vol.1 issue 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Vol.1 Issue 1


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    Whats Really in Our


    Fluoride is a known poison yet it presents

    itself in our municipal water supply. Although the

    Environmental Protection Agency sets certain

    standards for any known harmful element present

    in our municipal drinking water, this informationonly presents itself once searched. Being that

    water is essential to our survival, we as consumers

    deserve to know what we are ingesting via our

    local water supply.

    Every year the City of Kingsville Water

    Production Department releases an Annual

    Drinking Water Quality Report which details the

    quality of our water as well as the levels of

    contaminants derived from samples through a

    period of time ranging from same year to four

    years. With that being said lets take a look what is

    fluoride and where the levels stand in our water


    Since any of us could remember, fluoride

    has been known to be a necessary component to

    good dental hygiene. Many dentists recommend

    fluoride based toothpaste for healthy teeth; youve

    heard the advertisements: 9 out of 10

    recommend so and so fluoride toothpaste.

    Fluoride is an anion reduced form of

    fluorine bonding with other elements thus creating

    fluoride compounds. Although fluoride compounds

    occur naturally, fluoride is also a byproduct of

    aluminum and fertilizer production. Fluoride

    compounds range from sarin, an

    organophosphorus compound classified as a

    weapon of mass destruction; to efavirenz, a life-

    saving pharmaceutical used in the treatment ofHIV. Fluoride compounds are also used in the

    production of Prozac and Teflon.

    There are two types of fluoride compounds

    in which many cities purposely mix into municipal

    water supply systems: sodium fluoride which holds

    title to a level 3 health and hazard rating according

    to a Mallinckrodt Chemicals MSDS, as well as the

    EU classification of toxic and an irritant, need I

    mention that sodium fluoride is the ingredient in

    many rat and roach poisons? The other fluoride

    compound is hexafluorosilicic acid used in many

    products such as antipsychotics, antibiotics, and

    anesthetics. The EU classification stands at


    Over exposure to fluoride compounds can

    lead to dental fluorosis, as well as osetosclerosis,

    which may be why the EPA has finally lowered the

    Maximum Contaminant Level Goal [MCLG allows

    for a margin of safety] of fluoride from 4 parts per

    million to .7 parts per million. The 2009 Annual

    Drinking Water Quality Report for the City of

    Kingsville reports an average of.68 ppm with a

    maximum level of .75 ppm. I had contacted the

    person in charge of our Water Production

    Department in Kingsville with the inquiry of what

    type of fluoride compound was added to our water

    and was told that Kingsville does not fluoridate the

    water, and the reason for the fluoride readings

    were due to the erosion of natural deposits,

    however, the 2009 ADWQR states that the fluoride

    present is due to natural occurrences and

    discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.

    Dental fluorosis occurs when a child

    receives too much fluoride during tooth


    VOL. 1 ISSUE 1 MARCH 5

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    development and can cause brittleness, yellowing,

    and cracking of the teeth. Osteosclerosis causes

    the hardening of bones and has been known to be

    caused by an overdose of fluorides. Although it is

    thought to be beneficial to our dental hygiene it is

    only meant to be used as a topical regiment rather

    than ingested. Go to your medicine cabinet and

    read the active ingredient on the tube oftoothpaste. What does the warning state? Fluoride

    may be used pharmaceutically but we have not

    been advised by our physicians to take fluoride

    everyday of our lives for the rest of our lives. One

    of the main problems with fluoride is that it bio-

    accumulates in the body, making the supposed

    small dose of .68 seem relevant to our


    So many products available to us contain

    fluoride including powder eggs and wheat flour,

    not to mention that many foods are sprayed with

    pesticides containing fluoride compounds.

    Fluoride is also linked to lower IQs and

    being used in drugs such as Prozac, it is known to

    make people tame and docile. Do we really want to

    have our water filled with something that makes

    people obedient? Hitler used sodium fluoride in his

    concentration camps to turn the prisoners into

    cattle so that there would be less of an objection,

    or at his best [complete acceptance], to their

    imminent death.

    Arsenic is also prominently present in our

    water supply. The EPA MCLG for arsenic stands at 0

    parts per billion yet has a Maximum Containment

    Level [highest allowed level] of 10 ppb. The

    average level of arsenic in our water for the years

    of 2005-2008 was 5 ppb with a maximum level of 6

    ppb. The 2009 ADWQR states the following


    While your drinking water meets

    EPAs standard for arsenic, it does

    contain low levels of arsenic. EPAs

    standard balances the current

    understanding of arsenics possible

    health effects against the costs of

    removing arsenic from drinking

    water. EPA continues to research

    the health effects of low levels of

    arsenic, which is a mineral known

    to cause cancer in humans at high

    concentrations and is linked to

    other health effects such as skin

    damage and circulatory problems.

    EPAs warning leads me to believe that

    they would rather wait and find out how much of

    low levels of arsenic would be too much before

    they implement legislation to remove arsenic

    versus cost efficiency. Are we really just lab rats

    waiting for a final conclusion of low level exposure

    over a lifetime? Must we wait for side-effects

    before we initiate action?

    Many chocolate candies label an allergy

    warning on the wrapper. Alcohol and tobacco

    products are covered with surgeon general

    warning's of their use. If these products are

    products of choice, then why does a product

    essential to us, not reveal such a warning? Why

    must we go and search for such warnings instead

    of being presented to us through our water bills.

    All the information in this article is open to

    the public and I challenge you to do your own

    research. Perhaps what you will find will anger youas it did I. Perhaps the information you will find will

    prompt you to see the injustice of not placing

    these findings on the front line rather than filed in

    the back of the cabinet. Or perhaps the nave

    thinking, which imprisons most, will remain

    shackled by the strong hold of denial.




    y Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poisony Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in

    Tap Water

    y Arsenic: Courtney Kozul, ToxicologyGraduate Student, Dartmouth Medical


    y Government Says Too Much Fluoride inWater

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    American Electric Power began a pilot

    program in 2009 in South Bend, IND known as

    gridSMART, which AEP states, is designed for

    greater customer control over usage, as well as

    to reduce overall demand, consumption, and

    emissions. This initiative is also designed to

    improve customer service and internal efficiencies.

    Through the pilot program AEP was able to

    manage its grid from back office systems, such asbillings, to meter and distribution field equipment.

    Also, time-of-day rate plans were able to shift

    demand to different times which creates cost

    savings through better system management,

    reduced fuel consumption, and even theft


    The Department of Energy provided half

    the funding, 75 million dollars, for an even bigger

    program in Ohio involving 110,000 meters. Withcustomer volunteers in Ohio, AEP was able to

    communicate with thermostats to raise

    temperatures in their homes during the cooling

    season and stated we can control usage directly

    between the meter and the home thorough

    wireless technology. Seems a bit hypocritical for

    AEP to control usage when the gridSMART

    initiative was to give the customer greater control

    With the success of the pilot programs,

    AEP Texas began a four year conversion (2009-

    2013) to smart meters. The Public Utility

    Commission of Texas enacted an advanced meter

    rule in 2007 allowing AEP to recover the cost of

    installing one million smart meters through a ten

    year surcharge

    Although the initial goal of the

    gridSMART program is for customer benefit, it

    seems as if the utility company holds all the cards

    regarding our electrical usage. But what happens

    when electricity becomes scarce? With this new

    technology being implemented, would we really

    have any control once scarcity arises?

    In 2008 Obama told the San Francisco Gate

    that under his new plan of cap and trade

    electricity prices would skyrocket and coal

    powered plants would go bankrupt due to EPA

    regulations of greenhouse gases.

    In 1999 51% of electricity in the U.S. was

    generated from coal power. The DOE\EIA 2020

    projection, in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000,

    estimated that 48.6% of electricity will come from

    coal. AEPs website states that if we didnt use coal

    we wouldnt be able to use all the things that run

    on electricity in our house and perhaps the quality

    of life and the GDP would decline.

    By allowing this technology to invade our

    homes under the guise of reduced bills and greater

    customer control, we are setting the stage for a

    total take over. As Obama kills the coal industry,

    causing prices to soar, it seems imminent that he

    would intervene with his socialist agenda of

    government knows best. AEP has already laid the

    groundwork to give over complete control of our

    homes and whos to say he wont take advantage.

    Photo: caller.com

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    First off I would like to thank you for taking

    the time to read all or part of the information put

    forth in this newsletter. I understand that these

    topics are controversial; however, it is imperative

    that they are brought to light.

    Most will label the contents as conspiracy

    theory mumbo-jumbo, but all this information

    can be found and confirmed, if we do a little

    digging around. The government media complex

    only reports from a one sided, mostly liberal-left,

    point of view. Take for instance the Arizona

    shooting: what was the first thing the media ran

    with about the shooter? That he was a right wing

    extremist influenced by conservative talk radio andSarah Palin. In the end the shooter turned out to

    be a more liberal-thinking, cross- dressing, drug


    Seven months ago I would have

    automatically dismissed anything like this as a

    waste of my time, but once my eyes were open to

    reality, open to the truth, I felt it was my duty to

    get involved and help others see the injustices we

    unknowingly and naively endure. We sit

    comfortably like the frog in warm water, all the

    while the heat is slowly being increased till we are

    done for.

    I am not a political analyst, nor am I an

    educated journalist, but I do know injustice when I

    see it. I saw it when I was in school. I see it at work.

    I see it in our community, in our police, and in our

    courts. I know that not all government officials are

    corrupt and most are good people, but the fact

    remains that evil does exist. I am not an anarchist

    or some type of extremist; all I am is someone who

    finally appreciates his rights. Someone who

    actually recognizes what individual sovereignty


    My rights have been taken from me

    before. Honestly, I gave them up when I pled guilty

    and was convicted of a felony. I bring this up for

    two reasons: 1) It was going to come up eventually.

    2) I know how it feels to be treated like nothing

    and no one. If we do not do something about the

    tyranny that is encroaching upon, us you too will

    be without rights.

    Now you can pass judgment on me, but

    that does not take away the fact that there is

    something seriously wrong with this country and

    the world. If we spend our time in-fighting then our

    attention is thwarted from the actual evil being


    With this newsletter, I promise to bring the

    truth and I challenge you to do the same. Write an

    article, start a blog, pass out flyers, do anything to

    get the message out. Become a messenger.

    I invite you to contribute to YOU DECIDE

    newsletter through tips, comments questions, etc.Mind you, this newsletter does not promote gossip

    nor is a means to slander anyone in our

    community, state, United States, or the world. You

    can email me at [email protected] with

    any of the above and once again I would like to

    thank you for reading.

    Mando Conde

    When the people fear their government,

    there is tyranny; when the government fears

    the people, there is liberty.

    Thomas Jefferson

    They who give up liberty for safety deserve


    Benjamin Franklin

    The answer to 1984 is 1776

    Alex Jones