vbu e-newslettervbu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/news-letter-oct-2018.pdf · as eminent writers...

Vbu E-Newsletter OCTOBER 2018 Foundation Day Festivities The 26th Foundation Day of the University was observed on September 17 in great spirits. A new dimension was added to the celebrations when an interaction meeting with the civil society of Hazaribag was organized at the initiative of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, followed by high tea, on the preceding evening, against the backdrop of a decoratively lit campus. Presiding over the function, Prof Ramesh Sharan exhorted the teachers, support staff and the students to make united efforts to take the University to a recognizable goal of quality with inclusiveness. The ceremony was also addressed by Prof Kunul Knadir, Pro Vice Chancellor, who underlined the contribution of the great sage, Acharya Vinoba Bhave, after whom the University has been named. Dr Bipin Kumar, President, PG Teachers’ Association, Dr B P Rukhaiyar, Registrar and several others spoke at the event. Students from different departments of the University put up a colourful cultural show. Mementos were distributed to all the faculty members and non- teaching staff who had retired in the interregnum following the 25th Foundation Day celebrations in 2017, to recognize their invaluable contribution in the evolution of the University and its institutions. हदी दवस ायान हदी ववभाग की अय डॉ संया ेम की अगुवाई म वभागीय पररषद् ारा १४ वसतबर को हहदी दवस के अवसर पर एक संगोी आयोवजत की गयवजसका उाटन माननीय कुलपवत ो रमेश शरण ने दकया. मुय वा के प म जमशेदपुर के यात कथाकार ी जयनंदन ने हहदी की महा को रेखांदकत करते ए इसे उरी भारत म जन-मन की भाषा बताया. सभा की अयता माननीय वतकुलपवत ो कुनुल कावददर ने की. दनांक ९ वसतबर को हहदी ववभाग म वततमान समय म गाधी कासंवगकतावषय पर एक वनबंध वतयोवगता आयोवजत की गयी वजसम सभी वभाग के वतभावगय ने उसाहपूवतक भाग वलया. इस आयोजन को सफल बनाने म ववभागाय डॉ संया ेम, डॉ ेम रंजन भारती, डॉ केदार हसह, डॉ सामदेव हसह, डॉ भारत यायावर, डॉ सुकयाण मोइा, डॉ कौशलेदर, डॉ इदरजीत की मुय भूवमका रही. Estd 1992 Volume 1, Issue V 1 बंधन ववभाग म ावहाररक-कौशल ायान दनांक २९ वसतबर को ो एम के हसह, वनदेशक, बंधन ववभाग, की अयता म अलीगढ़ मुवललम वालय के बंधन वभाग के ो मोहमद खावलद आज़म, पूवत संकायाय, ने छा को समसामवयक ेरण साधन से अवगत कराया तथा उदह आमववास बढ़ाने के तरीक की जानकारी दी. उदहने कहा दक आमववास बढ़ाने के वलए हम अपने व, वहार एवं सकारामक सोच पर जोर देना चावहए. दूसरे स म डॉ ए पैरिक, सहायक ायापक, उलमावनया ववालय, ने छा के साथ बातचीत करते ए ावहारक-कौशल के महव पर काश डाला तथा इस म म उदहने ववाथय को कई गुर बताये. इस अवसर पर बंधन वभाग के डॉ सरोज रंजन, डॉ संजीव कुमार शमात, डॉ कनुवया गुा, ी अशेष आनंद, ी इदरमवण कुजूर, ीमती मीता रानी हसह तथा दोन स के ववाथी उपवलथत थे. २०१८-२० के वाथय ारा बंधन वभाग वसतबर को वशक दवस का आयोजन दकया गया. कायतम का आरभ एम के हस, वनदेशक, ने के क काट कर दकया वजसके उपरांत छा-छाा ने सभी वशक को अपनी ओर से लमृवत वचदह दान दकये. उनके ारा लतुत वतभाशाली सांलकृ वतक कायतम ने सभी को मद-मुध कर वलया. वशक ने भी उनके उवल भवय की कामना की.

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  • Vbu E-Newsletter

    OCTOBER 2018

    Foundation Day Festivities

    The 26th Foundation Day of the University was observed on September 17 in great

    spirits. A new dimension was added to the celebrations when an interaction

    meeting with the civil society of Hazaribag was organized at the initiative of

    Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, followed by high tea, on the preceding evening, against

    the backdrop of a decoratively lit campus. Presiding over the function, Prof

    Ramesh Sharan exhorted the teachers, support staff and the students to make

    united efforts to take the University to a recognizable goal of quality with

    inclusiveness. The ceremony was also addressed by Prof Kunul Knadir, Pro Vice

    Chancellor, who underlined the contribution of the great sage, Acharya Vinoba

    Bhave, after whom the University has been named. Dr Bipin Kumar, President, PG

    Teachers’ Association, Dr B P Rukhaiyar, Registrar and several others spoke at the

    event. Students from different departments of the University put up a colourful

    cultural show. Mementos were distributed to all the faculty members and non-

    teaching staff who had retired in the interregnum following the 25th Foundation

    Day celebrations in 2017, to recognize their invaluable contribution in the

    evolution of the University and its institutions.

    हहदी ददवस व्याख्यान

    हहदी ववभाग की अध्यक्ष डॉ संध्या पे्रम की अगवुाई में ववभागीय पररषद ्द्वारा

    १४ वसतम्बर को हहदी ददवस के अवसर पर एक संगोष्ठी आयोवजत की गयी

    वजसका उद्घाटन माननीय कुलपवत प्रो रमेश शरण ने दकया. मुख्य वक्ता के रूप

    में जमशेदपुर के प्रख्यात कथाकार श्री जयनंदन ने हहदी की महत्ता को रेखांदकत

    करते हुए इसे उत्तरी भारत में जन-मन की भाषा बताया. सभा की अध्यक्षता

    माननीय प्रवतकुलपवत प्रो कुनुल कावददर ने की.

    ददनांक ९ वसतम्बर को हहदी ववभाग में ‘वततमान समय में गााँधी की

    प्रासंवगकता’ ववषय पर एक वनबंध प्रवतयोवगता आयोवजत की गयी वजसमें सभी

    ववभागों के प्रवतभावगयों ने उत्साहपूवतक भाग वलया. इस आयोजन को सफल

    बनाने में ववभागाध्यक्ष डॉ संध्या पे्रम, डॉ पे्रम रंजन भारती, डॉ केदार हसह, डॉ

    सामदेव हसह, डॉ भारत यायावर, डॉ सुकल्याण मोइत्रा, डॉ कौशलेदर, डॉ

    इदरजीत की मुख्य भूवमका रही.

    Estd 1992 Volume 1, Issue V


    प्रबधंन ववभाग में व्यावहाररक-कौशल व्याख्यान

    ददनांक २९ वसतम्बर को प्रो एम के हसह, वनदेशक,

    प्रबंधन ववभाग, की अध्यक्षता में अलीगढ़ मुवललम

    ववश्वववद्यालय के प्रबंधन ववभाग के प्रो मोहम्मद

    खावलद आज़म, पूवत संकायाध्यक्ष, ने छात्रों को

    समसामवयक पे्ररण साधनों से अवगत कराया तथा

    उदहें आत्मववश्वास बढ़ाने के तरीकों की जानकारी दी.

    उदहोंने कहा दक आत्मववश्वास बढ़ाने के वलए हमें अपने

    व्यवक्तत्व, व्यवहार एवं सकारात्मक सोच पर जोर देना

    चावहए. दसूरे सत्र में डॉ ए पैरिक, सहायक प्राध्यापक,

    उलमावनया ववश्वववद्यालय, ने छात्रों के साथ बातचीत

    करते हुए व्यावहाररक-कौशल के महत्व पर प्रकाश

    डाला तथा इस क्रम में उदहोंने ववद्यार्थथयों को कई गुर

    बताये. इस अवसर पर प्रबंधन ववभाग के डॉ सरोज

    रंजन, डॉ संजीव कुमार शमात, डॉ कनुवप्रया गुप्ता, श्री

    अशेष आनंद, श्री इदरमवण कुजूर, श्रीमती मीता रानी

    हसह तथा दोनों सत्रों के ववद्याथी उपवलथत थे.

    सत्र २०१८-२० के ववद्यार्थथयों द्वारा प्रबंधन ववभाग

    में ५ वसतम्बर को वशक्षक ददवस का आयोजन दकया

    गया. कायतक्रम का आरम्भ प्रो एम के हसह, वनदेशक, ने

    केक काट कर दकया वजसके उपरांत छात्र-छात्राओं ने

    सभी वशक्षकों को अपनी ओर से लमृवत वचदह प्रदान

    दकये. उनके द्वारा प्रलतुत प्रवतभाशाली सांलकृवतक

    कायतक्रम ने सभी को मदत्र-मुग्ध कर वलया. वशक्षकों ने

    भी उनके उज्ज्वल भववष्य की कामना की.

  • English Department Marks History

    In the first ever initiative of its kind in Jharkhand State,

    Department of English of the University organized a one day

    Jharkhand English Authors’ Conclave of the creative authors of

    English belonging to or concerned with Jharkhand, on September

    19, 2018. The Chief Guest in the Inaugural Session was Mrs

    Nilima Sinha, a renowned writer of children’s literature in English

    and President of the Indian chapter of the International Society of

    Books for Young Men. The Guest of Honour was Mr R K

    Mallick, ADG, Operations, Jharkhand. The dais was shared by Pro

    Vice Chancellor, Prof Kunul Kandir and Registrar, Dr B P


    There were Authorspeak sessions and a panel discussion as well

    while the last session was devoted to the dynamics of translation

    as eminent writers from both Hindi and English languages were

    present in the Conclave. The Best Bard Award went to Ms Shweta

    Suman of Jamshedpur Women’s College for her feminist poem

    ‘The Warrior’ in a state wide English poetry contest. The authors

    attending the Conclave were Abhimanyu Kumar Singh, Bulu

    Imam, Basudhara Roy, R N Sihna, B P Sinha, Janardan Prasad,

    Mihir Vatsa, Fatima Zohra, Syed Afroz Ashrafi, R K Singh,

    Varsha Singh, Ritesh Kumar Singh, Santosh Kiro, Sanjeev

    Shekhar, Vinod Kumar Jha and Rajesh Kumar, Head, Department

    of English, VBU, also the Chairman of the Conclave. The Hindi

    authors taking part in the proceedings were Ranendra, Pankaj

    Mitra, Ratan Verma and Mahua Maji. As President, Hon’ble Vice

    Chancellor, Prof Ramesh Sharan, welcomed the authors and the

    guests with the hope that such assemblies would be organized for

    other languages also in the state. A directory of the authors,

    curated by Dr Ganga Nand Singh of the Department, was released

    in the Conclave along with books written by Dr S M Rizwan

    Ahmad and Dr Rajesh Kumar. The programme was conducted by

    Dr Niraj Dang. Teachers of English, research scholars and

    students of English Honours from local colleges attended the

    Conclave with enthusiasm.

    Geography Students’ Noble Enterprise

    The students of Semester IV (2016-18) donated

    text books of Geography for the enrichment of

    their departmental library and to reduce financial

    burden on the incoming juniors. The motivators

    behind the deed were Dr Saroj Kumar Singh,

    Head, and the faculty members of the

    Department. More than fifty students have

    donated books in the Department so far.


    Teachers’ Day Observance

    Teachers’ Day was celebrated across the colleges

    and university departments enthusiastically by

    students on September 5. St Columba’s College,

    Annada College, K B Women’s College and

    Markham College of Commerce saw a

    rejuvenation of the bonds that sustain the

    education system of this great country. The

    university departments too revived the great

    tradition of respect and empathy between the

    teachers and the pupils on the occasion. Hon’ble

    Vice Chancellor, Prof Ramesh Sharan and

    Hon’ble Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof Kunul Kandir

    extended their best wishes to the faculty members

    by urging them to follow the path shown by Dr

    Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan.

  • Physio Cultural Ambassadors

    A cultural programme was organized

    by the students of the Department on

    Vinoba Bhave University Foundation

    Day, September 17. A song was sung

    by Anshu Priya and a group dance and

    one act play were performed by the

    students of 2nd and 4th Semester.

    UCET Inducts Engineers to Be

    First year students of University College of Engineering and Technology

    were taken through a holistic induction programme from September 1 to 12.

    There were outdoor sports activities, gardening, campus cleaning and GD

    sessions comprising several batches along with sand painting, glass painting,

    computer literacy sessions and essay writing. They were also introduced to

    rubrics of empowered living through a YES!+ (Youth Empowerment and

    Skills) workshop conducted by Art of living. Added features were bridge

    courses in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Another interesting aspect

    was imparting of financial literacy by the experts of Learning Link

    Foundation in accordance with the guidelines of the AICTE – ‘Jadu Ginni

    Ka’. This session included awareness concerning financial inclusion and

    different schemes of the Central Government. They were also taught how to

    recognize financial frauds. On 12 September, Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, Prof

    Ramesh Sharan, delivered an enlightening talk on values and ethics in the

    first session. In the second session, Dr B P Rukhaiyar, Registrar, VBU,

    shared his views on the importance of the knowledge of Indian History and

    culture for engineering students.

    On September 22, the Start-Up Cell, UCET, hosted a full-day workshop on

    Entrepreneurship sponsored by TEQIP-III with Mr Anubhav Tiwari, IIT,

    Hyderabad, as resource person. Dr V K Sinha, Director, UCET, apprised the

    audience with the activities of the Start-Up Cell and spoke about its future

    programmes. The gathering began with introduction by Coordinator,

    TEQUIP, Dr Arun Kumar Mishra. In a fruitful follow up, the Start-Up Cell

    organised and hosted a three-day workshop on ‘Nurturing Start–

    Up/Entrepreneurial Skills in Budding Engineers’ from 28 September to 30



    A health camp was organized by

    Department of Physiotherapy along

    with Kshitiz Hospital, Hazaribagh, in

    which Dr Rahul Kumar and Dr Sanjeev

    Kumar participated with the students

    of 4th and 5th Semester.

    On the World Physiotherapy Day the

    ‘Physio for fit INDIA and Exercise is

    the Best Medicine’ seminar was

    organized by IAP in Ranchi. Students

    of 1st, 4th and 5th Semester

    participated in the event. Dr Meraj N

    Siddique was awarded ‘Jharkhand

    Young Physio Achiever Award’.

  • Faculty Subject Name Topic

    Social Science History Pradeep Kumar Hkkjr dksfdax dksy fyfeVsM esa dk;Zjr

    deZpkरर;ksa dh lkekftd] vkfFkZd] 'kS{kf.kd ,oa lkaLd̀frd voLFkk dk ,d ,sfrgkfld

    v/;;u ¼1971&2006 bZ0 rd½

    Social Science History Deo Niranjan Rai lj x.ks’k nRr ds lkekftd ,oa jktuhfrd

    कायों dk ,d ,sfrgkfld ewY;kadu ¼1868 bZ0

    ls 1942 bZ0 rd½

    Social Science Economics Nilima Rose Kullu Evaluation of Impact of Credit

    Institutions on Agricultural

    Indebtedness in Jharkhand: A Case

    Study of South Chotanagpur

    Social Science Economics Renu Gupta Universalization of Elementary

    Education in India: An Evaluation of

    the Impact of Government Programmes

    in Jharkhand

    Humanities Urdu Md Munawar Alam Muslim Azimabadi – Life and

    Contribution (An Investigation and

    Critical Study)

    Humanities Urdu Rehana Perveen Lkrh’k c=k ds vQlkuksa dk rTth;krh eksrkyk

    Science Geology Rupam Mallik Some aspects of Limnobiotic Profile of

    River Ganga in Context of River

    Continuum Hypothesis

    Ph Ds Awarded – September 2018

    Name Designation P G Dept/College

    Dr Usha Singh Associate Prof Univ Dept of Political Science

    Sri Pramod Kumar Grade III St Columba’s College, Hazaribag

    Superannuated Faculty & Non-teaching Staff Members: September 2018

    Concept: Dr Vijay Kr Sinha

    VC Office

    Design: Jay Prakash Singh

    Technical Assistant, VC Office


    Editor: Dr Rajesh Kumar

    Head, Univ Dept of English