verano actividades de inglés

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  • 7/28/2019 verano Actividades de Ingls



    A continuacin se presentan actividades para realizar en verano, se recomiendarealizar una hoja cada da.

    - Todas las semanas leer un cuento ( se pueden sacar de la biblioteca o leer deinternet, se disponen de ello. Ver en el blog)

    - Repasar, escribiendo cada semana un vocabulario de los estudiados ( school,family, clothes, food, body, lista de verbos..) esto es imprescindible enSeptiembre

    - Si tenemos internet, ver los vdeos del blog y hacer los juegos de las pginasweb, sobretodo de la del British Council

    1. Answer these questions:

    Are you Robin Hood? (-) .....Do you know Richard? ( ) ......Were you at the market yesterday? (-) .....Can you play now? ( ) ........

    2. Complete these comparative sentences:

    Castle is (big) ...than houseCat is (good) ....than lionSoup is (hot).... than ice creamGold is (expensive) .than silver

    3. Put these sentences in negative and interrogative form:

    The deputy gives a golden arrow


    I: .....

    There is a contest here

    N: ..

    I: .....

    4. Complete these sentences:

  • 7/28/2019 verano Actividades de Ingls


    There .some books on your desk but there ..any pencilson her table.There any pupils here but there .. some girls there.

    5. Find and circle the words related to holidays.

    Ice cream skiing sunglasses interesting sea

    Passport suitcase school exciting mountains

    Happy sad frightened Maths CD player took

    Saw swimming ticket weather sunny beach

    had camera went homework trip funfair

    6. Order and write the questions.




    .... ..practice/?/do/often/how/you... ...

    7. Answer these questions:

    Are you a good painter? (-) ......

    Do you want to play basket? (+) ...

    Can you help me, please? (+) ..

    Did she rescue the prince? (-) .....

    8. Put these verbs in the past:

    Prince Edward (be,+) .. a good student. He (like,-) .

    because it (be,-) .difficult. He (work, +) . veryhard.

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    9. Translate into Spanish and into English:

    Dont put the crown on his head. ...

    Edward went to prison. ....l bebi agua con un vaso. .Miles no vino a clase ayer. .

    10. Order these sentences:

    walked, Andrew, market, Father, the, to


    The, needed, ball, a, new, children


    one, at, He, oclock, stopped


    easy, is, English, me, very, for


    11. Make negative and interrogative sentences:

    He helped a blind person


    I: .....

    We exchanged some books

    N: I: .....

    12. Write these years in English:

    1492 ..

    2015 ......

    13. Write these ordinal numbers:

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    2 15 ..3 20 ..

    14. Answer these questions:

    What year were you born? .

    How old were you last year? .....

    15. Put in negative and interrogative form:

    My mother tidied my bedroom


    I: .....

    16. Complete with IN, ON or AT:

    I was born August. I studied ..Valladolid.

    I did my homework six oclock. I started this exam


    17. Order and write the questions.

    go/?/where/you/did ....

    you/?/go/did/who/with .....

    bus/?/by/did/go/you ....

    a/you/?/visit/did/museum .

    see/?/did/you/what .

    for/?/have/you/lunch/what/did .

    18. Answer the questions.

    What was the last film you saw? ..

    Where did you see it? ...

    Who did you go with? ...

    What actors were in it? ...

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    Was it funny?

    Was it sad? ...

    What was the best part? ...

    What was the worst part? ...Did you enjoy the film? Why? ..

    19. Write about you in the past, present

    When I was little..

    I (watch) .I (play) I (visit) I (have) ...


    I watch .I play I visit I have ...

    20. Order these sentences

    and, girls, Laurie, the, play, enjoyed, the


    Amy, furious, was, Jo, with


    21. Put these sentences into English

    A Jo le encanta cocinar .....

    Beth odia tocar el piano ..

    21. Complete

    Amy .. go to the theatre because she .. a cold (go,have,past)

    Jo.. angry because Amy .. her diary (be, burn, past)

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    22. Put these sentences into Spanish

    I like writing in my diary ....

    We drank a cup of tea ...

    24. Put this sentence in affirmative and interrogative

    I cant find my diary anywhere

    A: ..

    I: .....

    25. Put to do in past tense

    He like apples and potatoes (-)

    you speak English with your friends?

    they help Laurie?

    You give a present to your teacher (-)

    26. AnswerWhat was the weather like yesterday? ....

    What was the weather like last July? ..

    27. Answer these questions

    Is she going to deliver newspapers? (-)


    Did we see a good play yesterday? (+)


    28. Order these sentences

    ice, was, thin, very, The ...........

    middle, Dont, the, in, skate ....

    29. Translate into English

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    Amy no puede oir a Laurie ......

    Beth habl con Amy de su problema

    30. Translate into Spanish

    - Amy apologized but Jo was angry ...

    - Jos at the lake with Laurie ...............

    31. Circle the correct verb

    I didnt go/went to school last week

    They have to write/wrote about their trip

    I dont like writing/ write for school

    Im going to school next/last week

    32. Put in negative and interrogative

    Amy ran to the lakeN:

    I: .....

    Laurie shouted to AmyN:

    I: .....

    33. Complete the sentences

    Tuesday is the .. day of the week

    December is the .. month of the year

    Sunday is the .. day of the week

    May is the .. month of the year

    34. Write the time

    9.45 p.m: ..

    3.25 p.m: ..

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    5.10 a.m: ..

    12.35 a.m:

    35. Translate these sentences

    Why are you following us? ...

    Viajaron en tren y en barco ....

    Van a quemarla maana ....

    36. Write the simple past of the following verbs

    To speak .. to buy .

    To talk to stay

    37. Answer these questions

    Was Carol a singer? (-)..

    Did we go with Alex? (+)..

    Are John and Robert the winners? (+)..

    Does she speak German? (-)..

    38.- Describe your house

    39.- Complete

    Thirty days has September, April,

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    40 Write a Letter to your best friend

    41.- Answer these questions:

    How many pupils are there in your class?..............................................................................................How old are you?


    Where are you now?


    Do you like English?


    42. Complete these sentences:

    There .. one tree There five books

    There .. some boys There .any books

    43. Put these sentences in negative and interrogative form:

    You have got three brothersN:

    I: .....

    He is my friendN:

    I: .....

    44. Write in plural these sentences:

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    This man is my teacher .....That girl is my sister

    45. Write these numbers:

    Fifteen + Thirty :.

    23 x 10 =

    46. Complete these sentences:

    I usually .my teeth, but today John. his hands (wash)

    She sometimes.water, but now I. wine (drink)

    We never a donkey, but today we ..a horse (ride)

    47.- Describe your best friend

    48. What time is it?:

    3.15 : ..

    9.45 : ..

    49. Write these colours:

    49. Put this sentence in negative and interrogative form:

    I am a good studentN:

    I: .....

    50. Write the adverbs of frequency:( Always, never, usually, sometimes)She .goes shopping with me

    They go to the theatre

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    51. Translate into English:

    Mi padre es un buen cartero Tu primo es un gran piloto

    52. Translate into Spanish:

    The sailor goes on the ship.The soldiers dance in the inn.

    53. Translate these sentences:

    Robin Hood wears a disguise again

    l lleva puesto un sombrero estpido

    54.- Write 10 subjects

    55.- Write what are you wearing?

    56.- Write the correct form of these verbs:

    My mother . the windows (to clean).

    Your in the morning (to play).

    57. Answer these questions:

    How old are you?

    Whats your favourite colour? .

    58.- Write a Letter to your teacher

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    59. Answer these questions:

    Do you like eating fish? (+)

    Does he like cleaning his room?(-)

    60. Order these sentences:

    you, Can, Spanish, speak, ? ..

    is, his, She, to, do, going, homework ..

    61. Complete:

    There are flowers and birds. Its . and the weather is We can go to the beach. Its .. and the weather is .

    62. Put these sentences in English:

    Pocahontas va a ir a Espaa ..

    El capitn Smith es de Inglaterra ...

    63. Put these verbs in the correct form:There some cheese but there..any milk in the fridge.

    There ..any dancers but there singers.

    .there any children here? Yes, there..four.

    64.- Write 15 Things of the School

    65.-Write an interview to Gasol

    66.- Put these sentences in Spanish:Its going to be cold tomorrow .

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    He doesnt play the guitar now..

    67. Put these sentences in negative and interrogative:

    She lives in AmericaN:

    I: .....

    He has got a corn fieldN:

    I: .....

    68 Put to do in the correct form:

    He like apples and potatoes (-)you speak English with your friends?

    they help Captain Smith?

    You give the present to the teacher (-)

    69. Put to be and to have got in contract form:

    She ...a red carHe .from Spain (-)You ...going to play basketballThey .a corn field (-)

    70. Order these sentences:

    city, Everything, noisier, is, the , in .

    Pocahontas, love, is, John, in, with .

    71. Compare the places:

    The castle is .. than the house (big).

    The garden is . than the square (beautiful).

    72.-Put these sentences in English:

    Vas a escribir una carta a tu amigo ..

    Van a estudiar Ingls el prximo sbado? .

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    73. Put these sentences in Spanish:

    The Indians are going to hunt every day ...

    She is going to stay at home tomorrow ..

    74 Put in negative and interrogative:

    John is going to write a letter


    I: .....

    Nine crocodiles live in the river


    I: .....

    75. Put to do in the correct form:

    I . want any fruit now (-).she like hamburgers?They go to the park today (-) kidnap Pocahontas?

    76. Complete:

    A snake is..than a fish (long)

    A street is than a library (noisy)

    Spring is.than winter (warm)

    Lions are ...than cats (dangerous)77. Make comparisons with these animals:cat-cow ...

    elephant-mouse ..

    78 Order these sentences:

    problem, Richard, a, got, is ..

    waiting,woods, is, Marion, the, in ...

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    79. Tranlate these sentences:

    The sheriff opens the dungeon door

    This is my own money ..

    Ms tarde, el sheriff cuenta el dinero.....El sheriff quiere comprar el terreno .....

    80. Answer these questions:

    Do you like the Sheriff? (-) ....

    Were they at the market? (+).......

    Was the cow expensive? (-).

    81.-Write in English

    El perro es ms gordo que el gato

    Yo llevo puesto un abrigo en invierno

    T llevas puesto una bufanda muy bonita

    El lleva puesto unos zapatos negros

    Me gustan los mejillones con aceite y vinagre

    Yo s jugar a ftbol muy bien

    T sabes tocar el piano

    l no sabe hablar chino

    Ella puede cortar los papeles con la tijera

    Hay un ordenador en la sala de estarHay muchos libros encima de la mesa

    Ella hace los deberes todos los das

    Nosotros dibujamos un cuadro en casa

    82.- Answer in English:

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    Is your house big or small?

    What are you wearing?

    What is your best friend wearing?

    Who is your best friend?

    have you had for breakfast today?

    Have you studied English?

    Who sits in front of you?

    Do you go to the school by bus?

    How do you go to school?

    How do you feel today?

    Can you play a piano?

    83.- - Order the following sentences

    - Can / I/ tennis/ play

    - Friend/ best/ Paul/ is

    - Live/ I/ Rioseco/ in

    - Many/ how/in/ people/live / house/ my?

    - Nine/ car/ racing/number

    - Like/ do/ you/ football/ playing?