voting rights act 1965 (revised 1975)

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  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


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  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 2133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572

    1 of 998 !CU"E#$S



    No. 12-96.


    133 S. C. 2612! 1"6 L. E#. 2# 6$1! 2%13 U.S. LE&IS '91(! "1 U.S.L.).

    '$(2! 2' F*+. L. )* F#. S '%(

    F/0+0 2(, 2%13, A0#

    J 2$, 2%13, D45##


    $%e LEXIS &ag'(at'o( of t%') do+e(t ') )+-et to %a(ge &e(d'(g /eea)e of t%e f'(a &+-')%ed e/)'o(.

    SUBSE7UENT HISTORY !( /ea(d at, ea(ded -, +dge(t e(te/ed - S%e- Co+(t . ode/,2013 U.S. &&. LEXIS 20177 .C. C'/., !t. 2, 2013

    PRIOR HISTORY 81:!# WI$ ! CE$I!I $! $E U#I$E S$$ES C!U$ ! PPELS ! $E IS$IC$! C!LU":I CICUI$S%e- Co+(t . ode/, 679 .3d 848, 400 U.S. &&. .C. 367, 2012 U.S. &&. LEXIS 10027 2012

    Pe/e . $e'(g a +dge(t dea/'(g t%at ?? 4- a(d 5 of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965, 42U.S.C.S. ?? 1973-- a(d 1973 Ae/e +(o()t't+t'o(a, a) Ae a) a &e/a(e(t '(+(t'o( aga'()t t%e'/e(fo/ee(t. $%e d')t/'t o+/t +&%ed t%e t, a(d t%e U.S. Co+/t of &&ea) fo/ t%e ')t/'t of Co+-'aC'/+'t aff'/ed. $%e U.S. S+&/ee Co+/t g/a(ted e/t'o/a/'.

    O;ER;IE) S%e- Co+(t, a-aa, %ae(ged ?? 4- a(d 5 of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965,a''(g t%at t%e t Aa) +(o()t't+t'o(a -ea+)e 't /eB+'/ed )oe, -+t (ot a, State) a(d o+(t'e) too-ta'( &/eea/a(e f/o fede/a a+t%o/'t'e) '( Wa)%'(gto(, . C.e't%e/ t%e tto/(e =e(e/a o/ a t%/ee

    +dge o+/t-efo/e t%e %a(ged ot'(g &/oed+/e). $%e U.S. S+&/ee Co+/t fo+(d t%at ? 4- of t%e tAa) +(o()t't+t'o(a -ea+)e 't Aa) -a)ed o( a fo/+a t%at +)ed 40ea/od fat) t%at %ad (o og'a/eat'o( to t%e &/e)e(t da, a(d 't %ed t%at t%e fo/+a o+d (ot -e +)ed a) a -a)') fo/ )+-et'(g

    +/')d't'o() to &/eea/a(e - fede/a a+t%o/'t'e). Co(g/e)) o+d %ae +&dated t%e oe/age fo/+aA%e( 't e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 3133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572dea/e ? 4- +(o()t't+t'o(a. $%e Co+/t )tated t%at 't) de')'o( d'd (ot affet t%e &e/a(e(t, (at'o(A'de

    -a( o( /a'a d')/''(at'o( '( ot'(g t%at Aa) fo+(d '( ? 2 of t%e t, a(d 't '))+ed (o /+'(g o( ? 5, o(o( t%e oe/age fo/+a.

    OUTCOME $%e S+&/ee Co+/t /ee/)ed t%e ')t/'t of Co+-'a C'/+'tD) de')'o(. 54 e')'o(; 1o(+//e(e; 1 d'))e(t. $%e Co+/t )tated t%at Co(g/e)) o+d d/aft a(ot%e/ fo/+a t%at Aa) -a)ed o(+//e(t o(d't'o(), a(d t%at )+% a fo/+a Aa) a &/e/eB+')'te to a dete/'(at'o( t%at e) o'tted, /eg')t/at'o(, oo/, +(&/eede(ted, d')&a/ate, -a'o+t,-aot, ote/ t+/(o+t, (at'o(A'de, &e/a)'e, eeto/a, a(d'date, +//e(t o(d't'o()

    L Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > General OverviewConstitutional Law > Elections, Terms & Voting > Race-Base Voting Restrictions

    Governments > !eeral Government > Elections

    Governments > Local Governments > Elections

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > Elections

    F#1G $%e 'ftee(t% e(de(t Aa) /at'f'ed '( 1870, '( t%e Aa>e of t%e C'' Wa/. It &/o'de) t%at t%e/'g%t of 't'e() of t%e U('ted State) to ote )%a (ot -e de('ed o/ a-/'dged - t%e U('ted State) o/ - a(State o( ao+(t of /ae, oo/, o/ &/e'o+) o(d't'o( of )e/'t+de, a(d 't g'e) Co(g/e)) t%e &oAe/ toe(fo/e t%e e(de(t - a&&/o&/'ate eg')at'o(.

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Racial #iscrimination

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Remeies

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > !ailure to Allow Voting

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > $nter%erenceF#2G I()&'/ed to at'o( - t%e '' /'g%t) oee(t, Co(g/e)) /e)&o(ded '( 1965 A't% t%e @ot'(g 'g%t)t. Set'o( 2 Aa) e(ated to fo/-'d, '( a 50 State), a( )ta(da/d, &/at'e, o/ &/oed+/e '&o)ed o/a&&'ed to de( o/ a-/'dge t%e /'g%t of a( 't'e( of t%e U('ted State) to ote o( ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/.79 Stat. 437. $%e +//e(t e/)'o( fo/-'d) a( )ta(da/d, &/at'e, o/ &/oed+/e t%at /e)+t) '( a de('a o/a-/'dgee(t of t%e /'g%t of a( 't'e( of t%e U('ted State) to ote o( ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/. 42 U.S.C.S.? 1973a. :ot% t%e ede/a =oe/(e(t a(d '(d''d+a) %ae )+ed to e(fo/e ? 2, a(d '(+(t'e /e'ef ')aa'a-e '( a&&/o&/'ate a)e) to -o> ot'(g aA) f/o go'(g '(to effet. 42 U.S.C.S. ? 1973d. Set'o( 2') &e/a(e(t a(d a&&'e) (at'o(A'de.

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > General Overview

    Constitutional Law > Elections, Terms & Voting > Race-Base Voting Restrictions

    Governments > Legislation > $nterretation

    F#3G I( #o/t%Ae)t +)t'( "+(''&a Ut'. ')t. #o. !(e . ode/, t%e U('ted State) S+&/ee Co+/t)tated t%at t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965 '&o)e) +//e(t -+/de() a(d +)t -e +)t'f'ed - +//e(t (eed).$%e Co+/t o(+ded t%at a de&a/t+/e f/o t%e f+(dae(ta &/'('&e of eB+a )oe/e'g(t /eB+'/e) a)%oA'(g t%at a )tat+teD) d')&a/ate geog/a&%' oe/age ') )+ff''e(t /eated to t%e &/o-e t%at 't ta/get).

    Constitutional Law > "uremac' Clause > "ureme Law o% the Lan

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > Legislatures

    F#4G $%e Co()t't+t'o( a(d aA) of t%e U('ted State) a/e t%e )+&/ee LaA of t%e La(d. U. S. Co()t. a/t.@I, . 2. State eg')at'o( a (ot o(t/ae(e fede/a aA. $%e ede/a =oe/(e(t doe) (ot, %oAee/,

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 4133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572%ae a ge(e/a /'g%t to /e'eA a(d eto )tate e(ate(t) -efo/e t%e go '(to effet. &/o&o)a to g/a(t )+%a+t%o/'t to (egat'e )tate aA) Aa) o()'de/ed at t%e Co()t't+t'o(a Co(e(t'o(, -+t /eeted '( fao/ ofaoA'(g )tate aA) to ta>e effet, )+-et to ate/ %ae(ge +(de/ t%e S+&/ea Ca+)e.

    Constitutional Law > Congressional #uties & (owers > Reserve (owers

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > Legislatures

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > Relations )ith Governments

    F#5G !+t)'de t%e )t/'t+/e) of t%e S+&/ea Ca+)e, State) /eta'( -/oad a+to(o '( )t/+t+/'(g t%e'/goe/(e(t) a(d &+/)+'(g eg')at'e o-et'e). I(deed, t%e U('ted State) Co()t't+t'o( &/o'de) t%at a

    &oAe/) (ot )&e'f'a g/a(ted to t%e ede/a =oe/(e(t a/e /e)e/ed to t%e State) o/ 't'e(). U. S.Co()t. ae(d. 10. $%') aoat'o( of &oAe/) '( o+/ fede/a ))te &/e)e/e) t%e '(teg/'t, d'g('t, a(d/e)'d+a )oe/e'g(t of t%e State). :+t t%e fede/a -aa(e ') (ot +)t a( e(d '( 't)efH at%e/, fede/a'))e+/e) to 't'e() t%e '-e/t'e) t%at de/'e f/o t%e d'ff+)'o( of )oe/e'g( &oAe/.

    Constitutional Law > Congressional #uties & (owers > Reserve (owers

    Governments > !eeral Government > Elections

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > ElectionsF#6G $%e /ae/) of t%e U('ted State) Co()t't+t'o( '(te(ded t%e State) to >ee& fo/ t%e)ee), a)&/o'ded '( t%e $e(t% e(de(t, t%e &oAe/ to /eg+ate eet'o(). !f o+/)e, t%e ede/a =oe/(e(t/eta'() )'g('f'a(t o(t/o oe/ fede/a eet'o(). o/ '()ta(e, t%e Co()t't+t'o( a+t%o/'e) Co(g/e)) toe)ta-')% t%e t'e a(d a((e/ fo/ eet'(g Se(ato/) a(d e&/e)e(tat'e). U. S. Co()t. a/t. I, ? 4, . 1. :+tState) %ae -/oad &oAe/) to dete/'(e t%e o(d't'o() +(de/ A%'% t%e /'g%t of )+ff/age a -e eeA')e &/'a/' t%e d+t a(d /e)&o()'-''tof t%e State).

    Constitutional Law > Congressional #uties & (owers > Reserve (owers

    Governments > "tate & Territorial Governments > Relations )ith Governments

    F#7G #ot o( do State) /eta'( )oe/e'g(t +(de/ t%e U('ted State) Co()t't+t'o(, t%e/e ') a)o a

    f+(dae(ta &/'('&e of eB+a )oe/e'g(t ao(g t%e State). !e/ a %+(d/ed ea/) ago, t%e U('ted State)S+&/ee Co+/t e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 5133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > General Overview

    F#9G W%e( +&%od'(g t%e o()t't+t'o(a't of t%e oe/age fo/+a t%at Aa) +)ed '( t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) tof 1965 '( 1966, t%e U('ted State) S+&/ee Co+/t o(+ded, '( So+t% Ca/o'(a . ate(-a%, t%at t%e

    fo/+a Aa) /at'o(a '( -ot% &/at'e a(d t%eo/. $%e fo/+a oo>ed to a+)e d')/''(ato/ te)t) a(deffet oA ote/ /eg')t/at'o( a(d t+/(o+t, a(d ta'o/ed t%e /eed &/eea/a(e to t%o)e +/')d't'o()e Voting Rights > (reclearance

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > General Overview

    Constitutional Law > Elections, Terms & Voting > Race-Base Voting Restrictions

    F#11G $%e 'ftee(t% e(de(t oa(d) t%at t%e /'g%t to ote )%a (ot -e de('ed o/ a-/'dged o(ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/, a(d 't g'e) Co(g/e)) t%e &oAe/ to e(fo/e t%at oa(d. $%e e(de(t ') (otde)'g(ed to &+(')% fo/ t%e &a)t; 't) &+/&o)e ') to e()+/e a -ette/ f+t+/e. $o )e/e t%at &+/&o)e, Co(g/e))'f 't') to d''de t%e State)+)t 'de(t'f t%o)e +/')d't'o() to -e )'(ged o+t o( a -a)') t%at a>e) )e()e '('g%t of +//e(t o(d't'o(). It a((ot /e )'& o( t%e &a)t.

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Remeies

    Civil Rights Law > Voting Rights > Voting Rights Act > General Overview

    Constitutional Law > The *uiciar' > Case or Controvers' > Constitutionalit' o% Legislation > General


    Constitutional Law > Elections, Terms & Voting > Race-Base Voting Restrictions

    F#12G St/'>'(g doA( a( t of Co(g/e)) ') t%e g/ae)t a(d o)t de'ate d+t t%e U('ted State) S+&/eeCo+/t ') aed o( to &e/fo/, a(d t%e Co+/t doe) (ot do )o 'g%t. $%at ') A%, '( 2009, t%e Co+/t too> a/eto ao'd /+'(g o( t%e o()t't+t'o(a't of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t A%e( a)>ed to do )o, a(d '()tead /e)oedt%e a)e t%e( -efo/e 't o( )tat+to/ g/o+(d). :+t '( '))+'(g t%at de')'o(, t%e Co+/t e) to+//e(t o(d't'o().

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 6133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572


    8261$: 86$6: $%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965 Aa) e(ated to add/e)) e(t/e(%ed /a'a d')/''(at'o(

    '( ot'(g, a( '()'d'o+) a(d &e/a)'e e' A%'% %ad -ee( &e/&et+ated '( e/ta'( &a/t) of o+/ o+(t/t%/o+g% +(/e'tt'(g a(d '(ge('o+) def'a(e of t%e Co()t't+t'o(. South Carolina.Katzenbach, 383 U. S.301, 309, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769. Set'o( 2 of t%e t, A%'% -a() a( )ta(da/d, &/at'e, o/

    &/oed+/e t%at /e)+t) '( a de('a o/ a-/'dgee(t of t%e /'g%t of a( 't'e( . . . to ote o( ao+(t of /aeo/ oo/, 42 U. S. C. ?1973a, a&&'e) (at'o(A'de, ') &e/a(e(t, a(d ') (ot at '))+e '( t%') a)e. !t%e/)et'o() a&& o( to )oe &a/t) of t%e o+(t/. Set'o( 4 of t%e t &/o'de) t%e oe/age fo/+a,def'('(g t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o() a) State) o/ &o't'a )+-d'')'o() t%at a'(ta'(ed te)t) o/ de'e) a)

    &/e/eB+')'te) to ot'(g, a(d %ad oA ote/ /eg')t/at'o( o/ t+/(o+t, '( t%e 1960) a(d ea/ 1970). ?1973--.I( t%o)e oe/ed +/')d't'o(), ?5 of t%e t &/o'de) t%at (o %a(ge '( ot'(g &/oed+/e) a( ta>e effet+(t' a&&/oed - )&e'f'ed fede/a a+t%o/'t'e) '( Wa)%'(gto(, . 82:C. ?1973a. S+% a&&/oa ')>(oA( a) &/eea/a(e.

    $%e oe/age fo/+a a(d &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t Ae/e '('t'a )et to e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 7133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 8133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572d')t'(g+')%ed t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o() f/o t%e /e)t of t%e #at'o( '( 1965.Katzenbach,supra, at 308, 315,331, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769. :+t a o/e f+(dae(ta &/o-e /ea'()H Co(g/e)) d'd (ot +)e t%at/eo/d to fa)%'o( a oe/age fo/+a g/o+(ded '( +//e(t o(d't'o(). It '()tead /ee(ated a fo/+a -a)ed

    o( 40ea/od fat) %a'(g (o og'a /eat'o( to t%e &/e)e(t da. P&. 2122.679 . 3d 848, 400 U.S. &&. .C. 367, /ee/)ed.

    COUNSEL B0 ). R5a/g+ed t%e a+)e fo/ &et't'o(e/.

    Do+*# B. ;005**5, J0.a/g+ed t%e a+)e fo/ /e)&o(de(t).

    Bo// P50=oa/g+ed t%e a+)e fo/ /e)&o(de(t).

    D/o P. A#/5*a/g+ed t%e a+)e fo/ /e)&o(de(t).

    JUDGES !:E$S, C. ., de'e/ed t%e o&'('o( of t%e Co+/t, '( A%'% SCLI, E##EJ,

    $!"S, a(d LI$!, ., 89:o'(ed. $!"S, ., f'ed a o(+//'(g o&'('o(. =I#S:U=, ., f'eda d'))e(t'(g o&'('o(, '( A%'% :EJE, S!$!"J!, a(d =#, ., o'(ed.



    8261": CIE US$ICE !:E$S de'e/ed t%e o&'('o( of t%e Co+/t.

    $%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965 e&oed e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 9133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572


    F#1G $%e 'ftee(t% e(de(t Aa) /at'f'ed '( 1870, '( t%e Aa>e of t%e C'' Wa/. It &/o'de) t%at FtG%e

    /'g%t of 't'e() of t%e U('ted State) to ote )%a (ot -e de('ed o/ a-/'dged - t%e U('ted State) o/ - a(State o( ao+(t of /ae, oo/, o/ &/e'o+) o(d't'o( of )e/'t+de, a(d 't g'e) Co(g/e)) t%e &oAe/ toe(fo/e t%') a/t'e - a&&/o&/'ate eg')at'o(.

    $%e f'/)t e(t+/ of o(g/e))'o(a e(fo/ee(t of t%e e(de(t, %oAee/, a( o( -e /ega/ded a) afa'+/e.#d., at 197, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140. I( t%e 1890), a-aa, =eo/g'a, Lo+')'a(a,"'))'))'&&', #o/t% Ca/o'(a, So+t% Ca/o'(a, a(d @'/g'('a -ega( to e(at 'te/a te)t) fo/ ote/ /eg')t/at'o(a(d to e&o ot%e/ et%od) de)'g(ed to &/ee(t f/'a(e/'a() f/o ot'(g.Katzenbach, 383 U. S.,at 310, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769. Co(g/e)) &a))ed )tat+te) o+taA'(g )oe of t%e)e &/at'e) a(dfa''tat'(g 't'gat'o( aga'()t t%e, -+t 't'gat'o( /ea'(ed )oA a(d e ot'(g aA) f/o go'(g '(to effet, )ee 42 U. S.C. ?1973d. Set'o( 2 ') &e/a(e(t, a&&'e) (at'o(A'de, a(d ') (ot at '))+e '( t%') a)e.

    !t%e/ )et'o() ta/geted o( )oe &a/t) of t%e o+(t/. t t%e t'e of t%e tD) &a))age, t%e)e oe/ed+/')d't'o() Ae/e t%o)e State) o/ &o't'a )+-d'')'o() t%at %ad a'(ta'(ed a te)t o/ de'e a) a &/e/eB+')'teto ot'(g a) of #oe-e/ 1, 1964, a(d %ad e)) t%a( 50 &e/e(t ote/ /eg')t/at'o( o/ t+/(o+t '( t%e 1964P/e)'de(t'a eet'o(. 813:?4-, 79 Stat. 438. S+% te)t) o/ de'e) '(+ded 'te/a a(d >(oAedgete)t), good o/a %a/ate/ /eB+'/ee(t), t%e (eed fo/ o+%e/) f/o /eg')te/ed ote/), a(d t%e '>e. ?4,id., at 438439. 8262%: oe/ed +/')d't'o( o+d -a' o+t of oe/age 'f 't %ad (ot +)ed a te)t o/de'e '( t%e &/eed'(g f'e ea/) fo/ t%e &+/&o)e o/ A't% t%e effet of de('(g o/ a-/'dg'(g t%e /'g%t toote o( ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/. ?4a, id., at 438. I( 1965, t%e oe/ed State) '(+ded a-aa, =eo/g'a,Lo+')'a(a, "'))'))'&&', So+t% Ca/o'(a, a(d @'/g'('a. $%e add't'o(a oe/ed )+-d'')'o() '(+ded 39o+(t'e) '( #o/t% Ca/o'(a a(d o(e '( /'o(a. See 28 C &t. 51, &&. 2012.

    8661: I( t%o)e +/')d't'o(), ?4 of t%e t -a((ed a )+% te)t) o/ de'e). ?4a, 79 Stat. 438. Set'o( 5&/o'ded t%at (o %a(ge '( ot'(g &/oed+/e) o+d ta>e effet +(t' 't Aa) a&&/oed - fede/a a+t%o/'t'e)'( Wa)%'(gto(, . C.e't%e/ t%e tto/(e =e(e/a o/ a o+/t of t%/ee +dge).#d.,at 439. +/')d't'o(o+d o-ta'( )+% &/eea/a(e o( - &/o'(g t%at t%e %a(ge %ad (e't%e/ t%e &+/&o)e F(o/G t%e effetof de('(g o/ a-/'dg'(g t%e /'g%t to ote o( ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/.#bid.

    Set'o() 4 a(d 5 Ae/e 81':'(te(ded to -e te&o/a/; t%e Ae/e )et to e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 10133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572I( 1975, Co(g/e)) /ea+t%o/'ed t%e t fo/ )ee( o/e ea/), a(d eota, -eae oe/ed +/')d't'o().See 28 C &t. 51, &&. Co(g/e)) o//e)&o(d'(g ae(ded )et'o() 2 a(d 5 to fo/-'d ot'(gd')/''(at'o( o( t%e -a)') of e-e/)%'& '( a a(g+age '(o/'t g/o+&, '( add't'o( to d')/''(at'o( o(t%e -a)') of /ae o/ oo/. ??203, 206, 89 Stat. 400, 402. '(a, Co(g/e)) ade t%e (at'o(A'de -a( o( te)t)a(d de'e) &e/a(e(t. ?102, id., at 400.

    I( 1982, Co(g/e)) /ea+t%o/'ed t%e t fo/ 25 ea/), -+t d'd (ot ate/ 't) oe/age fo/+a. See @ot'(g'g%t) t e(de(t), 96 Stat. 131. Co(g/e)) d'd, %oAee/, ae(d t%e -a'o+t &/o')'o(), aoA'(g

    &o't'a )+-d'')'o() of oe/ed +/')d't'o() to -a' o+t. o(g ot%e/ &/e/eB+')'te) fo/ -a'o+t,+/')d't'o() a(d t%e'/ )+-d'')'o() +)t (ot %ae +)ed a fo/-'dde( te)t o/ de'e, fa'ed to /ee'e&/eea/a(e, o/ o)t a ?2 )+'t, '( t%e te( ea/) &/'o/ to )ee>'(g -a'o+t. ?2, id.,at 131133.

    We +&%ed ea% of t%e)e /ea+t%o/'at'o() 816:aga'()t o()t't+t'o(a %ae(ge. See Georia. UnitedStates, 411 U. S. 526, 93 S. Ct. 1702, 36 L. Ed. 2d 472 1973; Cit! o" 82621: %o&e. United States, 446U. S. 156, 100 S. Ct. 1548, 64 L. Ed. 2d 119 1980;'opez.Montere! Count!, 525 U. S. 266, 119 S. Ct.693, 142 L. Ed. 2d 728 1999.

    I( 2006, Co(g/e)) aga'( /ea+t%o/'ed t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t fo/ 25 8662: ea/), aga'( A't%o+t %a(ge to't) oe/age fo/+a. a(('e Lo+ ae/, o)a Pa/>), a(d Co/etta Sott '(g @ot'(g 'g%t) tea+t%o/'at'o( a(d e(de(t) t, 120 Stat. 577. Co(g/e)) a)o ae(ded ?5 to &/o%'-'t o/e o(d+tt%a( -efo/e. ?5, id.,at 580581; )ee%eno.(ossier )arish School (d., 528 U. S. 320, 341, 120 S. Ct. 866,145 L. Ed. 2d 845 2000 (ossier ##; Georia.Ashcro"t, 539 U. S. 461, 479, 123 S. Ct. 2498, 156 L. Ed.2d 428 2003. Set'o( 5 (oA fo/-'d) ot'(g %a(ge) A't% a( d')/''(ato/ &+/&o)e a) Ae a) ot'(g%a(ge) t%at d''(')% t%e a-''t of 't'e(), o( ao+(t of /ae, oo/, o/ a(g+age '(o/'t )tat+), to eett%e'/ &/efe//ed a(d'date) of %o'e. 42 U. S. C. ??1973-d.

    S%o/t afte/ t%') /ea+t%o/'at'o(, a $e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 11133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 45722d 140.

    E'g%t "e-e/) of t%e Co+/t )+-)/'-ed to t%e)e 'eA), a(d t%e /ea'('(g "e-e/ Ao+d %ae %ed t%e t+(o()t't+t'o(a. Ut'ate, %oAee/, t%e Co+/tD) o()t/+t'o( of t%e -a'o+t &/o')'o( eft t%e

    o()t't+t'o(a '))+e) fo/ a(ot%e/ da.


    S%e- Co+(t ') oated '( a-aa, a oe/ed +/')d't'o(. It %a) (ot )o+g%t -a'o+t, a) t%e tto/(e=e(e/a %a) /ee(t o-eted to ot'(g %a(ge) &/o&o)ed f/o A't%'( t%e o+(t. See &&. 87a92a.I()tead, '( 8663: 2010, t%e o+(t )+ed t%e tto/(e =e(e/a '( ede/a ')t/'t Co+/t '( Wa)%'(gto(,. C., )ee>'(g a dea/ato/ +dge(t t%at )et'o() 4- a(d 5 82622: of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t a/efa'a +(o()t't+t'o(a, a) Ae a) a &e/a(e(t '(+(t'o( aga'()t t%e'/ e(fo/ee(t. $%e ')t/'t Co+/t/+ed aga'()t t%e o+(t a(d +&%ed t%e t. 811 . S+&&. 2d 424, 508 2011. 819:$%e o+/t fo+(d t%att%e e'de(e -efo/e Co(g/e)) '( 2006 Aa) )+ff''e(t to +)t'f /ea+t%o/''(g ?5 a(d o(t'(+'(g t%e ?4-oe/age fo/+a.

    $%e Co+/t of &&ea) fo/ t%e . C. C'/+'t aff'/ed. I( a))e))'(g ?5, t%e . C. C'/+'t o()'de/ed )'e effet, )+-et to ate/ %ae(ge +(de/ t%e S+&/ea Ca+)e. See 1eo/d) of t%e ede/a Co(e(t'o( of 1787, &&. 21, 164168 ". a//a(d ed. 1911; 2 id.,at 2729, 390392.

    F#5G !+t)'de t%e )t/'t+/e) of t%e S+&/ea Ca+)e, State) /eta'( -/oad a+to(o '( )t/+t+/'(g t%e'/goe/(e(t) a(d &+/)+'(g eg')at'e o-et'e). I(deed, t%e Co()t't+t'o( &/o'de) t%at a &oAe/) (ot)&e'f'a g/a(ted to t%e ede/a =oe/(e(t a/e /e)e/ed to t%e State) o/ 't'e(). dt. 10. $%')aoat'o( of &oAe/) '( o+/ fede/a ))te &/e)e/e) t%e '(teg/'t, d'g('t, a(d /e)'d+a )oe/e'g(t of t%eState).(ond. United States, 564 U. S. KKK, KKK, 131 S. Ct. 2355, 180 L. Ed. 2d 269, 279280 2011. :+tt%e fede/a -aa(e ') (ot +)t a( e(d '( 't)efH at%e/, fede/a') )e+/e) to 't'e() t%e '-e/t'e) t%at de/'ef/o t%e d'ff+)'o( of )oe/e'g( &oAe/.#bid.'(te/(a B+otat'o( a/>) o'tted.

    "o/e )&e'f'a, F#6G Dt%e /ae/) of t%e Co()t't+t'o( '(te(ded t%e State) to >ee& fo/ t%e)ee), a)&/o'ded '( t%e $e(t% e(de(t, t%e &oAe/ to /eg+ate eet'o().D Greor!.Ashcro"t, 501 U. S. 452,461462, 111 S. Ct. 2395, 115 L. Ed. 2d 410 1991 B+ot'(g 823:Suar&an.Douall, 413 U. S. 634,647, 93 S. Ct. 2842, 37 L. Ed. 2d 853 1973; )oe '(te/(a B+otat'o( a/>) o'tted. !f o+/)e, t%eede/a =oe/(e(t /eta'() )'g('f'a(t o(t/o oe/ fede/a eet'o(). o/ '()ta(e, t%e Co()t't+t'o(a+t%o/'e) Co(g/e)) to e)ta-')% t%e t'e a(d a((e/ fo/ eet'(g Se(ato/) a(d e&/e)e(tat'e). /t. I, ?4,. 1; )ee a)oArizona . #nter -ribal Council o" Ariz., #nc., 133 S. Ct. 2247, 186 L. Ed. 2d 239, 2013 U.S.

    LEXIS 4544, *10. :+t State) %ae -/oad &oAe/) to dete/'(e t%e o(d't'o() +(de/ A%'% t%e /'g%t of)+ff/age a -e e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 13133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572aA%oAee/ '((o+o+)+(t' t%e %ae -ee( &/eea/ed - fede/a a+t%o/'t'e) '( Wa)%'(gto(, . C.#d.,at 202, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140. State) +)t -e)ee% t%e ede/a =oe/(e(t fo/ &e/'))'o( to'&ee(t aA) t%at t%e Ao+d ot%e/A')e %ae t%e /'g%t to e(at a(d e)&/eea/a(e f/o a t%/ee+dge o+/t, t%e &/oe)) a( ta>e ea/).

    (d de)&'te t%e t/ad't'o( of eB+a )oe/e'g(t, t%e t a&&'e) to o( ('(e State) a(d )ee/a add't'o(ao+(t'e). W%'e o(e State Aa't) o(t%) o/ ea/) a(d e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 14133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572o(+ded t%at t%e oe/age fo/+a FAa)G /at'o(a '( -ot% &/at'e a(d t%eo/.#bid.It a+/ate/efeted t%o)e +/')d't'o() +('B+e %a/ate/'ed - ot'(g d')/''(at'o( o( a &e/a)'e )ae, '(>'(goe/age to t%e de'e) +)ed to effet+ate d')/''(at'o( a(d to t%e /e)+t'(g d')e(f/a(%')ee(t.#d.,at

    308, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769. $%e fo/+a e()+/ed t%at t%e )t/'(ge(t /eed'e) FAe/eG a'ed ata/ea) A%e/e ot'(g d')/''(at'o( %aFdG -ee( o)t fag/a(t.#d.,at 315, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769.


    #ea/ 50 ea/) ate/, t%'(g) %ae %a(ged d/aat'a. S%e- Co+(t o(te(d) t%at t%e &/eea/a(e/eB+'/ee(t, ee( A't%o+t /ega/d to 't) d')&a/ate oe/age, ') (oA +(o()t't+t'o(a. It) a/g+e(t) %ae agood dea of fo/e. I( t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o(), 866(: FGote/ t+/(o+t a(d /eg')t/at'o( 829:/ate)(oA a&&/oa% &a/'t. :ata(t d')/''(ato/ ea)'o() of fede/a de/ee) a/e /a/e. (d '(o/'t a(d'date)%od off'e at +(&/eede(ted ee).Northwest Austin, 557 U. S., at 202, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d140. $%e te)t) a(d de'e) t%at -o>ed ae)) to t%e -aot %ae -ee( fo/-'dde( (at'o(A'de fo/ oe/ 40ea/). See ?6, 84 Stat. 314; ?102, 89 Stat. 400.

    $%o)e o(+)'o() a/e (ot o+/) ao(e. Co(g/e)) )a'd t%e )ae A%e( 't /ea+t%o/'ed t%e t '( 2006, A/'t'(g

    t%at F)G'g('f'a(t &/og/e)) %a) -ee( ade '( e''(at'(g f'/)t ge(e/at'o( -a//'e/) e =a& W%'te :a> =a&a-aa 69.2 19.3 49.9 73.8 72.9 0.9=eo/g'a 62.F6G 27.4 35.2 63.5 64.2 0.7Lo+')'a(a 80.5 31.6 48.9 75.1 71.1 4.0"'))'))'&&' 69.9 6.7 63.2 72.3 76.1 3.8So+t%Ca/o'(a

    75.7 37.3 38.4 74.4 71.1 3.3

    @'/g'('a 61.1 38.3 22.8 68.2 57.4 10.8

    See S. e&. #o. 109295, &. 11 2006; . . e&. #o. 109478, at 12. $%e 2004 f'g+/e) oe f/o t%eCe()+) :+/ea+. Ce()+) :+/ea+ data f/o t%e o)t /ee(t eet'o( '(d'ate t%at f/'a(e/'a( ote/t+/(o+t e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 15133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572383 U. S. 787, 790, 86 S. Ct. 1152, 16 L. Ed. 2d 267 1966. !( :ood S+(da '( 1965, '( Sea,a-aa, &o'e -eat a(d +)ed tea/ ga) aga'()t %+(d/ed) a/%'(g '( )+&&o/t of f/'a(e/'a(e(f/a(%')ee(t. SeeNorthwest Austin,supra, at 220, (. 3, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140 $!"S,

    ., o(+//'(g '( +dge(t '( &a/t a(d d'))e(t'(g '( &a/t. $oda -ot% of t%o)e toA() a/e goe/(ed -f/'a(e/'a( ao/). P/o-e) /ea'( '( t%e)e State) a(d ot%e/), -+t t%e/e ') (o de('(g 832:t%at, d+e to t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t, o+/ #at'o( %a) ade g/eat )t/'de).

    Jet t%e t %a) (ot ea)ed t%e /e)t/'t'o() '( ?5 o/ (a//oAed t%e )o&e of t%e oe/age fo/+a '( ?4-ao(g t%e Aa. $%o)e eed to a+)e d')/''(ato/ te)t) a(d effet oA ote/ /eg')t/at'o( a(d t+/(o+t, a(d ta'o/edt%e /eed &/eea/a(e to t%o)e +/')d't'o() e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 16133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572F#10G Coe/age toda ') -a)ed o( deade)od data a(d e/ad'ated &/at'e). $%e fo/+a a&t+/e) State)

    - /efe/e(e to 'te/a te)t) a(d oA ote/ /eg')t/at'o( a(d t+/(o+t '( t%e 1960) a(d ea/ 1970). :+t )+%te)t) %ae -ee( -a((ed (at'o(A'de fo/ oe/ 40 ea/). ?6, 84 Stat. 314; ?102, 89 Stat. 400. (d ote/

    /eg')t/at'o( a(d t+/(o+t (+-e/) '( t%e oe/ed State) %ae /')e( d/aat'a '( t%e ea/) )'(e. . . e&.#o. 109478, at 12. a'a d')&a/'t '( t%o)e (+-e/) Aa) o&e'(g e'de(e +)t'f'(g t%e &/eea/a(e/eed a(d t%e oe/age fo/+a. See, e.., Katzenbach,supra, at 313, 329330, 86 8262": S. Ct. 803,15 L. Ed. 2d 769. $%e/e ') (o o(ge/ )+% a d')&a/'t.

    I( 1965, t%e State) o+d -e d''ded '(to tAo g/o+&)H t%o)e A't% a /ee(t %')to/ of ot'(g te)t) a(d oAote/ /eg')t/at'o( a(d t+/(o+t, a(d t%o)e A't%o+t t%o)e %a/ate/')t'). Co(g/e)) -a)ed 't) oe/age fo/+ao( t%at d')t'(t'o(. $oda t%e #at'o( ') (o o(ge/ d''ded ao(g t%o)e '(e), et t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) to(t'(+e) to t/eat 't a) 'f 't Ae/e.


    $%e =oe/(e(tD) defe()e of t%e fo/+a ') ''ted. '/)t, t%e =oe/(e(t o(te(d) t%at t%e fo/+a ')/ee/)ee(g'(ee/edH Co(g/e)) 'de(t'f'ed t%e +/')d't'o() to -e oe/ed a(d then 836:ae +& A't%

    /'te/'a to de)/'-e t%e. :/'ef fo/ ede/a e)&o(de(t 4849. U(de/ t%at /ea)o('(g, t%e/e (eed (ot -e a(og'a /eat'o()%'& -etAee( t%e /'te/'a '( t%e fo/+a a(d t%e /ea)o( fo/ oe/age; a t%at ') (ee))a/ ')t%at t%e fo/+a %a&&e( to a&t+/e t%e +/')d't'o() Co(g/e)) Aa(ted to )'(ge o+t.

    $%e =oe/(e(t )+gge)t) t%atKatzenbach)a(t'o(ed )+% a( a&&/oa%, 86(%: -+t t%e a(a)') '(KatzenbachAa) B+'te d'ffe/e(t.Katzenbach/ea)o(ed t%at t%e oe/age fo/+a Aa) /at'o(a -ea+)e t%efo/+a . . . Aa) /eea(t to t%e &/o-eH $e)t) a(d de'e) a/e /eea(t to ot'(g d')/''(at'o( -ea+)eof t%e'/ o(g %')to/ a) a too fo/ &e/&et/at'(g t%e e'; a oA ot'(g /ate ') &e/t'(e(t fo/ t%e o-'o+) /ea)o(t%at A'de)&/ead d')e(f/a(%')ee(t +)t '(e'ta- affet t%e (+-e/ of at+a ote/). 383 U. S., at 329,330, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769.

    e/e, - o(t/a)t, t%e =oe/(e(tD) /ee/)ee(g'(ee/'(g a/g+e(t doe) (ot ee( atte&t to deo()t/atet%e o(t'(+ed /eea(e of t%e fo/+a to t%e &/o-e 't ta/get). (d '( t%e o(te t%e(/ega/de)) of %oA t%at d')/''(at'o( o&a/e) to d')/''(at'o( '( State) +(-+/de(ed - oe/age. :/'effo/ ede/a e)&o(de(t 4950. $%') a/g+e(t doe) (ot oo> to +//e(t &o't'a o(d't'o(),Northwest

    Austin,supra,at 203, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140, -+t '()tead /e'e) o( a o&a/')o( -etAee( t%eState) '( 1965. $%at o&a/')o( /efeted t%e d'ffe/e(t %')to/'e) of t%e #o/t% a(d So+t%. It Aa) '( t%e So+t%t%at )ae/ Aa) +&%ed - aA +(t' +&/ooted - t%e C'' Wa/, t%at t%e /e'g( of ' C/oA de('ed f/'a(e/'a() t%e o)t -a)' f/eedo), a(d t%at )tate a(d oa goe/(e(t) Ao/>ed t'/ee)) tod')e(f/a(%')e 't'e() o( t%e -a)') of /ae. $%e Co+/t '(o>ed t%at %')to//'g%t )o'( )+)ta'('(g t%ed')&a/ate oe/age of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t '( 1966. SeeKatzenbach,supra, at 308, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L.Ed. 2d 769 $%e o()t't+t'o(a &/o&/'et of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965 +)t -e +dged A't% /efe/e(e to

    t%e %')to/'a e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 17133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/, a(d 't g'e) Co(g/e)) t%e &oAe/ to e(fo/e t%at oa(d. $%e e(de(t ') (otde)'g(ed to &+(')% fo/ t%e &a)t; 't) &+/&o)e ') to e()+/e a -ette/ f+t+/e. See%ice. Ca!etano, 528 U. S. 495,512, 120 S. Ct. 1044, 145 L. Ed. 2d 1007 2000 Co()')te(t A't% t%e de)'g( of t%e Co()t't+t'o(, t%e

    F'ftee(t%G e(de(t ') a)t '( f+(dae(ta te/), te/) t/a()e(d'(g t%e &a/t'+a/ o(t/oe/) A%'%Aa) t%e 'ed'ate '&et+) fo/ 't) e(ate(t.. $o )e/e 839:t%at &+/&o)e, Co(g/e))'f 't ') to d''de86(1: t%e State)+)t 'de(t'f t%o)e +/')d't'o() to -e )'(ged o+t o( a -a)') t%at a>e) )e()e '( 'g%tof +//e(t o(d't'o(). It a((ot /e )'& o( t%e &a)t. We ade t%at ea/ '(Northwest Austin, a(d Aea>e 't ea/ aga'( toda.


    I( defe(d'(g t%e oe/age fo/+a, t%e =oe/(e(t, t%e '(te/e(o/), a(d t%e d'))e(t a)o /e %ea' o(data f/o t%e /eo/d t%at t%e a' +)t'f d')&a/ate oe/age. Co(g/e)) o&'ed t%o+)a(d) of &age) ofe'de(e -efo/e /ea+t%o/''(g t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t. $%e o+/t -eoA a(d t%e &a/t'e) %ae de-ated A%att%at /eo/d )%oA)t%e %ae go(e -a> a(d fo/t% a-o+t A%et%e/ to o&a/e oe/ed to (o(oe/ed

    +/')d't'o() a) -o>), %oA to d')agg/egate t%e data State - State, %oA to Ae'g% ?2 a)e) a) e'de(e ofo(go'(g d')/''(at'o(, a(d A%et%e/ to o()'de/ e'de(e (ot -efo/e Co(g/e)), ao(g ot%e/ '))+e).

    Co&a/e, e..,679 . 3d, at 873883 a)e -eoA, A't% id.,at 889902 W''a), ., d'))e(t'(g.ega/de)) of %oA to oo> at t%e /eo/d, %oAee/, (o o(e a( fa'/ )a t%at 't )%oA) a(t%'(g a&&/oa%'(gt%e &e/a)'e, fag/a(t, A'de)&/ead, a(d /a&a(t d')/''(at'o( t%at faed Co(g/e)) '( 1965, a(d8'%:t%at ea/ d')t'(g+')%ed t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o() f/o t%e /e)t of t%e #at'o( at t%at t'e.

    Katzenbach,supra, at 308, 315, 331, 86 S. Ct. 803, 15 L. Ed. 2d 769;Northwest Austin, 557 U. S., at 201,129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140 .

    :+t a o/e f+(dae(ta &/o-e /ea'()H Co(g/e)) d'd (ot +)e t%e /eo/d 't o&'ed to )%a&e a oe/agefo/+a g/o+(ded '( +//e(t o(d't'o(). It '()tead /ee(ated a fo/+a -a)ed o( 40ea/od fat) %a'(g (oog'a /eat'o( to t%e &/e)e(t da. $%e d'))e(t /e'e) o( )eo(dge(e/at'o( -a//'e/), A%'% a/e (ot'&ed'e(t) to t%e a)t'(g of -aot), -+t /at%e/ eeto/a a//a(gee(t) t%at affet t%e Ae'g%t of '(o/'tote). $%at doe) (ot +/e t%e &/o-e. @'eA'(g t%e &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t) a) ta/get'(g )+% effo/t))'& %'g%'g%t) t%e '//at'o(a't of o(t'(+ed /e'a(e o( t%e ?4 oe/age fo/+a, A%'% ') -a)ed o(ot'(g te)t) a(d ae)) to t%e -aot, (ot ote d'+t'o(. We a((ot &/ete(d t%at Ae a/e /e'eA'(g a( +&dated)tat+te, o/ t/ o+/ %a(d at +&dat'(g t%e )tat+te o+/)ee), -a)ed o( t%e (eA /eo/d o&'ed - Co(g/e)).Co(t/a/ to t%e d'))e(tD) o(te(t'o(, )eepost, at 23, Ae a/e (ot 'g(o/'(g t%e /eo/d; Ae a/e )'&/eog(''(g t%at 't &aed (o /oe '( )%a&'(g t%e )tat+to/ fo/+a -efo/e +) toda.

    $%e 8'1:d'))e(t a)o t+/() to t%e /eo/d to a/g+e t%at, '( 'g%t of ot'(g d')/''(at'o( '( S%e-Co+(t, t%e o+(t a((ot o&a'( a-o+t t%e &/o')'o() t%at )+-et 't to &/eea/a(e.)ost, at 2330. :+tt%at ') '>e )a'(g t%at a d/'e/ &+ed oe/ &+/)+a(t to a &o' of )to&&'(g a /ed%ead) a((ot o&a'(a-o+t t%at &o', 'f 't t+/() o+t %') 'e()e %a) e) A%et%e/ a eg')at'e ea() ') 8'2:o()')tFe(tG A't% t%e ette/ a(d )&'/'t of t%e o()t't+t'o(. $%e d'))e(t )tate) t%at F'Gt a((ot te(a- -ea'(ta'(ed t%at t%') ') a( '))+e A't% /ega/d to t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t,post, at 9, -+t fo+/ ea/) ago, '( a(o&'('o( o'(ed - tAo of todaD) d'))e(te/), t%e Co+/t e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 18133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572204, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140. $%e d'))e(t doe) (ot ee a( ot%e/ &'ee of eg')at'o(, -+t t%') Co+/t %a) ade ea/

    f/o t%e -eg'(('(g t%at t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t ') fa/ f/o o/d'(a/. t t%e /')> of /e&et't'o(,Katzenbach'(d'ated t%at t%e t Aa) +(oo( a(d (ot ot%e/A')e a&&/o&/'ate, -+t Aa) +)t'f'ed - e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 19133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572


    US$ICE $!"S, o(+//'(g.

    I o'( t%e Co+/tD) o&'('o( '( f+ -+t A/'te )e&a/ate to e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 20133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572=# o'(, d'))e(t'(g.

    I( t%e Co+/tD) 'eA, t%e e/ 8'9:)+e)) of ?5 of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t dea(d) 't) do/a(.Co(g/e)) Aa) of a(ot%e/ '(d. eog(''(g t%at a/ge &/og/e)) %a) -ee( ade, Co(g/e)) dete/'(ed,

    -a)ed o( a o+'(o+) /eo/d, t%at t%e )o+/ge of d')/''(at'o( Aa) (ot et e)'d'(g. $%o)e a))e))e(t) Ae/eAe A't%'( Co(g/e))D &/o'(e to a>e a(d 82633: )%o+d e''t t%') Co+/tD) +()t'(t'(g a&&/o-at'o(.

    1 $%e Co+/t &+/&o/t) to dea/e +(o()t't+t'o(a o( t%e oe/age fo/+a )et o+t '( ?4-. See ante, at 24. :+t A't%o+t t%atfo/+a, ?5 ') 'o-''ed.


    F@Got'(g d')/''(at'o( )t' ee +)t o(e e ote/) f/o &a/t''&at'(g '( &/'a/ eet'o(),Nion.

    Herndon, 273 U. S. 536, 541, 47 S. Ct. 446, 71 L. Ed. 759; '( 1944, t%e Co+/t )t/+> doA( a /ee(ateda(d )'g%t 8$1:ate/ed e/)'o( of t%e )ae aA, S&ith.Allwriht, 321 U. S. 649, 658, 64 S. Ct. 757,88 L. Ed. 987; a(d '( 1953, t%e Co+/t o(e aga'( o(f/o(ted a( atte&t - $e) f/o ot'(g, /e'ef f/o Ft%atG g/eat &o't'a A/o(g, 'f do(e, a)aeged, - t%e &eo&e of a State a(d t%e State 't)ef, +)t -e g'e( - t%e o/ - t%e eg')at'e a(d

    &o't'a de&a/te(t of t%e goe/(e(t of t%e U('ted State). Giles.Harris, 189 U. S. 475, 488, 23 S. Ct.639, 47 L. Ed. 909 1903.

    Co(g/e)) ea/(ed f/o e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 21133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572t%/o+g% /eg')t/at'o( /eo/d) '( &/e&a/at'o( fo/ t/'a. L't'gat'o( %a) -ee( e ae)) to t%e -aot, a/e a&t de)/'-ed a) )eo(dge(e/at'o( -a//'e/)to '(o/'t ot'(g.

    8263$: Seo(dge(e/at'o( -a//'e/) oe '( a/'o+) fo/). !(e of t%e -o>age) ') /a'a ge//a(de/'(g,t%e /ed/aA'(g of eg')at'e d')t/'t) '( a( effo/t to )eg/egate t%e /ae) fo/ &+/&o)e) of ot'(g.#d.,at 642,113 S. Ct. 2816, 125 L. Ed. 2d 511. (ot%e/ ') ado&t'o( of a ))te of ata/ge ot'(g '( 'e+ of d')t/'t-d')t/'t ot'(g '( a 't A't% a )'a-e -a> '(o/'t. : )A't%'(g to ata/ge ot'(g, t%e oe/a ao/'to+d o(t/o t%e eet'o( of ea% 't o+(' e-e/, effet'e e''(at'(g t%e &ote( of t%e '(o/'tD)ote). =/ofa( a'd)o(, $%e Effet of "+(''&a Eet'o( 8$6:St/+t+/e o( :a> e&/e)e(tat'o('( E'g%t So+t%e/( State), '( M+'et eo+t'o( '( t%e So+t% 301, 319 C. a'd)o( :. =/ofa( ed). 1994

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 22133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572%e/e'(afte/ M+'et eo+t'o(. )''a/ effet o+d -e a%'eed 'f t%e 't e(gaged '( d')/''(ato/a((e 'g%t. M+'te t%e o&&o)'te. $%e 109t% Co(g/e)) t%at too> /e)&o()'-''t fo/t%e /e(eAa )ta/ted ea/ a(d o()'e(t'o+). I( !to-e/ 2005, t%e o+)e -ega( e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 23133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572fede/a aAa>e/) t%at, A't%o+t t%e o(t'(+at'o( of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t of 1965 &/otet'o(), /a'a a(da(g+age '(o/'t 't'e() A' -e de&/'ed of t%e o&&o/t+('t to e'(gto /eo()'de/ t%e ee o/ ate/ /eg+at'o() o(e/('(g t%e$'e), Pae) a(d "a((e/ of %od'(g Eet'o() fo/ Se(ato/) a(d e&/e)e(tat'e).;Arizona . #nter -ribal Council o" Ariz.,

    #nc., 2013 U.S. LEXIS 4544, *10.

    It a((ot te(a- -e a'(ta'(ed t%at t%e ;RA,a( t of Co(g/e)) ado&ted to )%'ed t%e /'g%t to ote f/o/a'a d')/''(at'o(, ') '(o()')te(t A't% t%e ette/ o/ )&'/'t of t%e 'ftee(t% e(de(t, o/ a( &/o')'o(of t%e Co()t't+t'o( /ead '( 'g%t of t%e C'' Wa/ e(de(t). #oA%e/e '( todaD) o&'('o(, o/ '(Northwest

    Austin, 3') t%e/e ea/ /eog('t'o( 86"%: of t%e t/a()fo/at'e effet t%e 'ftee(t% e(de(t a'ed toa%'ee. #ota-, t%e o+(de/)D f'/)t )+e))f+ ae(de(t tod Co(g/e)) t%at 't o+d Da>e (o aAD oe/

    a e/ta'( doa'(; '( o(t/a)t, t%e C'' Wa/ e(de(t) 863:+)ed a(g+age Ft%atG a+t%o/'edt/a()fo/at'e (eA fede/a )tat+te) to +&/oot a e)t'ge) of +(f/eedo a(d '(eB+a't a(d &/o'ded)Aee&'(g e(fo/ee(t &oAe/) . . . to e(at Da&&/o&/'ateD eg')at'o( ta/get'(g )tate a-+)e). . a/,e/'aD) Co()t't+t'o(H :'og/a&% 361, 363, 399 2005. See a)o "Co((e, I()t't+t'o() a(dI(te/&/etat'o(H C/'t'B+e of Cit! o" (oerne.3lores, 111 a/. L. e. 153, 182 1997 B+ot'(g C''Wa/e/a f/ae/ t%at t%e /eed fo/ t%e 'oat'o( of t%e fo+/tee(t% a(d f'ftee(t% ae(de(t) Aa) e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 24133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 45723 >(oAedg'(g t%e ee to )at')f t%e'('a /eB+'/ee(t) of t%e /at'o(a-a)') te)t. '/)t, A%e( /ea+t%o/'at'o( ') at '))+e, Co(g/e)) %a) a/eada))e-ed a eg')at'e /eo/d +)t'f'(g t%e '('t'a eg')at'o(. Co(g/e)) ') e(t'ted to o()'de/ t%at


  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 25133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572a( /at'o(a ea() '( e'(g to ada(e t%e eg')at+/eD)eg't'ate o-et'e.


    $%e 2006 /ea+t%o/'at'o( of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t f+ )at')f'e) t%e )ta(da/d )tated '(McCulloch, 17 U.S.316, 4 W%eat., at 421, 4 L. Ed. 579H Co(g/e)) a %oo)e a( ea() a&&/o&/'ate a(d &a'( ada&tedto a eg't'ate o()t't+t'o(a e(d. ) Ae )%a )ee, 't ') '&a+)'-e to )+gge)t ot%e/A')e.


    I -eg'( A't% t%e e'de(e o( A%'% Co(g/e)) -a)ed 't) de')'o( to o(t'(+e t%e &/eea/a(e /eed. $%e)+/e)t Aa to ea+ate A%et%e/ t%at /eed /ea'() '( o/de/ ') to )ee 'f &/eea/a(e ') )t' effet'e

    &/ee(t'(g 86":d')/''(ato/ %a(ge) to ot'(g aA). See Cit! o" %o&e, 446 U. S., at 181, 100 S. Ct.

    1548, 64 L. Ed. 2d 119 'de(t'f'(g '(fo/at'o( o( t%e (+-e/ a(d t&e) of )+-'))'o() ade - oe/ed+/')d't'o() a(d t%e (+-e/ a(d (at+/e of o-et'o() '(te/&o)ed - t%e tto/(e =e(e/a a) a &/'a/-a)') fo/ +&%od'(g t%e 1975 /ea+t%o/'at'o(. !( t%at )o/e, t%e /eo/d -efo/e Co(g/e)) Aa) %+ge. I( fat,Co(g/e)) fo+(d t%e/e Ae/e &ore! o-et'o() -etAee( 1982 86"2: a(d 2004 626 t%a( t%e/e Ae/e

    -etAee( 1965 a(d t%e 1982 /ea+t%o/'at'o( 490. 1 @ot'(g 'g%t) tH E'de(e of Co(t'(+ed #eed,ea/'(g -efo/e t%e S+-o'ttee o( t%e Co()t't+t'o( of t%e o+)e Co'ttee o( t%e +d''a/, 109t%Co(g., 2d Se))., &. 172 2006 %e/e'(afte/ E'de(e of Co(t'(+ed #eed.

    tod, -etAee( 1982 a(d 2006, ! o-et'o() -o>ed oe/ 700 ot'(g %a(ge) -a)ed o( adete/'(at'o( t%at t%e %a(ge) Ae/e d')/''(ato/. . . e&. #o. 109478, at 21. Co(g/e)) fo+(d t%at t%eao/'t of ! o-et'o() '(+ded f'(d'(g) of d')/''(ato/ '(te(t, )ee 679 . 3d, at 867, a(d t%at t%e%a(ge) -o>ed - &/eea/a(e Ae/e a+ated de')'o() to >ee& '(o/'t ote/) f/o f+

    &a/t''&at'(g '( t%e &o't'a &/oe)). . . e&. 109478, at 21. !( to& 869:of t%at, oe/ t%e )aet'e &e/'od t%e ! a(d &/'ate &a'(t'ff) )+eeded '( o/e t%a( 100 at'o() to e(fo/e t%e ?5

    &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t). 1 E'de(e of Co(t'(+ed #eed 186, 250.I( add't'o( to -o>'(g &/o&o)ed ot'(g %a(ge) t%/o+g% &/eea/a(e, ! a /eB+e)t o/e '(fo/at'o(f/o a +/')d't'o( &/o&o)'(g a %a(ge. I( t+/(, t%e +/')d't'o( a od'f o/ A't%d/aA t%e &/o&o)ed%a(ge. $%e (+-e/ of )+% od'f'at'o() o/ A't%d/aAa) &/o'de) a( '(d'at'o( of %oA a(d')/''(ato/ &/o&o)a) a/e dete//ed A't%o+t (eed fo/ fo/a o-et'o(. Co(g/e)) /ee'ed e'de(e t%ato/e t%a( 800 &/o&o)ed %a(ge) Ae/e ate/ed o/ A't%d/aA( )'(e t%e a)t /ea+t%o/'at'o( '( 1982. . .e&. #o. 109478, at 4041. 4Co(g/e)) a)o /ee'ed e&'/'a )t+d'e) f'(d'(g t%at !D) /eB+e)t) fo/ o/e'(fo/at'o( %ad a )'g('f'a(t effet o( t%e deg/ee to A%'% oe/ed 826'%: +/')d't'o() o&F'edG A't%t%e'/ o-'gat'oF(G to &/otet '(o/'t ot'(g /'g%t). 2 E'de(e of Co(t'(+ed #eed 2555.

    4 $%') (+-e/ '(+de) o( %a(ge) at+a &/o&o)ed. Co(g/e)) a)o /ee'ed e'de(e t%at a( oe/ed +/')d't'o()e(gaged '( a( '(fo/a o()+tat'o( &/oe)) A't% ! -efo/e fo/a )+-'tt'(g a &/o&o)a, )o t%at 8(%:t%e dete//e(t

    effet of &/eea/a(e Aa) fa/ -/oade/ t%a( t%e fo/a )+-'))'o() ao(e )+gge)t. $%e Co(t'(+'(g #eed fo/ Set'o( 5 P/eCea/a(eH ea/'(g -efo/e t%e Se(ate Co'ttee o( t%e +d''a/, 109t% Co(g., 2d Se))., &&. 5354 2006. ag/ee t%at a(+()+&&o/ted a))e/t'o( a-o+t dete//e(e Ao+d (ot -e )+ff''e(t to +)t'f >ee&'(g a /eed '( &ae '( &e/&et+'t. See ante,at 17. :+t 't Aa) e/ta'( /ea)o(a-e fo/ Co(g/e)) to o()'de/ t%e te)t'o( of A't(e))e) A%o %ad Ao/>ed A't% off''a) '(oe/ed +/')d't'o() a(d o-)e/ed a /eaAo/d dete//e(t effet.

    Co(g/e)) a)o /ee'ed e'de(e t%at 't'gat'o( +(de/ ?2 of t%e ;RAAa) a( '(adeB+ate )+-)t't+te fo/&/eea/a(e '( t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o(). L't'gat'o( o+/) o( afte/ t%e fat, A%e( t%e 'ega ot'(g)%ee %a) a/ead -ee( &+t '( &ae a(d '(d''d+a) %ae -ee( eeted &+/)+a(t to 't, t%e/e- ga'('(g t%e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 26133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572ada(tage) of '(+-e(. 1 E'de(e of Co(t'(+ed #eed 97. ( 'ega )%ee 'g%t -e '( &ae fo/)ee/a eet'o( e) -efo/e a ?2 &a'(t'ff a( gat%e/ )+ff''e(t e'de(e to %ae(ge 't. 1 @ot'(g 'g%t)tH Set'o( 5 of t%e t')to/, So&e, a(d P+/&o)eH ea/'(g -efo/e t%e S+-o'ttee o( t%e


    of t%e o+)e Co'ttee o( t%e +d''a/, 109t% Co(g., 1)t Se))., &. 92 2005%e/e'(afte/ Set'o( 5 ea/'(g. (d 't'gat'o( &ae) a %ea f'(a('a -+/de( o( '(o/'t ote/). See id.,at 84. Co(g/e)) a)o /ee'ed e'de(e t%at &/eea/a(e e))e(ed t%e 't'gat'o( -+/de( o( oe/ed

    +/')d't'o() t%e)ee), -ea+)e t%e &/eea/a(e &/oe)) ') fa/ e)) o)t t%a( defe(d'(g aga'()t a ?2a', a(d ea/a(e - ! )+-)ta(t'a 86"3: /ed+e) t%e '>e'%ood t%at a ?2 a' A' -e o+(ted.ea+t%o/''(g t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) tD) $e&o/a/ P/o')'o()H Po' Pe/)&et'e) a(d @'eA) /o t%e'edH ea/'(g -efo/e t%e S+-o'ttee o( t%e Co()t't+t'o(, C'' 'g%t) a(d P/o&e/t 'g%t) of t%e Se(ateCo'ttee o( t%e +d''a/, 109t% Co(g., 2d Se))., &&. 13, 120121 2006. See a)o :/'ef fo/ State) of

    #eA Jo/>, Ca'fo/('a, "'))'))'&&', a(d #o/t% Ca/o'(a a)A&ici Curiae89 Set'o( 5 /ed+Fe)G t%e'>e'%ood t%at a +/')d't'o( A' fae o)t a(d &/ot/ated Set'o( 2 't'gat'o(.

    $%e (+-e/ of d')/''(ato/ %a(ge) -o>ed o/ dete//ed - t%e &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t )+gge)t) t%att%e )tate of ot'(g /'g%t) '( t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o() Ao+d %ae -ee( )'g('f'a(t d'ffe/e(t a-)e(t t%')/eed. 8(2:S+/e'(g t%e t&e of %a(ge) )to&&ed - t%e &/eea/a(e &/oed+/e o(e) a )e()e of

    t%e e ao/ a(d t%/ee -a> ade/e(.#d.,at 3637.

    I( 2006, t%') Co+/t fo+(d t%at $e of '(te(t'o(a d')/''(at'o( t%at o+d g'e /')e to a( eB+a &/otet'o( 'oat'o(, a(do/de/ed t%e d')t/'t /ed/aA( '( o&'a(e A't% t%e ;RA.'eaue o" United 'atin A&erican Citizens.)err!, 548U. S. 399, 440, 126 S. Ct. 2594, 165 L. Ed. 2d 609 2006. I( /e)&o()e, 826'1: $eed - a( at'o( to e(fo/e t%e ?5 &/eea/a(e/eB+'/ee(t. See !/de/ '('eaue o" United 'atin A&erican Citizens. -eas, #o. 061046 W $e t%e &/o&o)a.

    I( 1993, t%e C't of "'e(, =eo/g'a, &/o&o)ed to dea t%e eet'o( 86"': '( a ao/'t-a> d')t/'t - tAoea/), ea'(g 8(':t%at d')t/'t A't%o+t /e&/e)e(tat'o( o( t%e 't o+(' A%'e t%e (e'g%-o/'(g ao/'tA%'ted')t/'t Ao+d %ae t%/ee /e&/e)e(tat'e). 1 Set'o( 5 ea/'(g 744. ! -o>ed t%e &/o&o)a. $%e o+(t t%e()o+g%t to oe a &o'(g &ae f/o a &/edo'(a(t -a> (e'g%-o/%ood '( t%e 't to a( '(ae))'-e oat'o( '( a

    &/edo'(a(t A%'te (e'g%-o/%ood o+t)'de 't ''t).#d.,at 816.

    I( 2004, Wae/ Co+(t, $e )t+de(t) afte/ t%e a((o+(ed t%e'/ '(te(t'o( to

    /+( fo/ off'e. $%e o+(t t%e( atte&ted to /ed+e t%e aa'a-''t of ea/ ot'(g '( t%at eet'o( at &o'(g &ae)(ea/ a %')to/'a -a> +('e/)'t. 679 . 3d, at 865866.

    I( 1990, aa) Co+(t, a-aa, A%o)e o+(t )eat ') t%e C't of Sea, )o+g%t to &+/ge 't) ote/ /o) of a(-a> ote/). ! /eeted t%e &+/ge a) d')/''(ato/, (ot'(g t%at 't Ao+d %ae d')B+a'f'ed a( 't'e() f/oot'(g )'& -ea+)e t%e fa'ed to &'> +& o/ /et+/( a ote/ +&date fo/, A%e( t%e/e Aa) (o a'd /eB+'/ee(tt%at t%e do )o. 1 Set'o( 5 ea/'(g 356.

    $%e)e e

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    Page 27133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572+/')d't'o() F/ea'(edG )e/'o+) a(d &e/a)'e. 679 . 3d, at 865. 5

    5 o/ a( '+)t/at'o( &o)tdat'(g t%e 2006 /ea+t%o/'at'o(, )ee South Carolina. United States, 898 . S+&&. 2d 30 C 2012,A%'% '(oed a So+t% Ca/o'(a ote/'de(t'f'at'o( aA e(ated '( 2011. Co(e/(ed t%at t%e aA Ao+d -+/de( '(o/'tote/), ! -/o+g%t a ?5 e(fo/ee(t at'o( to -o> t%e aAD) '&ee(tat'o(. I( t%e o+/)e of t%e 't'gat'o(, So+t%Ca/o'(a off''a) ag/eed to -'(d'(g '(te/&/etat'o() t%at ade 't fa/ ea)'e/ t%a( )oe 'g%t %ae e o)) of t%e ga'() t%at %ad -ee( ade. ??2-2, 9.Co(e/() of t%') o/de/, t%e Co+/t &/e'o+) fo+(d, gae Co(g/e)) adeB+ate a+)e to /ea+t%o/'e t%e ;RA.Cit! o" %o&e, 446 U. S., at 180182, 100 S. Ct. 1548, 64 L. Ed. 2d 119 o(g/e))'o(a /ea+t%o/'at'o( of t%e86"$: &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t Aa) +)t'f'ed -a)ed o( t%e (+-e/ a(d (at+/e of o-et'o() '(te/&o)ed

    - t%e tto/(e =e(e/a )'(e t%e &/'o/ /ea+t%o/'at'o(; e) o'tted. a'(g )+% e'de(e t%e(, t%e Co+/t e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 28133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 45729641124 2005 %e/e'(afte/ I&at a(d Effet'e(e)). :ea+)e t%e &/'ate /'g%t of at'o( a+t%o/'ed -?2 of t%e ;RAa&&'e) (at'o(A'de, a o&a/')o( of ?2 aA)+'t) '( oe/ed a(d (o(oe/ed +/')d't'o()

    &/o'de) a( a&&/o&/'ate a/d)t'> fo/ ea)+/'(g 8(9:d'ffe/e(e) -etAee( oe/ed a(d (o(oe/ed

    +/')d't'o(). If d'ffe/e(e) '( t%e /')> of ot'(g d')/''(at'o( -etAee( oe/ed a(d (o(oe/ed+/')d't'o() %ad d')a&&ea/ed, o(e Ao+d 826'3: e of ot'(g d')/''(at'o(t%e/e Ae/e t%e )ae a) e)eA%e/e '( t%e o+(t/.

    t%o+g% oe/ed +/')d't'o() ao+(t fo/ e)) t%a( 25 &e/e(t of t%e o+(t/D) &o&+at'o(, t%e at )t+d/eeaed t%at t%e ao+(ted fo/ 56 &e/e(t of )+e))f+ ?2 't'gat'o( )'(e 1982. I&at a(d Effet'e(e))

    974. Co(t/o'(g fo/ &o&+at'o(, t%e/e Ae/e (ea/"ourt'e) a) a( )+e))f+ ?2 a)e) '( oe/ed+/')d't'o() a) t%e/e Ae/e '( (o(oe/ed +/')d't'o(). 679 . 3d, at 874. $%e at )t+d f+/t%e/ fo+(d t%at?2 aA)+'t) a/e o/e 8"%:'>e to )+eed A%e( t%e a/e f'ed '( oe/ed +/')d't'o() t%a( '((o(oe/ed +/')d't'o(). I&at a(d Effet'e(e)) 974. /o t%e)e f'(d'(g)'g(o/ed - t%e Co+/tCo(g/e)) /ea)o(a- o(+ded t%at t%e oe/age fo/+a o(t'(+e) to 'de(t'f t%e +/')d't'o() of g/eate)to(e/(.

    $%e e'de(e -efo/e Co(g/e)), f+/t%e/o/e, '(d'ated t%at ot'(g '( t%e oe/ed +/')d't'o() Aa) o/e/a'a &oa/'ed t%a( e)eA%e/e '( t%e o+(t/. . . e&. #o. 109478, at 3435. W%'e /a'a &oa/'edot'(g ao(e doe) (ot )'g(a a o()t't+t'o(a 'oat'o(, 't ') a fato/ t%at '(/ea)e) t%e +(e/a-''t of /a'a'(o/'t'e) to d')/''(ato/ %a(ge) '( ot'(g aA. $%e /ea)o( ') tAofod. '/)t, /a'a &oa/'at'o( ea()t%at /a'a '(o/'t'e) a/e at /')> of -e'(g ))teat'a o+toted a(d %a'(g t%e'/ '(te/e)t)+(de//e&/e)e(ted '( eg')at+/e). Seo(d, A%e( &o't'a &/efe/e(e) fa ao(g /a'a '(e), t%e (at+/a'('(at'o() of '(+-e(t) a(d /+'(g &a/t'e) to e(t/e(% t%e)ee) %ae &/ed'ta-e /a'a effet). U(de/

    '/+)ta(e) of )ee/e /a'a &oa/'at'o(, effo/t) to ga'( &o't'a ada(tage t/a()ate '(to /ae)&e'f'd')ada(tage). ()oa-e%e/e, Pe/)', SteAa/t, eg'o(a 'ffe/e(e) 8"1:'( a'a Poa/'at'o( '(t%e 2012 P/e)'de(t'a Eet'o(H I&'at'o() fo/ t%e Co()t't+t'o(a't of Set'o( 5 of t%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t,126 a/. L. e. o/+ 205, 209 2013.

    I( ot%e/ Ao/d), a goe/('(g &o't'a oa't'o( %a) a( '(e(t'e to &/ee(t %a(ge) '( t%e e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 29133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572+/')d't'o( to fede/a &/eea/a(e +&o( f'(d'(g t%at 'oat'o() of t%e o+/tee(t% a(d 'ftee(t%e(de(t) %ae o+//ed t%e/e. ?1973a 2006 ed..

    Co(g/e)) Aa) )at')f'ed t%at t%e ;RA@) -a'o+t e%a(') &/o'ded a( effet'e ea() of ad+)t'(g t%e

    ;RA@) oe/age oe/ t'e. . . e&. #o. 109478, at 25 t%e )+e)) of -a'o+t '+)t/ate) t%atH 1oe/ed )tat+) ') (e't%e/ &e/a(e(t (o/ oe/-/oad; a(d 2 oe/ed )tat+) %a) -ee( a(d o(t'(+e) to -eA't%'( 8"3:t%e o(t/o of t%e +/')d't'o( )+% t%at t%o)e +/')d't'o() t%at %ae a ge(+'(e ea(/eo/d a(d Aa(t to te/'(ate oe/age %ae t%e a-''t to do )o. #ea/ 200 +/')d't'o() %ae)+e))f+ -a'ed o+t of t%e &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t, a(d ! %a) o()e(ted to ee/ -a'o+t a&&'at'o(f'ed - a( e'g'-e +/')d't'o( )'(e t%e +//e(t -a'o+t &/oed+/e -eae effet'e '( 1984. :/'ef fo/ede/a e)&o(de(t 54. $%e -a''( e%a(') %a) a)o Ao/>ed. See/a +/')d't'o() %ae -ee( )+-et tofede/a &/eea/a(e - o+/t o/de/), '(+d'(g t%e State) of #eA "e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 30133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572a-aa ') %oe to Sea, )'te of t%e :ood S+(da -eat'(g) of ''/'g%t) deo()t/ato/) t%at )e/eda) t%e ata)t fo/ t%e ;RA@) e(ate(t. ooA'(g t%o)e ee(t), "a/t'( L+t%e/ '(g, /., ed a a/% f/oSea to "o(tgoe/, a-aaD) a&'ta, A%e/e %e aed fo/ &a))age of t%e ;RA.If t%e t &a))ed, %e

    fo/e)aA, &/og/e)) o+d -e ade ee( '( a-aa, -+t t%e/e %ad to -e a )teadfa)t (at'o(a o'te(t to)ee t%e ta)> t%/o+g% to o&et'o(. I( '(gD) Ao/d), t%e a/ of t%e o/a +('e/)e ') o(g, -+t 't -e(d)toAa/d +)t'e. =. "a, :e(d'(g $oAa/d +)t'eH $%e @ot'(g 'g%t) t a(d t%e $/a()fo/at'o( ofe/'a( eo/a 144 2013.

    ')to/ %a) &/oed '(g /'g%t. t%o+g% '/+)ta(e) '( a-aa %ae %a(ged, )e/'o+) o(e/() /ea'(.:etAee( 1982 a(d 2005, a-aa %ad o(e of t%e %'g%e)t /ate) of )+e))f+ ?2 )+'t), )eo(d o( to 't);RAoe/ed (e'g%-o/ "'))'))'&&'. 679 . 3d, at 897 W''a), ., d'))e(t'(g. I( ot%e/ Ao/d), ee( A%'e)+-et to t%e /e)t/a'('(g effet of ?5, a-aa Aa) fo+(d to %ae de('FedG o/ a-/'dgeFdG ot'(g /'g%t)o( ao+(t of /ae o/ oo/ o/e f/eB+e(t 8"(:t%a( (ea/ a ot%e/ State) '( t%e U('o(. 42 U. S. C.?1973a. $%') fat &/o&ted t%e d'))e(t'(g +dge -eoA to o(ede t%at a o/e (a//oA ta'o/edoe/age fo/+a a&t+/'(g a-aa a(d a %a(df+ of ot%e/ +/')d't'o() A't% a( e)ta-')%ed t/a> /eo/dof /a'a d')/''(at'o( '( ot'(g 'g%t -e defe()'-e. 679 . 3d, at 897 o&'('o( of W''a), .. $%at ')a( +(de/)tatee(t. a-aaD) )o// %')to/ of ?2 'oat'o() ao(e &/o'de) )+ff''e(t +)t'f'at'o( fo/

    Co(g/e))D dete/'(at'o( '( 2006 t%at t%e State )%o+d /ea'( )+-et to ?5D) &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t.7

    7 $%') aA)+'t Aa) f'ed - S%e- Co+(t, a &o't'a )+-d'')'o( of a-aa, /at%e/ t%a( - t%e State 't)ef. #ee/t%ee)), 't') a&&/o&/'ate to +dge S%e- Co+(tD) o()t't+t'o(a %ae(ge '( 'g%t of '()ta(e) of d')/''(at'o( )tateA'de -ea+)eS%e- Co+(t ') )+-et to ?5D) &/eea/a(e /eB+'/ee(t - '/t+e ofAlaba&a1s de)'g(at'o( a) a oe/ed +/')d't'o( +(de/?4- of t%e ;RA. See ante, at 7. I( a( ee(t, S%e- Co+(tD) /ee(t /eo/d of e&o'(g a( ata/ge eeto/a ))teta'(ted - '(te(t'o(a /a'a d')/''(at'o( ') - 't)ef )+ff''e(t to +)t'f )+-et'(g t%e o+(t to ?5D) &/eea/a(e a(date.8"":See in"ra, at 26.

    826'6: 86"9: feA e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 31133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572a. 1988. !(e of t%o)e defe(da(t) Aa) S%e- Co+(t, A%'% ee(t+a )'g(ed a o()e(t de/ee to/e)oe t%e a') 89%:aga'()t 't. SeeDillard. Crenshaw Ct!., 748 . S+&&. 819 " a. 1990.

    t%o+g% t%eDillard't'gat'o( /e)+ted '( oe/%a+) of (+e/o+) eeto/a ))te) ta'(ted - /a'a

    d')/''(at'o(, o(e/() a-o+t -a>)'d'(g &e/)')t. I( 2008, fo/ e'(g. "e-e/) of t%e )tate Se(ate de/')'e /efe/ to f/'a(e/'a() a)-o/'g'(e) a(d ta> o&e( of t%e'/ a' to B+a)% a &a/t'+a/ ga-'(g/eated /efe/e(d+ -ea+)e t%e/efe/e(d+, 'f &aed o( t%e -aot, 'g%t '(/ea)e f/'a(e/'a( ote/ t+/(o+t.#d., at 13451346'(te/(a B+otat'o( a/>) o'tted. See a)o id., at 13 45 eg')ato/) a(d t%e'/ a'e) e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 32133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572o( /ae Aa) o()t't+t'o(a a) a&&'ed to t%e )tate off''a) -efo/e t%e Co+/t, ee( 'f 't o+d (oto()t't+t'o(a -e a&&'ed to ot%e/ &a/t'e). )''a/ a&&/oa% ') Aa//a(ted %e/e. 9

    9 $%e Co+/t doe) (ot o(te)t t%at a-aaD) %')to/ of /a'a d')/''(at'o( &/o'de) a )+ff''e(t -a)') fo/ Co(g/e)) to/eB+'/e a-aa a(d 't) &o't'a )+-d'')'o() to &/eea/ eeto/a %a(ge). #ee/t%ee)), t%e Co+/t 89':a))e/t) t%atS%e- Co+(t a &/ea' o( 't) fa'a %ae(ge to ?4D) oe/age fo/+a -ea+)e 't ') )+-et to ?5D) &/eea/a(e/eB+'/ee(t - '/t+e of t%at fo/+a. See ante, at 22 $%e o+(t Aa) )eeted Ffo/ &/eea/a(eG -a)ed o( t%FeG Foe/ageGfo/+a.. $%') '))e) t%e /ea't t%at Co(g/e)) de'ded to )+-et a-aa to &/eea/a(e -a)ed o( e'de(e of o(t'(+'(go()t't+t'o(a 'oat'o() '( t%at State. Seesupra, at 28, (. 8.

    826'": $%e ;RA@) e 't)ef 896:a-e o(f'de(t to d')e/( t%at Co(g/e)) Ao+d (ot%ae de)'/ed 't) eg')at'o( to )ta(d at a +(e)) 't o+d a'd )ta(d '( 't) ee/ a&&'at'o(. Lea&'(g to/e)oe S%e- Co+(tD) fa'a %ae(ge A't%o+t o()'de/'(g A%et%e/ a&&'at'o( of t%e ;RAto S%e-Co+(t ') o()t't+t'o(a, o/ ee( add/e))'(g t%e ;RA@) )ee/a-''t &/o')'o(, t%e Co+/tD) o&'('o( a(%a/d -e de)/'-ed a) a( e(oAedge), /eeted t%e (ot'o( t%at t%e FeB+a )oe/e'g(tG &/'('&eo&e/ateF)G 89(:a) a -a/ o( d'ffe/e(t'a t/eate(t o+t)'de Ft%eG o(te

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 33133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572/e'(g o(Northwest AustinD) e&%a)') o( Ft%eG )'g('f'a(e of t%e eB+a)oe/e'g(t &/'('&e. If t%eCo+/t ') )+gge)t'(g t%at d't+ '(Northwest Austin)'e(t oe//+edKatzenbachD) ''tat'o( of t%e eB+a)oe/e'g(t dot/'(e to t%e ad'))'o( of (eA State), t%e )+gge)t'o( ') +(te(a-e.Northwest Austin'ted

    KatzenbachD) %od'(g '( t%e o+/)e of declinin to decideA%et%e/ t%e;RA

    Aa) o()t't+t'o(a o/ ee( A%at)ta(da/d of /e'eA a&&'ed to t%e B+e)t'o(. 557 U. S., at 203204, 129 S. Ct. 2504, 174 L. Ed. 2d 140. I(todaD) de')'o(, t%e Co+/t /at%et) +& A%at Aa) &+/e d't+ '(Northwest Austin, att/'-+t'(g -/eadt% to t%eeB+a )oe/e'g(t &/'('&e '( fat o(t/ad't'o( ofKatzenbach. $%e Co+/t doe) )o A't% (a/ a( e'(gKatzenbachde')'o( '( ea% /ea+t%o/'at'o( of t%e;RA.It %ad ee/ /ea)o( to -e'ee t%at t%e tD) ''ted geog/a&%'a )o&e Ao+d Ae'g% '( fao/ of, (otaga'()t, t%e tD) o()t't+t'o(a't. See, e.., United States.Morrison, 529 U. S. 598, 626627, 120 S. Ct.1740, 146 L. Ed. 2d 658 2000 o(f'('(g &/eea/a(e /eg'e to State) A't% a /eo/d of d')/''(at'o(

    -o)te/ed t%e ;RA@) o()t't+t'o(a't. Co(g/e)) o+d %a/d %ae fo/e)ee( t%at t%e ;RA@) ''tedgeog/a&%' /ea% Ao+d /e(de/ t%e t o()t't+t'o(a )+)&et. See Pe/)' 195 FSG+&&o/te/) of t%e t)o+g%t to deeo& a( e'de(t'a/ /eo/d fo/ t%e &/'('&a &+/&o)e of e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 34133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

    2013 U.S. LEXIS 4917, ***; 81 U.S.L.W. 4572ea+t%o/'at'o( ?2-3, 9. @o+e) of e'de(e )+&&o/ted Co(g/e))D dete/'(at'o( t%at t%e &/o)&et of/et/og/e))'o( Aa) /ea. $%/oA'(g o+t &/eea/a(e A%e( 't %a) Ao/>ed a(d ') o(t'(+'(g to Ao/> to )to&d')/''(ato/ %a(ge) ') '>e t%/oA'(g aAa o+/ +-/ea '( a /a'()to/ -ea+)e o+ a/e (ot gett'(g Aet.

    :+t, t%e Co+/t '()')t), t%e oe/age fo/+a ') (o good; 't ') -a)ed o( deade)od data a(d e/ad'ated&/at'e).Ante, at 18. Ee( 'f t%e eg')at'e /eo/d )%oA), a) e(gag'(g A't% 't Ao+d /eea, t%at t%efo/+a a+/ate 'de(t'f'e) t%e +/')d't'o() A't% t%e Ao/)t o(d't'o() of ot'(g d')/''(at'o(, t%at ') of(o oe(t, a) t%e Co+/t )ee) 't. Co(g/e)), t%e Co+/t de/ee), +)t )ta/FtG f/o )/at%.Ante, at 23. I do(ot )ee A% t%at )%o+d -e )o.

    Co(g/e))D %o/e Aa) d'ffe/e(t '( 1965 t%a( 't Aa) '( 2006. I( 1965, t%e/e Ae/e a )a (+-e/ ofState) . . . A%'% '( o)t '()ta(e) Ae/e 81%2:fa''a/ to Co(g/e)) - (ae, o( A%'% Co(g/e)) f'(oA( ')t of &ae) A't% a( +(d')&+ted %')to/ of )e/'o+) &/o-e) A't% /a'a d')/''(at'o(

    '( ot'(g. ee(t e'de(e /eat'(g to a-aa a(d 't) o+(t'e) Aa) t%e/e fo/ a to )ee. "+t'&e S+&/eeCo+/t de')'o() %ad +&%ed t%e oe/age &/o')'o(, o)t /ee(t '( 1999. $%e/e Aa) e

  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)


    Page 35133 S. Ct. 2612, *; 186 L. Ed. 2d 651, **;

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  • 8/13/2019 Voting Rights Act 1965 (Revised 1975)
