values for the yatra march2010

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  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    In this ISSUE

    The Image of



    Study Smart 2

    Scoring As 3

    Festivals 4

    Increase Hope 5




    News & Photos 7

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatraArchdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra

    the IMAGE of HOPEThe wind blows hard against my face. I squint my eyes so the forceful gale does not dis-

    turb my vision. What I stare at disturbs me enough as it is. Countless dead as far as I can

    see... A field of forgotten, abandoned souls left to rot by their brothers. The silence that

    surrounds me sends a nervous chill down my spine. I feel my hair dance atop my muddy

    face as a cool breeze now replaces the wind storm. Gazing down at my body all I see is

    mess. My uniform disguised by the red splashes inflicted by my remorseless enemy. I

    close my eyes, only for a moment, hoping to acquire some of the good Lord's strength. I

    know there is a reason I am still here. I know my Lord will help me. When I open my

    eyes, I begin to walk. At first my pace is slow then I let my legs guide me as I begin to har-

    vest their power, commencing my way through the lifeless field.

    I run past my flag, the emblem now having no meaning, and I continue on my way to no-

    where. There is nowhere I can go that won't imprint an image of death or disaster in the

    back of my mind. Suddenly I trip. The moments that follow see

    me propel through the guilty air, and seem to last a life-time as I

    hit the motionless, soulless corpse beneath me. All of my strength

    drains from me; I am left with only the ability to release a quiet

    sob. The battle has taken its toll on those who fought it. The war

    has destroyed those who survived it. As I lay uncomfortably,

    breathing in stale eroded matter that fills the rancid air, I can see

    one vibrant poppy, standing tall despite this tragedy. Its beauty

    fills me with hope; for a moment I believe I will see my family

    again. It is a happy moment that ends too soon. My silence is bro-

    ken by the cry of a fallen comrade, begging helplessly for his


    My energy has deserted me and now I do not move at all. I do not even sob. I feel mymind close in on me, thinking I am going into shock. The last image I see before my eyes

    permanently close is that of a vibrant red poppy. That lone flower that fills me with hope

    even as I lay here dying. The screams of my comrade fade away and I have nothing left.

    Nothing but the image of that poppy Nothing but that image of hope

    -Natasha Almeida

    Spread the goodness of Hope. Visit

  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra



  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    *** Stay abreast with your teacher!!!

    ****Let your footsteps be accompanied By your teacher.

    *** ask questions & be attentive when the student is ready, the

    teacher appears

    *** frequent 24 hour revisions& mind-map your study

    *** complete your spade work your home work

    let your mistakes help

    you, not break you.



    Small actions over 21

    days bring huge results

    Good students learn from their mis-

    takes. They feed more solutions rather

    Exams are a check-point to see how much you know, under-

    stand & apply identify your mistakes: Use


    ? S = What did I not Study , Why?

    ? A = How did not I Apply cor-


    Develop a Winners Response to your study goals

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra



  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra

    Holi, also called the Festival of Colours, is a popular Hindu

    spring festival observed in India. The main day, Holi, also knownas Dhulheti, Dhulandi or Dhulendi, is celebrated by people throw-ing colored powder and colored water at each other. Bonfires arelit the day before, also known as Holika Dahan (burning of Ho-lika). The bonfires are lit in memory of the miraculous escape thatyoung Prahlad accomplished when Demoness Holika, sister ofHiranyakashipu, carried him into the fire. Holika was burnt but

    Prahlad, a staunch devotee of god Vishnu, escaped without any injuries due to his un-shakable devotion. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moonday of the lunar month Phalguna (February/March), (Phalgun Purnima), which usuallyfalls in the later part of February or March. There is an alternate story detailing the origin

    of Holi. This story is about Kamadeva, a god of love. Kama's body was destroyed when heshot his weapon at Shiva in order to disrupt his penance and help Parvati to marry Shiva.Shiva then opened his third eye, the gaze of which was so powerful that Kama's body wasreduced to ashes. For the sake of Kama's wife Rati (passion), Shiva restored him, but onlyas a mental image, representing the true emotional and spiritual state of love rather thanphysical lust. The Holi bonfire is believed to be celebrated in commemoration of thisevent. Holi is a festival of radiance (Teja) in the universe. During this festival, differentwaves of radiance traverse the universe, thereby creating variouscolours that nourish and complement the function of respectiveelements in the atmosphere. People walk down their neighbour-hoods to celebrate Holi by exchanging colours and throwing and

    splashing water to each other. Also a lot of people mix 'bhang' intheir drinks and food as done in Shivaratri. It is believed that thecombination of different colours played at this festival take all thesorrow away and make life even more colourful .

    Easter is the most important annual religious feast in the Christian liturgicalyear.According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the thirdday after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on EasterDay or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days af-ter Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. Easter also refers to theseason ofthe church year called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season

    lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts forthe fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Weekor the Octave of Easter. Easter also marks the endof Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and penance.Relatively newer elements such as the EasterBunny and Easter egg hunts have become part ofthe holiday's modern celebrations, and those as-pects are often celebrated by many Christians andnon-Christians alike.


  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra


    "I feel like there's nothing I can do and the world's spinning out of

    control." These words echo the sentiments so many of us feel each

    time we pick up a paper or turn on the news. Right now, it's easy to

    lose hope. However, loss of hope doesn't have to be the path we

    walk down. Hope is actually something we create. It's not some-

    thing that magically appears from an outside source. We each have

    within us the capacity to generate hope. The eight steps below will

    enable you do this. Know that it is within your control to become more hopeful. Don't let the news

    be your undoing. You can take charge.

    Be Kind to Yourself Think about what you need most, and then do it. Is it a cup of tea, a brisk walk,

    some downtime, quiet music, a little rest, or reading inspirational literature? Whatever it is, grant

    yourself permission to do it. These small moments accumulate and transform the texture of our


    Daily 5-Minute Silence Ritual Light a candle and pray, meditate or reflect. This may be the onetime of day when you feel connected to your own soul. Don't skip this step -- it's very powerful.

    Treat Each Day Like a Precious Gift Be vigilant in looking for things and people to appreciate.What if today was the last day of your life? Ask yourself this question throughout the day. It willhelp you let go of the countless petty annoyances that tend to throw most of us off balance. Shiftyour gaze to appreciation.

    Take a Break Every morning, afternoon and night, take a 30-second break to look at the sky,breathe deeply and offer thanks. Even though the world has its problems, the sun still rises in thesky each morning, and we're awake and alive when we get out of bed. Let the sky be a touchstoneto hope.

    Express Love Tangibly Hugs, words, notes, acts of kindness -- be indiscriminately generous with

    all of them. Doing all of this adds warmth and positive energy to our lives and the lives of people

    around us. It's also very comforting both to the giver and receiver of each loving act.

    AffirmationSay this affirmation every day and see where it leads you: "I am the key to peace." It is

    critical that we each create peace in the small and large moments of our lives.

    Make a Difference Reach out beyond your normal scope. This is your

    opportunity to live your greatest promise, highest self. Don't wait. Each

    time we make a difference in the lives of others, we create hope in our-

    selves. We are each the source of transformation. Knowing this gives us



  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra

    AVEC wishes all

    SSC & HSC

    students the

    For Academic year 2010 2011 AVEC announces

    ...Teachers Seminar at Deanery Level

    Leadership Camps, Student & Teacher Orientation Programs

    CD Resources

    Value Posters


    Lesson Plan Worksheets

    And Much More.



  • 8/6/2019 Values for the Yatra March2010


    AVEC E-Letter Values for the Yatra is an initiative to provideAnimation Resources for Teachers involved in Value Education in the

    ABE schools/ Jr. Colleges .Values for the Yatra will be published every

    month and is forprivate circulation. Your valuable suggestions are mostwelcome to assist us in making Values for the Yatra a useful tool of ani-

    mation and bonding among the teachers and students of the ABE

    schools in Mumbai.

    CONTACT:Fr. Glenford Lowe, SDB / Natasha Almeida / Rochwyn Fernandes

    AVECDon Bosco Youth Services, Matunga 400019 , MUMBAI

    Ph: 24154477 e-mail: [email protected]

    Student Value-

    Education Session at

    St. Xavier's, Vile

    Parle & Value Educa-

    tion Teachers Semi-

    nar ( Thane Deanery)

    at St. John the Bap-

    tist, Thane

    Lovethe Life

    you Live


    Livethe Life

    you Love

    Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter March 2010

    ValuesValuesValuesfor thefor thefor the YatraYatraYatra

