vertigo review

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Vertigo Review


    Vertigo review

    Vertigo a feeling of dizziness...a swimming of the head...guratively a state in

    which all things seem to be engulfed in a whirlpool of terror. In that one

    denition alone it sums up the essences of Vertigo; the dizziness comes from the

    myriad of daunting camera angles that rotate, ip and spin you until youdesperately cling to a compass lie the nal raft on the sining titanic. !he

    swimming of the head comes from the hypnotising array of special a"ects, which

    maes you feel as if you were trapped in psychedelic storm, leaving you looing

    at a #orschach test and seeing only your worst nightmares. $nd engulng you in

    a whirlpool of terror is what the master of suspense does best. $ny lm that has

    the pleasure of gracing the name $lfred %itchcoc ne&t to 'directed by(; promises

    to weave a spellbinding web of mystery, tension and of course suspense. !hat

    slowly intertwines in between your every nerve, paralysing you and leaving you

    at %itchcoc(s mercy, so he can play with your deepest fears and paranoia with

    precision of a conductor conducting an orchestra. Vertigo is truly the nestsymphony of suspense ever crafted by $lfred %itchcoc and demands with

    complete conviction repeated viewings, with the promise that each watching

    merely dissects only one layer of the thousands that are sure to lie beneath.

    )ne of cinemas most chilling, emotionally *arring and wicedly captivating

    romantic endeavours is ignited for the very rst time, when a detective

    portrayed emphatically by +ames tewart initially forced to retire due to the

    nasty business of almost falling to a gruesome death from the top of a large

    building . %owever despite being ravished with acrophobia -fear of heights from

    an unsightly waltz with death, cottie -tewart is brought bac into the call of

    duty via a favour for an old ac/uaintance with concerns over the strange doings

    and goings of his wife, played hypnotically by 0im 1ova. It is at this point

    cottie maes two gravely bad decisions, rst he allows himself to be swept up

    into a maze of deceit, debauchery and murder. 2ut second and worst of all, he

    falls in love with the wife.

    2ut Vertigo is a #ubi& 3ube of a lm and taes awhile to solve, because it(s not

    *ust the overall nished product that maes Vertigo so haunting; it(s also the

    intricate little details of 4dith %ead(s costume designs and the way the grey suit

    worn by 1ova never /uite tted with her blonde hair, and lie the wolf in

    grandmother clothing, served as foreshadowing to that fact all was not right withwhat you saw. 2ernard %errmann(s music score acted lie a parado&, acting both

    as a subliminal muted screams constantly warning cottie that he was

    descending down a path that only had misery promised at the end of it; whilst at

    the same time the music seduced the audiences with its operatic decadences

    lie %errmann was the 5ied 5iper. !hen nally #obert 2urs(s cinematography

    mercilessly toyed with the audiences, lie we were %ansel and 6retel and it was

    the evil witch. )ne moment he would mesmerise us beautiful shots of an

    7rancisco 2ay; then the ne&t moment he would grab us and dump us into the

    belly of the lm, lled with camera angles that lie snaes wrap and contort

    themselves around every scene so they can eventually in*ect suspenseful venominto the audience to paralyse them.

  • 8/10/2019 Vertigo Review


    8uentin !aratino and 5ulp 7iction, +ames 3ameron and !erminator and 9avid

    7incher and 7ight 3lub, while it so easy to pic the crowning achievement from

    most directors( 3V. In terms of %itchcoc the endeavour taes a far more di:cult

    turn because he(s lmography is *am paced with the very ape& of the thriller,

    murder mystery and suspense world. $udiences only simply have to loo at the

    lies of 5sycho, !he 2irds, 1orth by 1orthwest and trangers on a !rain to

    understand /uite rightly why they call %itchcoc the master, all his lms are

    simply incredible. 2ut for me Vertigo stamps its foot triumphantly on %itchcoc

    mantle piece; it(s cool, calculating and lie a methodical metronome slowly

    plying away the ngers you use to attach yourself to the edge of reality; until

    your feel yourself being dangled over the *aws of Vertigo with the inevitability of

    the nowledge that at anytime they will snap around you.