washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1902-01-13 [p 2]. · i m masay mllllami ef ejbl law...

FVFlvn MONDAY JANUARY 2 ittt rTr j1 c raCjj1TrTl1V i Oz ANNOYED BY SPECULATORS Property Owners Importun- ed for Back Taxes ARREARS AID INTEREST f Some Unenviable KxjierlcHce of Ui- iittiKiioctinK Owners of Itvnl ISstate A Procat From New Tort JStatc- Throwgli tb admtBlatmtioB of the As- sascers those who pwchase bask taxes sad harass tie owners ot fc v ri for Ute payment of tax Interest and penalty are hsTlng a loss oaay rood to travel than formerly Under the law providing for the sale of taxes w arrears the Assessor is required each year to make up a list of tues Ja arrears to advertise the same and to sell at public auction the several Items of the highest bidder law also re- quires that the person tuylag the back tax must pay to the District the amount due Oa the account and front the date of tie sale the amount of tax penalty and advertisement draws 15 per eeat interest which must be paid by the purchaser vl the tax Jllddern In n Trust The selling to the highest bidder is a Wad of Action that ia general has no realty ia the transaction At the tax sate usually there is BO bidding the bidders agreeia among themselves to take several pieces of property want at the amount if tax and ex Bses however there is bidding the sum bid user and above the amount of the tax and exnsnsso te not paW by the kidder until th expiration of two years whoa he takes tint a tax deed for the property and UM surplus cf the amount bid over this tax and exi enses is considered by law as pride cf the property sad te deposited with the United States Treasury to the or- der of the owner of the land against which UM delinquent tax was sold In the carrying oat of these provisions of the law a great abuse has grows up ia tits District The men who buy the taxes are allowed by law per cent interest They are given a tax sale certificate which te a lien upon tile property Tit hte property but at Use end of that U o Commissioners are required by chaser of the tax 9o that the purchaser of a tax of say S is gives a lot worth GM after a period of two yers Opportunities for Ifxtortlon Making use of the tax certificate and arisen in which many poor sad ignorant property holders IB the District have defrauded sad made to pay large sums for the redemption of their lots from the tax sharks ORe instance may be Rhea where a col- ored man had by long saving bought a lot aad had a small sum laid up to build a By some mteunderstaadlng la tbe original purchase of the laud there was use installment of tax unpaid the man not knowing the fact The was advertised for sale and sold for the tax and expenses amounting to 954 The by threats of eiziag the him to 75 for the redemption oT ta lot when the release ought to haT be e glrea for than 15 There are multitudes of SUCK cases and before the Installation of the eard sys- tem of tax accounts was introduced last year and notices sent to persons with arrears of taxes this mod of extortion w s very profitable to a number of pec who swaged la tile of d- elMtBt taxes in Washington Protest Acalnst Methods The iniquity of the system was brought out two or three days ago when tile qommissioufm received a letter from Mr Charles H Wiltsle of Rochester N Y la which he protested against Ute prae tIM rororBd to lie maintained that party matter passed from the jMrimttetlea of the District acd that the purchaser of the tax should be left to deal Mr Wilts complained that the sending of notices alarmed the owners and led te the redemption of the tax sale long before the two years was up- 3lr Dnrnollle Reply Mr H H Daraellle the Assessor has roptiod to the letter of Mr telltale to the effect that the District is the agent of both the owaer sad the purchaser of the tax sad that it Is to the boot later oats of the District at least that the property should b redeemed at the low oat oust ta the holder Mr Daraeilie states that the sending of sash notices has been found the oT correcting many errs in the accounts of his office and of protect to the arty holders of the District Mr Dar B WM i ees that will eeatlaue io vend the notices overy year TAX ON MONOPOLIES Xfolurabla Citizens 3Iukc ai- i M Masay mllllami ef ejBl law basid upen the mtreet aad steam militaas the llgbttea and other T ojaiss of Washtogtoa should be something sear the actual selling price of their stock thus partially rellerlic Ute iteoaetol pressure tapes the city as well tar aaore early eowalixing the tax burdenaj NAVAL EEGISTEB POB 1901 Heoord Shoim 1ortyfour Itetirc- iueni and Portynliie Deaths The Navel Register for the current year Stows that fortyfour ulcers re- Higaed from the service during 1901 the greater number being naval cadets The retirements for age Included two rear admirals Schley and Kaats eleven CBBtalas a larger during any previous year since fbe civil war four oommaBders six lieutenant eommenders two lleuteaaats and one tnslca The deaths IB the navy during 1M1 were fortyBlue Including six rear admirals on the retired list use commodore three retired eemmaaders sad three oemmawler- slOCYearOId Mayor BENIOUKT France JaR la Mayor La- vlgne probably the oldest city official la the work died here today He was 1 5- yora of and the II ncr In Plan i- to ere t Ji 1 r Is given two years to tile law to KITe a tax deed to the pur tits teed a of extort Baa of the tax kept ullU- 1r UtA fat t100 1 ftIilbJio oiIteredi8t6- orrlfNltlelKe the pre lees u fill tile hi the after U of the tax by a pri Use wllh the owner or tile property as be w- JIL lie 1 heights e j 1- 1F s t sneered ftute her than ec flea art W WAIfiED SentNo Chang Likely Ole The tic ay r er to which re- deem the tax system s been belts ore 1 w rser tracts quit o tt titae t- ti with eoI red man fan f pay apR Asaeaeec ssdiag purchase rah a a pro 4 iKost- ifldii is sr- aL i 1 on f- teY g06a- v J age e lot f ue G ran tri te > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + I I UkNflllSD AS JAMBS RYAN The identity of the body that was found BoaUag hi the ri er Saturday evea lag bj crew of tine harbor heat Vig- ilant has bees thoroughly established It is that of James Ryan of Company L Third Battalion Unite B- giaeers now stationed at Washington Barracks Acting Coronet Glasebrook lies given a certificate of death from accidental causes The body is still at the morgue and will reach there pendia a decision as to the mml dtepesttkMi of it Byaa enlisted In Cleveland Ohio but sure te address isle nearest relative sa at Boston She has been com- municated with but no response to the message has yet bees received If the body to Rot claimed by relatives it will be inferred at ArHaatoa by the miHtary au thorities- Meatiaeattoa of the body was secured Ibrowtin the laud stork on the An TR had previously been deciphered lalaevd unen the arm but a J was ia distinct It was ascertained that J Ryaa had had some laundry work bear the same mark that appeared upon the col- lar of the dead else dose at the Frere laundry daring October Afterward several coma s of Ryaa identified the body by mesas of other marks upon it Ryan disappeared from the barracks November 14 It is thought that he re- mained out overttee and that in trying to avoid the sentry at the gate mad climb arouad tile fence which projects late be lest his balance IB falling he probably struck his head agalast the rendered unconscious WANTED TO FIGHT DUEL New Ilnmiinlilrc Man Atrennctl of Seiiilltie a Challenge MAXCHBSTBR X II Jan 13 A de- spatch from Berlin N H states that the IKtlfe city is in ferment over the trial before Judge Rich of the local court of Charles Brooks on a charge of challenge te a duel preferred by Prank A Cress Thce is BO statute to rover the case In New Hampshire aad Judge Rick has postponed the pending written argu- ments under the English common tew plat ain of honor The parties to the case are among Ute richest mea la tows aad the challenge step out of a laud dispute TO GUT WAR TAX Republican Conicroitsmoii Who Ka von It Sign Ielltlou for Caucus sight of pubHcaa Representatives favortna an nn- condltioaal repeal of the war tax law and it was decided to demand a caucus to con- sider the bill to this effect introduced by Representative BarthoMi of St Louis Those prominent tat the movement art Representatives Cannon and Boatel of IlHMria Shattuck of Onto Waraock of OhM and Hill of Connecticut They are circulating a petition caning Car a caucus on Wednesday evening THE CODE ON GAMING District literacy Gould Has Hail Xo Request lor Opinion District Attorney Gould stated this morning In response to an enquiry that up to this time he has net reeetved aay- axation from Ms or ter ask opinion o suajuct o Kookaafking ia the DtetrlaC The mat- te tbas bees iaformalry re erreilo kim however Ia dtsettssing the subject of string the aaya that the law relative t pmb ling shall be construed liberally so as to prevent the mischief intended to be guarded against SEABCHUGHTS AS DEFEHCE- Jinry to Ak for Jpl O M O to iBMtall Them on Coast The Xyy Department will ask ot Con grew a mfllioadollar appropriation for the purpose of installing searchlight plants as a feature of the coast defence system Searchlights are regarded as essential aBdGsBoral Oltleaaie Chief of Engineers will urge a liberal j rorteioa for them During the last gentles of Congress 15M M was for mounting four searchlight pfemte commanding the southern entrance to New York harbor and with these ia place la addition to Ute one now mounted the searchlight appa- ratus of New York harbor will be com- plete It IE estimated that oOOMO will install searchlights at Baltimore Boston Phila- delphia and Fort Monroe SYSTEMATIC BRIBERY F Annoclutlon InvcntlKat- fnsr Ssly Lot of Charges OMAnA JaiC 13 Systematic bribery ef- juciev which Is said te have Mea prac- ticed for five years by franchised corpora- tions o Omaha te the of aaltoa by the Douglas County Bar Aaso- iattoe ThjaadiB will be laid before tile grci ia iaajlon The hanics were breasht by T W jftr f ill attorney who has 4fee r- tnarnr Ijioagat te die aast for trtraW injuries BRIDE OF A fIGHT X DISAPPBASS- X IIpr SoIjUor IlnxbaHd a i X J Jan 1 A suit for dlvejree has bees began by J aa K Joaes of thta cur a veteran of the Saaalsh war who seeks a separation true his Teresa Irene The couple married on March U UM Jones was dressed IB his soldier snit They returned to tbe home of Jaaes paresis OB North West Street where they received their friends and had a general good time until even In About 8 oclock the bride expressed a desire to go to a dance which was being held in a local tall Jones demurred and said he wanted to remain at home but his sew wife was obdurate sad she went to the dates Early neat morning Mrs Joars made up her mind to do rants shopping sad weat- ottt for that purpose Her husband aext saw her nearly six months later when they set OR the street He bogged her te return to him but she refused to listen to him He new seeks a divorce oa ground of desertion and also silage that his wife has been unfaithful I or Pauntl Drtnvned ill the lutauine Ute of l Teed a WIPE I A xlloetlag held JaR Re f 1 f I1 c a tel Omaha ry now of 1 a- f i r 1 f f J i J- I it JIIn T- Ise M Hub PATERSON w were w Italy than States era collar the- ater and was case was 5 a lie shyest hay pas sidenee ertruMise le etlMretl oteehtaO i ape at nreaure heterf awards Dist rce i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > μ ° C A ST O R 5 Afahfofca Catt- wI8 Kind You Kav irv Bought Boars tho Signature of 0 e P r GROOMING HILL friends Working to Control Democratic Convention SECRET CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO nilniii T Bryan Cantor 1C McGuire Allotrpil te live Inrtlcliiutccl in the Meeting Curter Harrison Salrt to He Out Vice IrcNltleiital Nomination CHICAGO JaB 1 According to the Chronicle this morning the friends of David B Hill rkiBs for control of tile DemoerattjB National ConventioB of 1M4 If they et it they nominate Iflll for President and Carter H Harrison of Illinois for Vice President Secret conferences were held in Chicago- a week ago at which this proposed diseased Those participating irr tho conferences were Juntas K McGuire of Syracuse JC Y William J Bryan of and Mayor Harrison of Chicago It is believed McGuire has beUre this reported to exSenator Hill and to the New York State Democratic Committee of the executive committee of which the is chairman that the mayor of Chicago a receptive candidate for the Vice deatial nomination HOW HILL HOPES TO PROFIT Greater XCTT York Democracy Like ly to JJccomc Tamwnnyn Ilival NEW YORK JaBMt AM reports that exSenator David B Hill was holding a conference with Joke C Sheehan in New York Saturday unfounded Jlr Hill did not see Sheehan have a con- sultation with him in any way on political conditions in that etty or the State While Richard Croker was making hU speech at Tammany Hall saying that he had resigned his i moe as chairman of the nance committee which carries with it tile office of leader of the Tammany Matt organization Mr Hill was attending to b gzl matters downtown Upon his arrival here late in the evening the Information of Mr Crofcers action was given to him bat he declined to make any common upon it Not a word he said and he repeated that remark when it was thought that after a nights consideration ot the subject of Mr Crokers resignation and perusal f todays New York news- papers he might care to say something atom it Mr Hills eaU ia speaking about Crokers action Is due to his Mr Hills position as a national leader of the Democratic imrty His correspond- ence with Democrats of prominence all- over the United States is large and moreover he recently while ia Washing ton attending some legal business had aa opportunity to inure elate with many of his former Democratic colleagues in the Senate and with Democratic members of the House of Representatives regard lag the condition of the Democratic party all ever the country It can be inferred that Mr Hill if the subject was touched upon was not able to sire an encourajt lag report about the result of loaf falls election in this State whenwitij Rich ard Croker is of the orcanitation- of the A Troy woo by Mr fcJRavlW was not fol lowed by tHvroj HMtM fUte of New York to the Iat Democratic Nations Convention nttr y m ff legates to tbe test Democratic Std Convention is nev- ertheless forced use all the power has to put the Democratic party of the State in a position to win the nxt elec- tion The Democratic national leaders will look i hjnt to mike aiaeece efforts ir that direction Thrt does not mean that he Is forced to seek an alliance with Lew- is Nixon It means that Hut te eyed inwWble exertion to gain con- trol of tJ t aext Democratic State Coa- ventioa and use his control of it to put forward candidates and a platform which will win votes for the Democratic party The rural Democrats nd Mr Hill has store Influence with them than any other Democrat in the State believe that it te healthy for the Democratic party to have two organizations ic Xew York city If there is only one orgaafeatiea they say it grows too strong and dominates tht Democratic party of the State Richard Croker they declare has only the talents a ward leader sad never had any more Ward leadership trans- ferred to a State convention or to a na- tional convention they say has beta fatal to the Democratic party ia this State They therefore look with pleasure upon the orgaaJsatioH by John C Shoe kaa William F Sfa hB and Jacob A Castor is a rival Democratic organization U that of Tammany Hall and it seems highly prmmMe that this will have a share ef New Yorks represen- tation ia next Democratic State c a if the rural Democrats have their way SMOKED 130000 CIGARETTES ailflilirnn THaii nicn SuniiuKoiIIy of- I ne l I iiiiiR- T JOSBPff Mick J m liArth r- Krasee son of J W F w a Mv S f i fl or m r her twojr yeaj tm w issHaJ n lUMl MiBkii ahstit n Mt ear arottos- FrnM was Iii three time ta the nt five years and twice It was red he co ld OPPOSED TO MACHINERY lreHcli rtiniiHfnptHFirj Hnytt it tan not Ite I HCU IH France CHICAGO Jan U Baron Alfred Barral of Paris has arrived ia Chicago where he will retrain tea days studying the industrial eottoitioas of Calcage as cowp tre l to other foreign and American dUet he tea vUlUo- n sdcs a toms in Paris the baron maintains a country place sear Berelea c- aad employs 2904 persons in a manufac- turing plant In the latter city Tk t baron declares that labor avna mack have met with a cold reception both la Germany aad Jraace because many persons are thrown out of work br their Introduction One American bey he says can do the work of eight French girls when aWed hv American machinery bat he maintains that the prejudice against laborsaving machinery is toe strong to permit its Importation CHICAGO Jan IS Fire whleh started at oclock this morniog in the lean Malting Compauys elevator at Kifty ascend Street and the PaaHaadle road destroyed the building sad Its con- tents causing a lots ot more than 25- K T tf were Oil H bushels cf bar la the bullling FOR PRESIDENT Harrison anti lIne fur Ne- braska lit I real tAil con ol ltlea r the Aliaa all del ptes t- oke the Tent 1 1- i I f i I VI- i v i1 f I not recover de llrr In lbico r W are will ticket- s that are hire nor 11 BIi Rock a wet Hilt i Itt ply tit oeganisa was ror 8e ir- a eeds 111 Ash Its ilea iliac tl a > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > > ¬ ¬ > A DIPLOMAT DOPED Paid Chnrcr on BOKHS Present Some time ago Lord Pauncefote tile British Ambassador received by express- a box which OB loins opened contained more than large red brick aad on which his lordship Had been obliged to pay shh ftiag charges ameaattmr S8 teats or would have had tress tIle mrateriew Therein stack cariosity at the Bmbeesy as to where the package might have come from M tt contained a or evidences of UM sender First it was thought the box contained and that KB attempt the Ilfe c the Ambassador was in- tended The bait was consequently hand- led giagerYy ami opened with snack pre eaution1 And Bow to light that there was arrested in New York yteteruay by Detective Sergeants Moody sad Looses a man named James Doaohue who said he lived at the Hamracrsley Lodging Hone sear BieecKer Street This sairDaBohuo it is said was takes to polled lUMde iarters where a charge of awl lBj petered a si The the detectives aceusiag- Doaohue Is that he took Advantage ef the holiday sail procuring some steamship lists package tags secured the address ofsereral persons likely to re- ceive presents from abroad Thsa mak- ing up a package anything from aa old shoe to a piece of fourlch he would send it to the victim and as the package bore the steamship lines tag he would receive the charges la advaace at the express ole DoBohue Is alleged te be a packer by trade Although he sever collected more than L20 oa a single package the de- tectives clawed that his opcraties lass beeR no to bring the amount of his stealings lato hundreds of dollars REPUBLICAN PARTY PROSPECTS IN SOUTH VISWS OF ATLANTA PIHAHOIBR- Colnacl Robert J Loivry Points Oat How the Political Situation in Ills State anil Others Can He Improved Col Robert J Lowry president ef the Lewry aUoae thank of Atlanta O te- at the feW WIHard Hotel He te mter aped ia a WIt sooa to be Introduced la- the Senate expects before he leaves the Capital to have a talk with Presi- dent BeoMveit Colossi wry te a representative of the progressive element ot RepebHeaRlsm ia Ute South He prophesies a great future for the Republican party la hIs State when the better type of white Repub- licans slab be store generally recognised If two elements of negro control and hunger for oflce could be eliminated teem the party there would be a bright outlook for RepubHcaBtom In the South he said A wise reedgaittoa of the pro gresUve and respectably white Repub- licans of the State during the next few years Will a great petty wHI 9i entail gala the support of many way BOW boilers la the economic prin mrocated let will not be dots InateaV HjtjMtfafertor race or by political spoitomeaf We agar a maaafacturiag country There awmaay wJu are ecming to teller ia cite jwetaaf ive tariff null the monetary tenets e ReMUica8tom who are deterred from JoMag flue erganlmtiea because of the elemeats tanned We need mea who are wiMacte Join tics ergaaiaatiea be- cause ot belief ia the principles sad aet with aa slug te political gain We aaafMBon ia the omees who here to chronic MMttfteeker When suck ws morn jntBttiy recognized they win form- a auNDnkjiij leli will draw to thin Ute more and progressive classes Colonel Lewry was of the American Bankers Association when it met iaSi mis in 189 At that time he was a Democrat hot his sound money prin- ciples unused him to change his political faith He was a personal friend of Presi- dent MeKteler whom be entertained dar- ing his test visit to Atlanta He was one of the three Southern members of the Me Kinky Memorial Association appointed by MUST KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAN Police o Kuforce KeRuIntion- Acaiiiat Property Holder A few days ago the District Caamte stoners reeeired from the Police Depart- ment a aetice to the effect that there was dir on the sidewalk on Florida Avenue Thirteenth anti Fourteeath Street northeast The matter was referred to fibs Ea giaeer DopaVtmeat anti the sidewalk was cleaned uaeer the aireetioa of W M Barton The papers tare now teen referred te the hUH Bfcaartmeat with ktetraettea- sooai fi e DNtf regalatlea against 0e MewaHt- weehv aga reeot Ceart arraigned hat hte seas was eoactea to await the remit of McKatbs The matter will probably be disposed of this week While was returning home from the 1caslsn Omee where he te a door struck and badly injured at Third and D Streets aartaweitt by a bicycle which young Warder rode The falter was hur vying toward th Dlstrl t Building where he was employed and was riding suite rapidly behind the Ire engines which were responding at the time to aa alarm of are la UM neighborhood McNabb on lajuted was sent to the Kmergeary Hospital remained a patient two weeks lie was then sent home ICvenltiK Aetvn 1 Maiuc Jia 1J The pub- lishers W Portland Evening IB aBtl TeMaiUcB organ have and jmmaaiBd puMiratloa IJabllHIes- Kye n nt Mom Itin XVat Arches JIaltrf iejs I lure Cabot W sl Water viwtM ma f aanwre- MCdy l1u wtrnderlal I WMM net a to else to ea reeks I ton ot lent containing plank eteA8tve as r I tit tip party be have had too rmck of tile the PrMdeak lJtt week WAR C 1 q5D- t j l cie If iMIq be ok ue ap young leNa day last Ivoatb lee MIa store Iflrth all Suspend D The News Le0 C Ness I IfIeor Iur 4aa a ter 1 hId 0 try Agnes MId sheer the MIl taft be it It 10 tl IftultllN- SI r iln a1 Slrh A l n anll 1111- 1I 01 lIiI Lord 1aunceltttr nothing package tame if was lint Ator Vie F sad w Xr aid ape ouwkb sw err l et president Reaserelt old > 1 lies tMi wlK tvllea Into 3emt Warhol hs sr keeper one early lee sap seiililets 4 t fat yet sad eys str Ikts t IraI1N alel rot err ttithfl trtuars hr Bilhmti F rod 3ahxs r4 11 ii law r1 w sari lit tray ed tith W na ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > ¬ = > < > < ° ° STRAUS HOLDS WHIP HAND The Defeated Candidate for Speaker to Fight MAY UPSBT MR GORMANS PLANS Ulectlon Conceded nut Vnn divers SUCCCKH Sot So Certain Curious Korced- Tlironfch Present Situation BALTIMORE Jan 12 Interest in poli- tics here today is net so much ia the probability of Arthur P Gormans election as Senator by the Legislature tomorrow as la speculation regarding the other pos- sible developments ot the complicated ualiea new existing Muck streagth has bees gaiaed by the rumor that the rest of the Democratic programme for the session is seriously impaired by the bolt of Delegate Isaac Lobe Straue of Baltimore city and his lYe Democratic followers The two Dem- ocratic Delegates Irate Dorchester and three from Anne Aruadel ceuaty and the solid Republican delegation ia the House will vote with Stress every time be siren the word to eat late the machine pro and thus It te that he may he able te control the balance of power mad force tremendous eoBcessioBS from the machine raaaagers who refused to sleet hint Speaker Younger Men Independent Straus it is understood has BO iatea HOB of opposing Oormaas election his ra purpose Is to defeat the reelection rer mad if he hold his start together he will probably succeed la this Iraetleally the whole Democratic sW is pledged to Gorman but antsy of Ute men who are chaUac under too much management shim that their ledges to the machine will end with UM election of Gorman and a number of them arc then expected to Join the Straus forces Th titian propose to aid the Re- publicans in lighting any eectloa tilt to make tile dmlranchlsomeni of negroes worse Wan it te Straus te determined to work for an honest primary efcttkm law The nausea intend to pass such a law for BnltfaMMv but they will trot te Republicans Now Snfe Because of the defection of Straus and tho fear of what he may do the awnagers intend to sire up their of count- ing owl some of the Republican members Meted They lad that they are all their members la line for the of certain moasares the gerrymander of the Congressional and Legislative districts It is believed that Straus has agreed to support the Republi- cans and use Ms influence with otter Democrats la an silent to defeat this measure and if his tortes do act weaken the Democrats will have great trouble forcing the measure through To 1revcnt RxtravrKnuce Governor Smith Comptroller Bering aad State Treasurer Vaadiver who com- pose the Board of Public Works are much Interested in preventing extravagance by the Legislature An Impression exists in plus in the Treasury and tease the tear that the members will play fast and loose with the States mosey While there Is aa apparent surplus of nearly tldM6M the available hash te somewhere over JMM The two largest individual appropriations are likely to be 115Mt with which to complete the Fifth Regi- ment armory and 6 Mt for a central heating apparatus for State at Annapolis and for an addition to the of Correction TRAINING A TROLLEY ARMY BroftUlyii Itnplil Trstiinit to AVerk ua- i lie Club Room Hystetti NEW YORK Jan 13 The Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company which owns nearly every trolley tee IB that borough Is piaJiNlM for the social and physical betterment of its arr of employes man from Chicago to work out the idea The plan mbedtes a mutual benefit as- sociation the sick benefits of which will be 1 1 a day To participate IB tbe bene- fits dues will be M cents a month Small etob rooms are to be Rated up and main- tained The parent club will include the association office lounging room library nod reading ream rosin for games wi linrd room gymnasium bowling alleys and a built room There will also be a class whore instixctloa will be given tint sdenee of eleoiricity as ap- plied to street railway service There will also be an audience room with a seating capacity for 8s where frequent entertainments or lectures will be We piopose said Mr Dudley to look after the mental sad moral welter of our men as well as their bodily wel- fare All employ OB in all departments will be eligible to membership HEARING AGAIN ADJOURNED Patrick Consents to Delay In Ita NEW YORK Jan IS Albert T Pat wk tHo lawyer now trial an- ImKUmunt her the murder of WtlHam- t wa before Justice Tombs v or ioas corpus to the Tomb prison KA tB DOOKS roE U TKK SA i Presented With Valuable tn Ileriilrtry NOTRE DAMK lad Jan 13 Prof Ed- wards Mbrariaa and archaeologist ef the University of Notre Dame states that the uaJversit has received a valuable eel lecttoa of books oa heraldry and area aeetegy doeumen A and maay old and valuable waiatlacs tram Mar Seton of New York who is about to sail for Home to take up his resi- dence there THe books on lad v are especially They number 250 comprise the attest collection IH the United States Many of th okI aocuciei have beta in the ton fatally for an yeava aaa Maty of thrai have refereace to hailer tnuMwetkms e Revolutionary days Among the there te one SM years old of this MaeeaaH It was painted by an eminent Spanish artist Many cf th boots in lids collection aa back aa yearr The folleetioa will b kepi in a al ov at the uaiversitv anti used or o iKiiUil r rch work Letters Den loIJJl1CutH gram c of Murray VlTer as flier oar ally apply law Ute eons tIea late t of ate house eke they claim were net to have enough time to pt passage Uke lit the Legislature that there k a large ser State lie a kin brought J Lldky e roost lit sire Corpus awaiting b the e- rt trick I L dO th t I TM 11 1Mt University ralclr are St it tit State ten also orced to such a ti fairly a hard fits as Proceedings halloo tta juries i ue si 1 a JamuarX tooth Works old permanent valuable aunt hat paintings sped t a F hsioM ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ + + THE BUFFALO BILLS DAY IS FAST PASSING WEST OF AWAY Colonel Cody Complains that x Civilization Is on His Ranch The West that I knew the host is almost passed away said Ort WHImm Cody better knowm as alo BW ta the course of a Hew Wttfeard HeM this know I eaa get out of H I am a nort of an In- dmn anyhow Or iTilliJj IIiii I thtek the rltr of the War Horn whore I live resembles the eN Wok more toss nay eer part of Ute ease try B tr are to too I would not have Bant sex but I am up agmtast a propooMoa Sooner or later everyone gets tin against a pron- osition and has to leas something sow I aa here to less soMethAm about Irrl I talk at t NIMt wIIIea I they there to soft DtfI i come Encroach- ing the lthirslp Ton t her hunt Oats legln Nag wet assay hostess ereestlitorad ¬ MACHINISTS MAY STRIKE Over Country May Have Trouble NINBHOnR ASOD Vice Pro Id en t Conloii of tke CIA cIiinlM Hloa Dcclaros Uemaad- ot That Sort Willie Blade ia a Month a ad Unless Treated a Great Strl Occur May 1 CHICAGO Jan IX Rallrfaes ia every serious Uroaaie as the vomit of the aa the compasses ashes te the tenas dessaaefed- macMateta employ cd by the tmaapertatlaa- atpa les was made yesterday by Vice President Cordon of WnsWn toa- Coalons Positive Statement Ia aa aMrew dettrered hater the he declared the mea were JtTminiMufc wage scale which would vary with the arise districts m the coaatry la another month the demand of the machinists are to W imbmitte w the rail follow ea May L L MISTRIAL Jury Stood Tea to Two for the Wife KaTW Jan M C agree rue of Millionaire Fiends J Oefcee who sued his beautiful for din statutory grounds Mr Oakea nested Marie del Sal a ma ale teeter as The jury wont eat Friday afternoon net agree oa a verdict Tea ef tINa fa- vored Mrs flakes They could sat wilt over the obdurate Hum moved aa announced thte morning He saM Ute steed of the Jury indicated that aa tafmt tics lad h hte diet the date for the new trial MM Oaken was ia court thin purest aaceacera NIXON NOW AT He Today AMsnmea the Position of Leader of Tanunaay NW YORK Jan IX Lewte Nixon sMpbullier today began his ditties as seminal leader of Tammany Hall He was made ehairmaa of the committee oa Saturday and will call at the Fourteenth Street wigwam daily te receive the district leaders Deface the sad of Ute week accoralaa some disaf- fected politician Mr Nbcoa win lad himself ignored by district leviers who will ROt admit Ms authority ia any politi- cal matter except as Ida erden are back- ed by the power of the maa who alaced him where be Is The present alleged retirement of Cro ker from Tammany leadership the third la seven years deceived no one The one opiate in Tammany te that Croker lea ia the next election aad that he te afraid to lend Ida ergaaiatioe u two defeats in Mar Tears The leaders say that be- WMM Unit he cannot control the i aa aflaa and that to avoid iiiiHi tt he will remain abroad win pose rhanu tnt ta- nteed aa I i- maa la Tiuaama wU kw Nixon as f Mr limited and he Is iiinbahry a tk- slraajter to at lecst thirty ef lye Tammany Itaders Many Tammany politicians ate stak- Crokers test The awvaaeeawai ef Nlxoa te likely te to dtesetaataa la Ute Sullivan metion oat they will net eaeaJr- Hght his just new Xo man ia Tammaay doubts for a a ment that Croker wiB b back to rosins alive poatrol for the believes Ta aaany could wia KalllnK Hlevater Death NEW rOffK Jolt 11 James Tteaaat- iurtyeMcbt years old was kilted aad Peter a wts serleuuly ia ire By a fall of a freight elevator in at 24 Eldridge Street this morn r DAY TO BD n e part of are wWI of toe K tINt littnlats la the strike this CR4Ier tile strike are wen way at the and by the of t tile that Ute win tied AaetOC the eC Ute lien of Lead Ne I a RIAeJtotIt chit Ute e a rsda useless a will YORK wu Ute repent oL tile jncT In the wile cores filea They deliNnateil could I t- AM for Mrs Oakes of Ute tam the pi Ute Jodge Trout Reed XoIIdaY Site beard the report or Ute jury with I HELM I r t I rHaed that the Deoeratle party lias et ear tile State r 1rer 4 r r ltil r tau a ettrrIL lira puzzled to lletetllllhte u vial city eampait of 1115 K at flat tIaIe 1M orb I Ill aioa s All t Will ties eurtry Uhrut ed norneemmt btenilNt era aaPioycd atrpa to spihtg Preparatioe tVny- Prparatioas far an- tler present time osier members tllrtea prsapeet- s repair shape ho up tateatls mom Union 1M t Milwaukee awl aiptNa raNa taut agreed M Malt OAK SUIT to cc- s eight basin but counsel Immediate retrial wits dbagrsemest jury was esta leas Januar- ys mornI r chance v t vas who K leadat Nissan s v amttn atop eighteen levy sp sauce a labed > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > = gatiea It te something that the Western country te earning Pasfllbtlitien Xever Appreolnted I dent think that the iiaaintriaBin land known as the Great Americas dated People soom to ha reearnad It as honJew for nsrfevitvral purposes OA the eovtrary If properly irrigated K wilt It seems as It nature had seSyftUiat- akam lor the last So I have sat te csasuK with Irriaailoa experts aaaat aqr farm I am out t talk with one of them tills am Ing Show Almost Too Prosperous Colonel Cody te aa tesiereaiteK sod vja- orcue eraenattty He is eaergstie aa Time seema to have dealt as acwapareuefjr with Mm as II i i his inifnialiii do o so well with Jt that mi it J c- Ute DIaert over Mea u richest d laM er lIP her beat U erect IIII twutyr ago aRk eM1tIT Diet smog a JK Ute A It I were to get a Iftt to- abet leas tbtve t7 nppro dvelap into region eta vphad gam ears 6 going v Its was ysr was geed one say atew bataa Lid sMoael MI am tweet going quit veil DIYORCB SUITS IN DOUBT Itullni Expected Soon From the Supreme Dench of the District The status of proceedings for dtrree ending la the local merits waVfc were instftuted before the code wee January 1 is still ia doubt Whether these proceedings will be eeasia re ac seder Ute oM law or the cede Ute exfnt tag law has net yet by the justices of the Svareaae heart ef the DMriet The question of the tnningof these eases ease p before Juetlee Haaper ea mstlea ef Mr Mason Nt TMahanl sea m the case ef Madly J Naaa against Wntiam M Nash tot divorce It developed that the ieMaaa was wit when aa effort was made at serve made against him by his wits Mr Rlchard- aoa therefore sought to aari him served court te aa order aatherirtng this to le- JaaUee Hagaer however aeciliied ba s- an ea greaad that tae stattt af- eeaaaaga far divorce aeasra nary I baaaa caaamaaflaJI tff lien m the beast A eeetekm te Mrs Nash bvtituted pracsedinajt Sac Hracee aaaiaat her liiihimt e riaji her M tttl SBVEN TIMES DIVORCED Claps Tier Hands in Jojn Over tko MILWAUK3K WIlL Jon AuSMBtU divorce was aaaed te the list at Mrs JssBphlac Molndt ea Friday whoa Jades WUtmaw granted a deeree at aeaanttaw- te her mmaead Mrs Metoetai Jirty years em f- mene apea Mrs Meiadf reaecbea raet ami eriodi Good I mav- f t t- It oclock B K latuaiM j li me- Ko ftoe- BPrantTT Suddenly oa Oiiiiy Jiisi r K- 1M at 4 ochek a aw W1LUAM kcmsad- SPBCIAL XOTIGH- Stcaiu ICATK THE WiLLtUC X AYRE 00 e hu that tile capital stack a tfr te m then rte deW W A DOW TM M Vte ncridca H A- luiilMj Tiiamut Dsmtraid nd- TWWAS H TOVKG 4a y Prfrfic- aw OM ax t the stack of the Lawn and TMt Climiuy the teVttJI Care X J Cafttft U Mfcat TUB LUK50LX XATJOKAL OT WASH IXTTON CITY WimhyliMi D fX A election ire eBWtsai of- oa TUS30AY JANCAKY 14- Jnat au t 2 p aw f A SMSK OuMir TIlE LANSTOS SW OTTrEJUCIKSK CO The ilea o this CMBPHV mowed item Wtstuagtoa D O to M- mmf York lily M Jan after Friday Ja ilm- uottea to the Xm fe fc WUrw OOMPAXY- XOTJCE Of KLSCT10S OF TSC3TEE3- X 4tee is hereby gives lint a e tit linthiUin of The TSBMS O fay W field at me robe e Ute teaipagy te MM fmamau- aeflefog W lOtk aW D sir Wash aa the DAY OP JAMUftY- am at z OCLOCK P K lee me sock awetatr W J DUD for Mens 15 and soene SIS SlMTWeS TO UEASWE- x mprtin r black tbibcts and tasty murtntat right wrtcht tot no Schwartz Pelzman 505507 Seventh Street BKPCTAT10K BUILT ON QCAUTY- cNchtfany pat atel- whMkcr dUtille es- ter aur Md- rUONE 713 SI full qt- Pi M- et 1VILLIA3I tUK Undertaker and Wverr- til AT jf w WaiMszUti IX H keen Il tit with a of Ute the c- Ute a tlayL Last Returns TIte wJ whoa JMt reM k hoc t1ter l StUUR of IL siIIt f Frances t n Stnet W f the A TItlE the Lett day uc et- SNDAL iOftCL This k Pe tW SII It cw- ad Mea I Tort a ill lies of rDA Ice JIlL tII will t at the c fIL 11 tl War 0 sad all t TIlE J c alit prae et a trteea lee the sod for tit utCIII el at- IINMIb Dio D C Jt 1 0 I I i 8M t j L S t s S Y iO- fu II SR c PAINES CELERY COMPOUND fo h late of- fset to- y und im espy ee rpNhat by pttMaltfea afid requested egos dens bogus its mast lion inched ter n few deputy atorIlr served thischi w is y d- ata hhtla 1 tt- DIHD SMiTflMu wiat H- a L sad dtstta Ilea Walter Ybart nta hest ha Isis rmideno aaettrreu tRnMe d I- ts notice Jags is esaittg paDod r a1 trRa d ceI asd err Tsatiiatd srs f- itdate d January a fL to nsla ate 1L Walilgisa trs d- Lbd b sow use e di Loom lat s- e and Csaps7 la ask etil the sae Iest as ahhr lit Ire tE The swat bosh tai be Booad H- es e- td TiM 3 nil earner ann ie dieting e s is yam sock alter hors sty stun beta Dcceahe Ml dellla Srerlrr n r i Yatr5- bs lMF1 Pi- nycadertrilea v stn t Lterytklah leruurk tlshtrdta areataea tusiie ant teise aM iisi pore > ¬ > > > ° ° +

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-01-13 [p 2]. · i M Masay mllllami ef ejBl law basid upen the mtreet aad steam militaas the llgbttea and other T ojaiss of Washtogtoa

FVFlvn MONDAY JANUARY2 ittt rTr j1

craCjj1TrTl1V i Oz



Property Owners Importun-

ed for Back Taxes


fSome Unenviable KxjierlcHce of Ui-

iittiKiioctinK Owners of Itvnl ISstateA Procat From New Tort JStatc-

Throwgli tb admtBlatmtioB of the As-

sascers those who pwchasebask taxes sad harass tie ownersot fc v ri for Ute payment of taxInterest and penalty are hsTlng a lossoaay rood to travel than formerly

Under the law providing for the sale oftaxes w arrears the Assessor is requiredeach year to make up a list of tues Jaarrears to advertise the same and to sellat public auction the several Items of

the highest bidder law also re-quires that the person tuylag the backtax must pay to the District the amountdue Oa the account and front the date oftie sale the amount of tax penalty andadvertisement draws 15 per eeat interestwhich must be paid by the purchaser vlthe tax

Jllddern In n TrustThe selling to the highest bidder is a

Wad of Action that ia general has norealty ia the transaction At the tax sateusually there is BO bidding the biddersagreeia among themselves to takeseveral pieces of property want atthe amount if tax and ex Bseshowever there is bidding the sum biduser and above the amount of the tax andexnsnsso te not paW by the kidder untilth expiration of two years whoa hetakes tint a tax deed for the property andUM surplus cf the amount bid over thistax and exi enses is considered by law as

pride cf the property sad te depositedwith the United States Treasury to the or-der of the owner of the land against whichUM delinquent tax was sold

In the carrying oat of these provisionsof the law a great abuse has grows up iatits District The men who buy the taxesare allowed by law per cent interestThey are given a tax sale certificatewhich te a lien upon tile property Tit

hte property but at Use end of thatU o Commissioners are required by

chaser of the tax 9o that the purchaserof a tax of say S is gives a lot worth

GM after a period of two yersOpportunities for Ifxtortlon

Making use of the tax certificate and

arisen in which many poor sad ignorantproperty holders IB the District have

defrauded sad made to pay largesums for the redemption of their lotsfrom the tax sharks

ORe instance may be Rhea where a col-ored man had by long saving bought a lotaad had a small sum laid up to build a

By some mteunderstaadlng la tbeoriginal purchase of the laud there wasuse installment of tax unpaid the

man not knowing the fact Thewas advertised for sale and sold for thetax and expenses amounting to 954 The

by threats of eiziag thehim to 75 for the redemption oT talot when the release ought to haT be eglrea for than 15

There are multitudes of SUCK cases andbefore the Installation of the eard sys-tem of tax accounts was introduced lastyear and notices sent to persons witharrears of taxes this mod of extortionw s very profitable to a number of pec

who swaged la tile of d-elMtBt taxes in Washington

Protest Acalnst MethodsThe iniquity of the system was brought

out two or three days ago when tileqommissioufm received a letter from MrCharles H Wiltsle of Rochester N Yla which he protested against Ute prae

tIM rororBd to lie maintained thatparty matter passed from the

jMrimttetlea of the District acd that thepurchaser of the tax should be left to deal

Mr Wilts complained that the sendingof notices alarmed the owners and ledte the redemption of the tax sale longbefore the two years was up-

3lr Dnrnollle ReplyMr H H Daraellle the Assessor has

roptiod to the letter of Mr telltale tothe effect that the District is the agentof both the owaer sad the purchaser ofthe tax sad that it Is to the boot lateroats of the District at least that theproperty should b redeemed at the lowoat oust ta the holder

Mr Daraeilie states that the sendingof sash notices has been found theoT correcting many errs in the accountsof his office and of protect to thearty holders of the District Mr DarB WM i ees that will eeatlaue iovend the notices overy year


Xfolurabla Citizens 3Iukc ai-

i M Masay mllllami ef ejBllaw basid upen the mtreet aad steammilitaas the llgbttea and other

T ojaiss of Washtogtoa should besomething sear the actual selling price

of their stock thus partially rellerlic Uteiteoaetol pressure tapes the city as well

tar aaore early eowalixing the tax burdenaj


Heoord Shoim 1ortyfour Itetirc-iueni and Portynliie Deaths

The Navel Register for the currentyear Stows that fortyfour ulcers re-Higaed from the service during 1901 thegreater number being naval cadets

The retirements for age Included tworear admirals Schley and Kaats elevenCBBtalas a larger during anyprevious year since fbe civil war fouroommaBders six lieutenant eommenderstwo lleuteaaats and one tnslca

The deaths IB the navy during 1M1 werefortyBlue Including six rear admirals onthe retired list use commodore threeretired eemmaaders sad threeoemmawler-

slOCYearOId MayorBENIOUKT France JaR la Mayor La-

vlgne probably the oldest city official lathe work died here today He was 1 5-

yora of

and the II ncrIn Plan






Is given two years to

tile law to KITe a tax deed to the pur

tits teed a of extort Baa

of the tax kept ullU-1r UtA fat

t100 1 ftIilbJio oiIteredi8t6-orrlfNltlelKe the



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wllh the owner or tile property as be w-



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The identity of the body that wasfound BoaUag hi the ri er Saturday evealag bj crew of tine harbor heat Vig-ilant has bees thoroughly established

It is that of James Ryan of CompanyL Third Battalion Unite B-

giaeers now stationed at WashingtonBarracks

Acting Coronet Glasebrook lies given acertificate of death from accidental causes

The body is still at the morgue and willreach there pendia a decision as tothe mml dtepesttkMi of it

Byaa enlisted In Cleveland Ohio butsure te address isle nearest relativesa at Boston She has been com-

municated with but no response to themessage has yet bees received If thebody to Rot claimed by relatives it will beinferred at ArHaatoa by the miHtary authorities-

Meatiaeattoa of the body was securedIbrowtin the laud stork on theAn TR had previously been decipheredlalaevd unen the arm but a J was iadistinct It was ascertained that J Ryaahad had some laundry work bear thesame mark that appeared upon the col-lar of the dead else dose at the Frerelaundry daring October

Afterward several coma s of Ryaaidentified the body by mesas of othermarks upon it

Ryan disappeared from the barracksNovember 14 It is thought that he re-mained out overttee and that in tryingto avoid the sentry at the gate mad climbarouad tile fence which projects late

be lest his balance IB falling heprobably struck his head agalast the

rendered unconscious


New Ilnmiinlilrc Man Atrennctl ofSeiiilltie a Challenge


spatch from Berlin N H states that theIKtlfe city is in ferment over the trialbefore Judge Rich of the local court ofCharles Brooks on a charge of challengete a duel preferred by Prank A Cress

Thce is BO statute to rover the caseIn New Hampshire aad Judge Rick haspostponed the pending written argu-ments under the English common tewplat ain of honor

The parties to the case are among Uterichest mea la tows aad the challengestep out of a laud dispute


Republican Conicroitsmoii Who Kavon It Sign Ielltlou for Caucus

sight ofpubHcaa Representatives favortna an nn-condltioaal repeal of the war tax law andit was decided to demand a caucus to con-sider the bill to this effect introduced byRepresentative BarthoMi of St Louis

Those prominent tat the movement artRepresentatives Cannon and Boatel ofIlHMria Shattuck of Onto Waraock ofOhM and Hill of Connecticut

They are circulating a petition caningCar a caucus on Wednesday evening


District literacy Gould Has Hail XoRequest lor Opinion

District Attorney Gould stated thismorning In response to an enquiry thatup to this time he has net reeetved aay-

axation from Ms or ter askopinion o suajuct o

Kookaafking ia the DtetrlaC The mat-te tbas bees iaformalry re erreilo kimhowever

Ia dtsettssing the subject of string theaaya that the law relative t pmb

ling shall be construed liberally so asto prevent the mischief intended to beguarded against


Jinry to Ak for Jpl O M O to iBMtallThem on Coast

The Xyy Department will ask ot Congrew a mfllioadollar appropriation forthe purpose of installing searchlightplants as a feature of the coast defencesystem

Searchlights are regarded as essentialaBdGsBoral Oltleaaie Chief of Engineerswill urge a liberal j rorteioa for them

During the last gentles of Congress15M M was for mounting

four searchlight pfemte commanding thesouthern entrance to New York harborand with these ia place la addition to Uteone now mounted the searchlight appa-ratus of New York harbor will be com-plete

It IE estimated that oOOMO will installsearchlights at Baltimore Boston Phila-delphia and Fort Monroe


F Annoclutlon InvcntlKat-fnsr Ssly Lot of Charges

OMAnA JaiC 13 Systematic bribery ef-juciev which Is said te have Mea prac-ticed for five years by franchised corpora-tions o Omaha te the ofaaltoa by the Douglas County Bar Aaso-iattoe ThjaadiB will be laid before

tile grci ia iaajlon

The hanics were breasht by T Wjftr f ill attorney who has 4fee r-

tnarnr Ijioagat te die aast fortrtraW injuries



X IIpr SoIjUor IlnxbaHd ai

X J Jan 1 A suit fordlvejree has bees began by J aa K Joaesof thta cur a veteran of the Saaalsh warwho seeks a separation true hisTeresa Irene The couple marriedon March U UM Jones was dressed IB

his soldier snit They returned to tbehome of Jaaes paresis OB North WestStreet where they received their friendsand had a general good time until evenIn About 8 oclock the bride expresseda desire to go to a dance which was beingheld in a local tall Jones demurred andsaid he wanted to remain at home buthis sew wife was obdurate sad she wentto the dates

Early neat morning Mrs Joars made upher mind to do rants shopping sad weat-ottt for that purpose Her husband aextsaw her nearly six months later whenthey set OR the street He bogged her tereturn to him but she refused to listento him He new seeks a divorce oaground of desertion and also silage thathis wife has been unfaithful


or Pauntl Drtnvned ill thelutauine







A xlloetlag held JaR Ref

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CA ST O R 5 Afahfofca Catt-wI8 Kind You Kav irv Bought

Boars thoSignature

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friends Working to Control

Democratic Convention


nilniii T Bryan Cantor1C McGuire Allotrpil te

live Inrtlcliiutccl in the MeetingCurter Harrison Salrt to He OutVice IrcNltleiital Nomination

CHICAGO JaB 1 According to theChronicle this morning the friends of

David B Hill rkiBs for control oftile DemoerattjB National ConventioB of1M4 If they et it they nominateIflll for President and Carter H Harrisonof Illinois for Vice President

Secret conferences were held in Chicago-a week ago at which this proposed

diseased Those participating irr thoconferences were Juntas K McGuire ofSyracuse JC Y William J Bryan of

and Mayor Harrison of ChicagoIt is believed McGuire has beUre

this reported to exSenator Hill and to theNew York State Democratic Committeeof the executive committee of which the ischairman that the mayor of Chicagoa receptive candidate for the Vicedeatial nomination


Greater XCTT York Democracy Likely to JJccomc Tamwnnyn Ilival

NEW YORK JaBMt AM reports thatexSenator David B Hill was holding aconference with Joke C Sheehan in NewYork Saturday unfounded Jlr Hilldid not see Sheehan have a con-sultation with him in any way on politicalconditions in that etty or the State

While Richard Croker was making hUspeech at Tammany Hall saying that hehad resigned his i moe as chairman of thenance committee which carries with it

tile office of leader of the Tammany Mattorganization Mr Hill was attending tob gzl matters downtown Upon his arrivalhere late in the evening the Informationof Mr Crofcers action was given to himbat he declined to make any commonupon it Not a word he said and herepeated that remark when it wasthought that after a nights considerationot the subject of Mr Crokers resignationand perusal f todays New York news-papers he might care to say somethingatom it

Mr Hills eaU ia speaking aboutCrokers action Is due to hisMr Hills position as a national leader

of the Democratic imrty His correspond-ence with Democrats of prominence all-over the United States is large andmoreover he recently while ia Washington attending some legal business hadaa opportunity to inure elate with manyof his former Democratic colleagues inthe Senate and with Democratic membersof the House of Representatives regardlag the condition of the Democratic partyall ever the country It can be inferredthat Mr Hill if the subject was touchedupon was not able to sire an encourajtlag report about the result of loaf fallselection in this State whenwitij Richard Croker is of the orcanitation-of the A

Troywoo by

Mr fcJRavlW was not followed by tHvroj HMtM fUte ofNew York to the Iat Democratic NationsConvention nttr y m ff legates to tbetest Democratic Std Convention is nev-ertheless forced use all the powerhas to put the Democratic party of theState in a position to win the nxt elec-tion The Democratic national leaderswill look i hjnt to mike aiaeece efforts irthat direction Thrt does not mean thathe Is forced to seek an alliance with Lew-is Nixon It means that Hut te

eyed inwWble exertion to gain con-trol of tJ t aext Democratic State Coa-ventioa and use his control of it to putforward candidates and a platform whichwill win votes for the Democratic party

The rural Democrats nd Mr Hill hasstore Influence with them than any otherDemocrat in the State believe that it tehealthy for the Democratic party to havetwo organizations ic Xew York city Ifthere is only one orgaafeatiea they sayit grows too strong and dominates thtDemocratic party of the State

Richard Croker they declare has onlythe talents a ward leader sad neverhad any more Ward leadership trans-ferred to a State convention or to a na-tional convention they say has betafatal to the Democratic party ia thisState They therefore look with pleasureupon the orgaaJsatioH by John C Shoekaa William F Sfa hB and Jacob ACastor is a rival Democratic organizationU that of Tammany Hall and it seemshighly prmmMe that thiswill have a share ef New Yorks represen-tation ia next Democratic State c a

if the rural Democrats have theirway


ailflilirnn THaii nicn SuniiuKoiIIy of-I ne l I iiiiiR-

T JOSBPff Mick J m liArth r-

Krasee son of J W F w a

Mv S fi fl or m r

her twojr yeaj tm wissHaJ n lUMl MiBkii ahstit n Mt ear

arottos-FrnM was Iii three time ta the ntfive years and twice It was red he co ld


lreHcli rtiniiHfnptHFirj Hnytt it tannot Ite I HCU IH France

CHICAGO Jan U Baron AlfredBarral of Paris has arrived ia Chicagowhere he will retrain tea days studyingthe industrial eottoitioas of Calcage ascowp tre l to other foreign and AmericandUet he tea vUlUo-

n sdcs a toms in Paris the baronmaintains a country place sear Berelea c-

aad employs 2904 persons in a manufac-turing plant In the latter city

Tk t baron declares that labor avnamack have met with a cold receptionboth la Germany aad Jraace becausemany persons are thrown out of work brtheir Introduction One American beyhe says can do the work of eight Frenchgirls when aWed hv American machinerybat he maintains that the prejudiceagainst laborsaving machinery is toestrong to permit its Importation

CHICAGO Jan IS Fire whleh startedat oclock this morniog in thelean Malting Compauys elevator at Kiftyascend Street and the PaaHaadleroad destroyed the building sad Its con-tents causing a lots ot more than 25-

K T tf were Oil H bushels cf barla the bullling


Harrisonanti lIne




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del ptes





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Paid Chnrcr onBOKHS Present

Some time ago Lord Pauncefote tileBritish Ambassador received by express-a box which OB loins opened contained

more than large red brick aadon which his lordship Had been obligedto pay shh ftiag charges ameaattmrS8 teats or would have had tresstIle mrateriew Therein stackcariosity at the Bmbeesy as to wherethe package might have come from M ttcontained a or evidences of UMsender First it was thought the boxcontained and that KB attempt

the Ilfe c the Ambassador was in-tended The bait was consequently hand-led giagerYy ami opened with snack preeaution1

And Bow to light that therewas arrested in New York yteteruay byDetective Sergeants Moody sad Loosesa man named James Doaohue who saidhe lived at the Hamracrsley LodgingHone sear BieecKer StreetThis sairDaBohuo it is said was takesto polled lUMde iarters where a chargeof awl lBj petered a si

The the detectives aceusiag-Doaohue Is that he took Advantage efthe holiday sail procuring somesteamship lists package tags secured theaddress ofsereral persons likely to re-

ceive presents from abroad Thsa mak-ing up a package anythingfrom aa old shoe to a piece of fourlch

he would send it to the victimand as the package bore the steamshiplines tag he would receive the charges laadvaace at the express ole

DoBohue Is alleged te be a packer bytrade Although he sever collected morethan L20 oa a single package the de-

tectives clawed that his opcraties lassbeeR no to bring the amountof his stealings lato hundreds of dollars




Colnacl Robert J Loivry Points OatHow the Political Situation in

Ills State anil Others Can HeImproved

Col Robert J Lowry president ef theLewry aUoae thank of Atlanta O te-

at the feW WIHard Hotel He te mteraped ia a WIt sooa to be Introduced la-

the Senate expects before he leavesthe Capital to have a talk with Presi-dent BeoMveit

Colossi wry te a representative of theprogressive element ot RepebHeaRlsm iaUte South He prophesies a great futurefor the Republican party la hIs Statewhen the better type of white Repub-licans slab be store generally recognised

If two elements of negro controland hunger for oflce could be eliminatedteem the party there would be a brightoutlook for RepubHcaBtom In the Southhe said A wise reedgaittoa of the progresUve and respectably white Repub-licans of the State during the next fewyears Will a greatpetty wHI 9i entail gala the support ofmany way BOW boilers la the economicprin mrocated let will not be dotsInateaV HjtjMtfafertor race or by politicalspoitomeaf

We agar a maaafacturiag countryThere awmaay wJu are ecming to telleria cite jwetaaf ive tariff null the monetarytenets e ReMUica8tom who are deterredfrom JoMag flue erganlmtiea because ofthe elemeats tanned We need mea whoare wiMacte Join tics ergaaiaatiea be-

cause ot belief ia the principles sad aetwith aa slug te political gain

We aaafMBon ia the omees who here to

chronic MMttfteeker When suck wsmorn jntBttiy recognized they win form-a auNDnkjiij leli will draw to thin Utemore and progressive classes

Colonel Lewry was of theAmerican Bankers Association when itmet iaSi mis in 189 At that time hewas a Democrat hot his sound money prin-ciples unused him to change his politicalfaith He was a personal friend of Presi-dent MeKteler whom be entertained dar-ing his test visit to Atlanta He was oneof the three Southern members of the MeKinky Memorial Association appointed by


Police o Kuforce KeRuIntion-Acaiiiat Property Holder

A few days ago the District Caamtestoners reeeired from the Police Depart-ment a aetice to the effect that there wasdir on the sidewalk on Florida Avenue

Thirteenth anti FourteeathStreet northeast

The matter was referred to fibs Eagiaeer DopaVtmeat anti the sidewalk wascleaned uaeer the aireetioa of W MBarton

The papers tare now teen referred tethe hUH Bfcaartmeat with ktetraettea-sooai fi e DNtf regalatlea against

0 e MewaHt-

weehv aga reeot

Ceartarraigned hat hte seas was eoactea toawait the remit of McKatbsThe matter will probably be disposed ofthis week

While was returning home fromthe 1caslsn Omee where he te a door

struck and badly injured at Third and DStreets aartaweitt by a bicycle whichyoung Warder rode The falter was hurvying toward th Dlstrl t Building wherehe was employed and was riding suiterapidly behind the Ire engines whichwere responding at the time to aa alarmof are la UM neighborhood McNabb on

lajuted was sent to the KmergearyHospital remained a patienttwo weeks lie was then sent home

ICvenltiK Aetvn1 Maiuc Jia 1J The pub-

lishers W Portland EveningIB aBtl TeMaiUcB organ haveand jmmaaiBd puMiratloa IJabllHIes-

Kye n nt Mom Itin XVatArches JIaltrf iejs I lureCabot W sl Water viwtM ma f

aanwre-MCdy l1u

wtrnderlalI WMM net


toelse to



I ton





eteA8tve as




tip party

be have had too rmck of tile



lJtt week

WAR C 1 q5D-




cie If

iMIq be okue ap young

leNaday last Ivoatb lee


Iflrth all SuspendD

The News



I IfIeor Iur 4aa a ter1 hId 0 try Agnes

MId sheer theMIl taft

be it It 10 tl IftultllN-SI r iln a1 SlrhA l n anll 1111-

1I 01 lIiI

Lord 1aunceltttr





was lintAtor





Xr aid


ouwkb swerr






liestMi wlK tvllea Into

3emt Warhol


keeper one early





fat yetsadeys str Ikts t

IraI1Nalelrot err

ttithfl trtuarshr Bilhmti F

rod 3ahxs r4 11 ii law r1

























> <







The Defeated Candidate for

Speaker to Fight


Ulectlon Conceded nut Vnndivers SUCCCKH Sot So CertainCurious Korced-Tlironfch Present Situation

BALTIMORE Jan 12 Interest in poli-tics here today is net so much ia theprobability of Arthur P Gormans electionas Senator by the Legislature tomorrowas la speculation regarding the other pos-sible developments ot the complicatedualiea new existing

Muck streagth has bees gaiaed by therumor that the rest of the Democraticprogramme for the session is seriouslyimpaired by the bolt of Delegate IsaacLobe Straue of Baltimore city and hislYe Democratic followers The two Dem-ocratic Delegates Irate Dorchester andthree from Anne Aruadel ceuaty and thesolid Republican delegation ia the Housewill vote with Stress every time be sirenthe word to eat late the machine pro

and thus It te that he may heable te control the balance of power madforce tremendous eoBcessioBS from themachine raaaagers who refused to sleethint Speaker

Younger Men IndependentStraus it is understood has BO iatea

HOB of opposing Oormaas election hisra purpose Is to defeat the reelection

rermad if he hold his start together hewill probably succeed la thisIraetleally the whole Democratic sWis pledged to Gorman but antsy of Ute

men who are chaUac under toomuch management shim that theirledges to the machine will end with UMelection of Gorman and a number ofthem arc then expected to Join the Strausforces Th titian propose to aid the Re-publicans in lighting any eectloa tilt tomake tile dmlranchlsomeni of negroes

worse Wan it teStraus te determined to work foran honest primary efcttkm law Thenausea intend to pass such a law for

BnltfaMMv but they will trot te

Republicans Now SnfeBecause of the defection of Straus and

tho fear of what he may do the awnagersintend to sire up their of count-ing owl some of the Republican members

Meted They lad that they areall their members la line for theof certain moasares thegerrymander of the Congressional andLegislative districts It is believed thatStraus has agreed to support the Republi-cans and use Ms influence with otterDemocrats la an silent to defeat thismeasure and if his tortes do act weakenthe Democrats will have great troubleforcing the measure through

To 1revcnt RxtravrKnuceGovernor Smith Comptroller Bering

aad State Treasurer Vaadiver who com-pose the Board of Public Works are muchInterested in preventing extravagance bythe Legislature An Impression exists inplus in the Treasury and tease thetear that the members will play fast andloose with the States mosey Whilethere Is aa apparent surplus of nearlytldM6M the available hash te somewhereover JMM The two largest individualappropriations are likely to be 115Mtwith which to complete the Fifth Regi-ment armory and 6 Mt for a centralheating apparatus for State atAnnapolis and for an addition to the

of Correction

TRAINING A TROLLEY ARMYBroftUlyii Itnplil Trstiinit to AVerk ua-

i lie Club Room HystettiNEW YORK Jan 13 The Brooklyn

Rapid Transit Company which ownsnearly every trolley tee IB that boroughIs piaJiNlM for the social and physicalbetterment of its arr of employes

man from Chicago to work out the ideaThe plan mbedtes a mutual benefit as-

sociation the sick benefits of which willbe 1 1 a day To participate IB tbe bene-fits dues will be M cents a month Smalletob rooms are to be Rated up and main-tained The parent club will include theassociation office lounging room librarynod reading ream rosin for games wilinrd room gymnasium bowling alleysand a built room There will also be aclass whore instixctloa will begiven tint sdenee of eleoiricity as ap-plied to street railway service Therewill also be an audience room with aseating capacity for 8s where frequententertainments or lectures will be

We piopose said Mr Dudley tolook after the mental sad moral welterof our men as well as their bodily wel-fare All employ OB in all departmentswill be eligible to membership


Patrick Consents to Delay In Ita

NEW YORK Jan IS Albert T Patwk tHo lawyer now trial an-

ImKUmunt her the murder of WtlHam-t wa before Justice

Tombsv or ioas corpus

to the Tomb prison

KA tB DOOKS roE U TKK SA iPresented With Valuable

t n IleriilrtryNOTRE DAMK lad Jan 13 Prof Ed-

wards Mbrariaa and archaeologist ef theUniversity of Notre Dame states that theuaJversit has received a valuable eellecttoa of books oa heraldry and areaaeetegy doeumen A and maay oldand valuable waiatlacs tram MarSeton of New York who is about to sailfor Home to take up his resi-dence there

THe books on lad vare especially They number250 comprise the attest collectionIH the United States

Many of th okI aocuciei have betain the ton fatally for an yeava aaa

Maty of thrai have refereace to hailertnuMwetkms e Revolutionary days

Among the there te one SMyears old of this MaeeaaH It was paintedby an eminent Spanish artist

Many cf th boots in lids collection aaback aa yearr

The folleetioa will b kepi in aal ov at the uaiversitv anti used oro iKiiUil r rch work


Den loIJJl1CutH

gram c

of Murray VlTer as



allyapply law Ute eons


late t

of ate house eke they claim were net

to have enough time to ptpassage



the Legislature that there k a large serState


akin brought J Lldky e





b the

e-rt trick



tht I

TM11 1Mt


ralclr are






orced to such a ti

fairlya hard

fits as


hallootta juries


ue si1 a

JamuarX tooth























< >








Colonel Cody Complains thatx Civilization Is

on His Ranch

The West that I knew the host isalmost passed away said Ort WHImmCody better knowm as alo BW tathe course of a Hew WttfeardHeM this

know Ieaa get out of H I am a nort of an In-dmn anyhow

Or iTilliJj IIiiiI thtek the rltr of the War Horn

whore I live resembles the eN Wokmore toss nay eer part of Ute easetry B tr are to too

I would not have Bant sex butI am up agmtast a propooMoa Sooneror later everyone gets tin against a pron-osition and has to leas something sowI aa here to less soMethAm about Irrl


talk att


theythere to soft

DtfI icome



Ton t her hunt


legln Nag wetassay hostess ereestlitorad




Over Country

May Have Trouble


Vice Pro Id en t Conloii of tke CIA

cIiinlM Hloa Dcclaros Uemaad-ot That Sort Willie Blade ia aMonth a ad Unless Treated aGreat Strl Occur May 1

CHICAGO Jan IX Rallrfaes ia every

serious Uroaaie as the vomit of the aa

the compasses ashes te the tenas dessaaefed-

macMateta employ cd by the tmaapertatlaa-atpa les was made yesterday by Vice

President Cordon of WnsWn toa-Coalons Positive Statement

Ia aa aMrew dettrered hater the

he declared the mea were JtTminiMufc

wage scale which would vary with thearise districts m the coaatryla another month the demand of the

machinists are to W imbmitte w the railfollow ea May L


Jury Stood Tea to Two for theWife

KaTW Jan M Cagreerue of Millionaire Fiends J Oefcee whosued his beautiful for dinstatutory grounds

Mr Oakea nested Marie del Sal a maale teeter as

The jury wont eat Friday afternoon

net agree oa a verdict Tea ef tINa fa-vored Mrs flakes They could sat wiltover the obdurate

Hummoved aa

announced thte morning He saM Utesteed of the Jury indicated that aa tafmttics lad h hte diet

the date for the new trialMM Oaken was ia court thin

purest aaceacera


He Today AMsnmea the Position ofLeader of Tanunaay

NW YORK Jan IX Lewte NixonsMpbullier today began his ditties asseminal leader of Tammany Hall

He was made ehairmaa of thecommittee oa Saturday and will call atthe Fourteenth Street wigwam daily tereceive the district leaders Deface thesad of Ute week accoralaa some disaf-fected politician Mr Nbcoa win ladhimself ignored by district leviers whowill ROt admit Ms authority ia any politi-cal matter except as Ida erden are back-ed by the power of the maa who alacedhim where be Is

The present alleged retirement of Croker from Tammany leadership the thirdla seven years deceived no one The oneopiate in Tammany te that Croker lea

ia thenext election aad that he te afraid tolend Ida ergaaiatioe u two defeats in

Mar Tears The leaders say that be-WMM Unit he cannot control the

i aa aflaa and that to avoidiiiiHi tt he will remain abroad

win pose

rhanutnt ta-

nteed aa I i-

maa la TiuaamawU kw

Nixon as fMr

limited and he Is iiinbahry a tk-slraajter to at lecst thirty eflye Tammany Itaders

Many Tammany politicians ate stak-

Crokers test The awvaaeeawai efNlxoa te likely te to dtesetaataa la UteSullivan metion oat they will net eaeaJr-Hght his just new Xo man ia Tammaaydoubts for a a ment that Croker wiB bback to rosins alive poatrol for the

believes Ta aaany could wia

KalllnK Hlevater DeathNEW rOffK Jolt 11 James Tteaaat-

iurtyeMcbt years old was kilted aadPeter a wts serleuuly iaire By a fall of a freight elevator in

at 24 Eldridge Street this morn




part of are wWI

of toe K tINtlittnlats la the strikethis


tile strike are wenway at the and

by the of t tilethat Ute win tiedAaetOC the eC Ute

lien of Lead Ne Ia

RIAeJtotIt chit Ute e a

rsda useless a will

YORKwu Ute repent oL tile jncT In the


cores filea

They deliNnateil couldI


AM for Mrs Oakesof Ute tam

the pi Ute

Jodge Trout Reed XoIIdaY

Site beard the report or Ute jury withI





rHaed that the Deoeratle party liaset ear tile State

r 1rer




tau a


puzzled to lletetllllhte u vial

city eampait of 1115 K at flat tIaIe 1M



aioa s All


ties eurtry Uhrut ed

norneemmt btenilNt eraaaPioycd atrpa to

spihtgPreparatioe tVny-

Prparatioas far an-tler present time osier

members tllrtea prsapeet-s repair shape ho up


momUnion 1M t Milwaukee

awl aiptNa raNa

taut agreed M Malt





eight basin but

counselImmediate retrial

wits dbagrsemest jury was

esta leasJanuar-



r chance


t vas who


leadatNissan s







a labed








gatiea It te something that theWestern country te earning

Pasfllbtlitien Xever AppreolntedI dent think that the iiaaintriaBin

land known as the Great Americas

dated People soom to ha reearnad Itas honJew for nsrfevitvral purposes OAthe eovtrary If properly irrigated K wilt

It seems as It nature had seSyftUiat-

akam lor the last So I havesat te csasuK with Irriaailoa experts

aaaat aqr farm I am out t talkwith one of them tills am Ing

Show Almost Too ProsperousColonel Cody te aa tesiereaiteK sod vja-

orcue eraenattty He iseaergstie aaTime seema to have dealt as acwapareuefjrwith Mm as II i i his inifnialiii

do o so well with Jt that mi it

J c-UteDIaert over Mea

u richest dlaM er lIP her beat U

erect IIIItwutyr ago


Diet smog a JKUte

AItI were to get a Iftt to-


leas tbtve t7 nppro

dvelap into region eta

vphad gam



vIts was ysr

was geed one sayatew bataa Lid sMoael MI am

tweet goingquit



Itullni Expected Soon From theSupreme Dench of the District

The status of proceedings for dtrreeending la the local merits waVfc wereinstftuted before the code wee

January 1 is still ia doubt Whetherthese proceedings will be eeasia re acseder Ute oM law or the cede Ute exfnttag law has net yet bythe justices of the Svareaae heart ef theDMriet

The question of the tnningof theseeases ease p before Juetlee Haaper

ea mstlea ef Mr Mason Nt TMahanlsea m the case ef Madly J Naaa againstWntiam M Nash tot divorce

It developed that the ieMaaa was witwhen aa effort was made at serve

madeagainst him by his wits Mr Rlchard-aoa therefore sought to aari him served

courtte aa order aatherirtng this to le-

JaaUee Hagaer however aeciliied ba s-

an ea greaad that tae stattt af-eeaaaaga far divorce aeasranary I baaaa caaamaaflaJI tfflien m the beast A eeetekm te

Mrs Nash bvtituted pracsedinajt SacHracee aaaiaat her liiihimt e riajiher M tttl


Claps Tier Hands in Jojn Over tko

MILWAUK3K WIlL Jon AuSMBtUdivorce was aaaed te the list at MrsJssBphlac Molndt ea Friday whoa JadesWUtmaw granted a deeree at aeaanttaw-te her mmaead Mrs Metoetai Jirtyyears em f-

mene apea Mrs Meiadf reaecbea raetami eriodi Good I mav-

f t t-

It oclock B K latuaiMj li me-

Ko ftoe-

BPrantTT Suddenly oa Oiiiiy Jiisi r K-1M at 4 ochek a aw W1LUAM kcmsad-


Stcaiu ICATKTHE WiLLtUC X AYRE 00 e huthat tile capital stack a tfr te mthen rte deW W A DOWTM M Vte ncridca H A-

luiilMj Tiiamut Dsmtraid nd-

TWWAS H TOVKG 4a y Prfrfic-

aw OM ax t the stack of theLawn and TMt Climiuy the


election ire eBWtsai of-


Jnat au t 2 p aw f A SMSK OuMir


mowed item Wtstuagtoa D O to M-

mmf York lily M Janafter Friday Ja ilm-uottea to the Xm fe fc WUrw


X 4tee is hereby gives lint a e titlinthiUin of The TSBMS O fay W fieldat me robe e Ute teaipagy te MM fmamau-aeflefog W lOtk aW D sir Wash

aa the DAY OP JAMUftY-am at z OCLOCK P K lee me

sock awetatr


for Mens 15and soene SISSlMTWeS TO UEASWE-

x mprtin r black tbibcts and tasty murtntatright wrtcht tot no

Schwartz Pelzman505507 Seventh Street


cNchtfany pat atel-whMkcr dUtille es-

ter aur Md-rUONE 713

SI full qt-

Pi M-

et 1VILLIA3I tUKUndertaker and Wverr-

til AT jf w WaiMszUti IX


keen Iltit

with a of Ute




a tlayL

Last Returns

TIte wJwhoa JMt reM k hoc t1ter

lStUUR ofIL siIIt f Frances

tn Stnet W




the Lett day ucet-

SNDAL iOftCLThis k Pe tW SII

It cw-ad

Mea ITort a ill

lies ofrDA

Ice JIlLtII will t at the cfIL



0 sadall t


J c alit prae eta trteea lee the sod

for tit utCIII el at-IINMIbDio D C Jt

1 0


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iO-fu II





late of-



undim espy ee rpNhat

by pttMaltfea afid requestedegos


bogusits mastlion

inchedter n few

deputy atorIlr served thischi w

is y d-

atahhtla 1 tt-

DIHDSMiTflMu wiat H-

aL sad dtstta IleaWalter

Ybart nta hest ha Isis rmidenoaaettrreu




is esaittg paDod r a1

trRa dceI

asderr Tsatiiatd

srs f-itdate d January a fL

to nsla ate 1L

Walilgisatrs d-

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lat s-eand Csaps7 la ask etil

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The swatbosh

tai beBooad

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tdTiM 3

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stun betaDcceahe Ml

dellla Srerlrr


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bslMF1 Pi-

nycadertrilea vstn t

Lterytklah leruurk tlshtrdta areataeatusiie antteise aM iisi








