vehicle registration terminal user guide - shukri m (60078691)

©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad 60078691 Vehicle Registration Terminal User Guide Contents: System requirements: ................................................................................... 1 1. Overview: ..................................................................................................... 2 2. Loading the records: ..................................................................................... 2 3. Searching for records: ................................................................................... 4 4. Adding new records: ..................................................................................... 5 5. Updating Records:......................................................................................... 6 6. Impound: ...................................................................................................... 7 1. Erasing Records: ......................................................................................... 7 2. Extending registrations: ............................................................................. 7 7. Errors: 8 8. Load SQL: ...................................................................................................... 9 System requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7. RAM: at least 3 GB of system memory. Microsoft Excel 32bit or 64bit. 150 MB of free disk space. Minimum 256 MB of system graphics memory. It is recommended to have a copy of NetBeans IDE 7.4.

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Page 1: Vehicle Registration Terminal User Guide - Shukri M (60078691)

©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

Vehicle Registration Terminal –

User Guide

Contents: System requirements: ................................................................................... 1

1. Overview: ..................................................................................................... 2

2. Loading the records: ..................................................................................... 2

3. Searching for records: ................................................................................... 4

4. Adding new records: ..................................................................................... 5

5. Updating Records:......................................................................................... 6

6. Impound: ...................................................................................................... 7

1. Erasing Records: ......................................................................................... 7

2. Extending registrations: ............................................................................. 7

7. Errors: 8

8. Load SQL: ...................................................................................................... 9

System requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7.

RAM: at least 3 GB of system memory.

Microsoft Excel 32bit or 64bit.

150 MB of free disk space.

Minimum 256 MB of system graphics memory.

It is recommended to have a copy of NetBeans IDE 7.4.

Page 2: Vehicle Registration Terminal User Guide - Shukri M (60078691)

©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

1. Overview: This application is intended for official use by the vehicle registration department staff


After the users are through utilizing their skills for using this application, they’ll be

able to successfully perform the following tasks:

Connect to the department’s database and load registered vehicles onto the screen.

Filter their search criteria by vehicle make, type, owner name, registration month,

registration year or the vehicle ID.

Add new vehicles to the database.

Update existing vehicles’ information.

Access the impound terminal and erase vehicle records or extend vehicle renewal


Access the errors list where the employee can export errors to a file of type (.CSV) or

copy the selected error to the clipboard.

Access the SQL background handling window where the employee can load SQL

commands to interact with the database.

2. Loading the records: A. Upon executing the program, the user sees the interface to be interacted with. When

the “Load Records” button under the ‘Vehicles’ tab is pressed – or the ‘L’ key on the

keyboard, the vehicle records will appear in the output area on the right.

Page 3: Vehicle Registration Terminal User Guide - Shukri M (60078691)

©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

B. When a record is selected using the mouse, the corresponding information of the

vehicle selected will appear on the left panel accordingly.

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©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

3. Searching for records: A. Under the “Search” panel, the users can further refine their searches according

to 6 different keys:{ make, type, owner name, registration month, registration

year or the vehicle ID}. Selection of each search method is exclusive meaning

the users can only search for one thing at a time.

For users who choose to search for the Owners’ names should mind that the

input needs to be initially capitalized, or otherwise the results will not match

the search criteria.

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©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

4. Adding new records: A. Under the search tab is located the “Add new record” tab where the users can

enter the vehicle information that needs to be stored into the database. After

the users are done entering the information, they click on the add vehicle

button to send the record to the database where it will be stored and the list

will refresh automatically.

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©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

5. Updating Records: A. Users can update any existing record by first selecting the record to be updated

from the records list where the existing information regarding that specific

record will show in the update panel. The users then can edit the information

in the text fields except for the registration and renewal dates. After the user

finishes editing the text fields, pressing the “Update record” button updates

the record into the database – or pressing the ‘U’ key from the keyboard.

B. If the users wish to delete a record, the users select the record from the

records list and press the “Erase record” button – or the ‘E’ key from the




Page 7: Vehicle Registration Terminal User Guide - Shukri M (60078691)

©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

6. Impound:

1. Erasing Records: The users can permanently delete a record from the Impound by selecting the vehicle

from the list and pressing the “Erase record” button – or the ‘E’ key from the keyboard.

2. Extending registrations: The users can also extend the registration date by (ONE YEAR) from the renewal date. A

vehicle will need to be selected at first where after pressing the “Extend Renewal”

button—or the ‘X’ key from the keyboard; a message appears on the screen to confirm

the extending of renewal date process.

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©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

7. Errors: This is the list containing the errors that occurred while loading records form the

database. These records were not listed in the vehicle lists as they contain wrong data.

There are two functions the user can do when the right click button is pressed:-

1. Save the whole errors into a single (.CSV) file providing the name.

2. They can copy the selected error onto the clipboard.

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©2014 Shukri Mohammad Mohammad – 60078691

8. Load SQL: The users can load a (.CSV) file pre-written with SQL commands to interact with the

database. The list seen under the “Load SQL” tab is just a graphical representation of the

SQL commands within the loaded file.