· web viewamerican samoa research a picture of the governor go to...

American Samoa Research 1. A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results choose anything that is suitable for you. Or you can also copy/paste the given URL ( q=a+picture+of+a+american+samoa+governor&rlz=1C5CHFA_en US566AS567&espv=210&es_sm=91&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ &sa=X&ei=WQc5U5rnHMX02QXV9YGgCQ&ved=0CCgQsAQ&biw=1280&b ih=702#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=6aq5_aA-gtpzsM%253A %252Fimages %252FAmerican_Samoa_Lieutenant_Governor_Lemanu_Peleti_M %252FHRAmericanSamoa.html%3B186%3B263 ) to the search engine and choose a selection. Read the labels before you chose the picture that you require.

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Post on 03-May-2018




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Page 1: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

American Samoa Research

1. A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the

given results choose anything that is suitable for you. Or you can also copy/paste the given URL ( ) to the search engine and choose a selection. Read the labels before you chose the picture that you require.

2. A map of American Samoa

Page 2: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

Go to any search engine and copy/paste URL and choose a selection based on your perspective. Read the labels before you chose.

3. A list of schools in American Samoa Go to any search engine and copy/paste to

find list of schools in American Samoa

Page 3: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

4. A picture of the American Samoa and United States flag Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

5. A site that gives information for the American Samoa hospital Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL to find information about

the American Samoa hospital.

6. Anything with the local college’s mascot or colors

Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

Page 4: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

the ones that you prefer.

7. Names of all the members of the Fono Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL.

8. A copy of Samoa News front page Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

Page 5: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

9. A sports schedule for ASHSAA (if not, then the NBA) Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the list of schedules

will appear.

10. A speech from the President of the United States Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the speech would

Page 6: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results


11. A sticker or button from a local election Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

12. A list of tourist attractions in American Samoa Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the list of tourist

attraction would appear.

Page 7: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results


13. Step by step procedure for building a website on Google Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the procedure of

building a website would appear.

14. Phone number for the police department Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the number of police

department would appear.

Page 8: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results


15. A picture of our local Congressman Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

16. A screenshot of your house or SPA on Google Maps Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

Page 9: · Web viewAmerican Samoa Research A picture of the governor Go to any search engine and type “the governor of American Samoa.” From the given results

17. A list of the top movies for 2014 Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and a list of top movies

for 2014 would appear.

18. A picture of any historical landmark in American Samoa Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and choose a selection

the ones that you prefer.

19. A list of safety tips from a fire department Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and a list of safety tips

from a fire department would appear.

20. A speech from the governor Go to any search engine and copy/paste the given URL, and the speech of the

governor would appear.