visual merchandising techniques


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Post on 25-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Visual Merchandising Techniques


Page 2: Visual Merchandising Techniques


Although the end result of any promotional campaign should be to benefit the company, through increased sales and awareness, this can be done whilst still providing benefit to the customer.

Page 3: Visual Merchandising Techniques

Where It Fits In

This is where visual merchandising can play a huge role in the promotional activities of a company because it can greatly help a customer to navigate their way around the store or draw their attention to any special offers that are available. 

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Hidden Influence

The way to consider this is to think how a customer would feel if they were in a store but later realised that there were sale items on sale at the back of the premises that they were not aware of.

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Clever Store Guidance

The company will not only benefit by directing the customer towards their promoted material but they can help to make the customer feel as though they are welcomed and valued by the company. 

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Visual Merchendising

Proper use of visual merchandising can achieve these aims and can be used to provide the most striking way to interact and engage with customers, even in a busy store when there may not be the time to interact on a one to one basis with customers.

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Layout To Engage

A great level of engagement with customers is something that can really benefit a company, regardless of their size or expertise. Being able to offer store layout or product information to a customer can help them find what they want in as short a time as possible.

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Best Products Best EffectsIt may be in a store's best interest to

have their most popular products located in different parts of the store to encourage full movement around the shop but the layout should be imparted to customers. This can be presented to customers by all manner of visual merchandising including; signage, way-finding stands or posters, window graphics, ceiling hung posters or fabric wall graphics.

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The Essential Bit

There is a variety of ways to direct customers around the store but as long as the key information is provided to customers to allow them to find what they want with a minimum of fuss, they are likely to be happy.

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Promotions at all Exits

Visual merchandising can also be placed near the exit of the store to thank customers for their visit or to undergo a form of post-purchase communication with consumers. This is a way of reinforcing the positive decisions that customers have made in buying products, so a large backdrop or a wall mosaic of the clothes or products being used worn or used in a positive fashion can help strengthen how a customer feels.

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Customer Experience

A great way to help the customer think positively about your brand which will result in future visits and sales from the customer is to ask them about their needs and goals when shopping. This includes their feeling and perception of the shop. Design the environment to create a great customer experience, from all visuals at all locations to the treatment and support of all customers.

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Size Doesn’t Matter

With so many different aspects of visual merchandising available to a company, it shouldn't matter the size of the store or the variety of products available. Engaging with customers is the best form of promotion and a strong use of promotional material can help customers feel as though they are interacting with a company and obtaining the information they need to know.