wa newsletter 364 march / april 2016

PAGE 01 Whitgiftian a ssoCiation i ssuE 364 W hitgiftian a ssoCiation Whitgift School, Haling Park, South Croydon CR2 6YT. Tel: 020 8633 9926 www.whitgiftianassociation.co.uk President - LORD GRAHAM TOPE Chairman - PIP BURLEY Editor - RICHARD BLUNDELL NEWSLETTER 364 - March/April 2016 After several months of amazing performances for Wasps in the AVIVA Premiership, fans were clamouring for Daly to be selected for his country. He had already represented England at U16, U18 and U20 as well as taking the field for both England Saxons and The Barbarians. The 23 year-old was called up to the England squad before but failed to even make it onto the bench until now. After patiently waiting for his chance, Daly was selected as a replacement for the crucial Six Nations encounter with Ireland at Twickenham. The match was going England’s way and in the 66th minute, with his country leading 21-10, Daly was brought on as a replacement at Centre for Owen Farrell. Just a few minutes later he made a massive impact with a critical, well-timed, try-saving tackle on Josh Van der Flier. That intervention kept England eleven points to the good and prevented what would have been a nervous finish. After his brief debut, Daly will now be desperate to get back on the field for both club and country and continue putting in performances that have made him one of the most popular Rugby Union players at this time. Everyone at the Whitgiftian Association would like to say massive congratulations to Elliot on this landmark career milestone and wish him all the luck for what is sure to be a bright future. Elliot D alys EnglanD R ugby DEbut Saturday 27th February 2016 will be a date that Old Whitgiftian Elliot Daly (OW 2006-11) never forgets, for that was the day he made his full international debut for England.

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Page 1: WA Newsletter 364 March / April 2016

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Wh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o nWhitgift School, Haling Park, South Croydon CR2 6YT. Tel: 020 8633 9926 www.whitgiftianassociation.co.uk


NEWSLETTER 364 - March/April 2016

After several months of amazingperformances for Wasps in the AVIVAPremiership, fans were clamouring for Dalyto be selected for his country. He hadalready represented England at U16, U18and U20 as well as taking the field for bothEngland Saxons and The Barbarians.

The 23 year-old was called up to theEngland squad before but failed to evenmake it onto the bench until now. Afterpatiently waiting for his chance, Daly wasselected as a replacement for the crucialSix Nations encounter with Ireland atTwickenham.

The match was going England’s way and inthe 66th minute, with hiscountry leading 21-10, Dalywas brought on as areplacement at Centre forOwen Farrell. Just a fewminutes later he made amassive impact with acritical, well-timed, try-savingtackle on Josh Van der Flier.That intervention keptEngland eleven points to thegood and prevented whatwould have been a nervousfinish.

After his brief debut, Dalywill now be desperate to getback on the field for both

club and country and continue putting inperformances that have made him one ofthe most popular Rugby Union players atthis time.

Everyone at the Whitgiftian Associationwould like to say massive congratulationsto Elliot on this landmark career milestoneand wish him all the luck for what is sureto be a bright future.




DEbutSaturday 27th February 2016 willbe a date that Old WhitgiftianElliot Daly (OW 2006-11) neverforgets, for that was the day hemade his full international debutfor England.

Page 2: WA Newsletter 364 March / April 2016

Ollie, about to finish his medical degree,will be carrying out research during theexpedition into the effects of prolongedexertion on the body to betterunderstand both ill health andhuman performance.

Each team member will behauling an individual pulkweighing approximately 160kgthat will contain everything heneeds to survive for two monthson the ice pack. The team will becompletely self-sufficient and donot intend to receive any form ofresupply or outside assistance. If all goeswell they will reach the Pole in January2017.

The team will face many challenges alongthe way with the harsh polar weather,constant katabatic headwinds, crevasses,whiteouts, climbing to 10,000ft, isolationfrom the outside world and the constant

mental and physical battle of man-haulingtheir pulks across the ice.

To make the team, applicants across theArmy Reserves undertook a long selectionprocess, culminating in a two-weekexercise in Norway learning ‘polar routine’where the final team was chosen. With

temperatures regularly in the -30s(°C), theteam faced a constant battle to survive.

They had to learn the fine line betweengenerating enough body heat to preventhypothermia and frostbite, but not toomuch to cause them to sweat. Themoisture would immediately freeze in theclothing, producing much faster drops inbody temperature.

As the extreme daily exertion began totake its toll on the team and their bodiesate through their fat reserves, they cravedmore and more calories and their appetitesturned to salami, cheese, chocolate andany other fat they had with them. Ollie,

with a background inultramarathon running andinterest in nutrition, will beplanning the team’s expeditionfood to allow them to undertakethis mammoth task.

To be in peak physical condition,the team has joined forces withOWs Adam Jordan (2000-2008)and Michael Jordan (2002-2010)(7R Performance) to develop their

strength and stamina.

As a consequence of the expedition theteam hope to raise £100,000 for the ABFThe Soldiers’ Charity, helping thoseservice personnel that require it most.

For more information, visitwww.spear17.org.

Wh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o n is s u E 364 PAGE 02


OW Ollie Stoten (2000-2008)has just returned from the finalphase of selection to make theSPEAR17 team (South PoleExpedition Army Reserves 2017);a six-man team who, this year,will attempt to ski over 730 milesunsupported from the coastline ofAntarctica to the geographicSouth Pole.

Photo courtesy of AWOL Media Productions

Photo courtesy of AWOL Media Productions

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Boys in different coloured blazers, boys indresses, boys wearing spandex and wieldingguitars… that’s right: it’s that time of yearagain and the Whitgift carousel haspootled its merry round to the EntranceExam / Lower Third Shakespeare / HouseMusic season! Once again, I find themarking on my desk submerged undertogas, daggers and drumsticks – the after-show parties are becoming wilder everyyear! As one has come to expect withWhitgift, all three events were a success:the future of the school is in safe hands,with record numbers of bright-eyed youngchaps visiting with their parents forinterviews; the L3rd Shakespeare eveningsaw every boy in a year group of well over200 perform an extract from the Bard’scannon – a spectacular and encouragingsight; last but not least, Dodd’s won HouseMusic in a wonderfully entertainingevening that showed Whitgift music in itsbest light, with everyone from virtuosoviolinists to wannabe 13 year old OzzieOsbornes strutting their stuff on the BigSchool stage!

The Oxbridge results, whilst not quitereaching the dizzying heights of last year,were nevertheless still very impressive,with a total of 22 offers made in a varietyof subjects ranging from the traditional,Classics and Natural Sciences, to thecontemporary, Asian & Middle EasternStudies and Computer Science. At theother end of the school, first former, KitConnor appeared in BBC 1’s adaptation ofLeo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Kit won the

role after a rigorous audition in London,where he was up against more than 100hopeful young actors. He appearedalongside household names: AdeEdmondson (playing his father); GretaScacchi (playing his mother); and LilyJames (as his sister). Clearly, the morechallenging reading list given by theEnglish department to the first form boys ispaying off. Next up – Ulysses!

In hockey, Whitgift continued their annualhosting of the Boys U16/U18 Schools’National Indoor Championship, heldbetween 15-17 January 2016. The U16s,who had narrowly missed out on a semi-final place by just one goal the previousyear, had a fantastic competition. Thesquad defeated Norwich School, ThirskSchool, Repton School and SouthDartmoor Community College, in the poolmatches. The final was played against astrong Worksop College side, who, for longperiods of the game, were very much incontention. A strong Whitgift second-halfperformance saw the team proclaimednational indoor champions. The Firstteam, havingmonopolised the indoorscene for the past fewyears, did not quitemanage to repeat theirsuccess this time around,but they are still goingstrong in the outdoorgame, having reached thethird round of theNational Cup and racking

scores of 10 – 1 and 7 – 1 in friendliesagainst Millfield and Oxford Universityrespectively!

In rugby, both the Firsts and the U15smade it through to the Natwest NationalCup quarter-finals, where the formerproduced a combative defensive display toedge out Wilmslow High School 10 – 7,and the latter bravely succumbed 34 -17 toa classy Sedbergh side, despite leading 17 –12 at one stage and dominating theforward battle. Both matches were wellsupported, with the entire school out tosupport the firsts in yet another match thatwas televised by the RFU. The semi-finalwill take place at Allianz Park (the homeof Saracens RFC) on Saturday 27thFebruary, and will be a tough ask for theboys, seeing as how they have drawncurrent champions, Bromsgrove, who havethus far remained unbeaten this season.Editor’s note: Score just in before going toprint… Whitgift unfortunately lost 24-50.

Whilst the school continues to go fromstrength to strength in all of the traditionalsports, every year it is venturing furtherand further afield in its quest for nationalglory. In the last two months alone, wehave achieved a number of firsts,including: progressing through to the semi-finals of the London Independent SchoolBasketball League at U18 level; having apupil - Upper Third Former, DanielHarding - win a gold medal in a nationalKarate competition; achieving a recordhaul of medals (31!) at the IndependentSchools Ski and SnowboardChampionships in Les Deux Alpes; andlastly, the U11 and U16 table tennis teamsqualified for the regional finals of theEnglish Schools Table Tennis Associationnational competition, by both finishing asrunners up in the London heats. Whatever

nEWs fRom thE sChool

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Whitgiftian bEnEVolEnt soCiEty


VEtERans RiflE

Club REPoRt

We continue with our work of helpingWhitgiftians, both those at School andOld Whitgiftians and not forgetting thewider members of the Whitgiftcommunity. We are currently assistingsome OWs who are progressing throughuniversity and Old Whitgiftians both ofthe older and younger generations whoare in need either of short termassistance or longer term help. One ortwo of our beneficiaries are abroad andthe rest in the UK. Sometimes it is thewidows of Old Boys or of Masters that wehelp.

Our help to boys at the School can takethe form of putting money on their lunchcards, paying fares to and from School,purchases through the School shop ofuniform and contributions towards thecost of School trips essential to theirSchool curriculum.

We sent Christmas gifts to some of ourbeneficiaries.

We were very sorry last summer to losethe magnificent contribution which hadbeen made by John Straw to our work ashe decided that after 41 years as aTrustee he deserved a rest and the greatsupport of Susan Hooker who had to stepdown on her retirement from School.She had proved an invaluable linkbetween the School and the Society.Susan has been replaced by WhitgiftMaster, Keith Smith, who is certainlyproving himself to be a worthy successorto Susan.

As always, we are keen to hear of anyOld Whitgiftian or other member of theWhitgift family who needs the Society'shelp and to that end we arranged for theparents of all boys in the Vth and VIthforms to receive, at the end ofMichaelmas Term, a letter about theSociety's work.


next? Anyone fancy a game of polo?So as not to be completely shown up bythe boys, some members of the sports staffhave also been excelling in their respectivefields. Mr Neil Kendrick, the Head ofCricket Performance, was delighted to beselected to be part of the coaching teamfor the England Women’s training camp, inSri Lanka, in December. The trip, inpreparation for ICC World Twenty20taking place in India, in March 2016,provided an intensive development campin conditions similar to the host nation.Whitgift’s Rugby Development Officer, MrTom Stradwick, representing BlackheathRFC, has been selected to play rugby forthe England Counties XV. The team ismade up of players from 13 clubs, and theirinternational fixture list starts on 26February, when they will face a ScotlandClub XV. When Tom turns up for the firsttraining session, he will find himself infamiliar company, as Mr Chris Wilkins, theschool’s director of rugby, has been chosenas part of the coaching team.

Finally, the eagerly anticipatedRemembering 1916 exhibition is nownearly upon us! It runs from 12th March –31st August and is set to focus on a pivotalyear in the First World War through aseries of unique, personal stories. Inaddition to the exhibition, there will be agift shop selling souvenirs, and this bringsme nicely onto the school shop, which canbe located just inside South Entrance.When I popped in the other day, Ireflected that there were a lot of items thata keen OW might covet: peacockcufflinks; umbrellas adorned with theschool colours or, if you prefer, a peacockpattern (notice a theme here?); bow ties;pens; the stylish blue, gold and whitestriped OW blazer… the list goes on! Nexttime you come to the school, pop in for alook - you never know what you mightfind!


Just a very brief report as we are currentlyin that interim period which comprisesthe approaching conclusion of the SmallBore Winter Leagues and thecommencement towards the end ofMarch of our Full Bore calendar.

Just too late for inclusion in the lastreport was the now very demandingVeterans Christmas Shoot. Won on thisoccasion by Rob Beere (OW 2000-05)with Ben Justice in second place. Benwas one of the four school boy shotstaking part, all of whom were part of theSchool winning team in their postalshoot v other schools last summer. Allfour shot very well indeed, a credit toPeter Morrison (PJ) under whoseleadership the School Shooting Clubcontinues to flourish. Well done all!

Moving on to Full Bore, Graham hasarranged the first practice shoot for 19March, an all-day shoot at 600 yards forwhich reasonable conditions would bewelcome – not always the case however.

The Vets’ first match shoot of the 2016Bisley season will be Round 1 of theLMRA League on 17 April, this to befollowed by the LMRA Schools Veteransmatch on 30 April. For those who may beunaware, the latter competition was infact instigated by the WVRC many yearsago.

The Veterans AGM will be held this yearon 29 March at the clubhouse withBunny Branton (OW 1930-38) in theChair.

That I think covers the club’s state ofplay at the moment. Small Bore Leagueresults etc in the next report.

Further information regarding theWVRC and our activities can be foundwithin the WA website….new membersalways welcome.

ALAN HUNTER (OW 1952-59)

Page 5: WA Newsletter 364 March / April 2016

On the indisposition of our Honorary Member(Angela Warren) and hence of our annualhostess, Averil and John Trott (WA Vice-President) kindly stepped into the breach,welcoming us to their home in Bletchingley. Weaccepted with alacrity and enjoyed their excellenthospitality; so much so that for another year wequite forget again to photograph ourselves for thecolumns of this Newsletter. Apologies. But, asinvisible as we may be, extant we remain – 21from the original 28; of whom 11 were presentand correct*, and the remainder, in spirit,through newsy letters, from Australia, Belgiumand locations spread across the Home Counties,all avidly read by those present.

As conversation of yore blossomed, one could butbe amazed, in grand-daughter speak, at the‘awesome’ capacities of some to remember in suchdetail events and personalities in our livestogether at Whitgift 63 years ago and more.Fascinating they were. And at this distance theperceived foibles of our Masters could be put insome perspective, not least that of thosedeveloped by their former pupils!

We soldier on toward that 65th Anniversary andthis month (February) we shall progressively bereaching 80 and entering our 9th decades (Godwilling). On one thing we could all agree: life hasbeen kind to our generation and we have muchto be thankful for.

PETER WARREN, OW (1947-56)

*This year’s crew: Ron Bernard, David Brewster, IanBrown, John David, Brian Halfacre, John Hamilton,Nick Hartley, John Sutcliffe, John Trott , John Webband your scribe.

One of the winners of Whitgift’s 2015International Music Competition, LeoAppel, gave a magnificent performance ofKorngold’s Violin Concerto, with St GilesOrchestra under the masterful directionof Old Whitgiftian, Geoff Bushell (OW1968-76). The concert took place onSaturday 23 January, at St AndrewsChurch, Oxford.

The performance brought the audience totheir feet, in obvious appreciation ofGeoff’s skilful conducting and Leo’splaying.

Old Whitgiftians Michael Proudfoot(OW 1956-63) and Stuart Dryden (OW1961-69) were present, as was Whitgift’sDirector of Music, Rosanna Whitfield.

PAGE 05 Wh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o n is s u E 364

Julian Gunn, OW (1970-78),has been appointed Professorof Interventional Cardiology atthe University of Sheffield. Hecontinues in his post asConsultant Cardiologist atSheffield Teaching HospitalsNHS Foundation Trust. He

spends half his life re-plumbing patients' hearts, andthe other half researching intohow he could do it better. Heis immensely grateful to allthe inspirational teachers whohad to put up with him atWhitgift, every one of whom

he recalls with pleasure and amusement,and without whom he would not beprivileged to be in this position. And thepoor blighters who had to share a classroomwith him.

Julian is also a Fellow of the LondonCollege of Music, Associate of the RoyalCollege of the Music, and Organist to theDamian Singers.

oW aPPointED PRofEssoR of CaRDiology

Upper Vth 1952-53


John Whitgift book

oW ConDuCtoR EaRns

stanDing oVation

In his book, “John Whitgift”, the author and Headmaster ofWhitgift School, Dr C.A. Barnett, examines the ‘life,character and achievements’ of the Elizabethan Archbishop.With no study of his life published for nearly five decades,this accessible account takes a modern perspective on anunusually complex man.

Published in 2015, the biography gains insight by examining words from Whitgift’scontemporaries, as well as from the man himself. There are a wide-range of colourillustrations which help shed light on the life of this 16th century man, whosesignificant legacy still lives on in the Whitgift Foundation.

The book is priced at £10 plus £2.50 P&P. Please email Donna [email protected] to purchase your copy. Signed copies available on request.

l to r: Michael Proudfoot, Rosie Whitfield, Leo Appel, Geoff

Bushell, Stuart Dryden

Photo: Debasmita Samaddar.

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Whitgift Upper Fifth Former, Ruairi Bell,competed in the New Year Stages rally carrace, part of the Northern IrishChampionship, on 22-23 January. Out of atotal 50 cars, the 16-year-old had anamazing performance, finishing third in hisclass.

This competition is followed by theEurocables Stages Rally, on 13 February.Both are important practice eventstowards a potential campaign in the BalticRally Championship (Estonia, Latvia andLithuania) later in the year, which will seehim competing in a much more powerfulcar, and on various surfaces: tarmac, graveland snow.

Ruairi has had a passion for driving kartsfrom an early age, and at the age of 14 hepassed his rally license and begancompeting only last year.

We wish him the best of luck in his futuredriving endeavours.

Whitgiftian rally driVer

thREE oWs Win EnginEERing PRizE

oW anD

bRothER anD

fathER on


Three Old Whitgiftians, Joseph Warren(2007-15), Charlie Constable (2007-14)and Jong Hwan Kwon (2010-15), havecelebrated their success at receiving theDiamond Jubilee Scholarship from theInstitution of Engineering andTechnology (IET).

They are part of an elite set ofengineering students who have beenawarded the prestigious award, as theIET and its partners invest £3million inthe UK’s up-and-coming engineeringtalent, over the next five years.

The IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarshipscheme is now in its third year. Thescholarships provide each winner with atleast £1,000 per academic year. Winnersalso benefit from mentoring and workexperience placements through the IET’s

extensive networks.

The scholarships were given to 102engineering students who starteduniversity at the beginning of thisacademic year, who achieved at leastthree As in their A Levels, or AdvancedHighers, and who accepted a place on anIET accredited engineering or technologydegree course, in autumn 2015.

Naomi Climer, IET President,commented: “We are really pleased togive financial help to the 102 youngpeople as a result of our prestigiousDiamond Jubilee scholarships. We hopethat they will go on to become theleaders of tomorrow in an industry whichoffers a diverse range of excitingopportunities and challenges.

Stefano Nella (OW 2003-2011) ispreparing to cycle 1,000 miles to thesouth of Europe following the route hisgreat-grandfather took to arrive here inthe UK. He will be joined by his father,Mark Nella, 49, and brother, 27-year-oldMario. They start by taking part in theLondon-Paris 2016 bike ride, consideredone of the toughest amateur bike ridesfor cyclists. The two-generation team aretaking part in the rides to raise money forDEBRA, a charity trying to find a curefor genetic skin condition EB, andBloodwise, following the death of Mark’sfather aged 44 from Leukaemia.

The Bromley based family will thencontinue on, travelling throughGermany, Austria and over theDolomites into Italy, before arriving attheir family’s village of Carisolo, in theTrentino province. The trio will beretracing the steps of Mario and Stefano’sgreat-grandfather, Emilio Nella, whowalked from the village in northern Italy,all the way to London, sharpening knivesalong the way. Upon arrival, Emiliofounded the family business, NellaCutlery.

You can help the team on their 1000 milecycle from London to Italy, onwww.justgiving.com/Nella-Cutlery. Theirride starts in London on May 26

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The 23rd Annual chess match, Old Boys versus The School took place atWhitgift on Friday 8 January.

After 90 minutes of play, the OWs had stormed into a 7-0 lead in the 9board match. The top two boards went the distance. The schoolboyssecuring impressive wins on both.

So the result was OWs 7 - Whitgift 2.

OWs therefore retain the Leonard Barden Cup and lead the series.


PAGE 07 Wh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o n is s u E 364

With only a week's notice it was amazingthat no less than 12 Old Whitgiftiandrummers travelled from all corners ofSouthern England to attend the funeralof Jack Cocks OW (1937-43).

Jack had planned the whole service priorto his passing. As a member of the RoyalNavy during WW2, he had opted for anautical theme throughout. It was hiswish that Skye Boat Song be played on aflute as his coffin was carried out of thechurch at the end of the service. I amsure he would never have imagined thatso many of his band would have beenable to take time off work to turn out andplay for him to bid him farewell.

St Mary's Church, Addington Village wascompletely filled with an estimated 150people in attendance. The OW Corps of

Drums members on parade were: DavidLawrence (OW 1949-54), Simon Wermig(OW 1985-92), John Jacobsen (OW1941-48), Richard Bateman (OW 1967-74), Andrew Robertson (OW1999-2006), Mohan Venugopal (OW2005-13), Michael Coatman (OW 1965-

72), Chris Carter-Pegg (OW 1984-92),Graham Kellas (OW 1946-53), EdChandler (OW 2006-13), Phil Williams(OW Whitgift Master 1985-95) andJames Goatcher (OW 1965-73).


The 2016 season may not yet be underway but there is plenty of activity behindthe scenes in order to get ready. A fullschedule of matches and golf days isplanned, this year including members’competitions at Effingham, WaltonHeath, Croham Hurst, HankleyCommon and Royal Ashdown. TheCroham and Ashdown meetings are to beheld at the weekend, to enable youngerOWs to participate as well as our longerserving members.

The society is holding its AGM and

annual dinner on Friday, 18th Marchat the school. As always, newcomers arewelcome, as well as existing members.We will have a guest speaker, Mike Kelly,whom some will know from TandridgeGC and others from the OWCC, and wewill hold the draw for the members’annual knockout competition, theOWGS Challenge Cup. Entries for theknockout can be made at the same timeas applying for the dinner.

The Halford Hewitt is amongst the oldestand best known of amateur team golfcompetitions, being contested by 64prominent schools. It comes early in theseason, just after Easter, and Nic Gates(OW

1984-91), captain of the Whitgift side, isputting his squad through their paces inanticipation of their first round matchagainst Stowe on Friday 8th April. Whitgifthas never won the Hewitt, but Nic hasorganised six practice weekends this year forthe young squad, several of whom have onlyrecently left school. Last weekend saw afriendly match at Royal Cinque Portsagainst Rugby, who knocked us out in lastyear’s competition; Nic is happy to reportthat Whitgift won this time around.Whatever happens this year, no one canfault the squad’s preparation.


oW drUmmers bid a fond fareWell to Jack cocks

golf soCiEty

oW ChEss Club REPoRtWh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o n

aRE you gEtting thEmost out of youR

Wa mEmbERshiP?

logon to thE mEmbERs’ aREa on thE

Wa WEbsitE foR thEatRE DisCounts,

mEmbERs nEWs, thE onlinE Wa

mEmbERs DiRECtoRy anD moRE!

Page 8: WA Newsletter 364 March / April 2016

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ALAN ABEL (OW 1945-51) died12th February 2016, at the age of 80PATRICK BELL(OW 1935-40) died on 14thNovember 2015, at the age of 90JACK COCKS (OW 1937-43) died 19th January 2016, aged 89MICHAEL JAKEMAN (OW 1940-46)died 29th January, aged 85ROY KENNEDY (Whitgift Master,1950-65) died 7th January 2016,aged 93ERNEST REXFORD POLAND(OW 1938-42) died on 30th December at the age of 90MARTYN PORTER(OW 1951-56) died 25th December2015, aged 85

RECEnt DEaths

Submissions for NEWSLETTER 365 covering May/June 2016 closes on Friday 22nd April. All news and photographs should be sent [email protected] or via the WA Office at Haling Park. Tel: 020 8633 9926 if you have any queries.

DatEs foR youR DiaRy

2 to 5 March Sweeney Todd Musical School 19:30

Thurs 10 MarchWWI Exhibition Concert School 19:00

Sat 12 March WWI Exhibition Opens School 10:00

Fri 18 March OWGS AGM and Dinner School 19:00

Sat 19 March OWRFC Supporters Lunch WSC 12:00(Michael Spicer Testimonial Lunch)

Tues 22 March Founder’s Day Service & Breakfast Whitgift House 07:00

Fri 8 April Halford Hewitt Golf v. Stowe Sandwich 08:20

Fri 8 April Wine Tasting Evening WSC 19:00

Sat 16 April OWRFC Annual Dinner WSC 18:00

Sun 1 May OW Corps of Drums Concert Brighton 14:00

Sun 22 May Open Gardens Event Whitgift 10:00

Thurs 16 June Ronan O’Hora Piano Recital School 19:30

Fri 17 June WA Annual Dinner The Lords tbc

Sat 18 June Three Choirs Concert Croydon Minster 19:00

Sun 19 June Open Gardens Event Whitgift 10:00

29 Jun-1 July Lower School Play, “Treasure Island” School 19:30

Weds 6 July Celebration of Whitgift Life School 11:00


Sat 5 Mar Wands XV v Old Mit Whits H L 15:00

Thurs 17 Mar National School Sevens A 10:00

Sat 19 Mar OWRFC 1st XV v Old Cranleighans H L 15:00

Sat 2 Apr Wands XV v Bec Old Boys H L 15:00


We have apologised to the familyof Major Anthony Parker, who diedlast year, for awarding him firstprize in the 500 Club Winter Draw.We are most grateful that theyhave kindly agreed to donate thissum to the Whitgiftian Association Trust.


Wh i tg i f t i a n as s o C i at i o n WA ANNUAL DINNER 201617TH JUNE - HOUSE OF LORDS