v10 installation and control in linux

Printed on 22 October, 2009 IceWarp Unified Communications Installation and Control in Linux Version 10

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Page 1: V10 Installation and Control in Linux

Printed on 22 October, 2009

IceWarp Unified Communications

Installation and Control in Linux Version 10

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IceWarp Server Installation and Control in Linux 1

V10 New Features .......................................................................................................................................................... 2

Differences between Windows and Linux Versions ....................................................................................................... 3

Migration from Windows to Linux ................................................................................................................................. 4

Before Installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Installation Package ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Running .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Installation Step-by-Step on CentOS 5.3 ........................................................................................................................ 8

Using MySQL Database for IceWarp WebClient Pro ........................................................................................ 31

Installing Avast Anti-Virus Library .................................................................................................................... 32

New License Registration ................................................................................................................................. 35

Controlling IceWarp Server in Linux ............................................................................................................................. 40

Starting server and/or services ........................................................................................................... 40

Stopping server and/or services .......................................................................................................... 40

Service icewarpd functionality ............................................................................................................ 40

Commands table ................................................................................................................................. 40

IceWarp Server Administration .................................................................................................................................... 42

Installation of Aspell Dictionaries ................................................................................................................................. 43

IceWarp Server - Dynamic Library Dependencies ........................................................................................................ 44

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This document describes how to install IceWarp Server and control its services in Linux.

In This Chapter

V10 New Features .................................................................................. 2 Differences between Windows and Linux Versions ............................... 3 Migration from Windows to Linux ......................................................... 4 Before Installation .................................................................................. 5 Installation Package ............................................................................... 6 Running .................................................................................................. 7 Installation Step-by-Step on CentOS 5.3 ................................................ 8 Controlling IceWarp Server in Linux ....................................................... 40 IceWarp Server Administration .............................................................. 42 Installation of Aspell Dictionaries ........................................................... 43 IceWarp Server - Dynamic Library Dependencies .................................. 44

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IceWarp Server Installation and Control in Linux

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V10 New Features Debian support

Portable Ubuntu support (requires openssl, libmysqlclient and aspell libraries).

ODBC support on Linux with unixODBC (Oracle, Postgre SQL)

php_tidy for PHP

purple module for IM and libpurple, purpleserv

new menu item added to Wizard: Display licence information

support for PDO MySQL in PHP

support for UTF-8 in PDO SQLite in PHP

unified API makes all available functions accessible through apiobjectcall interface

Mail Log Analyzer available (log importer only), requires to compile and install ODBC drivers

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Differences between Windows and Linux Versions

Linux version and Windows one are the same feature-to-feature, including:

LDAP and ActiveDirectory integration

Avast! anti-virus with AutoUpdates

Commtouch Anti-Spam LIVE engine (ctasd)

MLA Mail Log Analyzer (importer daemon)

SQLite3 database engine installed and used by default

PHP5 with XCache, php_tidy and common libraries

MySQL 5.1 native support (requires libmysqlclient)

command line tool with direct access to API and server constants

the same unified IceWarpServer API library (RPC, PHP, apiobjectcall)

the documentation applies with some abstraction if using WebAdmin

There are however differences given by the platform architecture:

Administration GUI is non-native but runs under Wine

installation script instead of installer wizard

PHP is installed separately

UnixODBC and DB driver installation required for Oracle 11, Postgre SQL 8, Firebird 2.1

no support for FastCGI and FastISAPI multi-threaded web server modes

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Migration from Windows to Linux 1. Save Windows configuration into MCB file (Backup configuration).

2. In Linux, restore configuration in WebAdmin.

3. The correct paths are converted and set automatically by IceWarp Server, so you do not have to set them.

4. Mount Windows drive and manually copy the email folders into Linux destination directory (by default /opt/icewarp/mail).

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Before Installation 1. Check available space on your disc, min. 150 MB is required.

2. Please check if your system has installed required packages.

The IceWarp Server – Dynamic Library Dependencies (see "IceWarp Server - Dynamic Library Dependencies" on page 44) chapter lists these packages, you can install only packages that are required by selected features.

3. Stop and remove from the init process every program which can use any network port required for the server. For example sendmail listens on the port 25 and the SMTP service would not be able to start.

4. You can create a new user for the server, for example "icewarp". If the server should listen on a privileged port, you can install this server under the unprivileged "icewarp" user and then start it under the root. The server will drop its privileges from the root to the installed user, but will be able to listen on the privileged ports.

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Installation Package The installation package is in .tar.gz format. The latest package can be always found on IceWarp website http://www.icewarp.com, in the Downloads section.

Example: IceWarpServer-10.0.0_(2009-02-10)_RHEL5.3.tar.gz

1. Extract the package:

[linux]$ tar -xzf IceWarpServer-10.0.0_(2009-02-10)_RHEL5.3.tar.gz

2. Chdir to the created directory:

[linux]$ cd IceWarpServer-10.0.0_(2009-02-10)_RHEL5.3

3. Start the installation:

[linux]$ ./install.sh

4. Follow the onscreen instructions.

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Running After installation, at least one domain and one user must be created first, otherwise the server will not work.

You can use wizard.sh in the installation directory to create the initial domain and user. The initial user should be System Administrator one so you can log in into WebAdmin and manage settings.

The IceWarp Server uses database for storing informations for accounts, antispam and groupware.

Default databases are:

Accounts: uses file system

Antispam and groupware: SQLite

You can change database type in wizard or using the Remote Administration tool for Windows or using WebAdmin.

Also UnixODBC is supported, but you must compile the latest version from http://www.unixodbc.com/.

The server was tested with UnixODBC with Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Default listening port for webserver is 32000.

Default http addresses are:

WebClient: http://localhost:32000/webmail

WebAdmin: http://localhost:32000/admin

RPC: http://localhost:32000/RPC/

If you have problem running the server, please check log files in the ./logs directory, there can be found logged errors of unsuccessful port binding or required library loading error.

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Installation Step-by-Step on CentOS 5.3 To install IceWarp Server on CentOS 5.3, follow these steps:

1. Check available disk space in volumes using df -h.

2. Verify installed packages using rpm -qa.

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3. Check for services startup's using chkconfig --list | grep on.

4. Turn off Auto-Start for clashing services, ie. Sendmail using chkconfig --level 0123456 sendmail off.

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5. Stop clashing services, ie. Sendmail using /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop.

6. Optionally, create a user for IceWarp Server installation (both username and password are case sensitive).

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7. If not already installed, install mySQL.

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8. Set MySQL to Auto-Start using chkconfig mysqld on and then start the service immediately using service mysqld start.

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9. Set MySQL root password.

10. Create tables for IceWarp Server in MySQL.

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11. Verify tables created in MySQL.

12. Begin IceWarp Server installation on the root or created user – i.e. IceWarp.

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13. Run the IceWarp Wizard immediately after installation or at a later stage by executing ./wizard.sh from the /install_volume/icewarp ie. /opt/icewarp.

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NOTE that if you do not run the Wizard from the installer, you may need to manually start the IceWarp services using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/icewarp start".

14. Change storage setup to MySQL [3] for Accounts, AntiSpam and GroupWare.

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15. Create the initial domain and Administrative User [1].

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16. IceWarp Server installation done!

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Logs are available at /root/icewarp-install.log & /root/icewarp-install-error.log. Next, verify that primary IceWarp Server services are operating properly.

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17. Check services startup using chkconfig --list | grep on.

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18. Check MySQL tables.

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19. Check IceWarp WebClient Basic, IceWarp WebClient Pro, WebAdmin and Remote Console login.

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Using MySQL Database for IceWarp WebClient Pro 1. Change setting in IceWarp Server to use icewarp_webmail database in MySQL.

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2. After logging into IceWarp WebClient Pro, IceWarp Server will create the necessary tables …

Installing Avast Anti-Virus Library 1. The libavastengine.so file is included in the IceWarp Server installation and is located in <pathtoicewarp>/avast/.

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2. There should also be a link in /usr/lib to the latest libavastengine.so file.

If you do not see the libavastengine.so link in the /usr/lib, try the following :

cd /usr/lib in -s <pathtoicewarp>/avast/libavastengine.so libavastengine.so.

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Once this link has been established, you should be able to run the Anti-Virus engine update to download the latest definitions.

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New License Registration 1. Start the ./wizard.sh from <pathtoicewarp> and go to [2] License Operations.

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2. Select [5] Export reference key to file, save the file to <filename>.xml and send it to your IceWarp Partner for processing of your new license key.

3. Once your NEW license has been processed, it will be e-mailed to you. Copy & paste the license block into <pathtoicewarp>/config/license.key.

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4. You may then review and verify your license using the wizard.sh [1] Display License Information.

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Controlling IceWarp Server in Linux

Starting server and/or services

[linux]$ ./icewarpd.sh --start

– starts "icewarpd" and automatically starts all services, except PHP, which is started when first HTTP request arrives.

[linux]$ ./icewarpd.sh --start control|gw|im|pop3|smtp|all

– starts the selected service or all services. If "icewarpd" is not already running, this command does not start it.

If the control is started, it starts PHP on the first HTTP request.

Stopping server and/or services

[linux]$ ./icewarpd.sh --stop

– stops all running services, stops "icewarpd" and also PHP. This is the command for complete server shutdown.

[linux]$ ./icewarpd.sh --stop control|gw|im|pop3|smtp|all

– stops selected service or all services. This command causes PHP stop together with control and does not stop "icewarpd".

Service icewarpd functionality

When the "icewarpd daemon" is running, it:

checks every 1 minute whether all started services are running. If not, service is re-started.

Commands table

Action \ Platform RHEL 4 and 5 Other distributions

Start all services and icewarpd [pc]$ service icewarp start [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --start

Stop all services and icewarpd [pc]$ service icewarp stop [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --stop

Restart all services and icewarpd [pc]$ service icewarp restart -

Start specific service [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --start x [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --start x

Stop specific service [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --stop x [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --stop x

Check specific service [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --check x [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh --check x

Run wizard [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh [pc]$ ./icewarpd.sh

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Possible services are: control, gw, im, pop3, smtp, all.

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IceWarp Server Administration Via Win32 GUI - download and install the latest Win32 GUI from the IceWarp website http://www.icewarp.com, connect to IceWarp Server the same way you would do for Windows MailServer.

commandline wizard

used for quick setup and easy tasks, scriptable for more complex tasks. Wizard can create the initial account, generate unique SSL certificate and set up database connection, install license and manage IceWarp Server services.

cd /opt/icewarp


Web administation frontend

browse to


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Installation of Aspell Dictionaries IceWarp Server uses Aspell (version 0.60.6) as a spell checker. It requires dictionaries for version 0.6 (or higher).

You can download these dictionaries (free) from http://aspell.net/.

To install a dictionary, use the ./scripts/install_aspell_dictionary.sh script. Use the dictionary file name as a command line parameter.

Example of the command for the Czech dictionary installation:

[linux]$ ./scripts/install_aspell_dictionary.sh /home/user/aspell6-cs-20040614-1.tar.bz2

After dictionary installation, this new dictionary will not be available in WebClient. To fix it, you have to add a record about this dictionary to the WebClient configuration file:


The record format is as follows:



New IceWarp Server installation has in the ./config/_webmail/spellchecker.xml file one record for implicit English dictionary that is included in the installation:


After installation of the Czech dictionary, it is necessary to add the following record:


Use similar records for other languages.

NOTE that the ./config/_webmail/spellchecker.xml file is created after the first login to WebClient and after displaying of the dialog for spell checker setting. This dialog is accessible via the Settings menu item within the email composer window.

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IceWarp Server - Dynamic Library Dependencies

Dynamic library

Mail Server service and provided functionality

Package which provides dynamic library

RHEL 5 Debian 5

libc.so.6 System interface glibc libc6

libpthread.so.0 System interface glibc libc6



FireBird database

libfbclient.so FireBird database




MySQL database mysql mysql-client



SQLite database IceWarp Server IceWarp Server

libz.so.1 Control: HTTP gzip

Control: Backup

zlib zlib1g

libgd.so.2 Control: captcha

Smtp: captcha

gd libgd2-noxpm OR


libgd.so Control: captcha

Smtp: captcha

gd libgd2-noxpm OR


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libiconv2.so All services: native conversion between any charset

(MIME class, Versit class etc.)

glibc libc6

libiconv.so All services: native conversion between any charset

(MIME class, Versit class etc.)

glibc libc6

libldap.so Groupware, Control, API: LDAP integration, sync openldap



liblber.so Groupware, Control, API: LDAP integration, sync openldap



libcap.so Bind ports under 1024 when started as root but

running as non privileged user









All services: any regex pattern match and replace in

different parts of sources (mod_rewrite, rules etc.)

pcre libpcre3-dev





All services: SSL, TLS features for all services including

SSL Tunnel, certificate verification and others.

openssl libssl-dev





All services: SSL, TLS features for all services including

SSL Tunnel, certificate verification and others.


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libymsgauth.so IM "Yahoo IM Gateway" used for login hash creation IceWarp Server IceWarp Server



PHP and icewarpphp extension: php integration IceWarp Server IceWarp Server

libavastengine.so Pop3 Smtp: Antivirus check Avast IceWarp Server IceWarp Server

symcsapi.so Pop3 Smtp: Antivirus check Symantec IceWarp Server IceWarp Server

libdb.so All services: DB access to accounts (if running in db

mode) and spam engine.

db4 libdb4.2-dev OR

libdb4.5-dev OR
