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Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 2

Executive Summary

Fulton Trotter Architects were engaged by the Department of Education and Training (DET) to prepare a Master Plan for West End State School in November 2017.

Part of the commission has been to undertake a consultation process with the school’s community.

The intent of the consultation process is to inform our master planning in terms of the community’s aspirations and concerns.

Using techniques that Fulton Trotter Architects has built up over many years of stakeholder engagement, we have undertaken the required consultation and this Visioning Report sets out the process and results of our work.

This Report outlines the steps in our process, the key findings to our questions, and some recommendations on how the community’s aspirations can be incorporated into a workable and functioning Master Plan.

Critically, our consultation involved a broad cross section of the community, including students, staff, teachers, School Council and P&C representatives.

It was remarkable that across every group there was clear view of the school’s direction educationally and a shared view of the current site’s opportunities and constraints. There were also plenty of innovative and interesting ideas put forward by every group which we hope will find their way into our final proposed Master Plan.

Every group with which we engaged was excited, enthused and pleased to be involved in the process.

We trust that the outcome will make the resultant Master Plan a document which has genuine community support.

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 1 - Student Leaders

“The classrooms should have colour and also decrease the amount of people because learning close up (where you can ask as many questions as you want) helps you learn more accurately”Participant of Group 1 - School Leader

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 3

Fulton Trotter Architects were engaged by the Queensland Government Department of Education and Training (DET) in late 2017, to develop a Master Plan for the future development of West End State School. While DET had developed earlier master plans for the site (2015-16), a significant growth in enrolments, likely driven by local high rise apartment development and the opportunity to expand the school to neighbouring properties, necessitated a new plan.

As an integral part of the master plan design process, Fulton Trotter Architects were engaged to undertake community stakeholder consultation and visioning for the new plan - the results of which are presented in this report.

Fulton Trotter Architects proposed a structured consultation process, which we consider worth repeating. In summary, the elements of the process are:

Consultation Process Outline

Endorsed Consultation Plan

Agreed Survey Questions

Compile Survey Results

Visioning Workshop

Summary Report

Invited Participants

Set out the steps and agree on the methodology early

Design open ended questions reflecting the site specific issues and issue to the participants a week before the workshop

Into key points of commonality and also outlier viewpoints

Gather the findings as a robust record and North-Point for future stages

Test each of the above propositions with each stakeholder group in turn, in a small group-work format, and add to, refute or modify those propositions

The school Principal to invite a representative cross section of stakeholders to participate, generally in groups of 9-18 (including students if possible)

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While most stakeholders would be generally aware of the background issues underpinning the master plan review, it was considered important not to present or propose any preconceived building proposals during the workshops. In fact, to have integrity, it should be the findings of the consultation that drive the eventual design.

Importantly, given the educational context, the stakeholders were first asked to consider the educational outcomes they wanted to pursue. Then imagine possibilities for the space required to do that before and distinct from assessing the condition of the existing campus and facilities.

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 4 - School Council

“We all smile in the same language” is a motto to be proud of, one that is embedded in WESS our offering of dynamic learning that reflects and engages our diverse school community. Education that is experiential and inclusive, and fosters critical thinking and fair-mindedness, is what we work hard to achieve here.”

Survey Monkey Response (anonymous)

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 5

Visioning Workshops

Workshops were held over the day and evening of Tuesday 6 March 2018 at West End State School. In this case 5 stakeholder groups were identified and a total of 49 individuals agreed to participate.

Fulton Trotter Architects conducted the workshops, with members of DET in helpful attendance.

The stakeholder groups were:

9am – 10.15am School Leaders (year 6): 22 participants

10.30am – 11.45am Leadership Team: 5 participants

12.30pm – 1.45pm Teaching Staff: 11 participants

2.15pm – 3.30pm School Council: 6 participants

5pm – 6.30pm P&C Executive Group: 5 participants

• Participants were invited to respond to 7 open ended questions by online survey before the workshop. The responses to those questions then formed the basis of the workshop discussions.

• Each session was introduced by the architects with an outline of the format, aspirations and objectives of the workshop, before engaging with the questions.

• Tables of 3 or 4 stakeholders where asked to consider, discuss, record and share their responses to each question.

• Each group could then add to, refute or modify the earlier propositions, which were then collectively recorded on the blackboard.

• Participation in the workshops at all levels (particularly the students) was excellent, and the responses where remarkably consistent at every level.

The Key Findings are compiled overpage.

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 2 - School Executives

“Dynamic, rotational ‘gallery’ spaces situated around the school would be inspiring and help to develop across the school year our commitment to creativity as a value and approach to life-long learning.

Survey Monkey Response (anonymous)

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 6

Key Findings

1. What is West End State School’s educational point of difference? • A strong sense of community - welcoming, caring, celebrating diversity & inclusion

• Academic challenge and a growth mindset

• Creativity and the arts

• Options and choice, exemplified in sports, languages, music, stem, and religion programs

• High staff engagement and good leadership

2. What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school? • Social skills - creativity, curiosity, communication, critical thinking, collaboration

• Foundation skills - literacy and numeracy, scientific thinkers, confident and skilled in technology

• Awareness skills - health, environment, sustainability, how things work, mindfulness - looking after ourselves in a holistic manner

• Character skills - perseverance, listening, respect, responsibility, compassion, resilience, confidence, adaptability

• Physical Skills - both gross-motor and fine-motor skills, sport, play and physical risk taking

3. What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes? • Hands-on practical, enquiry based, student directed learning- small group activities

• Physical learning - movement, sport, physical play, music, arts, drama, dance

• Collaborative teaching, team teaching and subject specialisation

• Staff development and collaborative planning

• Community partnerships and involvement of experts beyond the school

4. What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success? • Flexible learning spaces, with flexible furniture - more variety and choices of learning spaces,

including break-out spaces, withdrawal spaces and ‘zen-zones’

• Well-equipped specialised rooms - music, art, science, stem, learning support

• Structured outdoor space - undercover learning areas, age-appropriate play space

• Unstructured outdoor space - green spaces, shade and trees, better connection to outside

• Ubiquitous access to technology (but with the capacity to ‘unplug’)

“Multicultural. Fun. Inclusive.”Participant of Group 1 - School Leader

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 7

5. What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost? • Heritage building and frontage

• Kurilpa trail nature play space

• The new circular Courtyard

• Oval (and play space generally)

• The new Library (already overcrowded)

• Swimming Pool

6. What areas of the school should be removed or improved?


• Early childhood buildings - inappropriate, run down, real detractor


• Better spaces for assembly, drama, music, choir, creative arts

• Oval and outdoor play space under extreme pressure

• Spaces for display to encourage student creativity

• Toilets and amenities in main building

• Staff room and staff facilities stretched

7. How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

(as opportunities to develop joint-use facilities in partnership with the community)

As a comment - the school site already enjoys good ‘permeability’, it’s very comfortable for family to enter and mix on site. The school has strong ties with community groups, that visit and utilise the site often. The neighbourhood already relies on the school oval as a shared asset.

Opportunities for:

• Performing arts auditorium /theatre

• Artist studio and gallery spaces

• Commercial kitchen associated with Conference centre, and meeting rooms

• P&C Hub including a Café meeting space

• Commercial car parking

“Think. Pair. Share.”Participant of Group 3 - Teaching Staff

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 8


West End State School is a remarkable school. They enjoy a good academic record which is important at foundation level. But more remarkable is a very clear philosophy of celebrating diversity and inclusion, which was evident at every level of stakeholder consultation. This is reflected in their school motto ‘we all smile in the same language’. The school also has an enviable degree of engagement with and from the local West End community - the school is clearly well loved.

The visioning workshops have generated some really productive ideas and it’s important these are translated into realisable proposals for inclusion in the new Master Plan. We recommend the following concepts be considered in the next phase:

Partnership ProjectsGiven the high levels of community engagement and the importance of the school and its facilities in the West End neighbourhood, there are real opportunities to plan for facilities with shared school /community use beyond those normally envisioned for a primary school. In fact, the community expect to be considered and to have a stake in the project. This represents a real opportunity for the kinds of things put forward in response to Question 7.

Creativity and the ArtsThe importance of creativity was communicated very strongly as an educational objective from Questions 2 & 3. It also became evident that on the existing campus, space for music, dance and drama is ‘found’ rather than ‘designed’ space. The need for a theatre /auditorium and associated spaces, distinct from a sports hall, was articulated at almost every session.

Display SpaceAs an adjunct to creativity, the opportunity to display the work of students and others resonated strongly with participants. In one proposition this went as far as studio and gallery space, but at a finer grain this kind of opportunity to demonstrate the schools’ values should be considered everywhere throughout the school.

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 4 - School Council

“I already think we are very community minded as a school and over the years many very valuable partnerships have been formed which provide the students at WESS with a broad range of experiences. However maybe more partnerships which help develop the skills necessary for the 21st century.”

Survey Monkey Response (anonymous)

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 9

Flexible Space and Group WorkThe highest ranked response to Question 2 related to Social Skills. While Foundation numeracy and literacy skills are simply assumed as core outcomes, it is these social skills and other non-academic skills that were stressed by the participants. There are two important outcomes of that- firstly social skills in students are developed by group work and group work requires flexible space. Secondly, teachers are not necessarily trained in developing these skills and require space for professional collaboration and training.

Importantly, it was articulated in the teacher focus group that flexible space allows teachers to experiment and innovate with forms of teaching in reaction to new research as it becomes available, where traditional cellular rooms do not.

In principal, flexible space can mean various things- it can mean very large classrooms that allow for different zones and activities within it; it can mean smaller rooms that open into each-other to create larger spaces; or it can mean small rooms that break-out into large shared spaces. Rather than one size fits all, it seems a variety of options is what is called for.

Movement and Motor SkillsPerhaps most unexpectedly, the impact of high-rise apartment living particular to this neighbourhood is having profound consequences at school. The teachers and staff indicated real physical and social deficits amongst these students. Universally all focus groups stressed the importance of sport and play in response to Questions 2 & 3. While severely space constrained, the school does makes great use of off-site facilities for sport and recreation. The development of gross motor skills through sport and play; and fine motor skills through art, music and movement were expressed as vital contributors to later academic performance. On that basis, both structured outdoor space and unstructured ‘nature play’ space will need to be key aspects of the design.

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 1 - Student Leaders

”Creativity, problem solving, compassion, confidence, courage to take risks, to be open to new things, to be inquisitive, to challenge themselves, connection with others, feeling a sense of community, a sense of hope for the future”Survey Monkey Response (anonymous)

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ES1. Endorsed Consultation Plan

2. Preliminary SurveyMonkey™ Responses

3. Consultation Workshop Responses


Endorsed Consultation Plan1

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 12


West End State School Stakeholder Consultation Plan document version dated 15 December 2017


The Queensland Government’s Department of Education and Training, on behalf of West End State School are asking for community and stakeholder input on a updated masterplan for this campus. Acknowledging the master planning work done in the last 2 years, this latest review will consider increased enrolment projections and the opportunity for a second site.


The aim of this process is to gather and distil the concerns and aspirations of the various groups with an interest in the school, to record those and to use them to inform the design process.

Lines of Enquiry

In our experience the consultation process needs to progress two distinct lines of enquiry - The first is a reactive assessment of the condition of the existing building stock, along with an analysis of the opportunities and constraints afforded by the site, based on what is already there. The second is more important and that is a proactive enquiry of the school’s pedagogical needs- their educational philosophy and how that flows into the need for space. Distilling a sense of what the school is ‘about’ as an organisation, trying to define what it’s educational aspirations are, almost in isolation from any site considerations, as it theoretically could be. This background briefing and research will always look to develop both these concepts. On that basis we can better assess, within practical limits, how the existing infrastructure supports the school’s educational mandate. Leadership

It’s important the project is afforded cohesive direction and decision making. This is provided by the Reference Group In this case that will include:

- The responsible Planning Officer from DET - School Principal - Teacher Representative - P&C President - School Board Representative - Architect

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Fulton Trotter Architects will act as facilitators for the consultation. We outline the specific steps in the process below- Step 1: Work with the Reference Group to identify which specific groups of stakeholders to include in the consultation. This will vary from project to project. In the case of West End State School, we propose to consult with these groups- - School Executive and Admin - Teaching Staff - School Students (as determined by the school) - Parent Community, including P&C and Board members Step 2: Work with the Reference Group to agree an appropriate format for engagement with each of those groups. It’s important to provide a range of opportunities, and the mode of consultation can be adjusted for each group. In this case, we propose- - For the Executive, Teachers and Students- a structured workshop of about 2 hours per group - For the Parent Community- an open meeting, a general discussion of the objectives of the

process, with opportunity for parents to leave written comments on specific issues. Step 3: The Reference Group to invite nominees to participate in the consultation. - In the case of Executive, Teachers and Students, groups should be no more than say 9 people. - In the case of the Parent Community- this will be an open invitation to all parents but ensuring

key participants can be involved. Step 4: Work with the Reference Group to identify subsets of issues to frame the early investigation. As outlined earlier this would deal not only with the existing physical infrastructure but also the educational model and aspirations for future teaching and learning at the school. Step 5: Issue an approved questionnaire to the stakeholders, ahead of the first meeting. Issue a small package of briefing material to the stakeholder groups, by email or public notice. Collect and collate the results. Step 6: Workshop the results of the questionnaire with the Reference Group in the first instance. Work with the Group to summarise the results, and distil those into critical issues, points of commonality, significant differences in views, and contestable propositions. Step 7: Hold a First Round Workshop with each stakeholder group- as outlined above For small groups, a structured workshop of about 2 hours per group. For large groups, an open meeting of about 2 hours. At this first meeting, we’ll present the results of the questionnaires and discuss the findings. Breaking into small groups to discuss the key propositions. The aim will be to provide structure to the discourse, to ask open ended questions, to listen and fine-tune the priorities, and to record an outcome identifying realisable options for future development.

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Step 8: Work with the Reference Group to develop the Preliminary Masterplan Incorporating the early stakeholder feedback we’ll then go away and engage in the design work to develop up the masterplan concepts. This may an iterative process exploring several options. Step 9: Hold Second Round Workshop to present draft Masterplan to each stakeholder group. At this second meeting we’ll present and report on the draft masterplan. Again in small groups we’ll discuss the scheme in detail, answer queries and consider any fine tuning of the proposal ahead of final endorsement by the stakeholders. Step 10: Final Part A endorsed Masterplan Incorporating feedback from the Second Round workshop, input from the Reference Group and further detail. Final drawing package to meet DET requirements.


Dependant on the availability of significant participants- Step 5: Issue Questionnaire, late January 2018 Step 7: First Round workshop, early February 2018 Step 9: Second Round workshop, early March 2018 Step 10: complete by 29 March 2018


Every school is slightly different. So the exact means of engaging with the stakeholders and the community may vary. However the basic principle of ‘listening’ is central to a successful masterplan. A design that is embedded with local ideas and aspirations is always more likely to succeed than one developed in isolation.

End of notes


Preliminary SurveyMonkey™ Responses2

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 16

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

The diverse curriculum catering for a diverse community and maintaining a sense of community

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Academics, technology, personal fitness and the ability to be resilient and persistent.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Music, sports, languages programs along with community event, differentiated instruction

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Music centre / auditorium to be used for events to hold at least 2 cohorts at a time. Sporting facilities to enhance motor skill

development. flexible spaces to be used for a variety of purposes and smaller rooms to facilitate group learning

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The heart of the school - the new centre, the character building,

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

The oval needs improvement and the hall and a venue suitable for performances to assist the ARTs Program

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

If there were dedicated community play spaces separate to the school play spaces that parents supervised, improved traffic flow,

staff parking and better facilities for the staff


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Monday, February 26, 2018 4:23:38 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 4:23:38 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Monday, February 26, 2018 4:30:28 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 4:30:28 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

The arts


Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?



Critical thinking

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Planning for these in units of work

Lunchtime clubs

External providers


Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Open learning areas

Green space

Withdrawal areas / break out rooms

Cultural spaces - eg dance

Musical playgrounds

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Courtyard - open space




Music rooms

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Staff room

Learning space for staff

Offices for leadership staff close to each other


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:10:28 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 5:10:28 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Monday, February 26, 2018 5:15:22 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 5:15:22 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:04:5300:04:53

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Spaces for hire

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?


Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Growth Mindset, resilience, self confidence, physical and mental ability.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Good school facilities, good teachers, supported by engaged parents. Creating a safe environment to learn, make mistakes and

grow in.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Indoor and outdoor space with as much flexibility as possible, the ability to make, change learning area's and spaces. Spaces for

children, staff, support staff and parents. Plenty of green space and large open space for the ever increasing apartment


Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The centre of the school used to be a parent meeting hub, with fig tree and playground, we are rebuilding this slowly. The oval and

pool are something else, but something equivalent is OK.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

All the rest not in 5. at the top of the list is the junior school, Prep and grade 1 area is not great.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

There needs to be green area's that can be shared with the local community, the addition of a coffee shop or similar that bridges

between school and community. An auditorium/conference centre/training centre.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Monday, February 26, 2018 8:31:19 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 8:31:19 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Monday, February 26, 2018 8:49:53 PMMonday, February 26, 2018 8:49:53 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:18:3400:18:34

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

I think our educational point of difference actually comes through from our collaborative teaching teams, the school and community

culture where everyone strives to do his/her best - whatever that may be.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Technological skills will be something very important in the future. We also encourage the kids to be tolerant of other and be

prepared to work with a wide range of different personalities and learning styles.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Our extra curricular clubs are important to reaching these goals. Exposing the students to a wide variety of technology through

STEAM (iPads, PC, coding etc) through the curriculum is also very important.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

I think some flexible learning spaces would be important. Ones that can easily be transitioned for a variety of activities and learning

opportunities. Flexible seating/work spaces could also be an advantage.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The culture. The staff are very close and sociable - we don't want to loose that by splitting us too far apart.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Besides staff parking (improve) very little. Maybe more green space - gardens and play space.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Providing the green space, which is important to the West End community. Using local artists to "beautify" the buildings with

appropriate murals - give the school a better "street" appeal.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:07:00 AMTuesday, February 27, 2018 9:07:00 AM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:23:22 AMTuesday, February 27, 2018 9:23:22 AM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:16:2100:16:21

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Acceptance of cultural difference.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Have a go and give it your very best .respectfulness.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Helped provided and support all area of students learning process.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

A safe, healthy and creative environment which promoted learning.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

A sent of togetherness of school family.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Neglected run downed facilities. Always and never stopped improving, by having a well planed maintenance program.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Keep an open communications and partnership with the community.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:47:16 AMTuesday, February 27, 2018 9:47:16 AM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:48:41 AMTuesday, February 27, 2018 10:48:41 AM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 01:01:2501:01:25

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Other primary schools do not currently offer the sort of Steamaker resources and equipment that WESS do.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Being Street smart, having good social skills and IT

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Good ethics and morals both at home and school, and exemplary IT resources for the student's use

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Specific curriculum based areas (like IT, Art, Sport, Music), classrooms conducive to learning, flexible learning spaces, cutting edge

equipment and IT resources

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The culture, the positive attitude of staff and students, the green space, and all the lunchtime options for students with different


Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Junior School - D & E blocks should be removed as it is beyond repair and no longer servicing the needs of students in current

times. The main building should be internally refurbished to be purpose for either classrooms or admin - but not both, J block to be

air conditioned.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

I think it is integrated very well now. Most schools are not integrated as well as WESS are I don't think.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:29:29 PMTuesday, February 27, 2018 1:29:29 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:37:48 PMTuesday, February 27, 2018 1:37:48 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:08:1900:08:19

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Creativity and inclusion in everything we do.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and valuing diversity.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Challenging students to use critical thinking skills to evaluate and solve problems together in news ways. Connecting with the

community and the cultural precinct in our area.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Performing arts spaces and more green space.

Flexible learning spaces and outdoor learning spaces.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Green space, pool, tennis courts.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Junior school.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Shared green space and community performance space.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:55:21 AMWednesday, February 28, 2018 8:55:21 AM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:06:59 AMWednesday, February 28, 2018 9:06:59 AM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:11:3700:11:37

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

We offer many different opportunities for the students in terms of lunch-time activities/clubs. Work closely with Performing Arts

precinct at South Brisbane.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Skills to become good learners, resilient, good decision makers, ability to work with others.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Team building activities, traditional teaching methods.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Modern learning areas where students can be interactive with technology. Areas where students can move around safely.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The green spaces and gardens that have been created.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Old Junior school building should either be removed and replaced or improved. WE NEED A STAFF CARPARK.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

I think the school is already well integrated with the West End community.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:31:16 AMWednesday, February 28, 2018 11:31:16 AM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:00:05 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 12:00:05 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:28:4900:28:49

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

The school is multicultural and embraces this with it's staff and students

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

IT skills,

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Anything to do with computers, tablets being used both at home and at school. And knowledge of using the internet safely.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Computer labs, and flexible computer technology like ipads. Also creative technology like cameras and software for productions etc.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Oval needs to be maintained and not lost, Vulture St area (Kurilpa Trail) needs to be maintained. All of the green spaces we have

need to be welcoming and the best they can be.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Removed - Junior School

Improved - Vulture St gardens (Kurilpa Trail) to be reinstated with the rainforest the way they used to be,

Improved - All entrances

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

The WE community who have children at WESS are already well integrated into the school. The part of the WE community who

don't have children at WESS may not be well integrated, but it's not necessarily applicable to them.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 2:42:27 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 2:42:27 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:01:37 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 3:01:37 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:19:0900:19:09

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

multicultural, a number of languages taught, inner city school with a high number of students living in apartments/units, majority of

students go on to BSHS, collaborative planning and teaching, team planning, high expectations of students, value the Arts and


Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

working collaboratively, technologically efficient, independent learners, resilience, growth mindset, valuing and respecting diversity

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

a range of pedagogical practices, differentiated instruction, hands on interactive learning spaces,

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

flexible learning spaces (indoor and outdoor), sporting facilities, art studio, science labs, auditorium, audio visual area, display

spaces, green spaces, quiet areas, age appropriate play spaces, suitable staff facilities, staff meeting/planning areas, wet areas in

classrooms with sinks, tech supported classrooms

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

library, oval, pool, tennis courts, art studio and science/computer labs, innovate areas, central courtyard, tuckshop, hall/indoor

sports area, playgrounds

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

improved - staff parking areas, toilet and shower facilities for staff and students,

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

provision of opportunities for communities to access school facilities e.g. hall for Futsal competitions, tennis courts for tennis

lessons/recreational use

cafe - for staff, students and parents.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 2:41:52 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 2:41:52 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:02:40 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 3:02:40 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 27

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

A focus on growth mindset and creativity- the process of learning..

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Creativity, problem solving, compassion, confidence, courage to take risks, to be open to new things, to be inquisitive, to challenge

themselves, connection with others, feeling a sense of community, a sense of hope for the future

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

What the school is currently offering is fantastic. I think more outdoor activities would be great.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

More outdoor spaces that provide shade and natural elements to facilitate creative play but can be used as outdoor classrooms.. A

dedicated drama or music stage and amphitheater.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The Kurilpa trail, the heritage building, pool, oval, library. The sense of the openness to the community.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Many more trees are needed! More shade!! Not enough sun protection.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Designated drama/musical hall could be rented out to the community. School could rent out space for a coffee shop, one that is

family friendly.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:32:30 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 3:32:30 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:49:26 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 3:49:26 PM

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

focus on reading comprehension, community membership, valuing diversity/inclusion, quality staff and leadership

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

IT/DDT skills, reading/comprehension, numeracy, community membership

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

lunch time clubs; age appropriate sporting/play facilities; what WESS is doing now is great!;

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

separate outdoor areas for different age groups with appropriate play spaces/activities; learning spaces that cater for individual,

groups, IT availability, STEAM; appropriate withdrawal support spaces (enrichment and enhancement); environmentally conscience

spaces (e.g. chicken farm?, vege patch?); tennis courts, swimming pool, oval

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

heritage areas, hall, oval (although needs upgrade!), new buildings and library, pool,

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

improved - Kurilpa trail, oval, OSHC kitchen area, P&C office area, uniform shop, enclosed storage space, shade on oval?, tennis


updated/removed - prep/year 1 classrooms

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

community use of facilities


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:42:36 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 8:42:36 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:01:24 PMWednesday, February 28, 2018 9:01:24 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 29

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Multicultural, caring, happy...

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Academic of course but also to be resilient, caring and a good citizen.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

All sorts!

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Varied learning spaces.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Central "circle" and the oval!

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Prep class rooms

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Provide facilities for community events.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:03:10 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:03:10 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:10:42 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:10:42 PM

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Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 30

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Our community, passionate and diverse staff and students, engaged parents.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Adaptability, team work, communication, persistence.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Modeling positive behaviour, complex instruction, team building and leadership opportunities, growth mindset training

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Green spaces, outdoor learning environments, more computer labs, larger library, collaborative learning spaces, auditorium, indoor

sports centre/gym for fine and gross motor development in younger students

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The positive vibe and community connection

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Improved green space for students to play and learn in.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

More after hours community events.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:06:05 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:06:05 PM

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

We get many students who enrol in our school who do not speak English - prep to year 6 who require specialist support. We have

many high achieving students enrolling as well as high achievers who have been here since Prep. We are now also attracting more

Students With Disabilities.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Coding skills, IT skills, social/emotional skills- resilience, reading/comprehension skills, higher order thinking, creative thinking

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

small group work, withdrawal to focus on skill building, hands-on activities, focused sessions with experts, guided reading sessions,

music and the arts sessions

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

withdrawal spaces, learning hubs, EALD area, STLaN area, break-out rooms

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

science lab, art lab, break-out rooms, professional learning hub, junior kitchen

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

renovation of female teacher toilets, male teacher toilets, and student toilets in main building.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

It is well integrated already. Communication channels well utilised from school side.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:21:36 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:21:36 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:34:54 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:34:54 PM

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

High number of EAL/D students with little or no English.

Students with disabilities with very high needs.

High achievers

Students from high density housing with particular needs

Increased number of students requiring learning support

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Independence, resilience, flexibility, problem solving skills, IT skills, self regulation, creative thinking

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

small group work, hands on and open ended tasks, focus session with experts for both parents and teachers, regular upskilling for

teachers, engage volunteers in classrooms and programs

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Separate space for learning support, EAL/D and SWD students as well as withdrawal or breakout rooms available close to


Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Kurilpa Trail, science lab, art room, music rooms, swimming pool, all current play space, hall, undercover space for play.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Renovation of student and staff toilet facilities in main building.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Continue current relations through community programs, parent involvement. Take students out into the community e.g. performing

at local age care centre.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:27:21 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:27:21 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:47:45 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:47:45 PM

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

A strong reputation for cultural diversity, academic performance and the arts.

Close links with the community. Our teachers are a point of difference due to their high level of engagement.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

confidence, adaptability – neural plasticity, foundation education in key disciplines – English, mathematics, science.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Classroom activity, multi media,

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Creative spaces, quality classrooms well equipped with technology. Air conditioned class rooms with multi-media capabilities.

Technology resources. Library. Sporting facilities, playgrounds, replace the basketball courts – net ball & basket ball courts.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The central courtyard is fabulous. Undercover play areas – under A block, do feel the loss of the undercover area under J block.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

The Hall needs a lot of improvement, I understand that this is underway.

The oval is in very poor condition.

The Prep classrooms are in dire need of repainting.

The green space, at the front of the school has the potential to be a great space, it is a bit shabby.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Better utilisation of sports fields at Davies Park. Provision of quality sports facilities, fields, courts that could be utilised by local

sporting clubs.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:59:48 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:59:48 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 2:03:37 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 2:03:37 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 34

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Diversity. Creativity. Differentiating.Extending our high level thinking skills.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Creativity through problem solving-Numeracy and Literacy.

Scientific thinkers-Investigating/Analysing

Empathy- Indigenous and cultural diversity

Mindfulness- looking after ourselves in a holistic manner

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Opportunities to immerse students in school environment and the wider community eg. Maths challenges, Art/Museum

involvements, Digital Technology forums, connections with other cultures, creating zen zones for mindfulness and physical activities

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

1. Flexible learning spaces

2. Outdoor learning areas

3. Specialised Art, Science, Technology rooms

4. Zen areas (outdoor natural green space AND indoor mindfulness area- soft music, used as a peaceful place and

behaviour/thinking alternative)

5.Car parking for staff

6. 'Hole in the wall' coffee window/coffee cart for parents and staff. Healthy Smoothie Station for students.Could be run by local

business and PandC??

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The original, heritage listed school building must be the 'centre' of the new site. It should be the main focus when looking at the site

as a whole. This building deserves respect and must command the first point of vision.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Remove- the Prep and Year one building.

Improve- larger Tuckshop area with extended seating/ Uniform Shop. Staff room.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 2:40:21 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 2:40:21 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:06:48 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 3:06:48 PM

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Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Hire out our Green Spaces for local markets, festivities

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Flexibility in delivery of programs

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

creativity, intrinsic motivation, collaboration, design thinking techniques

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

flexible curriculum, learning portfolios, learning choices, alternate assessment, student directed learning

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

wide open spaces, flexible furniture,

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

staff spirit and dedication, accepting parents, quirky children, variety of staff skillsets

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

static learning experiences, options of teachers to innovate on curriculum if they can justify the outcomes encourage creativity,

innovation, collaboration and still remained aligned to Australian Curriculum and quality GTMJs, introduce creative challenges as

homework that will engage students co-learningwith their parents as a team rather than a homework administrator. Appearance of

the school with areas to display student work externally, students involved in garden set ups and planting and maintenance, design

outdoor seating areas around the oval.

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

Sharing of day to day learning experiences via Class blogs, invite parents in to share learning experience showcases, involved in

festivals, street planning


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:59:19 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:59:19 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:38:20 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 3:38:20 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 37

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

The collaborative community of learners which embraces a wide range of cultures and embraces diversity

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Collaboration and Team work

A Growth mindset and critical thinking skills Communication skills

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Inquiry based learning

Opportunities to work with others and evaluate their learning

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Flexible learning spaces that allow teachers to easily change the space depending on the activity and allow for age appropriate


Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Places to play, outdoor learning spaces

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Early Childhood buildings and classrooms are not practical or age appropriate

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

The Central courtyard appears to be a great space for families to develop relationships. More spaces like this that allow families to

make connections with staff, students and other caregivers.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:40:08 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 3:40:08 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:57:48 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 3:57:48 PM

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

"We all smile in the same language" is a motto to be proud of, one that is embedded in our offering of dynamic learning that reflects

and engages our diverse school community. Education that is experiential and inclusive, and fosters critical thinking and fair-

mindedness, is what we work hard to achieve here.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Multiliteracies, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, cybersafety, questioning and research skills, perseverance, listening, respect,

responsibility, compassion, resilience, organisation, physical and environmental education, sustainability, how things work, and the

thrill of life-long learning

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Teach The West End Way more so and ensure that it is the culture of the school and not simply thinly applied. Make the

Makerspace and technology facilities fully support the curriculum and vice versa. Continue participating in national occasions such

as Book Week and NAIDOC Week as these unify us and deepen our roots, and the upcoming NDA, National Day of Action against

Bullying and Violence, would reaffirm our acceptance and celebration of our differences. These national occasions and other

similar initiatives engage students in our local learning community while broadening our views beyond it.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Our school population is ever increasing and therefore there is an urgent need for greater outdoor and play spaces. Also more

shade and trees would be wonderful. Dynamic, rotational "gallery" spaces situated around the school would be inspiring and help to

develop across the school year our commitment to creativity as a value and approach to life-long learning. It would also be effective

scaffolding toward our We Create festival, and could involve West End's creative community in a rich way.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The West End Way as an embedded culture is tremendously humane and one of the reasons why I felt drawn to work here. All the

specialist programs/occasions offer amazing rewards for everyone's collective hard work. Enriching learning such as guided

reading and Smiling Minds assist students in their learning HOW to learn: discussion and questioning, and reflection and calming

the mind. Passionate staff gifted in differentiation are key. Continuing to offer dynamic learning opportunities supported by

compassionate well-being programs will enable our students to achieve their best.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Creating more outdoor space per child is recommended.


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:54:46 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 1:54:46 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 4:10:28 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 4:10:28 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 02:15:4202:15:42

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Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

The P&C are award winners! And the local councillor for West End, Jonathan Sri, is an inspiring young man with a very similar

ethos and work ethic to what we stand for here at WESS. Positive community ties could easily be strengthened and made more

visible. Let's Think and Act Local. We have magnificent leadership around us.

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

It is a school that is welcoming and celebrates the differences that each child brings.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Commitment, focus, persistence

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Encouragement, hands on practical relevance, teaching children how to think not what to know

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Open and active spaces. Opportunity for collaborative learning. Quiet spaces for contemplation.

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

Large open active spaces, kurilpa trail/shade. Historical front entrance

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

Oval, better spaces for assembly/ drama, music, choir. Better OSHC facilities. More trees and shade/natural environment

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

School already very open, but increased opportunity for community use of pool, tennis facilities continued use of open green space

with adequate consideration of risks eg glass etc


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 7:01:18 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 7:01:18 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 7:14:15 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 7:14:15 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:12:5600:12:56

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Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

Recognition and acceptance of difference and providing quality education accordingly for all students. Consistency of all things

curriculum across year levels maintained through team planning sessions with leaders. Maintaining a high level of participation in

the creative arts both within the school and with community partnerships. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle with the inclusion of sport

for the older grades and active school travel and WWW.

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

Skills and attributes for the 21st century... creativity, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and compassion. Maintaining a

high level of the development of literacy and numeracy skills and knowledge. It will also be essential for all students to be confident

and skilled in technology.

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

Ongoing team planning with curriculum leaders.

Professional development for staff to maintain, further develop and learn skills and knowledge relevant to the 21st century.

Community partnerships which can also develop these 4c's skills in our students.

Provide spaces and time for students to actively engage in activities which promote the 4c's.

More varied specialist teachers eg. digi tech, science, art.

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

Spaces undercover where children and teachers and or community providers can work collaboratively.

A space where all students at WESS can come together to share special occasions, celebrate achievements and appreciate the

great community that we are.

A comfortable welcoming space for all staff to come together for meetings and professional development.

A space for Elev8 activities

A games central for the older children with technology devices etc where children are able to engage in the 4C's.( Not the library)


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Thursday, March 01, 2018 8:28:57 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 8:28:57 PM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Thursday, March 01, 2018 10:02:43 PMThursday, March 01, 2018 10:02:43 PM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 01:33:4501:33:45

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Q5What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

The professional Learning Hub

The sandpit

All the play equipment

The Kurilpa trail


The Library

The courtyard

Games Central for Early Years

Junior Kitchen

The Curriculum Hub

Spare space (in year 1 area) which can be used for quiet assessment and small group work

A full time tech person.

Elev8 program

Extra Curricular Clubs

Q6What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

If the tanks on the oval are not used remove them.

The Kurilpa trail needs a bit of a makeover.

Maybe a staff parking area could be looked at. Another oval space

Not sure he staffroom fits everyone anymore

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

I already think we are very community minded as a school and over the years many very valuable partnerships have been formed

which provide the students at WESS with a broad range of experiences. However maybe more partnerships which help develop the

skills necessary for the 21st century.

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 43

Q1 What is West End State School's educational point of difference?

access to many varied clubs at lunchtimes and differentiated lessons in some subjects across year levels

Q2 What skills and attributes will West End State School students need to learn in their time at the school?

life skills to enhance their future lives,environment and importantly social skills

Q3 What methods and activities will staff and parents use to help students develop these skills and attributes?

group activities through workshops,drama and dance

Q4 What sort of spaces will West End State School need to help teachers and students achieve success?

outside classroom spaces would enhance learning about science,conservation and environmental issues

Q5 What are the best parts of the school now that should not be lost?

teacher librarians, swimming pool and tennis court,our celebrations of Fiesta and Create.

Q6 What areas of the school should be removed or improved?

the fencing around our oval would benefit from being higher to stop balls from going on road and students climbing over to get quick

access to parent cars

Q7 How could the school be better integrated with the West End community?

visiting more art and drama shows available in arts precint including conservatorium.Being more aware of the charities that are

active within the west end community including the indigenous welfare groups


Collector:Collector: Web Link 1 Web Link 1 (Web Link)(Web Link)

Started:Started: Friday, March 02, 2018 7:54:20 AMFriday, March 02, 2018 7:54:20 AM

Last Modified:Last Modified: Friday, March 02, 2018 8:13:00 AMFriday, March 02, 2018 8:13:00 AM

Time Spent:Time Spent: 00:18:4000:18:40

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West End State School Master Planning Workshop Survey SurveyMonkey


Consultation Workshop Responses3

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 45

Session 1 | Student Leaders

“Open learning. Green spaces. Creative areas.”Group 1 - School Leaders

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 46

Session 1 | Student Leaders

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 47

Session 2 | School Executive

“Multicultural. Fun. Inclusive.”Group 2 - School Executives

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 48

Session 2 | School Executive

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 49

Session 3 | Staff and Teachers

“Collaborative learning. Complex instruction. Flexible spaces.”Group 3 - Staff and Teachers

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 50

Session 3 | Staff and Teachers

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 51

Consultation Workshop 1 (6 March 2018) | Session 4 - School Council

Session 4 | School Council

“Zen rooms. Explore. Learn.”Group 4 - School Council

Visioning Report - West End State School | © Fulton Trotter Architects Page 52

Session 5 | P&C Executive

“Community & Art hub. Transitions. After school sharing space.”Group 5 - P&C Executives

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