washington field division.) 111111111111!

] 1 A LL_._ _ 1' I I 10 HLTOLD•TEIS2EFG December 12, 194 The Louisville Division advised on Au,:ust 9, 1938, nut in the year 1938 Harold. 7eisberg as connected with the Committee on Education and Labor, United States Senate, and as in Iltrlan, Kentucky, during the trial of United States versus Mary Helen Coal Corporation, et al - Civil Rights and Domestic Viclence. (44-175-348) In March, 1940, when.Harold reieberg - pa intervie7ed in connection with an official investigation, he stated that lie 7as employed by the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee until June, 1939, and thereafter did special reaaarch - cerh for the Dies Comarittee. (61-75C7-624; Ctatt-ent furnished by Harold rcisberg to Special Agents ,arold Weisberg vas the TashinLton correspondent of the magazine "Friday" published in New York City. Fe - aa the author of an article in the second issue of this magazine which attached the then Assistant Secretary-of State, Adolf A. Berle, Jr. (65-2839-14) The February, 1941, issue of the "Click" magazine, page three, contained an article entitled "Hitler's Foot Sol dier," dealing -ith r Czeeno- slovakian shoe manufacturer named Jan Bata. The author , A" this article : - as Harold Weisberg, who according to a reliable source of information, on the ' staff of the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee as editor of the Committee's publications. This source stated that in 1936 end 1937 he %Tier - reisberg and the informant was cf the opinion that . Weisberg was at least a Communist sympathizer, but probably was closer than that to the P37t. 61-7566-217 7 ' for February 1941 and 111111.11111111111111 The Washington Field Division on SerAeml)er111, 1941, advise - 1 that on February 12, 1941, of the "Silver Shirt Legion of America," was convicte i on c3, rCe cp 'or,cry and uttering and obtaining money under false pretenfles.4111111cmc,:lree - e idet of selling forged corresoondence reported to be signet: by11111111111111111111., ich would implicate members of the Dicz Co -lit 5e2 Dian the Silver Shirts would not be investigated by the Dier, Co )nitt-:e. end657Pred to sell such correspondence to Harold 7eiaberg 1 , 4had been very active in opposing activities of tie Dies ColmitL - : 89Pphige 15) /) .. // 3 :: 7 .Parrishtmvb and 11111111111111 Washington Field Division.) 111111111111! tna tF--- advised on ,,Lay 1 - boyiEs DESTROYED 8472 SER 26 1962 -"W

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December 12, 194

The Louisville Division advised on Au,:ust 9, 1938, nut in the year 1938 Harold. 7eisberg as connected with the Committee on Education and Labor, United States Senate, and as in Iltrlan, Kentucky, during the trial of United States versus Mary Helen Coal Corporation, et al - Civil Rights and Domestic Viclence. (44-175-348)

In March, 1940, when.Harold reieberg - pa intervie7ed in connection with an official investigation, he stated that lie 7as employed by the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee until June, 1939, and thereafter did special reaaarch -cerh for the Dies Comarittee. (61-75C7-624; Ctatt-ent furnished by Harold rcisberg to Special Agents

,arold Weisberg vas the TashinLton correspondent of the magazine "Friday" published in New York City. Fe - aa the author of an article in the second issue of this magazine which attached the then Assistant Secretary-of State, Adolf A. Berle, Jr. (65-2839-14)

The February, 1941, issue of the "Click" magazine, page three, contained an article entitled "Hitler's Foot Soldier," dealing -ith r Czeeno-slovakian shoe manufacturer named Jan Bata. The author ,A" this article :-as Harold Weisberg, who according to a reliable source of information, on the ' staff of the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee as editor of the Committee's publications. This source stated that in 1936 end 1937 he %Tier- reisberg and the informant was cf the opinion that. Weisberg was at least a Communist sympathizer, but probably was closer than that to the P37t. 61-7566-2177' for February 1941 and 111111.11111111111111

The Washington Field Division on SerAeml)er111, 1941, advise-1 that on February 12, 1941, of the "Silver Shirt Legion of America," was convicte i on c3, rCe cp 'or,cry and uttering and obtaining money under false pretenfles.4111111cmc,:lree - e idet of selling forged corresoondence reported to be signet: by11111111111111111111., ich would implicate members of the Dicz Co -lit 5e2 Dian the Silver Shirts would not be investigated by the Dier, Co )nitt-:e. end657Pred to sell such correspondence to Harold 7eiaberg 1,4had been very active in opposing activities of tie Dies ColmitL-: 89Pphige 15) /) .. //


and 11111111111111 Washington Field Division.) 111111111111! tna

tF--- advised on ,,Lay 1


boyiEs DESTROYED 8472 SER 26 1962



4 V

In December, 1342, and October, 1943, one Harold Weisbcez s connected with the offices of Con-ressman Vito !"saicantonio. It is not knonrm if thirrndividual is icicnti ol -.;ith the sebicct cf this nenranCen. ,ne-31;

In I.:arch, 1946, Harold 17eisberg emnloyed in the Research Analysis Branch, Latin American Division, Office of Strategic Services, latarn:, known as the Division of the American Republics', State Department. The records of the State Department reflect that Weisberg was born in Pennsylvania ona'. April 3, 1915. Highly confidential sources have advised that 7eisb•r7, while so employed, was a mutual friend of both of whom are known to have Co:neuni t sy;Tj t S

Harold 'aeisberg aas disciverged from the State Denartment on June 23, 1947, under the previsions of the :cCarran rider to the State Lepartment's Appropriations Bill, according to. State Deeartment ennloyee. (02-97A9-91;:;

An article appeared in the 7aishington Tiaev-Ecraid .atcd 2eeten:eor 21, 1947, entitled "Ousted State Department Aides are Identified.” This article was written by James Walter and listed among the ten employ-:s dismissed by the State Department on June 23, 1947, the name of Ehrold Wcisbern, 2300 neck Ferth Nottingham Street, Arlington, -Virginia, assignment not disclosed. (62-35749-A) An article ap eared in the Talshington Post dated Yovember 1E, 1917, which stated that the State Department on the peevious date had "becheJ din' on the firinn without a trial of the individuals 7.:riDS:3 loyaltyeees said to 'ee in question. The article sated that the employees were free to reeinn veith nothinn.on their records against them. The State Department' s• pc:eel:don nas reversed to avoid any possible inj- ,stice. Nash. Post 11-18ea7, naee 1)

Information Apnsaring in State Department Files

The file on this individual was reviewed at the State Department on November .13,_1047, at which tine it was determined -.at on December 5, 1940, The State Department sent to the Bare for a spot caeca the subject's noi.e.

This request was returned by the Bareaa wit_ t:-21 tOi4, ":3 iaferen- tion.", On December 20, 1946, inform,tion was su.,lied to th State Denartaent, although the source was not stated, that subject was a "1-7.roar frin an contact of persons identified ac active in the Grecory case. Nature o cition net no' w known."

It was noted that the State Department at nn tine aade a reee- et of the Bureau for investinative assistance in thie Cl...3C. The Ota'..;e Doe:ant:lent initiated.,an u' an of Tieisberg on November 26, 1:31d, nhieh centinu eem,t.- until June 23, 1947, on which date the subject was dismissed. The 2ertc DepAtmentis investigation revealed that custoaary sources such as neanh' ehood

1 inve tbrgation, reference checks, police department, checks, env1 ,a ef Die port , as well as the Committee on Un-American Activities were covered. was also noted tint on April 14, 1947, the State Denertmzne placed a ;;ail ce-vr . '..2p. on We'seerg. This coveren:e was disconLinuea on June 2, 1917.


-"L.A.-Lae • f.t.‘,..N..-.2_!.*-,h.-"1-,4., ,,e1Ce.."-e-a-