volume and angle structures on closed 3-manifolds feng luo rutgers university oct. 28, 2006 texas...

Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

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Page 1: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds

Feng Luo

Rutgers University

Oct. 28, 2006

Texas Geometry/Topology conference

Rice University

Page 2: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Conventions and Notations

1. Hn, Sn, En n-dim hyperbolic, spherical and Euclidean spaces with curvature λ = -1,1,0.

2. σn is an n-simplex, vertices labeled as 1,2,…,n, n+1.

3. indices i,j,k,l are pairwise distinct.

4. Hn (or Sn) is the space of all hyperbolic (or spherical)

n-simplexes parameterized by the dihedral angles.

5. En = space of all Euclidean n-simplexes modulo similarity

parameterized by the dihedral angles.

Page 3: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

For instance, the space of all hyperbolic triangles, H2 ={(a1, a2, a3) | ai >0 and a1 + a2 + a3 < π}.

The space of Euclidean triangles up to similarity,

E2 ={(a,b,c) | a,b,c >0, and a+b+c=π}.

Note. The corresponding spaces for 3-simplex, H3, E3, S3 are not convex.

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The space of all spherical triangles,

S2 ={(a1, a2, a3) | a1 + a2 + a3 > π, ai + aj < ak + π}.

Page 5: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

The Schlaefli formula

Given σ3 in H3, S3 with edge lengths lij and dihedral angles xij,

let V =V(x) be the volume where x=(x12,x13,x14,x23,x24,x34).

d(V) = /2 lij dxij

Page 6: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

∂V/∂xij = (λlij )/2

Define the volume of a Euclidean simplex to be 0.

Corollary 1. The volume function

V: H3 U E3 U S3 R

is C1-smooth.

Schlaefli formula suggests:

natural length = (curvature) X length.

Page 7: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Schlaefli formula suggests: a way to find geometric structures on triangulated closed 3-manifold (M, T).

Following Murakami, an H-structure on (M, T):

1. Realize each σ3 in T by a hyperbolic 3-simplex.

2. The sum of dihedral angles at each edge in T is 2π.

The volume V of an H-structure = the sum of the volume of its simplexes

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Prop. 1.(Murakami, Bonahon, Casson, Rivin,…) If V: H(M,T) R has a critical point p, then the manifold M is hyperbolic.

H(M,T) = the space of all H-structures, a smooth manifold.

V: H(M,T) –> R is the volume.

Here is a proof using Schlaelfi:

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Suppose p=(p1,p 2 ,p3 ,…, pn) is a critical point.

Then dV/dt(p1-t, p2+t, p3,…,pn)=0 at t=0. By Schlaefli, it is:

le(A)/2 -le(B)/2 =0

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The difficulties in carrying out the above approach:

1. It is difficult to determine if H(M,T) is non-empty.

2. H3 and S3 are known to be non-convex.

3. It is not even known if H(M,T) is connected.

4. Milnor’s conj.: V: Hn (or Sn) R can be extendedcontinuously to the compact closure of Hn (or Sn )inRn(n+1)/2 .

Page 11: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Classical geometric tetrahedra

Euclidean Hyperbolic Spherical

From dihedral angle point of view,

vertex triangles are spherical triangles.

Page 12: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Angle Structure

An angle structure (AS) on a 3-simplex: assigns each edge a dihedral angle in (0, π) so that each vertex triangle is a spherical triangle.

Eg. Classical geometric tetrahedra are AS.

Page 13: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Angle structure on 3-mfd

An angle structure (AS) on (M, T):

realize each 3-simplex in T by an AS so that the sum of dihedral angles at each edge is


Note: The conditions are linear equations and linear inequalities

Page 14: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

There is a natural notion of volume of AS on 3-simplex (to be defined below using Schlaefli).

AS(M,T) = space of all AS’s on (M,T).

AS(M,T) is a convex bounded polytope.

Let V: AS(M, T) R be the volume map.

Page 15: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Theorem 1. If T is a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold Mand volume V has a local maximum point in AS(M,T),


1. M has a constant curvature metric, or

2. there is a normal 2-sphere intersecting each edge in at most one point.

In particular, if T has only one vertex, M is reducible. Furthermore, V can be extended continuously to the compact

closure of AS(M,T).

Note. The maximum point of V always exists in the closure.

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Theorem 2. (Kitaev, L) For any closed 3-manifold M,

there is a triangulation T of M supporting an angle structure.

In fact, all 3-simplexes are hyperbolic or spherical tetrahedra.

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• How to define the volume of an angle structure?

• How does an angle structure look like?

Page 18: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Classical volume V can be defined on H3 U E3 U S3 by integrating the

Schlaefli 1-form ω =/2 lij dxij .

1. ω depends on the length lij

2. lij depends on the face angles ybc a by the cosine law.

3. ybca depends on dihedral angles xrs by the cosine law.

4. Thus ω can be constructed from xrs by the cosine law.

5. d ω =0.

Claim: all above can be carried out for angle structures.

Page 19: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Angle Structure

Face angle is well defined by the cosine law, i.e., face angle = edge length of the vertex triangle.

Page 20: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

The Cosine Law For a hyperbolic, spherical or Euclidean triangle of inner angles

and edge lengths , (S)



1 2 3, ,x x x

1 2 3, ,y y y

cos( ) (cos cos cos ) /(sin sin )i i j k j ky x x x x x cosh( ) (cos cos cos ) /(sin sin )i i j k j ky x x x x x

1 (cos cos cos ) /(sin sin )i j k j kx x x x x

Page 21: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

The Cosine Law

There is only one formula

The right-hand side makes sense for all x1, x2, x3 in (0, π).

Define the M-length Lij of the ij-th edge in AS using the above formula.

Lij = λ geometric length lij

cos( ) (cos cos cos ) /(sin sin )i i j k j ky x x x x x

Page 22: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Let AS(3) = all angle structures on a 3-simplex.

Prop. 2. (a) The M-length of the ij-th edge is independent of the choice of triangles ijk, ijl.

(b) The differential 1-form on AS(3)

ω =1/2 lij dxij .

is closed, lij is the M-length.

(c) For classical geometric 3-simplex

lij = λX (classical geometric length)

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Theorem 3. There is a smooth function V: AS(3) –> R s.t.,

(a) V(x) = λ2 (classical volume) if x is a classical geometric tetrahedron,

(b) (Schlaefli formula) let lij be the M-length of the ij-th edge,

(c) V can be extended continuously to the compact closure of AS(3) in .

We call V the volume of AS.

Remark. (c ) implies an affirmative solution of a conjecture of Milnor in 3-D. We have established Milnor conjecture in all dimension. Rivin has a new proof of it now.


( ) 1/ 2( )ij ijij

d V l dx

6[0, ]

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Main ideas of the proof theorem 1.

Step 1. Classify AS on 3-simplex into:

Euclidean, hyperbolic, spherical types.

First, let us see that,

AS(3) ≠ classical geometric tetrahedra

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The i-th Flip Map

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The i-th flip map Fi : AS(3) AS(3)

sends a point (xab) to (yab) where

,ij ij

jk jk

y x

y x

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angles change under flips

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Lengths change under flips

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Prop. 3. For any AS x on a 3-simplex, exactly one of the following holds,

1. x is in E3, H3 or S3, a classical geometric tetrahedron,

2. there is an index i so that Fi (x) is in E3 or H3,

3. there are two distinct indices i, j so that

Fi Fj (x) is in E3 or H3.

The type of AS = the type of its flips.

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Flips generate a Z2 + Z2 + Z2 action on AS(3).

Step 2. Type is determined by the length of one edge.

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Classification of types

Prop. 4. Let l be the M-length of one edge in an AS.


(a) It is spherical type iff 0 < l < π.

(b) It is of Euclidean type iff l is in {0,π}.

(c) It is of hyperbolic type iff l is less than 0 or larger than π.

An AS is non classical iff one edge length is at least π.

Page 32: Volume and Angle Structures on closed 3-manifolds Feng Luo Rutgers University Oct. 28, 2006 Texas Geometry/Topology conference Rice University

Step 3. At the critical point p of volume V on AS(M, T),

Schlaefli formula shows the edge length is well defined, i.e.,

independent of the choice of the 3-simplexes adjacent to it.

(same argument as in the proof of prop. 1).

Step 4. Steps 1,2,3 show at the critical point,

all simplexes have the same type.

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Step 5. If all AS on the simplexes in p come from classical hyperbolic (or spherical) simplexes,

we have a constant curvature metric.

(the same proof as prop. 1)

Step 6. Show that at the local maximum point,

not all simplexes are classical Euclidean.

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Step 7. (Main Part)

If there is a 3-simplex in p which is not a classical geometric tetrahedron,

then the triangulation T contains a normal surface X of positive Euler characteristic

which intersects each 3-simplex in at most one normal disk.

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Let Y be all edges of lengths at least π. The intersection of Y with each 3-simplex

consists of,(a) three edges from one vertex (single flip), or

(b) four edges forming a pair of opposite edges (double-flip), or,

(c) empty set.

This produces a normal surface X in T.

Claim. the Euler characteristic of X is positive.

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X is a union of triangles and quadrilaterals.

• Each triangle is a spherical triangle (def. AS).

• Each quadrilateral Q is in a 3-simplex obtained from double flips of a Euclidean or hyperbolic tetrahedron (def. Y).

• Thus four inner angles of Q, -a, -b, -c, -d satisfy that a,b,c,d, are angles at two pairs of opposite sides of Euclidean or hyperbolic tetrahedron. (def. flips)

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The Key Fact

Prop. 5. If a,b,c,d are dihedral angles at two pairs of

opposite edges of a Euclidean or hyperbolic tetrahedron,


2a b c d

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2a b c d

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Summary: for the normal surface X

1. Sum of inner angles of a quadrilateral > 2π.

2. Sum of the inner angles of a triangle > π.

3. Sum of the inner angles at each vertex = 2π.

Thus the Euler characteristic of X is positive.

Thank you

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Thank you.