virgnia, 5cdnts to supremec) urt, flckinley r005evelt ... · vol.xviino27...

VOL.XVII NO 27 lilCHMOND VIRGNIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1900 PRICE 5CdNTS TO THE SUPREME C) URT, MR, ROYALL WILL APPLY A Writ of Mandamus. a IJTJDGE WITT'S OPINION.NO JURISDICTION; Judge 8. B. Witt of the 11 istinga Court. rendered bis opinion M > viaj, June 18th in the Jaokaon Ward Elee¬ tion Caeea declaring that his eourt did not have jurisdictiun and he therefore would diamisa tbe petition. Hon. Wm L. Kuyall sat In the spat; usually oaeupi'd bv the Comtnon- wealth's Attornev while Hon George* D. Wise and L Wendenbu-g, E-q.,sat] inside of the railing, aa did John Mitch ell, Jr., and the reporters. THB RBADING OF THB OI'INI S. Upon the completion of the reading of tbe opinion, there wss a lull and' Mr. Boyall walked over to Editor Mitehell for eonsultstion. Later in the day. a further eonferenee waa held' at Mr. Boyell's rlli.-e and it was deeid-* ed to apply to Suprem*- Gourt of* Appeals, now in session at Wythevill*, for a writ of mandamua- Mr. Boyall proceeded at onee to^ draw up thiB petition. Mr. Waiter Obriatian wbb requested to furnish a' eopy of the reeord and by Friday morning laat, the whole matter wbb well-nigh ready for preBentation to the Bupreme Gourt. The mark able part of the whole af¬ fair is .hat Hia Honor, Judge 8. B I Witt odmitted that oounoilmen are of-! fleera and therefore by this, it ia evi-1 dent that the Huatinga Court has j i-j risdietion bo far sa thia speeifio statutel is eoneerned. Be deelares alao that if the other statute.1030 wss no in oon flict, he would assume juriadietion. UX. BOTALl/B CCBTBBTIOB. Mr. Boyall eontends that they are not in conilict,.that as one wbb enset- ed at the aame time bb the other that thay have equal foree, and that His Honor should exereise the authority conferred upon him by thrstatute. This queetion will be teated, the ap- plieation for a writ of mandsmuB be¬ ing tbe only eourse to pursue. Tbe following is a eopy ot the notie served upon His Honor,. together with the petition to the bupreme Oourt of] Appeals of Virginia; THB BOTICB AUD THB PBTITIOK. To the Hon. 8. B. Witt, Judge of tho] Huatinga Oourt of the Oity of IRieh* mond. Take notiee thst on-June- 1800 at Wytheyille, or if there be no Beasion of the Court on that day. on the flrst day thereafter when there is a sesaion of it, we will move the Bu¬ preme Court of Appesla ot the. State of "Virginia to grant a writ of mandamus. comroanding you as the Judge of said Huiting* Oourt to hesr our complaint flied in the Clerk's Offiee of aaid Hust IngB Gourt on the 81st day of May, 1900, complaining that there waa an undue and fraudulent eleetion for members of the Council in tba eity of Riohmond held in Bsid eity on the 24th dsy of May, 1900. Our motion will be made upon thiB notiee, uoon the peti¬ tion for a mandamus hsnded you here- with. npon the reeord of ssid com¬ plaint handed you herewith and upon the brief of our couneel handed you h*?rewith. Take notice, also, thst we will at the same time move ssid Bupreme Court of Appeals under its new rule, to ad-| vacce BBid'applioation and pasB upon it at aa early'a dsy aa it oan for the fol¬ lowing resaons: lit..Seetion 160 of the Code, under whieh laid complaint wai filed, pro- ides that it ahall be determined at the next term after it is filed. 2nd..-The new Council ot the eity of Riehmond orgsnizpd and beeomes op- erative July 1.1900. and it is essential that that those fra"dulently returned to it from Jackson Ward ahall be oust- ed aa soon as may be, and those really elected to it ahall be aeated ai soon as may be Very Reapectfully, Thomas W. Mitehell, A. S. ' homas, A. Hayes, b. 8. Bsker, J. O. 8mith. B. T. Hilla Thoma* Smith, R. W. NelBon, Jr., John R. Ghiles, Benjsmin jackson, M. B. Jones, W. H. Anderson, G. T. Psyne, Andrew Holmes. Jsmea H. Holmes, D. D., G, W. Boyd, H. M. Rioth, Erneat Wasnmgton, H. J. Moore, Edward W. Darricott, B. J. Bailey. By their attorney. WM. L. R0YALL. A Brilliant Marriae-e, Tha spaeiout First Baptiat Ghurch] waa the scene of a brilliant assemblagel Wednesdsy night, June 20th. The oc-| eaaion waa the marriage of Misa Alber-j ,»£, Ooeby, the acoomplished daugh- ter of Rev. D. L. Oosby and wife to, Hev. James H. Randolph. B. D., of Brrkley. Vs. i T^e .priv-1 of *he bridal oouple at' 8:40 was announced by the atrains of i |the weddin* m.rch played by Miss iJNannio Osbjrne, th. urg&naxr. , Then entered Mr. Wise Ellis a«d2 lJt,M^?° dlDR 8he WM »*¦*,.«_ in blu* iMr. Thumns Wyatt aod Miss Ada G. Foster, attired iu white. v, r. M. W iS.ann and Miss Lena V Ish.m att-red in pink, Mr. Robert Burrell and Misa' M.b-1 Hoime-i, attired in blu». Mr |W. P. Epp* and Mmb Lizzi* <i Yan- oey, attired in white. Mr Oi>orKe_, ,V\ood and M s. Beasie B^.aie Page1 \Kr W. H. Willi. and griom.: * I The fe.ture of the oeeasion wai the fl iwer girl., little Naomi Hill and Mmnie Johnson. Then oame Mr lR. T. Hill and briJe. I Th"* eeremooy was performed by Rev. [D. L. Cosby. Prayer wa. ofTered by >Rev. James H. Holmea, DD The happy oouple and bridal party Frepaired .o the residenoe of the bride. |742 N. 3.-d St, where . bouuteoua ^bridal aupper waa enj »yed. L Tho bride wore white satin, laoe and flowera .nd tbe groom the conven- jtional suit of blaek. The couple left yeaterday for Berk- lley. Va., their future home. RE30LU.ION3 OF OONDOLENOE Dahvillb, Va.. June 18. 1900. Whereaa, it haa pleased the Divine Ruler of the Univerae «.o remove from fthe oommunity, the Lee St. Publio School. the Loyal St. Baptiat Church. the B. Y. P U., and the Sunday School our de.rly beloved and mueh eateemed eitisen, 'prineipal, churob member, ex-preaident of the B. Y. P. U., ex- Supt.and eo-worker o' the Loyal Ht.fl Baptiat Churoh Sunday Sehool, in the peison of Prof Samuel Skipwith, and Whereaa, he waa faithful, truaty and true to the above named organizationa and Whereaa, he waa a devaced huaband, a trua father, a faithful aon and a good neigbor, and Whereaa, we feel our loaa ia hia Heavenly Rain, therefore be it . Resolved 1. That the oommunity haa laat a good oitiaen, the Lee St. Publio School a time honored prineipal the Loyal St. Ohurch, B. Y. P. U., and Sunday School, a good member, and tbe family a member who.e plaoe e.n- bot be fllled Resolved 2nd. That a eopy of theae resolutions be aent to the bereaved family and eommend them to (Jcd knowing that earth haa no aorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Reaoived 3rd. That a eopy be sent to the Riehmond Plasit for publica- tion be placed upon the Sunday Sehool reeord. Done by order of Loyal St. Baptiat Sunday School. W. A. Millneb, 8upt., Jab, P. Callowav, See'y. J. P. Mitoh.ll, Asat. See'y J. F, OnArriN, Maa. P. M. Hodqe. Miaa M. L. Millxbr, A. L. Haibston. Oommittee. OABIflG FOa THE NATIONAL BAP¬ TIST OOJiVEHTIOH. Th.t w.a . beautif u* aight at the 5th Street Baptiat Churoh laat Monday night. The ehureh had invited every ohurch in thia eity and Manoheater, regardleaa of denomin.tioa to aend their psstors aeeomp.nied with com- mitteei to aaaiat in making arrange menta for entertaining the great Na¬ tional Baptiat Oonvention which meeta in thia oity September 12th, 13 h 14th. tl5tb and 16th of thia year. Ten oburohea responded to the chriatian invitation: Zion Baptiat Churoh and -econd Baptiat Churoh of Manoheater ; First Presbyterian, Leigh St. M. E Third St A. M. E , and St. Philipa Epiaeopal ehurchea; Fifth Baptiat Ohureh, (Sydney) 20th St. Baptiat Churoh, Tabernaele Baptiat cburob and Mt. Olivet Baptiat Church: Fifth St Baptiat Ohurch added te these makes a total of eleven ohurohes ao far that have united to asei.t Dr. Gra¬ ham in giving the diatinguiahed body of ladiea and gentlemen a hearty wel¬ eome to our proud city. Tha organiaation waa perfeeted aa a general oommittee with Dr. Graham aa preaident; Jamea H. Chilea aeoreta¬ ry, Dr. P. B. Ramsey. Riehmond*. popular dentiat. treasurer, and eaeh paator, w hose ehuroh wm repreaented a vioe-preaident; thua _here wiil be flcKINLEY AND R005EVELT, THE TICKET. PRESIDENT Wfl. McKINLEY, RE-NOMINATED AT PHILADELPHIA, June 21st, 1900. associated as an exeeutive eomnaitteei Dra. Graham, Partee, MoGuire, Gul- lina, Gunby and Revr. G. C. Coieman, B. D., D. W. Davia, A. M , Araher B 8mith, J. Acdrew Bowler, H. Powell. D. D., and Rev Eli fkrtt. These eleyen repreaentative gentlemen oon stitute an exeeutive eommitteeltbat will eertainly make a aueeeas of the under taking. It waa voted that the general eom mittes meet every second and fourth Monday nighta until the Oonvention; thst they would meet from churah to ehuroh, where first or all.short sermoas ill be preaehed, remarka made and reporta from oommittees reoeived and oolleotiona taken. It was voted that eaeh person belonging to the oommit¬ tee should ba a eommittee of one to aolieit aid in moneys, food and auob other things aa are neoesaary. The exeeutive com nittee waa direo* ed to aolieit aid from all lodgea and eolored organiz.tions and from aueh other aoureea aa may be available. The apeeohea made by Drs. Partee, Gullins, Gunby, G. O. Coieman, A. B. Smith. Eli Tartt, brathren P. B. Ram- sey, Shepperson, Esaley, Edinborough Archer and others were most enoour- aging. Tha Fifth Baptist Churoh ot Hjdney aa did others, ahowed up in fine colora. Dr. Bamaey made a apeeeh that will long be remembered. He [took the ground that upon an oooaaion like thiB there ought to be no biok*r- ing nor denominaticnal feeling a ince there ia coming to our eity ona of the greateat Negro Convention*, from a atand polat of nnmbera. intelligen oe ind religioua worth; that Riohmond owed it tohertelf and to the raoe to make the eoming of thia Oonvention a n*ppy event. It waa voted to aend a .p.eiai invitation to the Deaeon'a Un¬ ion to give their aaalatanoe. It ia hoped that the churehea who have been invited (and none beeE. ¦eft out) will aee their way elear to ap- point eommitteea to aaaiat in thia no¬ ble work. Frienda who take delegatea at their ftomea will be requasted to give them breakfast, ainse dinner and aupper will be prrvided at a hall, hereafter to be mentiooe-. Pri.e'a hall ia apoken of by mai.y. All the memoera oi the eommittee *ill meet at the Third St. A. M. E. ''hurohnext Monday night. Rev. G 0. Ool.naao, B. D. atate general mia- iionary, will preaoh the aermon Frienda from other chorohe. are invit- ¦d by the eommittee to be preaent. Let every mamber of the oommittee see how many homes with the number jf delegatea that oan be taken ean be reported Monday night. YA. BAPTIST S. S. CONVENTION DANVILLE, VA.. June 12, 1900. To the Sunday Schooia, Aaiooiatioai lUniona and all connected with th.l Virginia BapMat State Sabbath Sehool Oonvention,.Greeting :. Dear Brethren:.We take thia meana of ealling your attention to the faet that the annual mesting of your Oon¬ vention will eonvane with the Firat Baptiat Chureh Sunday 8ohool of M*n ahester. Va., on Thuraday before the ourth Lord'a day in Auguat 1900. It ia the earneat deaire or the Board that you be repreaented, and raiae all money poaaible for Conventional pur- poaea. At no time in unr ni.iury aa a Sunday Sehool organization haa been it more imperative that tbe frienda of the Oon rention ahould rally to ita aupport tban now. The true-hearted and loyal men and women who have atood by ua so faithfully in the paat, and by whose wise counsel and atrong finanoial ae iiatano6 the Convention haa been ab e to carry on the great eauae ot relirious eduoation throughont our State, are oow expeoted to reapond to our oall. The exiatine troublea in our State preaent a eondition of affaira never witneaaed before. A oriaia ia to be met. To do ao aa beeome th Chriatian oaen and women will require aeriou* ihought and prayerful eonsiderstion. No ona who haa the eauae which we repreaent at heart e.n aff >rd to .bsent himself from thia meeting. There may h«. differenoea of opinion .mong ua. D ea that juatify any ln with dr.wiug ? Some mistak.a may oeen made. Ia not the Oonvention the beat place in whieh te oorreot them ? The oauie we aeek to advance ia too] important to be abandoit-d, brecnren. We are aowing both fox time and eter- nlty. Let ua atop and ponder well be- 'ore we utter one word to diaoourge or lift one finger to deatroy the work build d by oor own organi- zttion whioh haa done mneh good, and' destined to do more topromote our]' Vfaater's kingdom. Coma to Msnoheater. Oome in large] numbers. Oome with renewed zeal.j *ome with an earneat desire to draw' into one atrong brotherhood all who are in aympathy with the great obj*)ota for whioh the Convention waa organ iz .'d. Our mieaionariea are atill upon i.he field plsnting new aohoola. foater- iog weak ones, osrrying Biblea into the nomea of the bemghted and destitute, snd preaehing the gospel of the Son of God to dying men and women. Shall thia work eeaae ? Shall these lervants of God be recalled fr )ta the field ? Shall our grand old Oonven tion, with all ita hiatory, ita aohieve* ments. ita pleaaant asaoaiationa around whioh our memoriea lioger with fond recollectiona, go down? It ia left with vou to answer. Let every school. association and un¬ ion Join in one united cry "On to Man¬ ehester." Reduoad ratea will be ae- oured over all linea leading into the sity. Youra for God and bu-naeity, R. T. Hill, Preaident, W. F. Gbabtt, Oor. Sec'y COL. MITCHELL GONE ilmposmg Funeral S2_r vices. [ONLY TWO WEEKS' ILL¬ NESS. 'A Multitude Gatliers.SacL Scenes in this City. Thomaa W. Miteheil, Manager of the Richmond Planet and brother ot the edicor dird Friaay, June 15. 19_0> at ab.u' 9:45 P, M , after an iilneaa o. only two weeks. He waa born Maroh 9 1869. and at¬ tended thi* publio acho »la of thia city. graduating from the Riahmor.d Ncr- mal School. Lie began his labors ir the Pl.akkt O/hoe and soon beoama ac expert compositor and a good presa msn. Hc waa promoted to the posi¬ tion of book.keeper and then Mensger*. being given well-nigh abiolute con¬ trol of the business. This position he held up to the time of his death. He was a member of the i'y hiant, Odd Fellows, Masons and St. Lukea. He wa. A.sist.nt Adjut.nt beneral of the Brigadier Gener.l's Staff, U.R.K.. of P., Ruler of the Past Chancellor - Arsembly, D. I). Grand Chancellor U. Representative, Knighta of Pythiaa. Hi. death ataggered ^all who knew. him well. He a'brother. moth¬ er. father, wire and two children tc mourn their loaa. Hia f -iner.l took plaoe Sundatt June 17 h,3 80P. Ihe Firat Baptiat Church lt waa a spjntaneoua oat pouringofthe p.ople. It. x ended a. diatanoe of more than ten bloeka. The band diacour.ed lnoun ful dirgea. Co. and Eureka Co. were ac- oompanied by the Brigade and Regi- mental ataff., Planet Lxlge, No. 2S_ K. of P., lnvinoible Lodge of OJd Fel- lowa. Commonwealth Lidge of Ma- aona. Oi.ley'a Counei) of St. Luke, Syl- via Court, 1 O. of Calanthe were oat. The fljral deaigna ware numerou_r and oovered the front ot the restrum. of the ehureh Rev. W. F. Graham. D. D , read the- Seriptu ea and R-v. & C. Burrell prayed, after whieh Rev. Jamea H. Holmea, D. D., paator, delivered . touching eulogy over the remaina of the deeseed. Mra. CArrie Hawkina a aolo by req leat of the family. Rev. J. Andrew Bjwler alao aang a so¬ lo The remains were interred in Ev- ergreen Oemetery His laat worda ware th.t he had hir tioket aigqed and waa going to tak» the train. Be refueed to take any more medicine and told his nurae that he waa going where he would get aw plenty of every thing. Funer.l Dlrector, A. D. Prioe offiH- »ted. Tho caket was covered with Iteel gray and lilao pluah, heavy ailver mounted handlei. 000PER.Mra. Rebeeea Cooper de¬ parted thia life M.y 29. 1903. at 1217 Wood Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 8he leavea a huaband, three ehiidren, fath¬ er, one brother and one siater and a*. hoat of relativea and friend. tom mra their loaa. She died in the full tri¬ umph of faith. Her laat word. ware it waa all rigbt with her and her trou¬ blea would aoon be over. She waa interred in Marion oemetery at 4 o'eloek June 21. Floral deaigna were numeroua. Her Huaband, Em.nd-el Coopik. For tba next 8 _ayi I will aell all of my stock of Trimmed Hats for leae than eoat. 50o. Sailora at 253. Other good of all kind*. Mbs. M. D. Ohaklbk. 314 E. Broad Street. A Grand Rally There. The ladies of the Leigh St. M. R.. Churoh will hold their 2etd Annaal Womaa'a Day Servioea June 24th at 9:80 A. M., and continue thrjughoat the day. Among thoae who are to apeak are Mra.V. tf. Weat of _priugfl .14, Msaa.. Mra. Luey Oolee. Mra. Luey Lewia aod. Mra Alioe R. Smith. The t.Unted aongstraa'oa, itteadamea 8. Alioe _p Burrell. Fanny Payne Walker and Miaa Emily Prioe will aing. Mra. M. M. Buon ia preaident and Mra. Alioe R<_ Smith ia aeoretary. Rev. J. Edward Gunby, R. D, is paa¬ tor in eharge The publie ia eordiallv invited to attend. Grand Entertainment. There will ba a grand ent .rtainnnnt given a* the residenee of Mra. Franca? No 1000 N. 3rd St , baginaiog July 2nd, and oontiauing th9 week through for tha benefit of E iz_b_th Court, No 210. Attraotiona eao. night and good muaio. Admieaion, 10 j "Try On Your Robe.' Rev. W. H. White will praaoh at I.» Ebenexer Baptiat Ohuroh Sular night. June 24th. Subj*et, "T.y or your robe." He will biptizifoc his churoh.

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A Writ of Mandamus.a

IJTJDGE WITT'S OPINION.NO JURISDICTION;Judge 8. B. Witt of the 11 istinga

Court. rendered bis opinion M > viaj,June 18th in the Jaokaon Ward Elee¬tion Caeea declaring that his eourt didnot have jurisdictiun and he thereforewould diamisa tbe petition.Hon. Wm L. Kuyall sat In the spat;

usually oaeupi'd bv the Comtnon-wealth's Attornev while Hon George*D. Wise and L Wendenbu-g, E-q.,sat]inside of the railing, aa did John Mitchell, Jr., and the reporters.


Upon the completion of the readingof tbe opinion, there wss a lull and'Mr. Boyall walked over to EditorMitehell for eonsultstion. Later inthe day. a further eonferenee waa held'at Mr. Boyell's rlli.-e and it was deeid-*ed to apply to Suprem*- Gourt of*Appeals, now in session at Wythevill*,for a writ of mandamua-Mr. Boyall proceeded at onee to^

draw up thiB petition. Mr. WaiterObriatian wbb requested to furnish a'eopy of the reeord and by Fridaymorning laat, the whole matter wbb

well-nigh ready for preBentation to theBupreme Gourt.The r»mark able part of the whole af¬

fair is .hat Hia Honor, Judge 8. B IWitt odmitted that oounoilmen are of-!fleera and therefore by this, it ia evi-1dent that the Huatinga Court has j i-jrisdietion bo far sa thia speeifio statutelis eoneerned. Be deelares alao that ifthe other statute.1030 wss no in oonflict, he would assume juriadietion.


Mr. Boyall eontends that they arenot in conilict,.that as one wbb enset-ed at the aame time bb the other thatthay have equal foree, and that HisHonor should exereise the authorityconferred upon him by thrstatute.This queetion will be teated, the ap-

plieation for a writ of mandsmuB be¬ing tbe only eourse to pursue.Tbe following is a eopy ot the notie

served upon His Honor,. together withthe petition to the bupreme Oourt of]Appeals of Virginia;


To the Hon. 8. B. Witt, Judge of tho]Huatinga Oourt of the Oity ofIRieh*mond.Take notiee thst on-June-

1800 at Wytheyille, or if there be no

Beasion of the Court on that day. on

the flrst day thereafter when there is a

sesaion of it, we will move the Bu¬preme Court of Appesla ot the. State of"Virginia to grant a writ of mandamus.comroanding you as the Judge of saidHuiting* Oourt to hesr our complaintflied in the Clerk's Offiee of aaid HustIngB Gourt on the 81st day of May,1900, complaining that there waa an

undue and fraudulent eleetion formembers of the Council in tba eity ofRiohmond held in Bsid eity on the 24thdsy of May, 1900. Our motion will bemade upon thiB notiee, uoon the peti¬tion for a mandamus hsnded you here-with. npon the reeord of ssid com¬

plaint handed you herewith and uponthe brief of our couneel handed youh*?rewith.Take notice, also, thst we will at the

same time move ssid Bupreme Courtof Appeals under its new rule, to ad-|vacce BBid'applioation and pasB upon itat aa early'a dsy aa it oan for the fol¬lowing resaons:lit..Seetion 160 of the Code, under

whieh laid complaint wai filed, pro-ides that it ahall be determined atthe next term after it is filed.2nd..-The new Council ot the eity of

Riehmond orgsnizpd and beeomes op-erative July 1.1900. and it is essentialthat that those fra"dulently returnedto it from Jackson Ward ahall be oust-ed aa soon as may be, and those reallyelected to it ahall be aeated ai soon as

may beVery Reapectfully,

Thomas W. Mitehell, A. S. ' homas,A. Hayes, b. 8. Bsker, J. O. 8mith. B.T. Hilla Thoma* Smith, R. W. NelBon,Jr., John R. Ghiles, Benjsmin jackson,M. B. Jones, W. H. Anderson, G. T.Psyne, Andrew Holmes. Jsmea H.Holmes, D. D., G, W. Boyd, H. M.Rioth, Erneat Wasnmgton, H. J.Moore, Edward W. Darricott, B. J.Bailey.By their attorney.


A Brilliant Marriae-e,

Tha spaeiout First Baptiat Ghurch]waa the scene of a brilliant assemblagelWednesdsy night, June 20th. The oc-|eaaion waa the marriage of Misa Alber-j,ȣ, Ooeby, the acoomplished daugh-

ter of Rev. D. L. Oosby and wife to,Hev. James H. Randolph. B. D., ofBrrkley. Vs. i

T^e .priv-1 of *he bridal oouple at'8:40 was announced by the atrains of i|the weddin* m.rch played by MissiJNannio Osbjrne, th. urg&naxr., Then entered Mr. Wise Ellis a«d2lJt,M^?° dlDR 8he WM »*¦*,.«_ in blu*iMr. Thumns Wyatt aod Miss Ada G.Foster, attired iu white. v, r. M. WiS.ann and Miss Lena V Ish.m att-redin pink, Mr. Robert Burrell and Misa'M.b-1 Hoime-i, attired in blu». Mr|W. P. Epp* and Mmb Lizzi* <i Yan-oey, attired in white. Mr Oi>orKe_,,V\ood and M s. Beasie B^.aie Page1\Kr W. H. Willi. and griom.:

*I The fe.ture of the oeeasion wai thefl iwer girl., little Naomi Hilland Mmnie Johnson. Then oame MrlR. T. Hill and briJe.I Th"* eeremooy was performed by Rev.[D. L. Cosby. Prayer wa. ofTered by>Rev. James H. Holmea, D D

The happy oouple and bridal partyFrepaired .o the residenoe of the bride.|742 N. 3.-d St, where . bouuteoua^bridal aupper waa enj »yed.L Tho bride wore white satin, laoe andflowera .nd tbe groom the conven-jtional suit of blaek.The couple left yeaterday for Berk-lley. Va., their future home.


Dahvillb, Va.. June 18. 1900.Whereaa, it haa pleased the Divine

Ruler of the Univerae «.o remove fromfthe oommunity, the Lee St. PublioSchool. the Loyal St. Baptiat Church.the B. Y. P U., and the Sunday Schoolour de.rly beloved and mueh eateemedeitisen, 'prineipal, churob member,ex-preaident of the B. Y. P. U., ex-Supt.and eo-worker o' the Loyal Ht.flBaptiat Churoh Sunday Sehool, in thepeison of Prof Samuel Skipwith, andWhereaa, he waa faithful, truaty and

true to the above named organizationaandWhereaa, he waa a devaced huaband,

a trua father, a faithful aon and a goodneigbor, andWhereaa, we feel our loaa ia hia

Heavenly Rain, therefore be it. Resolved 1. That the oommunityhaa laat a good oitiaen, the Lee St.Publio School a time honored prineipalthe Loyal St. Ohurch, B. Y. P. U., andSunday School, a good member, andtbe family a member who.e plaoe e.n-bot be fllledResolved 2nd. That a eopy of theae

resolutions be aent to the bereavedfamily and eommend them to (Jcdknowing that earth haa no aorrow thatHeaven cannot heal.Reaoived 3rd. That a eopy be sent

to the Riehmond Plasit for publica-tion be placed upon the Sunday Sehoolreeord.Done by order of Loyal St. BaptiatSunday School.

W. A. Millneb, 8upt.,Jab, P. Callowav, See'y.J. P. Mitoh.ll, Asat. See'yJ. F, OnArriN,Maa. P. M. Hodqe.Miaa M. L. Millxbr,A. L. Haibston.



Th.t w.a . beautifu* aight at the 5thStreet Baptiat Churoh laat Mondaynight. The ehureh had invited everyohurch in thia eity and Manoheater,regardleaa of denomin.tioa to aendtheir psstors aeeomp.nied with com-mitteei to aaaiat in making arrangementa for entertaining the great Na¬tional Baptiat Oonvention whichmeeta in thia oity September 12th, 13 h14th. tl5tb and 16th of thia year. Tenoburohea responded to the chriatianinvitation: Zion Baptiat Churoh and-econd Baptiat Churoh of Manoheater ;First Presbyterian, Leigh St. M. EThird St A. M. E , and St. PhilipaEpiaeopal ehurchea; Fifth BaptiatOhureh, (Sydney) 20th St. BaptiatChuroh, Tabernaele Baptiat cburoband Mt. Olivet Baptiat Church: FifthSt Baptiat Ohurch added te thesemakes a total of eleven ohurohes aofar that have united to asei.t Dr. Gra¬ham in giving the diatinguiahed bodyof ladiea and gentlemen a hearty wel¬eome to our proud city.Tha organiaation waa perfeeted aa a

general oommittee with Dr. Grahamaa preaident; Jamea H. Chilea aeoreta¬ry, Dr. P. B. Ramsey. Riehmond*.popular dentiat. treasurer, and eaehpaator, w hose ehuroh wm repreaenteda vioe-preaident; thua _here wiil be



June 21st, 1900.

associated as an exeeutive eomnaitteeiDra. Graham, Partee, MoGuire, Gul-lina, Gunby and Revr. G. C. Coieman,B. D., D. W. Davia, A. M , Araher B8mith, J. Acdrew Bowler, H. Powell.D. D., and Rev Eli fkrtt. Theseeleyen repreaentative gentlemen oonstitute an exeeutive eommitteeltbatwill eertainly make a aueeeas of theundertaking.

It waa voted that the general eommittes meet every second and fourthMonday nighta until the Oonvention;thst they would meet from churah toehuroh, where first or all.short sermoas

ill be preaehed, remarka made andreporta from oommittees reoeived andoolleotiona taken. It was voted thateaeh person belonging to the oommit¬tee should ba a eommittee of one toaolieit aid in moneys, food and auobother things aa are neoesaary.The exeeutive com nittee waa direo*

ed to aolieit aid from all lodgea andeolored organiz.tions and from auehother aoureea aa may be available.The apeeohea made by Drs. Partee,Gullins, Gunby, G. O. Coieman, A. B.Smith. Eli Tartt, brathren P. B. Ram-sey, Shepperson, Esaley, EdinboroughArcher and others were most enoour-aging. Tha Fifth Baptist Churoh otHjdney aa did others, ahowed up infine colora. Dr. Bamaey made a apeeehthat will long be remembered. He[took the ground that upon an oooaaionlike thiB there ought to be no biok*r-ing nor denominaticnal feeling a incethere ia coming to our eity ona of thegreateat Negro Convention*, from aatandpolat of nnmbera. intelligen oe

ind religioua worth; that Riohmondowed it tohertelf and to the raoe tomake the eoming of thia Oonvention an*ppy event. It waa voted to aend a.p.eiai invitation to the Deaeon'a Un¬ion to give their aaalatanoe.It ia hoped that the churehea who

have been invited (and none beeE.¦eft out) will aee their way elear to ap-point eommitteea to aaaiat in thia no¬ble work.Frienda who take delegatea at their

ftomea will be requasted to give thembreakfast, ainse dinner and aupper willbe prrvided at a hall, hereafter to bementiooe-. Pri.e'a hall ia apoken ofby mai.y.All the memoera oi the eommittee

*ill meet at the Third St. A. M. E.''hurohnext Monday night. Rev. G0. Ool.naao, B. D. atate general mia-iionary, will preaoh the aermonFrienda from other chorohe. are invit-¦d by the eommittee to be preaent.Let every mamber of the oommitteesee how many homes with the numberjf delegatea that oan be taken ean bereported Monday night.


DANVILLE, VA.. June 12, 1900.To the Sunday Schooia, Aaiooiatioai

lUniona and all connected with th.lVirginia BapMat State Sabbath SehoolOonvention,.Greeting :.Dear Brethren:.We take thia meana

of ealling your attention to the faetthat the annual mesting of your Oon¬vention will eonvane with the FiratBaptiat Chureh Sunday 8ohool of M*nahester. Va., on Thuraday before theourth Lord'a day in Auguat 1900.

It ia the earneat deaire or the Boardthat you be repreaented, and raiae allmoney poaaible for Conventional pur-poaea.At no time in unr ni.iury aa a SundaySehool organization haa been it moreimperative that tbe frienda of the Oonrention ahould rally to ita aupporttban now. The true-hearted and loyalmen and women who have atood by uaso faithfully in the paat, and by whosewise counsel and atrong finanoial aeiiatano6 the Convention haa been ab eto carry on the great eauae ot reliriouseduoation throughont our State, areoow expeoted to reapond to our oall.The exiatine troublea in our Statepreaent a eondition of affaira neverwitneaaed before. A oriaia ia to bemet. To do ao aa beeome th Chriatianoaen and women will require aeriou*ihought and prayerful eonsiderstion.No ona who haa the eauae which we

repreaent at heart e.n aff >rd to .bsenthimself from thia meeting. Theremay h«. differenoea of opinion .mongua. D ea that juatify any ln withdr.wiug ? Some mistak.a may h.veoeen made. Ia not the Oonvention the

beat place in whieh te oorreot them ?The oauie we aeek to advance ia too]important to be abandoit-d, brecnren.

We are aowing both fox time and eter-nlty. Let ua atop and ponder well be-'ore we utter one word to diaoourge orlift one finger to deatroy the workbuild d by oor own organi-zttion whioh haa done mneh good, and'destined to do more topromote our]'Vfaater's kingdom.Coma to Msnoheater. Oome in large]numbers. Oome with renewed zeal.j*ome with an earneat desire to draw'

into one atrong brotherhood all whoare in aympathy with the great obj*)otafor whioh the Convention waa organiz .'d. Our mieaionariea are atill uponi.he field plsnting new aohoola. foater-iog weak ones, osrrying Biblea into thenomea of the bemghted and destitute,snd preaehing the gospel of the Son ofGod to dying men and women.Shall thia work eeaae ? Shall these

lervants of God be recalled fr )ta thefield ? Shall our grand old Oonvention, with all ita hiatory, ita aohieve*ments. ita pleaaant asaoaiationa aroundwhioh our memoriea lioger with fondrecollectiona, go down? It ia left withvou to answer.Let every school. association and un¬

ion Join in one united cry "On to Man¬ehester." Reduoad ratea will be ae-oured over all linea leading into thesity. Youra for God and bu-naeity,

R. T. Hill, Preaident,W. F. Gbabtt, Oor. Sec'y

COL. MITCHELL GONEilmposmg Funeral S2_r



'A Multitude Gatliers.SacLScenes in this City.

Thomaa W. Miteheil, Manager ofthe Richmond Planet and brother otthe edicor dird Friaay, June 15. 19_0>at ab.u' 9:45 P, M , after an iilneaa o.only two weeks.He waa born Maroh 9 1869. and at¬

tended thi* publio acho »la of thia city.graduating from the Riahmor.d Ncr-mal School. Lie began his labors irthe Pl.akkt O/hoe and soon beoama acexpert compositor and a good presamsn. Hc waa promoted to the posi¬tion of book.keeper and then Mensger*.being given well-nigh abiolute con¬trol of the business. This position heheld up to the time of his death.He was a member of the i'y hiant,

Odd Fellows, Masons and St. Lukea.He wa. A.sist.nt Adjut.nt beneral ofthe Brigadier Gener.l's Staff, U.R.K..of P., Ruler of the Past Chancellor -

Arsembly, D. I). Grand ChancellorU. Representative, Knighta of Pythiaa.Hi. death ataggered ^all who knew.him well. He a'brother. moth¬er. father, wire and two children tcmourn their loaa.

Hia f -iner.l took plaoe SundattJune17 h,3 80P. Ihe Firat BaptiatChurch lt waa a spjntaneoua oatpouringofthe p.ople. It. x ended a.diatanoe of more than ten bloeka. Theband diacour.ed lnoun ful Co. and Eureka Co. were ac-oompanied by the Brigade and Regi-mental ataff., Planet Lxlge, No. 2S_K. of P., lnvinoible Lodge of OJd Fel-lowa. Commonwealth Lidge of Ma-aona. Oi.ley'a Counei) of St. Luke, Syl-via Court, 1 O. of Calanthe were oat.The fljral deaigna ware numerou_r

and oovered the front ot the restrum.of the ehureh

Rev. W. F. Graham. D. D , read the-Seriptu ea and R-v. & C. Burrellprayed, after whieh Rev. Jamea H.Holmea, D. D., paator, delivered .touching eulogy over the remaina ofthe deeseed. Mra. CArrie a aolo by req leat of the family.Rev. J. Andrew Bjwler alao aang a so¬lo The remains were interred in Ev-ergreen OemeteryHis laat worda ware th.t he had hir

tioket aigqed and waa going to tak»the train. Be refueed to take anymore medicine and told his nurae thathe waa going where he would get awplenty of every thing.Funer.l Dlrector, A. D. Prioe offiH-

»ted. Tho caket was covered withIteel gray and lilao pluah, heavy ailvermounted handlei.

000PER.Mra. Rebeeea Cooper de¬parted thia life M.y 29. 1903. at 1217Wood Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 8heleavea a huaband, three ehiidren, fath¬er, one brother and one siater and a*.hoat of relativea and friend. tom mratheir loaa. She died in the full tri¬umph of faith. Her laat word. wareit waa all rigbt with her and her trou¬blea would aoon be over.She waa interred in Marion oemetery

at 4 o'eloek June 21. Floral deaignawere numeroua. Her Huaband,

Em.nd-el Coopik.

For tba next 8 _ayi I will aell all ofmy stock of Trimmed Hats for leaethan eoat. 50o. Sailora at 253. Othergood of all kind*.

Mbs. M. D. Ohaklbk.314 E. Broad Street.

A Grand Rally There.

The ladies of the Leigh St. M. R..Churoh will hold their 2etd AnnaalWomaa'a Day Servioea June 24th at9:80 A. M., and continue thrjughoatthe day.Among thoae who are to apeak areMra.V. tf. Weat of _priugfl .14, Msaa..Mra. Luey Oolee. Mra. Luey Lewia aod.

Mra Alioe R. Smith. The t.Untedaongstraa'oa, itteadamea 8. Alioe K» _pBurrell. Fanny Payne Walker and MiaaEmily Prioe will aing. Mra. M. M.Buon ia preaident and Mra. Alioe R<_Smith ia aeoretary.Rev. J. Edward Gunby, R. D, is paa¬tor in eharge The publie ia eordiallv

invited to attend.

Grand Entertainment.

There will ba a grand ent .rtainnnntgiven a* the residenee of Mra. Franca? No 1000 N. 3rd St , baginaiogJuly 2nd, and oontiauing th9 weekthrough for tha benefit of E iz_b_thCourt, No 210. Attraotiona eao. nightand good muaio. Admieaion, 10 j

"Try On Your Robe.'

Rev. W. H. White will praaoh at I.»Ebenexer Baptiat Ohuroh Sularnight. June 24th. Subj*et, "T.y oryour robe." He will biptizifochis churoh.