vocabulary group 2

Glossary to eat French English Lithuanian Pictures actions Actions avant le repas Before the meal Battre en neige To Whip Mélanger To blend/to mix Ajouter To add Mettre au four To Bake Cuire à la vapeur à la poêle au gril To steam To fry To grill Saler To salt Poivrer To pepper to Mixer To mix Ecraser To mash/to crush Presser To squeeze/to press Eplucher/ peler To peel Caraméliser To caramelize Porter à ébullition To Bring to boil Flamber To flambé Préchauffer To Preheat Fariner To coat with flour Piquer To Prick Assaisonner To season Tamiser To sift Mijoter To prepare Brasser To toss Refroidir To chill Fondre To melt Garnir To garnish Pendant le repas During the meal déguster To savour

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vocabulary group2 without lithuanian translation


Page 1: vocabulary group 2

Glossary to eat

French English Lithuanian Pictures

actions Actions

avant le repas Before the meal

Battre en neige To Whip

Mélanger To blend/to mix

Ajouter To add

Mettre au four To Bake

Cuire à la vapeur à la poêle

au gril

To steam

To fry To grill

Saler To salt

Poivrer To pepper to

Mixer To mix

Ecraser To mash/to crush

Presser To squeeze/to press

Eplucher/ peler To peel

Caraméliser To caramelize

Porter à ébullition To Bring to boil

Flamber To flambé

Préchauffer To Preheat

Fariner To coat with flour

Piquer To Prick

Assaisonner To season

Tamiser To sift

Mijoter To prepare

Brasser To toss

Refroidir To chill

Fondre To melt

Garnir To garnish

Pendant le repas During the meal

déguster To savour

Page 2: vocabulary group 2

servir To serve

manger To eat

Après le repas After meals

Desservir la table To clear the table

Faire la vaisselle To do the washing up

Repas Meal

Petit déjeuner Breakfast

Déjeuner Lunch

Diner Dinner

Dessert Dessert

Goûter Afternoon snack

Brunch Brunch

Thé Tea

Ustensiles Utensils

Préparer To prepare

Mixeur mixer

Agitateur agitator

Epluche-légume Potato peeler

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Fouet whisk

Récipient container

Poêle pan

friteuse Deep fat fryer

Casserole saucepan

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Marmite pot

Cocotte-minute Pressure cooker

Passoire colander

Essoreuse (à salade) Salad spinner

Balance scales

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Bouilloire kettle

Servir To serve

Saladier Salad bowl

Louche ladle

Saucière sauceboat

Cruche / pichet jug

Carafe carafe

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Plateau tray

manger To eat

Assiette / -à dessert / -à soupe

Plate / dessert- / soup-

Fourchette fork

Couteau knife

Verre glass

Plats Dishs

Petits déjeuner Breakfast

Croissant Croissant

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Muesli Muesli

Brioche Bun

Baguette French stick/ baguette

Apéritifs Aperitif/ drink

Mini cake Mini cake

Entrée plats Starter

Quiche Quiche

Crudités Raw vegetables

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Charcuterie Cooked meat

Homard à l’armoricaine American lobster

Soupes Soups

Viande/ poisson Meat/ fish

Poulet rôti Roast chicken

Gigot d’agneau Leg of lamb

Bifteck Steak

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Gratin Gratin

Barbecue Barbecue

Pot au feu Pot-au-feu

Potée Hotpot

Poule au pot Boiled chicken

Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse/fish soup

Choucroute garnie Sauerkraut

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Hachi Parmentier Shepherd’s pie

Lasagne à la bolognaise Lasagna

Pizza Pizza

Paëlla Paella

Salade Salad

Salade Niçoise Nicoise salad

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Salade Landaise Landes salad

Salade verte Green salad

Taboulé Tabbouleh

Fromage Cheese

Camembert Camembert

Roquefort Roquefort

Vache qui rit Laughing cow

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Munster Munster cheese

Ossau Osseau

Dessert Dessert

Crêpes Pancakes, crêpes

Gaufres Waffle

Salade de fruits Fruits salad

Mousse au chocolat Chocolate mousse

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Tartes Pie/ tart

Gâteaux au chocolat Chocolate cake

Gâteau yaourt Yogurt cake

Gâteau marbré Marble cake

Quatre quarts Cup cake

Génoise Sponge cake

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Biscuit roulé Jelly roll

Choux à la crème Cream puffs

Eclairs Sprites

Pithivier Pithivier

Macarons Macaroons

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Meringues Meringue

Glaces Ice cream

Cookies Cookies

Crumble Crumble

Brownie Brownie

Sauces Saucage

Bolognaise Bolognese

Béchamel Béchamel sauce

carbonara Carbonara

Ketchup Ketchup

Mayonnaise Mayonnaise

Sauce blanche White sauce

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Pistou Pistou

Tabasco Tabasco

Vinaigrette French dressing


Fruits fruits

Pomme Apple

Poire Pear

Abricot Abricot

Pêche peach

Banane banana

Kiwi Kiwi

Fraise Strawberry

Framboise Rasberry

Mûre Mulberry

Cerise Cherry

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Ananas Pineapple

Mangue Mango

Orange Orange

Clémentine Clémentine

Groseille Currant

Myrtille Bilberry

Raisin Grapes

Prune Plum

Citron Lemon

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Melon Melon

Pastèque Watermelon

Pamplemousse Grapefruit

Légumes Vegetables

Tomate Tomato

Concombre Cucumber

Courgette Courgette

Carotte Carrot

Poireau Leek

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Artichaut Artichoke

Haricot Bean

Salade Salad

chou Cabbage

Aubergine Aubergine

Salsifis Salsify

Navet Turnip

Potiron / citrouille Pumpkin

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Lentille Lentil

Fenouil Fennel

Germe Germ

Fève Broad bean

Féculents Starchy food

Lentille Lentil

Pâtes Pasta

Riz Rice

Pomme de terre Potato

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Maïs Maize

Céréale Cereal

Viandes Meat

Poulet Chicken

Bœuf / vache Beef

Mouton Mutton

Porc Pork (ham, bacon)

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Veau Veal

Fruits de mer Sea food

Crabe Crab

Crevette Shrimp(grey) / prawn(pink)

Homard Lobster

Escargot Snail

Moule Mussel

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Coquille St Jacques Scallop

Huître Oyster

Poisson Fish

Calamar Squid

Produit laitier Dairy product

Crème Cream

Yaourt Yoghurt

Fromage Cheese

Aromates Spice and herb

Persil Parsley

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Canel Cinnemon

Ail Garlic

Oignon Onion

Echalote Shallot

Cumin Cumin

Sel Salt

Poivre / Piment Pepper

Divers Different

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Œuf Egg

Levure Yeast

farine Flour

Boissons Drink

Lait (lait écrémé /lait entier)

Milk (skimmed milk /whole milk)

Eau (eau gazeuse / eau plate)

Water (fizzy water /still water)

Soda (Coca-Cola , Ice-Tea...)

Fizzy drink

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Alcool (Rhum , Whisky , Ricard , Vodka) (alcool à

brûler /alcool à 90 degrés)

Alcohol (methylated spirits /surgical spirit)

Jus de fruits : jus d’orange , jus de

pamplemousse , jus de pomme , jus de raisin,

jus d’ananas

Juice : orange juice , juice of grapefruit ,

apple juice , grape juice , pineapple juice

Bière (bière blonde /bière brune /bière


Beer (lage /brown ale / draught (UK) , draft


Cidre Cider (UK) , Hard cider (US)

Chocolat au lait Milk chocolate

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Café Coffee

Champagne Champagne

Vin : vin rosé , vin blanc , vin rouge

Wine : rose wine , white wine , red wine

Thé Tea

Grenadine Grenadine

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Limonade Lemonade