ventura county selpa mary samples, associate superintendent

Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent IEPs for ELs… What Needs to be Included?

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Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent IEPs for ELs… What Needs to be Included?. Preparing for the IEP. Check results of most recent language proficiency assessment (CELDT or VCAALPS)- ok to use unofficial scores - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Ventura County SELPAMary Samples, Associate

IEPs for ELs…What Needs to be Included?

Page 2: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Check results of most recent language proficiency assessment (CELDT or VCAALPS)- ok to use unofficial scores

Check to see if student has been reclassified since the last IEP

Go to Student Demographics tab of SIRAS- make sure EL status is correct

If you check RFEP, you must enter date If Preschool to Kindergarten, indicate level

determined in preschool

Preparing for the IEP

Page 3: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

If student is EL, SIRAS will automatically:

• Enter the correct information on the SIS page for EL level and Native language• Enter in the statement regarding strategies and supports for ELs on the LRE page

SIRAS has your back!

Page 4: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Address EL performance under “Communication”

Under “STAR Program Results” record scores, levels of dates of most recent assessment

(If preschooler, EL level is noted on the special Preschool page)

Present Levels of Performance

Page 5: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

“Uses both English and Spanish in the classroom and playground”

“Struggles with understanding academic English”

“Uses Mixtec with peers” “Communicates with parents in Hmong but

uses English conversationally” “Uses BICS only”

Examples of descriptions under “Communication”

Page 6: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

On the preschool page, there is a section at the bottom:

◦ Date student took PELS◦ EL level◦ EL Goal number◦ Assessment to be given in kindergarten

EL Preschoolers

Page 7: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

EL testing results will already be in (from Present Levels page)

Primary language will already be provided (same as Native Language on the SIS page)

Fill in all other information at top of the page If student Reclassified before or during the

meeting, leave bottom of the form blank Note which test student will take for each

domain- CELDT or VCCALPS Indicate adaptations for CELDT if needed- none

allowed for VCCALPS

ELD page- only needed for ELs, not RFEPs or IFEPs

Page 8: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

If a student takes the CELDT with Modifications, or takes VCCALPS, the scores are reported to the state as “beginning” in that area.

Reporting Scores to CDE

Page 9: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Program Model ELD Instruction: location, duration, frequency

ELD Goal(s) number(s) Strategies for accessing corecurriculum

English Learner Services

Page 10: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

English Language Development Program and Instruction

-as well as-Strategies for Accessing the Core

They are different!!!!

You must describe:

Page 11: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Structured English Immersion (SEI):◦ Targeted instruction for students who have not yet

mastered BICS (students with overall CELDT or VCCALPS levels of beginning or early intermediate)

English Language Mainstream (ELM)◦ Instruction with emphasis on CALPS or learning

academic language (students with overall CELDT or VCCALPS levels of intermediate or above)

Alternative Educational Program◦ Student must be enrolled in alternative ELD

program to check this option – indicate type

Program Models

Page 12: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Special education class General education class General education English class Special education English class Pull out program with sp/lang pathologist Pull out program with special ed teacher Mainstream English class Sheltered English class

ELD Instruction- Locations

Page 13: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Should be at least 30 minutes a day- follow your district guidelines-for secondary, must be at least one full period

Duration and Frequency

Page 14: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Anticipatory chart or guide Graphic organizers or study guides Use appropriate realia to affirm context Outlines or reading guides Pictorial guide or glossary Teach root words and cognates Compare / contrast meanings Charts, graphs, pictures, diagrams Venn diagrams or story maps

Strategies for Accessing Core

Page 15: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Make sure the CELDT Coordinator receives copies of the ELD page for any students who need adaptations- discuss with your administrator how this is to occur

Page 16: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Must be at least one ELD goalMust address ELD standards (located in the ELD section of the Goals Wizard)

Should correlate with needs from CELDT/VCCALPS/PELS

May also address a need in ELA


Page 17: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Listening Comprehension Oral Communication Reading: Comprehension Reading: Fluency & Vocabulary Reading: Literary Response & Analysis Reading: Word Analysis Writing: English Language Conventions Writing: Strategies and Applications


Page 18: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

English Language Development: Listening English Language Development: Speaking English Language Development: Reading English Language Development: Writing

Categories for Preschool Goals

Page 19: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

1. ELD Category 2. Grade range (K-2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-12)3. ELD Level

Selecting Goals for ELD

Page 20: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

Area of Need- MUST be ELD Can add SECOND area of need if

appropriate Responsible discipline- tied to location of

service on ELD page Reason for goal- tied to need from

CELDT/VCAALPS/PELS scores and present levels

Language of instruction

Goals Page

Page 21: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

ELA goals should be appropriate for the EL level

Can use ELA by ELD goal bank Available for up to grade six Not to be confused with the

ELD goal!

Linguistically Appropriate ELA Goals

Page 22: Ventura County SELPA Mary Samples, Associate Superintendent

By taking care to include all of the required elements for an EL student in the IEP, you will meet legal compliance as well as develop an appropriate plan for your student to learn and progress in English!


In Conclusion……