vision with the an/pvs-5 night vision … with the an/pvs-5 night vision goggles by maj roger w....

VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory Fort Rucker, AL 36362 April1 1976 AGARD Presentation This document has been approved for public release and sale; it71 distribution is unlimited. D C II - °M /ES

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Page 1: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory



MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D.


S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D.

US Army Aeromedcal Research LaboratoryFort Rucker, AL 36362

April1 1976

AGARD Presentation

This document has been approved for public release and sale; it71distribution is unlimited.


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Page 2: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory





- ~ -- AGARD Frsnain



Blo-Optics Division (SGRD-UAO)US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory '/ DA19Fort Rucker, AL 36362


US Arn~y Aeromedical Research Laboratory_ pL_67fSGRD- UACIs beb

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19. KEY WORDS (Continue on teror*e eld. it necessury and Identify by btock ntanb~v)

AN/PV'S-5 Night Vision GoggleRelative Depth PerceptionStereopsisVisual Modulation Transfer Function

20. ITRACT (Cent Iaus an roer**e side if Ree00eey end idealiff by block #Kmwibe)

his paper presents the results from a series of experiments in whichvisual performance using the AN/PVS-5 night vision goggle was measured. Modula-tion transfer functions of the man-goggle system were determined and comparedto results obtained with unaided viewing, It was found that the man-goggle Asstem performance was superior to unaided visual performance at average target

luminances equivalent to 5% and 25% moon illuminances. At a target luminanceeuivalent to a full moon illuminance, unaided visual performance was superior


Page 3: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


at higher spatial frequencies, while remaining poorer at the lower spatialfrequencies. Using a modified Howard-Dolman apparatus, it was determined thatthe stereoscopic threshold was degraded with the man-goggle system. Fieldmeasurements of relative depth discrimination using all available visual cuesshowed that performance of the man-goggle system was statistically equivalentto unaided photopic visual performance at intermediate viewing distances, butwas inferior to unaided viewing at distances of 500 feet or greater. While thenight vision goggle reduces the ambient light level necessary for militaryrotary wing support, use of the goggle does not allow the operator to performwith photopic visual efficiency,


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Page 4: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


MAJ Roger W. Wiley and CPT Frank F. HollyU.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory

Fort Rucker, Alabama 36362

This paper presents the results from a series ofexperiments in which visual performance using the AN/PVS-5night vision goggle was measured. Modulation transferfunctions of the man-goggle system were determined andcompared to results obtained with unaided viewing. It wasfound that the man-goggle system performance was superior tounaided visual performance at average target luminancesequivalent to 5% and 25% moon illuminances. At a targetluminance equivalent to a full moon illuminance, unaidedvisual performance was superior at higher spatial frequen-cies, while remaining poorer at the lower spatial frequencies.Using a modified Howard-Dolman apparatus, it was determinedthat the stereoscopic threshold was degraded with the man-goggle system. Field measurements of relative depth dis-crimination using all available visual cues showed thatperformance of the man-goggle system was statisticallyequivalent to unaided photopic visual performance at in-termediate viewing distances, but was inferior to unaidedviewing at distances of 500 feet or greater. While thenight vision goggle reduces the ambient light level neces-sary for military rotary wing support, use of the goggledoes/not allow the operator to perform with phntopic visualefficiency.


Recent military experiences and modern tactical con-siderations have dictated the requirement for placingemphasis on sustained operations with future military

A deployment. Such sustained operations imply continuousactivity by military units during periods of darkness aswell as daylight. The requirement for operating duringperiods of reduced illhmination will place new perceptual"demands and physiological stress upon the individual soldier.Since vision is the principal sensory modality with which

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Page 5: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

man gathers information from the external world about him inorder to function effectively, major military operationshistorically have been conducted during periods of goodillumination.

The eye and related neural structures comprise anextremely effective information processing system. Thevisual system has a total dynamic range in response to lightstimulation much greater than any ether known photodetectionsystem. In order to achieve this large dynamic range,several physiological adaptations and compromises have beenaccomplished. The duplicity arrangement of the retinarepresents one of the most effective adaptations. Atmoderate to high light levels, the cone or p'-otopic systemis operational and processes visual informatioi. with remark-able resolution along several dimensions (color, spatial,temporal). At lower light levels, down to the ordcr ofseveral photons, the rod or scotopic system is operational.In order to be capable of functioning at low light levels,"some severe visual compromises have been made. For example,the scotopic system integrates light over relatively largeretinal areas so spatial resolution is considerably reduced.No color information is processed, and temporal processingis reduced. The limited information provided by the sco-topic visual system restricts the capability of the soldierto effectively perform his military duty.

In recognition of the requirement for sustained mili-tary operations, two avenues have been pursued to reduce theimpact of the basic limitations of the scotopic visualsystem on military operations during periods of darkness.The first approach has been to increase the amount of timedevoted to operational training at night. It is felt thatthis will reduce the stress and increase the perceptualproficiency of individuals during night military operations.However, the anatomy and physiology of the human visualsystem are relatively immutable and certain tasks, such asnap-of-the-earth (NOE) rotary wing flight, require morevisual information than the scetopic system can provide. Tofulfill this need for low light level visual information,major technological advances in light amplification andinfra-red systems have been developed in recent years.

The AN/PVS-S Night Vision Goggle (NVG), developed bythe U.S. Army Night Vision Laboratory, is considered aneffective interim solution to allow U.S. Army aviators toconduct rotary wing operations at night. While the NVG


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perfo..,rs admirably in li-ht amplification, use of the NVGhas presented ne, problems and questions for those ef usconcerned with the human in this man-machine loop. For thepast several years, personnel qt the U.S. Army AercmedicalResearch Labcratory have been conducting e'periments de-signed to determine the present and potential impact of theNVG on aviator3 during iotary wing flight. A previous AGARDConferer.c report' reviewed studies conducted by otherlaborat-ries on the NVG and these will not be furtherdetailed here. However, several reports have more immediatepertinenc2 to the present conference and should be discussedbriefly.

As with any new device, there has been some concernabout possible damage to the eyes while using the NVG.Several military agencies reported that their peTsonnel werecomplaining of a so-called "brown eye syndrome" after usingthe NVG. This problem was investigatpd and found to besimply a color afterimage which should be expected afterviewing the narrowband output of the P20 phosphor used inthe goggle 2. In a'dition, the persistence of the afterimagelasted only a brief period of time. However, the P20phosphor output has caused another problem of some signifi-cance. This is the loss of color information while usingthe NVG. Because of the reduced resolution and narrowbandoutput of the goggle, standard navigation maps cannot beused. Recently, the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency has develop-ed an experimental map consisting of a reversed contrastdisplay. It has been determined that adequate informationcan be obtained from these black background maps usingeither the goggle or with the naked eye and aviation red


The NVG is powered by a 2.7 volts wafer battery. Sincegoggle failure occurs due to low battery output withoutprior warning, it is of some importance to know the state ofadaptation of the eye upon removal of the NVG. With normalviewing conditions, luminance output of the goggle displayis between 0.7 foot lambert and 1.5 foot lamberts. It wasfound' after allowing subjects to fully dark adapt followedby a S-minute period of viewing with the goggle that visualsensitivity had degraded to that level normally found atapproximately 10 minutes into the course of dark adaptation.However, the averG'7e recovery time (i.e. time to return to30 minute level of sensitity) was 2 minutes.

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Page 7: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

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This report presents results from experiments designedto determine the effects of the goggle on a user's abilityto make relative depth discriminations under both field andlaboratory conditions. Data are also presented on themodulation tranfer function of the man-goggle system.


(1) Laboratory Measures of Relative Depth Discrimination

A modified Howard-Dolman apparatus wa• used for thelaboratory measures of relative depth discrimination. Modi-fizations to the basic instrument consisted of driving thevariable vertical rod by a motor which was controlled by aradiofrequency receiver. The observers held a radiofre-quency transmitter and moved a toggle switch in a fore andaft direction to elicit rod movement and effecc alignmentwith the fixed comparison rod. When an observer indicatedalignment of the two rods, displacement readings to thenearest 0.1 mm were taken with a digital voltmeter whichread the voltage across a linear potentiometer attached tothe variable rod. Except for a 0.75' X 1.750 viewing windowin the front of the instrument, the apparatus was completelycrclosed e'nd illuminated with electroluminescent panels Ilining the sides and top of the case. The luminance levelsused were 6.70 foot lamberts for the naked eye observationsand 0.012 foot lambert for the observations using the NVG.

Six experienced aviators were used as observers. Amodified method of adjustment was used and during eachtesting period, an observer would make 10 readings undereach of four different viewing conditions: unaided monocu-lar, unaided binocular, monocular with NVC, binocular withNVG. To eliminate an order effect, the viewing conditionswere alternated after each observation. All observationswere made at a viewing distance of 6 meters from the fixedrod.

"Hirsch and Weymouth' first discussed the theoreticalimplications of measures of depth discrimination thresholds,and their suggestion of using the standard deviation of thelinear displacement scores has been adopted by other investi- -

gators in subsequent reports. Accordingly, our thresholdmeasure was the standard deviation of the displacement"scores from the 10 observations made by each observer underthe different viewing conditions. Table 1 shows the average


Page 8: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

threshold obtained from the six observers with the fourviewing conditions. It can be seen in this table

Table 1. Relative Depth Threshold with Howard-Dolman Apparatus

Linear Threshold Angular Threshold

(Centimeters) (Seconds of Arc)

Binocular 1.34 5.0

Monocular 5.19 19.3

Binocular/NVG 4,80 17.9

Monocular/NVG 7.04 26.2

that unaided binocular viewing yielded results superior toany of the remaining three conditions. Binocular viewingwith the NVG was slightly better than unaided monocularviewing, while monocular viewing with the NVG gave thepoorest results. Scheffe's S multiple comparison methodwac used to statistically evaluate these data. There wasa significant difference (p<.Ol) between the results obtainedwith unaided binocular viewing and those found with the otherthree viewing conditions. However, no statistically signifi-cant difference (p<.Ol) was indicated between the thresholdswith unaided monocular viewing, binocular-N.'G viewing, andmonocular-NVG viewing.

Thresholds in terms of angular disparities are alsoshown in Table 1. These wereý determtined using the followingequation:

-a (Ad) 206,280

1.I where

Sn - angular threshold in seconds of arc

a - interpupillary distance

SAd - linear displacement of the variablerod from the fixed rod

d - observation distance

t S

Page 9: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

A binozular threshold of approximately S seconds of arc :sof the same order of magnitude as those which have been pre-sented in previous investigations$ .

(2) Field Measures of Relative Depth Discrimination.

The six observers used in the laboratory study werealso used for the field measures of relative depth dis-crimination. Again, a modified method of adjustment wasused and the observer's task was to indicate when two tar-gets, one fixed and one variable, werejudged to be at thesame distance from him. However, several procedural changeswere made. Only three viewing conditions were used: monocu-lar viewing during the day, binocular viewing during theday, binocular viewing with the NVG at night. Only oneviewing condition was tested during each observation period,and two aviators, ilternately responding, were tested duringthe same period. Full moon, no overcast conditions pre-vailed during the night testing periods with phoIometricmeasures of moon illuminance averaging 1.7 x 10". footcandles.

The aviator subjects were seated in the cockpit of aUH-lIH helicopter and viewed target pairs (one fixed and onevariable) placed at distances ranging from 200 feet to 2000feet from the helicopter along an in~active run;ay at ShellArmy Airfield, Fort Rucker, Alabama.

The targets consisted of white cloth stretched overmetal framework. The larger variable targets were mountedon wheels to allow easier movement. The actual sizes of thetargets, as shown in Table 2, were establishcd so that eachof the five target pairs would subtend a visual angle of 10'x 30' at their respective testing distances. Lateral angularseparation between the two targets of each pair was main-tained at 1.50 for all testing distances.

Table 2. Actual Size of the Target Pairs

Testing Distance Target Size(Feet) (Feet)

200 O.5S x 1.75So0 1.46 x 4.37

1000 2.91 x 8.731500 4.37 x 13.09

" o2000 5.82 x 17.46


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Page 10: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


Figure 1 shows the resultant thresholds for the threeviewing conditions at all testing distances. As with thelaboratory study, the measure of threshold was the standarddeviation of 10 observations at each distance for all condi-tions. The average threshold for all six observers isshown in Figure 1. It can be seen that while the monocularand binocular results were similar, the depth discriminationperformance with the night vision goggle was clearly in-ferior at most of the testing distances. Again, Scheffe's Smultiple comparison method was used to statistically evalu-ate these data. Results indicate that there is a statis-tically significant difference (p<0.01) between the unaideddaylight monocular and binocular thresholds only at the 2000feet testing distance. However, NVG performance was signifi-cantly differert from monocular performance at all distancesexcept 200 feet, and goggle performance was significantlydifferent from binocular performance at all distances except200 feet and 500 feet.

The results in terms of angular thresholds using theconversion equation discussed earlier are shown in Figuie 2.It can be seen, and has been shown previously 7 ,8,' , 1, thatthe angular threshold for relative depth discriminationdecreases with distance. However, these angular thresholdscannot be viewed as stereoscopic disparity thresholds.Clearly, additional monocular cues such as size constancyare operational for these depth discriminations made underfield conditions at all of the testing distances.

(3) Nodulation Transfer F:inctions of the 'Man-NVG System

Using simple clinton! L.easures of visual acuity, it hasbee-i determined that Sntllen acuity using the goggle isabout 20/70, corresponding to a minimum angle of resolutionof 3.5 minutes. However, such one-dimensional measures arenot completely adequate since angular subtense of theresolution target is the only variable satisfactorilycontrolled and higher-order factors such as blur interpreta-tion can confound the results. The luminance output and thesignal/noise ratio of the goggle do vary with changes inscene luminance. A more quantitative technique to describeman-NVG performance is that offered by the modulation trans-fer function (MTF) which allows control of such externalvariables as average scene luminance, contrast, and angularsubtense of the resolution target.


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Page 11: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

The modulation transfer functions obtained in thisexperiment were determined in the following manner. Thesubject sat in a darkened room and viewed a televisionmonitor on which was displayed an electronically-generatedspatial sine wave grating. The experimenter establishedand controlled the average luminance on the video display,and the subject controlled the depth of modulation (con-trast) of the grating around the average luminance. Thesubjects were allowed several practice sessions with theequipment prioi to the actual data collection periods. Twoviewing conditions (unaided and with the NVG) and fouraverage luminance levels were used. The average luminancelevels used correspond to the luminance of grass (12%reflection) under a 5%, 25%, and full moon "illuminance withno overcast conditions. The fourth level of 25 foot lam-berts, considerably above the level with which the NVG wouldbe used, is presented for comparison purposes.

Figure 3 shows the modulation transfer functions at thefour average luminance levels for a man wearing the goggleand also when using his unaided vision. The ordinate valuesof percentage modulation were determined from the relationship,

Bmax - ftminSBmax + Bmin X 100, and are plotted logarithmically as aBmax 4Bmin~

function of spatial frequency. The data presented in Figure3 represent the average modulation thresholds obtained fromtwo subjects who were very experienced in making visualpsychophysical observations. It can be seen in Figures 3Aand 3B that the man-goggle system performs better thanunaided vision at the low average luminance levels with a 5%and 25% moon. The depth of modulation (contrast) requiredto make the grating just visible was less at all spatialfrequencies when viewing with the goggle at these levels.However, at a luminance under a full moon (Figure 3C),the observers performed better using unaided vision at highspatial frequencies while performance was better using thegoggle at lower frequencies. Figure 3D shows that unaidedeye performance is much superior to that achieved with thegoggle when the target luminance is sufficiently high toallow the photopic system to operate. 4


Although the MTF's of the man-goggle system have notbeen published previously, knowledge of the modulationtransfcr functions of the human visual system' 1 and of the



Page 12: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

night vision goggle312 have been available. However, theseseparate MTF's are insufficient to predict performance ofthe man-goggle system. Modulation transfer functions do notcascade between optical components which are directlycoupled. When the optical components of a system areseparated by diffusers, the overall system MTF can bedetermined simply by multiplying the individual NITF's.However, when the various components are directly coupled,as is the case when a man views with the night vision gog-gle, the individual MTF's cannot be multipled to determinethe overall system MTF. This is because the aberrations ofone component may compensate for the aberrations in anotherand thus produce an image quality for the combination whichis superior to that o' either component. Any "corrected"optical system utilizes this principle.

As noted previously, Figure 3 shows that the quartermoon performance while wearing the goggle is superior tothat of the unaided performance at all frequencies while atfull moon light levels, the unaided performance is better atthe higher frequencies and is slightly poorer than the man-goggle system at the low frequencies. Thercfc're, underquarter moon illuminance, the resolution limit of the nakedeye is lower than that of the man-goggle system whereasunder full moon conditions, the resolution of the goggle isthe limiting factor and the naked eye performance overtakesthat of the man-goggle system. It should be noted that theamount of light provided by a S% moon is considered insuf-ficient for NOE flight even with the goggle. One effect ofthe NVG is to increase the luminance levels of the visualstimulus to a range where the discrimination (AI/I) thresh-old for the visual system is less, and the visual system ismore sensitive to contrast. This is shown in its purestform at the lower frequencies where resolution limits do notconfound the effect. While the effect of raising the lumi-nance levels into a Al/I range in which the visual system ismore sensitive is probably the main influence on the resultswith the lower frequencies and lower luminances, we cannoteliminate the possibility that the NVG also provides svin'econtrast enhancement or decrement. A nonlinear goggleoutput brightness in response to a changing scene brightnesswould provide either contrast enhancement or decrementdepending upon whether the shape of the nonlinear curve waspositively or negatively accelerated.


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Page 13: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


Information obtained from the U.S. Army Night VisionLaboratory indicates that the resolution capability of theNVG is 0.67 line pairs/williradian. However, this limit wasestablished with a microphotometric measurement of goggleoutput, ond scene luminance was not specified. The limit of0 67 line pairs/milliradian is approximately equal to 12cycles/degree. Our data using equivalent moon illuminances(Figures 3A, 3B, 3C) show the cut-off spatial frequency tobe between 6 cycles/degree and 8 cycles/degree. The actualresolution capability of the man-goggle system is lower thanthe physical specifications of the goggle, and it is obviousthat the contrast detection of the human visual system isless sensitive than the physical system used to specifygoggle output.

The present data are in good agreement with our observa-tion that aviators experienced in flying with the nightvision goggle prefer to use the goggle at quarter moonilluminance while at full moon illuminance, these sameaviators usually prefer to fly with unaided vision. Asshown in Figure 3C, resolution with the unaided eye ishigher at the full moon illuminance level. It should beremembered, however, that othei factors such as tei heighiof the moon may also enter into consideration. For example,if the aviator is flying along a river bed or other partiallyshaded area and the moon is low in the sky, his immediatesuriound may be receiving much lcss illumination than openareas, and he may choose to use the goggle even with a fullmoon.

The reduced resolution capability wit! the NVG hasprobably influenced the results obtained in the depthdiscrimination experiments. As shown in Table 1, theresults obtained with the Howard-Dolman apparatus indicatethat the depth discrimination thresholds with unaided binoc-ular vision were superior to those obtained with the re-"maining three viewing conditions. On a rank order basis,the thresholds with binocular viewing with the night visiongoggle were slightly better than unaided monocular viewingthresholds, while thresholds obtained with the NVG andmonocular viewing were the poorest. Statistical evaluationindicated that while thexe was a statistically significantdifference (p<.Ol) between the thresholds of binocularviewing and the remaining viewing conditions, there was nosignificant difference between unaided monocular, binocular-NVG, and monocular-NVG viewing conditions. However, our own"observatio'is ond comments from every subject used in these


Page 14: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

experiments indicate that there is a perceptually signif-icant difference between binocular viewing with the NVG andthe two monocular viewing conditions. That is, even thoughthe targets are not as clear, depth judgments using binoc-ular viewing with the NVG are more easily made than thoseusing unaided or aided monocular viewing.

An ,:pright image is achieved with the NVG by means ofa fiber cptics twist contained within the optics of thetube. The fact that adequate spatial information is re-tained after the fiber optics twist is shown by the readilyfused images presented to the eyes by the two tubes in theNVG. One might reasonably expect disparity inforriiation tobe retained also. Therefore, the decrement in performancewhile using the goggle from that of unaided binocularviewing is ,;.ainly ascribed to the loss in resolution.

P.- ,oss of resolution resulting in larger depth dis-cr~r it -n thresholds can also be seen in a comparisonbet, ta., -ic unaided and aided monocular performances (Table1). The Howard-Dolman apparatus is usually considered toyield measurts of central stereopsis. Relative depthjudgments with this instrument are supposedly based upondisparity of the -etinal images of the two eyes. However,cues for depth judgment other than image disparity areavailable to the observer with the HPward-Dolman apparatus.This is truc with the instrument used in the present experi-men-. One cue, proxima. image size, was purposely leftavailable for our suLjects. z±Le .s probably the major cueused to make the displacement seiting! when the targets wereviewed monocularly. Althoujh •ht cues available to the iobserver when viewing th- pp[a,7ztu_ maonocularly with andwithout the NVG were tJ,'; zame, the degraded image of thetargets with the goggle resulted x'r a threshold which was J4much greater than that found with unaided monocuiar viewing.

The field experiment was designed to measure relativedepth discrimination r!re!ýholds using the goggle and tocompare that perforriance with depth thresholds of daylightunaided vision. With •ie preponderance of monocular cues,the cue of retinal disparity was relatively minor, andlittle difference tetwen monocular and binocular perform-ance was expected. This supposition was supported as shcwnin Figure I in which the monocular and binocular thresholdsare statistically equivalent at all testing distances. How-ever, for distances of 500 feet or greater, Figure 1 alsoshows that depth discrimination performance with the night

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vision goggle is significantly poorer. As with the resultsof the laboratory study, the larger thresholds obtainedwhile the observers viewed with the NVG are probably theresult of the reduced resolution. That is, while informa-tion similar to that used by the observers when viewing thetargets during daylight was also available to them when theyused the night vision goggle, most of the cues, such astexture, gradients, lighting and shading, and linear perspec-tive, had become sufficiently subtle to result in largerthresholds.

Our results have shown that stereopsis, the apprecia-tion of depth by means of the disparity of the retinalimages, is significantly reductd when wearing the nightvision goggle. Also, when many monocular cues are avail-able, relative depth discrimination is poorer with the NVGfor distances of 500 feet or greater. For lesser distances,performance was statistically equivalent to unaided daylightperformance. However, it should be noted that our resultsonly reflect accuracy and not other qualitites such as speedor comfort. The relative advantages of stereopsis in avia-tion are still somewhat equivocal. Two recent reports1 3 ,14

have shown that landing performances of pilots deprived ofvision in one eye were as accurate as their landings whileusing both eyes. However, these reports were based on dataobtained in fixed wing aircraft. The visual demands ofrotary wing flight might be considerably different. Cer-

n *j tainly, military flight profiles involving hovering andflight into and out from unprepared areas without benefit ofapproach and landing aids might reasonably be expected toplace greater demands on an aviator's ability to perceivedepth, especially at distances of less than 100 feet. Thereduced depth discrimination with the goggle should berecognized so that aviators can be properly trained inpreparation for flight with the night vision goggle.

As scientists concerned with the visual welfare of ouravirators, we are confronted with a paradox. We have assist-ed in establishing and have supported high visual standardswhich our &viators must meet. Now we find that aviators areflying with a viewing device with which few of these re-"quirements are met. For example, a resolution capability of8 cycles/degree, the full moon illuminance cut-off spatialfrequency of the man-goggle system, is approximately equiva-lent to 20/70 Snellen acuity. We have required that ouraviators have normal color vision and a full field of



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vision. Yet, the narrowband output of the goggle eliminatescolor vision, and the goggle offers only a 40° visual field.The present experimentzl results have demonstrated thatdepth discrimination is degraded while using the goggle.Obviously, the NVG does not turn night into day nor does itallow a user to operate with daylight photopic efficiency.However, the night vision goggle does provide sufficientvisual information to allow flight under ambient lightconditions which was r.ot possible with the unaided scotopicvision system. A previous report' has shown that use of thegoggle allows a lower flight altitude and more accuratehover capability than with unaided vision during periods ofreduced illumination levels. A future generation lightintensification device should provide more light intensifi-cation with improved imagery to further extend the opera-tional effectiveness of aviation support.


Comparisons of the modulation transfer functionsobtained with the man-night vision goggle system and unaidedvision show that the performance with the man-goggle systemis better when the average target luminances are equivalentto that under 5% and 25% moon illuminance levels. At averagetarget luminance corresponding to a full moon illuminance,performance of the unaided visual system was superior athigher spatial frequencies while the man-goggle system wasmore sensitive to contrast at the lower frequencies.

Stereopsis thresholds measured with a modified Howard-Dolman apparatus were lower with unaided binocular visionthan with the man-goggle system. However, binocular thresh-olds with the man-goggle system were slightly better thanunaided monocular thresholds. Monocular thresholds with theman-goggle system were the largest of any of the fourviewing conditions.

Field measures of depth discrimination have shown thatrelative depth perception with the man-goggle system isinferior to daylight monocular and binocular viewing fordistances of 500 feet or greater. For viewing distances

* less than 500 feet, performance of the man-goggle system wasstatistically equivalent to unaided viewing.



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Page 17: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory

The following conclusions are supported:

1. The resolutioi capability of the man-goggle systemunder full moon illuminance is limited to 8 cycles/degree(approximately equivalent to 20/70 Snellen acuity) or less.

2. Stereopsis, which is based upon retinal image dis-parity, is degraded with the goggle.

3. Relative depth discrimination with the man-gogglesystem is statistically equivalent to unaided photopicviewing for intermediate distances, but performance with theman-goggle system is inferior at viewing distances of 500feet or greater.

4. The AN/PVS-5 night vision goggle does not allowvisual performance of daylight efficiency. However, it doesprovide sufficient visual information to permit rotary wingflight under ambient light conditions which previouslyprevented flight using only the unaided scotopic visualsystem.


The findings in this report are not to be construed asan Official Department of the Army position unless so

* designated by other authorized documents.


1. Sanders, M.G., Kimball, K.A., Frezell, T.L. andHofmann, M.A. Helicopter flight performance withthe AN/PVS-5, Night Vision Goggles. Paper presentedat the Aerospace Medical Panel Meeting, AGARD/NATOOctober 1975, Ankara, Turkey.

2. Glick, D.D. and Moser, C.E. Afterimages associatedwith using the AN/PVS-5, Night Vision Goggle, August1975, U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort

S~Rucker, AL, USAARL Letter Report-75-l-7-1•

3. Glick, D.D. and Wiley, R.W. A visual comparison of

standard and experimental maps using the AN/PVS-S,SNight Vision Goggle. March 1975, U.S. Army Aeromedical

Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, AL, USAARL LetterReport-75-26-7-6.


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Page 18: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


4. Glick, D.D., Wiley, R.W., Moser, C.E., and Park, C.K."-- Dark adaptation changes associated with use of the

AN/PVS-S, Night Vision Goggle. August 1974, U.S. ArmyAeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, AL,USAARL Letter Report-7S-2-7-2.

S. Hirsch, N.J. and Weymouth, F.W. Distance discrimination.I. Theoretic considerations. 1948, Archives ofOphthalmology, 39: 210-223.

6. Sloan, L.L. and Altman, A. Factors involved in severaltests of binocular depth perception. 1954, Archivesof Ophthalmology, 52: 524-544.

7. Hirsch, M.J. and Weymounth, F.W. Distance discrimination.V. Effect of motion and distance of targets on monocularand binocular distance discrimination. !947, Journalof Aviation Medicine, 18: 594-600.

8. Teichner, W.H., Kobrick, J.L., and Wehrkamp, R.F. Effectsof terrain and observation distance on depth discrimi-nation. May 1954, Environmental Protection Division,U.S. Army Quartermaster Research and Development Center,Nntick, Massachusetts, Report No. 228.

9. Teichner, W.H., Kobrick, J.L., and Wehrkamp, R.F.The effects of terrain and observation distance on rela-tive depth discrimination. 1955, American Journal ofPsychology, 68: 193-208.

10. Teichner, IV.H. , Kobrick,,J.L., and Dusek, E.R.,Commonplace viewing and depth discrimination. 1955,Journal of the Optical Society of America, 45: 913-920.

11. Van Nes, Floris L. and Bouman, Maarten A. Spatial modula-lation transfer in the human eye. 1967, Journal of theOptical Society of America, 57: 401-406.

12. Unpublished data furnished by the U.S. Army Night VisionLaboratory.

13. Lewis, C.E., Jr. and Krier, G.E. Flight ResearchProgram XVI: Landing performans:e in jet aircraftafter the loss of binocular vision. 1969, AerospaceMedicine, 40: 9-11.

14. Lewis, C.E., Jr., Blakeley, W.R., Swaroop, R., Masters,SR.L., and McMurty, T.C. Landing performance by low-

time private pilots after the sudden loss of binocularvision - Cyclops II. 1973, Aerospace Medicine, 44:1241-1245.


Page 19: VISION WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION … WITH THE AN/PVS-5 NIGHT VISION GOGGLES By MAJ Roger W. Wiley, O.D. Ph.D. Sand S•CPT Frank F. Holly, Ph.D. US Army Aeromedcal Research Laboratory


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