virtualization for developers

Virtualization for Developers John Coggeshall @coogle

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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The rise of virtualization has transformed the server business, but other than that it seems like the developer world has largely been left behind. Regardless of if you are working on one project, or have 20 clients, every developer should know how to use virtualization to create seamless and easy to manage development environments. In this talk we will take a practical approach to using a combination of puppet, vagrant, and virtualbox to create entire development environments in a matter of moments - and even better re-use that template for any project you have in the future in a version-controlled and easily managed manner. Bringing on a new developer for your project? We'll show you how they can get a full-fledged development environment from zero to working in under 10 minutes.


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Virtualization for Developers

John Coggeshall@coogle

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A bit about me Involved with PHP

since 1996 Author of tidy

extension Published Author of

many PHP texts

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What we’re going to be talking about today

Virtualization for you, the developer Creating fully encapsulated development environments▪ Fully Version Controlled

Available locally using free tools or deploy to EC2 as necessary

The technologies we are going to discuss Vagrant – Bootstrap virtual machines, manage box

settings, etc. VirtualBox – Provides the actual VM environment for

machine Puppet – Provisions box, installs and manages various

software, code, etc. (also supports others such as Chef, shell scripts, etc.)

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How it all fits together

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Why Virtualization?

There are a lot of reasons to use VMs for development Keep your host machine clean / easily recover from

corruption Keep separate projects from stepping on each other Super easy developer on-boarding

There are even more reasons to use Vagrant & Puppet Much easier management of the stack, versions,

etc. Allows seamless deployment to various

environments for testing

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Getting Started

To get started, you’re going to need to download two pieces of software Vagrant - VirtualBox -

There are builds available for all major platforms

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The steps to building your VM

Step 1: Download the tools Step 2: Define your VM parameters Step 3: Build your puppet manifests Step 4: Prosper

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Defining your VM Parameters Every repository should have a Vagrantfile in the

root directory that defines the VM itself Ruby based, but no Ruby knowledge required

Defines a few key aspects of your initial VM configuration Base VM type used (various available) Network configuration for VM in relation to host machine Provisioning tooling used (i.e. puppet) VM resource limits (memory, etc)

Different configurations can be defined for different environments, and propagated throughout the process

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Defining your Puppet Manifests

Once the VM has been defined vagrant can boot it up as a headless VM (no display) using VirtualBox automatically and configure it as necessary

Once booted, it can then provision the box by installing software packages, shared paths with hosts, etc. as necessary through the use of provisioning tools like puppet

Next step is defining your puppet manifests

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That’s it!

With everything defined, one command takes care of it all! Downloads the VirtualBox image if necessary

(precise64) Boots the VM with the defined parameters (memory,

network, etc) Sets of shared folders, copies puppet manifests as

necessary and executes puppet to run those manifests

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Important Vagrant commands

vagrant up – Brings up the virtual machine

vagrant halt – Halts the VM (poweroff)

vagrant destroy – Destroys the VM entirely

vagrant provision – Run puppet provisioning again

vagrant ssh – automagically log into the VM via SSH

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Deploying to AWS

Primarily Vagrant is used to build local VMs for development

But Vagrant can also be used to deploy to other environments, such as AWS through the use of Vagrant plug-ins

First, install the Vagrant AWS provider plug-in:

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Deploying to AWS

Next, you will need to add a new environment to your Vagrantfile to setup the necessary configuration values for AWS such as Key/Secret, AMI type, etc.

Note: To do provisioning using puppet, you may need to bootstrap the AMI on boot to install the puppet tooling

To boot, simply add the --provider option to vagrant up

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Other cool tricks

A single Vagrantfile can define multiple VMs (multi-machine environments) useful for all sorts of things: A web server and database server API client and server Etc.

Vagrant can do more than just VirtualBox as well, through providers can also provide VMWare VMs, etc.

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Other cool tricks

Vagrantfile configuration files can be created at various levels, and will be merged together to define/override settings Box itself (precise64) Home directory (~/.vagrant.d) Project directory

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Thank you! Questions?

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Further Reading: