vol. xxv big blue quint triumphs jcrew candidates to …

l SUB. CRIBE TO TilE Cl.O\'IS MOml .\ W FUN)) BY TD8 S1'UD8NT8, f'O& TO& UNI VZUITT VOL. XXV WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1922 No. 41 BIG BLUE QUINT TRIUMPHS OVER SOUTHERN CHAMPS R eC'ond of Victory FoJi ow Defeat . C. State th e Night Before. WRESTLERS MADE SPLENDID RECORD OVERCOME ADVER. E LEAD Ge ner als core 69 Points On Pro pects Bright llomecoming " arks of cl!-..., ful Se:r-.on fo r Fht>. M at; For 1923. The match with Trinity Collt.•gt> Thl• Fighting Gerwral11 came home la!\l l\1 onuay night maa·ked the dose• last aftt•r a ta•iumphunt tour of of the 1922 mat season-a IHW!Ion Nol'lh Cal'ollnu uua·ing which lh<· thnt in many l'CSJlC'C'tS was li U t'!'!essful ttuinU,ols of N. C. Slat(' nnd the Uni- and fully mensun•d up lu ex pt-ctu- uf N. C. 1 \•11 before the ia· · tion11, but on!' that might huVl ' ht•ltl l'C'!Ii !lli bh• nltark of th<• Wh ile and ut l('n!ll t.wo more \•idories for th<• .Blue five. St:ale wns df.'fetatetl Wt•d· Gt>nt>a·ol:-:, wert! it not for· the f ud that ncsday night in Jtnlt.-ivh hy tht• 1\CUI'l' the return match with Virginia had or 32 to !ll and N. C. Univt•Niaty !IUC- to lx· ranc:t•ll('d all wrll n!l tht• onf.' with cnmbt•tl the next t•vrning wht>n it was Onvith!On. only nhlt· to come "ithin points Stur·ting the second year that of the :m by tht• Gl'ncruls. wrestling has been one of the t"<•vular Thl' Slatl• ddt>nt not ao mi1101 ;sport;s al W. and L., Coach nificant a!l the drubbing Btt>tl had 10 be content with n !!Mall s in o:e the laltt •t· lf'nm ha.l ju st rt>turn ,. quad of men from wltich to hi s eel from winning tht' hip or \ arsity U>am. Repeated efforts fnil · tht> So\llhl't n Conft>rNH e and S. 1. A. ell to !lecure more candidates, nnu A. in Allnntn hy t•liminutmg all th<> wlwn fat·t ill considPrt>d, on(' won- teams entered in th(• tour- tiN"!I ind£>ed that such a creditable oul- nnment th('re. Nor can valid alibis fit cou ld be turned out. be offered for the defeat 11ince the Virginia mel the Generals in a Tnrheels were decisively defeated by match Lhat marked the off icial re· the Generals (38 to 25) when the two newal of athletic relations between fives met recently on the local court. the two school11 after a lapse of !if- Nol'lh Cnrolina has the nominal teen years, and fe ll be for e the White championship, but there is the indis- and Blue, 25-10, every bout of the putable fal"l thut they have twice evening being won on n fall. V. P. bow4Jtl to the of the Gt'nerals. When champions are beaten they are no lonfCer champion!!. l. of N. C. Game. and Lee won from the Southern champions night when they defeatell the University of North Caro,ina 3!) to True, lhl• Carolinians had ju ... t returned !rom the Allonlll tuu..noment where thPy won their honor11, but th(' Genl'rals 1Conlinued on Paw• Four\ GYM EXHIBITION TO BE UNUSUAL Fancy Apparat us Work and Mas.'! Onncing Will Feature Free Hhow. The annual (;ymnasium Exhibition will be hehl in Dot"l'mUI1 Gymnasium Monday night at 8 o'c lock. Instead of lhe u:,;ual heavy gym con· test.s, the feature s will partAke mm·e of thv nnture or The G\'m tt•um will do thl' lat" lt<'r part or thl' work, in the inl!, the t•xercts<', the Sail- Hor npipt• dance and several !;pe- cialty uct!l. Tht> clas!l will go through a wun1l drill whit·b will bt' folloM•d bv o hlindfold rt>lay and n bn!lkt-thall ·flU'<h rrlay. Then • will 8 boxinl! mawh belwt•en Hock and I Hamilton, following which Pirku!l Mixon will f(ive a romPIIy tumblrnt.:" sketch, " Millionaire 'fheo Gotten will pre!len l a do.r f iKht anti a blindfold swatting mn!J :h. The trnrk tl.'am will allempt to nt>w in tht• 40 yutd hurdle!!, ! 40 yard dnsh, llole vault anti n dilltam·t• r·un. W. R. will an of llYI' O·It•l·hnil' dub !1\\ inging. Tht> Gym team will clo!!e lht• ex - erciRl'll uf lht• t•vt•ning with the Snil- tll'!l Jlornpipt• donN•. The l'Xhibilion will hr fn:l'. anti evl'ry uaw i11 invil<'d to attl•nd. 'rht' Fn•!lhmnn and veteran gyTn star11 now in colleg(• have been working hard undt•r Coach Brl'tt ami an or fnlli 'Y gymnastics is prcunlsed. (Contlnotd OD Pave Four) W. C. lt AJo'TERY fi end cuaeh, "ho has "'«'ldt'd to· g('ther nnd dirt>cted onto or the -. t rong,.,t floor in thE' tonlirt> South. r RECORD OF GENERALS' 1922 QUINT W. and L ., 38; Emory and Henry, 21. W. and L .• 48; Hampden-Sidney, 18. W. and L., 51; Roanoke College, 16. W. and L., 63; EJon College, 19. W. and L., 49; St. Johns College, 11. W. and L., 40; University of Tennessee, 11. W. and L., 17; West Virginia, 34. W. and L., 20; University of Kentucky, 21. W. and L., 38; Virginia Tech, 32. W. and L., 35; North Carolina State, 12. W. and L., 38; Unjversity of Nort h Carolina, 21>. W. and L., 25; Univeraity of Virginia, 35. W. and L., : l2; North Car·olina State, 3 1. W. and L., 39; Nort h Carolina 36. 533; OpponcntH, !322 . CIRCLE TO INITIATE 1 LAST OF LYCEUM NEW MEN MARCH 8 COURSES MONDAY Jud ge Woodrum To Speak Public Initiation In Chapel. At 'Phe "Circle," Washington and White Circuit Promi se One of Best Mu icaJ Programs of the Year. The final entertainment of the se- ries of the Lyceum Course brought to Lexington under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., will be given at lhe High School Auditorium, Monday evening, March 6, at 8: 15. The program will be of the highest caliber, and is reported lo l bt> even better than the previous ones rend- ered here this year u nder· the WhiU> j CREW CANDIDATES TO BE CALLED OUT SOON Oarsmen Will S tart Training March 1 5; Seven of Last Year's Men Now In ch ool. Attol"ding to a statement made Yt'llterday hy W. E. Holt, manager or thl.' boat club!l, a call will be made tor crew candidates about March 15. There are six of last year's ftrst oa1-smen back, and with the new mntt•rial available bt-tlcr crews may be e'<pec:ted this year than eve•· be· for ·e. A meel with the Virgin1a Boal Club nt Ri chm ond hns bet>n tentative- ly UtTIIIlged fol' May 22, blrL it r un - not I)(dt>finitely stuteJ Rt. thia linw \\ hether the ntel•l will be held 1111 it 1 it hn'l not bet>n pn s'led on by thl' Ath- lt-tic Committee. Thl' work or the clubs has ix>t>n hc•l!J up by the lack of thl' 1'unds bdng appropri- ated. It is hoped that. the Athletic As:;ociation will make the appropria- tions at a \'el')' early date, so that any possible intercollegiate race may hi' arrangt'd for. As soon as this bu bt't>n acted on more def iniU> informa- tion can be gh•t'n out as to Lhe race at Richmond. It is hoped that a large number of 1ncn will show their interest in this branch of sport, which has declined considerably as a sp ort f rom its po- sition here years ago. MASONIC SQUARE HOLDS BANQUET Lee's honorary fratt>mity for the rec- ognition of campus leadership, ex- pec t.s to hold its annual public initia- t ion ceremonies in the University t•hnpe l next Wo.:utlesd'ay evening, March 8. Judge Clifton A. Woodrum, of the Corporation Court of Roan oke, a prominent Washington and Lee alumnus Of the class Of '0 , \ViiJ be the spea ker of the occasion, and dur- ing the PX(.'rtises the new initiates for the session of 1!)21-22 will be an- nounced. management. Three artists of great ability will Annual Washington Birthday entertain the W. &. L. students and Celebr ation Best In Member11hip in Omicron Delta Kappa, commonly known as the "Circlt•," is one of the highest honors whlth can come to a flt udent in any of tht> t'ight collegt•ll in which the society is locuted. It. members are chosen because of conspicuou11 qualities of l(•ad<>rshill in one or more of the fol- lowing fiv t> phnst>s of campus life: S('holurship, retigious and gerwral camt>Uo; leadership, forensic I ability, and wor·k on publications. The organization gPnl'rally chooses from fivl' to fif lt't>n new men each year, and the of tht> "Cir -cle'' form a group, which, holding frequent meeti ngs throughout the session, anns to inrluencf.' campus opinion along I which t\l't' for the best interests of the Student Body and the Univer- sity. Tlw schedule which will lw lwgun n4!Xl Tut:sday is follows: A St•nior Law \'ll. Junior Law, March 7lh, :J I'· m. B Stmior Al· ademi<' Junior At·atlemit·, March 7th, 4 p. m. C Sophomore Academic vs. I nter· mecliah• Law, March ilh, 5 p. m. n l< 're!lhmnn AI.'IICiemic V!l. Win- of A, Murt·h Hlh, 3 p. m. !< ! -Winrwr!l of B \'!!, Winnl.'t'" o( C, Mat·t·h Kth, 1 Jl. m. J• 'inul" Wlmll'l'll of 0 vs. Winnl'r:l of March Oth, •1 11. m. No man whu mode his letler in bn 11ket1Jall at Woshin.:ton and Let", or \\ ho i. rated n n fir!lt st ring man on lhl Var11ity by tlw coach, is eligible to ploy. l(afllt' will consillt of two Len-minute haln>!. W. \\ . (POl' ) 1'A YI.OR Efficlt>nt managtr of tht Fighting Quintt>t, who ha handled his part or tbe prorram with untirlnc ability. His tory. Tht" Washington and Lee Square ot Square and Compass, a national or- ganization or collegt> MaSOil!l, held il'l annual Washington bi rthda y celebra- tion last nhrht in the Phi Oelta Tht>la on !\la in Street. ThC' dat<> originally Sl't for Februury 22, wall ,• hanged w Fl'hruary 28, so as nol to t•on fli ct with dances and other campu!\ nclivities, bul rhe late date only tend- <'cl to add zt>st t.o what turned out to be the mo!lt enjoyable and laa·gest at- tended celebration Rince the orgnni- znt.iun of Square and CompasR at Wa shing ton and Lee in 1!)17. The program was opened with prayer by Dr. W. M. Brown. Charley Wright's syncopated £our rendered n snappy selection which wu'l followt•tl by u short talk by J . B. lfolhtwuy, president of the loenl squnr t'. After· othl'r St' lec:tions by the orchl'!ltru, Prof. Lewis Tyree, J. G. Ragsdale, Or. IContinue<l on Pa.... PM>rl YEARLINGH WlLL FINISH COU RT REASON TON IGHT \li dl!el General :-< \. 1'. I. HN"· ond, und Hnlt>m Hi gh In La'll l';ngagemen t .,, The haRketball tenm lt>ft rarly yl'Sll't·duy for Blarksbul'g \Vhl!rl.' Llwy llll!l thl' V. P. I. Junior Varsity last nil{hl. Tonight lhl• l'!a!lh with thl' Sull.'m lligh School quiul on the laltt"r's floor in the lll!ll c•ontesl on the 1922 !!Chedult•. P rUil}leClS ure bright rot• the IUllleX inK of a couple of Coach Brett will likely mtrL lhe fnllowmy l('nm: McMrllan and Gnines, for - wnrtls; Bowling, Hendl.'rson and Cummings, guards.

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Cl.O\' IS MOml .\ W FUN))




ReC'ond of

Victory FoJiow Defeat . C. State the Night



OVERCOME ADVER. E LEAD Generals core 69 Points On Pro pects Bright

llomecoming " arks Fini>~h of ~ur· cl!-..., ful Se:r-.on fo r Fl~thting


Mat; For 1923.

The match with Trinity Collt.•gt> Thl• Fighting Gerwral11 came home la!\l l\1onuay night maa·ked the dose•

last ni~thl aftt•r a ta•iumphunt tour of of the 1922 mat season-a IHW!Ion Nol'lh Cal'ollnu uua·ing which lh<· thnt in many l'CSJlC'C'tS was liUt'!'!essful ttuinU,ols of N. C. Slat(' nnd the Uni- and fully mensun•d up lu expt-ctu­v('r~ily uf N. C. 1\•11 before the ia·· tion11, but on!' that might huVl' ht•ltl l'C'!Ii!llibh• nltark of th<• While and ut l('n!ll t.wo more \•idories for th<• .Blue five. St:ale wns df.'fetatetl Wt•d· Gt>nt>a·ol:-:, wert! it not for· the fud that ncsday night in Jtnlt.-ivh hy tht• 1\CUI'l' the return match with Virginia had or 32 to !ll and N. C. Univt•Niaty !IUC- to lx· ranc:t•ll('d all wrll n!l tht• onf.' with cnmbt•tl the next t•vrning wht>n it was Onvith!On. only nhlt· to come "ithin thrN~ points Stur·ting the second year that of the :m nma;~sed by tht• Gl'ncruls. wrestling has been one of the t"<•vular

Thl' Slatl• ddt>nt wa<~ not ao ~CiK· mi1101 ;sport;s al W. and L., Coach nificant a!l the Unin·r~it~· drubbing Btt>tl had 10 be content with n !!Mall sino:e the laltt•t· lf'nm ha.l just rt>turn ,.quad of men from wltich to "~elect his eel from winning tht' champion~ hip or \ arsity U>am. Repeated efforts fnil · tht> So\llhl't n Conft>rNH e and S. 1. A. ell to !lecure nn~ more candidates, nnu A. in Allnntn hy t•liminutmg all th<> wlwn th1~ fat·t ill considPrt>d, on(' won­teams entered in th(• bn~ketbnll tour- tiN"!I ind£>ed that such a creditable oul­nnment th('re. Nor can valid alibis fit could be turned out. be offered for the defeat 11ince the Virginia mel the Generals in a Tnrheels were decisively defeated by match Lhat marked the official re· the Generals (38 to 25) when the two newal of athletic relations between fives met recently on the local court. the two school11 after a lapse of !if­Nol'lh Cnrolina has the nominal teen years, and fell before the White championship, but there is the indis- and Blue, 25-10, every bout of the putable fal"l thut they have twice evening being won on n fall. V. P. bow4Jtl to the prowe;~s of the Gt'nerals. When champions are beaten they are no lonfCer champion!!.

l . of N. C. Game. Wat~hinglon and Lee won from the

Southern champions Thursda~· night when they defeatell the University of North Caro,ina 3!) to ~G. True, lhl• Carolinians had ju ... t returned !rom the A llonlll tuu..noment where thPy won their honor11, but th(' Genl'rals

1Conlinued on Paw• Four\


Fancy Apparatus Work and Mas.'! Onncing Will Feature

Free Hhow.

The annual (;ymnasium Exhibition will be hehl in Dot"l'mUI1 Gymnasium Monday night ,be~rinning at 8 o'clock. Instead of lhe u:,;ual heavy gym con· test.s, the features will partAke mm·e of thv nnture or exhibition~. The G\'m tt•um will do thl' lat"lt<'r part or thl' work, !win~: in the p~rnmill buil~l-

1 inl!, the npparalu ~ t•xercts<', the Sail­or:~ Hornpipt• dance and several !;pe­cialty uct!l.

Tht> l<'rt>~hman clas!l will go through a wun1l drill whit·b will bt' folloM•d bv o hlindfold rt>lay and n bn!lkt-thall ·flU'<h rrlay. Then• will ~ 8 boxinl! mawh belwt•en Hock and I Hamilton, following which Pirku!l ~ntl Mixon will f(ive a romPIIy tumblrnt.:" sketch, "Millionaire Hoboe~." 'fheo Gotten brothl·r~ will pre!lenl a do.r f iKht anti a blindfold swatting mn!J:h. The trnrk tl.'am will allempt to ~<E'I nt>w rl.'l'Orclt~ in tht• 40 yutd hurdle!!, ! 40 yard dnsh, llole vault anti po!l~ibly n dilltam·t• r·un. W. R. ll t•tulert~on will ~{ive an exhihi~ion of llYI'O·It•l·hnil' dub !1\\ inging.

Tht> Gym team will clo!!e lht• ex­erciRl'll uf lht• t•vt•ning with the Snil­tll'!l Jlornpipt• donN•. The l'Xhibilion will hr fn:l'. anti evl'ry uaw i11 invil<'d to attl•nd. 'rht' Fn•!lhmnn t'la!'"~ and veteran gyTn star11 now in colleg(• have been working hard undt•r Coach Brl'tt ami an unu~ual tli!!pln~· or fnlli'Y gymnastics is prcunlsed.

(Contlnotd OD Pave Four)

W. C. ltAJo'TERY fi end cuaeh, "ho has "'«'ldt'd to·

g('ther nnd dirt>cted onto or the -.t rong,.,t floor uggreglition~ in thE' tonlirt> South.



W. and L., 38; Emory and Henry, 21. W. and L .• 48; Hampden-Sidney, 18. W. and L., 51; Roanoke College, 16. W. and L., 63; EJon College, 19. W. and L., 49; St. Johns College, 11. W. and L., 40; University of Tennessee, 11. W. and L., 17; West Virginia, 34. W. and L., 20; University of Kentucky, 21. W. and L., 38; Virginia Tech, 32. W. and L., 35; North Carolina State, 12. W. and L., 38; Unjversity of North Carolina, 21>. W. and L., 25; Univeraity of Virginia, 35. W. and L., :l2; North Car·olina State, 31. W. and L., 39; North Carolina Univer~ ily, 36.

Totals- Urnt>~·al ::~, 533; OpponcntH, !322 .


Judge Woodrum To Speak Public Initiation In



'Phe "Circle," Washington and

White Circuit Promise One of Bes t Mu icaJ Programs of

the Year.

The f inal entertainment of the se­ries of the Lyceum Course brought to Lexington under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., will be given at lhe High School Auditorium, Monday evening, March 6, at 8:15.

The program will be of t he highest caliber, and is reported lo lbt> even better than the previous ones rend­ered here this year under· the WhiU>


Oarsmen Will Start Training March 15; Seven of Last Year's

Men Now In chool.

Attol"ding to a statement made Yt'llterday hy W. E. Holt, manager or thl.' boat club!l, a call will be made tor crew candidates about March 15. There are six of last year's ftrst oa1-smen back, and with the new mntt•rial available bt-tlcr crews may be e'<pec:ted this year than eve•· be· for·e. A meel with the Virgin1a Boal Club nt Richmond hns bet>n tentative­ly UtTIIIlged fol' May 22, blrL it r un­not I)(• dt>finitely stuteJ Rt. thia linw \\ hether the ntel•l will be held 1111 it

1 it hn'l not bet>n pns'led on by thl' Ath­lt-tic Committee.

Thl' work or the clubs has ix>t>n hc•l!J up con~idt'rably by the lack of thl' lll'\'t'S~ary 1'unds bdng appropri­ated. It is hoped that. the Athletic As:;ociation will make the appropria­tions at a \'el')' early date, so that any possible intercollegiate race may hi' arrangt'd for. As soon as this bu bt't>n acted on more definiU> informa­tion can be gh•t'n out as to Lhe race at Richmond.

It is hoped that a large number of 1ncn will show their interest in this branch of sport, which has declined considerably as a sport f rom its po­sition here years ago.


Lee's honorary fratt>mity for the rec­ognition of campus leadership, ex­pect.s to hold its annual public initia­t ion ceremonies in the University t•hnpel next Wo.:utlesd'ay evening, March 8. Judge Clifton A. Woodrum, of the Corporation Court of Roanoke, a prominent Washington and Lee alumnus Of the class Of '0 , \ViiJ be the speaker of the occasion, and dur­ing the PX(.'rtises t he new initiates for the session of 1!)21-22 will be an­nounced.

management. Three artists of great ability will Annual Washington Birthday

entertain the W. &. L. students and Celebration Best In

Member11hip in Omicron Delta Kappa, commonly known as the "Circlt•," is one of the highest honors whlth can come to a fltudent in any of tht> t'ight collegt•ll in which the society is locuted. It. members are chosen because of conspicuou11 qualities of l(•ad<>rshill in one or more of the fol­lowing fiv t> phnst>s of campus life: S('holurship, athlctie<~, retigious and gerwral camt>Uo; leadership, forensic I ability, and wor·k on publications. The organization gPnl'rally chooses from fivl' to fiflt't>n new men each year, and the membl'l'~ of tht> "Cir-cle'' form a group, which, holding frequent meetings throughout the session, anns to inrluencf.' campus opinion along

I line."~ which t\l't' for the best interests of the Student Body and the Univer­sity.

Tlw inlerda~!l bn~ket'ball schedule which will lw lwgun n4!Xl Tut:sday is

a~ follows: A St•nior Law \'ll. Junior Law,

March 7lh, :J I'· m. B Stmior Al·ademi<' vt~. Junior

At·atlemit·, March 7th, 4 p. m. C Sophomore Academic vs. Inter·

mecliah• Law, March ilh, 5 p. m. n l<'re!lhmnn AI.'IICiemic V!l. Win­

Ill'!'~ of A, Murt·h Hlh, 3 p. m. !<! -Winrwr!l of B \'!!, Winnl.'t'" o( C,

Mat·t·h Kth, 1 Jl. m. J•'inul" Wlmll'l'll of 0 vs. Winnl'r:l

of Jo~, March Oth, •1 11. m. No man whu hn~ mode his letler in

bn11ket1Jall at Woshin.:ton and Let", or \\ ho i. rated n n fir!lt string man on lhl• Var11ity by tlw coach, is eligible to ploy. Jo~nch l(afllt' will consillt of two Len-minute haln>!.

W. \\ . (POl') 1'A YI.OR Efficlt>nt managtr of tht Fighting

Quintt>t, who ha handled his part or tbe prorram with untirlnc abili ty.


Tht" Washington and Lee Square ot Square and Compass, a national or­ganization or collegt> MaSOil!l, held il'l annual Washington birthday celebra­tion last nhrht in the Phi Oelta Tht>la room~ on !\lain Street. ThC' dat<> originally Sl't for Februury 22, wall ,•hanged w Fl'hruary 28, so as nol to t•onflict with dances and other campu!\ nclivities, bul rhe late date only tend­<'cl to add zt>st t.o what turned out to be the mo!lt enjoyable and laa·gest at­tended celebration Rince the orgnni­znt.iun of Square and CompasR at Washington and Lee in 1!)17.

The program was opened with prayer by Dr. W. M. Brown. Charley Wright's syncopated £our rendered n snappy selection which wu'l followt•tl by u short talk by J . B. lfolhtwuy, president of the loenl squnrt'. After· othl'r St'lec:tions by the orchl'!ltru, Prof. Lewis Tyree, J. G. Ragsdale, Or.

IContinue<l on Pa.... PM>rl


\lidl!el General:-< ~l et>t \. 1'. I. HN"· ond, und Hnlt>m High In La'll

l';ngagemen t .,,

The Frt'sh~nan haRketball tenm lt>ft rarly yl'Sll't·duy for Blarksbul'g \Vhl!rl.' Llwy llll!l thl' V. P. I. Junior Varsity last nil{hl. Tonight lhl• yeurliug:~

l'!a!lh with thl' Sull.'m lligh School quiul on the laltt"r's floor in the lll!ll c•ontesl on the 1922 !!Chedult•.

PrUil}leClS ure bright rot• the IUllleX inK of a couple of victot•ie~. Coach Brett will likely mtrL lhe fnllowmy l('nm: McMrllan and Gnines, for­wnrtls; Bowling, cen~r; Hendl.'rson and Cummings, guards.


ltng-·tuttt J~t (IUJTA8Ll8UED JU7)

Wuhin1ton and Lee UnJversity Semi-W ee.kly

Members of Southern Intercolleg­iate Newspaper Association.

----·--Sab.erlpUon ts.tt ptr ,.,er, bt adft-.


Entered at the Lexington, Va., poat­o!llee as aecond-elasa mail matter

T. J . Elllt, Jr., ·~ -·· .• .EdlloT·In-Cbltf Wm. E. Holt, Jr .. '28 ........ ..Butln81 Hana.aer

EDITORIAL BOARD F. J . li>auahtru. '22 .• Aaat. Edltor-ln-Chl .. r A C. K~ll~. '23 _.,..... . .. Sport!Qf: Editor L. S. JotOl, '22- .- ... ·-. Sport\na Editor H. 0. Ltoake, '24 .•.• - •• ·-·..Aaaociate Edltor W. 0. Sate, '24 --.. ·-- ,_ •. .Anoeaat.e Editor l>. C Kaylor, '26 .. .Aaat. Ntwa Editor II M. Whltkr, Jr., '28 Alumni Edltor H' 0 . Sbroptblr~. 'U lnter~ll~late Editor C. H. "· 8rad•n. '23 .......... ·--.. -·Arl Editor


-- -

llltl\\f Ml.'morial 1<\••ld, All a monutll~?llt to a wa .. ltinglon and l..ce man who wa' tt·u~ to its: tf!nthings and !aith­ful in the last moment to thiq nation. It i~ a worthy memorial, sponsored and supervisl•d by your Executive Committee The amount to be called for from each man is not large, little more than the price of a week'!! movies.

We cannot afford to negate OI.U'

own resolution~;. lf you are unac­quainted with the facts, examine thent, and that impulse will die to tteat this cnmpuitm as one of the many foisted upon student.s. It is your uuty and your obligation to be fuJC-ill(>d when the call r(>ache!l you.


--~· Handle)', '22 __ o. M. Wlltabln, '23 Prof. \Villinm Brown wa'l th~ prin·

SATURDAy REPORTERS eipnl spt>ak~r at the "Y" last Tbur!l-o. 11• Snl•~l.r •• 211 : w. w. lldaktiJ, •24 : R. llny niJ('ht. A number of others nl~o

u. camplwU, '2 1: 1!:. R. Mitchell, 'l!4 : A. c. talked, the general theme of thetr ~~r,L,~··~i~ : 1~uRt~cu!~~i. J·~6. '24 : L. E. Ikr· discourses bt>ing, "My Life Work and


Clothiers -A.ND-

Furnishers The Place to Save Money





Fine Silk Half Hose, 75 Cents a Pair

SATURDAY lSUSINESS STAFF Why 1 Cltose lt." Dr. Brown laid -------------0. w. Good, '28, Ad,·utlaina Manaacr; H. L. down sevt>ral principlt>s upon which F J::hu, ·~a. l.OC"al Circulation Managl!l': /U· we should found our dedsions con- ox a>l.oU.nl ('lrtulation Man&.ltt'rt: NorOI'i!t Tur· & Pullen's u~r. '24; J. N. Thomu, '24; R. Me.. Jen· t'crning thl' important question that kin•. ':N: A. ll. Carruthera, ·u. conft·ont.'l every nne of us.

News Edi tor for 1'his Issue. A. C. KELLY

All matters of business should be a ddressed to the Business Manager, a nd all other matters ahould come to the J::a;tor -in-Chief.

We are always glad to publish any communication that may be handed w us. We desire to caU a ttention to the tact that unsigned eorreapondeuce will not be Dubliahed.


Tlw Gt!nemls ore home again vic­toriuus. Opening the season with accumulated momentum, their course was slowed only by unforseen injur­ies, illness, and by the untoward frowns of Mlle. Fortune. AJ'ter pass­ing through this period of trial and vicissitude, with the Kentucky aff air to be remembered as t.he darkest night, the way seemed cleared to an

NO'f iCE!

Don't for gt>t the Chapel Ser\'lce, Sunday ut 11 o'cl,.ck. Or. D. Jddini(S Bell, president of St. Stet.lht>n's Col­lt>ge. will preaeh.

Chestc:r Shncle, '20, has settled out in California, where he is engaged in the> practice of law. "Ch~" recently mnrric>d in Hollywood, California.

J. V. Penn, A. E. Bellingham, and T. l\1. Simmons art' spending the week-(!nd at. Davidson attending a Beta 1'heta Pi district convention.

When Sunday Comes Hear These Sermons


otherwise unmarred record. Then TRINITY MrTHODIST CHURCH happened the bcwildel'ing game at [I Lynchburg-and we were beaten fa ir­ly by our most bitter, yet indeed, ou.r worthy rivals.

11 A. M. 'Over Againat the Treasury"

8 P.M. A few !ainthearts left the !rand

wagon, but W. and L. drove on. This week they have defeated for the sec­ond time two of the old North State "The Exclusive Supremacy quints within the limits of their own of Jesus Christ" stamping grounds. One is acclMmed Southern Champions; the Tarheels made the board read 10-1 in 'the f irst few minutes, but the final chalk marks stated a score of thirty-nine


to three dozen even, in reversed favor. Proficient Teachers of the Bible. Scores are but lifeless indexes--it's



FOX & PULLENS We Want You.





J. P. BELL COMPANY lncorporatf4



Miller Transfer Co. CALL US.

Our Service is the Best Challenging messages on profound

the comeback that counts, the s ue- Bible Themes. Leave Orders at Lexington Hotel cc!lsful drive against odds that im-pels admiration. This is the spirit of the Fighting Generals-we're proud

Sunday morning-Stewardship of Lire. Sanitary Barber Shop

of them. Sunday evening-Healing the De---o- moniac.

YOUR UNDE il'rAKING __ Come with us and we will do you

'fhere seams to be woven into the good. --------------------------R. E. LEE MEMO~Al E~SCOPAL CHURCH Student Ushers WiU Seat


11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Holy Communion-First Sunday, lJ a. m. Early Celebration-Third Sun­day, 8 a. m. W. & L. Bible ClaM-

Rectory, 10 a . m. The Church of Washington and. the

Cburc:h of LM.


Phone 460. Res. 14 White St.


F. H. FLINT, Prop. . Wubinrton St

--------------------------McCOY'S TWO STORES

Fruits, Candies,· Cakes and

all good things to eat.

Phone 147-327


Coal and Wood Baled Hay


Barbers for four generations. We pleased Gen. Lee and we will

~ -=- - ~- -

Had You Noticed that

Cobb's Pressing Shop

Is Now in New Building


Motto- -Quick Service


TENNIS! Is Your Racket 10 Shape ?

RACKET RESTRINGING . (24-Hour Service)

THE SPOR. T SHOP 708 Main Street Lynchburg, Va.

Turn your Racket over to W . E. HOLT, Jr.

University Shop. Inc~ UNIVERSITY, VA.

Complete Outfitter for Young Men RED SCHNEIDER, Agent



Wayland-Gorrell Drug Co., Inc


Columbia Grafonolas and Records

Rockbridge National Bank Resources Over ONE MILLIO!v /JOLLARS

PAUL M. PENICK, P resident A. P. WADE, Cashier

very woof of the campus a fundamen­tal tendency to rebel with loud out­cries against any "dri\1e" for funds. This undoubtedly had its origin dur­ing the late war, when ambillious agi­tators and philanthropic theorists with no othet· avocation picked upon the college student as the most fav­ored and open hearted class of " pros­t>ects." For a time Lhe gentlemen with lhl' book agent methods met with ~ucN•!<!I. At. the same lime many worthy campaigns we1·e being eon­ductt'd, some of which may have been injured uy those with highly ephom­crttl but shod-sighted aims. Because the oc('asional soli('lt.ations for good purpo!ll'R became dmost. daily re­<J uests for h<>lp to every needy sec­tion ot the globe the average student rose in pt·otest, and his prejudice yet abides with him. He is suspicious of t>VE'ry sugg<>stion of that nature, and largl.'ly jusli fled.

-- please you. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. W. & L. Prompt. Sanitary. Service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~=:_~#~

Yet there is onl.' cause that. should mllet no opposiUon upon the campus. It i'l a Student Body undertaking, a responsibility adopted two yean ago in mass meeting. This is the Moo-

Bible Class, 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U., -----------------7 S ' 11 d 8 T. P. ANDERSON. Pruldent. p. m. ervtce, a. m. an p. m. G. A. .RHODES, vtc .... Pualdent.

A glad hand and n comfortable £. A. QUISENBERRY, Jr.. BHreLa17·Tr ....

place for you at all. Come and help Rockbridge Wholesale Company WI and we will do you good. Make Incorporated

the parsonage your home. WHOLESALE GROCERS Bervku Brief. _ • _. LEX.INGTON, v A.

R. L . HESS & BRO.

Jewelers and Opticians Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Repairing a Spedalty



Alurnni Column -o­

llulmt-S RoJ,ton, '20, is lmc uf the in~tructur~ at G '<ll'gia Milil.ary Aracl · t•my at )lilledg ~·itle, Ga., this Y~'ar.

. 1 Holnlt's wears the golden key of Phi A campac~tn Cor a troph) room at lkt.n Kevpa from his Alma 1\fatA•r.

\\'a ... hlngtun and l.te hu!! .,larted, and' -o--ro~tered b) "Uick" S~ith. &raduate J. L. Crist, '12, is cullnl'clcJ with mnnn&er uf nthletk!i, at llromi l'!l tu the Beav~t Chemical Cu., at DlltnUll·

~ a place ~ht-re future renuationa c:u•, V11. -u-can louk upon the past achievementil

of their Alma !\Inter. lC you hove any trophiu, t•up , rootball'! used In famOUS (tlm('!l, picturt'~ of !liar ath• lett's, picturt"; or chnmplom.hlp tenm'!, or an) thinK lntt-r{'stlnr and suitable for 'iUth a roum, Ket in communica­tion with th t' Alumni Storrrtar) at

H. Grey Funkhouser, '20, v.ua u visitor In Lexlng'ton this week. Grey iiJ an lnstruc·tor in lht.• Shnnnnuonh Cullcgiate l nstltUtf', at Dayton, Vn., the!! yt'nr.


unc.-1 -o--

Sam 0. Laughlin, '14, is at present with the WheeliniC Tilt• Company, of Whet-ling, W. Va. Sam wa' nlanng{'r of the football tc.'arn of '14.


Edward II. Deets, '01!, IS connN·tf>d with a civil engineering t'irm in Clarksburg, 1\fd. He i~ nn n~!ludotf> membt:r of tbe A m{'rirnn SciCidy u(

Civil Engineer.;,

llltwrlcal Ceor1lan Brltk l'lt.Mion 18th ('onlu i'J'. ld~al all 1tar hom•. In tamollt Vallt')' ot Vlr~rlnia, and rubW'b!l ot unlvtr· alt~ t.Hwn ot Lain~CWn. lnviRoratln~r. o<·hulutoc atm.,..pht.N, IUl'IIUilnlfl)' fine ell­maw. IOtlal and ~ueaUonal advantage.. CttY conHnl~nce.. 10 muwr roomt, 2 bath., kltt'ht·n. ~l.t:. Hand canf'd woodwork and pluttr fri,·'&H. Adjuina Golt Llnb, auwmo­bilot hhrh•ay w ramotl.l ''Natur~~l Bridie" arod lhroutJh plctu~u• "Coeb~n P .... to r~uu•nt'd !Jut anti Wbi~ Slllphtn' Sprlnp. f2li.IIVO. lllu•tr~~tnl uta~.

A. W. UOSBY L111dlhrr. Vlrwlnl&.


Will H. Smath, '15, is l'nl(ngul in selling oiJ and farm In ncb in A rdm01 l', Lunches Oklahoma. -----~


Candies A. E. Pt>oplt'l, 't:l, i!4 au-cretary of

the Silent Nurse Cu., uf Atlanta, Ga. Pt>O()Ies hall reel•nlly gunt' into thi!l new ventun• und the following i'l an extract from his letter a·ecently r<>· ceived by the nlumni secretary:

H. B. Blackburn, '03, is general manager of the Greenbrier Smokelt.>~ll Coal Co., of Bellburn, W. Vn. FOX'S

James M. O'Brien, 'OR, hn'l office!! for the gen~al pt·nctice or law in the Hellman Building, Loll Angl•le!l, Cnli­foc·nin.

--o-Fruits Drinks

"I have I'Crt•utly gone into n new busine11~ manufacturing a pntentecl bnby swing nncl bed. We formed n $26,000.00 corpol'lllion nnd aa·e now pt·eparing to put thi!l nrtlcie on the mat·kct. Ev(•rythin~e looks bright and I believe that I nm going to make a good thing out of il."

W. T. Neel, ' l fi, is with the Phila· delphia Electric Co., PhiJa,)('lphia, Pn.

·-------W. HARRY AGNOR

-o- -Horry E. Mornn, '13, i!l export sales

manager of the Lake and EXJlOrt Coal Corporation, wath offirc:J in New York City. Harry i out> of tht- grt>att>~t

pitcher'! thnl ever 'ltrultt>d on Wil!lon Field, and i!\ one of W. ami L.'ll most loyal and octave alumni.



I Candle , Cakes, Smoking Sup· plies, Towels, Bed Covering.

SpeciaJ attention to Frats. Phone 36.

JOHN w. IDLBY, Prop. Love nt first !light; davorce at first Da1 Phn• U4 N'-llt Pllea• UJ I' h


Here's ,vhy CAMELS are the quality cigarette

BECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it 's pos­

sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette.

1( othing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show.

Take the Camel package for instance. It's the most perfect packing science can devise to pro­tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper - secure foil wrapping-revenue stamp to seal th~ fold and make the package air-tight. But there's nothing flashy about it. You'll find no ~wrappers. No frills or furbelows.

Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember-you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality.

If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine-and one entirely ~ from ciga retty aftertaste,

It's Camels for you.



---o---500 NEW TIES




Whitman's W. & L. Seal Candy

Cigars Soda Water


.. •

Opposite New Theatre Phone 41


Clothier and Furnisher LEXINGTON, VA.

Your Credit is Good at Harlow's

In all the time that we have been printing only two small accounts against W. andl L. students show "shaky" signs, and we haven ' t given them up yet.

The Honor System W od s


First National Bank Building Ph'>ne 104


Fresh Meats Fish and Oysters in Season


Lyric and New Theatres DIRECTION


Matinee Daily 3:30 Evenings 7:30 and 9:00



Sole Distributors for W. & L. Swing



4 TB1 tniG-Tu* mi

BIG BLUE QUINT TRIUMPHS tho Generals leading, 18 to 15. In the MM CM»»M»»»«*M—»+•« OVER SOUTHERN CHAMPS Meond period, Washington and Lee 2

forged into a G-point lead but spec- T (Continued from Page On*.) tacular shooting enabled Carolina to «

on tour and in enemy territory ('v,'n ">"tters to :!0 all with less than so preliminary drawbacks were about a minute remaining for play. A dou- equal in influence. Then, too, Camer- bl«' foul was called and L*ke. who

on and Glenn did not play the whole was *»•" fi,"s' try. made a perfect game because of committing four basket fron» the *oul line- Park then

fouls each. The victory increased the shcrt a"d evened matters again. A prestige of the victors and lessened technical foul, double dribbling, was that of Carolina. It was a game un- then called on State and Lake rang decided up until the last moments of his «'iS'hlh foul of the game, register- play and was crammed with all the '"K victory as the whistle blew, brilliant floor work and shots that The' whole General crew was a bit are seen in a remarkable basketball off during the encounter, but Lake, contest. witn 3 fie'd 8°a's an<' 8 *ou's out °f

The Tarheel crew started off with 9 tries, and Hines with 6 floor shots a rush and the score was 9 to 1 in led the attack while Jimmie Thomas score was their favor within two minutes after the whistle. The Generals soon swung into action, however, and evened mat- ters when Lake and Hines caged a few spectacular shots. Cameron and Schneider were houses afire during the period, the latter especially aiding on the offense by dribbling the sphere through the whole N. C. de- fense and into the hands of a waiting White and Blue forward. Eddie Cam- eron's speed may be gauged from the fact that he bagged three field goals. At the half-way whistle, Carolina was trailing with the short end of an 1X-1G verdict.

During the second half the Gen- erals were never headed but were often closely approached by great work on the part of the opposing for- wards. Wiith the score 37-32 against

put up a pretty defensive battle. The line-up and summary: N. C. State (81) W. & L. (32)

Johnson Hines R. F.

Groome Lake L. F.

Leeper Schneider C.

Park Cameron R. G.

Homewood Thomas L. G.

State scoring: Field goals, Johnson 1, Groome 3, Leeper 2, Park 5.

Foul goals: Park 8 out of 10. W. and L. scoring: Field goals,

Hines 6, Lake 3, Schneider 1, Glenn 2, Foul goals, Lake 8 out of 9. State substitutions—None. W. and L. substitutions—Glenn for

Character in Clothes Those men who prize character in dress will find the new models es- pecially interesting this season.


them, North Carolina spurted in the Schneider, Schnei ler for Thomas. closing minutes and came within a point of tying, but a final field goal by Coach Raftery's great crew re- frigerated the struggle and the ques- tion, "When is a champion not a champion?" was answered.

Hines and Lake led the Generals' goal shooters with four tries each.

Referee—Doak. Guilford.


(ConttOIMd from Pnire One.)

Are the result of genius in designing, craftsmanship in the making, and charac- ter in the materials. They impart the keen joy of good apparel. It you have never worn such clothes try one of these suits.

TOLLEY & MEEKS Men and Young Men Outfitters

Opposite First National Bank Phone 295


(Contin-'-Hl from Page One.)

short in for refresh-

coffee, sand-

I. was the next opponent and sur- successful prised the locals when they gave them

Glenn and Cameron fol- the short end of a 13-12 count. The lowed with 3 apiece, while Schneider Big Team was undoubtedly off form showed the great crowd present just [n this contest, but due credit should how dazzling could be the work of a be given the Gobblers for they had a great guard. well-coached team. At Annapolis, J. R. Howerton and Dr. T. J. Farrar

The famed Carmichael was again two weeks later, the Navy grapplers gave interesting talks. A forced to lower his colors to Nelson t00k the Brett men into camp, Ellis termission was called Lake when the W. and L. star rang being the only W. and L. wrestler to ments consisting of 9 out of 12 tries, while the Carolina wjn his bout, and that on a fall. West wiches and cakes. captain secured but 8 good ones in Virginia a week later at Morgantown The second part of the program

handed the Big Team a decisive de- was opened with a humorous selec- feat, this time Potts being the only tion by Geo. T. Holbrook, followed by man to score for the Generals. Trin- readings by Prof. Wm. Coan. Mr. ity was easily defeated last Monday Earl S. Mattingly led "The Swing," night in a contest that was replete accompanied by the entire audience, with thrills from the start and which J- C. Henderson and L. G. Benford made the spectators wish for "more." then took the floor and kept the

Prostpects for next year in this crowd in uproar with original puns branch of sport are unusually bright, and knocks until a late hour, when since, with the possible exception of the meeting was ended by the singing Sutherland, every regular from this of "Alma Mater" by all present.

15 attempts. The line-up and summary: Carolina (86) W. & L. (39)

Qreen Hines R. F.

Perry Lake L. F.

C. Carmichael Glenn C.

W. Carmichael Schneider R. G.

McDonald Cameron L. G.

Substitutions for Carolina: Mahler for Green; Green for Perry; Perry for Green.

Substitutions for W. and L.: Thom- as for Cameron; McDonald for Schneider.

Carolina scoring: Field goals, Green 1, Perry 5, C. Carmichael 5, W. Carmichael 2, McDonald 1. Foul goals: C. Carmichael 8 out of 16.

W. and L. scoring: Field goals, Hines 4, Lake 4, Glenn 3, Cameron 3. Foul goals, Lake 9 out of 12.

Referee—Knight, of Durham Y. Umpire—Steiner, of Trinity.

season will return to school.


North Carolina State Game. The 32-31 victory over the State

team Wednesday night was consider- ed by the Raleigh papers as a triumph for the Tarheel team. They based their enthusiasm on the difference between the 35-12 defeat handed the Carolinians when they visited the Generals recently and the one-point margin of victory in Raleigh.

The true factors holding down the score, however, included the experi- mentation with a new combination by the Generals, and their frequent fail- ure to bag snowbirds. Park, the Tarheel captain and right guard, was their particular star, shooting five field goals and registering eight foul goals out of ten tries.

The score was tied three times dur- ing the first half which ended with

(Continued from Page One.)

townspeople. Mi I Marion Wilkins is a reader of appealing personality, and endowed with a wonderful speak- ing voice. Charles Coburn La Pierre is a pianist and accompanist. He is a graduate of Faelten Pianoforte School, of Boston, a pupil of Carl Faelten. His solo numbers are said to show great brilliancy, technique and tone shading. Crawford Adams, the third member of the trio is a pro- ficient violinist, and with Mr. LaPierre as accompanist plays by request selections which the audience may de- sire. The entertainment is free to all students who are members of the Y. M. C. A., and they will be admitted upon presentation of their member- ship card at the door.

Hotel Lexington


Sunday Dinner

12:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M

The County News

Job Office



Any new clubs that were not rep- resented in last year's Calyx, and have not indicated their desire to be represented this >ear, must have the names of members of the club in the hands of the editor of the Calyx not later than Wednesday, March 8, in case they desire representation. This is absolutely necessary as this ma- terial must go to the publishers March 9.


Open 6 a. m. to 2 a. m. European Plan

Everything the Market Afford). Served As It Should Be—CLEAN

"If It's Good We Have It"

Try Our Retalar Dinner From 12 To 1.

ONLY 50c. Special Meal Ticket* for Studenta.

$6.00 for $5.00.

15 Washington St Lexington, Va.


Good Ice Cream -AND-

Sodac Water GO TO McCRUM'S

tjj If you want to know what is going on you'll find it out at

ricCrum's < i


Lexington Pool Company's

