vocabulary week 29 study

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Vocabulary Week 29 Study. Word 1: Obscure Def: Not easily understood, not well known Sent: Josie lived in an obscure town in Kansas which is in the middle of the USA . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Vocabulary Week 1

Vocabulary Week 29 Study

Word 1: Obscure Def: Not easily understood, not well knownSent: Josie lived in an obscure town in Kansas which is in the middle of the USA.

Word 2: SophisticatedDef: Complex person that is experienced in worldly matters, not simpleSent: Josie was a quite sophisticated high school student who watched the History Channel and Project Runway.

Word 3: Intrigue / IntriguingDef: Fascinating, to cause interest and curiositySent: Josie had an intriguing idea; why not let students teach themselves?

Word 4: AppropriateDef: Suitable or acceptable in that situation (inappropriate = not acceptable)Sent: Obviously, the teachers at Josies high school found her idea inappropriate.

Word 5: TerminalDef: 1) Disease that cannot be cured, fatal 2) Place in airport for passengersSent: Josie said that listening to her teachers was like a terminal disease because it was going to kill her in the end.

Word 6: AnonymousDef: Written or done without the person giving their no so they can remain unknownSent: Hundreds of students anonymously wrote the principal supporting Josies idea.

Word 7: DismalDef: Gloomy and sad situationSent: Principal Jones felt dismal because he would have to make the decision in the end.

Word 8: Retaliate Def: To do something harmful to someone because that person did something to youSent: The teachers would retaliate if he went along with Josies idea.

Word 9: Variation / Vary / VariedDef: Different from the others in a small waySent: Maybe Principal Jones could propose a variation of teaching methods?

Word 10: Legislation / LegislateDef: A set or group of or policiesSent: Josie tried to get the Kansas senate to pass legislation on students teaching.

Word 11: HeathenDef: A savage like person, originally used to describe a non-ChristianSent: Teachers instantly attacked Josie as being a disrespectful little heathen girl.

Word 12: ThrobDef: To pulsate or pound heavily like your heart or a headacheSent: Principal Joness head throbbed from all the stress.

Word 13: FuriousDef: Very angrySent: Teachers were furious about the idea of students teaching students. They would miss listening to themselves talk.

Word 14: TackyDef: To have very poor tasteSent: Teachers even ruthlessly attached Josie for wearing tacky orange & pink clothes.

Word 15: DrifterDef: One who continually travels without a direction but wanders aimlessly in lifeSent: Both of Josies parents had left her at an early age to become drifters.

Word 16: PsychiatristDef: Doctor for people with mental problemsSent: Josie had been to many psychiatrists in order to fix her insecurities.

Word 17: ThawDef: To become unfrozen, for ice to melt in the springSent: The winter snows were thawing in Kansas. It wasnt the only thing heating up.

Word 18: LackadaisicalDef: Showing no interest, not enthusiasticSent: Principal Jones finally took a lackadaisical approach to the whole thing; what ever happened would happen.

Word 19: StrickenDef: To be overcome by a disease or something badSent: principal Jones in the end was stricken with indifference and collapsed.

Word 20: PulseDef: The beat and pressure of blood flowing Sent: Teachers and students rushed to Principal Joness side but tragically they could not find a pulse.