voga 2011-eng.ppt

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Post on 21-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    Welcome everyone and Thank you forcoming to the unveiling of VOGA ItaliaWine!!!

    Directly from Italy, the epicenter of style VOGItalia is a Revolution in Wine. !he VOG Italiacollection ranges from white to red, from spar"lingto sweet.

    VOG wines are rich in #avor and full of character,

    $ust li"e the landscape which gives %irth to thosewondrous vineyards. VOG Italia stands out for itsinnovative, uni&ue slee" and se'y, glass cylindrical%ottles ( a modern vision of sophisticated cool.

    VOG Italia is an icon of style and re)nement inhundreds of ma$or cities worldwide. VOGrepresents the essence of the Italian way of living,

    appreciating the pleasures of life in each momentand em%racing the world of stylish living.

    VOG is a true sym%ol of &uality(of(life, design,prestige, fashion and elegance. VOG is short forVogue meaning fashion, trend, style, passion,design. VOG Italia is the e'pression of Italian style

    and craftsmanship in wine. VOG is a%out !asteand *tyle

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    O-I+G *!IG/! 0O- I!12, !/3 3PI3+!3 O0*!213, VOG I!1I /* 3!3D 3VO14!IO+I+ 5I+3 5I!/ I!* B3!/!6I+G 3D3*IG+ O0 !/3

    !DI!IO+1 BO!!13. VOG I!1I7* *!I11 5I+3**!+D O4! I+ *1336 +D *382 G1** 21I+D3 -OD3+ VI*IO+ O0 *OP/I*!I!3D OO1. !/3DI112 /I BO!!13 I* O63D, !/3+ !OPP3D5I!/ + 313G+! B16 3*31B13 P3!I+G 30I+3D 04*IO+ O0 0O- +D04+!IO+. VOG *P61I+G *!+D* O4! I+ *!4++I+G 13 G1** BO!!13 5I!/

    P!IV!I+G 4V3*, *313D 5I!/ O6 +D!OPP3D 5I!/ !+*P3+! P. *I+3 O4I+3P!IO+ VOG I!1I /* 94*!12 5O++4-3O4* 5D* 0O P6GI+G,P3*3+!!IO+ +D -O*! I-PO!+!12, !*!3.

    VOG Italia Drin" I+ *tyle

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    I know what I want; I just dont always knowwhere to fnd it. I want a drink that is eortless.

    A drink that transports me to a place where I

    can soak in lie with riends where I can letgo where I can just hae un. !ine to me isa"out more than taste ## its a"out a eeling$ anemotion$ and an e%perience. &he wine I drinkre'ects my lie$ my aspirations$ and my sense ostyle. I want a drink that is one part intimatedinner$ one part cocktail party and two parts lie.(ou proide the wine$ and Ill create the

    memories. )ust like lie$ I e%pect a lot rom the"rands I like. *oga gies me eerything I want +its elegantly unapologetic$ stylishly confdent$"oldly innoatie$ just like me.,

    -e$ the *oga consumer

    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    !he Brand Positioning

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com


    -e'icoPuerto icoVene:uelaru%aari%%ean*wit:erland46


    !ur"s ;aicos*lova"+orwayustralia


    :ech ep.*lova" ep/ungaryBulgariaroa:iaomaniaGermany

    9ordan-altayprus*outh frica6enia6orea



    *ingaporeDominican ep.

    !aiwanosta ica


    vaila%le in Voga is an international success> 6.500.000 bottles sold in the world

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    !he ollection

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    Premium *par"ling

    light golden color and )ne perlage give way toaromas of white %lossoms and ripe fruit. It isvery smooth in the mouth with yummy fruit#avor and crisp citrusy )nish.

    Varietal? Pinot Grigio @AA

    rea of production? !rentino Venetolcohol content? @=esidual sugar? @< gCl

    p/? .==cidity? E.E gCl

    Vini)cation? long charmat method Fmonths

    0ermentation? controlled temperaturefermentation of the highest &uality must

    in stainless steel tan"s*erving temperature? EA (

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com

    Pinot Grigio

    Pinot Grigio is the most popular white wineproduced in northern Italy. Italian Pinot Grigio isnormally very light and crisp, %ut Voga Italiacom%ines the soft alluring #avors of Veneto withthe structure and %reed of !rentino to producewhat we feel is the perfect Pinot Grigio. 0ull andrich, with fresh ripe apple and pear aromas anddelicious #avors.

    Varietal? Pinot Grigio @AA

    rea of production? !rentino ( Venetolcohol content? @=

    esidual sugar?

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com


    ppealing to the tastes of the most fashionforward. Voga Italia7s ose is full of surprises.

    !he wine opens with a %as"et of straw%erry,cran%erry and rasp%erry aromas that mi' withmore $uicy %erry #avor on the palate. 3ach sipsensually invites you to the ne't.

    Varietal? FA -erlot Amiscellaneous varietals of +orthern Italy

    rea of production? @AA Venetolcohol content? @=esidual sugar? @A gCl

    p/? .Acidity? E.E gCl

    Vini)cation? soft pressing0ermentation?

    controlled temperaturein stainless steel

    *erving temperature? EA (

  • 7/24/2019 Voga 2011-Eng.ppt


    Platinum Brands, Inc www.vogaitalia.com


    !he "ey to ma"ing true Italian -oscato is tocapture the natural fruity aroma and vi%rant#avor of the -oscato grape. !he grapes arecrushed and &uic"ly pressed. Duringfermentation the car%on dio'ide is capturedgiving the wine its fri::ante character. !hefermentation is stopped early leaving the grapesnatural sugar and #avor intensity as the wine7s"ey feature. lose your eyes and thin" of fresh

    grapes, that7s e'actly what -oscato tastes li"e.

    Varietal?@AA -oscatorea of production? Provincia di Pavia

    lcohol ontent J F,E p/ J =.K