virtual design catia reverse engineering · catia virtual design catia reverse engineering the use...

CATIA Virtual Design CATIA Reverse Engineering The use of numerous systems to develop digital products from physical prototypes is complex and costly, leading to delays in product development. Companies require intuitive environments that are ergonomic and fully-integrated to ensure their investment pays off quickly. CATIA Reverse Engineering makes it possible to quickly capture and enhance physical prototype shapes, making the 3D virtual model the design reference. It also provides powerful technologies embedded within CATIA that allow the easy manipulation of clouds of points or meshes, while quickly transforming them into high-end 3D surface shapes. Customer benefits Benefit from full integration within the CATIA design environment Learn and use the reverse engineering environment easily Experience extended compatibility with standard data formats Use multiple strategies for surface reconstruction Manage large volumes of data Reduce project costs and streamline design iterations Key capabilities Import and export clouds of points in various standard formats The user can import almost all native measuring machines? data. Data can be of different types, for example, meshes, grids, scans, and clouds of points. Imported data can be of different formats, for example, standard formats (IGES, free ASCII, STL, etc.) or formats from native measuring machine makers, such as GOM, HYSCAN, KREON, STEINBICHLER, etc. The user can preview, scale, trim, or change the measuring units of the imported data. Robust alignment and deviation checking for control processes CATIA Reverse Engineering provides several robust strategies for the alignment of digitized data with other digitized data or in relation to CAD models. It also provides extensive and associative diagnosis commands such as: Deviation checking between digitized data, surfaces or curves Annotations and reporting on deviation checking Connect checker between surfaces allows the visualization of eventual deviations during the joining of several surfaces in passage, tangency and curvature Thanks to these alignment capabilities and diagnosis commands, CATIA Reverse Engineering covers control processes such as: Alignment Control between digitized data Deviation Control between a rebuilt CAD model and

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Page 1: Virtual Design CATIA Reverse Engineering · CATIA Virtual Design CATIA Reverse Engineering The use of numerous systems to develop digital products from physical prototypes is complex


Virtual DesignCATIA Reverse Engineering

The use of numerous systems to develop digital products fromphysical prototypes is complex and costly, leading to delays inproduct development. Companies require intuitive environments thatare ergonomic and fully-integrated to ensure their investment pays offquickly.

CATIA Reverse Engineering makes it possible to quickly captureand enhance physical prototype shapes, making the 3D virtual modelthe design reference. I t also provides powerful technologiesembedded within CATIA that allow the easy manipulation of clouds ofpoints or meshes, while quickly transforming them into high-end 3Dsurface shapes.

Customer benefits

• Benefit from full integrationwithin the CATIA designenvironment

• Learn and use the reverseengineering environmenteasily

• Experience extendedcompatibility with standarddata formats

• Use multiple strategies forsurface reconstruction

• Manage large volumes ofdata

• Reduce project costs andstreamline designiterations

Key capabilities

Impor t and expor t c louds o fp o i n t s i n v a r i o u s s t a n d a r dformatsThe user can impor t a lmost a l lnative measuring machines? data.Data can be of different types, forexample, meshes, grids, scans,and clouds of points. Imported datacan be of d i f ferent formats, forexample, standard formats (IGES,free ASCII, STL, etc.) or formatsfrom nat ive measuring machinemakers, such as GOM, HYSCAN,KREON, STEINBICHLER, etc. Theuser can preview, scale, trim, orchange the measuring units of theimported data.

Robust alignment and deviationchecking for control processesC A T I A R e v e r s e E n g i n e e r i n gprovides several robust strategies

for the alignment of digitized dataw i th o the r d ig i t i zed da ta o r i nrelat ion to CAD models. I t a lsoprovides extensive and associativediagnosis commands such as: D e v i a t i o n c h e c k i n g b e t w e e ndigitized data, surfaces or curvesAnnota t ions and repor t ing ond e v i a t i o n c h e c k i n g C o n n e c tchecker between surfaces allowst h e v i s u a l i z a t i o n o f e v e n t u a ldeviat ions dur ing the jo in ing ofs e v e r a l s u r f a c e s i n p a s s a g e ,tangency and curvature Thanksto these alignment capabilities andd i a g n o s i s c o m m a n d s , C A T I AR e v e r s e E n g i n e e r i n g c o v e r sc o n t r o l p r o c e s s e s s u c h a s : A l i g n m e n t C o n t r o l b e t w e e ndigitized data Deviation Controlbetween a rebuilt CAD model and

Page 2: Virtual Design CATIA Reverse Engineering · CATIA Virtual Design CATIA Reverse Engineering The use of numerous systems to develop digital products from physical prototypes is complex

the master digitized model Controlof an object as manufactured andthe CAD mock-up as designed

Smart and advanced tools tomanipulate clouds of points andmeshes Thanks t o seve ra l 2D and 3Dcomputation methods, the user cancreate watertight meshes that canbe: Used in the CATIA V6 DMUproduct, rendering, etc. Directlym a n u f a c t u r e d i n C A T I A V 6manufacturing product Exported inSTL format for rapid prototypingm a c h i n e s C A T I A R e v e r s eEngineering also provides a set ofsmart and advanced edition toolsto manage and improve clouds ofp o i n t s a n d m e s h e s s u c h a s :Working on sub-areas Removing,cleaning, filtering, smoothing, holef i l l ing and shape improvementMesh segmentat ion in pert inentsurface domains

Wireframe creationC A T I A R e v e r s e E n g i n e e r i n gprovides tools to create wireframe(scans/polyl ines or curves) andcurve networks: Planar sectionsInteractive creation of free curveso r c u r v e s o n s u p p o r t C u r v ec r e a t i o n b y s m o o t h i n gscans/polylines Curve projectionC u r v e n e t w o r k m a n a g e m e n tAu tomat ic charac te r i s t i c l i nesdetection

Surface creationCATIA Reverse Engineering allowseasy surface creation (mechanicalshapes or free-form shapes) fromdigitized data. Several approaches

to recover surfaces depending ofthe shape's type are available: Forfree-form shapes by f i t t ing on adomain delimited by N-sides 3Dcurves networks and constraints onb o u n d a r i e s F o r m e c h a n i c a ls h a p e s b y i d e n t i f y i n g a n dpreserving editable features (plane,cylinder, sphere, cone) Recoveringvirtual sharp edges by extendingand trimming primary surfaces Forsweeping sur faces us ing a lo f tc o m m a n d A u t o m a t i c s u r f a c ecreation from a mesh according toa given accuracy

Polygon modeler for virtual claymodelingC A T I A R e v e r s e E n g i n e e r i n gprovides a set of intuitive polygonalmodeling and sculpting tools thatw o r k l i k e c l a y m o d e l i n g . I t i sparticularly well suited to shapedesigns when surfacing becomescomplex.

Rapid prototypingCATIA Reverse Engineering alsoc o v e r s t h e r a p i d p r o t o t y p i n gprocess through surfaces and solidtesse l la t ion capabi l i t ies to getwatertight meshes.


About Dassault SystèmesAs a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Dassault Systèmes brings value to more than 100,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3Dsoftware market since 1981, Dassault Systèmes develops and markets PLM application software and services that support industrial processes and provide a 3D vision of the entirelifecycle of products from conception to maintenance to recycling. The Dassault Systèmes portfolio consists of CATIA for designing the virtual product - SolidWorks for 3D mechanicaldesign - DELMIA for virtual production - SIMULIA for virtual testing - ENOVIA for global collaborative lifecycle management, and 3DVIA for online 3D lifelike experiences. DassaultSystèmes shares are listed on Euronext Paris (#13065, DSY.PA) and Dassault Systèmes ADRs may be traded on the US Over-The-Counter (OTC) market (DASTY).

CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA, SolidWorks and 3DVIA are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.