was ist generation europe? · 2018-09-03 · crowdfunding, argumentationstechniken und...


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Page 1: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

Generation Europe ist ein Programm des Internationalen Bildungs- und Begegnungswerks e.V. zur Förderung einer aktiven europäischen Zivilgesellschaft. Es initiiert ein internationales Jugendnetzwerk und motiviert zu gemeinsamem politischen Handeln. Beteiligt sind 30 Jugendeinrichtungen aus 15 europäischen Ländern. Jugendliche aus jeweils drei Ländern arbeiten drei Jahre lang zusammen, um sich politisch einzumischen. Sie identifizieren Probleme vor Ort, treffen sich zu internationalen Begegnungen und unterstützen einander bei lokalen Projekten. Sie vernetzen sich auf einer digitalen Liquid-Democracy-Plattform und diskutieren, welche Probleme nicht nur national auftreten, sondern europäisch zu denken sind. Dabei suchen sie auf allen Ebenen den Dialog mit Vertreter*innen politischer Institutionen. Indem sie ihre Aktionen vor Ort mit Aktivitäten auf der europäischen Ebene verbinden, entwickeln und erproben sie neue Ansätze einer gemeinsamen europäischen Demokratiebildung.

Generation Europe richtet sich an junge Menschen aller Zielgruppen: Unabhängig von Herkunft, Einkommen der Eltern und bisherigem Erfolg im Bildungssystem sind sie gemeinsam aktiv. Sie leisten einen Beitrag zur europäischen Verständigung und zum Aufbau einer selbstbewussten inklusiven europäischen Bürgerschaft.

Warum sind wir aktiv?In vielen Ländern gewinnen undemokratische und rechtspopulistische Bewegungen an Zustimmung. Werte wie Freiheit, Demokratie und Respekt für die Menschenrechte spielen in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung häufig eine geringere Rolle als die Konflikte und Krisen in Europa. Solidarische Gesellschaftsentwürfe werden immer wieder in Frage gestellt. Junge Menschen sind besonders stark von ökonomischen Krisen und sozialer Ungleichheit betroffen. Viele haben das Gefühl, dass sich wenig ändern lässt. Dabei ist die Partizipation von jungen Menschen zentral für die europäische Demokratie. Sie sind es, die am längsten mit den Entscheidungen leben müssen, die heute getroffen werden.

Politische Partizipation für alle! Generation Europe ist ein neues und wegweisendes Förderprogramm für die internationale Jugendzusammenarbeit. Es hat den Anspruch, insbesondere Jugendliche zu erreichen, die bisher aus Prozessen der politischen Partizipation ausgeschlossen waren. Auch Jugendliche, die sich selbst als „unpolitisch“ beschreiben, haben häufig großes Interesse an politischen Fragen, wenn Zugangshürden abgebaut werden, ein Bezug zu ihrer Lebenswelt besteht und ihr Engagement Auswirkungen hat. Gleichzeitig sind Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund, Fluchterfahrung, mit gebrochenen Bildungsbiographien und solche aus dem ländlichen Raum in internationalen Projekten unterrepräsentiert. Dieses Ungleichgewicht geht Generation Europe aktiv an. Den beteiligten Jugendeinrichtungen ist gemeinsam, dass sie vor Ort bereits mit Jugendlichen heterogener Zielgruppen arbeiten. Indem nicht Einzelprojekte, sondern dreijährige Projektpartnerschaften gefördert werden, schafft das Programm die Voraussetzung für nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit.

Was ist Generation Europe?

Generation Europeist ein Programm des IBB e.V., gefördert von:

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungwerk e.V.Bornstraße 66, D-44145 DortmundProjektreferentin: Katharina Teiting

E-Mail: [email protected].: +49 231 952096-26



GenerationEuropeNetwork Generationeurope_network@GenerationEuro1

Page 2: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

Generation Europe is a programme by the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) for furthering an active European Citizenship. It initiates an international youth network and motivates to common political action. 30 youth work institutions from 15 European countries are taking part. In each case, youths from three countries continually collaborate over the course of three years in order to get politically involved. They identify problems at the locations, meet in international encounters, and support each another in local projects. They network on a digital liquid-democracy platform and discuss which problems appear not just on the national level, but can be considered on the European level as well. In this, they are seeking a dialogue with representatives of political institutions on all levels. By combining their actions at the location with activities on the European level, they develop and test new approaches of a shared European democracy education.

Generation Europe is geared towards young people from all target groups: They are active together, irrespective of origin, parental income, and their previous success in formal educational systems. They contribute towards European understanding and towards creating a confident and inclusive European citizenship.

Why are we active? In many countries, undemocratic and right-wing populist movements are increasingly met with approval. In the perception of the public, values like freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights often play a lesser role to the conflicts and crises in Europe. Solidary conceptions of society are questioned again and again. Young people are hit especially hard by economic crises and social inequality. Many feel there is little that can be changed. However, the participation of young people is of central importance for European democracy. It is them who have to live with the decisions taken today for the longest.

Political participation for everyone! Generation Europe is an innovative support programme for international youth collaboration. It specifically aims at also reaching youths, who have been excluded from political participation processes until now. Even youths describing themselves as „unpolitical“ often show great interest in political questions once entrance barriers have been removed, once a relationship to their lived experiences exists, and they furthermore experience their committed actions having an impact. At the same time, youths with migration backgrounds, flight experiences, with broken educational biographies, as well as those from rural areas are severely underrepresented in international projects. Generation Europe actively addresses this imbalance. Common to all participating youth work institutions is their already working with youths from diverse target groups at the location. By not funding individual projects, but three-year project partnerships, the programme creates the foundation for sustainable collaboration.

What is Generation Europe?

Generation Europeis a programme by IBB e.V., funded by:

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungwerk e.V.Bornstraße 66, D-44145 Dortmund

Project coordinator: Katharina TeitingE-Mail: [email protected]

Tel.: +49 231 952096-26



GenerationEuropeNetwork Generationeurope_network@GenerationEuro1

Page 3: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

Generation Europe is a programme by the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) for furthering an active European Citizenship. It initiates an international youth network and motivates to common political action. 30 youth work institutions from 15 European countries are taking part. In each case, youths from three countries continually collaborate over the course of three years in order to get politically involved. They identify problems at the locations, meet in international encounters, and support each another in local projects. They network on a digital liquid-democracy platform and discuss which problems appear not just on the national level, but can be considered on the European level as well. In this, they are seeking a dialogue with representatives of political institutions on all levels. By combining their actions at the location with activities on the European level, they develop and test new approaches of a shared European democracy education.

Generation Europe is geared towards young people from all target groups: They are active together, irrespective of origin, parental income, and their previous success in formal educational systems. They contribute towards European understanding and towards creating a confident and inclusive European citizenship.

Why are we active? In many countries, undemocratic and right-wing populist movements are increasingly met with approval. In the perception of the public, values like freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights often play a lesser role to the conflicts and crises in Europe. Solidary conceptions of society are questioned again and again. Young people are hit especially hard by economic crises and social inequality. Many feel there is little that can be changed. However, the participation of young people is of central importance for European democracy. It is them who have to live with the decisions taken today for the longest.

Political participation for everyone! Generation Europe is an innovative support programme for international youth collaboration. It specifically aims at also reaching youths, who have been excluded from political participation processes until now. Even youths describing themselves as „unpolitical“ often show great interest in political questions once entrance barriers have been removed, once a relationship to their lived experiences exists, and they furthermore experience their committed actions having an impact. At the same time, youths with migration backgrounds, flight experiences, with broken educational biographies, as well as those from rural areas are severely underrepresented in international projects. Generation Europe actively addresses this imbalance. Common to all participating youth work institutions is their already working with youths from diverse target groups at the location. By not funding individual projects, but three-year project partnerships, the programme creates the foundation for sustainable collaboration.

What is Generation Europe?

Generation Europeis a programme by IBB e.V., funded by:

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungwerk e.V.Bornstraße 66, D-44145 Dortmund

Project coordinator: Katharina TeitingE-Mail: [email protected]

Tel.: +49 231 952096-26



GenerationEuropeNetwork Generationeurope_network@GenerationEuro1

GENERATION EUROPE: Aktiv vor Ort, international vernetzt2018



Kick Off Event



LOKALE TREFFEN (Recherche & Diskurs mit Politik auf lokaler Ebene)

LOKALE TREFFEN (Entwicklung Aktionsplan)



LOKALE TREFFEN(UmsetzungAktionsplan)

LOKALE TREFFEN(Problemidentifikation

lokale Ebene)

LOKALE TREFFEN (Umsetzung Aktionsplan)


LOKALE TREFFEN(Umsetzung Aktionsplan & Treffen

mit Politik lokale & europäische Ebene)

LOKALE TREFFEN(Problemidentifikation

lokale Ebene)

Methodenwerkstatt 3.JUGENDBEGEGNUNG(Mediale Produkte,



(Dezentrale Präsentation aller Jugendprojekte)


& Perspektivenentwicklung)

EBENE 2: JUGENDLICHELokale AktivitätenVor und nach den internationalen Begegnungen sind die Jugendlichen lokal aktiv. Sie identifizieren Probleme vor Ort, an denen sie mit Unterstützung ihrer Partner*innen aus den anderen Ländern arbeiten wollen. Sie entwickeln lokale Aktionspläne und setzen sie um.

Internationale JugendbegegnungenDie Jugendlichen treffen sich in der Projektpartnerschaft, wobei jeder Projektpartner einmal Gastgeber ist. Sie unterstützen sich und diskutieren die europäische Ebene der Probleme, gegen die sie vor Ort aktiv sind.

Europäischer JugendkongressAlle Aktiven treffen sich in Strasbourg. Sie beschäftigen sich damit, wie lokale Probleme innerhalb des demokratischen Prozesses bearbeitet werden können. Themen: Methoden der Kampagnenarbeit, Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills an.

Dezentrale europäische AktionswocheIm Herbst 2020 treten alle Beteiligten noch einmal gleichzeitig und koordiniert an die Öffentlichkeit. Sie präsentieren die Ergebnisse ihrer dreijährigen Arbeit, setzen zuvor geplante dezentrale Aktionen um, konfrontieren lokale Entscheidungsträger*innen mit ihren Forderungen und machen den internationalen Charakter von Generation Europe sichtbar.

JUGENDPOLITIKGESTALTEN!Mit Generation Europe entsteht nicht nur ein internationales Netzwerk von Jugendeinrichtungen und Jugendlichen. Wir wollen auch die jugendpolitischen Strategien in Europa weiterentwickeln. In einer Steuerungsgruppe treffen sich die Aktiven mit Vertreter*innen der Fördermittelgeber und weiteren Expert*innen. Im Rahmen unserer Konferenzen und Vernetzungstreffen laden wir auch zu internationalen Stakeholder-Treffen ein. Hier bringen wir Vertreter*innen unterschiedlicher politischer Ebenen mit weiteren Akteuren der Jugendpolitik zusammen. Das Ziel: Begegnung und Austausch zwischen denen, die an der Basis in Jugendprojekten aktiv sind und denen, die die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen setzen. In regionalen Gruppen erstellen die Projektpartner Leitlinien- und Grundlagenpapiere. Wir wollen europäische Jugendpolitik vor Ort verankern und gleichzeitig dafür sorgen, dass die Erkenntnisse aus der praktischen Arbeit bei politischen Entscheidungen auf allen Ebenen berücksichtigt werden. Dabei werden die Jugendlichen und die beteiligten Fachkräfte selbst zu Akteur*innen der Jugendpolitik.

EBENE 1: FACHKRÄFTEVereinbarung trilateraler PartnerschaftenZehn Jugendeinrichtungen aus Deutschland haben Projektpartnerschaften mit jeweils zwei Jugendeinrichtungen aus anderen europäischen Ländern geschlossen.

Kick-Off-VernetzungDie Fachkräfte aus den15 beteiligten Ländern treffen sich. Themen: Finanzen/Organisation, Aufbau des Netzwerks, Zielsetzungen, Konzepte Europäischer Zivilgesellschaft.

Fachkräfte-TrainingDas Training vermittelt Methoden der politischen Bildung für heterogene Zielgruppen. Die Projektpartner steigen in die Detailplanung für die erste Jugendbegegnung ein.

MethodenwerkstättenHier erarbeiten die Fachkräfte ein Handbuch mit neuentwickelten Methoden zu Aktiver Europäischer Bürgerschaft für heterogene Zielgruppen.

AbschlusskonferenzDie Fachkräfte kommen nochmals zusammen, um die Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse zu reflektieren. Es geht um einen differenzierten Blick auf die vergangenen drei Jahre und um die Ergebnissicherung. Gemeinsam erstellte Materialien werden vorgestellt, finalisiert und anschließend digital veröffentlicht.

2.JUGENDBEGEGNUNG(Verbindung lokale & internationale Ebene,


JUGENDKONGRESS(Schulung Kampagnenarbeit

& Jugend diskutiertmit Politik)

1.JUGENDBEGEGNUNG(Aktive Bürgerschaft,


Page 4: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

GENERATION EUROPE: Act locally, network internationally2018



Kick OffConference



LOCAL MEETINGS(Research and Discourse

on local level)LOCAL MEETINGS

(Development Action Plans)


Method Workshop

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation

Action Plans)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Problem identification

on local level)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation Action Plans)

Final Conference

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation Action Plans, Meeting

Politic on local and European level)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Problem identification

on local level)

Method Workshop 3rd.YOUTH ENCOUNTER(Medial Products,

Reflection, Development of perspectives)


(Decentral Presentationof all youth projects)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Evaluation and Development

of Perspectives)


Local ActivitiesPrior to and following international encounters, the youths are active locally. They identify problems at the location, which they want to work on with the support of their partners from the other countries. They develop local action plans and implement these.

International Youth EncountersThe youths meet in their project partnership, with each project partner taking on the role of host once. They support one another and discuss the European level of the problems they are working on at the location.

European Youth CongressAll those active meet in Strasbourg. They deal with the question of how to engage with local problems as part of a democratic process. Topics: Methods of campaigning, crowdfunding, argumentative techniques, and media relations. In discussions with decision-makers, they apply the skills they have learned.

Decentralised European Week of ActionIn the autumn of 2020, all participants will address the public in a simultaneous and coordinated manner. They present the results of their three years of work, implement previously planned decentralised actions, confront local decision-makers with their demands, and make visible the international character of Generation Europe.


Generation Europe creates not only an international network of youth work institutions and youths. We also want to further develop strategies of youth politics in Europe. Those active in the projects meet with representatives of the sponsors and other experts in a steering committee. As part of our conferences and networking meetings, we also host international stakeholder meetings. Here, we connect representatives from different political levels with other actors in youth politics. The goal: An encounter and exchange between those active in youth projects at the grassroots level, and those defining the institutional framework. The project partners develop guidance and framework papers in regional groups. We want to anchor European youth politics at the location, and, at the same time, make sure the results from practical work are taken into account on all levels. In this, the youths and the participating professionals become actors in youth politics themselves.

LEVEL 1: PROFESSIONALSAgreement on Trilateral PartnershipsTen youth work institutions from Germany forged project partnerships with two youth work institutions from other European countries each.

Kick-Off NetworkingProfessional from the 15 participating countries meet. Topics: Finance/organisation, creating the network, goals, concepts of European civil society.

Training for ProfessionalsThe training conveys methods of political education for heterogeneous target groups. The project partners begin detailed planning for the first youth encounter.

Workshops on MethodHere, the experts develop a handbook with newly developed methods on Active European Citizenship for heterogeneous target groups.

Concluding ConferenceThe professionals meet once more, in order to reflect on their experiences and results. This is all about developing a nuanced perspective on the past three years and safeguarding their results. Materials, which have been developed together, are presented, finalised, and then published digitally.

2nd.YOUTH ENCOUNTER (Connection local

and international level, Empowerment)

YOUTH CONFERENCE(Training, Campaigning

and youth discusseswith politic)

1st.YOUTH ENCOUNTER(Active Citizenship,basic Human Rights,


Page 5: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

GENERATION EUROPE: Act locally, network internationally2018



Kick OffConference



LOCAL MEETINGS(Research and Discourse

on local level)LOCAL MEETINGS

(Development Action Plans)


Method Workshop

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation

Action Plans)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Problem identification

on local level)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation Action Plans)

Final Conference

LOCAL MEETINGS(Implementation Action Plans, Meeting

Politic on local and European level)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Problem identification

on local level)

Method Workshop 3rd.YOUTH ENCOUNTER(Medial Products,

Reflection, Development of perspectives)


(Decentral Presentationof all youth projects)

LOCAL MEETINGS(Evaluation and Development

of Perspectives)


Local ActivitiesPrior to and following international encounters, the youths are active locally. They identify problems at the location, which they want to work on with the support of their partners from the other countries. They develop local action plans and implement these.

International Youth EncountersThe youths meet in their project partnership, with each project partner taking on the role of host once. They support one another and discuss the European level of the problems they are working on at the location.

European Youth CongressAll those active meet in Strasbourg. They deal with the question of how to engage with local problems as part of a democratic process. Topics: Methods of campaigning, crowdfunding, argumentative techniques, and media relations. In discussions with decision-makers, they apply the skills they have learned.

Decentralised European Week of ActionIn the autumn of 2020, all participants will address the public in a simultaneous and coordinated manner. They present the results of their three years of work, implement previously planned decentralised actions, confront local decision-makers with their demands, and make visible the international character of Generation Europe.


Generation Europe creates not only an international network of youth work institutions and youths. We also want to further develop strategies of youth politics in Europe. Those active in the projects meet with representatives of the sponsors and other experts in a steering committee. As part of our conferences and networking meetings, we also host international stakeholder meetings. Here, we connect representatives from different political levels with other actors in youth politics. The goal: An encounter and exchange between those active in youth projects at the grassroots level, and those defining the institutional framework. The project partners develop guidance and framework papers in regional groups. We want to anchor European youth politics at the location, and, at the same time, make sure the results from practical work are taken into account on all levels. In this, the youths and the participating professionals become actors in youth politics themselves.

LEVEL 1: PROFESSIONALSAgreement on Trilateral PartnershipsTen youth work institutions from Germany forged project partnerships with two youth work institutions from other European countries each.

Kick-Off NetworkingProfessional from the 15 participating countries meet. Topics: Finance/organisation, creating the network, goals, concepts of European civil society.

Training for ProfessionalsThe training conveys methods of political education for heterogeneous target groups. The project partners begin detailed planning for the first youth encounter.

Workshops on MethodHere, the experts develop a handbook with newly developed methods on Active European Citizenship for heterogeneous target groups.

Concluding ConferenceThe professionals meet once more, in order to reflect on their experiences and results. This is all about developing a nuanced perspective on the past three years and safeguarding their results. Materials, which have been developed together, are presented, finalised, and then published digitally.

2nd.YOUTH ENCOUNTER (Connection local

and international level, Empowerment)

YOUTH CONFERENCE(Training, Campaigning

and youth discusseswith politic)

1st.YOUTH ENCOUNTER(Active Citizenship,basic Human Rights,


Page 6: Was ist Generation Europe? · 2018-09-03 · Crowdfunding, Argumentationstechniken und Medienarbeit. Bei Diskussionen mit Entscheidungsträger*innen wenden sie die die gelernten Skills

Generation Europe is a programme by the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) for furthering an active European Citizenship. It initiates an international youth network and motivates to common political action. 30 youth work institutions from 15 European countries are taking part. In each case, youths from three countries continually collaborate over the course of three years in order to get politically involved. They identify problems at the locations, meet in international encounters, and support each another in local projects. They network on a digital liquid-democracy platform and discuss which problems appear not just on the national level, but can be considered on the European level as well. In this, they are seeking a dialogue with representatives of political institutions on all levels. By combining their actions at the location with activities on the European level, they develop and test new approaches of a shared European democracy education.

Generation Europe is geared towards young people from all target groups: They are active together, irrespective of origin, parental income, and their previous success in formal educational systems. They contribute towards European understanding and towards creating a confident and inclusive European citizenship.

Why are we active? In many countries, undemocratic and right-wing populist movements are increasingly met with approval. In the perception of the public, values like freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights often play a lesser role to the conflicts and crises in Europe. Solidary conceptions of society are questioned again and again. Young people are hit especially hard by economic crises and social inequality. Many feel there is little that can be changed. However, the participation of young people is of central importance for European democracy. It is them who have to live with the decisions taken today for the longest.

Political participation for everyone! Generation Europe is an innovative support programme for international youth collaboration. It specifically aims at also reaching youths, who have been excluded from political participation processes until now. Even youths describing themselves as „unpolitical“ often show great interest in political questions once entrance barriers have been removed, once a relationship to their lived experiences exists, and they furthermore experience their committed actions having an impact. At the same time, youths with migration backgrounds, flight experiences, with broken educational biographies, as well as those from rural areas are severely underrepresented in international projects. Generation Europe actively addresses this imbalance. Common to all participating youth work institutions is their already working with youths from diverse target groups at the location. By not funding individual projects, but three-year project partnerships, the programme creates the foundation for sustainable collaboration.

What is Generation Europe?

Generation Europeis a programme by IBB e.V., funded by:

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungwerk e.V.Bornstraße 66, D-44145 Dortmund

Project coordinator: Katharina TeitingE-Mail: [email protected]

Tel.: +49 231 952096-26



GenerationEuropeNetwork Generationeurope_network@GenerationEuro1