vk .>! kentucky high schocl athletlc assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/annual...

vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl AthletlcAssoclatlon .'.oecw ,,.,oac(),u:.:k(,o:t!$'Aû* 2286 Executive Drive0 Lexinçtonj HY 40505 0 WwW,khsaa-org 9 (860)209-5172 (858)293-6089 (fax) To : MEMORANDUM Superintendent, Princlpal, and AthleticDirector ScottCounty High School Brigid L. Devries, Commissioner Larry Boucher, AssistantCommissioner May 15, 2007 2006-2007Title IX Annual ReportForms Submission From: Date : Subject: Enclosed pleasefind a copyofForm T-65, the 2006-2007 KHSAA Title IX Annual Renort Submission - status Report. Sn addition, yotl mayfind an attachmentwith corrected copies of the forms submitted by yourschoolpersonnel.Please review this information so the forms can be completedaccurately inthefuture. Also,KHSAA AuditTeam Mem bers may have requested resubmission ofsome ofthe 2006-2007 Annual Report Form s or need additionalinformation on your athletic programs. Please submit this infofmation bythe date requested ifthis is applicable. Copies and ail KHSA A Title IX documents must be keptcurrentand incladed in your permanentTitle IX File atthe school. AI1 documentsaresubject toOpenRecordsRéquests. Should you need anyfudher information, please do not hesitateto call anytime.

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vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac(),u:.:k(,o:t!$'Aû* 2286 Executive Drive 0 Lexinçtonj HY 40505 0 WwW,khsaa-org 9 (860)209-5172 (858)293-6089 (fax)

To :


Superintendent, Princlpal, and Athletic DirectorScott County High School

Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Commissioner

May 15, 2007

2006-2007 Title IX Annual Report Forms Submission


Date :


Enclosed please find a copy of Form T-65, the 2006-2007 KHSAA Title IX Annual Renort

Submission -status Report. Sn addition, yotl may find an attachment with corrected copies of the

forms submitted by your school personnel. Please review this information so the forms can be

completed accurately in the future.Also, KHSAA Audit Team Mem bers may have requested resubmission of some of the2006-2007 Annual Report Form s or need additional information on your athletic programs.Please submit this infofmation by the date requested if this is applicable. Copies and ail KHSA ATitle IX documents must be kept current and incladed in your permanent Title IX File at the

school. AI1 documents are subject to Open Records Réquests.

Should you need any fudher information, please do not hesitate to call anytime.

Page 2: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist



KIQ AAR rfn T65 ReWsgd W05

KHSAA Member School Superàntendents, Principals, and Athletic Directors

FROM: Brigid L. Devries, CommissionerLarry Boucher, Assistant Commissioner

DATE: 5/4/2007

School Scott Count Hi h School Reviewed by Fran Edwards

The folrowing is a status report regarding the required 2006 - 2007 Title IX Annual Reportsubmission of forms due into the KHSAA office by April 15, 2007. Appropriate KHSAA Audit Teampersonnel have reviewed these forms and the following is a summary of this review.

1. Checklist of Forms properly submitted in a satisfactory manner:

X GE 19 Annual Verification X 7--35 Bud et Ex ensesT-1 (Summary Program Chart 1) X 7--36 (Budget Expenses)T-2 Summa Pro ram Chart 2 X T-41 Checklist - Overall lnterscholastic Pro ram

X T-3 Summa Pro ram Chad 3 X T-60 Corrective Action PlanX T-4 Summa Pro ram Chart 4 T-63 lnterscholastic Surve Results

1l. StatusA. X 2006- 2007 Forms are satisfactory and no further information or action is necessary at

this time.B. X Errors have been noted with respect to the following forms:

Please lace corrected co ies of Forms T-1 and T-2 in 1he Title IX file.C. The followin forms were omitted and must be submitted b school re resentatives:(). X Other Recommendation and Comments:

For the 2006-2007 Annual Repod, approximately $400 more was expended per maleathlete as compared to spending per female athlete. Since the magnitude of differencebetween what is spent per male athlete as compared.to what is spent per female athlete,it is incumbent on school personnel to insure tht benefits provided for females, both inualit and uantitt , are of the hi hest order,

Page 3: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist



KHSAAForm T1Rev. 10/06

Partici ation O ortunities Test One

(ColumM 1) tcolumn 2) (Column 3) (Column 4)

Program Enrollm ent Percentage of Number of Percentage ofTotal lnterscholastic TotalEnrollment Participants Participation

(double andtriple cotmt)

Row 1 GIRLS 920 48% . ,..391- %07 sfr- LjqRow 2 BOYS 980 52% x..3of x j ,44' S G

R ow 3 Totals 1900 100% 698 100%lnstructions: ANumber of 8th gradc students & below used in Coluzml 3

and Column 4 calculations if applicablc: 84Determine the total n'tzmber of girls ertrolleda (place in Row 1, Colu'mn 1).Detecmine the total number of boys enrolled, (place in Row 2, Coltmm 1).

Add the total nupber of girls an.d boys enrolled to determine total enrollment, (place irl Row 3, Column l).

Calculate ihe percentage of tot4l enrolhnent tllat is female. (Divide Row 1, Colllnm 1 by Row 3, Colkmm l an.d placeita Row 1, Coltmm 2,) Calculate the percentage of total enrollment that is male. (Divide Row 2, Coltmm 1 by Row 3,Column 1 atïd placc i'n Row 2, Colllm'n 2.) Note: Row 1, Column 2 plus Row 2, Colllmn 2 should total 1001$.

Ask the head coaches to review tlle most updated eligibility or squad lists for tlleir tearnnq. Ask coaches to confirm thenames of those itaclividuals who are on the team as of the first date of regular seasok competition, arld cross oat thenames of those who were cut frclm the team or quit the team prior to the ftrst regular season competitive event.Determine the total number of interscholastic athletics participants that are girls, (and place in Row 1, Colllnnn 3), 1.norder to deterstiae the total nktmber of athletics participants, a.n iadividual should be colmted each time he or sheparticipates on a team, For example, if Jane Doe eompetes on the varsity volleybalt team, the junior varsity volleyballteamo the junior varsity basketball team and the varsity softball team, she should be counted as folzr patlicipantj (donot include club or intramural sports participants, cheerleaders, dance teams, or pom sqads). Catetllate tlzesnme way for boys and girls. * In addition, should 8tb pade students alld below play on a Fresbman, Jtmior Varsity,or Varsity team, they should also be cotmted for each team and sport on which they participate. If applicable, pleaseastelisk the above notation as to how many 8G' grade smdents & below are included i.n the totals.

Usirtg the same procedure, determine the total number of interscholastic athletic participants that are boys, ta'tld placeirt Row 2 Column 3). A(V Row 1, Colunm 3 plus Row 2, Colllmn 3 to get total participants and place in Row 3,

Calculate tlx percentage of fernale participation. (Row 1, Colunm 3 divided by Row 3, Column 3 and place in Row 1,Column 4.)Calculate the percOtage of male participation. (Row 2, Column 3 divided by Row 3, Colllmn 3 and place irl Row 2,Column 4.) Note: Row 1, Colutzm 4 plus Row 2, Column 4 shotlld total 100%.

Note: W hile being withirl three perceht is not a fonual eompliance standard; if the percent listed irl Row 1, Column 4 iswithin 3% of Row 1, Column 2, then it provides a good target withirt which compliance is likely.

J- 7Principal's Signature: Date: J a

Copyright 1999, Good Sports, Inc., Title IX and Gender Fquity Spccialists. AI1 rights reserved.

Page 4: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist


SUM M ARY PROG M M CHART 2Participation Opportunities Test Two

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Colamn 5

Num ber Number of Number of Number of Percent ofProgram of Team s Partlcipants Teams Added Participants Total

Currently Since tlle Added since Participationbeginning of the beginnixg sy sex AddedOffered tllc 2002-2:p3 ot' the 200z- since theSchool Yesr 2003 School beginning of

Year the 2002-2003school Year


. '7' ' ' stt SGIRLS Row 1 varsity: 9 191 0 90 E sttyx. ., ,re t? ztkï. , t

acemt? x-jjr,yRow 2 j .v.: 8 65 1 22 kii - pj: -,. ùkuzak:. .

. - ..,jk y. .,,j,g.. -,j;:.

R ow 3 frosh: 3 51 1 11 7' .'j '. '' ''.Vit. >.. , .. u- xaj

Row 4 total: 20 307 2 133 H 1, . .%.-. . rjjjr- sj.lzjvypst-.j '

BOYS Row 5 varsity: 9 203 0 84 yx#%.y.a, - ' ''R''-n''''?Ackysi . =k=1.&1:q..s,a!.r.uî....4.. :, -.k,y.y ..y ysrj,yRow 6 j .v.: 8 10 1 0 35 '?, '? '. ï.j.xx.r ' . wx.

. ,. ? . .?..; y ..

Row 7 frosh: 3 87 0 18 b '.h .'kw-4 ..-*' .- .. . ..bTïi% . .. -. .L .. v

Row 8 total: 20 391 0 137


KHSAAForm T2Rev. 1C/06



For Column 1, list the number of interscholastic teams offered for girls artd boys at each competitive level (varsity,juuior varsity, and freshnnan). For gids, totat each of the entries :in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows5 6 and 7 into Row 8,., F

For Colatrm 2, list the ntenber of participants at each level. For girls, total each of the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 intoRoF 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, atld 7 into Row 8. Note: The totals in Row 4 for girls and in Row 8 for boys must bethe snme as the totals in Form T-1, Colunm 3, Rows 1 and 2 respectively.For Colllmn 3, list the namber of interscholast'ic tenrns that have been added in the last livc years at each competitivelevel, Count each team added duting the 5 year period only one time. e.g. Girl's junior varsity soccer was added 3years ago, count the team only once, not 3 times. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, an.d 3 illto Row 4. For boys,total Rows 5, 6, ap.d 7 iulo Row 8.For Column 4, list tlle number of paiticipants that are currently on each level of the teanks that were added ill tlle lastfive yeazs. lf a team was added previously but no longer exists, there are no current participants to be added for thatteem . For gids, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, an.d 7 i'nto Row 8.For Coltmm 5, calculate the percentage of pazticipants that have been added in the last five years. For girls, take tllenllmber in Colunm 4, Row 4 at)d divide by the ntmlber itl Column 2, Row 4. For boys, take the number :in Colllrnn 4,Row 8 and divide it by the nllmber in Column 2, Row 8.

Note: If the pcrcentage of current po icipants added in the last five years is 25% or greater, compliance with Test Twomay be possible. If less than 251$, then compliance with Test Three should be analyzed. CAUTION: 25% is not aformnl compliance standard,

Principal's Signattu'e: X Date! K J2 7

Copyright 1999, Good Sports, Inc., .'JiWe a 'and GenderEquity Specialists. A1l lights reserved.

Page 5: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist

.7 . . c' .s . ,. A'z k:4 J/ L) + w-' .. ï '. '

**& . W


(To be submitted by April 15, 20:7 along with other required forms.l

The - - ................ ..&çp.1.1-C.q,..........................-. High School, - N-eo-rgeto-wn . Kentucky(Name of High School) (City)

certifies to the Kentuclty High School Athletic Association that the followlg is arl accurate and true representation of thefacts surrotmding compliance with 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688, et. Seq. (also lulown as Title 1X)

l certify the following provisions 1.n accordanct with reeords at the school contained in the ptrm anen.tTitle IX filer at Ieast one copy of which m ust be maintained in the Principal's office, and to the best of m y

knowledge have completed the following tasks (AIl bexes must be checked).Q Established a gender equity committee at the lligl'i school. (list committee persolmel a'nd provide attachment if

necessary)Name Adch-ess Phone Title

Jim M cloeeTara HeltonGlerm W ilsonScott W illardD.T W ells

ljjjj (lyql. j:jjk,qj.gjk jl. 4(j2, j:yjl, ijël. gjr)lrrj. g( :Irrlg gju gjryjgrj.ql.rj,tjyrjrr)j. ja yj t ;...::: . , '7.';.E::.;; . .;:(.(k,.EEi.F .(.;: 'i. . . . : ... t: . .:q:r. .k :q.) '..r.y2j;.:,'jE;.:.:E4(E:k. 5 ' 'E :, .:.!E.2: !E(E::r k. hEE . .k: .... kirpik ...:E.:7.: . : .j'' :.. ... .E!. . . .: . .. ..:Eë ..@: :..: ':? ;...k.:. '' E.': ... . ;7:k . ..k . . ' :( . q: . . k . rpk kp ... .:. ..:. . :. :. q qj.gjjj;z :Egjk dkjrl 1jg, .,dcïzs dkï!h . :E!: :E;:) .. . p : .:.;: .: .;. ;r ;. . .EE . :.: ....p( ::j .., y .: !à .:(F... . . . .. : ,.pgrkë .. . t....:p:k.: .LL..' .;p'.k..:E: . .: . ... .. :. . .: .: :.. .:y. . ...k(.rEt@: . .::.ik: E . ' . . . :ii :: . .@;:.. . ..' . : :; . 7 E;. .pi. z: ..:.:: p . .. .. . .. ... . .:: .... 2;.ë.::..::. ' . . ' . : . . i . . : g ...: . ( ; . . . . . ' .i:F . . @ ' ;F CEF; .L L. . . . . .. . .. : ;: . . . r: ' ': .. :: . (L' . . . . . . : r. . . :! 2.: .L .. rr : : ::r. ...2j . i . . r . . . .:j .; k !E7 '. ! :q' .@i ':.'; '' . . ' '':. . '.. : : .. E g :. ..y . '.: g'.. :. r' . . .k E j. ... r : . k' .r . . .. ..: : . k ..;' . .yq .. ..r :. ; : . . ; . ::. r . !:y :k :: j ;jr ( .. :. y ... rjgrq kj k ... . . L : ... ... . : ( . . . : .. ; .r j . .J 6 gjjt)g :if E (7 7 ): : E : : @; !: ::( :: ::7 t :r : :p : :( : :: : : k! : k : ::: : E j ( E k-2IC' CECICEI:TI.'Ua 11:.:!1/,' ,, . . ... . . .7:. .ï ... . . .. . .: :: .'.. .: .. . :. . .. : ... .... ..i- .-i.:iëi:. ..Ir ..ëq;ii.i::-... .. -:;:::::. . .:.. . .:.... .:..i. .-:... :.:-.: .. ... .- .:E..E- ..- : : . .: : . L.. E .... :!. ....--..... . . ... . , ..: .....r . .. .. ..ië::.... . . .- -!.. .-.-:.:. . .. :. . :. .. ....... . : : . .. ::. . . .Lï. :-p. : .. : .:. ' ït . . .. ' .' .qr.: . .': .. .': . . :' . ;. ' !L.. Ek 'EF '.'' .7 '. ;. '' .. . .. .. ....E' . '' ':''';''. .' :. E: E .. . .(::. : k. .. .: ' .7 '. .:r .. ' . 'E . ' ''' '. .ï '. '!: ''. . : 2 '' : :.k '. . '' .. ':'.:.k.. . '.. ':' . '. .i. . : : r:: : ! .. :. . . .j .' ' .' : ' .' ;: '. . '': !:: . ; ' ' ..:(;E: i.' . ..7 j . '' ' ' . . . r E' !: 'E. ... ::.. .. '. : q.' ':( .E.... . ..7. jj. ...r' :.jE '' :r y: ' .'E;... Lï ' . ' : 'E('' '' . . . ' ' . .: ''2...: y jql; .a ..:7 .;... :k : :.! . .:j2 .E:.. :.... :.. ' .. . TL !; .. .E. ... . . . .. : :E: ..k ' ., ': . . '. ... . .. .. E .:: .... . :.... : ... . . ( .. k..; . . :: 1(k. . ;!(. ., ... :. ...::t : ''. L.L. .'..... .: : . : r : rM arch 3 1, 2007 ?,! ;r: . : . ,yt, :'y,, , ,j, . ., . g; s.,;, 'u:.:,,h, :.k!: ::,: : ': :..:s. vjijj ,;:i,..:)7y, . )y : : ë t @:y,, :. ty,), jjj .,,y? : , ,,;r,:,,y: g ,;;. jsvu.' y: , y ryt,



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...y.y..v;,g-....,,-,..,'(% < ' ' . r ..--Superlntendent Signature ScNool Beard Chairpersonss Signature

(Send t/rfrl/l/ copy to JCFJSW A - Maintain duplicate in Title Jschoolfolder)/

(Supt., Principal, Student, Parent, Coach, Etc.)141 I'rving 1-,= e502.863.4131 x. l 129 HFC/AD205 Sltyline Drive 502.863.4131 x. 1 l25 Assistant Girls Hoops859 Bay Colony Drive 863.4131 x. 1 125 Head Girls Track101 Hiawatha Trail 863.4131 x. 2563 Head Baseball Coach1036 Cardinal Drive 863.7202 M iddle School Boys Hoops

Page 6: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist



ICHSAAForm T3Rev10/O6

Particioation Opportzlllities Test Three


GTRT,S ;, BOYS1 ...él 'ï ?1. ''

(Yes / No) ;/L, :q r )?2)t..EE.. W es / No)' . . i : ():) ''1

. For a sport not eurrently olered, is there suffieieht interesk No (, ( .'.L/.L' No.:. rl !.: : .; ; ) L ..k. ! :.based on your most reeent Student Interest Survey, to form a .:!. r ,Eëj). j .( .. j j

i.jj. jviable interscholastic team based on student responses from the i: : :q;:.,EE. .


;è ) ' . :. .interscholastic survey? If yes, what sport? : y t: ) # jt .E::)q, q) j): #(E ...2

. F@r a sport turrently offered at the varsity level only, is 'there No tlttt; lyjtt ., No: :yk yy.j j y.g. .fficient interest, based tm your most recent Student Interest p: ) jsu t ,: :

. .Survey, to form a viable team for a junior varsity or freshman ,., rj)l'.t.j (. y :. ;r tjk k rj yjjrr g . ,,team that is not currently offercd? ) (y;@'$yy r:





)- . :::t. .''.;- . '- @ q.Jr'y'' ' .' '. '' ' rently offered in your interscholastic No t''t/ïil) . Yes,3. For a sport not èu :. z :--r..éi '( ')'t.. L)f ?. ,j7!FqI:- 42, jjrllrjl jk jrjl jj;iathletics program

, is there sumcient interest to form a viable hytyy;i7 ); .interscholastic team based on paMclpation on an Ztramural llt)l(),:q.

j y,-.y(jy. qtyr- ,q .. .. .team or community recreation teams? , . jy); .kL j . . . ... . '.. . ( 2 j.t .:è)j::,: xo4

. For a sport currently offered at the janior varsity or freshman No E ) ( (: ' . . : y . ' . .Ievel is there sllfficient interest

, based on your most recent .@71 (;k. .y :. j 2 tSmdent Intercst Survey

, to form a varsity team not currently Ei i : .''OYVlV(1O '1 5

: :. . t)! L.L:'i

5. lf you answered YES to question (1), (2), (3), or (4$ are there No ' :':.,'y Yes. . '. . .

enough lzigh schools in your geographic area offering the sport ) ë'l '))J t ) 'r) l 5)7 'T(at the appropriate Ievel) to allow for the development of a ti::. .yg)jyj,,E ).j- . ' r

. . @; .$

.--:(-reasonable schedule of competition? (..y( (tty ,.'' '(,. : j k, g ' :. :: .-.()1:; ,. )! jt. ï. Ci E@ '. :.: : . .2, ,.r ) (@r.r g

f o a t e : X* / r >Prlscipal's Slgnature:

Copyxight l 999, Good Sports, Inc., Title Ixand Gender Akup'/.'p Specialists'. Al1 rigbts reserved.

Page 7: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist

KHSAAForm T4Rcv.10/06



Levels of Compdition Test One

Colum n 1 Colum n 2 Colum n 3Team Num ber of Team s Num ber of Percentage of

G irls Levels Currently Offered Participants Participants at EachLevel

Row 1 varsity: 9 191 62

Row 2 j.v.: 8 65 22

Row 3 frosh: 3 51 16

x ' FW **&* T Y 'Row 4 total: 'q ' . ! wyyy . t>' 307'.f . .. u c

, hjyrBoysRow 5 varsity: 9 203 52

Row 6 j.v.: 8 101 26

Row 7 frosh: 3 87 22

t . . .Row 8 total: . ( ,=: 391 .c3 ,,' d.jv.= w.kl7.;''. w , .-. . ikjjwùï!)y .v,

1) Colllmn 1, list the number of intezscholastic teams offered for girls and boys at each competitive level;varsity, junior varsity, and freshma'n. (Refer to Fol'm T-2, Accornmodation of lnterests and Abilities,S Progrnnn Chart 2, Colllnm 1.)

2) For Colllmn 2, list the nllmber of patticipants at each level. For girls, total the entlies in Rows 1, 2, and 3into Row 4. For boys, total the entries in Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. t'Refer to Form T-2,Accomnnodation of Inlcests a'nd Abilities, S Program Chart 2, Colllnm 2.)

3) For Collzmn 3, calculate the pcrccntagc of fcmale and male pu icipants at each level.For girls' varsity jtmior vrsity, and âosh, respectively:* Divide Colllnm 2, Row 1 by Colamn 2, Row 4, and place the percentage in Column 3, Row 1.* Divide Colttmn 2, Row 2 by Colllmn 2, Row 4, a'nd place the percentage ill Colllmn 3, Row 2.* Divide Coltlmn 2, Row 3 by Colunm 2, Row 4, and place the percentage in Colunm 3, Row 3.*

For boys' varsity, jlmior varsity, and frosh, respectively:* Divide Colllmn 2, Row 5 by Colllnm 2, Row 8, a'nd place the percentage in Colunm 3, Row 5.. Divide Column 2, Row 6 by Column 2, Row 8, and place the percentage in Coltlmn 3, Row 6.* Divide Column 2, Row 7 by Colllmn 2, Row 8, and place the percentagc i:rl Collirnn 3, Row 7.

's Signature: X . Date: T-/Principal

Copyright 1999, Good Sports, Inc., Title .rit'a/W Gender ek!J/.)? Spccialists. Al1 rïg/l/x rescrved.

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KHSAAForm T1Rev.l0/06

Partici ation O orttlnities Test One

(Column 1) (Column 2) (Column 3) (Columm 4)

Program Enrollment Percentage of Number of Percentage ofTotal lnterscholastic TotalEnrollment Participants Participation

(double andtriple count)

Row 1 GIRLS 920 48% ., 391 '%:a7 56-- tjqRow 2 BOYS 980 52% ,307- $.0 :4 SGa,'.- $ h

Row 3 Totals 1900 100% 698 100%ln i 'JrNumber of 8tb grade students & betow used in Colunm 3stnzct ons:

and Colurnn 4 calculations if applicable: 84Determine tiie total number of girls enrolled, (place in Row 1, Colunm 1).Determine the total number of boys enrolled, (place in Row 2, Column 1).

Add the totat nlpmber of gids and boys enrolled to determine total emollment, (place in Row 3, Colllmn 1).

Calculate the percentage of total enrolhnent that is female. (Divide Row 1, Colllm'n 1 by Row 3, Colllrn'n 1 a'nd placein Row 1, Coltmm 2.) Calculate tlle percelztage of total cnrollment that is male. (Divide Row 2, Column 1 by Row 3,Colllmn 1 and place in Row 2, Cohlmn 2.) Note! Row 1, Column 2 plus Row 2, Coltmm 2 shotlld totat 100%.

Ask the head coaches to review the most updated eligibility or sq'uad lists for their teamq. Ask coaches to confirm tllennnnes of those individuals who are on the team as of tlle fgst date of regular season com pedtion, a'nd cross out thenames of those who were cut from the team or quit the team prior to the tirst regtzlar season competitive event.Determine the total nllrnbe.r of intelscholastic athletics patticipatlts that are girls, tand place in Row 1, Column 3). Inorder to determin.e the total number of athletics participants, an individual should be counted each time he or sheparticipates on a temm. For example, iJ-JaIIe Doe competes on the varsity volleyball temno thejlpnior varsity volleyballteamc the jàlnior varsity basketball te,arna and the varsity soûball team, she should be cotmted as four participants (donot include club or intramural sports participants, cheerleaders, dance teams, or pom sqads). Calculate the

* In dditiop shotlld 81 grade students and below play on a Freslnmarl, Jlmior Varsity,same way for boys and girls. a

or Varsity teamo th% should also be counted for each team and sport olz which they participate. If applicable, pleaseth d tudents & below are included i.n the totals.asterisk the above notation as to how many 8 gra e s

Usitlg the same procedure, determine the total number of interscholastic athtetic participants that are boys, tand placein Row 2, Colunm 3). Add Row 1, Column 3 plus Row 2, Colllmn 3 to get total participants atld place in Row 3,Colllmn 3.

Calculate tlze percentage of female participation. (Row 1, Column 3 divided by Row 3, Column 3 and place in Row 1,Colllmn 4.)Calculate the tercent.age of male participation. (Row 2, Column 3 (livided by Row 3, Column 3 and place in Row 2,Colllmn 4.) Note: Row 1, Colllmn 4 plus Row 2, Colllrfm 4 shotlld total 100%.

Note: W hile being witllin tltree pcrcent is not a formal compliance standard; if the percent listed i'n Row 1, Colurnm 4 iswithin 3% of Row 1, Colmnn 2, then it provides a good target within which compliance is likely.

X pate: g a 7Principal's Signature:

Cepyright 1999, Czood Spol-ts. lnc., Title IX and Gender Equity Specialists. All riglds reaserved,

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SUM M ARY PRO GM M CHART 2Participation O pportunides Test Two

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Cohlmn 4 Column 5

Num ber Xum ber of Number of Number of Percent ofProgram of Team s Participants Teams Added Participants Total

Since the Added Since PartldpationCurrentlybeginlliug of the begiuning By Sex AddcdOfferedthe 2002-2003 of the 2042- Since theSclzool Year 2003 ScNool begluning of

Year tlze 2002-2093School Year

GIRLS Row 1 varslty: 9 191 0 90

Row 2 j.v.: 8 65 1 22

Row 3 frosh: 3 51 1 11 ,;

Row 4 total: 20 307 2 133 L.$ ')$ z$

BOYS Row 5 varsity: 9 203 0 84.. 2. >

Row 6 j.v.: 8 101 0 35

Row 7 frosh: 3 87 0 18 '

Row 8 total: 20 391 0 137

KHSAAForm X2ltev. 10/06

For Cohzmn 1, list the number of interscholastic teamq offered for girls and boys at each competitive level (varsity,jlmior varsity, an.d freshmall). For gids, totat each of the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows5, 6, and 7 hlto Row 8.For Colllmn 2, list the number of participants at each level. For girls, total each of the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 intoRow 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8. Note: The totals in Row 4 for girls an.d in Row 8 for boys must bethe same as the totals in Form T-1, Collzmn 3, Rows 1 and 2 rcspectively.For Collzmn 3, list the nllmber of interscholastic tenms that have been added ill the last fve years at each competitivelevel. Cotmt each temm added dtuing the 5 ye,ar period only one time. e.g. Gid's juaior varsity soccer was added 3years ago, cotmt the team only once, not 3 fn'mes. For girls, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, arid 3 into Row 4. For boys,total Rows 5, 6, and 7 into Row 8.For Column 4, list the number of participants that are currently on each level of tlle tenmq that were added in the lastfive years. lf a team was added previously but no longer exists, there are no current participalds to be added for thattenm. For gids, total the entries in Rows 1, 2, and 3 into Row 4. For boys, total Rows 5, 6, and 7 hlto Row 8.For Column 5, calculate the percentage of participants that have been added in the last tive years. For giyls, take thenllmber in Colllmn 4, Row 4 and divide by the number in Coblmn 2, Row 4. For boys, take the number in Coltmm 4,Row 8 aad divide it by the rtumber in Colunm 2, Row 8.

Note: lf the percentage of cul-rent participants added in the last five years is 25% or greater, compliance with Test Twonnoy be possible. lf less than 25%, then compliahce with Test Three should be nnalyzed, CAUTION! 25% is not aformal compliance standard.

's signatare! X oate! fK / 7l'rincipal

Copyright l 999, Good Sports, Jnc., Tffjg lxand Gender Jkl/p'fy' Specîalists. A11 rights reserved.

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Page 14: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist

2006-2007 KHSAA TITLE IX ATHLETICS AUDITChecldist - Overall Interscholastic Afhlqsiqs-proeram

KHSAAForm T41Rev. l 0/06

DIRECTIONS:For the Areas of Compliance (Opportunities and Benefits) Iisted on tlle IeR hand side of the page, placep checkm ark under the appropriate column identifyiag whether your school provided an advantage tothe Girls' Program, or to the Boys' Program or to Nelther Program .


reas of Com pliance'. G S' BOYS' NEITHERPROG PROG PROG

-v 'ga.'.. xg?.4 r y'iassszstycvoho.pilqïpaz''u:ay -.n+.b 1' ..JS.FJ' ,f.S' 'r..a> ': 'tiL.z:iX ëri': 1 t' 7i5iL.lJ.'=..4:.p.-.iF..Fy..i.$<' (.hqr' -----'.m.'XW . k. . ï; .: .ijfow-.s.wz.p.w.. L.'? 'w x-wx..'ziiz.y..jc.. u.yz4spoyl,:jsls:j.x.g:us-uts... vL'sjyqlL'XV iy'g.tknripvw--,zor.xzo ....=.w:gw..;.Xl-fi-,j.' VV,tVë%j'S.Q.- +1'RIq..!QkL yrlq. E)C w.-..v..=qqLn & . . v4C*) ...$.. ? sazrzW'?lvrr.- -dltEEzl,p (111F1. (11E11. 41:2(2)18 (IIITPI:

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Acco odation of lnterest and Abilities X

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Eqmepm ent and Supplies X

Scheduling of Games and Pradice Time X

Travel and Per Diem Allowance. s X

Coac ' g X

Locker Rooms, Practice X

and Competitive Facilities

M edical and Traimn' Facilities Xg

d Services

Publicity X

Support Senwices X

Athletic Scholarships X

T ut o rm' g X

Housing and Dimn' g Facilities Xd Servicesan

Recruitm ent of Sttldent Athletes X

Principal's Signatnre: Date: /


Copyright 1999, Goodspora, fm , ntlearand Gee rsglffy Sy aut. AIl rights reserved.

Page 15: vk .>! Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlonkhsaa.org/httpdocs/titleix/Annual Reports/20062007/Scott County...Kentucky High Schocl Athletlc Assoclatlon.'.œcw,,.,oac ... 1.Checklist

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