video marketing to drive business growth

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/ Video Marketing to Drive Business Growth


Table of Contents

21. Video Marketing Stats......................................Page 6 2. Video Marketing Trivia.....................................Page 113. Trends in 2016 & Beyond..................................Page 124. What Goals Can I Achieve?................................Page 145. How Do I Get Started?.....................................Page 196. Video Types Based on Objectives........................Page 217. What Types of Videos Should I Create?..................Page 228. What Resources Will I Need?..............................Page 249. Video Costs..................................................Page 2610. Video Length...............................................Page 28

Table of Contents


11. Determining the Right Content ........................Page 2912. How To Write Your Script.................................Page 3013. Effective Video Content..................................Page 3314. Psychology of Video.......................................Page 3415. Where Should I Share Video?.............................Page 38 16. Companies Doing Video Well.............................Page 4617. Analytics....................................................Page 4918. How to Improve Your Video Marketing.................Page 5119. Tools to Create Marketing Video........................Page 55


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Video Marketing Stats

5Social videos have 1200% more shares than text and images combined.Video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more. 92% of mobile users share video content with others.52% of consumers feel more confident about making a purchase after watching a video of a product.


Evolution of Video Marketing

6Images are still powerful for driving traffic to your site, but videos engage more.With recent advances in technology, people can capture moments spontaneously.You can also produce high quality video more easily on your own.(Smartphone Good mic Stand)

Roundhay Garden Scene 2.11 secLouis Le Prince 1888


Evolution of Video Marketing

7Then came strictly video social channels: YouTube.YouTube allowed anyone to share videos and it became a new place for storytelling.The very first YouTube video uploaded on April 23, 2005 and it was: Me at the Zoo!

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Evolution of Video Marketing

8Everyone from businesses to teens are posting videos on many channels now.Live Streaming is a big trend.Live apps and sites include: Periscope, Meerkat, FB Live.Useful for events like concerts, conferences, etc.


Evolution of Video Marketing

9There are other emerging ways to use live video, such as engaging with customers.Example: Experian uses Periscope to chat about credit, student loan debt, and how to increase credit scores.

Checkout this infographic from B2BNN


Video Marketing Trivia

10Went viral for several reasons:The record label, YG Entertainment had millions of followers already.Got so many views from the start, it caught media attention.Featured 3 popular Korean stars.

Do you know the first YouTube videoto reach over 1B views?Download this slide to watch the video


Trends in 2016 and Beyond

11 It is predicted that video will account for 69% of all internet traffic by 2017.Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat are the leading social media platforms for videos.There is even talk that Facebooks feed will be all video one day.


Trends in 2016 and Beyond

12According to Forbes, trends that will continue to grow or emerge are:Branded video contentVideo landing pagesLive video streamingUsing video in email campaignsUse animated GIFs for more than just social postsServing personalized videos based on viewer profile


What Goals Can I Achieve?

13The number 1 benefit is higher engagement rates.About 90% of the information our brains pick up is visual.We process visuals 60,000 times faster than we can process text. You can lose someone after 1-2 minutes of reading but video keeps them engaged with your content.


Top 5 Goals Achieved with Video

141. Increase SEO ranking:Most search engines give video content higher rankings. 2. Social Media Effect:Most sites are focusing more on video, if they are not completely video already.Most allow users to view and share their own video content as well.



Top 5 Goals Achieved with Video

153. Increases Site Likeability and Trust:Retention rates tend to be higher for sites with a video on the homepage.It also increases trust especially if people appear from the company, there is a voice over, or the products are shown in action.



Top 5 Goals Achieved with Video

164. Better opt-in rates for video based feeds:People are subscribing to video feeds at higher rates these days.There is lower competition since a lot of companies are just getting on board, especially to sites like LinkedIn.Grow that email list and try vlogging!



Top 5 Goals Achieved with Video

175. Personalized customer experience:You can guide visitors through your site in the same way you might at a store.You can make the assistance friendly and entertaining.This increases trust, engagement and decreases your bounce rate.



How Do I Get Started?

18Several types of videos you can create: Customer testimonialsOn-demand product demosExplainer and tutorial videosThought leader interviewsProject reviews and case studiesLive and on-demand webinarsVideo blogsEvent videos > like Periscope for a meetup >

Source: Multi Vision Digital18

How Do I Get Started?

19Ask these questions:What drives the most business?What do I want to sell more of?What concepts need to be repeated or explained?What are common questions?What requires the most support?What parts of my business are confusing?

Source: Multi Vision Digital19

Video Types Based on Objectives


Source: Multi Vision Digital20

What Types of Videos Should I Create?

21Important Tip:Each video should have one goal only.Example: If your want to highlight a testimonial or explain your companys mission, two different videos are needed.

Source: Multi Vision Digital21

What Types of Videos Should I Create?

22Important Tip:If you want long-lasting content, and dont plan to regularly produce videos over time, some videos have more longevity than others: mission statements, case studies and how tos.

Source: Multi Vision Digital22

What Resources Will I Need? Youve determined your goals, the next step is to figure out resources youll need.This means the budget and people needed to get the project done.Of course, the big question that impacts these: Outsource or DIY?


What Resources Will I Need? How much can you spend on the project?Its possible to produce a professional DIY video with the right tools and equipment.Weve put a list of tools in the appendix that can help you on your way.


Video Costs

25Do you have budget to hire a professional company?For certain videos you definitely want to make them very professional.An example would be one on your homepage to explain your product.

Source: Multi Vision Digital

Video Costs

26Many factors affect price, like:Pre-production time, cameras, equipment, time (shoot and edit), motion graphics and color correction.Can be few hundred dollars for an amateur video.The average cost for a professional video ~$5k - ~$6k per minute.

Source: Multi Vision Digital

Video Length

27Videos vary in length depending on the type or purpose.A service or product video should be 1 2.5 minutes in length.Social media videos should be 15 30 seconds long.

Source: Multi Vision Digital27


Determining the Right ContentNow you have goals, type, budget/resources determinedNext decide what you will say and how you will say it.Get your branding team ready to fully understand your buyer persona before you start.

Determining the Right Content

29Video marketing is content marketing so the same golden rule applies: it must be relevant and engaging.Then, the video has to have good quality, sound and lighting.A poorly produced video will not add value to your brand.

Source: 29


How to Write Your Script Are you a good writer? If not there are resources to help you write the script. Start writing the script using this acronym, BLOT (Bottom Line On Top).An effective script should be about 125 - 150 words.


How to Write Your Script Viewers have short attention - expect approx. 20% to watch only 10 seconds.Deliver the BLOT message in first 10 seconds. Use main body for core messaging to explain the BLOT clearly and how you will do what youre promoting.If you have stats or something for credibility, add to the main part.


How to Write Your Script You need a clear CTA (Call To Action).The CTA reflects what you wanted to achieve with the video.This is the last part of your script.Make sure you read it out loud to find anything that sounds odd or doesnt align with your objective. It will also save time and money.

Effective Video Content

33The best content will depend on your buyer persona.A general guideline on the most popular video marketing content is in the graph to the left.


Psychology of Video

34What makes someone take action and click on the CTA? Consider these 4 psychological motivators when creating your video:1. Entertainment, humor. The number one reason video has always captivated people since it was created.


Psychology of Video

352. Voyeuristic Thrills. People are curious. Some video allows them to see unedited content making them feel like they have a behind the scenes view.Example: Justin Biebers video gives a sneak peek into is life. This candid video had more than 500K views.

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Source: -

Psychology of Video

363. Special and Suspenseful. An element of intrigue and suspense is a strong motivator.Example: Volvos Epic Split featuring Jean Claude VanDamme. We all wondered if he could hold the split while the trucks were moving.

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Source: for video -

Psychology of Video

374. Instant feedback, instant connection. Being a part of something when you cant physically be there. Another reason why live videos are so popular.Example: Movie launches and red carpet events. >


Where Should I Share Video?

38Most people know the popular video sites: YouTube, Snapchat and now Instagram (they have entered the field).LinkedIn also has more video posts. Facebook Live is another gaining in popularity.


Where Should I Share Video?

39According to research by Trusted Media Brands, marketers prefer social platforms over video platforms.FB, Snapchat, and Twitter top list with 65%.Followed by YouTube at 55%.Ad Networks 29%.


Where should I share video?

40Snapchat won big with NBC who chose them to highlight the Olympics.Was first time NBC allowed such coverage.Hoping to boost engagement with the 18-24 year old segment.Snapchat meshed themed snaps with articles and user generated snaps for an all out major campaign.

Source: source


Where should I share video?

41Example: Meshed themed snaps together, for Usain Bolt winning another gold metal and snaps surrounding that.

Source: source


Where Should I Share Video?

42Twitter has partnered with the NFL for live steaming during the 2016 Fall season. The other 3 major American leagues have followed suit.Goal is to increase live streaming. Well see this fall how it works.

Source: source


Where should I share video?

43YouTube has over 1 billion users!If you create a lot of informational or branded content, this might be the channel for you.You can easily create a library for all your videos here. Heres a video that did so well it caused sales of this Chewbacca mask to sell out in many retailers.

136,809,088 viewsDumb Ways to Die

Download this slide to watch the video

Source: 43

Where Should I Share Video?

443 ideas for LinkedIn:Add video in the summary, experience, or customer testimonials.Post updates. Share your latest marketing videos or tag other companies.Use video in LinkedIn Groups. Start a discussion using video.


Where Should I Share Video?

45Of all the places where video can be, on a landing page is critical.Video on landing pages can increase conversion up to 80%.Make sure the video is:Above the foldEngagingNot too lengthy Has a CTAUsed as a background


Companies Doing Video Well

46Intels Meet the Makers series is a 5-part series showing what people have built with their products to help others.Lasts 1:54 minutes and is an inspirational look at how technology transforms lives.Added more value to the brand than a simple product centric video.

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Companies Doing Video Well

47Reeboks 25,915 Days chronicled a womans life from birth showing her relationship with running.Lasts 1:15 minutes with a CTA at the end to calculate your days.Keeps with the brands tough fitness image and gives a sense of urgency.

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Companies Doing Video Well

48These videos were successful for several reasons:Appealed to the emotions, made a human connection, inspired. Kept in line with brand message.The videos were engaging, inspiring, entertaining.Were both very short.

Source: 48


49Tools to analyze your video performance:Built-in YouTube video analytics toolsBuilt-in Facebook AnalyticsGoogle AnalyticsWistiaTubeMogule






How to Improve your Video Marketing

Are viewers abandoning your videos and not taking action?Use the analytics to figure out why.Tools like Wistia show exactly wherepeople are abandoning your video. With this you can draw further conclusions together with your other analytics.



How to Improve your Video Marketing

Another question to ask: Does your video marketing campaign have a solid CTA?If your video audience isnt converting, people may be uncertain about the next action. This is a common problem with video.



How to Improve your Video Marketing

Other critical questions to answer with analytics:Is your campaigntargetedproperly to the right audience?This means both content and distribution.Make sure the message is relevant, and that you are reaching your target on the right channels at the right times for video.Optimize for mobile!!! People watch videos on mobile in greater numbers.


Tools to Create Marketing Video

54Here are 5 tools you can use for your video marketing campaign:

Flipagram. Combine images to create short video stories. Available on different operating systems.The app is free.


Tools to Create Marketing Video

55Goanimate. Great DIY for creating animated videos.About $40 monthly.


Tools to Create a Marketing Video

56YouTube Editor. Free tool that is fully integrated with YouTube providing editing capabilities right on the website.This service is free.


Tools to Create a Marketing Video

57We Video. Web-based video editor to create digital stories out of still photos or audio recordings. They have a free plan, but storage options will be $7 - $20 monthly.


Tools to Create a Marketing Video

58Wideo. Easy and fun. Comes with selection of customizable templates. Can add your own logos and graphics into the video.Offer a free plan for videos that are 45 seconds or less. For longer videos, the price ranges from $9 - $39 monthly.


Tools to Create a Marketing Video

59Also check out these other

Source:[email protected]
