version: exerperimental axis and allies revised...

1 version: exerperimental Axis and Allies Revised: Historical Edition (AARHE) Introduction AARHE is intended to provide historical realism to the board game Axis and Allies Revised and is designed to work on top of LHTR 2.0. Game rules not covered are addressed under LHTR. This is designed to be played as a universal rules template for the various maps that the project uses. AARHE Standard Map The map is mostly the same as the original revised map. Baltic Sea (sea zone 5) is no longer connected to Western Europe. Balkans and Turkey are connected. There are other small changes. Income and unit setup remains the same. Setup icons and AARHE information has been added for your convenience. AARHE 1939 Map Game starts in 1939 with France, Italy, and China as separate players. The map contains a large number of changes from the original map adding important sites such as Malta, Tunisia, and Iwo Jima. Territories are also a bit more divided. AARHE 1942 Italy Map Game starts in 1942 with Italy as 6th player. This map contains a small number of changes from original map adding territories such as Italy and Finland. Setup remains the same for other territories. Acknowledgements Adlertag Imperious Leader Admiral_Thrawn Jennifer Admiral_Yamamoto KurtGodel7 Adonai B. Lynxes Andersson, Game Master Micoom Bierwagen Ncscswitch Cyan Nuclear DasReich Oldsalty Deaths Head 420 Rawdawg Flashman Tekkyy Guerrilla Guy The Duke Gen AlexanderPatch Trihero HMS Onslow and others. . .

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version: exerperimental

Axis and Allies Revised: Historical Edition


AARHE is intended to provide historical realism to the board game Axis and Allies Revised and is designedto work on top of LHTR 2.0. Game rules not covered are addressed under LHTR. This is designed to beplayed as a universal rules template for the various maps that the project uses.AARHE Standard MapThe map is mostly the same as the original revised map. Baltic Sea (sea zone 5) is no longer connected toWestern Europe. Balkans and Turkey are connected. There are other small changes. Income and unit setupremains the same. Setup icons and AARHE information has been added for your convenience.AARHE 1939 MapGame starts in 1939 with France, Italy, and China as separate players. The map contains a large number ofchanges from the original map adding important sites such as Malta, Tunisia, and Iwo Jima. Territories arealso a bit more divided.AARHE 1942 Italy MapGame starts in 1942 with Italy as 6th player. This map contains a small number of changes from originalmap adding territories such as Italy and Finland. Setup remains the same for other territories.


Adlertag Imperious LeaderAdmiral_Thrawn JenniferAdmiral_Yamamoto KurtGodel7Adonai B. LynxesAndersson, Game Master MicoomBierwagen NcscswitchCyan NuclearDasReich OldsaltyDeaths Head 420 RawdawgFlashman TekkyyGuerrilla Guy The DukeGen AlexanderPatch TriheroHMS Onslow and others. . .


Phase 1: Collect Income


Subtract losses from territory income due to economic attacks in the last turn (enemy’s turn). No territoryincome can be reduced below zero due to Strategic Bombing Runs (SBR) or Rocket attacks. Pays 1 IPCfor every unit occupying a desert terrain. Pay 1 IPC for every land unit offloaded in an airborne drop duringyour last turn. If you don’t have enough income to pay the balance will be carried to next turn.

Convoy Raid

Collect 1 less IPC from an Island in the Pacific Ocean for every enemy Submarine in the Island’s sea zone.The UK player collects 1 less IPC for every German naval unit (except Transport) in sea zones 7, 8, 11, and12.The Allies receive 1 less Lend-Lease IPC for every German naval unit (except Transport) in sea zones 1,2,3, 4, 9 and 10.

Soviet Partisans

The German player collects no IPC from original Soviet territories if they are not occupied by at least oneland unit.


The US player may send IPC to Soviet Union and/or UK players. A combined total of up to 12 IPC can besent.

Naval repair

Damaged naval units can be repaired in sea zones adjacent to a friendly Industrial Complex. Roll a die andpay the value in IPC. Place the unit in the territory and return it to the sea zone upright in "Mobilize NewUnits" phase.

Phase 2: Purchase Units

Variable Industrial Complex Cost

All units except for Infantry are mobilized at Industrial Complex. The cost of an Industrial Complex is 15minus income value of the territory.

Variable Infantry Cost

Infantry are mobilized at Victory City. The cost of an infantry is variable.Germany and Soviet Union Infantry Cost

Original Capital Victory City 2Connected* Victory City 3

Other Victory City 4


*connected to original Capital via friendly territoriesJapan and Italy Infantry Cost

Original Capital Victory City 3Other Victory City 4

United States and United Kingdom Infantry CostOriginal Capital Victory City, 1st 2Original Capital Victory City, 2nd 3Original Capital Victory City, 3rd+ 4

Other Victory City 4

Phase 3: Combat-move

Air Movement

Air units may move a number of spaces in Combat Move up to its movement points. Air units are notsubject to Anti-aircraft fire when flying over a territory.

Air Mission

Air units may perform one air mission instead of normal combat. Air missions such as SBR (see Phase 4:Conduct Combat] must be declared with combat moves.

Air Reinforcement

At the end of the phase, passive players may relocate their air units to adjacent friendly territories. Theydefend in the new territory but not against Air Missions.

Naval Movement

Naval units may go through sea zones containing only enemy Submarines, enemy Transports, and/orfriendly units. Each enemy Submarine rolls a die at its combat value. Hits can only be allocated onTransports going through.

Naval units’ co-occupation

Naval units may remain in hostile sea zone without entering combat.

Submarine Movement

Submarines may move through hostile sea zones. However, each enemy Destroyer ends one Submarine’smovement.

Strait Interdiction

You may fire at hostile non-submarine naval units moving between the sea zones if you hold the respectiveterritories. Roll 1 die against each unit destroying it on its hit value. Movement between the sea zones mustbe done in “Combat Move” if enemy controls the respective territories.


Territories Sea Zones Hit ValueGibraltar 12 & 13 2

United Kingdom 6 & 7 1Western Europe 6 & 7 1


Naval units may not move between sea zone 15 & 16 if their side does not control Turkey at the beginningof the turn.


Units entering desert, snowy, or mountainous terrain territories may not blitz.Defending land units in snowy or mountainous terrain territories have their defence increased by 1 in thefirst cycle of combat.Small island territories cannot be occupied by more than 2 units.

Stalinist Xenophobia

The other Allies players may not move units into any Soviet held original Soviet territories, or any spaceoccupied by Soviet units. Whenever the Soviet player captures a territory he does liberated it but gaincontrol of it.

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis Co-operation

The Japanese player may not move units into any space occupied by other Axis units.

Phase 4: Conduct Combat

Air Units

When both sides have air units present, air units fight at air combat values. Their hits must be allocated onair units first. Fighters fight at 2 and Bombers fight at 1.


Air units are only subject to antiaircraft fire at the territory they are attacking. Roll one die against eachattacking air unit. You may only roll up to 3 dice for every Anti-aircraft gun.

Air Missions

Air units performing air missions or defending against air missions do not participate in normal combatthis turn. Defending air units may retreat if territory control is lost in normal combat. All air missions areresolved before normal combats.


Strategic Bombing Run (SBR)

Bomber may perform SBR against any enemy territory. Attacker may send Fighters as escorts. Defendermay select Fighters in the territory to defend. Resolve antiaircraft fire as normal and remove casualties.Defending Fighters fight at 2. Attacking Fighters fight at 1. Remove causalities. Each surviving Bomberroll a die and territory income is reduced by the die value during the next collect income phase.

Night Bombing

Bomber may perform Night Bombing against any enemy territory. Resolve antiaircraft fire as normal.Defender cannot not intercept with Fighters. Each surviving Bomber roll a die and territory income isreduced by 50% of die value rounded down, during the next collect income phase.

Counter Air (CA)

Fighter may perform CA against any enemy territory. Defender must select at least the same number of airunits in the territory to fight. The selected air units may not perform Air Reinforcement this turn. Resolveantiaircraft fire as normal and remove casualties. Fighters fight at 2 and Bombers fight at 1. AttackingFighters must retreat to the original territory in Non-combat Move phase.

Phase 5: Non-combat Move

Air Movement

Air units may move a number of spaces in Non-combat Move up to its movement points.

Naval Movement

Naval units may go through sea zones containing only enemy Transports and/or friendly units.

Phase 6: Mobilize New Units

Industrial Complex

You can mobilize a number of units (not Infantry) up to the income value of the territory of the IndustrialComplex.

Sorched Earth

Players may destroy their own Industrial Complex. No new units may be mobilized there this turn.

Soviet Factories

At the beginning of the phase, the Soviet player may relocate one Industrial Complex each turn. Bothterritories must be a currently held original Soviet territory. Units may not be mobilized at the IndustrialComplex until the turn following this relocation.


Victory City

You can mobilize a number of Infantry up to the income value of the territory of the Victory City.