones right pierSIlreiy rajht endKordtey mrt r backWrtkW Wl hell barkJ WTCM RdW riKkt hf lackStone Magroder sad

Stertns fuM bert

UJ If tJI 0






twtnt lIve the



game End ruiJs by

Wt 11-

















Mfitey SnkhIn



d MOsey












lethkh m Pa Oct T ehlgti ranaway Fraaklln mad Marshall to-

day Th L nc5tprlad8 wore outclasse-d in every respect and Lealgh was

kept busy pilh up touchdowns Thesore wOn 3S to 0 The touchdowns weremode iJ Troutman Aman

Treat Spiers Kicked two gosrts-and Anian one Spiers made urun for one of tbo touchdf Tfeat-maJr another to chdovni from the kfck-

Vlijtr ttc nu Ovation

AnnapolUk MIL OfeL Dr HarryWhJt formerly of Georgetown and thesouthpaw of the 50 AnTican-l bswball who pitchedt fer White Sox in theworlds champkiafihip erl 8 wIth tb i CHira o Nationals was in Annapolis tedeyi-4nd saw NarJBuckftplt footballgame H r 9evad an ovetion from thebrigade of mdsiipmeiiWhito coachedthe Middy nine last spring


b MetSRi


off P

from UildecThe


gut ten th-en game



Special to iasi4ntu herald

rn the




o Salem year

irtj nfiohMrt K

Down by the navy Yard901909 Eighth Street S E



ire ST xwItODISKT f FRBB31AN linflalo-

I rir l te OnarVtte-Acx1fctKm Orrbcstn-


A U IM3 I I13IA Speaker






I FACTSl lot


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The ieer4aufrnaCo


Sunday October 28

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Speak r




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IIII i urasa1 sjmpeemaOs

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City and Country DancesIn

DAKCING FREEFamous Chesapeake Bay OystersAll Can EatFREE

Yu iVsjpcake iV ci RTicket Itktrict UK itatkai

Trains here Distrin Liar at U a at sad ISip IB Iteturabn TC the Beech at tM sad Tsl-

Sirio Order M Bt aiaiaaiidLaSes

onoiK c WashingtonSteamboat Company

Kvtry day iu ttac rear Ire u ifor tort Muijde Nonoik iall points by tne steel

ftcaarri Newport Sewa NcaMWpd Wasbingtoo

Lr n w mtr rort-LT Alesandm7a paU Noitou Jtmfm-An J rt JliMM e7M KM Kort MobAxt 7a a at-Ar Karfata

it fit Oat DoiJiiun Steaaswirthvtee Sew Ytk and Mercuaau AM-itrtiaaairn fer

M-tirtwt oflfce TO l th ItteJevboM Mite 3 or nb

Main3NO CaUuAHJkN M v l w and Gee

W Ii CALLA11AN Gen Iaa Aet

54825 TO CALIFORNIAVia UASrilNoroN oiAbJ r KOcTK Kaw

Slet Mttr Carp WnJKWt CUanse anrnPtnonall cenilurt i J times eeij uuw

A J IUSTt N i il Agt 511 are

STEAMtR HARLKS MACALESTERDaily 10 aLl A m t lajr excepted


This trolley r 9 fia scenery near WwhmeLon CARS IJAlJf UOtKLi tlMJl CttE Y-



Croat Falls and Old Domlrvtcn Railroad36TH AND f STS NW

Transfer both wars C piU Traction Coaapaar


Collegiate Rules Dont Govern nullGame Lasts for Several Dnyg

Frau the Sea FnaeJaao CU-

Chinamen re generally not ersjQtedwith betoie qttkk to accept liimnrjfitjiniiso that when it fe said that NeO ouChina boasts Of several football 1

a good deal of surprise will be eYet football is no new game among theCeRstials at lean taatmg those otunesawho inhabit Northern Cnlaa and baK Mesiin existence a number f years

Of course the game te not played ex-actly according to intercollegiateand a btaket or somethIng toolslike oae replaces the modem footballThe CWaanen besides have no goatoand the xHMran is replaced by the

oC the towa which the deadlrcombat 1ft waged with fifty sturdy Col-tialg on a side

There Is not a man among them how-ever who is not six feet high some fthem arc three inches taller wblle ijfe

average weight is about 304 pounds Themen who form the team are inhabitantsof Northern China and arc typical of therace of giants produced in that part C

the worldLined up them the knights 4C

the gridiron of Pennsylvania orwould appear as a team of pygmies an4the Chinese giants would give the col-legians a battle roaI It they be indue d to appear on an American footballnew A dub With a collective wcigut ofJ-

SKt pounds could carry everything bfore ft

The main idea in the Chinese game offootball as in the American Is to carrythe wickerwork basket into the oppo-nents end of the town and this is oftendoie by stealth as well as by brute forr

There are no tweqtymlnyte halves butgome ta continued until OPt side

its purpose and often lasts r-

do The 1W combatant are acattereovep tie lewn and ypc oacli provided witwjiiptle whirh they blow In order 1 1

bring assistanceWhen i scrImmage occurs Chjna

men si vt to their n thmost itb8 s fre entlv s i cwith delight Their v lis of triumphwhich rfesotid through the an when tnn-bjill is discovered likMi J by one whoLWUJ board them to tlu rlHlntive fa pig that has been spear l The Jhanins is gen rii done nitli the tad

Flue only precaution taken by them onthe feotlmll fiekl is for the prescnatlenCf th Hr pigtails which ar eared for fthough they worth

ir value With this exception thethrow caution to the winds and dvot

with all their strenjtli to tbplay


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