virtualdj 4 - user guide

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  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide


  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide



    Version 4 x

    User uide

  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide



    INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1INTRODUCTION TO DJ ING .............................................................................................. 2THE ZONES........................................................................................................................ 4THE BROWSER ZONE ...................................................................................................... 5The Playl ist ................................................................................................................................. 6Search & Directories.................................................................................................................. 7Favori te Folders & Virtual Folders ........................................................................................... 7Database ..................................................................................................................................... 8Suggest ion Box.......................................................................................................................... 8Track Opt ions............................................................................................................................. 8

    DECK CONTROLS............................................................................................................. 9INTERNAL MIXER CONTROLS...................................................................................... 12TOP TOOLBAR CONTROLS .......................................................................................... 13THE RHYTHM WINDOW ................................................................................................. 14Manual BPM Correction .......................................................................................................... 15

    CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ........................................................................................ 16Sound Setup ............................................................................................................................. 16Options...................................................................................................................................... 16Performances ........................................................................................................................... 18Skins.......................................................................................................................................... 20Keyboard Shortcuts................................................................................................................. 20Network ..................................................................................................................................... 20Remote Contro l ........................................................................................................................ 21Codecs ...................................................................................................................................... 21Global Database....................................................................................................................... 21Video ......................................................................................................................................... 22

    BROADCASTING AND RECORD ING ............................................................................ 23Record From............................................................................................................................. 23Recordin g To Fi le (Record Fi le).......................................................................................... 24Recordin g For CD (Bur n CD)............................................................................................... 25Broadcast ing (Broadcast) ................................................................................................... 25

    SAMPLER ......................................................................................................................... 27Playing Samples ...................................................................................................................... 27Recording Samples ................................................................................................................. 28Sample Opt ions........................................................................................................................ 28

    EFFECTS .......................................................................................................................... 29VIDEO .............................................. ................................................. ................................ 30Transit ion Effects..................................................................................................................... 30Video Effects ............................................................................................................................ 31Optimization ............................................................................................................................. 32Karaoke..................................................................................................................................... 33

    REMOTE CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 34MIDI Mapping............................................................................................................................ 34

    LEGAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 35

  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide



    Welcome to Virtual DJ!

    Virtual DJ is revolutionary software which allows audio and video mixing right from a computer.We designed Virtual DJ to be simple and intuitive to use but do not be fooled there are manyadvanced features to explore and customize.

    Virtual DJ features everything you need for imaginative performance and mixing:

    Two virtual decks for loading audio and video tracks, short clips and karaoke

    Extensive browsing functions

    Comprehensive mixer with all the features that you would expect from a traditional mixer(EQ, gain, crossfader)

    Audio and video effects processors

    Sampler for recording and playing back audio clips on the fly Looping engine

    Real-time recording of your mixes

    Real-time webcasting of your sessions

    Additionally, Virtual DJ includes many innovative features to help you spend less time with thetedious, time-consuming aspects of DJing and mixing:

    Automatic beat matching for quick mixing

    Computer Beat Grid for easy visual mixing

    Dynamic Hot Cue points

    We developed Virtual DJ to be the most complete and extensive DJ software on the market

    today. We have provided an exhaustive set of features for you to take advantage of and creategreat mixes. Whether you are a beginner or a professional DJ, you will find working inside VirtualDJ to be fun, intuitive and highly efficient.

    If you are new to DJing, we recommend that you read the Introduction to DJing section of thismanual it contains basic information on the art of DJing that you might find useful before divinginto the software.

    We highly recommend reading this manual in its entirety once you begin using Virtual DJ it willhelp you learn and understand all of its many features so you can get the most out of your VirtualDJ.

    We sincerely hope that you enjoy this great product!

  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide




    The work of a disc jockey can be divided into three tasks:

    1. Choosing the music (programming)2. Mixing the music3. Modifying the music (remixing)

    The first task consists of choosing the appropriate music, which obviously depends on the type ofevening and your style. Generally a good rule of thumb is to avoid playing all the "hits" from thevery start of the evening and to keep some in reserve to generate new interest when theaudience starts to become tired.

    Virtual DJ allows instant access to all your titles, playlists, and a list of suggestions. Its ultimatelyup to you to decide what makes your audience move. The software cannot replace your talent.

    The second task consists of "mixing" the tracks. DJs are accustomed to connecting their tracksin a fluid way by keeping a constant flow of music in order to give the impression that the music isseamless. This mostly applies only to a certain category of music, where the rhythm is verypronounced, such as house, hip hop, or r&b.

    Traditionally, the DJ mixes a track in two phases:

    Initially, a DJ will modify the speed of the track he wants to mix in, in order to equal the speed ofthe current track. This stage is necessary to prevent the songs from clashing and givesynchronized beats. The speed of the music is measured in BPM (Beats per Minute) Thismeasures the number of beats over one minute in time. A song with 160 BPM is very fast,whereas a song with 60 BPM is very slow.

    The traditional DJ uses the "pitch" adjustment on the turntables to accelerate or slow down thenumber of revolutions of a record and thus changing its BPM. In Virtual DJ, the BPM iscalculated automatically as soon as you load a track to either player and the pitch can beadjusted automatically to match that of the song already playing. Once BPM on both songs arethe same, its necessary to sync or line up the beats so the two tracks sound as one.

    Traditionally, the DJ will put their headphones on only one ear and listen to the track that theywant to introduce (known as cueing). With the other ear, the DJ listens to the mix that the publichears. The DJ will then speed up or slow down the incoming track with their hand and using thepitch control, in order to synchronize the beats. In Virtual DJ, the rhythm window indicates theposition of the beats of each song, allowing you to easily see whether the songs are matched andsynced. Then, when the two tracks are beat-matched and synced, the DJ will begin using thecrossfader, volume faders and equalizer to bring the new track into the mix. This is called a


    The third task of a DJ is to modify the music with various effects, or by mixing various tracks orsamples, in order to create an impression of a "remix" and to give a more personal and artisticfeel to a mix.

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    The effects traditionally used are scratch, loops, and samples:

    A scratch consists of creating an entirely new sound by playing a small portion of musicrepeatedly. This is achieved by moving that same portion of music back and forth at differentvelocities while using the crossfader to sharply cut the sound in and out of the mix.

    A loop consists of isolating a passage from a title and playing it repeatedly in a looping fashion.As the loop ends it will fluidly go back to the beginning and play again, prolonging the duration ofthe passage.

    A sample consists of a recorded passage which can be played at key moments in the mix to buildup interest or anticipate a track that is being mixed in.

    There are many creative ways that scratches, samples and loops can be used and Virtual DJprovides some great, easy-to-use tools for you to utilize all these techniques in your mix. Bysimplifying and streamlining the technical aspects of DJing, Virtual DJ allows you to focus on themost important part of the DJ experience your imagination!

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    Before beginning to use Virtual DJ, familiarize yourself with the controls and zones of thesoftware. Upon opening the application, an interface menu is displayed. Interfaces called skinsfeature different configurations, layouts and functionalities of the software. Lets begin byselecting Internal mixer interface to become familiar with the most important features of thesoftware. To change to a different skin while the software is running, click on the Config menuand select the skins tab.

    1. BROWSER / SAMPLER / EFFECTS / RECORD ZONEBrowse your music folders, Create, edit and save your playlists

    Adjust effects video, and audio, Record and save mixes

    2. DECK 1 CONTROLSDrag and drop music from the browser to this virtual deck.Track title, beats per minute display, counters, Transport Control

    3. DECK 2 CONTROLSDrag and drop music from the browser to this virtual deck.Track title, beats per minute display, counters, Transport Control

    4. MIXER ZONECrossfader, Gain, Volume PFL Controls

    5. RHYTHM WINDOWThis window tracks the waveform of each song loaded or playing on a deck. This area

    also features a Computer Beat Grid (CBG) used for visual mixing and beat-matching.

  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide




    The Browser Zone is where to navigate and organize music files stored on a local or networkhard disk. Access the browser by clicking on the Browser tab in the bottom window. Thebrowser contains the compatible file types (i.e. whose extensions are associated with thedecoders in Virtual DJ) to access the compatible extensions list. Click the Config menu thenchoose the codecs tab.

    The title of the song, author, duration, beats per minute (bpm) and a possible comment are listedfor each file. You can modify the size for each column individually and you can click on a columnto sort by its contents. For example, clicking on the artist column sorts the browser by artist. Clickonce for ascending. Click again for descending.

    The name of the author and the title are automatically filled in, if the file is named according tostandard conventions, i.e. (author) title.ext, author - title.ext, or if the file has ID3 or iTunes taginformation.

    The duration, BPM (beats per minute) and gain information are calculated automatically whenyou load a track either deck. This information is then stored inside the internal database for laterrecall.

    Note: The database is only saved when you exit Virtual DJ.

    Icon key

    This title is unknown and was never played or scanned by Virtual DJ.

    This title is known and has been scanned by Virtual DJ.

    This title was played during this session.

    Indicates a video file.

    Indicates a karaoke file.

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    Indicates that the BPM difference between the analyzed song and current playingsong is too great. This is a track that you might wish to avoid playing next.

    The Playl ist

    In addition to drag and drop, playlists can be created. Playlists are groups of tracks prearrangedin the order you wish to play them. To Access the playlist, move your mouse or drag songs overthe Playlist tab on the right side of the browser. The window automatically expands to show thecurrent list.

    Playlist controls

    This will load the first track of the playlist onto the next deck.

    This will enable and disable the Auto mix option. When Auto mix is on, the programwill automatically mix the songs from the playlist. Turn Auto mix on/off with this button.

    Pressing this button will give you the options for playlist management. These includeErase, Shuffle, Remove Played, and Repeat, Save, Put in Side-List, GetFrom Side-List, and Make Virtual Folder.

    You can use the lock button on the bottom of the panel to block its movement. Youcan also lock it and reduce its size to zero if you do not wish for it open automatically.

    Save playlists for easy access using the button, or create a virtual folder which will also giveeasy access to the songs loaded on the playlist. Virtual folders are covered later in this guide.

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    Search & Director ies

    The search is located at the top of the browser panel. To filter the files listed in the currentdirectory, left click on the search field then type your search text. Filtering/Searching is instantand it is generally not necessary to type the text in its entirety a few letters are enough toreduce the list to the single title you seek.

    On the left side of the browser zone, the directories are located. Some of these directories arespecial, more on those later. The "Desktop" directory is used to access all local or network harddrives or directories by using the my computer subgroup.

    Clicking on a directory while holding down the CTRL key can addthe contents of several directories to the search filter (use theoption "Show All" in the context menu available by a right click onthe directory to automatically add the contents of all the sub-directories).

    To carry out the same search in a different directory, select the new directory by holding down theSHIFT key and clicking on a new directory The search text is kept.

    Favor i te Fold ers & Vir tual Folders

    In order to simplify browsing, define the default directories whichare most frequently used -- for example, "Hits of 2006" or MyMusic.

    To add a new favorite folder, click the icon. The directoryselected will be added to the end of the list, on the same level as

    the "Desktop" folder.

    To remove a favorite directory, select it and click the iconagain.

    Virtual folders also aid in quick access to stored music. A virtual folder holds shortcuts to storedmusic. Create a virtual folder, drag a few tracks into it, and next time you want to play thesetracks refer to the virtual folder. Please note that dragging music into your virtual folder will notphysically move the files into that folder it will only create a shortcut to where the files arelocated.

    Note:If the physical files are moved, the virtual folder links will not be updated. The tracks will nolonger load from the virtual folder. Make a new virtual folder to update the links.

    Create a virtual folder by clicking on the icon.To delete a virtual folder, right-click on it and select delete.

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    Above the desktop folder there are special directories named "Local Database" and "GlobalDatabase".

    Local Database lists all the music stored on local hard disk(s) and allows a search on all filesand across several drives if they have been scanned or loaded before. This is very practical whenyou want to play a particular track of which you know the name but not the location or directory ofthe file. In order to populate this list, Virtual DJ will require you to scan your drives first. Oncethis list has been populated, Virtual DJ will keep it in memory for subsequent sessions.

    Note: The local database is not updated automatically. If files are added or moved, re-scan (quick scan) your discs to keep this list up to date. Re-scan or update by rightclicking on the local database icon.

    Global Database Allows access to a global database of music that can be downloaded via

    Napster, if you are a subscribed member of Napster To Go. You can search for songs anddownload or stream them right from Virtual DJ using your Napster account.

    Suggestion Bo x

    The browser features another special directory named "Suggestion Box". A special feature whichanalyzes a particular mixing style or habits and compiles a list of suggested tracks. Use this listwhen having a difficult time deciding what to play next.

    Tip:The list of suggestions is based on previous Virtual DJ sessions, so use your ownjudgment to avoid creating the same set session after session. The goal of this list is notto replace musical choice, but is designed to remind of music you may have forgotten.

    Track Opt ion s


    Right clicking on a folder or a track displaysmany options: copy, move, and erase files (awarning on deleting files is displayed), modifycomments, re-analyze files, add and removesongs from the search database and rip a CDinto MP3 file.

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    There are two virtual decks on the screen. Drag and drop files into each of the decks to loadmusic tracks or video clips. The two decks are equipped with the following controls and displays:

    1. Title of track currently loaded

    2. Waveform display for currentlyloaded track

    This view shows the visualwaveform of the entire track,allowing you to see the remainingduration of the audio, as well aswhat has already been played. Thehighlighted blue or red area of thewaveform indicates what has beenplayed and the current position ofthe audio. The grey area of thewaveform shows the remaininglength of the audio. Inside thewaveform itself, the lighter partindicates the presence of beatswhereas the darker part indicatesthe presence of vocals.

    3. Virtual TurntableUse the mouse to scratch, backcue,

    and pause. Also note the virtualturntable arm moves relative to thetrack position giving a visual of how much time is left on the playing track.

    4. Loop Sampler

    Sample Selection Dropdown arrowChoose which sample you wish to use. There are 12 slots which are available to record,load and play samples.

    Sample Selection windowWhen clicked this will play the sample listed in the selection window.

    REC buttonWhen initiated, this function records the loop to the sample slot selected. If no loop iscurrently set on this deck, a 4 bar loop will be recorded by default.

    Wet/Dry knobControls the level of gain applied to the loop sample.

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    5. Loop Set/Control

    Loop In/Out

    A loop is any area of a track that repeats seamlessly. Press Loop In at the point whereyou wish the loop to start. Press Loop Out when you reach the desired point to mark theend point of the loop and the audio between the two points will begin to loopcontinuously. To release the loop and continue play of the track press Loop Out againand the audio will continue from the end point of the loop. To set a new loop, just pressLoop In again while the loop is disengaged, and then press Loop Out to begin the newloop.

    Shift KnobAdjusts the loop length by half length or double length increments.

    Smart Lock buttonAllows the loop buttons to work together to create loops synchronized to BPM.

    Loop LengthThis indicates the length of the loop according to beat measures. Increase or decreasethe length of the loop from to 16 measures.

    6. Effects

    Effect Selection Dropdown arrowSelect which effect to apply.

    Effect Selection Dropdown windowWhen clicked this will apply the effect selected.

    Param 1 & 2 knobs

    These two knobs adjust parameters of the effect selected in the dropdown window,although not all effects require or make use of these knobs.

    7. Transport

    CueReturns and pauses the music at the default Cue Point. To set a Cue Point, pause thesong, seek to the desired position (for example by rotating the virtual turntable), and thenclick on Cue. Also, right-clicking on the Cue button to set a Cue Point while the track isplaying. Once on the Cue Point, pressing and holding down Cue allows for temporaryplay of this point. To delete a Cue Point, right-click on its icon on the Waveform display,and select delete.

    Stutter / PlayStarts the music.Pressing Stutter/Play while the song is already playing, will restart the music from thelast position you pressed Play from, creating a stutter effect.

    PauseStops the audio where it is currently playing.Subsequent clicks while stopped cycles through the beginning of the song and all the cuePoints. Right-clicking while stopped automatically goes to the first detected beat in thesong.

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    8. SyncClicking Sync, matches the tempo of that deck to the opposite decks tempo.Pressing Sync while the song is paused: only the pitch will be adjusted.

    Right clicking Sync while the song is playing, will auto sync its tempo

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    INTERNAL MIXER CONTROLSVirtual DJ features a virtual mixer. Its functions aresimilar to a physical mixer.

    The mixer skin can be accessed by selecting theVirtual DJ:InternalMixer in the Config / Skinsection.

    The controls on the mixer include:

    1. Channel GainThis knob sets the gain level for thecorresponding channel (deck). Right-clickmatches the gain of the opposite deck ifloaded. Double-click set the gain to zero.

    2. Channel FadersThese vertical faders adjust the level of thedesired channel.

    3. EQThese knobs adjust the low, mid, and high frequencies of the audio playing on thedesired channel of the mixer. Each frequency range can also be cut by pressing thecorresponding Kill button.

    4. PFLSend the pre-fader level of the audio to the Virtual DJ section for headphone monitoring.

    5. CrossfaderThe crossfader blends audio or video (if linked in options) between the two decks.Sliding this fader from left to right controls the mix between the two decks.

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    1. Headphone levelControls the volume for headphone channel.

    2. Cue/Mix blendAdjusts the balance between the main out and the Cue channels.

    3. BPM buttonOpens BPM edit window.

    4. Automix ButtonAutomatically mix to the non-playing deck.

    5. Master VolumeControls the main output level of Virtual DJ.

    6. ClockDisplays time, and when clicked acts also an event time counter.

    7. ConfigOpens the configuration menu. Please see Configuration Settings section of thismanual for more information.

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    Above the players, a window posts curves corresponding to the two rates/rhythms of themusic. These curves are represented in a waveform, allowing a graphic representation of themusic. The peaks in the curve represent beats. In order to synchronize the music, these peaksshould occur at the same time. To the left of the center line represents music already played. Tothe right of the center line represents the coming seconds of the track.

    Zoom in or out using the display using the slider on the left, or the three preset buttons (1, 2, and3) on the right side of the rhythm window.

    Below the curves there are small squares, named CBG (Computed Beat Grid), which representthe position of measures. The large squares represent the beginning of a measure in 4:4 time.The CBG is particularly useful, for example, when mixing a track at the time of an intro where thebeat is not yet present.

    In the picture above, notice the beats are completely synchronized it is easy to see that thepeaks (beats) of the music are lined up. However, some music does not have the very obvioussingle beat peaks that most house and techno music has. This is when the CBG is very useful. Ifyou look at the following graphics, it is not exactly clear where the beats should sync up by justobserving the waveform visually. However, with the help of the CBG, it is much easier tosynchronize the two tracks:

    Not beat-matched

    Beat-matched butnot aligned

    Beat-matched andaligned

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    Manual BPM Correct ion

    The CBG is calculated automatically when a track is loaded for the firsttime. Virtual DJ uses powerful algorithms to calculate the BPM and theCBG of music (you can choose between fast but effective algorithmwhich works well for techno and house, and a slower algorithm whichis effective on any type of music).

    However, in some rare cases, the CBG is not correctly positioned onthe beats of the song. In this case, its necessary to carry out a manualcorrection.

    Click on the button.

    There are several methods to correct the BPM and the CBG:

    The simplest method is to beat-match the track with unknown BPMwith a track whose BPM is already known, then clicking on "copy fromother deck".

    Alternatively, use the method of the anchors.

    Click on "beat tap" button while the track playing, in order toapproximate the BPM.

    Then, pause the track, advance the track to the downbeat (first beat),and click on "First anchor. Then advance to the upbeat (second beat),and click on "Second anchor. Check that the number of beatsdisplayed corresponds well to the number of beats between the two


    Then go further in the music, and repeat the "second anchor" operationif you notice that the beats and the CBG shift. Normally two or threeanchors should be enough to obtain an accurate CBG.

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    Virtual DJ is designed to be very simple and easy to use but it is also fully customizable to matchyour desired system performance.

    To make changes to Virtual DJs configuration, click on the button. The Settingsmenu is displayed. The options in the Settings menu can be viewed and edited by clicking onthe corresponding tab on top of the Settings window. A breakdown of each menu:

    Sound Setup

    Configure a sound card (or audio device) to functionwith Virtual DJ.

    Inputs Using time coded vinyl or CDs to control VirtualDJ. Select the appropriate input configuration from thispull-down list.

    Outputs Select the output configuration you want touse from this pull-down list.

    Sound card(s) Depending on the input and outputconfigurations chosen, the pull-down list contains thecompatible sound card configurations. Note: manyspecific sound cards will automatically be recognized andconfigured automatically by VirtualDJ if they are present.

    Sound card If your soundcard configuration requiresyou to specify a sound card, you can do so in this pull-down list.

    Opt ions

    Auto Update Automatically checks and alerts when newversions of Virtual DJ are available (internet connectionrequired).

    Charts- Authorizes Virtual DJ to send anonymous statisticsabout your sessions, compile charts of the most playedtracks all over the world. These statistics are available on No personal information willbe collected.

    Tool Tip Enable or disable the tool tip window. Tipsappear by hovering the mouse cursor over buttons in theskin.

    MSN When activated, this option will allow MSNMessenger to show the music you are playing. To takeadvantage of this feature, make sure that the what I amlistening option is on in MSN Messenger.

    Max Load Specifies the duration maximum beyond which the track will not be loaded in memory. Loadingtracks which are too long in memory may put a strain on the system performance and cause Virtual DJ tonot function properly. This function makes it possible to play long tracks without overloading the memory of

    the computer.

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    Read ID3 Tags Enable or Disable Virtual DJ to recover information of title and comment in the tags ofMP3 and MP4 files, and to store them in its internal base. Please keep in mind that this option cansignificantly increase the time it takes to browse your music.

    Write VDJ Tags Enabling this option will store a copy of the information stored in the internal databasedirectly in the tags files of your MP3s. This enables you to use these MP3 files on another computer andautomatically find cues, comments, etc.

    Security This setting prevents loading a track on a deck while it is playing. Select Ask, Virtual DJ willprompt to verify loading a track while the deck is playing. Select Always, Virtual DJ will not allow a track toloaded to a deck that is playing. Select None, the security feature will be disabled.

    Scrolling Allows reversing the direction of the scrolling rhythm window.

    Disc Allows selecting the spinning rate of the virtual turntables (default: 33 1/3 turns).

    Pitch Range Change the pitch range of the pitch slider. Reducing the range of pitch can increase theprecision to control the pitch (speed) of the track.

    BPM Engine Choose between the two different algorithms available for the analysis of BPM. The firstalgorithm, techno/house, bases itself on the detection of the beats in the music, and should be used withmusic that has a very pronounced beat. The second, any music, should be used with music which doesnot have a distinct, pronounced beat. This algorithm uses melody as the basis of analysis and requiresmore computer resources than the first.

    Auto BPM When loading a song, automatically adjusts the pitch so that the BPM matches the BPM of thesong currently playing.

    Auto Gain This is the gain adjustment setting for Virtual DJ. Select always 0db, Virtual DJ willautomatically modify the level of the tracks to always obtain a level of 0dB (the loudest level without clippingthe signal). Select always match. The gain on both decks will always be the same. Selecting disable willremove all automatic gain correction from the tracks.

    Auto Pitch-Reset The pitch slider will be reset to 0% every time you load a track.

    Auto EQ-Reset If enabled, this option will reset the equalizer on the deck when you load a new track ontoit.

    Auto Cue If enabled, advances track position to the first cue point if one exists (or with the first beat of thesong if no cue exists and if always is selected) when loading a track.

    Auto Headphones This option allows for automatic switching of headphones. Select on load, theheadphone cue will switch to the deck loading a new track. Select always the headphone cue will switchwhen a new track is loaded or scratching a track that is already playing.

    Disengage Beatlock Once engaged, the Beatlock feature will keep the deck locked to the beat on theopposite deck, even when scratching or changing the pitch. Disengage on load or on switch will

    automatically disengage the beatlock feature when the deck is loaded/switched.

    Force Fade If enabled, a simple fade will be used during automatic mixing. Tempo and cut auto mix isdisabled.

    Fade Length Use this slider to specify the duration of the fade during automatic mixing. If this is set to 0(left side), the tracks will play from start to finish.

    Cross Fader Select the cross fader curve. There are four different options including: Full, Cut, Scratch,and Smooth. (Other curves can be set through plug-ins).

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    These options allow you to fully optimize Virtual DJs performance for use with your computer.Depending on your systems resources, some settings will work better than others. Please take afew minutes and experiment with the settings to achieve the best performance.


    Use this slider to select differentconfigurations for the parameters below.This way you dont have to beconcerned about what exactly theparameters mean. Shift the Presetsslider to the right for better quality ofsound, or shift the slider to the left for

    better (faster) performance.


    Latency Latency is the amount of timeit takes for a device to respond to acommand. In essence, latency makes asignificant difference when using time-coded vinyl, CDs, MIDI or externalcontrol devices. The lower the latencysetting is, the more instantly thesoftware will respond, but the more likelyyou will hear glitches and pops if the

    computer is not fast enough to processthe audio.

    (Note: in ASIO mode, some soundcard drivers dont work well with a latency forced bythe software. In such case, use the auto value, and set the latency in the soundcardscontrol panel)

    Safe Mode If you are using a DirectX mode (like Simple, Dual, Mono or 4.1), in safe modeglitches and pops are less likely to occur if your CPU is momentarily busy. On the downside,scratching and pitching will use more CPU, especially with advanced algorithms. So if you useadvanced Master Tempo you will probably need to turn this off, unless the computer is very fast.

    Note:this option has no effect on ASIO or Low-Latency modes

    Overclock This setting can make the computer run faster (especially on laptops) and thereforebe compatible with lower latencies.


    Optimize for: adjust how the software reacts to scratch motions. Select Quality, Virtual DJ willmore accurately represent how a scratch sounds when moving the virtual record back and forth.Select Latency, Virtual DJ will try to react as quickly as possible but might result in a somewhatmore digital sound.

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    Scratch algor i thm:

    Simple algorithm will add no computational overhead, and will use a simple interpolationalgorithm to compute the scratch sound. Enhanced algorithm will use a powerful algorithm that

    mimics the movement of the needle on the grooves, to obtain the best scratch sound possible. Afilter size of 11 gives the best quality/CPU ratio, producing a very good quality while keeping alow computational overhead.

    48 kHz 44 kHz

    This field describes how Virtual DJ will interpolate between the 48 kHz and 44.1 kHz samplerates. Choosing Basic Interpolation will save some system resources and could improveperformance. For better quality interpolation, choose Lowpass Filter. 11 taps is the bestquality/CPU ratio.

    (Note: Most commercially available music is recorded at 44.1 kHz (including MP3s) so itis a good idea to set your soundcards output to 44.1 kHz. This will prevent thesoundcard from having to interpolate to different sample rates and will improveperformance. The 44.1 kHz setting should be default for your soundcard.

    Master Tempo

    The master tempo is the algorithm that will let Virtual DJ change the pitch of the song withoutchanging its tone (Keylock feature). The default Fast algorithm takes only a small percentageof the CPU power, and produces good results at pitches in the range of -10% to +10%. However,for extreme pitching, the fast algorithm can produce some choppiness. In that case, and if thecomputer is fast enough, try the Enhanced algorithm.However, be careful because raising the complexity or spatialization of this algorithm can quicklyoverload the computers capabilities.

    Note:You might want to disable safe-mode for better performance with the Enhanced


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  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide



    Remo te Contro l

    Virtual DJ can be controlled using external controllers

    such as the Numark iCDX, Hurcules DJ Console andthe DAC-3. The Remote Control section of theSettings menu lets you setup the Virtual DJ software towork with your external controller.

    Once you have connected the controller and startedthe Virtual DJ, open the Remote Control tab andenable your controller. If the controller is recognizedproperly by the software, it will display a green dot nextto it.


    This is a list of the codecs which Virtual DJ is using tointerpret sound and video files. These include themost common sound and video file extensions.However, if there are files which require differentcodecs, the codecs can be added to the list this willenable Virtual DJ to open those files if the propercodecs are installed.

    Global Database

    If you have a Napster account, Virtual DJ allows you tolog into your account, search and download tracks toyour music collection.

    This is a quick and excellent way to easily expand yourmusic collection and virtual record crate.

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    Activate Turn the video engine on or off.

    TV Output Select the monitor that will display thevideo master output.

    Note:Only use monitors which are part of thewindows desktop. If the monitor is not listed,open Windows display settings and click onextend desktop on this monitor for thedesired monitor.

    Use Hardware Acceleration Use DirectX tocompute and display the video.

    Note:not all video cards support this.

    Show Song Title Will display the name of the video file in the video window.

    Linked Crossfaders Unlink and link the audio and video crossfaders allowing separate orcombined control of the audio and video fade.

    Decode while hidden Decode video content even when it is hidden (not displayed on the mainoutput) this will prevent some jolts that may occur when video content is brought into the mix withthe crossfader. Fast video card and computers can use this option. Slower systems may haveproblems with this option.

    Activate on load Tells Virtual DJ to activate the video engine automatically if a video file is

    loaded on either deck. Turn this off is you want to play only the audio part of video files, withoutstarting the video engine.

    Hide logo Checking this option will hide the Virtual DJ logo from the video mix window.

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    To record or broadcast a mix session, access the record menu by clicking on the Record tab inthe lower window. You will see the following display:

    Menu options:

    Record to a file (hard disk recording)

    Record for CD-ROM (audio)

    Broadcast on the Internet

    Select recording settings by clicking on the Config button in the lower window.

    Record From

    Inside the Config, select between threedifferent methods (sources) for recording,

    regardless of whether Record File, BurnCD, or Broadcast is selected.

    Master Record from the master out

    Master + MIC Record the masterand another audio source (such as amicrophone).

    Line IN Records only from the Line input on the soundcard. For example, when usingan external mixer connect the output of the mixer to the Line input of the soundcard. Therecording will feature all of the manipulations and crossfading done from the externalmixer.

    Additional adjustments which depend on the following Record File, Burn CD, or Broadcast.

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    Recordin g To File (Record Fi le)

    Selecting Record File, records a mix session to

    WAV or .MP3 on the local hard drive.

    Click on Config to access the configurationsettings for recording a file.

    Record From

    Master, Master + MIC, orLine InChooses the recording source.

    Auto-Start Checking this box willautomatically begin recording whenplaying the first track.

    File Is the path and name of file the mixsession is output to.

    Prompt if overwrite This option will prompt a warning when trying to record toa file name that already exists.

    Split in multiple files Choose this option to record the session as separatetracks, instead of one large audio file.

    When recording to separate tracks, use the Cut button to demarcate tracks,or use Auto-split on crossfader option. This option will automatically demarcatetracks when crossfadeing to a new track.

    Format selects the audio file format to record in.

    WAV Outputs a .WAV audio file of the session.

    MP3 Outputs .MP3 audio file of the session.

    Encoder This is the path to the MP3 encoder which is used to recordin MP3 format. If the encoder is in a different folder than the Virtual DJfolder, tell the software where to find the encoder.

    Bitrate Selects the bitrate of the MP3 recording. A Bitrate of 192 Kbsis recommended for CD-quality recording.

    Once configured click OK then click Start Recording to begin the session. Press StopRecording when the session is complete.

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    Recordin g For CD (Burn CD)

    Record a session in a CD-image format to burn asession to a CD and listen to it on any CD player.Select Burn CD, Virtual DJ will record the sessionas a .BIN/.CUE file type which contains all theinformation necessary for the CD burner.

    Click on Config to access the configurationsettings for CD recording.

    Record From

    Master, Master + MIC, orLine InChooses the recording source.

    Auto-Start Checking this box will automatically begin the recording whenplaying the first track.

    File The path and name of file which the session is output to.

    Prompt if overwrite if checked, this option will prompt trying to record to a filethat already exists.

    Click OK and then Start Recording To start the session.

    Again, use the Cut button to demarcate tracks.

    When the session is finished, the .BIN/.CUE file can burned with a CD-burning

    application. For more information about burning .BIN/.CUE files, consult thedocumentation of the burning software.

    Broadcast ing (Broadcast)

    Broadcasting sessions in real-time via the Internet iscalled webcasting. People around the world canconnect and listen to your mix sessions.

    Click on Config to access the configurationsettings for recording a file.

    Record From

    Master, Master + MIC, orLine InChooses the recording source.

    Auto-Start Checking this box willautomatically begin the broadcastwhen the first track is started.

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    Select between Icecast or Shoutcast format for the webcast. Selecting

    Shoutcast, point the Encoder field to the directory where the MP3 encoder canbe found.

    There are options to select the desired bitrate. Please keep in mind that withhigher bitrates, Internet connection needs to be faster to stream and listen toMP3 audio.


    There are two ways to broadcast a mix session. Broadcast using a radio serveror, if there is no access to a server, broadcast directly from local computer.

    Broadcast from local computer Turns a local computer into a webcaststation. Click on Start Recording and the webcast will begin.

    Max number of clients The maximum listeners who may connect tothe session. Please remember the bandwidth of the local Internetconnection needs to be able to accommodate the number of listeners.Decreasing the quality of the audio signal (the bitrate) makes it possibleto accommodate a greater number of listeners.

    When ready to webcast simply click on Start Recording. Virtual DJ will indicatethe address of the webcast (for example Sharethis address to those which would like to listen. Listeners can tune in by typingthis address in their Internet audio players.

    Caution:If you use a floating Internet connection (Non-static ip), the addressof the webcast could change from session to session. In this case,you should regularly communicate the new address to listeners.

    Caution:Listeners must be able to communicate with the broadcast computervia the webcast server. Configure the broadcasting computersInternet connection to authorize connections to and from thebroadcast computer.

    Broadcast to a radio server Broadcast sessions to an existing web radioserver.

    Enter the IP of the web radio server, login and password, and Virtual DJwill automatically broadcast the session to the sever.

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    Record, load, save and play samples on the fly. The sampler can be accessed by clicking on theSampler tab in the lower window and features 12 slots for samples which are available to use atany given point in time.

    There are two types of samples that are commonly used linear (one shot), and circular (looping)samples.

    Linear samples are samples which are played beginning to end. Typically, linear samples do nothave an intrinsic rhythm, and are often sound effects (applause, sirens, etc).

    Circular samples are played in a looping fashion. Most often, these samples have an intrinsicrhythm which can be repeated forever.

    Playing Samp les

    To play samples simply click on the Play button associated with the sample cell.

    If the sample is a linear (one shot) sample, the sample cell will display .When pressing Play the sample will be played alongside the mix until the end ofthe sample

    If the sample is circular (looping) sample, the sample cell will display .The speed of the sample will be modified in order to synchronize with the activedeck and when you press Play the sample will start at the nearest possiblealigned beat. This ensures that the rhythm of the sample will be beat-matched andaligned with the active deck, resulting in a smooth, natural sample playback. Whena looping sample is played, it will repeat looping until you press Play again.

    Play samples directly from the loop sampler menu on each deck.Simply select the sample from the pull-down menu, and then click onthe sample to begin playing it.

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    In addition to mixing traditional audio, its also possible to mix video content with the ease andfamiliarity of a DJ interface. Instead of audio files (.mp3, .wma, .m4a, etc.), play video files (.avi,.mpg, .wmv, .vob, etc.). Virtual DJ allows mixing, scratching, transitions and other effects to beapplied to video content in much the same way as audio content.

    Video files are distinguished in the browser with a small blue V on their icon and can beloaded to either deck the same way audio files are loaded.

    When loading a video file to either deck, thevideo window opens automatically.

    If the video card has a TV output or a secondoutput screen its possible to use this output infull-screen, instead of the windowed output.Specify the output settings by clicking on theVideo menu under Config.

    If the full-screen output does not appear, checkthat this output is recognized in your Windowsdisplay settings and that Windows is in dualmonitor mode (not clone). For more informationconsult the video cards instruction manual.

    Non-Protected DVD video clips can be transferred to hard disk usingRip DVD utility included with Virtual DJ. The files will be copied in

    high quality .VOB format.

    Transit ion Effects

    Virtual DJ features many different transition effects to mix from one video clip to another.

    Select which transition effect is applied in the Effects/Video effects window.

    Click on Video Transitions and select the desired transition.It is also possible select the transition effect fromthe video controls underneath the video screenwhen in FullVideo skin. To change the skin

    click Config and click the Skins tab.

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    There are two ways to mix video clips: automatically or manually.

    To mix manually, use the video crossfader to transition between videos.

    Alternatively clicking on either video preview window smoothly crossfades that deck.Linking the video crossfader to the audio crossfader allows the video fader to follow theaudio crossfader. The link control is located in the Config menu under video tab.

    Virtual DJ also does the video mixing automatically.Most transition effects feature a powerful intelligent algorithm to determine what isdisplayed on the main video output depending on the deck controls (cueing, scratching,crossfading, etc).

    To use this automatic behavior, activate the video transition effect either by clicking onactivate in the Effects page, or by clicking on the transition name on the FullVideo skin.

    Video Effects

    Similarly to audio effects, you can use video effects to transform the video on either deck. Simplygo to Video Effects under the Effects tab in the lower window and activate the desired effecton the specific deck.

    Select and activate the video effect from thevideo controls underneath the video screenwhen in FullVideo skin. Select the desired effectusing the pull-down menu under Effect and then click on the box to activate it.

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    In addition to being able to play music and other video content, its possible to play and mixkaraoke files.

    Virtual DJ is compatible with MP3+G, WAV+G, WMA+G, OGG+G, aswell as DVD karaoke and .ZIP files. These files will need to beripped first using an external application in order to be used insideof Virtual DJ. Direct playback from the DVD-ROM is not possible

    When using MP3+G files, the songs will have two files that appear in Virtual DJs browser:

    The first is a file with a K icon this is the video karaoke file. When loading this fileto either deck, Virtual DJ will automatically load the audio track on the deck and

    display the words in the video mixer.

    The second, with a normal icon, is the audio file only. You can drag and drop this fileinto a deck to only play the audio for the songs, without displaying the words in thevideo mixer.

    It also possible to bind the CDG files with their audio counterparts into one single .ZIP file. In thiscase, only the karaoke video file will appear in Virtual DJs browser.

    In order to avoid indexing all of the .ZIP files on your computer,Virtual DJ does not consider .ZIP files to be karaoke files by default.If you would like to change this, you will need to add the .ZIP file

    extension (without the dot) to the list of extensions under Codecs inthe Config menu and associate it with the karaoke decoder from thelist.

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    Access the Remote Control options by clicking onConfig in the top toolbar and then clicking on theRemote Control tab.

    Virtual DJ is compatible with a wide array of dedicated DJcontrollers such as the Numark iCDX, Hercules DJConsole, DAC-3 and many more. External MIDIcontrollers are also supported.

    To use a controller with Virtual DJ, enable the particularcontroller by checking the corresponding Enable box. Ifthe controller was properly set up and connected, a greendot appears next to it. If the controller was improperly

    connected, a red dot will appear next to it.

    If the connected controller does not seem to function, try to un-check and re-check the Enable box. This will reset the connection between Virtual DJand the controller.

    Note: A good rule of thumb is to always have the controller connected before starting Virtual DJ.

    Some controllers may need additional configuration and mapping settings associated with them.Depending on the controller, additional setup outside of Virtual DJ may be required. Consult thecontrollers manual for more information.

    MIDI Mapp ing

    Non-specific MIDI controllers will need MIDI mapfiles to function. The MIDI mappings for eachparameter can be manually set if no map file isavailable.

    Open up the Config then click the controller taband select the Config button in the MIDI box.

    You will see the MIDI Config appear. In thismenu create, load, save, merge, and modify

    MIDI mappings.

    To add mappings manually, click on Add.Select the function from the menu and whichdeck the mapping will apply to. Then move thecontrol (on the MIDI controller knob, slider, etc.) to map the parameter. Virtual DJ will automaticallydetect the controller number and map it to the corresponding control. Click OK and the mapping will besaved.

  • 8/13/2019 VirtualDJ 4 - User Guide



    Atomix ProductionsPO box 324Warren, PA 16365USA

    Virtual DJ Copyright:

    Copyright 1997-2006 Atomix Productions

    All Rights Reserved

    Number IDDN.FR.001.040012.01.R.C.2000.000.31400.


    The Logo is a registered trademark of Atomix Productions.VirtualDJ is a registered trademark of Atomix Productions.Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without express written permission from Atomix Productions isprohibited.

    Windows and DirectX are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

    License and restrictions:

    According to the EULA (End User License Agreement) accepted by every user upon Installation of VirtualDJ:

    You May not make or distribute copies of Virtual DJ, or electronically transfer Virtual DJ from one computerto another over a network.You may not decompile reverse engineer disassemble or otherwise reduce Virtual DJ to less than humanperceivable form. You may not modify or create derivate works from Virtual DJ.

    You may not sell, to rent, to transfer or sublicense the software. You may not sell, to rent, to transfer orsublicense hardware on which the software is installed, without written prior agreement of AtomixProductions.

    A Special Thanks To:

    Jason Tucher, Damien Schmit, Rune Gjerde, Angel Matos and Daniel P. McDermott