vft trip presentation

A Virtual Trip to Central America and Mexico Let’s see how these places are different or the same as America

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Virtual Field Trip to Mexico and Central America


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A Virtual Trip to Central America and Mexico

Let’s see how these places are different or the same as America

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Why and Where are We Going?

The purpose of our trip is to see how the culture and experiences in Mexico and Central America are different or the same from the United States.

We will be visiting Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.

Click on words that are underlined and orange to learn more!

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CultureThe beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular

nation or people

Art Religion

Behavior Customs



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Experience Something that happens to somebody or an event

that somebody is involved in

Religious Social



Types of experiences


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How Will We Get There?

To travel to these areas a person could use a car or a plane. We will use a car. Let’s map our route. Stop 1: Monterrey, Mexico

Stop 2: Mexico City, Mexico

Stop 3: Oaxaca, Mexico

Stop 4: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Stop 5: San Miguel, El Salvador

Stop 6: Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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What Will We See and Hear?

Mexico Full of culture and history


Mexico City personal tour


Guatemala Beautiful scenes and information

El Salvador Wonderful events and people

Honduras Many customs some like in America

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Mexican Culture

On November 1 & 2 many Mexicans celebrate Día de los Muertos, a holiday that honors Mexico’s dead souls returning to the cemetery. People decorate the tombstones and put out food for the dead. This is not a sad holiday but a celebration.

Status (level of importance in society) is important and those above another are always treated with respect.

Family is an important part of the Mexican culture. Mexicans consider it their duty and responsibility to help family members.

In the Mexican culture families celebrate a quinceañera when a girl turns 15. This celebration is a sign of becoming a woman.BACK

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Mexican History

Mexico’s original inhabitants were Native tribes such as Mayans, Aztecs, and Zapotecs.

Spanish explorers found the country of Mexico in the early 1500s and claimed the country for Spain.

In 1821 Mexico won its independence from Spain.

In the Mexican-American War, Mexico and the United States fought for Texas.

Mexico is now a democracy and has grown to be 7th largest oil producer in the world.

Mexican History Timeline


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Guatemala Scenes

You may see a parade during Santa Semana (Holy Week), a Catholic celebration of Holy Week, which commemorates the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This celebration begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter.

The landscape of Guatemala is very beautiful

Guatemala is a very mountainous country with many volcanoes.


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Information on Guatemala

The Mayan civilization was one of the first inhabitants of Guatemala.

Guatemala City is actually built within the ancient Maya city of Kaminal Juyú.

Antigua was declared a National Monument by the Guatemalan government in 1944, a Monument of the Americas by the General Assembly of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History in 1965.


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El Salvador Events

El Salvador is known for its carnival. This Carnival takes place during November to celebrate "Nuestra Señora De La Paz" (Our Lady of Peace). Participants in the carnival will enjoy music, food, and entertainment.

Beautiful underground caves are abundant in El Salvador. Many Salvadorans take time to relax in these crystal clear waters.


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The People of El Salvador

The original inhabitants of El Salvador were the Pipil Indians. Very few Salvadorans now speak the indigenous language, it disappeared after 1932, when General Maximilio Hernández Martínez killed 30,000 mostly Indian rural peasants. Those who survived hid their Indian identity by changing their dress and speaking only Spanish. Authority and respect are

expected from all throughout this culture.

Families are close-knit with help from extended families


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Customs of Honduras During the celebration of Santa Semana

(Holy Week) Hondurans create sawdust carpets. People will decorate the trail where Jesus will walk through (to his crucifixion) to make the walk less painful for Christ.

Football is the choice of Honduras people and they enjoy playing the game.

Family loyalty is an ingrained and unquestioned virtue; from early childhood. People emphasize the trust, assistance, and unity that relatives owe to one another.

Small towns may have a traditional healer who prescribes herbal treatments.


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Can I Buy Something?

There are different types of currency in each country we will visit

 Mexico uses the Mexican Peso

 El Salvador uses the United States dollar

 Guatemala uses the Guatemalan quetzal

Honduras uses the Honduran lempira

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What Will We Eat?There are fast food restaurants like McDonald’s, but there are

also places that serve food from the area

Many food in Guatemala have Mayan influences- Kak’ik a Mayan stews

In El Salvador the food is a mix between indigenous and Spanish influences- Breakfast of refried beans, queso fresco (fresh cheese) and fried plantains

In Honduras you will find many dishes similar to those in the United States.- Machuca mashed plantains and coconut fish soup.

In Mexico, corn is a staple in many meals

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Can We Go Again?

Now that we are back think about how the United States and these countries are the same.

If you want to visit these countries again revisit this Virtual Field Trip on your free time!

¡Adios Y Vuelve Pronto!