viral marketing in movies


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Do you believe it’s real?

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For the past seven years, domestic P&A has accounted for 34 percent-37 percent of combined

production and domestic-releasing costs for movies released by the six big studios.


That’s a big money bro.

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Ketika ada film baru yang dirilis, studionya harus membuat ‘brand’ baruKarena itu, marketing film adalah tentang menciptakan identitas

‘brand’ secara instan.

“movie's brand is established by signalling to consumers what it is like and where it has come from.”

Kenapa film butuh marketing?

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Bentuk-bentuk promosi film:

•Print advertising (poster + koran + majalah)•Trailers (diputar di bioskop atau TV/radio)•Situs Internet (termasuk Facebook 'fan' pages)•Merchandising — buku, t-shirts, makanan, soundtrack CD, games komputer, mainan, mobil, telepon genggam, semua yang dapat terasosiasi dengan filmnya dapat digunakan

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Departemen publikasi dari sebuah studio bisa menggunakan talent mereka (aktor, sutradara, screenwriter) terkait ke sebuah film. Mereka akan melakukan kewajiban kontraknya dengan studio terkait dengan film dan akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan keuntungan maksimum dari hal-hal berikut:

Star Interviews--- dalam print, online dan media'Making Of' documentaries -- menyusun dan menambahkan video agar makin hypeGala PremieresReview dan profil -- sampul depan, anyone? News stories – apa saja yang terjadi dalam masa pra, produksi, dan pasca produksi?

Trailers – sampai langsung ke tangan penggemar film, biasanya sejumlah 2,5 menit.Poster filmSlideshows – foto-foto, trivia, dan trivia games dari film, dipertunjukkan di antara penayangan film.Standees – paperboard seukuran badan aslinya dari karakter filmCardboard 3D displays terkadang memberi efek sound

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Viral Marketing Dalam Film Layar Lebar

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Steve Tilley – QMI Agency


When a corporation tries to sell you something, that's advertising.

When your friends and acquaintances try to sell you something on behalf of a corporation -- without even realizing they're doing it -- that's

viral marketing.

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Apa itu viral marketing? Fenomena pemasaran yang memfasilitasi dan mendorong orang untuk

menyampaikan pesan pemasaran.



Objektif• promosi

• maintenance

Kebanyakan orang terhubung lewat jejaring sosial.Sekali saja berhasil menarik perhatian mereka, mereka akan merasa perlu untuk berbagi.

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Pedoman Fitur• Website-mengisi kekosongan histori yang sulit dimasukkan ke dalamfilm.-mengkondisikan orang buat menerima/menelaah informasi yang akan dibawa oleh film


• Trailer/video teaserMemberikan rasa penasaran (“temukan jawabannya di filmnya”)• GameMemberikan sensasi yang mendekati film lewat permainan• Twitter Pendalaman masing-masing karakter

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Why Do Most Movie Websites Suck?As Marketing Emphasis Shifts to Facebook, Studios Lose a Valuable Branding Opportunity

Movies are one product whose success lives and dies by word-of-mouth advertising. There's nothing a film's official website can say that will move me to action more than a reference from a friend or colleague will. Nothing. Because of the absolute ad nauseaum overkill due to overblown, overhyped movie trailers and bogus reviews by people with no credibility in the industry, everything I see or read on an official movie website is seen as dubious at best.Mathew Saganski

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The Successful Pioneer

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The Blair Witch Project (1999)

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The Blair Witch Project (1999)

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Viral Marketing Dalam Film Layar Lebardi Abad 21

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The Dark Knight's Viral Marketing Gets Very Real - Cakes, Cell Phones and All!


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• Completed puzzle will unlock the pieces of the story

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Xenomorphobic propaganda, creepy cult videos, fake political campaigns, and other feats of advertising,,,RorysDeathKiss.com

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The viral marketing campaign that driving fans crazy. (MTV)

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Viral Marketing Flow

Cloverfield (2008)

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2012 and how good viral marketing can go bad

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People panicked.They wrote to NASA

Viral Marketing Flow

2012 (2009)

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Prometheus: when movie marketing goes very right Forbes

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•Rekapan semua promosi sebelumnya•Directly promote movie

Prometheus (2012)

Viral Marketing Flow

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Membangun Karakter via Twitter

Ted (2012) How I Met Your Mother

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The Last Exorcism (2010) – using Chatroulette

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Inception (2010)

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Sudahkah Kita Mencoba?

The Real Pocong (2009)

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Durable Love (2012)

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Make it real. Be detail.

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The point is it’s all connected.

These don't happen independently.It’s designed to be part of this transmedia effort. It gives people a chance to explore and share and discuss and never ruin the movie."

"When the second trailer came out [in March], Google called us and told us ... that the trailer became the No. 1-most viewed video in the world," Aviv said.--- prometheus

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DO MORE than just promote. Consistency in point of view

These types of "destination" websites are being overshadowed by social media, but it's not like they are disappearing altogether. Using all the network touch points in a balanced way, each piece should play to its strengths and reinforce the others.

Ian Bohorques

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Make it real use their language

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Invite audience collaboration. Make’em participate!

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Find a perfect partner, same vision, same thought, same insight.

It was a perfect partnership, untouched by money or contracts, but instead built on the power of a great idea.

Rielley, TED -- Prometheus

Dompleng most searched keywords/website

The Last Exorcism-Chatroullete

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Make people curious. Make them SEARCH. Make them BELIEVE.

Make sure the search result strengthen our scenario campaign/story.– fake article, previous/real related history, myth, real people, etc

Search "2012", it said, for "the truth" (the "truth" turned out to be over 1,000 real websites and 175 real books obsessed with 2012 as the end of time)

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Use relevant-issue naming instead of the film title.

ButYou still have to create a movie-title-domain. Weylandindustries.comwww.

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Kalo kita gak memiliki begron/dompleng isu apapun yang lagi hype di cari…

For the 1st step/trigger: use paid media kayak “recomendednya” hot tred, hot video, iklan tv, majalah, dkk


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Or sometimes, we just need to prolong the excitement and remind the people if they already watch the movie

Eg: Meme Generation : meanwhile, in the real life

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Or make it as motivation; the way of life….

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1. Multiple forms of marketing connecting together2. An interactive experience and/or narrative, like an

Alternate Reality Game (ARG)3. More information on the film, such as story,

character, or background

General summary

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"You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” With movies, it is an impression that lasts a lifetime

Ad Age

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"There is no formula for [viral marketing] -- to be done right and really go viral, the audience has to feel in on the joke and not duped or used. In other words, the clutter buster can't be like witnessing a shotgun marriage -- the ad has to feel not only custom tailored to fit the movie but also but also organically fused to the media outlet you are partnering with.

Erika Schimik, senior VP-media and research, Lionsgate ("The Expendables," "The Last Exorcism")

Every film is its own standalone product with its own potential market segment. Just because your last kid's movie was a huge hit doesn't mean that audiences will come in droves to the next one. There's no formula for success, so marketers must be creative to grab the public's attention.

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Men! Kalo mau bikin promosi film,


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