vumfbriamw tbramttt i thren ante o

X. i s J S ^ k House, QAH MilMtii Of•mphlMif Tfm T u ) N tattttM t i M W « n o i ^ i l M K i tor tiu pw m m or nubt^lyui Ut« d<momtui»UiMi u u l th< IrMt* v U h V n tUB «<*uiiMra ItawUM I»ill)]i> MU^ uiU Mrona»y-«9iKNil i i t « m u r « pHi>< MtluU •Mi'wtttfo, ted |»u)>UiUi«n*i>\lowb / Ut« liont.** mnptM* »% lUuv ,„ ^lo- nnutMOltHnd exlHiiaoa ottho Wi ui,itutii w (ibMiwiuKi tm Atlrtbi dlMKUaflMiUoii i n U u rMool.jprooUot, I (ff PadaUnotUU . UIBLL^IMDHTUVB -LOMMAA- nKKiUy iU« ot (Hid, ' >>to e h n r e b * ' i u i d < m - ^.AUltttlJllll 'msof Ei'SV'IOB." Itl-.n'tw (Ud UMM pr)4iuUbv- vrjr ot bifotryi ttl.D IJI^H IlllAKKIMK--Wn AT IB m By J JtUrava*. U tbu ivorK tbAftatboy dUi OMWM mU "Mto np." by Hcrlptaml AUd hbv U>ri«a*ntlliorltjr> »U tb* Ulif JandmnrKB ol Ui* •poiMlo MMI prtmtuv* •iiurobWi *nd danotMlmtM WUAI baa t>««n tb« wnei pmoUMOfttaaabarobMofCbrlstlu lill w i M M n t mcM. Tltia work u rlob iii Horlptu... I hUtomkl iaft>nuitUon,Mid u »oomplete •anawwAbte vit)«Uc*Uon of Old Luid- m d Maana itMrklMU. laMr to KIT* Rauoiu l^ary good i«udiiuu-k«r •taontd • it iftrtesl poosibla aircalv pttgm. ertooWotM, VbrM ll«MO«w Boinc » Bwptlat, Mul • VvMitaw «• <)ommaiit«ti,-Tbial« m vtUaabta llUta work, Kad boa tHiou bloaaod to tb« ooavonuott ot a crcai tuaay to Uie BapUsl ftUtb, aud aireuKtbenad muStllndaa U> lb ai4pp. ram. MM O.u. Tbla tn aoioaVcapootA la tbe very ot alt ib« many workn on tno aubject, aud ^ba ' " otttmnn* I n t o faraoniU ay workn o trUlou ot al U liar s ailbor-a <U and Uanaral U Car prafarabta to tbe naaal StVAVa autt IHibUa, alnoa thaaa Urma ara Car- iiolgnona, i'noa, la alou, M ata. BMtUat Ctanreh nirMtoir* By Kdwaid T. HlSoax, AM •r Baptfit naaoueaa A gmda to tba dMUrltia and obarcbaa, W pagaa, rrloa W Oh*, ••pttal «bor( Katbotl^Ily Kdward T. Hiacox, 1). U. Tba obt«ct of tbla work u to clva a olaar, oondenwM bat oomrrebtuilTa «law of tbo«« foiuta of dlflft-^uoa whlob dta- Ungalib Hapthta trom oUiard«uomiuaUoua, and t* fnrutab tba b<wt aiinmanta, la Uie lawcat tboaaw^-^ 0 daftnd our vlawa. Jhrloa, « ota. TH1I.R»XA OA OBATH a fnrutab tba b<wt aianmanta, la tlie L irorda and in tbe inoni luold aiylei for woo wUb to knowi and tboau wbo wtiib VHV UT • M B o r T H B £ « B O R a a i Br. Jt. K. U r m r t m , ^ L o ^ ^ T b l a bi a UtUa book that baa prorad IbadeaUi of mnlUtndaa of Fadabap- tuta, Ik alaya Utam by tba aoUoiu of tbalr own Uanardi Aasewlinea and Couferanoat. Tba'kaaaUon ttaay oannoi. asa war ia, "Are tba baptunui of tba lioman Uatbollo obureb •alidT " U Uiay awr » Yea,-'tbey tbaraby •daalt tha Roman C^bollo oburM to ba a traa otaorota of Cbrlat, and tbat tbay ara bar- •Uaaaadaobbnaaitaa; and bartua wparatad Iroin, and t>aan axaaaamaulaatad by it, bava no rlkht t* iMptlaa or to preaab, if taay My ••jRo/^ tban tbay nnlUly tbelr own baptiama, alnoa aU tbalr ordtnanoaa oaina (raaa ttoma, and U tba Uatballa Uburab la tba Adulteioaa Iroman of KevalaUoua, tban Jfrotaatant aoataMea, o n a and all, are bar ^barloi ' dantbtaia. I'kbi book alao Ibvavar aatUea tba quaattona of Allen IwmarBioua aud Ulota vMmaualoa.and la ricb m butorloal matter Tba aHtbor Ruowa tbat tbo baptbtma ol tba UatbolKA tba auU-Ml «uonAri «a and tbe UnMpbaUltea, oua and all, a%mo from uaptut obnrobaa. atul It tbe baptiaiua of ilauunu are DM valid, tnoy ara uubapuaed, and If valid, (ban Jiapuata alone are oburobea. IMoabr mall,aoau. AFOMTOUCCnVKCn. By>axton. Tbtalaavory ablo troatlao on tbo dootrino " Teatainnnt aburob. ' li tbe argnniaut ^ Tbla bouk aur rtiM a long needed work In onr danoi fiatlonal lltaraiora. VrloalnolotbiWoU, JUITTLK BAinrMir. By J. M, HarUn. iaTlaad aud aorreotad by U. F. tAwtayilXU. rhlabiaaliaiila but obotrming atory. I t ll> folly aud torolbly tbe oootrlnaa bold and taaoh: and whUa hiuida iutrataa very foil: Wniab itaptuu b- . loat the bo A lo pUus* lu tba luuidabftba rbttngtit will bo found very proatable to oldar paHMMia. I'rtaa in olotb,» au. BArriMf DjcnroHiHATioir. jsy Miaa JTWatob. Iliia la a prlae-book of Uia •nndur'acitto*! Uoard,aatirnK tortb tbe oora- ttott^aattanat o BapUat Oillb and praoUca ' ~ tbo redcbaptiat world, anawarlng mottol U a m w I t t i i M b al faaalnauBgi aa to ffMttndo o/mi true mpttirta. IB »atii««M. nob abluty, and In a mannar ao aa to anaUo tba author to tna Ul trudmvttsta. I n fllotb 4B eta. m i i « « M . J l y n o T & H a r y e j r . ^ tt -fbbioook, on a vanr important aubjaot, gtvaa tbo raanlu o< ttf. of . Jbaolog. i l a brlal apt lyom.a •Mamil nr riivUfcm«Htnr^ ,nlu for roudneliiiji bmliieaa In doubdrttUva Ily 1% U. Mali, U.U VI pp. I'rloo, Rnlutni aaa^inbl BTo jufi^ tmyKHirKtrr, lidlaUtfl. ^ u M A very pnuKaut auil 14 wall aakdlatad U>awiQ(eD U«ia and briug iham to UbrUt. '|Nlg«f,|S<lt<. '7 DCTT. ilrMt Tbaolof loal and Buiaali^nal. A IMaaaitatiou on Oomnmu ioaiSyl'.(I.JoAM, 1).U. Htfw,Inoloui,Mout •m* B i m M t j * mt4tJt$' a»pttmm | Ita IkMAIHllMKIttlliar M*IMjry M«uroTtNl« bjr UL I>. Mallorr. 1>.0. In olotli Sd paicea, aifou. , . ,,, 'O: nmrpwtcAu BY. ur o. u. ofXngbuid; vol. 1. la a blatory ol iliii UapUata. Vol. It. bi a blalory or tbe jSIod, in alotb, each, 11.00, (la* . . ttt^wn-book an Uampbelllam i>. Ji. Itay . TbUwarkU tpUatUtaratnre, leal ftteto, wttb and tildo>not«a, Tba Img^ifdiMnwael la'a popular and attraeti va l^a. V r J . 1 . , p. «JM. Wegaatly bound. TtlKOBoaiA KBMKMT or, Tb« Her«lB« ^y ^tl*. By .A. V, VnyUm. 11 luatmtcd. Tba aubjeat of bapUom U tbor .. popular ' Blegau' mae.ln'iilotb. 11.00. TIIMIMMIA •rVmm I»iiya' Travel IB •Mrcii tbo dbnreb. My U. Dayton, Vol. 11., pp. <Vl. Prlw, In oloUi, 11.00. BaBUat Hlatary. By J M Vraaip, 1) U. A eomitielo ta>.«f>ry from the fo\indatluu of tbe obruSlan abnrab to tba olo*« ortboalgbtaantb caatifry. - rrioe,tl.T» Tb« Baptlatti. B y T U Joutm, D U. Being a complete btatory ortbelr origin, continuity, prin^plaa,aplrlt, polity, poalQouj^and ^Uu- TKK OBIDIH Br B A r r i ^ W m. H. r*r<i, I.Ii,JB .-Yoa ought ut be /aroTllar with tba llUtflry of your own denomination, atleMttbeonUlHe of It. Ton have no time to read a bum book. In tbla lltUa book ol in pagaa yon luavai t ail in a nut^abali. The autnor coiumenaaa and traeaa back tbe itap- tutdanoralnatian A TOM tba jpranenl eentury ta daya of the Apoatiaa. U will abow yon (katlbapUaU did not orWnaU with Koger TfiiUana, nor in Kngltuid, nor wltb Uia inad nan Of Hunater, aa onr Maniiaa obarga, bul nf *Ut«r tban tba mtaatanta or tba Uathollea, and are In Mat tba only rallgloua oommnnlty tta*t haaatoodaiuoetbaapotUiw, and ia tbe only Obwrcb deaerring toiM called The Uhurab of Cbrlat. Tbla bi a new aitd graatlY auiarxad edition. Trioa W.cta, l.«e(nrea»Bllarliat Hlatory. ny Wm a WllUama, li I>. JPrloe, 11.79 l.tberty •f Ooaiaeimiaa iiBd the Bmih Uaia. By Kev. W. A. Jarral. Tbla la a now aud able Centennial Tract, at jifagea. Price, iBcfotb, its cu. Tbe Bnirarlng «barch. By Hcv. W. 1) Cuttlno. iii pages. I n paper 10 oM„ In cloUi ucu. •ervatwa. Tbe bero martyi; of the alz- teentb oenlury, by H, U. ITord. I n cloth, lOH p««ea, 80 eta. ____ POliKMICAl. THE «BAT»I*I»1TIELKR nSBATK.- Tbla bi the ableat aud moat learned dlncna- aion c^ tba age. Mo ancb valuable book on the denomfuatlonal dUTerancea t>etwean tiapUita and Matbodiata baa ever buen pro- .^jted to tba American public. UM PK Printed on line paper. Prfoa, in aheap, llbi Hgoa. rar' atiyia, Tbo Itoy.LnoM II «bat*-On <!.'amp)Mll- lam. : Price, tl,M fi«ra«n on BapUaaa. Tbla la one of the ableat' worka on tba anMact extunt. Nn mlnlatar can well affbrd to Ocuvo ot over eoo pagaa. . „ bBwltbontit. Price, < CAKPBRIXIBH BXPONBD. By A. P. W lllliuna, U.U. one of tbe ableat worka over produced in refutation of tba pornicieuN vlawa held and taught by the ao-called Prlwi Uhrlatlan chnrcb. Toe lu alotb, 11.00. TUB II(nDKL«a nAVOHTER. Tbla book by tba prlnaa of wrltera, Ur. A. U. iHkyton, la one tbat every family abould bava. Ita atyla la charming.. Pagea Nl. "— lu olotli, Price, lu olbtli, |1.00. lo OnmiibalUaati. B y U B Ray. A ork for a l l who wbib to undar- tkbeUUun. Prlo«.«Ai K e j r l< valuable atand Uamnbel DOCTKIMAI. AND BXEOETIOAI^ PHl <MMOrnT OV BELIOION. B y W . 0. Buck. An able work, and one tliat can IM raad wltb #ront by atudanta aiud )n thlaan - Intaraated on i thi OI.B . . minlatera (Ublact. I n alotb,11,00. TUB MBI.B nocTKiifH or T H E BTID- »I.B MBB. AB» BXPMITIOIf Of MODERB iPI»ITiail,B]RL.R. CINIVE«, U U D ^ Y o n want to lovA a>llarlptnral Idea of yonratataaftar death and balbre tba roa* in^Uon, " voamimUirta ig Uttla book yon aver read, and will ex> - -^dlinonl itftiU. tr lUHU. IL , r the moat i m abonM »by mall, laiga number of tL of Moriptara. Yon abonM read n , ftiMbymall,7Sota .A Oompandlnm a, KU. CbriaUM BoclKaiM. . ^ »r Xbaoloor br J. M. pandlaton, u:u. ThU 0 tinmlalo araoiia your-Matbndiat ttlnnda. : . . V, . ( IfaiHer'S #«rba. i n three ante o<iia.vo •olojnw^over iMtw patfia. Thia valuable work aOnniN, niiuoat a complotn ayatem ol theology, attd la VHinHblo lieynpd Mtlidala (n anv mintalar'a library. Prlco, W . E TKBTAIBBNT. TliU work, by tuc vcncrai- bla Adial Biierwood. D.1).. mi abio divliie and >1|V« acholar.ifl t\u . ^ „ . _ ^r Kunday-aehoolii aud ^uudayHitihool of teaohera. beat work we know Two iioinmea, «M«ch 11.76, _l«ot«a on |tH(Ui«w, Mark, JLofco (md JTobM-lSsplanatoor aud praetlcnl. A pojc ular couimeuUry upon a orltlea) baala.oa- peclally daaliued /or iMwloia aud HnndKy. MhwBlj. By Geo W Uliirk. 1) I), Hutlinr of A NaM^Han&ony oftbeUot|t«la,<<lc. Theaoar valuable c»mmontHrte«, and (W author la a Baptbit acbolar who deal* fhltbfuily with Uod"* word. Kttoh go«Ml 1*lu a »a|iiit-nU) vul» ume, IVioe, iwr voi„|lA!(. HTMB nOBKII. TliB BBW BAinrUT PBAIJIIHT AMD TVNW BOUK.'-There abonld be a BaptUit Hyma and 'I'une Jiook in every family. 3'hla i aaohoioeaoiecUon of tlie very iMwt of i l y m n i that teach aound doctrine, and a aeloctlon ot theaweatoatl)uvuUonMl,l{«vivalattdUuuday' aobool Mougii yet mmle;; and the mnal^i aliaped nolM, and can be uiod by tboaa -"-•with' " acquanted wlti thla nice Hyui Ily Bible, and oue for ouob cbiid. Thlx la da tboronndnutoaaa well. Buy ice Hymn and Tune Hook tbrtbePanC aigned to take tbe place or the old Moutbam I-aalmbit, iiwued twenty y c ^ aeo. Rzamint It before you puTchaMO. Wc Imvo improviKl Its jBlipearaiico \«ry nuicb, by H«viii)j new |)«i unrt new ({olil Ht»nipei inaile ux)irc»kly for h«viii)j now .V »niiuj>» in«!!B ux)irc»kly fur .Ills UMik, aiul tii« impiiror a much better uuu). liy tlmn iirLV|ou»ly uiumI . T'lii priut is lurite, iind till) mu»lfi4)i l» the clmriictflr ornhuped uo(«ii(>l>l>* faciena ba up|iruotH(uct by oiirlu'eth- reii In lhcc<iUutr3rv)uiroliuK),ciiiitHitm447hyniiii and 100 lunex, an AI|>tiaMic«l I IKIrk tu uub^ i eota iunl MvlrlcHi l u a o x , tn nidcii ihu eiiorni iKleU to tlrnt liiw; In fact W(i ba\f *i)ar\Hl no ex |>«i)>(> iMjii't'iiwiDK tliiaKctv Kniiitin.iMul wo Citu nowoffn' voH tfii« lK>ok with jiriUu. Not witlmtaiiilliiK tlilH mltUllmiHl ox|i«>iiko, «« imvc rcHliic^tt till! iu'loo to Hovtiiity-IIri! cunUi wst- rmlmwl . . (••iiy. iir ly.fio iH'r iloxtMi.tiy iimll, ihwI IPHUI, or fBSlO jmr OoMii hy »!»(>r«i>w, iiuri httM.r puytnif cImrgt'H, tliUH inatilng it tito Clivaiiusl lu wcllus th» Bext aud llandHumiMt I'utlm ' ~ Hook In tbe niarkvt. aud Tunc THE XBW BArriMT PDAUflHT^ wKbont naalo. Wo have bIw< ri«|iucd the J inceXil thla bok to th) c(!ni» jut coiiv, is au iH>r kwen by inatl, ptiatpiuil, or fm ijy cx|iri«t. IliUliook couialiiH lliv Hiuiii! lifiiiiiH Hii In the New lUptlKt I'MalniulMna Tuuv llouk Mvuil 8 fcpocUueii Cojiv. 8oiith «rM PMilmiai. A new, improved and ravbted ediuon, in wiiloh wilt be%nud In place ol tbe old luiiex, oue ot large, bol(i type, and aluo mauy now and iavorlte bymna, Uvklng tbe pluco of otbeni whlen were wanting In merit. Tbu Hrr»iiaomBi» and nun>beru>K bavo not boon Iniernintew lOOOhtmiui. mm roan, 760 ' Now edition (worild -. . , I>CHI and aweetwt of our •'olcMliii<>" bymnn. Ttili. work baa buen compilMl l» nivi«t n wnntlona leltiuouruaiuitry cliiirelioH hikI the iiru\er and Koclttl niecltnKit of tlin ciiuri'liPM lu oUIom and towna, tor h Hnmll niiit nlutiip hymn Ixmk oonUilnlujj 111" bi»t upproVKt anrt ni<Mt poim. tnr byM)iiN, both olu niiU now. I'rlcu, per copy, 111 fl«xliile cloth, 15i'.,; in.r du/uu. lu tlunlblu vluih, tl.&O. Kvarirreeu Wi _ onlj). A colleullon or iv.' TV. NRKmOlVH, PENDI.Kl'ON'N NKRMONH. Klrtyitiort Benuona on linporlunl nnlijpctii, by J. M Pendleum. ThlHlHaii invAliiable work. I'lleo, In clolh, 11.00. NparK«ou*N:ileruionH~-ie vol*. Price, piir vol. »:.60. Helpa to Iba Pnl|ilt. Cloth, 13410. PnliiltTbautM. C l o t h , 13,01), B<l»OUN FOR Oil It tHIIl.DIlEN. Tbo Mtorjr or tba niblo —From Ueneala . llm prcptirlng thla "To . , - JgnlllBd dlapleaalna to m-iro cultured tnlniiH) almll ba toltevelatton.Toldln RImple lAnguaae for tbe Young. iW Chaa Kihiuu!. ltho«V«mh(B endeavor of tlie author, in prcptirlng thla work, to UMe aiioh alniple laHguage and Tornu ofMi^eaaiouiui(while not umngnined nor dlapleaalna to m-iro cnlturi<d tnlnnH) almll ba Intelligible to cnildrcit and unedueated adulbi) wltbout further ezplunaUon. rnca, 1.100 FlratHippafor I.ll<lo Feat lu Uoanoi PMtha. A n«w b«<ik by tlin uiithor of tlie •'Htory of tbe lilble," and "The Blory of tbe tioapel." Thla Ijook baa liecn prepared wltb great Caro for the iimtructlou of the little ouGtlnthe Nnrarir.the Infant itohool and tho Klndorgarten. It biaminge<t upon a tllfTor. cut plau mnn either of tho nulhnr'a prcccdlnB wArka. liiitead of being divided Into chap" tera orlCMOiis, ItconaUtaol actiarnte imaaaiiM. moat of them quite (hort, and ancb comitrota I n Itaclf. Kollowlng each paaanBC are printed queaUotiH, ao ilmple In their conAructlim tbnt tiie little hearbr, if attantiva when tlie paa- aago iairead, can caallv anawer tbcm. B y tho kindnaaa ofaoveral iadla:(, leooneni ofkin. dcrgar(ona, the auUior waa perniltteil, while Ig h u b«jk, to raad portloua ci it to Tha puplla leamod hitcreatad, S raparlng i lalroWw ^ llataned attentively, and anawerad the quea> tloua with ttilrlt and apparent nleaatiro to MtiMUMa of tba Oaicatlai Clljr n%a Way m •gar 1rruntli|dn<a,Jn^^^ 'Uean* Bleaalog HaOaidreu." - .ieo aud a log Ul> miM/IU.|,A«|(SOt>ll. Jlatad VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt My Klwuaacr Twwla, Tbla rulaheaaiihnrt awd at<^ly ^ itt ou Bonia taktofBanpture in tbe jr*ar. There ara tlireo lUty'tfv^ Kh aormoua in It, , who needa auggaailnua %iid ana thla work la Hlinuxt ludlaiieHal.- Alao be (It BToat valtia In the dali Of the tniruMau t it may tteonma ty, VrlaallAi. imitw <ir U ^ u t i m , «ta., aaitoMa for BaptSa* chufobca. CDp^oua i n d e x fturibiuuaa of meni. bow. »lne heavy uauer, accnratelv ruled, and la the moat conveulcht aud UMfui tj^nl'^k a v a r o n a r ^ h> the obutxibta. qierha who have uw'd tbla Rook for recordlna the mlnntea and Iraainaaa tranaactlon* o> their ;J:Viroue« prouoitee theiu T>arfect,lu ava^ iwrtlcuhir. The binding laauporb, rtiee.w.oo, BWEBT PI»I.IM» OP KDKB l» tbe name of a new Mnndaynwhool niunln book we bava fuatrecelvedCrom the pubibthfrr, Uia tba htmdaomaat book w« bava avwaoen prinUia In character aotaa. Tho auihom, Titiin«y. KUtlbr Allliika.avd mora tlian flfly otiier wrltora, bavewniblned to maka«u>*H UtiUt of Men % liook of brlB*" alilu lunnln- «n>> MnudHy-i paid (<na l>ook of bright, inelodloiiH.RHiu. luuNlc, and one iianiqularly auiUa To iHy-aahool uae. HIniile ciipy.D&n., pnat. iMKonBEti i,;BUi. Hubifobii tllBMlou of tho Young Man nt the Moutli: The Bphera and Hiiwlon ol Woman i The Ui'ului OfMaaonry. Ill pagta.ittcui. Th»i Pnalor. By Kov H Harvey, 1) 1). a t^kievery ItapUft proRcuar, who deNlrtw m kiiOw how to lM» a gnoi and uaehW paator, abould have, buy It. It la ao cheap every one call Prtoc.Wcia, Horal niid Rellrlona An«Mloi«H. a collection of nearly threo thoiiMand fnct«,tu- b«!tt tplcal oldenta, examnieH, aua teatlmonleH, orltflual and nolectc<d. With cojiioua '.^i and Horlpturi! luUezes. Price 11.80. Tbe AUB«tnt«« P*r»Kr«tib Blble.- PuMUhcd by the Ixmdon Tractl^lety. Thla IN the l>eat aid to Bible Mtudy yet pnUIUlied. Its notea nre brief and full enough, wtlhoui being cnnilMTwmie U la recomnieuded by all leadlna uUuUtera No library i« complete withuutlt. Prlea, in aheep, N.oo T b e P r i a a t , t h e W o m n n N n d I b e ('.on. raaaluual. By iriilherCnlulquy,lw«ulv-jlvo lyeara a Prleet In tha Church of itonif. Tti« Workooiitaiustwelve chaptenot very Ibut- eatlng matter conocmlug tbo 8ecret« of the CenfcMlonal. p. ic« BIMlMl Tblaga Not «AiiFrally K n o w B ^ A oomplhitlon ot the uacAil thinn dlacovered bv mature iuveaUgatloi: and crlt- IclMn. It la b.l«f,lmtoamprl«lng thing* uec- caaary U>a right nnderat«ndlng of the Bible, and which bavfl»eve* batbre been put beftire the public In ancb eonveulent an ehxati lorm. I'rlce,ll.& PrononnelNK Biblo Dlellonfttry, wl Crudeii'a Cempleta Conoordanrx, The in- valuable work ot Alexander Cniden.AlJV., la preaentcd in a compact form, nmhraclns every paMuige of Hcrtpture lu the larKnit edltlona: together wltb lt>ur thoUNaad qu«H> Uoni aud anaweraou the Old and New tamenU, with a larger uiaw of IScrlntural Infonimllon for BibleTeacbcraand Htudenbi ihnu ever before bound Bi one volume, nmkluit a handHome aui>«r-royal Vvo oi over 700 pHgcii, In Cloth, 13 60. P u l p i t U a r n i a . Plana for Hermonii by W W. ,Wyibc. 13mo, Untod paper. I'rUe, in cloth, I1.B0. Thla la uot a ^ o k of akeleton aermona for laay younir minlatera, but a book oalculateu to aid lu (he preimratlon ol inr- nioua. I'rico |i.«f. I ' A H l o r ' a H A n t l B o o b . Cotnprtalugaelen- tlouu Of Bcrlptiiro* arraiiwud for varlou* occa- along ol oniclal duty together with aelrct foriiiHlAt fur marriage, «to„ and nilea of i.rilKr for marriage*, «to., and roltw of order fer chiircbra, ecclMloatlcnl ami other aMHiinbllMi. by W. W. Kverta. 1-rlca, 75 eta. HowellOM Iba Deaeonablp. The Doa- coiiMhip: lla Niiture, ttUHllfloatlllll^ Uelatlou* and Uiitlea, The ino«l coniplete nnd rompro- heiiMvo treatlMi extant upon thia aiiblurt. My It. I!. U. IIowull, D 1). ll«nia, pp. 141 nlotb, . 40<ita. (Send for catalogue. I I A P T I N T B O O K noVRK, MainnhU, Tenn. "He* Vbnt OailoHirii i T OM for Bl« t" T N V A B T I I t B and birlh bumora. milk cniatt A acaid bond.ecxanin, and every Ibrm of llcli- lugiacnly, pimply, aorofuloua and Inherilmi dlaeaaea ot'tlie blood, akia and acalp, with loaa of hair ourcd bif llial(iutlouraB«iuitdl(<a> Abaclutely pum and aalb. utilloura, ilio great akin cure, tO cetila) TutlcuruBoMp, an axiiul- alioakln.uaautincr,aUdauly niudlclbal baby aoap. U cania andtuiicura Itoaolvetit, tba newiilond puHllor, tr. am aold by druRgiila. iNitlcr Urug and (Jmiilcul ijn, |ltt^t>•n. IBTrit-hil l\»i' '•Ilu„ I. Ctiio bklu'DI-ifiiaua," Stand yo In tho ways, and BOO nnd tutk fbr tho old path*, which aro tha good way*, and xiriJk thorolo. and y<> » a « l i a n d rBBt ft>ry>ar b o w I b.-//^*^ Kutand at tba Office of Mempbli, T e u a , aa Bocowt Claaa MaUwr. Old Sorlcfr-Vol. XXXIX. MEMPHIS, TMK., .JUNE 28,1884. Neir 5ierle8-Vol. XVn. No. r> Our Fulpt. HAI'TIBT nUNCll'I.lilS AND PUACTICES. I'V W. I.AMMI, I'ASTOK ( KNTUM, IlAI'TIHt .'IlintCII, MV.Ml'm>», TKNN,, KS81. I'FM- '•('!• lUm-rmo HII'I ti-ach nil II.TUHIH, liiiiiti/,- ni-' tlif'inlit lli(> Iiliimt i.l Ilii' I'liUior, aii.l ->1 Uie Snn. uiiil (if'llii'll.ilv (llii)Bt; tOio'liliitf tiK'iii to V>li'<i>rv.' nil tViliiK^ «lii»lBiM'>pr 1 liiivu fniHmumliMl v m . Ami I", t uin with vmi Iihvavh. (;Vi-ii iilitn llii-oml I'f llic world." Matl. Vvviil; ll'.'-'i». rUKKA lOUV liKMAnUft, T IIKIfF. aro «cvt'i:tl iiii|.or(aii( i'caHon« wlty llic jiiislor 111' lliin < liiiit li Kliouiil pioin-lt a scrioH <it' PorinoiiH S f ' t l i t i K " i ' ' poculiar '^irinrii'lcK ami pntr/h'o'' wliiih diitiiigiiii'li llapiUlH iVoin all oUior Chri.siiaii (loiiouiiiuHioiiM, ami wliii li makcH ilinif I'xixU'iii'C! ('."^^ontiiil to the iKv^-t icliffiouR I'li li|,;lil('!ilii('iil (if liu' world. ( I ) TliorO 1110. hovoiid iloubl. mam pciHoii^ wlui iiro iiifiiiberH nl' I'.siplisl < h!irrli.»- Hinii'ly aii<l only lic. auRn tlioy wcic rait^oti in liaplini ra'iiilioK. Thoy hnvi' DOVt'i-ntntliod tlinir ISililcs willi a view to an iiitpllifXClit uiidi^rtilandinK "f what (iiov l.i-lirvc and lirai'ticc liapli'^tfi; nor tiavo ihi-y read porninns ir other worUiS boarin;; on fiiilij.'i t. Of nerca- Kiiy they ari! woak as lo the ili.^iingnuhin^Mloc.- Irinos or (lu'ir v'rcat di-Motninalion, and aro iinablo lo an inlolligi'nt answer or nuiMni lor llu'lr liopi!. 1'\)r tboir nakoH tbcrefoiv wo nin-t spoak. (•J) Tlie.M! am many porsoim onlsidc of onr o!uin;hf-H wlio are tiioie or less ).prtiiiailod, II kto i« lUlle. if any. S^-riiilnre authority for some prantii'CR wliieli obtain in tbe dcnomimilion to which they belong. Tlie.<c bave honest perplex- ities and aro cminirint; after the trntb. They have iiover bad their aiteiili<ni directed to I5apti-it viewH ol Xow Te^'aiiKMit teaciiiiiR, as to doctrine and ChriMian dnty, and we owe it to them lo preoont the ti'tilb as we hold and practice it. For tboir Rakcfl we fipcak (bat we may belp tbeiu to the trnth. (;i.) In tlio rankH of other donominations tbere an- many {food j)eoiile whose attention has been atiraelwl by the rapid {jrowth. magnitii ont ehan- tloH, earno«it /oal atid oxtonHive mission oponvHons of tho napUfltfi. They desire to think of u« kindly, but (hoy know so link) of our faith and itraeliec, and what little tbey do know has been presented in a way so nnfavorable to no, a« (o produce (lie imprOH!«ion tbat wo are, of all (lonoininatlonp, (bo niofit Wgoted, geHlfth and iiarrow-minded. ( t.) Ill fome qnni'tcfi* we Imvo boon pi'i'sisleiitly and knowiiiKly niiirepresented to our 'njiiry. In Older therefore (hit (lieno ininreprenBonlations may bo correoted and that people may know what wo «o iiolleve, tuid why wo believe it, wo speak. ('i) And lastly, and above all, out of a spirit of loyalty and oboilioiieo (o our divine Lord wo speak. Jt wan ho who Haid, '"roaehing them to obnorvo al| (hliiffa whatsoever Ibtivo uoinnianrlc'd you." Tho fact (hut tiicro aro liuiltltmles of pood i»oop!o hoUl- iii^ vlcwB coiilrury to what wo nndorstiiiid the Now Tcotflineiit lo tearh^ la no roiiRoti why wo fihoultl ilot spoaUi liuloeil our silonco would not onlj' provd li lack of loyally to Christ, hut would also flhow that wo aro dellclont In charity. For cliarlly (or lovo) "rcJolcoB in the truth." Our tluty to ottr Iwnl', nnrt lo our follow-nion, both tlomand lliitl wo Bh'ttll not' only try to know tho truth for ourselves, hut thai. \T0 Bhall ."flnoak tlio truth in lovo." ' , ' • ^ . i Our toxt ItrlngH heforo ug tlio "throofolcl ohjoolb of tho iironohftrB ot; iUo gOBpol, viz.: lo inako mon (tlactpioi) of Cb(lii| by oonvortiiifr Ihoin to tho fttllh; lo l»rln« 1 Ucni to a vubllo profcBiilon of tho faith by haptiHin," ami to tralu thoin u|) !ii tha praclico of tho leaohlng« of tho divine Lord. They contain the last cotnuiaml of the Savior immediate* ly before his linal tieparitire to hoavoH. After hin nmirreetion ho njinaincd with hla tliacl» plos for forty days, teaching then) "tho ihlugs por- tttining to tlic kingdom of ( Jod." MorotTver, he hnJ distinetly ]>roiniBcd Ihcin that tho Holy Spirit should "bring lo their renic>nbranr6 till thittgM wb.atsoever he bail commanded'' (hetti, nnd, in obedience to this comiwand, they tarritjd la JoFU* saleiii till the day of I'ontoi ost, when they were iliviiiely inspired and "endowed wilh power from on lii^li." Therefore, bein({ carefully taught by Ibe Master himself, and boin}< speeially ^rulded by tlie Holy Spirit in tbeexeeulion of his teaeliingn, wo are bound to believe tbat wliat they did letieh and practice was exnetly in aeeord with tbe known will of their ]<ord. Fiirtliermore, if we admit that the apostles were divinely inspired in their leaeh- injjs and practice, then we are bonnd to admit that, in tbe history of their doiiit^s, as re<t)rdod in the Al ls, we have left us Ibe inspired model by which the disciples and churches of the I/)rd are to 1H) ^nided for all tune. In view of tlicHo tbintrs, Haptists hold tliat tho New Testament is tbo "only rnle of faith and prac- tice," and thai no one Ims > any right to alter, amend, add lo or take from iho teaehluns or jirac- (ices of tlio inspireil Aposdes. Indeetl, the I J OI I I himself, in anticipation of any such outrage, t>tvcs as bis last message, (hrouKh tbo revelation of ,tohn lo the churches of Asia, these words: "I testify unto every man that beareth tbe words of Iho prophecy of tbis book, if any man shall ad<l unto them, Cod sba'l add unto him tbe plagues which are written in tliis book, and if any man shall take uway from tbo words of the propiiecy, (iod shall take away liis part from the tree of life, and on( of tbe holy city."—Ilev. .xxii: l.s-l!(. Taking therelore (he history of tbe teachings and doings of tiicso lirrfl jireacbors of the new kingdom aud follonriug them througii (o (ho ctul, we see how faithftilly they followed the order laid down by Iho Ixird. First, they went ovorywhoro preacliing (o make disciples. Second, they bap- tized (hose made disciples, and (bird, (hey ga(herod these baptized disciples into cliun^hes aud in- structed them in tho "observance of all things whatsoever Iho 1/jrd had|conunaiulod them." Tims wo tti-e lead lo our subject of enquiring, vl/: WHOM I>n> THE AVOHTl.ES IlKOAUn AS PIlOfKU Hlin- .IV.<TS KOU nAPTIRM, ANU M'ltAT WAS TtlK ACT OF HAfTtSM VKUFOllMEti (!l'0N TttKM ? Our question involves two points of enquiry— "The guhjoct of baplism."' and "Tho act of bap- tism," I. In Booking light upon the first lot us turn to tho Acts of tho Apostio aud HCO what terms aro usinl to descriho thoin. The passages arc iiumor- otiB, I-iston to them: "Then I'otor aaid tinto them, Repent and ho baptized ovory ono of you in tho namo of .TOBUS Christ unto tho remission of sins, nnd yo shall rocoivo tho gift of tho Holy tJhost." (1) "Then tboy that gladly recoivcd his Word were baptiwd, and tho samo day thoro woro added «nto tho church about throo tliouBand Bonis." (2) "And all that boHovod woro togoMior and liad all things common." (») "Ilopont yc Uieroforo and ho oouvorted, that your 8tnB may be blotted out" ("i) "Uowboit many of thoin which hcBrdtho'\V"6rd bollovod, and Uio number of llio mon WRR aljoui flvo thounand." (5) "And Iho iiiul. titudo of thoin that holiovnd woro of oiio heart, filid of ono soul." (fi) "And boHovora woro the nioro addeti lo Uic Lord, inuitUudea both of mou and of women." (7) Thow paiwi«|«» h a w reforence to those baptized at Jcruaaleoi. ua follow thfm to other idaiJW* Ani, flwt, «>«>« to Siimarla,, tho rcsuH: "But wl^ou they hoiloved PhlHp pwwMng the lidag* c<mttortd«gthtt kingdom and tlio nauio of Jwna, they werobApUJsc^i hoth nion niid women.''; N«*t PbJh^ In «l» uhitioi with thp'Eauttch, ••Then Philip o|wnod hl« ttibntli and bi^ji^n Kt tho aauw Scriptnro, and proaohwl (into Mm JoatiS. Aild Ha th«y weiit on thfiir way, they canio to a certain water, and Euunch aiiid, Soe, hero ia water, what do(U hti^dor ono to bo Implizcd? And Philip taid, "If tliou boltove»t with all thine lieart, thou mayesl." (0) SCO AuaniaB Instructing Saul, "And iminodiatcly there fell from hia oyca aa it had licen acalow, and he received «i({ht forthwillj, and aro«o and waa baptized." (10)."And it became known throughout all .loppa. and many believed on Uie Lord." (11) "And the hand of (ho IXKMI wa« with th«m: and » great nuhilier believed and turned unto Iho r.«rd." (12) "Tho pro-consul, when he saw what wa« done, beliovod, being astonisiicd at tho teaching of the Lord," (l;i) "Aim! aa tlie Gentiles hoard Ihia, thoy were glad, ami gloritied tho Word of and as mauy as were ordainevl to eternal Ilfij Iwlleved.'* (I I) 'And it eautfl to pass in Iconinm. that a great ttiultUudo, both of dowa and also of Greeka be- lieved." (1&) "And a certain woman named Lydia, h«art (h9 Ix>nl openctl, that alie attended unto tho things which wei-o spoken liy Paul." (10) Totho.lallor Paul said, "Believe on tlio liOnl .lesus Christ aud thou shall l»o savetl, and tiiy house, and he rejoiced, believing in tiod with all his house." (17) AtThoBsalonlca, itl« aaid, "And some of them believed and consortwl with Paul and Silas, nnd of the dovoul (Jreoka a great irtulli- tiide, aud of (h« chief women not a few." (18) Al Ilerea Luke says, "Many of them beliovod; also of honorable women which were Oreeka, and of men not a few." In Athens "certain men clave unto him aud beliovod, among which was Dionyalua tho areopagilo, and a woman named Uamaria, and others with them." (20) A t Corinth It ia said, "And Criapus, tho chief ruler of the ayna- goguo, believed on the Lord with alllhia house, and many of the Cwrinthians hearing lielievwl and were baptized." (21) "And many that believetl camo and eonfoBBwl their deeda," (22) > You obBorve that in all these records Uierw la not a aiogle Intimation that any were bapUaed who dfd not bolieve, but, on the contrary, it is positively sorted that they did profess to be believer®, and niton that profession were baptlKOd. The liouaehold baptism furnislinoovidettcotothecontniry. Thei^ aro four instances mentioned; Lydia,(a) Corno- lius, (b) tho Jailer, (e) andCrlspua. (d)IuaHtlM»o cases such oxpressiotis aro usetl. in regard to them, ftfl makes it iniiiossible to suppose that there wore any babes among thoin. If you have never done Ro, we urge you to read tho four acoounta caref\iUy, you will see that auch expressiona like these aro used: "^Vhoso heart tho Lord opened." " H e re- joiced bolieviug In God with all bis house," "For they hoard them apeak with tongues a^id magiiKy the ljord." "Crispu believed ou the Lord wlUt til his house." Such things oould not be predlcalod of nnooit- (1) Aota 4; (6) iv!; _ IxtiHj (11) Wj fl5) Xlv 4!'(1H) *VII1 .. , (a) Aels xvh 14| (b) XI44 (o) avlj 3l-8l(d)*vHl!

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Page 1: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

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J S ^ k H o u s e ,

QAH MilMtii O f • m p h l M i f T f m

Tu)N tattttM t iM W « n o i ^ i l M K i tor t i u pw m m or nubt^lyui Ut« d<momtui»UiMi u u l th< IrMt* v U h V n tUB «<*uiiMra ItawUM I»ill)]i> M U ^ u i U Mrona»y-«9iKNil i i t « m u r « pHi>< MtluU •Mi'wtttfo, ted |»u)>UiUi«n*i>\lowb

/ Ut« liont.** mnptM* »% lUuv

,„ l o - nnutMOltHnd exlHiiaoa o t tho Wi

ui,itutii w (ibMiwiuKi tm Atlrtbi dlMKUaflMiUoii i n U u

rMool.jprooUot, I (ff PadaUnotUU . UIBLL^IMDHTUVB -LOMMAA-nKKiUy iU« ot (Hid,

' >>to ehnreb*' iuid<m-^ .AUl t t t l J l l l l

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E i ' S V ' I O B . " I t l - . n ' t w

( U d U M M pr)4iuUbv-vrjr ot bifotryi

ttl.D IJI^H I l l l A K K I M K - - W n AT IB m By J JtUrava*. U t b u ivorK tbAftatboy dUi OMWM mU "Mto np." by Hcrlptaml AUd hbv U>ri«a*ntlliorltjr> » U tb* Ulif J a n d m n r K B ol Ui* • p o i M l o MMI p r t m t u v * •iiurobWi *nd d a n o t M l m t M WUAI baa t>««n t b « wnei p m o U M O f t t a a a b a r o b M o f C b r l s t l u l i l l w i M M n t mcM. Tltia work u rlob i i i Horlptu. . .

I h U t o m k l iaft>nuitUon,Mid u »oomplete •anawwAbte vit)«Uc*Uon of Old L u i d -m d Maana

itMrklMU. l a M r to K I T * R a u o i u

l ^ a r y good i « u d i i u u - k « r •taontd • it iftrtesl poosibla a i r c a l v

pttgm. ertooWotM,

V b r M l l«MO«w B o i n c » Bwptlat, Mu l • VvMitaw « • <)ommaiit«ti ,-Tbial« m vtUaabta l lUta w o r k , Kad boa tHiou bloaaod to t b « ooavonuott ot a c r c a i tuaay to Uie B a p U s l ftUtb, aud aireuKtbenad muStllndaa U> l b a i 4 p p . ram. MM

O.u. T b l a tn aoioaVcapootA l a tbe very ot alt i b « m a n y workn on tno aubject, aud ^ba

' " otttmnn* Into faraoniU a y workn o t r U l o u ot al U liar s

a i l b o r - a <U a n d U a n a r a l U Car prafarabta to tbe naaal StVAVa autt IHibUa, alnoa thaaa U r m a ara Car-iiolgnona, i 'noa, l a a l o u , M ata.

B M t U a t C t a n r e h n i r M t o i r * B y K d w a i d T. HlSoax, A M

•r Baptf it naaoueaa A g m d a to tba dMUrltia and

obarcbaa, W pagaa, rrloa W Oh*,

• • p t t a l « b o r ( K a t b o t l ^ I l y Kdward T . Hiacox, 1). U . T b a obt«ct of tbla work u to c l v a a olaar, oondenwM bat oomrrebtuilTa «law of tbo«« foiuta of dlflft-^uoa whlob dta-U n g a l i b Hapthta trom oUiard«uomiuaUoua, a n d t* fnrutab tba b<wt aiinmanta, la Uie lawcat tboaaw^-^ 0 daftnd our vlawa. Jhrloa, « ota.

T H 1 I . R » X A O A O B A T H

a fnrutab tba b<wt aianmanta, l a tlie L irorda and i n tbe inoni luold aiylei for woo w U b to knowi a n d tboau wbo wtiib

V H V UT • M B o r T H B £ « B O R a a i B r . Jt. K . Urmrtm, ^ L o ^ ^ T b l a bi a UtUa book that baa p r o r a d I b a d e a U i of mnlUtndaa of Fadabap-tuta, Ik alaya Utam by t b a aoUoiu of tbalr own Uanardi Aasewlinea a n d Couferanoat. Tba'kaaaUon ttaay oannoi. a s a war ia, " A r e tba baptunui of tba l i o m a n Uatbollo obureb •alidT " U Uiay awr » Y e a , - ' t b e y tbaraby •daalt tha R o m a n C ^ b o l l o o b u r M to ba a traa otaorota of Cbrlat, and tbat t b a y ara bar-•Uaaaadaobbnaaitaa; and b a r t u a wparatad Iroin, a n d t>aan axaaaamaulaatad by it, bava no r lkht t* iMptlaa or to preaab, i f taay M y ••jRo/ tban tbay n n l U l y tbelr own baptiama, alnoa aU tbalr ordtnanoaa oaina (raaa ttoma, a n d U tba Uatballa Uburab la tba Adulteioaa I r o m a n of KevalaUoua, tban Jfrotaatant aoataMea, o n a a n d al l , are bar ^ b a r l o i ' dantbtaia. I'kbi book alao Ibvavar aatUea tba quaattona of A l l e n IwmarBioua a u d Ulota v M m a u a l o a . a n d la r icb m butorloal matter T b a aHtbor Ruowa tbat tbo baptbtma ol tba UatbolKA tba auU-Ml«uonAri«a a n d tbe UnMpbaUltea, oua and a l l , a%mo from u a p t u t obnrobaa. atul It tbe baptiaiua of i l a u u n u are D M val id , tnoy ara uubapuaed, a n d If v a l i d , (ban Jiapuata alone are oburobea.

I M o a b r m a l l , a o a u . AFOMTOUCCnVKCn. By>axton.

T b t a l a a v o r y ablo troatlao on tbo dootrino • " Teatainnnt aburob.

' l i tbe argnniaut ^ T b l a bouk aur

rtiM a l o n g needed work I n onr danoi fiatlonal l ltaraiora. V r l o a l n o l o t b i W o U ,

J U I T T L K B A i n r M i r . B y J. M, H a r U n . iaTlaad a u d aorreotad by U . F . t A w t a y i l X U . r h l a b i a a l i a i i l a but obotrming atory. I t ll>

folly a u d torolbly t b e oootrlnaa bold a n d taaoh: a n d w h U a


i u t r a t a a very foil: Wniab i t a p t u u b - . loat the bo A lo pUus* l u tba l u u i d a b f t b a rbttngtit w i l l bo found v e r y proatable to oldar paHMMia. I'rtaa i n o l o t b , » a u .

B A r r i M f D jcn roH iHATio i r . j sy Miaa J T W a t o b . I l i i a la a prlae-book of U i a

•nndur'acitto*! Uoard,aatirnK tortb tbe oora-ttott^aattanat o BapUat Oil lb a n d praoUca

' ~ tbo redcbaptiat world, anawarlng mottol

U a m w I t t i i M b al faaalnauBgi aa to ffMttndo o / m i true mpttirta.

I B »atii««M.

nob a b l u t y , a n d I n a m a n n a r ao aa to a n a U o t b a author to t n a Ul t r u d m v t t s t a . I n fllotb 4B eta.

mii««M. J l y n o T & H a r y e j r . ^ tt - fbbioook, on a vanr important aubjaot, gtvaa tbo r a a n l u o< ttf. of

. Jbaolog. i l a br la l

apt l y o m . a

• M a m i l n r r i i v U f c m « H t n r ^ , n l u for roudneli i i j i bmliieaa In doubdrttUva

Ily 1% U . Mali, U.U VI pp. I'rloo, R n l u t n i aaa^inbl

BTo jufi^ tmyKHirKtrr, lidlaUtfl. ^ u M A v e r y pnuKaut auil 14 wal l aakdlatad U>awiQ(eD U«ia a n d briug i h a m to UbrUt. '|Nlg«f,|S<lt<. '7


i l r M t T b a o l o f loal and B u i a a l i ^ n a l . A IMaaaitatiou o n O o m n m u i o a i S y l ' . ( I . J o A M , 1).U. H t f w , I n o l o u i , M o u t

•m* B i m M t j * mt4tJt$' a»pttmm | I t a

IkMAIHllMKIttlliar M* IM j ry M«uroTtNl« bjr UL I>. M a l l o r r . 1>.0. I n olotli Sd paicea, aifou. , . , , ,

'O: n m r p w t c A u

B Y . u r o . u . o f X n g b u i d ; v o l . 1 . la a blatory ol

i l i i i UapUata. V o l . I t . bi a blalory or tbe

j S I o d , i n alotb, each, 11.00, (la* . .

ttt^wn-book a n Uampbell lam i>. Ji. I tay

. T b U w a r k U tpUatUtaratnre, leal ftteto, wttb and tildo>not«a,


Img^ifdiMnwael l a ' a popular and attraeti va l ^ a . V r J . 1 . , p. «JM. Wegaatly bound.

T t l K O B o a i A KBMKMT o r , Tb« H e r « l B « ^ y ^ t l * . By .A. V, V n y U m . 1 1 luatmtcd. T b a aubjeat of bapUom U tbor

.. popular ' Blegau' m a e . l n ' i i l o t b . 11.00.

T I I M I M M I A •rVmm I»iiya' Trave l I B • M r c i i t bo d b n r e b . My

U. Dayton, Vol . 1 1 . , pp. <Vl. P r l w , I n oloUi, 11.00.

BaBUat H la ta ry . B y J M Vraaip, 1) U. A eomitielo ta>.«f>ry from the fo\indatluu of tbe obruSlan abnrab to tba olo*« ortboalgbtaantb caatifry. - rr ioe,t l .T»

Tb« Baptlatti . B y T U Joutm, D U. Being a complete btatory ortbelr origin, continuity, pr in^plaa,aplr l t , polity, poalQouj^and ^ U u -

T K K O B I D I H B r B A r r i ^ W m. H . r*r<i , I . I i , JB . - Y o a ought ut be /aroTllar with t b a l lUtflry of y o u r own denominat ion, a t l e M t t b e o n U l H e of It. T o n h a v e n o t i m e to read a b u m book. I n tbla l l t U a book ol i n pagaa yon luavai t a i l i n a nut^abali. T h e autnor coiumenaaa a n d traeaa back tbe itap-t u t d a n o r a l n a t i a n ATOM tba jpranenl eentury ta d a y a of the Apoatiaa. U w i l l abow yon ( k a t l b a p U a U d i d not o r W n a U w i t h Koger T f i i U a n a , nor i n Kngltuid, nor wltb Uia inad n a n Of Hunater, aa onr M a n i i a a obarga, bul n f *Ut«r t b a n t b a m t a a t a n t a or tba Uathollea, a n d are I n Mat tba only rallgloua o o m m n n l t y tta*t haaatoodaiuoetbaapotUiw, and ia t b e o n l y Obwrcb deaerring toiM called T h e Uhurab of Cbrlat. T b l a bi a new aitd graatlY auiarxad edit ion. T r i o a W.cta,

l . « e ( n r e a »B l l a r l i a t H l a to ry . n y W m a WllUama, l i I>. JPrloe, 11.79

l . t b e r t y •f O o a i a e i m i a a i i B d t h e Bmih Uaia. B y K e v . W. A . Jarra l . T b l a la a now aud able C e n t e n n i a l Tract, a t jifagea.

Price, i B c f o t b , its c u . Tbe Bn i rar lng « b a r c h . B y H c v . W. 1)

C u t t l n o . iii pages. I n paper 10 oM„ I n cloUi u c u .

• e r v a t w a . T b e bero martyi; of the a l z -teentb oenlury, by H, U . ITord. I n cloth, lOH p««ea, 80 eta. _ _ _ _

P O l i K M I C A l .

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Hgoa. rar'

atiyia, Tbo I t oy .LnoM I I « b a t * - O n <!.'amp)Mll-

lam. : Price, t l ,M f i « r a « n o n B a p U a a a . T b l a la one of the

ableat' worka o n t b a anMact extunt. N n m l n l a t a r c a n wel l affbrd to O c u v o ot over eoo pagaa.

. „ b B w l t b o n t i t . Pr ice, <

C A K P B R I X I B H BXPONBD. B y A . P. W lll l iuna, U . U . o n e of tbe ableat worka over produced i n refutation of tba pornicieuN vlawa held a n d taught b y the ao-called

Prlwi Uhrlat lan chnrcb. Toe lu alotb, 11.00.

T U B I I ( n D K L « a n A V O H T E R . T b l a book b y t b a p r l n a a of wrltera, U r . A . U. iHkyton, la one tbat every f a m i l y abould bava. I ta atyla la c h a r m i n g . . Pagea N l .

" — l u olotli, Price, l u olbtli, |1.00. l o O n m i i b a l U a a t i . B y U B R a y . A

o r k for a l l who wbib to u n d a r -tkbeUUun. P r l o « . « A i

K e j r l< valuable atand Uamnbel

DOCTKIMAI . A N D BXEOET IOA I ^ P H l < M M O r n T OV B E L I O I O N . B y W .

0 . B u c k . A n able w o r k , and o n e tl iat c a n IM raad w l t b #ront b y atudanta aiud

)n th laan -Intaraated on i

t h i O I .B

. . minlatera (Ublact. I n alotb,11,00.

T U B M B I . B n o c T K i i f H o r T H E BTID-»I.B M B B . A B » B X P M I T I O I f O f

M O D E R B i P I » I T i a i l , B ] R L . R . C I N I V E « , U U D ^ Y o n want to lovA a>llarlptnral Idea of y o n r a t a t a a f t a r death and balbre tba roa*

i n ^ U o n , "

v o a m i m U i r t a ig Uttla book y o n aver read, a n d w i l l ex>

- - ^ d l i n o n l


tr lUHU. IL , r the moat i

m abonM » b y m a l l ,

l a i g a n u m b e r of t L of Moriptara. Y o n abonM read n

, ftiMbymall,7Sota . A Oompandlnm

a, K U . C b r i a U M B o c l K a i M . . ^

»r Xbaoloor b r J . M . pandlaton, u : u . T h U

0 t i n m l a l o araoiia your-Matbndiat ttlnnda.

: . . V ,

• . ( I f a i H e r ' S # « r b a . i n three ante o<iia.vo

• o l o j n w ^ o v e r iMtw patfia. T h i a valuable work aOnniN, niiuoat a complotn ayatem ol theology, attd la VHinHblo lieynpd M t l i d a l a (n a n v mintalar'a l ibrary. Prlco, W . E

T K B T A I B B N T . T l i U work, by tuc vcncrai-bla A d i a l Bi ierwood. D.1).. m i abio d i v l i i e and >1|V« acholar.ifl t\u . ^ „ . _

^ r Kunday-aehoolii aud ^uudayHitihool of teaohera.

beat work we k n o w

T w o i ioinmea, «M«ch 11.76, _ l « o t « a o n | t H ( U i « w , M a r k , JLofco ( m d JTobM-lSsplanatoor a u d praetlcnl. A pojc ular c o u i m e u U r y upon a orltlea) baala.oa-peclal ly daal iued / o r iMwloia a u d HnndKy. MhwBlj. By Geo W Uliirk. 1) I), Hutlinr of A NaM^Han&ony oftbeUot|t«la,<<lc. T h e a o a r valuable c»mmontHrte«, and ( W author la a Baptbit acbolar w h o deal* fhltbfuily w i t h Uod"* word. Kttoh go«Ml 1*lu a »a|iiit-nU) vul» u m e , IVioe, iwr v o i „ | l A ! ( .


T l i B B B W B A i n r U T PBAI J I IHT AMD T V N W B O U K . ' - T h e r e abonld be a BaptUit H y m a a n d 'I'une Jiook i n every f a m i l y . 3'hla i aaohoioeaoiecUon of tlie very iMwt of i l y m n i that teach aound doctrine, and a aeloctlon ot theaweatoatl)uvuUonMl,l{«vivalattdUuuday' aobool Mougii yet mmle;; and the m n a l ^ i aliaped nolM, a n d can be uiod by tboaa

- " - • w i t h ' " acquanted wlti thla n i c e H y u i I ly Bible, and oue for ouob c b i i d . Thlx la da

tboronndnutoaaa well. Buy ice H y m n a n d T u n e Hook t b r t b e P a n C

aigned to take tbe place or the old Moutbam I-aalmbit, iiwued twenty y c ^ aeo. R z a m i n t It before y o u puTchaMO. Wc Imvo improviKl Its jBlipearaiico \«ry nuicb, by H«viii)j new |)«i unrt new ({olil Ht»nipei inaile ux)irc»kly for

h«viii)j now .V »niiuj>» in«!!B ux)irc»kly fur

.Ills UMik, aiul tii« impiiror a much better uuu). liy tlmn iirLV|ou»ly uiumI . T'lii priut is lurite, iind till) mu»lfi4)i l» the clmriictflr ornhuped uo(«ii(>l>l>* faciena ba up|iruotH(uct by oiirlu'eth-reii In lhcc<iUutr3rv)uiroliuK),ciiiitHitm447hyniiii and 100 lunex, an AI|>tiaMic«l IIKIrk tu uub^

ieota iunl MvlrlcHi l u a o x , tn nidcii ihu eiiorni iKleU to tlrnt l i iw; In fact W(i ba\f *i)ar\Hl no

ex|>«i)>(> iMjii't'iiwiDK tliiaKctv Kniiitin.iMul wo Citu nowoffn' voH tfii« lK>ok with jiriUu. Not witlmtaiiilliiK tlilH mltUllmiHl ox|i«>iiko, «« imvc rcHliic tt till! iu'loo to Hovtiiity-IIri! cunUi wst-rmlmwl . . (••iiy. iir ly.fio iH'r iloxtMi.tiy iimll, ihwIIPHUI, or fBSlO jmr OoMii hy »!»(>r«i>w, iiuri httM.r puytnif cImrgt'H, tliUH inatilng it tito Clivaiiusl lu wcl lus th» Bext aud llandHumiMt I'utlm ' ~ Hook In tbe niarkvt.

aud T u n c

T H E X B W B A r r i M T P D A U f l H T ^ w K b o n t n a a l o . Wo have bIw< ri«| iucd the

JinceXil thla bok to th) c(!ni» j u t coiiv, i s au iH>r kwen by inatl, ptiatpiuil, or fm ijy cx|iri«t.

I l iUl iook couialiiH lliv Hiuiii! lifiiiiiH Hii In the New lUptlKt I'MalniulMna Tuuv llouk Mvuil

8 fcpocUueii Cojiv. 8 o i i t h « rM PMi lm i a i . A new, i m p r o v e d

and ravbted e d i u o n , i n wiiloh wilt b e % n u d I n place o l tbe o l d luiiex, oue ot large, bol(i type, a n d aluo m a u y now a n d iavorlte b y m n a , Uvklng tbe pluco of otbeni whlen were w a n t i n g In merit . T b u Hrr»iiaomBi» and nun>beru>K b a v o not boon Iniernintew lOOOhtmiui. m m roan, 760 '

Now edition (worild - . . , I>CHI and

aweetwt of our •'olcMliii<>" bymnn. Ttili . work baa buen compilMl l » nivi«t n wnnt lona l e l t i u o u r u a i u i t r y cliiirelioH hikI the i i r u \ e r a n d Koclttl niecltnKit of tlin ciiuri'liPM lu oUIom a n d towna, tor h Hnmll niiit nlutiip hymn Ixmk oonUilnlujj 111" bi»t upproVKt anrt ni<Mt poim. tnr byM)iiN, both olu niiU now. I'rlcu, per copy, 111 fl«xliile cloth, 15i'.,; in.r du/uu. l u tlunlblu v luih, tl.&O.

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Benuona on linporlunl nnlijpctii, by J . M Pendleum. ThlHlHaii invAliiable work.

I'lleo, I n clolh, 11.00. N p a r K « o u * N : i l e r u i o n H ~ - i e vol*.

Price, piir vol. »:.60. H e l p a t o I b a Pn l| i l t . Cloth, 13410. P n l i i l t T b a u t M . Cloth, 13,01),

B<l»OUN F O R O i l It tH I I l .D I l EN .

Tbo Mtorjr or t b a niblo— F r o m Ueneala

. llm prcptirlng thla

"To . , - JgnlllBd

dlapleaalna to m-iro cultured tnlniiH) almll ba

t o l t e v e l a t t o n . T o l d l n RImple l A n g u a a e for tbe Young. iW Chaa Kihiuu!. l t h o « V « m h ( B endeavor of tlie author, i n prcptirlng thla work, to UMe aiioh alniple laHguage and Tornu o f M i ^ e a a i o u i u i ( w h i l e not umngnined nor dlapleaalna to m-iro cnlturi<d tnlnnH) almll ba Intell igible to cni ldrcit and unedueated adulbi) wltbout further ezplunaUon.

rnca, 1.100 F l r a tH i ppa fo r I . l l< lo Feat l u U o a n o i

P M t h a . A n«w b«<ik by tlin uiithor of tlie •'Htory of tbe l i lb le ," and " T h e Blory of tbe tioapel." T h l a Ijook baa liecn prepared w l t b great Caro for the iimtructlou of the l ittle o u G t l n t h e N n r a r i r . t h e Infant itohool and tho Klndorgarten. I t biaminge<t upon a tllfTor. cut plau m n n either of tho nulhnr'a prcccdlnB wArka. l i i i t e a d of being divided Into chap" tera orlCMOiis, ItconaUtaol actiarnte imaaaiiM. moat of them quite (hort , and ancb comitrota I n Itaclf. Kollowlng each paaanBC are printed queaUotiH, ao i lmple In their conAructl im tbnt tiie little hearbr, if attantiva when tlie paa-aago iairead, can caallv anawer tbcm. B y tho kindnaaa ofaoveral iadla:(, leooneni o f k i n . dcrgar(ona, the auUior waa perniltteil, whi le

Ig h u b « j k , to raad portloua c i i t to T h a puplla leamod hitcreatad, Sraparlng i

l a l r o W w ^ llataned attentively, a n d anawerad the quea> tloua w i t h ttilrlt a n d apparent nleaatiro to

Mt iMUMa of tba Oaicatlai Clljr n%a Way m

• g a r

1rruntli|dn<a,Jn^^^ 'Uean* Bleaalog H a O a i d r e u . "

- .ieo aud a

log Ul>


J l a t a d

V U M f b r i A M W T B R A M t t t My Klwuaacr T w w l a , T b l a

rulaheaai ihnrt awd a t < ^ l y ^ itt o u Bonia t a k t o f B a n p t u r e

i n tbe jr*ar. T h e r e ara tlireo l U t y ' t f v ^ Kh aormoua i n It, , w h o needa auggaailnua % i i d ana thla work la Hlinuxt ludlaiieHal.-Alao be (It BToat valtia I n the dal i Of the tniruMau t it m a y tteonma t y , V r l a a l l A i .

imitw <ir U ^ u t i m , «ta., aaitoMa for BaptSa* chufobca. CDp^oua i n d e x fturibiuuaa of meni. bow. » l n e h e a v y uauer, accnratelv ruled, a n d la the moat conveulcht a u d UMfui t j ^ n l ' ^ k avar o n a r ^ h> the obutxibta. qierha who h a v e uw'd tbla Rook for recordlna the mlnntea a n d Iraainaaa tranaactlon* o> their ;J:Viroue« prouoitee theiu T>arfect,lu a v a ^ iwrtlcuhir. The b i n d i n g laauporb,

rtiee.w.oo, BWEBT PI» I . IM» O P KDKB l» tbe name

of a new Mnndaynwhool niunln book we bava fuatrecelvedCrom the pubibthfrr, Uia tba htmdaomaat book w « b a v a a v w a o e n prinUia I n character aotaa. T h o auihom, Titiin«y. K U t l b r A l l l i i k a . a v d mora t l ian flfly otiier wrltora, bavewniblned to maka«u>*H UtiUt of Men % liook of brlB*" alilu lunnln- «n>> MnudHy-i paid

(<na l>ook of bright, inelodloiiH.RHiu. luuNlc, and one iianiqularly auiUa To iHy-aahool uae. HIniile ciipy.D&n., pnat.

i M K o n B E t i i , r . i m ; B U i . Hubifobii tllBMlou of tho Young M a n nt the Moutli: The Bphera a n d Hiiwlon ol W o m a n i T h e Ui'ului OfMaaonry. I l l pagta.ittcui.

Th»i Pna lo r . B y K o v H H a r v e y , 1) 1). a t ^ k i e v e r y ItapUft proRcuar, who deNlrtw m kiiOw how to lM» a gnoi and uaehW paator, abould have, buy It.

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lyeara a Prleet I n tha Church of itonif. Tti« Workooiitaiustwelve chaptenot very I b u t -eatlng matter conocmlug tbo 8ecret« of the CenfcMlonal. p. ic«

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P r o n o n n e l N K B i b l o D l e l l o n f t t r y , wl Crudeii'a Cempleta Conoordanrx, T h e i n -v a l u a b l e work ot A l e x a n d e r Cniden.AlJV. , la preaentcd i n a compact form, nmhraclns every paMuige of Hcrtpture l u the larKnit edltlona: together wltb lt>ur thoUNaad qu«H> U o n i aud anaweraou the Old and New tamenU, with a larger u i a w of IScrlntural Infoniml lon for B i b l e T e a c b c r a a n d Htudenbi ihnu ever before bound B i one volume, nmkluit a handHome aui>«r-royal Vvo oi over 700 pHgcii, I n Cloth, 13 60.

P u l p i t U a r n i a . P lana for Hermonii by W W . ,Wyibc. 13mo, Untod paper. I 'rUe, in cloth, I1.B0. T h l a la uot a ^ o k of akeleton aermona for laay younir minlatera, but a book oalculateu to aid l u (he preimratlon ol inr-nioua. I'rico |i .«f.

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H o w e l l O M I b a D e a e o n a b l p . The Doa-coiiMhip: lla Niiture, ttUHllfloatlllll^ Uelatlou* and Uiitlea, T h e ino«l coniplete nnd rompro-heiiMvo treatlMi extant upon thia aiiblurt. My It. I!. U. I Iowull , D 1). ll«nia, pp. 141 nlotb, . 40<ita.

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K u t a n d at tba Office of Mempbli, T e u a , aa Bocowt Claaa MaUwr.

O l d S o r l c f r - V o l . X X X I X . M E M P H I S , T M K . , . J U N E 2 8 , 1 8 8 4 . N e i r 5 i e r l e 8 - V o l . X V n . N o . r>

O u r F u l p t .

HA I 'T IBT n U N C l l ' I . l i l S A N D P U A C T I C E S .


MV.Ml'm>», TKNN,, KS81.

I'FM- '•('!• lUm-rmo HII'I ti-ach nil II.TUHIH, liiiiiti/,-ni-' tlif'inlit lli(> Iiliimt i.l Ilii' I'liUior, aii.l ->1 Uie Snn. uiiil (if'llii'll.ilv (llii)Bt; tOio'liliitf tiK'iii to V>li'<i>rv.' nil tViliiK^ «lii»lBiM'>pr 1 liiivu fniHmumliMl v m . Ami I", t uin with vmi Iihvavh. (;Vi-ii iilitn llii-oml I'f llic world." Matl. Vvviil; ll'.'-'i».


TIIKIfF. aro «cvt'i:tl iiii|.or(aii( i'caHon« wlty llic

jiiislor 111' lliin < liiiit li Kliouiil pioin-lt a scrioH <it'

PorinoiiH S f ' t l i t i K " i ' ' pocul iar '^ir inri i ' lcK ami

pntr/h'o'' w l i i i h di i t i i igi i i i ' l i l lapiUlH iVoin all

oUior Chri.siiaii (loiiouiiiuHioiiM, ami wli i i li makcH

ilinif I'xixU'iii'C! ('."^^ontiiil to the iKv -t icliffiouR I'li

li|,;lil('!ilii('iil (if l iu ' wor ld .

( I ) TliorO 1110. hovoiid i loubl . m a m pciHoii^ w lu i

iiro iiifiiiberH nl' I'.siplisl < h!irrli.»- Hinii'ly aii<l only

lic. auRn tlioy wc i c rait^oti in l iapl in i ra'iiilioK. Thoy

hnvi' DOVt'i-ntntliod tlinir ISililcs wi l l i a view to an

iiitpllifXClit uiidi^rtilandinK " f wha t (iiov l.i-lirvc and

lirai'ticc liapli'^tfi; nor tiavo ihi-y read porninns

ir other worUiS boarin;; on fiiilij.'i t. O f nerca-

Kiiy they ari! woak as lo the ili .^iingnuhin^Mloc.-

Irinos or (lu'ir v'rcat di-Motninalion, and aro i inablo

lo an inlol l ig i 'nt answer or nuiMni lor l lu ' lr

liopi!. 1'\)r tboir nakoH tbcrefoiv wo nin-t spoak.

(•J) Tlie.M! am many porsoim on ls idc o f onr

o!uin;hf-H wl io are ti ioie or less ).prtiiiailod,

I Ikto i« lUlle. i f any . S^-riiilnre au thor i ty for some

prantii'CR wliieli obta in in tbe dcnom im i l i on to

which they be long . Tlie.<c bave honest perplex-

ities and aro cmin i r in t ; after the trntb . They have

iiover bad their aiteiili<ni directed to I5apti-it viewH

ol Xow Te^'aiiKMit teaciiiiiR, as to doctr ine and

Chr iM ian dnty, and we owe it to them lo preoont

the ti'tilb as w e hold and practice it. For tboir

Rakcfl we fipcak (bat we may be lp tbeiu to the


(;i.) I n tlio rankH of other donom ina t i ons tbere

an- many {food j)eoiile whose at tent ion has been

atiraelwl by the rapid {jrowth. magni t i i ont ehan-

tloH, earno«it /oal atid oxtonHive mission oponvHons

of tho napUfltfi. They desire to t h i nk o f u« k i n d l y ,

but (hoy know so l i nk ) o f ou r fa i th and itraeliec,

and wha t little tbey do k n o w has been presented

in a way so nn favorab le to no, a« (o produce (lie

imprOH!«ion tbat wo are, o f all ( lonoininatlonp, (bo

niofit Wgoted, geHlfth and i i a r row-minded .

( t.) I l l fome qnni'tcfi* we Imvo boon pi'i'sisleiitly

and knowi i iKly ni i i represented to ou r 'n j i i ry . I n

Older therefore ( h i t (lieno ininreprenBonlations

may bo correoted and t ha t people may k now w h a t

wo « o iiolleve, tu id w h y w o bel ieve it , wo speak.

( ' i ) A n d last ly , and above al l , out o f a spir i t o f

loyalty and oboilioiieo (o our d i v i ne Lord wo speak.

Jt wan ho who Haid, ' " roaeh ing them to obnorvo al|

(hliiffa whatsoever I b t i v o uoinnianrlc'd you . " Tho

fact (hut tiicro aro l iu i l t l tmles o f pood i»oop!o hoUl-

i i i^ vlcwB coii lrury to w h a t wo nndorsti i i id the

Now Tcotflineiit lo tearh^ la no roiiRoti w h y wo

fihoultl i lot spoaUi l iuloeil o u r silonco wou ld not

onl j ' provd li l ack o f loya l ly to Chr is t , hu t wou ld

also flhow that w o aro del lc lont In char i ty . For

cliarlly (or lovo) "rcJolcoB in t he t r u t h . " O u r t luty

to ottr Iwnl ' , nnrt lo ou r fol low-nion, both t lomand

lliitl w o Bh'ttll not ' on ly t ry to k n o w tho t ru th for

ourselves, hu t t h a i . \T0 Bhall ."flnoak tlio t r u t h i n

lovo." ' , ' • ^ . i

O u r toxt ItrlngH heforo ug t l io "throofolcl ohjoolb

of tho iironohftrB ot; iUo gOBpol, v i z . : l o inako mon

(tlactpioi) of Cb ( l i i | b y oonvortii ifr Iho in to tho

ftt l lh; lo l»rln« 1 Ucni t o a v ub l l o profcBiilon o f tho

faith by hapt iHin," ami to t ra lu thoin u|) !ii tha

praclico o f tho leaohlng« o f tho d i v i ne Lord . They

contain the last cotnu iaml o f the Sav ior immed ia te*

ly before his l ina l tieparitire to hoavoH.

Af ter hin nmi r ree t ion ho n j i na incd w i t h hla tliacl»

plos for forty days, teaching then) " t ho i h l ugs por-

ttt in ing to tlic k i ngdom of ( Jod . " MorotTver, he h n J

dist inet ly ]>roiniBcd Ihcin that tho Ho ly S p i r i t

shou ld " b r i n g l o their renic>nbranr6 till thittgM

wb.atsoever he bail commanded ' ' (hetti, nnd , in

obedience to this comiwand, they tarritjd l a JoFU*

saleiii till the day o f I'ontoi ost, when they were

i l ivi i iely inspired and "endowed w i l h power f rom

on l i i ^ l i . " Therefore, bein({ l l .us carefully t augh t

by Ibe Master h imself , and boin}< speeially ^rulded

by tlie Holy Sp i r i t in tbeexeeul ion o f his teaeliingn,

wo are bound to believe tbat wl iat they d i d letieh

and practice was exnetly in aeeord w i t h tbe k n o w n

wi l l of their ]<ord. Fi irt l iermore, i f we admi t that

the apostles were d iv inely inspired in their leaeh-

injjs and practice, then we are bonnd to admi t that,

in tbe history of their doiiit^s, as re<t)rdod in the

Al ls, we have left us Ibe inspired model by wh ich

the disciples and churches of the I / )rd are to 1H)

^n i ded for all tune .

I n view o f tlicHo tbintrs, Haptists ho ld tliat tho

New Testament is tbo "on ly rn le o f fa i th and prac-

tice," and t h a i no one Ims > any r i gh t to alter,

amend , add lo or take from iho teaehluns or jirac-

(ices of tlio inspirei l Aposdes. Indeetl, the IJOII I himself , in ant ic ipat ion o f any such outrage, t>tvcs

as bis last message, (hrouKh tbo revelation of , tohn

lo the churches o f Asia , these words : " I testify

un to every m a n that beareth tbe words of Iho

prophecy of tbis book, if any man shall ad<l un to

t hem , Cod sba ' l add un to h im tbe plagues wh i ch

are wr i t ten in tliis book, and i f any man shall take

uway from tbo words of the propiiecy, ( iod shall

take away liis part from the tree of life, and on( o f

tbe holy c i ty . "—I lev . .xxii: l.s-l!(.

Tak i ng therelore (he history of tbe teachings

and doings o f tiicso lirrfl jireacbors o f the new

k i ngdom aud follonriug them throug i i (o (ho ctul,

we see how faithft i l ly they fol lowed the order la id

d o w n by Iho Ixird. First, they went ovorywhoro

preacli ing (o make disciples. Second, they bap-

tized (hose made disciples, and (b i rd , (hey ga(herod

these bapt ized disciples into cliun^hes aud in-

structed them in tho "observance o f all t h i ngs

whatsoever Iho 1/ jrd had|conunaiulod t hem . "

T ims wo tti-e lead lo our subject o f enqu i r ing ,

v l / : WHOM I>n> THE AVOHTl.ES IlKOAUn AS PIlOfKU Hlin-


OF HAfTtSM VKUFOllMEti (!l'0N TttKM ?

O u r quest ion involves two points o f enqu i r y—

"The guhjoct o f bapl ism." ' and "Tho act o f bap-

t i sm , "

I . I n Booking l igh t upon the first lot us tu rn to

tho Acts o f tho Apostio aud HCO wha t terms aro

usinl to descriho thoin. The passages arc i iumor-

otiB, I-iston to t h e m : "Then I 'otor aaid t in to

them, Repent and ho bapt ized ovory ono of you in

tho namo o f .TOBUS Ch r i s t un t o tho remission of

sins, nnd yo shal l rocoivo tho g i f t o f tho Ho l y

tJhost . " (1) "Then tboy that g l ad ly recoivcd his

W o r d were b ap t iwd , and tho samo d ay thoro woro

added « n t o tho church about throo tl iouBand

B o n i s . " (2) " A n d all that boHovod woro togoMior

a nd l iad a l l th ings c o m m o n . " (» ) " I l opon t yc

Uieroforo a n d ho oouvorted, t ha t y o u r 8tnB m a y be

blotted o u t " ("i) " U o w b o i t m a n y o f thoin w h i c h

hcBrdtho'\V"6rd bollovod, and Uio n u m b e r o f ll io

m o n WRR a l j ou i flvo t hounand . " (5) " A n d Iho i i i u l .

t i tudo of thoin that holiovnd woro of oiio heart , filid

o f ono sou l . " (fi) " A n d boHovora woro the nioro

addeti l o Uic Lo r d , i nu i tUudea bo th o f m o u and o f

women . " (7 ) T h o w paiwi«|«» h a w reforence to those

baptized a t Jc ruaa leo i . ua fo l low t h f m

to other idaiJW* A n i , flwt, «>«>« to S i imar la , , t ho rcsuH:

" B u t wl^ou they hoiloved P h l H p p w w M n g the

l i d a g * c<mttortd«gthtt k i n g d o m a n d t l io

nau io o f J w n a , they werobApUJsc^i ho th n ion n i i d

women.' ' ; N « * t PbJh^ In « l » u h i t i o i

w i t h thp 'Eau t tch , ••Then P h i l i p o|wnod hl« ttibntli

a n d bi^ji^n Kt t h o aauw Scr ip tnro , a n d proaohwl

(into M m JoatiS. A i l d Ha th«y wei i t o n thfiir w a y ,

they canio to a certain water, a nd E u u n c h aii id,

Soe, hero ia water, wha t do(U hti^dor ono to bo

Imp l i zcd? A n d P h i l i p t a i d , " I f t l iou boltove»t

w i t h all t h ine lieart, thou mayes l . " (0 )

SCO Auan i aB Ins t ruc t ing S au l , " A n d im inod ia tc ly

there fell f r om hia oyca aa it h ad licen acalow, a n d

he received «i({ht fo r thwi l l j , and aro«o a nd waa

bapt i zed . " ( 10 ) . "And i t became k n o w n t h roughou t

all . loppa. and m a n y bel ieved on Uie L o r d . " (11)

" A n d the h a n d o f (ho IXKMI wa« w i t h t h « m : a n d »

great nuh i l ier bel ieved a n d turned u n t o Iho r . « rd . "

(12) "Tho pro-consul, w h e n he saw w h a t wa« done ,

beliovod, be ing astonisiicd a t tho teach ing o f the

Lo rd , " ( l ; i ) " A i m ! aa tlie Gent i les hoard Ihia, thoy

were g lad , am i glorit ied tho W o r d o f a n d as

mauy as were ordainevl t o eternal Ilfij Iwlleved.'*

( I I) ' A n d i t eautfl t o pass i n I c o n i n m . t ha t a great

tt iultUudo, bo th o f dowa a n d also o f Greeka be-

l ieved." (1&) " A n d a certa in w o m a n named Lyd i a , h«ar t (h9 Ix>nl openctl, t ha t alie attended

un t o tho t h i ngs wh ich wei-o spoken liy Pau l . " (10)

T o t h o . l a l l o r P a u l said, "Bel ieve on tlio l i O n l

.lesus Chr i s t aud thou sha l l l»o savetl, and t i iy

house, a n d he rejoiced, be l iev ing in t i o d w i t h a l l

his house." (17) AtThoBsa lon lca , i t l « aaid, " A n d

some o f them believed a n d consortwl w i t h P a u l

and Si las, nnd o f the dovou l (Jreoka a great irtulli-

tiide, aud o f (h« chief w o m e n not a f ew . " (18) A l

Ilerea L u k e says, " M a n y o f them be l iovod ; also o f

honorab le women wh i c h were Oreeka, a nd o f m e n

not a f ew . " I n A thens "certa in m e n clave u n t o

h i m aud beliovod, a m o n g wh i c h was D ionya lua

tho areopagi lo , a n d a w o m a n named Uama r i a ,

and others w i t h t h e m . " (20) A t Co r i n t h I t ia

said, " A n d Cr iapus, tho c h i e f ru ler o f the ayna-

goguo, bel ieved on the L o r d w i t h a l l l h i a house,

a nd m a n y o f the Cwr in th ians hea r i ng l iel ievwl and

were bap t i zed . " (21) " A n d m a n y tha t believetl

camo and eonfoBBwl the ir deeda," (22) >

You obBorve tha t i n a l l these records Uierw la n o t

a aiogle I n t ima t i on that a n y were bapUaed w h o d fd

not bolieve, bu t , o n the contrary , i t is posit ively

sorted t h a t they d i d profess to be believer®, a n d

niton that profession were baptlKOd. The l iouaehold

bap t i sm f u rn i s l i noov i de t t co to thecon tn i ry . T h e i ^

aro four instances m e n t i o n e d ; L y d i a , ( a ) Corno-

lius, (b ) tho J a i l e r , (e) a n d C r l s p u a . ( d ) I u a H t l M » o

cases such oxpressiotis aro usetl. i n regard to t h e m ,

ftfl makes i t ini i iossible to suppose t ha t there wo re

any babes a m o n g thoin . I f you h a v e never d one

Ro, we u rge you to read tho four acoounta caref\iUy,

y o u w i l l see t ha t auch expressiona l i ke these aro

used : " ^Vhoso heart tho L o r d opened . " " H e re-

joiced bo l i ev iug I n G o d w i t h a l l b i s house , " " F o r

they hoa rd them apeak w i t h tongues a^id mag i iKy

the l j o r d . " "C r i s pu bel ieved ou the Lo rd wlUt

til his house . "

Such th ings oou ld no t be predlcalod o f nnooit-

(1) Aota 4; (6) i v ! ; _ Ixt iHj (11) Wj f l5 ) Xlv 4 ! ' ( 1 H ) * V I I 1 . . ,

( a ) Aels xvh 14| ( b ) XI44 (o ) av l j 3l-8l(d)*vHl!

Page 2: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

ohUdreiiV ^ f WitpiL 1|t«m '0hil(1rflu in ihoM

famlUea^ U U momltjr <ifnrtii!n tti^jr w o n ck|»«ble of

he&rtttg, IwlioTing, wtUi toog^^fi «h1

Jialfitng In Qoi]. Tfaero iji thsrefore ftbs|at«||^ no nu-

,, V' 'tborlty In tho Nnw Tut imen t for Infkiit i f i p i m ut


it ! • commonly pnioiiced. Bovinuse Uierefore of tlilifo

plain Neir TvataiuenUtoaoblngs, Baptistit havs al'

ways held that boUovora, and boUevera only, ara

^ tbv proper aubJeot« of Christ (an b«|itii*m.

I I . W « bavo thus seitlml b«ywnd all doubt the

question a« to tli« "propar tubJccU of )>apliHni."

Naturally, th«i-era>*e, we aVo loil to euqulre

" W H A T W A S T H « A C T O K U A P T I S M C O M M A K I I E U I I T

CIIHI8T A K I > rRACTICRU B V 1118 A P C m X t l t S ? "

To 8)K!ak about the inoilo of baptUui tho

whole quostiOn; for thoro cannot bo « ino<Jo of

a thing, and all Intclligout |)«oplo ought to havo

known that. Wc owe It to our Divine lionl io

ascertain, if | > O M l b 1 < > , what waa tho act ho roin-

uiaMdcd, and which hia ArtMiatIca pracUml. i f wo

•can atccruUi lieyond any rcsKonablo douM what

that was, thou every loyal heart will dcslro to

obey his blessed will in xpite of all cilucational

training to tho contraiy.

Our flrnt source of informstiou nuiHl be the New

Todtameut itoOlf. ObHoivo itft slaienicntD:

"Then coinethMciius from Galilee to.T«rt!:ui unto

John, to bo baptized of hiui, butJohn lorliado him,

saying, I have UCIHI Io l>e baptiKcd of tlicc and

cuinext thou tome? And .lc8U« anflivcrin;;, said,

SulTcr it to bo KO now ; for thus it Iwconu'lh us to

fu.till all riKhtcousnesK. ThenhoxulU'rtMlhin). Ami

Jc»»« when, ho was baptimi, went up straijflil-

way out of the 'water ." (a) Mark's account is

similar. There could be uu iea«on in .loliu'« bap-

tining in Jordan unless dipping or iuimcrkion was

the act. And bear in mind that tlic I^rd took a

journey of sixty miles on foot in order to Mibmit

to the ordinance.

Godot, in^bls commentary on the baptism ol

JcauSj Sava,''The rite ol baptism consisted in tho

plungingsf tho hotly completely intotUc water." (1)

Goikie, in his "Life and Words of Christ," says of

this baptism, " I t was a new and stiiking rcfjuire-

ment of baptism which John had tjccn sent by

divine appointment to introduce. • • It was hence

im})ossiblo to see a convsrt go down into H strrain

travel-woru and soiled with dust, and after disap-

pearing for a moment emertjo pure and fresh,

without feeling that the symUol suited and inter-

preted a strong craving of the human heart." (2)

Meyer, in conniicnting on Malt, l i t : G, says :

"Tho thing visibly and sensibly «ymboli/.ed in

.John's baptism was repentance. Hut immersion

alone answered this, because rciHsntanco (should

.concern and purif^'tho entire man, to which also

•afterwards was connected by inner necessity the

siiecifio Christian conception of tlie symltoiic im-

mersion and omersiou."

Lange, on the same passage, says: •'Immcrseil in

tho Jortian coufcsiing their sins—immersion was

tho usual mode of baptism and tho symbol of to-


In Acta v i i i : 38 it sayat^Aiid ho commandetl tho

chariot to stand still; and they went down both in-

to tho wator, both Phil ip and tho cunuch; and ho

baptized h im . 'Tan l sava to tho Romans: "Know

ye not, that so many of us aa were baptize*! Into

JesuB Christ, wore baptixodinto his death ? Thero-

ftro wo aro boriod'with'^ h im by baptism into

death." (b) To the Colosslana ho says: "l iuried

with h im iu baptiam, wherein also ye aro rison

with h im through tho faitii o f tiio operation of God

who hath raised hini fhjm tlio doad." (o) On this

paisago in Itomana Conyboare and llowson say:

**ThIs passage cannot bo understood unless it be

borno In mind that primitive baptism was by im«

meraioin." (d)' McKnlght, on this samo passage,

•ayii: 'Chriat aubmittod to bo baptlzo<l~that is, to bo

burled under the wator—by John and to I)o ralsod

out of i t again as an omblciu of futuro death and


Canon Lighfoot, on Col. H:12 aara: "As ho

•Inks beneath the bapUsmal waters, tho iwliovor

Matt. Ill: Compare Mark It 0-tl. Edk. B d . vol.!. n Ant. £tl. vol. I.pp. 8 » 4 - A t » . Rom| vliS4^o)Col. |llUi(<1) LIM aad Kplstlo ofBt.

burloa iheiro all his^jjorrupi afleoUona and past

|los; .an he:o&ii>rg^theiK»- iio ;rl«ea regoucrato.

quickened to new hopes and new life." <e)

Thelnck, on Romans M t y s ' ^ ^ r tho ez>

planation of this flgnrative description of the' bap-

tismal ritei,* it is ootMSssary to call attention to the

wolbknow circumstance that in tit* early daya of

Uie church persons, when baptized, wero first

plunged below and then raised abe?o tiio wator,

to w hich practico, according to tho direction of the

Aix>stlo, tho early Christians gave a symbolic im<

pert." I migitt add the comment* of Oishausez,

Meyer, Prof. PluMitree, DeWetle, Limborcli, Bishoii

Klllcotl,Ui«hop Wilsoii.Dr.Schali; Prossense, Ivurtj;,

and many «tlier« who uuhcsitatiugly te-tiify to the

samo rilet't.

Thus wo have luoicod at thoau passages of the

Now Testameiit which clearly iiulicate to us tho act

submitted to by tbo Ixtrd ami practiced by il is

A|iOi«tlei4, fttid wo also sac tbo inter{iretaliou given

those passages by some of tho foremost of tho Chris-

tian scholar of the world. The fact that not ^ue

of thestiholai-s <|uofed in a ll.iptist giTfg additional

forcc to their testimony.

Baptize, in onr veraioii, is a Greek word with an

English terininatiun. What is Ita primary signill-

oiition? What act doea tho wonl iiidieato? The

best I^'xicogra[ihers .iro agreed thst the iirimary

moaninf,' of tho word is to "immerse, to submerge,

t.> Hink." (f) Dr. Conant ban spent mauy

years in an exhiinnlive examination of examples of

the lexical and t;raininaiical uoo of tho wortl. lie

is reoojjMiml asonc of tho greatest linguists of the

age. lliit ihlorniation hax been "drawn from

writer?" in almoKt every department of literature

and soience; from poets, rlietoricians, philosophers,

critics, hifiloriann, Koographers; from writers en

husbandry, on medicine, on natural his-

tory, on grammar, on theology; from al-

most every form and stylo of composition-

romances, epistles, orations, fables, odes, epigrams,

sermons, narratives; from writsrs of various na-

tions and religious, Pagan, Jew and Christian, l>o-

longing to niaay dllfeiXMit countries, and through

a long succession of ages." As the result of this

wide research he has publislietl a book callcd "The

Meaning and Use of Haptlsiu." On pages 87 and

88 ho says: "Tho ground idea expressed by thin

word 18 to put into or under tho water (or otiier pen-

otral)lo substance) so as entirely to immersa or sub-

merge." "The %vord has retained its ground moan-

ing witbont change. From tho earliest Greek

literature down to its close—H iMir^otl of about two

thousand years—not an cxamplo has been found

iu which the word has a'ny other moaning.

We havo thus looked into tho Scripture teaching

as to the act of baptism and wo havo interrogated

tho most competent witnesses as to the meaning of

tho word itself am! wo find that immersion

is what the liOni submitted to, and is what ho

cnjoinud upon His followers. I.i«t us now gather

some further testimoay from tho history of bap-

tism .

Tbo Greek speaking people, who compose tho

Eastern church, and who certainly must know

tho meaning of the woitl, havo practiced immor

siou through all the centuries and still continue to

do so. Deau Stanley says: "There can bo no

(luestlou that tiio original form of baptism, tho

very meaniimof tho word, was comploto Immar-

sion in tho deep baptismal waters, and that for at

least four centuries any other form was either un-

known or regarded, unless iu tho case of danger-

ous illrtbss, as an exceptional, almost a monstrous

ca'O. To this form tho Eastern church still rigor-

ously adheres; and tho most illustrious and venera-

ble poll Ion of it, that of tho Byzantlno empire, ab-

solutely repudiates and Ignores any other mode of

administration as essontlally invalid.(1)

Mo.shoiin says: "Tho sacrament of bapllsm was

(e) Ajws.Com., Ill: 17.

Engllsh-Oreek Lexicon, Oih KntflishedlUonsWilkle's UxloonofNew TesUtnontQrcek, nx revised «UUon,'iabO; lexicon of Greek UBaM iB' thVu^'

* •• " t « -A . DJtOO. by Prof. ^ .-„j;Crem»rlnOlblioo.'nu>-T^stametnUreek) 8«eoiid edition

man and IljrsanUne periods, It. C. I< K. A. Bnphoolos, llarvanl Collefe; olu^loal^^xioon of Now T^stametil

(1) History of the EasUrn Churob, p. 117.

admlui i ieml iu this ecntury (the Ural) wIUioui h.

public aascmbjlos,}» p l ao^ appolntea for that m r J *

iwae, and was i«rfonned by imrnmlon of ihs

Whole body." (2) ' s

Venema deelarw: « I t ia without fOBtrovrm

that baptism in tho primitive chmrh was admlnb-

terml by Immersion Into wator, and not by inrlnk ling." (3) ^ I

Pev. Dr. I^ I,. PAhie, a Oongregationalist ami

Professor of Church Ills»ory In the Seminary tt

llangor, Maine, Iu a public article on Immersioti at

the primitivo act of baptism, uses this strong Uu-

guage (1): "The Icsiiniony is ample and decisive

No matter of church history is clearer. The evi,

douce is ail one way, and all church htslorians or

any repute agree iu accepting it. We cannot clsim

even originality in teaching It in a Congregational

Scminiry, And we really feel guilty of a kind of

anachronism in writing an article to Insist uiwu ii.

It is a jjoint on which ancient, msdia-val and mml-

eru historians alike, Catholic, Protestant,Luthersu

ami Calvanirtt have no controversy. And the iim-

plo reason for this unanimity it that tbo statement-.

of tho early Fathers aro so clear, and the light shed

upon these ntateinenls from tho early customs ol

the church so conclusive, that no historian who

cares for hlM reputation would dare deny it, and no

historian who is worthy of the name would wi»li

1 0 . "

Ireii.i ns, writin;,' in tko necoud century, sayu:

'•(tor iHhlies ihnnigU this bath (/(tivirrHni) hare re-

ceived that whirh leads to an in.x.rrnpiilile

unity." (."i)

Tertulliaii, in il.c third century, says : "The l»w

of immersion has been imposed and tho form lias

been prescribed. (G) With, so great sinipliciiy,

without pomp, without any considerable novellv

of preparation—tiiiallv without expense-a man i*

let down iutho water, and while a few words sre

sijoken, is immersed.'*(C)

The reconls of the lirst Niccue Council in the

early part of the fourth century tostities to immer-

sion being the practico Ihen. Not only is all tho

tcstiinoii) up to tho close of the third century ab.«<>

lutely in favor of imiuersion ; but toward the dose

of thai century trine inwiiere.ioii began to l>e prac-

ticed in some ijuarlorg, espoiiially in the African

church. Tertulllan is tho first of all tho writers

who mention trine immersion. There is absolute-

ly no trace before the middle of tho third centniy.

It came into usanc in connection with a discussion

oil tho Trinity. From this period onward trine im-

mersion become more and more the prevailing cus-


Tho fir^t departure from immersion was In the

middle of tho third century. Cornelius, a Bishop

at l^)mc, says that Novatiau "fell into a dangerous

disease, and bocanso ho was likely to dio was per-

fused (pouretl around)on the boti where he lay." He

also says, "All tho clorey and a groat many of the

laity wero against his being chosen Presbyter, be-

cause It was not lawful, they said, for anyone that

had boon per/usetl, as he had been, to bo adinitte.1

to any ofllco of tho clergy." This departure from the

primitive act was only sanctioned thou by some of

the clergy, because, at that lato day, thoy ha<l come

to attach a saving imiKirtaiico to baptism. But wo

SCO that thoy did not regarti iwuring as scriptural

baptism, but considered it so defective as to debar

thoso who submitted to it from oniinatlon to the


ThoCouncil of Carthago,iu tho fourth century, uses

tho word Immerse In speaking of baptism. Jerome

testifies to baptism la tbo boginnlug of the llflh

century, by saying: "Wo aro dipiwd in water

that tho mystery of tho Trinity may a p p e a r a n d

Augustine, who wrote In tho fifth contury, says:

" I n this font before wo dipped your whole body,

wo asketl ycu: "Bollevost thou In God UioOiniilpo-

tont Father?"(7)

Tho "apostolic canons" compllod at tho

cioso of tho fifth century by % Roman monk.

Kcelcslastlcat History,Century 1, ch. 2. see. 8. KcolsslMUoal History, vol. 1. p. m . ' ^ In Chrlstl anMlrtor, Aug. 8, lt)7&. Work against.Heresies, b l l f , 0 IB., Tract eonaernlng UapUsm (JM JkipUmoi) 018, atitl

also o 1. <7) IM Mtittrto JhpUtmo$.

.J, ^r^,;.

•J£ J,


Canon fiftieth « ay« j " I f any Bishop t>r Presbyter

does not" •ulniinister trlno immersion * * ^ k' thiui

be dwposed.'' Oregory,of Tours, gives adetailod

account of the Itnmeralonof KingClovIs, of France;

ami inoro than three tbonsaud of his army in lOfi. (8)

Gregory th« Great made mauy alteration* in tho

rereuionials of the itouiish cbun^ii. l ie died iii <;i>l.

lle»a}«5' tho Priest liapiize with a trijipUi im-

mersion but with only one iuv«M'4iioi« <>f !iie Holy

Trinity.*'(U) HonUusays: "The reasijn win

use three imiMet»io;i» is to "ijfuity the iii) sti r) of

Ciirist's three days' burial." l ie afterwartl^. luodi-

tle»l his views and advised single ImuiurMon.

The treat and venerable llede gives a full account

of the immersion of ivlug Kdwaid, of Kiigiaud.willi

s Hiultitudeofhl'4 subjwrts, iu tho seventti ceoiui v.

Ucde dlctl in 735. (10) The fouriti coun. il of Tole-

do, 633,''decreed that it is not neccssars i» inmmrso

thecaudidate three limes, an.l ttiai a sinjjle ittun. r-

iioii is sufUclout." ( i l ) .

F>on: the Council of Toledo to that of Uiivenua

,'o;i3-l3U) a j'CriwliiftJTS years, we have aliiiii.iant

testimony to immer-iioii as the prevailinj; 11.1 of

baptism. The testimony is from uianv writeixau.l

many countries: .Ismes, of Edessa, a rt> lian. -:ivs:

The priest stands by the lont ami itiv.fky.. the lli>l>

Spirit when the child plunj;e«l iuio water " (ll',

tierinauus, of Constantinople, -ays : "W.- lime Ixoii

biptimlwitb reference to the d. athaud re-tu r. lion

of Christ himself. For by tlie dcsi-eiit int . the « k

Icr and tho accent, and by the three siil-m.M

we nilH>lij:e .iiiil itxifess the thn-f .1 1 > t>Mnal

»iid resurrection of Chri*i hinis.-lt " In ih-

ninth century lhecoun. il ol (V-li.-tivU., kiuf^.loiu .1

•Mercia, at which Wultred, arc!ibisli.>p <>( ( aiiii r-

bury,v;ale-c!eis{th presided, iu the r.iMli .mou de-

clare: "And let the Pii-sbyters know 1 liiii wlu n

they administer holy baptism they may not puijr

waicr ui>on tho heads of tho infants,biit tl.e intani..

must always bo immersed in water."

Tiio Couucil.of Worais, iu the same cf>nlirrv, . anon

5, say : "While some priests bapii/.e wiili thre- im-

mersions and others with but one. a s( vva»

raised eudangerinjc tbo unity of the . luiri h."

In the tenth century, Alt;), bishop <)i \'.M. olli, ii\

expouuding Horn, vi: 4, says : "Weare b;ii>il/.'.l lu

to His death, sluce as lie ilied, so ais.i we.wheii wc

reuouuco the devil and his work*, the ivorl.l and

its pomp, In like manner di.", wli n we are iiu

ttiersetl iu water."

In tho eloventh century Fnlbertiis, bishop iH"

Chartres, says on this same passajje in li .iu.^us:

"A«, thererore, we have been iiifuriiR.I thai the

boily of our Ijord Jesus was buried in an earthly

grave three days and nights, so also a man im-

m«ri»eil three times under an element alll<'.l lo the

earth is covered. Pulbis, an F.njtli'.man, was

made a Caniinal at I*aris iu the twemii ceu-

turj. On baptism, ho says : "Whi le the candiilate

for baptism Is Immersed, the death of Christ is

suggested; while immersed or covered with water,

the burial of Christ in shown forth; while raised

from tho wators tho i-esurreetion ol Christ is pn>-

claimed." (14).

in tho twelfth century the Council of C.ashel was

held. lis object was to sceurc uuifomiily in the

English and Irish churehcs. It was iiiicmlcil by

both the English and Irish cler}{y. li dociec.l :

"That childrou shall be brought totlm . hur.-h nud

shall there bo baptizc<l Iu pure water by irino iin-


Tho Westminster General Council, held iu ly)n-

don In tbo year 1200, made this«<eer«o: " I f a lay-

man baptize a child In caso of necessity, let all that

follows alter tho Immersion l>o iMsrformod by a

priesU" And tljo Council ol AVorcestor, In I'JIO, de-

clared: "And let the candidate for bai>lism be al-

ways thrice Immorsod."

Tho Council of Ilavenna, in i;ill,-ilecrecd that

"baptism could l>e administered by trine immor-

sion or aspersion."

Thus nrom the Aral to tho fonrtccnth century tho

(8) History of Franco by Oroaory, Itook 2ml o. Slj (ft) InkiiaawamenUry; MUlorfal Kcf U*itul{ea, (/ettUt Ah-glatia, Ifb. U e. 14, (11) Hurrae«> Act of lluptlsm pp

(ia)^venth century; (IB) UlRhiSi e«nlury. See J/*rnM

^r t t , m j . 04 ) J^atnl. Imi, Jilifnt, vol. el. p. Oia.

leslitnony in cauh century Is unbroken to thoeflkjl

thst, imniersloH aud ihuncrsltu alone, was regard*'

wi as valid Christian baptism. , ^

We fnrther see that It was not till near the clow

of the third century that anything olso was oven

toleratcil; and that the Instancosof departure were

rare; and their validity veiy gonerully ijuostlonod^

Inasiouch as perhons poured upon, for baptism,

weix- dcbarreil fVom oidinailoii as ministers. The

evidence wo iiare culled from each century Is only

a Somali |)ari ot that which mi),'ht bu ttdducefl.

There is written lestluioiiy txtunt sufllcicnt to fill

a largo volume of several hundred papes.

Now hecau^o the Now Testament tcacbos lin-

mer»ii)u ; because tho word huplizu means Immcr-

»i«u; Iwcause the AiM)stlos and early churches

praciicoil it; bcauso the history of baptism for

thirteen centuries shows thai the Christian world

re^arde.l immersion alouo as valid baptism, and

Uerausc the (Jretk church have never departed

from it, therefoi-e the Haptials have alwayi held

(hat imtiierKiuii only Is that act which Christ com-

mamle<l, which his Apostles practiced, an.l lo which

every bcltevi.r should, in loving obedience lo the

Loril, siiliinit.

Tho lac'< uf history xvairant us iti saying that,

of sti 111!' oilier ilenouiiuaiioiis if ('liri.<ttans, tho

l!a|ilist, alone have the honor of being the people

who have never ib-parteil Irom this onlinance of the

New 'IVstatineni. Ami bul for the fad that throu<{h

III" .-.•olurie-', ilicy have lified their voice on its be-

Inlf il woii.Ul lone since hare ceased to be practiced

on iho earth, cxiept ainon^ the (ireek speaking

lieojiic. The inlhience tbui llaptistii have exerted

on ln'half ol this ordinance, in the last two centu-

iie<, has Rwakem-d the Christian consciousness,

und sliniuiaird lo eu.^iiiruig; uulil now, thousands

outside our i-oniiuuiiion arc not Ratisfied with any-

Ihiiijr else, and churches of other denominations

have been forced lo buihl fonts in their churches

in which to ininierse the members demanding im-

mersion at their hamls. The tesliiuony for the

liord's ordinaiH-e is prevailint; and ii s(H;ms iliui it

i« only a question of a few decades when all de-

n.imiualioti- will return lo Iho priuiilive pracli.-e

of lioliev-er's baplis;!! by 'I'he Lord

li,isU'u till' day.

Are ther.' any lisleninfj; to my voice who claim

lo have tasted that Ihe Ixinl is gracious in the par-

don ol their sins, and who yet have never obeyi^d

that Ivonl iu hi'onlinAuce of baiilism? Listen to

what he says: "^'e art my friends if ye do what-

soever 1 command you." Ity every consideration

of love, loyally and duty you owe il to hiin to be

bapli/.e.l. Itrother, sister, why tarriesi ihou?

Arise and be bapli/ed.

NIIIK.- in iniHlern limes it has l»een BIIKK'-SICI tliid hiiiiiersiiiii eoiild m'l havo lieeii iierfiirim'tl mi llu! (lay of I'L'iiicH-nst Is-eause Uireo llinusaiiit could not Imve IKK-H li:i|.liziil 111 a iliu. It Is ndinittea that Iht re wero twelve Bilniiiilstrators (iresenl. Tlieco were tlien^fore only iV) tor each «ii.i»tle to tiaptlze und at a very I I I KTB I ealcula-imn tlicy eiiul'l have I>tt|>ll/.'.M| tliiMii all in live liiiUfN. I kiifvv K Itaptisl minister liapti/e sixty (lersons in tvv<.iiiv iiiliintes liy tho watch ami ti>> Usik his tlnii>.

Mnco the nlsive was written 11-. IKiwnie, of InJIa, in a Iiu'die utalenient, declared thai he and one other adininis-trali.r liapti/.-d IHTSOUS iu live hours.

MiHj . a

i ' A


.Inst to trust, tiild yet lo ash OiildaiiCc still;

Tatie the trnlnint; or the task AR he will;

.hist to takti the loss or Knin As he (tends It;

.liisl to l.iku the Joy or |>aiii As ho lends it.

lie who f.inn.Hl thw for his praise Will not miss the gracious ami;

So to-dnr, nud all tliy days Shall be inouhled for tbo Ratne.

,lusl to leave In his dear hand I.ittlo thlnf;ii;

All we cannot undemtand, All tbntstiuRs;

.lusl lo let bliu take tbo care Sorely pressing,

KlndiUK sll we lot bim liear Cbangml to blessing.

This Isalll a«tl yfittbs w«y Marked by bIm who loves the twst,

Seerot ol a hnjipy day. S^nft of Uls promised rest.


S t l l f yKnoed f t to|n > 8 r t

Bcuitta4rtl of hftwftbjf the pwi^ .Ji^jr'

ton momiis.' "Wo th0 de-EJ^,

terinlnod voico of uU. ) * ' ^ ^ t

u.ibool ia impruviug, abd woWt>on( Httri^ug tiuue^";' ' "V^i

htiro next B^hII, »6 iwithout making auy^'fni^iUor ^

apology for this siepi'llian that we dcsiro to i^oopV'

ttbfeast with the 'timos, wo Introduce to our IVionds'^'^

.ournow pupor, • , ^ c/I'j.j^ ^

ilegluning with Boptenibor, i8Bl, wo pi^poae ^

lo publish a six 'ofiu-pago paper at tho vory 5 roas-

uuablt! i»rlce of $l.0() por yoar. Thedopartifioula "

assigned by tho odltor-in-ohlofto thoothoi (klltordi-

clect, are as follows; Editorial,, Vy. D; PoWeUt''

lilterai-y, A. M. Aloxaudor; Solontlflc, and Noloa

of Travel, M. B. Gilmoro; The Book-Table, J , / i l . *

Fitzgerald; Local, J . F. Jarnmu; Exchatiges, J, U


In this brief prospectus wo cau give no^ uioro

than a nolo under each department. Mr. -Aloxati" ^

dor says: • •

"Tho necessity for an acquaintance with ,,lbo

thoughts of others, and tho Incroaslng ,iHlcroML

manifested in tho study of English'4iteraUu'e, de-

uaaiul that this deprfl-tmeut of our paiwr should

have special attention. Couvluccd that ^thof

enthusiasm awakened among students of latQ;, in

tho study of tho English langimge will ,,coulluno '

to grow, wo do not hesitate to beliovo that our

dciiartmcut cau be made liilorostlug and profit*

able both to our students and to our Other readers.

With this iu viow wc shall prepare to give our

readel-s not so much our own thoughts as to intro-

duce to them some of the pmfouiiil truths and

world-iiioviiig ideas kowii to tho men of this stir-

ring age." » » •

?.lr. Gil more propcses to take a European lour

during vacation, and will oflor to onr readers many'

notes of interest iu his letters lo this de.parttncnl. I Io

thus briefly outlines his intended trip: ;

"Dur excursion leaves Now York on an Anchor

Llnu steamship, and arrives in about ten days at

(iittsgow. AVill visit all points of inlcrest in

North Scotlaml, and then procmllug directly

through tho heart of England, will take noto of all

places of historical moment. After spending a

few days in Lonilon the party will pass^ over into

Kiolland and stop ut all of tho prinolpas cities of

this small nutioiuility, Uotterdam, iiaguo aud Am-

sterdam ; will visit 'Belgium's capltol,' all tho

principal placcs in Gormany, aud will spend one

tlay on the ithino. Berliu, Vienna, and other Iin-

[wrlant placcs, lie In tho rOuto of tho oxcursiou.

Oossing the Alps into'classic Ital) ' and visiting

riurculanetim aud Pompeii, tho party will > turn,

northward into Switzorland, will take In tho

\'ulloy of Chamouul, Mont HIano, ole. Paris and

ttoino will bo on tho return routo to London, from

which place tho excursion sails for Now York." While our paper will take nolo o f ' all matters of s

intorest in aud around tho University, ita range of 'topics will bo much groator. Its columns will not be open to Idle jests aud frivolous personalltlos: while pompous essays on "Famo," "Ambit ion," -ctc., such aa boys aro loo often prone to Indulge in, will bo most cordially received—Into our wftsto-'' basket. Wo want tho paper to be of practical valUO' to all the studouts, not only by giving theni an op- . portunfty lo "air their thoughts^'and ovoko health-, ful criticism from other sludonts, but''al«t> by bringing them In contact with tho host currents' of English thought. Tho editors do not pretend to siiy that what they write will accomplish all tho objects ui which wo aim. Far from it. Wo hope merely to assist in traiismlttlug tho light aud beau-ty of which our lauguagocan be made the vehicle, and thus awaken in those now cai'oloss a desire to know somothing of tho grand language wo speak.

Wo aro conscious that the work wo havo undor-taken Is no chlltl's play,, and it is not witliout soma lorobodlng that wo enter upon tho task as-signed us, yot wo shall strive to make STiitnmo TIMES worth more than a dollar to every one who takes It. r ®

Address A. IL Dodson, Humboldt, Tonn., for tho suminor.

Wo ohoerfuliy give place io the above Prospectus

to assist the young goufJoiiien in their most lauda-

ble onterpriso. Wi th tho above staff it will be ai i

interesting and valuable paper, and all tho old stu-

dents and a thousaud young naeti should patron-

iso it. „ .

' •S*- v

Page 3: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

-1 •

f' K

1 J'.

v :


K O K T H W E S r K R M A R K A K S A a

BBO GRAVES I »m Jioiry Bro h{»

M»tl fiir « bad prtetiof^Ma bt»a M to nuiltiiiMhik

dftiBi^iU; tclmtMloBil III b!« iMt *nlci«, th« owe

luarlted 7. I f tbcra 1« no j>c»IU*e «vi<l«u<)e of

' imm«ni (o| »o t M WI>kv«B<^ i f l t U o u i y

f«>m !orer»i}««. M i « > «jl«slir»lion of iJw

Sapper at TiroM, then I

bowL 1 f««r U»Js iufwrtl<>ja of Bm , CVleruni wJU bo

nieil bx r«d<M agkiiut u« for some time to corof, «•

tfaeX UM evcrr toch »dml»4lon.' Hut Hro. H a m ]

treat* i( M It deaertc*. Bro. Culeniau biu maile a

Md failure. «Wbo in AritmasM cpuM do better or

fare vronut V^ A t toBro,|Tupper,h«J ha^t become w>

"fof* in hU w* f » and ojjpoiitioH to church eom-

munioa that ho baa «cat luo^» challenge in the Fl'tg,

and I bare r6pll«d to it,t>iitbav«; ciot yet Mt-it my re-

p l f in tba Flag. I wonder why h0 did not ifeiid it

titroagb tb? BAjmsT? Strange that Ilro. Tujs|jer

would rndOfM aDit"rf<;omineii<i; the book on luter-

communbn , aabe did in THIS BArrisr ia«t M'inU;r,

and BOW cbsilenge me to a diwufsion of It. Truly

•'theJegsof theian»ear6 un^ iua i . "

And now cornea Brn. IlatI, the Hai j»^ctA, out in

the ciaiming that he wa« made an fniercom-

innaionitt by r«adiag your l>ottk. I law the btwk

loaned to Bro. Halt and liave p«i«livc pnxif that ho

never read the booii throngh at alt. l ie wan just

as •••ot" before a» i>e has iiccn since. Then hotv did

it make bim so? Again,he a^tscrtB that lie h&« fail-

etl to leant of a single church in Arkanfias prartir-

ing noa-communion, and that the churthen are all

8atii»fied on tbis question. IKow can Bro. 11 all

make nueh an assertion, when ho knows it min-

leailiog? I f Bri*. Ilaii will make one round with

me for a montli, he will have tiic iitpisure of wU-

t)e««iDg at lta$tJtve celcOraUotut of tht Su/*j)cr an ti was mmmandcd, ajul there will l»e sncli tinanini-

Uy that be will not 1« invited to partake oilher.

Bro. Hall al»o knows that be and a fnw others have

done ntuch la oppotimj inveslKjntittn in certain

cborcbea, and that in thcM! chnrchcx there in j^rcat

diiaatinfaction. How tiien can he publish to the

werld Uiat these churchca arc saikficd ? Bro. Hall

cannot plead ignorance in thif« matter, bfcauKe he

preaches to some of thefo di«f«ati*fiefl cliiirchos.

I f those ailvocating the interconnuiinioii practice

can't bring a "tiius saith the Lord" for their prac-

tice, why will they continue to uphold it by niakin^;

these misleading Htatenients? The Finn is full of

them, and there is snch a bad npirit luaiiltVeted in

it to break down Dr. Grnvofl and all who hold a.s

bedoesjby crying out "Iteformer," "New ilefornia-

tion," and «ucli|other «icenHj/ apiicllu'.ioiig, and in

SDch a tneerin^ way, that it enough toHlckcn any

tru« Baptist whose desire it is to see llic cause of

Christ advanced. Fraternally, J . C. U.



r i LL meet with the church in Dyorsbtirg,

Tenn., ou Saturday before the fourth I/ord'H

day in Ju ly , 1884, being the 20th day of naid month

Introductory aermon by Rev. 11. A . Vcnable;

alternate, Enoctt Wlndes.

J . 11. GUAVES, Moderator.

J . 11. BOUUM, Clerk.

COUMITTEK or INVITATION AND IIKCKI'TIOX. The following committee lias Ween appointed liy

the Dverabnrg church: J . I I . BoKtjM, Chalrmnn, E. G. StMxi,

„ Bjt . AV. I I . Tuckkk, W. B. FIKLDS. Uu. J. P: C. AVAI.KEH, W . O. CtiniKTiK, IL A . BunKE.

Poraons deairing to attend the Asnociation will pIoMo correapond with the Chairman as early as poaaible; that homes may bo afinigncd tbem, and they bo infbrmod In due time, so that no coufuRion ahall occtiP 6n Uioir arrival.

JosEfii I I . BonttM, Chairman. P . 8.—Panioi will please atato w;hethor thoy are

coming by prlTttt« or public conveyance. J . H . B., Oba imun .


The 0. , O . & 8. W . Railroad proiwscs to take

Meaaengars to tbo above Associatlou, to meet nt

Dy«r«bnrg, Tenn., Ju ly 2C, and rotnm them at four

i^i'iitii » ssih: tlw^ t ^ f t p*rt iw piiefchaa

Ing tinkota for ronnd trip »lthe)it«tli»iiaftroiu w b k h

they atart, between Mcmpbi« and Padii«;»h. Good

until th« :t(Mb of J u l y . Iwued U , 26,87 and 28 of

J u ly , * J . i*. BoitrJi,Clerk.


I k E L E O A T E S a n d otbera,who expect J^^Bttend the

Baptliit State Convention, which meeta at Mur-

flvoAboro, Ju ly 3rd, 1S81, will pleate report their

name and addrc4« to u< a» aoon a» po^MiMe, that a

home may bc ij»8igned them. Any who deiiire to

Atop with friend* or rclatioii«t here during the meet-

ing ol the Convention, wil! pleie «) inform nije.

Eimjak E. KULK,

Chairman of Coinmitteo o»' ArrangcrnentH.

Murnee«boro, May 2<>, 18S4.


off«r lo jrvonK niliil«l«ni at >i<->if>«l To «Mi<>r)r jrnnng mlulitK-r onjr <'«1I<>k« or Tlt<H»' l«ir<<>ai N««nia«rjr In Amcrlr*, wi> will f^iul "Tb* •<•« «r«i it Iron Wtaf^rl" at roat, tor lb« a<>xt nix inontbu-OO rculs. H«w M«lb<Mllntn will «H>urn>nl Ihrm evrrywht-rr, and rOTiKtantljr, and lb«7 nhuHhl |ir^t>nre tor it. II In a iirartlral w«rk an P»ieml<-»-


"THK U APTISI TKAIT" SIX iirrv —Thin is a volun-

tary aiwociatioii of breihreii and sisters, who will

pledge theinitclvcij to Hell and giv(3 away the num-

ber of dollarH worth of lUptist booka and Tracts

(luritig the year iS.S4. haul year the St t iety put

8;i,4(MJ page* into l irculation, and the eiTort thiii year

!i« to sell anil givo a way one inil'toa pages—i.()(>0,-

(Ml. Would.we had one Oozier down here, and if

hero he would saN, "ll.-re Ih $1(X) or JF.'IOO to aid you

in giviiiiriaway ItapiiHt tracts where them are no

iiiufh needed. Tin- fifllowing work will circulate

HiSO.UlXl pages: to wlio will Mfll $i"> '.D 1.'.

10 KID


Who will enlist for this year's work in one of

these classes?

Elder .1. .1. W. Malhis, of ivosi-iusko, Miss., is the

first lo volunlccr"to be one of the second-class—|ir>.

Wo will enlist in the ilrst-olass—J'i.'i. Lock-

hurt, Virginia, says $15. Who next ?

H Y M N I K ) O K S - A rUO I 'OS IT ION

O O niu(di confusion exists among our churches

^ occasioned by the introiluction of the New

Baptist I'salinisf, which was Intended to take the

place of the Southern I'salinlst—which was tound

to be too large a book—and the type too small, and

the j)rico too high—the puljlishers of the New Bap-

tist rsalinist have concluded lo make the following

generous ofler:

Any church wishing to exchange the old South-

ern Psalmist for Tiie New Baptist Psalmist, can do

80 on the following terms, viz.: For each Southern

I'salmlst, in any state of repair, they will allow the

church or possessor, half the price of The New

Ijaptist Psalndst, with os without music. The

price of the former is 75c; the latter, 60c.

The best way to accempiish this will IHJ to state the proposition before the_ church and have all the old books gathered in, and report the number, and the number of new books wanted by tbo church, and send the money with the order (f,«., 37>^c for each New Psalmist with music, and ^ for Psalm-ist without musict, and the published price of the additional new books desired, and information will be given ag to the disposition to be made of the old Psalmist. Address Bftptist Book House, Memphis, Tenn.


dress 8 copies of the Now Baptist Psalmist. Two

copies of Southern Psalmist arc at your disposal.

F. S. IIotiNiiTRKB, Ilaneho, Tex.

Tbo lot In this is Bro. R . does not say whether ho

wlslios. tbo Psalmist with or without music. I f

with, tho exchange atands 8 hooka at 75 conts—

)(C.OO. Credit by hal f the prleo of the two Southern

Baptiafa Psalmiat, 37K cents etch, 75 cents, which

taken A-omfO leaveB 15.25 dcie n i . I f ho moans

tho Now Baptist Paalmlat ';wltbout muslo tho

amoumt wil l be $4.80. Credit by one half the prico

of the book ordered—SO.oonta—two books GO eonts,

loiving 94.80 duo ua, G .

Rist^ricttl Dopartment. I t will be admitted that we biive given tnom valuable

Hiatoi!c»l Matter in this paper in the p u t 2t yean oor ^anection with it, than any other Baptirt pawr y i Oje contfBBot. We propowi to make tbia a a pe ^ l d»p&?troent of the pap*r henceforward, «nd b«t>«ik a earerjl reading ol i t—Eo.

nudrnr ihU hetid «e«b«at pablUliihelMMthtMorlailmitUt.. thut wo c»u B*th«r flrota m •ot>TV«< whlcli d««tn r«'lUb)o Oa. pwip|»»fIotiW b«bettor tuformwt iwt to tUfcir own in«. lo-y mid llttt4b)'lltU>?,lntl>U'nri>y,wei)oa«toi«(>i{. t*omail vmlUKlilw eaoUrlbiillaux frcira tkll.

NtAW<lar<l HNplitl lllfeluri«>«. On h»r>r» HUUiry o) Ac'clwu riapUsU Orchartl'* Hl»t«?ry of Engtl*h B»plWt» -«.•»>"» IU|itl).iHm-c«i»jou - - -URIICIN NIKT Ktstorlpiil MVCCMXIOU OI Knpttabi

l.(« LVi -HI)


in -loiiN vKA* r>y., IIOSTO.x,

)J1 W<' ihi>nsanil and Rovoutcon yii^r* before tln'

1-irlli of ClirUi, .S<iinlra»i)is, Slio (viCe

of Niiiiis, f>»ii •>!'N'liiii x-i, nidnliotiotl in Scriptnr ,

claimed IN be divino and adopted tho title of "(^Idecn

of heaven.' .Se in Ira mi- *iiid 'she wtt.» the inr-trnaiii.n

of a Wiviiii' Spirit, llie i l r ideufa Stiprvine Father.

Niinrod, her fat her-i ii law. wa-* <U'ilU'ii, and U the

15a;il mentiiuieil <i) often in (In- -S •ripturCH. .Si'tii.

h'iiiius ejiiiined her liu-hand, NimiJ, was ific

Sun (if IHE •'Sii,.reuie I' i lher," -.hi; "QII(!(MI •)f llo.iv

t'li," c,>i|.'ci|iieiit|>. Nil!) its, her -on, was ijiviile In

birth. She was ihe, lir»i to institnii the worshic

of I nlhei . Molhei, Son, an l Spiril. .Sla; iiistilnieil

the "(Uialdeui! M> »tt rie»i." liy « hii h nhe caused

all h^r »\ibiei'ls lo look to her or her -nrie.s/,<ir» si»

their leader in reli^fjoiis matters, ami in the civil of ihi' <iuN ermnen!. Her snhject* were

r<'<|iiircii in lenonnre ilieir iiuiioiiiility, and di

vote themselves wholly to her ami the I'.ahjionish

(Jovernment. thereby hecoining ineiuhers of a

mystical prie^lho<>d over whom she placed a high

priest. Tid" hi}fh order of pririts were not allow-

ed to marry. When the common itcople were

anitiated they were rei)Mirc(l to confess everv

thought, then they were sprinkled with holy wa-

ter and given a small cake called These

cakes are ref(»riod to in . ler . vii . l ^ : "The women

knead their d 'Un'h to make r.ike., to the iiucen

of lieaveii, and to ponr out drii.k-od'erings to other

gods." riie> Ihereljy worshiped Semiramis, who

is callod Asiarte The name of her image is call-

elAstorcth: while Astoreth personates Xitrirod.

She required her worfihipers to observe three

feasts: One in honor of her birth on the 2.nh ol

March, known now in some of the churches as

"Lady's Day ;" the second on the Mh ol September,

or a day corresponding, called the feast of her as-

cension ; the third was observed la honor of hor

son Ninyas' birth, whom with herself she claimed

to be divine, ou a day corresponding to the 2.'flh

of December. This is all the authority the church

or i'ope over had for tixing tho birth of .Icsus

Christ on the 2.')th of Docetnl)cr. There is not a

jot or tittle of evidence or even tustimoiiy sacred or

sacular to prove the birth of our I.^rd in Dcceml)er.

I t is evident that the shepherds were watching

their tlocks by night at the time of His bfrth. The

season, in the high latitude and altitude of Beth-

lehem, never permits the shepherds to bo found

out with their flocks so late in the season as tho

2.jth of December. It was probably much ensicr

for tho early fathers to give us the heathen fcosts

ofSemiramis on tho t)irth of her proiligate son

than to admit that they did not know precisely

tho day of Christ's birth, whilo all history and

probabilities point to tbo 18th of August as tho

time of the birth of our Saviour. AVhtlo wo rejoice

at tho univernal observance of ChristmaB, from

tho rising of the sun to the going down thereof,

we cannot but feel sad that its beginning wasbasetl

upon a licentious feast kept in honor of NJnyos,

tho son of a vile, wicked woman oven i n tho ago

in which she lived. KInyas claimod to bo divino,

but history proves him (ohavo boon debaaedly

human. He lived In luxury and case in his mag-

nlflcont palaco in tho ancient city of Niiiavoh« par-

ticipating in tho most revolting and criminating

ploaauros. '

Til* truo Church of Christ is also symbolised by

a pui'o woman, a chBsto virgin. Paul, in writ ing

to tho cluireh at (Jorlntb, says, "1 have espoused

yon to one husbaiid that I may prenont you a

(ihasto virgin ta OhviKt." Tlie capital of tho king-

dom of CbVlst Is thn Now Jerufalem descending

out i f heaven tVoni fJod ; and eonstltulos the Bride,

tho Lamb's wito. There IH auolhor symbollzod Ijy

a woman, who Is deseribod by Jolin the divliiO

"arrayed in liurphi and scarlet color." Upon hor

forehead wtts « naino writlou, ''Mystery of Babylon,

Uiu (ireat, Motliei'of llikrlotx and Ahoiiiiuntions

of llie Kai th." This church is so called because It

is the antitype of the Chaldean Mysteries instituted

by ISeinlrainis, the (Irst (ineen nientloned in his

history, in their rlluallstic and ley;ul forms they

have patterned after anclunl hcaihen IJabylon.

Why don'i tho churchcs, (.'iitholic and I'rotoslant,

IMcach the truth in simplicity ind sincerity as did

iho Apostle I'etcr "That our hearts should be

I (caused by faith ;" Thai we HIUIII 1ie saved I nroiigh

the grace of Ihe Lord Jcfue." Thi« <loclriiie was

.isKCiiled lo by dames and Ihit mother i-luirch at

.li ruHrtlem, all th« apostles und elders. Paul says,

•No man is jnsliru"d In HID law in ihe siehi of

(,od. The jusi shull liM' by failh." In the

tuc' mid ejcNof an I'lili>:hii n nIiielriMh cenlnry,

s.uiic churclK's liic iiilemptiiij^ to peruii<lu us to at-

laJii rl{ilile<>n«iicss by ii iniiiule (di»ci vinii'C ol rit-

iiiilislic I'oriiiH, inslcud ol umler the natiinti eom-

[iiilsiotis of a rnlliij; iiriiH iple .if failh. " f or in

• li sns Chrisl neiihcr Ir umcisiou nor nm ircnni

I isioii availelh an^lliiii^', but l.illh that worlieth

liv loV(\ " ('brisliiinil y ' .iine into the World with

(jreatcst himpliril;' of lliout;lil and lHiij.;uii(^c, as

well as life and mauneis, loblin^ forlh nothing

liul piol>, I'harily ami linmilily. ll is a reli;;ion

ihat dares to bo niidcrsiood, ihat offers it.'sulf t(

the Kcarch of Ihe iniinisiii\ c, to the in.%pe< tion of

si'verest and inosi awaUeneil retison ; for, beinj; .so-

i iireof her snbsiantial irnll, iiml pnritv, she knows

Ihat tor her to be seen and looked into is lo be em-

braced and ad in ind ; as ibi'rc iiee<ls no {rrealcr ar-

(;nmciit for inen lo love Ihe light than for men to

SCO it. Chrintiimily lorbids no iicccss;iry oecupntioii,

no iiinoeeni relaxations. 11 itlbiws to use the worhl,

provided we do nol abuse il. Chri.stiaiiilv is now

ollcn lost in Ihe trappiiifis and ai c iiilrcinenls

with which Ihe clcrj^y and priesls, 'nslea I of adorn-

ing ruligion, have si ra iifxcly d is^jn i si'd and stilled

it in a crowd of o\l crnul riics ami ccienionics.

SnliKcrihi! for ihis paj'cr.

Foreign Missions.


NOTK.—1 WIIH rcfiiioeli'it by Hit LLIN lliitrliln Assoclalion iliirniK ItM IfiHl senslon, to imi nKeiit (or cillociniK llm)iiKli ii cnluinH of this |in|)c r, tho Sl,0(Hi pmnitiu'd by Uint txidy lor KorelKn Mis'loiis. liuiioc, all (himIh c.ollecteil tjy the clnirvlins ol Ulg IluiobUi Assoc.intlon for (•'(irt'lyii Mt»»ioiin nr« ri'iniost O to bo dciit to nic.


' ^Y ' l IEN tlio inlssiouaiy holds a Sunday sorvice In

King iCongo-Mapka's house, some twenty oi

thirty idlers look in, much as wo might bo pro

soul at any of tlicir ceremonics. Thoy behave

very well, and imitate, with that exact mimicry

which only tho negro possesses, all our gestures

tmd actions, so that a hastily oiiserver would con

elude they wore'really touched by tho service

Thoy kneel down with an abandon of devotion

clasp their bunds and t>ay "Amoj i " with a decj

ventral cutlmslasin. Tho missionniy, on the ocea

Hion that I ttccompauled him, gave ii short sermon

In Plolo, well expressed, considering tho llttlo

tlHio that ho bad been studying tho languugo. Tho

king constantly took up the end of some phrase

and repoatod it with patroulzlng intcrcBt after

tlio missionary just to show how he was at

tending, throwing nieanwhllo a ftitlvo glnneo at

his wives, who were pursnlng their avocatloim out

«ldo with snfllolont dlllgoneo. A short prayer cou

eluded lhoBorvico,,and when tho king roso from

bU kuooa ho promptly doinandod tho loan of i

haiulserow to cll'oot somo altoratlon in his canoe

' "Tht liietr Ooiiffot U. U, Wohfuton.

Tliie HICI MATCttlS WVtfn. J;

Tho following are the churches and aniounU wtmerttwd Ity tbom towara* railing the |10W prt^jigisi by the Jltg ilntuble Aisoclaiion for Kureign llUsiuni by Uie amlel next May, 1884. OlirMIIKS. HVBKBiMtO. AuUoeb Church Ararat I2JJS0 AlexAtidrl*....—.... -Allltrlghf* BoHVor (?r«ek

•J riini,


10.CO IlotlilehoRi I.lljoriy chiircb, Tlpinn liBihol Chniloaton Center Point llig Creek iUIR 9.S6 Hrownsvilto Ilrlgtiton fli'thaieltt t.olllflrKVille 17,60 CovlIlKton 32.50 11.11 »yerr'.)iirit fusd Demi! ark 16.60 14.86 Klim tiiiilnrtt an.eo M.OO Ki'encitf r Kgm Kloti - 11.00 Kiioo Clsljprvllle Fntton Uranit liinctiou Oeriiiamown TO.OO 2. .14 (Jracu Hnrinoiiy 2i.'.C0 IMO (Ilckoiy Valley ItrriuoD hnUranxC Maple S|irliiK» 8S.00 Mmiiililii, feiitral ... Ti.SS MeiiipliiK, Klrai otinrch, iMr«. lilllen,) 1.00 Metiipnis, ThinI rlmrch Mouiil Morlnh Moll' t I'lKgtth ti.tiS Ml. lA'liaiKin Macon 12.2) Now Hope D iUlnnd Ploaasiiit I'lalUd nnrlli'tt Itldgc lIlKh f.l JO «<).<» lUplnv Ml Sale in . SiMlltOIl Society Hill T.OO Hmyrnn Wotsllftwn. Walniit Jrovt! WtHKllaml I8.«r lli.!"*) Zl»n fl.7& I'.roobllii — •Soraervnio 8.65 llorea llennliiK's cnurrh IMra. John Kl»lil») «0 Mr«. L.I10V (.k>iirtuey, aranKeville, La. a.0« Mm. J. K. Vana.AOdtin.T^xaB IjOft Mrs. NoUle M. ICItcbell, Taylor, .Mlwi 5.00 Mrs. Julia .lolint, JelToraon, Tcnn 1.00 Join) and F.inrna Carrlns Mleptifnsvllle, Florida 2.00 John Wtlnon HollUtcr, California 2.00 Mr* O. W. Haniple Grand Cane lA l-W Miks bir./.le yarbrough, Big Uoek, Tenn 1 oo no loanl Mill (Htiuday-acliool) fti Total aiiDHcnlHKl - 412.M

Total paid-.... »

Wil l not each church mentioned above see tha

its blank is filled with something, however small

it must bo, before the close of this month.

T H E U e ' r E € T l ¥ E .

Under thla bead wo iball Insert, and kc«p ataudlnR for tlit-benetltof the denomltjatlon, thenamoaof every liupiwloi and exolndsd ittnptUt preaober known to tu, u reference to prove bli gnllt.


J ,C. FETEHIUM, a small,tlarkoounlectMl mao, (brmerly a Baptist mlnleter, Daa ho«o excluded from Bctbeida Uaptltt churoti. Litllo Klver coonty, Ark., (Or groM unobriitljui con-duct. lie still boldi his eredentlaU, havlnc refuaed to give tbem to the church when demanded. Bapdits ot otherBtate*, take notice. T. M. IIAXLEWOOD,-Reference, Ben. McBryan, Chnroh

Clerk, ABbvllle, Ala. EDWARD HA»«I».-Keference, J. W. Wann, C'h Clerk

Cn rrol I ion church, A rk. KI.D. HOIIT. TOMLIIf.—Iteferoucc, y:id. A. J. Toddy

iluuiphlll, Texas. BKV. A. « . JOWBH.—Alia* OcorRO Joilea.-Ucfcronro,

mtiliait nenmlrr, lUlolKli, N.C. T. V. M. UAliLAHD.—Il«fcreuc«, W. U. Unun|iU>u, Sbiold'a

Mill, Ala. J . I.OP, AHK.—Itergrenoa Rlil. A. l/nmax, Itaalchunil

UIM. KI.D. JAHENC.OIM'tnT, who la now traYellnK In Tex-

as Is itu exclndpd mcmbet.nt the Itaptl«t obtireb «t Woolcott* vlilo. inii . 'or nwtndllDR.—HeferrBee, the Clerk of tluat church

J . H.IiREi oxpeltod from pMwbud ohurrh ftor •dtilt«rr and ilfsartuiii of Ilia family. Ad trca* B, J. Thomas, Clerk of itose biiil oburch, Wbllu «M>tiuty, Ark.

oive an your |s»'ionioo, Bro. Thotnu. JOHN H .KAWMOrr , ewwlled from the Bluir 9pr»ij

ohnr.jbj H»»»»iiiab. Tenn., for Urunkanneaa, adnllerr, antl for MlilnsliliwileMUIhlldren^^Hrlaof » akin . oIm

tiM t e l l t ^ a K ^ tf

pareutta UtfUm. . t ^ r n v m m m ^ Hjta, to twihwof *tfU3k Hm —nwJowi!!.^. <s«lb5aid tt m tmnimijuvm urn j " " * * * * ! , mamleatiiMM-'tllt^ «raUMm «( t ta .MUT^ TOoraJ belnsa. mhI »B tt« V n e m ^ «f W i l l l i y L - - ^ ^ „ uOitepukSTbyCW**- * t t e k W i ^ ^ OUpenvalfcxw trosi *fm Mefrtlacjwr M Cnmt. » * » TH* tbirarpart»alirtaa » i>rov«! eKlrvmety isltsMiUtNl W ta* a w ^ t ,

/•,-f»r« BrpmiU)^ 4Sf. JOkAI, H*.'- ttlis gWlMi l i f eWor t ^ Itmrnmrngrnu^h-ffic « t


week of ifae worW « n i m : * body an ki>oca]ypM larmbol maA profplMMty.

OB «y»t«nwu« tbHAots. «Md 111 l« Iw kaa t>at Mi^iStialt-iuK.

ISaptM tfJWJM*. ftiUm, KpjrTttM U Ut* giSilO* oneol«irjf:imna(tw«w«. % l«l*J»oiiMfltt fcrtfc uew aod old. A earalal readtnc ol U »rlU make tit* ucia beWM.aivaiJMiwMMa. wttwr. H 19 fc the wholetihrl^tMJjWMirtd. It teas lti4«ttM4M|l tlon t f tbo trwtoat wibjeet tMM aiW men and u»<iU. »>*y wa oMaay U>» snAMt

It to all our reatdera. optmoxsoracaoi.AAII **»IIU8WITW«.

A.J. Kroitt, /Vr.1 tSaptm T(i)i> Ui unUfce Bsy vtticr Imw^ an KaetiahMKr tkut iinbllffaed. UI««n<sM.lMrM«ttai]>>l «stmilHt«* MM^i tof lb« Uiblc. >0 th« UKbt the M«v«9 Ureat jM«|WMMIiOs. VDM licuMtlooal (Ttiib m l ^ u ume u a d w K ^ Md^ygw^^WJ.

m t

atxl brttvelbe ioMrt'nxaUuiui pat a .ttm>i^l»iit and t90»tradlcw»y. We 1 IH no mor« profltabiD meliiod ot BtMriAady

i|»a UM Bit bate ton Im

_ _ - _ _ jie«*»dyuaui t'be UaiT'ol'itaKreat'iyiab^^ thmm ia Mnr}i«^i>«iM. onlprand harruony In UUs «(i«n« tttf jDVMt^MM. lP«aM« d«pplT mtom) tnUod thatUiare Itari-kaM

itboruf |tmmtM«cci vbetta |»aaM»c«<l It apmiu» in Uita valnabl* work, t M* *ok aiCtni IbU Mt-DiiUenUltM ba* ever d<»ea<r«t«d IMHerM SMiiMkaa-

•plj u au<f author uf i iKt, a« I

OoSs'ISrVlMt BUiir. uTa B«k ibo w l»»«y tb«t»l» i iaSr «f Uii« work. B«v. J. K U m m , jUU.a,suada ««k a..Jp of Ihe KK<> oo tbia aubHtci of Ui* ta»-Bi>daaalwi ^T t n t of our Liord. We ti«il wUb gnait Jojp tbia wwk ft Dnd*****. Iia imbllcatKm U » . u

KKV E. It. CANSIRKU.. JA.: VOVRECTM PHYAMLL^.OAN^ tJilna a library Ol UMlal InionaaUaa ta alMrtaeteemwiw, * marvel of tobdrnsaU-B. aod MU la M * ^cbl tUiii4t««,X tliluk.mme nsomrnttnutopiea oriUIHleal uitt«n]|'i«oaMp-Unn of f hlci! tuw bt«a worMtban rana ia UM «tlt#»fMt onl« of Oivi inwaMa.tMiteTMi «( w»al*w wlw«i*e«lNirwlee eminwit forac holarahlp. Uie leaal nrUa of Uriakoek ia the ln*i'lT«tiou to Bibh; Wudy wblck tbtatMMk iataWk

Hos.J H A R - B A I , j f i w ; In nay aariy fMrn likaar* the txioKi' ot Ea«kiel. Jetnatab. aad «UMn <( tlM jmUlMa

1 after»«nJ» aadcMtmitf •» aua-spirituallcMl. and aJtbungb deiotand them, atsl t|ieat y »lin book* ot riddleJi to me wlUi U» la! deinmnd them, awl i j ^ t y«lW

Hays heani xirec ttiein. Bloce I ba're tha "VavM pcuoatloua,'^! Ie«i tike one who had cUoibMl oU «f • 4«rfc valley to itie U>p of a movuMla balbed ia Ugbt, I npH«. (kl» a« tbe creaiMt work of tbc autbor, and ta n f Ilia )w«t that mortal ADgerx Mve iMumed apaa tfaacoljMM^wuait. II will i)r»ve an invaluable treaaun) to evaey BtbleKaiaitl.

Miw. UW>. C. Nkkwia*, AtOAKT «ta. I t ta « craiid pro mllienui WMinuMT. * * As atM»l,ttwiHWkMat r. iolee Ihe talih of eTerr reader a » aoeboai iMknab. flar loyalty to tbe prmeiplea ol UDpral ex««eaa,iar CaUMal ar-rauKi-niftit of di talla, for »roi<e of tmS t*rtieu3a~ tng cunclaencM of carratlou, Uie pnidiieUMli eaa Mmvadr fca nirjMWSed.

W. I* yAX*on.J1u/tritt/fml«ntS«*HttmUrm Ikprnlmuml A W * froft Jiututay-teAwl I tUott: 1 hara Jmi rinan RMB a iNtraMl of

aad Iwaat utUaak yon for the ptefciaro It ba« glrea «« . HeTMbEM y««n uodrrtbetaitbfal nreacbtof of oar dear Bro. Brookn. l>oulB, I received the "irath" a* lo lira UtriTa rotorn. mac been rtJolclOKta It MDoe. and litlat »» praaehM. Tha

-te mldB«bt c r r r : _

•• rennllmalOHkr.raiirwartL inily grand. Tb«y bavaalvia ibiwt, aad I woBtd IkMaU UM

wt hook of this ate. tad Ibe iBort aaedwl. . _ BaiiUat flMnliy in we wodd may pvraluan aad mui iL."

/;«««, Tatt er I««nab;ar Itai at; tbo iNNt axpoalUbo ot ttiif pro; aMteal Sari

Dt Sartynifw

-sr n



wltncfiwa HTo luuUlpIylnB. la 11 -Htoe mldnlcbt cryT* Ihar* b i « n for yea r s t he Rniiei1ntat>di!ftl o f tbe M ia i k taaa iT « _ : the AmenoHLii . ' .unday-wtiool U o l o i i , « i « a « c i d l a t i 7 > % t a g a * k -er ilto nvKlflCtrd c h l l d r r n i n to " B i b l e HetMOta , " a i i d I b a c r M ^ iHotlve powe r of m y w o r k h a * r a t i o , l o M l a a t b a a d . " I labor a s n e v e r b r i o r e a n d e r t b l a U a p c W a c m o U m . V a y t k a I x in l bloBB vou m v tirofl ier i.

We truly appreciate the oomiMndaUoii a«d CeUow(bl|iar«» enilnsnta man, and one who baa KlaHiA tlw cnaaed.

J^iJfT If. A'. /Tryiiwr, r«n».- The Bavea DlapeiHaUoaa IMTO a l r eady t h r o w n m o r e l l f b t a n d g i v a i i l a a n a n ea tU I »c t>oo t han a n t b e e o m m e n t a w n i I b a r e r e a d .

/Ir». Jacoh Junft! I have read nothlaf titat baa aM(«tst«r-mted me, aud tiom wbieh I liava learned m mueb. Th« pruphrcler, which were almost a Malad iMOk lo i plain now and need ou«|>lrllaalUliiK.

//. C, (iillfrt, Hambiira, Tfm^-' o n the » « r e n ]»a|teDBaUnna la I . . m e g rea t U c h t o n the w b o l a a n b i e ^ a a d 1 world could read Uietn and welab Iboa aad U M ft*-pare for tbe graat barvaat. Sat I -vaiUr b^Mrro tita aao oomlng of our t>l«iaed Bedeaioer la not tar la Uta fkton.

ir. j.JohnMK, M a , Ttam: Voor CbapMn oa tha ••van D l a p e n a a u o n a b a v e g l T e n m a m a r o l l i M o n U M fiartpCWM t h a n a n y o o m m e u u t l e a 1 h a v a «T«« n a d .

out*r r.Jotut, /VMMf/, jirik T b a A i U d U M OD tbe C a v a n Dlapensatlonaaraalmplyatraatto tbaCbiUUaa aMBMa atiident.

.>4. B. /rift*, Mi".: Y o u r C h a p t e r a o n the R a v a a P l i r w i a a t i ona a r e a l m p t y g r a n d . I d o n o t I b l n k Uiai. a n y o a a a f t a * • I v a n m o r e a a t l a l a c t o r y l i g h t n p o n t b a K m j r i t a r l H « « a i U i U i e a a u e a i M b c e — b r o u g h t I t d o w n t o t b e u n d a n B a b d U K t tbe c o m m o n p e o p l e . , (;

J. n. r^cl-, 'tiinnit. Ark,: Y M i r t t e r a n P t a p K W M U l o m a i * w o r t h t o o e a l l tbe |>a|H<r b a a ooat t na .

r. H. .Sf. Vlnlr, Altj Tba Cbapiers oa the lHniadaa ttona a l o n e a r e w o r t h ttia p r i fw o r t ba |>a|«r. I b a m rwUved m o r e l i g h t a n d o o m f o r t f m m i w d l n g i l M W t i tan froaa a a j r w o r k I h a v a a v a r r a a d o u t b a M i l i tM iU

/mt.Crafi/.Jrk.; Yonr i3iat4«iii on Iba 8in«i tiutia biiva anablad uia to kiMiw moeb of Ui* mt«m tUa wkloh liad b4wn aU darknwa to ma btitofw raadle* Uwm. .

Kid. 0. C. Oabla), Bellvar. Tnaii.: •'I bars read (ha Dia|im aaUoua tlirougii. aiM) lUHctaat. Uiat I llutnk 0«d that bahaa •pared the IIM ot Br.i. Urare* to ouaifileto lu Itia UM jgnad> • I ho,* tharinor »

Page 4: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

•-»'t »u "I «< y , <


' I f f -f p p f v S f ^ M 1 ^ f w / ^^^ A.,-'

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ttutor'iMd rmpiittor ' ' ^ * iwe iAt* KD|«<£tl4b. V RKV. jr. M. D. OATCA. <•<• . ^ ^Woodbnrr.Tftnn BKV.J.H.BOBUSC, . . . . ]%r«t«buri(, Teaa.

-•• -'-Jr-•• , • •*»«» OAxnumnroM. : KKV W.n.mMAM. D.D.. - . - - . nninboldk Tenii RKV. WM, P. BUMI), - . • • UrowniiiVille,T«uu A , J » t |fBOST, . . . . . . hacramento. Oft}. lUtV.WlLKOKrON, . • • - • KngUnd.

Nl, MAWAWTT- • • • BtulPCSB u»tx<tt»t • t SM MMm Hir«»l, II«aipliU,

• B PKB ANWOM IN ADVANCKt S a t *ronii"u 5.M

CtotaotSIx Cwat •toneUm*]— i(U» . TKBMMKOK IX MOM'ltH:

- 3.7S m U % » o i T l i n e { M « t a t o M U m « t —

OttlMof a u (Mill at imtUmr ADVERTISIMa RATiai:

On® iBcta (11 itsM of tMMiwreil) on* iiuenioD~ fl.O« CHMta«tl.KHtr iBMrUOM 3.00 • whan of pktnma of Uilii p«p«r or meiiib«n oi

ta«lr (iubUM, llncafmUu mlt ov«r Mvtn llnea, nnoeii (vnwperUn*. Bliht womii mak* • lln*. Pvtlt** •rDdiiig WH oMtmntatnwMnUoa* of roipeet. oto., wlU b«ar thU Ui miiM tcdwafsa ettS!; witli tli*lr copy. A aB«»«T Mr FMlAlBe* Order, Rcglitored Letur, Ez-or OnkA, at our rtok; otherwlM at Ui« Mnder'*. II

•nmrw, i« dMdrod by nudl. Mnd stAinp or poautl Okrd.

mstt»BalstaM rvlMlrl«Mi or Bnptlaia. t . As BaMMbi, w« iura to aumd for the •nprvma anthoriu ofUMWoraoKjod m the only and anffleteat rale of fauli mad metteO. TtM nUo, aad Ua Blbtaonlr. oppoaed to «»t biutisa tndlUoa la maUvra boUi of faith and pnurdce, « • mmAetatn MboiiigadUUDgnlahlBcdoetrlnAotOQrdo-aoailBaUoa—» dootrin* fM whleh wo ara oaUed earaectlj ta«onl«iid. S. A» BaMUMs, «• to aumd tor UHo ordtnaneca of ChrUt M baaiUOiiiad tta«m nptm hts £(>Uoweni,tt)eMuae In num^. ta mmit, ta or^mr, and la lymtoMt ntttm^, onabanged and aBehanfoOiUi tUI he oome. S, AaBaplMa. Wmmf to«l*ad for «apirituiaand rraener-«t«iit «bBr«!i> and that notno lAalt bo rcMlved lato CurUit'n ehanli.orbo w«t«oiD«d to ttaordlnaaom, wtthoot eonrouUng panoaal fUlUi ta Cbrtott aad gtYtng crcdiolo svldance ol •IpMrMtoB of heart. ^

Ckaroli rol l ty . Bapttato boUava ttut aCbrbUaa otatureh U a locai; con-

gaU<m« aad domplota In ttaalf. X mtat, uador Oirtat, CMb ehsrch la abaolntety aovereign ad ladopimrtaiit 3. Tbafto«Mb ohorah (Hirla: committed the cole gnardt-asaktp aad control of tbaordlnaneca—preaebSng thegoipoi aad •dmimat'Tlag baptlam aad tit* Ixmt'a anppar. 4.TlutaUebarcbnjtbtaaiKlprtTlI«KW,aa voUng and the tionl»«<ipim,alioalil^ Uiaitad to tlia dlaclpline of each ctiixrdi* 5. That no aamblaaea of eeelealeiitleal anttaorliy can be kxrtci<«( MTo by a toeal ennreii. «f. That «aeli loeal ebnrch alone la Inveated with all oecle-alaitUca) power—power to elect and commlmlon and depose ita owa oOteera,—power to reeeive, dtMipttne and ezelnde itaowa mamlMaa.

lMsU*c«ilatiia« ro l le r of Illatorteal Bapilata. Ttio noB-feoocnittoa of baman aooietlea aa Honptnrai harebeabyainliaUon, minlaterlalor eeelenlaitlcal, or any i Uiaaee or oo^peraUoo that ia anaoeptlble of being ap-parcuUy or locleaily eonatniod by Oar mem ben or tbeini or ttao world into a reeogniUon of ecoleaiaatlcat or mtnUterlal •QoaUty wltli Baptlat ebnrebea.

WilnHW la fbe MMl ea«!lrat Arcompllee or F.rror.


IJiROM JacksoD we came direct to this doliglitfiil mountain spot to take fiorne part in the closing

exerclies of ,the Mary SSiarp—"the Female . Uni-yersitf of the South,'' as Dr. Eaton Tory justly prvtnoanced it, and to enjoy the occaniou. Wo say enjoy, because all scholars, and even those but partly educated admit that the days spent in lititcn-ing t» the examinaiiont are days of (nie enjoinnent and projit—for no one can listen without learning •ometking untfaon,|bt of before.

The examinations were well over by Saturday e rmiog when ' we arrived in time to prcach the Claaa Sermon on the morrow—this is the thirti tlDM in thir^-flve years. The pupils aloud filled two-thirds of the large Presbyterian meeting honce^ and they seemed unusually ilno looking and mature, and we must say, we never addrvHscd » mere serious and solemn au audicnce ui>on any oc«aaion. Otir theme wai*:

' " t h e B E 8 P 0 N 8 I B 1 M T I I £ 8 OT UVINll." The' Bne examinaliona of Prof. Barrett's clafioes

' in Uathematics and Prof, lllednoe's in Greek and Latin were "In cVvry one's m o u t h b e t t e i had nvrer been witnimcd at the Mary Sharp. We lieand Prof, B.'a Junior Clau in Horace, and wo caa aay we never beard Horace half so wall read attjfWker^—itinM b real entertainment, as every OBe'picMttt will testify. They could not Buly

the Odes readiiy.and elegantly, but coald|tell all about tham—leive their history, etc.

lije«f»oo hat wou for hlnisolfi^n one yfiar's work an enviable reputation as a Casstcal Mciachnr of ran; ability.' tie g k s ail the study out of his cIri^ thai Is ill it. niid yet hi« pupils resjief^t and luve hiia Of Prof. Ilarrvtt's work in iiiBthuniatics iioltiliig moro nmi bo said than that hU cIiiskch this ycnr wero fully up to tho UHuai high mai-k ol formnr clati«>c», a dnKi'Cu of rxccllcnco uttuiiicd but bv vt<ry few ot tliu Colloges or Univt;rfitics of tho .North, ami If (iiiv uiio i|(ie!«tti)litt tliin ull wu have to sav ii<, '•C'oiiio and nan."

When wo «i»y thtit (hoexntniiiaii-m of tlip Senior* in iMg'u: and J'ltliica wan iiovor better, it if K'kmI, we *iiy nil that can l>c tiai'i <if it.

Wo know there wcro ijiuwIionM in Mora! Sci. ticr plttced In'foro that oiau't hy iho visitorx prt'cpiii iIihI I hey hail novor c{)nRiil«r«l-«^e.\iini|tlrs of ulii-li conld nut be fmiiuJ in Ihi'ir li'Xt )iiu>kM, which Htoy (iiccufiaod with groat taso, i li iirnrNn mid corrtn i-uosf, to the adiiiiralioii of all. One of tiio viiiiiorK, iificd to colicgiato cxauiinutiotiK, f-aid in couvcr-natloii, "I tiave never soon anything tlint wonld compare with thit*. No parent who wi^lirs hiit daughter to Iw cdtioitnl nhoiiid allow lur to lose tho Senior, year in wliidi thcto great ncieifOH are taught, and for wliich indeed I he ttindienof all llic previous years are hut preparatory. No man or woHian can lio )<ai(i to lie eiiiicaittil wiihout a thor-ough training in theKo Hliidiet , to; whioli thin Krhool ii« fO iiniverHally admitted aK witlionl an eijual.

Wo prcxent Iho piil>lixlit-ti programme llir C'otnmoncciniml Kxer(;i>'e» :

I < ).M «t K N f K.VIKM K \ K U< I.-. MAin -<11.Mil- « iii,i.i:<;i:

JUMI' V. n.M I \i.Ai i!i.;A i i: »Kii.Mii\,

.1 II til;<\K>'. 1.1,.!) , .M>>iii|'lii<. r. nil. ( ttJJMK.S. t;\U;M KAV, WctllliKtliiy, .IllllC II, Ivsl.

fl.-tHiKA M.M K. .M»ui n. I'mii.. I iKiniiHii KN »Mi .M I--. - M I ii: III 11 kk Mina Miillic \Vi l>l>. Ark.. •• iiimhi n.itn III:." .Miss .hiliii i;. IA'.i, .Mis. .. • iiiii I,, nil.. I.ifi.'i,

!-<'b<M(l." Miss J<'»«it> I.. <il:l_l.* r. \ , r \ I iinl i ;1|., li 1« jif

S l l i l l l ' I W H . "

iMIIl'iMlM I'm K A. -I Ul I II.,, f. .Ml— I M'l \ IM I I S.

Miss Kloi 11 "-liiiw , Ti-iiii.. • 1 VI li 111 . s .,1 IK Nl. 11 .Mm* Aiiiiif- I . •!!••. .Ala., "i nl' t i. n . Ml. ;ui 1 1 j Jlis.» Ali'tli' ii l>.niil»"ii, (,,1 . •• 1 11.. N.-tiiin'i. Ui.t::: , W

iMaii'n 'riiriiiM'," \ u(. .4i "ItltK.AK, ItiiK.Uv, liii "Ai-." (ihiiir.i,

MIS- .Mill,1,IK W Klill .MiUrl llillill !». rniM,' Tl'lltl.. .11. .1.11 l,ll.'lllN. • .Mi"* Timimii' .1. llcxismi, Ti s.. "W li.«l l-'illn lin- sun

lifptlis." .MU* .M. (iravi.*,* IVnii., - i.taAs iinij It

lUvciils." \ ix Ai. "THK ItKrriiN," <'(M>ri.«,

MISS .IKSSIK (.11A i .Miss KuiiniL- Kch'iU, To*., •'( liii.f Aim nf .Mini." Mi(«i» .''oiirie L. \ uii IIikiro,* (tii., •'WUiil they Think of

•Miss l>ir<M)ii Itiiilon, Oa., "l^iicli mmiitjiit lurtig » jjoldcii door, anil tfiun It nlinl« lorfvorinoro."

.Ml8» «)live tliickley, Ark., ''Mfo waj I 'iit fur Noldc I)ewt<»."

"I,A CAMI'ANKI.I.A," KfidllAlin, M l f i s T O M M l E t > O I > S < » . \ .

\ 10L1> ?OI.O—NOCTUUNK, ( IKll'IN. C. V. UrEUM(Kni,E.\.


ri. w. onirFix, D D., Nanhvlllo, Taiin. BENEDICTION.

•Excnscit from r«a(llnt(on neeount of giokniMs.

llrlMiit tlin VDtliin «hall kIow throut;!) all years; Bail m mir iijtrilni^, h«»j>c of reunion Miiii;-« liKo a iiilu>k>«f uirousn sliowontof t«ar*

i ' ClIOttlTB. III.

KmUni,' viir roiirnv IIVo » istory of |ileagur<^ Slow!} Uj<! volumo 1» i-'ltiiieil with re|t;r(!t| I<i-»r HH a (Hum, wliliu low mhior int>usiir<\ fwttltiin fiirewc'tlH that wc never forKOt.

I'noittr*. It will lie miiieoil lhal no foreign Imnd of bra<»

ur hli iiiged ini-lriimentH tvore put In rcqniiiition to p!< a«e I he . rowd, Imt IVof. Utoriiiuchlen's da«»i of r.ev( iit> live pnpilf ruriii...hoil ttll (he isiusio for tl,f ciouci (•« an.I till' intediHlcii.

(M J'lnl I . we < an «ay, 'riicre in no IVof'eNMor cf Mu.-if oi performer im piano, violin, or cornn in Teime^fee 111 liui iMiiiili who will claim snpcrioriiv over, if . .|i.ialiiy wilh. I'roC. L'tcrmoelilcn, of M«rv Sli.irp. I,ei pnii'iiii who winli their daughterp ed-iiciteit. not only in llie e-rrcuhun and the <c«(7/(«'/ hut in till) rui/i/ii>j,iititi of miisii', I'oineinbcr thi^ fail.

'I'lie iinulniiica in iniibic at iIiik miIkkiI reeeivn ea. h a dipl ima, and they can not only play tJio moHt (liilirull mu>.ic l>y night, hut they can compwr. U'antilnl mntic, a» we chii atlcxt.

'I lie graiUiatlng embays evinced a high onler of talcni and i iiliiviitiim. V'/if.v "'ere tioC /wrchit/til I'. .itn/j, It: tlio.s.. tnriiiKheil by thoir literary frieiidi-, liu! i rifjinal. Ii wonld <ont a yonng lady her po-•.itidii in her and Iho forfeit of her diploma t<i read the prodnetion of another a-i an e«>»sv of her ii« 11, if disi "ivered.

\Vi' Khali >;ive iMir reidiMn, a« usual, two or thn-i' • it ilie giadn:Uiii;4 e^nays in thin paper as a tiam]>Je 1)1 I lie rliararl4M of tliotie reaii.

The ses.,ioii lusi closed has been tho iiiest prot.-(Mioim Kinco (lie war Over two hundred have iM-en mairieiilated. rri>paraiioiih for u Btill larger numlx-rwill he maiie tor Iho next firtision, which coninieni e-. i he llt-i Wi dnosday in Beptoinhcr next. More heal» « ill he inliodin-ed into the cha|)el and «iudv ronm. '{'he lar;;e hricl" boarding house ad-jMiiiiii i iliu i<>iu>:;c (.'rounds ha» been purchased •iiid will lif liiK-d u|i lor lioardcrK, and prciiided ovci In I'riif. Illedioe and lad).', and thoRO wh" wi*l) iMiiUK in iliiH lioilding wouhl do well io ap-|.1> 1.1.1.II. A'I par. iiin who wi»h their daughler-ri/iii iiiiil. and 111 ihf sume time ijuverntil and re-"iiaiiied 111 Uii'ir nilerc<iur(.o >v;ith Iho opposit" Ki will lie I'leasi'd with tl in Institution.


riioi'. c, r. »'ti'.ii.m<ki..k.n. I.

.loyn have been ours that never shall (irruh, Thiiugh wo are parting t<i waniler away, Konilly furevor unr names wo will cUorish; Oliaiit;** may eomo but lUoIr brlgliluoHK Bliall Htny.

C U O K U H .

Fnitlifiil forever, whcrevor wc gn, Wo wilt atlU oliertab sweot Hrcnms ol ilic past; Time cannot sever—no, novor—ws knnw Hearts like our own Uint Invo 1 to the '.tiat.

II. Vrlgbt are the days of our College ««inmu ulon,

.1 L I • A A .\ 1 > 11 IE A I'OSTLKSII 1 P. r i l l l i : i|iieMiow wan lately a«ked of one of ths rell-

gioui newHpapuri., "Why did Christ, knowing aH he did ilie character of .hulas, tako liim inte the comiiany of the Apostles?"

And the answer given was, "To teach his people lhal hypocrites and traitors wore to bk looked for aiinmg Christians."

It will ho conceded that such a lesson may bo loarneil or o.xlractod from this |»icce of history. All our Savior's woimIb and acts are, I may say, of manifold meaning; but that this is tho lesson de-signed to bo taught, I can Imi'dly believe, for l ean tairly and revorcntly attribute to my Lord another and very ditreront purpoiio or motive. Besides, if it leachos this lesson, does it not also teach that willful hypocrltos are to be taken iuto the com-paiiiousliip of Christians, who know their true cliarncior? and that such hypocrites are to be in-dulged until thoy shall bo drivou by tortures of coiiRcicncc to go out and hnng themselves? But certainly no such lessons can be drawn Irom tho history and conduct of our Ixird. If I may be al-lowed rovorcutlv 11 iiK^uire iuto the motive aud purpoeo of our lA>rd, I will venture to say, that in tho Hok'ction of iiis Apostles, ho was not governed by tho policy wiiieii, as a priuoiploof hitman na-ture, nlwnys controls tho conduct of men.

iileii, rrhon engaging iu an enterpriso of great importance aud one likely to be attended with haz-ard and pei-Honnl danger, in choosing thoir confed-erates always ohoosci those upon whoso attaohineut, devotion and tldelity they can with Becirity rely; those who can bo trusted iu any •mergenoy; those who will not betray nor turn "SUto'e ovldonco."

•iMiA •m

In this resiNMt our Lord reversed the prudential |)*lloy of, men. Having no selAsh, sinister pur> |Mj»ej no puriKMKs of aggrauditwmeu*, by eslablish* Ing an earthly kIngtJom; no pur^wsc Inconsistent with hi)i duties to Cii'sar, and his duty to the Goii of the Jews; having in view uot power, richos or honor; but tho glory of tJod and the largest meas-ure of good to tho hnuiau race, ho feared not, but chose to take iuto hiii compauionship au ciieiny and a known traitor.

And he was willing to givii his enouiie^ and tho world all tho advantages that could fKJssihly ac-iTuo to thcru from the conij:anion«hip of an oiieiuy and a spy.

Our I>jrd knew that Judas was a sjjy ujion bin conduct and ujion his words, and that .Judas would l>eiray liim; and yet wan ,Judas admittetl to his most familiar intercourse; and the record shows no exclusion of .Iuda> at any time from his most contidcutiai rrilations with the Aimsiles.

Had he been a traijor to Cie«ar, socking to over-ihniw tho Houtan power, Judas had fpisirtiinities of learning it—as well a* the other Airf-ftle!.—and ihis was one of the chargu^ made sgsiiiM him.

Had he been an iiiipoi-tor, •eeking to establish a new and a false religion, Juda^ .((ually with the eleven, had op|K)riunitic8 of learning tt. This abo w as a charge against liim. Had he been irnpuiT in his private relations, Judas and the eleven would have known it.

And now when on trial for treason and hlaspho-my, wrhat is Ihe testimony of the iniitor and the npy * "I have ginnod, in that I have betravcd tho iniioccnt Ulood." .Matt, xxvii : 1,

High l'«, Julian, I'aine, llnme, I ngcrM>ll ami alf yi poor deluded men —enemies and revilers ol my Savior—there is yonr witness, and yon hear his testimony. What think rou of it ?

How liko (_;»d : He does nothing ai man would doit. "My thoUjihts are not as your ihonghl<, mither arc my ways as your ways, ' The liiviiie and human do not run in parallel line».

W. r . It.

INTKKKSTINC. FA ( I - - . I T may Imj considered a singular statcmeHl, yet ii

is nnrloiiUirtllv a true one, that the Bible, uni rersally c.>itccme«l as it is—issueil from the press in thousands, and Hcnt iu »uch vast streams across the coniinont that every household can l->e suppliwl—IS read uudcrstar.dinirly by coiupara-lively few persons, and in spite of its wido circula-tion, and almost universal |K)ssession, but few, even among those who read it, have a connccte<l idea of its contents.

One cause of this is that parts of the Kihio are uninteresting aud hard to understand by the ordi-nary reader. There are also many repetitions where diflerent chroniclers have narrated tho same events. The versified forms in which it is written is also diflerent from that of other IxKiks, and in-creases the difficulty of reading it with facility. From, as well as from other causes, many people look upon the Biide as dry and hard to read. Yet in tho history which it contains and the stories which it narrates, there arc portions more deeply interesting than any work of fiction.

Now a book has ^ e n prepared in which the main portion! of the Bible, from it« beginning to its end, are rewritten in simple language and continuous form, with the difficult passages made easy and the repetitions avoided, but with the Bible narrative closely adhered to. At the same time such brief comments are added as are necessary to tho eluci-daHon of the text.

As this book takes thu form of a narration, or story, It is appropriately entitled tho "Story of the Bible." I t must not Iks confouudcd, how-ever, with tho numerous Bible Storj' Books which rehearse disconnected |>ertiou8 of Scripture, to-gether with more or loss of tho author's own thought* about them.

In the "Story af the Bible," which differs from «lt other books •f Ha class that have ever been pre-pared, tho writer has carefully avoided writing about tho Bible, and has earnostly ondearorod to pr««onl a limplo v tn ion of the Biblo itaeif; m fme

as this could be made from thoM ptirUoiir of thii |ono ofii 1. 1 •mn.-t.i 'it Sacred Book appruprtate to a work of this charac-

Persons whose acquaintance with Scrlpturo Is limitetl to occasional, disconnected reading of tho Bible, would be surprised at the absorbing intei-eit of this book. They are astonished at the easo and pleasurtJ with which, tlirough it, a general know-le<lgo of the Bible can bo obttined. Not only grown jierttona, but young children, read with de-light, its easy and simple language, aciiuiriug at the same timo a hettvT knowlctlge of tho Biblo than, perhaps, their elders have attained Uy years of the usual .luode of Bible reading.

As iho popularity of a book is best indicated by its circulation, it should l>o gtt|tca—

That, 127, (XW copies of tho "Story of tho Biblo " have been sold in tho United State.s alone, and that itssaloisat present greater than at any time since its publication.

That, it has been reprinted (wit,hout benofll to the author), in England and Canada, by publishers there who have been itlraclod by its wide popula-rity and great sale in tho United States.

That, it is being tran^lateo by inissionarios in iltfleront parts of tho world, for the iustructioii of the heathen. *

Much curiosity has been aroused to sec a boo which has attained such an iminenso sale, and which is awakening such intere.'<t in this and for-eign lantls. Tho "Story of tho Biblo" is wholly un;:cctarian, and i..i in uso by all evangelical deno-minaiiuns.

For fcale by (; TAV» s a i iah v, einphis, Teiin.

"Is Umdn Po.ssiiiLK ?"—"I was much pleased with your article on this topic on May 1, aud would ask, why not invito a confsrence of all those who arc wilting to admit that immersion was a primi live practice ? Then a convention in l''arwoll Hall, or other central place to form an alliance or union to pruuioio that truth as we believe was given l>y our Lord as the oc^ion of confession of taith in him ai Savior."—.S'c/iej; in (.V. }'.) It'ii/r/i Tower.

What would be acc^mplinhed by a union with all the *cc/.» that now practico immersiou and are willing; to ailmit it to be tho primltivo act—the <irtek ( <ii/>i)lirs, the Camphellites, tho Mormons, the Universaliiits, Freewill I{a|itists and Anti-Mis-sionary Bajitists, etc , etc. ?

Tha vilal diflercnce consists, not in tho fur'tn of the act, but in the ilesitjn of it. Baptists alone bup-ti/.e as a profession of salvation ; all others to ]>ro r'lm it. and between Ihrso two positions rolls the inipassablo gulf. Tell "Sonox" to make his cflort to get all to agree as to the tlesi'jn of baptism, and if he succeeds all Christians will come together.

TENNESSEE IN CALil-OKNI A. |>1{0. OUAVES:—1 am iu a (jucer fix. In the

great (every thing is great in California, you know) graiu-growing country, the Salinas valley, only a few miles from the shore of tho I'acitlcj 1 am so far in the interior of your Hoblo old State that i cannot, for my life, see out. It is Tcnntspce in front, TcHnesseo in tho rear, Tennessee on the right, Tennessee on the left,Tenne88ceevery whore.

Many years ago, one of the noble sons of your State,(now) Hon. Jesse I>. Carr.came to California. V.'e boanled together in 1849; with sagacity and capital that induced and enabled him to locate on a large Spanish grant in this fertile valley. He in troduced and cultivated some of the finest strains of blooded stock of various kinds, so that his place for its pnxlucts became as noted as he was for his enterprise and thrift.

Naturally, young TcnncRSceaiis of energy and eptcrprise, seeking a liomo on the shores of the Pa citic, were attracted to a situation where promise had so rapidly and so abundantly developed into success; and in a few yea re Mr. C. was ijuilo as much at home, and in the midst of his former friends, as though he had never left his native heath.

And here we, Itev. 1/r. Pendleton, and arc to dedicate a Baptist church to-morron^. It is in semi Kreek cruciform, f t and 14x20 ft., the latter c l o s e d by sliding doors and making a B . S . and pray er room, or thrown open In front of Uie pulpit aa a part of tha tnaln audienao room, at pleuurt i l a

one of the most p«rft(ot gotoMC^,.^ edifice to be fotjqd on

It has TOSt 13000, and , been managed by two yo'uug Tonniurfoi Thos. F. P'aw aud O. K. Edwards tioHK woru mado andfaomu mou0jF»j[)At' two Imtlhren havo advanced the cash for fvery day's work, and all'the material, thus Mousing t h e ; lowest cost iu ovory department. Tho A. B. U. H . Society promises to doiiato the last IfiOO Whenever that amouiii will clear riho propocty- from «il iu-cumbraiico. It is designed tliat this shall bo tho case bolbre we dedicate. • '

This little village, "OonKaloi»,'^whero'UiUehurch ol 10 members is'located, ami .where'theao two brothroii Uvu, has only alwut 300 inbalbiunU,'ind this i^s first church building. > ''Vt"?!/'*;

Tho valley "Baliuus" Is at this point aboitt BOtan miles wide, with the river afthtii name name akirt-i ug i t on the south. AfBal inaa 'CUy," IG'^iiHca below, it is qiiito twice as wide, atid at^Soladad," nine miles above, it is but «i?.H>ut half Ri wfdo, but very fertilo|| to the last degree andit^protiuetivc whenovur it has sutlicient moiituro; this tho pres-ent season has gi^en it, aud hence the crops aro Jii tho grealAist abundance.

The Gon/.aies brolhortiowu at tlii^ point extend-ing cntiroly across tho valley, a "ranche" ofll.COO acres, whicli thoy lease to several turiuors, reeoiving as their rent ouc-fourth of the grain, sacked and delivered at the warehouse or the railroad.?, T I j I h

is a fair sample of tho manner iu Which 150,000 acres of as tine laud as one would wish.. t0 8e0 in this valley and vicinify are owned and cultivatml; tiiougii ilicre i a happy tondciicy toward, aud seme progress in the cutting up of these large holdings into small farms and soliiug to iudividual farmers. "Soladttd," tlie proseul

terminus of this bi*aucli of the S. I*. K. it., niiio miles southeast of this,is a vil> lago of some 2U0 people, iu which tiicre is a pros* parous lodge of the I. (). G. T., but no other moral or religious organization.

"Chualar." fivo miles below, is a village of about tho sumo population, and in about thesamesiato of ituprovomeni us the last naaied.

Tho Messrs. Faw & Edwards havo a warvhouso at each of these three towns iu which they can store au aggregate of some 15,000 tons of grain at thi) samo timo. Iu tlio oue liere thoy handle about 250,(XX) bushels per annum. The others avorage^an etjiial capacity. ®

Tiieso threo towns were laid out sonio ton years since, and tlioir growth has been similar, with 'Gonzales somewhat in tho lead. The S. S. in this town was organizud iu June of 1884 by Bro. Ed-wards, who has bedu Its suporlntondontunlit it has grown into tiiu church of which I havo spoken.

Those two brelhroii, Faw and Edwards,' stir* rounded by a largo number of other Tetinessee families, have Itid foundations anddono work hore^ for all time; sucli work as boars the impriss of the teachings of T h e T u n n e s s e i c B a p t i s t , by there»d•^ ing of which in early life thoy bftvejt,been very largely made what thoy are. I alwftys like to get int* a nolgliborhood where your B a p t i s t is tnketi and reail. 1 ani sure iu tuoh a community to And the Bible on tho tablo aud prayer at tho altar,while gooil sound doutriuo and unswerving devotion to truth pervade aud control tho entire detail of every day life. There is no yielding to expedleucy, no tampering with divine law. Tho only defect l ean „ discover ii.jre ia that these fatnilios have ceased to take and read Tit R B a i ' t i h t , an error which I am satisfied thoy will very soon edrroet, St B t t i this is already too long. May I stop and write again, some timo?

OONZAIKB, C a l . , June 7 , 1 8 8 4 / '

rf 1- + <5'F( f

loo student canvassers for "The Now Great Iron Wheel" wanted by Iho Baptist Book «Houiie, to whom liberal icommissions will bo glvoDiA Write and got terms. ,



' f f j

Page 5: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o



i :


Amn ^ n m m ^ . q , m . B m ' i ^ i k V i i i . ' - t h k n b M n rciutlnK the de».»t-»

beiweea Bran. C i ^ e n M w id U t r r M l on i i i to rco inn iu i i ion , n a d f A i H l my iMt tu r oxch»BiP!d » fo* tboughU on lb«^ • N L j f n t , and Iw M I M H I I H I * < I U M I1«M I , I f r w t r t t j i e a cotntntin-km yiM wu r l ed o u t , h^w «ouW he comtnunfe w t i h mj? dkunk t • • b i i U in'»with<!>r churcb T

I f y o H t * n npmn «to iipiio« h ymi r n»ix»r cnt l t f l i l -cn ni« » Ume,1f > ' JKKF G. ZBUii . i t t t .

j t . T b 0 a<?iroeatcs o f c b t i r c h t - o m i i n u i l o i i a m not r eopo i t t i b l e l o r U io i>ro«onl p r a c U c c u u k n o w u to I h e B p o i t o l i o p n i c t J c « , o f " o u c f l - n - i n o u l h " p r c u c h ' I n g «n«J on« e l de r b e i n g t he pfcsUtr o f tlii-Ofl o r f o u r c h u r c t i l * . A c c o n l l o g to t h o apouto l ic l i i s t n i p t i o i j c a c i i ' c h u r c h h«<l i U o w n tUier o r c h l o r n .

T h e c h u r c h w » r c iw a b l e n o w an t h e n t « c o n f o r m t o t he i w r i p t u r a l p r a n t l c e , a m i w o a r c g r f t ' i l k ' t l i n i i o t l c l i i g a g h u h i a l a p p r o x l u i a t l o n to lU

A s k y o u r p a s t o r , B r o . Z . , h o w he can act an m o d -e r a t o r o f a c h u r c h o f w h i c h he I* n o t a M j o u i b e r — cast t h e d e d d i n j t , v o t e i u ca»o o f a t i e , B H y o u r ru le« o f d e o o r u m matso i t h i » d u t y t o do . W i l l ,ho p r e -»un io t o e«<e i n a c h u r c h o f w h i c h ho Is n o t a m e m -b e r ? B c p o r t l o H« h i » a n s w e r , a n d t h e n w o w i l l m a k e some d u g g e s t i o u s h o w an c v a u g o l i s t - p a s t o r may p r o c c c d , w i t h o u t " a n « a u l t l n g t he i>Kb|)eMden-cy o f t h e c h u r c h . "

Y o u r pantor w i l l a d m i t , i f an i n t e l l i g e n t m n n , t h a t h e ha* uO ri<ihl t o c o m m u n e o r to v o t e i n y o u r c h u r c h , l i e w i l l a lso a d m i t t h a t i t is n o t l ln ! duty n f t h e c h u r c h to i n v i t e o r a l l o w h i m to eat or vo te w i t h i t .

I f ho ha» n o t t h e r i g h t t o eat or to vo te w i t h i t , i« i t n o t l )ccau«c C i i r : s t has no t g i v e n h i m tho r i g h t —has w i t h h e l d i t ? A H I C h i n j i f t h o c h u r c h can g i v e w h a t C h r i s t has w i t h h e l d , and r e p o r t '..ib ai<-« w c r .

d s e p l i i t o r e « l Ui a g i r o n l o c a l i t y , and th«»n t h e m o r -t a o f t l i a c s w o a r e l i n k e d Into.^ ^ iv i^ -

W e lay I t d o w n j a u i K j u o i t t l o n e d a tu l u i i q u o u t l o n -ab lo t h a t m l o n g an t h o m a r r i a g e vinculum l« MH-b r o k e n I t j o c o n t r a c t m u A t h o l d .

A u i a u m a y he u n k i n d t o h i n w i f e , or m a y f a l l I n t o p o v e r t y and w a n t , y e t I n t h a t c o n t r a c t »ho p ledged hur sacred h o n o r b e f o r e H o d and m e n t h a t Kho w o u l d l a k e h i m f o r t l iu bu t te r o r t ho w o r f c a n d b«j to h i m 11 /uilfij'ul w i f e u n t i l d e a t h hhou ld i l i c m )a r t .

A i w o r d i n g to t he l aw o f C l i r i i t o n l y one cauite makex un i t t l i o n i i u r i a f - e con t r f t o t—i l i i iHcvc r r t t he h t o i d , and that is porwonal un lu i th t ' uhu i i ' .w—f i i ^W-ter;/.

AVIien t l i n t w o m a n I c f i hoi' hnH l i i i nd ami u i t i i r l i u l a n o t h e r m a n hIiu m a d e h e r s e l f an ad i iUc rcnK, .m<i l o r e v o r rclea)ici l l ier l i n«b i i n ( l h o n i t in- n iar r i ;n ;< ' bon t l .

2. T h e i n in iw te r l i av in j . ' a k n o w i o i l g o " f ( l i e l a c i -w o u l d m a k e h i j n s e l t ' a n i f c e n s - j r y to tlu< v i o l H i i o n ot ( i o d ' s l a w by m a r r y In j t the p a n i o . . ami shu i i l i l be d i s c i p l i m u l by h i» i h n r c h

y , 100. The MothwHst « i i i i l» lc r l i f r a wa» t i i lk l i iR w i th rao recent ly aln jut baptUm, t r y i n g U> convi t i ro mo ihat It i« my du ty to l iave my balxj t»aptizc<l. I told n im I would <IuM t f b e would sbow inoChrJ«t '» wimniuml lor I t . I ii in readine a book be gave me, "Summers on B i ip i i su i , " hui •cc notblntf l i ke the command yet , a« 1 umlerntand I t .

» u l In • i i f ak inK of ba jd ism general ly bo miid t l iu ; tho AViildunsM and, he thougbt , alt othprs who practJi ed iin-merclun In tbo»o day* baptized their t<ul>j<.'cts hi a nude dtate. I bad never board o f»ucb a tb ln^ and imnicdintely rcDOlved to ask you to comment on the sn l i j cc t . I» it no? If not, where can I lind proof to t bocon i ra ry ! 1 would IK very gratefu l to you lor In fo rmat ion . L. M. W I M . I A M H .

Savannah, Tenn . i JEMABKS.—Dr . S u m m e r s is dead aud gone t o h m

r e w a r d , b u t he w i l l n e v e r rece ive a c r o w n f o r hiit w o r k o n . b a p t i g m , b u t t h e r o p r e h e n s i o n o f C h r i s t , w h o s o b a p t i s m he , i f " a l e a r n e d m a n , " k n o w i n g l y n i lB rep re i i eu t cd . H e says t h a t i t h m a n i f e s t t h a t t h p w a t e r w a s a p p l i e d t o h i m by J o h n aud not h i m s e l f to t h e w a t e r , as B a p t i s t s t oach , because J o h n e x p r e s s l y says , " I i n d e o i i b a p t i z e y o u with w a t e r , " e t c . W o s a y , i f D r . S u m m e r s w a s at al l f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e G r e e k , as ho p ro fessed to bo, he k n o w w h e n h o w r o t e t h a t t h a t J o h n d i d uo t say

b u t t h a t h« s a i d en udali—in w a t e r , and M> t h e ' A m e r i c a n I l c v i s i o n has i u A m a n w h o c o u l d say t h i i , c o u l d say anything t h a t ho t h o u j j h t w o u l d i n j u r e t h o B a p t i s t s a u d i m p e d e t h e i r i n f l u -ence. :

I t i s n o t f o r u«, S i s t e r W i l l i a m ® , t o d i s p r o v e t h a t B a p t l a t « o v e r d i d b a p t i z e t h e i r s u b j e c t s n u d e , b u t i t i t i n o o m b e n t u p o n t b o t e w h o a f f i r m i t to p r o v e i t ; » n d u n t i l a o m e o n e m a k e s t h i s p r o o f , w o p r o -n o u n c e i t a a l a n d o r o u a f a l s e h o o d , a n d b o l d o u r -selves r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h i s asse r t i on . T h o w i l d M u n u t o r A n a b a p t i s t s o f G e r m a n y , w h o w e r e led o u t o f t h o C a t h o l i c c h u r c h b y L u t h e r , h a d no con-u e c t i o n w i t h t h o o ld B a p t i s t s or A n a h a p t i s t s o f tho t h i r d a n d f o u r t h c o n t u r l o s .

Q, 101. A young woman sues out a d i v o r c o f r om lie biiHband, not for tbo cause KiHjcin<!d by Ch r i s t , and mar r iesanother man. Is she not lIvInK in adu l te ry w i t h him?

1 W b a t do you th ink of tba ac t uf a min is ter of the tioH liel to odlelate In aueh a u ia r r l uger

S. I»no\not her aet l iberate her for innr hustiand f rom her, and (toes nut the law of Uod wa r ran t h im In m a r r y i n g agatnr I ' . B . W .

A , T h o a b o v e ia f r o m a m i n i s t e r and"; o n o l d f r i o a d , a n d t h o u g h w o h a v e o f t e n g i v e n o u r v i e w s vase* a re e o i u t a u t l y o e c u r r i u g w h i c h av* a k p u a

T J » f

Tuo fc tUy a n d W e d n c « i l a > , W o v r i * h to'»(«j n i a f u o f o u r b r e t h r o j i , l i v i n g w i t h i n oitey ruac l i , an {Htwi -b le ' ibn T u e ^ l a y a t i l o V I o c k . ' i t w i l l bo a t (pfc{»! s u b j e c t f o r t h a t occas ion . '

T r e t n o n l T e m p l e raisui^ about a S a b b a t h i n lt*( co t l ec t i ous . T h e r e a ro a b o u t ftX)' i w i l a r i i i l . . f t c r l be r s to t h o chur< 'h c u r r e n t w o r k . Abmt fitIm ftitce (leeh cxeJutleil ditrins/ ihi?}i(mrj'tw rAf'iieiii'j t,t help meet (he e.ijiemci <»/ trortihi/>. i t w t K u d I ' l d j , C h r l A t i a n i l y a t u H / J n g l y i f ul l e l j i i r - . - h f * wot iUI do i i k o w i i i o . — T ' l ^ A 7 oirer.

'I hose arc o u r " •ent iuu tn is . T b f w o w h o w i l l imt

w o i •k f o r t i i c i r . h n r c h hhou l . l no t bu a t l o w t d i-,

I'nl irilh It. T l i f - t iM ' i ' o i yp iT " Hrc< iMiw at W i ' i k nn I ' a r l I I I

" T l i c Now ( i i i nt I r o n W ' l i c c l . " ' I ' lds ' , { . ' !»! t t iM' i rcr t i -i i f tliH t i i n -o ){r i ul ( b n ' t r i i i a i t V a t i i r o - .>1' i fK w M. K. ( ' . , S 'JUl l i , v i / , . : I l > ( ' a l v i i ' i ^ l i ' - i l -I t i ' i i i i c l i I . i t t i r i f v , and A n ' i l t i i a u ( ' I i t ; ; v . W i m u i i KllbM rilHM'N w i l l .O l l l i l l l lC t i l \V.l i l l> l ( i lM| f l> 1,. de lay is iml w i t h tlii« l',th, r» Ini l t in- -1 •(••..n |. e rk , svl io iu \ v I ' I ' l l I I no t I C M U W I . Si s c i a l ^mun;.' iii 'm iislt I» i n l l i i f and ( i l l iCi b t i t l i ' j . i i i V f (.•anva«« Im' tho Kale •>!' l l i i - Imolv d i n i n g ' i ht; va. i

:{. T h e huHband , f reed f r o m i h c n i iu l t . - rn-» , i» | ( j . , , , „ . „ . „ , . , , , ) ,<• nicai.H u. l ,c l | . i l u -m iL.

' next hCtoioii. I l i l| i t h c i i i , l i i r l h r ' l i , k i iwWiK f : l l iat w a r r a n t e d by the luvv of ( i i u l to m a r r y axa i i i C h r i H i i a n * nbou ld r c i i i e i i i b e r that i b cy a rc i i ndc r

tho l a w h of C h r i K t . I n t h e i r iTai i t imn thov a \ o n ( l i -cd t h e i r h i i | i r en iu » l i c f ; h i n i o to r a t l i c r , .Son and H o l y 8 p l r i t , Jind r a m i . i t abso l ve i l i e i i i f i osn that al l< ' t ; iance. S h o u l d i he lavVMol' the S la te a l x d -itth t he (Sabbath d a y , t ' h r U t i a n n w o u l d not (herebv be f r e e IVoiii the l aw ot tiu> S a b b a t h w h i c h l i o d a P p o i i i t o d . I t til"' -^lato td io i i ld a l l o w purentst to p i l l t h e i r r h i l d n r i to d e a t h lor d i s o b e i l i e i u e , il w o u l d Hl i l i be i i i n r d e r i n tho K i f fh t of ( i o d Ini a C h r i f i t i a i i paren t to take the l i f e of b in c h i l d .

C h i i i t sayn, f o r o n l y '>'ic c ' lusc i nav a m a n |>iit a w a y h is w i f e . ( ' ; i-<ar lUeps in and KavH fo r any one ot tirciihi cnu.-^cn a m a n may d o i i . \Vhi<-h i t ias le r in the ( ' t i r i « i i i i i i l o o b e y ? T h c e l u i r c h tnni^l sec ; ha l ihe law of C h r i - l i« observed by hvr nii i i i -ber4.

T h e i -d i l i i r of I I I I M | U I | M T w i l l | ' I I -a ' H LLIR o i ienin^; Nor inon of t he I K^W houae of wor-^h i i i at 1 li i i i i i n y ' -S l a t l o n at l O o ' r h n k , ncM S a l i l n i t h — . l i m e 2'.'.

1(X) (( Indei i t r a i i v a s s e r » fo r " T h e N e w t i r e ^ L l r o n W h e e l " Wi i t i t cd by Ihe I t u p l i s l Hook l l ouhe , to w h o m l i be ra l <:oniiniK»ion» w i l l be j r i v cn . W r i t e and ge l ler iUK.

T h e Hook l l o i i t i o has diwpOKed of ouo i n v o i r c of D r . T . T . Eaton'H s e r m o n on " A d n l l o r y , " and an -o the r is n o w ready f o r d e l i v e r y , t j n l c r s p r o n i p t l ) l l l led at ton eentH per c o p y , per dozo iu

8 k . M ) ton centH to G r a v e s & M a h a t f y , M e n i p h i f i , T e n n . , lor Hamj i lo copy of E V K I J D K K E N H Y M N S , b o u n d iu c lo th—Jus t the book f o r c o u n t r y c h u r c h e s . I ' r i c e !fl.5(J per dozen, by m a i l , p o s t - p a i d . t f .

T h o M i n i s t e r i a l F u n d o f t h i s pape r w i l l not bo c losed fo r t h i s yea r u n t i l t ho m e e t i n g of t he Asao-c i a t i o u , tho last S u n d a y i n J u l y . I f y o u h a v e made no c o n t r i b u t i o n f o r t h a y c a r past, d o uot fa i l to l -avc y o u r name d o w n f o r s o m e t h i n g .

T h i s w i l l bo tho last paper b e f o r e tho m e e t i n g o f tho Sta te C o n v e n t i o n at M u r f r e e s b o r o , and tho c o m i n g B a b b a t h a f l b r d s t h o last o p p o r t u n i t y f o r co l l ec t i ons f o r S ta te m i s s i o n s . L e t a l l t ho p ledges bo redeemed nnd sent u p , t h a t t h o m i s s i o n a r i e s m a y al l bo pa id otl" a n d no d e b t l o f t u p o n t h e B o a r d .

F o u n t i i o r J U L Y I — T h o Kansas C i t y , F o r t Scot t and G u l f , am i K a n s a s C i t y , S p r i n g t l n l d and M e m -ph i s K a i l r o a d Companie.H w i l l HCII e x c u r s i o n t ickotH t o a n d f r o m a l l s ta t i ons on these l i n o s at h a l f f a r e , exce i i t h e t w o o u such st i i t ioUK Where tho local f a r o each w a y m a k e s 25 cents o r lens, i u w h i c h case uo r e d u c t i o n w i l l ho m a d e . hoso t i c k o t s w i l l bo o n salo J u l y . i r d and i t h , good to r e t u r n o n J u l y { i t h .

J . E . IjOt^KWOOU, G o n ' i Pass. A g t .

W o havo conseu lo t l l o p r e a c h t h o o p e n i n g s e r m o n o f t h o n o w B a p t i s t m e o t i u g house i n A r k a d o l p h i a , A r k . , o n t h o flrat S u n d a y i n J u l y , a n d t o o o n i i u e n c o n c o u r s e o f L e d t u r o i i o n M o n d a y f o l l o w i n g ( a t 11 a. m> o r ? p* lu i t as the b r e t l i n i M th lMl ' . bes t ) , a lso

you ar i ' t h i i - l o i i l i i b u i i n y in i h i . s i i ^ r ui i i i i i i i » i i r ia l e d u r a l i o i i .

T h e N .V ( ' l l i i h o a d and 1. \ \ UaiW-.-Hd vmII rtoll i i i ki tf to di l i i j a l e ^ 111 l i , i | i i i - l ( i i i iVi i i n i ' i i ai .M III f r ees l ' c r o , ,1 i i h lu 7 i l i , ai I • pei m i l e i m u r l t r i p . T h e M ( K . i i l i .iad w i l l -ei i i l . k c i - .il s . . vci iMH), . \ l a , al 'MH - l h i r d t r f a i ' - in p.-r-mi-l i a s i n t ; ) iaid one fu l l f an ' and rc i - ' ^ r . n . i . of a t t i ' l i d t t l i i f - i y i u ' d i iv the I ' l e ^ i i l i i i l .>( tin- ( i.i, v e i i t i o i ) . T h e C i i i ' l n l i a l i S.ui i li.-i li w i i l i i i i U . ' ii.. rt'dii<^li">n e x ' C p l mi r o u n d li i p l i . ki ( - , l i i i !i .') i-tn. per m i l e , l o u n 1 I r i j i . ' I 'ht ' T. T , \ a. A; . I t a i l r o a d o i r i i> In sell l i i k e u In ai l i i - . per m i l e , m u u d l i i p . <) i l i i r r " : i d » h i i \ i i i. 't ii Kponihul lo my le lu- iB W \ i ki i>.

l i e i C l l l I ) T . >V. ( i o o d - | ' e e d . Ill l l l n i o i - , I i i l l o i l i d mime s l a l i - i i i -. relai lii^; In Ih' pa«i and l i i .u i i . ' nl iIm-d e n o m i i i a l l o l l w l i i ' li are l in i l i i i i i c i c u i D ^ aud -u: : -

I ve nl d u 1) . In I 7^1 . I In' l l ; l | i l i - l - iu A i i i ' - r ; . i i i u m l ' e r e . l ^ViWO; in I ' ^ l ' l ; i j i l ' - i i i . i i i

T I i U " f i le e 1 S | I | , we l i a \ ( ' d o i i b l c l iM, h vear . < ) l ' i i i u r - e ii i» imi a l w . i \ > -;>fii In i'lias.'e lie' f i i l i i i e by ih i ' pawl ; bu t i f l l ie - i i uu ' r a l i n In- 'on-l i n n e d , Ihere w i l l br in Iv . l i i . . I iwnmi-h); in I 'M" Ci.OHJ.IKlO; aud in rc iO. 1 2.11'KMH».

I l l ISlU, Iho l lap l iHts n in i i l r . ' i -ed 1 In ear b I I • I tho p o p i i l a l i o i i ; in iSHtl, 1 in IMH h : i n Is.'ri i. I i.. eaeb ; in IsTn. 1 lu ear l i "27 ; in I N-MI. D I U- I N I a. H 22. —yn'. It"!'''''

L l l E l l A l u I biNniiM. - - W e fa i l ed i n i i o l i c< ! i l l oui repor t of ihe t ' i i iver.- . i iy C o n i m e i i i e i uen t , i h t i i i ln t i t l e of L L . I > . waM con te r red i i p n n W n i . I ' , i l o u i l , o f l J r o w n « v i l l e , T e n n . , i i i id K e v . \ V i i i . N ' o r m n , <>i E n g l a n d .

D r . l i o n d i» a j i r a d u i i t e o f t he r n i v e r > < i i y of In-n a t i v e State, N o r t h C a r o l i n a . I ' 'nr t<onic i w e n t y -l l v e yea rn he has devo ted h in tno l f to (he l e j j a l pro-fess ion . I l e f o r o the w a r rep rcKcn i t ' d h is d i s t r i e t in tho S ta te A s s e m b l y and was t h e n !co } i i i i zed leader o f h i s p a r l y . A l t e r t he w a r he servet i one K- r in Jud>!0 o f tho C r i m i n a l C o u r t w i t h d i s t i n c t i o n . He at l e i i g t h y i eh led to tho c o n v i c t i o n s w h i c h he had l o n g endoavo rcd to s i i p p r o w , to p reach t he gospel, aud w a s o r d a i n e d and ca l led to the pas to ra te u f h i s o w n c h u r c h i n B r o w n s v i l l e , w h i c h ho served fo r severa l years , and a f t e r w a r d s to the c h u r c h at Hol-la, M o . , w h i c h ho was com i i o l l ed to r e s i g n on ae-conn t o f a s t r oke of p a r a l y s i s . D u r i n j ; a s l ow re-crovcry he has not been e n t i r e l y i n a c l i v e , bu t lian o f t e n c o n t r i b u t e d to tho l o l i i i t i n s o f t l i U p i i p c r , lo the d e l i g h t of o u r readt-rs.

H o was ehosoit as t he f i r s t P r e s i d e n t of o u r Stale C o n v e n t i o n , ove r w h i c h ho p res ided w i t h ease and a b i l i t y . W o t r u s t t h a t thei 'o a ro y w t m a n y years of uso fu lness b e f o r e h i m . '

i i e v . W i i ' . N o r t o i i , t h o E n g l i s h c o r r c s p o u d e i i t o f t h i s p a p e r , r a n k s second to no I1a|>tisl o f E n g l a n d I n p o i n t o f s c h o l a r s h i p , w h i c h f a c t w a » r e c j g n i m l b y t h e A m c r l c a u B l b l o U n i o n , N e w Y o r k , In se-l e c t i n g Us t r a u s l a t o r g . B r o j w a a t h e flrat scho la r clioarou i n E n g l a n d f o r t h a t s c r v l c o by tho U n i o n . So ldon t h a v o l i t e r a r y h o n o n beau m o r « d o s o r v i h g l y bc«.tow»d« .,( ' •

• v

ttHUOiOVS P B W f U A ^ f e t i o n w U l

i ' w i t h t h o > ' e w H o p 4 t b u w h o n F r i d a y I m f o r e

H ^ H t a W m , or t h e C e n t r a l p b. , . A I J - r W u m h w i l l d o u b U t « s b<! oiKsnlw?-! w w n a t L U h

t m i c t a y o « m u t y . T h e r e a r e flft«ju or t w e n t y : , . ; l l " \ » v a ? h U d e . . ~ D y e r « H , n t y : ITp^ l u F r i d a y

t he r i . had Ik^'H I 'M « » n v t . r « l o » f n . t h e ^ r e a t V d at N e w l u m , a n d t h e . n w - t h i g . t i l l

_ _ - " K n o l . Hpr luRS e l u m b * ! - . near t h e ; " u m m r l a u d r i v e r , Hvo . u l k ^ In-h-w Kouu- . T h e y

a . p i c n d i d b o u ! ^ of wor t ^b ip . a n a are u . a t i iu-. . ' W I N I I O F E O U U T R Y . " - . / . / / • U R O . N \ C ,

, „ r < o l um» . i a .Tc -nu - . ha^^ iavt'a.'«! to un t. . M . ' l i r r e e k e h u r e h and preneb o n V.te l i f t i . S u n d a y , „ „ i i . n . . . n t b x v i t b t b e v i ew of t i -, , . .r, h and . u o v i u « t ho hnu^K over to t l .e M n r f r , . -

p ike and e . la l .U«b iu ; : tbe . - l .ur . -b tb . - r -I A. V H r t . r o u i l h . W o o d v i l l f , H :>y« . "> l> - . .un t> .

l ' „ . „ . „ ; , | , w n U - ^ a ! , f o n < . « -: - T I . . - . h t l .a l «<.r-at H i l l t he OrM Sunday hi lhl-> i n 'M i t b

n I v \ | lb a lar i re eonKr»fr:»ll<>ii. T i i . . I m n h ha.l l i ' r . . . . . .ddl l io i . r t by le t ter t l m l i . M . - , . . , n o . , , , n f n n r e b u r e b . n . u r . d i . v l l , . l i b . J l u l - a t u n r k , was « t r n - k w u h f a r r . l x - i - ai..l in

wan dead The • bor - b b:.- I - - . U — l

, I, rk and d - a e n i i . u.,d t h e . b u n b and . - u M i y «|1I

h l i i i ' MIS-<lSi^ i !MM. T « . . bav . . re. = uu i l

, , „ . , . I , „ , , . l . al .-^•nalobi: , ni,.- I.y b n , r , T h e . .p i r i t nu l i -nn- lMin i . ..f i i

' . ,1 - - - A > h n r e b b:Li Im-vii - . r ^ a i i i / ' , „ ' , u l i l e , n i . t he N. < >. A N . K. , n . i l p . a . l , i:,„h1 I -U i ld l -U UM-l fn l «-b. .o i :i i i '.

, , \ . b u r e b w i l l !•<• nr-^Hoi/.-. ! al

, . n p / , h o r t l y . A lot b a . u - n • " 7 ' t o w a r d s a bou- , - . - K l ' i ' ' - ' ' tb i . I t h e teni i .<-nniee mnv,Mi . . u! i . : : :>imn

i . , . .a l ; . ln n . . t b in IvtM M i - i " i j > l ' ' ^^ ' U . n r l i l v - e e o n d l>r. U u i d r u n i H n! . . l i . . i i m h a v e

, „ „ r y n f b - e l u r e s i l . New » ) r ! e a . i - d u r i i . ; ; t he K x i -Hv al l !iie;>UM l , t I M el i ; si ! be I5i.e>t l i d . nt 1

. ! ly

M i l l •in- !•> .V

. . I iu r . b I .1: i:-t.>-r i i i y baM

b u r - i i |»ur I i . i l . l

\n ,er iea to M-t f ' . r t l i I t i p ' i - t Il>'=>'-'1" ' I n n d l i t m b - ^ o r pfN.ide w h o - t r o l l t b m u v b l b .

- i : i d e r l . . S. P i ke r w r i t e - f m n i IL i l . !! lb. ' . . n l l nnk I b e r e I- HI.:.' 1'f

,t,u>u w i l l p reaeb t be < n o i l i . . Ii.-e!;.. ni ... I,,re the l^onix ia iu i S ta le I i . i \ . r - i lN . in IV. lm, I t o i l i j e . n i e a l H . v , - i l . i i i> ar.- fn.1,, ii>. P. ' , ^

/ • „ . , W . - - i : i d . .1 J . A n d r e w - « n c - ' I^ . - i Snn.b.v 1 p reaeb. - l at M n n r . - v i l b , « b . - . - Hr. . ( . n i v , ^ de l i ve red hi-- lx.<-tur<~ la- ! Non . n .U t a ^ -a r

T h e eonj.'rei:.'»tion «u.« larue an.l i i - I . l i . - l u i l l i profound Hilen.-e f. .r an h o u r an.l a h a l f . ..n t b - - . i t -

of l .apt i - 'n i an.l I he I / . r - l - S i ip i» - r \ n . - r i b . « r in . i i i th ree nnit.Ml w i t h t b - . b u r . )i T b . , .u t l .« .k al tbiK plaei- is Very p r o m i ' i i i « ami w. p n d i . I I b . r , i- a hr i izbl f u t u r e nol far d i - t a i u . "

I I A ) i ; i n A . - K e V . w . 15. H a r e i - I h - m i - i n o a r y a l S n i n t e r v i l l e , t be e o u n t y M-id of S u i n l . r . . . u i i l y .

where a e b u r e b biu« Ix'cp. orj;ani/.«-<l, an. l a ..f wo rsh ip i'* unde r courM? o f eon»i tn i . t i . n i . an.l at . i f l h e m o > . t p r o m i s i n i ? pla<c> in t h e .state. Urn I IuKhes bapt ized t h r w I K T S O H S nt < », U l . iwab. i l l r i . l j : . . hn reh on t h e t l rst H i u u h i y iu . l u n e , an. l t w . . awa i t t h e o r hnauce . T h e li;>^ nt Da rby v i l b - . it U exiws tod, w i l l o f j j n u U o i n t o n e b u r e b on t h e t h i r d Sunday i n J u n e . I'ust<.r Ik-,-ki . i n fo rn .H us tb.-ft Oehw i i l a c h u r c h , A l a c h u a At,so<-iat ion, n i . i k i n g an e f f o r t to h u i l d a hou«o of w o n ^ h i j i ; havo miM»<l near SHOO w h i c h w i l l a l w u t f u r n i s h t h e m a t e r l n l , but they canno t ra ise t h e m o n e y fo r t h e l a U . r w i t h o u t he lp . I f t h c r c wa«< m o n e y on h a n d we w o u l ' l u rge the Board to m a k e an a p p r o p r i a t i o n , but t h e r e i-none. W h o xyl l l send h e l p , a- .n lo.-in or j i l f t I'liirUlit lUijtti*!.

TE.XA. ' ^ .—Uro . M u l l i n s ban re-<i),'n.-»l i be ear.- •> Ihe e b u r e b nt r o r f< ie«n i i . l»r . J . I». M u r p l i y . - . n noimees it l is h is luir|>o»e to r e t i r e f r . n i i t he |KisVi.r ato of t he F o r t W o r t h c h u ' v h , at t h e elo-e of t h i -m o n t h , and engt ige In t h e w t i r k o f r e v l v i i ! i i n i - t in . i j s

A m c e t l n j ! u f l i v e w w k f " a t l <o i i gv ie \v , e!o.«tsl . lune Is t . T h e r e w e r e n i n e t y pr»)feH»ioiH, t i n y - t l v e of w h o m Jo ined t h o c l i u r H i n e c t h e l l m t o f Man-h t h e a d d i t i o n s n u m l i o r s i x t y - w v e u -K l u h t w m l i p v e r e e v u t l y Ik-huj r tH-e ivwl by k f l t t t ' r a t I f o ' d i m d . — - — J a c k s o n v i l l e w i l l w»on Imvi* « new I tapt lHt e i i uwd i c o m p l e t e , n n d i i v e r y h a n d s o m e one ,

aro t o l d . I t te pKJj)09ed t o h o v o a {cra i id m l s -» l o h K I 7 m a M - n i c « t l u g B t H a l l e t t a v U l o o n B a t u r d a t '

I i c fo re t h o S t h H u n d a y ,1a c h i i r i j U 1» K t l l l K B i h e m g i h p f r u i U i o f m e e t i n g . P w i t o r L a w b a p t l w d w i f o n J h f c ^ T l m r w l a y n i g h t I n M n y . - ^ B r y a n h a a t i j l i t i r ' " ' - ^ m e n ' * p r a y e r - m e e t i n g , h e l d i n ^ a r o o r o ^ o n s t r t w t , e v e r y «hiy, f r o u i i l : 30 t o 12 I t

w e l l a t t e m l f ^ . - r r - A t « m p m e e t i n g ia Id b « « ! n j l I l e l i i i o t t t , GoiUBUle* c o u n t y , o n W e d n e w l a y b e f o r e t h e flnst S u n d a y I n J u l y , B r e t h r e n a n d I M x o n a re t ob r o w n t . T l i e Bosq i te C o u n t y Mlntetere* a u d I)eac««>»' I w a U t u t e Is t o be heh l w i t h t h e c h u r c h at M e r i d i a n , J u n e 2 ? t h , 2Stb, and 2?ith. A n i n t e r t u t i n g p r f i g r a m m e has been I»-

i i r t , . W . W e l l s , w h o r e t t i m w l t o E n g l a n d (I y<»5>T or t w o BRO, Hay» t h e c b a n j l i h e Iw longa to ha» e i i j h t h u u d r e d ! i (eml» ' r« , and has five mUwlon stA t i o n - . F i f t y rw« 'n t ! y u n i t e d w i t h t h e c h u r c b n u - r e w i l l W a Sun iMil I n « t U u t e u t L y t t o n Spr in t , ' * , e<.(nineneluK F r i d a y I j c f o r e t h e 5 t h B u n -. lay in l u i u - T h e Tcx.-w R-qi t lat Buuday -schoo l and ("olp'>rt.'4!r. f o i l v e i i t i o n meets w i t h t h e F i r s t i'.a|>ti.'t . b u r e b of D-dbs. o n F r i d a y l>eforc t h e aee-..nd Snn . lay in J u l y , n e x t . T h e I X i l h w c h u r c h , w i t h ..pen a r m * , i n v i l t - * t h e I k i p t i s t h o f t s of Texaa i „ ....m.' an. l tn- e n t e r t a i n e d , w h i l e w o r k i u R fo r t h e . M . IIM..II ..f .suii.lay-»<-h.Kd inter^-stH. W e re^r re t t f . t i . u r that K l . l . A. J . H i l l . IKwtor at ( W k c t t , d i w l M:.v .1 11- lia.I an a t tack of flux. H i s c h u r c h was v:r.-a!l> 1" b i j n nnd he use fu l and en-t e r p r i ^ i i i i : 11. ba.t for >«»ine weeks i ssu ing ll,..- ( h n f . Ii . t / . r r< . f , rt f JH.tll I5liptl!»t I w p t T , VI h leh h« (.nMH.-...! In . nlan^e a» i t ) , e i r e u l a t i o n d c n m n d e d . -r . f " l l r . „ ) > l T h e i>rotniete<l ineet iUR at S i i i p t i u r . ' t i l l . - . . r i t iu tu 's- F o r t y - f o u r Cf)n-v . - r - i . . i . - o p " la ie . and e leven ad.»ition.H to t h e • b u r . h.

a 1 : K AN'-^ I t r . ' -V. J . Kin.- ! t i< l , .Sean-y, J u n e p . t i l v» r i t . - • T h r e e n m r e a t b l i t i o n s y e s t c n l : i y - o n c

I,:ati t n . i n i i i l i . ! - ! - k . -p t i . - i s in , a nu».t s innal a n d i . - i l t i i i : i r i u t n p h . . f . h v i n e K w c - <>uc a lady f r o m the . - r r n r - . . f the K p i « . - " i « l i n s t i t u t i o n . I n her ex -,«.rien.-.- -b.- u p i n . l a r k .-olors t h e decept ions . nd tl.» . l an t :e rs . . f I V l o t e a p t i - m . She to ld m e he r , x , ^ • r i . n . v all t l . n .UKb t i i i n ^ y ^ t c m . It i - mo«t I n -• . . r . - (n. i . ' Tb.- t l . i r . l one wa.% a y o u i i g m a n fr<mi , l u - . r r , . r - ..f M . - t l i .K l i - i n . .Ss years a M e t h o d i s t , . loy i i u . - i al l b. artM. and thu«< t h f Rofxl w.»rk poes l u i . l l y .... b . r.-. N n«ete«i m e e t i n g , no cxe i te -

J,, 1.1,1 I , K . O t « . n . b a i n , M a r v e l l , J u n o A m . e t i o ! ; b. l.l at t h e IS r i nk ley l ^ i i p t i s t

t n i r . h . . . n i i i . . i i . ini.' at n i j i h t o f May .MHh, conduc t -l . \ I Id w A <" l r i rk . el.w^'d laxt .Salilwith at

i i i t - t i i . l l wa. .a pr.'^ ion.. n i e e l i i m . Hro . <". prc jkch-. - , i " « t i h h i - u-ua l e a r n e s t w b i e b n-wnlUHl i n

( , . ,, 1.. i b e . b i i r i b . T h e e l i n r e h now , n . r , . U r - l l u r t y - e m b t m e n d . e i ^ . and t h e o i i t l .K .k f,,r 111. | t :q . t i - i « " f H r i n k l e y e t i e o u n i p t l R . H ro f U r k m.w a - M - t i n a in the m e e t i n g at F. . r r«^ t • ll 1..

to trav«Utig and pre»«Mng tor t w ^ y u n t o h l i n H l w W . J . B r o w o r ^ f -w i th her engagwl as teaoher fe Tenn. F rom th is s l tuat ton t h i y . . . t h e C « e k Ind ians , and i f t e r thlrtuett wonUis labor w i t h

them, re iu roed to A rkansas , w h o i e he p r w e h ^ and worked f i r the cause of Chr is t to the day of hta death.

The w r i t e r kn«w B ro . Green woH, hav ing hMBl i l s , room mate for two years In aohool, and oyer f o r t y year* In the m l n U t r y , often labor ing together, Induces : w t t hcando r , ,

(These angelic sketches of departwl ones are oOCn ve ry Inappropr iate, wh i le a word of encourag»mont to them wh«n al ive wou ld tiave strenfftbened them In tholc w o r k . )

And i r n t o . Cireeo's personal appearance and soelal re-l»Uons had been equal to his strong and act ive m l w h wi th his p u l p i t powers, his Inflt ionoe I n ' t h e i u l n l s t r y would hare been s imp ly great . W h i l e th is Is t r i i e e f h l m , those who knew him bes t loved h im most. He hail no Mp l ra t l on for c i ty churehos. or b l * salar ies, but t ravohid and preached In school-houses, bush-arbors and coun t ry churches where his t a l cnU were very poor ly amireclatet l , snd of course i>oorly pa id . 11® died a poor » a n , bu t r i c h In fa i th A K»>od man In Israel has fa l len . ' •

Wi.31. LK.V. BRSOHniOXS.

I lcsolutlons adojitcd Ity tU« Kl Vaso Ib ip t ls t church , WhfW county , Arkansas , A p r i l 10th, ISS J:

WuKttKAS. I t has pleased our k ind heavenly KutUer to remove f rom us our bclovwl bro ther , KUler Moses O r w o , who died at his home, of congestion, on tho .ICHh day ot last March, and

WHEKr.*M. W c deem It duo to the memory " f " u r de-voted brother In Chr is t , who was a memt)er w i th U» nt 'ho t ime of his death, to wr lUi n U-tUtinS obi t .mry fo rpubUca . t ion. Thc r fo re bo It

HMolcerU That we, as n ebureb, request I t ro . W . M. U a to w r i t e said o ld tus ry . twliovlnp; him to bo 1«nter unal i f led, f r o m a lir.!-U)nB Int imacy w i t h Bro. Oreen.

A 'Mo/c f l . Th« t wo request tha t the same Ite »<>nt 'I u k T k n n k c s k k l U i T i S T and the ArkaiUa* Uninrjel tir jtub-l icai ton. Signed by order of tho church,

.J. 0 . DoVi .K, Mot lerator. C. V , W A U I I K N , ) A. W n i T K . ,1. \V . ItAKKU.

S E C t l . . 4 n X K W S .

r i N N K - s s K K . - ' H i e I>enKHn i t ie St.Hle C o n v c n -t i o n n.. i at Na«bv i ! l e lar-t week and n o m i n a t e d Oov l u i t e f..r re -e lee l ion . T l i e S u | . r e m c C o u r t hax de-.•!.|.-.l tb. ' >;aml.! in« aet to U - . o n . s t i t u t i o n a l , a n d O a r -v i t i , w h o |H-n i i i t ted b i n i M d f to Ik- ummI U S a tool by th.- i ran. I . l in ; : f n i i e r i i i t y to t<-.t t he e o n s t i t u t i o n i d i t y „ f t l i e l »w wa> seutenecd to one year i n the pen i

ten t i . - io an,I I., pay a fine of S^rt). C p to F r i d a y lu - t thert- ha.l Ihhmi 104 conve rn lon^ i n t h e great r e v i v n l at NewlK>rn. Dyer c o u n t y .

M A H R I E D .

Tuv*... J I A I I V E Y . At Ku<Joracht i rch,Miss. ,onthc tOth Innt.. »>> KS<1 •>. r». Anil«r»on. Mis* Ixnidon Harvey and M r . A. I- r ru*« .

( • B I T l ' A R V . • JiirKN _KI.Ur • i r w n , vva»l>orn ne i r r i i n r l o l t e

S • V i ^ 111 tiH- f - l l " f ISW bii. fatt ier moved to M.aiM.n . - ' . . . i v . A la . , where his Moses proftfssed fa. ,) , in < h r iM. ami was t.y Thomas Xo r r l s . and » 1.. Ueeuf-it «.. preach by the Kn,>M I tap lUt church. Car-ro l l coantv. Ten,... < Kblcr f f . «Jlt.vor pastor (. Klder « i ^ . , n i bc . . ' « t ' t <n i t on«p reae i J i ns to i i r to Arkansas and A l u t n m a . Ui.«ieef>»eb.wl iu Macon, Miss. , where be m i.Je ..o sdvanwmunt In the La t in and t l rcek lan -

J ..ur years- prcaei i lng and study br ings him back to We«i Tenne^ee. wber« ho w a . ordained a Bapt is t rolnUier by fJder* EUsha Col l ins and Iteuben Day act ing

a p r t ^ b y t e r y f T i h e church . FUler Orecn !»« a y«»«»ni5 promise, found a

f tend So deacon l l a n d e r w n Owen, of Someiv i l le , Tenn . , w I ^ ^ l l b e r a l l l i M met the en t i re eapetosw of tWa poor

Connj i l t tco,

\Vi iJ«)N.—I 'o iw, son of E. W . I 'opc, died near Kl Ta^o, Wh i te c m n t y A rk . , A p r i l ITlh, tsfH, of pneii inoii irt, fn Uio forty-Bceond year of his aftc.

Bro. Tope prcft-sscd fa l l l i in Chr is t ulK.ut Utn years aK" snd was liaptiztid tiy Mi lei .1. T . Handers into the f o l l ow . Hhip of Mt. Tursio church , Dyer county , Tonn. Pro. I'opo lived a Chr is t ian l i f e , aud died in tho f ^ l t h of a home in heaven.

He lef t an ntllicled w i fe and two ch i ldren. Since that l ime l l tUo A i t ie r t , of f ive years, has died ot measles. Tho l i t t le daughter , of th i r teen years, is lef t atone to comfor t the atWotcd mother. , , , ,

The wr i t e r has known l l r o . Pope sinc« h s noy lnwl t^) he . . f a good and even t l lsposi t lon; he once lived at M i l a n , Tenn., then si>ent t w o years In Texas, j j j ^

T H E VOUNU MIN ISTERS ' F U N D OF T H I S P A P E l t . Ot the $itOO that has Iwcn expended to supi>ort the youns

ministers who havo Iteen In whole and lu par t sustained by this paper. |38..'i0 has been contr ibuted by our patrons to help t is. We thought they would have made It |1 .» , and 80 have lightened the burden. W e w i l l keep the co lumn o|K!n unt i l the 1st of J u l y , and then close us T H I S year 's w o r k - i n the fond hope that there are s t i l l 60 f r iends of min is ter ia l education who wU l be u n w i l l i n g for tho year to close w i thou t Riving at leaat fl.OO to so noble an object . F i v r young jn in ls tors have been aided by tha tund—the K X T I I I K tward of T W O for the whole year . . W e wa i t to hear f rom at least .W who w i l l a<ld »i.OO, If not more.

CASH FliOM rn iKNDS. ,Iohn MInccy, Tenn , m : Tenn & A r k Pop ' t Mu tua l

Endowment and Wenevolent ^ s ' a '» « ' ' " " I a n , Ten. . ,3( )0 ; Lncle B I 'endleton, Tenn , ! • < » ! « " A .J Sher-r o u w 1 00: Miss M A UaKon, Tenn, Wto; J H Hiado. C T f M ) : M A l^pear. J - e x a s , o f c , f j M Sherrouw am w i fe

on; J I I Vann , 'Texas, l OOf M r s J K Vann , Texas , ! « ) • U la V a n n , Texas . fiOe: J lmmle Bngland, Texas, ftO. R v s h j r r o u s i U r M e U 8 B Hulnlon. Tenn . Wets; . f V T h « n ' T e n n o o f ' j A Blankenshl^ Tenn. 100; Dr J D B M w n T ^ n , 1 obi r H i l l . O ' j J f

It Morgan. Tenn T Davis , l ^ . I :

S ^ M ^ . m I w V M I M . M O . ^ f B W ^ a l i t o r . Tenn. w u - M i i a V ' t e m i M n a T e n M ss L lxa lo V a r b r o n g h , Tnnn »!• j X n ^ H M Kldsr A J m i l , Texas ,

M ' r ^ S i n t o a , A r k , 1 0 0 . ~ ^ t « l , liBJiO. . ^ ^ E W r l i m j m s s . 1 1 1 hl( l«« l U j h Sunday-school, T e n n i


I '.V I , i h I

• i t f i i ' f i ' ; . <


Page 6: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o


T h e Y o t t ^ To wtaoM mi eowatudoMMiM for t b u O o f i v t w u i ttitf iw

, • NddNMMd. mnTrnm Ojurrm. . ' •

n R A a CUILt>BIOr}I-| iWTft you fhim Mnt Sanl raid—* vUMii, tboUKii wriu«tt w m }iri»aUHIr,?

I take ttic prWlcg? of n M n g t» yon,«« u teJl« jom everyJ Uifngl wt ibj roBtokrovr i n h e f o w B be*rtf«tt Innswuj^i Kiiw, WQu'l yoBJwtl tt)l«i l-Hter b</Un!«rtfti»j «nri i>r«y«fN <uUy,«iMlU»eo«eiyour jiaMrenWtoisaaUf F^r we wJll WWII Iw «»mi«lJ«J to decide wli«t vre ths)! do, a* u wtrBi* I t will be nmMiMuur)' for «» to rotike •om*? chan te In our work iKfaw m r lowjr. and whatever Ik's chan?« may 1 want it V> tie tbe unaQimtntu «>l»ii of thv roadets aiul worker* of the Yowoa South. read wbM Ht%. r<ifd bM U) to

A«KT Yoa mny have wondfrHj «( n i r l anJ I r « r you h«»«f, I b a f c n o t wriitftii Uf<!«H»o I

bave bad ootbloK definite to wrlws,- and I d W i lUr t.» write aboTlt iBdeflotte tbittffni. Kvt^rv tiiimfwrt f tiic y.-uite .Sonib l»a» ^rollgbt roe renewr-d evideiu* or H«. aepii boid wbtcb our work h«i» on th«? arfecm.tJ)! or bi»ih yom »<;if and t}H» chftdres, aod tblii ba« hflptHl me ta b<!«r tbe i»u«itfnwj and UDc«rtal>)ti»« ut tbu las! dafk mtJtiUi*. I csin only aak jrou to actwpi ror yourwif am? tlw dear fbil .Irrt i ' my heartfelt tbank*, ana aiy liirftjer* thai Oo-J may and reward you and tb<>tn. ^(d. iii«.i» Nuru, taewa b«en moDtb* of trUt, a« ]rua U>rm'tb«in to your k u e r * u' tb«cbUdren. \V<«ildUia« aiy faUb wer*. xtron-. r and yet wore »HbinlMlv», that 1 miKht bave Im en r< aod troubled, i\nd fearful dHrinj;lb» M (isv« ••f »»i»ii-.ns< i bave toooiir>;»a that I bavo txwo troubUdaii.K-mt donu a a d t b a t l a t U I f«;«i luueb tbe name way. The annual niwtlnEOf the Hntjte MlMlon .>kM!Jety ewl'i at-t'd tbe t-arl | .art of Jlwt week, but wo bave not y» t rt-.- ivtil a rt ii .ri of a l l i U itroceediuipt. W b a t w e b a v « wen iuiij. iit<>» enthuaiMtic. coiiMideratlon <,f ttie .jUfc^tlcii rtl .nmx u* CbiMM ni'iHions on tbia mm«t, bm tijvir tlnal af . i,»i<vtij« are yet unk»owii to u*. Tbureaefrn* j . ut,t (hat th are Cluing to take up tbe work in somo fru ui ur uibi-r, i,tit we may ret.bav« to wait •*mrtin>e for iliem u. mamr.-|dan*. Tbe Woman's ISaptlat Hume dliMion Jv/ci-tv vnj t a communication to tbe n«-eti»j, m tbe f ffi-c t timt' t!n*v would, il tbe Home Uitaiuu isociety detiir."*! ii, •iii»i>.,rt. rac. Tbe pai>er aaya, "This prorokcd a fMuiidoi api-Uumf from tbe bouae." Then; to prevail a •tron^ {,- lin • tha t I ought and mu»t remain b^re, niid tiuT.; n a i l 8e«ma no docbt that tbe Xortbcrn Uaj.tinw ar« aoin-^ u,

HW eaq o e w r know bow I f ^ I about tbia broak in the w o r i , w«hadlA«rned toioir» and ehertib wHb wiab'Cft «r o^r b t a n a , f od tb« very tUougbi of our aeverlns our CfwooQiliffi witii M r beloviMl l i r a , l^nf^rd baa at-W^^ama^o m e a o M d U t a t l taava aiirank -from monito^i. ittjf the aut^Hrt to uotO abaolutety coiDiiellnt / B^t Ibe (time ha* como fur u» to think and tAlk atK>ut ii, wbkh I bo{«e you will Aa, m> that we will be ready to hia. ami tfi act promptly when we learn the final docUion of tbe M«Siine juiasioo Society. «o, dear ebildreii, l»ii m» h«ar from one ami all, and may Oo«l snide u» in !ii» iiifi. olte Wiaiiom, and ahow us what work bi* baa f i r u« to do.

Lovingly, a i m Noiia. A«;ST Noba:—rerbai>« you and tfef o«.ii«lin ibink

( ha t e uttiU' fofgott4;n the Vuunjt S<.utb, tavausc

iC him BO wucli. l ie i« ».> kind. 1 llk« my otlier t.-»< UM. " " " " f » r.. I am «l>jd>in« srammar , goomapiiy, linti reader nn.l " ' ' - . " h '" ' rc|di<-ii; ithat«tir. I aio 20iiig ti< trv t.> bavt; a (utimitinMr.i iiini Cmt tiiy "Icnr fa t lnT. Ill ia yuan Te l l - I ' och ! T W ' I nnwlvod tiiv li.«jk, • Trt . iiiMti, iiml jro to i lni iv

mojiose to maintain mebcre . But, my dear iii«t«-r. vmi don't know bow I shrink from it. U wcms. bIukmi iii,.-aevering my beart atringt, to tbiuk of Ijcinji cut i.ti f«»m my dear tkHithcrn rriends-, and c»nne«tfd wiili «o.-bMie» and];>eople whom,tboufb brethren, Iknuw not, and nii.. neitticr anow nor love me. I have bad an ofli-r, uojmkvd ftom tbe Foreign Jliaaiou ttourd to send me t<» t ai.twn t . join «mr own brethren and aint«ra Oravci . ind Simtu-niK etc., in tbe work there. W ere titcrf? Kofii^ oik' ii-^' v^tj could and would step rigbt in hero and take uii juv work aa it now sunds , I believe 1 would not btnit.iiv a ,i„i i say I would s?o to Canton; but tlint cannot !h , iin.l , •••cms that the duly i« laid on mu tv rfm;»in hero, ai,.i . u u mit to tbe provide>nee which neeinsto call me i.. « ii!i.)r»>\ r romlbeaerv iceofmy own pco| le, andcaxt lur lot wnii thwte ot diverse a<;cfl'mal ri.'Utl«io». 1 don i mxu, t say that I do not love Nortbcrn iSaptlst"), lor 1 do. i f<,t.i very much at home witb many of tUe |].ii>ti«ttj of itit-* cit) andKUte, and alsoof viaithKbrettiren. and (>ist< r» from the North; but I would «o mmtb rulbJ-r work und.-r ibO Southern i>copIf or Board*. V«t I tHilie^e it is i«.tt/ir i»r this mlsaiun tu be under the >"ortl)"rn .SkjIbU. » nt in par t . 1 atill believe «;<M>iM?ration would w rk w-li here, but If that cannot Ikj attained, let tlie Nortliern Uiu,-tlsta bave it all. "Where your treasure is then- will v .ur heart be also"—aothia would nfVfr, I bwlleve, havo'liad the sympathy and cio.operation of tbe Iwal church* • if it b«d remaiDC«l under the Southern Board. Tlisu lia» bu.-u a (treat drawback to nur work. Wo c<iuld u»t ilu-help we needed, even ot teacher* in SinuUy.sck'xdi', »fnl ypt the i>eopie seem io tbink a great deal oi u» perijonaih ; but their hearts were with the work tbut is suiiiHirted by

„ their own money. That is natural , 1 aupjKWf, atul nut to b« U)t» severely censured. 1 cannot tell, until 1 bear the pntpMltions and plana for the prostcuti-n of tbe work what 1 shall do; but 1 rather exjiect I wilUtay b ro. May the Lord show me His will and help mo to f dlow it : Xovv come* the question alwut what the Vounj; rnjiuh nill do Would yoii like to continue to work for (he w.bcjol, in ea»e ibo Home Misaiont(ociety<ir tbe Womun's liapiint Home lUssion Society should take u p my work. 1 »-upi>oK«.»ucb an arrangement would be made if deairMl. Lrmil April Ut, the Board paid for my ChiticM! teachcr, tbouith be stHne much more time in thc*cb< ol t^acblnjii; Uie cbildren I ban in tMcbing me. Since that time.bavinjjnootoerrea'Jurce, I bave paid him out of the Younf; South (uiid*. Tbia In the third month since tbe Hoard's income c«a»ed. I have not yet paid him fur this month, but will soon Imvo to do ao. and the Younfc^u tb funds are more than esi»au»!«l Will you a e n d n e twenty dollars a t oncer and tbat ivill run the school until tbe matter is deilnibdy settled, I «iu>. ti'»se. This bim»e is nearer tbe Chineae, and, tboucb lack-in({ in many of the tiomfnrta of tbe one we left, we are unti*-lled Willi it, Woonly bave a part oi one mtor, and (lie rest of tbe house iao-.:cuple«l by all aorta of pi.fipJe. l)r. Hnrtwelt formerly n.ade some effort to et it for tbe miohion and it would do W(dl if wo bad it all. TbroUKb a little belli from several aourcea all our work baa gone on a* usual, ami wo have not laeketl for tbe necessltleH and aomo ctimforta • f life. Tell the children to l>o rmilent and ialtitful and (iod will make our mntt<>rs all right by-and-by. May Ood blijoa you. Pray f ;r ua attd the work con-tlnuallv—tbotigb I know you do ibat . AtiueliomiKdy,

ban Frauolseo, Cal. JaMiK Sa.vt-ojiD, I have sent Mra.Hanfonl tbe twenty d o l l a r s ( f ^ ) , which

I told you I woulit bold for her , and docs It tint makn your heart* leap with joy, to know w» ba»l it reu<ly' ftir her In tblstaour of need? - Vou ace, she w a n u to know what you are KnlnK to do? which ijueation 1 wish you to ^oelde hmoni? yout-nelvL*. and I promlM to b t by you and wltb r w In wbatuver Vo ii u n d s r u k a .


not writt<fn ill Ifomt'time. Huisiui »o.~'!iim» T wrote V0« laa twi 'have moved frum Pleaaant lllll, Mi»«.. (o( . 1-hervjlle, teniT. 1 like my new home very mueb. »nd lit acho-d al«»o. I»r. Joiinwm 1* Preoidcut ol ibu »< h(«jl. I like him so much. Me is ».> kind. 1 llk« my <.tber t«-»< UM . to<». I an " ' ' . arithaietii^ tbia . H a l r ' l w l l a r a . o r KiKbi a n d W r o n j j M o t / v i - in .In ) l ike It verv raiieb. a n d h!>|w 1 niav [.ri'tit In ii. !.r-< p l e a w find 10 cent* for .Mr». "miC'inl. 1 will , i . . . . m i h m u c h I 'rte Wj you a n d tl-e coii-iu-.. ^i.i.r at). . i . ioate nKt*'. I. I ,

t <^l!lerviUe, Tint.. Write aad t/ril UK all al>out )i'iir ?i. w !)•

.fobnwn'* aeb'iol, Ktla, I know liini «> II. A I M NoK*: - l l 'Te foiiie* anothi-r ! ill.

ailmttl'in*.-*- inu> vonr alre.idy larsi- ciri r l)sv,. read the iii''»* It'iterK i.f iti> m.ttn |iii|. ..-i Vouii/ >oulU, ilifil ! tliOM;flit I wi.ijlif liH' (.. writ.-I (Mnn^il VTltf a loot lntei4.»iini; leitiT. like Ui cou»in«, l.ul I love AuiU Norn Hnd Iut niKi-K ii I tti'<H.:i>t I would >M-n<l some cnmi-v to ii, Ij. cur r j ward. I f*(*|jtl ttitrty c 'nl**. 1 will t«*li .\tjnL Nura itiuitli* iiiu»ir,» Mow 1 ni.tile iny iiim«Joniir) ii>oii>-i. I'.i|..i ujnc IJie H rti" IhtoriEli hi« i-o|t».ti li-l,i and 1 |.|('kcii u Mil .»ii<J Hold it to lilm. don't you think thai an wav t.. malic nionry' 1 ho(X' papa will aive rni> ai.iitiii r r"-.* tiiin vcar

• I II.

r.l-.i. 'liii,

Hit I.

nil' ok, -

II f .i

If ti^ Mill. 1 «ill •ciul .Voni N..ra noim »iil < l"i>r. V ur liul' ' iiii'iM-,

Ni.-ii.ii., «. t . Wiiy IjaM- yt.ii ij wnll.'ii ii.. lon2 a .

Ui aii'f^.Mir pajj.n to .ri.t- r</u a n-u i f yt'ar, am! i >i:ii' ofivn.

inoic II).,.•!,.>. 1

F I I . Klla ..ti-.ii

V A 1 ' Ik. , , .r.

i B tirmn. VVtio Wat ihp (.ithi-rnl Arnro? What (litl (iod m<lkf wltt Abr.thum? What Iho bfi{lDniij£ ol wl!«* What In tbe tifth liook of th<- .N'»m T<.>it.uui'ui? In what uaricn wiu> M»oa»*'h tiurnKj' Who nxi' the iM>n of IJanuT Th« flnh Kjii of t'Uiphaa? What city <lld Anhflr build? The sfc.m'l book of the Olo Ti'slanieiiiT Where ill'! the li>ru>litai ko efirr tin y IcH Kohni«h» lultlBiii ap*-!! thr naiiiC otour paitur. I.t.NA Mo.

KiilKmn. Kaiher ol III.- H{>.><iile Pelei-? A |iiiu;i' lutiir '-ali'in wh»re John i)nril/<<l? A wonl U'Wl in Iho Klbis alirnirvliii; loll? Wti»t blrtl »ui.rKjtted the projiliet Knjuli »i ti,, t,r..ok

C'hrrlth? U'hen «re we lold ti, ri'memtH-r our tVeaior' The Iil.ire in which Jasr, the Ju.lur. waut bttrl. il'' >«n ol re'fjtT i>aught<-r of CaletJ? Wlial (llrl .lohD l^aptlze Willi? une ol the vewm!* <»I tlie t/>icp!e 'crTirr? Tlie yoiiDC'T brother ol »"alet<? The witf ol .1«.-ob7 Tl>» fifth iKKik ol the oi.l Tcmamen!? Tlie iultialH will Kfxill my Sunday.ichooi toacher i. nami'

Kl OK* Kll lUBlisoS.

iiie.tnn.«H, rt \h » nJty t h a t lioyu a n d }fr»»wii d o 111.1 t a r r y t h e aa iue a t r i c t a m lyf i»ri»elplo ibV® Miow in Hcr^eiilng m u l f m u ^ of Keiiutiiu l ionor ftn<l w u m g t - . ^ H'lfffe Amtkc

" H O W C A N I BK l]ii)KFl?Lr< I r i T f . E M A R Y flTttsoiily ^.flvon ye/tra old Hut

»hB waao l t l oiiimuii t<»k|iow alio Willi n siruinf^ !iud who hndKiHM! to Clirlst a n d t u k o u h i tn in hor hwir t n.t linr HavJour. KiM)fi a f t e r doiiifr UiIn wi,,!;, feel ing vi-ry Impj .y a* n yomiir fJhriatliiii,' Marv w f i i t to iior (wifttor arnt iwiked h i m tiil» .nu-L tl.xi, " I l i n v f-ait I Iw! uHoful?" '

VeryoftcTi iU»aj>pona tha t pe rn io b a v e Ju^; wluit (liey are Kwki i igfur , Tlilf wiirt ilip with ilii« - lei ir l i l t l* - j r l r l . Tht^ v e r y k n n w l w l t ^ e s l i p w i s h e d lo t i i i i i t in wfH h e r x .

" M i i r v , h t t v i - y i i t i i iol n i r e i t d y (rliMl t<> d o wiuie-ih i i i t r K o o d ? " i i u | i i l i v d h e r |>a?>lor, wl><> wan very t iui i -h iiiti 'rei<t(><nii h e r e a w .

1 h a v e hr t ' i i [iTH.vhiK (o (h, , ! m l h e l i i ay l«-! 'oi i ie u wilii.(

jjo l<i i h i i n h Willi i i i o i l u T a n d t h e n » t of m. '

•W'l-II. h i n f >.>ij o n l y p n i y e d , Mii ry . ' Vou k n o w m i l s ! III,. i i icanH it Wo w a n t hi o h t a i n a n y irrcut c i n l . '

••I h.-ivf t r i e d 1.. ' I ' . I l i is , t" '>, ' l i m l d l y sa id t l ie '•liilil , i . i i t I (V-ur I i l " no t r,|.< a k jii-st n.s'l s h o u l i l to lilin. •

' I ' t i i - l i l t b - c l r l o n l y ii' o. le. l ;i l i l l i o o i i emin im ' i i i i ' i i t . " l u l l of f n i t l i a n d ii(>|>c. T i n . t n i t l i wjiarU-

Ir.l III lo r ,M- a i i d -!>ruii« f n n i i l ic r . ' i t u i . -d Ik I ' r i iy a n d i:jl">r w i t h h e r |K>or f a t h e r un t i l h . f n u l t l n o loi i i rer ri'«i*t pe i '^ i ias iodH. H o |,[,(l " I r h o n o i l i , r - « « u v , loit lie . i x i M n o t >, | . f i ik linrHhIv to i l ls g o n t l . ' l i t t l i -Al i i i -y . f u l l y co i l ( jUered him".

S l i o r t l y iiMer thi>i I n t e r v i , \v. s f w pln'liiie'.l it to I save h e r ic i s i f . r vj . . i t h e r h o u w , i iml a f t e r n few k i n d v i r t U f r o m h i m . t h e f a t h e r i l K t U ' ^ l t h e t o m p i r-n i i f f iili-dL'e, a n d to . iii-uiiriij;!' h l i n (lit) m o t h e r iiiul e h i i i l r e n u d d i f l t h e i r iiiiiiic^; a m i tliitr^ a f a m i l y te in-I ' en i lH i' so. i c ly \v;i.i« f o n i i e d .

h o i i ' t y o u t l i i n k M. i ry IcMriu^d l i ow t o H e a r o l d l d r c i i , I m w m a n y o'" v o n wi l l t r y •o . l i wi l l lii lj, y , . u . uf I h j , !

IM' iikefnl" III llo ^OIhI'.'

i r

Au*werH lo CnlKuin* for J n n o 7ili. n in t . Lula .ipang!er'» Ujt,«, Oljwtienl. i;iam.

Marsh. Inltlnt'Htr'ell. K I.. Kouti. Answered t>y Van K - " i r . L - llali, Moore, Wll

lie Urat es. Mamie Ivcy'ft—WII4erncaii of EnKP.n. (looea.

Tent, i.<nlab, 8; eamorc, Talent, Rcflnrr, t uto yon Ileieklah.

I'rlmalu »pe!I, "What U TnithT" Fiaabt siiell, "I am the Truth " Answered by Van Karrar, Lnu Anna B«ll

Pearl and r tom I>onginlre, Vflllle Uraveg, An l.ula Spanglcr made h»r qu'stlon* »oludonniu» and omit-

ted the'a«t one, I give credit to all tho»e who "did tbe best they cotild" with It.

Van Fanarsaya; would like lo ask how m.tny time* tbe word, 'Eternity' 1* fmurt In the lllhlo, sua the place*. How many little consinscAO annwerf"


Am ram. TtioiiKht.

Lien a Jloore.


T H E .=JENSE O F I I O N O l l IN UOY.S. f l l l i e r e i.-i np ron t oonfiisiou In Ikivm' not i»nf< of hono r X You Hhould not go to t h e t fu tdicr w i th tnUa of y o u r whool-iimteM, b u t w h e n i|ueHtionod hy IhoHoin a u t h o r i t y ove r you , imreiitH, Ktmnllnns, or to tuners . it ia y o u r t lu ty t« tell wlio did n mlwihief or h n d t e ii rulK, no n in t t c r w h a t re8iil(« to vouraelf, or how tnipoiiular ytni hi-conie. Hoya Imvc ii fn lw h o n o r whic l i hideji m e a n a n d ski i lky nctiuna In ench o the r , v/hieli i .uaht t o lie r idlculetl o u t of t h e m . T h e moht <t)Wardly In ju r ies a n d inj iwtlce iinioiif,' liovs go tiii-cl iecked, a n d t h e w e a k e r a ro ahutHMl and "^Imfiletl in a w a y every decen t b o y should resent , hcfau.«« t h i s fnlae no t ion of eoni radeal i lp lends tl iein to llo, iire-var lca te , or k e e p a l ienee toac reen l l ieKulI tv . Teach-era a n d f r i ends o u g h t to p u t t lown th i s i K n o m n t , IH'tty "wii fw of h o n o r " for son i t j thh ig m o r e in te l l t -g i ' n t a n d uprights W h e n you k n o w of a wronii , a n d k e e p flllenoe felxnit I t w h e n aakcd, you Ixxtuno a p a r t n e r lu t h « Mrroii«r, regj»0Mil>l« for lt» oriKliwl

I K N O W A T I I I N t i t ) i ! TWO. ' df . i r hoy , " -aid a f a the r l<> bin only son.

" y o u nre in had eomi>any. ' Iho lads vsiili w h o m yon aftMiriate iuiliilgc Ih UkI haliit.«. T i n y d r ink , smoke, -wear , pl.'iy l a n U . a n d vixif tlieHtn -. They are not ^afj. comj iany for yon. 1 l i fg 'yoii to '(Uil Ihi lr H<i<-iety."

••Vol! nce i in t ' l . . -a f ra i . t of me. f a lho r , " r'-jili.-,| i |„. ("•y, lanv'liin}.'. " I yuos^ I kiio\i a lliint; o r n v o . | know h o u far to i ii anil wIh h to *top. '

r i ie la-l left hix faiher '^ lioii.»«. t« irlini; hl« i-nne in III- Untr. r- ;iiol laiiirliiii;; al t he "ol!! : . ,an k not ions ."

.\ y . -ar - la ter and that lad, urow ii lo manhood, - I 111'- I ' a r o f a .-oini, before a j u r y whii 'h Inifl ju- l l.rinii.'hl in a venli.-t of ;r„ | l iy ajrainxl hini for - •n i l ( rlMH- III » hii-h III' h.'id l.oen ooin-eriied. lie-fore lit was ^elll^•ln I'll he .iiliires-cfl the court , rind said amon>: otiicr tiiiiij;*.: ' M y i lownward roiiixe ("Ciraii in ili.-ol.cilieti" to my parent^. I tiiouKln I knew ax mil. h • .f t lie w .irld a.- my fa the r did, nnd I Kiiiirneil hi'< a.lvice; l.nt ,'ih wdti i.m | t u rned tiiv lia.-k on m y home. tem|i lat l i . i i . a inc iijion me lik d rove o f h y . nas, and lu i r r ic l me in to r u i n . "

Ma/k tliut .•onfcs.iioii, ye l .o\« who are heuinniiii; to 1 . V wiser titan your iiarenm': Mark it, nnd learn


tiiat ruin

d i - u i h c . i l i ' n . - e iM

I > « > i r i t a k e i t ! the tir^t sti |i on lilt, road t o

WorUci-M tor IHitli. U t i l e We the iimlemtiffned. phKlge oiirwlvcn to tive ter. eenu a

month to «ot.|M.rt our Chinese n-liMlon m-.hwd fii H.,n Frnnol»i-o taught by M r». .lanle L. Hanfonl. We want to form a club of ntlv at le«»t. Who of our youni. frieHitji will J„ln unt

'«'»•: .Tt>"nm» MciJreKor,12tn(«; Elnra can leld, Hiniw; t laren.;e W inm la nio,( Iddo.M»MKlr, ISm.w; ,y,llat;«rritv lamo^, Willie tfr«v,«. Ii ,„.»; Flovd Hyatt

12 in.w; fbarley, la i,u»; .i.,ba .MHlrnlei; la im,«; .^xwph l^attierbiiiy, 12 IBO«, Kni« Ixiilhothiiry IJ lucw. Van rariar, 13 ino^

Anna Helle Parker, It ino*. Knn e rhllllmi 10 inoa; Maggie Nlelmim,, lo .lohn

Ovcrum Uatjnc} . lU iiwu. ^ Maggie Uo<Hl»nn, 8 iniw; .litninlo .«k'.(>tt, N mim; I.illlo Vaiin,

M-ldle Se t t . I nio^; Helm lllHCkw<»Kl, 7 in<«. Nora Hill « inoBiI.eua Kllnn,Omt»:EddiePeudliton,»>< moii. Snale lohna..n,.iinc>«; Uua Hherroimc, 6 m<»: .vnnlu May

• irten, 6 Hennle

Hume Oo.<l»K>n, S mos; l.tllle Grnvea, 3 nnw;'iHweeile Yonng, 2 mo: Kh.ra nicharrtiion. 2

mo; .Mamralo Ivey moa; tTarrlo Byrtl, SM raoa. Ballle Js'-.kiton, mo«.

«eo. Wler, 1 moj TUos. Smsrt, 1 mo; Mary .Miller, 1 ino. O n r Hlaalonnr j r r n u c l .

NVb want all our young friends to tclp nn with their alrkels aii.l .lliae» to rniHo a niro snm to wmj Hanfonl for the luiatlien ( hlnege In San Frauclsco. Try, children, and ace wliut you ran do for ttiero*

Miillie UrUigle, 6 eenU; eptirgeon WlPgo, 5 contu; llei»,liel Wtngo, 10 cents: B»ther Wlngo, icnls; Ann Mary Kllla, lOcls* B<ldlo Crt>ora. 10cU; W. d. CoraellM. Sot" liftllis Allen, loohti Wren WlMsm^. lilets sVlTaXrttSl^r rili Voj •. " 'VJ r" ' ' . ' I i . i y i n i . , Iimisi sneita Forrosh r rem W llle Owen, loots; Ucssle Owen, fieta; Ltxtlo EvcaV (leis lialllo lliir«r;_5cu: ^miaaOjttqn del?; Ilatlie Hart, Sets J nil*

snale iohna.,n.» incM: Uua Hhemjimc, 6 m<»: Annlu Ma nel»her,6 moa; Mlnni.- Bay llelsher, 6 mo«; Ethel Burten, mo«; Frank -Mitchell, S mo»; Dannie AtItohcll, 5 mos; Hennl 1 atker, 5 mi>a.

^ ' in i njiiia munin". ocia; »aucr aiowiiorton, •rota: Frank nmii . lOoWj Frank Owens, lOotss Mia. H J,ok»o'n. a a u u ' A l n . II; Alonco HIanley, ll-eis; Anns, Wan ey. f-'ti ' "Rarncut

S l a & t a ^ e J i n Atwjwlh loots; Jlary Irene Owens lOeii) Nora itogers, lOcta. liwky TuroBr. toots; JobtiKJmbro.6cfa;^ j O i U ^ of Wa-

^•V '" ' " . " io"! K i t i a Ann^t, 10 Ota. ... _ , , ^ y ^ Lonon Ow.a.lOeU!

iV^..*^ '"'! Heart" .11; ' 'Wrea aud FonatalB UUl, Sctti

Pirkor-MeUrt-L Mora S KdwanI I>«IUi"ll4fai;


) t i ^ ^ .

I I O l l S K O I U r S A O I I ) 1MI081MIAT1C . , . IN OOKISTirATJON.:,.

1>r. J . N. KohiNMON, MmUnii, O., aaya: "InowHea of liuUgostion, conatlliftUon mill nervouH proHtriUlon, lt» re«idt« tiro Imppy."

'•l>a, what lire ' p u t s ui id 'enllH' <>n yiiito Htreet?" " W e l l , ttniivnputs Ida inoiiov hi a I troker 's hntidH and %vln'ti he culls for it It is nil

lloi-HO owiiefH can not idlord over look lite wondurfiil Hum>SH<if Kcndnl l 'x H|iJivln Ciiro.

We hiive not yet hwini of a worKIn jonnmllwl hwinga mil l ion dolliii-H in ilo. Wall hI.root (M'liHh. 'i 'hure in Komelhin).; wiiiUUlar ii'iout thU, hill I he re may l.oa jiooil reason for it.

Kor ft loni; tiiiio t he re lia.s lu. n ii need ("or.just Hueh ii ilniiin-nl af< Kcn-ilaH'H Himviii Cute . • -

l>ove your oiioniit'ii.

A C l i r t sdan Ktl l tor ' s O p i n i o n Mr U 11, !<yo«h. publl»l<ur ol the Alatiiim^

••(•bri«!l«B AilV'>i'al«,"at BirinlnKhara, wrlt. n I travel "11 over the »t*le, and ni)a»frieiidii t LIHTCl w.... V..W , — ,

«»r Ihty fliid yiiUf I.eitiOU KlUlr a most sicei l*at rnedlcliir. My book-keeper and foreinuii nss l t ln ri"*"* of calomel, pllli.clo. Tweiily-nve Years n t ' l t l a ea i or «eora l i» »iid tliS iwiil«»»«n years I hHTS mlTerecl con-tlinally from InrtlgeaUon, and br.mchum of a m()«l»ev»r« ljp(«. Iwaatrested tiy two |iroriil-Iisnt pUynlSlaiiH. snd had t a t t a all lti« paieni medlolsM reeainnmnUoil for Ihea* dlw^niiea, 1 gel no rellKf, and oonllnntd Ui griov wiir,.i' • ntll I coininenood the u«» of Ur. Mo/'oy'i) I.em*ii Rllilr. Onsdoxeii tjoltli't haa made a flual Rurv of htl.h aiaeixt*. J' It. 1111.1..

No. II Oonuolly St., AllauUi, Un, A (JAHU.

From 8 nuint.' -ref Ht. Uaiia'n prom liieii I on I f.oiia aH to the iileritR of Dr. Mtiilcy'a l^eiiion Kll nr. the f.iilowlnir named Rentleniou pi u non'iualt thooiily pleaanul., Ue'roilglily irlin-bl» and e<'onoiiileaI remedy they I' lve evoi iiaid for lh« uU'iiwoB for which it l» rcooi in.>i'd(d.

.IiiUae Alex. Uavla. Kourtn and i h. Ht but itre'tn

.iiulge.Iohn 1', lliiKh-iiH, 10! N. i'luinh Ki lion..). 1, Mai lIu.oflli eoppoHlio Kuio I'.no l^ r I'.tJraaiv, i,tw oinee, no: U n a -.v..I Oapl. .1. A. K. Stolla, ot llic Hi llim

I aiinlDK I'oAipuny. Mr, Mo7.I»t> i.omon Kllrlr, prisparcl m lor

c|niK«lor«,lM Whlteliall s irnl. Ailaula, .. II eiireK all li ll'.ntnef.*, n inillp .lion, 1 'li

crailoa, licadaehe, malniia, lil.l i'im u . ,r«T.T,chilli, linpiirlMea of Ui« lilo.ul. I ao puilte, dfhllily and nerTt. i« primitiric n lo r'sulallnn llie liver, dtaiiiaioi, i.nHfla, \ nil.I hl.x U,

I'ihy cnnMi for onii lialf pliil tioiilx o...-l»i lilnl and lull II itti.. Kol.l >>r <1i'i.hi;im'« it-nerally, nnd tor liy all whoUMl* iini.ijii.. Meiupliit, Tean.

Cleveland, O,

XVI III'' >V11 ns 1 n I- le

SliiMlinljtlirH .•\ 'haTi>«. Kiol Hay Ftiver tteiiipilv. un (lei'no«|ll\» )tii«rintv. .Saiii-|ile Froo. l / ' N n i l ' U . M l ' l ' .

4 l!h

Chesapeake, Ohio & South-western Railroad.

.Mall daily. l.i'.ivn iMeniiibla, 8:m)a. iii. Arrive " •2:lli')|) ni,

Aein e \ Sun ' I : IKI p . I I I .

I l l ; Pi a . I I I .

Standard Gunge, Southern Trunk Liuc!

Short, (JiiJc/,- mill h'lniorile li'in'" In

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oirllKr. Tlu> v ^ • i -ur f Uia onriglit |>at««ini. «r» lU* W«(<f^<jr ol rnlilxOf rWh, mtm occnM (xmr.and ftiwll(t<Hi un tctUi Ne^ i c4 (&• bnt aiutlUjr cl |w jk l ttr»tm, TtS I'l'dadt, Inrtnul of rwli>ir fvrrmi wMi mr-— » » i H i l w i w t miinl, uf <M( dulco aad

out of niwJrar worn.

JftfOHfiHIlrrmit me $eu ana tn» unntfjcril Coupan teUhtn 10 daym frvm the date htrrof, t wilt 6oa» aH<t *htp uou tMa Organ, wUh Or-gaH Iitneh, Hook. Hf , rrartta tho tame a» Igrll for fga. ioughoMia OT^f-immeHlutrlt/iaiKt i n n o m i * * tat*r than lO dntf. Oh* yeor'* f««( trial fflrrn anflafull learran-tvefuriix yeart.

QItui under mjr Uatul and Seal tl i la

( J i i ! - j 8 l h ( l a v o f J I I I . ' , !8 I .

COUPON On rwc in of «hl» Coupon •nil f i6B In ri>«h l»T lui ik Hmft. I'ort

-, . , 'mto M'ini-jr Clnlrr, ItiKUtcnd - -— J'rrv»l<l. or by Om-k im rujir bank. If f .ir» itrtlM w^iWia 10 i a i « fnxn )'rrv»l<l. or by Om-k im roi.r i«iuk. h» uruoa w l i u a l e <a>i

thy <!»1* I I i m t y M r - o «o «<T»p{ I h i j coujwn for • « « . JU u t r t ntymraV UI»n'-» vf «&» lhf« cout>™ > ami I will trmi fvu i ftvHuMrbmin inu for •KH. «nd hoi and .hi,, ron Onrwi l o K a . It l> .dvrAlKi t , f u n / w w w S fOT

1 w f r M to p r rpay r i r t e f c l w i t l j«aW»« m p i n to yuur w a t r s i r i l j r o a d f r r u M rtatS: anjr point r u t u( -Jio Uiat lMlwi KlTer. o r l l u t f a r o n •nydi . in j f w r r t o f l t T U t i ^ T r i i i

(ulfreim-nt. u It a i T*ar r c r r da«r, aU f rH«bt Df»D«ld;

payumiloa mr . . t l A i r «)» OMh

Tm a r t w j p t ^ b U l to fttU HP., iirovM

mndltlon thut If i n ^ pron CTart)/•« r iTniwnt ' i i •hall m u m it al the enrt rf on«yj»r'» uiw and ^ ' f f ^n -^bcMurn uf ni> nu-m-j. with inti-rrft irvimthe ¥cry ltn;tmttiU I forward H, at *li Heular to irfi* flam,, /w OT

inirv to rvmtt by {biM or Iijr Hank Oiock. Vo« may which wlU frc -v t lhootdc tar , Al l rM io tuU


Oiock. y w may ampt by tricvmiib on Uft day and remit by mall onthst _ _ , wcurB t u . ipeflal pfrrr . I 3f«lr® Ih l j mSLralnwnt I n H r t l m e ^ t ^ f t } ^ , ^

wttftoat doia/. b«MOT ^ f p ^ p i t o . . r i tov iDiBu oHi)Qt IS uivfcM i j i i f t a n A T B y ™ *

diHasi.g}DAWilLiCBt)iTTY. Washington, New Jersey - ' f J t O U G I I O N K A T S . '

C l e a r s o u t r a t « , m i c o , roacl)e«<, i l l c ? , a n t s , bed-bug8, s k i i n k H , c l i i p i i n t i i k c , g o p h e r s . l « c f « .

. O i i e e , w h e n i n t r d u c o i i t ) a t a l l , l a n k H a p l l s t i i i l i i i H k . r , D r . n v t h u i i c w i i . l , " S h r u n k i n t h e w e l t i n g , I gee . "

C . i r . j N f o w i n a n A Hiom' o H l c o is t h o h c a i l e o n t c r f o r a l l p r o i n h i c j i t l i o r f o . T i ion o f N e w Y o r k ( ' I t y . I n a I c t t o r o f i v -o e n t ( h i t c w i j n : " W v a r o p c r f i - c l l y cat is-I k ' d H i n t t h e r p n o v v r wa.s n i i y l h i i i g J i i a i l c t o e q i m l K e n l i a l l V S p a v i n ("ur i> n o r t -nn t h e n ; bo . ' i i i y t h i n i , ' t o t a k e i l n p I i i fCHH i t r e n i o v c H t h e t r m i i i l c , and no r o n i o d y e a n <lo m o r e . ' Head i . . l v i i i i-.e-n i o n t .

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W l i c n a c o u p i o r i i a k o i i p t l i e i r n i i iK l s . t o K « j t i n a r r i o ( l i t j n u y he c a l l e d a t i e v r . i e

L O C A L I t E F O U T K U K W A N T E D .

W o w n j i t n f r f i e a l n e i i o r t o r i n e \ c r y f a r u i i n K C O i u n u i n i t y t o f n r i i i s h i i t . I n m i t i i i n j t o t i u i n BiU'l i faotH ns w e i i i o y i c

, < i u l r o . F u l l p a r t l < ' u l a r H r o « n r d l n > ^ «e r v i -C f s , t t o i i i p e t i w i l i o n , A e . , w i l l l ie f i i r -n lMh u p o n n p p l l e a t i o n . A d d r e H H , W I i . I , 0 . ' r U H N E U A ( X ) . , I ' l i b l l H h e r H ( M t y a n d ( " o u i i t r y , ( " o l u n i b u H . O .

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wawtki» A K f u f N f o r lli«>

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d ' l y (excapt «ntt<lajfi i).,.. t : 65 j i .ni . (t « , „ i W r A c e o m . d a i l j r : . . ' „ „ i u : 40 i . i " . Ss

M < - n i | i t i l « a u a <! | iAr l<<f»lou R n l l r w n c i . ™ C l ^ T i m « . r#»¥« Ar r i v i . TUroncb B » p n . « i . » l H l l y „ n i t a | , m . i f bob ,'. UHMl fiiui ami K«Vre«. . . . » : t f ta .m. m' MomorvllUi A iK-ommixfu , " " l ' " ! .

rt'ly oxo ' i i t Mtavtuy* « l 9 a „ ,

M r m n h i B nikI iJkIp H o c k M H l l r t m i l .

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B.iu. 7:iH) i' u /

n i « « i H k I | > p | n iMi rrnit«-aH<>«< K H i l r o n d , Ix'BVfl. ArrivR

( i r l i m i i . Mini . .Inllv 12: ;|51,,„, m ; Expreai Kw ia l i t , dal ly « i -

CO|it BmiO;i) a:43t«.m. h r , T i 'a jn, ( ln l lvcxr<- | i l

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U n l t a v l l l c n i K l t i r l n U i f > I t i t l l r u n i f . ., . . , JI/CHVC Ar r i ve . l i f lnL lcy wi l l a .m. ,'i:a> ''t>l"n« lS.-<t/ n.m. f..iii.

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I ) I 5 C ' L l i s ( K O F m a n .

N c r v o u * vVf inHnc j^s , l>>'8i)<!i>slu, I m -

po tenco , B c « u a i D f t b i l l t y , c i i r u d b y

" W f l l B ' l l o a U h ttv'uuwcr.f $ 1 , _—I—.-.^.i ia itm •

A g o i i o r t d i i i t f i s l o n u r y l i tw b t ' o u a t w i i r k t u i i o i i g t h o O o r m a i w 1» A i n o t i t m ( h i r i n g t h o poHt y e a r u n d o r U i o d l r o c -t!.) i i o f t h o I V o i d j y t i ' r l a i i l U m r d o f M o i i i « M l H i * l o t ) H , t i i i d w i t h g o o d p r o « -pp< lM o f HU<.'<!0«S. ,

Kvury S i indf ty^oUool Bupur i i i t e i i don t itiuW l »a('l»-r ( t l io i i l i l p roc i i r o a copy (-r "'.^fduet » on tho I i i tcT i i t tUui in) l / t 'sno im," i i r lou |1..'."> poHti t i i l i l , AddrpdO <4KAVKtt A .MA-i i A k ' r v , .Mi i i i ip l i la, TiMin.

T h e . I t i h l l o o F t i n d o f t i u ; ( ' ongre j ^a -t i i i i ia l iHtJi o f ( i r o a t I S r i t i a n i i o w e . x e e e d i ' JI.&iO.iHM), o f s v h i e h HUm t h e W e M i l i m i e l u * i i a v e e o n l r i h i i t e d $l2,'),(»tHi i n i\v<) vea rx .

AVER'S Ague Cure cur.:a:ii9 ftu an t i do te f o r a l l i n i t l i i r l n l il ln-o r i l x r * which, no fnr m k i inwj i , In i i m l In no nthcr roimhly. I l fonUttn* tio Qii lnl i i f l , imr any mlnuriil nor dolsloriouii iulwtttiico whiit-t^virr. and conflt^flllctntly |>r<Mtucea no Injurious ••(tert a|K.>n tliH W)ii«tltutioii, litit leaveD tho (yalciu &a Ut-ttithy lu It was bcturu (tiO ntUck.

WE WAREAHT ATEB'B AODE OUaB to cure evory cniio nt Fever and A|;ue, Iiitor-mlt t rnt or Chi l l Feror, l lvni l t tuut Fovcr, l>undi Ague, Ullloui! Fetcr , anil l.l»«r Com-|il>hu raufed by uialitrla. In o.tiw of fal luro, after dim t r ia l , d«al«r> ore author i icd, by our circular dattid July l i t , ItSill.', to ro f t i ud t l i « inouey.

Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. • ^ Bo ld t i yaUUrumt l iU .

B BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY. t l i ' l l . of I'nr,'t»j>|ii't a«».tT)ii f.ii ( liirrrhiffi. .Wrh.mU, AUnii^.r «Iiin, i - f . Kt'l.l.V WjkBlUSTKU. Cil.ilu^tK Frmi. VANOUZEN & TIFT, Cinclnnlt i , C

^ , | ( / , t > r {nn i<>7 u top i i f l i s . t'lauon, fttrTM. fac • tory running day 4 night . Catalogue

mw. Addresa Daniel F.Btaltv. Wj ih lnotnn. N 7

H I T T E D 2

r i R O N r o N i c

Btrcnfrl l i , ib io lu lc l r

Sad la SB. •Mtdycore, oiTeeactear,

^requont attempti at co_ to the impnUrlty of th* o r i f l aa t . t>o not M p e n -O i i i ^ i r e t tho OmotllAb M D O U T .

fl P111 'i"ook .AUanu.Qa.

Vassar College, P O U O H K E E P B I E . N . Y .

A fu l l collegoootinifl fo r women, wtt l i (iprcMI " M prepuratory conmoa and conmra o l MuhIo •DU A r t . Ten profeKnora and t w o n t y - t w o '•achera; M b r K r y , Ol iacrvatory, L a b o r a t o r y , Mtulnm and aolenUflo oo l lwt lona w l tS every 'acui ty for a complete l lbeml eduontlon,

8. I1. C A L D W E L L , » . U., I ' realdont.

lactadinf an 98.


, Mio l l l h t mnnliiB. . lH)^ l« lM0formaehlnr i<no

i ^ I M ^ M I I i k W n ^ r a n l t t a

ituidi^a oTManumMatrM.

, iTnirfAr^JMktL'tllit,

• IwaUlUHt IIOIIK. W W « s i i a i „ | l , . ^ A w t , l u d . l l l im t ra tH i i * fttmi iu.w i tea lUHal

SP.-, ' ' i . * Adapte j l I f l a i l Aowijm. 8«II» a ts i luh t , AMu ta d o l n * U iKu fo rk . KxoKtwsHTTHatiM, TKnTiaiidaom-(Ml|iHi*|iootu<<ov«r iKtued. App ly i i o i r . W t t . HAaaCTKOM A C i i . , Dfl ColU.|{,; V i : , Nnahv l l lc , Tunu, AlKo otiiHf t n t i i d new iiookaand K l b l w ,

IB-Mj Jy.

(1. C. OllKOG, DKAJ^KU I N

F U R N I T U R E ,

CHAIRS AKDIVIAHRESSES, ;<«:} N n i n N l r « u l ,

Near ( i i iyotto,,

• • T i : ! V N . <vl '/Il sv l i W

II . . ..Iifl lr^l II, ,1 I.. / I.I I I .,/ ,..,r , r „ r i -. .1 \ V .•/ l:f .\l i;l-.\ - -A /I. I l.'irf^

.. / 11 , 1 , ' H K /,( 11 y-.v/'.

vr. 11 MA I l'. H. s. ( , Tf tor .

S. T O O K Vi). S 1 0 I I i n r I - i 111 0 r s ,

L I T H O G R A P H E R S , A N D

Blank Book Mamifucturcrs, \ o . I ' o i i r t M r « « '«.

(ll4*lW4-ini Miini iin-1 •

n< ' i i i | > l i lN . I r u n .

»r<ler-Kniir i i r . l . fiU'l KHl imato- l i -h . f i l i i iU lur l l l- lH-i.

M l i;.i/

The Tennessee Educa'i Bureau, Huiipllos Colli'Kiw, ftoiidt'iiilei, ini l . l lc hiiiI pri»-vat» Bcliooli and f inn l l lm. wi th I'rofrKioi-M. I 'r l i iclpalK,' IVaPlHtni niul Uovi'mrt-Hci., 'IVncb-orH dpsl r lnn Simmlonn hIkhiIcI w r i i « iil nijc for I n fo rma t ln i i . (jnlli 'gi-.s bcIumiIb Iind j i r i . ntp f i imll ldN wanlhiR ('iin>|icli>iit l^'nrhciH w i l l | be p r o m p t l y f i i rulKbed wl th i .n i r l i n r i fo .

AditrMM; ("i. jco A Wimmonb, Jaokwii i, Tcnn. (13-0iii.l Muni i j jera.

A U E N T S W A M E I ) . I.<><!ttl Agents wnnipi l In «)V€>ry c i t y , town

mill county ol Ibc HtHtexnt 'I'oiitieHKetiHnd Ar-kuuaai to ranvinit i for tho Atutual H(>li-l«;niloK-i i i f i i t . iinU Hcnevniont A>socl.ili<)ii ol Anicrlcii Over N I K E T I I O l ' S A . M * Mvinlatre, t l ion i f l i

on ly eatahUnlied In Jiiu(» I fSl . C^ t i n r l ^TMl i i i i i l o r lli<> I n t r a ftf T«>xn«. • • n u a i r w l by II l t nn r< l o f i l l r e e t o r M , Mii|i(>rvls4'<l l>> a N u o r u r i u n u c v C o i i i i i i i M f O . It paynlx 'n . (• l l tn.dur l l ig l l f i i na well a* at d i ' a l l i , niid nro-v id(« lor tho cdi icut lon nl tbo m ino r ch i lu rou 01 lift di^cfiuied inenv . f r s .

TliB boantyan i l ao l l i l i i y of l lx plaiiH nddrcwi t l icuiHelvfa to every In tc l l l ^en i i i i l nd .

Kor fu r thur lnlornintb>ii and l)tt<crii>llve Olrculnrs addrcaa H. V. w o l t l t J N O M , tn ry ArhnngiiH niid Tciinuami' l>ep, i tnt ieul , L i t t l e I tock, A rk - x v l iia x v l l 27


"TOlOYEtNDBELOIfED" Bpniilttul fionir and Chorua by TV I*. WedK-ndorf.

Author ot " I II taka yon honi* ( g i l x Kallilccn," E X Q U I S I T E W O R D S A N D M U S I C .

" To love and be loved ts the Ktcatcst plcamirc of our c x i r t e n c e . " — S M M .

Sent by mall to any addrcw i>o»tpaid, on rceclpt of ( b i r t r c c n t a .


i iv Hi t . (II50. p . ' i i o t y r . W h e n t b i a n i r t l i o d f l r a t a p i i r a n H l , i t wna •M AOVANf . 'K n r t h e popn lMr n a t i o n n m -««>rnlnK M n a i r n l l u a l r i M ^ l u n ; w K u prw-s m a l v o (nu>l>era I t l i iw bm-n l l i « a t M i i i f i i m f r o m I b e a l a r t . NOIV I t la «iel tn«wlr<lKr<l , I t o l l i I n A n i r r l m nnd KiirajM-. m iIm> I tKMT n i i f l n O N T I M > l ' i ; i , A U I>CANU » K T » t > l > IM E X I M T K N t l B . The Kloiiiffiitu are DRnRRr^^ lVP " ' • ' • ' ' • • r 1 Tim K»ere|«B« Bff r n U U n t d O l I t In HUIrroMil» The pl«eii tr« I ' K O U l t U t i i N I V K I n cvvrylhlngl l

I ' r i c o b y m a i l , | > o a t > | i a i d • 3 . 0 0 . P i i b l t a b o d h y

JOHN CHURCH & CO., C I N C I N N A T I . t t l i l O .

Baltimore Ohurch Bells. Hlnco 1(144 oeicbratcd lo rHuper lo r t i y ovo ro i h * e r f . are w wie on ly of Pureal Hell l l o t i i l . (Cop-per BDd V ln ) , ICotaw Honnt luga. warranted M t l i f M U r r y . For Prfoe*, C l ronUro, Ao „ dreaa Bai.timorc Bm.t. f o v N i m r , 1. HMiKlf.

M I L L C f i l S a n d Send l i i r iitiw_cataii

' " ehi 'ore , . enUoo t j i n tC fa iu i i i e f .

FARMERS our Water

A t U a i « , ( M .

voluktahuly accoudkd to

By People who Have Proven ite Benign E f f e ^ * WAJIHEN LKtJiND, A'sw J ' o r l ' ; " T h c r o

« 110 mcdicino lu tbo WDrIti cquul to Aykk'h SahbapakIlla." I C u r t J by I t uf l U i o u n i a t i s n i . ]

I l E V . "VVI E . r r ,N- .v ixoTf>x, Centml Soutk Hampton, N. Ji.: "Ayeii's 8*n-HAKtiAi>AKU,i.A hUH niiulc n new nit in t i f W f . " t C u r t d l iy It of ( i e n e r a l O o b i H t y . }

John- .T. Uvan, Athhtln If. B. C , liiUaildphIa, i'o.: "Aykh's Haiwapa-HILT-A c u m ) me," (Cur td by i l of U l t o u -i i i a t l s o i . ]

Oitr . .*Kr)() S.NKi.L, L f t w f l l , H f o f i , : " I f n ioy i>L'ltcr bealtb thai) over before, due fcofely to the ti.«oof AVKU'iJ Sausa I 'AHJI.-I.A." U u l j l i

. Hcin. J'Sascm SvmTT. lomU. 2 f a « . ;

«'AYKB'«) i i<^aSAt>ARItLi in UH) ftnJjr |jrei>-ors t lon U u t wc tn* t o m tno m r vc«il>' i M t i i m ffaadt" ( C n r r t l l i y I t ot B l o o d l u i t > a r i t l i ) « . ]

M n s . e!. B . T o H P i t t K s i , BroMgn, it,T,t "AYBU*I« S A I I S A r A I U L U bM lIt i lM Jll« UO* told goo«». JKotl i lng baa l>e«n iw cf l t-<mcl<HM." [ C u m l bjr i t ot Vetainlua A l l m c a b i . J , , , _

TeAKKU.Qntprai,LmgFii>tnt,Taca*: " J I m w o r k e d l ike ft c h a r m ; DO nwdlei t ie could hkv« «iceorop!i«b<»l more." f l U f ch i ld m n i b y ATB i t * f l 8aiUiaj>aj)U,la of l $ c r o f u l o i i M Bores . ]

J I M . H , U O K a v , X « t p # « , J f f t f i t . : " X m racontiDcna A¥KR*d BAtauPAtauA to nil a f f l l c tw l . " (Hop boh cunx l by I t o t S t ' r o f u l o i m B w e t U n ^ 0 1 z z t n u H , a a i l l u t « r u a l l ^ o r c r . }

OisD, A s D U E W f l , Lmcttt, Mtu.t , " K o doubt whatever tha t 1 owo my recoreiy t o A Y i f i f » S A i i $ A P A i u u j i . ' ' ( C u r c d b r f i of H a l t K t i o u m . }

IlESiiY J. CHAV«ASi,A'a«At(0, r. jy.; " A Y K i t ' t f BaukaI'akiu.a la a w ^ o c t b lowl j - u r i f l t r . " [Cured by I t iol lonit

• c ro ticrofulooi H h '

O i r o d by i t of Cur l>uncU>s suid ty.l Nathan s, Dottm,

3l<m.: " A inoist vaiualde rt i inodv f o r the lu.>isllud(! un i ldc ld l l ty i i ichk-i i t t o l i i eKp r t i i i ; Ncanon." (lll.s t l i iUfjbtrT cured by Avkh'u .S.kitSAr.viiiM.A of I l c a d i K ^ l i c a , D i / M -iit<»s, l i i d i g c s t l u u , uad U c u o r a l U o -btllty.J

Mii.ton Fox, Draeut, Matf.t " T h e line I wi iu ld rccoinnufnd afmve ail otJii'iS fiN u liliM>d pur i f l i - r . " fCun-d by A Y n n ' s >M(f i , \ j>.\ i i i i . i ,A of S c r u f » l o u » H u m o r ^iiiil D y s p c i i s l a . ]

Si:i,«Y (.'Anrnit, Xashrille. 7V»«n..-'•Mv svstcrn f c i i i i n i . i n i I u r a t t d w i l h H c r o r -iil;i, but Ayku's SAIis.vl AIUl,f.A v u r t d nil;."

A lmost " a l l t i io illn that l l o h is heir t o " upr iog f r o m , o r arc lntcn»Ulc«l b y , I m p u r i t i e s i n t l i o b l o o d , t l ic r m u l t of i i m ' d i t n r y Udnt or o f a w r o n g mmincr of l lv i i i f f . A-vt.h's SAUSArARit-t-A thoroughly pur i f lcs t l i c bloo<l, glvea tone and v igor to the digestive o t ^ n . s , ttnd Imparts tufW v i ta l i ty to the ncrvoua fy« tem. T h e on ly pr< pnrat ion of Ib is cla.«w f o r wh ic l i thc« i claims can l>c t r u t h f u l l y inadc, aod tbo on ly DUO i l i a t d o e s ' ' r e a l , l a s t i n g g o o i l , " Isi

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M i l s . I x i n r r x z o R. U f ( j a i , i » , Me.: "Avkh's B A n n A V A t u t i j i l i i M p m v c d its n m i T l o r i t v to t i l l o ther* ." fCtii iMl by it u{ F c m l u t u d \Vcakue«iM»s.J

PATENTS Hand-Book FREE. _ /?. S <S A. P. LACEY, rat«Bt Att'r<, WaahlntteB. D. 0.

x r l !i3 XVII2S

AGENTS r ' " " " " {>.«• nr-H<-<il« tidMtt Bft fikttfHki Jti:' Ir . . ijl So rtrt JiiTvl.

Cuod« Uh after ^ i L tuu i,o.. Csma) St.. N. Y






( H K I U T I A N H .

K L I ) . II, N . l lA l . l . ANI> UB't. K .C. I lA i . i . , KJII-tore and rubllKln^rN, f.7 St., New <>r-loann, La. H<>iid for i ipcolin«ii w p l e *

xv l SB xv i l ar>

I .TDIA K. I ' l . tKUAJI 'S

Veplalle CoinpiiflJ j s A r o s i i m c D z s

F a r Fen in le t ' o m p l n l n l a n n d iWenki i rnaea no ron i ino i i 10 o a r b m t f e r a o l o p o i m l a l l o i i .

It win miTs £'nttn<l7 tho wnrat fnnu «if Fpmate Com-S>talnU.all Ovarian troulilr<,Iiinan>*iaU»n fk»ini lion, r t l l l na anil IHiplaornM-nH, anil the C(.n»r<iu<!nt

wnalr i iw, uiul In paj^cularl; aUapteU to l l » Bi i l i i l !(• lit Ufe.

« win dlhrf>l«« aiwl »ip»! tumom fK f f l t^o otr ro j In an » r l y rUg» of dCYi'lovniFnt Tlw ((indcneT la rsMoctrnt huroon there In cb*Ui.«d verr • p ^ U j r tiT n* UM.

I I rnnovea falntneM. IUtnl«mr. da f t nm all eravliw ror Mlmnlanta, and t r i l e v n . w ^ n m of lb« ntnniuQ II etUM l l lMUnr, l lmUeli i '*, Kitvoui IVMrat lMb

anil barkaehe, In alwarn pmna It trlU at all {loM« and ^ —. baroKmy withttaalawithatBorirnithaiiVawla fyatam.

For the ear* of Xldn«r Cmnidalnta of either wXithla Oomptmad U n a m i i J a w l J K l w i m DU botuai f u r K w .

1»9 family ahould be wlthemt ttPIA K rmKlfAiT/l WKn r i t u . They ctt»ocwrtl|iatlun,UlloB»a»« and tarp tdUyot tbe l lm. Hee^vabo ia ta l l dmccMt . i |

VclMok. Kc t i d n F o s t a l I 0 ( l i e

C O L U M B U S B U O O T C O . , 4'OI.e»IBITH. OHIO. When catal i iKue And name ol imarett dealr

e r n h f r e o u r a i i p c r l o r voblcleii bcHeen, Hi l l ImM'Ut.

Wo have toe liirK«M«t f a c t o r y In tbe wor l i t Tor manu iac tur lag ar*t-oia«a<a fiVPCKIOM H l t f t J I E S , r i L H T O N S , L I U I I T C A B -

i U A U K H , A U l t i l K Y A H D O l l l t I ' O r V f ^ A J B

AMEmCAN V I L L A G E CARTS, tbo latter the moat i w r f e c t and free f r o m bom* motion.

w < » i > D K i T v r dk o i j v c H , n « i i i « - r m M r n i i « l i l v . T « i n n . x y l U s v l t r

w m n p SmiuujMnSldlEaeiid pneTd. . ItafcrsDcui a i c b a o ) ^ U* i : Uaea.,'

W d W M i A f t V . J T o n e w t n i l P f ^

T w r i r m n « l t a i r 1 l l n n U j

lltsia asd AtulUy, (hl« I* lb* h«3 1 Wateb WM o o f ^ M llw OMMf. Wa aand om of lb* i « m talfy

' ^ l i S ^ B i i ' i

i n iMN j lM^ r r tU^^

Page 8: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

I f --. • h i

m w

(VtuKO. Ai atnooibgof tho Sdoletjr of Arta,

on Tuo««Ifly evouing, Mr. IL Capp«r, Lloyd's agout far llio dlMrlct or tbc Congoi, roii<l a papor on "'.I'bo Ulvora Congo untl Nl/^r Viewed ft« KQtrAuco» for th« Introduotion of Cirllii^atloa into Mid-Africa." per Mr. Ca

III Uiw oourso uf his per Mr. C'appor two huadr^u gtincmtloiw and mora

P «»id thnt kUhougti for

Ifti^o trdflio hnd btsas carriud on ound t nround tho gront doHcrt in gold duKt,

tho creator part of African prodoco KTM of 80 finiaU v»lu9 in vonipnrisoo with lU bulk, that It would not boar tho hoary 00*t of slavo carriage, thu caravans of tho slaves boiu;; ovor« weighted by their own food, ttnd re-quiring •omo two or thrco months to trarerso live hundred milos. Up to within a fow yoara tho western Afri-can trado wfti oonilnod to tho sea-board alono. and not until tho trado of tho lUvcrs Nigwr and Congo was nori-ously entnr«d upon bftd it uisd« rspld strides. In tho last firo year* it was said lo havo (juatiruplod in value. Tho comniorco of tho Congo was qt recent growth. In his tirao twclvo years a-jo thcro wora four English houses, ono French, and one Dutch trading tip tho rivor as far as Nurouku and Noiji; thero aro now forty-nino Kuroi»cian faclorios on tho bankti, and tiic exports nnd im-ports wore valued at £2,000,000. Al-ready tho trado of the Congo was very considomble, and in a few years it iironiisod to attain vast proportions. To hand over tho Congo to the Portuguese government that had dono notliiug— tho results of tho present inercantilo prospority Iwing duo eniireiy to the largo investments of capital, and long years of labor—would bo a cruel aud disastrous act There wcro no visibio signs of PortuMeso authority. Tho niarblo pillar wliich was reported to have been orpcted by tiio Portugueso on Point Padrone in 1859 was tyasbcd away by an unusually higii tide and uu further attempt iiad been niado to put up another, a significant fact worth volumes.

Tho groat valno of tho frce'navigation of tho Niger and Congo wa* tho facili-ties thoy would soon aiTonl to tho utilization of tho inland waters l y Btevnboats conncctoil witli raiiwayg. which wcro not ditlicult to congtruct, the interior being doacribod as (flio vast table-land. Thero was no doubt tho nnhoaltiiy seaboard should be avoided, and the establishment of rail-ways projected from tlio interior. I'hat was enterpriso wortiiy of Ilritlsli pluck. Extensions would soon follow from north and south, and tho interior slave trado would bo annihilated. A routo for a railway across tiio Desert of Saliara was marked tho wholo way with tho whitened skeletons of those who had perished euroute. To trav-erse that desert in twenty-four hours, a journey now rcquiriug four mouths, and placiog tho very center of African civilization within tun days of London, was a foat wortiiy of tho present ago, and after what had been dono in Ameri-ca England should do something. If sho did not Portugal would not. A lino could bo easily laid at an average rato Of ono milo a day. Taking tho doscrt at six hundred njiics broad it would bo two years in building. In conclusion, ho said tho Niger aud- Cio Congo woro tho present entrances to Africa, and if England was true to its trust it would not lot them bo recklessly tlirown away,—London Times.

An anecdote, told IJV tho writer, who has (ust skotched Berlin society, wliethor literally triio or only a neat invontion, has met with groat success. It bit« at what used to bo called in Germany a French fasliion. An Eng-lish missionaiT, so tlio story goes, was invltod to a largo dinner party by a Gorman professor nnd deputy. Out of regard to his cloth, tho hosC after tho ladios bad withdrawn from tho tablo, apologizod to tho missionary for tholr perhaps too deoolletto stylo of dross. "Oh. pray don't mention It," replied tho missionary. "I hnvo lirod for ton yoars among tho savages of Africa, and am accustomed to s u ^ sights.*'

When muiiiplo inako upUitdr minds fngi'tinnrrltHl Itiuay be callwl nilo vote


KKRM/NRN WITITOOT (?OMI'I,A(NT— WHT xnev vAi<«8ui:i».

Near ihoelosoof ono of tlio most trying of tlio few hoi days of iho pros-sent year « pale, caro-worii wonion wigiit IijCvo been icon at thcrwIndoAV of her dwelling apparenlly in ii eon-dilion of coiiiplclo oxhoinlioii. iter (ilforts to meet the iircutnulated duilcs ot'licr household had beeu grcHt but nnHucmiiful, whilo tliecttro of a sick child, WIMWC wails could even then be heard, wan added to her othsrwiso ovcrwhc-liiiiiig tronblcK. XHture iia<i done luurh for hn UIMI in her youth-ful days »be had been not orily'bcau-tiful but tiiO [lO iiesHor of health xuch as is scldotii seen, lliit bonic and Ikmiiy duticH and tho <leprcnHing carox which too often accotnpunv thotu hud proven greater than her splendid strength and she felt at that inonium not only thut life was u burdoii Inn that ttcHlh would be a grand n'licC. This l» no niiUKual expei h iico. |i iy fact, a most cotniiion cv< i ) (IKVOI--ourrcnco, and a {jrcat pi HYC R IM KMI-stanily nsi-ending tVoin ihous unN ol home* for di'livi iiince t'roin il.c il. ail ly power which Ih ciiTtlavinf; so imu.v wives, inolhem and (laii;ik!i IT,. Anil | v«l llu,'i.e dudes of lilt- mu-i l.c im-t | No «onian ran alloid to iiiin aniilt from the proper ciin" <>( h.-i liniiif aii.t IhconcM who iiru cofntniMi d hi Iji i (•arc, ulihongh in doiiif: IIK -C ilmic-^Ik'may sai rilici) hrr hcallli, ami i-od sibly life itscM. ThO <'X|M ri<m c oi one who sticci'Hfilully ovcn ainc siii l, uialw and >et rcUined hcullh and all the l.lfsxings il bring* is thiio told In ISev. William Watson, prcKiiling ci-der ol the Meihodist-EiiiNcopul chnich, roiilin;; ai Walcriowii, N. \ . | |c iiUid :

"My wife hccanie coniploicly run down throiigh overwork ami ra rco l it Mick nieinher of our hoir chold, and 1 tMilcrtainid uerious apprchc isioiw as to hci- fiiliire. Shu wiis liinjiuid, pnl''. iilli'ily cxhau'<tcd, widiiiiil appclitc, uinti i i a coHiplolo Ktiitc of pliyslciii dc' liiio. And yelBlni diil nol, Voidd i.ol mglccl her duties. I have Hecii her about the I I O U M C , f ry ing couraKe-onsly to care for the onc.« she loved when I couhl tell f rom the lines niion her face how much sho WHH Hnfl'vi ing. At t imes sho would rally for a chn or two and then lall bai;k into the utato of LUM Voiis exhaus t ion she felt b -foro. Her bead pained her I'rcqucnt-ly, iter body wan bcctjniinjj bow( by pain and all ho,:c or cnjoyineid in life seenieil depar ted. What to do w,; could not tell. I resolved, however, lo br ing back her life and vitftHty it possible and to this end began ti '! t 'ai her myself. To my great relici her systeui lias been foned up her s tn vigili restor/ 'd, healtii completely rr<-ov( n d and wholly by the u«e of Warner '! . Ti])|)ecanoc, which I regard us the greatest tonic, inv igoru tor and Mo much remedy tha t has ever been di«. covered. I was led to use it tl e more readily as I had tested the health-restoring properties of W a r n e r s Hafc Cure in my own perHon. and I there-foro knew tliat any remcdv Mr. Warner might produce would bo a valuable OIK). I have sinco recommend-ed both Warner ' s Tippecanoe and \ya r -ner 's Sale Cure lo m a n y of m y fr iends and I know several doctors of Divini-ty as well as numerous laymen w h o aro using both wi th g r ea t ijencllt."

If all t h e o v e r w o r k c d and d u t y dr iv-en women of Amer ica could know of (ho cximrlcnco abovo described, and act upon tho same, thoro can bo l idio doub t t h a t much of tho pain a n d mi a of tho d e p r c s d n g Influeucos of lito m i g h t bo avoided. Btich t r u t h s aro too va luab le to remain u n k n o w u . i1*IIII**ad'°<'ai«for pMtof*. and rmxilvo AiMH (M«,aoostt/ iio«oraootM wiiluli wUl btlp Ton to moa«/ rli bt awitr ttmn anTttiiiis •ISAtalhlswatld. All. of•ltb«r mx sueonfd from flni hour, Tlift br«iad roid to iorliinn optni tMrbro tli* workara •tiwlntoiy sure. At 0D0« sdarem, Taua ft Uo„ Aacoita, Maine.

xTftt xvlt iSeom

m H A S C U B E D l O A N y ^ I T MAX CURE YOU.

F o i l n iAI .ARIA,TORI»I» I J T E I l a n d llllilOIISIVlS^H. Knl nii'l Ilrluk n li«t you pifjiBe, Mr II wtu not wdlvnlo vou. It l« purely vei|tet«l)l«, uml con tHli.i. ni>i»i»i>iii.', lrylrllllln(•firnn•rl•l v. HoUl liy tirnxKlo'- Mcdtcliitj D«:invr>i c»ery w litru Km li iiiiit.c cirniiiira lu lial'-lcHJijxxiiihil IIOWH Trlcii tso.

i w . IV. ni is<iic»80i-v & €;o., I 'Vliolcsalc AKcuttt, AIeni|ililM, T«iun.

xvlltxyiliil IlOLLl^NHERO'8 NEW MUSIC HOUSE. C h i c k e r i n f i ,

H e i n w a y ,

& Knabe

P I A N O S . B a y S t a t e ,

Burdette. & N e w Enqland

O R G A N S . M A i \ s T R K i r r , - - . n i E M r i i i H , TEHIV.

The Mec.hanical Orguinette, T i n : HOST IWKIVTION OF T H E AOE.

w w w f m ^ w / m ' w s t w m e

M e m p h i s ^


gto'i&iNiesgEB ^ f

To all Sufferfrom I'ro-lapsod Organs.

I U s e this method ol oaUlag yonr «tr (oalluu M the o«lobr»ted Body and Lung dmoe, #hlch ] have sold tor the iast olKbteeu yean , that I tnav mnlco i t a beneot m papsr by mafclug It a fst Kre»t«)i JtaOJl to vou.

1 wi» bnerty give y«u my rbjuwns for reocmwanding t l m invaluablo article to yuu. Atsro tbah •Igtiieon years ago, I WHS thoroughly broien dosru In Toi(» from eAAMlVo preaching J Iioaald 8(H»ak but S'iKtle while without getting hoarse; my throat was generally soie, and easily irritated, and its tone became hoary and uuiiky i soon a hacking cough aet .a, that incressod, unti l a t the close of a long meeting, my voice failed entirely, undei tbo effects Of a chronic laryngllia tiiat •iwn Huperinduced bronchitis, which seri-ously tnreatened my life, 1 was now compelled to dosUt from preaching, and,

possible, overcome tho.w diflicultioK, «t)(! recover the lost troAsure, — the voice, tliat to a miuintcr or lavryor in more valuable tlian g.dd or Jewels, — nr bn silont forever. 1 spplied U> the uiiMt omineut physiclaan, and WM but little helped; Bare tbo exclHioa oi an sloiigateJ uvula, they could do nothing but adviiK) rent; and this 1 was com-(KtlloJ 10 take, What caustnl and con-tluucJ that oou.itHUt irritHtinn and lisakinsj cough, they could neither ex-plsia nor prevent. Providence threw the remedy in my way. .My wilo was iiiUering from prolapsus uteri, and tiie ()rol'e3i«)r oi the theory and praciic« ol medicine in the University of Nashville Ur. VVinatou, was her piiydiciau, and he prescribed lot her ihix ideiuiuiil Brace, wiiich sjwoilily «elie»od h-r e>he com pUinoJ ol a "dragging dowc; ' and uo language could bettor ejiprc-iH ray feeliuija, and especially alter preaching. I toc fur raJ to me if i l was good (or one case ol "dragging down," why not for another. Without, oonnulting any one, 1 procured one large enough (or myHeli and put it on, the first lime doubtless

wavever worn by a man for auch a reason, and tho result was, the ir-rilallon of my throat soon quleteil, aud the hacking ere long ceaaed, and the roice commenced building un, unti l I could griiculate, which I had nol done 'or twelve mouths, and venr noon I com-menced to preach again. 'Hiat BrHce I wore nearly ten years without communi-cating iU wonderful advantages lo any one, bocauso I thought J wan uning an article that was invented for tho une of .omales only. Privately, to a few s o c i a l (riends who weie suObring as 1 MUUered. I explained tho use ot the Brace, and through mo tiioy obtaiued it, and were raiieved as I ^ as, I now made known the power of tho Brace lo restore, strength s.'n and preserve the voice in public gpoakors, aud than commenced offering il S8 a premium to minislcni for gubscri^ en.

The cauM of «hoarseneH« soro throat, laryngitis, «nd flnelly bronchitis in public iiwakers.and all these symptoms of "drag-ging down," gonnness, exhaustion after speaking, and weaknessS of tho back and loins, pilflg, t nd ueruia, it Uie slight re-axalion of the abdominal mtuokt, uMch allowi the bowels Co sink, and fenoum by nmrked hoUoxos over the I f of tfie hint. Now all know that the linings of the stomach aro connected with those of tho throat and affect the Toctl organs, aud when tho stomach sinks « straining is brought to l>ear upon the throat, and speaking or talk-ing will i r r i u t e i t and produce hoarse-

m d " o«ntinm.a, sore throat, and all the train of evils tbtil public speakers • n w o o t t o mmpla inof , «ud which has oarriad hundreds to their graves, and w h i ^ rear lTtre laying aside as useless knndreds of e then .

Now, alter « personal experience ol •early twenty ymn, ind the added expe-neooe of more than one thousand minis-K " apon whom I w n fitted the Brace with ioTariable

to testify of ito

^ W lute ^ n laid Mlde from public

" w m blMi^ with owofnaoommon w l minniRvt. WlUumt H, two

•r (nrae Mrmoos oxbsost Midi givq me

tbeaeaie Oi tatigue, u a leave m«willt • heatry, husky wtoai with it, I cut try, «pealE four hoUn « day without exlwu*' tlou or itOftrwoeH. I now use It only I now CM It only when upeakiDg, and thus preMtrem; voice and and physical one r (^ ' ' not believe that any one would ever be Hfflioted witll htrnkt, or pOu. ox weaknew of the back jr loins, should he weu It ordinarily loom, and only tight whAu speaking or putting forth unuauiaeR^A It la a preserver oi a good .voice *aA of a sound physical conditioo. It should be worn by every minister and public speaker Co carry the energy aud TI X ol h« youth far into old age, and by every old man t i aasist him to support the growing weakness of ago.

llundrodtt of old nion yearly nre u.iiiig tho Brace for .tceak buck* with InvHriablo BatisfactioD.

I do not cbiim that the tioiy and Lung Brace will euro ovory dweaso thut ileah IH heir Ut; but it will re-lievo, whore it does not fully cure, all that great army of ilia and aclies that soon break dowti tho bout consti-tutions, which aro caused by pro-lapsus of (he mmde» which support the iiUamai orgam, Tlihi Is the only mechunicui contrivance ever dis-covered that uplifts the aliduinen ruther than cuiupru»Ka it, as all truiweH do.

This Is what it doen, M thousands who have ased it are [>repared t« testify: It supporbj the back, abdo-men, stomach, lungs and womb. It, therefore, prevents lassitude, hoarie-ness, piles, hernia, coiiBumption, and that terrible disease,—dyspetwla.

It increas«w tho breathing capacity, and therel)y gives strength to the body.

It exsiHinds and enlarges the lungs, and thus renders breathing free and easy, and thereby promotes digdstion.

It rcllevcH chronic coBtiveiMSS and piien when all other meitiu nave failed.

It Invariably rvslieves all oiutca ol prol<ip»\u ultri in females, a <lisease that no mvdiclne can reach, becaase, like a broken limb, it needs mechani-cal support.

It relievos pilea and prolapsus ani, by uplifting the lower bowels from the rectum.

It is being u8(Ki more and more yearly, as its value Is known, by )ul)lic spetikers and singers, and by hose having weak lungs and backs;

and l)y those having stooping shoui-derj and hacking coughs, {he sure precursors of consumption. And many a sufferer has been cured of dyspi/iwia and liver cunplalut who hau been considered In tho last stage of consumption.

OtIK inrBOVED UBAVE. The original Brace, mado only for

ladles, was too weak for tho sterner sex. I remedied it by an important Improvement, as the following will show: —

!,«( all Take HOUMI Tbia lo oertlfjr thnt tha nndoralirnod

IH til* onljr initnnfiMlnrer of Iba Bnn-niRK Hotlj' Hrnca.nnd Ihnt tbo«ie iniHi-an<c(nrc«l fur i . R. tlrnvaa, I.I..D.,are iiindfl dlir«reitt, nad are nior* darnbie, nu<l nil linprovotiienl over (he pr<i««n( Hlylo noHT In ninrket. We nail to uo olb«r pnrly Nonlb of tba Ohio Rlvar.

e. C. DANFOKTII. Omo«o ManTKOo.,Uoon.,Mkyl IWS. No etlHJr party In this city or the

South sells ray Improved Brace, un ItHs lie can show a written com mission from mo.

doUan for It. 1/she could not Rat an ' oUier ono ef tbo same kind. ^

iv H. TusNna, K.O. Hnynevme, IA., Apri 19, 1877. All the Bracos vhteh 1 have or-

dered idyo the greatoet m^tlsliwtion. O'er ftil kfn(t*afwomh<|ifM«u«M. wMakr Lung and lumbago they aro iuviilutt bloi "-^W. V, I^witKNOje, M.1J.

OrawfordViUo, Wifcsu ' TKs-riHOMT o r r t ie i . fv wrBAuiiKit

Vron (beCiaveriKMrorTaaiMnMae. The following certiflraite from Gov.

Porter, who Ims thoroughly tested the merlta of out Improved Brace, should be read by all Buflbrers, He largely, if not altogether, owes hLs hist elw-tion to th« Brace. Notice what itesays: —

KcMuUva OM<<«, NMHIivtlla.Tana., 1 l»a«<>iubi r ai, l>r7<<. J O r . J . R. (JrKvea—l>cur S i r :

1 UMcd t h o B r a e o Kent by y o u r -se l f d u r l u g m y l a t e c a n v a a a o f tike 8 ta te . I t w a « o f v e r y f r « a t Her r i c e to uio, a u d I foe l very w e l l aatlNlied t h a t I f l h a i l c d i n -o i e u c c d ItM uMe a w e e k e a r l i e r t h a t my vo ice would n o t h a v e b e e n eOTectcd a t a l l . T h o ttrat t i m e I used It I addre t i sed a l a r g e c r o w d o r p e o p l e In t h e o p e n a i r , a n d 1 lou iu l t h a t m y vo i ce w a s very u iuchMt reng th -• u e d , a u d a t t h e CIONO o l ' a t w o h o u r ' s s p e e c h I w a n I1ree f r o m m y u s u a l f ee l i ng of wearlueNS a u d e x h a u s t i o n .

Very R e s p e c t n i l l y , JAS. O. P O R T E R .

•IKUtTEBM' TESTDfOMr. nKAB BBO. « RAVES i-Ton made me >r«««iil. Boute Ibree jreasM aico, of one . . BanulnK'a Lnnft and Body Uraeea. 1 aeoaptad and kapt It l«r (hraa ycnr* wllbont waarlnic it. raUiar elannlnK •neb tbin(a nndar ina head of bniu*


liciana and refer to

I could produce tbo toeilmony oi hundreds of eminent 1" ' surgeons of tho North, but pn givo a few Southern practitioners, who are known or may DO written to.

Tho late Dr. Btone, the great 8tu> goon of New Orleans, pronounced it the perfection of mechanical inven-tion for the purpose Inteiidnd: i. e.. the uplifting of the bowel* «ad rellei of all causes of prolapsus ? the iO' tomai orgfMU. r

jscnbed one ol jmpr Braon te patientofniina last fall. She

woald not takt Iwrnlrsd

I proBcn< iadypaUi kvsibawf


an: of I

it: every minlsUir, stronc ex .wetltj ihnuld have one. ^ A.JioinrB.

Uaion Depot, jsastTeBBeiwei-ii^' '• VKmrm0Mr 0WJtAmmMaM. ;

Ia ju |ira«M a&iM &siAinM{ aiui 1 nm 190 lo oxgnm mrsratiiiiaa to yOc tor tta tnmlboueata^liba|adai^*fi4 irbwi 1 oonu^eoit itao tm oTvui Oaim i wwa lui-siile A>r Biiwiui laoray and IumI MM. tor .atauMS vorttalaiKcAi •even /ears, . _ ft wcM^tM^mnd f«nmJl wUch tlie Braoa uu givwi

"r";."""* aoa vonm not »)r BnMws (or any nudnnt. Not Jm. Ueaim. wijwelaliy »is HaetOm^^"* eel Br««tly tiiucutflu loyon inr u x r ^ r UeailU, all fnnn WMring the Hrtuv,

n ridtng bwwMMuMC, Bo ona bai any «m> atipilon of Jti wonn. l tMdlav* it to ba ail vuu oiiUm. i would not b« witttoat IC

iba Teatlmsatj' of • CbrJatlMN Woman I'abliabvil for «baltaaaiit*r

liar Valloir«iiirwr4?ni. J h»Ya orde^ irom yon torty Bniea* Cur my fo'oiila Ii1»nd«. Tiia BIUUMI all IIM

mMclibennnteU. Thamoirtofthew S r i ^

outt or ih«m r It. I do Uiiii; II will ueucflt anv ooalu

MKW. i fMtored nif the Umta.


trUl, I cheerfully bear my tesUmony to its value, I can perform my Ubor with jSfty iHjr cent more and comfort t h u belore; I would not be .without it foi twioe iu price. T, 0. BOTKIS.

SundaynwAool Efangoiist AJanU, Oa. Kid. J, H. Ctr«'voa~-Dear Bin 1

mjrn you,and U li ImiwiiblS n ^ ^ l S a ^ J i»oKi« til which u» their ueliSiiu SSe Brace lorUemi for a&Ui nipturB, iKth ?wS puds, liM supported Ule penin »> win hi

" " r i w u r r p J d MOW. He hofi never worn it i«t all. The*^vVJi. he p.rriM would take « hun&fS doH^ for Ihou. aud do without, O. U. MT^UiKV MoatioeoJo, Ark. WIJSUMAJI.

bnnerp." Racentljr, tba faeaTj aud HftUKnlnK «in>rui ol (ha C'antcnnlal qttlia broke down for tba amtmonib, eoBcIadad lo try the r<)Jeel«d Uraee, and 1 do not beeltata to tealify to the Invalnabla worth of tbla Brace. I mn andnra at leaat ibree llinea tbearaonnt oflabor (hat I did before without fa* tlvna. Ur voice baa IHl'ROVf^O AT KVKRT STUP o r INVRKASEO UF. roRT, and my pbyaleal atrenvlb liiui b e e n mostefllcleully renewed. I would not take tan timea the priee of niy Brace now and be eompelled to dla. penae with II. I moat cordially re«om> mend tbla Brace to thoae who may, nhyalcally or otberwfae ne«d It.

t^torThlrd Bsptt«t CLareb, St. lioala. BANNlHaM BRACB.-It In one of (be r'raateat of phyalenl blea«la«« lo n pnb-le Mpeaker or alniier. The taallmoay of many mlnlater* aa to ita Kraat b«ue< at would anrprliia tfaoaa who know notbincoflt . M. U. rORD, I.I..D. Editor (brUtdao Bepotltory.

uacM or lu a wason, foUow my nlow intaSJT endure more w1akint.«ubtit^n«r JtiSiSS!;

Hj^e U, l>u truly U,e vefy m ^ l j ^ K i f / '

you I 1 waa

The Brace 1 find is of great boneflt to me. afraid It was not what It was recom-mended to be; but I was induced by my physician to get one. Shortly afterward, the church that I was a memt}er of called mo to serve them Uf pastor; and 1 accepted on tho con-dition that they should get mo a Brace. I was ontireiy broken down from over speaking. I could nol speak longer than fitteon minutes un-til I became very hoarse; but. witit the Braoo on, I can spoak with per* feet ease ono hour: atid, after 8}>eak-ing, I do not feel that unpioasantnoss at my sbomoch ttwt I did before using the Brace. I can say that the Brace Ls all that Is claimed for i t ; and I wotdd advise ail si>oakors who foel fatiguo and lassitude after siHjaking by ail means to get them a Brace, before they have to stop speaking, as I had to do. I would not bo without it for any consideration.

Ooleman, Mo. DAVID UTX.

I havs KiTsn the Braos a fair trial. I find it all that ii olaimod for it. 1 would not take $100 for the right to uw it. I iu>pe that all my inbiaterint bnthien will procure one.

J . A. RnmoLDi. Fnltoa, UiK, 1874. I oan preub day and night tor two

withMirBraosoaamlMi be u MoatlM I la (M««Mk «1Ui*<t*

Horn Lake, May l». ibt; ror narKe.baek Kldlbc.

iunrSllJcWo^l^M lu very reeWe health, i S i d e Sa An Utterly impoaaibla to have aioou it without the Bia^T^

T t ^ X H v ' y ">ii,g fofthSSi Who iST; .l .*.®.' f"^®''. "" honwhack. l i t a U ^ ^ have IIU) do get a iJraoe a» anon Mjftoiy^ Camden. Ml», Jannary '

PKIVK OF BRACn. The price of this Brace before the

war wad 120, and $25 when m t S bS the medical profcHsion. ^

Tho pittont having expire*! I hBi« s w t ^ tho manufaetu i^^ i i i S ' 5 heliaprovcd Braces uponsuch tcniis

t i ^ u a t U i e follow. J'lain Brace, brdiBary iiiaM.... . .•10.90 .

I offer my improTod Bntc6 to an* one

sevenly-flvo cents for every rob-Bcribcryou fail to got of the club.

B i R E c n o m r o B j n u a i n w r a . Take a t«pe, iiryoa bmwm mot m MC«.

lar meaaarlnir (aiHKllao. and aaMmira two Inehaa BKI.OW Ui«U|Ni«r aroond (be abdomea, MHI ana it tk* mawmralHlaeliM. Vfeia BrtMM «r« (01 mwrhed la ovaa a a a i b m , aad wia »f •lUarced lw» la«dli«a.

In all cases tbo cosh must^ aooom-pany tho order, with tba name of th* nearest Express offloe, as aone are sent out on a la l to tM returned. Bot a perfect fit is guaranteed. We send out Braoe tiy miail, when 8fi oents ad* ditional is sent t o m p a y pcetego and register fee. TheHraoe will M ur* changed by iKireluuwMg^g exprcn or Rtail ohaiKtM

s- m, OKA m a . WiirpM', -'mtu

Page 9: VUMfbriAMW TBRAMttt i thren ante o

f s . -

B a p t i s t B o o k H o l s e ^

S S f i M n t n l l « i m ^ h t « » T « « V i . TUa IHMM bM bMtt uwuilaad tor UUJ

iMiw cf aaeei Aiw tb* ommni n W «li u(« tlaMlARI

eitOtfiu "Alia iNmaiu^'Mkooi i U«ii«u •tirylMra* And M

% J S t W S E f f '

• iSc tMidWfn^ ta r

I W -tion Ik tMi knioDttiMoa*

»e{iiTii to ui« ptimitirj) rauaioUv* of pMe» aiid praawtHy tbifMgb. MlontDMtna*. Tt ivwUoMtriwUualUMV. itndUM M r a n i ^ of u u Mrraia«ntl*T<>r Um ftt«t Urn* Oavwlopad Qttt of umi •ytatwllM^i the AlCtQABUl WNHt to (Wictqrat* » • TiiU*k<m)il in tbt bmad»tf»tvrr afiri »hOM prcjuaiMd acaiiut Uum b r U l * try Of b i to t r / . Prieo, ?6o.

OI.I> IWikS B l t A K K t l l l i - W H A T M T t i Br J ft Untre*. im Utu «rurk tboMltaor di»-aaM«iiiiwl'*MWcp,"by HoriptnfmJ «od bU-ioclvAt AOUiOrtU . dU tbe Old L a u d a w l w ol Uji* •poatoUe »Qd prbuluv* «barab«t, Mid dtmoMtrUM wojit b u b««n tba iHfiteUe* of Ut« eiiareUM of UbrM l a MqiKibV *«M. Tula work U rieb U> HerlpUtnl and bliUorteal laformaUon.and la »eo(upleU aod AnsBiwanibla Vtndlflktfam of Old Land-UMUkiaxi. Krarjr good lAndmarkar abooid iaoor (O it tba iMgoat poaaibla elreol*-tlo UoH. paga*. Frlca 75 ota.

•fbtroe lt«aka«M for M i n t m BwpUa , •wd • T r e a U a * om C*aBiiinnlOB.-TbUi U a voloabia UUI« work, aod haa Daen blaaMid to tba ooavonitDu oi a sreat many to tbe

. . . . . . ttlUtndaoln

b S S d ^ k f t f Tblaworkli! • t r ^ n O ? * wmbat io i i toUaptUt l i te ra taro . bMMr^CtMrtiOB of bUtortaaj fiMta, wltb o o ^ m Ublo of ooulenu and aide-note*. -41flNi«M.IUiO.

<ViUSOB4MIIA K M B i r r o r , Ttae •M<*i»« By A. c .Uar toQ. ii-

Tba anbjeot ol bapiUm U thor onsb l r dlMOHad lu a popnlaraudattrBfltive

BAutbitfiiltb,«iMt«uenstb«ued mi i t . a u pp. jPrla«,SOe

V U B C C H KAKDAt. . ByJ.M.PandleUm 0.1>. Tbla in aome reapeeu la the Tety beat ol a i l t b e m a n y worka oB Uia aabjeeuand tba auSbor^ dlvUlon of offenaei Into reraonal KDd Ueneiml bi fbr praferabia to tbe usoal

and fnbt lo , aluoa tbeaa terms are SbblKnooa. iTwa. in oJoUi, SO ota.

I t a p U a t VtiMreti S i r o e t o r y . By Edward T. iuSoox. 1>J>. A snide to the doctrUu and oMoueaa of BaptUt o n n i o h e f c ^ ^ ^ p j ^

BitltUal S h o r t • e t l t o d . - B y Kdwaid T. a i a o ^ i>. I>. Tba oU««t of tbla work la to d v e * clear, eendeuned bnt compr6U«n<lve flaw of tboao polnia of difference wblob dla-tlncniab BapiMU Dram oilier deaomlnatlooa, ana 10 fomlab tbe boat arcumenti . In tbe leWMt w o n u and in tbe moal locld atyle. for tuoae who wUb to know, aod Uu»b who wlaii o dafaad onr vtowa. Prloa, « ota.

T H K TKII^eWKA O a O K A T H B T O S f t o r T 0 B E B A O B J i a i B r . 4 . B. S r m v ^ IJLJU^ Tbla la a lUUe book tta«t baa

Tua'aoaatlon tbey eannot ana war le, "Are tbe OADtuma of t b a Bomnn CatbOUe ehnroh ^Sl ld t" if tbey any » Ve •• tbey thereby ^ n U t tba Bomaa CWtoUe ebnreb to be a tme ebnreb of Cbriat, and tbat they are ber.

• No, alnoo all tbelr ordlbaoooa eame » a m Home, and U Uia uatbollaUboreb la tbe Adalteions Woouui of ite'ralatloiui, then jproteatant MiaUea ,one »sd aU. are bar ^tiarlot ' danxbtera. Tbla miok»lao forever aetuea tbe anaSuona of AUen laameniona and Cloae<l la n«b In bbrtoclealmntter Tbe aatbor abowa tbat tba baptuma .of tbe Ui^oUea, ibe antl-UlaaionariM and tbe CampOeUltea, one and all, came fltim Baptlat ehur&ec. and if tbe baptiama of ItapUata are not valid, they are onbaptued, and U valid, men Baptuna alone are ennrcbea.

APOSTOLIC CHVBOB. By W.BwI^ton. Tbla ta m vary able treatlae on tb* doetrlna ana poUty of tba New Teatament ebnrob. Tna«tyie la clear and Inald: the argument B,jjit«riy and oonvmoing. Tbla book anp-Blua ft long needed work tn our denoml-u u o n a l Utarmtora. r i iaelnolotb. tQota.

U T T U K B A r r n r t . By X M. s u m n . Kevlaed and oorreeted by M. P. I^awrey, D.IJ. Tbla la a aim pie oat cbnrmlng atorr. I t 11* InatnUMveiy folly and lorelbly tbe doctrlnea w t t M ^ M a p i ^ bold and leaeb: and wbUe init t be book to plaoe In tbo bauds of tbe Vonns. U will bo found very jprontable to oldtvporwna. Prleetnclotb,tSola.

B A P T l M r D B a o m X A T I O B . By Mba J . WeUb. Tbla la * priao-book of tbe

Bnnday-arbool Bowd.aetting tortb tbeeom* m o n ^ e e u o n a t o Baptlat teTttaMd praotic* mme» by tbo faobbopuat world* anawartkg U e m with aocb aWXity. and in • Manner ao tajidMUBg. aa to anut lo tba antbor to toe p i U h a d d o l s U t n i s B a p U s ^ lnelotb«Seta ,

T b * C k w r c h - I M M r*|i«|r mm* O m U ' • • n r v A P ' - W J a ^ k .

abnHmofganlMUoii a r r « r l i i u n « B l a r j r r m e U o d .

llule* fnr eondoellng boriuiMIn dellberaUv* i " .mblirt. My V. a . Hell, O.U. «i pp, Prte^

B i Q i a M i l a f t T g i M •

. _ _ _ work UMfMel^

.luiatlMUgattdlbny an » aspoolally.

' " H i

f o «iniii4 • ioKbirt

l « | |»MI V n m r i i e l l U e I tu -l . o . uajrlott, Ybld m a KiVUi* iWWtaeriifl i . Wa^or, Killler

»»(f o t h m t A Valuable bcnkt a ^ -aboaid b« ten«i»lly Twd. In f l ^ m p a g e m w ^ : ,

i n three arg« oot |»b to)itniiM~«Vvr IMO pogea. 'X'biA vftluoUii wfliFk, iitforda MlnxMt a coiapl«l« »yituiin oi theoloiiy, and (• valn«ble t^yond ectlrriHtc fiSutTtoltkiVi Ubnury. I'rtce. lajW.

m m .

This work, to! Htomoodt D.u,. «b sDoiar, la tb< beat woi

roTodU pa«ea,

p n n r o B i c A t . . MB«)HABD« HIWTOBT. By U. u .

vw v o v m TitKniiw " ttie teuera .. . divjue work we know

Jay^K)hof><ii and i3nnd»y-««iH»ol a'wo volnute*, e«H»b

I K«rlM »H X&ttl iow, iSikrlt, l.nk«- nnrt •Mlaaa^-Ksplaoatury and praotloBl. a ntar oouimentary upou a crIUcui huaU, vm-peelally deiilgUMt lor f imor* nud Hnndny-Sohooi*. Hy Um> W CIttrk, 1> D, HUthcir of A Now llatfnouy of the Uo«PBUt, •sic, Tiipiio ar vnlnable oomroitutarieMi and th« iiutlinr Ih h Baptlat acbolnr who datila talthfully wUli UoU'v word. Knoh gOHticI tM lii u Mdimriito vol -ume. Price, oer vol., | i JO.

urii IM OA aoroo toxt o n the year. Tbfsr* who jieoda >u thla w;>rtt »


miJca of Oeporwrf, ItajitiKt . rulwi,

ivamfn; '•wd u«*>rMi rtt'insJics.

(bis Hook IU..J txjojrtuiig . _jifltt*«) trtfuiMicM.iji* (,> prahoUM them Jd

T U F E B L N D L N T F A I S M I E R I I I x,

a R M i ^ •Mwemaloai. By D. U. Kay ren^Mwk on CampbelUom. A

Tbbi work if

By Hoe, In cloth, 11.00. '

Bapt tBt H i a t e r y . By J M Cramp, V p. A ' - im the fpunuatlon of the

K. O. Bayton, Vol. 11.. PP. «1. rrf

eompieto hUloiT from the fpunUatlon of the ChrlStlan churob tothecloecoftiie ejg h t * o ' h ceatnry. Price,

TUe Bap t l a t a . By T U Jonee, D U. Being

- Prlcot vO clA. T S B o B i e i H or B A i T i i r r s , B r

a . V»rd , I . I>D.-You ought to be faioUlar with tbe HUtory of your own denomination, at U M ^ b e ouuiue of It. You have no Ume to E n l a r g e book. In tbla lltUe hook ot i n MBM yon b a v e t : all In a nut-abell. Tbe M t ^ ^ m m e n o e a and traeea back the Bap-tist denomination from tbe provent century to daya ef tbe ApoaUea. i f will show yoa ' ha t BavtUrta did not originate with Itoger WllUwni. nor in Kngland, nor with the mad men of tAmstar. aa our enemlea charge, bnt are older than the Proteatanu or the Uatbollea, and arm in fhot tbe only religions eommumty t h a t baa stood since tbe apostles, s ^ l a tbe only Chncob deaervlug to be called The Cbnrsh of tairlst. This bi a new and greatlr enbujced edlUon. Price «0 cU.

l .««tavM OB B a p t i s t H t a t o r y . By Wm B Williams, V 1>. Price, tl.7&

l . l »« r ty o r C^onacioBce a n d t h e l l « p . t i a t a . By Rev. W. A. Jarrel. This U a new and able CenUnnlal Tract, of 63 pages.

Price, lu cloin, 38 cu. T h « NniTeriiiB C b n r e b . Hy Rev. W. 1)

Cattlno. a p a g e a . In paper 10 cu.. In cloth 26 eta.

KervetMa. Tbe hero martyr ot the six-teenth century, by a U. Vord. In cloth, lis p«gea,30cla.


Tbla la tbe ahleat and moat learned discus-sion of the age. Mo sneh valnable book on tbe denominational differences rietween Baptists and Hetbndlsta has ever bven pre-sented to tbe American pobllc. lifH pagee. Printed on floe paper. Price, lu sheep, Uhrarj style, »

v i i « SaT ' l i ncaa Debate—On Campbell-lana. Price. il.eo

C a r a o a o b B « p U a m . This Is one of the kbieat worka on tbe subject ezUnt . Mo minister can well aOOrd to be without it. Ocuvo of over 500 pages. Prloe,Ki.OO.


TWMK BOOM.-Thero should be a HaiilUt Mymn and Tune hook lu ev»ry farally. Yhls IsacholcftselmUoii ol tliuv«ry L>t»to( Hyuiux tba*, teach s<mnd doclrlue, ami ft KoleclUm ol tbesweeteet L>evotluii«>l,iU,-vt vhI nnd Mitiiduv. school Hoiign yet nitulti; and the inutile lu shaped uuies, and can lie um U by tliMe acooaiiLed wtlli thernniul nutenfui wtill. Hay thbt nice Hymn and Tune Hook Tor the Kuiu. Ily Bible, and oii« lor ettuh olilld, 'I'htK l« d« nlgnrd to take Itie placa ot lliii uld Houthern i>salm<st, IwHiwl tweJity yciani h«<>. Kxaniliiv (t belore you piircliahe. >• imvi,- iiii|fi,.vcii Its. aptx^nrui't't' '• 'i') miicii, I j luivuij? m-w fi|n't«B ami Ii«« kuIcI l.t •llll) iiMnti' <'i.|ii ciWlji lur thin lM*jl4, uii'l puit r "I « iiiiiuli Li ltor i(U;i|. Ily limn iirevniudlj ii->"l 1 'if prim m lrtr,;c and tli« niusli' Is In ihf iliariiolir i.i sli.-ifHi uOtCT ItldB f»r.'can Ue«lii>iwl«l<iil bj .mrliiiMli-ren In Iliccouutr),. Ji; Ijj nuie and IW) tuiiw, Bn Ali'linUftii'iil ludi-i huli

unil MftricHl liiticx, b ' i i w i^u'mi n<l«x to flr^l liuc»; in (net «c li^vc fpai'mi no

KXiivnre In i'iT|>nrl"I< Hilit VHW Mniu.m, .mil WT • llll» tKK.k W illi |.|l,li., n»i

Hill i w< Imve . iln' itiiIB J •t

i'«iiy, or »7.S0 l>tr clu/cn, !•) iii.iil. )'..>H|.iii,l. or Jti^i jier ilomn t»> vx^nw. pun imr-i r i.uyiiig

VXlHJll U I, |M*. . onn iiowoUiT von llii» Ikk.H wtt)ixtttl»<In(( llil" lUlilUiiiiiul ri'.iiiK-eil On* |irl<-V til >n'V»

cliarKi-is iliuii n>Bk-!iig 11 ilto ( ti.ii|u<»i .i>. U. ihis lh« li««t Bnd HuiiUiiuiiiift

I'lmt-iT I'milin iiiiiJ 'I'uiu

Itook in the luurkel T H E S K W U A I T W T L > N A M H I N T »

wlt t iuu t Mnslc. \Vb liHVc bIwi rHlnrcU Ihf price o( tills l>ok lo (Ml criiif. per copy, t>i &u |K r dozen by m.iil, pustpiiul. or J". 0«i liy i xpi-nw. 'llilsUook Coninini* Itic >*aiiit- tivnin>4(tH tii Itii' New" U«ptli>l rKnlmiBlHHU Tui.n lloon Scinl for n MpecliUfii i;<i|iv.

H o n l h e r n I'ltnlfiilxi. A now, imprnvctl and revlitt>d (kIUiuh, in wulch will liv rmiiid In plfkCe of the old luilex, ouu oi lHrt;c, Uilt typo, Hud ttlHO tuHuy uew Hud lavorltf bymos, tuklug the pluco of oLlient wllll•^ were wantlug In merit. Ttie RiranKemev and nniul)«riiij{ liavo iial bottn lnt<irrii|i|«i lOIX) hvmuH. tluin iokii, T.'k'

Kvrrgrt**!! Ilyii i .IM. .Nfw nl I. ion mini only). A coiU'''iluii li" «i ttie l)i»i uiki sweeUuil of our ••oM-llint" hynnis. Tiii^ work liaa l>«eu coiiipili'il Ui incittit want Uing telt lu i-iir CMiililry lOiurcliCH anil tin, pra^nr and social lueotuiKii or tiio chnn lifH in l'IIIch aud towns, lur a kinull iiinl clioiip liyiiin liixik ounliilnliiK tl>«> bid! approveo ainl immt popii lar hyHiDH, liolli olil niul now. filc«, po copy. In flfXliiUi clulh, p*<r (to/.t>ii, in (l<i-\lhlo cloth, (il.SO.,

By A. P. rorks ever

C A H P B E I < U « H EXPOSED. WIlUams,D.D. One of tbe ablest worl prodneed in reftaUtlon of tba pemloious viewa held and tMch t by the so-called Christian ebnreb. Prlae in elotb, ll.eo.

T H E I H P I D E I / S DACOHTER. Tbla - wntera. Dr. A. C,

shonld »1. •1.00.

book by tbe prince of Dayton, is one tbat every family sh bavo. l u sty la U cbara lng . PagM m

Prioe, in cloth, |1 B o y t o C a a s p b e l l i a n i . By D B Ray. A

valnable work for all who wish to nudar< stand CampbelUam. Pri«e.gli*l

D O C I K I W A T . A I T D E X E « J K T I C A I , . P H I L O M O P H T O P B E L i a i o n . By W,

C. Buck. An able work, and one Uiat oan be read wltb froOt by atudenu abd minls ten Intoraated on tbla snbiecb In elotb,flXO.

TBOt B(Bi .B DOOTBIHE O P T H E B I D ' B U S U P I L AUD EXPOSr r iOM OV H O P E B I I • h B R U B . B r J . B . « r»yMk U o B ^ Y o n want lo form a Horlptuna idea of yoar slate af ter deatb and befOre tba rear amot ion . Yon want to protaet your fUnlly Mcainat tna penalelona Csaoblnga of Hplrli^ wJ t tU . O a t ^ i a book, read it, and get aU vonrfkmil r torMidlk I t U tba moat intar>

UtUa Ixmk yon avar read, and will larga nnml>or of tbo moat dlfBmiit I of Barlptaro. Yon aboofd read it

s r . " ^ t b r a t f i d l .

O i r l a U k i i B M t r l M ^ A O o q w n i ^ t t of Tbaolocir by 1. M . Prndlawn. jEU), Tbbi la an wtMUaof wofk of «S0 pgg«i, l i i i a typd. Prioii, In elotb. ILM.


Hermons ou liiiportniil KUliJects, by J. M Pendleton. ThU Is an Invalimlili) work.

Price, 111 clolli, Sl.UO nt.>argeou's^NeriuoiiN—10 vols.

I'rlce, per vol. H e l p s t o t l io P n l p l l . I'loUi, K.Oo. P n l p l t T h e m e s . Cloth, R.Uq.

BOOHIt r O K UVIt C ' l l ILni tKN. T b o Hfofry o r t b e Biblo—From Unncutm

to IteTelatlon, Told in Hlmple LnngnsKC for the Voubg. Hy Chas Ku«ler. I t hnx brou the endeavor of tlie author, lu prepurliig ihlo work, to use such slinplo lungtinee and lurniH ofesprciisluu KM (while not und1|itiini-d nor dIspleflSlXK loiuorneitlturwl iiiIucIn) Rlinll bi> Intelligible to ciUldreM and unixliuatod adults, without further ezplauatloii.

Price, 1,100 r t r a t NIo|>h f o r I , l l t lo Fee l In (JoHpel

PNtha, A u*w bonk hy llio iintlior of tlio "Hlory of the Hlble," and "The Hlory ol the Ooapel." ThU Itooh has been propared with grostcaro for the ItiMrnoilon oi the little uDcs In tbe Nnriery, the iufnut Hchnul nnd ibe KIndergarton. ItIssrraiiKei upou udllliir-ent plan fromeltherof theiiiithnr'HprccpdIiiK werks. lustradof iMiIng dlvlilod Into chitp-tern or leMons, It couslnts ol KegHriito piimaui most of them ((uite xhort, and enoh comnk In lliielf. Kollowlng enali pnssngn lire prints., IIueatlons, so simple In their conniriiotlDn thnt the little hearer. If nttenllve wheu the pas-gage Is read, ban raslly answer th^n , Ily tini kindness of several ladles, tcneliers of kin-dergartens, the nuthor WBR perinlttiKl, wlillo preparing his liook, lo read portions at It (o tbelr classes. The pupils seemed Interested, llatened attentively, aad nnsnered tbe qucii-tlona with spirit aud apparent, iilessiire ti theroselve*. SW pp., Iflino., with colored Kront l^laoe and UO niuitratlon*. Price, fiO«u.

«nnnr o t n r o p s i s h t . ByMiasLicaia O. Dongberty. TbU llUle book portrays tba w t M w t l w of tba Ualeitbil City f ^ t t way to i t s t l i aooa to ( tba lonranr , a t e Adaligbtnu fdUbPa book, i n elotb, M iMuraa. K nta. ' having bcflii spent in tbelf )ireparallon. foo nagWiT lemo., with UU tllbstralluti* and i Wontlintleaa.ln colon, of ".leans llleanlDg Mt UaObnaren." l¥io«,soou.

bow. .Flue besavy pa] »nd Is tbo roost -UeMH^d-Hook ever t iMks who liitveti the minutes and their churches every ptirtlonllir.

NWKKT riL^liDS O f EDKKIsUle b/im« .1 u uew Hui>di»y«ch<»"» niuMc book li.,^ Otil ruwived troiu thi, publlshen-. U IM (H^

• • ' evtr swi tlittu Jiny piin'r irnao «IPM< fi^tiU

ot ..hi ruwived troiu thi, pntjltsben-. It - -liindftouuwt book wo b»va evt r swu (ivinit'ti u chftrocter notes. The Mi'boi'<>, T<mni>»-,

KItfler A Hliike.Hid more tlJ|S wi ItHK, have coiriWttw to »li»« 11/ Ailma lKK>k of hrii(ht, lltetndluQK, sIdk-libUi liiiiKlCt siiid (itin iMMllOLIIitrl}- siill^d In Hundiij"»ioiuHii niie, Hiiigle copy. »!•., pfnti-paid

OSnonNK'N I.CCIITBKM. Hithjrrlii Mliwloii ottl ie Youug Men or the l^mth; Tbr Hphere and MIhkIou o! Woman; The (lcnl>i» oi Miutfjnry. 114 pmR' s.SAcUi.

Tim I>itK(nr. By H<»v II Harvey, I» li. A b<K>U every liitplUl pr^aeher, who dwitrw (i. know how to ht a in.>Oil »vi!d uselul piniiir. Nlionld have, It l« so cheap every oni' ctui buy It. I'rlce. W) nn.

MornI n n d RflliciouH Aiieriiot«-«. A oolleetioii or nearly llireo (lioiiKiuid fneti., m-cldcutH. exHiiiples. utid tentlmonUw, lioiii orluliial lUid ReieelMl, With eopiouh Topical and Bcrlplural ludexen. Price fl.OO.

Tlie Aniiolntei i PnrnKrnpi i Klble , -I'libllh'.nd hy Mie Ijondon'I'Tuot Koclely. 'riiii. Ih tbe lH«t aid (<> illble HUidy yet iiiibllhliHi Itii iiunr. (ire brief and fnll enoiikli, wlUioiii lieliiK ciiiiilM iKome 11 In rocomiiiendml bj all lendlnK iiilnlKterd Wo library iHtjciiiiplilp wUhoutlt, Price, 111 shwp.ttiie

Tl ie Pr i rHt . Ilie Wniniiii niiil lli<- t on-I'f-nHlonni. Ity t'litbcrCuliilqiiy, lHeiil\ ihi' yeiirn 11 I'rleht in llic (.'Iinixth of Umiii'. 'I he Work coHlniiiK iwel e elmplem ol very lm> i natliiB uiHller conc4 nilU({ llie Meenil* o( llie Coiirertloiial. 1' lee «1.25.

BlbllcHl T I i I i i k h Not Ueiifi-Hlly Hiiowii.—A cumvilHtlou or Ihettselul Iblnijii dlKuovci'e<l by nialure luvcMt.litallon and eri'.-Iclum. It Is h, Icf.butcouiprliiluK Ihlneit nee-OHSHry to a rlghi undemtandliit: of the Utiiie. aud which have never tiefore bi eu put bcturi' the public lu such conveuleni nil elieup lorni. Price.II W'

P r o u o n n r l n K Bib le Dle l to i in rv . wl Uruduii'H Cninpiete Concorde i ce, The In-vuluablo work of Alexander frudeii, M,A., IB pntsenlvd In a compact lonn,eiul>r>ii'liig every |f>Hii)>RKe of Meriptiire In the Inriitiil iMlltloni.-: together with four tlimisnnd (|U.'i<-Uoun nucl aiiKU'ers on the Old and New 'IVji-ijiMietilH, Willi a largur in»«H or Kcrlplnrai hirornmlloli for ltlbleT!>Hclior«i<nil WtuiU nm tban ever belnre honiid In one voliinip, mukliig » liandKome sniicr-royal Hvo oi ovoi 70n piiBfc", In CImh.ri 00,

I>iili>lt tJeriiiM. Plan* for .SermniiH b> W W. Wytlie. liliio, lluU>d papir, I'rlce. in cloth, |l./jO. Thi* 1» n o l o book ol Hfcelelon tierniouH ror lasy youiie mlntxteiK, but u Ixiok CBlculateu to aid lu 'he prepnrnllon tii tct mons. Price ll.Sn.

I'MNlor'N i tu i id l iook , CoinprtKiniiKclei' lions or hlcrlntnreii Hrrnnned tor varloUN oocii-kIouh ot oillclal duty logetlier wltb «l<ii rorinulHH for nisrrlajje, etc.. nnd rnle-i Of (.Mcr fur niurrlKKPs. etc., and rDle» of order l»r clinrclii'H, eccli'slantical and other usHenibllcK. by *V. W. Kverw. I'rlee, 75e.ts.

l l o » c l l » l > t h e Ileaeon«lil|>. The Pen-ooiittliip: lt« Nnlure, QuHlineiitlinu. Ileliitloiin iind Unlles. Tbe niodt conipleie nnd eoiiipre t.enMlve tifnllfe exinnt upon llim Biibjecl. Hv It. I<, U. Tlowell, 1) U. iMino,, pp. M4. {;li>lli, K)ctn.

Bend for oatRlogne. IIAPTINT IIOOH IIOVHK,

HeninlilH, T«>n».

( j i t i c u r a

P O S I T I V E C U R E • /breveriz/itriMo/



TTYniNU,wBly, pimply, sofofjlou^lnherileil A cniitiiBloux.and copper colored ilUeam's ef tlie blood, shin, ami humIii, with Icxnof h«u',am ponltlvely cured by the '^utletirn IlomedlcH.

(.'ullcurn Honolvent, the new blo6<l purifier, clcnnura tlin blood,and pemplratlnn of Ithpiii >-rles and pulsuuoua elements, and reniovcs tl>e t'linnn.

Catlcnrn, tbe grent skin cure, hm(«nllj «llBy» Itclilng lunaiiiinatUiui clears the Rhln, nnd sculp, benls ulceni aud sores, aud. rcslores the

Cu'tlcnra Rnnn, nn exiiulrlio skin bcsullflpr nnd Udlol reiimslte, )irepan d frtim Cntlciira.l" ludlspeiulbta In treslInK skhi (tisrnms, Imny bumormsklnbletnlshi s, clinpiird slid oily Kkl".

tJiitlournlleinfdleiiBreabwdiiteljr pons nod Iho only InfslUblo lilond ptirlfleis. m d skin bpaiitlllerH.

Hold cverrwherA, V lee, (^ihIcm - fc neni" finrtp,Sftcrnl«t MtwiUent, »l, P..Ui<r I'liigsnd (Thpiijlcnl Co.. 1l!t«ifii', Mhus, aa r so i i roi ••llmv iti Uiiro HMn IHsi'use*.''


t t t e

. . ' ' : - 1 asw frrr '' :. •;, v ' •-Knlorctl at lUo Post omce of MemphJi, Tenu., nA R^ vyml ClnM laVt -r,

O l d S e r i e s — V o l . X X X I X . l E M P i l I S , r K N ' M . , J U L Y 1 2 , m i . N e w H o r t c s -

- V o l . X V i r .

O u r T i i l p i t .

. . . . . . o : . . , u : ; j , ; : ^ : : ! , . . ^ ' - o h m . -llo( ,lil 'W I Ip 111 li' 'III ">' ill I >•'"'«'

, i v r w r IS MM'I^M A ^ C l l l l - r i K M . ' HI K - I F N w r . W I I K N A M . .V i n

1,11» IT Oli i l i l N A'I'I'!' „, W. t..VMMt, . t I I .M.M1 I.MMls, . 11. l:' I

Stl-.M I'llix. 1 l'.^ ^ .

•'• M ill. -4 MONIi llaiiliHl" riiiT" 111.- " i '"

A . , . . ,v„ . iHlvufi - i l i . l . . l l .Mi . - 1.1-1 1 ,,, iMMr.l,' '-iH.- I li •! -1'

, i 1. 11II1,111 . J I. «I111

11 11 ' V a vv h l< : ( hi I-

1 I -I, ' . i 111.

Hii» ivr

, .1 I i,i I 1 li. •



I n^^ 1- ol... I IV

-...h ..I I'. 1.11 r !.. I n ..s. n j.r a i ix .


ll..l While lliey rej'-ii

,li-....i it ^oi.ielliiiitJ l i T i n l i 'llul 1. 1.1

1,1, ti. 1.0 " I ' l l i,,-iillii.fiiliirHy lll'•^

,.„lly Kllu.ll Ih- l i ' l - 'I 'l^' , njjulHl, (Voiii ..I lu KilfiKf' I l r y -III -. . 'I.-' I- -'I. ••,,„.- .,ioaMi7.iMt.' l l . p n . i Wliiii i« llui' <>ru.<iii/'ii>-' I" " 'I''*"

oiieilioiirr III ( 'h i i» i ' ( , „ , lust (li tia.l .In i-^'" •

II. I.I ...oiini.i — • • < - ' - 1 " • l i i i t l l ie I / in i III-, waiii, " T.'a. iiii t-' „i| IhiiiBS wlilil!«"''Ve>- I li:<v Xooi ie will .l.-iiy ••i>".-si. | icul e„ru lo (Miri<i i " i.-'i-iii.ili.iy If '^o i loe | . l til'- '••"III.1,1.hi -i'. 1" ".M ,,j ,„l,„j; , upon pr in . ' ni .•oiiiliiuiii! 1.1 "irfti 'l. Ili-Mi 11. i.liMT^.. „„t bmiiiM^r I'li.inlv, • lo i r a . h to ,,.„.,..•• I llH>,li(.ii.-.. ni lhi.4 I iil r,l„.v aii.l I.' K'^' t " 'J '" " " liMi. Wo Klioiilil mil I"' "I

llijiii^l wii i i i" ii ' l iniii . .! i i i l , f . . i l

is n..l.iur.u..l i.|- l.Mi.i-.'. a l l - l H.M'I"'-,erTe "Oil.- pviniM'"' UILMH'".-- h. I I- >

m-M l.!:.l.r,HU n i n s i ' l ^ - . llic'ii .m lo n iuki i i - l i , pi i .1 oi h . i s

l!apliHi,iUi<l to 1.0 11 pmpat.-,ui.lisl - I Hapl.-i i , ono un.l <1.0 .u ine l l iu i t r . Vmi .^ui.i.ii -n .a i ; , ! . . llifiin.. And lo rna^e li. t nake pn.M.lslc- IS ll .a.

c.\lciit lo ceasf to l.c a f i a p i i K . U hiifl bocii said t l ial - n a p l i s U seem to in'

so Mlistioa tlK.I lla-y huvo ll.o ini t l i , ilnK Hi-y mftko vcrv Htllo c in . r l to .lii^senii.iair ilien vlows." Tlio ..liurifc iH. 1" 'a't- '" tlenorvctl, ami U " icpioacl i lo ns. Wo shouM 1.0 l icar t i lv iiBlminod tha t bik I. a . iiui-'o couUl 1)C laid ngniuM us, lot it lini.licH n wiii.l ol

III ii I aii-v, ' . i . r.,t

U I . I I I h ,1 1 " 1 1

(. \ ( I V I I I II , . ' I I

,. II, ..i .11IIn ii. I I ii.n|.>iil\ lit ill., llll.ltll 11,. .1 11 \ I f I l i ' - i i -

11 , II1.1II • 1.11.1 i - III : i i . . I i l l ' A . I \ 1 I K

. I,i; I -11, - . 1 1 ' I h' l-I

1., ..„ • .. .'1 1 h. 1 u 1 ' II ! .' i I hi I 1 iM .. 111 :i. 1:; • i. I' I'

I . 1 . 1 , l, ,1 I.I • . .. i : , . 1,11, i; ; , ..r •

I . 1 I ' I , , I I 1 I I I n I

|iii-is I m w • er ilri'?iri>(l to tlm -imiil fur ..boiiii iiiT li> r i . T u l in

.. N h.,;.l . ii, iii.i''.\ •" ir'i-ly I" ,1.11,111 m! «>( ( " i i i - i ' " . N<>"', a

( 1,1 i.|i;i,i i|. ii.Mll 1 lilllioilH piai'tii">' . laiiii lor II -i i-ipiunil iiii-

•':i 1 111 r.,M 1

. ju , I 'if I M- I..1V. i I'l.i ;il I

in Ih r Iirjjk'.'l lhl>

1-1 a-1.1 .,!.

, l i t , !IMl III iuliuil ll. I , . - Id

. 1 r ,

I . 1 r. 11 • - I 1 -1

I . , I. • •11 I"

.1,1 1 • .1 u


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1,111, .f] n i l , . I' I

I. I' r 1 aii'i r : . t ..f

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^ .1 • .. , ;hi 1 - ! .1 1

.. ; \ 1 . \ : \ r 1 T- M. * \ r. I..r 1 1

I . • • - I. 1 1 •, ll . • I . , i , ' , . '


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11.1 a «.. <11 .•i«'.iiii,.l

.11 i. I, n: ' . . ( V r

hn 111 In • • I. \ . i 111. 'I l.i-ie-

.V ' i.i. Ill ill poa.T 1 , I'.I, r,l l.\- olii-1 f I 11 I '. •; 1. —

,« • ' 11 1 ii-il ll. 1.1 1 ciiih-riii '•"il-I . 1', pi UI .1 I n 11-

. 1 "


V 1 |. I- i. M I I || \ VS.

ll-1. 1 ..'ll-u '

h i M .1 1


I «1.

. - - l l I

il, II

II - I. M • I 11i n I• 'I . : i i i i ; : .1 ( . i»iii 1..1I 111

1 iM-S

I nt. il, ll, ,1.1 • W.-

I..null ' .

n •

1 .i '111 •(.• n' II

I e h * p, 1 -111 I. 1 • «iii i.|

• 1 I i,'- I h r.l ,i.-iii 3ii,,.iit; > . liial llie

I h I V • 11 W . 1 ..I 11,- N

1 — ' " , , i,li,r\ . : h.i' ' •• l ••

111,1.1.1 - ' 'I." i ' - ' i .H iU -p. Ilk.I.U i - . i '' I'-'^' ' ' r ' " ' " ' " i, ,„ , |„. p i i - i III .1.1V , :Mi !, th'.! Ill IIIM- nl .i. Klie.i.

u : i - 11 st'.^"^' ' I-''. . .•mul i.w, evi.i.

I, I,;,-all..!. Il l.:.' " l^'" <

t),al he iiilciiil.-a nli.iiilil ll" pi i iot i .a l i .a to ll.o ••lul III liiiio. .

Wo ilioi-eloK' vvi-li to i|.'ii..n> ilio . |iiosiion o f l . a i . -liKoir mill ouy.vir lo l l io . i t ios l io i . , In

Itffatil UapliHin n ... r i pHna l ordiiiniioo ?

Vady been 5n Il.« m l m l of " Af "*-.ui i loii . U.uv^vi'r, MC m i r t h t i t t le .c-xc«|»t a*

,I l i j 11,c ( 8 a . , l c L . « » t , i i n . i id ll.e w h k h o u r b r d l i r e i '

M-i innii oil ll .e day of r w l r f i ^ f . ! «n{>-10 fiiii.i*!. tl'C IliHi out ' . H e lui to lli«»),

luid i.R i«pil ' / .cd, ov<-ty one of ykm, Ui ili« .hHii.^ (Jl . iUl, f- r n . c rouiis^Um of »ni*,

i r n lvo (!.c Jiifl O.f U.e l l o l j OjK'lft. l.-i.r tlio proiiiivr- iniio voii aivd !o .voiir <;liUdrcn.

, „ . , ! l «><• a fa r otl. f'Vcti t i inuy '•» ' '"5 ' 1 ,r,l mil «..-.l -llrtll < l j

11,.,.. V,, il i.iii.itiaiiil Uhil a pfC'iiilfC- W h a t , , .„ '„„Ki..i? i l ic (•.Itininnd, "ItciKMil. a m i hO b a p -, .r,l r ^e iv oiu. ol V uU,"' i 'ml IliC l.r<»l"i«<-1 l.lU Ili«»0 .1 1 vvli- do icp<Mil and . h,i |diZ'-d 1 .,li ll.o .,.ift or llic Holy G L . f i s ' . T K S h

' iiM IS I., be l.-r ilio I s i a d i l c s of l l .a] KCn-' ' , . , , • „ „ , ,„.-eUiri wil l . Ihoir "{•.o»,tcHiy"-for tisal

i , all ll.e w o . i l . l . a . i r . n i n . ' a i . » - a " ' l ""> " '1 .,t ir • vlK.ov.T of ilicm Ilio Lord ftliail call, "i on oii^uivo iliat ll.e -•. .nimiud-. " to fispuiH" a^ . l " l o bo l ,a , , i i / , .d" aro botli addr . -»cd in (bo liWOud imrfoii ,„ nnd tbo mibjecU i m i i t o f w u v s o obcy i 1 ii.oin^cl'vc-. T b c v uiv lirst c o m t i i t n d f a U. " l i e -,„.„, and if i i ifniu bapii^ii. Is l a u g b t U'-rc, (bfH it

iiHi.ti^iii ol i . i laut bcliovi-rs. A n d , f t i f i b c r . ,„ , „ „ l„.vyi,d d o u b t Ibis hl t t f i l l t i lal lOll ,

„ | i-ei. i V Bcnnon (bu« fital'.'.l la vt;rgc ,1 . . 1 i.eii ih., ^ iba i ^.'ladly r c w l v c d big w o n l were I , , ' , 1 and ibo .aiiic day tlu-fc wcro added UMlo

, | „ , , . ii Ko.iU," II. is u t te r ly „, ,„ n, i>r in fan t bapi isni f r o m I h l i pans-" • ,or il d i . n . i . tly a ^ M M i s t b a n h o g o o i i l y wi^ro

,,,/. ,1 « lio "t i iadly roccivcd bis w o r d , " a n d tlii«, , „ . , „ . „ . i i i k u . u vvore iHcaimMc of do inp . In

Hi' ' i II 11

iTUiiii tliai iiiinii.iiid.'d, ai'.l

ll nil. l.'M I'. 1 Obse rve , wbeii 1 tako an infant in irn a r m s and

c o u l d be laid ngaiiiRl us, lor It« .. . . . . . . U ^ ^ ' ,,, , . . . , , .i„i, 1 bap i i / , . ibec fldclily to ha l f at loaM of o u r prlno plo ' f ' ^ ' ; „nd of Ilio Son, and o. to Cbria t . O u r siloiico is d i sobed ieme , and it U in UK. m i fcb iovous l A 8 a i . o t b o . p n U il, "IJaptmlH m.s-u tu lers ta iu l t b c i r o w n lu.sition, and posi t ion to bo inisundci-Btood by others , w b o n thoy consider thcuf8clvc.s or sudor Iboniselve^ t o bo cons ide red mere ly o r m a i n l y ibe c h a m p i o n s o f i m m e r s i o n for bapliBm. ImmoiBioi . for bap t i sm Bap t i s t s u n w a v e r i n g l y believe in, bu t iminors lou fo r b a p t i s m is not the Bapt i s t s ' r c a f o u for ex i s t ing aa a d i s t inc t d e n o m i n a t i o n of Cbr i s -t ja„g " W h a t B a p t i s t i s t a n d for Is obedienoe

to Chr'lBl in o v c r y t h l n g - l n b a p t i s m cer ta in ly , bn t in all p o i n t s n o t less. T h e i r o r g a n i z i n g pr inc ip le i s Ilio pr inniplo of un ive r s a l obedience."*

N o w , somo 0110 m a y ask, " W e l l , w h a t h a s all t h a t to do w i t h tbo sub j ec t you propose to d i scuss ?" " A n d . a f U i r all , w h y s h o u l d Bapt l s ta concern the in -sclvcB a b o u t In fan t b a p t i s m ? I f tho C h r i s t i a n s •who m a i n t a i n i t as a c l i u r o h o r d i u a n c o a ro sat isf lod

• W . C, Vrintlnsoti, D.D., In his work "Tlio llRptlst nlnolple.*' to whom I am Indebtea for many olsar mid Ibroeful tWugbU.

11,0 Holy ( ibos t . " T h a i n.uaiiR. ibul by ibo ui i tbor-iiy cf tbo Kutbor, and tbo Son, and tbe Moly t .bos t , I pe r fo rm tba l act upon tba t i u f ap t . 11 is a pro-Cotindlv Kolemn doc la ra l ion wblob 1 mitUf, and t h e r e f o r e i l o a n b a r d l y bo conoeivrd tbat I would ,lo in tbe name of HiC t r innu ( i - l any not wbicb 1,0 ban not o.omniai.dcd. As a . l a i f , ' " part of tbo Cbr iMian world pract ice infan t bap t i sm tbey mus t hiive at lea.1 «oino Hbadow of sc r ip tu ra l an bor l ty fo r tbe pract ice . T b e y aro accus tomed to quolo cer ta in passages of S c r i p t u r o an "proof texts , j " N o w w h a t would you t l i ink of proof- texts , c la imed to f u rn i sh sc r ip tu ra l au lbo r i t y lor h pract ieo, no t ouo of wli ich o.Kplicitly or re inotoly h i n t s at It w l t l y t h o smal los t l i i tei l igiblo a l l u s i o n ? " W h i l e discialmln.? any in t en t ion l o t r ead r u t h l o w l y u p o n tho re l ig ious scn t lmonts of a n y olio, t r u t h a n d can -dor ootiipoll mo to asse r t t h a t " a m o n g all t h o t e x t s c u s t o m a r i l y cUc.1 to a t to . t tho d o c t r l n o o r prac t lco of i u f a u t b a p t i s m thoro i . n o t a t e x t - u o t oiio •oi l -t a r y t d x t r - t h a t w o u l d over h a v e w m u o h t u l u g -

Aots 111 XVll Hi WI

/ l i

,1, J . , . , i,„,.iiMii ol poiM.nH u n d e r tbo aposiollo , , '„„„,i- i , ,11. v^e f i n e l y o u g b t lo f ind i n f a n t bap- '

if it is K. bo f. ui.d Huywbcre , bccauso, h e r e ll,',. til si ,,i cxpobi l ion of i ts t r u e moan ing .

Wo sef l iowevor, i l .at i t it.- u t t e r ly u n w a r r a n t e d . r n i U r IMiilip'R preaobi i ig in y a m a r i u wo a r e

,.,.,1 ihut "i l .ey iH-liuvcd i ' b i l i p pioAcblng tlio .-oi 1 o rn iu j : tlic k ingdom o f O o d and i k o n a m o

i i ' ^ s u U ' i i r i . l . a n d were b a p i k e d , bo th men and woineii Tl icre iH no a l lus ion to i n f a n U , a l t h o u g h ihc faot tbat " m o n a n d w o l u c n " w e r e bap t i zed in opcoiallv e m p b a s i x e d .

Tf,o bous(?bold bap t i sm is eonsidorod tho s l r o n g -liold of proof- texts . I ^ t u s e x a m i n o ^ m .

" A oer ia in w o m a n n a m e d Lydia , a sel ler of p t i r -pic of tbe city of T b y a t i r a , w h i c h worsh iped G o d , bca'rd u»" wbose h e a r t t bo L o r d opened t h a t sho t t iUMidod 'unto tho thlngB w h i c h w o r e iHiokon o f I 'aul and w b i n she w a s bapti^.cd a n d lior house-h o l d ' s h e l>osougbt us, s ay ing , I f y o h a v o j u d g e d tno to bo f a i t h f u l to t bo I ^ r d , como i n t o m y h o m o ^ and ab ide t h e r e , " (2) , ^

N o w w h a t a b o u t th i s pasBRgo? , Fljj^t, i t i« al« tnost cer ta in t h a t I . yd ia h a d n e i t h e r h u s b a n d nor ch i l d r en . Sho w a s an i t i n e r a n t v e n d o r of purp lo . Kbe savs , "My h o u s e , " w h i c h sho w o u l d not havo Haid If 8bo had a h u s b a n d . A n d P h i l i p p i w a s a l o n g w a y f r o m h e r homo a t T h y a t l r a . I s i t roa«. „„ab lo to suppose t h a t sho h a d lof t ho r hushand -„ „ d ch i ld ren a t h o m o and w a s t r a v o l l n g a l w u t con-d u c t i n g a i e c u l a r b u s h . o « ? I f she h a d a l iuaband It is m o r o roasoi iahl" suppoM sho woirid liaVd boon l e f t a t homo w i t h hor i n f a n t d i i l d r c n , a n d h o ^ . w o u l d havo b a d cha rge of tlio b u i l n c s t . I t U m O ^ g

• • t " ' ,. ^ '