w a d u

Ref: 1 DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution) Declare the intention that the act is for the purpose of worship & purity. Start by saying: Bismillah ("In the Name of Allah")

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Post on 03-Sep-2014




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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Declare the intention that the act is for the purpose of

worship & purity.

Start by saying: Bismillah ("In the Name of Allah")

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 2

Wash the hands up to the wrists, three times

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 3

Rinse out the mouth with water, three times

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 4 Cleanse the nostrils by

sniffing water into them by the

right hands & then remove the water with left

hand, three times.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 5 Wash the whole face three times

with both hands,from the

top of the forehead to the bottom of the

chin and from ear to ear.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 6 Wash the right arm three times

up to the elbow,and then

do the same with the left arm

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 7

Wipe the whole head with a wet hand, once

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 8 Wipe the inner

sides of the ears with the

forefingers and their outer sides with the thumb. This should be done with wet


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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 9

Wipe the neck from

back to front with

wet fingers.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Step 10 Wash the two feet up to the ankles,

three times,beginning

with the right foot and then the left


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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

The process ends with the recitation of the "Kalima-Shahadah”



(I declare there is no god except Allah and I declare Mohammed is the

messenger of Allah)

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Nullification of Ablution1. Natural discharges; i.e. urine, stool, gas, (But

not belch)...etc.

2. Falling asleep.

3. Losing sense;i.e.becoming unconscious for any reason such as: madness, sickness, drunkenness or by taking drugs.

4. By Vomiting.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Sand Ablution1. Have the intention within your heart of performing


2. Strike both hands on pure earth or sand.

3. Shake both hands off the clinging dust by striking them against each other, and wipe your face with the once, then the right hand with the left hand, and then the left hand with the right one. In this stage Tayammum is complete, and now you are ready to

perform prayer.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Nullification of Sand Ablution1. Tayammum is invalidated by finding water and

by the happening of any of the following:

2. Natural discharges.

3. Falling asleep.

4. Losing sense.

5. By vomiting.

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DAY TO DAY FIQH How to perform Wadhu (Ablution)

Total Ablution (Ghusl):

One should bathe in case of being in the state of major impurity.