wan 4dminiitbatob'h bltul caboo z .j.^^^lsm … · 2017. 12. 18. · gered nnmurm-ting-lyfor...


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Page 1: Wan 4DMINIITBATOB'H BlTul CABOO Z .J.^^^Lsm … · 2017. 12. 18. · gered nnmurm-Ting-lyfor tweuty-tour days, when deathremoved bim

Bs'-BH-w) Adoilaalßn.the New Yorh That*, of the fith, in a IcßtlioK

edtiortal. from wbk*b we made a brief extract jet.

terday, makes the following notar-abie ceoTrssion ;

\u25a0'It-topar__lty !dto to cenceal the fact lhat. as \we*sian* to day, n sv# *._r*. and th* name laoiitWhich hOVe beaten tut hitherto will, if .milium .I. |boat OS to the end ol the chapter. 11 we pt-rmst in jtbapolicy thus far pur?*-; if we have net beit-rOcaeials to the army, aad batter ec*uctlato theCabins t,and more vigor, amore hljrh tomd eiicrgv, jaaaore raaolate mid well aimed datcrmtoalton Intba Ooverameat than we have lied btthcrto. the r>>

hellion will C-Kjuer toe Oovernuieiit. .I.n Daviswill take Mr. l.tocdn . seat, md the lonstii.uio..

ef tha Ceo--eracy will -epi<«*' ««* 2_____Sl_2_ftbe Catted Slate*. Bui with such a reform, pimnp.Iv started and view-*_slv carriesl out, we can con

ofurthTrehei. ?_d rwoore the asoaad-ocy ot iheNational flag,"

The tSmm nM* that -ha oe.Btomeal a-oat re

form the gener_l*hlp. thai Mmrmdf, (stooehSded) jtawhom it pays « hi'-w-iK oaO-pB-aaol, and otherswhom it meat tons, deserve higher |_»ilioi.s, lhat jtbe I .as?ant idionld *n.lect tha nn-st aaow___l amiskillful of the Mftjot tleueia-t'siiil gif him com.

stand cf the Amy a) Wfßt'hio, and be will havetaken ihe llrst and mosi lanportaal step t< wa;.ls daatroyiuf tbe relnsl army and crushing the rebellion.If be has not the strength or sell reliant.* to Ukrthis Step. Ihe rebellion will cert aiuly ofOSb *»«."

ThusltwUlbeseeuthat the of Pops .sal.ready sinking iv the Morihern horizon, havh-tfe*.owed that of the "TOBtof Napoleou." with pollen-

tons rapidity. Bot Liucoiu has aßoloag beedacl-inguponth* policy lodicatedhy tha Tim (.-hooaiaf jnew Generals and __ods__c them, but with the

earns unvaryingill hick. First, there wt_ Soil, thenMcCtollan, then Pope. Bui they have no match forthe Southern military leadeis in their arades, andif tbe result depends >>v aapevtor fenerakhlp, theTime* is right in it» apprehension thai ihe ? .vbellioiiwill crn*h Lincoln.'' More than all, Prevideaee f. .

vor»onr arms, and a great and gallant peapla, tospired by a noble cstt-e aud *____BBd by the iue

aistibls arm of the Almighty, cannot lie Miiidn. d.

Nr.W Pl'M-ICATIONS ? Wrtl A Johnston liav.just issued "Cavalry Drill and Sabre Kx.-rcitse. ' by

George Patton. This admirable work is Utaatrot-dthroughout in snperioisfyie. It v.ilh.\i a widecirculation.

W. Hargrave White has issued the firs', of a ntw

aeries of Southern Headers, bavin**; issued tl.e Prto <r

and Second Reader some weeks ago. Tha ? ffertscf this enterprising pahßahpr in bvlialf of BM-Berneducation should -ectire the tiiilverKal stippm' ol


M__*_l_i» :j>,

Outiietth iu-t., at uakw.iot! ivmett ry, by IhaRev Mr.-oiomon, Cap', t - W. bIG lABBSoB,otJames City count v. V-v.toMtoa All-.ELLA RLD-KORD,daughter "of John at.d Marta Kedtord. offleuric county.


At the residence of c. 11. Ferreß, ____x 00-tsty,Va, ap the 10th instant, at 4 P. M., Mis. 8881-CC_d. COTTREI.L. j

Her funeral will take place fro.v Iha re__ence orMr. Joseph F. Cottrel), in Sidney, at 4 o'?ock tbis(Friday) evening.*' Tbe trieuds aud aeqaahitaareaof her iinsband, Bei'j. Cettrell, and t_ii-.e oi Mrs.Pitcher's family and that of J. F. Colin-11, are to-vLed to attend without, further BoUea.

Of dyptheriit, on Thiti-sdav. tbe I lib toatant, aIhalf past ten o'clock, BBTTIE J. OOSDKN, iv tha-2th year of her age.

Her funeral will take pia.'" Ir,m rea'.d-B > Iherunile, John F. Duv.s, ou Mar-hall >!t«rt, thn(Fridayi evening ut 3 o dock. Tb-li__ds andac-ipia'niances of tbe family a*.e n*qiir-.ie.l ioa:i--ndwithout luriher uotice.

On the -Ith inst., af soarleUev, r, at tha residenceof his father, in Cbarlofte emsaty, \'a , WILLIAMP. DIXON, in the 10th year of bus ajje.The night dew that falls, though to Mlnir. it weeps,Khali brighten with «_r___e ibe grave where n>-

sleeps;.And the tear lhat we shed, though to secret ler.iilw,-hail longkeep his memory gr«?u iv ear molt. '\u25a0

On Monday, Ist September. Ist,,!, a' l.is residence,in Fredericksburg, Va., .lull- U. HALI, iv the75thyearof his age.

|"_p* Petersburg papers jii--_(ie copy.In Caroline county, at tbe res-tonee of E. M (!.

Penney. on Mouday, Ist inst, at -v m.nut.-. pael ?!

P.M., WILLlfc LKL. the only child el _. i. andM. E. McMulliu, tig-d i~ BWnttol and 4 days.

Obitxiarit'S.Died, in tbis city, at the residence of hto undo

Mr. Win. H. Clarkson. on ibe Hith ol Angmt tost,DAVID L. CAMPBELL, in tbe .kith veir oi htoage.

Mr. Camj.be ! was ». re-.i.lent of Salem, Roanokeconnt}*, where bis Aaeaaaolate widow now resides._o_D after the commeuceiuent of fi.- preseu* un-holy isor,lT?aa Virginia .-ali-d opoa hereoasturally-round ber standard and le defend ber soilfrom the pollnriuf; tread of tba Morthera hnrdsa,Mr. Campbell, witli truly patrtolledev<Hioa, badeadieu to wife andfriend*, and attaching himself io

the Ist Virginiaartillery regiment, marched forth toduty. After passing tiiroiigb all Ihe hardship* in-cident to tbP soldier's life, tb» >-u!jj.ct of our aottoebecame a prey to typhoidfever, wttb which be lin-gered nnmurm-Ting-lyfor tweuty-tour days, whendeathremoved bim <o a higherand bi sphere.

The writer of this feeble tribute knew Mr. Camp-bell l_timi.ti-.lyfor many years, and be can say withaineerity that he neverknew a none conscientious,charitable, high-minded man. Ever ready to per- jlorm kind offices lor others, he was looked v* on by jall who knew him as a warm personal friend aadmost valuable ueigbbor. During bi* reatdeace in |Balem he attached lomitelf to no church ; bnt visit-ing regularly the Louse of Ood, he look t?e Bible jforhis precept,and so lived a* to make bis eOB-Spleworthy of imitation by hi* friend- and aasorintnfi

And here we would thorn tbi*aattea of our & ~-nd. jbelieving tbat hi* death Las but insured loin apeaceful Immoitality, but for the fond, doting, jheart broken wife, for whose pie«.m.. gOe ni..me_ ,tariiy yearns To her we can bat say, keep Lismemory - green., and so live us to be prepare.l io |meet him ih that world ot happy spirits where an- igelssing tbe praises ot the Lamb, and wham ml jther pain nor sichnesi. can disturb tbe .universal joy :of that eternal home. i*j c.

'? De Mortuis nil nisi f'erum." On the plains |of Manassas a soldier lay wounded, bisbio. d being {freely shed in defence of his beloved South. Noblyhad he fought,and was noticed by hi* Bxceltoncy, Ithe President. Tbe words, "Come and se.. inc. ' \

, from tha lips of his Excellency, fell soothingly on {the ear of the wounded soldier. He did no, find lorbis gallantand meritorious conduct, the Prealdeniappointed him a Lieutenant In the regular service(Marine Corps) ol the Confederacy. Having been jin constant association with the deceased, and withhim at Drury's Muff, to the gallant delence of jwhich, Rothmund, our beloved capita!, owes, ivsome degree, her safety, I must bow my tribute tohla good qualities as a gentleman ap.i bi* etiivah-y ias aa officer. Hi* urbane disposition and bravery Iof spirit endeated him to all with whom ho w_* as- 'aoctoted. Lieut. J. B. FOWLER died iv hi* mother's arms, iv -oochlaud county, Va , ou tbe ,'iodi \u25a0day' of August, Iso.'. surrounded by tin.*.- wholoved bim, and sincerely lamented by his brotherofficers of the C. S. Marine Corps. ? *.

Died, at his father* residence, in the county of ''\u25a0Louisa, on tbe tth instant, iv bis-Oib year, JoBNL. NUCIiOLLS. utter v short illness, of dyptberiu.Tbe subject of tbis obituary was aiming the tir*t to 'volunteer for tbe delence of __cou__-y- was a |member of Frederick Ball Brays, company F, ._*! i\u25bc__ -Bgfaaeat- eervesi in.-jh the campaign in |Morthwest Virginia: ,cr..-d uuo-r J..ck-.u, and !waa aparticipant iv _e_,y every hara fonsht battie la tbe Valley of Virginia and waa in tbe battleof Cedar Ban. lie was brave and true to the end.But what to tuorewfee »_ v Chi is';__i, a consistentmember of the B-pii-it Churc- trom early youth, 'aad so Arm waahis faith and tv deep was bi-T pietyand integrity, tbat till bi* comrade* btscr testimonyto bis lintiiovable faith and sti aslfi.-tm--s iv tile :truth. Therefore, we will not grieve as those wbo |have no hope, but rather rejoice tbat he be* eoae '

? hoaae to Ood and to glory. [?] M.'l*.Died, at the residence of his rranUluther, Sot.


-th 166-. Dr. WM. WiBT JOHNSON, n i..ei_t_r iof the Amelia Troop, Ut Virginiac.valry. alter a iBhort but aevere illness, leaving au extensive .ircie Iof relatives and friands to mourn bim wnom they !so dearly lovedaad m_t highlyesteemi ii He hasi Ia genUe, forgiviug dispo_lti.,n, tlu_ rendered bunHWaya the favorite of all who knew bim. fl was .his misf.-rtuu- to fall into the power of a «r..el oud !BMrettoss enamy, la the battle of Willimnabur-i'. 'and, after enduring thi> bardafaips of his eaßtlvitvha waa brought to his cUidbooas __neac_bto__ :*Wt__h of Im formerself. Death had ?o terrors to. jhl_i-hel.adßecure-thefri.nd.l.ip of tbe Prince of IPeaoa, whoaa presenteillu-ntoed t__<Urk vaUev of 'the shadow of death and hi* band tod him safely '.throßgh all its dangers into the rest tbat re_-_i_t_ ;for the righteous,

"D. _LX-afl_oV__-0R OP VIRGINIA?A'JDPBOI-LAIIATIOK-Whereas a va.aucy haa>-tB-rrad la ta» Bouse ofDelegates of Virginia.-_e_- )aionad by ihe resignation of Johw O. SiKagK, one |Of the Dctegatoa from tbe city of Richmond, theretm% the Sergeant of tbe said city is hereby reWM? canae aa election to be held at the aev«-

-___E-_f* ** ******P"»-rihed by law in raid <iiy,.-,' \u25a0_. \u25a0*StJ*mMS>AYKthm twenty-sac-addaynf the ptexeut?*lQ*Wto<S*S>t**3**r,) tor a Delegate to supply ihe

V*****/ 6ov_t_or, andIk.B,7*kMi&.tM ****** »«? Commonwealth, th.s___________

*** ** \u25a0 1««. ?«« "» theBl**r_»-_*y-_r ef the CenmoowealthJ|p_M__voraor


SavJWM"\u25a0'\u25a0'? Bta'y «^SUC-annoßwealth.maS***S************ mmf*** m***m)tMßsmmtm

T- laiaiaßd bo__essi_aeom4*t\f mmtSmsA, mntmtnHj tenders bis\gjj*\m**** m «J_BBBdX COHMISSJOJf

81-tCUL MOTTCMIv"?"Br HOW if-l TIMI *?«£?» *$£PffKCBASKS -TO TMB OITI-R-- OP HICHMOW D.-We are dads making BCceeßtoßß to o»r?Tow large slock of IffOBB, aod to ?*_»nirn. we would kindly aoggest that they visit tu.and wo are determined to mahe It to your intorettto purchase of on. for we shall not be excelled toquality end prices ol Honda. Our stock of Con-{rem .alters. Walking Shoes, li'.fants andl Chil-"isa's Shoe*, have this day been largely added to,aad we are prepared to suit all isir.es. lor gentle

i m.n we have all lb« diffeteat styles toplease; nl.o,> ..iiths. We have several nice cases of BalmoralBOO*. Just received; and, In a word, we luvlie

I fatotttaa-Oooß*. and upon tho purchase ol n do-eni pair or no we will make a liberal discount from theI \u25balusle tiair. All aie luviled to see us aud piice aud! boy If pleasll Call at B__VlN_ BBWIMU-| MACHINE KOOMH. on 13th N I. It*


THE ONLY CAVALRY TAOTTCB published lvthe Couiederacy, withPlates, Cavalry Orlil aud?Sstlire Exercise. By Oooige Patton. Illits-tinted with newly onehundred beautiful woodengravings. Price, #1; by mail, postage paidto auy part of the Couiederacy. gl.*-.'».

A rOLI.-H.IIY t»N THE HHTIE.S AND ELE-MENTS 01 A PHYSICIAN. Dy Thomas 8.Powell, M 1», Professor of Obslrlrics iv Atlanta ( lla.) Medical College. Price, ode.* by

I mail, ode. Ammtm ardi?to .?___\u25a0

WIST A JOHNSTON,Pabttaban, Booksellers, and Sialioners,

eel--?lt 145 Main street.

r_* J MAKYLAND /.'WAVES. -You will meetat year liatdifaattota thisiKRIDAY \u25a0 morning, at111 o'clock, to prepare lor mustering. The *Mbounty aud uniforms are ready. The companywants st* more HMO. By order.

?., ~; a» JtIHN IT. TORSCII.

JO-__M -AL NOTItJE ?Attention Is asked io

my hal.. THIS DAY. at 10 o'clock, at the Moraco-roar of Main and HHh aU-Oth The stock on

I band Isattractive. See auction bead.a- i.._it IL CAIJTHORN, And.

l~fr* PIPTBBB DALES prima » 4 Drown Cot"TO?B, ou consignment and for sale by

?,, 10-.lt* C. ft. RODSS.

LEY-SO uor.enCucentinted bey, just received; will be sold in lots to -liltpurchosara. Call em iy at

ALFRED MOSES'S,s , |o -fi* lit Main street.

\X- _^

F> DNAWAY?BISO REWARD.?Ranawsy fromjj the re-sidencc of Dr. H. ('. in Din-

wtodto county, ia the month of June, my negro boyJORDAN, a t>r;i*_t mulatto, nbor.t 9\ years af age;Well flOWB; rather sullen coiintenauce; bushyhead, and bat upon his forehead two or three bluespots, and tipdor one of hin'arui pits a tt;ir. ihe re-.sul; of a bttin. Said boy was secu in one of thecamps around Richmond, and is doubtless still witho.vr army probablyrepreaenttea himself to be free.A- I hai:<liv lhi;.k him Suflkieiitlv iufelligellt. tohnvupTast- the Unas, I will pay *I-">il for Ida dtolivery to me, or **!00 lor his apprebeaston and con-fiueaienl n> that 1 get bim a-,-.iin. Addre-s. or ap-ply to Dr. JOll.N* R. BINTON,

Howard HespUal, adnata iioh aod Kth sts.,

M I-?'-'t* Richmond. Va.

RAN A WAY? $10 REWARD.?Left my houseFriday ni*rht las?, a negro woman mimed MA-

Xl A, about the medium s-ize, black, about S3 yearsold. She may bo lurking about Sidney, uear myhouse, or she may be making ber way to Peter*-burg, where she ha* B husband. 1 wiil pay tbeale.yerewind for her return to me, or aaeand so 1~-..; her as-iii. ANDREW .T. FORI).

no IB?lf*

IJ-FTT Di _l/Ali_REWA_n7-li_ti awaVtroni' tbe aßbaeribar, about the l*t of AOgost last, a

negro boy named JOHN BSBBT.. Said boy 1* be-tween i:tandll years of age, brown skin, thick,i-t. beish' not known, but well grown fur hla ago.Said l» y w»s iiiredto Christian tt Lea. I will payIha above reward t..r hi* apptrhia?'ionand delive-ry to we tn Birhmond Mr* M. W. HDWKLL.

m I -j? loi* or WM. H. BDTMBB?AMP.' 1 .W135 l"V »IV_nS-_____C 9 REWARD?? KanJ_ away, en Taosday Bight, my negro imut ROB-

Kii'i', or, a_ he ia Bamailiaea called. SIsLAM. He ist:b-..ii .. l-.-t 'i laches Lig?, ami about ii year* old;rather stout; Will built, .jUite dark, BOM of good

:\u25a0. tdress. It.- may be -.etkiut; an opportunity to setbeyond onr liue.s I WiU give lb-.- üboie reward forLis capt..re ni any place. J. Al. TAXBOTT,

m 13*?_ Corner 19th and Bread sts.


-1.,r..-MATION WANTED?My son, JOBBit. PHARES, company F, llth Vi-.ui.a regi

i .rut, wan wounded and taken prisoner iv tbe batikrd WiUtomaharg, June .r ,i|j. Allhongh other pris-oners have been paroled, I have heard nothingfr.iiu him. Any peraoa who knows bis arhere-abnats or oondutoa will ptoaae address _ letter to

JOHN B. PBARES,t.Uristiancbiirg Montgomery co., V...

te I}?lt*


3d Opnrgia roglm.-nt. lie was wounded at ibo bat-tic of Ma-Kssas. Anypereaa will confer a favor bylettingme knaw bl_ ohiiiaalwiitß.M. A. BARNEY,

Al fwrliii llate_'.-», corner fitb and Clay »t«,Se ll?t,t*

I_>-i_SO_A_-?luformalion wantrd a* t.. ihewher-abo-taof JOHN R. and MARCUS Al.

l.i:N, merobers of Capt. Uatte'a artillery t-oinpany,from .'.uiiiter county, Oa. Dy application to tbeAran* Inb ISgence oliice, they will hud a Idler, Ac,from homo ue ll- _&?


into a coinjiany of heavy artillery, stationedat Cbap-B- Blntl. A Sotilbern ui_n over is.', yearsot age required. Fur -iich an one. a liberal pricewill bepaid Address "U ,'' Dispatch othre, to-day,between tlie boar* of 8 and 10 a. M. se li!?lf

SUBSTITUTE WASTED.?. wBI givef..r a .Siibslilute to iierve forthe war. He u.ust

I be i tiiizeii of tlie Confederate States, aud over 45years of age. Apply at tbe fruit store, one doortroiu iLe coiner of -tb.ou Broad nt , today, at hlorH o'.-lotk. ? se I.? It*Lj Tl HS'l* jFl_'i: WANTED -For the war. ~Ap-

! b'V ai RBADKA JETER'S, on BbochoeSlip,j lit-isv.s ii *. and .i o'clock. None need apply under

?I. yean of aye, unless dbcharged. A member of i| Wheat's t.aiialiou, who is not a citizen af the Qoa-i iederufe Mtat.a, prett-rred. se 12 -It*! n.IHSTI'i'IITK WANTED?A good bCBdTI-] O 'l Ef. £ waated Call at

JOHN SMITH A. CD'S, Cars*st,aa l-**? It* Betwaoq l_th and tdili.Lhstithte WA_-f_fk--Apply totba today

|_) at tha ofßeß of Me.-ia. McKinn.-y _- Dupffy,Bboehoe Slip. A man ov«.r the of 49 prefer-

I r. .1. ?c ij_ v*! QUBSTITBTB WABT__.~Andbto bodied man.I over 45, toay bear of a place to substitute. II in*y be Been at tbe ulliee of Jeter i Harris, overj Shechaa Warehouse. se IS?It*

SUBS. ITHTK W_\N.-D-On-of age, i bat can com.) well recommended. ?

j Apply early tbis morning, nt room No. 01, Ameri-can flolel. A liberal price will be paid for one.

\u25a0???ll? M* '

SU__-TTOT_ WANTED.?A man unable toperform uiitit_ry service., wishes to employ

j some one to s.-r\« bi* country in tbe army. Applyj immediately at No. 233 Exchange Hotel. Liberalwagea given msH?i.t*

; OUBSTITOTE WANTED-Apply bstweeen 10|i_) ot lock A. M. mid 18 M., for tbree day*, at theon.cc of tbe lu.iirancn Company of tbe State olVirginia, u.-xt door to tho American Hotel, Maiumeet. sell? 21*

SUBSTITUTE ?A reliable niun,37year*or age)would go as SUBSTITUTEinn good compa-

ny Addre*-, with particulars, "PRANK," at tbi*lilti cc. . ac 11? ;tt»

0--B-- ITIJTK WANTED?Io serve for ihe|i_) war. For v unit, over 15 years of age, well re-CoOU9?\u25a0_?_, a liberal price will be paid. Applyatroom No. '.17, Exchange Hotel, fur a tew day*.

se _\u25a0?r,t.»

OU__-_____; WANTKD?Por a select VuyiuiaI_s company for tlie war. Address *'G. Q," Mat-max P. ?.»., Amelia co., Va. an 4?l St*

\?VRRITIIRK, BK.DN, MA TTR-SSKS, BBD-JP DING, AC?I have on had a line bit of Furni-ture, sut-b a* Bed-te.vL, Bureau*, Wusbstands,Chairs, Workstandis, Marble Top Table*, one suitCottage Chamber Furniture, Ac Also, Hair audShoe- Mattresses, Reds, Pillows, Bolsters, .Joiu-fort , Blanket*, Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Slip*,l.esi'les a nice lot of Crockery Ware, consisting ufChina and Tea Bats, plates', Dishes, Basin andPill-be;*, Ac, wi'b many other useful articles.?Prison* in want should call ut once.

PIANO?-A good secondhand Piauo, iv flueorder.AlJsO?One box excellent Tea, for sale low, insmall ipiauliiies, to auit ftuniii.*.BOGTg AND SIIOKS ?A Irish and good lot oflad.e-', men's nod children's Shoes aod Boots, just

in season, _oiug off fast.. Call early aud supplyyourselves. E. UATIIItIOHT, Oovemorst.,

\u25a0 ei-'-bi* B_, Main and Franklin.TU.T RECBIVED-On consignment, and torfj sala low?

Pigs, Sardines, fresh Lobsters, (in cans,)Fresh Clems, Jelliea, Tciiet Soap, Cigars,1 Army Sbo-j* »_d Csps, Caudlewick, Tea,Ana to arrive?MedaAsh, 0.l Bergamot, Ivory Blach

aala-__- A - ° \u25a0 ,ACf* , »» * ecs,-

\u25a0*_'--3t * tlo. 40 Peart street.CIA RBIAG-S-CARRIAGES ANDIIARNES-*/ I hAie ou band, and lor sale, ths foltowliuru.iaedCABBIAQjSB: 1 toaPbaoSaToßelKCarriage, for two horses, 1 fine family Carrlore_c6nd-hand,*ne Doctor's Chaise, Open and Top-Buggies, second-hand; also, li sets of Double Hv-neirs, also, 0 sets of Single Harness, and 1 Bartac-Wagon, with Top, Boehaw«ya, Ac Apply early

sel.-ler* Cornar flthaqdBroad sta.A_ O. C. ALLEN would hllSrto bar cos-«Iera that sha haa returaed Utm Mar komni_r

.ndls now prepared to roaftoe «r_a_i. Kbehas oa hand a verp haadaaase atoch of OOODB..(BS__-__-aaU--> ' ~* s___?


___I_U____--T». 'I, ?.i.in ii »'i .mlii \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0

hhIOBMOtB \u25bcA_BBTIMB-______

_ ? ,X <I»XA Praohlta Mall.)doe doorbttew tb* loabaage Hotel.Aetteg Manager D'OMtY Obt»_»._ttage Manager J. W. Thorpe

1-tIDAY AFTERNOON, Sepl VI It___.WiU eroumence with the farce of the i


Concludingwith the Oriental Rpeetocl- of Ihe/?' <> RT y TH I X VIS 8 f

M&w.i ____\u25a0?\u25a0.


suer a brilliant aud unprecedented seaiou in CoIn.iii.is, 8. O , aud Atlanta, Oa., will appear lv the

MOBIL- TIIKATHC,t bavins, leased tbe establishment) ou

MONDAY EVENING. Hepf. 15. Ir*._.Established members of the -t-Mto-B spplyby telegraph, addressed to Atlanta till I'lth It?t ,alter that date "Theatre, Mobile, Ala."

tie I'.?l-t» __^

MIST, tTHITIU, hTOVctlt, Asa.

11-FTY DOLLARS REWARD. -Stolen, from n.y? reeldeu-o. a tiold WATCH and CHAIN, with

v Uold Pencil uttailied?num.* "Eli/a Reach" cu-t-raved on back of tbe watch.

AUo, a fancy Pictured BOX, with broken minorinside. Had iv it when taken a lot of homu-opatbicmedicines.

1 will give #00 for information that will rua-I"me to detect the thief and recover the nrticles. orfi_ tor the tetuiu ot tlie watch BM box.

I*. HOKTON REACH.se 18-?I \u25a0'' Main street.

L~OST~'s-_"Weduesaay eveulng, on the cars betweeu Peter-burg and Richmond, v small let -

t .er POCKET IJOOB, containing ?ti.>lh.notoa-ti.o??_) Conledeiate notes, and a *H.and if 5 Confeib.rale note. Two ot the votes had tbe words *'_vi

geou *-d N. C regiment" wiilten on them. Also, anote for oyon, given by Philip Neal, of Uoakiugbain, dated llth September. If--, payable to urn.ororder. Any parson returning tbe same lo thisorlice will reciive a liberal reward All persons art-

tort warned (rem tradingfor it.M i._ if DANIEL MORRISON*.

_~_-TKAY HOR_-?Dark browu, threewhile feet, is now at my plantation, in Han

over, near Ashland. The owner will call at once,prove property, pay charge-*, aud take him away.

1 have a PONY for sale, suitable for a boy.,c IB- ill* J- -L BROC_._


J_ Strayed or stolen from Tree Hill farm, a lightbay MAKE, uietliuui si/..>, ti years old. 1 will paythe above reward lor herreturn to vie at V. Htaaru-A* Co.'*, on 10th street.


IOST l»OG?i*-0 REWARD.?Lost or stolen, nj black SETTER DOO, with small white spots,

milking a bluish color. 8-1 reward will be paid tarhi* delivery at NY 100 Main st.

so IS 4t* O. 0. COSBY.rptwB .NTY"-JIH-LAI-Tit _W ARD.?The BbOVB

|_ rumrd will be paid for a *iiih!l size Iron grayM-LK, to good order, which strayed trom the farmhead of Orove Bond, on Tuesday luHt, if deliveredat the farm, orfrt tills office.

L~ O.ST-?A NEGRO 111-!..?Strayed, from ft. R.Koudren's jail,on Wednesday, aaagro CIRL,

atiout five years old, very good looking, aud nriiuedSAKIII. A liberal reward will be paid for herdelivery to

aa-B-Sf !'\u25a0 R- FONDREN.OST?A MAStiMC EMBLEM, with tha own-er's uameeugriived thereon; Mippo-.-d to have

Uiopped from his watch chain. The Under wilt berewarded by ieaviug it af. thi* i-rtice. se IJ -It*rpWK.VfV DOLLAHS BMWAKU ? Struyedor

\_ stolen, frotn Camp Le.-, on Saturday last, mybay-MARE, about >-i;*_t years old. and about toiir-t.-eu bands high. Two or three of ber lower frontteeth are out, and she bear* several truce and otl.erhnraasi mark*, and ia very broad in the chest. SheWM either taken off or made her own escape fromsaid camp, .Capt. A. W. -ant* eoaapaaty of cav-alry,) oa lliliirflaj tout. Tho above reward will hopaid for ber delivery to Lieut. And. J. Rogers, attoe oftice of Messrs. Bayly .v White, corner ofFrnnkliu and 1-th *'.*., or o myself ol Cama _*cc.

sell? ;n» JNO. BLO-BiaOMAM

LtliTT On ttoiidiiy. Tift Inst. a sorrel HtHtoß,about 13 hands high. Sai-.l horse b-is one

vtintr biu.i toot, a small spot in bi* forehead, threen.arlis on hi* left Lip, pfJiued by a t.;.k from Bbone, bad aagpa of having bad a sore bach, liebad oil a skeleton Hud tie and bridle when lost. Mynam.- is on tbe saddle i i several plates I Willgive a liberal reword tor bim if it liv-i.-d to mattt Camp l.cc, ~r any tofoiiaßatloa by which I canrecover bim. J. H OABTT,

seii?it* Qaatt'aCavalry,Camp Lee.CfTRAYED UB BTOLBB ?From ati Kind'sl5 h_aae, ea Pulti v Hilt, n lif-Lt bay MARK, withaMBEAD-WAOOM. I ue Under will be iiberaUylet*.aided by leavinc tbt-m al

SIMPSON A BABNALL'Sso 11?-t* Baheiy. Main str.'rt.

IQtjT-fit KKWAhU?i'u the IDtli U__, near_

tb. old Culled Stiles Hotel, aworke i SKIRT,wm fearsridthe in it and eight tucks. I will paytbe above reward if returned to tbis ofnre.


I.BN BC-LABS REV.'ARD.--bt raved from myhniiat-. at BochetU Old Field, en Saturday, tbe

-th inM., a black and white COW, with ii p-ere offibe right horn, Any one fin,to', ber, and retaraasgber to me, will receive tbe above reward.

ae 11? iit* DENNjS_____

1 ion. tin- taiin, beadol Ui_ve road,formerly onn-d l-y Capt. .lobn F. Wien, on

Tuesday,9thteat.,a SMALL BUCK IRON QBMTMill.E. An*, person returning said Mule to tbisOSes, or tb.- fan, will receive a liberal reward.

se tv ?1_

E STRAY.?Found to my pasture,on tbe .thinstant, a small bay iitilt.SK. 'i'be Btooar is

requested to prove his property and take bim away.JOHN A. I'AKKER,

co 10?lit* - Brook road.

IOST--Oo yesterday, Monday, about _ o'clock,j between tho Custom House and tbe Capitol

THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS?one ISO nolo, one SlO,aud live 01 notes. The tinder will be liberally re-ward.d by leaving them at thto otiice._


LOST? f 10 BMWABD?Oa Thursday night,about eight mile* bolow the city, an the River

load, near tho residence of Mie. Childress, myMULE; is ot' medium si; «, light sorrel color ; bad

jon iiad harness, wiibotit. bridle. Any one Bad-I iug tbe saiite will receive tin- above reward ou hi*return to CONRAD k CKEW.

se B?ta On Basin bank, bet. I lib and l*-'tb sts.rp_N llut-LAItS RKWARI >.- Strayed Or Stolen,I on tho 8d inst., n large bay HORSE, in towoider, with a aora on bis back and left -boulder, pro-duced by the collar, and bus been BWeeßeyed toeach shoulder. I "ill pity tba above reward lot bisreturn to me, on the coiner of Federal and St. Ste-phen sts., .'ppi-ite Ihe tirst gate on _d >iireei of tbePoor-Ho us.- UntyingUround.-4-iii* F.DWlfr J CLOPTON.

"T^TOTICE.? Came to my house on tha sth of Sep-l. infer, in senrch ol wotk anflgro girl calling

ber*elf JANU OININS, about 16years of age* saysber father, Gto-fgß lliuius, brought her from KingCeorgo county at Obri.iti.ut* aud hired her out ivRichmond on Chinch Hill to a freu man, named('barb* Drown, who has sinca mov.-d to South Car-ol'ua and 1.-it her going at larr-_. Those interestedwill apply to WM. SH-PPKRSUN,

no I*.'? ll* Kidney, Henrico couuty, Va.


J S. 11. OWENS A- SON has received a largeut-r-ortinent of Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Soap, Bootsand Shoes, Dry Goods, Hat*, Salt, and 3d kits No 1Mackerel, ami a variety of other articles too numt-ious to mention, all of which will be sold low todealers. S. 11. OWENS A SON.

*c i.-.it*SAI.K.?I have for asto two light two horse

WAGONS, and a pah cf young MULES, wellbroke, four year* oldjast spring Al*o, ooe dcttble-set of wagon HARNESS


Apply oa__h street,between M aud N, on Chu'.ch Bill, after 1 o'clockP. M. [aa_g -l**| J. M. HAINES.

FOR SALE?Three large DOILERST about._feet in lenglb; if too largo fur any purpose,

tbey could be cut into two of n desirable size.me IS?ilt* V. STEARNS A CO.

WASH! NO SOU A.-The subscriber bas forHale .'.OU lb*. WASHIHO SODA.

. A. WKRST. -I str-et,se 12?it* Between Leigh aud JaahjßQ.

17-_- CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS"l' J list received Rnd for sale eight sets tine douhie and siugle *i te HARNESS, to be sold low onapplication to O. %. MILES & BRO.

se li--.il*

CIUD FISH, COD PISH. COD PUSH.-lust re-/ ceived a superior lot of new COO HSU. Also,

Tallow and Adamantine CANDLES, for sale low.W. N. TINSLET.

t-e 11?3i.» Cor. Cary mid 11th sts.

JUST RECEIVED?o.Wt Hto. nice BJtOWN- Si <ij AR, will be sold at less than market price

by the barrel. BENNETT A TOLLESO..,se I_?fit* ' 1f.9 Main street.


se li*?6t» j.-..! Main stre.d.

tt 0008 IN STORE.?It Ibis. Alum-liO "jfrossI Matches; 006 lbs. Sup. Carb. Soda, 15000

Hai ana Cigar*; 40 gallons Castor Oil; "0 lbs. OumOpium; S gross Tooth Brushes; Bine Mass; Calo-mel; iodide Potash; Chloroform; Chlorate Pota-.b;Powdered Opium; Sulphate Morphine; CreamTartar, for sale by J AMES P. Dll VAL,

se 19 Comer Main and 10th streets.

I|V>M baLK.--W.il b- sold to t_e highest bidder,lat the tote reßkleace of Henry Curtis, M. D.,ia the county of Hanover, on P RID AT, Septem-ber I*2, two UOBB_B, two or three good OOW3, aOARRIAQ_ aad BDOOY, with some few other ar-ticles. A. B. CURTIS,

ac l?e-.ltd* Admin .» H. Cnrtis, deed \u25a0T_-OB MAhK? A very likely', latelltoent. wallr \u25a0»?-«, aod fair sized BLACK WOMAN, 97year* of aga, who to a vary superior Cook. Applyat Oary ttreet Jab. ae 10?eod3t»iTBATU, FKBDUU, *i.-arotos. Feodere.IT Ctoal Sonttoo, Tinned, Don, and Enameled

Koca Paae, Woodea Water tookato, aats of Toctoa,ih-s-ls, aod Pokers, CinderBbov«J_. Iron BUllete,(tooteetu, Ta« Xet-ea, Ac '**«»

tall-31» BaaaCMaißSßraet.

, WAIWfc

WanrsD.-A yooof »*M v,r.f_,,-__) "P""

fled toteaah tba naaaf BBgllsh braßebaa,rraocb, and Music oo th. Waao, and who haa hadseveral veara' e_pertonce to teaching, daalras aBlTul -?O.Mn ?2tvato fmhUjr. Bo old.etto-.togoing South Beferaoce. gtoan HtotmjnA, JL., dresi "Miss M. 8. B," Ibm-gbtha Bicbmond P-*t-

i Otfflca. se i.-»»t

I X\f ANTED-SITUATION AS TEACHER-AW lady who bai lost her husband lv Ibe bat?til. before.Richmond, and who is competent lo

leach iv all the branches olhngllshand Music, de-al,es a BitßOttoti as TRACBER in a private totally,or aalataut iv a School. M«-B«i. jtvoO. Ad-dress "E J. A ," box 74-, Blchmond Post Office.

se 1 - - tit*AH7-NTED MtWU OU HOARD.-A gentle-W mail, a clerk iv the Treasury Department,

de-Ires BOARD in a private family, nr a neatly

tutairbed ROOM in the same, without board Hewill be eiiHlly pleased Address "O. P. y; , at thisofj__ stating terms, location, dc. »»'*-?**

AX7ANTBD-A BTOBJS and DWBLUBO-W Ant body wishlog to dispose of such iv thecentral pnrt of Main or Broad street to a good ten-ant, on favorable terms, will please address 1

M.." Ptopateh eh-co. ; £___-_ ...

WANTED- A good anil rellaiile WAUOHERcan find constant employment aud good

wage* by npplylugnttbe Southwest corner of l.thand Broad streets. _ ? B()81<fcY

WANTED-By a young niau, exempt frommilitary duty, « mtuatiou in a saw-mill as

SAWYER. Appiy at room Wo. 110, Exchange Ho-tel, for two days, or address J. A. DAVIS.

at l--:u* Columbiau Or.>ve, Lunenburg, Va.

WANTTd? WR-St?A good STABLEandCARRIAGE HOUSE, for which a liberal

price will be paid Address "Box MSB." Post OfliceJse 12-_t_ IWANTED- WOOL -I will pay a high price jfor SOU Ibis, of WOOL.

ROBERT HILL,He P2 it» Cor. of Bank and llth sts._


SAFE.?Wanted iopurchase, a small iron 8 tl'E. Any person

having such au one for tuile will apply to me.?...12?It* W. 8. DONNAN,Oovemor to.

YYTAMTBXh?? yonng man, exempt from inlliVV tary duty, who comes highly recommend-

ed, and has had long experience iv tbe mercantilebusiness, wtohaa « situation as BOOK-KEEPER orCLERK in some respectable establishment. Addn-hs


8.," Dispatch _____?__.ANTED.?The highest price paid foi VIR-OINIA FL'NDS. Apply early today at

my store. R A. E. DABMBT,ac IS?lt* Cor. Broad audVth sts.

WANTED? Immediately, or by the Ist ofOctober, a BOOSE to the city. Applylo

\u25a0*___-__* . BPW. P. BACHO.

W ANTED?By a Virginian a situation as COY|EKNESS. She to competent to teach the

Writer English brain lies, Music, and the rudimentsof Froncb. References given if required. Address"L B. B." Richmond Va. so _________*

W~ ANTED? lmm-tliately?A good SI'I'ERIN-TENDENT.tu take cliarge of the rnuuiugof

tbe Danville Woolen fai tory. High wages will begiven for one t'iorouglily qualified. Apply to A.Y. BTOBOS, Baa-. Richmond, or Ofo. W. BXAD,President of tba Company. Danville, Va. Thebeat recommendutious must accompany the appli-cation.WANTED?AIso, a good SPINNER. Apply to

s« 11?1__ 'iEO. W. READ.

WANTED? For military men to know, thatthtiy can have their muster rolls copied,

blanks tilled, Ac, by an experienced pensinan andtnpj iat, and at a moderate price. Cull any day at. A M. aud 4 P. M, at JOBB M. I'UERSONSliuaiiregard House, 17th street, between Franklinand Urate, oppuslteglhe maiket. Note ?Cat thisout. se 11?_t*

WABTCD? By the tat of Odohar, a smallHOUSE, of four to six rooms, withui the

corporation line, tor which I will give ._» for thehey Apply at the CollarFactory, governor, abovePranklto street. J. 3. W-iIOHT.

se n?:tt*"\\ r ANTED? Fin a sinail and nuiet family, aW I?ratobed or iinturuisbe.l HOUSE, or two or

three furnished BOOMS, to the western or north-weatera part af the city. A lady having such ahoiMa would be taken BB boarder. Unexceptiona-ble refeieoae given. Address "Box i.fJO,' Cityp. O. se 10?'It*

'ANTED?A good~IOI!SEKEEP-R Shemuit e___B-_y lecomniendeiL No oiber

ne?i apply. To a suitable cue, good wages will bepaid. Apply,between tbe hoars of 1 and 3P. M .at JOSEPH STERNS,

M ii?bt* Broad siieet, be:, lot aud *?.YTTABTISD.?Two young Virginia ladies, com\V p'-'-eut to tew h ibe English br._i. lie*, deaire

Mtaat?nfl as TBACBBBfI iv private familtoa. Oaaof them will teach Batter Music, if deetoad Nooi ;? ictloaa to gotog Booth Terms ia accordancewith tbe tines. Address *M.ss L. P. A , NelsouStation, Nelson county,Va. sail?st*


Will pey good wages Appiv toF. WOKI.DECKE,

?r ll? ?-!* Broad at, 3 B?ora from '.tb.

WANTED. -A yoßag lady from Pariadesiresp. .itii_ticn iv this city, to TEACH MUSIC

aad FRENCH forher _-__. Best -reference, willbe fiven. Address P. B, ' Box 1,136, Richmond.

ae o?:'i*

WANTED? HANDS to make Jackei-.. Vests.BodPhHto ApplyUJOHB iIARTZ, Mili

tai \ Tailor, on *.b, b.-tweeu Broad and Oriice sis ,n.ar the Ft-delicksbßTf Depot. se 11 .It"-

WANTED.? NKWSPAPKK BBPOKTI-B.?A BapiTtfTtrf sryrrlimns Is wanted ooa

long esial.Usbed daily paper in this city. A.id.ess"A. I!.." to Ibis office, se 10?te

ABTBD?A ROOM, in a central poattton.? JAlso, STORAGE, adjoining or otherwise.? iAtjiiress "H. S. R.,'' Dispaf.h oßtoe. ae 10-?l"ANT_-_ri*ti BIOfT?A _______ HOUSEfor a BBMli family, without children. If de '

sired, rent will be paid in ad?Jim up to Ist Jan- Ivary. Address

BENNETT A TOLI.ESON,s-e :"? K*t* I.VJ Main st.

\\J A.iTI'D?To rent a desirable HOL'SK, withVV -,ir '" filtaiallll- rooms, for which a liberal i

r.-nt will be paid monthly. Adtlr.-- "J. II.," a> thisoffice. mi .10?tit*

WANTED Two or three pn.'.l t7T_-f_MAKBBff, for which 1 will pay an advanc-

ed priie. None need apply except those exemptfrom militaryaarvtoe. Anplyat mi* shoe store, onCary, between 14th and bith alfwato.

aaMt-at** JOHN T. HICKS.

WABTBD?* A SI rUATIOB, by n yonng manwho is exeutpt (roan military duty,and wbo

Las three or four boors to spare every day; wouldbe willing to keep a set of book- or would fill anyorder for Writiug, Copying, Ac ,at a very moderateprice. He flatten, binmelf to be a gr.od and swiftp. iisiuan. and will produce satisfactory reference-Address "CLERK," throughDispatch office.

se 10-t.t*i

WANTRD.? I wish to buy for my owu use inRLbinoud, oNEUBO BOY, lii to JO years

old, likely, honent, and reliable,' uccustoined tobou-.ewotk, attending to children, Ac , for which afair prtoa will be giveu and a good home. Address'*t(o_ *_(!;" or apply to T. C. WoODDY,

so "i ?St* Corner of Main aud 1 1 th sts.

WANT£D. ?A young man, exempt from mlli-tury servi. c, wi*he* a situation a* OLEKK

iv tiny bruDcb of hu-.iue.ss Is acquainted with theDry Bands -nilClothing lillimaso Leave uoticeat ibis nfli.-e. t*e'J-lk*-j A. J. L.

W ANTKO ?Te sell my stock of good*, . .insist-ing principallyof TOBACCO, with the good

trill of an excellent business stand for a grocery,ou Main street. Rcasous for selling: bad health.?Any one wishing to purchase will uddress "H. E.,"Dispatch oftice, er call ou K. H. Mullen, corner ofIMb and Franklin streets. seS?3t*

A NT-D--A sitnatlon a* TkIAOHKR, by a Vir- j. iniH. lady, competent to tench RngUsb, French,

mid Music on the Piano. Ample reference given.Addreaa "M. J. D.," Manchester, Va. se 3?ot* i

W~ "ANTED?A~_OOK and STKWARD, tor the ;C. S. steamer Nausemond. Applyon board, Iat tbe foot of ISth street, se .?10t»ANTED--SEAMEN, Ordinary SKAMEN, aud |LANDSMEN, for th* C. S. steamer Nanse- i

tuoiid. Applyon board at the foot ol ISth street, jse::?Vt*

SOAP, SUAP, SOAP? Uaviug succeeded aTlartin getting matetrinls, I will be able iv a few \u25a0day* to supply my customer* with?Browu Windsor SOAP;

Honey . do.Almond do.Extra Family do.Those parties who huve left their orders will \please renew them, or they will not be tilled.

M. OARCIN,Soap aud Perfumery Mimufsicturer, Broad street, :between 6th a_d7ih. as 4?l2t»

LOl !_A LAND FUR iiAI.K, PRIVATELY.?I wish to -sell my FARM, on which 1 reside, tcontaining, by uu old survey, 436 11 16 acres, inLouisa county, lying seven miles north of Pr.dt-rich's Hall, on ibe Va. Central Railroad, aad fiftymiles fiom Richmond. The land to well watered,On the spring used, the water beingequal to any iaVirginia > and productive in corn, wheat, and to-bacco ; ha* from 75 to 100 acres of original growth,and a portion of pine land Most of the buildingsaru in good order : the dwellinghouse containingseven rooms. It baa a young apple orchard ofselected fruit, just beginning to bear, also aa orchard of old trees. It ia a good stand for a physi-cian, none living nearer than from eight to tenmiles. Obiire be* of different denominations con-venient. Tbe neighborhoodis excellent. Any farther information can be obtained by addressing

TBOMAB HABJUB,Harris's P. O. Louisa, Vo, orjno. b. Harris,

Be s?l w* Bailor ac Hospital. Richmond. Va.OTICE.?Just received, at tha CEBTBALKEWB BBPOT, oa »th street, opposite Clap

siatoe, a comic medley, called "Pun for the Camp,'i and tbe celebrated -Dame of __ohe," with aa at--S-_s____-___?:&:__;SKjf» ,«____B__&pc'-ko. OaU early, at the - \u25a0

»,*._.coinuM,'B!L '




_-_. AdmlnlMrator of ArchlbaMßlalr.decd,I will mil upon ths premises, oa WIDNBiD AY.the 17th day of September, coameaelng at 19o'clock, at tbe corner of Main aad Oth streets, tbeformer residence of Archibald Blair, deed, thaBuildings thereon, consisting of a large two-storyframed Dwelling,a two story belch Kit._en, brickStable and Carriage Lonse and other out buildings;all to be removed within 30 days from tha day ofHale. Terms cash. _? M. HLA IK,

Adm'or of Archibald Blair, deed.Sale by Jab. M. Tsri-OR A Son, Ancts. ae liA VALUABLE VACANT LOT OB WATKBA ST near tbe Dock, AT AUCTION ?Wa will

JSlfupon ibe premises, ou TIIUBBDAY the D_lidayof September,commencing at 5 o clovß . . M., avaluable vacant Lot on Water street, fronting.'?0 feet thereon, and runulng back 150 feet In theLocks. The contiguityof thi* property to thst YorkRiver Railroad Depot, ami to tha Dock and River,renders It very valuable fur a commission or lumberbolide. ? ..?

Tkhims ? One third casb * the balance at fi and 11months, for negotiable notes, With Interest added,ami secured by a trust deed.

ae II JAB. ML -__-_-\u25a0 _\u25a0BOM. AOth-By JOHN E. LEMOINE <r SONS, Auctrs.,

| Peter-burg, Va. IQUOAS, MOLA____, -__. AT AUCTION ?

(_) t)u MONDAY nest, If.th inst, at 1-o'clock, atour afltoa on Bank street, we will sell?

30 hbds. N. O Sugar, (part of which is supe-rior Clarified)

M) bbls. New Orleans Molasses,40 bags prime Cotfee,IU bbls. Clarified Sugar,:i bbls. Copperas.


sel2~'it* Petersburg, Vs.i By k CAUTHORN. Auctioneer.

ON MOMDAY, loth iust., at 10 o'oiock, at mystore, I will fell at auction the following art!

ctes suited to the present demand?-0.-XI poundiBACON,somewhat damaged; to be

sold on account of whom it may concern;50? Cigars, of various brands; Tobacco, Coun

try' Soap, Mutter, Tallow Candles, Flour Sugar,Cake* aud Crackers in bbls., __.

SHOES? Ladlea' Mipperi and Gaiters, Ladies'Hose, Pencils, Pens, Hoop Skirt Springs, -lacking,_c , Ac.

COOPERS' TOOLS.?A complete assortment ofCoopers' Tpols.FURNITURE.?I Werdrobe, 3 Cottage and otherBedsteadM, Feather Reds. Cnaira, Tables, Bird Cages,1 Cooking Stove.

Also, a pair of itA -HITS with cage.*c 12 It. CAUTHORN, Auct.

By ALEX. NOTT,Auctioneer.


sold at auction, at my .-lore, on SATURDAY. Sept.13th, at 10 o clock, a large iuvoice of liae French

(Hazed aud(lilt Paper Hanging*, Borders, Windowrurtains, Kire Serenes, Venetian Blind*, CordsTassels, Cornices, Ac, embracing a rich and desira-ble stock, -suitable for dealers TEKM.-i -Cash.__nl2


IWII.ITAKT MOTICES.Camp 4-th Regiment Va V01.., I

Chapiu's Farm, Sept. li), __. ir pilF. following member* of Co. A.Ditb Va. Reg't,I will report lo camp immediately:

W T R Bell, Ro I Valentine,Wm I.ovensteine, Levi Wasserniau,Ja* Robertson, Chas Wilkinson.**-__|

By order ofCol. R. T. W. DUKE.

C. Pt'Ri EM. BIfIQER, Lt Com'g.* sel'J-l't*

I, -KTV RECRUIT- WANTED FOR INFIR*? MARY CORPS.?I will receive, without do-

lay, 90 good able bodied MF.N und DRIVERS formy liiilrmiiry Corps. Imuiediute application to bemade to me, ut my residence, oil Broad street, op-posite the Mouticello Half, er to Lieut. LYIH?IAB,ou Preston-trcet,between 'Id and 4th streets.

JNO. HERBKI, Capt CoinrntlgInfirmary Corps, Army Northern Virginia.

N. B.?All menib-rn ot my company in the city,without leave of absence, will report to me immedtoteiy, witbout delay, unlr>«s they can produce asurgeon's certificate of disability, or they will beadvertised ai ileoerter*. se 11?*_ *

088 HUMB-U-tt AMD FIFTY OOLLAh-RRWARD - I will give ?§1..0 for tbe appre

h-uaion and delivery to '.be lcih Virginia regiment,(Ptohett'atorigadej of WM. 11. HAMILTON, whoenlisted a* a BBhetitnto in the Black Eagle company,and deserted about tbe middle of July.

Bali Hamilton to about IS years of age, about 5feet, inches high, dark Lair aud eyes, -aid fa.r comple-i' v ' THOS. P. -HIELOS,

ac ll?Tt* Capt. Co. A, lSih Va BaariT.TKBTI__f,MARY_ABBB__ - Haviuguow?i.iivtw'i men, 1 want, tbis day, It possible,

io lie n.usteivd in, so as to go to our goodold State,which has buffered so lougaudso much from North-ern hirelings and strike one good blow with theSouthern army, vow ou her sod, io make her freeior ever. Meet me tbi* day at the recruiting office,on IQth sieeet, between Mam and Cury,at 10 o'clockA, M. O.'neral George H. Stuart, though bobs siif-ferieg from a painful wound, is-.oing, and wantsto Iwjad us. Who will stand back t

JAMIIs R. HEREERT,ac 10?91* _*_ _____

?--'\u25a0_&. _d Md. Reg t.t:oi l ATlO.Afc

VTR. P-TTIQREWS SCHOOL.I propose to open, on the Ist of October, in the

school room attached to the S>camore C'biircb, tbe ,secoad session of a SCHOOL, lor the education ofcbildr.-nof both sexes.

Tlie course of »tudy for the present session willembrace- Spelling, Definition. Reading, Writing,Ar'tinnetic. History, Deogruphy, Grammar, aud

| Cosapoaittoß; and the eieiiieuts of Latin, Greek, Al-I tebra, and Geometry.

T_B_9. -§50 per Kesaiou (of niue month*) for the' ordinary English, aud fell) addiiioual each of thei mvii.' advanced studies?LHtiu,Greek, or Maibem-t-I if-, aud. payable s. mi annually,iv advance.

I Leg to refer to my patrons of the last session :?

Me-sis. it. _ Eliysou, .1. O. Wayt, Jauiea L. MailI ry, Jobs M. Alunay, R W. Mc.rnder, et al.,et al.

An only a limited number ot pupil*will be taken,an early entrance of uanies will probably be neces-sary to BOB?SB a plate. See circular*, or apply to

WM. J PBTTIORRW, A*. M.,sell?lawliwF Pif.h street, Richmond, Va.

MISSKS KINO'S SCHOOL PSIF--t-t_jS__-_DIES?The next ses..iou of thi* School will

commence ou the Ist of October, 18W.For further information apply to Misses ICING.

M.'oiid tloi'i* fi ..in the comer of Broad and Mayostreets. se _?lm»"17»DOKWOOD MALB _________

toe next auntial sesaion of this School will com-mence the Ist of tl. tuber aud close Ist of July toilowing. Chargesper session of nine months?Board,.'JOO , Tuition, MSB; Invariably half in advan.e,lemaindii- Ist of February. Pupil* must furnishtheir own light* aud towels. For further particu-lars address the subscriber, at Amelia C. 11., Va.

seo?lm**- T. A. CRKNSHAW. ,

I)ICUMO_D FEMALE INSTITUTE.\tTne ninth sessien of tbi* Institution will begin,

as usual, ou the Ist of October, and continue ninemouths. CHAB. li. WINSTON, AM,*> s?iat*



BELKCT CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH\u25a0 SCHOOL, Main street, bet. ;i I and tthTbe 19th Academic Yeur of this School will com-menceou MONDAY,tbe _nb of Sept, l-t...Mr. TohNEK can be seen at his achool rooms, orat Lis residence, ou 3d street, between Main andFranklin. se 10 -lm*

GL. C. SALTKKS ENGLISH aIvI>~CLAS I# SICAL SCHOOL.?Too tenth session olthi* .-school will open MONDAY, the -2d iv.it, ini the Baptist Chapel, ou lib St., between Clay and

[ Marshall. Circulars, giving full particulars, mayj be hail at the bookstores, or from the subscriber at| his school reom, where, after tbe tub tout., he may, be found daily from U to Iv! o'clock.j se'-?tloQ* O. L. C. BALTER. '

!?-.- E. L RP.AD will resume tbe duties of i !ber SCHOOL for girls and little boys, on ii MONDAY, the 15th September. School located ou '> Gamble's Hill, beyond Byrd at, and opposite Mr 'I W. P. Muuford ». ,

Tkkms? Made known on application; payable ,! qnarterly in advance. toi?lm*1 Tj* W. CONKS CLASSICAL AND MATHE- '

. XLie MATICAL SCHOOL POR 80Y5,..u Frank 'lin, betweeu Mb and t)th si*., will reopeu for ita 'llth unimal session, on MONDAY, Sept _NL 'The best lnstrnctora iv Modern Languages andDrawing will be in attendance. | 'Terms made known on application.

aelO-Cw* E. W. CONE. Principal.|.>_M ALU SCHOOL UN CHURCH HILL?The ' !J_* third session will commence October Ist, lSta, |

aud close July I, lt~_ The course of instruction ;will embrace .as heretofore, tbe primary and higher <Enghah branches, Latin, French, and Music oa the 'Ttouo. P B. PKICK. Ise li?2w* Corner Mar-hall and ,4th sts. \ ?

r*po THE HEIRS OR IHS. .SEKB OF ll__LJ. NEILSON, DEC'D.? Ab yon are not residents

ot the county of Henrico, and your iadividnal? inames are not known to 03, you are hereby ootldeil Itbat we intend to erect upon onr land. Waß below I10th street, and between the Columbian Mills canal iaad the James river, mills for general manufsctur-log purposes; and to accomplish that object itwill ibe necessary to enlarge what to called the Nail Fac-tory canal, and to extend and improve what is 1known as Hexalt"* lower dam. To m.ompliahtheseobjects, we shall apply to the County Court of Ilearico county, ou MONDAY, TBE rim DAT OFOCTOBER next, that hatof the tret day of theterm, for a writ of ad quod damnum.



nodutoa. Tba same togradtoata ua*d that Maanqboa Mt hto faaaooa ItoU-M. fhe tot-toem aod

, brtohtaoaa of pottoheooal to _Ueao a. Too BLACK-UI.BBSBs._-iaa.dhy A. C JACJ-808.


fly'B. d. PRINGLEYii Meeting Street-} sntl it.TAftoa. Auctioneer.


tin WEDNESDAY morning, Sept. 17tb, com-nn-__ng at 10 o'clock, will be Bold st Chartoaton,8.C.:

OROCF.RIIB.200 lbs Bologna Sausage*;

21 boxes Family Soap,Mi -chests Black Oolong Tea;11 chests Congou Tea;1 chest Qreen Tea;

*->! boxes Candles, assorted;:i'i a_ses Brandy.

UARDWABE.(?() ingots and HI bbls Block Tin,.'HI dozen Wonl CardsIt do Shovel*.

DROOS, MEDICINIB, I'IRFDMIBY, Ac._*» kegs Bi Carb Soils..ID lbs Magnes Citrus;<-' caus Castor Oil;Hi bbls do do;

tl carboys Muriatic Acid;ill) baleit Catcb;- boxes Pulv Acid Tart,I box Cbryst Acid Tail;I box Until Camphor;5 bbls Refined do;1 box Pulv Soda Tart;4 l.bl- Epsom Salt*,1 bbl Oiauber Salts,

11 gress Honey Soap;14 boxes Brown Wind .or _oap;'o gross assorted Snap,?t it../ best Toilet Perlume ~:t gro s assorred Perfumes;

.'.{> lb* (_rb Ammonia,; -»i lb* Hydrarg Precip Alb;9 lbs Bi Carb Potash;

1 case English Oarden Seed*;SI lbs Gum Acnvia Pulv:

1 rase German Acacia Sorts;-*s bags Sumac;-0 lbs Gum Gumboria Pulv;

s*. lbs Potass Hydroid;li ll>* Essence Lemon;4 lbs and 15 gros* Essence Bergamot;

2i ilox Oil Bergamot,1_ lbs and l.r. groKB Oil Caryoph,5 lbs aud (i gross OU Anice;

lf_ lbs Pulv Kirn,88 lb* AnUrn Tart;Mi lbs Calomel Prep!,20 Sublimate,it- lbs Precip Rubi;

Its) oz Argent Niir_«;4 lbs Eat;

90 lbs Pnlv Z.iiga! Jam Opt;51 lbs Pil Hydrarg;*-l» oz Vermillion

1 case Copaiva Capsules;?- doz Copaiva Capsules;*-'l doz Cubeb* Cap*ules,MS dor. Oil Sassafrre,

Hi doz Oil Peppermint;10 half bbls Coppera*,79 boxes Ext Logwood;

?i casks Sal Moils;-bbl* Cream Tartar,

_.', doz Mustard;10 kegs Tartaric Acid;

50 dozen Tooth Brn*hes.LEATHER, SHOES, AND HATS.

12 dozen Wax Calf Skin*,10 dozen Patent Calf Skins,4., do/en Calf Kid Skin*;r; dozen Calf Skins;i.' dc/_n Roan .Skins,4 dozen Maroon Skins;1 do/.'ii Cream Skins,T do/en K'.-e Skin*;4; dozen Calf Butts;3 dozeu Calf Butts;*--) dozenKip Buits;ti dozen Red Roan Skin*;

IU cartoons Twilled Union Silk Gores;?.'" case* and *- trunks Meu's, Womou's, and

Boys' Boots aud Shoes,SO dozen Straw Hats.

FAPER, STATIONERY, Aii3 gros* Carpenter's Pencils;:i ,?o*s Slate Pencils iv cedar;3 gross Tip Pocket-Book Pencils;_ gro's Drawing Pencil*;

93 pounds Red Sealing Was;*i pound* iJl.uk Seaiiug Wax;ti dozen boxes Matht-malical Instrument-,,ri gross Eagle Peu* with Boldllß.,'itl gro>s Swau Pen*;

l_rO nros* Pens with Holders.'! B-M dozen il and 9 in. Cribbage Boards;5 tM9_o_sa boxes Cribbage Boaids,

_9 t-ii? dozen Purses;Ifl dozmi Ofticelnk;3B| dozen Framed Slates;

'*. do.-v Slates;1 case Paper;

2cli M Envelope*;f_t. r-»am< Letter rind Note Paper.CLO'IHIN... AXD FUBBtB-iBO._- li-n -km Suits;i Butt" Drill f.iuen Vest*::'. dozen White Linen Drill Trowsera;S Im. Merino Vaatas

10 dozen Brown Cotton Half Hose;_0 dozen While Cotton Hos.6;

B d-zen Saxony Shins, St. Wove;711 do.-n Cotton Socks;lw. dozen Merino Vents;It) dozen White Shirts, Lincu Fronts;30 dozen lint- Valparaiso Coats;aO doErU Light Tweed Suit*B dozen Military Doe Suns,

DRY GOODS.4 pieces Blue Cloth;7 dozeu Hoop Skirt', 4. Sp.ings;." pieces Red Flannel;

3- cases, -_ to li*. inches Ginghams, ti-.iOOyards,

3 case* Duck Canvas, lid inches;I case Cotton Twills;3 cases -.7 men.-* Intligo Jeans.

31;> deaea packages Pin*, assorted;1 gross Royal Jet Pin*. bo_es,7 gross White Ootton Thread;?1 gros* Glazed Thread;4 gross Black Thread;

74J do.'.v Metal Buttons;3_l great ftaaa Agate Buttons;

-'4 great ftom Pearl B-BIIoas;-00 gross fearl Buttonslb pairs White blank,-!tl Cuttou Counterpanes.'- W..r»ted Man

44 great gro=s HiH>ke and Eyes, assorted,3'i M. Needles;

-J grosa Doiea*dozen Ivory Combs;

'2 bale*, ii*. inches. White Madapolans;1 case Brooks' Olace tiotton, -_0 yards,3 cases assorted Printi-;1 case Coats'* Spot)! Cotton;

.TOO dozen Watt's Spocl Cotton;i cases Ria.-k-.li.ne Bleach.-1.

se S> -eod3t


ut the late residence of A. F. D. Uifford, deed. ivthe county of Ch-ster_eld, on MONDAY, BM Septeinbei', inst., al! tbe Homwhold and Kitchen Furnit tire, Wine*, Olass aud Silver Ware, Mutes,Horse*, Cattle, Hog*, Ac

The Furniture is of the best character, aud ingood condition, c..mpri*iug iv part: Oue elegantParlor Set ; one *plendid and oue ludiflereut Plane,Carpet*; Curtalu* ; Dining-ruom Furniture; -lass-ware aud China, of elegant atyles and large tona-lities, aud au unusually large aud v.duable assort-ment of Silver and I'i.it.-d Ware. The chamberscoutaiu Furuiture of the very best kind, veryban.I bi,me, aud iv good preservation.

Also, several demijohns of very choice Wines;hl.io, a very large number of article* ot taate, Pic-ture*, Ac.

Al*o, will be sold, the Farming Uten*il*, SpringWagon aud Buggy, and whatever of Crops may beou baud; standiug.t'ropof Corn, aud, indeed, every-thing perishable belougiug to the estate.

Persout from Richmond can take the Danvillecars at 7 A. M- to Coalfield Station aud return at 4P. M. same day., ihe place uf sale beiug only a fewhundred yards from the Depot.Sale to begin at IU o'clock A. M.Ten-..?Cash.


?.useut of the heirs of Fleming James, deed, andof others interested, I will offer for sale on tbepremise*, on 111I RBD AY, the _>th day ol Septem-ber next, the followingvaluable property belongingto the estate of the said FlemingJames, viz ;

Tbe "Coyuer's Springs" tract of land, containinglb- acres of good farming laud, and im*hiding altibe improvement.* and outfit sufficient for tbe ac-couimodation of '-00 visitors. Tbe present has beena crowd d season, and its conveuience «f __-**?_

(being inst by Bousack* Depot, on the VirginiaaudTeuueesee Railroad,) and the intrinsic value of lismineral waters, must render tbi* at all times oneofthe moat fttractlve of the Virginia watering places.

Also, that valuable Manufacturing Mill on OladeCreek, only a few hundred yards from the depot atDon-tack* with IS acres of valuable land attached.Also, a tract of Land, containiug 4.." acres, moraor le.s, adjoining tbe lands of Bne_u Carney aadothers, on the western side of the Lynchburg Turn-pike

Tha Terms will be made known on the day ofsale. F. JOBNSTOB, Adm'r

of Planting James, deedRoanoke county. Aug. 22,18__. an i!9--gawtdß

WOOD LAND FOR SA L E-\\ c will sellpublicly,at Ooochtond Court-Houae.on MON-

_*_t, tbe 15th of September, (.Court day,) 155acre* of LAND, located la the county ol Qe-nch-land, 1| mile* from the James river canal, 4 milesfrom the Court- House, aad SO from tho dtp of Bich-mond adj?oing the lands of J. W Cotiretl, JohnWoodaou. aad others Abent 1- acres are cleared,tbe balance la oak and pine limber.

Mr. J. B. Watkus, Using near, will show thtoland toaay pereoa wishing to bay.N. W. MILLER.W. LEWIB.

\u25a0*» H-"_* J. B. ABOYLE.LBBMARHLANDFOR SALE. -onbi-toßi.to vn erder of the Circuu Court of Alhemarto

oooaty. made at the last Hay tana, IwUlaaUoothe premises, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of Ootobor.about 130 wa-s of LaBD, betoaajtog to the aato->of Or. A. ML Began, Istaaßsrl. Tbto toad Baa Itaadadjs_aai to tha vtt-aoa of \u25a0Utobato'. It hadbono «"'oß) 'tby a »bfaailaß tara toafth_eaol__\u25a0__! MmMMMm SM ithRM*bMßZ m*sJS\mmmm\ --_--_---_--\u25a0-\u25a0 -_-_-_k tf*AW

4V*_MftMA BM_a__L ARMMMMMMMaX" _h-T______


By ALMMANDRR NOTT. __-__._'??\u25a0'\u25a0'-T?uB?iTUBc. i_fiTivmir(n_____U wmbaaoMm aaatta. Z'SS*ll^B_T, September I3tb, at IO -_2a_?' _\u25a0 HiBECONB-nhBDblea, Cbalra. Bedsteads, *%Qlamwr. Aim. Dry «o .J.^^^Lsm___i2 _^_sr*

\u25a0» Kl^*lfl2CitiTH^rr^~^^-I_A



A KUTADfiANTOIo Pivv-£> TotihtßEK WITB CIGARS -_____»?».TINWABK CLOTHIBO, Ha«,-g nfm-S-SAt.-On FRIDAY, 12th last, at.7<i,!v "ft"sat the store corner of Mala aod lott, ahs__ _*_sell, at auction, a very large »_,., -,_?**? \u25a0? I »iliOoods, consisting lv part of ".,. wioli_*W * lw "'

Cigars, Pip*.. I chest Teo . hag, £&! _-**?*?Matches, I arose Blachtog, Cloves _

"J «*-ware, couatotiog of Coffee pots Tin I?, "*? Tl»fin-., Men's, Women's, aod Boy* Bh_*_i-- .*uv| «\u25a0*Shoe and Butcher Knives V_, __2 *"\u25a0'\u25a0>,Combs, Tuck do , Lead Pern il* Vim -S '**


Clothing-4_J pairs Casmmerel'.ats W,., "'*'els, and l'-.<l«r»btrt*, ion dor. ..l, \u25a0~"*'»'«Oioves, Doniasllre, Dentin*, Ca»»in,-rp 4 -_?*_\u25a0?nets. Table Damaak, Bridle*, UmatlU i , **'

sundry other articles suiled to the ~, ? *',", ? ?IAt l_ o'clock, precisely, «vi \u25a0?, ~ .. ..'?""??<

rmit and Futures, Including thr Kit ~

l.les. Chairs Picture*. Dining War ,c . ° T*>-

Bar, aud e-e-ry other article __\u25a0«___ __?*class Eating Saloon. Tkhms < *~_ l!r -;_____* M__A?TBi_ . A .?-By GODPIN A APPERSON, A? n,

XALDABLE LITTIE p*itM, OP » ~_.OM TBE MEADOW aoUD<lßßo_? ,_*-ES NuRTUEAST OP \u25a0K*_Mo__' _*°

BALS AT ADCTIOB -At the Naaaafai at! 'Catharine Preutis, we *haU wll at aSa 1 ffon the premise*, on FRIDA . ibe )?_(, «_,,

'" , ---1862, at 5 o'clock P. M . the valuabl, \u25a0__!___as above, now occupied by her, adioimn* m , ''of Messr*. Fendall Oriffln, U_rland Haa* j'*o4 'others. It contains *** ncr_*, of w_.,_ 'at 'acres are well set in oak *.**?, tin, k_Z ''cleared and iv excellent aaaaßdaß of msttif ?'acres are well set in ciovei. The iu._r ,-?


are nearly new, consisting at an excellent Amu"'*house and tbe u«uai out _uil<l__g* all |_ lrr.? ! *?'*>aud a well of fine water in t_e ywd. Til \u25a0well suited for a market garden, ?\u25a0*\u25a0-.. "£,'!"}* '*

hood is good, and the place 1* remarkably h ?*?*TKRMS- At »ale. PiissesNluo given __,__Snext, jsell | OODDIh A APPEm.?f A-"

*V IWT. MAINM hj C*. stoaaha-S-^MANCFAOTUBSDTOBACf.'t* ATaBCH aOur regular h. le of Mannf.. ibibl twin take place on FRIDAY, its- l__ t)ut


mencing at 10 o'clock, and will aeaahl iI.COO packares, of varioiu brand* ..f nu-Lnr °]fine qualllie* Several large in ,. ; . 0, ?,., ,j,' *Mwithout ret?r?e. The alienti... id La.,,.


licited to this sale. 3 '* \u25a0se U KENT,

_____ACQ A| ?,

HIOH CONSTABLESon FRIDAY, Sept.lv :- . ;..'

High Con*table'a office, comaiei. ----- '-. _? . "A M., a lot of MsaaaboM and Bi<.. . fOnsZcon*lstingnf Bedstead*. Ited*, Loung, ihU-,,".fice Chairs, Ac ANo, about msmta g-r,*Matches, three sacks of OiouuJ Al in ._t m.stCamp Furniture, Ac, tv aatiaty «nuh Baotowarrants ami exerutiousiu my l.?, ,;.

selO-tds OEO. A. Hi.KVt;. fl fr |


\7"ALUABLEANDBEAI 'TUTLLYLOCATEDBuildingLotson Dover and Kirnwood -r_t.Town of Sidney, and Clay and Baaaaah aaamla Buchanans Plan, AT ABCTiOB -W* b |sell, upon the premises, on WBDBBKDATft*17th day of September, commencing st t-- o'cl."«rhP. M., in the following order, viz :

Ist- -A LOT in Sidney, fronting 774, Mm m MmNorth side of Dover street, betweJ._ Imasl e_ tCherry streets, and runniugback 1.. feet lo aa B_wM feet wide. ,


Sid?A LOT In Sidney, fronting *'? feet _ th.North side of Blmwood street, ronntog bark ... :_*East line of Culvert 3tr-et VSt feet to a wide alrj_d?And. at 9 o'clock, 10 building LOTS ._ ?

South side of Clay street, between rarringti _ satKinney streets, insquare No. I ot Baabaaßo's aim,They front each .ii feet, and run back 1.-1 feet lamalley 30 feet wide.

tth.?Four Lots on the West ahtoef Baaaaa.street. fsqnara 80. i, Between Marsh'-sll and i.iiyst*., having ihe same from aud depth, Paea Mm-fiiare is located Buchanan s Spring.

TsRMS? One third cash, the balance at leadlmonths, for negotiable notes, with intrr-»t h<i,i?,and secured by a trust deed

se 11 James ML Taylor as. I, a \u25a0.-..


?side of l.th, b.tweeu H.....1 and M_i.*..., ,;,_\u25a0.

for s_e AT AUCTION?We will sell nsa itopremise*, on TUESDAY, the itiih day of Septfi-ber, commencing at r.j P. M, tho vabahtaaai s'tractive four-story Brick Dwelling loi_:.-,t i,_ tvwest side of lv'th street, between Br.._a and Msrshall streets it contain-, eight goodroomi Hfsthowith a two story brick Kitchen attached. Is IB] ; \u25a0;.-1with the modern conveniences. Rod m .a good BB_B

This property. f..r it* lccation aud otbi?r _dv_!,.rages, is considered to be the mi *t dc-r&bieUr *

li'.tiiily residence n-v.% iv the m_ket.Tekm"? cmc-third cash tor the wh-le, ifdat-Bi

the balance at r, and l£ month* far asgotiaMaaslii.with interest added, and -cured by a traM .iced.

?c U JAS M TAYLOR A IO- iotltTpODR ACRES VALUABLE _Tld "N KIMA* W.IOD AND DtIVERSTEEE* I.TOWfOPhIDNKY, AT AUCTION? We wU. sell, BB n Ihapt_ni*t?, ou SATURDAY, the t3ib i_y i faepfcOßber, coiamenring at ;'. o'clock 1' il t_u.- bmbblland, located in the town of Wdaay, fronting nEiiuwood, or Main -treet contiuiied. iii the W_

barn Pln.kr.ad. and op) osile the lad ItOBB "I Mr.A. J. Ford. This is considered to be a* ...-.\u25a0-\u25a0property as can be bought in that ..r.(-r... ._< ptrlof the suburb!*, aud we call tbe partitular _;t. uu.'i*ot .-upilalint*and other* ttereto

YEti.*-. ?One third ca»h , the balance ,t I and l>mouth*, tor negotiable notes, will. to__Blaa_dand secured by a tni-t deed.


~i r alcabi.e and wkli. located brickV DWBIdJHO, UN THE SOUTH 8188 OP

FRANKLIN.-ETWKENiiI) AND 41H STEE-l-.AT ACCTIoN.?We will sail, 8808 the \u25a0___-*ou MONDAY, the i:ib day el ?aptaasbar, bbb>i?ui'iiii* at 5 o'clock P. M., tbe VBtoahla and well-located Brick DweiUng, located ou the a mtmtdFranklin, between .M and 4tb tttaata Tha D»<ing is nearly new, has eight rooms, haddss ?srraßO'accommoda'dons. The premise* are supplied Withga* and water, and tbe whole nicely finished. I '\u25a0\u25a0 ?

property is loiated iv the most daattabta bb_lbß_the city, is convenient to btimur? anil worthy!-*attentU.u of those desiiiog to secure -


TERMS.?One third cash ; the balttnce st I ea- -

years, for negotiable note*, with iutere..t sJ.leiaud secured by a trust deed, or. if prefuN?ttopurchaser can pay the entire purchase money in

cash. JAMES M. TAYLOR .v 808,ac S Au> :.\u25a0..\u25a0<-\u25a0' ?


upon the premises, on TUESDAY, the 16th dayofSeptember, commencing at S o'clock P. M . :»"

Lots of laud ou Navy Hill, designated a* Isfl .-'

and _l, fronting together to feet on tbe west '..at ttsth street, and rnnniugback 198feet in an -.>> *'

feet wide. The improvement* are a large and cil

fortable Framed Dwelling, containiug nine riw?iwitb flreplare*. together with a tw.sloty Kitt-<-nand other outbuildings, alio, a well of ei_ll«_'water upon the premises.

TKKMs.?Oue-third cash; tbe balance st I ami -

months, for negotiable notes, with tutere*' *--« >.and secured by a trust deed

se a JAS M. TAYLOR A SON. And r*.


FOR SALE?This estate, containiug I.oe_ *<ni

situated on the Appomattoxriver.elght uiile**U'»*Powbatau Court Bouse, on the old stage rosd. --1be offered fur sale at public auction en tbe premi*es, ou WEDBESDAY. the Ist day of Octoberneat, if not sold privately by the un-er*ig-e_l>r»vious to that date. Tbe buildingsare iv *_*-»"»order. The dwelling-housecontains ?!_ r» _-?> ?_?-»

basemeut. Tbe tobacco houses, stable, corn houseaad pri.e barn are ail new, aud of most ?.?'"? " Jettde.

There is alao a sew ORIST MILL tcuiiip-ts inevery respect; on the premises.

Mr. Richard Cm ar will show the «--'? ?"

any one visitingtt with tbe yew of purc-a-is*.. '

is about leu miles from Mattoan Sun. c on ?otDanville railroad, and can be reached trow t- '*

orby stage in m Powhatan S'.at'onFor terms, address JOHN W. ADKIN3.

Dover Mills, Uoochtoad; or, ioTHOMAS M ISBKI.I.

ae 11?l?t» CBmberland Court Jgj*.

EXECDTOBS BALE OB 3i« At'KIW OPLAND to the countyof Henrico, oa the Mi----

moadand Chariottcsviito Plankroad. eboutt-ii*-*miles from Richmond, at AUCTION--! ~"' "_upon the premises, oo the Ist of Oeu.be!*. '0»»

maßctog at 11 o'clock A. M . the PABB o' ihe Iaie

Mrs Na_ey D. Priddy. deed coataintog about ?«"

acres, and disiaut from Bichmond about bum u_->«*aad from tbe Richmond and Frederick '«*"?\u25a0\u25a0 «, K,f_rood ooa mile About «*> acrae are xbalance to origtoal gvowth of oah aad Pwe luaaer.whtoh to very ralaable, aad within one «'l» "'?

aaw aad grbi b__> edjotomg the lends oi Dr. w< ?dridge, Saalth Byall, Richard dray, and -her*. »

a healthy and daaiaobto neighborhood-il"** '

chaaar to have the pOvltoge of aeedtog ?; "T 'wheat tbto toll, aad _UI potasastoa on the Ist *»7

c___st el a dwetoag *<*»

with BUreoaw aad a paaaage to the middle. *'?*-

--all the Bscßasary oothaildtoga .

~ ~Tiros,-Ooe-lhlrdeaab. the hatoac ataaßdi-moatb-,for aagoltobto 00-a, laterestutto withheld oatU all too P

BOBT W. *_"?_£*_,,En'or af-ban B. t'l-hljdeed, tor him**Eo or of"-^^^Warfl^J^.^P. B-Mr. -ray. ?*» tt^__*show khe MnmUsa » aoy ooa dseiitog to P»" ****

yftsj >aa% WftoM IT **M

?-, -» jwIA ii ?BBsaamar aa-oasiy, s* __. \u25a0 »_\u25a0\u25a0 w i-v_ _# ?_-

_asaNnl h___rß_ at_B_* ?*__.
