vakum & forseps

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  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Malang,14Maret 1967

    Staf Fetomaternal,Departemen Obstetri &GinekologiFKUI/RSUPNCipto Manukusumo

    Pelatih Basic


    Labour And

    Pelatih/Advanved Trainer

    Jaringan Pelatih









    as onaPelatihan



    esus asNeonatusPerinasia,

    tahun 2004




    Right,. ,


    Reproduksi,tahun 2005



    tahun 2007sekarang.



  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    dr. Yudianto Budi Saroyo, SpOG

    Divisi Fetomaternal

    Departemen Obstetri & GinekologiRSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo/

    Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

    Target 4a: Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children

    un er ve

    Goal 5: Improve maternal health

    Target 5b: Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health

    Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

    Target 6a: Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS

    Target 6b: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment forHIV/AIDS for all those who need it

    other major diseases

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Force s & Vacuum E ui mentForce s & Vacuum E ui ment

    Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA. Operative delivery. In: Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA, editors. Obstetrics and

    Gynecology- An Illustrated Colour Text. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 54-7.

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    e o e ap as an ra s


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    e o e ap as an ra s


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    IndikasiIndikasi Mempercepat Kala Dua

    Kala Dua Memanjang

    Kasus Khusus :

    Ibu lelahIndikasi hipertensi dalam kehamilan, PEB,penyakit jantung, bekas SC

    Per alanan Kala Dua tidak

    a erna


    Gawat janin



    Vakum saat SCJanin

    e a r an an n e ua pa a geme

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Indications for VacuumIndications for Vacuum--

    Assisted Vaginal DeliveryAssisted Vaginal Delivery

    Prolonged second stage of


    In nulliparous women, this is defined as lack of

    progress for 3 hours with regional anesthesia or 2ours w ou anes es a.

    In multiparous women, it refers to lack of

    progress for 2 hours with regional anesthesia or 1

    hour without anesthesia.

    Nonreassuring fetal testing Suspicion of immediate or potential fetalcompromise (nonreassuring fetal heart rate

    pattern, abruption) is an indication for operative

    vag na e very w en an expe ous e very can

    be readily accomplished.

    Elective shortening of the

    second sta e of labor

    Vacuum can be used to electively shorten the

    second sta e of labor if ushin is contraindicated

    because of maternal cardiovascular or neurologic


    Maternal exhaustion Largely subjective and not well defined.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Contraindications for VacuumContraindications for Vacuum--

    Absolute Contraindications

    Underlying fetal disorder

    Fetal bleeding disorders (eg, hemophilia, alloimmune thrombocytopenia)

    Fetal demineralizing diseases (eg, osteogenesis imperfecta)

    Failure to fulfill all the requirements for operative vaginal delivery

    Incomplete dilatation of the cervix

    Intact fetal membranes

    Unen a ed vertex

    Abnormalities of labor Fetal malpresentation (eg, breech, transverse lie, brow, face)

    Suspected cephalopelvic disproportion

    st mate gestat ona age < wee s or est mate eta we g t < g

    Failure to obtain informed consent from the patient

    Relative Contraindications Suspected fetal macrosomia (defined as an estimated fetal weight of > 4500 g)

    Uncertainty about fetal position

    Inadequate anesthesia

    Prior scalp sampling or multiple attempts at fetal scalp electrode placement

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    KondisiKondisi yang memyang memprediksiprediksi

    kesulitan atau kegagalankesulitan atau kegagalan tindakantindakan

    Perabaan abdomen :Kepala teraba1/5

    ag an presen as se ngg sp na s a a.

    Posisi occi ito- osterior.

    Molase kepala yang luas dan tebal.

    an n esar.

    Perjalanan persalinan yang lambat. IMT >30.

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-


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    e o e ap as an ra s


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Prerequisites for Forceps orPrerequisites for Forceps or

    Engaged fetal vertex

    Ruptured membranes

    Fully dilated cervix

    Assessment of maternal pelvis reveals adequacyfor the estimated fetal wei ht

    Adequate maternal analgesia is available Bladder drained

    Knowledgeable operator

    Willingness to abandon the procedure, if

    Informed consent has been obtained

    Necessar su ort ersonnel and e ui ment

    are present

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Prerequisites for operativePrerequisites for operative

    Preparation Essential

    Full abdominal

    and vaginal


    Head is 1/5 palpable per abdomen

    Vertex presentation

    Cervix is fully dilated and the membranes ruptured

    Exact position of the head can be determined so proper placement of

    t e nstrument can e ac eve

    Pelvis is deemed adequate

    Mother Informed consent must be obtained and clear explanation given

    Appropriate analgesia is in place, for mid-cavity rotational deliveries this

    will usually be a regional block

    A pudendal block may be appropriate, particularly in the context ofurgent delivery

    Maternal bladder has been emptied recently

    Indwell ng catheter should be removed or balloon de lated

    Aseptic techniques

    Staff Operator must have the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to

    use the instruments Adequate facilities and back-up personnel are available

    Back-up plan in place in case of failure to deliver

    Anticipation of complications that may arise (e.g. shoulder dystocia,

    postpartum haemorrhage)

    Personnel present who are trained in neonatal resuscitation

    SOGC, 2004 & RANZOG 2002

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Prerequisites for OperativePrerequisites for Operative

    Maternal Criteria Fetal Criteria Uteroplacental


    Other Criteria

    Adequate analgesia

    Patient in the

    lithotomy position

    Vertex presentation

    The fetal head must

    be engaged in the

    Cervix fully dilated

    Membranes ruptured

    No placenta previa

    An experienced

    operator who is fully

    acquainted with the

    Clinical pelvimetry

    must be adequate in

    dimension and size

    the fetal head must

    be known with

    certainty The station


    Ability to monitor

    fetal well-being

    to facilitate an atrau-

    matic delivery

    Verbal or written

    of the fetal head

    must be 0/+ 5

    The estimated fetal


    The capability to

    perform an

    documented (ideally

    2500-4500 g)

    The attitude of the

    delivery if required

    fetal head and the

    presence of caput

    succedaneum and/or



    Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

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    e o e ap as an ra s


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    PAP : Promontorium tak teraba CV > panjang jari

    pemeriksa -1,5. Bila teraba harus disebutkan ukuran

    Linea inominata : semakin sedikit teraba semakin luas

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Diameters of the MaternalDiameters of the Maternal

    PelvisPelviseg on o e e v s easuremen en me ers

    Brim (Inlet)

    AP 11.5

    Transverse 13.0


    AP 12.0Transverse 10.5

    ut et

    AP 12.5


    AP, anteroposterior.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Pintu tengah panggul :

    in ing samping se ai nya urus

    Spina tajam agar sebagai tempatpu aran pa s a am poros

    defleksi kepala


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    PBP :

    Arcus Pubis > 900

    Intertuberositas > 8 cm

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  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    The pure types of maternal pelves andThe pure types of maternal pelves and

    the conver ence and diver ence of theirthe conver ence and diver ence of their


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    ntero-poster or o r m

    (Obstetric conjugate) 12 cmTransverse of brim 13 cm

    Ischial bispinous 10,5 cm

    Antero-posterior of outlet 10,5 cmSub-pubic angle 850

    de Jong P. Vacuum Delivery Procedures. 3rd ed. Gothenburg: Cascade Publications; 2007

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Bony anatomy, sutures, andBony anatomy, sutures, and


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Diameters of the fetal head.Diameters of the fetal head.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

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    Suboccipital-Bregmatic 9.5


    Below chin to center of bregma9.5


    Point of chin to above posterior fontanelle



    Base of skull to most distant oint of vertex9.0


    Root of nose to occipital protuberance11.5

    Bi arietalBetween the two parietal eminences



    Greatest distance between two halves of coronal suture8.5

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, Spong CY. Fetal Growth and Development: The McGraw-Hill

    Companies; 2010. Available from:

    Ci f f F l H dCi f f F l H d

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Circumferences of Fetal HeadCircumferences of Fetal Head



    - Well-flexed vertex

    Occipital-Frontal Biparietal 33.0

    Deflexed vertex, OP positionMentum-Vertical Biparietal 35.5

    row presen a on

    OP, occiput posterior.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Metoda Stewart untuk menentukanMetoda Stewart untuk menentukan

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

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    e o e ap as an ra s


    T f P d d Cl ifi ti fVT f P d d Cl ifi ti fV

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of Procedure and Classification of Vacuum orType of Procedure and Classification of Vacuum or

    Force s Deliver accordin to Station and RotationForce s Deliver accordin to Station and Rotation

    Outlet forceps/Vacuum

    Scalp is visible at the introitus without separating the labia.

    e a s u as reac e e pe v c oor.

    Sagittal suture is in the AP diameter or right or left OA or OP position.

    Fetal head is out or on the perineum.

    Rotation does not exceed 450

    Low forceps/Vacuum

    Leading point of fetal skull is at station +2 cm and not on the pelvic floor.0

    Rotation is >450


    a on s cm pa pa e u e a ea s engage .

    Rotation is 450

    Rotation is >450

    Not included in classification

    AP, anteroposterior; OP, occiput posterior. Adapted from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology: LippincottWilliams & Wilkins; 2008.

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55

    . . , .

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps





    e o e ap as an ra s - a um


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps



    The original vacuum extractor developed in the 1950s by the Swedish obstetrician Dr. Tage

    Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

    , , ,


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, Spong CY. Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2010.

    Available from:

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Desain Man kuk Vakum.Desain Man kuk Vakum.

    A: Tipe umum berbentuk lonceng dengan pompa tangan. B: Versi sekali pakai

    terbuat dari plastik (versi Bird) dengan perangkat pompa tangan sekaligus penarik.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

    : ang u r . : pe se a pa a er en u amur.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    en s u ama perang a

    vakum genggam sekali pakai

    ini : (A) mangkuk yang lembutyang entur an er entulonceng. (B) mangkuk kaku,yang kokoh dan berbentukseperti jamur mang u .Alat tersebut dapat terbuatdari plastik, polietilen atausilikon. Batang bebas berputarperangkat genggam ini

    mencegah torsi (rotasi) darimangkuk dan cederasayat/lecet ke kulit kepalaanin.

    Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

    Dua perangkat vakum kiwiDua perangkat vakum kiwi--pompapompa

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Dua perangkat vakum kiwiDua perangkat vakum kiwi--pompapompa

    en am dan eran kat en ukuren am dan eran kat en ukur


    Berbeda dengan mangkuk dalam B, batang pada mangkuk di A, OmniCup bersifat

    fleksibel dan dapat diletakkan mendatar terhadap mangkuk.(From Vacca A:

    an oo o acuum e very n s e r c rac ce. on, us ra a, acca

    Research Pty. Ltd., 2003.)Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    PenempatanPenempatan Mangkuk VakumMangkuk Vakum

    Correct placement of the suction cup on the fetal scalp is shown. The suction cupshould be placed symmetrically astride the sagittal suture at the median flexion point

    Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

    a so nown as t e pivot point , w ic is cm anterior to t e posterior ontane e or

    cm posterior to the anterior fontanelle.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Pemasangan di atas sutura



    Penempatan terhadap KepalaPenempatan terhadap Kepala

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Penempatan terhadap KepalaPenempatan terhadap Kepala

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps




    Adequate pain relief

    Neonatal support

    B BLADDER Bladder empty

    u y a e , mem ranes rup ure

    D DETERMINE Position, station and pelvic adequacy

    Think possible shoulder dystocia

    E E UIPMENT Ins ect vacuum cu um tubin and check ressure

    F FONTANELLE Position the cup over the posterior fontanelle

    Sweep finger around cup to clear maternal tissue

    G GENTLE 100 mmHg initially and between contractions

    pu w t contract ons on y as contract on eg ns:

    o increase pressure to 600 mmHgo prompt mother for good expulsive effort

    o traction in axis of birth canal

    H HALT (Rule of 3s) no progress with three traction aided contractions

    vacum pops-off three times

    no significant progress after 30 minutes of assisted vaginal

    e very

    I INCISION Consider episiotomy if laceration imminent

    J JAW Remove vacuum when jaw is reachable or delivery assured

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-


    Penempatan MangkukPenempatan Mangkuk

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Penempatan MangkukPenempatan Mangkuk

    Placement of the OmniCup with flexible stem at the point of flexion of a fetal head in the

    occiput posterior position, which is otherwise difficult to accomplish with the traditional

    . . ,

    Australia, Vacca Research Pty, Ltd., 2003.)

    Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    The three other abnormal positions are much less likely to lead to a successful vaginal delivery

    and are more associated with fetal trauma.

    Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA. Operative delivery. In: Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA, editors. Obstetrics and

    Gynecology- An Illustrated Colour Text. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 54-7.

    P t M k k & P i iP t M k k & P i i

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Penempatan Mangkuk & PosisiPenempatan Mangkuk & Posisi

    Jari OperatorJari Operator

    Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA. Operative delivery. In: Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA, editors. Obstetrics andGynecology- An Illustrated Colour Text. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 54-7.

    Vacuum extraction with JVacuum extraction with J--shapedshaped

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps



    direction of traction similar to force sdirection of traction similar to force s

    Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

    Berbagai Tipe Vakum dengan MangkukBerbagai Tipe Vakum dengan Mangkuk

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    dan ukurann adan ukurann aPerangkat Ukuran Bahan Material

    Soft Cups

    , ,

    Kiwi ProCup (Clinical Innovations, Murray, UT) 65 mm Soft plastic

    Mityvac MitySoft Bell (Cooper-Surgical, Trumball,

    CT)60 mm Soft silicone

    Secure Cup (Utah Medical, Midvale, UT) 63 mm Rubber

    Silc Cup 50-60 mm Silicone rubber

    Soft Touch (Utah Medical) 60 mm Soft polyethylene

    en er ouc a e ca mm o s cone

    Vac-U-Nate (Utah Medical) 65 mm Soft siliconeRigid Anterior Cups

    Flex Cu Utah Medical 60 mm Pol urethane

    Kiwi OmniCup (Clinical Innovations) 50 mm Rigid plastic

    Malmstrm (Dickinson Healthcare, Hungerford, UK) 40-60 mm Metal

    Mityvac M-Style (CooperSurgical) 50 mm Rigid polyethylene

    Rigid Posterior Cups

    Bird posterior cup 40-60 mm Metal

    Kiwi OmniCup (Clinical Innovations) 50 mm Rigid plastic

    Greenberg JA. Procedure for vacuum assisted operative vaginal delivery. UpToDate Web site. Accessed February 3, 2009. In :Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics &

    Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

    B b i K iT k N tifB b i K iT k N tif

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Berbagai Konversi Tekanan NegatifBerbagai Konversi Tekanan Negatif

    VakumVakumk /cm2 kPa mmH in H cm H 0 Ib/in2

    0,23 13 100 3,9 134 1,9

    0,27 27 200 7,9 268 3,90,41 40 300 11 ,8 402 5,8

    0,54 53 400 15,7 536 7,7

    , , ,

    0,82 80 600 23,6 804 11,6

    , ,

    1,03 101 760 29,9 1018 14,7

    Vacca A. The place of the vacuum extractor in modern obstetric practice. Fetal Med Rev 1990;

    2:103. Reprinted from MJ Lucas, The role of vacuum extraction in modern obstetrics [Review],Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology,Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 794805, 1994, with permission

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps




    r =

    (1/2 D)

    Luas Lingkaran

    MangkukTekanan Negatif (kgf/cm2)

    , , ,4 2 12,6 7,5 8,8 10,1

    5 2,5 19,6 11,8 13,8 15,7, , , ,

    Ke a alanVakumKe a alanVakum aturan 3aturan 3

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Ke a alan VakumKe a alan Vakum aturan 3aturan 3

    , ,


    3 kali lepas: setelah satu kjali gagal, nilai


    memasang kembali

    Setelah 30 menit pemasanan tanpa

    Vakum Le asVakum Le as SebabSebab sebabsebab

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Vakum Le asVakum Le as SebabSebab--sebabsebab

    Perlen aka an an salah/ enutu an burukmenyebabkan kebocoran vakum

    tak dikenali adanya CPD

    presentasi OP

    Sudut traksi yang kurang tepat menyebabkan

    ro e an

    Terkenanya jaringan lunak ibu pada introitus

    Fetal scalp injuries associated withFetal scalp injuries associated with

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    eta sca p ju es assoc ated w teta sca p ju es assoc ated w t

    vacuum ex rac onvacuum ex rac onCa ut succedaneum scal edema isa normal finding, but may beexaggerated by vacuum-assisteddelivery. Use of a vacuum device can

    refers to bleeding into the fetal scalpthat is located in the subperiostealspace and, as such, is contained

    a subgaleal hematoma (bleeding into

    the fetal scalp which is subaponeuroticand therefore not confined to a single

    .complication is an intracranialhemorrhage, which includessubarachnoid, subdural,


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.Ali UA, Norwitz ER. Vacuum-Assisted Vaginal Delivery. Reviews In Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2009;2(1):1-16

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Syarat Anatomi

    Klasifikasi e o e ap as an ra s - orsep


    Indications for forceps deliveryIndications for forceps delivery

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Indications for forceps deliveryIndications for forceps delivery

    Relative indications (vacuum extraction or

    caesarean section may be an alternative

    o tion Delay or maternal exhaustion in the second stage of

    Dense epidural block with diminished urge to push

    Rotational instrumental delivery for malpositioned

    fetus Suspected fetal distress

    Patel RR, Murphy DJ. Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. BMJ. 2004;328:1302-5.

    Indications for forceps deliveryIndications for forceps delivery

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Indications for forceps deliveryIndications for forceps delivery

    Specific indications (forceps delivery is usually superior


    Delivery of the head at assisted breech delivery (singleton ortwin

    Assisted delivery of preterm infant ( < 34 weeks gestation)

    Assisted delivery with a face presentation

    thrombocytopenia in fetus

    Instrumental delivery for maternal medical conditions thatprec u e pus ng

    Instrumental delivery under general anaesthesia

    Patel RR, Murphy DJ. Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. BMJ. 2004;328:1302-5.

    Anatomi ForseAnatomi Forse

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Anatomi ForseAnatomi Forse

    Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA. Operative delivery. In: Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA, editors. Obstetrics andGynecology- An Illustrated Colour Text. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 54-7.

    Forceps DeliveryForceps Delivery--Instrument TypeInstrument Type

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    p yp y ypyp

    Procedure InstrumentOutlet delivery Classical forceps

    mpson or ot type

    Laufe divergent forceps

    Low-forceps delivery45-degree rotation Classical forceps





    Breech delivery Piper

    a ey- amsonCesarean section Vectis blade-Murless type

    Classical forceps

    Laufe forceps

    Gilstrap-III LC, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP. Forceps Delivery. In: III LCG, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative Obstetrics. 2nd ed. New

    York: The McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 89-122.

    Classification of forcepsClassification of forceps

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    Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

    Berba aiTi e Forse CunamBerba aiTi e Forse Cunam

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Berba ai Ti e Forse CunamBerba ai Ti e Forse Cunam

    A: Laufe divergent

    forceps. B: Salinas

    forceps. C: Elliot

    forceps. D: Simpsonorceps. : ie an

    forceps. F: Barton

    forceps with a traction

    ar. : per a er-

    coming head forceps.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Patel RR, Murphy DJ. Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. BMJ. 2004;328:1302-5.

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    T es of locksT es of locks

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    T es of locksT es of locks

    A: Sliding lock of the Kielland


    many types of forceps. C:

    French lock of the Tarnier

    force s historical interestonly). D: Lock/handle of the

    Salinas forceps. E: Pivot lock

    of the Laufe diver ent


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics and

    Gynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.


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    equate pa n re e

    Neonatal supportB BLADDER Bladder empty

    D DETERMINE Position, station and pelvic adequacy

    Think possible shoulder dystocia

    E EQUIPMENTF FORCEPS Phantom application

    Left blade, left hand, maternal left side, pencil grip and

    vertical insertion, with right thumb directing blade

    , , ,

    and vertical insertion with left thumb directing blade

    Lock blade and support check application Posterior fontanelle 1 cm above plane of shanks

    Fenestration no > fingerbreadth between it and scalp

    Sagittal suture perpendicular to plane or shranks with

    occipital sutures 1 cm above respective blades




    Traction in axis of birth canal

    Do not elevate handle too early

    I INCISION Consider episiotomy

    J JAW Remove forceps when jaw is reachable or delivery assuredEdozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Abdominal palpation and the determination of theAbdominal palpation and the determination of the

    amount of the fetal head palpable above the pelvicamount of the fetal head palpable above the pelvic

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    r m.r m.

    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

    Forsep RendahForsep Rendah

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps



    Arah tarikan : pertama ke arah belakang sehingga dengan simfisis sebagai

    menyesuaikan ke arah depan.

    Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

    Langkah Pemasangan ForsepLangkah Pemasangan Forsep

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA. Operative delivery. In: Pitkin J, Peattie AB, Magowan BA, editors. Obstetrics andGynecology- An Illustrated Colour Text. Edinburgh: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 54-7.

    Pemasan an Forse an BenarPemasan an Forse an Benar

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    1.Ubun-ubun kecil di tengah antara batang forseps dan satu jari di atasbidang datar dari tangkai forseps dengan sutura lambdoid satu jari di atas

    2.Masuknya tangkai harus nyaris tak terasa dan tidak lebih dari seujung jaridapat diselipkan antara tangkai forseps dengan kepala bayi

    From O'Brien WF, Cefalo RC: Labor and delivery. In Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL [eds]: Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 3rd ed. New

    York, Churchill Livingstone, 1996, p 377, with permission. In :Nielsen PE, Galan HL, Kilpatrick S, Garrison E. Operative Vaginal Delivery. Philadelphia:

    Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2007.

    3.Sutura sagitalis tegak lurus terhadap bidang datar dari tangkai forseps

    Application of forceps to fetussApplication of forceps to fetuss

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Patel RR, Murphy DJ. Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. BMJ. 2004;328:1302-5.

    Application of forceps to fetuss head in occipito-anterior position followed by controlled

    traction and assisted delivery of head

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

    Force s & The Pelvic AxisForce s & The Pelvic Axis

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    e cav ty o t e

    true pelvis is

    compara e to anobliquely truncated,

    ent cy n er w t ts

    greatest heightpos er or y.

    Note the curvature

    of the pelvic axis, thecurve of Caruso

    Gilstrap-III LC, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP. Forceps Delivery. In: III LCG, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative Obstetrics. 2nd ed. NewYork: The McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 89-122.

    Methods of hand placement and physicianMethods of hand placement and physician

    . .

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Bofill JA, Jr. JNM. Operative Vaginal Delivery. In: Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth's Obstetrics andGynecology: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

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    Syarat Anatomi

    Klasifikasi e o e ap as an ra s


    Forceps versus Vacuum Maternal

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    neonatus yang bermakna

    Lebih sedikit membutuhkan anestasire ional/umum

    Lebih sedikit trauma terhadapvag na per neum u

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    perdarahan subaponeurotik (subgaleal)

    Perdarahan retina pada neonatus tidak jelas bermakna secara klinis

    Cenderung gagal, perlu alternatif lain

    Pasien harus dibuat waspada terhadap

    resiko-resiko ini

    Effect of Method of Delivery onEffect of Method of Delivery on

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Hemorrhage (ICH)Hemorrhage (ICH)

    Delivery ICH

    Vacuum and forceps 1:280

    Forceps 1:664

    Vacuum 1:860

    Cesarean with labor 1:907

    Spontaneous 1:1900

    Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, Spong CY. Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2010.Available from:

    Intelligence Test Scores at Age 17 for SubjectsIntelligence Test Scores at Age 17 for Subjects

    orn n erusa em e ween anorn n erusa em e ween an

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of Delivery

    Mean Intelligence

    Score (SE)

    na us e us e

    Spontaneous (n = 29,136) 105.4 (0.1) 105.7 (0.1)

    orceps n = . . . .

    Vacuum extraction (n = 1207) 109.6 (0.5) 105.9 (0.4)esarean e very n . . . .

    SE = standard error. aAdjusted by multiple regression for confounding effects of sex, birthweight, ethnic

    origin, birth order, maternal age, and paternal and maternal education and social class.


    Long-term effects of vacuum and forceps deliveries, pp. 15831585, Copyright 1991, with permission from


    Cunningham FG, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, Spong CY. Forceps Delivery and Vacuum Extraction: The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2010.Available from:

    Neonatal and maternal morbidity by mode ofNeonatal and maternal morbidity by mode of

    delivery in New Jersey, 1989delivery in New Jersey, 1989--93.93.

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps



    (n=327 373)


    (n=26 491)


    (n=19 120)

    Vacuum plusforceps


    Neonatal morbidity

    Cephalohaematoma* 5457 (166,7) 1681 (634,6) 2135 (1116,6) 257 (1360,5)

    Facial nerve injury 78 (2,4) 98 (37,0) 10 (5,2) 10 (52,9)

    Intracranial haemorrha e 31 16 2Adjusted odds ratio (95%


    122 (3,7)

    0,29 (0,20 to 0,41)

    45 (17,0)


    0,96 (0,62 to


    5 (26,5)

    1,35 (0,53 to 3,42)

    Shoulder dystocia

    Ad usted odds ratio 95% 1464 44 7 145 54 7

    216 (113,0)

    2 00 1 62 to 12 63 5

    CI) 0,71 (0,59 to 0,85) 1

    2,48) 1,10 (0,59 to 2,03)

    Feeding difficultyAdjusted odds ratio (95%


    763 (23,3)

    0 89 0 69 to 1 15

    68 (25,7)


    57 (29,8)1,15 (0,80 to

    1 64

    6 (31,8)

    1 23 0 53 to 2 84

    Mechanical ventilation

    Adjusted odds ratio (95%


    768 (23,5)

    0,84 (0,66 to 1,06)

    83 (31,3)


    77 (40,3)

    1,27 (0,92 to


    14 (74,1)

    2,22 (1,24 to 3,97)

    Adjusted odds ratio (95%


    597 (18,2)

    0,87 (0,65 to 1,18)

    51 (19,3)



    0,78 (0,50 to


    6 (31,8)

    1,65 (0,71 to 3,86)

    Maternal morbidity

    Adjusted odds ratio (95%


    12 359 (377,5)

    0,39 (0,38 to 0,41)

    3316 (1251,7)



    0,78 (0,73 to


    295 (1561,7)

    1,21 (1,06 to 1,38)

    Fourth degree perinealDemissie K, Rhoads GG, Smulian JC, Balasubramanian BA, Gandhi K, Joseph KS, et al. Operative vaginal delivery and neonatal and infant adverseoutcomes: population based retrospective analysis. BMJ. 2004;329:1-6.

    Advantages and disadvantages of forcepsAdvantages and disadvantages of forceps

    delivery compared with vacuum extractiondelivery compared with vacuum extraction

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    and emergency caesarean sectionand emergency caesarean sectionForceps delivery

    Advantages Disadvantages

    extraction in distress; lower failure rate;

    reduced need for sequential use

    analgesia needed; greater

    maternal perineal trauma;

    cephalohaematoma and retinal


    nerve palsy more common




    a or o s e r c aemorr age

    and admission to neonatal

    intensive care less common;

    rauma o a y more

    likely; perineal trauma,

    dyspareunia, and urinary

    shorter hospital stay; fewerreadmissions; subsequent

    s ontaneous va inal deliver

    incontinence morecommon

    Patel RR, Murphy DJ. Forceps delivery in modern obstetric practice. BMJ. 2004;328:1302-5.

    more likely

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Syarat Anatomi

    Klasifikasi e o e ap as an ra s



  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    .The attempt at instrumental vaginal

    delivery should be abandoned if: there is difficulty in applying the

    instrument; there is no descent with each pull; delivery is not imminent following

    three pulls of a correctly appliedinstrument;

    a reasona e me m nu es,depending on the local protocol) has elapsed


    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Examples of error in instrumentalExamples of error in instrumental

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of error Description Possible


    Safe practice

    A: Action

    Operation omitted Abdominal palpation not


    Level of

    presenting part

    Use of


    Operation mistimed Rotation done during a


    Cervical spine

    injury to the

    Rotate only when

    uterus is relaxed

    e us

    Operation too long or

    too short

    Prolonged traction Intracranial


    Stick to time limits

    and number of pullsO eration in wron Traction directed forwards Third de ree Mind axis of traction

    direction and upwards too soon; this

    causes premature extension

    of the head as a result of

    perineal tear

    w c a argercircumference of the head

    emerges at the introitus

    O eration too much Continuous traction Com ression of Onl a l traction

    applied fetal head during a contraction

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Examples of error in instrumentalExamples of error in instrumental

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of error Description Possible


    Safe practice

    B: Information


    Information not No assessment Prophylaxis not Incorporate this

    thromboprophylaxis documentation proforma

    History of diabetes

    disre arded

    Shoulder dystocia

    not antici ated

    Identify background risk

    factors before offerin

    instrumental delivery

    Wrong informationretrieved

    Mistaken head levelor position

    Misapplication ofinstrument; trauma

    Double check

    n ng e cerv x s

    fully dilated when it is


    erv ca ear

    Incom lete Failure to assess Traumatic deliver Ado t s stematic

    information retrieved moulding brain injury approach to assessment

    Omission of

    equipment check

    Delay in delivery;

    stress and

    mpa rment o


    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Examples of error in instrumentalExamples of error in instrumental

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of error Description Possible


    Safe practice

    C: Procedural checks

    Check omitted or not

    properly done

    Failure to ensure cup

    does not catch tissue


    Vaginal laceration

    Check for proper

    application of forceps

    Trauma to babys

    face and eye

    Understand reason for


    no one as escr e

    in text

    No check for descentwith ull

    Undue tractiona lied

    Beware of confirmationbias

    PR not done at end of


    Third degree tear


    Include VE, PR, swab

    check in documentation

    VE not done at end of Retained swab in

    proce ure vag naSwabs not counted

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Examples of error in instrumentalExamples of error in instrumental

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of error Description Possible consequence Safe practice

    D: Communication

    Failure to


    With woman Valid consent not obtained Verbal and eye

    contact; empathy

    With midwife Patient iven conflictin Preo erativeinformation briefing

    With senior colleague Required supervision not


    anaes e s na equa e ana ges a eam wor

    With paediatrician Neonatal resuscitationdelayed

    E: Selection (choosing

    from a number of


    type ventouse

    Ill-advised sequential


    Neonatal handicap

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

    Examples of error in instrumentalExamples of error in instrumental

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    Type of error Description Possible


    Safe practice

    F: Cognition

    Failure to anticipate Failure to anticipate

    PPH in prolonged



    Have Syntocinon infusion

    ready at delivery


    Failure to ask the


    No descent despite

    traction: is position

    Trauma Situational awareness

    ques ons correc y

    determined? Is pulling

    in the right direction?Force s have less Trauma Situational awareness

    than secure grip of

    head: is there

    undiagnosed OP? Is

    orceps app e overbabys face?

    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.


  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps


    indication for intervention; consent;

    fifths palpable (abdominal examination);

    position and station of the fetal head (vaginal examination);

    de ree of mouldin and ca ut adequacy of maternal pelvis;

    fetal heart rate;

    assessmen o u er ne con rac ons;

    ease of application of instrument; number of pulls;

    number of detachments;

    duration of instrumentation; condition of baby;

    assessment of va ina and erineum after deliver

    findings on rectal examination after delivery;

    umbilical cord pH;


    Edozien LC. Towards safe practice in instrumental vaginal delivery. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2007;21(4):639-55.

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    setiap kasus

    o umentasi ini arus memi i ipenjelasan terhadap intervensi operasiyang telah dilakukan

    Termasuk ambaran tentan carapelaksanaan tehnik operasi dan indikasi-indikasin a

    Kebutuhan untuk Intervensi harus:

    convincin com ellin consented tocharted

  • 7/25/2019 Vakum & Forseps
