valid differences of opinion and interpretations in...

Valid Differences of Opinion and Interpretations in Islam by Dr. Adebola S. Kasumu 2018-01-14 1

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Valid Differences of Opinion and

Interpretations in Islam


Dr. Adebola S. Kasumu




• Not the presenter’s opinions

• Presentation of facts and opinions of different scholars and schools

of thought

• Presentation of different methodologies for deriving opinions and

rulings from the same sources

• Whatever examples might be used, ABSOLUTELY NO

JUDGEMENT ON ANYONE, as Allah is the All-Knowing and the

only Judge! – Very important!!!


✓ Women praying at home is more rewarding

Issues Raised in the Video Condemning

Congregational Tahajjud Outside of Ramadhan…

✓ Intermingling of the sexes during Tahajjud

✓ The prophet (SAW) didn’t do congregational Tahujjud outside of


✓ People going out late at night – safety issue

✓ Tahajjud on Muharram 1st or January 1st as an innovation

✓ January is derived from the pagan god “Janus”

✓ Performing Tahajjud on January 1st equates following the Pagan


“The Book as a clarification for all things…”


And [mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from

themselves. And We will bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We

have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and

good tidings for the Muslims. (Suratul Nahl, 16:89)

“(And We revealed the Book (the Qur'an) to you as an explanation of everything,) Ibn Mas`ud

said: "Allah made it clear that in this Qur'an there is complete knowledge and about everything.''

The Qur'an contains all kinds of beneficial knowledge, such as reports of what happened in the

past, information about what is yet to come, what is lawful and unlawful, and what people need to

know about their worldly affairs, their religion, their livelihood in this world, and their destiny in the


➢ Tafsir Ibn Kathir…..

“The Book as a clarification for all things…”


“….(and a detailed explanation of everything) Meaning the allowed, the prohibited, the

preferred and the disliked matters. The Qur'an deals with the acts of worship, the obligatory and

recommended matters, forbids the unlawful and discourages from the disliked. The Qur'an contains

major facts regarding the existence and about matters of the future in general terms or in detail.

The Qur'an tells us about the Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored, and about His Names and

Attributes and teaches us that Allah is glorified from being similar in any way to the creation…..”

➢ Tafsir Ibn Kathir…..

There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur'an

a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation

of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. (Surah Yusuf, 12:111)

“The Book as a clarification for all things…”


And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made

the sign of the day visible that you may seek bounty from your Lord and may know the number of

years and the account [of time]. And everything We have set out in detail. (Suratul Isra, 17:12)

• Can we get how to perform salah from the Quran?

• There are those who say anything not in the Quran is not acceptable

because Allah says everything is in the Quran! – i.e. they reject all



✓ How many times will the trumpet be blown?

And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the

earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once

they will be standing, looking on. (Suratul Zumar, 39:68)

Comprehension of Verses of the Quran


Comprehension of Verses of the Quran

Comprehension of Verses of the Quran


And [warn of] the Day the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is

on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills. And all will come to Him humbled. (Suratul

Naml, 27:87)

✓ While many scholars, including Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Hajar say 2

times, Ibn Tamiyyah and Ibn Kathir say 3 times….evidence?

- The first blowing, called raajifa is to cause horror, terror, shock and awe

- The second blowing, called raadifa is to cause death

- The third blowing, called zajarah is to cause resurrection

Comprehension of the Prophet’s Statements, Actions

and Known Practices


• “Do not pray 'Asr except at Bani Quraizhah”

• Salah alone has more than 200 differences!

• Countless differences in many other acts of Ibadah (Zakah, Fasting,

Hajj etc.)

• Salatul Janazah in absence of the deceased…..


Some Islamic Concepts - Ijtihad

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said:

"When the judge passes a judgement in which he strived and was correct, then he

receives two rewards. And when he judges and is mistaken, then he receives one

reward.” [Jami`at-Tirmidhi 1326]

It was narrated from 'Amr bin 'As that he heard the Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص say:

“When the judge passes a judgement and does his best and gets it right, he will have

two rewards, and if he passes a judgement and does his best and gets it wrong, he will

have one reward.” (Sahih) Yazid (one of narrators) said : “So I Narrated it to Abu Bakr

bin 'Amr bin Hazm. He said: 'This is how it was narrated to me by Abu Salamah from

Abu Hurairah.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah 2314]


Some Islamic Concepts – Actions Judged According to Intentions

Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:

I heard Allah's Messenger ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص saying, "The reward of deeds depends

upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to

what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or

for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for." [Sahih al-Bukhari 1]


✓ Compilation of the Quran…..But Abubakr and Umar did it

Some Things the Prophet (SAW) did not do….

✓ Making Wudhu up to the shoulder and the knees…..but

Abu Hurairah did it

Abu Hazim reported:

I was (standing) behind Abu Huraira and he was performing the ablution for prayer. He

extended the (washing) of his hand that it went up to his armpit. I said to him: O Abu Huraira,

what is this ablution? He said: O one xof the tribe of Faruukh, you are here; if I knew that you

were here, I would have never performed ablution like this; I have heard my Friend ( ( ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص say. In

a believer adornment would reach the places where ablution reaches. [Sahih Muslim 250]

It was narrated that Abu Hazim said: "I was behind Abu Hurairah when he performed Wudu' for

Salah. He washed his hand up to the armpit, and I said: 'O Abu Hurairah! What is this Wudu'?'

He said to me: 'O Banu Farrukh! You are here! If I had known that you were here I would not

have performed Wudu' like this. I heard my close friend (i.e., the Prophet ( (( ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص says: "The jewelry

of the believer will reach as far as his Wudu reached." [Sunan an-Nasai’ Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 149]


Some Things the Prophet (SAW) did not do….

✓ Complete recitation of the whole Quran in one

night……but Uthman bin Affan and others did it

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

As for those who completed the Qur’an in a single rak‘ah, they are innumerable,

because they are so many. They include: ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, Tameem ad-Daari,

and Sa‘eed ibn Jubayr.

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Qataadah regularly used to complete the Qur’an every seven days, and in Ramadan

he would complete it every three days, and in the last ten nights of Ramadan he would

complete it every single night. In Ramadan ash-Shaafa‘i used to complete the Qur’an

sixty times [i.e., twice a day], reciting it outside of prayer. Something similar was also

narrated from Abu Haneefah.


✓ Surah Al-Fatihah seven times as Ruqya

Some things the Sahabah did without any direction

from the Prophet (SAW)

"The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) dispatched us on a military expedition. We

camped with some people and asked them to entertain us but they did not entertain

us. Their leader was stung so they came to us saying: 'Is there anyone among you

who can treat a scorpion sting with Ruqyah?' I said: 'Yes I can. But I will not do any

Ruqyah until you give us some sheep.' They said: 'Then we shall give you thirty

sheep.' We accepted that,and I recited Al-Hamda [Lillah] seven times. He became

better and we took the sheep." He said: "We became concerned about that being

permissible and said: 'Do not be hasty until we reach the Messenger of Allah

(S.A.W)." He said: "When we arrived with him I mentioned what I did to him.

He(S.A.W)said: 'How did you know that it was a Ruqyah? Take the sheep, and

assign me a share among you.’” [Jami’ at-Tirmidhi Vol. 4, Book 2, Hadith 2063]


Other things we do that are not acceptable to some……

Ibn Taymiyya's Opinion on the Meetings of Dhikr

The following is the opinion of Ibn Taymiyya on meetings of dhikr:Ibn Taymiyya was asked about people that gather in a masjid making dhikr and reading Qur'an, praying to Allah and taking their turbans off their heads (leaving their heads bare) and crying, while their intention is not pride nor showing off but seeking to draw closer to Allah: is it acceptable or not?

He replied: Not only is it acceptable but it is good and recommended.[Vol. 22, page 253 of the Collected Fatwas, King Khalid ibn `Abdul `Aziz edition ("Majma'a Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya")]

✓ Reciting dhikr together in congregation

✓ Reciting Quran together in congregation


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan



Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan



Different Opinions on Congregational Tahajjud

Outside Ramadhan


✓ The printing press was initially declared as Haram by some Muslims Scholars

✓ Coffee was initially declared as Haram by majority of Muslims Scholars

Halal or Haram, Sunnah or Bida’a?

✓ Banning Slavery was declared as Haram by some Muslims Scholars until it was

banned in 1962 by Kind Faisal

✓ The radio was initially declared as haram and sihr (magic) by some Muslims

scholars in Saudi Arabia until King Abdul Azeez ordered the Quran to be recited on

the radio

✓ How about TV in Saudi Arabia?....Someone was killed and the assassination of

King Faisal is said to be a revenge killing by the brother of the person who was

killed on this issue

✓ The NBC series on Umar Ibn Khattab was declared haram by many Muslim

Scholars - It became the #1 watched series in the Arab world!


✓ Educate ourselves on the foundations of Islam that can never changed e.g. the five

pillars of Islam, the six articles of Iman….

Five Simple Recommendations By Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

✓ How to know what cannot change?......When ALL of the scholars agree on

something (ijma of the scholars)

✓ Realize that there will always be a small group of scholars who are “forward-

thinking” and realistic

✓ Choose a scholar who’s living your life, in your land and community

✓ Be tolerant of opinions that you don’t agree with as long as it’s coming from a



Sunnah or Not Sunnah?

Pertinent Questions……..

✓ Is there any clear hadith that prohibits congregational tahajjud

outside of Ramadhan?

✓ The list goes on and on……….

✓ Sheikh Fayaz held a halaqa at ICSC on

Jan 1st, 2018…….?



Sunna or Not Sunna?

“Not everything the Prophet (SAW) did

is Sunna, and not everything the

prophet did not do is not Sunna”Imam Hasan Abdallah (Toronto)


✓ Women praying at home is more rewarding

Do we have these Issues in our Community?......

✓ Intermingling of the sexes during Tahajjud

✓ The prophet (SAW) didn’t do congregational Tahujjud outside of


✓ People going out late at night – safety issue

✓ Tahajjud on Muharram 1st or January 1st as an innovation

✓ January is derived from the pagan god “Janus”

✓ Performing Tahajjud on January 1st equates following the Pagan



Food for Thought…

Why do we sometimes have no problems doing things that

have actual textual evidence against them in the

Quran/Hadith (according to some interpretations), but

then question others (with spiritual benefit) that have NO

textual evidence against them in the Quran/Hadith?


2018-01-14 32

✓ Salatul Tawbah

Some Benefits of NCMCC Congregational Tahajjud

✓ Sunna of making du’a

✓ Practical demonstration of performing tahajjud


✓ How many people have attended at least one NCMCC Tahajjud



✓ How many people have benefitted from the Tahajjud program one

way or the other?

✓ How many people want the status quo to continue?

✓ How many people want it limited to only Ramadhaan?

✓ How many people want it stopped completely?


✓ Continue with Status quo?

Final Decision to be made by Mission Board

✓ Limit to only Ramadhan?

✓ Stop Tahajjud program completely?



✓ What we know or practice may not necessarily be the only way

✓ Valid differences of opinion and interpretations abound in many

things we do in Islam

✓ Learning never ceases in Islam, and there is wisdom in everything,

whether we know it or not

✓ There are many individual and communal issues with different

answers in the classical texts



✓ Please consult Mission Board/Executive Committee/Board of

Directors on any issue we are unsure about

✓ Generally, think of the consequences before forwarding anything

