vv .- evening bulletinpresence of corvera's fleet in san tiago harbor was removed wbon admiral...

J M .- - As. 1 i IPiP hit i .- - J VV 1 UllUWO vW innAPlI I W AoOw'' u F or knowing how to The oldest and best. Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Evening Bulletin Consult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The i I The Evening Bulletin Evening Uullctln does Vol. V. No. 915. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1898. Pkiod 5 Cents. - i t , " . I i" J i I 1 i t EW3HHw''B'K3im3 ft Tke Falling Leaves i Give Warnfog el Winter 8 So tho falling of the hair tells of the approach of ago and declin- ing power. No matter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may Beem, you confidently expect leaves again. And why? S Because there Is Life , at the Roots. ! So yon need not worry about the f alline of your hair, the threatened parture of your youth and beauty. And why? Because if there Is a spark of lifo re- maining in the root of the hair Ayer's Vigor will arouso It into healthy activity. The hair ceases to come out : it begins to grow : and the glory of youth Is restored to you. Prepared ly I)r J C.Ajcr i Co .Lowell, Mali ,c BJL. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd., Solo Agonts for tho .Ropublio of Hawaii, r EL. GEAR, G.D.GEAR, till Sansomo St., S. F. 310 King St., II. I. GEAR & GEAR 5an Francisco aud jioxiolulu "v Uavlujf oillceslh Bau Francisco and Honolulu we are prepared to attend promptly to all matters entrusted to if de ua In either of said places. HAWAIIAN Mercantile Agency 210 King street. Difficult Collections a Specialt) D. G-EA- LAWYER. Corner of King and Bethel Streets, Second Floor. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Attorney at Law and Notary 3?ublio. Kaabumanu 'Street. William A. Henshalh A-ttorne- y at Law 113 Koauumatm Street. Tele. 6G3. W. S. EDINGS, Counsellor at Law. Corner Bethel and King Streets, Honolulu, H.I. A. C.WALL.D.D. S o.e.wall,d:d.s., dentists. New Love's Building, Fart Btreeti TELEPHONE 434. GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW QUO, HAWAII ANNEXATION BY BIB MAJORITY. U. S. House of. Representees Passed the Newlands Resolution. Speaker Reed Said to Be inttie Damps Hilborn and Other Californians Argue in Its Favor-N- ews From the Seat of far. Tboso aro tho latest dispatches from Washington, special to tho San Francisco Bullotin, an evon-i- Dg papor, tho day tho steamer Moana sailed: Washington, Jano 15. Voting on tho Hawaiian annexation prop- osition began in tho Houso on a motion to subBtituto tho minority for tho majority resolution. It wob defeated by 205 to 94. Tho voto now comes on tho ques tion of adopting tho annexation resolution. Later Tho annexation resolu- tion has beon adopted by a voto of 205 to 94. Washington, Jane 15. Tho Houbo passed the Hawaiian an- nexation resolution by a vote of 209 to 93 this aftornoon. It wob an unexpectedly glorious onding to tho long campaign that began at tho oponiug of this session of Congress. Tho most sanguine friouds of Hawaii hardly oxpect-e- d such an overwhelmiugly de- cisive voto. Tho Republican op- position, which had boen expect- ed to carry tho day, vanished into thin air. whon tho roll-ca- ll camo, and ovon Speaker Heed, who was tho main and massive prop of tbo fled, leaving tho chair to Dalzell of Pennsylvania, a thing Heed never did before when a big ques- tion was up. Moana Urought the New. Tho Moana haa made herself more popular than over by bring- ing tbo news of annexation as she did tbiB morning. Sho was cover- ed with bunting when she round- ed Diamond Head and those in tho pilot boat thought it meant peace or annexation news. The placard "House Passed Annexation 209-91- " was hung over her side and was greeted with a cheer. Coming up tbe harbor the steamer blew five blasts. Tbe crowds on tho wharf knew what it meant and oheerod loudly timo and time again. There were a groat number of passengors aboard, there boing over ono hundred people for this port. TUB FLEET IS THERE. Lieutenant Illue Perform a. Daring and Ueful Service. Washington, Juno 14. The Navy Department today posted the following bullotin: Holo St. Nicholas, June 14. Lieutenant Bluo just returned after a detour of seventy statute Bicycle Repairs Spring Sent Posts with Itollor Hearings', Tomporod Conos, Hall Cups, Axlos and Sprocket!, 17 to 25; Chains, Goar Cases, Cranks; Spoclal Ploces and Forcings In Stock or inado to order at the old relia- ble r The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. whore prompt attention will bo given to nil ro pairs. OU your bike frequently with "llal-loy- 's Host Btoyclo Oil" and savo half your heavy pushing. IMahllshod 1892 on tke basin of "GOOD WORK." miles of observation of tho har- bor of Santiago do Cuba. Ho ro ports the Spanish floot is all there. Tho Spanish attacked vigorously tbo camp at Guantana mo. An outpoBt of our marines were killed and their bodies mutilated. Surgeon Gibbi was killed. Sampson. The last lingering doubt that may have existed as to tho presence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation as to tho number and character of the vessels lying in tho harbor, shielded from obsor vation by tho hills, had boon ob- tained tbrouoh Cuban sources. supplemented by Buoh glimpses as could bo obtained by the naval officers from tho outside entrance. Now, however, according to Lieut, enant Blue, the ships bavo beon actually soon by an American officer. Tbe officials hero are full of praise for Lieutenant Bluo's achievement. Latest War New. Madrid, Juncv-1- 5. -- Blanco haa been authorized to exchange Mor rimao prisionors, Liout. Hobson and soven others. It is said Genoral Shatter's, force has sailed from Tampa for Santiago. , Tho cruiser St. Louis has captured tho British steamer Twickenham off Jamaica, which was carrying a cargo of coal under charter for the Spaniards. Over thirty ships with 18,000 men under General Shaftor sailed from Tampa on tho 14th for San- tiago do Cuba. Secretary Long has instructed Admiral Sampson to promote all tho mombors of the Merrimao's crew. Lieut. Hobson's toward will come later in Congress. A. J. Cabrojo is a Spaniard making inquiries at Viotoria abaut tho shipment of coal to American ports and Honolulu for the American navy. Ho makes friends of no ono, and it is beliov-e- d ho is paving tho wa for a protest from his govornment against tho shipment of coal for the American floot, whioh is now being done through middle men. Washington New, Washington, June 15. The treasury shows available cash balance S185,G45,195. Gold vo S184,77G,215. To Take Cuba Alto. Washington. .Tnnn IK flnnnl. ElkinB. who nninvH Mm full nnfi denco of tho administration, in a published interview this morning says that ho believes this country will annex the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico and Hawaii. Ho soys he does not believe the adminis- tration has outlined any goneral PollCV. but dons hnlinvn il mill keop all these territories, "as a oounu ousiness proposition." Victory on Luml. Gunntanamo, ' Jnno 14. Tho American Marines nnrl hn f!n. bans today completely routed a torco or. auu Spaniards. One Amorioan was slightly wounded. Aim opaniaras lost about forty killed. Now York, Juno 15. The fol- - lowincr disnntnh in n .Tnnmnt ar cial from Camn McCnlln. ftnnntn. namo harbor, Juno 15: jluo soouting parties of marines which wero sent out yesterday re turned Mrn at 10 o'clock last night with eightoon Spanish pri-son- ors, ono of thorn an officor. Tho party also capturoil a hundred Mausor rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition. They report having had a Borics of engagements with Spaniards, in whioh 100 Spanish soldiers wero killed and 200 wounded. Thoyjplso destroyed a Spanish blockhouB o and tho telegraph sta- tion, through which tho Spaniards had boen keeping Guantanamo and Santiago informed of tho movements of American troops. - Manila Reported Fallen. Washington, Juno 12. Tho Administration does not know who is in possession of Manila, whether Dewoy or Aguinaldo, but tbo capital of the Philippines has surrendered. Embassador Hay cabled this fact to tho Stato De- partment, saying his information comes from an authentic source in Hongkoug. Frightful MaMucre In Africa. Livorpool, June 12. Stoamors which Ii uvo arrived herd from Sierra Leono roport that 1000 per sons wero killed in tho recent up- rising in that district. Una hun- dred and twenty inhabitants of Freetown, most of thorn traders, are known to have beon massacred, and other colonists wero carried into tho bush by tho "war boys" aud undoubtedly mot a worse fato. Throe hundred friendly natives wore killed. Besides tho whito missionaries, six colored missionaries of the United Breth ren of Christ wore in ardered at Manohbargru. Tho English mis sionaries aro at tho morcy of tho "war boys," but have not boen molested. NJUV FuriA'O SCUfADIlON. To Ctoh the Atlantic anil Fight the Himnlah Fleet at Home. Tho New York Tribuno corres- pondent at Newport News claims to have official confirmation of a roport that a new flying squadron would bo assembled, or tbo old ono reorganized. Tho Navy Department is be-liev- od to bo considering two plans for tbo nronoaod dash nernnn tlm ocean, ono being to send a squad- ron of fast ships with largo coal carryiug capacity only for scout- ing, and tbo other being to dis- patch ono squadron ahead, com- posed of tbo fleetest ships and best tig h tors among tbo cruiser class, and to follow this with a second squadron, probably composed of two battleships, a number of col liers and soveral cruisors with lighter coal capacity. It can bo stated on good author ity that this squadron, if tho deckles to sond it across tho ocean, will bo made up in part of the following cruisors: Brook- lyn or Now York, probably both, in whioh evont tho Brooklyn would bo the flagship; Minneapo- lis and Columbia, St. Paul, 8t. Louis, Yale nnd Harvard. Any delay on Spain's part in moving its rosorvefloot is likely to cause tbo formation of anotbor squadron, to be composed of two suoh battle- ships as tho Oregon and Toxas, a number of colliers and nrnhnhlv scvoral moro cruisors. Royal mekti tbe food pure, wtiolciomo and dillclea. POWDER Abiolutcly pure wW ftyomi KTot oq, avm. FROM THE BULLETIN EXTRA Spain is Appalled by the News from Manila. Madrid Newspapers Advocate Securing German Aid -A- stor's Battery for Manila The Philadelphia for Honolulu. Washincton, Juno 13. Tho Sun says tho Philadelphia is go- ing to Honolulu as soou as sho is ready to sail, and that sho will stay there until tho Amorjcan flag is hoisted. Continual Flifhtlnu; at Manila. Borlin, Juno 14. Advices from Shanghai by tho Frankfort Zoit- - ung Bays nows has beon rocoivod thoro from Manila to tho o?eot that tbero is fight every night around the town Tho insurgents, it seema aro trying to capture Ma- nila and to establish an independ out government beforo tho Amer- icans land. The Gorman Consul at Manila, it is f urthor reported, has 800 Gor-ma- and Swibs on board a oo steamer in tho harbor. Hpaln' Hill For German Aid. Madrid, Juno 14. Tho Spanish press has incroasod its optimism, which is based on the belief that Germany intonds to provent a bombardment of Manila by mak- ing a naval demonstration. The newspapers urge sacrifices, with the view of securing Germany's assistance, and political leaders oxrsoes thomBolves in favor of offering Gormany tho following concessions in return for her "taking the initiative in forcing America." " Firetly Naval stations and coaling dopots in Spanish Oceamca. " Socoudly Spanish concur rence in tbo development of Ger- many's commercial relations with Moroitfo." Alio'" Mn Coming. Washington, Juno 12. It is do finitely settled that John Jacob Astor's battery will go to tho Philippines, final ordors to this effect boing sent to Captain March last night. Tbo battery will start immediately and it is oxpected that it will ombark from San Francisco with the reBt of Genoral Merritt's troops, comprising tho third expedition, about Juno 23d. Tho horses and muloa purchas- ed by Colonel A'Btor will not be sent to San Francisoo. Genoral Morritt will take only a few horses with him as an experiment. Ho beliovos that tho native horses will bo more serviceable and loss expensive. Tho animals purchas- ed by Colonel Astor will bo bought by tho Government and sent to Cuba, Hpaln Want America to Occupy Manllrt Vienna. Juno 14. The Nnnn Froio Prosso says, that Spain has requested the powers to urgo tho United States to occupy Manila, should tho town surropder, and not to allow the insurgents to do so. New Appall Hpaln. Madrid, Juno 9. Tho corres- pondent of tho Now York World cablos: Queon Rogont Christina is profoundly alarmed and ag- grieved at tho nows of tho war, particularly tlio reports from tho Pbilllppinos. Moreover, popular irritation against tho Government and all existing institutions is as- suming a dangerous phaso. Every- body boliovos that tbo Sagasta Uabmot and tho Liberal party will soon havo to make way for Campos, Silvola and tbo Conser vatives, who will tako tho Inst stand for tho dofenso of tho dy nasty against tho bitter rage of tho nation, making a patliotio appeal to tho Popo and Conti nontal powers of iMiropo. Tbo startling tolecrram from Governor Goneral Augusti caused il tho impression that Manila oithor had surrendered alroady or was on the evo of surrendering. Tho latest rumor is Unit Uouoral Au- gusti, in a fit of despair, tried to commit suicide, hut was prevented by Admiral Montijo and tbo (Jon-ora- ls who wish to bold out. Tho only answer given by the Govern- ment to AtiL'Usti diruolod him to continue doing his duty to tho last extremity. The bombardment of bantiago, as tbe details become Known, creates a painful sonsution of and disappointment among the masses. War Cloud Uloimlleil. "Pnrin. .Tnnn 12. I'lio Ninop boundary dispute, m which Eng- lish papers and politicians havo seon a war cloud, is nracticallv settled. A convention covering all disputes is rendy for signa- ture. Franco gets two commer- - cial dopots on tho lower Nigor for outlets for French trado, with Upper Dahomey, wbilo Groat Britain's gain consists of territory ou tho gold coast. m ClUMmiiVH lrNTKUTAINSIUNT. Program of Graduating Eierclies Kln dergarten Training. School. The following is tho program of tho graduating exorcises of tho Kindorgarton Training School which will tako place at 3:30 to- morrow nftornoon at tbo Portu- guese Kindergarten on Miller street. Tbo gunoral public, as well as those specially interested in this work, aro invited to bo present. I'myor ltov. (I. I.. roarnon Chorus--"Sunsliln- o Souk".. II Smith Uy tho School. AddrosM ltov. Miiitlu I.uthcr Be trot Solo "felumbor Soiifc1'. Oorrit Smith Cornollii II. IIylo. Presentation of Dlplomax Mrs. C. M. Hyilo, President of tbo I'roo Kinder'"1'011 As.soclntlon. Address MrH. II. C. Coloulun, rinanelul Sec- retary of the True Kindergarten Ansoclatlon. Addross to tho Graduates '... Frames Iiw renco, Director of tho Training behool. Chorus- -" Lilly Moon" -.- .12. Smith Ttv tho msmO?1' Informal itoeontioil. I.NTKlt-lHr.AN- D COan'ANYrf Olllcer Comfortably Arranged In the Jivvr flnarter. Tho Inter-Isla- nd Steam Navi gation Co. is now occupying its now offices on the makai sido of Queen street. Everything is of tho latest and tho fittings and furniture aro very handsome. 1'or complotouoea tho offices aro on a par with any o the steamship offices in San Fran-oisc- o, and it is uoedless to say inai tuoy aro tuo Unest in appoint- ment on the islands. Tbo private offices of Captain Godfrey and Jobu Ena and tho directors' meeting room finished in dark wood are in tho rear of tho business office. Next door is tho ship chandlery and supply de- partment, complete in evcrv de tail. The upper floor of tho building is to bo uSOil to stjre grocorius aud supplios for tho stoamors. Nicely furniBbod rooms at the Popular Houso, 151 Fort street, from S1.00 per week up. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR. F CREAM , BAKING Pomm A Pure Orape Cream or Tartar Powfrr. 40 YEARS THE STANDAIS). z'V$&to&Vi4 ,."AA jjjf tftjartfrtlMr'i ' f J"" ' . - 'jm1' Jt tal'J.''" " '- -" m 1 i r7.(j

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Page 1: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation






IPiP hiti

.--J VV1 UllUWO


I W AoOw''uF or knowing how to The oldest and best.

Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy.Evening BulletinConsult the patrons of Uniformly leads. The

i I The Evening Bulletin Evening Uullctln does

Vol. V. No. 915. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1898. Pkiod 5 Cents.



t ,"

.I i"

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i t


ft Tke Falling Leaves iGive Warnfog el Winter 8

So tho falling of the hair tellsof the approach of ago and declin-ing power. No matter how barrenthe tree nor how leafless it mayBeem, you confidently expect leavesagain. And why? S

Because there Is Life

, at the Roots. !So yon need not worry about the

falline of your hair, the threatenedparture of your youth and beauty. And why?

Because if there Is a spark of lifo re-

maining in the root of the hair


will arouso It into healthy activity. Thehair ceases to come out : it begins to grow :and the glory of youth Is restored to you.

Prepared ly I)rJ C.Ajcr i Co .Lowell, Mali ,c BJL.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.,Solo Agonts for tho .Ropublio of Hawaii,



till Sansomo St., S. F. 310 King St., II. I.


5an Francisco aud jioxiolulu

"v Uavlujf oillceslh Bau Francisco andHonolulu we are prepared to attendpromptly to all matters entrusted to



ua In either of said places.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialt)

D. G-EA-

LAWYER.Corner of King and Bethel Streets,

Second Floor.


Attorney at Law andNotary 3?ublio.

Kaabumanu 'Street.

William A. Henshalh

A-ttorne-y at Law

113 Koauumatm Street. Tele. 6G3.


Counsellor at Law.Corner Bethel and King Streets,

Honolulu, H.I.

A. C.WALL.D.D. So.e.wall,d:d.s.,dentists.

New Love's Building, Fart Btreeti






U. S. House of. Representees Passed the

Newlands Resolution.

Speaker Reed Said to Be inttie Damps Hilborn and Other

Californians Argue in Its Favor-N- ews

From the Seat of far.

Tboso aro tho latest dispatchesfrom Washington, special to thoSan Francisco Bullotin, an evon-i- Dg

papor, tho day tho steamerMoana sailed:

Washington, Jano 15. Votingon tho Hawaiian annexation prop-

osition began in tho Houso on amotion to subBtituto tho minorityfor tho majority resolution.

It wob defeated by 205 to 94.Tho voto now comes on tho ques

tion of adopting tho annexationresolution.

Later Tho annexation resolu-tion has beon adopted by a voto of205 to 94.

Washington, Jane 15. ThoHoubo passed the Hawaiian an-

nexation resolution by a vote of209 to 93 this aftornoon. It woban unexpectedly glorious ondingto tho long campaign that beganat tho oponiug of this session ofCongress. Tho most sanguinefriouds of Hawaii hardly oxpect-e- d

such an overwhelmiugly de-

cisive voto. Tho Republican op-

position, which had boen expect-ed to carry tho day, vanishedinto thin air. whon tho roll-ca- ll

camo, and ovon Speaker Heed,who was tho main and massiveprop of tbofled, leaving tho chair to Dalzellof Pennsylvania, a thing Heednever did before when a big ques-tion was up.

Moana Urought the New.Tho Moana haa made herself

more popular than over by bring-ing tbo news of annexation as shedid tbiB morning. Sho was cover-ed with bunting when she round-ed Diamond Head and those intho pilot boat thought it meantpeace or annexation news.

The placard "House PassedAnnexation 209-91- " was hungover her side and was greetedwith a cheer. Coming up tbeharbor the steamer blew fiveblasts. Tbe crowds on tho wharfknew what it meant and oheerodloudly timo and time again.There were a groat number ofpassengors aboard, there boingover ono hundred people for thisport.


Lieutenant Illue Perform a. Daringand Ueful Service.

Washington, Juno 14. TheNavy Department today postedthe following bullotin:

Holo St. Nicholas, June 14.

Lieutenant Bluo just returnedafter a detour of seventy statute

Bicycle RepairsSpring Sent Posts with Itollor Hearings',

Tomporod Conos, Hall Cups, Axlos andSprocket!, 17 to 25; Chains, Goar Cases,Cranks; Spoclal Ploces and Forcings InStock or inado to order at the old relia-ble


The Honolulu Cyclery

231 King Street.

whore prompt attention will bo given tonil ropairs.

OU your bike frequently with "llal-loy- 's

Host Btoyclo Oil" and savo halfyour heavy pushing.

IMahllshod 1892 on tke basin of"GOOD WORK."

miles of observation of tho har-bor of Santiago do Cuba. Ho roports the Spanish floot is allthere. Tho Spanish attackedvigorously tbo camp at Guantanamo. An outpoBt of our marineswere killed and their bodiesmutilated. Surgeon Gibbi waskilled. Sampson.

The last lingering doubt thatmay have existed as to thopresence of Corvera's fleet in Santiago harbor was removed wbonAdmiral Sampson's dispatchreached tho Navy Departmentlast night. Up to that timo information as to tho number andcharacter of the vessels lying intho harbor, shielded from obsorvation by tho hills, had boon ob-

tained tbrouoh Cuban sources.supplemented by Buoh glimpsesas could bo obtained by the navalofficers from tho outside entrance.Now, however, according to Lieut,enant Blue, the ships bavo beonactually soon by an Americanofficer. Tbe officials hero are fullof praise for Lieutenant Bluo'sachievement.

Latest War New.Madrid, Juncv-1- 5. --Blanco haa

been authorized to exchange Morrimao prisionors, Liout. Hobsonand soven others.

It is said Genoral Shatter's,force has sailed from Tampa forSantiago. ,

Tho cruiser St. Louis hascaptured tho British steamerTwickenham off Jamaica, whichwas carrying a cargo of coal undercharter for the Spaniards.

Over thirty ships with 18,000men under General Shaftor sailedfrom Tampa on tho 14th for San-tiago do Cuba.

Secretary Long has instructedAdmiral Sampson to promote alltho mombors of the Merrimao'screw. Lieut. Hobson's towardwill come later in Congress.

A. J. Cabrojo is a Spaniardmaking inquiries at Viotoriaabaut tho shipment of coal toAmerican ports and Honolulu forthe American navy. Ho makesfriends of no ono, and it is beliov-e- d

ho is paving tho wa for aprotest from his govornmentagainst tho shipment of coal forthe American floot, whioh is nowbeing done through middle men.

Washington New,Washington, June 15. The

treasury shows available cashbalance S185,G45,195. Gold vo


To Take Cuba Alto.Washington. .Tnnn IK flnnnl.

ElkinB. who nninvH Mm full nnfidenco of tho administration, in apublished interview this morningsays that ho believes this countrywill annex the Philippines, Cuba,Porto Rico and Hawaii. Ho soyshe does not believe the adminis-tration has outlined any goneralPollCV. but dons hnlinvn il millkeop all these territories, "as aoounu ousiness proposition."

Victory on Luml.

Gunntanamo, ' Jnno 14. ThoAmerican Marines nnrl hn f!n.bans today completely routed atorco or. auu Spaniards. OneAmorioan was slightly wounded.Aim opaniaras lost about fortykilled.

Now York, Juno 15. The fol- -lowincr disnntnh in n .Tnnmnt arcial from Camn McCnlln. ftnnntn.namo harbor, Juno 15:

jluo soouting parties of marineswhich wero sent out yesterday re

turned Mrn at 10 o'clock lastnight with eightoon Spanish pri-son- ors,

ono of thorn an officor.Tho party also capturoil a hundredMausor rifles and 10,000 rounds ofammunition. They report havinghad a Borics of engagements withSpaniards, in whioh 100 Spanishsoldiers wero killed and 200wounded.

Thoyjplso destroyed a SpanishblockhouB o and tho telegraph sta-tion, through which tho Spaniardshad boen keeping Guantanamoand Santiago informed of thomovements of American troops.

- Manila Reported Fallen.Washington, Juno 12. Tho

Administration does not knowwho is in possession of Manila,whether Dewoy or Aguinaldo, buttbo capital of the Philippines hassurrendered. Embassador Haycabled this fact to tho Stato De-partment, saying his informationcomes from an authentic sourcein Hongkoug.

Frightful MaMucre In Africa.

Livorpool, June 12. Stoamorswhich Ii uvo arrived herd fromSierra Leono roport that 1000 persons wero killed in tho recent up-rising in that district. Una hun-dred and twenty inhabitants ofFreetown, most of thorn traders,are known to have beon massacred,and other colonists wero carriedinto tho bush by tho "war boys"aud undoubtedly mot a worsefato. Throe hundred friendlynatives wore killed. Besides thowhito missionaries, six coloredmissionaries of the United Brethren of Christ wore in ardered atManohbargru. Tho English missionaries aro at tho morcy of tho"war boys," but have not boenmolested.


To Ctoh the Atlantic anil Fight theHimnlah Fleet at Home.

Tho New York Tribuno corres-pondent at Newport News claimsto have official confirmation of aroport that a new flying squadronwould bo assembled, or tbo oldono reorganized.

Tho Navy Department is be-liev- od

to bo considering two plansfor tbo nronoaod dash nernnn tlmocean, ono being to send a squad-ron of fast ships with largo coalcarryiug capacity only for scout-ing, and tbo other being to dis-patch ono squadron ahead, com-posed of tbo fleetest ships and besttig h tors among tbo cruiser class,and to follow this with a secondsquadron, probably composed oftwo battleships, a number of colliers and soveral cruisors withlighter coal capacity.

It can bo stated on good authority that this squadron, if tho

deckles to sond it acrosstho ocean, will bo made up in partof the following cruisors: Brook-lyn or Now York, probably both,in whioh evont tho Brooklynwould bo the flagship; Minneapo-lis and Columbia, St. Paul, 8t.Louis, Yale nnd Harvard. Anydelay on Spain's part in movingits rosorvefloot is likely to causetbo formation of anotbor squadron,to be composed of two suoh battle-ships as tho Oregon and Toxas, anumber of colliers and nrnhnhlvscvoral moro cruisors.

Royal mekti tbe food pure,wtiolciomo and dillclea.

POWDERAbiolutcly pure

wW ftyomi KTot oq, avm.


Spain is Appalled by the News

from Manila.

Madrid Newspapers Advocate Securing German

Aid -A- stor's Battery for Manila The

Philadelphia for Honolulu.

Washincton, Juno 13. ThoSun says tho Philadelphia is go-

ing to Honolulu as soou as sho isready to sail, and that sho willstay there until tho Amorjcan flagis hoisted.

Continual Flifhtlnu; at Manila.Borlin, Juno 14. Advices from

Shanghai by tho Frankfort Zoit--ung Bays nows has beon rocoivodthoro from Manila to tho o?eotthat tbero is fight every nightaround the town Tho insurgents,it seema aro trying to capture Ma-

nila and to establish an independout government beforo tho Amer-icans land.

The Gorman Consul at Manila,it is furthor reported, has 800 Gor-ma-

and Swibs on board a oo

steamer in tho harbor.

Hpaln' Hill For German Aid.

Madrid, Juno 14. Tho Spanishpress has incroasod its optimism,which is based on the belief thatGermany intonds to provent abombardment of Manila by mak-ing a naval demonstration. Thenewspapers urge sacrifices, withthe view of securing Germany'sassistance, and political leadersoxrsoes thomBolves in favor ofoffering Gormany tho followingconcessions in return for her"taking the initiative in forcingAmerica."

" Firetly Naval stations andcoaling dopots in SpanishOceamca.

" Socoudly Spanish concurrence in tbo development of Ger-many's commercial relations withMoroitfo."

Alio'" Mn Coming.

Washington, Juno 12. It is dofinitely settled that John JacobAstor's battery will go to thoPhilippines, final ordors to thiseffect boing sent to Captain Marchlast night. Tbo battery will startimmediately and it is oxpectedthat it will ombark from SanFrancisco with the reBt of GenoralMerritt's troops, comprising thothird expedition, about Juno 23d.

Tho horses and muloa purchas-ed by Colonel A'Btor will not besent to San Francisoo. GenoralMorritt will take only a few horseswith him as an experiment. Hobeliovos that tho native horseswill bo more serviceable and lossexpensive. Tho animals purchas-ed by Colonel Astor will bobought by tho Government andsent to Cuba,

Hpaln Want America to Occupy Manllrt

Vienna. Juno 14. The NnnnFroio Prosso says, that Spain hasrequested the powers to urgo thoUnited States to occupy Manila,should tho town surropder, andnot to allow the insurgents to doso.

New Appall Hpaln.

Madrid, Juno 9. Tho corres-pondent of tho Now York Worldcablos: Queon Rogont Christinais profoundly alarmed and ag-grieved at tho nows of tho war,particularly tlio reports from thoPbilllppinos. Moreover, popularirritation against tho Governmentand all existing institutions is as-suming a dangerous phaso. Every-body boliovos that tbo SagastaUabmot and tho Liberal partywill soon havo to make way forCampos, Silvola and tbo Conservatives, who will tako tho Inststand for tho dofenso of tho dynasty against tho bitter rage oftho nation, making a patliotioappeal to tho Popo and Continontal powers of iMiropo.

Tbo startling tolecrram fromGovernor Goneral Augusti caused


tho impression that Manila oithorhad surrendered alroady or wason the evo of surrendering. Tholatest rumor is Unit Uouoral Au-gusti, in a fit of despair, tried tocommit suicide, hut was preventedby Admiral Montijo and tbo (Jon-ora- ls

who wish to bold out. Thoonly answer given by the Govern-ment to AtiL'Usti diruolod him tocontinue doing his duty to tholast extremity.

The bombardment of bantiago,as tbe details become Known,creates a painful sonsution of

and disappointmentamong the masses.

War Cloud Uloimlleil.

"Pnrin. .Tnnn 12. I'lio Ninopboundary dispute, m which Eng-lish papers and politicians havoseon a war cloud, is nracticallvsettled. A convention coveringall disputes is rendy for signa-ture. Franco gets two commer- -

cial dopots on tho lower Nigor foroutlets for French trado, withUpper Dahomey, wbilo GroatBritain's gain consists of territoryou tho gold coast.



Program of Graduating Eierclies Klndergarten Training. School.

The following is tho programof tho graduating exorcises of thoKindorgarton Training Schoolwhich will tako place at 3:30 to-

morrow nftornoon at tbo Portu-guese Kindergarten on Millerstreet. Tbo gunoral public, aswell as those specially interestedin this work, aro invited to bopresent.

I'myor ltov. (I. I.. roarnonChorus--"Sunsliln- o Souk".. II Smith

Uy tho School.AddrosM ltov. Miiitlu I.uthcr Be trotSolo "felumbor Soiifc1'. Oorrit Smith

Cornollii II. IIylo.Presentation of Dlplomax

Mrs. C. M. Hyilo, President of tboI'roo Kinder'"1'011 As.soclntlon.

AddressMrH. II. C. Coloulun, rinanelul Sec-

retary of the True KindergartenAnsoclatlon.

Addross to tho Graduates '...Frames Iiw renco, Director of tho

Training behool.Chorus- -" Lilly Moon" -.- .12. Smith

Ttv tho msmO?1'

Informal itoeontioil.

I.NTKlt-lHr.AN- D COan'ANYrf

Olllcer Comfortably Arranged In theJivvr flnarter.

Tho Inter-Isla- nd Steam Navigation Co. is now occupying itsnow offices on the makai sido ofQueen street.

Everything is of tho latest andtho fittings and furniture aro veryhandsome. 1'or complotouoea thooffices aro on a par with any othe steamship offices in San Fran-oisc- o,

and it is uoedless to sayinai tuoy aro tuo Unest in appoint-ment on the islands.

Tbo private offices of CaptainGodfrey and Jobu Ena and thodirectors' meeting room finished indark wood are in tho rear of thobusiness office. Next door is thoship chandlery and supply de-partment, complete in evcrv detail. The upper floor of thobuilding is to bo uSOil to stjregrocorius aud supplios for thostoamors.

Nicely furniBbod rooms at thePopular Houso, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.DR.



A Pure Orape Cream or Tartar Powfrr.40 YEARS THE STANDAIS).

z'V$&to&Vi4 ,."AAjjjf tftjartfrtlMr'i ' f J"" ' .

- 'jm1' Jt

tal'J.''" " '- -"





Page 2: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation


L 2








MAKIKI Houso of 0 roomi. Eloctrle Alights complete. Lot 125x200. Hothouso, stable, carrlngo houso, ser-vants quarters anil clilckon houso.Fruit and ornamontal trees.

NUUANU VALIil'-- Houso of 7 rooms.Good utablo and Norvanti quarters.

i acres of land, will loaso for nterm at a low rental.

THItr.H NEW COTTAOK3 on Kingstreet, near Wnlklkl road.


MAKIKI Itouso of (1 largo rooms. Batli,kitchen and lntry; largo hall,veranda on 2 sidos. Electric lightscomploto.

MAKIKI Hulldlng lot 75x103.

pRoSi;i:Oi' PTiii:uT-nuiuun- g lot75xl58.

175x200 Valuable lot. In f.ishlonabloroMdonco portion of tho city. Palms,fruit and ornamontal trees. A dosl-rob- lo

lot for uiiyono contemplating 8


BEUETANIA STREET Improved proporty. Lot 200x200 through to Ki- -nau street. I wo lino residences,Htablos and servants quartern.Grounds woll covered with shadotroos, plants and flowors.

Finest Coffee Plantation on the Islands.

Trees in bearing, present crop


--4 lta-- tttf vfcSfcji at w A,

wf-Wf- f' 'VfT'rvV



OLAA LANDS.flno Ranch of 118 ncros lease-hold. 20 acres cleaned nndcultivation planted 1 year oldcoireo trees.

Exeollont bargain in a Coffee Plantationof 100 acres. Koo simple 70 acrosplanted in coHeo troos 2 to 3years old. Kino dwelling houso andoutbuildings.

A CO aero Collco Ranch In foo slmplo,facing on tho Volcano Road. 15acres in eoMeo. 0 months ndnnccd.

A 30 aero Collco 1'arm, leasehold pro-Jiort- y.

1 acres aro planted with 4year old collco trees nnd 18 acroswith 2 year old trocs. Thowill clear nnd 2 acros addi-tional froo of chargo for tho pur-chaser.

280 acros of unlmprovod cofTco land Justback of tho Volcano Road. 30 footroad leading to tho laud.

Plantation of acros only 0mllos Ililo. 20 acros plantedIn A houso nnd Improve-ments on proporty.

200 acres foo simplo. 50 acroscultivation. 30,000 bearing troos.Good rosldonco, utablo and laborersquaitors.

255 ncresj fco simplo. 30 acros culti-vated,

KONA LANDS.42 acros in Holualoa. 12 acros 111 coffoo

2 to 3 years old. Laborers houso,wator tank, etc., on same.

acros on now Govornmont road. Allplanted in coffoo 3 to 4 yearsold. I.r.borors Situatod InKapaLialaon, Kona.

50 acres a portion cultivated. 2 storyframo dwelling.

3000 acros foo simplo. 1000 acros thobost of coffoo 1)0 acres undorcultivation. 5 laborers houses andstoio houso at landing.

240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000

estimated at 20 tons. Pulping



Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

of Water. One Mile from Landing.


nsriH-- w






Greenwich Insurance Company


EMMETT MAY, Superintendent olfAgencies.

210 KING ST., HONOLULU. - - - BOX 404'

SWbf . wfesA

If"" "TTV











P. O.

'?ifHiwwvG&f!'r''"W yyintjyy? VVVltfffYJtvrfftf-- "- - WK



Four Large Transports for Manila are

Now Near Honolulu.

Tbe Ocean Greyhound China the Flagship-M- ore

Than Four Thousand

Troops Coming.

These two following parograpbsaro displuyod in bold typo in thosixth edition of tho Ban FranciscoUullotiu of Juno 15:

Tho second Manila expeditionsailed at 1:30 o'clock for Manila.Four vessels, tho China, Colon,Zealandia and Senator, carried1200 troops to aid Admiral Dowey.Tho fleet was accompanied downtho bay by a largo number of tug-

boats and bay steamers.Tho transports passed Meiggs

wharf in tho following order:China, loading as flagship,at 1:40 p.m.; Zealandia, 1:50 p.m., and Colon at 2 p. m.

The Force! an IJonril.

Tho following information re-

garding tho troops carried by eachship is from tho Ghrpniolo:

Assigned to tho China, MajorQonoral Greene's flagship, andtho largest, fastest and finest ves-sel of tbo fleot, aro tho FirBt Re-

giment Colorado Volunteer Infan-try, 1022 men; half a battalion oftho Eighteenth United States In-fantry, 150 men, andadetachmontof United States Engineers, twon-t- y

mon.Tho accommodations of those

men aro admirable, compared withthoso supplied in tho transportsof tho first expedition. This is es-

pecially so of tbo sleoping apart-ments, whore ovcry bunk is acces-sible without crawling overanybody, while aboard thoCity of Pokiug many oftho berths wero five deep,iu close-pil- ed tiers and along darkalloys two decks down. Anotherregalation for the comfort of thomon in thoir sleeping apartmentsrequires that thoro shall be nosmoking there.

A military hospital.with a corpsof four surgeons, thrco stewards,an acting steward and twjShty-fi- ve

privates has been established ontho China iu connection withabout 4000 pounds of medical sap-plie- s

and dressings Calculated tolast six months. In addition totheso, thoro wero sont aboard bytho Red Cross Society twentycases containing medicines, bran-dy, olaret, canned poaches andother things for patients.

The Colon has four oompaniesof tho Twenty-thir- d Infantry andtwo companies of tho .hignteonthInfantry, both of tho regularArmy, und Battery A of tho UtahArtillery. In tho battery wore121 men and in oach of tho infantry companies seventy-ny- o monbesides tho officers, making lessthan GOO military passengers. Thocontrol of the ship was given toLieutenant-Colone- l Claronoe M.Bailoy of theEighteonthlnfantry.Lieutenant-Colon- el John W.French waB in command of thobattalion from tho Twenty-thir- dand Contain E. W. Young commanded the Utah artillerymen.

Nebraska .Regiment of Volun-teers, numboring 1023 men andofficers, aro aboard tho steamorSenator.

On tho Zealandia aro the TenthPennsylvania Voluntoors and partof Battery B of tho Utah Volun-teer Artillery. With the gunnerswont two Maxim fighting machines, which, as a precautionarymeasures, were placed, ready foraction, in the bow of tho vessel.In all thoro are G10 privates andsixty officers on board.

Chamberlain's Pain Balm hasno equal as a household linimout.It is tbe best romorly known forrheumatism, lamo back neuralgia;while for sprains, cuts, bruises,burns, scalds and soro throat, it isinvaluable. Wertz & Pike, mer-chants, Fornandina, Fin., writo:"Everyone who buys a bottlo ofChamberlain's Bomodios, comesback and say it is the bost modi-oin- o

he has ovor used." 50 centsper bottlo by all dealers. Benson,Smith Co., Gonoral Agents.

Heattle lleer.This ever popular Ranier beor

is becoming a housohold wordand "will you havo a glass ofSeattlo" is more often hoard thananything olso. Tho CriterionSaloon havo tho boor op tap or inbottles.


it Arm ii Larger Tlinn Kltlier of theI'revlour) On

No definito dato can bo namedat present of tho Bailing of thothird expedition to tho Philip-pines, says tho San FranciscoBulletin of tho 15th. Prepara-tions will bo pushed forwardrapidly. Officials can say nomoro because thoy know no moro.Thus far tho stoamors chartoredfor tho noxt oxpodition aro theIndiana, Ohio, Morgan City, Cityof Puoblo and throo NorthernPacific steamers now at Seattlo oron routo hither from PugetSound. Thoro is talk of securingtho City of Para and tho SanBias.

The Indiana is now being out-fitted at Pacific stroot dock. TheMorgan City is ready to receivetroops. The Ohio is not yetdocked and tho Puoblo is on herway to this port from PagetSound.

Although Juno 25 has boonmontionod, provisionally as thedate of sailing, it is not probablothat tho expedition will weigh anchor until after July 4. It requir-ed twonty-tw-o days to proparo forsailing the four vossels whichwent out today. At least thatamount of timo will bo required tomako ready the next expedition.No troops excopt tho Idaho monaro cortam to go. As many troopswill bo sont as can bo accommodated on tho ships. About 8000mon will go with General King.Tho oxpodition will bo larger ifmoro vosboIb can bo secured intime. It is just possiblo that thofirst two or thrco ships ready maybo sont without waiting for others.

m m


Painlnn Ii IniiemllnirI'oiltlon offHuan1H Veaieli lleveuleil !y Knlei.

Off Santiago Do Cuba, Satur-day, Juno 11, i p. m., por tho As-

sociated Press dispatch boatWanda, via Kingston, Jamaica,Sunday, Juno 12, 7 p. m. BearAdmiral Sampson and Commo-do- ro

Schley, with thoir combinedforces, aro slowly but Burelyplacing a network about Santi-ago do Cuba, and aro cutting offso effectually every source of out-side aid that within a short timostarvation's tapping will givo wato death's solid knock for admit-tance at tho doors of thoplaco.

Within threo days, three sopar-a- to

sources of supply and rein-forcement havo been out off, andSantiago do Cuba is now isolatedfrom tho world and is down tofamine rations.

When Admiral Cervora arrivedat Santiago de Cuba with his fleet,tho people thoro welcomed himfor tho relief they thought howould bring, but instead of foodho brought 700 moro mon to feed.The only aid ho had to offer wasthe tons of ammunition in nisBhips' magazines.

A map of tho haibor furnishedtoday by spies shows that aftertho bombardment of the harborforts by Comraodoro Schley onMay 31, tho Spanish cruiser BoinaMercedes, which was disabled, wastowed into the bay behind the SocaDa batterv where sho lieswith two torpedo boats. Half amile furthor up, undor tho loo ofCavo Smith and tho mortar batteries, is tho Vizcaya, commanding with her broadside tho twonarrow entrances to tuo cast anuwest of Cayo Smith.

Half a mile north, and at thogate of tho third narrow entrance,lies the Almiranto Oquendo, andhalt a mile to tho northoast arotho Cristobal Colon and tho MariaTeresa.

The Bhips are about a milo anda half from tho oity propor, ahallow wator forbiddinc them to comuch cloBor. Tbo Bunkon collierMerrimao is directly in tho norrow part of tho channel.

Piano.Ohickerinc, Kimball and

Kroeger pianoa for sale, forcash or on tbe instalmentplan. Old instruments exobangedfor now ones. Pianos rented,tuned and ropaired. Tolophono321. Bercstrom, Music, Co., Ltd.,"PrnnrfiBH Rlnclc. Fort street.

mmSingors lead tbo world. Ovor

18,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at tbo World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonoe ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convenience of arrangomont. B. Borgorson, agent,lCjBetbol stroot.

Mint Iav Cnnniln.

Madrid, Juno 14.--- It was off-

icially announced today that SonorDubosc, tho former chargo d

affaires at Washington, and Lieut-enant Canauza, tho former Span-

ish naval attauho at Washington,havo been "invited" to leave Cana-

da, owing to tho "Canadianauthorities having intercepted alottor which Lioutonant Carronzaaddressed to tho Minister ofMarino, giving an account of thocondition of tho American fortifications."

Once Trleil, Altny Uircl.

If wo sell ono bottlo of Cham-

berlain's Cough Bemudy, wo sel-

dom fail to Boll tho samo personmoro, when it is again needed.Indoed, it has become tho familymedicino of this town, for coughsand colds, and wo recommend itbpcauso of its established morits.Jos. E. Harnod, Prop., OaklandPharmacy, Oakland, Md. Sold byall dealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,goneral oponts.

Frames mado at short noticofor all kinds of pictures ordiplomas. King Bros., 110 Hotolstreet.

Tho Diamond brought a greatmany now things for Miss Kil-lean- 's

Mirror of Fashion, whicharo now ready for inspection,among them aro Sailor Hats rightfrom Now York, and all tho latestmillinery novolties. Tho dross-makin-

department haB alsoa lot of now trimmings and


Election of Officers.

At tlio .Annual Mooting of tlioStock-lio'dor- s

of tho Mnknhn Collco Company,Ltd., hold on Juno 18, 1803, tho follow-- 1

g Offioois wore oloctod to servo for thoensuing yenr:

W. II. lloogs I'rosldout1'. II. MeStockorJ. S. Walker SecretaryW. Q. Ashloy TrcasurorJ. A. Low AuditorWho constitute tho Board of Directors.

J. S. WALKER,Socrotary.

Honolulu, Juno 18, 1808. 043 3t

Elegant Residence To Let.Tho Troporty owned by Samuel Par-ko- r

situatod on King street, adjoiningrcsklonco or J. S. Walker, lixq. 'jnoBuildings nro bolnpr put in good ordorand roiIr. For full particulars, applyat tho olllco of

CECIL BROWN,Merchant street.

Juno 17, 1803. 841 lw


During my absoneo from tbo IslandsQ. Scliumnn will net for mo underfull power of nttorney.



Clins. Martin Is authorized to collectnil moneys duo tho Club Stables, LW.

C. H. BELLINA.Honolulu, Juno 20, 1808. 043 3t

The Boys in Blue

A comploto collection of rhotograplisto bo beon at DAVEY'S STUDIO. Also,tho only pictures taken of tho presenta-tion of tho Stars nnd Stripes to tho (J.S. S. "Clmrlostou." Portraits of thehighest quality, and tho most complotoartistic collection of Island Vlows uponIridium, Platinum or Silvor Papers.

Dayey Photographic Co., Ltd.,

Conior Fort and Hotol Stroots.


Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho Rail-

road Stations.

Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40

years cau be obtained in tracts of anynumber of acres desired, ou the mostfavorable conditions.

The special attention is called ofthose with small capital wishing togo Into this very profitable industry.

For particulars, apply to

dear, Lansing & Co.,


Pate De

Foie GrasA delicacy sought aftor by conno-

isseurs In nil parts of tho world; itis rich nnd dollcato, nnd Is lined at

banquets nnd for lunches at ovon-ln- g


To sorvo Pnto do Folo Cms Is to lo

ultra fashionable

No houso In Honolulu carries any-

thing llko tho vnrloty In this lino

that wo do. Ournssortinontls very

largo nnd coniploto.

PIMOLASnro olives stuffed with plmlontos,

n sweet Spanish roppor.

r.von tho brlno tastes good.

Thoy nro n rich morsol, dollghting

tho palalo nnd assisting digestion.

An olive fork froo with oach bottlo.



ITiivo your Rubberstamps mado bytho HawaiianNews Co., Lt'd.,and obtain tholowest prices intown. Satisfac-

tion guaranteed.Call and examineour now lino of" UNIVERSALStamp Holders."


Merchant Streot.




-- AT-

108 HOTEL STKEET. 027-t- f

Just arrived per Zealandia

Whole Wheat FlourGraham, in 10 and 50

lb sacksRolled WheatRolled Oats, in 7 lb slcs

And nil sorts of meal stuff.

Tlie Washington Feed Co.


Boardman & Masuda '

Business Agenoy.Houses for Rent.

Real Estate Agents.Brokers in Japanese Goods,

Employment Agents.Collections Made.

Legal ulul other documents trans-late- d

into any language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


Also Skaman fc Co., Mancliurlan or.Chinese laborer. (

Room No. 1, Bpreckels Block. Telc-piio-

017. 921-- tf

? i iW5tfrd.4Wi ,ljA trtW. , &ft '-

- ji

Page 3: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation

U L.K'v








lc- -'

fTayty .i i . w I. -- .....nil MJiL,jMJWMWUWMBMBWMlBWBE3BBMPHiJBHPHBflBBI

Ulaos SrnnoKBLs. Wm. G. Inwnt.


lOKObUbU m. i.San FrancUco Agent Thh Nhvada Bihk o

San Fbahcisco.


Bah Francisco Tho Nevada Bunk of BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Yoke American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOO Merchants National Bank.Paris Natloual d'Escompt de

Paris.Bbblim Dreadncr Bank!

ONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA UOngkODg &Shanghai Banking Corporation.

Niw Zbalakdahd Australia Bnk of NowZealand. .....

Victoria and Vahcouybr BankNorth America.

Transact a General Baiting and Exchange Business

Depolsts Received. Loans made on Ap--roved Security. Commercial and Travelers

E redlta Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections PBOMrrLT Accounted For.

tatabllshed 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

Interest allowed after July1, 18)8, on fixed doposits 3

months 3 per cont., G months3 per cent., 12 months JL

per cont.

Tie Yokohama Specie Mlimited.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12.000.CWPaid Dp OapllA on 7,500.000

Eeserve Fund Yen 6,464,600


UTtANOHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-

change Easiness.Agenoy Yokohama Spotie Bank

Hew Mile Baffling. Ill Ring St, Honolnln.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

' Assets July, 1897, $118,768.25.X1

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Flan.Fifteenth Series of Stook now orn.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber ol Oommeroo Rooms.Offloe hours. 12:30 1:30 PM. 373-t- f

J. S. WALKER,General Aoent or,Hawaiian Islands.

Boyal Insurance Company.Alliance Assaranoe Company.Alliance Marine and General Assaranoe

Company.Sun Life Assuranoe Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgeburg Insuranoo Com-

pany.Boottish Union and National Insuranoe


Room 18 Bpreckels Block, Ilonolnln, H. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager ol

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

OmoKi Merchant street, Honolulu i


The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 617 Fort St., Honolnln

Telephone! 2'2 P.O. Box 470




225 Queen street, Honolnln, H, 1.

HOP WO COMPANY.King Street, ralaco Square.

Merchant Tailor.Crash Duck nnd Llnon Suits mado to

rdor. Fine assortment of new and latentdesigns just arrlvod. Perfect Fit Guar-

anteed. LowontPrlcw.


Clay! put Into " cheap " baking powder to AH p thecan; akim to raise the dough.

Alum is bad for the insides, but thedoesn't mean you any harm, he just wants

to get rich.San Frandsco ttn A. Schilling & Comiattv

Art Portraits

Chesney W. Ewlng, a kadlng por-trait painter of San Francisco, isnow in Honolulu and connected withour studio. Hla work hero is already

On Exhibition

and admired by all who see it.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfcsizo to miniatures. A spe-cialty la made of painting on ivoryand porcelain. Get your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by thelatest science, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours the


At the old stand In Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Bta.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.


Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theKjM LatestStyles


EurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

Wing WoTai & Co.214 Nuuanu Street.

To My Patrons and the Pnblic,

Having recovered from my re-

cent illness, I am again proparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, 1respectfully solicit a continuanceof the same.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Tel. 844.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Joh PrinterMorokant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian NewsCompnay'flBook Store my IB,

&y& JjuxidfriW.. -- ..I , ,,, ttfo- -..





Hers Steamship Co's


0. L. WIGHT, Prei. S. B. HOSE, Seo.uupi, d, a. xvinu, I'ortsupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will Iaava TTnnnlnln at in a m InriAritnnntLahainaj Maalaea Bay and Makena theBumuuay; juanuKona, uawainaeand Laupahoehoe the following day, arriving atHilo the same evening.


Tuesday.. Aug. 2 Friday Aug. 0r nuay... Aug. in Tucsday-.Au- g. 10TuesdiiV-Aui- r. 23 Friday. ...Aug. 30

Friday Sept. 2 Tuesday. ...Sept. i)

Hetnrnltiff. will Iaova TTUn .t I fAikP. m., touching at Lanpahoohoo, Mahu

"" nuwaiuoo same aayj juaaena,Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof Tuesday and Fridays.

win can at rnnai)rNo Frflfoht will Ka .niulaaJ nM.9 a. m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolnln Tnnadnw nt K n .

touching at Eahului, Hana, Hamoa'an'dlupaumu, aiaui. uetuming arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will Call QtNlin. Knnnn 'nn nivlnJ Mof eaeh month.

WNo Freight will be received aftei4 t. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tcmake changes in the timo of departure andarrival of its steamers without notioe andit will not be roBDonsible for anvennu..quenoes arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has boon landed.

Live Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will not be resnanniM

for Money or Valuables of passengertnnless placed in the care of Pursers.

Packagos containing porsonal otrocts,whether shipped as baggngo or freight,if tlio contents thoroof oxcood $100.00 invaluo, must liavo the valuo thuroofplainly statod and markod, and theCompany will not hold ltsolf llablo forany loss or damago in oxcoss of thissum oxcopt tlio goods bo shipped undora Bpoclal contract.

All omployoos of the Company aroforbidden to rocolvo freight without do--livorlng a shipping rocoipt thorofor Intho form proscribed bv tho Coinnanvand which may bo seen by shlpporsupon application to tlio pursers ol theCompany's Steamers.

Shippers aro notified that if froluht isshlppbd without such rocoipt, it will bosolely at tho risk of tho shipper.

are reqnestea to puronasetiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalonarge ol twonty-nv- e per oonu

t: -- s.g' --g SB? it

J win CO L j?

Z D n R o 8 pf

j S fi- - co ' "? S: s. B 3 " C

A:: ? S 8- 81- - O CJ t;r;s g? C O

' la-- s nZ- I' or itr Hr P CD ;I


EvtningBulletit'm76$ per month

rfw"Tr SW1 .j J mWtfTlHEmaKWffSKWKiSAy nffiiff''rff J?irTlTiwSnWfflHiH


Oahu College Commencement at Panahi

Hall Last Night.

Theses Spoken bj All the Graduates Choice

Music at Intervals Yery Large


Oahu Oollogo commencementexorcises last night was a note-worthy event. Fauahi hall wostaetofully decorated with the col-leg- o

colors of buff and bluo, Ha-waiian and Amorican flags, andtho class motto "En Avant"tho college initials and tho gradu-ating class year, all dono in whiteasters on green. These symbolswore mainly upon tho Castlemomoriul organ. Potted plantsworo ranged along tho front of thoplatform.

Principal Hosmor presided. Thograduating class sat with him ontho platform, and was constitutedby four boys and two girls, viz.:

Martha Muriol Afong, WilliamBenjamin Godfroy, FordinandFrederick Hedomnnn, Harry Al-lar-

Kluegol, "William ThomasRawlins, Mary Cornwoll Widdi-fiold- .

Tho audionco was simply im-mense All tho seats in tho.mainhall, mlcuding many extra ohairs,wero occupied and tho class roomsopening from tho hall wero crowd-ed, whilo a numbor coming a littlelate had only standing room in tholobbies. Facing tho platform intho front row sat the trustees oftho college: Presidont S. B. Dole,Sev. Hiram Bingham, D.D., Dr.N. B. Emerson, W. R. Oastlo, P.0. Jones, Rov. D. P. Birnio, OhiofJustice A. F. Judd, LL.D., J. B.Atherton, Prof. W. D. Alexander,Rev. F. AV. Damon, Justice W. F.Frear.

An overture was played by thoHawaiinn orchostra conducted byProf. Bergor. Dr. Bingham de-

livered an invocation. Then thodelivery of theses, extemporane-ously, began. Music intervenedafter ovory second address, thonumbers begin:Organ: Grand Chorus Dubois

Mr. Ingalls.Solo: Arioso, "O Thou Cruol Seal"

DcllbcsMiss Hyde

Song: "Good Night" AbtGloo Club.

Finale: "Sllvor Crown" KappoyHawaiian Orchosfrn.

Tho essays were very creditableas compositions and their deliveryexcellent. Miss Afong spoke on"Pandora;" Mr. Hedemanu, "TheCaoe of Captain Droyfus;" Mr.Rawlins, "Tho Anglo-Americ- an

Alliance;" Mies Widdifiold,"Shakespearo tho Master;" Mr.Kluegel, "Tho Will and the Way;"Mr. Godfrey, "Tho Decadonco ofSpain," also delivered the valedictory in good phrases. Applausewas hearty for all tho effortn, andrepeated again and again for Mr.Rawlins sentimouts regarding thepresent unity of feeling betweonthe two groat English-speakin- g

nations. Bouquets presented toall tho graduates covored the frontof tho platform.

Principal Hosmor, in presentingtho diplomas, made an earnest address, in preliminary remarks onthe work of tho past term, homado special mention of MastersSeymour Hall and Edwin Hall,betwoen whom the competition formerits bad beon very close. Is itbest for a son to have an easytime ? ho asked speaking to thograduates. That was not whatPaul said to Timothy, but "Cotneover and help us," and "Endurehardness as a good soldier ofJesus Christ." It was for this theyhad received their training. It wasfor this that men of means hadgiven monoy for their education.Not one side of their training butall sides mental, moral, physical.That was the true philosophy oflifo. It was tho Christian man,tho Christian woman, thataccomplished most in lifo. Itwas in Christian nations thatmankind had aohieved tho highestsuccesses. "Work out your ownsalvation." Tho working out ofthat lifo meant having love fortho unholy to save thorn, regardfor ovon criminal society, for thebruto engaging in war for huma-nity. That they might have fullknowlego of what that war wouldentail, look in history for its pa-

rallels. Government of tho peo-ple and for tho pooplo was makinga show today before tho nations

Continued on Sixth Page,


The Remington Typewriter





$S This is tlio Highest Possiumj Awakd, rankingabovo a Gold Medal.



Tho Arrivo andLeave as

Prom San. Francisco:ZEALANDIA 8





of Honor


For San Franoisco:ZEALANDIA Juno 14ALAMEDA Juno 22


Co., Limited,Ocennic S. S.



Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Fino Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will at

This Fort Hereunder.

JunoMOANA Juno


In connootionwith tho sailing of tho abovo steamers, tho Agentoaro prepared to issuo, to intonding passongors, coupon throughtickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in theUnitod States, and from Now York by any stoamBhip lino to allEuropean ports. ,

For fnrther porticulars apply

G. IrwinGeneral Agents





A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, DisoasoB of tho Kidneyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc, Etc

Benson, Smith. & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since fVe Must Eat to Live, Lefs Have tlie 'Best.

Just OiDened XJp anInvoice of . . .


Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Qiye them trial, Monoy baok yon don't like there. Also, Just reoeired

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity 'Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackors and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc



a it

Chas. Hustace,212 King stroet, next to tho Arlington.


Groceries, Provisions and FeelNew Goods Beoelred by Every Packet from tne Eastern Btates and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMEfiAH Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Fart of the City FBEE

General Agonts for tho Sunitarium.Brnml of Health Foods(iLim OKMM 80L10HMD,


--I. O. nox lis




Page 4: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation

,?'fpfif9, """WWP' "" ' ' ?a' i. v. v" J?""?" '. " i'"v


Evening Bulletin,PuMlslwJ Every Day, except Sunday, at io King

street, Honolulu, II. I., by tin

Bulletin Publishing company.



DR. C. A. PETEUSON HihIiwm MatMRer

subxrlption llnlpxtPer month, anywhere In Hawaiian Islands $ 75

" " " 8Per ear, 00

l'ercar,potp.ilJ. toAmcrlca, Canada or.MexIco 1000Per ear, postpaid, other torelun countries 1 1 00

JWPayahlr Invariably In advance.

Ti'li'iiliunpilBusiness OfCce, SIAIIa Editorial Rooms Kit).

Postoffice Hot, 404.


It .will bo a vory easy changefrom Hnrold M. Sowall, Minister,to Harold M. Sewtill, Governor.

Again tlio Bulletin gites itsmorning friend tho niorry

morning papers jump intothe evening field tboy must re-

member tbat two can play tbesamo game.

Mr. Rowoll has our sinceresympathy. His newspaper do-fen-

has been of such a characterthat tho men who mado tbe"vicious report" may be oxcusodif they actually show tboir toothnnd make tho fur fly.

Tbo apparent raising of salariesboint? mado by tbo Houso on tbethird reading of tbo appropriationbill is misleading. Tbo salarylist iB now being restored to thofigures introduced by tbo Execu-tive aud passed by tbo Senate.On tbe second reading in thoHouse a combination was formedto "slash things." Somo mom-bor- s

bavo changed their mindswitb tho result tbat salaries returnto original figures.

Aggressivo action on formerlines summarizes tbo war news by

'this steamer. American troopshave lauded near Suntiago, although in small force, and tbo netabout tbo Spanish Hoot is con-

stantly being drawn a littlo closer., Tboro have been a fow casualtiesamong tbo American forces, andtho. Spanish aro reported to bavolost forty or fifty men. Tho ro-po- rt

that Mcnila has fallen hasnot bcon confirmod. Troops aroboing rushed with all possiblohaste to Manila and Cuba. Talkof intervention continues butnothing hits materialized. Tbowar goes on apaco with the ad-

vantages all in favor of tho XJnit-,e- d



Tbo first real lining up offorcos on iho annexation questionhas resultod in a big victory fortbe annexationists. Tbo ad-

vocates of annexation both heroand in tbo United States have,reason to rejoice and be glad, although tboy aro by no means outof tho woods yet. The hardesttrial bfiB yet to como in tho Sen-

ate. Tho upper houso has beenthe blockading forco from thovery outeot and no assurances


bavo been recoivod tbat tbo opposition bus in. any way lessoned.

Tbo complexion of tbo HouboToto shows tbat at tbe lastmoment tho party whip broughttbe opposition among republicansinto lino. This is tbo UBual re-

sult on questions of importancein tbo House. Tbo Sonato, how-

ever, i. is a moro individualizedcombination and forecasting ro- -

suits thero is mighty risky bustlies?. Threo opposition forcesmust bo taken into consideration;the silver men, tbe men who opposo annexation undor any andall circumstances, tho frionds ofSpeaker Reed or in othor wordstbo enemies of Mr. McKinloy. Itscorns pretty woll established thatllocd has boon making a stand upfight against tho Prcsidont. Ofcourso Keod caved in a little when

bo consented to tho introdnctionof tho resolution, but tbo size oftho majority rolled up againsthim is one of tho hardest politicalraps bo has rocoivod in manymoons.

Tug annexation cat is by nomeans securely baggod yet nlthough all signs aro to tho effectthat it is in a pretty tight cornor.


One of Those Around tho )Iorn Una

Arrived (safely.

Boforo tho Moana arrivod tborowas beginning to bo nnxiety aboutseveral sugar vessels that sailedfor New York and woro fully duo.Tbe bark !Nuuanuwaa tho first ofthis year's fleet around tho Horn,sailing from Kahului on Februa-ry 2. .

Tho next was tho ship Tillie E.Starbuck, from Honolulu Februa-ry 13. This vessel arrived at NowYork on Juno 9, after a voyago ofHo tlays.

The ship A. W. bpies sailedfrom Hilo on Fobruary 2G. Sheand tho Nuuanu are to bo beardfrom.

Tbo bark Amy Tumor inBrewor's lino iB out from NewYork with mdrcbandiso for Honolulu 149 days today.


Port Coata Sntrnr Itrflaery Acquires aLarifOiImlebtetlness.

The California Beet Sugar andRefinery Company, of which R. P.Rithet is president, has mortgagedits property to tbe California Safo

LDeposit and Trust Company for$1,000,000, tbo document boingplaced on record yesterday at tboCity Hall. Tbo mortgago, whichin made to securo tho payment ofC per cent gold bonds, payable inin fifteen years, with interestp ay a 1)1 o semi annually, covers thorefinery, factory, whorehouses,wimrves nnd machinery of thocompany's plants at Port Costn,near tho town of Crockett, formorlyiknown as tho Star Mills. Tbeindebtedness was authorized at amooting of the board of directorsheld ,m April lB.--tt. F. Chconi- -


Farewell Irfuiqh.

Commissioner Kenny gave alunch in farowell to Consul Dotyand Mr. (Christian at tho BritishLocation yesterday. Tbo cuestsof honor being fond of criokoc.iliero were invited to meet them

uob enthusiastic cricketers as Dr.Murray, Judge Stanley, H. L.Herbert and A. St. M. Mackintosh.A dinner will be held by tho Honolulu Cricket Club next Wednesday.



Will Capture All Spain's Smaller

Groups in the Pacific.

Tbe Philadelphia Will Have tbe Honor of

Raising Ibe Stars and Stripes

Over Honolulu.

Washington, June 12. Whenthe cruisor Philadelphia goesdown to San Francisco from MaroIsland within two weeks, it willbo undor orderB to proceed to Ho-

nolulu. Onco thero tho Mohicanwhich is now duo at tho islands,will bo detached from that stationand will start for the South Paci-

fic. Tbo mission of tbo littleship will bo to plant tho Americanflog on ovory remaining posses-

sion of Spain.Nothing has been dono by

Admiral Dewoy in tbo mattor ofreducing tho two fortified townson tbo Carolino island as yet, andto insuro tho subjection of bothtbo Ladrono and Carolino groupsis to bo the mission of tho Mohi-can. Tho Mohican will carry aslargo a forco of marinos as pos-sible, and it is not thought showill Lave any trouble in reducingany fortifioatiouB encountered.While a forco will bo landed attho towns visited no garrison willbe left, that dutyboing delegatedto Qoneral Merritt, who will seeto it nftor his principal work atManila is performed.

Meanwbilo tho Philadelphiawill represent tho United Statesat Honolulu. Wbilo it is not ex-pected that tho Sonato will bavopassed tho annexation resolutionby the timo tho Philadelphialeaves, such may bo tho case, andthe result will be, in that event,tbat tho cruiser will carry instructions for raising tbo flag over thopalaco. In tho event that Con-

gress shall bavo adjourned with-out action, and tho President shalldecido to take possession of Hawaii as a military necessity, tboPhiladelphia will represent hisauthority in the new possession.


Public Lands Notice.

On July 20th, ut 12 o'clock noon, attlio olllco of K. I). BaHwln, Hilo, Ha-

waii, will bo nolil nt public auction,on Hpoclal tonus of payment and Im-

provement, Lot 1,1, Kahoahiina, Hilo,Hawaii, nn area of CO 9--

acres, a littlo moro or loss.Upsol price, WS3.20.For full particulars ns to tonus and

conditions, plan, etc., apply at PublicLands Olllco, or at ofllco of K. I). Ilald-wl- u,

Hilo, Hawaii..1. F. UHOWN,

A'oiit of Public Lamia.Juno 20th, 1698.

3STOTIOH1.All persons aro hereby cautioned

not to disturb the ground in my plotIn NUUANU CEMETERY, or toremove anything therefrom. Anydisregard of this notice will be prose-

cuted to the full extent of the law.GEO. W. R. KING.

Honolulu, II. I., June 20, 1898.

TICKETS for admission to tho GrandStand nt tho HMJE ItUlIJOX MEET atCYCLOMKRE on NEXT SATURDAYEVENING! aro on sale at Wall, NicholsCo.s, "HonNoniWlth & Co.'s, HobronDrug Co.'s and F. W. Thrum's, at 50conts each. 045 3t




A Wedding means huntingaround for presents that willbe an appropriate gift for thebride.



Will be found to be of suchquality and design as to pleasethe most fastidious.


We will show you in theshape of

Spoons and Forks,Soup Ladles,

'Oyster Forks andCoffee and Tea Spoons.


We know that ourTea sets

Crumb Trays and BrushesCoffee

TeaChocolate and

Egg SpoonsAs well as our


Fishand Butter Knives.

Will furnish a fine selection.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Sprockets' Bank.




Al Sprockets' Park, Kahului,


MONDAY, JULY 4, 1898.

Official Program.Races to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp.

CLE RACE.One Mile Dash. Free (or all Maul Cyclists.

First Prize. $15 Goll MeJal; SeconJ Prize, $10.Entrance fee $,.SeconJ.-RUNN- ING RACE.

Half-mil- e Dash. Tree for all Pontes 14 hands orunder. Purse, $50.

ING RACE.One Mile Dash. Free for all. Purse, $100.

rourth. TROTTING AND PACING TO HARNESSOne Mile Heats, best 1 la 3. Free for all. Purse,


ING RACE.One Half Mile and Repeat. Free for all Maul

bred horses. Purse, $7S

ING RACE (Handicap).of a Mile Dash. Free for all Hawai-

ian bred horses nW hands or under. Horses 11hands or under to carry loolhs., horses 14.x hands tocarry notbs., horses hands to carry laotbs.iirrse. oo.Seenth.-TROTT- ING AND PACING TO HAR-

NESS.One Mile Heats, best 9 In t. ro class. Purse.


One Mile Dash. Free for all horses that havenever won a race. Members of the Association toride. Purse, $40 Gold Medal presented by theSecretary,

ING RACE. MULE RACE.One Half Mile Dash. Catch weights. Free for

all. Purse, $40 and $10 added by I. C, A. Parish.Total 1 50.

ING RACE. MAIDEN RACE.Ihree-tourt- h 01 a Mile Dash. Free for all

Maidens. Purse, $75.Eleventh.-RUNNI- NG RACE.

Mile Dash. Free for alt. Purse: $.Twelvelh.-PO- ST ENTRIES. RUNNING RACE.

une nine uasn. Tor all, Portuguese, Japa-nese or Chinese to ride. Entries close 1 j minutes be-fore race. Entrance, Si.so. Purse, $j donated byG. M. Boote. President M. R. A.

All entries are to be made with the Secretary before13 o'clock noon on Friday. June aith. 1808. Entranrefees to be 10 per cent of the Purse, unless otherwisespecified.

All Races to be run or trolled under the rules of theMaul Racine Association.

All Horses are expected to start unless withdrawnoy 13 o ciock noon on juiy ana, rtyti.

General Admission t i ; 50 cents.Grand Stand (extra) t : 50 cents and Si,Quarter Stretch Badges I I 1 1 $5.

Per order of Executive Committee.GEO. IIONS.

Secretary Maul Racing Association.


To si boyis iiiiding himselfunnblo torip his clothes.

Proveto a motherthat you soilsuch clothes, andyou have alasting customer.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street fayerlcyBlocl

Agents for Dr. Delmel'a Ltnen-Me- eb

Underwear. Bond (or Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.



$7,00 Pants for $5.00.

.00 Suits for $18.00.

J6T This Is no humbug. Come amitake your pick.

MEDEIROS & DECKERNo. 11 Hotel Street.



13-- 14 Progress Block, cornor Borotnnlnand Kort Streets, Honolulu.

Tie Tire TM Cures



is the




Buy Well.


)o not concludeon the iirst thing you see.Economy is investing judi-

ciously your time or money.

Your Time

Is well spent if you needanything for your houso, orfor a present, and you inves-

tigate tho

The People's Store.

Wo are offering a specialdiscount of ton per cent, offregular Plain ITiguro Pricesof certain lines, this month,and you can certainly

Save Money

At tbe People's Store.



ICing Street.

Lichee Nut TreesFOR. SALE !

Just received, the finest lot ever Im-

ported. A choice variety.

Over Two Years Old6. Will bear In from 18 to 24

months. Inquire at

Kwong Hip Lung Co.,035 404 Hotel Street. lm

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon. 610 Fort Street.

' ' TELEPHONE 785.

Orders left at Club or PantheonStaulcs will bo received and promptlyattended. Diseases of dogs a specialty.

"Bit Tirefl Feels."




Helfl In Place liy Two ElGctrically Wellea Wires1

45000 Sets-Use- d


UNITED -:-- STATES"We invito Inspection Goods on Exhibition


Hawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.'s Factory

Wilson &Solo Licensees for Hawaiian Islands.




On Wednesday, June Snd, we will close our Dry Goods Department to arrangethe stock before Removal Don't buy any Dry Goods until you hear from us. We have aSURPRISE in store for you. ,

J. T. WATERHOUSE. Queentreet


Stu.;U'' WJ&tflL'jik, i". AujfclL.i J! iu A -- '''lu-. tfWlfojJ- w 'sMUsi: f, .te, &UUiiiMCiL&iK3t'mki0 AwnV i.A&in-- ; W, &&&lw

Page 5: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation


'WWIm' '



Wall, NicboU Co. aro havinga rattling sale for tbcir boys inbluo post cards.

Mrs. Pago, sistor of Mrs Potrio,rutarns homo by tho Alamedaaftor a pleasant stay of two monthsin Honolulu.

Tho Monadnock is to be con-vay- od

by tho converted colliorNoro. Tho latter vessel was form-erly the White Gift.

Mr. Gero of Pearson & Hob- -Tons, is said to nave accepted tnomanagement of Oastlo & Cooke'sstoTO department.

Liout. P. V. H. Lansdale form-erly on tho U. S. 8. Alert wasmarried to Miss Ethel S. Smith atSan Rafael, California, on tho 8thinst.

Captain A. N. Tripp is leavinpin tho Ahmoda to pnt his youngBon at Bchool. He haH not beonat the Coast for Bomo years, andwill stay a couple of months.

Tho Oceanic Steamship Companv has found it impossible to buy

A f ' -

or charter a steamer, either at theCoast or in the Colonies, for theintermediate sorvico betwoon aanFranciECO and Honolulu.

George Weight, manager ofKahuku plantation celebrated thobirth of his vounopst son. NormanErnest, last Sunday by a big luauwhich was attended by manyHonolulu peoplo.

Tho Houso spent tho forenoontoday discussing the Light Winoand Beor Liconso Bill withouttaking action. Tho discussion willcontinue this atternoon.

In the Senate this morning thopoll tax repeal bill was tabled ontue report or a committee, xnoHouso amendments to tho appro

o I pnaiions were taken up, and inmost cases concurrence was ro-- $

fused. The cutting down mutJ hove run into the hundred thous

ande. Several bills were an-

nounced as having been signed bythe President.

By tho S. S. Moana, theMerchants Exchange haB receiveda lot of Fresh Bock Beer, a specialty; and also Enterprise Beerand Fresh Oyster cocktails.

For a nice clean shave or anartistic hair cut drop in to the EliteBarber Shop, King street, near

, -- .AlaKea.Mrs. W. M. Giffard returned

homo in the Moana, bringing: withher for vacation her daughterJennie, who haB been the pasttwo years attending Notrp DameColleee at Los Anceles. Thoyoung lady has passed very suc-cessful examinations at the college.

Pearson & Hobron aro agentsfor tho Search Light BicycleLamp which is generally concededto ue tno Dest uicycie lamp iu ex-

istence.If you want gasoline in a hurry

ring up Telephone 907.m m mi

Prof. Koebele'g Movement.,

Professor A. Koebelo was athis home in Alameda on tho 12th

inst. Ho expected to leave forWashington in a few days., Hegoes there to consult with Dr. CH.Merriam chief of tho BiologicalSurvey of the Department ofAgriculture. On his return to the

i Islands in September ho willbring a number of inseot destroy- -

jng birds from California.

Voianittei1 ffoiii Jfahie.

Tom Jamed, for many years

steward on board tho Australia

and later engaged in tho hotel

business here, is going to Manilaas chief steward of tho Senator.

Police Court.

Three caBes of aBsault and bat-

tery were nolle prosqued and Doi,

a Japanese hackdriver, was fined

$6 for leaving hiB horse untied ina publio thoroughfare. SecondDeputy Marshal Ohillingworthmade his first appearance as g

attorney this morning.He will aot during tho lllnosB ofDeputy Marshal Hitchcock.

Pictures make excellent wed-

ding presents. King Bros., 110

Hotel street.Houses cannot be built without

walls and homes cannot bo mode

comfortable without pictures to,n Vnrn nlaCOS OH tllO WBllS.

If vou havo tho walls, wo have tho

pictures to covm "--," truly, King Bros., 110



"J" K'V J'W 'V w;.;T"a!V' ",'! WP




Coal Swept Overboard So She Ran to

San Diego.

Starts Out Once More With Hope of Better

Weather In lower Latitudes-- Lots

of Seasick Ones.

San Dieco, Juno 10. ThoUnited States stoamship Monto-ro- y

and her coal consort, tho Bru-

tus, supposed to bo speeding ontheir way toward Manila, worosigh p-- at noon today by thostoanii.hip Pomona.

Tho ensign accompanying thoPaymaster stated that the vesselsmot heavy weather on tho secondday out and that tho Montoreylost ovorboard eighty throe tonsof tho coal which was secured innettings on deck.

Captain Leutze of tho Monteroystated this evening that the coalwas lost about thirty miles outsideof the Farallones, the netting giv-

ing away from ropoated battoringof tho waves in hoavy woathor.It was then deoidod to como southand, aftor reloading at San Diego,start afresh for Honolulu. Thecaptain stated that tho trip fromhere would bo much smoother andquicker, as they would hrvo thotrado winds witn tuom an tnoway to Honolulu and avoid theboisterous gales on tho northernroute.

San Diego, Juno 11. TheMonterey commenced taking oncoal at 4 a. m. today. No menworo allowed ashore, except oneor two officers and tho paymasterwho camo off for supplies. Waterand fresh provisions wera addedto the 150 tons of coal taken as adeckload, and all was securelyBtorod at 10 o'clock this morning.Tbo big siren was sounded and at12:45 p. m. sho got under way andwent, rapidly down, the harbor.The Brutus, lying outside, joinedher and with the black smokeflying from their funnels bothships rapidly disappeared to thewestward.

Commander Coltman of thoBrutus said he had a hard time ofit on his present trip so far, hisofficers being men who

tbo service for the war. Nearlyevery man had been decidedlyseasick on tho voyage.

Just Received


On Ico.PER


THE- -

Beaver LunchROOM,

H. J. Nolte, Proprietor.945-3- t

Received by tho "W. H.

Diamond," the latest in r

Percales-- : AND :'

PlanejettesA Fine Lino of CHILDREN'S

Lace Capes aoi Bonnets.

Also a now supply of

Fancy Prints,Which wo will codtlnfio to "sell at 5

conta per yard.

II mm kmKing Streot, Von Holt Block.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts. permonth.

j. '.. Ji

S. S.



"The Boys in Bine"


Sural Poslal i!

oi views

produced from half-ton- e

plates of the "Boys in Bluo."

JjEOnly 25 cts. a sot.g3jjTGot a sot at once everybody

will want tlioin.

Published and for sale by


Island orders will receive

prompt attention.


We have received Brush,Double and Single Frame andSkeleton DOOR MATS.

Razors. ' '

Pruning and BuddingKnives,Pocket Knives,Farriers' Knives.

Open and TwistedLink Trace Chains.

Winsor & Newton's Colors,Color Boxes,Artists' Canvas,Academy Board,Palettes,Vouga's Studies.

Pacific Hardware -- Co.,- Ltd,,

O. R. & L. Co.



Honolulu .,Pearl City.,EwaMlll..,WaUnae. ..Walalua ...



WalaluaWalanaeEwaMlllPearl City. ..Honolulu ....

A soncs six

Fort Street.


I s.


7: io8:078:370!7

5?n1?A. M.

SIS6; jo


10:08IOI5Jis : 00


6:117M7 :478:078:04

P. M.




10:0910:5911:34in 15


V. M.

a: 39

3:5s4t34 : ?


V. M.

3! 105:506 : 10



1 148

F. O. Smith, Gen'l Pubs. & TicketAgoht.

Q. 1. Tjenison, Suporintonilont.


Wo havo just received and havo forBale a FRESH SUPPLY of tho above.Only a small quantity of each so leaveyour orders early and often.

Henry May & Co.,030 FOTtT STREET. lw

Consolidated Soia Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Stt., Honolulu.


RightatYourDoor !

Every mimmor many of our pooplovisit nt tho various springs throughouttho United Slates In Kourch of lost lioalth.Owing to tho heavy oxpenso Incurred bytlmo consumed In making thews Jour-neys, ninny aro compelled to roinaln athomo In consoquonco.

BartlettAftor careful study and thorough In-

vestigation as to tho most effectivewaters for tho allmonts most common toour icoplo, wo find that HAHTLETrHriUXOS WATKlimby far superior tonit others. Many promlnont residents'of Hawaii havo visited tno springs andnil allko ngroo that It 'has no equal incurntivo qunlltlos.

SpringsTho loading physicians of California

prescrlbo It, many consider It Indls-lonslbl- o.

For stomach and kidneytroubles It is ospoclnlly recommended.

Call and recefvo a circular containingtestimonials of pooplo who aro woll andfavorably known.

WaterWo Hro carrying In stock this valu-nbl- o

water In quantities to suit ,at thofollowing prices:

lor Caso of 50 Quarts ? 0.50Per Caso of 50 Pints fl.KO

Per Dor. Quarts 2.50Por Doz Pints 1.00

Hollister Drug Go.

Sole AgentsFor the Hawaiian Islands.


Stacks of New Goods I

Arrived on S. S. Anrangi, and aro nowfor distribution

Prices are Lower Than DEver !

Styles are all USTew !

Best Values Ever Offered !

..tffcJWhito Piques and Cotton Ducks .are more mdemand than ever. Wo made preparations for this andhavo a largo stock in all A largo assortment ofGenuine Scotch Dimities all now patterns. TasselcdMadras and Now Figured Muslins for Curtains amiDraperies.

N. 3. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd520 Tort Street, Honolulu.

Telknionm 755. P. O. 4.

Opening Announcement.

Palama Grocery Co.


The Company Store is How Open for

the Transaction of Business.

And wo shall bo pleased to waitjipon our old customers who so generously patronized me iormerGrocery. New patrons will also booffered every Inducement to placotheir orders with us. Orders by tele-pho-

or through tho malls will re-

ceive prompt attention. Don't for-cn- t.

nur motto was and always will bothat "A nimble six pence Is betterthan a ln.y half crown.

H. CANNON,Manager Palnma Gro

cery, Ltd., opposite jiauway ue- -

not. King streuHonolulu, May 10, 1808.


015-t- f



Ofllce: 208 Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carters ofllce.P. O. Box 104.

S ty.

Como early get first choico at

M tft&ddJ?.

California Horses!

Matched Tcamsj

Family, Hack and

Saddle Horses.

I Ordersdorses.

IP. o.

takon a (taAes f

btables: King oppo. Sixer's Balwry

j.a. McdonaldBox


To Let.

Tho Cottage on tho comer of Bore-tani- a

and Richards streets, oppositethe Central Union Church, at presentoccupied by tho Hotel. Possessiongiven on the of Apply to

000-t- f DR. JNO. S.

W. JORDANISTo. lO Fort Street.



A Beautiful Line of SilksTor Shirt Waists and Costumes. Now Shades

Prettiest Plaids and Fancy Patterns,


Triumph, Surah and Brocade.

Black and Colored Satin.

BIBBONS EIBBOISIn all Widths Stripes, Plaids, Plain, Col- -


ors, in '

Satin, Silk, Taffeta and Moire Taffeta

Roman Stripes and Plaids in

Sash Ribbons&

A. p'oIoSLail


E. W. JORDAN'S,"No. IO JETorfc Streot.

&sMMiai vJ'ikMikii.'a.Mm Asekiv . '.Cwf







.; ,-,,- (.C, .'



851 422


".19 fe




. ;


.) m:v


5'" ,3Mm1,. y , t '





.,,, t


V- -

Page 6: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation


sun lmumce CO.

OP -:- - CANADA.

Summary of the Annual Report tor 1897.

Now Llfo Application ro- -

colcd during 1807.... $10,292,76t 02Increaso oor 189(1 5,182,402 73

Cashlneomo foryoarond- -lug 31st Dec, 1897.... 2,238,801 74

Increaso oor 1800 352,010 "IAshoU at 31st Dceomlicr,

1807 7,322,371 41Increaso (nor 1800 034,220 78

lto.oro for Security ofPolicyholders 0,850,752 OS

(According to Urn. l'ourpor lout. Tublo )

Itifrpnoo over 1800 021,552 60

Surplus ocr nil Liabili-ties, except Capital... 314,220 13

(According to Hm. Fourporeent. Tnblo.)Surplus tnor all Liabili-

ties and Capital btock 583,271 OS

(According to CanadianGov't Stand ml, Ilni. i4porSurplus ocr nil Liabili-

ties, except Capital... 088,272 00(According to CnnadlanGov't Standard, Hi porcunt.)Claims 1'ald During 1S07 4(13,074 37

Bishop & Co, Bankers,

Honolulu, ii. Jl.

J. H. PORTEOUS,920-l- Inspector.

ifflPflLIM MAT CO,


O 1 'Vallkb Manages.



INavr Contractors.

Refrigerated Poultry--ANE

Fresh Salmon


Metropolitan Bjeai Co.

Telephone 45.

Fine Tailoring !

I have a new cutter of great skillan I experience, and can guaranteepood lln it very low pilccs. Thelatent suitings are kept in stock, dl

iu a beautiful blue sorgo forsummer wear.

Ne w Goods !

KWucstand freshest Dry Goods con-sti- i'i

i u stock. Have Just receivedflin- - ! Cloth, Pongee 811k,

Silk Handkerchiefs, etc.A' st of White and Colored Mat- -


Fancy Things !

The latest, S. S. Gaelic broughtItamboo Chairs and Lounges, Cam-phor Trunks with nlarm bell locks,etc., also New Crop Ten.

My prices In all lines meet thefiercest competition.

GOO XIM,Merchant Tailor and General Dealer,

210 Nuuanu, near Hotel street.

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

iiiouest Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


X. JECxo-ujso- , -- -- OE'ropPer Day .777777 8 2.00

BjifCtetX Moxitlily Z2talThe Best of Attendance, the Beat Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this Oitj


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstate and Furniture.

WPgm'JBWHI'lf P1 liiw. " - "Hnyiijia.rrvg'H" rvsrfrwi. if. rp.wrmwwww mmft i


We Have It!

HAtuttb m)Wxiio in km


mc.p latere H a-C-


The Old Government


Bottled Under Supervision


U.S. Government


W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited

Solo Agents.

Tol. 46. Merchant Street.

The Club StablesLimited..

O. Bhllina, Manager.


Telephone 477Liyery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo nro especially oqulppoil to cater toyour trado. Fair dealing and good feor-vl-

Is what wo doiond upon to get It.Wo liavo for salo Family Carriage and

Driving Horses, singlo or doublo teams.They nro in good condition and will bosold on faorablo tonus.

Dr. Hon at Is always In nttondnuco nttlio Stublos.

Cmb Stables Hack StandCor. Union & IIolol Sts.


DRIVERS.rillST GLASS CARRIAGES.HACKS AT ALL HOURS.Ordors forSurroyH,Wagonottos, Singlo

or Doublo Tonms ut a nioiuout's notlco.Hack Nos. 125, 133, 100, 70, 77.


.Dandruff will not euro Itself. Tobo freo of It you must troat yourlinlr nnd scalp with somo romedy

Our Dandruff Killerprojarod and sold only by us Is

Warranted to Cure !

Pacheco & Fernandes,Arlington Block, Hotel Street.



Association Grounds!


Honolulu ys. 1st. Regt.000-- 3 in

Mules For Sale.

A choice lot of Missouri and Califor-nia Mules

Just .A.rriveclNow for sale at low terms. En-

quire ofG. 8CHUMAN,

905-- tf Club Stables.


Continued from Third Page.

of tho earth. Ho bopod Hintwould go forward, but not im-

pelled by selfiBb motives. On bo-hn- lf

of tbe trustors and himself itgavo him plonsuro to presont tbodiplomas to tbo graduates.

Mr. Birnio pronouusod tho be-


(loort AVorili for Pastor lllrnle.Tbo Ecclesiastical Council

passed tbo fallowing resolution inconnootion witb tho resignationof Rev. D. P. Birnio:

"Resolved: That while endors-ing tho action of tbo chutch andPastor, wo desire to say for oursolves that it is with sincere re-gret tlmt wo part witb ono whomwo have learned to esteom veryhighly. Itov. D. P. Birnio's pas-tor- ato

in Honolulu, though briof,hns been fruitful. Through tboleadership by tho blessing of God,largo additions havo boon mado tothe Church roll, whilo as pastorand preacher ho has ondoarodhimself to tbo hearts of this peo-ple. Ho as proved himself welladapted to work for tbo young,especially young mon. In organiziug and carrying out plans fortho moral and intellectual im-

provement of tbo youth of thiscity, wo believo ho has had nosuperior. Wo fool assured thatthis historic field of religiouseffort has been greatly bloesod bybis ministry, and that tbe bestwishes nml earnest prayers ofGod's peoplo will follow him intoother parts of tho Master's vineyard, whero bo may bo called tolabor. Wo affectionately commend him to the churches, ns aman of lofty Christian character,a wiso pastor, and an offoctivopreacher of tho vital truths of thoGospel. Wo congratulate thomembers of this church on thoservice which has been renderedthorn, and pray that upon themthe divine blessing may still rest;that tho Great Hoad of tho Churchmay send thorn another leader oflike wisdom and dovotion."

During tho summer of 1891, Mr.Chas. P. Johnson, a well knownattornoy of Louisville, Ky., bad avery sevoro attack of summercomplaint. Quite a number ofilitlVrout remedies woro tried, butfailed to afford any rolief. Afriond who know what was needed

him a bottle of Chamberfirocurod Cholera and Diar-rho-oa

Remedy, which quicklycured him and ho thinks, savedbis life. Mo says that there hasnot beon a day since that timethat ho has not bad this romedyin bis household. Ho spoaks ofit in tbe highest pruiso and takesmuch pleasure in recommendingit whenever an opportunity isofferod. For salo by all dealers.Benson, Smith Co., GeneralAgents.

It is Cool on Tantalus.A friend of THE HAWAIIAN, who

made a visit to Senator Schmidt'splace on Monday, June 6th, reportsthat at 11:30 that forenoon thethermometer there registered 710,

while in Honolulu at the same timeit was 8i. This difference of tendegrees means that if Honolulu is

found to be too warm, that there is

a much cooler place within anhour's ride of the city. The cryshould oftener be, "Ho ! for themountains."

A "While" Hitler,A "White" ridor on a "White"

bioyclo, with a "White" record.Such ib tho standing of TomCooper, ono of tho fastest and beBtknown National Circuit chasers.Watch what ho does on the Whitothis year. Pacifio Cycle and Ma-

nufacturing Co., ogonts.

Meohanics' Home, corner HotelAnd Niinann. ntreetn.. lndmnr? TwDO Jday, wook or month. Tortus: 25and 60 cents por night. 1, nnd$1.25 ner wpok.

Tlir Old Commercial.

This well-know- n placo has beonplaoed under tho management ofP. F. Ryan than whom no ono isbetter known as a dispenser ofliquid refreshment. Tho Com-mercial is tbo oldest drinkingplaco in tho oity. It has been en-

tirely renovated and is tho coolestand most comfortnblo saloon intown. Tho colebratod John Wio-la- nd

boor on draught as woll nsall brands of tho bpst wines andliquors. Corner of Borotania andNuuanu stroets. Telephone 323.


Tenders for Supplies.

OkMCK OF TIIK llOAUD OP HEALTH.Honolulu, Juno 13, 1898 .

Tondors will bo rccolvod at this ofllco

until 12 o'clock noon, WEDNESDAY,Juno i!2, 1893, for furnishing tho Iiuroattof Honlth w lth suppllos spoclfled In tbofollowing ncliodulcY, for tho period of

six months ending Docombor 31, 1898.

llkls for Ho ins of each scbodulo must bo

mado soparntoly, ondoach tondor shouldbo ondorsod: "Tondors for SuppllosHoard of Health."

Tlio Hoard doos not bind Itsolf to pt

tho lowost or any bid.WILLIAM O. SMITH,

President of tho Board of Hoalth

SCHEDULE 'A."Materials and Supplies for uso of tho

Vuroau of Hoalth nnd tho Lopor Sotflo-moii- t,

Molokal, to bo dellvorod In quan-

tities ordorod by Agonts of tho Hoard of

Health f. o. b. Island steninors or anyother placo In Honolulu.


Lumbor, X. W., Itougli, per M.

Lumber, T. fc O., N. W., 1x0, por M.Lumber, Surfaced, It. W., por M.Sliinglos, It. W., per M.llntton, Jix3, U. W., por M.Ecnco Tosts, It. W., each.Doors, 2x0x0, IK In., each.Window Sash, 10x12, and lOxH, por

pair.Nails, Iron Cut, lOd basis, por kog.Nails, Onlv., 3d nnd 8d, por kog.llollod Oil, Hubbuck's, por gal.Whito Load, Hubbuck's, Goiuilno,

per lb.Turpontlno, por gal.Llmo, por bbl.Onlv. Iron Itoollng, 0, 7, 8 and 0 ft.

lengths, por lb.


Urcnd, S. P. Calif, or Am., up to 60

enscs, por lb.llrcnd Medium, saihplos to bo d,

up to 800 casos.Hiking Powdor, Hoyal or Schilling's

Host, 4 oz. tins, up to 30 gross.Rieon, por lb., up to 30 sides of 8 lbs.

oach (givo brand).llran, lllio, por ton, up to 30 tons.limn, Wheat, por ton, up to 10 tons.Crackers, Soda, up to 30 eases, por lb.Colloo, groon Kona, up to 12 sacks,

per lb.Charcoal, guava, up to 300 bags, por

bag.Coal, Dofkirturo Day, short ton (In

sacks), up to 20 tons.Flour, O. O., yx sacks, up to 400 bbls.Matches, long card, up to 300 gross.Milk, condonsod, M. M. brand, up to

10 casos.Onions, por lb., np to 12 cratos.Oil, Korosono, up to 300 casos.Potatoes, Island, up to 40 sacks.Prunos, drlod, up to 15 10-l- boxos.ltico, No. 1, up to GOO bags.Sugar, Itaw No. 1, up to 200 nags..Salmon, best rod, up to 120 bbls.Soap, brown (100 lb. boxos), 2 lb. bars,

up to 200 boxos.Salt, coarso, por ton, up to 500 bags.Starch, Lily Glois, 1 lb. pkgs., up to

20 cases.Tobacco, Golden Cupid, up to 50

boxos.Tobacco, blondod stock, up to 50

boxos.Whoat, up to 20 sacks.

' SCHEDULE " 11."

Hay and Grain to bo delivered at thoGarbago Stablos, near cornor of Southnnd Quoon st roots. Tho tondor must bo

for woight dellvorod at tho Stables.Hay, W boat or Oat, up to 160 balos.llran, whoat, up to 150 bags.Oats, up to 150 bags.


Suppllos for tho Insano Asylum to bodolivorod In quantities required andsubjoct to inspection and approval oftho Modlcal Suporlntondont.

Hoof, ono r, rumps androunds, por lb., about 150 lbs, por day.

Beof Stoak (loin), about 4 lbs. por day.Bread, frosli, 1 lb. loaf, about 30 loaves

por day.Broad, medium, por lb., about 4 cases

per month.Beans, bayo, per lb., about 100 lbs.

per month.Baking Powdor, Itoyal or Schilling's

Debt, 8 07.. tin, 1 doz, por month.Brooms, Steamboat or Mill, 1 doz. por

mouth.Colfuo, gioon Knna, about 100 lbs. por

month.Flour, O. C. or Crown, 1 lbl. por

month.Onions, 1 crato por month.Potatoes, Ihl.md, 10 bags por month.Port, oxtra clear, i bbl. por month,lllco, Hawaiian No. 1, 7 bags por

month.Salmon, host rod, 2 bbls. per month.Sugar, No. 1 Itaw, 4 bags per month.Tea, China Poiichong, 1 chost por

month.Tomatoos, canned, por doz. 3 cases

por month.

Wood, nlgaroba (not loss than 0 In.thick), 3 cords por month.

Coal, Doparturo Bay, 1 ton ior month.

Tenders for the Purchase of Hides

and Tallow.

Omen op the BoAim op Health,Honolulu, Juno 13, 1893.

Tondors for purchase of Hldos andTallow from tho Bureau of Health fortho period of six months, ending Decem-

ber 31, 1893,will bo roeolvod at this ofllco

until 12 o'clock noon, WEDNESDAY,Juno 22, 1808.

Tho tondors must ho for tho prlco porpound for Hldos and forTnllow dolivorodon tho wharf, Honolulu, on weights ap-

proved by an Agout of tlio Board ofHealth. Paymonts aro to bo mado inU. S. Gold Coin, Immediately aftor do- -

livory of goods,Tho Board does not bind Itsolf to ac-

cept tho highest or any bid.WILLIAM O. SMITH,

Prostdont of tho Board of Hoalth.039 4t



The Golden Rule Bazaar

Just received exS. S. Zealaiidia



HAWAII'S STOHY(By Llliuokalanl)


J. M. WEBB316 Fort Street.


Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St,


S8f Modorn and Humano Treatment,


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BKFAIBBB.

ithiop in All ItsBraock

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to O. West.)


By last steamer from the Coast.


At my store, where the


la done repairing and new workboth. Plna, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

Monuments and Headstones,

The undorslRned is nronared tn An

CEMETKItY WORK OP ALL KINDS,anu supply MONUMENTS and HEAD-STONES of which ho has a groat va-riety of tho Latest and Most ArtisticDesigns, and will also supply Stone Cop-ing separately for surroundlnir eomn.tory lota.

I KsUmalos given in Marblo, Gra-nit- o,

Hawaiian Stone, etc.900 tf FItED. HARRISON.

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.

f mmwwiirtffrwrt

Home Decorating I

Gold Paint:

Which is a substitute for goldleaf, and will LAST.


For Imparting n hard nnd glassysurface to nny material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:

For porcelain finish on tuba,flower potfl. etc. Not nflectedby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

tSSTFull directions for uso. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.

All mi &


Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought.'and

Sold, on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real Estate

Insurance AgentsRents collected. Complete charge

of Property for absentees.--Jlnaiiolal Agents in any capa-city, as Trustees, Assignee,, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agenoy ofGrwici



"The Hawaiian".A. "Weekly3STe-w6;- p aper

Dovotod to tho Agriculturaland Horticultural

of tlio Ha-

waiian Islands.

Issued Saturdays.


Ono Year. 2 01One Year (Foreign postago paid)',.. 2 6Six Months A......... 1 25Sir Months (Domostio)..t 1 00Singlo Copies 05

Advertising Eafes on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"210 King Street,

Honolulu, H. I.

jy&Ujd.i.. A.fe., Uik'45.''. &MM)H iMfrnHmm feffiitfa if I'll 1 .rt - in in rviri-ii- ' MT'rtateialtoiMTiri i n


Page 7: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation


y- -

W.G. Irwin &Oo.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugar Refinery Co. of Ban

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Fhlla

delphln.renn.. U. 8. A.Kewoll Universal Mill Oo. (National

Cane Shredder), Now York, U. 8. A.N.OhUndt & Oo'g Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Gross & Sons, biph grade lortll- -

izers for Oano and Coffee.Roods Steam Pipe Covering


Offer for Salerarnfflno Faint Go's P & B Paints and

Papers; Lmcol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indnrino. (a cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd ManagerOlaua Bpreokele, - - - nt

W. M. Oiffard, - Seoretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AQENT8 OF THH




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHiwallso Agricultural Company. Onom SurtrCompany, Honomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, Make

HaleakalaTlanch Company,RSchf Planters' Line S.n

tickets, Chs. Brewer & Co.a Line of Boston

Packets. Agents Boston Board of underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.


P 0 Jones, President; George H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Seo-etar-

OoU W F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H waterhouse, A W Carter, Directors.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on oar line and on

ROAD near ifertilizinsPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap and Bold

on Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city and

other Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near Kind.Ttotkwb607. P.O. Box 821.


Brokers & DealersIK- -

REALJiSTATEy We will Buy or Bell Real Estate In

all parte of the group.iy We will Sell Properties on Betson.

able Gommitslonst

OFFICE. 10 West King Street



Cor. Fort and Queen Btreeta, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers f

European and American Dry Goods

Fott and Queen Sheets.


Dealers in Lumber and Coal

nd Building Materials of nil

kindB'Qnoon Street, Honolulu,


Jusfc Like Gold Coin.

For morn f.linn flfftrhas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER Btonfl t.rin fncfagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand iniuu Home.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the Dronnnfnra lntrclaim to any wonderful revelation oi tne ingredients that en-ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p rfectly harmless, youneed havo no fear of becominghabitually inclined fo itjumn

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery. Colds, nnrl nil nninfnlaffections, a fow doses will certainly givo roller, xou cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the houso.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Whv cxnerimnnr. wit. h nnmnremedy that is new and its effectuii mu system unKnowns

It has many rivals but noequal.

JW The now 35c. size con-tains over double thfl ntinnfifvof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Agonts for the Islands.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewoodGut and Split (ready for the Btove).




At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part olme uiiy.

VE1EPHONB i t i 414

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Btreet.

Pawaimn FertilizmoCOMJAAJSTY

is proparod to furnishNitrate of Soda, Bone Meal, raw or

dissolvod;Florida and Lady Elliot IslandGuano, Sulphato of Ammonia, Muriateand Sulplmto of Potash and Kainlto, Coral Lime Stono and Manures. In quantl'ties to salt.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Street.

FOB SALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; $d

eacn.1 Surroy in fine order; price $200.House and Lot, 75x155 ft., on No. 71

5Toang street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitohendining-roo- efb.


Contractor and Builder.Offices and Stores fitted up and

Estimates given on


gr Office and Shop: No. 610 Fort street,adjoining W, W. Wright's Carriage Bhop.

Real Estate Transactions.

nVtefviKaM nra fnrnf atiAfl tvlrh from fWatv 1lau na vaaIt rriolnflan nnrinvnta

tnnrA "rf all mnrtoftota. lAftHAfr ta.looses, powers' f attorney, etc.. etc.'whiobam trtlowil nn vAAAr1 .MV IIWWVM W vvwu

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOS HOTK1. STREETS,

Cakes and Candies, lpFine Ice Cream.

Onr Establishment la the finest IteaortIn the City. Call and see us. Open till 11

o'olook r. u,

AJLr.-.-i.- '



Water Notice.

In accordance with Section 1 nfChapter XXVI of tho Laws of 1KSG:

All persons holdlnc water nrivlleiresor tlioso paying water rates, are hereby notified that tho water rates fortho term ending Deccmbor 111. 18HH.

will bo duo and payable at tho ofllco01 1110 JlOllnllllll Wnti.r W.irUu .. M.o.....m U..., w.v1st day of July, 1808.

AH such rates reinalnlinr unnald for15 days after they are duo will he subject to nn additional 10 per cent.

AH privileges upon which rates remain unpaid August 15, 1808, (.".0 daysafter becoming delinquent) are liableto suspension without further notice.

Hates are payable at tho olllce of the"Water Works In the Knpualwa Build- -ing. ANDREW nnnwx.

Sup't. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, II. I., June 20, 1808.

043 lot

Sealed Tenders.Will bo received at the Ofllce of tho

Minister of the Interior until TUES-DAY, Juno 28, 1808, at 12 o'clock noonfor tho purchase of surplus timber inthe forest on tho ridgo below TantalusHeights.

Bids will bo received nt so much nercord on the stump. Trees to bo cut asdesignated by tho Forester and thourusli disposed of under h s supervision.

Particulars may bo learned uponapplication to tho Ofllce of tho Com.mlBsIoner nnd Secretary of the Rnnr.iof Commissioners of Airrlculturo nmlForestry, Judiciary Bulldlmr.

Tho Minister of the Interior doesnot bind himself to accent tho lowestor any bid.

Tenders must bo endorsed. "Bidsfor Cutting Timber."

HENRY E. COOPER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ofllce, Juno 10, 1808. 0IO--

Notice to Corporation.In conformity with Section of tho

Civil Codo, all Corporations are horobynotified to mnko a full and accumto exhibition of their affairs to tho InteriorDepartment on or beforo tho 31st day ofJuly next, tho namo being for tho yearending July 1, 1808.

Blanks for this ptirposo will bo furnlshod upon application to tho IntorlorOffice.

Upon falluro of nny Corporation toprosont tho exhibit, within tho time roqulrod, tho Minister of tho Intorlor will,olthor Iiimsolf or by ono or moro Com-

missioners appointed by him, call fortho production of tho books and papersof tho Corporation and oxamlno Its Ofll- -cors touching Its offal rs under oath.

IIKNItY K. COOPER,Minister of tho Intorlor, ad InterimIntorlor Ofllco, Juno 15, 1808.

010 .It

A New Departure,"Wo aro very anxious to show

tho public what a co operativestoro can do in tho way of supplying tho table with fresh importedgroceries. So please don't forcetthat tho Falama tivo

Grocorv Co.'s storo is now onnnfor business. First shipmont ofgoods arrived per Mariposa fromtho coast. Among tho many goodtil intra bIio brought are' frenh frn.zen ovsters. delicious nmnlrpdhalibut, plato corn beef, G lb kitssalt mackerel, smoked beef hams,1 lb blocks croamory buttor, andmanv other choico articles. Thinstoro has always enjoyed thoreputation for low prices, but nowunder tho co operative plan woaro better ablo than ever to competo with even our colestial compotitors. No harm in giving us atrial. JLoiopnono 76o till now is-

sue of book. Goods delivered toall narts of citv and suburbs.PALAHA CO orEIlATIVE GltOCEnY

Co.. Ltd.Old stand, opposite Railway

jjopor, limg streot.

"There Are Other Pebbles."But do not for n. mnmnnf think

that tho Anohor Saloon is justiiko tnom. Jjiquid refreshments,to bo refroshincr. ronuirn n. nnrtnindash of skill and experience in themixing, uariyio and Androwsmake 'a creat succesn in thin do--Dartmont and stand rnndv in onlia.fy patrons in the mattor of SeattlpDoor on arangut, as won as all thobest brands or whiskv. vi?.- - .TnlmDowar's Scotch, O. P. S., etc., andt n til tiiuui u tun iino oi omer liquorsand winos cannot fail to fill oventho most OXactincr nnrl vnrinrldomand.

Orders solicited for snecialmonu or dinnor cards, dono inwater colors or oilB. King Bros..Hotel street.

Kncua Point Ricli In History andNatural Curiosities.

Uxce rpt from account of recent railroad excursion In

The Hawaiian ol last Saturday.

At Kaenn Point the excursiontrain was stopped for nearly half,an hour, to enable those who wishedto tramp over the sand dunes tothe point proper, where it waspromised they would see a sightthat would repay them for the exertion in the hot sun. Only fourventuresome ones took the tramp,but they considered themselvesmore fortunate than those who re-

mained in the train. In a littlevalley among the sand hills wasfound what one of the party described as "sand bushes." Therewere numberless trunks, branchesand branchlets that indeed looked

not unlike bushes. The "bushes"were clearly made of sand, whichin some way had become hard asstone and stood firmly in their bedof loose, drifting sand. But whathad caused this freak? Each trunkand brancli was found to becylindrical, and this probably ex-

plains how the bushes were formed.At some unknow time in the past,mucous-dischargin- g insects or ani-

mals had evidently burrowed downin the sand bank, the tunnel, orrather well, thus made being keptfrom caving in by the slimy coatinggiven it by the animal. In thecourse of time this lining becameadamantine, and then the wind andthe rain shifting and washing awaythe loose sand from about the ani-

mal's deep well-lik- e home, theresult has been what the excursion-

ists found sand bushes. Amongthe same sand dunes many prettyshells were found. But the sightworth the trouble of the tramp wasthe cape, or point itself, with itsgreat expense of sharp lava rocksover which the surf was rolling,there being an occassional angrysplash as some quarrelsome wavestruck against an unyielding lavabarrier.

There was a monument at KaenaPoint that told of an almost for-

gotten past a smooth road builtacross the rough lava and out intothe water. Undoubtedly it servedas a boat landing for ancient Ha-

waiian fishermen. The mention ofthis surf road brought out the state-

ment from one of the excursioniststhat the coast from Kaena Point toWaialua was the best fishing"ground" to be found anywherearound the Islands, and that manyyears ago there was a dense popu-

lation of native fishermen livingclose to the shore along this samestretch of coastway as the occa-

sional trace of what had formerlybeen stone fences bounding thelittle homesteads indicated.

"Curious things have happenedin some places on these Islands,"said the historian of the excursionists."I can show you places now coveredwith stones that were formerlystoneless taro patches."

"What happened? was the soil

washed away by floods, leaving therocks exposed ?"

"No; the stones rained down !

That is no josh. There have beenshowers of big stones, in a fewplaces, that have covered up andruined cultivated fields. You don'tbelieve it; but it is so."

These glimpses of an unchronicledpast lent interest to the occasion asthe excursion train sped backwardsthrough what at one time was per-haps a populous villiage, now noth-ing but a stretch of rocky beachcountry; there was no occasion toquestion the authenticity of thehistory too closely. From KaenaPoint, until Waialua is reached, thetrain runs in an exactly oppositedirection from that in which it startsat Honolulu, as the map will show.

Impure mood In Hjirlnu.

This is tho almost universalDiminished perspira-

tion during wintor, rich foods andcIobo confinement indoors arosome of tho causes. A goodSpring Medicine, like Hood'sSarsaparilla, is absolutely neces-sary to purify the blood and puttho system in a healthy conditionat this soason.

Hood's Fills aro the best familycnthartio and liver tonic. Gontlo,roll nil! n. nnrn.w...w, UH.w.

1898. 7 sMf

tMsWwsfc"sWsisislSsiBMsflBBsMsMrllfc TisJlssili


a a


TIl following lines were gotten up ospocially for tho Island trade, and anotahlo foaturo on which wo havo testimonials Is tholr Good ticourhig qualitiesand light draught.

.Sizos 0, 8 and

Sizes 12 and

Wo carry also a comploto lino of extras for tho above '


And In tho Household Dopartmont a now lot, Jut rocolvcd, of

OOOOANUT DOOR MATS,And nnothor car load of

G-arlan- d Stoves and Ranges.




10 inches.

11 Inches.



TBLarnoNE 378


The City Furniture StoreAnother lot of those

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just received In time for thoHolldays at the CITY FURNITURE STORE,Love Building, 634 and 636 Fort Street.

EW Call and Inspect them before it Is too late.

H. H. WILLIAMS, Mnnnger.Office 840 : : TELEPHONES : Residenok 848;

Honolulu Undertaking Oo.

ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D ::: MittTho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXOLUSI VELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on tho Islands. Every-thing New and'of tho Latest and Most Improved

Specialty ! No Bungling ! No, Failures !

NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams is a Graduato of Clark's School ofPerfect Embalming by which proooBs the body'retains its natural

for years.

VST Office and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel.Telephone 179. Residence and Nipht Telophono 815

Honolulu Messenger ServiceCORNER KING AND ALAKEA ST8.,


Messages and.


Office Open Until IS O'clock P. M

D. G-- .












Bulletin. 75c. Per Month







Page 8: VV .- Evening Bulletinpresence of Corvera's fleet in San tiago harbor was removed wbon Admiral Sampson's dispatch reached tho Navy Department last night. Up to that timo in formation



. .

BirdCages !

Wo mo in tho Bird Oago business,

nml by tho " Mariposa " rccoivod a now lotCages. Wo can furnish you with anythingyou want; a big Parrot Oago, Breeding Oago,

and any stylo of oithcr cheap painted or brass

cages. Wo can fit your out with a homo

for anywhoro from to $10.

E. O. HALL & SON, Limited,

Corner Fort and Kin Streets.

Our Shoes TalkTboy will appeal to yon now as thoy

novor havo boforo. No matter what tho

price yon pay, our SHOES are equal to it.

"Wo do not advocato buying cheap footwear,

but inside tho prices quoted wo can gua-

rantee comploto satisfaction in fit, wear and


A. E. MURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St., Arlington Block.

swy.: .c




Manila CigarsReceiving Regularly by Every Steamer

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, --

Pipes and Smokers' Artioles.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Port & Merchant Streets.

Show Your ColorsAnd ,

He?oreLt for tlie Boys to --A-rrrve

Just lauded at tho

J. -.- - --A.. -.- - J--J.

A New Stock of Fireworks.Staru and Stripes Decoration Bunting.American Shields.PRESIDENT RIoKINLEV'S PICTURES.Rod, Whlto and Hluo Festoolng.American Bunting,MuhIIii and Silk Flags, all Bizet).Ruttouhole Buttons, etc., etc.

hEmmm I -- Cor. Nmmwu ad Kii Sts.


Could Not SleepSuffered with Dyspepsia and Un- -

ablo to Do HorWork-Oomplot- oly

Curod by Hood's Sarsaparllla."I suffered wlth'djrspcpela and could

not do any kind of housework. I wasvery nervous and could not sleep. Iheard so much about Hood's Sarsaparlllathat I bought bottle. I found it gavemo rellof and I bought six bottloa. WhenI had taken them I was cured. I can nowdo my housework and can sloep woll atnight." Mabib Hamm, 1730 ProspectAvenue, Helena, Montana."I havo found Hood's Barsanarllla ex- -

cellent for building up and strengtheningthe system when it is in a run down orexhausted condition." Mns. SARAB M.Bbook, Red Lodge, Montana.

If you havo decided to tako Hood's Sar-saparllla do not bo induced to buy anyother. Got Hood's and only Hood's.

HOOCl'S parlHais mo nest-- In fact the One True Blood rurl.flcr. Bold by all druggtU. l, six for 15.

Hood's Pills sfcWrairML


Diamond Head Signal Station, June22, 1 m Weather cloudy, wind light


Stmr Kncnn,Walalua.

lire from

Stmr Walaleale, Parker, lira fromKahuku.

Stmr James Mnkee, Tullctt, 13 hrsfrom Kapaa.

Br bk Ottersnool, J H Held. 109 daysfrom Liverpool, 2750 tons muso to TilDavles & Co.

Stmr Moana. Carov. (11 iWm frm.iSan Francisco, pass and mdso to W Girwm as v;o.



Stmr Alameda, Von Otorendron. inws from Auckland, pass and 130 tonsuse to w u irwm & Co.


Stmr Moana,nles.

Stmr Kacna,ports.

Stmr JamesKapaa.



Carey, for the Colo--

for Walalua


Stmr Alameda, Von Oterendrop.SanFrancisco.












Makee.J Tullctt,






7. 1







a.m. D.in

aKJ- J-

a. m

0. 8

A JV1U.4U H.4Z



a. in9.15


1. 7

1.382. 6






11.39p.m.0.482. 8


Tho Standard time whistle Bounds at12h. 0m. 0s. (midnight), Greenwichtime, which is lh. 30m. p. m. of Ha-waiian Standard time.


Steamers duo and to sail tomorrowand for tho next six days are as fol-lows:


8TBAME113. FliOM. DUE.Mauna Loa Kona Juno 24upoiu-iumo- ia.... Jure 28Mokolll Molokal Juno 25Klnau Hllo Juio 28Claudlno Kahului Juno 0WG Hall Kauai June 20

DEPART.STEAMEns. Fon. Bails.WG Hall KauaL Juno 3Claudlno KahuluL Juno "8Mokolll Molokul .' Juno 2Mauna Loa Kona Juno 28

Dividend Notice.

A Dividend will Ijo duo and payabloto tho Stockhlodors of tho Hawaiian Su-gar Co., at tho ofllco of W. O. Irwin &Co., Ltd., on Juno 1898. Transfer bookscIoho Juno 25th.

W. L. HOPPER,045 6t Secretary.

For Rent.Cottago on Ifeoaumokit slroot., aboyo

roNlilonco of O. Schumann. Largo pal-lor, dining room, 2 spao'oiwlmll and elotlios closets; pollshod Itooia:pantry, kltchon, largo lannl, bath-room- swith onamol tub, marblo wasusfuids,iMtont W, 0.. hot house. I'hlckm. !,,,,.,oto. Largo lanal In back. Lot lonv"rn.Apply

CteAR, LANSINO & CO.PH-- " 210 King St.



233 Marohant St Honolulu,Between Fort aad Alakea,

TfiLuraonu 781


Liners Alameda and Moana In Port

With Plenty Hews.

Steamers Makeo, Walaleale and Kaenafor Isl-

and Produce Foreign Shipping-Tran- sports


Tho Moana leaves nt 3 o'clock.

Tho sohoonor Oriont loads lum- -

bor at Soattlo for Honolulu.rplin A In mnrln lunvno frtt ntn

Coast at 8 o'clock this evening.Tho echoonorOttilie Fjord takes

redwood to Kahului for CharlesNolsou.

Tho bark Sominolo will bring acargo oi coal iroui iNanaimo tothis port.

The sohoonor Nokomis is ohartered for lumber from PortLudlowto Honolulu.

Tho steamer Woialealo soils forKahuku and Fanaluu tomorrowmorning at 10 o'clock.

The Labrador opium smugglingcaso, after tho prcpcution baagot through and rostfd, wont overthis forenoon to Monday.

Tho bark Otterspool is at Browor's wharf aftor n smart passagoof 109 days from Liverpool. Thorecord run on this passago is 09days.

Tho following vessels wore upana loading last week in banFrancisco for island ports: Hono-lulu, barks O D Bryant, It P Hi-th-

and Martha Davis and bark- -entino Archer; Hilo, bark Albert.

Tbo steamship Centennial formerly tho Taqasaki Maru and P &.

O Agra was rejected by tho U SGovernment as a transport fortroops to Manila from San Fran-cisco. Captain Clark of Oceaniawharf was formerly in commandof tho Colon when bIig wbb Tun-ing along tho south coast.


From Kapaa, por stmr JamesMakeo W O Akana, S Hundley,Miss A Smith.

From Sydnoy, per stmr Alamo- -da W H Studd, O N Brown, JnoSabre, Qeo Christian and CharlesGait.

From Sou Francisco, per stmrMoana Cabin: 13 BurtonHolmes, Depue, Miss Docoto, MrsW M Giffard, Mies Jennie Gifford, M D Monseratt, J L Mo-Leo-

S Gmelin, M L Griovo,Albert Hoops, Z K Myers, MiesE Ellis, Mrs N H Zoave, MrsEaton, Miss Eaton, Mrs E SCunha, Clarence Gunua, Miss ACampbell, Miss Alice Campbell,Albert Cunha, Miss Cunha, MissJones, A Goldman, Miss JSchaefor, Cupt Soulo, Miss MYoung, Mi 8 Helen Kimball, MissDaisy Kimball, W A Eobortson,M Phillips and wife, J D Dinkels-fiel- ,

F A Aloxaudor, I Levinsto i

W Stanton, Hy Pearson, J B Oclo, Mrs Castlo and son, J TCampbell, O H Walker, W tlGootz, J H Olarborne, M Hym u

V E Boote, Miss Emma Quimby,B A Callaghan, B H Eyoroft, JM Miller, J M Schoening, LF Brown, Miss "W Gibbon.Stoorago: Mrs E J Sponcor, MrsJ E Thompson and 4 children, DErrell and wife, Mrs J D Madeiraand 5 ohildrou, A Douso, DavidButohart, G T::nbull, Mrs VPlummer, Mrs F Kelly, Mrs J TSilva, Mrs Donnelly, Wm "Welch,O P Muldany, Mr Winston,Jno Cowob, Mrs H W Pookand child, Mrs J Moses, JasBarry, Joseph McKay, 8White, E G Ferreira, O H Smith,I J Cox, P Moguiro, Mrs B KSutherland and 2 ohildren, MrsMIt Abbott and child, Miss J Cur-tis, Mrs H W Hilts, Mrs Fox and2 children, Mrs M Donison, E EGibson, A P Couley, E A Tom-linson- ,A

K Klommenco.Marmont.Through: Capt Whoolor, A PDrydon, Mahor, Jno Duthio, MissF Carey, F H Braokenbury, F EWashburn and wife, "W Angus, AFlynn, T O Falloos, wifo anddaughter, E D Clark and wifo, JM Joshua, W D Boazloy, G HBonnott, J P Carolin, A Eadao, OW Eoed and wife, MoBrido, J JJenkins, J H Mason, Jno Craig,Mr Lloyd, wife and 2 daughters,W J Collins, Thos Stevens, OhasKing, T HutahinBon, Jos Waters,F Polmountor, Jno Martin andMr Addison.


Per Alamoda: H May & Co, P GCamarinos, G Androw, Orders.


For Kauai ports, por stmr W GHall Mrs Knndsen. F W Glade,H P Faye, H Morrison, Copt EllaPeterson and Mrs uarstms.

For Kauai norts. ner stmr Mikahalo Poul Kahlbaum, A H Eice,K Kawamoto, Ako, Mr Davis, AChock, J H Porteous, C A Eico,Mr Purdy and Lau Sham.

For Maui ports, por stmr Olau-di- no

Mrs Aloxandor, Miss Alex-ander, O B AudrowB, O F Alox-andor. L von Tonipsky and chil- -dron, Mrs Akin, D B Murdock,Mrs Bmith and daughter, Eov TSuzuki, Misa Bradew, Miss Diok- -

oy and Mrs Lieut Llliot.RECEIPTS ISLAND PRODUCE.

Por Waialealo: 816 bogs paddyJ A Hopper, 250 ax rico.

Por James Makeo: 2590skBUgar0 Browor & Co, 100 bogs rico E OHall & Son.


Par Alameda: 80 pkes wino, 1 ocigars, 25 c onions, 12 cs limos,175pkos gin, 14 pkgs tea. 5 o cheese,5 mdso, G3 bills gunnies and 30 oapples.

. T. II. Davles Dentil.

But meagro intelligonco wasrecoived per this steamer concerning tho death of Hon. T. H.Davies.

It appears that after Mr.Davies arrival at his homo atTunbridgo Wells ho was confinedto tho houso with a bad cold onhis lungs. This, however, im-proved so much ho was able to goto London on tho 18th of Mar toottond a meeting of a philanthro-pic society of which ho was anofficer. On tho 23rd ho hod anattack of a dysonterio naturo andon tho 24th tho symptoms took adecided turn for tho worstThero was liltlo poin but groatexhaustion, and at 12:30 a. ca. ontho 25 Mr. Davies breathod hislast.

DIED.BOLTE In this city, Juno 21, 1898,

iingaru, mo miaiu daughter ofMr. and Mrs. C. Boite.

Funeral at tho residence of Mr.Bolto at 4 o'clock this afternoon.




Is any old tiling goodenougli for you "?

Or do you want your

StationeryAND OTHER

Printing Matters

Up-To-Dat- e?

f&s Tho questions are un-necessary. You can gottbo best at tbo



Printing House

210 King St., Honolulu, H.I.



Itesreti War Vaty on Ten Don NotHanker After Fhlllpiilnen,

Washington, Juno 15. ThoJopaneso Ministor, Mr. TornHoshi, talkod in an informal waytoday on some of the recentphases of tho war as thoy rolato totho interests of tho United Statesand Japan.

Mr. Hoshi expressed regret attho recent action of Congress inplacing a auty ot iu cents porpound on too. Tho effoct of tbolaw, ho says, waB comparativelysmall onothorcouutrioBjas againstunjjuu, wuuro irauo in CUOnp teaswould bo hurt by a uniform tax.

Mr. Hoshi does not quostiontho right of tho United States tomako its own scheme of internaltaxation, although ho thinks alargo tea tax will not bo oxpedioatat this time, when tho United Statesis ombarked in largo enterprisesin the Far East. Tho UnitedSlates and Japan aro on very in- - i

timato terms, and Mr. Hoshi feolsthat it would have been n;nn.dient for the Government to culti- -vote the friondly relations-- , both ofseutimont and of commerce, withJapan at tho expeuso of tho ruvo-n- uo

to bo derivod from taxingsJapanese- - teaB. Whilo it is not so"'intended, tho psopla of Japan 'will regard the duty as a discrimi-nation on tho part of tho UnitedStates against Japan, as it willbear most heavily ou it.

Mr. Hoshi says that Japan hasno longings toward tho Philip-pines. On tho contrary, ho saysthe acquisition of tho big islandof Formosa, whioh China ceded to --

Japan after the late war, hasgivou Japan quito enough colonialterritory to develop. Already itha cose the Japanese Governmentenormous otin.s to lay cables connecting Japan with Formosa, tobuild roads and to provide ado- -(junto military and naval defensesfor this new colony. Tho returnsfrom this island have gono to pri-vate merchants and owners o' ,

land, and nono of this return hasflowed into the governmont treas-ury. As a result tho govornmontis spending far more than it hasreceived or evor will receivo fromFormosa. This fact, ho addod,shows that thore is no ground fortho roports that Japan may bo an-

xious to acquire tho Philippinesin caso tbo United Statos sees fit'wto part with thorn.

Saceeu of War Loan.

Washington, Juno 15. Ifthoro was evor any question abouttho success of tho now 3 per contwar loans it has been set at restby tho way in which subscriptionsaro alroad'y coming in at theTreasury Department. Tho nco

of tho success of tho loanhas, howovor, beon made absolute-ly certain by two propositions,each covering tho ontiro presentissue of $200,000,000. Tho sub-scription of tho National OilyRank, tho Control Trust Companyand Yermyoa & Co., made tboday tho loan was opened, was forany part of the total issue thatshould not bo taken by the publicAnother proposal was formulatedthe same day oovering the entireamount. It came from J. Pier-po- nt

Morgan and a number ofassociates.

General News.

President MoKinley "urges aliberal appropriation for tho ParisExposition,

Senator Aldrioh has beon re-elected in Ehode Island.

Officers implicated in tho Jame-Bo- n

raid; excepting Major SirJohn Willoughby and ColonelFranciB Rhodes, will be rein-stated on half pay in tho Britisharmy and navy.

Lioutonant General Lord Fre-derick Ernest Seymour has beengazettedcommander of tho Britishtroops in Canada, to succeedLieutenant General A. G. Mont-gomery Moore.

Sir Arthur Lauronco Hallibur-ton, who was pormanont UnderSecrotary for War from 1895 to1897, has beon gazetted BaronWindsor of Nova Scotia.

A sharp oarthnuako shock hasbeen felt in Illinois,. Indiana,nontucKy ana Tennessee.

Tho Molino Govornmont hasbeen defeatod in tbo FronohOhambor of Doputies by 29G to24G votes.

A dollar saved is a dollar earn-ed. You can save a good manydollars by buying your groceriesof J. Hutobings, 037 Fort streot.P.O. box 402; Tolophono358.

jJLj &jtlliiiirtMHfttfi riniiiflhf wn in -v- -a--' m

Itr ftt'.xtfrf' iv. ! rr J '' " '' "'"'" limij'ifn



