vwihguru ji kw kwlsw ] vwihguru ji ki piqh ] · vwihguru ji kw kwlsw ] vwihguru ji ki piqh ]...

0 Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037 WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635000 vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ] Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh Guru Pyari Sangat jeo, The following document is a humble attempt to develop understanding of the vast subject of Naam. The bani of Gurus and Bhagats enshrined within Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji details the many aspects of Naam, and it is only through these illuminating verses that we can begin to understand the greatness of Naam. Ultimate understanding can happen only with the blessing of Sateguru to those GurSikhs who practice Sateguru’s teachings. Leaving our limited understanding aside, let us explore our timeless and infinitely great Knowledge based Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, so that we may begin to open our minds to the wonderfulness of Naam and achieve the purpose of human life. We might have made a number of errors in understanding Gurbani. Please forgive our errors and provide us with constructive feedback, so that we can make corrections in the next edition. Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ] Sabad Vartara publication team sevadars August 14, 2006.

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Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635000

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ]

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh

Guru Pyari Sangat jeo,

The following document is a humble attempt to develop understanding of the vast subject of Naam. The bani of Gurus and Bhagats enshrined within Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji details the many aspects of Naam, and it is only through these illuminating verses that we can begin to understand the greatness of Naam. Ultimate understanding can happen only with the blessing of Sateguru to those GurSikhs who practice Sateguru’s teachings.

Leaving our limited understanding aside, let us explore our timeless and infinitely great Knowledge based Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, so that we may begin to open our minds to the wonderfulness of Naam and achieve the purpose of human life.

We might have made a number of errors in understanding Gurbani. Please forgive our errors and provide us with constructive feedback, so that we can make corrections in the next edition.

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw ] vwihgurU jI kI Piqh ]

Sabad Vartara publication team sevadars August 14, 2006.


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635011


What is Naam?...........................................3

• Naam as God’s NameNaam as God’s NameNaam as God’s NameNaam as God’s Name o Karm Naams. Karm Naams. Karm Naams. Karm Naams. o Gurmat Naam Gurmat Naam Gurmat Naam Gurmat Naam

• Naam as the spiritualNaam as the spiritualNaam as the spiritualNaam as the spiritual stage stage stage stage

Greatness of Naam………………………11

• Naam is pricelessNaam is pricelessNaam is pricelessNaam is priceless • Naam is Naam is Naam is Naam is the the the the curecurecurecure----allallallall • Reciting Naam is the best use of our time Reciting Naam is the best use of our time Reciting Naam is the best use of our time Reciting Naam is the best use of our time • Naam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealth • One should One should One should One should Collect the wealth of NaamCollect the wealth of NaamCollect the wealth of NaamCollect the wealth of Naam

Significance of Naam Jaap……………...15

• What is Naam What is Naam What is Naam What is Naam JJJJaapaapaapaap o Other terms used forOther terms used forOther terms used forOther terms used for Naam Jaap Naam Jaap Naam Jaap Naam Jaap o Proceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam Jaap

• Why do Naam Jaap? Why do Naam Jaap? Why do Naam Jaap? Why do Naam Jaap? o Naam jaap fullfills all wishesNaam jaap fullfills all wishesNaam jaap fullfills all wishesNaam jaap fullfills all wishes o Naam Jaap is Sateguru’s CommandmentNaam Jaap is Sateguru’s CommandmentNaam Jaap is Sateguru’s CommandmentNaam Jaap is Sateguru’s Commandment o Naam Jaap is the top most deedNaam Jaap is the top most deedNaam Jaap is the top most deedNaam Jaap is the top most deed o Naam Jaap is Naam Jaap is Naam Jaap is Naam Jaap is a a a a Gursikh’s MissionGursikh’s MissionGursikh’s MissionGursikh’s Mission o Who is ManmukhWho is ManmukhWho is ManmukhWho is Manmukh ( self( self( self( self----willed) willed) willed) willed) o Consequences of not reciting Consequences of not reciting Consequences of not reciting Consequences of not reciting the Naamthe Naamthe Naamthe Naam o Benefits of Naam Jaap Benefits of Naam Jaap Benefits of Naam Jaap Benefits of Naam Jaap


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635022

• Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam • How to do Naam Jaap How to do Naam Jaap How to do Naam Jaap How to do Naam Jaap

o Attention during Naam Jaap Attention during Naam Jaap Attention during Naam Jaap Attention during Naam Jaap o Naam Jaap in Sangat (congregation)Naam Jaap in Sangat (congregation)Naam Jaap in Sangat (congregation)Naam Jaap in Sangat (congregation)

• Naam Jap and other religious deedsNaam Jap and other religious deedsNaam Jap and other religious deedsNaam Jap and other religious deeds

Pathway of attaining Naam………………31

• Lavan the Lavan the Lavan the Lavan the SSSSpiritual developmepiritual developmepiritual developmepiritual development stagesnt stagesnt stagesnt stages • Some milestones on the PathwaySome milestones on the PathwaySome milestones on the PathwaySome milestones on the Pathway

o Seeks God’s Sanctuary Seeks God’s Sanctuary Seeks God’s Sanctuary Seeks God’s Sanctuary o Follows Gurmat the Path of DharmFollows Gurmat the Path of DharmFollows Gurmat the Path of DharmFollows Gurmat the Path of Dharm o Requests for devotional worshipRequests for devotional worshipRequests for devotional worshipRequests for devotional worship o Becomes servaBecomes servaBecomes servaBecomes servant of Godnt of Godnt of Godnt of God o Meets the Holy, Sateguru Meets the Holy, Sateguru Meets the Holy, Sateguru Meets the Holy, Sateguru o Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap o Naam is enshrined withinNaam is enshrined withinNaam is enshrined withinNaam is enshrined within

Gurbani and Naam………………………..36

• GGGGurbani defines Naam and Naamee (GOD) urbani defines Naam and Naamee (GOD) urbani defines Naam and Naamee (GOD) urbani defines Naam and Naamee (GOD) • Gurbani is treasure Gurbani is treasure Gurbani is treasure Gurbani is treasure forforforfor devotional worship devotional worship devotional worship devotional worship • Pitfalls of Pitfalls of Pitfalls of Pitfalls of onlyonlyonlyonly reading reading reading reading • Gurbani prayer for Spiritual advancement:Gurbani prayer for Spiritual advancement:Gurbani prayer for Spiritual advancement:Gurbani prayer for Spiritual advancement:

o Beginning level request to God (Initial stage of Beginning level request to God (Initial stage of Beginning level request to God (Initial stage of Beginning level request to God (Initial stage of LLLLav1av1av1av1)))) o Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God –––– Lav 1Lav 1Lav 1Lav 1 o Request for meRequest for meRequest for meRequest for meeting the holy, Sateguru (eting the holy, Sateguru (eting the holy, Sateguru (eting the holy, Sateguru ( Lav 1,2 Lav 1,2 Lav 1,2 Lav 1,2)))) o Request for enlightment ( Request for enlightment ( Request for enlightment ( Request for enlightment ( Lav 3Lav 3Lav 3Lav 3))))


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635033

o Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( LLLLav 3, 4av 3, 4av 3, 4av 3, 4))))

Importance of Gurmat & Blessing………42

• Commonly Misinterpreted Gurbani Commonly Misinterpreted Gurbani Commonly Misinterpreted Gurbani Commonly Misinterpreted Gurbani versesversesversesverses o Example 1Example 1Example 1Example 1: r s n w n w m u s B u k o e I k h Y ]

� What is “Sateguru ke Seva”? What is “Sateguru ke Seva”? What is “Sateguru ke Seva”? What is “Sateguru ke Seva”? � What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ? � What is the meaning of Rahoo of the sabad?What is the meaning of Rahoo of the sabad?What is the meaning of Rahoo of the sabad?What is the meaning of Rahoo of the sabad? � TheTheTheThe meaning of the Expample 1 Verses is: meaning of the Expample 1 Verses is: meaning of the Expample 1 Verses is: meaning of the Expample 1 Verses is:

o Example 2:Example 2:Example 2:Example 2: r w m r w m s B u k o k h Y k i h A Y r w m u n h o i e ] � What is “Ram hoea”? What is “Ram hoea”? What is “Ram hoea”? What is “Ram hoea”? � What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”? � What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”? � What is the mWhat is the mWhat is the mWhat is the meaning of Rahoo of the sabad?eaning of Rahoo of the sabad?eaning of Rahoo of the sabad?eaning of Rahoo of the sabad? � The meaning of the Expample 2 verses is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verses is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verses is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verses is:

o Example 3:Example 3:Example 3:Example 3: s y v k i s K p U j x s i B A w v i h � What is Divine orderWhat is Divine orderWhat is Divine orderWhat is Divine order“ s i q g u r k I A w i g A w Sateguru ke Agya”? Sateguru ke Agya”? Sateguru ke Agya”? Sateguru ke Agya”?

� What is the meaning of RahWhat is the meaning of RahWhat is the meaning of RahWhat is the meaning of Rahaaaao of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad? � The meaning of the Expample 2 verse is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verse is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verse is:The meaning of the Expample 2 verse is: � What is What is What is What is love of God love of God love of God love of God ” h i r p R I i q Gur preet/ Har preet “ Gur preet/ Har preet “ Gur preet/ Har preet “ Gur preet/ Har preet “

o Example 4:Example 4:Example 4:Example 4: A M i q k w i l j o l C m I i s m r Y A Y s I i c M q w m i h j y m r Y � What is the meaning of meditation ”Simer What is the meaning of meditation ”Simer What is the meaning of meditation ”Simer What is the meaning of meditation ”Simer i s m r Y ” :

� How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya: � How not to forget the God’s Name: How not to forget the God’s Name: How not to forget the God’s Name: How not to forget the God’s Name: � The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is:

o Example 5: Example 5: Example 5: Example 5: iksu hau syvI ikAw jpu krI sqgur pUCau jwie � Whatever Whatever Whatever Whatever pleases Satguru is pleases Satguru is pleases Satguru is pleases Satguru is ““““sqgur kw Bwxw Satguru’s will”Satguru’s will”Satguru’s will”Satguru’s will”

� The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is: The meaning of the Expample 4 verse is:

Gurbani Testimony for Naam……………52

Appendix – I KhandeKhandeKhandeKhande----DeDeDeDe----PahulPahulPahulPahul –––– BaptismBaptismBaptismBaptism…………………………………………........…………55

Appendix – II SaSaSaSateguru, Sadh and Santteguru, Sadh and Santteguru, Sadh and Santteguru, Sadh and Sant………………….………………….………………….………………….57

Appendix – III SevaSevaSevaSeva---- Service…………………………….. Service…………………………….. Service…………………………….. Service……………………………..60


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635044


The purpose of this document is to generate an understanding and awareness of the fundamental concept of Naam (God’s Name), and to promote Naam Jaap (recitation of God’s Name) through Guru’s Way. Naam is the central theme of Sateguru kee bani in Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee (SGGS, Sikh Holy Scriptures). Sateguru kee bani serves many purposes: It describes what God is by elaborating on God’s virtues, the pathway to approach God, the Gursikh way of life, pitfalls to avoid that deviate us from this path, prayer for spiritual advancement, and much, much more. Reciting Naam (Waheguru Waheguru) is the pathway to approach God.

g u r u g u r u k r q s r i x j y A w v Y p R B u A w i e i m l Y i K n u F I l n p e I A w ] 5 ] m : 4 8 3 7 If one seeks Sanctuary of God by reciting, "Gur(u), Gur(u)", God comes to meet the devotee, without a moment's delay. SGGS-937

One of the main functions of Gurbani (Sikhs Holy Scriptures) is to introduce us to Naam and the Naami (God). Sateguru (The divine spirit) is the giver of Naam and serves as the intermediate link between the devotee and God. Gurmat Naam (the Sabad, the Word or Gur-manter) is the embodiment of God’s virtues. Thus, when we recite the Gurmat Naam, in fact we are contemplating God’s infinite virtues. When the devotee follows Gurmat (Divine way of life) and starts reciting Gurmat Naam, with Sateguru’s blessing Naam is enshired within and as a result


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635055

the devotee’s desires are fulfilled. The following Gurbani quotations describe this:

g u x i n D w n h i r n w m w ] j i p p U r n h o e y k w m w ] 3 ] m : 5 6 2 1 Naam is the treasure of God’s virtues .By reciting Naam all missions are accomplished. SGGS-621

h i r h i r j p h u i p A w i r A w g u r m i q l y h i r b o i l ] m : 1 2 2 O dear, meditate on the God’s name; Har, Har. Adopt Gurmat way of life and utter God’s Name .SGGS-22

j o i e C h u s o e I P l u p w v h u h i r b o l h u g u r m i q b Y n I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 8 0 0 Whatever you wish for, you shall receive, Recite God’s Name with love and devotation under Guru's Instruction. SGGS-800

A n i d n u n w m u j p h u g u r i s K h u h i r k r q w s i q g u r u G r I v s w e y ] m : 4 3 0 8 O GurSikhs, Recite the Naam, night and day; through the ForeverGuru, the Creator Lord will come to dwell within the home of your inner being. SGGS-308

s r b D r m m i h s R y s t D r m u ] h i r k o n w m u j i p i n r m l k r m u ] m : 5 2 6 6 Among all tasks, the top most and the pure task is to recite God’s Naam. SGGS-266

Gurmat (Divine teaching of SGGS) emphasizes reading Gurbani (the Holy Scriptures) with understanding, love & devotion and taking action accordingly: Giving up bad habits, doing good deeds, and most importantly reciting God’s Name (Waheguru Waheguru). In addition to these actions , the devotee always remains humble and does prayer by singing Gurbani Shabads with love and devotion for spiritual advancement, and with


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635066

Sateguru’s(Divine Spirit) blessings, the purpose of human life is fulfilled. Following Gurbani quotations describe this:

s w D o r w m s r i n i b s r w m w ] b y d p u r w n p V y k o i e h g u n i s m r y h i r k o n w m w ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 9 2 2 0 Take refuge of God’s Name (start reciting God’s name). Reading religious books are beneficial only if one starts meditating on God’s Name. SGGS-2 2 0

k a u n k o k l µ k u r i h E r w m n w m u l y q h I ] p i q q p i v q B e y r w m u k h q h I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] B g q n w m d y v j I a u 7 1 8 Who remained sinful by reciting God’s Name? The Sinner becomes pure by reciting the God’s Name. SGGS-718

h i r k y j n s i q g u r s q p u r K w i b n a u k r a u g u r p w i s ] h m k I r y i k r m s i q g u r s r x w e I k i r d i e A w n w m u p r g w i s ] 1 ] m y r y m I q g u r d y v m o k a u r w m n w m u p r g w i s ] g u r m i q n w m u m y r w p R w n s K w e I h i r k I r i q h m r I r h r w i s ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 1 0 A humble request to Sateguru: I (lowly & humbly) took your refuge(reciting Waheguru Waheguru), please bless me with the enlightenment of your Name. Gurmat Naam is my way of life; I always strive for reciting Gurmat Naam SGGS-10


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635077

What is Naam?

Virtually every shabad enshrined within Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is a testament to the greatness of Naam. The term Naam refers to multiple concepts, all of which have a central theme. Thus to fully understand the implications of its use in all places, firstly it’s important to analyze the context in which it is being used in a given instance. Depending on the context, Naam can refer to: Recitation of Naam, Enshrining Naam Within, the infinite power of Naam, the many benefits of obtaining Naam, and much, much more. If we strive to attempt to attain understanding this vast and extremely important word, we can begin to understand and appreciate the greatness of the universal message of Gurbani. Most commonly, the term Naam is used in two major ways: Naam as God’s name, and Naam as a spiritual stage in the pathway of attaining oneness with God:

s g l m q W q k y v l h i r n w m ] g o i b M d B g q k Y m i n i b s R w m ] m : 5 2 9 6 The Essence of all religion is the God’s Name alone. It abides in the minds of God’s devotees. SGGS-296

Naam as God’s Name:Naam as God’s Name:Naam as God’s Name:Naam as God’s Name: Naam simply means God’s name,

which signifes certain God’s Virtue/Virtues. In Gurbani these names are called Karm NaamsKarm NaamsKarm NaamsKarm Naams.... God has infinite names: Eternal, Omni-potent, Omni-present, Omni-scient, Kind & Merciful, Divine spirit, Enlighter etc. because of Thy infinite virtues. In reality, God does not have any specific Name.


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-635088

ਤਤਤਤ ਸਰਬਸਰਬਸਰਬਸਰਬ ਨਾਮਨਾਮਨਾਮਨਾਮ ਕਥੈਕਥੈਕਥੈਕਥੈ ਕਵਨਕਵਨਕਵਨਕਵਨ ਕਰਮਕਰਮਕਰਮਕਰਮ ਨਾਮਨਾਮਨਾਮਨਾਮ ਬਰਨਤਬਰਨਤਬਰਨਤਬਰਨਤ ਸੁਮਤਸੁਮਤਸੁਮਤਸੁਮਤ॥॥॥॥੧੧੧੧॥॥॥॥ ……………Guru Gobind Singh jee Who can describe all of your Names (limitless Virtues)? With your Grace, describing some of your Action Names (Karam Naams).

ਏਕਏਕਏਕਏਕ ਅਛਰੀਅਛਰੀਅਛਰੀਅਛਰੀ ਛੰਦਛੰਦਛੰਦਛੰਦ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਜੈਅਜੈਅਜੈਅਜੈ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਲੈਅਲੈਅਲੈਅਲੈ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਭੈਅਭੈਅਭੈਅਭੈ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਬੈਅਬੈਅਬੈਅਬੈ ॥॥॥॥੧੮੯੧੮੯੧੮੯੧੮੯॥॥॥॥ਅਭੂਅਭੂਅਭੂਅਭੂ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਜੂਅਜੂਅਜੂਅਜੂ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਨਾਸਅਨਾਸਅਨਾਸਅਨਾਸ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਕਾਸਅਕਾਸਅਕਾਸਅਕਾਸ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੦੧੯੦੧੯੦੧੯੦॥॥॥॥ਅਗੰਜਅਗੰਜਅਗੰਜਅਗੰਜ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਭੰਜਅਭੰਜਅਭੰਜਅਭੰਜ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਲੱਖਅਲੱਖਅਲੱਖਅਲੱਖ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਭੱਖਅਭੱਖਅਭੱਖਅਭੱਖ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੧੧੯੧੧੯੧੧੯੧॥॥॥॥ਅਕਾਲਅਕਾਲਅਕਾਲਅਕਾਲ ॥॥॥॥ ਿਦਆਲਿਦਆਲਿਦਆਲਿਦਆਲ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਲੇਖਅਲੇਖਅਲੇਖਅਲੇਖ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਭੇਖਅਭੇਖਅਭੇਖਅਭੇਖ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੨੧੯੨੧੯੨੧੯੨॥॥॥॥ ਅਨਾਮਅਨਾਮਅਨਾਮਅਨਾਮ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਕਾਮਅਕਾਮਅਕਾਮਅਕਾਮ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਗਾਹਅਗਾਹਅਗਾਹਅਗਾਹ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਢਾਹਅਢਾਹਅਢਾਹਅਢਾਹ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੩੧੯੩੧੯੩੧੯੩॥॥॥॥ ਅਨਾਥੇਅਨਾਥੇਅਨਾਥੇਅਨਾਥੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਪ ਮਾਥੇਪ ਮਾਥੇਪ ਮਾਥੇਪ ਮਾਥੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਜੋਨੀਅਜੋਨੀਅਜੋਨੀਅਜੋਨੀ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਮੋਨੀਅਮੋਨੀਅਮੋਨੀਅਮੋਨੀ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੪੧੯੪੧੯੪੧੯੪॥॥॥॥ਨਨਨਨ ਰਾਗੇਰਾਗੇਰਾਗੇਰਾਗੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਨਨਨਨ ਰੰਗੇਰੰਗੇਰੰਗੇਰੰਗੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਨਨਨਨ ਰੂਪੇਰੂਪੇਰੂਪੇਰੂਪੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਨਨਨਨ ਰੇਖੇਰੇਖੇਰੇਖੇਰੇਖੇ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੫੧੯੫੧੯੫੧੯੫॥॥॥॥ ਅਅਅਅਕਰਮੰਕਰਮੰਕਰਮੰਕਰਮੰ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਭਰਮੰਅਭਰਮੰਅਭਰਮੰਅਭਰਮੰ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਗੰਜੇਅਗੰਜੇਅਗੰਜੇਅਗੰਜੇ ॥॥॥॥ ਅਲੇਖੇਅਲੇਖੇਅਲੇਖੇਅਲੇਖੇ ॥॥॥॥੧੯੬੧੯੬੧੯੬੧੯੬॥॥॥॥… … … … Guru Gobind Singh jee Unconquerable, Indestructible, Fearless 189. Unborn, Perpetual, Indestructible, All-Pervasive 190. Eternal, Indivisible, Unknowable, Uninflammable 191. Non-Temporal, Merciful, Accountless, Guiseless 192. Nameless, Desireless, Unfathomable, Unfaltering 193. Masterless, Greatest-Glorious, Birthless, Silenceless 194. Unattached, Colorless, Formless, Lineless 195. Actionless, Illusionless, Indestructible, Accountless,196. ………………………………….Guru Gobind Singh jee

Gurmat NaamGurmat NaamGurmat NaamGurmat Naam (The Word/Gur-manter/Gur-ka-Sabad/Gur-ka-Bachan): Gurmat Naam is the embodiment of all God’s virtues. During baptism (Khande-de-Pahal) the word, the Sabad, Gurmat Naam or Gurmanter (Waheguru) is bestowed upon the Sikh by 5 baptised Sikhs (Punj Pyare). This is the initial and fundamental step towards attaining Naam. Then, through practicing the Gurmat way of


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life, hardwork on Gurmat Naam recitation with devotion and Sateguru’s blessing, the devotee attains Naam, which is the ultimate purpose of the human life. Gurbani states that Bhagats (Devotees) recited various Gur-manters: Allah, Ram, Har, Gobind, Waheguru etc.

g u x i n D w n A M i m R q u h i r n w m w h i r i D A w i e i D A w i e s u K u p w i e A w j I a u ]1]m: 103 The Ambrosial Name of the Lord is the Treasure of all God’s Virtues. Meditating, meditating on the Lord's Name, I have found peace. ||1|| SGGS-103

g u r m M q R h I x s ´ j o p R w x I i D R g M q j n m B R s t x h ] m : 5 1 3 5 6 That mortal who lacks the Guru's Mantra – their life is cursed and contaminated. SGGS-1356

c l q b Y s q s o v q j w g q g u r m M q R ü i r d Y i c q w i r ] c r x s r x B j u s M i g s w D U B v s w g r a u q r i h p w i r ] 1 ] m : 5 1 0 0 6 While walking and sitting, sleeping and waking, contemplate within your heart the GurMantra. Take shelter of God’s Name by reciting Gurmantra as a result join the Company of the Holy (Sateguru Sadh). This way cross over the terrifying world-ocean (of Maya), and reach the other side (God). SGGS-1006

g u r k w s b d u j w i p m n s u K w ] m : 5 8 8 9

Reciting the Word of the Guru's Shabad, your mind shall be at peace. SGGS-889

i e i k A w i K A w K i h s b d u B w K i h A r D a u r D i d n u r w i q ] m : 1 1 2 3 9

Recite only the Word of one God’s Name while inhaling and exhaling all the time ( day and night). SGGS-123


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g u r k w b c n u j i p m M q u ] e y h w B g i q s w r q q u ] s i q g u r B e y d i e A w l ] n w n k d w s i n h w l ] 4 ] 2 8 ] 3 9 ] m : 5 8 9 5 Recite the Mantra of the Guru's Word. This is the essence of true devotional worship. When the ForeverGuru becomes merciful, slave Nanak is overjoyed. ||4||28||39|| SGGS-895

Naam as the spiritual stage of attaining Naam: Naam as the spiritual stage of attaining Naam: Naam as the spiritual stage of attaining Naam: Naam as the spiritual stage of attaining Naam: In

Gurbani the spiritual stage of enshrining Naam within is addressed with the following termsNaam Panna, Naam urh meh Gahnna, Urh Dhari, Naam Milna, Naam Lahee, Hirday Naam Vusahna, Ram Mane Vashee and etc.

q r s u p i e A w i m h r w m i q h o e I s i q g u r u s j x u i m i l A w ] n w n k n w m u i m l Y q W j I v W q n u m n u Q I v Y h i r A w ] 1 ] m : 5 1 4 2 9 God took pity on me, and blessed me, and I have met the True Guru, my Friend.O Nanak, if I am blessed with the Naam, I live, and my body and mind blossom forth.

r w m n w m u a u r m Y g i h E j w k Y s m n h I k o i e ] i j h i s m r q s M k t i m t Y d r s u q u h w r o h o i e ] 5 7 ] 1 ] m : 9 1 4 2 9

The ultimate goal of human life is to enshrine God’s name (Naam) within. There is no parallel to such a goal. All human sufferings are dispelled, and one can see God. SGGS-1429

n w m u A m o l k u r q n u h Y p U r y s i q g u r p w i s ] s i q g u r s y v Y l i g A w k i F r q n u d y v Y p r g w i s ] D M n u v f B w g I v f B w g I A w j o A w i e i m l y g u r p w i s ] 2 ] m : 4 4 0 The Naam is a Priceless Jewel; it is with the Perfect True Guru.When one is enjoined to serve the True Guru, He brings out this Jewel and bestows this enlightenment.


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Greatness of Naam:

Naam is the only true wealth. Nothing is equivalent to its limitless value. Gurbani details the magnificence of Naam. Whatever Naam we recite with concentration, love and devotion stays with our soul forever. All other things are limited except Naam. Only Naam is infinite. Naam is the cure to all diseases. Only through Naam we can achieve life’s purpose, oneness with God. Merely knowing about Naam is not sufficient. Thus it is imperative to learn Naam Japna (recitation of God’s Name) so we can build up our credit and ultimately with Guru’s blessing, obtain Naam.

A v r s g l i m i Q A w e y j w n a u B j n u r w m u k o s h I ] 1 ] m : 9 6 3 1 Recitation of God’s name alone is true, everything else is false. SGGS-631

B j u m n m y r y e y k o n w m ] j I A q y r y k Y A w v Y k w m ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 5 1 9 3 O my mind, recite only the God’s Name, It alone shall be of use to your soul. SGGS-193

Naam is pricelessNaam is pricelessNaam is pricelessNaam is priceless

s w e I n w m u A m o l u k I m n k o e I j w x d o ] i j n w B w g m Q w i h s y n w n k h i r r M g u m w x d o ] 1 ] m : 1 8 1 The Master's Name is Priceless; no one knows its price. Those who have good destiny recorded upon their foreheads, O Nanak,only they enjoy the Love of the Lord. SGGS-81

h i r h i r n w m u A m o l w ] E h u s h i j s u h y l w ] 1 ] r h w a u ]


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s M i g s h w e I C o i f n j w e I E h u A g h A q o l w ] 1 ] m : 5 4 0 7 The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is priceless. It brings peace and poise. The Lord is my Companion and Helper; God shall not forsake me or leave me. God is unfathomable and unequalled. SGGS-407

Naam is Naam is Naam is Naam is the the the the curecurecurecure----all:all:all:all: b I j m M q R ü s r b k o i g A w n u ] c h u v r n w m i h j p Y k o a U n w m u ] j o j o j p Y i q s k I g i q h o i e ] s w D s M i g p w v Y j n u k o i e ] k i r i k r p w A M q i r a u r D w r Y ] p s u p R y q m u G d p w Q r k a u q w r Y ] s r b r o g k w A a u K d u n w m u ] k i l A w x r U p m M g l g u x g w m ] k w h U j u g i q i k q Y n p w e I A Y D r i m ] n w n k i q s u i m l Y i j s u i l i K A w D u i r k r i m ] 5 ] m : 5 2 7 4

Naam is the essence of all spiritual wisdom. Anyone, from any class, may recite the Naam. Whoever recites it, is liberated from maya(illusion). And yet, rare are those who attain the Company of the Holy (Sateguru). By God’s Grace, devotee enshrines Naam within. Even people like beasts, ghosts and the stone-hearted are saved. The Naam is the cure-all, the remedy to cure all ills. Singing the Glory of God is the embodiment of bliss and liberation. Any religious rituals cannot obtain it. O Nanak, he alone obtains it, whose karma is so pre-ordained. SGGS-274

s o g r o g i b p i q A i q B w r I ] d U i r B e I j i p n w m u m u r w r I ] 3 ] m : 5 7 4 2 Sorrow, disease and the most terrible calamities are removed by reciting the Naam, the Name of the Lord. SGGS-742


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Reciting Reciting Reciting Reciting Naam is the top most religious deedNaam is the top most religious deedNaam is the top most religious deedNaam is the top most religious deed i q n k y k r m D r m k w r j s i B p i v q u h i h j o b o l i h h i r h i r r w m n w m u h i r s w q y ] m : 1 6 4 8 All the religious deeds are sacred, for those who utter the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the True Name of the Lord. SGGS-648

s i B k r m D r m h i r n w m u j p w h w ] m : 4 6 9 9 All religious deeds and righteous living are found in reciting the God’s Name. SGGS-699

h i r k o n w m u l Y a U q m D r m w ] B g q n w m d y v j I a u 8 7 4 Reciting the Name of the Lord is the highest religious duty. SGGS-878

m y r y m n i D A w i e h i r h i r n w a u ] h l i q p l i q s h w i e s M g y e y k i s a u i l v l w a u ] 1 ] r h w a u ] b y d s w s q R j n i D A w v i h q r x k a u s M s w r u ] k r m D r m A n y k i k i r A w s B a U p i r n w m u A c w r u ] 2 ] m : 5 4 0 5 O my mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. Here and hereafter, He is our Helper and Companion; embrace love and affection for the One Lord. ||1||Pause|| They meditate on the Vedas and the Shaastras, to swim across the world-ocean.The many religious rituals, good deeds of karma and Dharmic worship - above all of these is the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

p u M n d w n j p q p j y q y s B a U p i r n w m u ] h i r h i r r s n w j o j p Y i q s u p U r n k w m u ] 3 ] m : 5 4 0 0 Donations to charity or hard penance - above all of them is the Naam. One who chants with his tongue the Name of the


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Lord, Har, Har - his wishes are fulfilled.

Reciting Naam Reciting Naam Reciting Naam Reciting Naam is is is is the the the the bestbestbestbest use of use of use of use of ourourourour timetimetimetime:::: b o i l h i r n w m u s P l s w G r I ] g u r a u p d y i s s i B d u K p r h r I ] 1 ] m : 4 1 1 3 4 Fruitful is that moment when the Lord's Name is spoken. Following the Guru's Teachings, all pains are taken away.

s P l m U r q u s P l E h G r I ] i j q u r s n w a u c r Y h i r h r I ] 2 ] m : 5 1 9 1 Blessed is that moment, and blessed is that time, when my tongue chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Haree.

Naam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealthNaam is the true wealth: : : : Naam Jap with concentration is

the true wealth

B w e I r y r w m u k h h u i c q u l w i e ] h i r j s u v K r u l Y c l h u s h u d y K Y p q I A w i e ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 1 2 2 O Siblings of Destiny, chant the God’s Name, and focus your consciousness on God’s Naam. Take the Merchandise of the God’s Praises with you. Your Husband Lord shall see this and approve. SGGS-22

One should collectOne should collectOne should collectOne should collect the wealth of the wealth of the wealth of the wealth of Naam Naam Naam Naam s M g R h u k r o s d w i s m r n k o p r n p w p q i j B w g o ] 2 ] … g u r u g O i b M d i s M G j I n w m u s u x y n w m u s M g R h Y n w m y i l v l w v a u ] m : 5 3 1 8 I hear the Naam, &I gather in the Naam; I am lovingly attuned to the Naam.

n w m u s m @ w l y n w m u s M g R h Y n w m y h I p i q h o i e ] m : 3 5 5 2 He remembers the Naam, he gathers in the Naam, and he obtains honor through the Naam.


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h i r D n u b n j h u h i r D n u s M c h u i j s u l w g q h Y n h I c o r ] 1 ] m : 4 1 2 6 5 Deal only in the wealth of the Lord, and gather only the wealth of the Lord. No thief can ever steal it. ||1||

Significance of Naam Jaap: The purpose of human life is to gain a place in the kingdom of God. Without Love and devotion for God, our mind is wandering in maya (illusion). Gurmat Naam jaap prevents our Mind from roaming in maya (illusion) and facilitates falling in love with God. As a result and with blessing of the Holy(Sateguru, the divine spirit), all desires are fulfilled and purpose of human life is attained.

j o i e C h u s o e I P l u p w v h u h i r b o l h u g u r m i q b Y n I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 8 0 0 Whatever you wish for, you shall receive, Recite the Word of the Lord's Name with love and devotion under Guru's Instruction. SGGS-800

i j n I A Y s w h i r n w m u n c y i q E s y k w h y j i g A w e y r w m r w j y ] i e h u m w x s j n m u d u l µ B u h Y n w m i b n w i b r Q w s B u j w e y ] h u i x v q Y h i r n w m u n b I i j E A g Y B u K w i k A w K w e y ] m n m u K w n o i P i r j n m u h Y n w n k h i r B w e y ] 2 ] m : 4 4 5 0

Those who have not recited the God’s Name. What is their use of coming into the world, O Lord King! It is so difficult to obtain this human life, and without the Naam, it is going useless. Now, in this most fortunate time, one who did not plant the seed of the God’s Name; what will they eat, in the world hereafter? The self-willed manmukhs are born again and again. O Nanak, such is the God’s Will. ||2|| SGGS-450

B v j l u i b n u s b d Y i k a u q r I A Y ] n w m i b n w j g u r o i g i b A w i p A w d u i b D w f u i b f u i b m r I A Y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 1 1 1 2 5

Without the Word(Gur-manter, the Shabad), how can


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anyone cross over the terrifying world-ocean of illusion? Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the world is entangled in the disease of duality, and is drowned and dies. SGGS-1125

j o b o l i h h i r h i r n w a u i q n j m u C i f g i e A w ] s y d r g h p Y D y j w i h i j n w h i r j i p l i e A w ] m : 3 6 4 5 Those who recite the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are passed over by the Messenger of Death.Those who meditate on the Lord, go to His Court in robes of honor. SGGS-645

What is Naam JaapWhat is Naam JaapWhat is Naam JaapWhat is Naam Jaap? ? ? ? Naam Jaap simply means recitation

of God’s Name. One can utter God’s name any way, whenever, where ever, he/she wants to: while sitting, getting up, sleeping, walking, running, waiting, or working. Naam jaap is meant for family oriented and realistic people who earn their living honestly and donate some in charity. Naam Jaap must not be confused with Jaap-Taap-Sanjam where at some places in Gurbani means hard labor on rituals. For GurSikh Jaap-Taap-Saanjam is recitation of God’s Name as described in the following verses: j p q p s M j m k r m n j w n w n w m u j p I p R B q y r w ] m : 1 8 7 8

I know nothing of charity, self-discipline or religious rituals; I only chant Your Name, God.

a U T q b Y T q j p a u n w m u i e h u k r m u k m w v a u ] m : 5 8 1 3 While Sitting down and standing up. Recite the Naam, God’s Name. SGGS-813


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m w r i g c l q h r y h i r g w e I A Y ] 1 ] m : 5 3 8 6 While Travelling, Recite Waheguru Waheguru. SGGS-386

a U T q b Y T q s o v q j w g q s d w s d w h i r i D A w e I A Y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 5 3 7 9 While Sitting down, standing up, sleeping and waking, forever and ever, meditate on the Lord. SGGS-379

c l q b Y s q s o v q j w g q g u r m M q R ü i r d Y i c q w i r ] m : 5 1 0 0 6 While walking and sitting, sleeping and waking, contemplate within your heart the GurMantra. SGGS-1006

k w r i j k w i m b w t G w t j p I j Y ] m : 5 3 8 6 While you work at your job, on the road and at the beach, recite God’s Naam. SGGS-386

Other terms used for Naam JaapOther terms used for Naam JaapOther terms used for Naam JaapOther terms used for Naam Jaap:::: bolnw, kihnw, aucrnw, ArwDnw, BwKnw, vKwnw, Bjnw, mon nhI Dwrnw

Naam Jaap in Gurbani is addressed with a wide variety of words which all collectively refer to utterance of Gurmat Naam.

b o i l s u D r m I i V A w m o i n k q D w r I r w m ] m : 5 5 4 7 O you of sublime faith, speak the Lord's Name; why do you remain silent?

h i r r w m b o i l h i r r w m b o i l s i B p w p g v w D U ] m : 4 1 2 0 1 Speak the Name of the Lord, chant the Name of the Lord. It shall rid you of all your sins. s i B k h h u m u K h u h i r h i r h r y

h i r h i r h r y h i r b o l q s i B p w p l h o g I A w ] 1 ] m : 4 1 3 1 3 Let everyone chant together the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Haray, Har, Har, Haray; chanting Har, all sins are


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washed away. ||1||

g u r i s K h i r b o l h u m y r y B w e I ] h i r b o l q s B p w p l i h j w e I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 1 6 5

O GurSikhs, chant the Name of the Lord, O my Siblings of Destiny.Chanting the Lord's Name, all sins are washed away. ||1||Pause||

a u c r h u r w m n w m u l K b w r I ] A M i m R q r s u p I v h u p R B i p A w r I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 1 6 4 Chant the Lord's Name, hundreds of thousands of times, O my dear,and drink deeply of the Ambrosial Essence of God.

h i r h i r b o i l k Q w s u i n h i r k I a u c r h u p R B k o n w a u ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 5 1 2 1 9 Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, listen to the Lord's Sermon, and chant God's Name.

n w n k n w m u A r w D x w k w r j u A w v Y r w i s ] 8 ] m : 5 1 4 2 5 O Nanak, dwelling on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all affairs are resolved. ||8||

r s n w A r w D Y e y k u s u A w m I h i r n w i m m n u q n u B I n w ] m : 5 5 4 7 My tongue chants in adoration the Name of the One Lord and Master; my mind and body are drenched in the Lord's Name.

i e i k A w i K A w K i h s b d u B w K i h A r D a u r D i d n u r w i q ] m : 1 1 2 3 9 Speak only Naam the Shabad while inhaling & exhaling all the time.

g u r m u i K h o v Y r w m n w m u v K w x Y A w i p q r Y k u l q w r y ] m : 3 2 4 6 Through Guru’s way chant the Lord's Name, save


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yourselves and save your families as well.

s u r i q s b i d B v s w g r u q r I A Y n w n k n w m u v K w x y ] m : 1 9 3 8 With one's consciousness focused on the Word of the Shabad, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

g u r m u i K n w m u v K w x Y k o e I ] 5 ] m : 3 8 8 0 How rare are those, who as Gurmukh, chant the Naam. ||5||

k r i m i m l Y A w K x u q y r w n w a u ] i j q u l i g q r x w h o r u n h I Q w a u ] m : 1 6 6 1 By Your Grace, we speak Your Name. Becoming attached to it, one is saved; there is no other way.

B j u m n m y r y e y k o n w m ] j I A q y r y k Y A w v Y k w m ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 5 1 9 3

Meditate, O my mind, on the One Name. It alone shall be of use to your soul. ||1||Pause||

m y r y m n h i r B j u n w m u n r w i e x u ] m : 4 1 1 3 4 O my mind, vibrate and meditate on the Lord and the Name of the Lord.

Proceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam JaapProceeding stages of Naam Jaap:::: i D A w n w , i s m r n w , i l v l g n w : With God’s blessing, when the devotee recites the Gurmanter (Shabad) with a single mind and consciousness, the Naam Jaap leads into Dhyana. With Sateguru’s blessing, Naam Dhayana leads into Simran and Lieve state of Naam Jaap. Gurbani describes this as follows:

j n n w n k n w m u i D A w i e A w g u r b c i n j i p E m i n c I i q ] 1 ] m : 4 1 3 1 7 Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Guru's word, chant it consciously with


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your mind. ||1||

s u A w m I k o i g R h u i j a u s d w s u A w n q j q n h I i n q ] n w n k i e h i b i D h i r B j a u i e k m i n h u i e i e k i c i q ] 4 5 ] m : 9 1 4 2 8 A dog never abandons the home of his master. O Nanak, in just the same way, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord, single-mindedly, with one-pointed consciousness.

e y m n h i r j I i D A w i e q U i e k m i n i e k i c i q B w i e ] m : 3 6 5 3 O mind, meditate on the Dear Lord, with single-minded conscious concentration.

i j n I n w m u i D A w i e A w i e k m i n i e k i c i q s y A s i Q r u j i g r i h A w ] 1 1 ] m : 3 8 7 Those who meditate on the Name, with single mind and focused consciousness, remain forever stable in the world.

s M f w m r k w j w i e p u k w r y ] p V Y n h I h m h I p i c h w r y ] r w m u k h Y k r q w l b j w v Y c t I A w s B Y i b g w r y ] 1 ] r w m n w m w j i p b o k r Y ] i h r d Y h i r j I k o i s m r n u D r Y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] B g q n w m d y v j I a u 1 1 6 5 Sanda Marka(Bhagat Pehlad’s school teacher) went and complained to Harnaakhash,"Your son does not read his lessons. We are tired of trying to teach him.He chants the Lord's Name, clapping his hands to keep the beat; he has spoiled all the other students. ||1||He chants the Lord's Name,and he has enshrined meditative remembrance of the Lord within his heart.""

j g j I v n u i D A w i e m i n h i r i s m r I ] k o t M q r q y r y p w p p r h r I ] 2 ] m : 4 1 1 3 4 Meditate on the Life of the World; remember the Lord in your mind. Millions upon millions of your sins shall be taken


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away. ||2||

A w T p h r A p n w p R B u i s m r h e y k o n w m u i D A w e y r w m ] m : 5 9 2 6 Twenty-four hours a day, they meditate in remembrance on their God; they meditae on the One Name.

A M q i r j o i q p R g w s I A w e y k s u i s a u i l v l w i e ] m : 5 4 6 The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One.

Why do Naam JaapWhy do Naam JaapWhy do Naam JaapWhy do Naam Jaap???? Naam Jaap is as important as

seeding is for farming: If a farmer puts a lot of effort in prepping the soil for farming and does not sow seeds, how can the farmer expect any crop? In this analogy, the field is likened to our mind. Through doing good deeds, our mind is prepared for sowing the seeds of Naam. These seeds are planted and grow through Bhagti, or Naam Jap with love and devotion. Only through doing good deeds and planting the seeds of Naam through Naam Jap can our efforts bear the fruit of attaining Naam, the ultimate harvest.

Naam jaap fullfills all wishes:Naam jaap fullfills all wishes:Naam jaap fullfills all wishes:Naam jaap fullfills all wishes:

h i r h i r n w m u j p h u m n m y r y A n i d n u h i r i l v l w i e ] j o i e C h u s o e I P l u p w v h u i P i r B U K n l w g Y A w i e ] 2 ] m : 4 3 6 8 Meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O my mind; night and day, center your consciousness on the Lord. You shall have the fruits of your desires, and you shall never feel material hunger again. SGGS-368


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n w m u i D A w e y q w s i q g u r u B w e y j o i e C Y s o P l u p w e y ] m : 3 7 5 4 Recite Naam with concentration this pleases the foreverGuru as a result all wishes get fulfilled.

Naam Jaap is Sateguru’s Commandment::Naam Jaap is Sateguru’s Commandment::Naam Jaap is Sateguru’s Commandment::Naam Jaap is Sateguru’s Commandment::

e y k o n w m u h u k m u h Y n w n k s i q g u i r d I A w b u J w i e j I a u ] 5 ] m : 1 7 2 The One Name is the God’s Command; O Nanak, the True Guru has given me this understanding.

Naam Jaap is the top most deed:Naam Jaap is the top most deed:Naam Jaap is the top most deed:Naam Jaap is the top most deed:

j i p j n s d w s d w i d n u r Y x I ] s B q y a U c i n r m l i e h k r x I ] m : 5 2 8 3

Recite god’s Name all the time.This is the top most deed h i r k o n w m u l Y a U q m D r m w ] 8 7 4 B g q n w m d y v j I a u Chanting the Name of the Lord is the highest religion. s r b D r m m i h s R y s t D r m u ] h i r k o n w m u j i p i n r m l k r m u ] m : 5 2 6 6 Of all religious deeds, the best and purest deed is to chant the Name of the Lord .

Naam Jaap is Gursikh’s Mission:Naam Jaap is Gursikh’s Mission:Naam Jaap is Gursikh’s Mission:Naam Jaap is Gursikh’s Mission:

j n n w n k i q s u b i l h w r x Y j o A w i p j p Y A v r w n w m u j p w e y ] 2 ] m : 4 1 4 0 Servant Nanak sacrifices to one who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it as well. SGGS-140

j n u n w n k u D U i V m M g Y i q s u g u r i s K k I j o A w i p j p Y A v r h n w m u j p w v Y ] m : 4 3 0 6 Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. SGGS-306


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s i q g u i r n w m u i n D w n u i d R V w i e A w ] r w j u m w l u J U T I s B m w i e A w ] l o B I n r r h y l p t w i e ] h i r k y n w m i b n u d r g h i m l Y s j w i e ] m : 3 1 1 5 4 The True Guru implanted the treasure of the Naam within. Power, property and all Maya is false. But still, the greedy people continue clinging to them.Without the Name of the Lord, the mortals are punished in God’s Court.

WhoWhoWhoWho is Manmukh( self is Manmukh( self is Manmukh( self is Manmukh( self----willed) willed) willed) willed) : : : : The person who does not care about Sabad-Guru and follows own pathway to approach God.

g u r m i q C o f i h a u J i V j w e I ] m n m u i K r w m u n j p Y A v w e I ] m : 1 1 0 2 4 The self-willed manmukhs are poor(spiritually); they do not meditate on the Lord.

h i r k w n w m u n j p i s g v w r w ] 6 5 5 B g q k b I r j I a u The fool does not chant the Name of the Lord.

n w m u n c y q i h s b d u n v I c w r i h i e h u m n m u K k w A w c w r u ] m : 3 5 0 8 They do not recite of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and they do not contemplate the Word of the Shabad. This is the conduct of the self-willed manmukhs.

h i r k y l o g r w m j n n I k y B w g h I x n s u K w i e ] i j a u i j a u r w m k h i h j n a U c y n r i n M d k f M s u l g w i e ] 3 ] i D R g u i D R g u n r i n M d k i j n j n n h I B w e y h i r k y s K w s K w i e ] s y h i r k y c o r v y m u K m u K k w l y i j n g u r k I p Y j n B w i e ] 4 ] m : 4 8 8 0 The Lord's people are good and sublime; the unfortunate ones do not like them at all. As the people recite the Gurmanter(Waheguru/Ram) loudly , it stings the Slanderers. Cursed, cursed are the slanderers who do not like the humble, the friends and companions of the Lord.Those who do not like the honor and glory of the Guru are faithless, black-faced thieves, who have turned their


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backs on the Lord.

Consequences of not reciting the NaamConsequences of not reciting the NaamConsequences of not reciting the NaamConsequences of not reciting the Naam

i j h v w j l a u j l w v x I n w m u n j p Y r s w i e ] m : 1 5 9 Let that tongue be burnt in flames, which does not chant the Naam with love.

n w m u n j p i h q y A w q m G w q I ] 1 ] m : 5 1 8 8

Those who do not meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are murderers of the soul. ||1||

r s n w j p Y n n w m u i q l u i q l u k i r k t I A Y ] m : 5 1 3 6 2 The tongue which does not chant the Naam ought to be cut out, bit by bit.

n w m u n j p e I i k a u s u K u p w v Y i b n u n w v Y i k a u s o h Y ] 4 ] m : 1 1 0 1 3

Without chanting the Naam, how can he find peace? Without the Name, how can he look good?

Benefits of Benefits of Benefits of Benefits of Naam Jaap: Naam Jaap: Naam Jaap: Naam Jaap: There are countless benefits of Naam Jaap. Following verses just give a flavor of these benefits.

i q n @ j n k y s i B p w p g e y s i B d o K g e y s i B r o g g e y k w m u k ® o D u l o B u m o h u A i B m w n u g e y i q n @ j n k y h i r m w i r k F y p M c c o r w ] 1 ] h i r r w m b o l h u h i r s w D U h i r k y j n s w D U j g d I s u j p h u m i n b c i n k r i m h i r h i r A w r w D U h i r k y j n s w D U ] h i r r w m b o i l h i r r w m b o i l s i B p w p g v w D U ] m : 4 1 2 0 1

Recite the Name of the Lord, O Holy Saints of the Lord; meditate on the Lord of the Universe, O Holy people of the Lord. Meditate through Guru’s way. Worship and adore the Lord, O Holy people of the Lord. Recite the Name of the Lord, Recite the Name of the Lord. It shall get rid of all your


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sins, diseases, sufferings and five thieves( sex, anger, greed, attachment and ego).

g o i b M d j p q s i B k w r j s w r y ] 6 ] m : 5 1 3 4 9 Meditating on the Lord of the Universe, all one's affairs are resolved.

n w i m h m w r y k w r j s I D ] m : 5 8 6 3 3 Through the Naam, my affairs are resolved. SGGS- 863

A i c M q k M m k r i h p R B i q n k y i j n h i r k w n w m u i p A w r w ] m : 4 6 3 7 God automatically does the work of those who love the Name of the Lord.

j o m i n i c i q i e k u A r w D d y i q n k I b r k i q K w i h A s M K k r o V y ] m : 4 3 0 6

Those who worship and adore the One Lord in their conscious minds - through their generosity, countless millions are fed.

i j n I n w m u i D A w i e A w g e y m s k i q G w i l ] n w n k q y m u K a u j l y k y q I C u t I n w i l ] 1 ] m : 1 8 Those who put hard labor in meditating God’s Naam. O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them. SGGS-8

Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam: Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam: Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam: Naam Jaap is recitation of God’s Naam: Some

people in ignorance disgrace Naam Jaap and say nothing will happen by repeating a word. The fact is, Naam is not just a word, but God’s name as explained earlier. It is the very embodiment of God’s virtues. We are ignorant from the principles of Gurbani:

g i n k w a u D r I h i r k h Y q o q ] m : 5 1 1 9 2

Ganika the prostitute was saved, while uttering God’s Name


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to a parrot. SGGS-1192

b w r M b w r b w r p R B u j p I A Y ] p I A M i m R q u i e h u m n u q n u D R p I A Y ] m : 5 2 8 6 Time after time, again and again, recite God’s name.By drinking this Nectar, the mind and body are satisfied. SGGS-286

a U T q b Y T q s o v q n w m ] k h u n w n k j n k Y s d k w m ] 6 ] m : 5 2 8 6 While standing up, sitting down and sleeping, the Naam,says Nanak, is forever the job for God's humble servant. SGGS-286

How to do Naam Jaap: How to do Naam Jaap: How to do Naam Jaap: How to do Naam Jaap: There is no set way in which one

meditates upon God’s name; whatever works for an individual is fine. The main objective is to stop the mind from wandering. The best way to concentrate is to recite Gurmanter, and listen to the Gurmanter. In the beginning of the spiritual path, uttering the Gurmanter loudly assists the mind in concentrating on the Shabad, Waheguru.

In the Following Sabad, Guru Nanak Dev jee is teaching us how to do Naam Jaap by using an exmple of making butter. Guru jee detailed the importance of each step for making butter and then related with Naam Jaap.

r w g u s U h I m h l w 1 c a u p d y G r u 1 B W f w D o i e b Y i s D U p u d y v h u q a u d U D Y k a u j w v h u ] d U D u k r m P u i n s u r i q s m w i e x u h o i e i n r w s j m w v h u ] 1 ] j p h u q e y k o n w m w ] A v i r i n r w P l k w m w ] 1 ] r h w a u ] i e h u m n u e I t I h w i Q k r h u P u i n n y q R a u n I d n A w v Y ] r s n w n w m u j p h u q b m Q I A Y i e n i b i D A M i m R q u p w v h u ] 2 ] m : 1 7 2 8 Recite Naam and refrain mind from bad doing; this is like


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washing and sterlizing the milk vessel before pouring milk. Do Good deeds and recite Naam with concentration and free of desires; this is like making yogurt. ||1|| Recite the Recite the Recite the Recite the Name of the God. All other religious actions arName of the God. All other religious actions arName of the God. All other religious actions arName of the God. All other religious actions are fruitless e fruitless e fruitless e fruitless toward receiving Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Main message|| toward receiving Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Main message|| toward receiving Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Main message|| toward receiving Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||Main message|| While reciting Naam cease mind from roaming and sleeping While reciting Naam cease mind from roaming and sleeping While reciting Naam cease mind from roaming and sleeping While reciting Naam cease mind from roaming and sleeping by this process receive Ambrosial Nectar with Sateguru’s by this process receive Ambrosial Nectar with Sateguru’s by this process receive Ambrosial Nectar with Sateguru’s by this process receive Ambrosial Nectar with Sateguru’s blessing.blessing.blessing.blessing.( This is like making butter from the yogurt: Churning is to reciting Naam; Churning rope handles are to cease mind from roaming and sleeping.) SGGS-728

h i r k w i b l o v n w i b l o v h u m y r y B w e I ] s h i j i b l o v h u j Y s y q q u n j w e I ] 1 ] r h w a u ] q n u k i r m t u k I m n m w i h i b l o e I ] i e s u m t u k I m i h s b d u s M j o e I ] 2 ] h i r k w i b l o v n w m n k w b I c w r w ] g u r p R s w i d p w v Y A M i m R q D w r w ] 3 ] … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … B g q k b I r j I a u 4 7 8 My brother, recite Name of God slowly and steadily with concentration; this is like Churning yogurt slowly and steadily, so that the butter, may not be lost.||1||Main Main Main Main message message message message ||Make your body the churning(reciting) vessel, and churn(recite) with concentration of mind. Gather the curds of the Word(Gur-manter) ||2||The churning(reciting) of Naam is to reflect upon God within mind. By Guru's Grace, receives the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3|| SGGS-478

Attention during Naam Jaap:

g w v I A Y s u x I A Y m i n r K I A Y B w a u ] d u K u p r h i r s u K u G i r l Y j w i e ] m : 1 2 Sing, and listen, and let your mind be filled with love. These actions get rid of the suffering and peace comes to


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dwell in the body.

D u i n m i h i D A w n u i D A w n m i h j w i n A w g u r m u i K A k Q k h w n I ] 3 ] m : 3 5 1 2 During recitation of Gurmanter Keep attention in the sound of the sabad, this attention leads to realization of the sabad, this undescible happens only through Guru’s way.

s b d u g u r U s u r i q D u i n c y l w ] m : 1 9 4 3 The Shabad is the Guru, during recitation of the Sabad keep attention in the sound of the sabad and this way become disciple.

g u r k w s b d u m y r Y A M q i r i D A w n u ] h a u k b h u n C o f a u h i r k w n w m u ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 3 1 1 5 4 By keeping attention on the GurSabad-Waheguru( Sabad –surrat: recite and listen), I recite the Sabad- Waheguru and this way I never forget the Name of the L ord. SSGS-1158

m n u k i r b Y l u s u r i q k i r p Y f w i g A w n g o i n B i r f w r I ] k h q u k b I r u s u n h u r y s M q h u i n b h I K y p h m w r I ] 4 ] 2 ] 1 1 2 3 In order to make spiritual progress, make the mind as carrying bull (recite Naam), load the mind with spiritual wisdom and the distance is covered when the mind recites Naam with attention. Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints, this way, my merchandise has reached its destination(spiritual progress is made) SGGS-1123

i j n I n w m u i D A w i e A w i e k m i n i e k i c i q s y A s i Q r u j i g r i h A w ] m : 4 8 7 Those who meditate on the Name, with one-pointed mind and focused consciousness, remain forever stable in the world. ||11||SGGS-87

j o m i n i c i q q u D u i D A w i e d y m y r y s i c A w b i l b i l h a u i q n j w q I ] 1 ] m : 1


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1 3 8 Guru Nanak dev jee sacrifices to those who recite God’s Name with their conscious minds. SGGS-138

Naam Jaap in Sangat (conNaam Jaap in Sangat (conNaam Jaap in Sangat (conNaam Jaap in Sangat (congregation):gregation):gregation):gregation): Naam Jaap in sangat is very beneficial. Sangat helps in developing concentration and is advantageous in many respects. Only with God’s blessing such a sangat is attained.

A w v h u s M q h u i m i l n w m u j p w h w ] i v i c s M g i q n w m u s d w l Y l w h w j I a u ] m : 4 1 7 2 Come, O Saints - let's meet together and chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.In the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, let's earn the lasting profit of the Naam.

i q q u j w i e b h h u s q s M g q I i j Q Y h i r k w h i r n w m u i b l o e I A Y ] s h j y h I h i r n w m u l y h u h i r q q u n K o e I A Y ] i n q j i p A h u h i r h i r i d n s u r w i q h i r d r g h F o e I A Y ] m : 4 5 8 7

Go, and sit in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where the Name of the Lord is churned. In peace and poise, contemplate the Lord's Name - don't lose the essence of the Lord.Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, constantly, day and night, and you shall be accepted in the Court of the Lord.

s M q j n w i m i l b o l h u r w m ] s B q y i n r m l p U r n k w m ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 5 8 6 5 Joining the humble Saints, chant the Lord's Name.This is the most immaculate and perfect occupation of all.

i s K s B w d I i K A w k w B w a u ] g u r m u i K s u x x w s w c w n w a u ] n w n k A w K x u v y r w v y r ] i e q u r M i g n w c h u r i K r i K p Y r ] 4 ] 6 ] m : 1 3 5 0 Sikh Sangat is where the Sikhs love to recite Gurmanter( The teaching) And, through Guru’s way, listen to the True


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Name. O Nanak, recite Naam, over and over again. This is Guru’s way of dancing and keeping up the beat of Naam. SGGS-350

s c I b Y s k i q n @ w s M i g i j n s M i g j p I A Y n w a u ] i q n @ s M i g s M g u n k I c e I n w n k i j n w A w p x w s u A w a u ] 2 ] m : 5 5 2 0

The true society is the company of those who meditate on the Name of the Lord.Do not associate with those, O Nanak, who look out only for their own interests.

Naam Jap as compared to other religious deeds:Naam Jap as compared to other religious deeds:Naam Jap as compared to other religious deeds:Naam Jap as compared to other religious deeds: A s u m y D j g n y ] q u l w p u r K d w n y ] p R w g i e s n w n y ] 1 ] q a u n p u j i h h i r k I r i q n w m w ] A p u n y r w m i h B j u r y m n A w l s I A w ] 1 ] r h w a u ] 8 7 3 b w x I n w m d y a u j I k I The ritual sacrifice of horses, giving one's weight in gold to charities,and ceremonial cleansing baths -||1||These are not equal to the singing of the God’s Name. O my lazy mind meditate by reciting God’s Name. SGGS-873

A w n A c w r i b a u h w r h Y j y q y i b n u h i r i s m r n P o k ] m : 5 6 8 2 All other religious rituals and customs are useless, without remembering the Lord . SGGS-682


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Pathway of attaining Naam:

The spiritual stage of enshrining Naam within: The spiritual progression starts with Sateguru’s (Divine Spirit) blessing when one receives baptism (Khande-de-pauhl or Dekhea: see appendix 1 for details), starts reciting Gurmat Naam (Waheguru Waheguru) and follows Gurmat as described in Shri Guru Granth Sahib jee (Reciting God’s Name Waheguru-Waheguru, doing good deeds, leaving sinful life). The devotee always remains a humble servant of God, always keeps on reciting Gurmanter (Waheguru-Waheguru) and as a result becomes pleasing to God. The spiritual journey of attaining Naam is described in the Lahvan. Naam is attained in the fourth stage of the spiritual progression. Obtaining naam means that the devotee is merged with and gains the qualities of God.

LLLLahvan the spiritual development stages:ahvan the spiritual development stages:ahvan the spiritual development stages:ahvan the spiritual development stages:

Please see next two pages.


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Some milestoneSome milestoneSome milestoneSome milestones on the Pathway:s on the Pathway:s on the Pathway:s on the Pathway:

Following are some of the milestone actions which the devotee goes through on the pathway of the spitiual progression of attaining Naam:

Seeks God’s SancSeeks God’s SancSeeks God’s SancSeeks God’s Sanctuary : tuary : tuary : tuary : A n y k j n m p w p k i r B r m y h u i x q a u s r x w g i q A w e y ] d i e A w k r h u r i K l y v h u h i r j I a u h m l w g h s i q g u r p w e y ] 3 ] m : 4 1 1 1 3 Through countless lifetimes, I wandered in sin; now, I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. Take pity on me and save me, Dear Lord; I have grasped the Feet (Divine teaching) of the ForeverGuru. SGGS-1239

p U r y g u r k I p U r I d I i K A w ] i j s u m i n b s Y i q s u s w c u p r I i K A w ] m i n q i n n w m u j p h u i l v l w i e ] d U K u d r d u m n q y B a u j w i e ] m : 5 2 9 3 Perfect are the Teachings(Gurmat) of the Perfect Guru. That person, within whose mind it abides, realizes the Truth. With mind & body recite the Naam and as a result get attuned to Naam. Sorrow, pain and illusion of Maya shall depart from one’s mind. SGGS-293

Follows Gurmat way of the Path of Dharm:Follows Gurmat way of the Path of Dharm:Follows Gurmat way of the Path of Dharm:Follows Gurmat way of the Path of Dharm:

h i r h i r j p h u i p A w i r A w g u r m i q l y h i r b o i l ] m : 1 2 2

Recite, Har, Har, O my beloved; firstly understand Gurmat and utter God’s Name accordingly. SGGS-296

Requests for devotional worship:Requests for devotional worship:Requests for devotional worship:Requests for devotional worship:

h i r h i r j p n u j p w v h u A p n w h m m w g I B g i q i e k w k I ] m : 4 6 6 8


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O Lord, please make me recite Your Name Har, Har; I beg only for the devotional worship. SGGS-668

Becomes servaBecomes servaBecomes servaBecomes servant of God:nt of God:nt of God:nt of God:

h i r k y s y v k s y h i r i p A w r y i j n j i p E h i r b c n w k I ] m : 4 6 6 8 The God’s servants are very dear to the Lord; who recite the Word God’s Name. SGGS-668

Meets the Holy, Sateguru: Meets the Holy, Sateguru: Meets the Holy, Sateguru: Meets the Holy, Sateguru:

n d i r k r y q w s i q g u r u i m l Y ] p R x v i q n w n k u B v j l u q r Y ] 4 ] m : 1 3 5 4 When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then one comes to meet the True Guru. Prays Nanak, carry us across the terrifying world-ocean of Maya. SGGS-354

s i q g u r u i m l Y A M D y r w j w i e ] m : 1 9 3 9 Meeting the True Guru, darkness is dispelled. SGGS- 939

Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap Limitless Naam Jaap

h i r h i r j p n u j p a u i d n u r w q I j i p h i r h i r h i r a u i r D w r I ] m : 4 6 6 6 Recite the Name of the Lord, day and night. By reciting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har ; Har(NAAM) is enshrined within. SGGS-666

n w n k n w m u i m l Y q W j I v W q n u m n u Q I v Y h i r A w ] 1 ] m : 5 1 4 2 9 O Nanak, if I am blessed with the Naam. Then, I live, and my body and mind blossom forth. SGGS-1429

Naam is enshrined within:Naam is enshrined within:Naam is enshrined within:Naam is enshrined within:

j n n w n k h i r i k r p w D w r I a u r D i r E n w m u h r y ] 4 ] 1 ] m : 4 9 9 5 The Lord has showered servant Nanak with Thy Mercy; has enshrined the Naam within. SGGS-995


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Gurbani and Naam:

The Purpose of Gurbani is to develop seamless faith in the devotee’s mind about Naam. Gurbani and Naam go hand in hand. Gurbani cautions merely reading Gurbani will not do much benefit. To reap the full benefit of Gurbani: Read, understand, & practice Gurbani in daily life; be humble and contented, recite Naam, and do Gurmat prayer to earn blessing. Through this pathway, one who reads Gurbani with understanding, is inspired to do more Naam Jaap and, ultimately, attains oneness with God through Guru’s blessing (GurKirpa).

Gurbani defines NaGurbani defines NaGurbani defines NaGurbani defines Naam and Naamee (GOD): am and Naamee (GOD): am and Naamee (GOD): am and Naamee (GOD): Almost each and every sabad of SGGS elobrates the nature of God(Naamee), Naam , Naam Jaap and merits of Naam Jaap. As an example please look at the following sabad:

bsMqu mhlw 5]ijsu bolq muKu pivqu hoie ] ijsu ismr q inrml hY soie ] ijsu ArwDy jmu ikCu n khY ] ijs kI syvw sBu ikCu lhY ]1 ] rwm rwm boil rwm rwm ] iqAwg hu mn ky sgl kwm ]1] rhwau ] ijs ky Dwry Drix Akwsu ] Git Git ijs kw hY pRgwsu ] ijsu ismrq piqq punIq hoie ] A Mq kwil iPir iPir n roie ]2] sgl Dr m mih aUqm Drm ]krm krqUiq kY aUpir krm ] ijs ka u cwhih suir nr dyv ] sMq sBw kI lghu syv ]3] Awid puriK ijsu kIAw dwnu ] iqs kau imilAw hir inDwnu ] iqs kI giq imiq khI n jwie ]nwnk jn hir hir iDAwie ]4]9]m: 5 1182

Basant, Fifth Mehl: Reciting His Name, one's mouth becomes pure. Meditating in remembrance on Him, one's reputation becomes stainless. Worshipping Him in adoration, one is not tortured by the Messenger of Death.


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Serving Him, everything is obtained. ||1|| The Lord's Name – Recite the Lord's Name. Abandon all the desires of your mind. ||1||Main message|| He is the Supporter of the earth and the sky. His Light illuminates each and every heart. Meditating in remembrance on Him, even fallen sinners are sanctified; in the end, they will not weep and wail over and over again. ||2||Among all religions, this is the ultimate religion.Among all rituals and codes of conduct, this is above all.The angels, mortals and divine beings long for Him. To find Him, commit yourself to the service of the Society of the Saints. ||3||One whom the Primal Lord God blesses with His bounties, obtains the treasure of the Lord.His state and extent cannot be described. Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||9||SGGS-1182

Gurbani is treasure of devotional worship: Gurbani is treasure of devotional worship: Gurbani is treasure of devotional worship: Gurbani is treasure of devotional worship: Tap the

Gurbani treasure by reading, listening and acting upon.

Bgiq BMfwr gur bw xI lwl ] gwvq sunq kmwvq inhw l ] 2 ] Gurbani is priceless treasure of devotional worship(Naam Jaap)Rejoice by singing, understanding and do what Gurmat says: God can be discovered within. SGGS-????

h i r h i r j p h u i p A w i r A w g u r m i q l y h i r b o i l ] m : 1 2 2 Recite, Har, Har, O my beloved; firstly understand Gurmat and utter God’s Name accordingly. SGGS-296 s m J Y s U J Y p i V p i V b U J Y A M i q i n r M q i r s w c w ] m : 1 9 3 0 Read Gurbani to understand and do what Gurmat says: God can be discovered within. SGGS-930


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s w D o r w m s r i n i b s r w m w ] b y d p u r w n p V y k o i e h g u n i s m r y h i r k o n w m w ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 9 220

Take refuge of God’s Name(start reciting God’s name). Reading religious books are beneficial only if one starts meditating on God’s Name SGGS-220

Pitfalls of mere Pitfalls of mere Pitfalls of mere Pitfalls of mere reading:reading:reading:reading:

v y d w m i h n w m u a u q m u s o s u x i h n w h I i P r i h i j a u b y q w i l A w ] m : 3 9 1 9

b y d k q y b i s i m R i q s i B s w s q i e n @ p i V A w m u k i q n h o e I ] e y k u A K r u j o g u r m u i K j w p Y i q s k I i n r m l s o e I ] 3 ] m : 5 7 4 7

p f I A w k v n k u m i q q u m l w g y ] b U f h u g y p r v w r s k l i s a u r w m u n j p h u A B w g y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] b y d p u r w n p V y k w i k A w g u n u K r c M d n j s B w r w ] r w m n w m k I g i q n h I j w n I k Y s y a u q r i s p w r w ] 1 ] b w x I k b I r j I a u k I 1 1 0 2

O religious scholar, in what foul thoughts are you engaged? You shall be drowned, along with your family, if you do not recite Naam of the Lord, you unfortunate person. What is the use of reading the Vedas and the Puraanas? It is like loading a donkey with sandalwood. You do not know the importance of reciting the God’s Name; how will you ever cross over? SGGS-1102

GGGGurbani urbani urbani urbani prayer for Spiritual advancement:prayer for Spiritual advancement:prayer for Spiritual advancement:prayer for Spiritual advancement: Some

shabads within Gurbani distinctively lead the devotee to do prayer for spiritual advancement. Different shabads are meant for different levels of spiritual advancement. Following are few examples to understand this greatness of Gurbani. This is the reason some sabads are very piercing; these sabads are describing our spiritual state and showing us pathway from that


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point on forward.

Beginning levelBeginning levelBeginning levelBeginning level request to God (Initial stage of lav1): request to God (Initial stage of lav1): request to God (Initial stage of lav1): request to God (Initial stage of lav1): Commitment for leaving sinful life and following path of Naam.

m y r y r w m h m p w p I s r i x p r y h i r d u A w i r ] m q u i n r g u x h m m y l Y k b h U M A p u n I i k r p w D w i r ] 1 ] r h w a u ] h m r y A v g u x b h u q u b h u q u h Y b h u b w r b w r h i r g x q n A w v Y ] q U M g u x v M q w h i r h i r d i e A w l u h i r A w p y b K i s l Y i h h i r B w v Y ] h m A p r w D I r w K y g u r s M g q I a u p d y s u d I E h i r n w m u C f w v Y ] 2 ] m : 4 1 6 7

O my Lord, I am a sinner; I have come to Your Sanctuary, and fallen at Your Door, Lord. My intellect is worthless; I am filthy and polluted. Please shower me with Your Mercy sometime. My demerits are so many and numerous. I have sinned so many times, over and over again. O Lord, those cannot be counted.You, Lord, are the Merciful Treasure of Virtue. When it pleases You, Lord, You forgive me. (God always listen to the true request) I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. Guru has bestowed the Teachings and the Lord's Name, which saves me. SGGS-167

Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God Request for Naam Jaap to God –––– Lav 1: Lav 1: Lav 1: Lav 1: Commitment for Naam Jaap, request for blessing and Naam Jaap.

k w n V w m h l w 4 ] h i r g u n g w v h u j g d I s ] e y k w j I h k I c Y l K b I s ] j i p h i r h i r s b i d j p I s ] h i r h o h o i k r p I s ] 1 ] r h w a u ] h i r i k r p w k i r s u A w m I h m l w i e h i r s y v w h i r j i p j p y h i r j i p j p y j p u j w p a u j g d I s ] q u m r y j n r w m u j p i h q y a U q m i q n k a u h a u G u i m G u m y G u i m G u i m j I s ] 1 ] h i r q u m v f v f y v f y v f a U c y s o k r i h i j q u D u B w v I s ] j n n w n k A M i m R q u p I A w g u r m q I D n u D M n u D n u D M n u D M n u g u r U s w b I s ] 2 ] 2 ] 8 ] m : 4 1 2 9 6

Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:


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Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Lord of the Universe. Let my one tongue become two hundred thousand with them all, I will recite God’s name, the sabad, Waheguru waheguru.O Lord, please, please, be Merciful to me. ||1||Pause|| O Lord, my Lord and Master, please be Merciful to me; please enjoin me to serve You. Recite the Naam, recite the Naam, recite the Naam, the Lord of the Universe.Your humble servants chant and meditate on You, O Lord; they are sublime and exalted. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||1|| O Lord, You are the Greatest of the Great, the Greatest of the Great, the most Lofty and High. You do whatever pleases you. Servant Nanak drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar through the Guru's Teachings. Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed and praised is the Guru. ||2||2||8|| SGGS-1296

Request fRequest fRequest fRequest for meeting the holy, Sateguru Sadh( Lav 1,2):or meeting the holy, Sateguru Sadh( Lav 1,2):or meeting the holy, Sateguru Sadh( Lav 1,2):or meeting the holy, Sateguru Sadh( Lav 1,2):

r w m n w m u r q n k o T V I g V m M d i r e y k l u k w n I ] s i q g u r u i m l Y q K o j I A Y i m i l j o q I j o i q s m w n I ] 1 ] m w D o s w D U j n d y h u i m l w i e ] d y K q d r s u p w p s i B n w s i h p i v q R p r m p d u p w i e ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 1 1 7 8

The Lord's Name is a jewel, hidden in a chamber of the palace of the body-fortress. When one meets the ForeverGuru(Divine spirit), then he searches and finds it, and his light merges with the Divine Light. ||1|| O Lord, lead me to meet with the Holy(Sateguru/Divine spirit).Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Darshan, all my sins are erased, and I obtain the supreme, sublime, sanctified


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status. ||1||Pause|| SGGS-1178

Request for enlightment of Naam to the Sateguru( Lav 3):Request for enlightment of Naam to the Sateguru( Lav 3):Request for enlightment of Naam to the Sateguru( Lav 3):Request for enlightment of Naam to the Sateguru( Lav 3):

h i r k y j n s i q g u r s q p u r K w i b n a u k r a u g u r p w i s ] h m k I r y i k r m s i q g u r s r x w e I k i r d i e A w n w m u p r g w i s ] 1 ] m y r y m I q g u r d y v m o k a u r w m n w m u p r g w i s ] g u r m i q n w m u m y r w p R w n s K w e I h i r k I r i q h m r I r h r w i s ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m 4 1 0

A humble request to Sateguru: I humbly seek your refuge, please bless me with the enlightenment of Ram Naam. Gurmat Naam is my way of life; I always strive for reciting Gurmat Naam. (Divine spirit) SGGS-10

Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( lav 3, 4):Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( lav 3, 4):Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( lav 3, 4):Reuest for meeting God to Sateguru( lav 3, 4):

i m l u m y r y p R I q m w j I a u q u D u i b n u K r I i n m w x I ] m Y n Y x I n I d n A w v Y j I a u B w v Y A M n u n p w x I ] p w x I A M n u n B w v Y m r I A Y h w v Y i b n u i p r i k a u s u K u p w e I A Y ] g u r A w g Y k r a u i b n µ q I j y g u r B w v Y i j a u i m l Y i q v Y i m l w e I A Y ] A w p y m y i l l e y s u K d w q w A w i p i m i l A w G i r A w e y ] n w n k k w m i x s d w s u h w g i x n w i p r u m r Y n j w e y ] 4 ] 2 ] m : 3 2 4 4 Meet me, O my Dear Beloved. Without You, I am totally dishonored.Sleep does not come to my eyes, and I have no desire for food or water.I have no desire for food or water, and I am dying from the pain of separation. Without my Husband Lord, how can I find peace?I offer my prayers to the Guru; if it pleases the Guru, He shall unite me with God.The Giver of peace has united me with Himself; He Himself has come to my home to meet me.O Nanak, the soul-bride is forever the Lord's favorite wife; her Husband Lord does not die, and He shall never leave. SGGS-244


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Importance of Gurmat & blessing

in attaining the Naam: Gurbani details the glories of Naam. Recitation of Naam is the top most task among all tasks. According to Gurmat, this task along with Gur Kirpa leads to the ultimate goal which is enlightment and oneness with God; in Gurbani Enlightment is called: Ram Naam Parghash, Naam milna, Naam Lahna, or Naam Gehna; Be one with the God - Har hona, or Har Pana, Har Urh Dharna.

Some of the Gubani verses focus on Gurmat, Gur-Kirpa (Sateguru’s blessing) and its importance: These verses detail how to earn Gur-Kirpa and the major difficulties. Also, reinforce Gurmat principles (be humble, live sin free life, be merciful and forgiving etc) and their importance in order to earn Gur-Kirpa.

CommonCommonCommonCommonly Misinterpreted Gurbani ly Misinterpreted Gurbani ly Misinterpreted Gurbani ly Misinterpreted Gurbani versesversesversesverses::::

In ignorance, some people use certain Gurbani verses to down play the Naam Jaap as given in the following examples. These Gurbani verses do not mean that recitation of Naam is not fruitful. Instead these verses stress on the importance of Gurmat, SateGuru ke Sava, SateGuru Ke Agaya, Gur kirpa and Gur Parshad. To understand the true meaning of the verses, look at the whole Sabad, especially Rahao and evaluate what spiritual stage the verses are describing. Look at what is meaning of the key terms used in the Sabad, then, comprehend the meaning of the misinterpreted Gurbani verses as given in the following


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Example 1:Example 1:Example 1:Example 1: r s n w n w m u s B u k o e I k h Y ] s i q g u r u s y v y q w n w m u l h Y ] 1 2 6 2

Before we comprehend the meaning of above verses, let us look The meaing of the key terms used in the sabad and Rahao of the sabad. This verse is spiritual stage of Lav 4.

What is “Sateguru ke Seva”?What is “Sateguru ke Seva”?What is “Sateguru ke Seva”?What is “Sateguru ke Seva”? This is to give up bad habits, do good deeds, do Gurmat Naam Jaap and request Sateguru’s blessing. This Seva leads to the pathway to God. See Appendix – III for details on page 60.

j i p m n r w m n w m u s u K u p w v Y g o ] i j a u i j a u j p Y i q v Y s u K u p w v Y s i q g u r u s y i v s m w v Y g o ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 1 3 0 8 Chant the Name of the Lord, O mind, and find peace. The more you chant and meditate, the more you will be at peace; By serving the True Guru merge in the Lord. SGGS-1308 g u r k I s y v w g u r B g i q h Y i v r l w p w e y k o i e ] 1 ] r h w a u ] 6 6 Service to the Guru is devotional worship. How rare are those who obtain it! SGGS-66 B g i q : h i r h i r j p n u j p w v h u A p n w h m m w g I B g i q i e k w k I ] 6 6 8

God, Please make me recite Your Name Har Har ; I only beg your devotional worship. SGGS-668

k i r s y v w B j u h i r h i r g u r m i q ] 1 7 6 Do seva by reciting Naam Har Har according to Gurmat. SGGS-176

What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?What is receiving Naam“Naam Lahee” ?


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This is the ultimate spiritual stage and happens only with the blessing of Sateguru when we do everthing according to Sateguru kee bani as listed in Shri Guru Granth sahib jee. For more details please refer to the heading “Naam as the spiritual stage” of the document on page 10.

What is the meaning of Rah What is the meaning of Rah What is the meaning of Rah What is the meaning of Rahaaaao of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?

m y r y m n k w h y r o s u k r I j Y ] l w h w k l j u i g r w m n w m u h Y g u r m i q A n i d n u i h r d Y r v I j Y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 3 1 2 6 2

O my mind, why are you angry? In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, Reciting the God’s Name is the most profitable religious deed. With Guru's Teachings enshrine the Naam within your heart by reciting night and day. SGGS-1262

MeaningMeaningMeaningMeaning of the Exa of the Exa of the Exa of the Exampmpmpmple 1 Verses is:le 1 Verses is:le 1 Verses is:le 1 Verses is:

Meerely Naam jaap does not lead to obtaining Naam. Naam is obtained only if we do Sateguru kee Seva(This is to give up bad habits, do good deeds, do Naam Jaap and request for blessing).

Example 2:Example 2:Example 2:Example 2: r w m r w m s B u k o k h Y k i h A Y r w m u n h o i e ] g u r p r s w d I r w m u m i n v s Y q w P l u p w v Y k o i e ] 1 ] m : 3 4 9 1

Before we comprehend the meaning of above verses, let us look at the meanings of the key terms used in the sabad and Rahao of the sabad. This verse is spiritual stage of Lav 4.

What is “Ram hoea”?What is “Ram hoea”?What is “Ram hoea”?What is “Ram hoea”?

This is the ultimate spiritual stage and happens only with the blessing of Sateguru when we do everything according to Sateguru kee bani as listed in Shri Guru Granth sahib jee. For


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more details please refer to the heading “Naam as the spiritual stage” of the document on page 10.

i j n h i r j i p A w s y h i r h o e y h i r i m i l A w k y l k y l w l I ] 3 ] 6 6 7 m : 4 Those who meditate on the Lord, become the Lord; the playful, wondrous Lord meets them. ||3|| SGGS-667

n w n k j n h i r k Q w s u i x i q R p q y j i p h i r h i r h i r h o v M q I ] 9 7 7 m : 4 Servant Nanak listens to the sermon of the Lord, and is satisfied; Reciting the God’s Name, Har, Har, Har, he has become like the Lord. ||2||2||8|| SGGS-977

i j n @ s y i v A w i j n @ s y i v A w m y r w h i r j I a u q y h i r h i r r U i p s m w s I ] 3 4 8 m : 4 Those who have served, those who have served my Dear Lord, are absorbed into the Being of the Lord, Har, Har. SGGS-348

What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?What is “Ram Mane Vashee”?

This is the ultimate spiritual stage and happens only with the blessing of Sateguru when we do everthing according to Sateguru kee bani as listed in Shri Guru Granth sahib jee. For more details please refer to the heading “Naam as the spiritual stage” of the document on page 10.

What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”?What is “Gur Parshad”?

This is Sateguru’s blessing. Sateguru showers the blessing when the devotee does everything according to “Sateguru kee bani” as listed in Shri Guru Granth sahib jee.


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What iWhat iWhat iWhat is the meaning of Rahas the meaning of Rahas the meaning of Rahas the meaning of Rahao of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?

A M q i r g o i v M d i j s u l w g Y p R I i q ] h i r i q s u k d y n v I s r Y h i r h i r k r i h s d w m i n c I i q ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 3 4 9 1 One who fell in love with God deep within, they never forgets the Lord; they always chants the God’s Name, Har, Har, with concentration. SGGS-481

The meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the Example 2 verses is:ample 2 verses is:ample 2 verses is:ample 2 verses is:

Meerely Naam jaap does not lead to obtaining Naam.A devotee also needs SateGuru’s blessing (Gurparshad).Naam resides in mind only with Sateguru’s blessing. Note: One who does Sategur ke seva; give up bad habits, do good deeds, do Naam Jaap and request for blessing, becomes a candidate for Sateguru’s blessing. SGGS-481

ExamExamExamExample 3:ple 3:ple 3:ple 3: s y v k i s K p U j x s i B A w v i h s i B g w v i h h i r h i r a U q m b w n I ] g w i v A w s u i x A w i q n k w h i r Q w i e p w v Y i j n s i q g u r k I A w i g A w s i q s i q k i r m w n I ] 1 ] 6 6 9

Before we comprehend the meaning of above verses, let us look at the meanings of the key terms used in the sabad Rahao of the sabad. This verse is spiritual stage of Lav 1.

What is Divine order“What is Divine order“What is Divine order“What is Divine order“siqgur kI AwigAw Sateguru ke Agya”?Sateguru ke Agya”?Sateguru ke Agya”?Sateguru ke Agya”? This

is to do everything according to “Sateguru kee bani” as listed in Shri Guru Granth sahib jee: give up bad habits, do good deeds, do Gurmat Naam Jaap and request Sateguru’s blessing.

s d w i n k i t k i r i q s n o j w x u ] p R B k I A w i g A w s i q k i r m w n u ] g u r k Y b c i n i m t w v h u A w p u ] h i r h i r n w m u n w n k j i p j w p u ] 1 7 6 m : 5

Recognize, God is always near at hand. Accept the Order of


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God is the Truth, through the Guru's Teachings eradicates selfishness and pride. O Nanak, recite Waheguru Waheguru and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

What is theWhat is theWhat is theWhat is the meaning of Raha meaning of Raha meaning of Raha meaning of Rahao of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?o of the sabad?

b o l h u B w e I h i r k I r i q h i r B v j l q I r i Q ] h i r d i r i q n k I a U q m b w q h Y s M q h u h i r k Q w i j n j n h u j w n I ] r h w a u ]

Chant the God’s Praises, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage in the terrifying world-ocean. They alone are praised in the Court of the Lord, O Saints, who know and understand the God’s sermon.

The meaning of the Example 3The meaning of the Example 3The meaning of the Example 3The meaning of the Example 3 verse is: verse is: verse is: verse is:

The servant Sikhs worship God; they sing the sublime Bani of the Lord, Har, Har. The Lord accepts their singing and listening only if they accept the order of the SateGuru as true, totally true.

What is What is What is What is love of God ”love of God ”love of God ”love of God ”hir p R I i q Gur preet/ Har preetGur preet/ Har preetGur preet/ Har preetGur preet/ Har preet “

Gur preet/ Har preet is to fall in Love with the Sabad that is start reciting the name of God, as indicated in the following Gurbani verses.

m i n p R I i q l g I i q n w g u r m u K w h i r n w m u i j n w r h r w i s ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 4 8 2

The Gurmukhs embrace the Love of the Lord in their minds; they are continually occupied with the God’s Name. SGGS-82

h i r h i r n w m u j p h u m n m y r y m u i K g u r m u i K p R I i q l g w q I ] m : 3 8 8

O my mind, recite the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; this is Guru’s way of felling in love with God. SGGS-88


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h i r n w m u n j p i h k r q i b p r I i q ] m : 5 2 9 8

Not reciting the God’s Name; the action is not loving of God. SGGS-298 h i r h m g w v i h h i r h m b o l i h A a u r u d u q I A w p R I i q h m i q A w g I ] 1 ] m : 4 1 2 6 6 I sing Waheguru, and I utter Waheguru; I have discarded all other loves. SGGS-1266

A M q k w i l j m u j o i h n s w k Y h i r b o l h u r w m u i p A w r w h y ] 5 ] m : 1 1 0 3 0

At the very last moment, the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you, if you recite the Name of the Beloved God –Waheguru. SGGS-481

m q i b s r i s r y m n r w m b o i l ] m : 1 1 0 7 0

O my mind , recite the Name Ram Ram; do not forget it.

Example 4:Example 4:Example 4:Example 4: A M i q k w i l j o l C m I i s m r Y A Y s I i c M q w m i h j y m r Y ] s r p j o i n v i l v i l A a u q r Y ] 1 ] A r I b w e I g o i b d n w m u m i q b I s r Y ] r h w a u ] 5 2 8 B g q i q l o c n j I a u

Before we comprehend the meaning of above verses, let us look at the meanings of the key terms used in the sabad and Rahao of the sabad. This verse describes a stage that is below the first stage, for the person is still bound to Maya (illusion).

What is What is What is What is the meaning of meditation ”Simer the meaning of meditation ”Simer the meaning of meditation ”Simer the meaning of meditation ”Simer i s m r Y ” : Simer is an

attachment with something that always stays in our attention. Our default attachment is with Maya (illusion, other than God). We operate under the control of Maya. This means we are always doing simran of Maya: Money, sex, children, buildings etc. as described in the Sabad.


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The ultimate purpose of human life is to shred the ties of Maya, and as a result control Maya. This can only be done through Simran, by which we become attached to God’s name. Maya is analogous to a fire: if it is controlled, it serves us, if we let it control our lives, it consumes us.

How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya:How to shred ties of Maya:

h i r j i p m w i e A w b M D n q U t y ] m : 5 4 9 7

By reciting God’s Name the bonds of Maya are cut away. SGGS-497 i j n h i r j i p A w i q n P l u p w i e A w s i B q U t y m w i e A w P M d y ] m : 4 8 0 0

Those who recite Gods Name obtain the fruits of their work, and the bonds of Maya are all broken. SGGS-800 Central Message of the sabad is “A r I b w e I g o i b d n w m u m i q b I s r Y“ Do not forget the God’s Name” How not to forget thHow not to forget thHow not to forget thHow not to forget the God’s Name:e God’s Name:e God’s Name:e God’s Name: Because our natural tendency is towards Maya (illusion), only through reciting God’s name does our mind focus and stop wandering. Through meditation of God’s name, our attention and bent of mind begin to come in tune with God’s name, ultimately to the extent that God’s name is never forgotten in the mind of the devotee and the sound of God’s name resonates throughout the devotee’s mind.

i h r d Y h i r h i r h i r D u i n a u p j I h i r j p I A Y m s q i k B w g u j I a u ] m : 4 7 7 3 The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, vibrates and resounds within; Naam Jaap happened with Sateguru’s blessing.

m q i b s r i s r y m n r w m b o i l ] m : 1 1 1 7 0 O my mind, utter the Name of God; do not forget it. SGGS-1170 h i r k w n w m u i D A w i e k Y h o h u h i r A w B w e I ]


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k r i m i l K M q Y p w e I A Y i e h r u i q s u h w e I ] v x u i q R x u i q R B v x u m a u i l A w A M i m R q P l u p w e I ] i m i l s w D U s u K u a U p j Y l Q I s B C w e I ] n w n k u i s m r Y e y k u n w m u i P i r b h u i V n D w e I ] 1 ] m : 5 1 1 9 3 With Guru’s blessing recite God’s Name with concentration, bloom and attain the Fruit of Ambrosial Nectar.Meeting with the Holy (Sateguru) peace wells up, and all sins are erased. O Nanak, then by keeping attention in Only Naam; the devotee becomes deathless. SGGS-1193

The meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the Example 4 verse is:ample 4 verse is:ample 4 verse is:ample 4 verse is:

Up to the last moment, if one’s attention remains in wealth, and dies in such thoughts, shall be reincarnated over and over again, in the form of serpents. ||1||O sister, do not forget the Name of the Lord of the Universe. ||Main message|| SGGS-528

Example 5:Example 5:Example 5:Example 5: i k s u h a u s y v I i k A w j p u k r I s q g u r p U C a u j w i e ] s q g u r k w B w x w m M i n l e I i v c h u A w p u g v w i e ] e y h w s y v w c w k r I n w m u v s Y m i n A w i e ] n w m Y h I q y s u K u p w e I A Y s c Y s b i d s u h w i e ] 1 ] m : 3 3 4

Before we comprehend the meaning of above verses, let us look at the meanings of the key terms used in the sabad and Rahao of the sabad. This verse is addressing all spiritual stages of Lav 1,2,3 and 4.

WhatWhatWhatWhateverevereverever pleasespleasespleasespleases Satguru Satguru Satguru Satguru is the will of satguruis the will of satguruis the will of satguruis the will of satguru sqgur kw Bwxw:

Following Gurbani verses answers the question: What pleases Sateguru?

n w m u i D A w e y q w s i q g u r u B w e y j o i e C Y s o P l u p w e y ] m : 3 7 5 4 Recite Naam with concentration this pleases the foreverGuru as


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a result all wishes get fulfilled.

j n u n w n k u D U i V m M g Y i q s u g u r i s K k I j o A w i p j p Y A v r h n w m u j p w v Y ] m : 4 3 0 6 Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. SGGS-306

n w n k j p I A Y s c u n w m u h a u s d w s d w k u r b w n u ] m : 5 4 8

O Nanak, chant the True Name; I am forever and ever a sacrifice to Him.

s i q g u r k w B w x w m M i n l Y i n h i r n w m u r K i h a u r D w i r ] m : 3 1 4 1 5 T h o s e who honor and obey the Will of the True Guru, keep the Lord's Name enshrined within their hearts.

The meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the ExThe meaning of the Example ample ample ample 5555 verse is: verse is: verse is: verse is:

Whom shall I serve? What shall I chant? I will go and ask the Guru.I will accept the Will of the True Guru, and eradicate selfishness from within.By this work and service, the Naam shall come to dwell within my mind.Through the Naam, peace is obtained; I am adorned and embellished by the True Word of the Shabad.


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Gurbani Testimony for Naam:

Our Gurus and Bhagats have given testimony in Gurbani to uplift our faith in Naam. They have given the names of the devotees who recited God’s Naam with love and devotion and attained oneness with God.

s u i x s w K I m n j i p i p A w r ] A j w m l u a u D i r A w k i h e y k b w r ] b w l m I k Y h o A w s w D s M g u ] D R ¨ k a u i m i l A w h i r i n s M g ] 1 ] q y i r A w s M q w j w c a u c r n r y n ] l y m s q i k l w v a u k i r i k ® p w d y n ] 1 ] r h w a u ] g i n k w a u D r I h i r k h Y q o q ] g j i e M d R i D A w i e E h i r k I E m o K ] i b p R s u d w m y d w l d u B M j ] r y m n q U B I B j u g o i b M d ] 2 ] m : 5 1 1 9 2

O my mind: Listen to the stories of the devotees, and recite O my mind: Listen to the stories of the devotees, and recite O my mind: Listen to the stories of the devotees, and recite O my mind: Listen to the stories of the devotees, and recite WaheWaheWaheWaheguru Waheguru with love & devoguru Waheguru with love & devoguru Waheguru with love & devoguru Waheguru with love & devottttion.ion.ion.ion. Ajaamal uttered the God’s Name once, and was saved. Baalmeek achieved the Company of the Holy (Sateguru Sadh). The Lord definitely met Dhroo. ||1|| I beg for the dust of the feet of Your Saints I beg for the dust of the feet of Your Saints I beg for the dust of the feet of Your Saints I beg for the dust of the feet of Your Saints (spiritual dust (spiritual dust (spiritual dust (spiritual dust –––– sabad roop). Please bless me with Your sabad roop). Please bless me with Your sabad roop). Please bless me with Your sabad roop). Please bless me with Your Mercy, Lord, that I may apply it to my forehead (My mind gets Mercy, Lord, that I may apply it to my forehead (My mind gets Mercy, Lord, that I may apply it to my forehead (My mind gets Mercy, Lord, that I may apply it to my forehead (My mind gets that)that)that)that)||1||Main message||Ganika the prostitute was saved, when she uttered the God’s Name to her parrot. The Gajinder(singer) meditated on the Lord, and was saved. He delivered the poor Brahmin Sudama out of poverty. O my . O my . O my . O my mind, you too Recite the Name of God mind, you too Recite the Name of God mind, you too Recite the Name of God mind, you too Recite the Name of God ||2||. SGGS-1192 Guru Arjun Dev jee

m w r U m h l w 4 G r u 2 < s i q g u r p R s w i d ] j i p E n w m u s u k j n k g u r b c n I h i r h i r s r i x p r y ] d w l d u B M i j s u d w m y i m i l E B g q I B w i e q r y ] B g i q v C l u h i r n w m u i k ® q w r Q u g u r m u i K i k ® p w k r y ] 1 ] m y r y m n n w m u j p q a u D r y ] D R ¨ p R i h l w d u i b d r u d w s I s u q u g u r m u i K n w i m q r y ] 1 ] r h w a u ] k l j u i g n w m u p R D w n u p d w r Q u B g q j n w a u D r y ] n w m w j Y d y a u k b I r u i q R l o c n u s i B d o K g e y c m r y ] g u r m u i K n w i m l g y s y a u D r y s i B i k l i b K p w p t r y ] 2 ] j o j o n w m u


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j p Y A p r w D I s i B i q n k y d o K p r h r y ] b y s u A w r v q A j w m l u a u D i r E m u i K b o l Y n w r w i e x u n r h r y ] n w m u j p q a u g R s Y i x g i q p w e I q o i V b M D n m u k i q k r y ] 3 ] j n k a u A w i p A n u g R h u k I A w h i r A M g I k w r u k r y ] s y v k p Y j r K Y m y r w g o i v d u s r i x p r y a u D r y ] j n n w n k h i r i k r p w D w r I a u r D i r E n w m u h r y ] 4 ] 1 ] 9 9 5

Maaroo, Fourth Mehl, Second House: One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:Suk-deva and Janak meditated on the Naam; following the Guru's Teachings, they sought the Sanctuary of the Lord by reciting Naam Hare Hare. God met Sudama and removed his poverty; through loving devotional worship, he crossed over. God is the Lover of His devotees; the God’s Name is fufilling; God showers His Mercy on the Gurmukhs. ||1||O my mind, Reciting the Naam, the O my mind, Reciting the Naam, the O my mind, Reciting the Naam, the O my mind, Reciting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, you will be saved. Dhroo, PrahlaadName of the Lord, you will be saved. Dhroo, PrahlaadName of the Lord, you will be saved. Dhroo, PrahlaadName of the Lord, you will be saved. Dhroo, Prahlaad and and and and Bidar the slaveBidar the slaveBidar the slaveBidar the slave----girl's son, through Guru’s way with the Naam, girl's son, through Guru’s way with the Naam, girl's son, through Guru’s way with the Naam, girl's son, through Guru’s way with the Naam, crossed over. ||1||Pause|| crossed over. ||1||Pause|| crossed over. ||1||Pause|| crossed over. ||1||Pause|| In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Naam is the supreme wealth; it saves the humble devotees. All the faults of Naam Dayv, Jai Dayv, Kabeer, Trilochan and Ravi Daas the leather-worker were covered. Those who through Guru’s way remain attached to the Naam, are saved; all their sins are washed off. ||2||Whoever chants the Naam, all his sins and mistakes are taken away.Ajaamal, who had sex with prostitutes, was saved, by Reciting the Name of the Lord.Reciting the Naam, Ugar Sain obtained salvation; his bonds were broken, and he was liberated. ||3||God Himself takes pity on His humble servants, and makes them His own. My Lord of the Universe saves the honor of His servants; those who seek His Sanctuary are saved.The Lord has


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showered servant Nanak with His Mercy; he has enshrined the God’s Name within his heart. ||4||1|| SGGS-1192 Guru Ram Daas jee

s R I r w m n w m w a u c r u m n w ] A w g Y j m d l u i b K m u G n w ] 1 ] r h w a u ] m : 1 1 5 5

O my mind, recite the Name of the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, in the world hereafter, you will have to face the awesome and cruel army of Death messengers. SGGS-155 Guru Nanak Dev jee

h m d y K q i j i n s B u j g u l U i t A w ]

k h u k b I r m Y r w m k i h C U i t A w ] 3 2 8 g a u V I k b I r j I a u ]

I have seen the whole world plundered by Maya Says Kabeer, chanting the Lord's Name, I have escaped from Maya(illusion). SGGS-328 Bhagat Kabir jeo

k i h r i v d w s s B Y j g u l U i t A w ]

h m q a u e y k r w m u k i h C U i t A w ] 4 ] 3 ] 7 9 4 B g q r i v d w s j I a u

Says Ravi Daas, the whole world has been plundered, but I have escaped, Reciting the Name of the One Lord. SGGS-794 Bhagat Ravi Daas jeo

ਭਜਭਜਭਜਭਜ ’ ’ ’ ’ ਸੁਸਸੁੁਸੁ ਏਕਏਕਏਕਏਕ ਨਾਮਯੰਨਾਮਯੰਨਾਮਯੰਨਾਮਯੰ ॥॥॥॥ ਜੁਜਜੁੁਜੁ ਕਾਮਕਾਮਕਾਮਕਾਮ ਸਰਬਸਰਬਸਰਬਸਰਬ ਠਾਮਯੰਠਾਮਯੰਠਾਮਯੰਠਾਮਯੰ ॥॥॥॥ ਨਨਨਨ ਜਾਪਜਾਪਜਾਪਜਾਪ ਆਨਆਨਆਨਆਨ ਕੋਕਕੋੋਕੋ ਜਪੋਜਪੋਜਪੋਜਪੋ ॥॥॥॥ ਨਨਨਨ ਅਉਰਅਉਰਅਉਰਅਉਰ ਥਾਪਨਾਥਾਪਨਾਥਾਪਨਾਥਾਪਨਾ ਥਪੋਥਪੋਥਪੋਥਪੋ ॥॥॥॥੩੭੩੭੩੭੩੭॥॥॥॥…………………………………………………… Guru Gobind Singh jee Guru Gobind Singh jee Guru Gobind Singh jee Guru Gobind Singh jee

I recite only the Name of the Lord, which is useful at all places .I do not meditate on anyone else Name, nor I assume anyone else my God…………… Guru Gobind Singh jee

n w n k n w i m c V d I k l w q y r y B w x y s r b q d w B l w [


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Appendix – I



A w i d j u g w i d v y s u h i r e y k o m i q g u r m i q h i r p R B u B i j A w ] 1 3 1 5 From the very beginning, God has the same norm: The devotional worship (Naam Jaap - Meditation on God’s name) is to be done according to Gurmat (spiritual knowledge of the Satguru’s teachings).

Following Gurbani verses explains the importance of becoming GurSikh.

i b n u g u r d I i K A w k Y s y i g A w n u ] m : 5 , p M n w 1 1 4 0 Without getting baptized, how can anyone obtain spiritual knowledge?

i j a u i n g u r w b h u b w q w j w x Y E h u h i r d r g h h Y B R s t I ] m : 4 , p M n w 5 2 8 The person who has no Guru, he/she may know many things, but is cursed in the Court of the Lord.

g u r m M q R h I x s ´ j o p R w x I i D R g M q j n m B R s t x h ] m : 5 1 3 5 6 That mortal who lacks the Guru's Mantra – his/her life is cursed and contaminated. SGGS-1356

s i q g u r b w J h u g u r u n h I k o e I i n g u r y k w h Y n w a u b u r w ] m : 3 , p M n w 4 3 5 Without the Sateguru (Forever Guru), there is no Guru at all; one who is without a Guru is not welcomed in the kingdom of the Lord.


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Mainly there are two functions of Guru: First is to give complete spiritual knowledge, and second is to give Gurmat Naam(the Sabad, the Word or Gur-manter) to the seeker. Initially in Sikhism, Gurus used to give spiritual knowledge and Gurmat Naam personally to the Sikhs. This process of bringing devotees into the Sikh folds continued up to the Ninth Guru, Guru Teg Bahadur Jee. The tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Jee transferred this responsibility to Five baptized Sikhs (Punj Payaras) and made union of Sabad (Gurmater, Gurmat Naam) and Saster (Khanda). This instilled martial spirit into the Sikhs.

g u r i s K w A M d i r s i q g u r u v r q Y c u i x k F y l D o v w r y ] m : 4 , p M n w 3 1 2 The SateGuru(Forever Guru) prevails among His GurSikhs; The one has no Guru has no place in the kingdom of the Lord.

Since 1699 and for all eternity, only five Baptized Sikhs (Punj Payaras) are authorized to administer Gurmat Naam to the devotee. During baptism (Khande-De-Pahul), they are representing the Sateguru. They are bound to carry on their duties according to SateGuru ke Bani (Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee). The seeker of God (Sikh) takes this initial step by obtaining Khande-De-Pahul (Baptism). Sikhs are told to seek all the spiritual knowledge (Gurmat) and way of life from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Specifically, the Sikh is told to recite Gurmat Naam and read Gurbani to comprehend Gurmat. The Sikh receives Gurmanter (Shabad/Gurmat Naam) in the Fateh (Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh). Some key Gurmat principles are stressed during the Khande-De-Pahul.


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Appendix – II

Sateguru, SSateguru, SSateguru, SSateguru, Sadh and Santadh and Santadh and Santadh and Sant

According to the Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Sateguru is the intermediate link between the devotee and God. With God’s grace, the devotee follows the Gurmat path, and honestly puts more effort in meditating on God’s name. The path towards God opens up, the devotee’s sins are erased, and the devotee becomes free from the cycle of birth and death. Without the Sateguru, no one has ever reached God, nor will anyone ever do so. God has placed self (God) into Sateguru, and the spirit can be seen by the devotee through meditating on God’s name. Gurbani tells us numerous characteristics of the Sateguru: Sateguru is complete, is spiritual, exists forever, has been existing forever, is free from the cycle of birth and death, is divine knowledge (SateGuru ke Bani), is divine word (the Sabad/Gurmanter), is divine spirit (Jot), is residing in everybody, is the intermediate link between the devotee and God, and is the vehicle/channel to meet God, etc. Gurbani has addressed Sateguru using many names. Some of these names are: beloved, friend, companion, Sadh, Sant, etc. If the definition of Sateguru is not completely understood as per Gurbani, this can lead to the worshipping of worldly “saints.” Understanding this principle is very important. Only this understanding can stop this spreading of dehdhari (bodily) Sategurus, Sadhs or Sants who are preaching their own holiness and misleading people. In the Gurus’ era,


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no one ever called each other Sadh or Sant. Instead they simply called each other Bhai (Brother/Sister). In some places in Gurbani, the term Sadh or Sant is also used to referto God. Occasionally it is also used to refer to the people who follow the path of Sateguru, the ultimate saint. In some places in Gurbani, these earthly Sadhs or Sants are called thugs (thieves), who mislead innocent people into rituals and away from the path of Sateguru. The Gurbani, like a mother, cradles us, holds our hand, warns us from the wrong path, teaches us Gurmat, and re-enforces the importance of meditating on God’s name. It also tells us to be a Sikh of SateGuru, to be humble, and to meditate on God’s name with great love and devotion. If we carefully read Gurbani, we can easily find the direction given by our Gurus and Bhagats in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji: Be humble, it is better to be called Gursikh, Bhai, or Bhain rather than Sadh or Sant. If we think ourselves superior to the rest of the mankind then it is extremely difficult to establish or keep a close relationship with God This write up is based on numerous quotations from Gurbani so that the true character of SateGuru can be understood to dispel all illusions. For details, please refer to the Sabad Vartara’s publication on the subject. Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh


Sabad Vartara International, Registered Non Profitable Org. 38351857037

WWW.SABADVARTARA.ORG, Phone/Fax: (734) 623-63505959

Definition of Terms:Definition of Terms:Definition of Terms:Definition of Terms: Sateguru: Spiritual; Word; Divine spirit Sadh or Sant: Sateguru Gurbani: Divine writing in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji: Sikh’s knowledge-based Guru; Sikh’s Holy book Gurmat path: Honest living, Sharing & Mediation on God’s Name Sabad/Gurmanter: Holy Word; God’s word; SateGuru JoteJoteJoteJote: : : : Holy Spirit of God;Holy Spirit of God;Holy Spirit of God;Holy Spirit of God; SateGuru SateGuru SateGuru SateGuru Gursikh: Sikh of SateGuru The Gurus: The Ten Gurus; Religious master; messenger of God Bhagats: Those on God’s path Bhai: Brother Bhain: Sister Gurmukhi: The “alphabet” used in Gurbani Waheguru: God’s Name Khalsa: Sikh; Devotee; God’s slave/servent


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