vaše datacentrum - microsoft...devices device connectivity storage analytics presentation &...


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Vaše datacentrum-serverovňa

VM v devtestprostredí

IT admin

Provisioning VM


Požiadavka na VM

65%Vývojárov potvrdzuje komplikácie a časovú náročnosť k získaniu nových vývojárskych a testovacích prostredí

Priemerné využitie dedikovanejdevtest infraštruktúry10%

• Priveľa kompromisov agility vývoja

• Limitovaný rozpočet na hardvér

• Limitovaný počet softvérových licencií

• Existujúci hardvér s nízkym výkonom

• Nerealistické testy škálovania

• Veľké pozdržania vývoja spôsobené procesom objednávok HW/SW

Čo treba vyriešiť

Zdroj: Business Case for Test Environment Management Whitepaper, Cognizant

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Rýchle, jednoduché a prenajateľné devtest prostredia v Azure.

Špecifické pre váš tím. Na vyžiadanie.

Azure DevTest Labs

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Azure DevTest Labs


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Devices Device Connectivity Storage Analytics Presentation & Action

Event Hub SQL DatabaseMachine

LearningApp Service

IoT HubTable/Blob



AnalyticsPower BI

Service Bus DocumentDB HDInsightNotification


External Data

Sources3rd party

DatabasesData Factory Mobile Services

Data Lake* BizTalk Services

{ }

(*) service in Preview

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Arduino vývoj v Visual Studiu 2017Windows IoT projekt v Visual Studiu 2017Azure IoT Hub a Device Explorer


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Tvorbainteraktívnych reportov

Vloženie vizualizácií

do aplikácií/webov

Nasadenie s

jednoduchou správou

PowerBI Embedded

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Microsoft Azure


Zapúzdrenie do aplikácie

Koncoví používatelia


Workspace kolekcia









Geo umiestnenie






Vaša webová aplikácia

Azure SQL

Data Warehouse

Azure SQL Database



Javascript pre renderovanú vizualizáciu

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PowerBI Embedded workspace v AzureZapúzdrenie vizualizácií do webovej aplikácie


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An event-based

serverless compute

experience to accelerate

your development. It can

scale based on demand and

you pay only for the

resources you consume.

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Every 15 minutes Clean tableFind and clean invalid data

Example: Timer based processing

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File added to

Blob Storage

Transform CSV to data rows


Power BI

Chart graphic

Example: Azure service event processing

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Millions of devices feed

into Stream Analytics

Store data in

SQL Online

Transform to structured data

Example: Real-time stream processing

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? ...

Cortana Analytics answers questionsMessage sent

to Chatbot

Chatbot sends


Example: Real-time bot messaging

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Try it yourself:

Open source on Git

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Microsoft Cognitive ServicesGive your apps a human side

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Building Intelligent Bots

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Bots are not:

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Bots are apps. Really. That’s it!

• Intelligent if-else

• They solve problems, like apps

• You can publish your bot instantly on Messanger, Skype, Slack, Kik, email, custom hardware devices, anything.

• They are cross platform, you can run them anywhere, on any device

• They are actually easier to build and deploy across platforms than apps

• Very similar capabilities: Push notifications? Check.

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Bot Connector

Your Bot Framework

Connects your bot with various channels,

stores state and many more...

Developer Portal

Connect your bots to text/sms, Skype,

Slack, Facebook Messenger,

Office 365 mail and other channels.

Bot Builder

Tools and services to build great bots

that converse wherever your users are.

Bot Directory

Try, use, and add published bots to the

world’s top conversation experiences.

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Node.js, .NET and REST• Dialogs to model conversation

• Dialogs are reusable

• Types of Dialogs include:

• Built-in prompts

• Yes/No, String, Number, Choices

• FormFlow and form slot filling (branching, disambiguation, multi-turn)

• Conversations are scalable to multiple machines

• Rich interactions• Support for rich attachments (image, card, video, doc,

etc.); support for calling (Skype)

• Service extensions for language understanding(LUIS) and translation

• Online/offline Chat Emulator

• Samples

Bot Builder SDK

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• Register your bot

• Connect to channels

• Test

• Publish

• Manage

• Measure

Developer Portal

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Public Directory of Bot Framework Bots

• Users can discover, try, and add bots to the conversation experiences on which the bot is configured (no app required)

• Bots are public at developer discretion; bots must be submitted for review in order to appear in the directory

• Searchable

Bot Directory

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