vanunu confirms israel nuclear blackmail

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  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Vanunu Confirms Israel's Global

    Thermonuclear Blackmail


    In the same wa that !esus Christ also critici"e# !u#aism $%&&& ears

    ao% I was unwillin to acce(t what the teach% an# later con)erte# to the

    o((osite of !u#aism* The !ewish tribe teaches that there is onl one

    Chosen (eo(le of Go#*+

    An Interview With Hesham Tillawi, PhD


    Dr. Hesham Tillawi - #ne $ the Israeli pr$essrs sai% a $ew mnths a! that &we havethe n"clear capa'ilit( $ hittin! ever( ma)r *"rpean cit(,& is that tr"e t ("r


    rcechai an"n" - es, it is tr"e. The( can 'm'ar% an( cit( all ver the wrl%, an%

    nt nl( thse in *"rpe '"t als thse in the 0nite% tates, an% '( this threat what the(are %in! is t sen% a secret messa!e t an( lea%er an% t an( !vernment that the( have

    the a'ilit( t "se them a!!ressivel( an% t 'lac+mail them, t 'lac+mail *"rpe an% the

    0nite% tates, ever( where, in ever( state ar"n% the wrl%. It was *"rpe an% the 0nite%tates wh helpe% them !et this pwer, an% nw that Israel has it, she is cmin! 'ac+ an%

    sa(in! t them &We will nt 'e( an( r%ers that (" !ive "s. internatinal law, n

    internatinal a!reement, n 0 resl"tins,& an% all 'eca"se $ these atmic weapns thatthe( have....

    r%echai an"n" #n Israel&s "clear 3lac+mail

    An Interview with Hesham Tillawi


    3elw is the transcript $ an e(e-penin! interview that t+ place 'etween peace activist

    r%echai an"n" an% tal+ shw hst Hesham Tillawi n the televisin pr!ram 4"rrent


    TI55AWI - &Well, I % 'elieve that we have r%echai an"n" with "sr%echai, are

    (" with "s

    A00 - es.

    TI55AWI - 6% rnin!, I +nw that it is 7 &clc+ in the mrnin! there iner"salem. l+s, r%echai an"n" has spent 18 (ears in an Israeli )ail $r tellin! Israeli
  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    n"clear secrets. He was l"re% t me '( Israeli a!ents an% +i%nappe% an% then sent 'ac+

    t Israel where he spent 18 (rs in prisn an% 11 $ thse (ears in slitar( cn$inement.

    That is tr"e, r%echai

    A00 - es, that is ri!ht.

    TI55AWI - w, r%echai, I have a ;"estin $r (". What was it that (" reall( $elt

    that (" m"st tell the wrl% a'"t, what was it a'"t the Israeli n"clear pr!ram that ("

    $elt t ("rsel$, > atmic weapns, in 198?, an% it was at that time that the(

    starte% t pr%"ce the mst hrri'le $ all weapns, the h(%r!en 'm'all $ this insecret, in l(in! an% in cheatin! the wrl% an% all $ its citi=ens. I sai% t m(sel$

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    A00 - es, this is a ver( !% ;"estin an% ver( imprtant. " are ri!ht, it is nt

    "s"al t have a persn cme t these har% cncl"sins. As $ar as m( cnversin, it starte%

    at the ver( earl( a!e $ 1 r 1?. I was raise% in the ewish reli!in an% in a ewish$amil(. Israel an% "%aism were cnsi%ere% as ne natin, ne 'i! $amil(, ne tri'e. I

    'e!an critici=in! an% re)ectin! "%aism ver the pint $ view that these ews are

    teachin! in)"stice thr"!h their "%aism. In the same wa( that es"s 4hrist als critici=e%"%aism 2,>>> (ears a!, I was "nwillin! t accept what the( teach, an% later cnverte%

    t the ppsite $ "%aism.

    The ewish tri'e teaches that there is nl( ne 4hsen peple $ 6%. The( teach $ their

    s"peririt(, ta+in! literall( wr%-'(-wr% the writin!s in the l% 'i'le. An% I %eci%e%

    there$re that a$ter 2,>>> (ears these i%eas were nnsense. There are ? 'illin peple

    ar"n% the wrl%, an% all $ them are e;"al, all are part $ the h"man race. There is ns"ch thin! as a s"per race. We sh"l% all respect an% lve each ther, an% that was the

    'e!innin! $ m( re)ectin! "%aism an% m( acceptin! $ 4hristianit(, $ $llwin! the

    teachin!s $ es"s 4hrist an% $ acceptin! h"manit(. I am nt a reli!i"s man, I am nt

    !in! t 'ecme a priest. I %i% all $ this $r m( h"manit( an% $r m( 'elie$s.

    , I chse m( wn wa( an% 'e!an critici=in! the ewish $aith. Thse wh teach "%aismr"n the lives $ thse "n%er them, tellin! them what the( m"st % ever( h"r $ ever(

    %a(, iss"in! man( r%ers a'"t ever(thin!, $rm wa+in! "p in the mrnin! t !in! t

    sleep, '"t at the same time the( % nt teach them t respect ther h"man 'ein!s, taccept nn-ews an% t 'elieve that nn-ews are li+e them. The( teach that nl( the

    ews are the chsen peple. , this is "%aism, a cllectin $ primitive tra%itins

    th"san%s $ (ears l% that have nt chan!e%.

    The wrl% has chan!e% in the last 2,>>> (ears an% the ewish peple nee% t accept an%

    "n%erstan% this chan!e, an% especiall( i$ the( want a %emcratic c"ntr(. " cannt

    have a state an% r"n it as the( %i% 2,>>> (ears a!. The( came t Palestine in the name $the 3i'le an% in the name $ their !% an% t+ this lan% that was prmise% t them

    th"san%s $ (ears a!. In the name $ this !%, the( t+ the lan%, e@pelle% the peple

    an% !ave them har%, cr"el, 'ar'aric lives $r the last ?> (ears. This wa( $ thin+in!, this$aith cannt e@ist within this new a!e, an% it was this that als le% me t e@pse Israel&s

    n"clear secrets.

    TI55AWI - r%echai, (" have 'een livin! amn!st the Palestinians $r a while nw.What % (" thin+, are the( the terrrists that we have all 'een hearin! a'"t

    A00 - I have 'een livin! amn!st the Palestinians nw $r 1 mnths, '"t I have'een $llwin! the Palestinian sit"atin nw since the 198>&s. w I am here livin!

    amn! them, watchin! them, meetin! with them, eatin! with them, en)(in! li$e with

    them an% seein! hw the Israelis have s"ccee%e% in prtra(in! them all ver the wrl% asterrrists. 3"t this is nt tr"e. The( are ver( peace$"l peple an% lvers $ peace. ...

    TI55AWI - , wh( are we a$ter Iran then t pen its %rs t inspectins, '"t n ne is

    as+in! Israel t % the same Wh( is thatA00 This is a ver( stran!e sit"atin that

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    has 'een %evelpe% an% accepte% '( the Western states since the 19?>&s. It !es 'ac+

    a'"t 7> (ears. ( view is that *"rpe an% America are an% have 'een "n%er a ln!-term

    a!en%a $ 'lac+mail '( the Israelis. In the $irst case, the Israelis cnstantl( 'rin! "p theHlca"st an% what happene% t the ews %"rin! WWII, 'lamin! the West $r it an% then

    "sin! this as the )"sti$icatin $r pssessin! n"clear weapns as a wa( $ preventin! this

    $rm ever happenin! a!ain. ...B9C r%echai an"n" sa(s a=i Hlca"st "se% asprpa!an%a t 'lac+mail the WestThe Wrl% T%a( BA34 a%i,

    A"straliaCWe%nes%a(, 29 eptem'er , 2>>7eprter: nathan

    E5"cra$thttp://www.a'c.F5"cra$thttp://www.a'c. net.a"/wrl%t%a (/cntent/2>>7/s12>9??2. Ehtmhttp://!l'al$ire.Fhtmhttp://!l'al$ire. tv/n)/>7en/ hlin%"str(/

    hlprpa!an%a. htm

    #D*4HAI A00 - a('e the real $ear is that m( $ree spirit, m( $ree 'elie$ te@press m( views in plitics, in ever(thin!, nt nl( n"clear secrets, I have man(

    interestin! views an% I&m tellin! them with"t $ear an% e@pressin! that t an(ne in all

    the wrl%, in all the me%ia, an% that is nt !% $r Israel.The( %n&t li+e it, an% als, the

    Israel 6vernment an% state have teache% all the wrl%, especiall( the west, *"rpe,0nite% tates, A"stralia, 4ana%a, the( teach them t $ear an% nw t 'e "n%er 'lac+mail

    '( Israel prpa!an%a $ Hlca"st an% all this prpa!an%a.



    This $llwin! is a transcript $ a 2>>7 interview with r%echai an"n" $rm The

    Wrl% T%a(. The pr!ram is 'ra%cast ar"n% A"stralia at 12:1>pm n A34 5cala%i.

    eprter - nathan 5"cra$t

    The Wrl% T%a( - We%nes%a(, 29 eptem'er , 2>>7

    *5*A# HA55 - r%echai an"n" ma%e hea%lines ar"n% the wrl% when he 'lew

    the whistle n Israel&s secret n"clear weapns pr!ram in the mi%-198>s. The Israelin"clear technician was arreste% sn a$ter in a ssa% peratin, was trie% in secret,

    cnvicte% $ treasn an% spent 18 (ears in prisn, 11 $ them in slitar( cn$inement. In

    April this (ear he was release% $rm prisn, '"t his $ree%m has remaine% restricte%, withIsraeli a"thrities $r'i%%in! him $rm spea+in! t $rei!ners. Despite this, r an"n"

    this mrnin! !ave his $irst interview t an A"stralian me%ia "tlet, spea+in! t the

    cmm"nit( ra%i statin, a%i A%elai%e&s nathan 5"cra$t.

    #D*4HAI A00 - The restrictins are nt wr+in! an% "nreasna'le an% nt

    accr%in! t the h"man ri!hts an% the %emcratic s(stem an% the( will $inish them in si@

    mnths at least the restrictin nt t spea+ t $rei!ners an% nt t travel reall( inter-state.

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    #ATHA 504AT - Are (" ta+in! a chance '( tal+in! t "s

    A00 - I&m nt ta+in! a chance, I&m ma+in! a ver( !% calc"latin an% accr%in!

    t the h"man ri!hts an% $ree%m $ speech that ever(ne as a h"man 'ein! sh"l% have

    an% I&m e@ercisin! it an% I 'elieve the Israel 6vernment an% Israel r!anisatins arerealisin! that what the( %eci%e% is nt !%. The( will nt % an(thin! wrn! with m(

    spea+in! t (" either.

    504AT - When the restrictins are li$te%, what will (" % then

    A00 - I$ the( will let me ! I w"l% leave Israel imme%iatel(, I w"l% li+e t see

    the wrl%, t e@ercise m( $ree%m. I$ the( will nt let me !, let me spea+, then I willspea+ m"ch mre t the me%ia an% t the peple ar"n% the wrl% an% here.

    504AT - w, 18 (ears in a ssa% prisn, 11 $ thse (ears in slitar(

    cn$inement. Hw %i% (" $i!ht the e$$ect $ thse (ears n ("r min%

    A00 - The e$$ect was ver( har% an% strn!, '"t I was $irm an% strn! $rm the'e!innin! t prtect m( $ree%m, m( $ree will, m( h"manit(, that was m( str"!!le $rm

    the 'e!innin!.

    The pwer r!anisatin $ Israel !ives what the( can t $i!ht me, t ca"se me sme harm,

    %ama!es in health, min%, an% the( s"ccee% little 'it, '"t I s"rvive% an% I am nw $ree, '"t

    it was ver( har%, a ver( %i$$ic"lt time an% I wish n ne w"l% s"$$er what I s"$$ere%, an%

    then when I spea+ t (" an% tr( t 'e h"man 'ein! li+e ever(ne.

    504AT - D (" $eel th"!h that thse (ears in slitar( cn$inement ha% an e$$ect

    n ("

    A00 - I thin+ n. The nl( e$$ect is ma('e sme part $ m( health has 'een

    %ama!e%. We see in the $"t"re hw m( health will react an% hw m( health will s"rvivein the ne@t $"t"re.

    504AT - w, (" cnverte% $rm "%aism t 4hristianit(. Di% this help, r %i% it

    ma+e it har%er $r ("r captrs#D*4HAI A00: ( cnversin t4hristianit( was in (%ne(, A"stralia, in 198?, it was 'e$re this case. when I $in%

    m(sel$ in prisn I %eci%e% m( 4hristianit( is !in! t 'e m( wa( t $ree%m, m(

    '"n%ar(, m( %e$ence a!ainst Israel&s pwer r!anisatin, 'rainwash r ps(chl!icwar$are. in sme wa(, in man( wa(s it helpe% me ver( m"ch.

    504AT - D (" 'elieve that ("&re a traitr t Israel

    A00 - ive millin ews are re!ar%in! me as a traitr, '"t si@ 'illin peple

    ar"n% the wrl% thin+ me as a her an% a !% man wh 'rin! the messa!e t all the

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    h"man 'ein!s that we sh"l% s"rvive an% prevent the "se $ n"clear weapns an% t

    prevent the n"clear preparatins an% t prevent n"clear war in the $"t"re.

    504AT - w, an( +nwle%!e that (" ha% $ the Israeli n"clear weapns pr!ram

    is nw, it&s nearl( 2> (ears l% an% it&s well "t $ %ate. Wh( % (" thin+ the Israeli

    6vernment is still, apparentl(, $ri!htene% $ ("

    #D*4HAI A00 - a('e the real $ear is that m( $ree spirit, m( $ree 'elie$ t

    e@press m( views in plitics, in ever(thin!, nt nl( n"clear secrets, I have man(interestin! views an% I&m tellin! them with"t $ear an% e@pressin! that t an(ne in all

    the wrl%, in all the me%ia, an% that is nt !% $r Israel.

    The( %n&t li+e it, an% als, the Israel 6vernment an% state have teache% all the wrl%,especiall( the west, *"rpe, 0nite% tates, A"stralia, 4ana%a, the( teach them t $ear an%

    nw t 'e "n%er 'lac+mail '( Israel prpa!an%a $ Hlca"st an% all this

    prpa!an%a.w cme a man an% spea+in! $rm insi%e a'"t their crimes, their

    mista+es, their st"pi% plic( $ n"clear weapns an% all the wrl%&s watchin! all this, an%that is their real cncern.

    *5*A# HA55 - r%echai an"n" spea+in! t a%i A%elai%e&s nathan 5"cra$t.

    http://www.a'c. net.a"/wrl%t%a (/cntent/ 2>>7/s12>9??2. htm r%echai an"n"spea+s

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    ,ionist Israel's Thermonuclear

    Blackmail -f .merica!eneral/isrn"+.htm

    rm 5ili


    These are para!raphs $ &special interest& I wish t hi!hli!ht $rm the ln! an% %etaile%

    0A reprt that $llws...m( cmments are in all caps:

    IA*5 35A4AI5 0

    #ne ther p"rpse $ Israeli n"clear weapns, nt $ten state%, '"t 'vi"s, is their "se

    n the 0nite% tates. America %es nt want Israel&s n"clear pr$ile raise%.J177K The(

    have 'een "se% in the past t ens"re America %es nt %esert Israel "n%er increase% Ara',r il em'ar!, press"re an% have $rce% the 0nite% tates t s"pprt Israel

    %iplmaticall( a!ainst the viet 0nin. Israel "se% their e@istence t !"arantee acntin"in! s"ppl( $ American cnventinal weapns, a plic( li+el( t cntin"e.J17K

    IA*5 DI4TAT* T# 0 AD W* 4#4*D* T# IA*5

    Israel went n $"ll-scale n"clear alert a!ain n the $irst %a( $ Desert trm, 18 an"ar(

    1991. even 40D missiles were $ire% a!ainst the cities $ Tel Aviv an% Hai$a '( Ira;Bnl( tw act"all( hit Tel Aviv an% ne hit Hai$aC. This alert laste% $r the %"ratin $ the

    war, 7 %a(s. #ver the c"rse $ the war, Ira; la"nche% ar"n% 7> missiles in 1L separate

    attac+s at Israel. There was little lss $ li$e: tw +ille% %irectl(, 11 in%irectl(, with man(str"ct"res %ama!e% an% li$e %isr"pte%.J98K everal s"ppse%l( lan%e% near Dimna, ne

    $ them a clse miss.J99K Threats $ retaliatin '( the hamir !vernment i$ the Ira;is

    "se% chemical warhea%s were interprete% t mean that Israel inten%e% t la"nch a n"clearstri+e i$ !as attac+s cc"rre%.

    #ne Israeli cmmentatr recmmen%e% that Israel sh"l% si!nal Ira; that an( Ira;i

    actin a!ainst Israeli civilian pp"latins, with r with"t !as, ma( leave Ira; with"t3a!h%a%.J1>>K hrtl( 'e$re the en% $ the war the Israelis teste% a n"clear capa'le

    missile which prmpte% the 0nite% tates int intensi$(in! its 40D h"ntin! in western

    Ira; t prevent an( Israeli respnse.J1>1K The Israeli Air rce set "p %"mm( 40Dsites in the e!ev $r pilts t practice nthe( $"n% it n eas( tas+.J1>2K American

    !vernment cncessins t Israel $r nt attac+in! Bin a%%itin t Israeli Patrit missile

    'atteriesC were:

    M Allwin! Israel t %esi!nate 1>> tar!ets insi%e Ira; $r the calitin t %estr(,

    M atellite %wnlin+ t increase warnin! time n the 40D attac+s Bpresent an% $"t"reC,
  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    M Technical parit( with a"%i )et $i!hters in perpet"it(.J1>K

    %eman%e% Israel allw inspectrs t see Dimna, three mnths later he was

    assassinate% an% pr-Israel hnsn is Presi%ent:

    The Israelis a!!ressivel( p"rs"e% an aircra$t %eliver( s(stem $rm the 0nite% tates.

    Presi%ent hnsn was less emphatic a'"t nnprli$eratin than Presi%ent enne%(-r

    perhaps ha% mre pressin! cncerns, s"ch as ietnam. He ha% a ln! histr( $ 'thewish $rien%s an% pressin! plitical cntri'"trs c"ple% with sme $irst han%

    e@perience $ the Hlca"st, havin! t"re% cncentratin camps at the en% $ Wrl% War

    II.J1K Israel presse% him har% $r aircra$t BA-7* +(haw+s initiall( an% -7* Phantms

    laterC an% 'taine% a!reement in 19?? "n%er the cn%itin that the aircra$t w"l% nt 'e"se% t %eliver n"clear weapns. The tate Department attempte% t lin+ the aircra$t

    p"rchases t cntin"e% inspectin visits. Presi%ent hnsn verr"le% the tate

    Department cncernin! Dimna inspectins.J2K Alth"!h %enie% at the time, America

    %elivere% the -7*s, n eptem'er , 19?9, with n"clear capa'le har%ware intact.JK

    #ATHA P#55AD

    t nl( were the Israelis intereste% in American n"clear weapns %evelpment %ata,

    the( were intereste% in tar!etin! %ata $rm 0.. intelli!ence. Israel %iscvere% that the(were n the viet tar!et list. American-'rn Israeli sp( nathan Pllar% 'taine%

    satellite-ima!in! %ata $ the viet 0nin, allwin! Israel t tar!et acc"ratel( viet

    cities. This shwe% Israel&s intentin t "se its n"clear arsenal as a %eterrent plitical

    lever, r retaliatr( capa'ilit( a!ainst the viet 0nin itsel$. Israel als "se% Americansatellite ima!er( t plan the L "ne 1981 attac+ n the Tamm"=-1 reactr at #sira;, Ira;.

    This %arin! attac+, carrie% "t '( ei!ht -1?s accmpanie% '( si@ -1s p"nche% a hle

    in the cncrete reactr %me 'e$re the reactr 'e!an peratin Ban% )"st %a(s 'e$re anIsraeli electinC. It %elivere% 1 %ela(-$"se% 2>>> p"n% 'm's %eep int the reactr

    str"ct"re Bthe 1?th 'm' hit a near'( hallC. The 'lasts shre%%e% the reactr an% 'lew "t

    the %me $"n%atins, ca"sin! it t cllapse n the r"''le. This was the wrl%&s $irstattac+ n a n"clear reactr.J91K

    BP5*A* **P I ID THAT 0IA WA A35* T# P06* TH* *WIH

    3#5H*I 4#0IT # TH* *5I TATI6 I TH* 5AT*&>&s 0D* TA5I, 03*N0*T5 TH* *WIH P#W* WA 6I* T#P

    P#ITI# I TH* 0..C

    * 4A

    Anther spec"lative area cncerns Israeli n"clear sec"rit( an% pssi'le mis"se. What isthe chain $ %ecisin an% cntrl $ Israel&s weapns Hw s"scepti'le are the( t mis"se

    r the$t With n pen, $ran+, p"'lic %e'ate n n"clear iss"es, there has accr%in!l( 'een

    n %e'ate r in$rmatin n e@istin! sa$e!"ar%s. This has le% t acc"satins $

    mnlithic views an% sinister intentins.J1?>K W"l% a ri!ht win! militar(

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    !vernment %eci%e t empl( n"clear weapns rec+lessl( Ariel harn, an "tsp+en

    prpnent $ 6reater Israel was ;"te% as sa(in!, Ara's ma( have the il, '"t we have

    the matches.J1LK 4"l% the 6"sh *m"nim, a ri!ht win! reli!i"s r!ani=atin, rthers, hi)ac+ a n"clear %evice t li'erate the Temple "nt $r the '"il%in! $ the

    thir% temple 4hances are small '"t c"l% increase as ra%icals %ecr( the peace prcess.

    J18K A 199L article reviewin! the Israeli De$ense rce repeate%l( stresse% thepssi'ilities $, an% the nee% t !"ar% a!ainst, a reli!i"s, ri!ht win! militar( c"p,

    especiall( as the prprtin $ reli!i"s in the militar( increases.J19 K

    TH* THID T*P5*& H#5 # H#5I* -

    IA*5& 045*A W*AP#

    3( Warner D. arr, 5T4, 0.. Arm(

    The 4"nterprli$eratin Papers

    "t"re War$are eries . 2

    0A 4"nterprli$eratin 4enterAir War 4lle!e - Air 0niversit(

    a@well Air rce 3ase, Ala'ama

    eptem'er 1999

    The 4"nterprli$eratin Papers eries was esta'lishe% '( the 0A

    4"nterprli$eratin 4enter t prvi%e in$rmatin an% anal(sis t 0.. natinal sec"rit(

    plic(-ma+ers an% 0A $$icers t assist them in c"nterin! the threat pse% '(a%versaries e;"ippe% with weapns $ mass %estr"ctin. 4pies $ papers in this series

    are availa'le $rm the 0A 4"nterprli$eratin 4enter, 2 4henna"lt 4ircle,

    a@well A3 A5 ?112-?72L. The $a@ n"m'er is B7C 9-L8O phne B7C 9-L8.

    The internet a%%ress $r the 0A 4"nterprli$eratin 4enter is:http://www.a".a$.mil/a"/awc/awc!ate/awc-cps.htm



    Disclaimer i

    The A"thr iiAc+nwle%!ments iii

    A'stract iv

    I. Intr%"ctin 1

    II. 1978-19?2: With rench 4peratin

    III. 19?-19L: eein! the Pr)ect Thr"!h t 4mpletin 9

    I. 19L7-1999: 3rin!in! the 3m' 0p the 3asement tairs 1

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Appen%i@: *stimates $ the Israeli "clear Arsenal 2

    tes 2Disclaimer

    The views e@presse% in this p"'licatin are thse slel( $ the a"thr an% are nt astatement $ $$icial plic( r psitin $ the 0.. 6vernment, the Department $

    De$ense, the 0.. Arm(, r the 0A 4"nterprli$eratin 4enter.

    The A"thr

    4lnel Warner D. c+( arr, e%ical 4rps, aster li!ht "r!en, 0.. Arm(,

    !ra%"ate% $rm the Air War 4lle!e at a@well Air rce 3ase, Ala'ama 'e$re'ecmin! the 4mman% "r!en, 0.. Arm( pecial #peratins 4mman% at rt

    3ra!!, rth 4arlina. He als serves as the "r!en $r the 0.. Arm( pecial rces

    4mman%, 0.. Arm( 4ivil A$$airs an% Ps(chl!ical #peratins 4mman%, an% the

    0.. Arm( hn . enne%( pecial War$are 4enter an% chl. With thirt(-three (ears$ militar( service, he hl%s an Assciate $ Arts $rm the tate 0niversit( $ ew r+,

    3achelr $ cience $rm rtheast 5"isiana 0niversit(, Dctr $ e%icine $rm the0ni$rme% ervices 0niversit( $ the Health ciences, asters $ P"'lic Health $rm the

    0niversit( $ Te@as, an% has cmplete% me%ical resi%encies in aerspace me%icine, an%

    anatmic an% clinical pathl!(. He is the nl( arm( $$icer t 'e 'ar% certi$ie% in thesethree specialties. l ;"ali$ie% in the TH-A Arm( helicpter, he receive% $li!ht

    trainin! in the T-L an% T-8 aircra$t as part $ his 0A chl $ Aerspace e%icine


    4lnel arr was a aster er!eant pecial rces me%ic prir t receivin! a %irect

    cmmissin t secn% lie"tenant. He is nw the senir pecial rces me%ical $$icer in

    the 0.. Arm( with prir assi!nments in the th, Lth, an% 1>th pecial rces 6r"psBAir'rneC, 1st pecial rces, in ietnam, the 0nite% tates, an% 6erman(. He has

    a%vise% the 12th an% 2>th pecial rces 6r"ps BAir'rneC in the reserves an% natinal

    !"ar%, serve% as Divisin "r!en, 1>th "ntain Divisin B5i!ht In$antr(C, an% as theDep"t( 4mman%er $ the 0.. Arm( Aerme%ical 4enter, rt "c+er, Ala'ama.


    I w"l% li+e t ac+nwle%!e the assistance, !"i%ance an% enc"ra!ement $rm m( Air

    War 4lle!e BAW4C $ac"lt( research a%visr, Dr. An%rew Terrill, instr"ctr $ the Air

    War 4lle!e Ara'-Israeli Wars c"rse. Than+s are als %"e t the !reat ai% $ the Air0niversit( li'rarians. The a"thr is als in%e'te% t 4aptain . . a"n%ers, 0 an%

    4lnel 'ert "ttn, 0A. Wh als $$ere% help$"l s"!!estins.


    This paper is a histr( $ the Israeli n"clear weapns pr!ram %rawn $rm a review $

    "nclassi$ie% s"rces. Israel 'e!an its search $r n"clear weapns at the inceptin $ the

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    state in 1978. As pa(ment $r Israeli participatin in the "e= 4risis $ 19?, rance

    prvi%e% n"clear e@pertise an% cnstr"cte% a reactr cmple@ $r Israel at Dimna

    capa'le $ lar!e-scale pl"tni"m pr%"ctin an% reprcessin!. The 0nite% tates%iscvere% the $acilit( '( 198 an% it was a s"')ect $ cntin"al %isc"ssins 'etween

    American presi%ents an% Israeli prime ministers. Israel "se% %ela( an% %eceptin t at

    $irst +eep the 0nite% tates at 'a(, an% later "se% the n"clear ptin as a 'ar!ainin! chip$r a cnsistent American cnventinal arms s"ppl(. A$ter rench %isen!a!ement in the

    earl( 19?>s, Israel pr!resse% n its wn, incl"%in! thr"!h several cvert peratins, t

    pr)ect cmpletin. 3e$re the 19?L i@-Da( War, the( $elt their n"clear $acilit(threatene% an% reprte%l( assem'le% several n"clear %evices. 3( the 19L m ipp"r

    War Israel ha% a n"m'er $ sphisticate% n"clear 'm's, %epl(e% them, an% cnsi%ere%

    "sin! them. The Ara's ma( have limite% their war aims 'eca"se $ their +nwle%!e $

    the Israeli n"clear weapns. Israel has mst pr'a'l( cn%"cte% several n"clear 'm'tests. The( have cntin"e% t m%erni=e an% verticall( prli$erate an% are nw ne $ the

    wrl%&s lar!er n"clear pwers. 0sin! 'm' in the 'asement n"clear pacit(, Israel has

    'een a'le t "se its arsenal as a %eterrent t the Ara' wrl% while nt technicall(

    vilatin! American nnprli$eratin re;"irements.

    The Thir% Temple&s Hl( $ Hlies:Israel&s "clear Weapns

    Warner D. arr

    I. Intr%"ctin

    This is the en% $ the Thir% Temple.- Attri'"te% t she Da(an

    %"rin! the m ipp"r War1

    As inists in Palestine watche% Wrl% War II $rm their %istant si%eshw, what lessns

    were learne% The sl%iers $ the *mpire $ apan vwe% n their emperr&s sacre%

    thrne t $i!ht t the %eath an% nt $ace the inevita'ilit( $ an American victr(. an(ews wn%ere% i$ the Ara's w"l% tr( t p"sh them int the e%iterranean ea. A$ter the

    %evastatin! American n"clear attac+ n apan, the sl%ier lea%ers $ the empire

    reeval"ate% their $i!ht t the %eath psitin. Di% the 'm' !ive the apanese permissin

    t s"rren%er an% live It 'vi"sl( pla(e% a militar( rle, a plitical rle, an% apeacema+in! rle. Hw clse was the min%set $ the am"rai c"lt"re t the Islamic

    c"lt"re Di% Davi% 3en-6"rin ta+e nte an% wn%er i$ the same w"l% wr+ $r Israel

    2 4"l% Israel $in% the "ltimate %eterrent that w"l% cnvince her ppnents that the(c"l% never, ever s"ccee% Was Israel&s a'ilit( t ca"se a m%ern hlca"st the 'est wa(

    t !"arantee never havin! anther ne

    The "se $ "ncnventinal weapns in the i%%le *ast is nt new. The 3ritish ha% "se%

    chemical artiller( shells a!ainst the T"r+s at the secn% 'attle $ 6a=a in 191L. The(

    cntin"e% chemical shellin! a!ainst the hiites in Ira; in 192> an% "se% aerial chemicals

    in the 192>s an% 19>s in Ira;.

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Israel&s invlvement with n"clear technl!( starts at the $"n%in! $ the state in 1978.

    an( talente% ewish scientists immi!rate% t Palestine %"rin! the thirties an% $rties, inpartic"lar, *rnst Davi% 3er!mann. He w"l% 'ecme the %irectr $ the Israeli Atmic

    *ner!( 4mmissin an% the $"n%er $ Israel&s e$$rts t %evelp n"clear weapns.

    3er!mann, a clse $rien% an% a%visr $ Israel&s $irst Prime inister, Davi% 3en-6"rin,c"nsele% that n"clear ener!( c"l% cmpensate $r Israel&s pr nat"ral res"rces an%

    small pl $ militar( manpwer. He pinte% "t that there was )"st ne n"clear ener!(,

    nt tw, s"!!estin! n"clear weapns were part $ the plan.7 As earl( as 1978, Israeliscientists activel( e@plre% the e!ev Desert $r "rani"m %epsits n r%ers $rm the

    Israeli inistr( $ De$ense. 3( 19>, the( $"n% lw-!ra%e %epsits near 3eershe'a an%

    i%n an% wr+e% n a lw pwer meth% $ heav( water pr%"ctin.

    The newl( create% Wei=mann Instit"te $ cience activel( s"pprte% n"clear research '(

    1979, with Dr. 3er!mann hea%in! the chemistr( %ivisin. Prmisin! st"%ents went

    verseas t st"%( n"clear en!ineerin! an% ph(sics at Israeli !vernment e@pense. Israel

    secretl( $"n%e% its wn Atmic *ner!( 4mmissin in 192 an% place% it "n%er thecntrl $ the De$ense inistr(.? The $"n%atins $ a n"clear pr!ram were 'e!innin!

    t %evelp.

    II. 1978-19?2: With rench 4peratin

    It has alwa(s 'een "r intentin t %evelp a n"clear ptential.

    - *phraim at=irL

    In 1979, rancis Perrin, a mem'er $ the rench Atmic *ner!( 4mmissin, n"clearph(sicist, an% $rien% $ Dr. 3er!mann visite% the Wei=mann Instit"te. He invite% Israeli

    scientists t the new rench n"clear research $acilit( at acla(. A )int research e$$rt

    was s"'se;"entl( set "p 'etween the tw natins. Perrin p"'licl( state% in 198? thatrench scientists wr+in! in America n the anhattan Pr)ect an% in 4ana%a %"rin!

    Wrl% War II were tl% the( c"l% "se their +nwle%!e in rance prvi%e% the( +ept it a

    secret.8 Perrin reprte%l( prvi%e% n"clear %ata t Israel n the same 'asis.9 #ne Israeliscientist wr+e% at the 0.. 5s Alams atinal 5a'ratr( an% ma( have %irectl(

    'r"!ht e@pertise hme.1>

    A$ter the ecn% Wrl% War, rance&s n"clear research capa'ilit( was ;"ite limite%.rance ha% 'een a lea%in! research center in n"clear ph(sics 'e$re Wrl% War II, '"t

    ha% $allen $ar 'ehin% the 0.., the 0...., the 0nite% in!%m, an% even 4ana%a.

    Israel an% rance were at a similar level $ e@pertise a$ter the war, an% Israeli scientistsc"l% ma+e si!ni$icant cntri'"tins t the rench e$$rt. Pr!ress in n"clear science an%

    technl!( in rance an% Israel remaine% clsel( lin+e% thr"!h"t the earl( $i$ties.

    Israeli scientists pr'a'l( helpe% cnstr"ct the 6-1 pl"tni"m pr%"ctin reactr an% 0P-1 reprcessin! plant at arc"le.11 rance pr$ite% $rm tw Israeli patents n heav(

    water pr%"ctin an% lw-!ra%e "rani"m enrichment.12 In the 19>s an% int the earl(

    19?>s, rance an% Israel ha% clse relatins in man( areas. rance was Israel&s principal

    arms s"pplier, an% as insta'ilit( sprea% thr"!h rench clnies in rth A$rica, Israel

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    prvi%e% val"a'le intelli!ence 'taine% $rm cntacts with sephar%ic ews in thse


    The tw natins clla'rate%, with the 0nite% in!%m, in plannin! an% sta!in! the "e=

    4anal-inai peratin a!ainst *!(pt in #ct'er 19?. The "e= 4risis 'ecame the real

    !enesis $ Israel&s n"clear weapns pr%"ctin pr!ram. With the 4=ech-*!(ptian armsa!reement in 19, Israel 'ecame wrrie%. When a'sr'e%, the viet-'lc e;"ipment

    w"l% triple *!(ptian militar( stren!th. A$ter *!(pt&s Presi%ent asser clse% the traits

    $ Tiran in 19, Israeli Prime inister 3en-6"rin r%ere% the %evelpment $ chemicalm"nitins an% ther "ncnventinal m"nitins, incl"%in! n"clear.1 i@ wee+s 'e$re the

    "e= 4anal peratin, Israel $elt the time was ri!ht t apprach rance $r assistance in

    '"il%in! a n"clear reactr. 4ana%a ha% set a prece%ent a (ear earlier when it ha% a!ree% t

    '"il% a 7>-me!awatt 4I0 reactr in In%ia. himn Peres, the Directr-6eneral $ theDe$ense inistr( an% ai%e t Prime inister Ban% De$ense inisterC Davi% 3en-6"rin,

    an% 3er!mann met with mem'ers $ the 4*A Brance&s Atmic *ner!( 4mmissinC.

    D"rin! eptem'er 19?, the( reache% an initial "n%erstan%in! t prvi%e a research

    reactr. The tw c"ntries cncl"%e% $inal a!reements at a secret meetin! "tsi%e Pariswhere the( als $inali=e% %etails $ the "e= 4anal peratin.17

    r the 0nite% in!%m an% rance, the "e= peratin, la"nche% n #ct'er 29, 19?,

    was a ttal %isaster. Israel&s part was a militar( s"ccess, allwin! it t cc"p( the entire

    inai Penins"la '( 7 vem'er, '"t the rench an% 3ritish canal invasin n ?vem'er was a plitical $ail"re. Their attempt t a%vance s"th aln! the "e= 4anal

    stppe% %"e t a cease-$ire "n%er $ierce viet an% 0.. press"re. 3th natins p"lle% "t,

    leavin! Israel t $ace the press"re $rm the tw s"perpwers alne. viet Premier

    3"l!anin an% Presi%ent hr"shchev iss"e% an implicit threat $ n"clear attac+ i$ Israel%i% nt with%raw $rm the inai.

    #n L vem'er 19?, a secret meetin! was hel% 'etween Israeli $rei!n minister 6l%aeir, himn Peres, an% rench $rei!n an% %e$ense ministers 4hristian Pinea" an%

    a"rice 3"r!es-an"r(. The rench, em'arrasse% '( their $ail"re t s"pprt their all(

    in the peratin, $"n% the Israelis %eepl( cncerne% a'"t a viet threat. In thismeetin!, the( s"'stantiall( m%i$ie% the initial "n%erstan%in! 'e(n% a research reactr.

    Peres sec"re% an a!reement $rm rance t assist Israel in %evelpin! a n"clear %eterrent.

    A$ter $"rther mnths $ ne!tiatin, a!reement was reache% $r an 18-me!awatt BthermalC

    research reactr $ the *5- t(pe, aln! with pl"tni"m separatin technl!(. rancean% Israel si!ne% the a!reement in #ct'er 19L.1 5ater the reactr was $$iciall(

    "p!ra%e% t 27 me!awatts, '"t the act"al speci$icatins iss"e% t en!ineers prvi%e% $r

    cre clin! %"cts s"$$icient $r "p t three times this pwer level, aln! with apl"tni"m plant $ similar capacit(. Data $rm insi%er reprts reveale% in 198? w"l%

    estimate the pwer level at 12-1> me!awatts.1? The reactr, nt cnnecte% t t"r'ines

    $r pwer pr%"ctin, nee%e% this increase in si=e nl( t increase its pl"tni"mpr%"ctin. Hw this "p!ra%e came a'"t remains "n+nwn, '"t 3"r!es-a"n"r(,

    replacin! llet as rench prime minister, ma( have cntri'"te% t it.1L himn Peres,

    the !"i%in! han% in the Israeli n"clear pr!ram, ha% a clse relatinship with 3"r!es-

    a"n"r( an% pr'a'l( helpe% him pliticall(.18

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Wh( was rance s ea!er t help Israel Dellet an% then %e 6a"lle ha% a place $r

    Israel within their strate!ic visin. A n"clear Israel c"l% 'e a c"nter$rce a!ainst *!(ptin rance&s $i!ht in Al!eria. *!(pt was penl( ai%in! the re'el $rces there. rance als

    wante% t 'tain the 'm' itsel$. The 0nite% tates ha% em'ar!e% certain n"clear

    ena'lin! cmp"ter technl!( $rm rance. Israel c"l% !et the technl!( $rmAmerica an% pass it thr"!h t rance. The 0.. $"rnishe% Israel heav( water, "n%er the

    Atms $r Peace pr!ram, $r the small research reactr at re;. rance c"l% "se this

    heav( water. ince rance was sme (ears awa( $rm n"clear testin! an% s"ccess, Israeliscience was an ins"rance plic( in case $ technical pr'lems in rance&s wn

    pr!ram.19 The Israeli intelli!ence cmm"nit(&s +nwle%!e $ past rench Bespeciall(

    ich(C anti-emitic trans!ressins an% the cntin"e% presence $ $rmer a=i

    clla'ratrs in rench intelli!ence prvi%e% the Israelis with sme 'lac+mailpprt"nities.2> The cperatin was s clse that Israel wr+e% with rance n the

    prepr%"ctin %esi!n $ earl( ira!e )et aircra$t, %esi!ne% t 'e capa'le $ %eliverin!

    n"clear 'm's.21

    rench e@perts secretl( '"ilt the Israeli reactr "n%er!r"n% at Dimna, in the e!ev

    %esert $ s"thern Israel near 3eershe'a. H"n%re%s $ rench en!ineers an% technicians$ille% 3eershe'a, the 'i!!est twn in the e!ev. an( $ the same cntractrs wh '"ilt

    arc"le were invlve%. # Ba rench $irmC '"ilt the pl"tni"m separatin plants in

    'th rance an% Israel. The !r"n% was 'r+en $r the *5-1>2 reactr Bas it was +nwnt ranceC in earl( 198.

    Israel "se% man( s"'ter$"!es t cnceal activit( at Dimna. It calle% the plant a

    man!anese plant, an% rarel(, a te@tile plant. The 0nite% tates '( the en% $ 198 ha%ta+en pict"res $ the pr)ect $rm 0-2 sp( planes, an% i%enti$ie% the site as a pr'a'le

    reactr cmple@. The cncentratin $ renchmen was als impssi'le t hi%e $rm

    !r"n% 'servers. In 19?>, 'e$re the reactr was peratin!, rance, nw "n%er thelea%ership $ %e 6a"lle, recnsi%ere% an% %eci%e% t s"spen% the pr)ect. A$ter several

    mnths $ ne!tiatin, the( reache% an a!reement in vem'er that allwe% the reactr

    t prcee% i$ Israel prmise% nt t ma+e n"clear weapns an% t ann"nce the pr)ect tthe wrl%. Wr+ n the pl"tni"m reprcessin! plant halte%. #n 2 Decem'er 19?>,

    'e$re Israel c"l% ma+e ann"ncements, the 0.. tate Department iss"e% a statement

    that Israel ha% a secret n"clear installatin. 3( 1? Decem'er, this 'ecame p"'lic

    +nwle%!e with its appearance in the ew r+ Times. #n 21 Decem'er, 3en-6"rinann"nce% that Israel was '"il%in! a 27-me!awatt reactr $r peace$"l p"rpses.22

    #ver the ne@t (ear, relatins 'etween the 0.. an% Israel 'ecame straine% ver theDimna reactr. The 0.. accepte% Israel&s assertins at $ace val"e p"'licl(, '"t e@erte%

    press"re privatel(. Alth"!h Israel allwe% a c"rsr( inspectin '( well +nwn American

    ph(sicists *"!ene Wi!ner an% I. I. a'i, Prime inister 3en-6"rin cnsistentl( re$"se%t allw re!"lar internatinal inspectins. The $inal resl"tin 'etween the 0.. an%

    Israel was a cmmitment $rm Israel t "se the $acilit( $r peace$"l p"rpses, an% t

    a%mit an 0.. inspectin team twice a (ear. These inspectins 'e!an in 19?2 an%

    cntin"e% "ntil 19?9. Inspectrs saw nl( the a've !r"n% part $ the '"il%in!s, nt the

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    man( levels "n%er!r"n% an% the visit $re;"enc( was never mre than nce a (ear. The

    a've !r"n% areas ha% sim"late% cntrl rms, an% access t the "n%er!r"n% areas

    was +ept hi%%en while the inspectrs were present. *levatrs lea%in! t the secret"n%er!r"n% pl"tni"m reprcessin! plant were act"all( 'ric+e% ver.2 "ch $ the

    in$rmatin n these inspectins an% the plitical mane"verin! ar"n% it has )"st 'een


    #ne interpretatin $ 3en-6"rin&s peace$"l p"rpses ple%!e !iven t America is that

    he interprete% it t mean that n"clear weapn %evelpment was nt e@cl"%e% i$ "se%strictl( $r %e$ensive, an% nt $$ensive p"rpses. Israel&s sec"rit( psitin in the late

    $i$ties an% earl( si@ties was $ar mre precari"s than nw. A$ter three wars, with a r'"st

    %mestic arms in%"str( an% a relia'le %e$ense s"ppl( line $rm the 0.., Israel $elt m"ch

    mre sec"re. D"rin! the $i$ties an% earl( si@ties a n"m'er $ attempts '( Israel t 'tainsec"rit( !"arantees $rm the 0.. t place Israel "n%er the 0.. n"clear "m'rella li+e

    AT# r apan, were "ns"ccess$"l. I$ the 0.. ha% cn%"cte% a $rwar%-l+in! plic(

    t restrain Israel&s prli$eratin, aln! with a s"re %e$ense a!reement, we c"l% have

    prevente% the %evelpment $ Israel&s n"clear arsenal.

    #ne cmmn %isc"ssin in the literat"re cncerns testin! $ Israeli n"clear %evices. In theearl( phases, the am"nt $ clla'ratin 'etween the rench an% Israeli n"clear weapns

    %esi!n pr!rams ma%e testin! "nnecessar(. In a%%itin, alth"!h their main e$$rts were

    with pl"tni"m, the Israelis ma( have amasse% en"!h "rani"m $r !"n-assem'le% t(pe'm's which, li+e the Hirshima 'm', re;"ire n testin!. #ne e@pert pst"late%, 'ase%

    n "nname% s"rces, that the rench n"clear test in 19?> ma%e tw n"clear pwers nt

    nes"ch was the %epth $ clla'ratin.2 There were several Israeli 'servers at the

    rench n"clear tests an% the Israelis ha% "nrestricte% access t rench n"clear teste@plsin %ata.2? Israel als s"pplie% essential technl!( an% har%ware.2L The rench

    reprte%l( shippe% reprcesse% pl"tni"m 'ac+ t Israel as part $ their repa(ment $r

    Israeli scienti$ic help.

    Hwever, this cnstant, %eca%e ln!, rench cperatin an% s"pprt was sn t en%

    an% Israel w"l% have t ! it alne.

    III. 19?-19L: eein! the Pr)ect t 4mpletin

    Israel w"l% sn nee% its wn, in%epen%ent, capa'ilities t cmplete its n"clear

    pr!ram. #nl( $ive c"ntries ha% $acilities $r "rani"m enrichment: the 0nite% tates, the

    viet 0nin, the 0nite% in!%m, rance, an% 4hina. The "clear aterials an%*;"ipment 4rpratin, r 0*4, in Apll, Penns(lvania was a small $"el r%

    $a'ricatin plant. In 19?, the 0.. !vernment acc"se% Dr. alman hapir, the

    crpratin presi%ent, $ lsin! 2>> p"n%s $ hi!hl( enriche% "rani"m. Alth"!hinvesti!ate% '( the Atmic *ner!( 4mmissin, the 4entral Intelli!ence A!enc(, the

    e%eral 3"rea" $ Investi!atin, an% ther !vernment a!encies an% in;"irin! reprters,

    n answers were availa'le in what was terme% the Apll A$$air.29 an( remain

    cnvince% that the Israelis receive% 2>> p"n%s $ enriche% "rani"m smetime 'e$re

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    19?.> #ne s"rce lin+s a$i *itan, an Israeli ssa% a!ent an% later the han%ler $ sp(

    nathan Pllar%, with 0*4.1 In the 199>s when the 0*4 plant was

    %isassem'le%, the "clear e!"latr( 4mmissin $"n% ver 1>> +il!rams $pl"tni"m in the str"ct"ral cmpnents $ the cntaminate% plant, castin! %"'t n 2>>

    p"n%s !in! t Israel.2

    The )int vent"re with rance !ave Israel several in!re%ients $r n"clear weapns

    cnstr"ctin: a pr%"ctin reactr, a $actr( t e@tract pl"tni"m $rm the spent $"el, an%

    the %esi!n. In 19?2, the Dimna reactr went criticalO the rench res"me% wr+ n the"n%er!r"n% pl"tni"m reprcessin! plant, an% cmplete% it in 19?7 r 19?. The

    ac;"isitin $ this reactr an% relate% technl!ies was clearl( inten%e% $r militar(

    p"rpses $rm the "tset Bnt %"al-"seC, as the reactr has n ther $"nctin. The

    sec"rit( at Dimna B$$iciall( the e!ev "clear esearch 4enterC was partic"larl(strin!ent. r stra(in! int Dimna&s airspace, the Israelis sht %wn ne $ their wn

    ira!e $i!hters %"rin! the i@-Da( War. The Israelis als sht %wn a 5i'(an airliner

    with 1>7 passen!ers, in 19L, which ha% stra(e% ver the inai. There is little %"'t

    that sme time in the late si@ties Israel 'ecame the si@th natin t man"$act"re n"clearweapns. #ther thin!s the( nee%e% were e@tra "rani"m an% e@tra heav( water t r"n the

    reactr at a hi!her rate. rwa(, rance, an% the 0nite% tates prvi%e% the heav( wateran% #peratin Pl"m'at prvi%e% the "rani"m.

    A$ter the 19?L war, rance stppe% s"pplies $ "rani"m t Israel. These s"pplies were$rm $rmer rench clnies $ 6a'n, i!er, an% the 4entral A$rica ep"'lic.7 Israel

    ha% small am"nts $ "rani"m $rm e!ev phsphate mines an% ha% '"!ht sme $rm

    Ar!entina an% "th A$rica, '"t nt in the lar!e ;"antities s"pplie% '( the rench.

    Thr"!h a cmplicate% "n%ercver peratin, the Israelis 'taine% "rani"m @i%e, +nwnas (ellw ca+e, hel% in a stc+pile in Antwerp. 0sin! a West 6erman $rnt cmpan( an%

    a hi!h seas trans$er $rm ne ship t anther in the e%iterranean, the( 'taine% 2>> tns

    $ (ellw ca+e. The sm"!!lers la'ele% the ?> seale% il %r"ms Pl"m'at, which meanslea%, hence #peratin Pl"m'at. The West 6erman !vernment ma( have 'een

    invlve% %irectl( '"t remaine% "n%ercver t avi% anta!ni=in! the viets r Ara's.?

    Israeli intelli!ence in$rmatin n the a=i past $ sme West 6erman $$icials ma( haveprvi%e% the mtivatin.L

    rwa( sl% 2> tns $ heav( water t Israel in 199 $r "se in an e@perimental pwer

    reactr. rwa( insiste% n the ri!ht t inspect the heav( water $r 2 (ears, '"t %i% snl( nce, in April 19?1, while it was still in stra!e 'arrels at Dimna. Israel simpl(

    prmise% that the heav( water was $r peace$"l p"rpses. In a%%itin, ;"antities m"ch

    mre than what w"l% 'e re;"ire% $r the peace$"l p"rpse reactrs were imprte%.rwa( either cll"%e% r at the least was ver( slw t as+ t inspect as the Internatinal

    Atmic *ner!( A!enc( BIA*AC r"les re;"ire%.8 rwa( an% Israel cncl"%e% an

    a!reement in 199> $r Israel t sell 'ac+ 1>. tns $ the heav( water t rwa(. ecentcalc"latins reveal that Israel has "se% tw tns an% will retain ei!ht tns mre.9

    A"thr e(m"r Hersh, writin! in the amsn #ptin sa(s Prime inister 5evi *sh+l

    %ela(e% startin! weapns pr%"ctin even a$ter Dimna was $inishe%.7> The reactr

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    perate% an% the pl"tni"m cllecte%, '"t remaine% "nseparate%. The $irst e@tractin $

    pl"tni"m pr'a'l( cc"rre% in late 19?. 3( 19??, en"!h pl"tni"m was n han% t

    %evelp a weapn in time $r the i@-Da( War in 19?L. me t(pe $ nn-n"clear test,perhaps a =er (iel% r implsin test, cc"rre% n vem'er 2, 19??. A$ter this time,

    cnsi%era'le clla'ratin 'etween Israel an% "th A$rica %evelpe% an% cntin"e%

    thr"!h the 19L>s an% 198>s. "th A$rica 'ecame Israel&s primar( s"pplier $ "rani"m$r Dimna. A 4enter $r nprli$eratin t"%ies reprt lists $"r separate Israel-"th

    A$rica clan%estine n"clear %eals. Three cncerne% (ellwca+e an% ne was triti"m.71

    #ther s"rces $ (ellwca+e ma( have incl"%e% Prt"!al.72

    *!(pt attempte% "ns"ccess$"ll( t 'tain n"clear weapns $rm the viet 0nin 'th

    'e$re an% a$ter the i@-Da( War. Presi%ent asser receive% $rm the viet 0nin a

    ;"estina'le n"clear !"arantee instea% an% %eclare% that *!(pt w"l% %evelp its wnn"clear pr!ram.7 His rhetric $ 19? an% 19?? a'"t preventive war an% Israeli

    n"clear weapns c"ple% with ver$li!hts $ the Dimna rectr cntri'"te% t the

    tensins that le% t war. The *!(ptian Air rce claims t have $irst ver$lwn Dimna

    an% rec!ni=e% the e@istence $ a n"clear reactr in 19?.77 #$ the > American HAWantiaircra$t missiles in Israeli han%s, hal$ rin!e% Dimna '( 19?.7 Israel cnsi%ere% the

    *!(ptian ver$li!hts $ a( 1?, 19?L as pssi'le pre-stri+e recnnaissance. #ne s"rcelists s"ch *!(ptian ver$li!hts, aln! with 0nite% atins peace+eeper with%rawal an%

    *!(ptian trp mvements int the inai, as ne $ the three tripwires which w"l%

    %rive Israel t war.7? There was an *!(ptian militar( plan t attac+ Dimna at the start$ an( war '"t asser vete% it.7L He 'elieve% Israel w"l% have the 'm' in 19?8.78

    Israel assem'le% tw n"clear 'm's an% ten %a(s later went t war.79 asser&s plan, i$ he

    ha% ne, ma( have 'een t !ain an% cnsli%ate territrial !ains 'e$re Israel ha% a

    n"clear ptin.> He was tw wee+s t late.

    The Israelis a!!ressivel( p"rs"e% an aircra$t %eliver( s(stem $rm the 0nite% tates.

    Presi%ent hnsn was less emphatic a'"t nnprli$eratin than Presi%ent enne%(-rperhaps ha% mre pressin! cncerns, s"ch as ietnam. He ha% a ln! histr( $ 'th

    ewish $rien%s an% pressin! plitical cntri'"trs c"ple% with sme $irst han%

    e@perience $ the Hlca"st, havin! t"re% cncentratin camps at the en% $ Wrl% WarII.1 Israel presse% him har% $r aircra$t BA-7* +(haw+s initiall( an% -7* Phantms

    laterC an% 'taine% a!reement in 19?? "n%er the cn%itin that the aircra$t w"l% nt 'e

    "se% t %eliver n"clear weapns. The tate Department attempte% t lin+ the aircra$t

    p"rchases t cntin"e% inspectin visits. Presi%ent hnsn verr"le% the tateDepartment cncernin! Dimna inspectins.2 Alth"!h %enie% at the time, America

    %elivere% the -7*s, n eptem'er , 19?9, with n"clear capa'le har%ware intact.

    The amsn #ptin states that she Da(an !ave the !-ahea% $r startin! weapn

    pr%"ctin in earl( 19?8, p"ttin! the pl"tni"m separatin plant int $"ll peratin. Israel

    'e!an pr%"cin! three t $ive 'm's a (ear. The '+ 4ritical ass asserts that Israelha% tw 'm's in 19?L, an% that Prime inister *sh+l r%ere% them arme% in Israel&s

    $irst n"clear alert %"rin! the i@-Da( War.7 Avner 4hen in his recent '+, Israel an%

    the 3m', a!rees that Israel ha% a %elivera'le n"clear capa'ilit( in the 19?L war. He

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    ;"tes "n(a ar%r, lea%er $ a$ael, the Armament Develpment A"thrit(, an%

    ther "nname% s"rces, that Israel c''le% t!ether tw %elivera'le %evices.

    Havin! the 'm' meant artic"latin!, even i$ secretl(, a "se %ctrine. In a%%itin t the

    amsn #ptin $ last resrt, ther tri!!ers $r n"clear "se ma( have incl"%e%

    s"ccess$"l Ara' penetratin $ pp"late% areas, %estr"ctin $ the Israeli Air rce,massive air stri+es r chemical/'il!ical stri+es n Israeli cities, an% Ara' "se $ n"clear


    In 19L1, Israel 'e!an p"rchasin! +r(trns, "ltra hi!h-spee% electrnic switchin! t"'es

    that are %"al-"se, havin! 'th in%"strial an% n"clear weapns applicatins as

    %etnatrs. In the 198>s, the 0nite% tates char!e% an American, ichar% mith Br

    m(thC, with sm"!!lin! 81> +r(trns t Israel.L He vanishe% 'e$re trial an% reprte%l(lives "tsi%e Tel Aviv. The Israelis apl!i=e% $r the actin sa(in! that the +r(trns

    were $r me%ical research.8 Israel ret"rne% 7?9 $ the +r(trns '"t the rest, the(

    %eclare%, ha% 'een %estr(e% in testin! cnventinal weapns. me 'elieve the( went t

    "th A$rica.9 m(th has als 'een reprte% t have 'een invlve% in a 19L2 sm"!!lin!peratin t 'tain sli% rc+et $"el 'in%er cmp"n%s $r the erich II missile an%

    !"i%ance cmpnent har%ware.?> #'servers pint t the erich missile itsel$ as pr$ $a n"clear capa'ilit( as it is nt s"ite% t the %eliver( $ cnventinal m"nitins.?1

    #n the a$ternn $ ? #ct'er 19L, *!(pt an% (ria attac+e% Israel in a cr%inate%s"rprise attac+, 'e!innin! the m ipp"r War. 4a"!ht with nl( re!"lar $rces n %"t(,

    a"!mente% '( reservists with a lw rea%iness level, Israeli $rnt lines cr"m'le%. 3( earl(

    a$ternn n L #ct'er, n e$$ective $rces were in the s"thern 6lan Hei!hts an%

    (rian $rces ha% reache% the e%!e $ the platea", verl+in! the r%an iver. Thiscrisis 'r"!ht Israel t its secn% n"clear alert.

    De$ense inister she Da(an, 'vi"sl( nt at his 'est at a press 'rie$in!, was,accr%in! t Time ma!a=ine, rattle% en"!h t later tell the prime minister that this is

    the en% $ the thir% temple, re$errin! t an impen%in! cllapse $ the state $ Israel.

    Temple was als the c%e wr% $r n"clear weapns. Prime inister 6l%a eir an%her +itchen ca'inet ma%e the %ecisin n the ni!ht $ 8 #ct'er. The Israelis assem'le%

    1 twent(-+iltn atmic 'm's. The n"m'er an% in $act the entire str( was later lea+e%

    '( the Israelis as a !reat ps(chl!ical war$are tl. Alth"!h mst pr'a'l( pl"tni"m

    %evices, ne s"rce reprts the( were enriche% "rani"m 'm's. The erich missiles atHir'at achariah an% the n"clear stri+e -7s at Tel $ were arme% an% prepare% $r

    actin a!ainst (rian an% *!(ptian tar!ets. The( als tar!ete% Damasc"s with n"clear

    capa'le ln!-ran!e artiller( alth"!h it is nt certain the( ha% n"clear artiller( shells.?2

    0.. ecretar( $ tate Henr( issin!er was nti$ie% $ the alert several h"rs later n

    the mrnin! $ 9 #ct'er. The 0.. %eci%e% t pen an aerial res"ppl( pipeline t Israel,an% Israeli aircra$t 'e!an pic+in! "p s"pplies that %a(. Alth"!h stc+pile %epletin

    remaine% a cncern, the militar( sit"atin sta'ili=e% n #ct'er 8th an% 9th as Israeli

    reserves p"re% int the 'attle an% averte% %isaster. Well 'e$re si!ni$icant American

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    res"ppl( ha% reache% Israeli $rces, the Israelis c"nterattac+e% an% t"rne% the ti%e n

    'th $rnts.

    #n 11 #ct'er, a c"nterattac+ n the 6lan 'r+e the 'ac+ $ (ria&s $$ensive, an% n

    1 an% 1? #ct'er, Israel la"nche% a s"rprise crssin! $ the "e= 4anal int A$rica.

    n the Israelis encircle% the *!(ptian Thir% Arm( an% it was $ace% with annihilatin nthe east 'an+ $ the "e= 4anal, with n prtective $rces remainin! 'etween the Israeli

    Arm( an% 4air. The $irst 0.. $li!hts arrive% n 17 #ct'er.? Israeli cmman%s $lew

    t rt 3ennin!, 6er!ia t train with the new American T#W anti-tan+ missiles an%ret"rn with a 4-1> Herc"les aircra$t $"ll $ them in time $r the %ecisive 6lan 'attle.

    American cmman%ers in 6erman( %eplete% their stc+s $ missiles, at that time nl(

    share% with the 3ritish an% West 6ermans, an% sent them $rwar% t Israel.?7

    Th"s starte% the s"'tle, pa;"e "se $ the Israeli 'm' t ens"re that the 0nite% tates

    +ept its ple%!e t maintain Israel&s cnventinal weapns e%!e ver its $es.? There is

    si!ni$icant anec%tal evi%ence that Henr( issin!er tl% Presi%ent $ *!(pt, Anwar

    a%at, that the reasn $r the 0.. airli$t was that the Israelis were clse t !in!n"clear.??

    A similar viet pipeline t the Ara's, e;"all( r'"st, ma( r ma( nt have incl"%e% a

    ship with n"clear weapns n it, %etecte% $rm n"clear trace emissins an% sha%we% '(

    the Americans $rm the Dar%anelles. The Israelis 'elieve that the viets %iscvere%Israeli n"clear preparatins $rm 4## satellite pht!raphs an% %eci%e% t e;"ali=e

    the %%s.?L The viet ship arrive% in Ale@an%ria n either 18 r 2 #ct'er Bs"rces

    %isa!reeC, an% remaine%, with"t "nla%in!, "ntil vem'er 19L. The ship ma( have

    represente% a viet !"arantee t the Ara' cm'atants t ne"trali=e the Israeli n"clearptin.?8 While sme thers %ismiss the str( cmpletel(, the 'est-written review article

    cncl"%es that the answer is 'sc"re. viet premier 5eni% 3re=hnev threatene%, n

    27 #ct'er, t airli$t viet air'rne trps t rein$rce the *!(ptians c"t $$ n theeastern si%e $ the "e= 4anal an% p"t seven viet air'rne %ivisins n alert.?9 ecent

    evi%ence in%icates that the viets sent n"clear missile s"'marines als.L> Aviatin

    Wee+ an% pace Technl!( ma!a=ine claime% that the tw viet 40D 'ri!a%es%epl(e% in *!(pt each ha% a n"clear warhea%. American satellite phts seeme% t

    cn$irm this. The 0.. passe% t Israel ima!es $ tr"c+s, $ the t(pe "se% t transprt

    n"clear warhea%s, par+e% near the la"nchers.L1 Presi%ent i@n&s respnse was t 'rin!

    the 0.. t wrl%wi%e n"clear alert the ne@t %a(, where"pn Israel went t n"clear alert athir% time.L2 This s"%%en crisis ;"ic+l( $a%e% as Prime inister eir a!ree% t a cease-

    $ire, relievin! the press"re n the *!(ptian Thir% Arm(.

    himn Peres ha% ar!"e% $r a pre-war n"clear %emnstratin t %eter the Ara's. Ara'

    strate!ies an% war aims in 19?L ma( have 'een restricte% 'eca"se $ a $ear $ the Israeli

    'm' in the 'asement, the "n%eclare% n"clear ptin. The *!(ptians planne% t capt"rean eastern strip ne@t t the "e= 4anal an% then hl%. The (rians %i% nt a!!ressivel(

    cmmit mre $rces t 'attle r attempt t %rive thr"!h the 1978 r%an iver 'r%er t

    the Israeli center. 3th c"ntries seeme% nt t vilate Israel prper an% avi%e%

    tri!!erin! ne $ the "nstate% Israeli reasns t empl( n"clear weapns.L #thers

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    %isc"nt an( Ara' plannin! 'ase% n n"clear capa'ilities.L7 Peres als cre%its Dimna

    with 'rin!in! Anwar a%at t er"salem t ma+e peace.L This psitin was seemin!l(

    cn$irme% '( a%at in a private cnversatin with Israeli De$ense inister *=erWei=man.L?

    At the en% $ the m ipp"r War Ba natin sha+in! e@perienceC, Israel has her n"cleararsenal $"ll( $"nctinal an% teste% '( a %epl(ment. The arsenal, still pa;"e an%

    "nsp+en, was n ln!er a secret, especiall( t the tw s"perpwers, the 0nite% tates

    an% the viet 0nin.

    I. 19L7-1999: 3rin!in! the 3m' "p the 3asement tairs

    ever A!ainQ

    - eprte%l( wel%e% n the $irst Israeli n"clear 'm'LL

    hrtl( a$ter the 19L war, Israel alle!e%l( $iel%e% cnsi%era'le n"clear artiller(cnsistin! $ American 1L mm an% 2> mm sel$-prpelle% artiller( pieces, capa'le $

    $irin! n"clear shells. I$ tr"e, this shws that Dimna ha% rapi%l( slve% the pr'lems $%esi!nin! smaller weapns since the cr"%e 19?L %evices. I$ tr"e, these lw (iel%, tactical

    n"clear artiller( r"n%s c"l% reach at least 2 miles. The Israeli De$ense rce %i% have

    three 'attalins $ the 1Lmm artiller( B? t"'esC, reprte%l( with 1>8 n"clear shells an%mre $r the 2>mm t"'es. me s"rces %escri'e a pr!ram t e@ten% the ran!e t 7

    miles. The( ma( have $$ere% the "th A$ricans these lw (iel%, miniat"ri=e%, shells

    %escri'e% as, the 'est st"$$ we !t.L8 3( 19L?, accr%in! t ne "nclassi$ie% s"rce,

    the 4entral Intelli!ence A!enc( 'elieve% that the Israelis were "sin! pl"tni"m $rmDimna an% ha% 1> t 2> n"clear weapns availa'le.L9

    In 19L2, tw Israeli scientists, Isaiah e'en=ahl an% enacehm 5evin, %evelpe% acheaper, $aster "rani"m enrichment prcess. It "se% a laser 'eam $r istpe separatin. It

    c"l% reprte%l( enrich seven !rams $ 0rani"m 2 si@t( percent in ne %a(.8> "rces

    later reprte% that Israel was "sin! 'th centri$"!es an% lasers t enrich "rani"m.81

    N"estins remaine% re!ar%in! $"ll-scale n"clear weapns tests. Primitive !"n assem'le%

    t(pe %evices nee% n testin!. esearchers can test nn-n"clear cmpnents $ ther t(pes

    separatel( an% "se e@tensive cmp"ter sim"latins. Israel receive% %ata $rm the 19?>rench tests, an% ne s"rce cncl"%es that Israel accesse% in$rmatin $rm 0.. tests

    cn%"cte% in the 19>s an% earl( 19?>s. This ma( have incl"%e% 'th 'ste% an%

    thermn"clear weapns %ata.82 0n%er!r"n% testin! in a hllwe% "t cavern is %i$$ic"ltt %etect. A West 6erman( Arm( a!a=ine, Wehrtechni+, in "ne 19L?, claime% that

    Western reprts %c"mente% a 19? "n%er!r"n% test in the e!ev. #ther reprts shw a

    test at Al-a;a', e!ev in #ct'er 19??.8

    A 'ri!ht $lash in the s"th In%ian #cean, 'serve% '( an American satellite n 22

    eptem'er 19L9, is wi%el( 'elieve% t 'e a "th A$rica-Israel )int n"clear test. It was,

    accr%in! t sme, the thir% test $ a ne"trn 'm'. The $irst tw were hi%%en in cl"%s

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    t $l the satellite an% the thir% was an acci%entthe weather cleare%.87 *@perts %i$$er n

    these pssi'le tests. everal writers reprt that the scientists at 5s Alams atinal

    5a'ratr( 'elieve% it t have 'een a n"clear e@plsin while a presi%ential panel%eci%e% therwise.8 Presi%ent 4arter was )"st enterin! the Iran hsta!e ni!htmare an%

    ma( have easil( %eci%e% nt t alter > (ears $ l+in! the ther wa(.8? The e@plsin

    was almst certainl( an Israeli 'm', teste% at the invitatin $ the "th A$ricans. It wasmre a%vance% than the !"n t(pe 'm's %evelpe% '( the "th A$ricans.8L #ne

    reprt claims it was a test $ a n"clear artiller( shell.88 A 199L Israeli newspaper ;"te%

    "th A$rican %ep"t( $rei!n minister, A=i= Paha%, as cn$irmin! it was an Israeli testwith "th A$rican l!istical s"pprt.89

    4ntrvers( ver pssi'le n"clear testin! cntin"es t this %a(. In "ne 1998, a em'er

    $ the nesset acc"se% the !vernment $ an "n%er!r"n% test near *ilat n a( 28,1998. *!(ptian n"clear e@perts ha% ma%e similar char!es. The Israeli !vernment htl(

    %enie% the claims.9>

    t nl( were the Israelis intereste% in American n"clear weapns %evelpment %ata,the( were intereste% in tar!etin! %ata $rm 0.. intelli!ence. Israel %iscvere% that the(

    were n the viet tar!et list. American-'rn Israeli sp( nathan Pllar% 'taine%satellite-ima!in! %ata $ the viet 0nin, allwin! Israel t tar!et acc"ratel( viet

    cities. This shwe% Israel&s intentin t "se its n"clear arsenal as a %eterrent plitical

    lever, r retaliatr( capa'ilit( a!ainst the viet 0nin itsel$. Israel als "se% Americansatellite ima!er( t plan the L "ne 1981 attac+ n the Tamm"=-1 reactr at #sira;, Ira;.

    This %arin! attac+, carrie% "t '( ei!ht -1?s accmpanie% '( si@ -1s p"nche% a hle

    in the cncrete reactr %me 'e$re the reactr 'e!an peratin Ban% )"st %a(s 'e$re an

    Israeli electinC. It %elivere% 1 %ela(-$"se% 2>>> p"n% 'm's %eep int the reactrstr"ct"re Bthe 1?th 'm' hit a near'( hallC. The 'lasts shre%%e% the reactr an% 'lew "t

    the %me $"n%atins, ca"sin! it t cllapse n the r"''le. This was the wrl%&s $irst

    attac+ n a n"clear reactr.91

    ince 19 eptem'er 1988, Israel has wr+e% n its wn satellite recn- naissance s(stem

    t %ecrease reliance n 0.. s"rces. #n that %a(, the( la"nche% the #$$e;-1 satellite nthe havit 'ster, a s(stem clsel( relate% t the erich-II missile. The( la"nche% the

    satellite t the west awa( $rm the Ara's an% a!ainst the earth&s rtatin, re;"irin! even

    mre thr"st. The erich-II missile is capa'le $ sen%in! a ne tn n"clear pa(la% ,>>>

    +ilmeters. #$$e;-2 went "p n April 199>. The la"nch $ the #$$e;- $aile% n its $irstattempt n 1 eptem'er 1997, '"t was s"ccess$"l April 199.92

    r%echai an"n" prvi%e% the 'est l+ at the Israeli n"clear arsenal in 198 cmpletewith pht!raphs.9 A technician $rm Dimna wh lst his )', an"n" secretl( t+

    pht!raphs, immi!rate% t A"stralia an% p"'lishe% sme $ his material in the 5n%n

    "n%a( Times. He was s"'se;"entl( +i%nappe% '( Israeli a!ents, trie% an% imprisne%.His %ata shws a sphisticate% n"clear pr!ram, ver 2>> 'm's, with 'ste% %evices,

    ne"trn 'm's, -1? %elivera'le warhea%s, an% erich warhea%s.97 The 'ste%

    weapns shwn in the an"n" pht!raphs shw a sphisticatin that in$erre% the

    re;"irement $r testin!.9 He reveale% $r the $irst time the "n%er!r"n% pl"tni"m

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    separatin $acilit( where Israel was pr%"cin! 7> +il!rams ann"all(, several times mre

    than previ"s estimates. Pht!raphs shwe% sphisticate% %esi!ns which scienti$ic

    e@perts sa( ena'le% the Israelis t '"il% 'm's with as little as 7 +il!rams $ pl"tni"m.These $acts have increase% the estimates $ ttal Israeli n"clear stc+piles Bsee Appen%i@

    AC.9? In the wr%s $ ne American, Jthe IsraelisK can % an(thin! we r the viets can

    %.9L an"n" nt nl( ma%e the technical %etails $ the Israeli pr!ram an% stc+pilep"'lic '"t in his wa+e, Israeli 'e!an veile% $$icial ac+nwle%!ement $ the ptent Israeli

    n"clear %eterrent. The( 'e!an 'rin!in! the 'm' "p the 'asement stairs i$ nt "t $ the


    Israel went n $"ll-scale n"clear alert a!ain n the $irst %a( $ Desert trm, 18 an"ar(

    1991. even 40D missiles were $ire% a!ainst the cities $ Tel Aviv an% Hai$a '( Ira;

    Bnl( tw act"all( hit Tel Aviv an% ne hit Hai$aC. This alert laste% $r the %"ratin $ thewar, 7 %a(s. #ver the c"rse $ the war, Ira; la"nche% ar"n% 7> missiles in 1L separate

    attac+s at Israel. There was little lss $ li$e: tw +ille% %irectl(, 11 in%irectl(, with man(

    str"ct"res %ama!e% an% li$e %isr"pte%.98 everal s"ppse%l( lan%e% near Dimna, ne $

    them a clse miss.99 Threats $ retaliatin '( the hamir !vernment i$ the Ira;is "se%chemical warhea%s were interprete% t mean that Israel inten%e% t la"nch a n"clear

    stri+e i$ !as attac+s cc"rre%. #ne Israeli cmmentatr recmmen%e% that Israel sh"l%si!nal Ira; that an( Ira;i actin a!ainst Israeli civilian pp"latins, with r with"t !as,

    ma( leave Ira; with"t 3a!h%a%.1>> hrtl( 'e$re the en% $ the war the Israelis teste%

    a n"clear capa'le missile which prmpte% the 0nite% tates int intensi$(in! its 40Dh"ntin! in western Ira; t prevent an( Israeli respnse.1>1 The Israeli Air rce set "p

    %"mm( 40D sites in the e!ev $r pilts t practice nthe( $"n% it n eas( tas+.1>2

    American !vernment cncessins t Israel $r nt attac+in! Bin a%%itin t Israeli Patrit

    missile 'atteriesC were:

    Allwin! Israel t %esi!nate 1>> tar!ets insi%e Ira; $r the calitin t %estr(,

    atellite %wnlin+ t increase warnin! time n the 40D attac+s Bpresent an% $"t"reC,Technical parit( with a"%i )et $i!hters in perpet"it(.1>

    All $ this vali%ate% the n"clear arsenal in the min%s $ the Israelis. In partic"lar the

    cn$irme% capa'ilit( $ Ara' states with"t a 'r%er with Israel, the s-calle% secn%tier states, t reach "t an% t"ch Israel with 'allistic missiles cn$irme% Israel&s nee% $r

    a r'"st $irst stri+e capa'ilit(.1>7 4"rrent militar( cntacts 'etween Israel an% In%ia,

    anther n"clear pwer, 'rin! "p ;"estins $ n"clear cperatin.1> Pa+istani s"rces

    have alrea%( vice% cncerns ver a pssi'le )int Israeli-In%ian attac+ n Pa+istan&sn"clear $acilities.1>? A recent Parameters article spec"late% n Israel&s willin!ness t

    $"rnish n"clear capa'ilities r assistance t certain states, s"ch as T"r+e(.1>L A retire%

    Israeli De$ense rce 4hie$ $ ta$$, 5ie"tenant 6eneral Amnn haha+, has %eclare%,all meth%s are accepta'le in withhl%in! n"clear capa'ilities $rm an Ara' state.1>8

    As the Israeli 'm' cmes "t $ the 'asement, pen %isc"ssin, even in Israel, iscc"rrin! n wh( the Israelis $eel the( nee% an arsenal nt "se% in at least tw i$ nt three

    wars. Avner 4hen states: It JIsraelK m"st 'e in a psitin t threaten anther Hirshima

    t prevent anther hlca"st.1>9 In "l( 1998 himn Peres was ;"te% in the r%an

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Times as sa(in!, We have '"ilt a n"clear ptin, nt in r%er t have a Hirshima, '"t t

    have an #sl,11> re$errin! t the peace prcess.

    #ne list $ c"rrent reasns $r an Israeli n"clear capa'ilit( is:

    T %eter a lar!e cnventinal attac+,T %eter all levels $ "ncnventinal Bchemical, 'il!ical, n"clearC attac+s,

    T preempt enem( n"clear attac+s,

    T s"pprt cnventinal preemptin a!ainst enem( n"clear assets,T s"pprt cnventinal preemptin a!ainst enem( nn-n"clear Bcnventinal, chemical,

    'il!icalC assets,

    r n"clear war$i!htin!,

    The amsn #ptin Blast resrt %estr"ctinC.111

    The mst alarmin! $ these is the n"clear war$i!htin!. The Israelis have %evelpe%, '(

    several acc"nts, lw (iel% ne"trn 'm's a'le t %estr( trps with minimal %ama!e t

    prpert(.112 In 199>, %"rin! the ecn% 6"l$ War, an Israeli reserve ma)r !eneralrecmmen%e% t America that it "se nn-cntaminatin! tactical n"clear weapns

    a!ainst Ira;.11 me have spec"late% that the Israelis will "p%ate their n"clear arsenalt micrn"+es an% tin(n"+es which w"l% 'e ver( "se$"l t attac+ pint tar!ets an%

    ther tactical r 'arrier Bminin!C "ses.117 These w"l% 'e ver( "se$"l $r har%ene%

    %eepl( '"rie% cmman% an% cntrl $acilities an% $r air$iel% %estr"ctin with"te@psin! Israeli pilts t cm'at.11 A"thrs have ma%e the pint that Israeli

    pr$essinal militar( schls % nt teach n"clear tactics an% w"l% nt "se them in the

    clse ;"arters $ Israel. an( Israeli $$icers have atten%e% American militar( schls

    where the( learne% tactical "se in crw%e% *"rpe.11?

    Hwever, ane&s Intelli!ence eview has recentl( reprte% an Israeli review $ n"clear

    strate!( with a shi$t $rm tactical n"clear warhea%s t ln! ran!e missiles.11L Israelalwa(s has $avre% the ln! reach, whether t Ar!entina $r A%lph *ichmann, t Ira; t

    stri+e a reactr, *nte''e $r hsta!es, T"nisia t hit the P5#, r '( tar!etin! the viet

    0nin&s cities. An esteeme% Israeli militar( a"thr has spec"late% that Israel is p"rs"in!an RD pr!ram t prvi%e Is Bm"ltiple in%epen%ent reentr( vehiclesC n their


    The !vernment $ Israel recentl( r%ere% three 6erman Dlphin 4lass 8>> s"'marine,t 'e %elivere% in late 1999. Israel will then have a secn% stri+e capa'ilit( with n"clear

    cr"ise missiles, an% this capa'ilit( c"l% well chan!e the n"clear arms race in the i%%le

    *ast.119 Israeli rhetric n the new s"'marines la'els them natinal %eterrent assets.Pr)ecte% capa'ilities incl"%e a s"'marine-la"nche% n"clear missile with a >-+ilmeter

    ran!e.12> Israel has 'een wr+in! n sea la"nch capa'ilit( $r missiles since the

    19?>s.121 The $irst 'asin! ptins $r the new secn%-stri+e $rce $ n"clear missilecapa'le s"'marines incl"%e #man, an Ara' natin with "n$$icial Israeli relatins,

    lcate% strate!icall( near Iran.122 A reprt in%icates that the Israel De$ense inistr( has

    $rmall( !ne t the !vernment with a re;"est t a"thri=e a retaliatr( n"clear stri+e i$

    Israel was hit with $irst stri+e n"clear weapns. This reprt cmes in the wa+e $ a recent

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    Iran hiha'- missile test an% in%icatins t Israel that Iran is tw t three (ears $rm a

    n"clear warhea%.12 Israeli statements stress that Iran&s n"clear ptential w"l% 'e

    pr'lem t all an% w"l% re;"ire American lea%ership, with seri"s participatin $ the6-L . . . .127

    A recent st"%( hi!hli!hte% Israel&s e@treme v"lnera'ilit( t a $irst stri+e an% anaccmpan(in! v"lnera'ilit( even t a $alse alarm.12 (ria&s entire %e$ense a!ainst Israel

    seems t rest n chemical weapns an% warhea%s.12? #ne scenari invlves (ria

    ma+in! a ;"ic+ inc"rsin int the 6lan an% then threatenin! chemical stri+es, perhapswith a new, mre lethal Bprtective-mas+-penetra'leC "ssian nerve !as i$ Israel

    resists.12L Their "se w"l% %rive Israel t n"clear "se. Israeli %evelpment $ an anti-

    missile %e$ense, the Arrw, a $"ll( $iel%e% B>->128C erich II 'allistic missile, an% the

    sn-t-arrive strate!ic s"'marine $rce, seems t have pr%"ce% a cmin! chan!e in%e$ense $rce str"ct"re. The Israeli newspaper Ha&aret=, ;"tes the Israeli 4hie$ $ ta$$

    %isc"ssin! the esta'lishment $ a strate!ic cmman% t . . . prepare an a%e;"ate respnse

    t the ln! term threats. . . 129

    The 1997 accr% with r%an, allwin! limite% Israeli militar( presence in r%anian

    s+ies, c"l% ma+e the $l(in! %istance t several ptential a%versaries cnsi%era'l(shrter.1> Israel is cncerne% a'"t Iran&s %esire t 'tain n"clear weapns an% 'ecme

    a re!inal lea%er, c"ple% with lar!e n"m'ers $ hiite slems in s"thern 5e'ann.

    The Israeli Air rce cmman%in! !eneral iss"e% a statement sa(in! Israel w"l%cnsi%er an attac+ i$ an( c"ntr( !ets clse t achievin! a n"clear capa'ilit(.11 The

    Israelis are 'vi"sl( cnsi%erin! actins capa'le $ stppin! s"ch pr!rams an% are

    '"(in! aircra$t s"ch as the -1I with s"$$icient peratinal ran!e. At the $irst %eliver( $

    these 7,>>> +ilmeter ran!e $i!hters, the Israeli cmment was, the aircra$t w"l% helpc"nter a !rwin! n"clear threat.12 The( cnsi%er s"ch re!inal natin n"clear

    pr!rams t 'e a s"$$icient ca"se $r war. Their recr% $ accmplishment is clear:

    havin! hit the earl( Ira;i n"clear e$$rt, the( $eel vin%icate% '( Desert trm. The( als$eel that nl( the American an% Israeli n"clear weapns +ept Ira;&s a%%am H"ssein $rm

    "sin! chemical r 'il!ical weapns a!ainst Israel.1

    Israel, li+e Iran, has %esires $ re!inal pwer. The 19? alliance with rance an% 3ritain

    mi!ht have 'een a $irst attempt at re!inal he!emn(. 4"rrent %e'ate in the Israeli press

    cnsi%ers $$erin! "wait, Natar, #man, an% perhaps (ria Ba$ter a peace a!reementC an

    Israeli n"clear "m'rella $ prtectin.17 A n"clear Iran r Ira; mi!ht "se its n"clearweapns t prtect sme states in the re!in, threaten thers, an% attempt t cntrl il


    Anther spec"lative area cncerns Israeli n"clear sec"rit( an% pssi'le mis"se. What is

    the chain $ %ecisin an% cntrl $ Israel&s weapns Hw s"scepti'le are the( t mis"se

    r the$t With n pen, $ran+, p"'lic %e'ate n n"clear iss"es, there has accr%in!l( 'eenn %e'ate r in$rmatin n e@istin! sa$e!"ar%s. This has le% t acc"satins $

    mnlithic views an% sinister intentins.1?> W"l% a ri!ht win! militar( !vernment

    %eci%e t empl( n"clear weapns rec+lessl( Ariel harn, an "tsp+en prpnent $

    6reater Israel was ;"te% as sa(in!, Ara's ma( have the il, '"t we have the

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    matches.1L 4"l% the 6"sh *m"nim, a ri!ht win! reli!i"s r!ani=atin, r thers,

    hi)ac+ a n"clear %evice t li'erate the Temple "nt $r the '"il%in! $ the thir%

    temple 4hances are small '"t c"l% increase as ra%icals %ecr( the peace prcess.18 A199L article reviewin! the Israeli De$ense rce repeate%l( stresse% the pssi'ilities $,

    an% the nee% t !"ar% a!ainst, a reli!i"s, ri!ht win! militar( c"p, especiall( as the

    prprtin $ reli!i"s in the militar( increases.19

    Israel is a natin with a state reli!in, '"t its tp lea%ers are nt reli!i"s ews. The

    intricacies $ ewish reli!i"s plitics an% ra''inical law % a$$ect their plitics an%%ecisin prcesses. In ewish law, there are tw t(pes $ war, ne 'li!atr( an%

    man%atr( Bmil+hemet mit=vahC an% the ne a"thri=e% '"t ptinal Bmil+hemet

    resh"tC.17> The la'elin! $ Prime inister 3e!in&s Peace $r 6alilee peratin as a

    milchemet 'rera Bwar $ chiceC was ne $ the $actrs ca"sin! it t lse s"pprt.171Interpretatin $ ewish law cncernin! n"clear weapns %es nt permit their "se $r

    m"t"al ass"re% %estr"ctin. Hwever, it %es allw pssessin an% threatenin! their "se,

    even i$ act"al "se is nt )"sti$ia'le "n%er the law. Interpretatins $ the law allw tactical

    "se n the 'attle$iel%, '"t nl( a$ter warnin! the enem( an% attemptin! t ma+e peace.Hw m"ch these intricacies a$$ect Israeli n"clear strate!( %ecisins is "n+nwn.172

    The secret nat"re $ the Israeli n"clear pr!ram has hi%%en the increasin! pr'lems $ the

    a!in! Dimna reactr an% a%verse wr+er health e$$ects. In$rmatin is nl( nw p"'lic

    as $rmer wr+ers s"e the !vernment. This iss"e is nw lin+e% t cntin"e% triti"mpr%"ctin $r the 'ste% anti-tan+ an% anti-missile n"clear warhea%s that Israeli

    cntin"es t nee%. Israel is attemptin! t 'tain a new, mre e$$icient, triti"m pr%"ctin

    technl!( %evelpe% in In%ia.17

    #ne ther p"rpse $ Israeli n"clear weapns, nt $ten state%, '"t 'vi"s, is their "se

    n the 0nite% tates. America %es nt want Israel&s n"clear pr$ile raise%.177 The( have

    'een "se% in the past t ens"re America %es nt %esert Israel "n%er increase% Ara', ril em'ar!, press"re an% have $rce% the 0nite% tates t s"pprt Israeli %iplmaticall(

    a!ainst the viet 0nin. Israel "se% their e@istence t !"arantee a cntin"in! s"ppl( $

    American cnventinal weapns, a plic( li+el( t cntin"e.17

    e!ar%less $ the tr"e t(pes an% n"m'ers Bsee Appen%i@ AC $ Israeli n"clear weapns,

    the( have %evelpe% a sphisticate% s(stem, '( m(ria% meth%s, an% are a n"clear pwer

    t 'e rec+ne% with. Their n"clear am'i!"it( has serve% their p"rpses well '"t Israel isenterin! a %i$$erent phase $ visi'ilit( even as their n"clear capa'ilit( is enterin! a new

    phase. This new visi'ilit( ma( nt 'e in America&s interest.17? an( are pre%ictin! the

    Israeli n"clear arsenal will 'ecme less "se$"l "t $ the 'asement an% pssi'l( sp"r are!inal arms race. I$ s, Israel has a -1> (ear lea% time at present 'e$re m"t"al ass"re%

    %estr"ctin, i%%le *ast st(le, will set in. W"l% re!inal m"t"al secn% stri+e

    capa'ilit(, easier t ac;"ire than s"perpwer m"t"al secn% stri+e capa'ilit(, res"lt inre!inal sta'ilit( me thin+ s.17L 4"rrent Israeli Presi%ent *=er Wei=man has state%

    the n"clear iss"e is !ainin! mment"m Jan% theK ne@t war will nt 'e cnventinal.178

    Appen%i@ A

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    *stimates $ the Israeli "clear Arsenal


    1. Hersh, e(m"r ., The amsn #ptin. Israel&s "clear Arsenal an% American

    rei!n Plic( Bew r+: an%m H"se, 1991C, 22.

    2. Arnsn, lm an% 3rsh, #%e%, The Plitics an% trate!( $ "clear Weapns in

    the i%%le *ast, the #pacit( Ther(, an% ealit(, 19?>-1991-An Israeli Perspective

    BAl'an(, ew r+: tate 0niversit( $ ew r+ Press, 1992C, 2>.

    . arsh, *$raim, 3etween War an% Peace: Dilemmas $ Israeli ec"rit( B5n%n,

    *n!lan%: ran+ 4ass, 199?C, 82.

    7. 4hen, Avner, Israel an% the 3m' Bew r+: 4l"m'ia 0niversit( Press, 1998C, 1?.

    . 4r%esman, Anthn(, Peril"s Prspects: The Peace Prcess an% the Ara'-Israeliilitar( 3alance B3"l%er, 4lra%: Westview Press, 199?C, 118.

    ?. Pr(, Peter, Israel&s "clear Arsenal B3"l%er, 4lra%: Westview, 1987C, -?.

    L. N"te% in Weissman, teve an% rsne(, Her'ert. The Islamic 3m': The "clear

    Threat t Israel an% the i%%le *ast. Bew r+, ew r+: Times 3+s, 1981C, 1>.

    8. rmer #$$icial a(s rance Helpe% 3"il% Israel&s Dimna 4mple@. "clenics

    Wee+ #ct'er 1?, 198?, ?.

    9. ilhllin, 6ar(, Heav( Water 4heaters. rei!n Plic( B198L-88C: 1>1-1>2.

    1>. 4r%esman, 1991, 12L.

    11. e%eratin $ American cientists, Israel&s "clear Weapns Pr!ram. 1>

    Decem'er 199L, n.p. #n-line. Internet, 2L #ct'er 1998. Availa'le $rm


    12. ashi$, Ta(sir ., "clear Weapns in Israel Bew Delhi: . 3. an!ia 3+s,

    199?C, .

    1. 4hen, Israel an% the 3m', 78-79.

    17. 3ennett, erem(, The "e= 4risis. 334 i%e. n.%. i%ecassette an% aviv, Dan

    an% elman, ssi. *ver( p( a Prince. The 4mplete Histr( $ Israel&s Intelli!ence

    4mm"nit(. B3stn, assach"setts: H"!htn i$$lin 4mpan(, 199>C, ?-?9.

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    1. Weissman an% rsne(, 112.

    1?. eveale%: The ecrets $ Israel&s "clear Arsenal B5n%nC "n%a( Times .8,7?1, #ct'er 198?, 1, 7-.

    1L. 4hen, Israel an% the 3m', L-9.

    18. Peres, himn, 3attlin! $r Peace. A emir Bew r+, ew r+: an%m

    H"se, 199C, 122.

    19. Pr(, 1>.

    2>. 5$t"s, hn an% Aarns, ar+, The ecret War A!ainst the ews. Hw Western*spina!e 3etra(e% the ewish Peple Bew r+, ew r+: t. artin&s 6ri$$in,

    1997C, 28L->.

    21. 6reen, tephen, Ta+in! i%es. America&s ecret elatins with a ilitant Israel Bewr+: William rrw an% 4mpan(, 1987C, 12.

    22. 4hen, Avner, st avre% atin. The 3"lletin $ the Atmic cientists. 1, n.

    1 Ban"ar(-e'r"ar( 199C: 77-.

    2. Hersh, The amsn #ptin, 19?.

    27. ee 4hen, Avner, Israel&s "clear Histr(: The 0ntl% enne%(-*sh+l Dimna

    4rrespn%ence. "rnal $ Israeli Histr(, 199 1?, n. 2, 19-197 an% 4hen, Avner,4mp. ecentl( Declassi$ie% 19? 4rrespn%ence 'etween Presi%ent enne%( an%

    Prime inisters 3en-6"rin an% *sh+l. "rnal $ Israeli Histr(, 199 1?, n. 2, 19-

    2>L. "ch $ the %c"mentatin has 'een pste% thttp:SSwww.seas.!w".e%"/nsarchive/israel.

    2. Weissman an% rsne(, p. cit.,117-11L

    2?. 4hen, p. cit., Israel an% the 3m', 82-8.

    2L. pectr, 5enar% ., The 0n%eclare% 3m' B4am'ri%!e, assach"setts: 3allin!erP"'lishers, 1988C, 8L Bn.22C.

    28. N"te% in tevens, *li=a'eth. Israel&s "clear WeapnsA 4ase t"%(. 17 pa!es.#n line. Internet, 2 #ct'er 1998. Availa'le $rm


    29. 6reen, Ta+in! i%es, 178-1L9 an% aviv, Dan an% elman, ssi, 199>, 19L-198.

    >. Weissman an% rsne(, 119-127.

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    1. 3lac+, Ian an% rris, 3enn(, Israel&s ecret Wars. A histr( $ Israel&s Intelli!ence

    ervices Bew r+, ew r+: 6rve Wei%en$el%, 1991C, 718-719.

    2. Hersh, 2L.

    . 6reen, tephen, 5ivin! '( the wr%: America an% Israel in the i%%le *ast, 19?8-198L B5n%n: a'er, 1988C, ?-8>.

    7. 4r%esman, 1991, 12>.

    . Weissman an% rsne(, 127-128 an% aviv, Dan an% elman, ssi, 199>, 198-199.

    ?. pectr, The 0n%eclare% 3m', 9Bn. LC.98-199

    L. aviv, Dan an% elman, ssi, 199>, 8.

    8. ilhllin, 1>>-119.

    9. tan!helle, Harl%, Israel t sell 'ac+ 1>. tns. Ar'ei%er'la%et, #sl, rwa(, 28"ne 199> in: 4enter $r nprli$eratin t"%ies, "clear Develpments, 28 "ne

    199>, 7-O n-line, Internet 22 vem'er 1998, availa'le $rm http://cns.miis.e%".

    7>. Hersh, p. cit., 19.

    71. 4enter $r nprli$eratin t"%ies. Israeli rien%s, II eprt, a( 1997, 7O n-

    line, Internet 22 vem'er 1998, availa'le $rm http://cns.miis.e%".

    72. A'ecasis, achel, 0rani"m reprte%l( $$ere% t 4hina, Israel. a%i enascenca,

    5is'n, 9 Decem'er 1992 ;"te% in 4enter $r nprli$eratin, Prli$eratin Iss"es,2 Decem'er, 1992, 2O n-line, Internet 22 vem'er 1998, availa'le $rm


    7. 4hen, Israel an% the 3m', p. cit., 21-22 an% 2?-2L.

    77. r%een, 5n #., iclle, Davi%, Pheni@ ver the ile BWashin!tn, D.4.:

    mithsnian Instit"te Press, 199?C, 192-19.

    7. #&3alance, *%!ar, The Thir% Ara'-Israeli War B5n%n: a'er an% a'er, 19L2C, 7.

    7?. 3recher, ichael, Decisin in 4risis. Israel, 19?L an% 19L B3er+le(, 4ali$rnia:

    0niversit( $ 4ali$rnia Press, 198>C, 1>7, 2>-21.

    7L. 4hen, Avner. 4air, Dimna, an% the "ne 19?L War. i%%le *ast "rnal >, n.

    2 Bprin! 199?C, 19>-21>.

  • 8/14/2019 Vanunu Confirms Israel Nuclear Blackmail


    78. 4revel%, artin van. The wr% an% the #live. A 4ritical Histr( $ the Israeli

    De$ense rce Bew r+, ew r+: P"'lic A$$airs, 1998C, 1L7.

    79. 3"rrws, William *. an% Win%rem, 'ert, 4ritical ass. The Dan!er"s ace $r

    "perweapns in a ra!mentin! Wrl% Bew r+, ew r+: imn an% ch"ster,

    1997C, 282-28.

    >. Arnsn, hlm, Israel&s "clear #ptins, A4I Wr+in! Paper . L. 5s

    An!eles, 4ali$rnia: 0niversit( $ 4ali$rnia 4enter $r Arms 4ntrl an% Internatinalec"rit(, 19LL, , an% rensn, Davi% ., i%%le *ast e!inal t"%ies-A99, Air

    War 4lle!e: a@well Air rce 3ase, A5, 72.

    1. Hersh, p. cit., 12?-128.

    2. 4hen, Israel an% the 3m', p. cit., 21>-21.

    . pectr, 5enar% ., rei!n-"pplie% 4m'at Aircra$t: Will The( Drp the Thir%Wrl% 3m' "rnal $ Internatinal A$$airs 7>, n. 1B198?C: 17 Bn. C an% 6reen,

    5ivin! '( the wr%, p. cit., 18-19.

    7. 3"rrws an% Win%rem, p. cit., 28>.

    . 4hen, p. cit., Israel an% the 3m', 2L.

    ?. I'i%., 2L-2L7.

    L. ilhllin, p. cit., 1>-1>7.

    8. aviv, Dan an% elman, ssi, rien% in Dee%: Insi%e the 0..-Israel Alliance Bewr+ ew r+: H(perin, 1997C, 299.

    9. 3"rrws an% Win%rem, p. cit., 7?7-7? an% aviv, Dan an% elman, ssi, p. cit.,199>, >7->.

    ?>. pectr, The 0n%eclare% 3m', p. cit., 1L9.

    ?1. Dwt(, Alan. Israel an% "clear Weapns. i%stream 22, n. L Bvem'er 19L?C,


    ?2. Hersh, p. cit., 21L, 222-22?, an% Weissman an% rsne(, p. cit., 1>L.

    ?. 6reen, p. cit., 5ivin! '( the wr%, 9>-99.

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