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Highly Effective Vastu Tips For Business

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Highly Effective Vastu Tips For Business

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If you are already into business or plan to start one, then there are high chances that you are looking for ways in which your busienss will get success and popularity.

Among all the other things, one thing which will definitely help your business is vastu shastra.

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Vastu Shastra is the ancient hindu science of architecture which strongly belives that each direction of our physical environment has an influence on our lives. And when it comes to business, vastu helps you enormously in the growth and success of your business.

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Vastu Tip #1

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Choose Shermukhi plots

These plots are broad in the front and narrow at the back. Though not regarded as a good plot for residency, shermukhi plots are highly recommeded for businesses. Thus if you are looking for a plot on which you wish to start your business, then vastu for business advices that you choose shermukhi plots and not gaumukhi ones.

Also see to it that the plot is closer to the main road and if possible the road is on the eastern and northern side of the plot.

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Vastu Tip #2

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Clean North-West Zone

There is hardly any doubt that each business is looking for strong financial base and backup. Apart from the right strategies and investment, vastu experts recommed that you keep the north-west zone of your work place from anti-elements. Rather it will be very good if you place a sculpture or painting which symbolizes financial strength in this direction. This is known to attract necessary support banks, financial institutions and people who can provide you with financial support.

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Vastu Tip #3

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Pay attention to the directions

As has already been mentioned, vastu shastra strongly believes that each direction has its own unique strength and weaknesses. It is for you to make most of these strengths and minimize the negative effects of these directions. Thus the main door of your office should always be in the north or east direction. Likewise the room of the owner should be in the south-west direction and he should always sit facing the north direction.

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Vastu recommends that the accounts department should either be in the east or north zone, and the staff who deal with cash/ bank transaction should sit facing the north and east direction. Also the financial records need to be stored in the southwest or central-north of the cabinet.

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These are some of the very effective vastu tips for business which every businessman should follow. For a detailed information on how vastu shastra can help your business, please visit or call at +91 98451 20709.

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Vastu DS are experts in providing vastu solutions which will improve your business and personal life as well!