vol-iii issue-viii aug. 2016 - aayushi international ... index.pdfaayushi international...

Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Indexed With IIJIF and IJIndex) Vol - III Issue-VIII AUGUST 2016 ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 2.147 Email id’s:- [email protected], [email protected] | website :- www.aiirjournal.com Chief Editor:- Pramod P.Tandale l Mob. No.09922455749 Page No.147 VOL-III ISSUE-VIII Aug. 2016 Refereed And Indexed Journal

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Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal(Indexed With IIJIF and IJIndex)

Vol - III Issue-VIII AUGUST 2016 ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 2.147

Email id’s:- [email protected], [email protected] | website :- www.aiirjournal.com Chief Editor:- Pramod P.Tandale l Mob. No.09922455749

Page No.147


Refereed And Indexed Journal

Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal(Indexed With IIJIF and IJIndex)

Vol - III Issue-VIII AUGUST 2016 ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 2.147


Chief Editor:-Pramod P. Tandale Contact No.9922455749/9158387437 Email id’s:- [email protected], [email protected]|website :- www.aiirjournal.com

Page No.I

Sr.No. Author Name Research Paper / Article Name Page No.

1. Dr.Umakant.G.Devaramani Innovations And Best Practices Towards Quality Education In Teacher Education

1 To 9

2. Rajendra Chavan Difficulties In Teaching Biology Concepts By Science Teachers At Upper Primary Level

10 To 18

3. Pravin Bhagwan Bhaskar Meena Kandaswamy’s The Gypsy Goddess: A Subaltern Discourse

19 To 23

4. Yuvraj Nimbaji Herode Nuptial Skirmish and Wrangle in Lorraine Hansberry’s The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window

24 To 29

5. Dr.Kulbhushan P. Bauskar A Comparative of Personality Traits of Junior and Senior Collegiate Basketball Players in Aurangabad District

30 To 33


Dr.Kiran G. Bhojraj and Dr.Smita V. Dhurde

Importance Of Doing Daily Abhyanga (Oil Massage)

34 To 36

7. Dr. U.M. Dhoot and Siddharth Sudhakarrao Howal

Teacher Eligibility Test and Competitive Exam Guidance Cell Establishment: Best Practice

37 To 39

8. Dr.Kulbhushan P. Bauskar A Comperison of Selected Kinemetical Parameters between Male and Female Intervarsity Long Jumpers

40 To 44

9. Dr.Pankaj S. Vishwakarma Business Ethics and Golden Rule of Ethics 45 To 48

10. Sanjay Sudhakarrao Kulkarni The Need Of Data Mining In Web Services: A Research Study

49 To 54

11. Jaspal singh and Dr. Anil Tripathi

Differences Of Self-Efficacy And Personality Characteristics Between Male And Female Athletes.

55 To 59


Dr.Deepali Sheshrao Deshmukh Dr. Deepali j Amale and Dr.Balasaheb D.Dharmadhikari

The Study of Literature Review of Urdhwag Amlapitta according to Shatkriyakal

60 To 63


Dr.Nilesh S. Mahajan, Dr.Balasaheb D. Dharmadhikari and Dr.Deepali J.Amale

Upamana Pramana As A Diagnostic Tool W.S.R.To Mutravikriti

64 To 67

Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal(Indexed With IIJIF and IJIndex)

Vol - III Issue-VIII AUGUST 2016 ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 2.147


Chief Editor:-Pramod P. Tandale Contact No.9922455749/9158387437 Email id’s:- [email protected], [email protected]|website :- www.aiirjournal.com

Page No.II

Sr.No. Author Name Research Paper / Article Name Page No.


Dr.Sapna R.Deshmukh Dr.Avinash M.Deshmukh and Dr.Deepali J.Amale

Role of Manas Hetu in Grahani W.S.R. To Irritable Bowel Syndrome

68 To 71


Dr.Snehal S. Bhele, Dr.Anil K. Burley and Dr.Shrikant G. Deshmukh

A conceptual study of autoimmunity and rasa dhatvagnimandya in light of amapachan chikitsa

72 To 77


Dr.Sneha R Wakade, Dr. AvinashM.Dshmukh and Dr.DeepaliJ.Amle

Concept of psychological factor in kitibha Kushthaw.s.r. to psoriasis 78 To 80


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85 To 87

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88 To 94

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21. ltsZjko gScrh “ksVds xaaxk/kj xkMxhGkaP;k dFksrhy dqVqac O;oLFkk

101 To 103

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108 To 111

24. MkW- t;Jh foJke dqyd.khZ laxhr dysps egRo

112 To 113

Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal(Indexed With IIJIF and IJIndex)

Vol - III Issue-VIII AUGUST 2016 ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 2.147


Chief Editor:-Pramod P. Tandale Contact No.9922455749/9158387437 Email id’s:- [email protected], [email protected]|website :- www.aiirjournal.com

Page No.III

Sr.No. Author Name Research Paper / Article Name Page No.

25. एस.एस.सोनुन े

मराठवाडा वभागातील अ यापक महा व ालयातील िश णाथ या भाविनक बु दम ेचा व य म व वतन संघात काराचा तौलिनक अ यास

114 To 121

26. फरोज पी साहाळा संशोधन कायात संगणक आ ण इंटरनेट चे मह व

122 To 124

27. ²ÖÖôûÖÃÖÖÆêü²Ö ×¾Ö­ÖÖµÖ�ú¸üÖ¾Ö ¬ÖÖµÖ�Öã›êü ׿Ö�Ö�ÖÖ“µÖÖ ­Ö¾Ö¯ÖϾÖÖÆüÖŸÖᯙ †¬µÖÖ¯Ö�úÖÓ“Öß ³Öã×´Ö�úÖ

125 To 130

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131To 133

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134 To 138

30. MkW- f”kokuan ,p dksyh

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139 To 141

31. b÷Éì. ±ÉÒ±ÉÉ Eò´ÉÉÇ ¦ÉÚ¹ÉhÉ Eäò EòÉ´ªÉ ¨Éå - ʶɴÉÉVÉÒ ®úÉVÉÉ ¦ÉÉäºÉ±Éä

142 To 144

32. izk-nsodkar Qqypan xqjo

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145 To 147

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148 To 151