w oodcleft - nys historic...

Sfoeemi County"Revtcw , L tU T U m Wtiueo, Mllslwr. Frte*e« *«wy 1 W r^Eero*r, loho islahd, h. «. Hooth ehore Teleybone Cell. No. 4h. Loes Dleteeoe Cell, rreeport *F. e*wei Hfw M iesm Om*i h e w l free Hw Seert el Se»ef«lsM«. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, IK9i>. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. FREldWRT VILLAGE. *Ee« ee.ee Wmft.Jr^inrT. Preskleul. * reeWBpreene, l>eeiel Morrtwm. K^fiSkeuluili»l. Tieeearer. j«2!I^TU|n^^Vuleie"clerl[. eeeee er were, eeeeieeieetee IO. MU Ur. Pieeldent. IwleCerauir., M. D. Many friends of Private Tbunwe C. Wrlgbr, ol Iht* villege. who ili^l At Camp Memlc, Pa., on Tutw<l«y of last werk, a.temlocl funeral wrvlcee at bin fathvrV home. R«* kvillv O u tre, laat Fmlny nfleruotnL The remains were interre<l In R.n'kVille Cemetery. ' . S' Before JustieeMnckeon ami a jury at Waulagb on We-lueaday evening, D. Wesley Pine was awarded dam ages claimed against the booth Shore Telephone Co. for having broken down a wire fence belong ing to the plaintiff while cutting trees for poles in Randall Park. Gordon Ellison, one of the life savers at Point Lookout, shot a blue berou last Wednesday tlmt measured 6 feet ami 1 inch from tip to tip and stood 5 feet high. Mr. Ellisou has killed a number of the birds, but says the one brought down Inst week was the largest ho has ever At an adjourned meetiug of the Board of Education on Wednesday evening, it was decided to engage the vacant store in the south part of the Randall building, Grove street, north of Pino, to be used as an an nex. This will relieve, temporari ly, the crowded condition <>f the school building, wbicb will probably be enlarged next year. Here are some of the terrible things which according to a country exchange are liable to befall a de linquent: Last week a delinquent subscriber said he would pay up Saturday if he lived. He’s dead. Another said “ III see you tomor row.” tie's blind. Still another one said, “ I hope to pay you this week or go the ‘old boy.'" He’s gone. TME VILLAGE CHURCHES. Ilrirf Mention of Event* Tranuplrlng Dur Inc the Week. PRB34K YTKRI AN. Single copies of the R eview for The Willing Workers cf the Bap side at the i-wt office. tf list Church will hold a box social at The usual Christian Endeavor i-er vice will be held in tbe ebajiel at 6:46 o’clock on Sunday. The leader. Miss Lillian Cotter; the theme, “Work where Christ tells you to.’" A. FU r l awo i- i at FsaepaH YUla*., FREEPORT MAILS. ...........................Ell ....... 6.00 ............... ..T.lft.. .U.» ...».« TIDE TABLE, man watsb. Oet. 6 .............. e.l« a. i •• 7..................10.01 • •• S................. 10.46 • •• a............. li as • 10................ morn. y, •• 11................. 12.83 a.I U .......... 1.86* Fbet Qwiter Moon, October 4. Bnn rime, 6.01; sets, 6.86. L O O A L . Trolley Reed PrayeArfng. The Nneeen Belt Line Company , Made formal application to tbe Trasteea of Hempstead village on Tdeeday evening for a franchise to nm a trolley line through that vil lege. After bearing reasons on ben- , eBta to be derived by the people through the operation of tbe trolley the trneteee wet October S3, at 8 p. ua the time for a public bearing yu the matter in the town ball. It !e reported that a strong desire exieta among tbe residents of'tiemp stead for tbe trolley,as well as those of tbe south aide, ami that there is little doubt of the franchise being granted under certain requirements. After the Hempstead franchise is anconal a eimilar application will he leede to the Freeport trustees. It la expected to build tbe road • next winter ami spring, *o that the. eeretue may go iuto effect early in the year. |F " frv- IrdAye are come, •f tbe year; ' Mart the Are, pretty dear. Fsrmere are beey tricking aip’ee ewl hueklug corn. The latter will 1 he e heavy mop. Philip Dorcasler of Brooklyn bus bought the cottage of Michael Melin on Pearwell avenue. r" 8amoel Raynor caught hi a net last Friday two aea base, one weigh Ing |6 awftbrotifaff 94 Ibe. . The owuerp of the iiteemlwut Moe- eello, I*. 1« repurteil, are |l»o abort Of making expeoaee during tbe eea- 'The regular meeting of tbe W. C. f. V. wifi he held Monday, Oct. 9, at 8 0*0look at the home of Mre. Lswla H. Burn, About e doeen members of the Outlmg Club took a wbnel-run to Firt Waehlugtou and Maobasaet eu Wuiaeeday., , An eeehaiige has truthfully said that the only word that rhymes with editor la ctwUtor. There isu’t much try about It, stther. x the* liedtft B w . It- Mhe Boee E. Brady, of Buffalo llormal School, hae boee engaged by the Band of Education as teacher Bw Beoowl Advanced Primary. A cake sale under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. will be held Satur day, Out 7, at 8 p. m. in the atore adjoining W. E. Holder's drug store. ------------ ------------- Bugloe No. 80, drawing tbe Ama- miUaett express had a hot box on fW forward truck of the tender Buislay aiorolug, ai|d the train was delayed here for over 10 minutes. ' - ....... .- - - tieorge M. Smith of HemiwteaU hae transferred to hie mother, Amanda M. Smith, 118x60 feet of lend oe Chimb street, Freeport, for , --------------------------------- |u our nest issue we will publish A rpaltetic romance of Freei*>rt in whi' h * Dumber of <Hir hs-al husi Uaee men will ffguro oonspicuuuily. W eb* for It. A number of business places aud ited last Sat - ■ rMtdeneea were decorat *unlay la huuur ol Admiral Dewey The pictere of tbe Manila hero was displayed conspicuously. The Down Town Soeial Club took • trip to the north aide oa Wednes das In search of cbwdnute. Tbs pony had a w ry pleasant time and I quite s lot of ants Miss Mary Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raynor R. Smith of this village, and George P. Gardner of Hempstead were married at tbe Episcopal parsonage, Hempstead, by the Rev. Creighton Spencer, on Wednesday,afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner left immedi ately for a brief wedding tour, from which they returned Sutnrday. Mr. Gardner hae taken the management of the Gardner House, conducted for many years by bis father. The heavy frost of Monday night caused much damage to lute crops of tender vegetables. Beans aud tomatoaa qre almost entirely cut off And many acres will prove almost a total loes. Late corn is also seriously injured. It is very unusual to have such a low temperature so early in the season. It is likely to cut short the supply of tender sorts of vege tables aud will no doubt increase the price. An early frost is said to he a sign of an early aud cold winter. The Republican primaries of the 4th and 5th election district were held Saturday evening, in the foim- er at Review Hail aud iu the latter at John A. Smith's store building, tipper Maiu street. The 4th district selected S. Foster Sprague, Stephen Lewis and Franklin Bedell as dele gates to the county convention, Thomas Burleigh, Charles D. Alice anti Robert 14. Anderson delegates to tho assembly convention, aud Smith C$>*, district captain The fifth district selected J. Huyler Ellison as county delegate, Frank E. Rose, assembly delegate, aud Charles C. Moore, district captain. On Sunday morning Frank Rock- aversn, the Italian _itjioemuker of Brooklyn avenue, re|ibrted to the police authorities that lie had been robbed Saturday night of LIT 40 and q silver wateh. His susjioious were fixed on Emma Baldwin of Smith ville South, a woll-knowueharaeter, who was at his house iu tlyH*ftni-' mg. Monday morning the girl was seen on a train going wist and put ler arrest by si>eci;tl officer Wm. Cameron ami Police Justice Wallace. She was arraigned and he 11 on the charge of grand larceny. In default if securing ball she was taken to ne Long Island City jail to await exalmination, which took place on Wednesday morning la-fore Police Justice Wallace. An adjournment was made until Friday when more wiimwses will testify. That the average American youth is a genius is well illustrated by the ease with which intricate mechanic al productions of the iiieseut day- are solved anil made so simple as to utterly fail hi the results they have been designed to attain. At tbe railroad depot in this village was placed a multiplex phonograph ma chine. In order to operate it n nickel bail to he placed |n a slot and the person desiring to hear a tune stand on the Iren platform. The weight of the person on the plat form hail to he at least M |wiunds For a few days the trickles isiured into tbe machine fast. But young America soon tired of this extava- gant method of hearbig tunes “ ground out " and a cent was tried instead of a nickel. The scheme worked well and soon the receipts of the machine were lessened 8(1 per cent. Then a plan w*s devised to hear more than one selection for a cent. By turning the hiudle that changed the numliers just tiefore a tune was finished tbe phonograph continued to play uutil the five numbers were exhausted. Lately, it is asserted, the tsiys have found a way to manipulate the multiplex (t) musical apparatus without depos iting any money in the sl»i. If the owners of the machine are having the same exiienetiev elsewhere as here they must have tiNllized ere this that it takes more tlisu multi plex arrangements to halfis me vuu ning of young America, who is bound to gt t his moneyV worth on every occasion. The Woman’s Missionary Society will meet at the house of Mrs. D. F. Dikeman, Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 2:30 p. m. Home subject. “The Mor mons;" foreign, "Persia;” text word, “love." At the morning service Sunday the pastor will prep.ch us usual. The evening service will be con ducted by the Y. P. S. C. E. aud among other exercises of interest will be the report of the delegate to the recent New York State Chris tian Endeavor Convention at .Sara toga. Mr. I). T. Bund, the President of the local society. T7 r* ----- METHODIST. Epworth League topic Sunday evening, “ Work Where Christ Tells You To." Leader, Samuel R. Smith. Next Sunday has beeu set apart as Harvest Hume and Church Rally Day, when all the members and friends of the church are expected to assemble as they were iuvited to do last year ou Roll Call Day for the purpose of greeting one another and beginning in earnest their fall aud winter work. The church will be decorated with the products of the season, a sermon ou the harvest preached both morning and night aud the music will he appropriate. All that is sent will be forwarded to the Five Points Mission and other benevolent institutions for use among the poor, except such as may be needed at home among uur own poor, for “the p-xar ye have always with you." Let everybody resi>oud. Fulluwiug this church warming ami greeting occasion will be a week of preaching services. PERSONAL. Movement* Mud Doing* of Our Neighbor* Tolu m Brief Mrs. Charles Wright is visiting at Danbury, Conn. H. P. Libby is spending a few days iu Bridgeport, Coun. Henry Kamp is studying archi tecture at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Miss Ethel Rider has returned from a two weeks visit iu Brooklyn. Wallace R. Post has taken the position of bookkeeper for Ross & Randall. Albert Van Riper and family have removed to Bay Side, where they will reside permanently. “Ben" Smith of Brooklyn spent Dewey day (Saturday) with relatives ami old acquaintances here. yur Vau Wyek passed through the village Wednesday afternoon ou a carriage ride from the city. Charles Gautert, Jr., who was injured by his wheel breaking about two weeks ago, has recovered. Samuel C. Gardner of Southamp ton, a former resident of Freeport, spout the past week at the M. E. par sonage. Rev. K. P. Ketcbam, D. 1)., aud wife attended the session ot the Nassau Presbytery at Huuliugton ou Tuesday. Misses Ida and Cassandra Cecil of Bruoklyu spent Saturday aud Sun day at the home oi John T. Powers, It mdall Bark. Private A. B. Wallace, of Com pany K, 71st Uogt., participated in the Dewey parade iu New York ou Saturday lust. D. T. Bond is representing the lo cal Christian Endeavor Society at tbe annua! convention held in Sara toga this week. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ralph aud daughter. Miss Evelyn Ralph, have returned to their city home in Brook lyn tor the winter. Muhlou T. Carman, station agent and telegraph operator, who had his collar bone Iruciured iu a bicy cle accident some time ago, vxpccls to return to duty the latter part ot this week. Capt. Oliver Herbert aud Capt. John Uoldeu made a haul of several hundred Uluehsh ou Thursday. An interesting and complete ac count ot the Dewey celebration iu New York appears ou the first page ol this issue, the home of Rev. Charles Edwards on Tuesday evetriuir next. October 10. If stormy, the first fair even ing. Everybody iuvited.<- Miss Ivy Westfield, the talented Mr. Fitzgerald and family will re young reeitatiouist, assisted at the rn to the city for tbe winter on Dewey Celebration of the Junior Order of American Mechanics at Freeport on Tuesday eveuiug. Her selections were pleasing to everyone William Walters and family re moved to Brooklyn on Thursday. Samuel Self has !>een ou the sick list this week but is improving rap idly. turn to the city the 15th itist. Charles W. Smith has secured a! { : ^ i ,Z d r,^ ;;n y . ,b'‘ U,,,K -eiv*, ^applause. Gussie, the youngest daughter of i --------- Jarvis Seaman, stumbled nud broke LYNBROOK. her shoulder bone Wednesday after-1 _ , , ., , noou- William Sault is tearing down bis Mrs. Ketcbam aud Mrs. William ‘ fivery stables on Atlantic avenue Browu of Hempsteuu are visiting with" tbe intention cf huildiug two their sister, Mrs. Martin Streesliian 1 or three large stores on the site, of this place. At St. James Methodist Episcopal Sylyanus DeMott of Hi'iuj»itcail | (')IUI,.|1 there is being given this preached m the M. L < hinen last ., morning and evening se Sunday eveuiug. He deliv-cied au 1 .;,,s ,,f sermons on subjects funda- interesting sermon. mental in religious faith and experi- Cnpt. Moses Hunt took a party of vuev. The sermons are of deep iu residents ••outside" to see the Ctilum- terest aud the first, preached last bia Shamrock raceon Tuesday. The Sunday, were listened to by large yachts were too far west to be seen, congregations. however, and the Company returned !__________________________________ somewhat disappointed. Mrs. Wm. Waring, who is 85 OCEAN SIDE, years old, is siwtidiug a few days with her sister in . Brooklyn. The | “Del" Brower met with a (as aged woman has recently made a i and painful accident in going handsome quilt, which sbe presented i stairs at Iris home on Monday, to her daughter-in law,Mrs. A eculiar up As Wanted. 2,000 Bushels of Rye ughter-in law,Mrs. Anthony he reached tbe top step he stumbled. Waring, of Wautagh. His nose struck the wheel of a baby auM t L V. Nichole hae comroetn-ed the , 1 w ort ol ext carting a art improving Ma ahire Irent When floUhed, he •specie Id have oee ol the Buret true hi of eny berime* place in the fume* I fu - R>w‘> w ,w iwe ue eoauay eei seas iry of the at Uofaria’s _ Dr. J. H IN»*e»e e e l F. m Arieqatea to to he held et THE FRATERNAL ORDERS. Note** of lutrrral C'oiiffruiiig St» eirttr* *ml Urethmi. nuatlMBT tx>vw* II so. 57, Jil n l v M The Dewey celebration l»‘M Tues day evening was one of i I is Ih- sI that has taken plate since th« council was organized. The me tula rs ait'll their lamilles or friend* wHe pic* | eut to the uumltor of over Vvo nud | they thoroughly enjoyed the exttr vises which commenced with an organ voluntary, “ The CaUteiinial March," played by Mr*. S I Dunn. This was followed by the <41 tire as sembUge singing “ America."" Vviiu vilor A. U Wallace theu ex|entle<l a brief but cordial welcmu* to all present. A v<s al <lnet (olUiw c l by Miw Laura J. Brotheri.lge and Mi** Ada Conklin; cornet duet by John T. Powers aad Francis J. leeuuii; vocal eolo by Mrw. Duun, refllalious by Miw Ivy W set field aud Erneet Wallace; readings by E part lei te Hellaud ami 4 B. Wallace, ul<liwses by Stale Councilor Guy G Nortou and Jae. l). WUaoo, Slate CJuancilor ol tbePeughtpreof Liberty: singing tty the a*eu»hiege of thir Dewey," qod phonographic aeleciioo* by Er oeat Scott of Hempetead. of regret x| not bring able the celabrxtiou wpre recta Admiral Dewey, P.iat Slat or Anderwm and. State Vic or Singer. AU the nmnbeh on ‘to program were rendered eu-elk^" . - emi greatly pleaeeU everyAw-ox,***' euL Bafreehmeats coocl 'i*, „ BALDWINS. Fruderick W. Roi>e has beeu se lected ua leader ot tbe Brooklyn Boys" High School Chess Club. Tho M. L. S. meetiug did not take place Tuesday evening, but will be Uelri the same day next week at the home of K. W. Kopo. A pleasant dunce was held at Geo, A. Bai ker's resilience lust Thursday evening. Excellent music was fur nished by hmitb iV Raynor. The Democratic primary was hold ouduy evening at Birch's Hall. John Pettit, John A. Farou and John Denton were elected delegates to the town convention. The athletic club has commenced its weekly t«)xmg bouts ami fn-m this time until next spring Birch's Hall will Is: the scene of many live ly encounters between the momls-rs and others. Mrs. Samuel Elderd died Wednes day of Inug trouble, aged 67 year*. She leaves a Imsbaud and three children. Fuueral services will be SEAFORD. A base ball game took place here last Saturday between the Wautagh bird-stuffers aud the Bellmores. The home team won by 14 to 6. The Ladies’ Aid Society held its fair iu Y. M. 1. C. hall ou Tuesday aud Thursday evenings. The event was pleasant aud successful. Some of the local horsemen will test tbe merits of their steeds ou Wautagh avenue Saturday after noon. A lively trot is anticipated. A grand ball will be given by the Y. M I (’. in their hall on Wedues- evetiiug, Oct.,25. Au excellent time is promised by the committee of avrangemeuts, Messrs. J. Verity, C. Wauzer aud M. Haff. His uuise struck the w heel of a baby carriage standing on the landing with terriffic force and the side bone was broken. UNIONDALE. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Duryea and family, who spent the summer here, returued to Brooklyn ou Monday. The attendance at the public school is increasing. There are about 90 scholars iu attendance daily. George N. Paff has some of the finest potatoes ever seen iu this sec tiou. Some specimens weigh fully tbreu {toiiuds apiece. WANTAGH. ‘g, Mrs. Robert Davison hail fine dis plays of fireworks Saturday night iu honor of Admiral Dewey. Mrs L'orodou Norton is quite ill aud unable to teach school. Mrs. Southard is tilling her position at the school until she recovers. Frank C. Euo, of Ausouia, Conn., formerly of this place, made a short visit to relatives and frieuds here ami iu Seafor.l previous to going south to Summerville, S. C., for tho winter. At the Democratic primary Mod- | day evening Philip Scligmau and | William Vo.-ert were chosen dele gates to the lowu convention nud George James and Anthony Waring, alternates. Luther Jolly of this place and Miss Ethel Dalton of Freeport will lie married next Wednesday by the Rev. Charles Wood of Memorial Church. The ceremony will take place here. David Seymour returned last Sat unlay from the Klondike region where he went to seek his fortune in the gold mines. He was warmly welcomed ou Iris arrival here, and gave his friends some interesting stories conci rniug his journey to tbe northwestern entry. ROCKVILLE CENTRE. Capt. A. H. Laffin has arrived home from Cuba, from which place he brought on his transport Burn side the Fifth Infantry. The formation of au athletic club is under way aud a committee 011 organization has beeu appointed as follows: Jus. Vincent, Dr. J. Eusor Hutcheson, Clarence C. Barr, W. H. Bruunemer, Augustus Grady ami Jacob Hunter. The electric light plant has reach ed its limit of supply ami as many mure lights are needed, the village trustees are considering the question of reducing the power of the street lamps from 2u to 16 canple power in order to increase the supply. HEMPSTEAD. Molliueuux Bros, have erected a uew coal elevator to replace the oue that colhipbcd a few mouthts ago. The new btructure ib very DIAMOND CHIPS. L:irtt week’s Hempstead Inquirer contained a lengthy article on the work of the South Side League dur ing the past tm m in or and the pros pects tor next season. After stating that never before had the games been so largely attended nor a deep er interest taken in the sport, the article continue*: However there has been one'draw- baok tu the present season, and that ng. The people have disgusted with this sort of busim avss, and that will present season, is protesting. The people have become disgusted with this sort of business, an unless rules can be laid down that wil overcome this evil there is no use bavin, a League. JBeoplo want to see games played and won on their merits. They have no desire to see a contest fairly won by a club thrown out by the Board of Directors. Thor FOR CASH AT R U H Iu ’S Freeport Mills. MICHAEL SCHMITT, Hair Dressing Parlors, Church and Main Streets. (Nvxt I>v<»r to Hank) FREEPORT, L. I. General Agency for Wcstphal’s Auxiliator Money and Shoes nr* neveshittus—one n* much iihthe other; hut we require very little of your money for a great Uunl of value in ............... OI K SHOES people There seems to has been enltirely too many protests, and unless something is to prevent this next ill not support a Leu bstuntial. being built with (iv<>i; I,,;, not supp seems to Ik - but one way out of iculty, and that is to do away with tin- amateur rule. Not. because we do not favor it, as tho writer certainly gia pints tituber* ou a concrete foun datiou. | fu cxiKtvm-v The Rev. F. Melville Kerr un,! 1 tlwre will be iirutost*. anil though un-amat'-ur rule m ere seems to be no way of a League with such a rale .lust as long as thoi wife, with their sou Stewart, have returned from a ten week*’ tri]. through England, France and Italy. Mr. Kerr will resume pastoral duties of the Presbyterian Church on Sun Charles W, C’aruian of Co. K, 71st Kegt., and a veteran of the Spanish- American war, was married last Saturday morning to Miss Susie Payutur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Payutar, ut the home of the bride's parents. The location of the Hempetead Subscription Library has been changed trom Mary G. Smith's store ou Greenwich street to the cotta ou Fulton street, cast of Goorgi lith Ernest Scott and his phonograph assisted at lb • Dewey celebration of the A men vau Mechanics at Free- [Kirt on Tuesday evening. The se- lectioi a were gi v*U.i u excellent style and pruuo.iiieiAl.y all to lie the best they had 1 aid at uii3- euteitaiuiiii-nt given in the village. Earle's residence. Miss Smi be retained us Librarian. ” wiii tiou with with whom club*, f: as long as there is it looks to us a ccmuec- irk. Men League will not wo have talked, and most of the chilis, favor a rule allowing all the clubs to sign any player they want to. No matter where ho comes from, or what Iris rating may he, let him play, Fret jHirt is op|x>seri tu such a plan and last week the Review, of that village, had an artlolo favoring the amateur League, but nothing was said about the way to stop protests. It is plain to be seen by the above *tatemeiits tlmt the Inquirer's base ball writer, while claiming to favor an amateur league, desires to have it make a professional one. Re- otests, not oue would against any player or club bad all obeyed tbe rules which they declared to abide by when tbe league was formed. This is what causes protests, 11 desertion of the principles incoiqiorated to make the league harmonious, and it is only just to suite that tin. Hem|wtead club lias been none to cnri-tul 111 this regard. Thu Rkvikw, as a well wisher of the Ja*aguo, believes that the usage of home players entirely next season would see the la-ague The local chapter of the Epworth ' l'»l" '*“>re successful than it has been League has elected James E IVar 1111 the i,:u.,l and with no protests to sou. President: George W. Terry, mar the wuik <d any clu Mr* un umntvur league, ofessi gurdiug the protests, not one would have occurred again* m; 1st Vice President; Mrs. V. S. Ham let, 3-J Vice President, Mrs. .1 E 'ug if, a* .tated every Dnector sees Holmes, ."11 Vice Presidimt; Mrs. l“ n t hat hi. uh.h oU-y» the rules James E Peats.n. tth VT.-e Presi e,ial,liah d 1 his fact mu*t Iw clear dent; M. O. tiildersh-vve, Treasurer; l“ the a, ik-i ut the Iiiquiret aitiele Miss Alice Brower, Secretary; Miss :“"1 Wl' '‘“i'c he will join 111 uphold Luella A lan..-, Vu.-re«iK.n.ling .Se. mg tin-amateur !«,la y of the oignu- Miss Elilh Pearson, Sim*-'- lz a n “ u |,n " l'-11 '11- Jb. There is uu ueeil of tliH lattvrvomlitiuii t Xiht- iutemleut Juuiur L am gnu. ; it is predicted that ueitber Hemp- Tlie work ,.f the Hempstead Wo ! ul" Hockville Centre will be in man's (.Tub ibis season is 111 charge 'ho S.lltli Side League 11 ., in,,, sou The former learn I k- i held Sunday aftermsiu at the house llivt M P. Church. and in the A kerosene next sea of four committees, llirw preparing B "11 ‘ ue.oime. .e„„. .a-iug strong igraiumes fur twelve literary ‘T v| f-l'o r ol 1 rofessiotiul ball, eiiugs of the club. The .Shanes "h'-ch the league 1* Hot llkt ly- expludetl Joseph Scheffer’* clotbiug store ou i ih^imIh -T*. iy in f.ivuv of pre w4 n.vviMv which the league i I puarcau ('ominitiee i* vomiH>*v<l of 'I'f. aud ?bu luttvi team duiarV.ug the Chairman. Miss Ida Cooper, and "overely umlei lb Ulo-.x the direct The Historical 1016 k'ilve " l,y declaring all then , , .......... Chairman Mi*- gtimes illegal on aevoutit of Brunue but “la-lovt Harriette Ib-lell, ami fourteen mein lllvr- I lie lthvi* u l:op<'.- that tlie tiers. The Current Topie Committee, pre.lieii.,i.s will not mateiia ize a* wilb Mis* S.pbie Werner as Chair l'lai V* “,l v K'"«l ba*e ball towns man. Las tour members, and the a>"1 should Ik - reprreeuteil m the work is to I*- varrietl ou in the form j ‘'lr' m'- The eighth district Republican : (q yegmarly pi-e|iared debates. Tbe clot Wednesday eveuiu, |ittl tment was vallvi the comi-anies uriiveil, Claivuce Miller bad tbe blaze extinguished. His bauds were quite badly hi primary Saturday were ia the took place a! Bnxb * Hall j n uumiuittee is known a* tbe R- R* Men Must Not Say iiliu i wn,, Wui k iu connection with tlie •Lady.’ fit-id but tin- regu .... \v UO WUI tv IU UUUUWllUU >X11U IUV : r.l T It W U by a large majority Uoln r i ; Sullenptiou Library I. Smith aad NNaliaut II ( virr.wt ll aud aid iu niisiug fuu«ls lui Because of complainte from many d Railroad s women passengers. tUe following order has were elected county delegates. Wes ut.w l.uilibug This work is iude heen sent out to the compar y s cm- Ivy B. bmlth ami James M. t arpeu llt.ul|eut of in- legu.ar club assemb ployees by (ieut-ral $njH-riuteudeut tdr. assembly delegates aud Charles |jt> Sliake.-is-aveau Committee 1Potter : Smith, district committeeman. | commence the calendar of meetiug- "All employees in addressing a Lest Friday aud Sat unlay evening with the first, on Henry tbe | wouiau mUat u-v the term ‘Madam, George A. Barker gave au elaborate I (* ix th se co n d 1: Richard the ' aviii-lu.g term ‘Lt-h ’ which is ub- S w ^ U‘Htal“lJk eriL 0 b ..^ mi«rt I jwtiouxble. Emploreo. must not The reason we give so murh for so III tie is l>v cause we «i" hh iromense business. A email prollt from vncli cusiomvr salisliosus—and onr pat nm* too. SEASON ABLE bltOES an- thv kiml we svll. I’reparv i'or xxintry storms, kevp your fv« i ilry ami comfortahlv. tlivn;l»y prvvvnting voids, rlifuinatlbin. vtv. Uur shoes «ru ft>rts for thv fvvt. Q. W. TERRY, K i k h S h o e s , HEMPSTEAD, L. I. NOTICE OF Adjourned Sale of Land IN THE VILLAGE OF FKKEPORT, Nassau County, and Statu of New York, for Unpaid Village Taxes of the years 1804 to 18'.W \ inclusive. I. K. BaktI x ETTE Helland, Treasurer of tho Village of Freeport, in the County of Nassau, and State of New York, do hereby give notice that in compliance with a direction of the Board of Trustees of said village, and iu pursuance of tho provisions of Chapter 414, Laws of 1897, I shall proceed to sell at public auction at the front door of my office in the Review Building, Maiu Street, in said village, on FRIDAY , OCTOBER 13, 1899, at 1 o'clock, P. M., au estate in all those certain lots, plots, pieces or j»nm*ls of real property hereinafter described, for the shortest period of time not exceeding for which any ponton will fifty years, for which any poj take such property and pay the tax and percentage aud interest then due (as specified in the following list), together with the expenses of the sale and my charges, allowed by law, unless the said taxes, with the percent-age and interest added, and expenses of the sale and Treasurer's charges are paid to me at my office in tho said village of Freeport, oii or before Thursday, October 12, AM ERIC AN IN VESTM E N T TRUST COMPANY, H-M acre, bounded north by J. J. Randall, east by J. J. Ran dall, south by J. J. Randall and west by Wallace Street. Tax of 1898, BAKER. IRA IT, 11-1(1 acre, bounded north by J. J. Ran dall, east by Boiij. Homan, south by .7. ,J. Randall ami west by Wallace Street. Tax of IS97. *8.14 HUMPHREY, O. W .1 «, acres, bounded north by Whaley Avenue, east bj Ocean Ave nue, south by Archer Street and west by Randall & Miller. Tax of 1897, HUMPHREY, (>. W.. acre, bounded north by own land, east by Ocean Avenue, south by Archer Street ami west by Randall A; Miller. •cinl tax of 1897, 1" 97 i .i\ of 1898, ! l 29 Jt UiNSUN. HENRIETTA, for mvrly O. W. Humplm v, *4 acre, bounded north by Whal ey Avenue, en>t by Ocean Avenue, south by O. W. phrey and west by Ran Beauty. We know you want a shoe that will wear , f well and look pretty, so we keep them on < j hand for you. Tr> our j Scentless Oil Bals. for hard wear. pFULTONSTREETSHOESTORE , FREEPORT, L. I. ! Sidney T. Post, Prop, j- ■eeeweeeeeeweeeeeey SHOES, j Don't fail to insi»e<‘t our uvw ■ _in Boots ami Show, all up-to-date and prirv* to suit the times. Also large stink of Knfebvr ami ShiH** from all Ivwling i nmki rs always on hand hclow city 16$ prices. .Went for the c elebrated i~ O (.'rawford y iit1and $.i.m Shoe, j • CHARLES JAGGS,! g MAIN ST.,^ FREEPORT. AUTUMN AND WINTER MILLINERY . iae©, AS INTltfiDVCBD AT ieoc>, Miss ANNA HEGEMAN’S To her appreciative friend* and patrons Is beyond a doubt the moat attractive amt most positively up-to date LAUIIE8*, Miamf*- anti Vhihlrvn'* diwpla) of tki*StNu*>n. Fashionable Headwear.... AT M ISS H EGEM AN *S is a replete and representative aaaortraent to be or seen anywhere. LAMBS are partlrularlj Others may cijum t«i lead the van. And «4>metimes THEY may fall: XV kelaim Work well done i* a reeonl twgun Ami satisfaction to all. PIA1CS AMD FURNITURE lOVED WITH CADE. ES1I MATE* CHEER FULLY GIVEN ON TKVCKIXO aud EXCAVATING. CORD AND KINDLING WOOD CUT A. TAFT A SON, ... Yard, Raynor St. PRKBPORT. CH AS. 0. COLVIN & CO., 8MITHVILLE SOUTH, L. I. Manufacturers and Rrpositor’ei Fine assortment and variety 76 to 100 Wagons and Carriages S25 00 UP. Specialty of Rubber end Pneumaiic Tirei, All kind* of Rubber Tires put on. Millburn, Flint, Auburn Farm Wagons HARNESS REPOSITORY. Variety of Double and Single Sets. Spring Robes, Sheets, Blankets, Horst? Good*, *u. CARRIAGE PAINTING. • secured tho serv: ULK with :t7 Yr foreman of department. Estimates anil Prices Clieerfully Given ^XCELSIOR The Onlv Reliable Market on the south Side. H. PATTERSON, Freeport, Will continue to furnish the people of the South Side With the choicest cut* of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Fruits, Perl, Corned Beef, Vetetiblei, lc., and all at reasonable prices for cash. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit •mt in nance ot the same. J. T. POST & SON. -I——DEALERS IN—,. FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS. VKGRTA11LK8, FRUIT, KU-., M ain S thkkt , FREEPOKT North ef l. J. R. R., Opp. Rendell *»enue. .'SNEDEKER'SY LONG ISLAND Marble&GraniteWorks 68 Main Street, HEMPSTEAD, L. I. Monuments and Headstones.. OF WARBLE OR GRANITE, of any desired styles, at print's a* low as van be found on Long Inland. Large stock always on hand. ORNAMENTAL WORK executed In first das* style. CEMETERY PLOTS ENCLOSED with UrnhW or Marble Posts. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED on all OHN WILLIAMSON, CATERER, .'.Lynbrook, L. I.‘. Weddings, Receptions, Festivals, Ac,, Catered for in the Beet Style. NEW YORK CITY EXPERIENCE. ce Cream and Ices EVERY DAY IN TME YEAR. OVSTERS Served in Every Style. ill* Humphrey 11 dull A Mil lei Special tax uf i>97. riTIT, Al*(rUSTU: P kI t IT, AVUVSTVS, •.»lu-nv, bounded north hy Svamuii A veil m;, eaut l»y S. Mmmf, south by S Muiint ami west News and Opinions OP National Importance Zbc Sun ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. by W. R Smith intutv. r!ix POST, JACKSON. rial tax <if 1897. JAciiSo Dally, by mall, e - $6 a year Dally end Sunday, by mall, $6 a year bmmrit-ri i-ust by H.LVVlt-w Avi-nnr- north l,y Bayview Srnilh, ud ie«v house and 1--Tbe Teaijs'si tho fifth meeting .. (aj(e ^0, j ^ Kruuuue were maguifioeully-liluiniu ! still hi: uufiul.-hi«i om-iu the ilvn- , . ‘ - , at«l with elix-trif lights while tbr -ion of the cunmiitteo. The sutu *uere 11 iu-ves*arx to avoid acei- eultre bonier of the lake was re- un-etiug is in i harge uf tbo Current l*eul ut to eaie fur small children *|ilendeut with several hundred fairy ! Tu^ee Cummtttee, ou the tht-tuf of or 1111 elderly [reraou in need of a* lamye iu all culore. Tbe Ameriiau ; thv hour; the aeveuth meetiug is sistance. flag aud those of other nations were devoted to Egypt during the Assy- a displayed every where, m iking the riau o<jnqu«-si, au<l Cyru*, the eighth Working Nlghtmd Day. entire premises look * laiwrer of ountinuw the auldei-t with Egy pt . . . ^ ^ . . ... during tbe Homan ounqiHwt, and busiest aud mightiest little Cleopatra, the pagan Uueeu, the »'»“K V.'"1 T f T ? toe* ? 18 Ur: ninth deals with the time of Napol king . >ew Life l*!1}* Every pill eon l. aud Josephine, the tenth ts a sugar coated globule of health, atudieo Prussia umler Fredeni-k the that voauges weakness tulostrength. Great; the rlevetith, Russia, timing lt*tl|'seu<s- luto euei-gyfi brain-fag the resell of Catherine I I , and ctoses lL,,“ mental poser, ibeyee * oi the etuily of hUlvrical crises, iu the derful tu buiWiug op bealih. Ouiy Tahisturr. The twelfth meet ** V**. ***■ 801(1 bF «-b a r es P cerreol topice. hmf.b. Druggist. premises lieauty. The pyn.tecbuieal eibiUt tiou# were grand aud attracted the attention u< huudrwile of people f-.r miUflV'y'lg^. Tbe est ]«enea were south, bv W. lialdviti wot^t by W. Baldwin, i Tax 1^4 Tax of 189s. ^.4 ^ pi iWELL, WILLIAM, i acn-h, l-mmlifl mirth by Raudall Miller, umil by Itadflall A Millvr, H>ulh by R. Powoil aud west by Rayiiur'b Oovk. rasflffw, hi Tax of 1**1. .nr, Sjkoeiul tax of 1897, 41 Tax of 1898 The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the world. PriM le e am- *1 *2 • I**1 Our Latest t a x oz iBHS. .eta HOWELL. WILLIAM AND R IC H A R D , oi acrvM, iMiundHl north by S. C- Cany, t-ttat by Rayuor'fe creek, south by Lvwi<< estate and went by Lewis estate. 1.71 nUSIC OFFER. Tax of l**i, Sptvial tax of 1897, Tax of 1898, URBIZO J , formerly K. W , tumndiil ! Pl<<asc svufl as the names and ud- 1 1Innate* of three moHic Buaehvr* or per. ! fnrmers on the piano or organ and ! twenty-five cents in nilver or pontage | and we will send yon all of the follow- iug m w and must popular piece* full 4 1 <J sheet music arranged f< ir piano or organ : ‘ The Flower that won my Heart," now , being rang by the beat known singer* in the country, ‘ Mamie i)*Rouke,M the latewl pnimhir wait/ wnig, “Mareh Manila, Dewey** March Two Kfep,'* os £2 jg ■ played by the famous U. 8. Marine Utvee nndar my Mud Un. Jl*t day of , Baud of W.ahingLon D. C . and evs September. 1399. . other pages of popular music. Address B. BARTLEITE EKLLAND. i F itvla* Music Co.. ImliaimpnMa. Ud. Tt i mum at 9b* Tillage oi Frcepoet. | . If. V(wirheis, C4 acre, north by J. RauiLdl. fm by 8. Pearsall, wiath Mt P«ai mill Avenue ami jA«>t by Kay- Sptx ial tax of 1897, 7..VJ Tax uf 1 14 V 111VK and be convlnct'd as to economy of prices, value and relisblvnew of our goods. -------- UNTRIMMEDM ILLINERY ----- i* likewise our siwclalty. f MILLINERY REQUISITES can alway* lx? hn<l at the lowvst poesiblv price. FEATHERS, BIRDS, WINGS, QUILLS. GULLS, AIRGRETTES, BIRDS OF RARBOISt A60 OSTRICH FEATHERS, Be., Be. M iss H egem ah , MAIN STREET. Adjoininu Hvnip*tvM<l Bank. w—w w w BMw a HEftPSTEAD, N. Y. NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO Paint the Outside of Your House! It’s also ns good a time as any for inride work. t WE DO EVERY THIR6 IR THE I0SIRESS AND 0 0 IT RIGHT MICE! RIGHT, TOO. Is VVAI I I)A DCDC * 1 WALL PAPERS. , IRicLie^rds Sc O om petny MAIN STREET, NEAR FIN* STNetT, Hram-li o f 1303 Kullun Street. Brooklyn—New York. FRKEPOIIT. CHOICE W OODCLEFT BUILDING SUBS ere attracting many heme seekers, who are erecting a daaa ei buildings that are not excelled In size and architectural hearty -J anywhere within the Greater New York suburban home eertiea. GOOD BOATING, BATHING, FISHINO. FIVE FEET OF WATER AT LOW TIDE. The new WOODCLEFT INN, which accommodates 300 guests, • a part of the Wooddeft property. Good 'i i ■1 A LOCATED IN THE, PROGRESSIVE VILLAGE OF FREEPORT, L. I. Schools, Four Churches, Well-equipped Fire DeparttMRk ' Excellent Water Supply, Heotrio Lightii For particulars apply to RANDALL & MILLER, FBEEPOBT, L. L. ......... OB.. 16 Bedford Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y. TREES, SHRUBS, R. P. Jeftij 4 S ob , BslimoraLL When you want Stationery Call at the Review Office. H 0 USEFDRN 1 SHING GOODS, » titovee, Crockery, Ulsas, TUi sod Agate ware, Cutlery, etc. Furnace, Range end Heater Week OTTO HAsmeiiEii, SKArOBD, L. I. 1 LEAD and others follow TIT OTIC K TO CKOiOlTOIlM—Purnuant to an IX order of lion . Hobart Beabti ry.Bumiyate ul the County of Naaeau. nolk* Ishewby given tn all iwntoiiH havlngclaim* Agalimt Alwllda htoknm. late of the T'own of Hempetead, In th«- oaid County, flerBiaaed, to preeent the name witii the voucher* thereof to theeubacrlber. Itarrle Jayne* Htokuin, exwrutfir. etc, at hie iihv«‘ of rv*lden< e at Lynbrook, Na*Aau Ckf.. N. Y-. on or Ireforc the first day of Dt-ceoilwr CIOSETI ClWStO FIOS GI.IS UF. CISSF60U CLIANIO FIOS II.IS UF lave procarod e new pump aad ine-otaia i and am prepared (o do all work areaipt ud eatlifL'torllr. Friry Vealla, Ceee pools, eie, eleeaedi alee Oarkae*. Aahae aad other rata ,, remared. MOSES UARVIS, FREEFORT, N. V. ilAHHir. J ayne* Htokum, Executor. II TOT 1CK TO CKKIHTOK*. DunniAiit to III an order of Hon. Kohort Seahurv, Hurr4i gate of the County of Nananu. liothai Imhereby given to all ihtwiiih having claim* againwt George Kdward Helme. late of tin-Town of llemi>Mtea<l in the. *aid (Yjuitty,d«fea*e<l,to pre Hint the Hamt: with the. voiifher* thereof, to the subwrilH'r, Thv a«imliibtrator, etc., at her plape of reMldvnceat Hnilthvllle Houth. Noahau County, N. Y., on or before thv|16th <1»> of De i ember nex l>aU*d Ju n e 7. 1HMK . MKMK ham ' k# H ki.me. Administrator. 11TOT1CE TO CHEIHTOKH. —I»unm:tnt to »» <»nler of HfJTi. Hdilwrt Heahury. Hurro- gate <if the <j<Funt> uf Naa*au. notk-e I* hereby given to all pernon* having claim* again*! Phelie Aekerly, late <if theToan of Remp ritejui in the naUl county, deteawd, t‘»prenent the HMfiw with the voucher* thereof, to the sulfH-rHier. tho ivlniliii|lrat<»r. et< , at hi* place of reehlenie at iN-eati Hltle, Naaaau <'d»unt>, N V , on or la-fore the first day of February next. Dated July ft. CKEltt.Y. AdminlwtraV»r. IOUNTT COURT—N AMSAl* COUNTY ■J HUH all inwt . mAdinlnihtrator.etc Defvn<lani In purMUaiivs* of a Judgment of foreclosure an t sale entered in tbe alwire eiitllliMl a« tion on Hcpiember *, 1NW. I. the undersigned, the referee in *aid Judgment iiamed. will ael! at i.ublif auction, to the highv-t uuldvr. at the office of H. I* Libby, in the Village of Free port. Town of Hempstead. Naaaau County, New York, on tlie J*th day ot O c to b e r, IWW, a t lOo'clfMikln tlie forenoon, the preualw* de- mrtbed In aakt Judgment hm follow* All that certain piece or pereel of land *ll- eated. iying and t*4fig on a neck of land com* nwnly called rteanmi sNet k. iA the Towu of Hemialea«l. <‘oi ut. ol Na**au. formt apart of Use Counll' of (Jiii-en*. and I* bounded a* follow*, to w it: On tlte North Ly. land 6»r- mfF*ly of Ann twaman hr a range .At isusrked tw ». now owned by Georg* IH Kart by tbi; nlabwa) lau«hng Xcj lore by Uw pr«»(iert> Iwitel ___ m the Heath and Wert hy _ foreserly owned by John Klwei wltbln weld hound* by etrtlmatioi One-half acm i of laud, he t lew.being a part and parcel land deucrlhstti In n ewrtelw T. Jackwon a* Fxsw-uter of weol of J«Fbo dm w le bearing dale the Fifth day ew'onled Is On eon* Const/ Lihrr StBof D eedolfn/ W . ne“ < ■ ' ' ^ I f c R c . N e t x F a J k . laeaB JaeaaoB. J. • . SHAPIRO, UPHOLSTERER.. --- AND---- linifictirer ofCeiehei ud L hi|». fbsiw sun *ee naii uattnissu Mad, over and to order. ! (KuUr* Oaoeil aad Carpal# Laid a kpeeteUr. All kind. ef Paraltara aaaMp r.paired. MAIN ATRBBT, Freeport, Leng lelee*. Mail order, prumptlr atlwdrd to. C. E. CORNELL, UNDERTAKEI HEMPSTEAD, L. I., H. V. OFFICE: RBSIDBNCB: No. » WASHINGTON STftBBT. 'i

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Page 1: W OODCLEFT - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071433/1899-10-06/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · ewl hueklug corn. The latter will ... last Friday two aea base, one weigh

Sfoeemi County "Revtcw,L tU T U m Wtiueo, Mllslwr.

F r te * e « *«wy 1 Wr ^ E e r o * r , loho islah d , h. «.

Hooth ehore Teleybone Cell. No. 4h. Loes Dleteeoe Cell, rreeport *F.

e*wei Hfw M ie s m Om*i hew l free Hw Seert el Se»ef«lsM«.



* E e « ee.eeW m ft.Jr^inrT . Preskleul.* reeW B p reen e , l>eeiel Morrtwm.K ^ fiS k eu lu ili» l. Tieeearer. j«2!I^TU|n^^V uleie"c lerl[.

eeeee er were, eeeeieeieeteeIO. MU Ur. Pieeldent.

IwleCerauir., M. D.

Many friends of P rivate Tbunwe C. W rlgbr, o l Iht* villege. who ili^l At Camp Memlc, Pa., on Tutw<l«y of last werk, a.temlocl funeral w rvlcee a t bin fathvrV home. R«* kvillv O u ­tre , laat Fm lny nfleruotnL The rem ains w ere interre<l In R.n'kVille Cemetery.

' . S'

Before JustieeMnckeon ami a ju ry at W aulagb on We-lueaday evening, D. Wesley Pine was awarded dam ­ages claimed against th e booth Shore Telephone Co. for having broken down a wire fence belong­ing to the plaintiff while cutting trees for poles in Randall Park.

Gordon Ellison, one of the life savers at Point Lookout, shot a blue berou last W ednesday tlmt measured 6 feet ami 1 inch from tip to tip and stood 5 feet high. Mr. Ellisou has killed a num ber of the birds, but says the one brought down Inst week was the largest ho has ever

At an adjourned meetiug of the Board of Education on Wednesday evening, it was decided to engage the vacant store in the south part of the Randall building, Grove street, north of Pino, to be used as an an­nex. This w ill relieve, tem porari­ly, the crowded condition <>f the school building, wbicb will probably be enlarged next year.

H ere are some of the terrible things which according to a country exchange are liable to befall a de­linquent: Last week a delinquent subscriber said he would pay up Saturday if he lived. He’s dead. Another said “ III see you tom or­row .” tie 's blind. Still ano ther one said, “ I hope to pay you this week or go the ‘old b o y .'" He’s gone.


I l r i r f M e n tio n o f E v en t* T ra n u p lr ln g D u rIn c t h e W eek .


Single copies of the R eview fo r The W illing W orkers cf the Bap side at the i-w t office. tf list Church will hold a box social a t

The usual C hristian Endeavor i-er vice will be held in tb e ebajiel at 6:46 o’clock on Sunday. The leader. Miss Lillian C otter; the theme, “ W ork where Christ te lls you to .’"

A. FU r l awo i -

i at FsaepaH YUla*.,

FREEPORT MAILS............................E ll....... 6.00............... ..T.lft.. .U.» ...».«

TIDE TABLE,m an watsb.

Oet. 6 ..............e.l« a. i•• 7..................10.01 ••• S................. 10.46 ••• a.............li as •“ 10................ morn.

y, •• 11................. 12.83 a. IU .. . . . . . . . . 1.86*

F bet Q w iter Moon, October 4. Bnn rime, 6.01; sets, 6.86.

L O O A L .T ro lley R eed P ray e A rfn g .

T he Nneeen Belt Line Company , M ade form al application to tbe

T rasteea of H em pstead village on Tdeeday evening for a franchise to n m a tro lley line through th a t vil lege. A fter bearing reasons on ben-

, eBta to be derived by the people th rough th e operation of tbe trolleythe trneteee wet October S3, a t 8 p.

ua th e tim e for a public bearing yu th e m a tte r in th e town ball.

I t !e reported th a t a strong desire exieta am ong tbe residents o f 'tiem p stead fo r tb e tro lley ,as well as those o f tb e south aide, ami th a t there is little doubt of th e franchise being g ran ted under certain requirem ents. A fter th e Hem pstead franchise is anconal a eim ilar application will he leede to the F reeport trustees.

I t la expected to build tbe road • nex t w inter ami spring, *o th a t the.

eeretue m ay go iu to effect early in th e year.

| F "frv-

IrdAye are come, •f tbe y ear;

' M art th e Are,pretty dear.

F srm ere a re beey tricking a i p ’ee ew l hueklug corn. The la tte r will

1 he e heavy m op.Ph ilip D orcasler of Brooklyn bus

bought the co ttage of Michael Melin on Pearwell avenue.

r " 8am oel Raynor caught h i a net la s t F riday tw o aea base, one weigh Ing |6 aw ftb ro tifa ff 94 Ibe.

. T he owuerp of the iiteemlwut Moe- ee llo , I*. 1« repurteil, a re |l» o abort Of m aking expeoaee during tbe eea-

'T h e regu lar m eeting of tb e W. C. f . V. wifi he held Monday, Oct. 9, a t 8 0*0look a t th e home of Mre.Lsw la H. Burn,

About e doeen mem bers of the Outlmg Club took a wbnel-run to F i r t W aehlugtou and M aobasaet eu W uiaeeday., ,

An eeehaiige h as tru th fu lly saidth a t th e only word th a t rhym es w ith e d ito r la ctwUtor. There isu ’t much

t r y about It, s tther.x the* l i e d t f t B w .I t - M he Boee E. Brady, of Buffalo

llo rm a l School, hae boee engaged by th e B a n d of Education as teacher Bw Beoowl Advanced P rim ary .

A cake sale under the auspices of th e W. C. T. U. w ill be held Satur day , O u t 7, a t 8 p. m. in the atore adjo in ing W. E. Holder's drug store.

------------ -------------Bugloe No. 80, draw ing tbe Ama-

miUaett express had a hot box on fW forw ard truck of the tender Buislay aiorolug, ai|d the tra in was delayed here for over 10 minutes.' - —....... .- - - —

tieorge M. Sm ith of HemiwteaU hae transferred to hie mother, A m anda M. Sm ith, 118x60 feet of lend oe C h im b stree t, Freeport, for

, ---------------------------------|u our n e s t issue we will publish

A rpaltetic romance of Freei*>rt in whi' h * Dumber of <Hir hs-al husi Uaee men will ffguro oonspicuuuily.W e b * for It.

A num ber of business places aud ‘ ited last Sat

- ■rM tdeneea w ere decorat

* un lay la huuur o l Admiral Dewey T he p ic tere of tb e Manila hero was displayed conspicuously.

T he Down Town Soeial Club took • tr ip to th e north aide oa Wednes d a s In search of cbwdnute. Tbs p o n y had a w ry pleasant tim e and

I qu ite s lot of a n ts

Miss Mary Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raynor R. Smith of this village, and George P. G ardner of Hempstead were married a t tbe Episcopal parsonage, Hempstead, by the Rev. Creighton Spencer, on W ednesday,afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. G ardner left im m edi­ately for a brief wedding tour, from which they returned Sutnrday. Mr. G ardner hae taken the management of the G ardner House, conducted for m any years by bis father.

The heavy frost of Monday night caused much dam age to lute crops of tender vegetables. Beans aud tom atoaa qre alm ost entirely cut off And m any acres will prove alm ost a total loes. Late corn is also seriously injured. I t is very unusual to have such a low tem peratu re so early in the season. I t is likely to cut short the supply of tender sorts of vege­tables aud will no doubt increase the price. An early frost is said to he a sign of an early aud cold winter.

The Republican prim aries of the 4th and 5th election district were held Saturday evening, in the foim- er at Review Hail aud iu the la tte r a t John A. S m ith 's store building, tipper Maiu street. The 4th district selected S. Foster Sprague, Stephen Lewis and F ranklin Bedell as dele­gates to the county convention, Thomas Burleigh, Charles D. Alice anti Robert 14. Anderson delegates to tho assembly convention, aud Smith C$>*, d istrict captain The fifth district selected J. Huyler Ellison as county delegate, Frank E. Rose, assem bly delegate, aud Charles C. Moore, district captain.

On Sunday m orning Frank Rock-aversn, the Italian_itjioemuker ofBrooklyn avenue, re|ibrted to the police authorities that lie had been robbed Saturday night of LIT 40 and q silver wateh. His susjioious were fixed on Emma Baldwin of Smith ville South, a woll-knowueharaeter, who was a t his house iu tlyH*ftni-' mg. Monday m orning the girl was seen on a tra in going wist and put

ler arrest by si>eci;tl officer Wm. Cameron ami Police Justice Wallace. She was arraigned and he 11 on the charge of grand larceny. In default if securing ball she was taken to ne Long Island City jail to await

exalmination, which took place on Wednesday morning la-fore Police Justice Wallace. An adjournm ent was made until Friday when more wiimwses will testify.

That the average American youth is a genius is well illustrated by the ease with which in trica te mechanic al productions of the iiieseut day- are solved anil made so simple as to u tterly fail hi the results they have been designed to attain. At tbe railroad depot in this village was placed a multiplex phonograph ma chine. In order to operate it n nickel bail to he placed |n a slot and the person desiring to hear a tune stand on the Iren platform. The weight of the person on the p la t­form hail to he a t least M |wiunds For a few days the trickles isiured into tbe m achine fast. But young America soon tired of this extava- gant method of hearbig tunes “ ground out " and a cent was tried instead of a nickel. The scheme worked well and soon the receipts of th e machine were lessened 8(1 per cent. Then a plan w*s devised to hear more than one selection for a cent. By turn ing the h iudle that changed the numliers just tiefore a tune was finished tbe phonograph continued to play uutil the five num bers w ere exhausted. Lately, it is asserted, the tsiys have found a way to m anipulate the multiplex (t) musical appara tus without depos iting any money in the sl»i. If the owners of th e machine are having the sam e exiienetiev elsewhere as here they must have tiNllized ere this tha t it takes more tlisu multi plex arrangem ents to halfis m e vuu ning of young America, who is bound to gt t his moneyV worth on every occasion.

The W om an’s M issionary Society will meet a t the house of Mrs. D. F. Dikeman, Tuesday, Oct. 10, a t 2:30 p. m. Home subject. “ The Mor­m ons;" foreign, " P e rs ia ;” text word, “ lo v e ."

At the m orning service Sunday the pastor will prep.ch us usual. The evening service will be con­ducted by the Y. P. S. C. E. aud am ong o ther exercises of interest will be the report of the delegate to the recent New York State Chris­tian Endeavor Convention a t .Sara­toga. Mr. I). T. Bund, the President of the local society.

T7 r * -----METHODIST.

Epw orth League topic Sunday evening, “ W ork W here C hrist Tells You To." Leader, Samuel R. Smith.

N ext Sunday has beeu set apart as H arvest Hume and Church Rally Day, when all the mem bers and friends of the church are expected to assemble as they were iuvited to do last year ou Roll Call Day for the purpose of greeting one another and beginning in earnest the ir fall aud w inter work. The church will be decorated w ith the products of the season, a serm on ou the harvest preached both m orning and night aud the music will he appropriate. All th a t is sent will be forw arded to the Five Points Mission and other benevolent institutions for use am ong the poor, except such as may be needed a t home am ong uur own poor, for “ the p-xar ye have alw ays with you." Let everybody resi>oud. Fulluwiug this church w arm ing ami greeting occasion will be a week of preaching services.


Movement* Mud Doing* of Our Neighbor* Tolu m Brief

Mrs. Charles W right is visiting at D anbury, Conn.

H. P. Libby is spending a few days iu Bridgeport, Coun.

H enry K am p is studying arch i­tecture a t P ra tt Institu te , Brooklyn.

Miss Ethel Rider has returned from a two weeks visit iu Brooklyn.

Wallace R. Post has taken the position of bookkeeper for Ross & Randall.

A lbert Van Riper and fam ily have removed to Bay Side, w here they will reside perm anently.

“ B en " Sm ith of Brooklyn spent Dewey day (Saturday) with relatives ami old acquaintances here.

yur Vau Wyek passed through the village Wednesday afternoon ou a carriage ride from the city.

Charles G autert, J r . , who was injured by his wheel breaking about two weeks ago, has recovered.

Samuel C. G ardner of S outham p­ton, a form er resident of Freeport, spout the past week a t the M. E. p a r­sonage.

Rev. K. P. K etcbam , D. 1)., aud wife attended the session ot the Nassau P resbytery at H uuliugton ou Tuesday.

Misses Ida and Cassandra Cecil of Bruoklyu spent Saturday aud Sun­day at the home oi John T. Powers,It mdall Bark.

P rivate A. B. Wallace, of Com­pany K, 71st Uogt., participated in the Dewey parade iu New York ou Saturday lust.

D. T. Bond is representing the lo­cal C hristian Endeavor Society at tbe annua! convention held in S ara­toga this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ju lian Ralph aud daughter. Miss Evelyn Ralph, have returned to their city home in Brook­lyn tor the winter.

Muhlou T. Carm an, station agent and telegraph operator, who had his collar bone Iruciured iu a bicy­cle accident some tim e ago, vxpccls to retu rn to duty the la tte r part ot this week.

Capt. O liver H erbert aud Capt. John Uoldeu made a haul of several hundred Uluehsh ou Thursday.

An in teres ting and com plete ac­count ot the Dewey celebration iu New York appears ou the first page ol this issue,

the home of Rev. Charles Edw ards ■ on Tuesday evetriuir next. October

10. If storm y, the first fa ir even­ing. Everybody iuv ited .<-

Miss Ivy Westfield, the talented Mr. F itzgerald and fam ily will re young reeitatiouist, assisted a t the rn to the city for tbe w inter on Dewey Celebration of th e Ju n io r

O rder of American Mechanics at F reeport on Tuesday eveuiug. H er selections w ere pleasing to everyone

W illiam W alters and fam ily re moved to Brooklyn on Thursday.

Samuel Self has !>een ou the sick list this week but is im proving rap ­idly.turn to the city the 15th itist.

Charles W. Sm ith has secured a!

{ : ^ i ,Z d r , ^ ; ; n y . ,b '‘ U,,,K - e i v * , ^ a p p l a u s e .Gussie, the youngest daugh ter of i ---------

Ja rv is Seam an, stumbled nud broke LYNBROOK.her shoulder bone Wednesday after-1 _ , , . , ,noou- W illiam Sault is tearing down bis

Mrs. Ketcbam aud Mrs. W illiam ‘ fivery stables on A tlantic avenue Browu of Hempsteuu are visiting with" tbe intention cf huildiug two their sister, Mrs. Martin Streesliian 1 o r th ree large stores on the site, of this place. At St. Jam es M ethodist Episcopal

Sylyanus DeMott of Hi'iuj»itcail | ( ')IUI,.|1 there is being given this preached m the M. L < hinen last ., morning and evening seSunday eveuiug. He deliv-cied au 1.;,,s , ,f serm ons on subjects funda- interesting sermon. mental in religious faith and experi-

Cnpt. Moses H unt took a party of vuev. The serm ons are of deep iu residents ••outside" to see the Ctilum- terest aud the first, preached last bia Shamrock raceon Tuesday. The Sunday, were listened to by large yachts were too far west to be seen, congregations.however, and the Company returned !__________________________________som ew hat disappointed.

Mrs. Wm. W aring, who is 85 OCEAN SIDE,years old, is siwtidiug a few daysw ith her sister in . Brooklyn. The | “ Del" Brower met w ith a (as aged woman has recently made a i and painful accident in going handsome quilt, which sbe presented i s tairs a t Iris home on Monday, to her daughter-in law,Mrs. A

eculiar up As

W a n te d .

2,000 Bushels of Rye

ughter-in law,Mrs. Anthony he reached tbe top step he stumbled. W aring, of W autagh. His nose struck the wheel of a baby

a u M t

L V. Nichole hae comroetn-ed the , 1 w o rt o l ext carting a art im proving

Ma ahire I r e n t W hen floUhed, he •sp ec ie Id have oee o l th e Buret tru e hi of eny berim e* place in thefu m e *

I fu - R>w‘> w,wiwe u e e o a u a y eeiseas

iry of the a t Uofaria’s

_ Dr. J. HIN»*e»e e e l F. m Arieqatea to to he held e t

THE FRATERNAL ORDERS.Note** of lutrrral C'oiiffruiiig St»

eirttr* *ml Urethmi.nuatlMBT tx>vw* II so. 57, Jil n l v M

The Dewey celebration l»‘M Tues day evening was one of i IisIh-sI that has taken p la te since th« council was organized. The me tula rs ait'll the ir lam illes or friend* wHe pic* | eut to the uumltor of over Vvo nud | they thoroughly enjoyed the exttr vises which commenced with an organ voluntary, “ The CaUteiinial March," played by Mr*. S I Dunn. This was followed by the <41 tire as sembUge singing “ America."" Vviiu vilor A. U W allace theu ex|entle<l a brief but cordial welcmu* to all present. A v<s al <lnet (olUiw c l by Miw Laura J. Brotheri.lge and Mi** Ada C onklin; cornet duet by John T. Powers aad Francis J. le euu ii; vocal eolo by Mrw. Duun, refllalious by Miw Ivy W set field aud Erneet W allace; readings by E part lei te Hellaud ami 4 B. W allace, ul<liwses by Stale Councilor Guy G Nortou and Jae. l). WUaoo, Slate CJuancilor o l tb e P e u g h tp reo f L iberty : singing tty th e a*eu»hiege of t h i r Dewey," qod phonographic aeleciioo* by Er oeat Scott of Hempetead. of regret x | not bring able the celabrxtiou wpre recta Adm iral Dewey, P.iat Slat or Anderwm and. State Vic or Singer. AU the nm nbeh on ‘to program w ere rendered eu-elk^" . - em i greatly pleaeeU everyAw-ox,***' euL Bafreehm eats coocl ' i * , „

BALDWINS.Fruderick W. Roi>e has beeu se­

lected ua leader ot tbe Brooklyn Boys" High School Chess Club.

Tho M. L. S. meetiug did not take place Tuesday evening, but will be Uelri the sam e day next week at the home of K. W. Kopo.

A pleasant dunce was held a t Geo, A. Bai ker's resilience lust Thursday evening. Excellent music was fu r ­nished by hm itb iV R aynor.

The Democratic prim ary was holdouduy evening a t Birch's Hall.

John Pettit, John A. Farou and John Denton were elected delegates to the town convention.

The ath letic club has commenced its weekly t«)xmg bouts ami fn-m this time until next spring Birch's Hall will Is: the scene of many live­ly encounters between the momls-rs and others.

Mrs. Samuel Elderd died W ednes­day of Inug trouble, aged 67 year*. She leaves a Imsbaud and three children. Fuueral services will be

SEAFORD.A base ball gam e took place here

last Saturday between the W autagh bird-stuffers aud the Bellmores. The home team won by 14 to 6.

The Ladies’ Aid Society held its fa ir iu Y. M. 1. C. hall ou Tuesday aud Thursday evenings. The event was pleasant aud successful.

Some of the local horsemen will test tbe m erits of the ir steeds ou W autagh avenue S aturday a fte r­noon. A lively tro t is anticipated.

A grand ball will be given by the Y. M I ( ’. in the ir hall on Wedues- evetiiug, O ct.,25. Au excellent time is promised by the com m ittee of avrangem euts, Messrs. J. Verity, C. W auzer aud M. Haff.

His uuise struck the w heel of a baby carriage standing on the landing with terriffic force and the side bone was broken.

UNIONDALE.Mr. aud Mrs. Henry D uryea and

fam ily, who spent the sum m er here, returued to Brooklyn ou Monday.

The attendance a t the public school is increasing. There are about 90 scholars iu attendance daily.

George N. Paff has some of the finest potatoes ever seen iu this sec tiou. Some specimens weigh fully tbreu {toiiuds apiece.


Mrs. Robert Davison hail fine dis­plays of fireworks Saturday night iu honor of Adm iral Dewey.

Mrs L'orodou N orton is quite ill aud unable to teach school. Mrs. Southard is tilling her position at the school until she recovers.

Frank C. Euo, of Ausouia, Conn., form erly of this place, made a short visit to relatives and frieuds here ami iu Seafor.l previous to going south to Sum m erville, S. C., for tho winter.

At th e Democratic p rim ary Mod- | day evening Philip Scligmau and | W illiam Vo.-ert w ere chosen dele­gates to the lowu convention nud George Jam es and A nthony W aring, alternates.

Luther Jo lly of this place and Miss Ethel D alton of F reeport will lie married next Wednesday by the Rev. Charles Wood of Memorial Church. The ceremony will take place here.

David Seym our returned last Sat unlay from the Klondike region where he went to seek his fortune in the gold mines. He was warmly welcomed ou Iris arriva l here, and gave his friends some interesting stories conci rniug his journey to tbe northw estern entry .

ROCKVILLE CENTRE.Capt. A. H. Laffin has arrived

home from Cuba, from which place he brought on his transport B urn­side the F ifth In fan try .

The form ation of au ath letic club is under way aud a com m ittee 011 organization has beeu appointed as follows: Jus. Vincent, Dr. J. Eusor Hutcheson, Clarence C. Barr, W. H. Bruunem er, Augustus G rady ami Jacob H unter.

The electric light plant has reach ­ed its lim it of supply ami as many mure lights are needed, the village trustees are considering the question of reducing the power of the street lamps from 2u to 16 canple pow er in order to increase the supply.


Molliueuux Bros, have erected a uew coal elevator to replace the oue tha t colhipbcd a few mouthts ago. The new btructure ib very

DIAMOND CH IPS.L:irtt week’s Hempstead Inquirer

contained a lengthy article on the work of the South Side League d u r­ing the past tm m in or and the pros­pects to r next season. A fter stating th a t never before had the gam es been so largely attended nor a deep­e r in terest taken in the sport, the article continue*:

However there has been one'draw- baok tu the present season, and that

ng. The people have disgusted with this sort of busimavss, and

that will

present season, is protesting. The people have become disgusted with this sort of business, an unless rules can be laid down that wil overcome this evil there is no use bavin, a League. JBeoplo want to see games played and won on their merits. They have no desire to see a contest fairly won by a club thrown out by the Board of Directors. Thor


R U H I u ’S

Freeport M ills.


Hair Dressing Parlors,Church and Main S treets.

(Nvxt I>v<»r to Hank)


General Agency for Wcstphal’s Auxiliator

Money and Shoesnr* neveshittus—one n* much iih the other; hut we require very little of your money for a great Uunl of value i n ...............


peopleThere seems to

has been enltirely toomany protests, and unless something is

to prevent this next ill not support a Leu

bstuntial. being built with (iv<>i; I,,;,

not suppseems to Ik- but one way out of

iculty, and that is to do away with tin- amateur rule. Not. because we do not favor it, as tho writer certainly

gia pints tituber* ou a concrete foun datiou. | fu cxiKtvm-v

The Rev. F. Melville K err un,! 1 tlwre will be iirutost*. anilthough un-amat'-ur rule m

ere seems to be no way of a League with such a rale

.lust as long as thoi

wife, w ith the ir sou S tew art, have returned from a ten week*’ tri]. through England, France and Italy. Mr. K err will resume pastoral duties of the P resbyterian Church on Sun

Charles W, C’aru ian of Co. K, 71st Kegt., and a veteran of the Spanish- American war, was m arried last Saturday morning to Miss Susie Payutur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. P ayutar, ut the home of the bride's parents.

The location of the Hempetead Subscription Library has been changed trom Mary G. Sm ith 's store ou Greenwich street to the cotta ou Fulton street, cast of Goorgi


Ernest Scott and his phonograph assisted at lb • Dewey celebration of the A m en vau Mechanics at Free- [Kirt on Tuesday evening. The se- lectioi a were gi v * U .i u excellent style and pruuo.iiie iA l.y all to lie the best they had 1 aid at uii3-euteitaiuiiii-nt given in the village.

Earle's residence. Miss Smi be retained u s Librarian.

” wiii

tiou with with whom

club*, f:

as long as there is it looks to us

a ccmuec- irk. MenLeague will not

wo have talked, and most of the chilis, favor a rule allowing all the clubs to sign any player they want to. No matter where ho comes from, or what Iris rating may he, let him play, Fret jHirt is op|x>seri tu such a plan and last week the Review, of that village, had an artlolo favoring the amateur League, but nothing was said about the way to stop protests.

It is plain to be seen by the above*tatem eiits tlm t the Inqu irer's base ball w riter, w hile claim ing to favor an am ateur league, desires to have it make a professional one. Re-

otests, not oue would against any player or

club bad all obeyed tbe rules which they declared to abide by when tbe league was formed. This is what causes protests, 11 desertion of the principles incoiqiorated to make the league harm onious, and it is only ju s t to suite tha t tin. Hem|wtead club lias been none to cnri-tul 111 this regard. Thu Rkvikw, as a well w isher of the Ja*aguo, believes that the usage of home players entirely next season would see the la-ague

The local chapter of the Epworth ' l'»l" '*“ >re successful than it has been League has elected Jam es E IVar 1111 the i ,:u., l and with no protests to sou. P residen t: George W. Terry, m ar the wuik <d any clu


un um ntvur league, ofessi

gurdiug the protests, not one would have occurred again*

m ;1st Vice P res iden t; Mrs. V. S. H am ­let, 3-J Vice P residen t, Mrs. .1 E 'ug if, a* .ta ted every D nector sees Holmes, ."11 Vice Presidim t; Mrs. l“ n t hat h i. uh.h oU-y» the rules Jam es E P eats .n . tth VT.-e Presi e,ial,liah d 1 his fact mu*t Iw clear dent; M. O. tiildersh-vve, T reasurer; l“ the a , ik-i ut the Iiiquiret aitie le Miss Alice Brower, Secretary; Miss :“ "1 Wl' ' ‘“i'c he will join 111 uphold Luella A lan..-, Vu.-re«iK.n.ling .Se. mg tin -am a teu r !«,la y of the oignu-

Miss E lilh Pearson, Sim*-'- lzan“ u |,n " l'-11'11-

Jb. There is uu ueeil of tliH lattvrvom litiuii t Xiht-

iutem leut Juu iu r La m g n u . ; it is predicted tha t ueitber Hemp-Tlie work ,.f the Hempstead Wo ! ul" Hockville Centre will be in

m an's (.Tub ibis season is 111 charge 'ho S .lltli Side League 11., in,,, sou The form er learn Ik-i

held Sunday afterm siu at the house llivt M P. Church.and in the

A kerosene

next seaof four com mittees, llirw preparing B "11 ‘ u e .o im e . .e„„. .a-iug strong

igraiumes fur twelve literary ‘T v | f-l 'o r ol 1 rofessiotiul ball,e i i u g s o f t h e c lu b . T h e . S h a n e s " h '-c h t h e l e a g u e 1* H ot llk t ly-

expludetlJoseph Scheffer’* clotbiug store ou i ih^imIh-T*.

iy in f.ivuv of pre w4 n.vviMv which the league i

I puarcau ( 'ominitiee i* vomiH>*v<l of 'I'f. aud ?bu luttvi team duiarV.ug the Chairm an. Miss Ida Cooper, and "overely umlei lb Ulo-.x the direct

The H istorical 1016 k'ilve " l,y declaring all then, , .......... Chairman Mi*- gtimes illegal on aevoutit of Brunue

but “la-lovt H arriette Ib-lell, ami fourteen mein lllvr- I lie lthvi* u l:op<'.- that tlie tiers. The Current Topie Committee, pre.lieii.,i.s will not m ateiia ize a* wilb Mis* S .pb ie W erner as Chair l 'lai V* “,l v K'"«l ba*e ball townsman. Las tour members, and the a>"1 should Ik- reprreeuteil m the work is to I*- varrietl ou in the form j ‘'lr' m '-

The eighth district Republican : (q yegmarly pi-e|iared debates. Tbe

clotWednesday eveuiu,|ittl tm ent was vallvi the comi-anies uriiveil, Claivuce M iller bad tbe blaze extinguished. His bauds were quite badly hi

prim ary Saturday were ia the

took place a! Bnxb * Hall j n uum iuittee is known a* tbe R- R* Men M ust Not Say

iiliu i wn,, Wui k iu connection w ith tlie

•L ady .’

fit-id but tin- reg u ... . \ v UO WUI tv IU U U U U W ll U U >X11U IUV : r . l T I tW U by a large m ajority Uoln r i ; S u llen p tio u LibraryI. Sm ith aad NN aliaut II ( virr.wt ll aud aid iu niisiug fuu«ls lui

Because of complainte from many d Railroad s women

passengers. tUe following order has were elected county delegates. Wes ut.w l.uilibug This work is iude heen sent out to the compar y s cm- Ivy B. bm lth ami Jam es M. t arpeu llt.ul|eu t of in- legu .ar club assem b ployees by (ieut-ral $njH-riuteudeut tdr. assembly delegates aud Charles | jt> Sliake.-is-aveau Committee 1 P o tte r :Sm ith, d istric t com m itteem an. | commence the calendar of meetiug- "A ll employees in addressing a

Lest Friday aud Sat unlay evening with the first, on H enry tbe | wouiau mUat u-v the term ‘Madam, George A. B arker gave au elaborate I ( * i x t h s e c o n d 1: Richard the ' aviii-lu.g term ‘L t-h ’ which is ub-S w ^ U‘Htal“l J k e r i L 0 b . . ^ mi«rt I jw tiouxble. Em ploreo. must not

The reason we give so murh for so III tie is l>v cause we «i" hh iromense business. A email prollt from vncli cusiomvr salisliosus—and onr pat nm* too.

SEASON A B L E b ltO E San- thv kiml we svll. I’reparv i'or xxintry storms, kevp your fv« i ilry ami comfortahlv. tlivn;l»y prvvvnting voids, rlifuinatlbin. vtv. Uur shoes «ru ft>rts for thv fvvt.

Q. W. TERRY,K i k h S h o e s ,




Nassau County, and Statu of New York, for Unpaid Village Taxes of the years 1804 to 18'.W\ inclusive.

I. K. BaktIxETTE Helland, Treasurer of tho Village of Freeport, in the County of Nassau, and State of New York, do hereby give notice that in compliance with a direction of the Board of Trustees of said village, and iu pursuance of tho provisions of Chapter 414, Laws of 1897, I shall proceed to sell at public auction at the front door of my office in the Review Building, Maiu Street, in said village, on

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1899,at 1 o'clock, P. M., au estate in all those certain lots, plots, pieces or j»nm*ls of real property hereinafter described, for the shortest period of time not exceeding

for which any ponton willfifty years, for which any poj take such property and pay the tax and percentage aud interest then due (as specified in the following list), together with the expenses of the sale and my charges, allowed by law, unless the said taxes, with the percent-age and interest added, and expenses of the sale and Treasurer's charges are paid to me at my office in tho said village of Freeport, oii or before Thursday, October 12,

AM ERIC AN IN VESTM E N T TRUST COMPANY, H-M acre, bounded north by J. J. Randall, east by J. J. Ran­dall, south by J. J. Randall and west by Wallace Street. Tax of 1898,

BAKER. IRA IT, 11-1(1 acre, bounded north by J. J. Ran­dall, east by Boiij. Homan, south by .7. ,J. Randall ami west by Wallace Street.Tax of IS97.


HUMPHREY, O. W .1 «, acres, bounded north by Whaley Avenue, east bj Ocean Ave­nue, south by Archer Street and west by Randall & Miller. Tax of 1897,

HUMPHREY, (>. W.. acre,bounded north by own land, east by Ocean Avenue, south by Archer Street ami west by Randall A; Miller.

•cinl tax of 1897, 1" 97i .i\ of 1898, ! l 29

Jt UiNSUN. HENRIETTA, for mvrly O. W. Humplm v, *4 acre, bounded north by Whal­ey Avenue, en>t by Ocean Avenue, south by O. W.

phrey and west by Ran

Beauty.We know you want a shoe that will wear ,

f well and look pretty, so we keep them on < j hand for you. Tr> ou r j

Scentless Oil Bals.for hard wear.


! Sidney T. Post, Prop, j-

■ e e e w e e e e e e w e e e e e e y

SHOES, jDon't fail to insi»e<‘t our uvw ■_in Boots ami Show, allup-to-date and prirv* to suit the times. Also large stink of Knfebvr ami ShiH** from all Ivwling

i nmki rs always on hand hclow city 16$ prices. .Went for the c elebrated i~ O (.'rawford yiit1 and $.i.m Shoe, j• CHARLES JAGGS,!g MAIN ST.,^ FREEPORT.


i a e © ,AS INTltfiDVCBD AT

ie o c > ,

Miss ANNA HEGEMAN’STo her appreciative friend* and patrons Is beyond a doubt the moat attractive amt most positively up-to date LAUIIE8*,Miamf*- anti Vhihlrvn'* diwpla) of tki*StNu*>n.

Fashionable Headwear....AT M ISS H EGEM AN *S is a replete and representative aaaortraent to be

or seen anywhere. LAMBS are partlrularlj

Others may cijum t«i lead the van. And «4>metimes THEY may fall:XVk elaimWork well done i* a reeonl twgun Ami satisfaction to all.




A. TAFT A SON,... Yard, Raynor St. PRKBPORT.


Manufacturers and Rrpositor’eiFine a sso rtm e n t a n d varie ty

7 6 to 100

Wagons and CarriagesS 25 00 UP.

Specialty of Rubber end Pneumaiic Tirei,All kind* of R ubber T ires p u t on.

M illburn , F lin t, A u b u rn F arm W ag o n s

H A R N E SS REPO SITO R Y .V ariety o f Double an d S ingle Sets. Spring

Robes, Sheets, B lankets, Horst? Good*, *u . C A R R IA G E PA IN T IN G .• secured tho serv:ULK w ith :t7 Y r

forem an of d ep a rtm en t.

Estimates anil Prices Clieerfully Given

^XCELSIORThe Onlv R eliable M arket on th e so u th Side.

H. PATTERSON, Freeport,Will continue to furnish the people of the

South Side With th e choicest cut* ofBeef, Veal, M u tto n , L am b, F ru its ,

Perl, Corned Beef, Vetetiblei, lc.,and all a t rea so n ab le prices for cash.

T h an k fu l fo r past fav o rs , we hope to m erit • mt in nance ot the sam e.



M a in S t h k k t , FREEPOKTNorth ef l. J. R. R., Opp. Rendell *»enue.


Marble&GraniteWorks68 Main Street,


M onuments and H ead s ton es . .OF WARBLE OR GRANITE,

of any desired sty les, a t print's a* low as van be found on Long In land. Large stock alw ays on hand .

O R N A M EN TA L W O R K executed In first d a s* style.

C EM ETER Y PLOTS EN CLO SED w ith U rn h W or M arble Posts.



.'.Lynbrook, L. I.‘.

Weddings, Receptions, Festivals, Ac,,Catered for in th e B eet Style.


ce Cream and IcesEVERY DAY IN TME YEAR.

OVSTERSServed in E very S ty le.


Humphrey 11 dull A Mil lei Special tax uf i>97. riT IT , Al*(rUSTU:P k I t IT , A V U V ST V S, •.» lu-nv, b ounded n o rth hy Svam uii A veil m;, eaut l»y S. M m m f, south by S Muiint am i w est

News and O pin ionsOP

National Importance

Z b c S u nA L O N E

CONTAINS BOTH.by W. R Smith intutv.


r i a l ta x <if 1897.

JA c iiS o

Dally, by m all, e - $ 6 a yearDally end Sunday, by m all, $ 6 a year

bmmrit-rii-ust by H.LVVlt-w Avi-nnr-

north l,y Bayview



ie«v house and 1 --Tbe Teaijs'si tho fifth meeting . . (aj(e ^ 0, j ^Kruuuue were maguifioeully-liluiniu ! still hi: uufiul.-hi«i om -iu the ilvn- , . ‘ - ,a t« l w ith elix-trif lights while tb r -ion of the cunmiitteo. The s u tu * u ere 11 iu-ves*arx to avoid acei- eu ltre bonier of the lake was re- un-etiug is in i harge uf tbo Current l*eul ut to eaie fur small children *|ilendeut with several hundred fairy ! T u^ee Cummtttee, ou the tht-tuf of or 1111 elderly [reraou in need of a* lamye iu all culore. Tbe A m eriiau ; thv hour; the aeveuth meetiug is sistance. flag aud those of o ther nations were devoted to Egypt during the Assy- adisplayed every where, m iking the riau o<jnqu«-si, au<l C yru*, the eighth W o rk in g N lg h tm d D ay.entire prem ises look * laiwrer of ountinuw the auldei-t w ith Egy pt . . . ^ ̂ . . . . .

during tbe Homan ounqiHwt, and busiest aud m ightiest littleCleopatra, the pagan U ueeu, the » '»“K V.'"1 T f T ? toe* ? 18 Ur: ninth deals with the time of Napol k in g . > ew Life l*!1}* Every pill eon l . aud Josephine, the tenth ts a sugar coated globule of health , atudieo P russia umler Fredeni-k the tha t voauges weakness tu lostreng th . G reat; the rlevetith, Russia, tim ing lt*tl| 'seu<s- luto euei-gyfi brain-fag the resell of C atherine I I , and ctoses lL,,“ m ental poser, ib e y e e * o i th e etuily of hUlvrical crises, iu the derfu l tu buiWiug op bealih . Ouiy

T a h is tu r r . The tw elfth meet * * V**. ***■ 801(1 bF «-b ar es P ce rre o l topice. hm f.b. Druggist.

premiseslieauty. The pyn.tecbuieal eibiUt tiou# were grand aud attracted the attention u< huudrwile of people f-.r miUflV'y'lg^. Tbe est ]«enea were

south, bv W. lialdviti wot̂ t by W. Baldwin, i Tax 1^4Tax of 189s. ^.4̂

pi iWELL, WILLIAM, i acn-h, l-mmlifl mirth by Raudall Miller, umil by Itadflall A Millvr, H>ulh by R. Powoil aud west by Rayiiur'b Oovk. r a s f l f f w , hiTax of 1**1. .nr,Sjkoeiul tax of 1897, 41Tax of 1898

The S u n d a y S unis the greatest Sunday Newspaper In

th e world.

PriM le e am- *1 *2 • I**1

Our Latest

t a x oz iBHS. .etaHOWELL. W ILLIAM AND

RICHARD, oi acrvM, iMiundHl north by S. C- C an y , t-ttat by Rayuor'fe creek, south by Lvwi<< estate and went by Lewis estate.



Tax of l**i, Sptvial tax of 1897, Tax of 1898,

URBIZO J , formerly K. W , tumndiil

! Pl<<asc svufl as the names and ud- 11Innate* of three moHic Buaehvr* or per.! fnrmers on the piano or organ and ! twenty-five cents in nilver or pontage | and we will send yon all of the follow- • iug m w and must popular piece* full

4 1 <J sheet music arranged f< ir piano or organ : ‘ The Flower that won my Heart," now

, being rang by the beat known singer* in the country, ‘ Mamie i)*Rouke,M the latewl pnimhir wait/ wnig, “ Mareh Manila, Dewey** March Two Kfep,'* os

£2 jg ■ played by the famous U. 8. Marine Utvee nndar my M ud Un. Jl*t day of , Baud of W.ahingLon D. C . and evs

September. 1399. . other pages of popular music. AddressB. BARTLEITE EKLLAND. i F itvla* Music Co.. ImliaimpnMa. Ud.

Tt i mum at 9b* Tillage oi Frcepoet. | . If.

V(wirheis, C4 acre, north by J. RauiLdl. fm by 8. Pearsall, wiath Mt P«aim ill A v e n u e a m i jA«>t b y K a y -

Sptx ial tax of 1897, 7..VJTax uf 1 14

V 111VK an d be convlnct'd as to econom y o f prices, va lue an d re lisb lv n ew of ou r goods.

--------UNTRIMMED MILLINERY----- —i* likew ise o u r siw cla lty . f

MILLINERY REQUISITEScan alw ay* lx? hn<l a t th e low vst poesiblv price.


M i s s H e g e m a h ,MAIN STREET.

A djoin inu Hvnip*tvM<l Bank.

w — w w w B M w aHEftPSTEAD, N. Y.


P a in t th e O u tside of Y our H ouse!I t ’s also ns good a time as any for inride work. t


Is — V V A I I I ) A D C D C — * 1W A L L P A P E R S . — ,

I R i c L i e ^ r d s Sc O o m p e t n yMAIN ST R EE T, NEAR F IN * S T N e tT ,

Hram-li of 1303 Kullun Street. Brooklyn—New York.FRKEPOIIT.


BU ILD IN G S U B Sere attracting many heme seekers, who are erecting a daaa e i buildings that are not excelled In size and architectural hearty -J anywhere within the Greater New York suburban home eertiea.


The new WOODCLEFT INN, which accommodates 300 guests,• a part of the Wooddeft property.


' ii■ 1



F R E E P O R T , L . I .Schools, Four Churches, Well-equipped Fire DeparttMRk '

Excellent Water Supply, Heotrio Lightii

For particulars apply to


.........O B..16 B ed fo r d A v e n u e , B R O O K L Y N , N . Y .


R. P. Jeftij 4 Sob,


When you want

StationeryCall at the

R eview Office.

H0USEFDRN1SHING GOODS, »titovee, Crockery, Ulsas, TUi sod Agate­

ware, Cutlery, etc.

Furnace, Range end Heater Week

OTTO H A sm eiiE ii,SKArOBD, L. I.

1 LEADa n d o th e rs fo llow

TIT OTIC K TO CKOiOlTOIlM—Purnuant to an I X order o f l io n . Hobart Beabti ry.Bum iyate ul the County o f Naaeau. nolk* Ishew by given tn a ll iwntoiiH havlngclaim * Agalimt A lwllda htoknm. late o f th e T'own of H em petead, In th«- oaid County, flerBiaaed, to preeent the name witii the voucher* thereof to theeubacrlber. Itarrle Jayne* Htokuin, exwrutfir. etc, a t hie iihv«‘ o f rv*lden< e at Lynbrook, Na*Aau Ckf.. N. Y-. on or Ireforc the first day of Dt-ceoilwr


lave procarod e new pump aad in e -o ta ia i and am prepared (o do a ll work a rea ip t ud eatlifL 'torllr . F r iry V ea lla , Ceee

pools, e i e , e le e a e d i a le e O ark ae* . Aahae a a d o th e r rata , , rem ared .


ilAHHir. J ayne* Hto k u m ,Executor.

I I TOT 1CK TO C K K IH T O K *. DunniAiit toI I I an o rd e r o f H on. Kohort Seahurv , Hurr4i ga te of th e C oun ty o f Nananu. liothai Im hereby given to a ll ihtwiiih having claim * againwt G eorge K dw ard H elm e. la te of tin -T ow n of llemi>Mtea<l in the. *aid (Yjuitty,d«fea*e<l,to pre Hint the Hamt: w ith the. voiifher* thereof, to the subwrilH 'r, Thv a«im liibtrator, e tc ., a t her plape of reMldvnceat Hnilthvllle Houth. Noahau C ounty , N. Y., on o r before thv|16th <1»> of Dei em ber nex

l>aU*d Ju n e 7. 1HMK. MKM Kha m 'k# H k i.m e . A dm in is tra to r.

11TOT1CE TO C H EIH TO K H . — I»unm:tnt to »» <»nler of HfJTi. Hdilwrt Heahury. Hurro-

ga te <if th e <j<Funt> uf Naa*au. notk-e I* hereby given to a ll pernon* having claim * again*! Phelie A ekerly , la te <if th e T o a n of R em p ritejui in th e naUl coun ty , d e teaw d , t‘» prenent the HMfiw w ith th e voucher* thereof, to the sulfH-rHier. tho ivlniliii|lrat<»r. et< , a t hi* place o f reeh len ie a t iN-eati Hltle, Naaaau <'d»unt>, N V , on o r la-fore the first day of Feb ruary n ex t.

Dated J u ly ft.CKEltt.Y. AdminlwtraV»r.



HUH a l l in w t .m Adinlnihtrator.etc

Defvn<laniIn purMUaiivs* of a Judgm ent of foreclosure

an t sale en te red in tb e alwire eiitllliMl a« tion on Hcpiem ber *, 1NW. I. the undersigned , th e referee in *aid Judgm ent iiam ed. will ael! a t i.ub lif auc tion , to th e highv-t uuldvr. at the office of H. I* Libby, in the Village of F ree­port. Tow n of H em pstead . Naaaau C ounty, New Y ork, on tlie J*th day ot October, IWW, a t lOo'clfMikln tlie fo re noon, the preualw* de- m rtbed In aakt Judgm ent hm follow*

All th a t c e rta in piece o r pereel o f land *ll- ea ted . iying an d t*4fig on a neck o f lan d com* nw nly called rteanm i sN e t k. iA the Tow u of H em ialea«l. <‘o i u t . ol Na**au. form t a p a r t of Use C ounll' o f (Jiii-en*. and I* bounded a* follow*, to w i t : On tlte N orth Ly. lan d 6»r- mfF*ly of A nn tw am an h r a range .At isusrked t w » . now ow ned by Georg* IH K art by tbi; n lab w a) lau«hng Xcj

lo re by Uw pr«»(iert> Iwitel___ m th e H eath an d W ert hy _foreserly ow ned by Jo h n Klwei w ltb ln weld hound* by etrtlmatioi O ne-half a c m i o f lau d , he t lew .being a p a r t an d parcel land deucrlhstti In n ewrtelw T. Jackwon a* Fxsw-uter of w eo l of J«Fbo d m w le bearing d a le th e F if th d ay ew 'onled Is On eon* C o n s t /L ih rr StBof D e e d o l f n / W .

ne“ < ■ ' ' ^ I f c R c . N e t x F a J k .l a e a B Ja e a a o B .


--- AND----linifictirer of Ceiehei ud Lhi|».

fbsiw sun *ee naii uattnissuMad, over and to order. !

(KuUr* Oaoeil aad Carpal# Laid a kpeeteUr. All kind. e f Paraltara aaaMp r.paired.

MAIN ATRBBT, Freeport, Leng lelee*.

Mail order, prumptlr atlwdrd to.



O F F I C E :

