vocabulary set # 3

Vocabulary Set # 3 By: Zarafshan. A Class: 851

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Vocabulary Set # 3. By: Zarafshan. A Class: 851. Vocabulary Set#3. 1. Inhabit v. – to live in the area 2. Resource n. – a source of supply or materials 3. Herd v. – to gather and take care of livestock or cattle 4. Competition n. – the act of competing; test - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Vocabulary Set # 3

Vocabulary Set # 3

By: Zarafshan. AClass: 851

Page 2: Vocabulary Set # 3

1. Inhabit v. – to live in the area

2. Resource n. – a source of supply or materials

3. Herd v. – to gather and take care of livestock or cattle

4. Competition n. – the act of competing; test

5. Nowadays adv. – at the present day

6. Modern adj. – not ancient, present or recent

7. Employment n. – the act of getting a job or career

8. Occur v. – to happen

9. Political adj. – of politics or government rules and regulations

10. Migrate v. – to move away or out of an area

Vocabulary Set#3

Page 3: Vocabulary Set # 3

To live in the area.

People who are inhabit in Urban areas have more opportunities than people living in rural area.



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A source of supply or material. There are many expensive and beautiful

resources in our world, such as diamonds, oil, wood, water and

many more.


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v. – to gather and take care of livestock or cattle.

Ranchers herd cattle in huge ranches.


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n. – the act of competing; test

The two girls were having a competition for good grades.


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adv. – at the present day Nowadays, the computer is a very

important and necessary tool in life.


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adj. – not ancient, present or recent

In present time, many modern machines are invented and they are very beneficial also.


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n. – the act of getting a job or career

Her father has a big problem with employment because he is an unskilled person.


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v. – to happen In Japan, the horrible earthquake occur in

this month.


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adj. – of politics or government rules and regulations

In Libya the political situation is worse.


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v. – to move away or out of an area.

People migrate from all over the world to New York.
