virtuoso brochure 2010

4 Digital Marketing Consultancy & Planning Website Design & Development Search Engine Optimisation Perfecting the finer details to make your website fly Websites that Perform

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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About Virtuoso Digital Marketing


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Digital Marketing Consultancy & PlanningWebsite Design & Development

Search Engine Optimisation

Perfecting the finer details to make your website fly

Websites that Perform

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Virtuoso is a passionate web development & digital marketing agency that promotes & improves online business activity for progressive companies across the North East.

How We WorkWe have had continued success for over a decade, building a reputation for friendly service, enthusiastic approach and results driven strategy.We adopt a structured process that enables us to:

•Gettoknowyourbusiness •Understandyourchallenges •Focusonyourtargetmarket •Deliveraneffectivedigitalmarketingsolution

GrowingYourBusinessWhen executed correctly a website is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. The combination of great design & good content is one thing, but at Virtuoso we unite the design with your business goals and objectives to ensure your site not only looks the business – but really works for your business as well.

We have experience of working with both long established corporations as well as new start up companies. Some examples of the types of business we have successfully worked with include:

•Construction&Engineering •Food&Leisure •Accountancy&Legal •Furniture&Retail

Our knowledge & experience gives you the edge over your online competition.

HowCanWeHelp?We can work with you no matter what stage you are at and advise you on the best areas of focus for your online strategy. Youmayhave:

•Noonlinepresenceyet •Awebsitepresencebutlookingtorevampthedesignorincreasethe number of visitors to your site •Asitethatissuccessfullygeneratingonlinetraffic,butnotconverting visits into sales

Virtuoso offer a full service including graphic design & branding, consultancy & advice in developing online strategy, customised training support, website design & development, search engine optimisation, website marketing and website performance analysis.

However you choose to engage us, we always deliver our projects to the highest standards. This has

ensured our reputation for delivering projects on time & on budget completely meeting our clients brief.

Spread your message further with Virtuoso.

Be distinct with Virtuoso.

•Automotive •Education&Learning •InteriorDesign •Health&Beauty

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“Our vision is simple. We help progressive businesses reach their audiences online & achieve their business targets.” Maureen Storey, Director, Virtuoso

OurAreasof ExpertiseOur flexible approach means we can adapt to your individual needs and tailor our solutions to your specific requirements. Virtuoso specialise in three key areas to enable you to grow your online presence:

DigitalMarketingConsultancy&PlanningWe are committed to understanding your business and helping you to map outthegoalsandobjectivesforyourwebsiteanddigitalmarketing.Bylistening carefully to your requirements we can develop an online strategy that is guaranteed to deliver a solution that meets your business needs and more importantly the needs of your customers.

WebsiteDesign&DevelopmentWe offer a range of creative services to ensure you establish a consistent brand identity for your business. Our attention to detail in planning & building your site means we will create a website that is not only easy to manage but also easy for your clients to use. We can provide all levels of online solutions to meet your needs, including: •BrochureWebsites •ContentManagementSystems •eCommerceSolutions •DatabaseIntegration



Asdigitalmarketingspecialistsweaimtogiveyourwebsitemaximum visibility & make sure your customers find your website before they find your competitors.

We can also track your performance and develop tailor-made campaigns to suit your requirements.

Our digital marketing services include:


Qualified Professionals

Virtuosoisdirectedbyoneof thefewQualifiedGoogleAdvertisingProfessionalsintheregion.ThismeansthatManagingDirectorMaureenStorey has reached the level of excellence required in using and managing AdWordscampaignsrecognisedbyGoogle.

VirtuosoisanaccreditedserviceproviderontheOneNorthEast&BusinessLinkApprovedServiceProviderRegister,whichmeansyoumaybeabletoapply for funding for projects we undertake.

Stand out from the rest of the bunch

with Virtuoso.

Websites that Perform


North East EnglandService ProviderRegister

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The name Virtuoso means a ‘performer who possesses outstanding technical ability.’ Afittingnameforacompanythatappliesoutstanding technical ability to create websites that perform.

Swale HouseMandaleBusinessParkBelmont,DurhamDH11TH

T:(0191)[email protected]

Client Testimonials

“IwasimpressedfrommyfirstcontactwithVirtuoso.Thestaff are clearly very focused on getting the job right from the very start with the patience of a saint during the consultancy process. This allowed us to feel that the productprovidedwasexactlywhatwerequired.WhatIespecially liked was the constant input and advice on where to place our content and make sure the content was relevantforthesearchengineoptimisation.Iamlookingforward to doing further work with Virtuoso and would have no hesitation in recommending the service.”

Jonathan M BellMunro Estates

“IhavebeenworkingwithMaureenStoreyandVirtuosofor almost a year and have been exceedingly satisfied and impressed with the quality of the work and service delivery to date.

Sincehavingthewebsite,Ihavehadmanyclientscontactme as a result of searching on the internet for the special-isttrainingIprovide.Thishasresultedinseveralthousandsof pounds worth of custom.

Over all my experience with Virtuoso has been very positive. Their professionalism, patience and willingness to provide support at any time have made a huge impact on my own company. So much so, that my company recently won an awardfor‘InnovationandTechnology’asaresultof theuseof my website and my plans for future development of this valuable business tool.”

Sally-Anne Pygall, MSc RGN RMDirector, Telephone Consultation Services Ltd

“SwinburneMaddisonworkedwithVirtuosointhedesignof a website and brochure. We were extremely pleased with the level of service and advice that we received and we are delightedwiththeendresult.Allof ourqueriesweredealtwith quickly and efficiently and it was a real help to be guided through the process so well. We would strongly recommend Virtuoso to others seeking to improve their online activities.”

Victoria Tindale, PartnerSwinburne Maddison Solicitors

Attract new customers with Virtuoso.

Make sure your website performs with Virtuoso.

Websites that Perform