vaughan systems paragraph 1 10

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  • 8/3/2019 Vaughan Systems PARAGRAPH 1 10


    Vaughan Systems.

    PARAGRAPH 1.There's got to be an easier way to do this. I've read the instructions over andover again and I still can't believe that this is the only way to do it. Give mea day or two and I'll figure out a shortcut that'll save us a lot of time. I ma

    y even try to design an in-house program from scratch. Anything's better than do

    ing it the way the instructions say.

    There's got to be an easier way to do this. I've read the instructions over and over again and I still can't believe that this is the only way to do it. Give me a day or two and I'll figure out a shortcutthat'll save us a lot of time. I may even try to design an in-house program fromscratch. Anything's better than doing it the way the instructions say.

    Tiene que haber una forma ms sencilla de haceresto. He ledo las instrucciones una y otra vez y an no me puedo creer que sta sea la nica manera de hacerlo. Dame un da o dos y averiguo un atajo que nos ahorrar mucho tiempo. Incluso, puede que intente disear un programa interno desde cero. Cualq

    uier cosa es mejor que hacerlo como indican las instrucciones.

    PARAGRAPH 2.We've been going over the figures on the new construction project and we feel that it's not the right time yet to seek a partner. The last joint venture we gotinvolved in was a fiasco in the end and we're still paying for it. We'd like a couple of more months to see how operations are progressing in general before committing to a new alliance.

    We've been going over the figures on the newconstruction project and we feel that it's not the right time yet to seek a partner. The last joint venture we got involved in was a fiasco in the end and we'restill paying for it. We'd like a couple of more months to see how operations ar

    e progressing in general before committing to a new alliance.

    Hemos estado repasando las cuentas del nuevo proyecto de construccin y sentimos que an no es el momento de buscar un socio. La ltima aventura conjunta en la que nos involucramos, acab siendo un fiasco y todava lo estamos pagando. Nos gustara tener un par de meses ms para ver cmo progresan en general las operaciones antes de comprometemos con una nueva alianza.

    PARAGRAPH 3.Listen, John, we've got to find a way to absorb the noise in the general officearea. The acoustics are terrible and when everyone's on the phone, the noise bounces off the floor, walls and ceiling like crazy ping-pong balls. Couldn't a few

    rugs on the floor and maybe an additional plant or two reduce some of the noise?

    Listen, John, we've got to find a way to absorb the noise in the general office area. The acoustics are terrible and when everyone's on the phone, the noise bounces off the floor, walls and ceiling like crazy ping-pong balls. Couldn't a few rugs on the floor and maybe an additional plant or two reduce some of the noise?

    Mira John, tenemos que encontrar una forma deamortiguar el ruido en la zona comn de la oficina. La acstica es malsima y cuando todo el mundo est al telfono, los ruidos rebotan en el suelo, paredes y techo comobolas de ping-pong. No podrn reducir un poco el ruido unas cuantas alfombras y qui

    z una o dos plantas adicionales?


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    To tell you the truth, I never said anything of the sort. You have to be reallycareful about what you say to journalists because they take things out of context and change the meaning. If you've ever read anything about yourself in the newspapers, you'll know what I mean. Journalists rarely come even remotely close tothe truth.

    To tell you the truth, I never said anything

    of the sort. You have to be really careful about what you say to journalists because they take things out of context and change the meaning. If you've ever readanything about yourself in the newspapers, you'll know what I mean. Journalistsrarely come even remotely close to the truth.

    Para ser sincero, nunca he dicho algo semejante. Tienes que tener mucho cuidado con lo que dices a los periodistas porque sacan las cosas de contexto y cambian el sentido. Si alguna vez lees algo acerca deti en los peridicos, sabrs Io que quiero decir. Los periodistas raramente se acercan a la verdad.


    If you don't mind, I'm going to take off. I have to attend a charity concert organized by the association where my wife works. I hope I don't fall asleep in themiddle of the third movement. Oh, I almost forgot. I left the final draft of th

    e contract for the stand in the book fair on your desk. Look it over and if everything's okay, sign it and forward it to Simpson in the Legal Department.

    If you don't mind, I'm going to take off. I have to attend a charity concert organized by the association where my wife works. I hope I don't fall asleep in the middle of the third movement. Oh, I almost forgot. I left the final draft of the contract for the stand in the book fair onyour desk. Look it over and if everything's okay, sign it and forward it to Simpson in the Legal Department.

    Si a ti no te importa, me voy a marchar. Tengoque ir a un concierto benfico organizado por la asociacin donde trabaja mi mujer.Espero no quedarme dormido en medio del tercer acto Ah! Casi me olvido. He dejad

    o el ltimo borrador del contrato para el stand de la feria del libro en tu mesa.Revsalo y si todo est bien, frmalo y mndaselo a Simpson del Departamento Legal.

    PARAGRAPH 6.You must be kidding! Why would I be interested in joining Taylor 8r Associates?There's no way they'd be able to pay me what I get here. Besides, I've been herefor half my working life and the last thing I want to do is leave. Do you hones

    tly think I'd deal with Taylor behind your back? Come on now! You know me betterthan that! Come on!

    You must be kidding! Why would I be interested in joining Taylor 8r Associates? There's no way they'd be able to pay me whatI get here. Besides, I've been here for half my working life and the last thingI want to do is leave. Do you honestly think I'd deal with Taylor behind your back? Come on now! You know me better than that! Come on!

    Debes estar de broma! Por qu estara yo interesadoen unirme a Taylor & Asociados? No hay forma de que ellos me paguen lo que ganoaqu. Adems, llevo aqu la mitad de mi vida laboral y lo ltimo que quiero hacer es irme. Sinceramente crees que negociara con Taylor a tus espaldas? Venga ya! Me conocesmejor que eso! Vamos!

    PARAGRAPH 7.If the TV doesn't have a remote control with a button to automatically turn offthe TV, then don't buy it. The only condition I require on a TV is for it to be

  • 8/3/2019 Vaughan Systems PARAGRAPH 1 10


    able to turn off by itself after I fall asleep. For me a TV is like a sleeping pill. I can't fall asleep without it on, but I don't like leaving it on all nightor waking up at 3:00 a.m. to turn it off.

    TV is for it to be able to turn off by itselfafter I fall asleep. For me a TV is like a sleeping pill. I can't fall asleep w

    ithout it on, but I don't like leaving it on all night or waking up at 3:00 a.m.

    to turn it off.

    Si el televisor no tiene mando a distancia conun botn para que se apague de forma automtica, entonces no lo compres. La nica con

    dicin que yo le exijo a un televisor es que se apague por s solo despus de que me duerma. Para m, la televisin es como un somnfero. No me puedo dormir sin que est encendida, pero no me gusta dejarla encendida toda la noche o despertarme a las 3:00de la maana para apagarla.

    PARAGRAPH 8.Hi Eddie. How's it going? Where do you get all those jokes you send me by email?You must spend hours searching the Internet for that stuff. You know, to tell y

    ou the truth, I'd almost prefer you didn't send me so many. I've got a lot of work to do and I just don't have time to read them all... despite the temptation.

    Hi Eddie. How's it going? Where do you get all those jokes you send me by email? You must spend hours searching the Internetfor that stuff. You know, to tell you the truth, I'd almost prefer you didn't send me so many. I've got a lot of work to do and I just don't have time to read them all... despite the temptation.

    Hola Eddie. Cmo te va? Dnde consigues todos esos chistes que me mandas por e-mail? Debes pasarte horas buscando todas esas cosas en Internet. Sabes, para ser sincero, casi preferira que no me mandaras tantos. Tengo mucho trabajo y no tengo tiempo para leerlos todos... a pesar de la tentacin.

    PARAGRAPH 9.You're not going to believe it, but Harold left the keys in the car. We're stillhere at the roadside restaurant where I called you from an hour ago, trying to

    find a way to break into the car. We called a local locksmith but he hasn't arrived yet. If worst comes to worst, I'll break one of the windows.

    You're not going to believe it, but Harold left the keys in the car. We're still here at the roadside restaurant where I called you from an hour ago, trying to find a way to break into the car. We called alocal locksmith but he hasn't arrived yet. If worst comes to worst, I'll break

    one of the windows.

    No te lo vas a creer, pero Harold se dej las llaves dentro del coche. Todava estamos aqu, en el bar de carretera desde donde te llam hace una hora, tratando de encontrar una forma de entrar al coche. Hemos llamado a un cerrajero local, pero an no ha llegado. En ltimo caso, si las cosas van apeor, romper una de las ventanas.

    PARAGRAPH 10.There's been a breach in security. Last night somebody got into the server and messed up several database files. We'll need a couple of days to get things backthe way they were, but I'm worried about how this happened. Whoever it was could've destroyed more than a year's work.

    There's been a breach in security. Last nightsomebody got into the server and messed up several database files. We'll need acouple of days to get things back the way they were, but I'm worried about how

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    this happened. Whoever it was could've destroyed more than a year's work.

    Ha habido una violacin en la seguridad. Anochealguien entr en el servidor y estrope varios archivos de la base de datos. Necesitaremos un par de das para dejar las cosas como estaban, pero estoy preocupado porcmo ocurri esto. Quienquiera que fuese, poda haber destruido ms de un ao de trabajo.