vice magazine

Masthead Main Image This is a free magazine and is given away in certain shops, such as skate shops and clothing shops.

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Vice magazine


Main Image

This is a free magazine and is given away in certain shops, such as skate shops and clothing shops.

Page 2: Vice magazine

• Masthead – The Masthead is in capitals letters to make it stand out, it also has a white outline so that you can see it clearly but so it also does not take much away from the main image, as the main image is the feature of the front cover. In the masthead they have used a blend mode called multiply so that the masthead blends into the main image. The font they have used for the masthead is also in a graffiti style which could symbolise a sort of urban/ street theme to the magazine.

• Main Image – The main image covers the entire front cover and makes people look more closely at the image. The magazine does not have any lead articles or anything else on it as to not take anything away from the image. The image shows Che Guevara the major figure of the Cuban revolution. The image is not a typical front cover image as it is quite unique and unconventional, as it is of wax models. Che Guevara is also a cult hero which could show that the magazine is a cult magazine, and the main image would attract certain types of readers.

• Free Magazine – The fact that the magazine is given away in specific shops shows that they can target their audience by putting it in certain shops, and decide which sort of people read the magazine. The magazine can only make their money through advertisements in the magazine as it is free, so there will be a lot of advertisement space.